



1 .什么是物流?


2 .根据物流活动的业务性质可以把物流分为几类?
答:(1 )生产物流(2 )供应物流(3 )销售物流( 4 )回收物流( 5 )废弃物流
3 .物流的发展方向是什么?
物流运作方式的发展方向—— TPL
4 .物流工程系统的属性是什么?
5 .现代物流管理理念是什么?物流系统的目标是什么?


A “以顾客为核心”是适应现代物流管理理念而提出的现代物流系统目标
B 绿色物流将成为未来物流系统的目标
6 .物流系统工程的研究内容是什么?
答:(1 )物流系统的规划与设计
(2 )企业内部物流运输(或搬运)与储存的控制和管理
(3 )运输与搬运设备、容器与包装的设计和管理。

物流基础 第1-7章 习题答案

物流基础 第1-7章 习题答案

第一章习题答案一、应知目标考核题(一)单项选择题1.B2.C3.B4.D5.B(二)判断题1. ×2.√3. ×4.√5. ×(三)简答题1.物流管理有哪些特征?答:(1)现代物流管理以实现顾客满意为第一目标;(2)现代物流的范围包括整个社会再生产过程;(3)现代物流的对象除了物品还包括服务和信息;(4)现代物流是效率和效果的统一;(5)现代物流管理是对商品、服务及相关信息的一体化管理。

















A.弗瑞德·E·克拉克 B.拉尔夫·布索迪C.亨利·亚当斯 D.居里·杜彼特()2、物流是对物品(包括无形的服务)从起始点向最终点的动静结合的过程。

A.生产 B.分配 C.消费 D.流动()3、宏观物流研究的主要特点是。

A.具体性和局部性 B.具体性和综合性C.综合性和全局性 D.局部性和全局性()4、企业供应物流、生产物流、销售物流、废弃物流和回收物流是属于。

A.社会物流 B.企业物流 C.区域物流 D.综合物流()5、由卖方、生产者供应方组织的物流活动被称为。

A.第一方物流 B.第二方物流 C.第三方物流 D.第四方物流()6、在物流领域采取的,如直达运输、联合运输、看板、实行按专门路线配送(货运专线运输)等管理和技术,这一目标的体现。

A.范围经济 B.规模经济 C.速度经济 D.客户满意()7、通过物流活动的,能够对企业的成本降低的差异化产生影响,从而形成对于竞争对手的竞争优势。

A.大跨度性与动态性 B.实行按专门路线配送C.联合运输和交流 D.有效组织和协调()8、物流真正意义上的发展是从开始的。

A.20世纪50年代 B.20世纪60年代C.20世纪70年代 D.20世纪90年代()9、在20世纪70年代,伴随着管理结构和信息系统的相应推动,人们有能力在一个企业内部把物料处理、仓储等其他物流功能部门集成在一起形成具有的第一次真正意义上的物流应用。

A.生产物流与企业物流 B.商业物流和实体配送职能C.国内物流与国际物流 D.供应物流和回收物流()10、对于一个零售商,物流活动主要发生在它的与零售商店之间。

A.货物运输 B.生产部门 C.配送中心 D.消费者()11、人们有时把供应链称之为。

A.物流网络 B.物流 C.配送中心 D.微观物流()12、初始的物流是从人们的举、拉、推和计数等人工操作开始的。






















A.客户服务B.高度诚信C.持续的竞争能力D.满足顾客需要a d3.不属于经济活动的物质实体流动,不属于物流范畴。

A.正确B.错误 a4.商流是物流的基础,物流是商流先导。

这句话:A.正确B.错误 b5.商流与物流()的原则是提高经济效益的客观需要。

A.合一B.分离 b6.配送既是物流又是商流,是商流与物流一体化的体现。

A.正确B.错误 a7.运输和搬运的区别在于:A.使用工具不同B.运送商品不同C.活动范围不同D.时间周期不同c8.物流体系动态功能中的核心功能是:A.包装B.装卸搬运C.流通加工D.运输 d9.储存功能是物流体系中唯一的静态环节。

这句话:A.正确B.错误 a10.可看作是整个物流体系缩影的是:A.运输B.储存C.流通加工D.配送 d11.物品散乱地堆放在地面上的状态,活性指数用()来表示。

A.0B.1C.2D.3E.4 a12.物品正处于装卸搬运的状态,活性指数用()来表示。

A.0B.1C.2D.3E.4 e13.物流体系中的()功能,是一种动态过程,是生产过程向流通或消费领域的延伸。

A.配送B.装卸搬运C.包装D.流通加工 c14.发生在流通领域的生产过程的物流功能是()。

A.配送B.装卸搬运C.包装D.流通加工 d15.现代物流区别于传统物流关键在:A.客户服务功能B.配送功能C.流通加工功能D.信息功能 d16.客户服务是物流的基本功能之一。

A.正确B.错误 a17.流通企业承担起生产厂家“采购代理”任务体现了物流增值作用中的()效应。

A.批量效应B.信用效应C.风险效应D.品种效应 d18.一个企业的物料状况是最能体现其管理水平高低的标志。

这句话:A.正确B.错误 a19. 第一方物流是(a)。











二、单选题1.D2.A3.C4.D5.A三、多选题1. ABCD2.ABC3.ABC4.ABC5.ABC四、判断题1.错。




物流企业管理-课后习题答案 (1)[3页]

物流企业管理-课后习题答案 (1)[3页]

第一章参考答案一、判断题1.(√)2.(√)3.(√)4.(√)5.(×)二、单项选择题1. ( B )2. ( D )3. ( D )4. ( B )5. ( A )三、多项选择题1. (ABCD )2.(ABC )3.(ABCD )4.(ABCD )5.(ABC )四、简答题1.物流的概念是什么?物流(logistics)是指物品从供应地向接收地的实体流动过程。















PART IIANSWERS TO END-OF-CHAPTER QUESTIONSCHAPTER 1: AN OVERVIEW OF LOGISTICS1-1. Did it surprise you that logistics has such an important economic impact? Why or why not?The answer to this question likely depends on the student’s prior exposure to logistics. A typical student in an undergraduate, introductory logistics course likely has had limited exposure to and knowledge about logistics and thus might be unaware as to logistics’ economic impact. As such, a student might be pleasantly surprised to learn that logistics is important for a country’s economic growth and development.1-2. Distinguish between possession, form, time, and place utility.Possession utility refers to the value or usefulness that comes from a customer being able to take possession of a product and can be influenced by the relevant payment terms. Form utility refers to a product’s being in a form that (1) can be used by the customer and (2) is of value to the customer. Time utility refers to having products available when they are needed by customers while place utility refers to having products available where they are needed by customers.1-3. How does logistics contribute to time and place utility?Logistics contributes to time utility by recognizing that different products have different sensitivities to time. For example, a three-day-late delivery of bananas likely has more serious consequences than a three-day-late delivery of a box of pencils. As for place utility, logistics facilitates the movement of products from points of lesser value to points of greater value.1-4. How can a particular logistics system be effective but not efficient? Effectiveness can be thought of as “how well a company does what it says it’s going to do;” efficiency focuses on how well (or poorly) company resources are used to achieve what a company promises it can do. There are a multitude of examples that would illustrate an effective, but inefficient, logistics system. For example, some companies routinely use premium and expedited methods of transportation—which increase transportation costs—to meet customer delivery requirements. As such, the logistics system could be considered effective (meeting delivery deadlines) but perhaps not efficient (increased transportation costs).1-5. Explain the significance of the fact that the purpose of logistics is to meet customer requirements.One reason for this significance is that meeting customer requirements means that companies must know—rather than assume—customer needs and wants. This knowledge is facilitated by communication between companies and their customers. Even today, some companies are hesitant to communicate with customers. In addition, meeting customer requirements means that a one-size-fits-all approach to logistics will result in some customers being overserved and others being underserved. As a result, companies should consider a tailored logistics approach, where groups of customers who have similar logistical needs and wants are provided with the appropriate logistical services.1-6. Explain how an understanding of logistics management could be relevant to your favorite charitable organization.There are any number of examples that can be used. The textbook mentions the Food Bank of New York City; from a logistical perspective, the Food Bank of New York City is responsible for collecting, sorting, repacking, and distributing food from its 90,000 square-foot warehouse.1-7. How has a reduction in economic regulation contributed to the increased importance of logistics?Reductions in economic regulation in the United States allowed individual carriers flexibility in pricing and service, and this flexibility was important to logistics for several reasons. First, it provided companies with the capability to implement the tailored logistics approach in the sense that companies could specify different logistics service levels and prices could be adjusted accordingly. Second, the increased pricing flexibility allowed large buyers of transportation services to reduce their transportation costs by leveraging large amounts of freight with a limited number of carriers.1-8. Discuss the logistical implications associated with the increased emphasis on the convenience associated with a family’s shopping experience.This convenience is manifested in various ways to include extended store hours, home delivery of purchased items, and ready-to-eat/ready-to-cook foods. From a logistics perspective, extended store hours force retailers to address issues such as the optimal delivery times for replenishment trucks and when to replenish merchandise. A logistical challenge with home delivery is the coordination of delivery times with the purchaser’s ability to receive the item(s). Finally, ready-to-eat-ready-to-cook foods have different packaging requirements, and food processors continue to experiment with packaging alternatives that will extend the shelf life of ready-to-cook foods.1-9. What are some ways in which technology has impacted logistics management? Technological advances have influenced channel design by allowing companies to offer an alternate distribution channel (or alternate distribution channels) to already existing channels. Technological advances can also improve the productivity of the order picking process, which traditionally involved paper pick tickets. Today, by contrast, order picking can utilize radio frequency devices, voice-directed picking, and robotic picking. Shipment tracking provides another example of how technological advances have impacted logistics management. Global positioning systems can provide real-time location information about a shipment, as well as provide information about a vehic le’s temperature, humidity, and vibrations.1-10. Explain how big-box retailers are logistical trendsetters.The logistics practices of big-box retailers are often viewed as barometers for emerging logistics trends. Big-box retailers have also been trendsetters with respect to environmental and social issues in logistics. As an example, one of Best Buy’s sustainability goals for 2020 is to recycle one billion pounds of consumer goods.1-11. What is the systems approach to problem solving? How is this concept applicable to logistics management?The systems approach to problem solving suggests that a company’s objectives can be realized by recognizing the mutual interdependence of its major functional areas, such as marketing, production, finance, and logistics. As such, decisions made by one functional area can have important implications for the other functional areas. With respect to logistics, the systems approach suggests that one should recognize the mutual interdependence of the various activities that constitute the logistics function. Thus, a transportation decision may impact inventory, warehousing, and packaging, among others.1-12. Distinguish between materials management and physical distribution.Materials management refers to the movement and storage of materials into a firm while physical distribution refers to the storage of finished product and movement to the customer.1-13. Explain what is meant by the total cost approach to logistics.The total cost approach to logistics is built on the premise that all relevant activities in moving and storing products should be considered as a whole (i.e., their total cost) and not individually. Use of the total cost approach requires an understanding of cost trade-offs. In other words, changes to one logistics activity cause some costs to increase and others to decrease. The key to the total cost approach is that all relevant cost items are considered simultaneously when making a decision. The objective is to find the approach with the lowest total cost that supports the organization’s customer service requirements.1-14. Define what is meant by a cost trade-off. Do you believe that this concept is workable? Why or why not?A cost trade-off acknowledges that changing patterns or activities of distribution will result in some costs increasing and other costs decreasing. The net effect, however, should be an overall cost decrease for providing a given level of customer service.The remainder of this question asks for the student’s opinion about the workability of this concept. Although nearly any answer is acceptable, those students who believe that cost trade-offs are unworkable might have difficulty with many of the concepts presented throughout the text.1-15. What are several areas in which finance and logistics might interface?The finance department is often in charge of capital budgeting decisions that would affect logistics, such as materials handling and packaging equipment. Another potential area of finance and logistics interface is with respect to inventory; finance tends to view inventory from a dollar perspective while logistics tends to be more concerned with the number of units of inventory. This dichotomy is highlighted by the concept of obsolescence, which reduces the monetary value of inventory by a certain amount per period of time—even though the actual quantity of inventory may be unchanged.1-16. Discuss the postponement concept as it relates to the production and logistics interface.Postponement refers to the delay of value-added activities such as assembly, production, and packaging until the latest possible time. Some value-added activities, such as case packing and case labeling, that were traditionally performed at a production plant are now performed in warehousing facilities. As a result, warehousing facilities are adding new types of equipment and being configured differently to allow specific value-added activities to take place.1-17. Define what is meant by a landed cost and explain its relevance for pricing decisions.Landed cost refers to the price of a product at its source plus transportation costs to its destination. On the one hand, a selling price that is based on a product’s landed cost allows the seller to offer “free” delivery of the product to prospective customers, because the transportation costs associated with delivery are captured in the landed cost. On the other hand, a selling price that is based on a product’s landed cost could result in a substantial increase in a product’s selling price, and a higher selling price tends to decrease buyer demand for most products.1-18. Discuss several possible interfaces between marketing and logistics in terms of product decisions.One interface involves the marked increase in product offerings; marketers like this increase because it allows for more customer choice, but these additional choices create logistical challenges in terms of identification, storage, and tracking. Another interface concerns the amount of a particular item (SKU) to hold. Marketers prefer to carry higher quantities for particular items because this reduces the likelihood of stockouts; however, from a logistics perspective, higher quantities of inventory necessitate additional storage space and increase inventory carrying costs.Students can also discuss product design and sustainable products.1-19. Briefly discuss the ownership, negotiations, financing, promotion, and logistics channels.The ownership channel covers movement of the title to the goods; the goods themselves might not be physically present or even exist. The negotiations channel is the one in which buy and sell agreements are reached and can include telephone, email, and electronic data interchange, among others. The financing channel handles payment for goods and the company’s credit, while the promotions channel is concerned with promoting a new or an existing product. Finally, the logistics channel handles the physical flow of the product.1-20. Discuss five activities that might be part of a company’s logistics department.The chapter presents, and briefly describes, 12 separate activities that might be part of a company’s logistics department. Any 5 of the 12 activities are acceptable for students to discuss.PART IIICASE SOLUTIONSCASE 1.1 KIDDIELAND AND THE SUPER GYMQuestion 1: List and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of purchasing a two-wheel trailer for each store to use for delivering the Super Gyms.Because the stores are in a number of states, one would have to check the motor vehicle and insurance requirements of each state. An advantage is that deliveries would be under the control of each store. A disadvantage may be labor costs, especially if two workers are needed to make the delivery. Also, once at the site, the store’s employees might be asked to assist in the assembly of the gym.Question 2: List and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having local trucking companies deliver the Super Gym from the retail stores to the customers.There are probably no disadvantages to using a local trucking company to make the delivery. However, a decision about how to handle the trucking firm’s charges would have to be made.Question 3: List and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of stocking Super Gyms at the distribution centers and then having the truck that makes deliveries from the distribution center to the retail stores also make deliveries of Super Gyms to individual customers.One problem focuses on the size of equipment—large tractor–trailer combinations are not suited to making home deliveries. The actual costs to KiddieLand of using trucks this way might be very high. There might be some savings in inventory costs by stocking the gyms at the distribution center rather than at each retail store.Question 4: List and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of charging customers for home delivery if they are unable to carry home the Super Gym.Perhaps the one advantage to charging for home delivery is that KiddieLand recoups the associated costs. However, because charged home delivery will add to the customer’s total purchase price, there could be a reduction in demand or this could generate customer dissatisfaction.Question 5: Which alternative would you prefer? Why?The student can choose any alternative. However, the text of the case seems to prefer the use of a local trucking company and charging the customer for home delivery.Question 6:Draft a brief statement (catalog copy) to be inserted in the firm’s spring–summer brochure that clearly explains to potential customers the policy that is recommended in Question 5.The brochure is intended for use in all stores, so whatever copy is prepared must be widely applicable. A sentence might read: “The Super Gym comes unassemb led and is packed in three boxes: One weighs ____ pounds and is ____ inches by ____ inches by____ inches; the second weighs ____ pounds and is ____ inches by ____ inches by ____ inches; and the third weighs ____ pounds and is ____ inches by ____ inches by ____ inches. Assembly requires the following tools: ____; ____; ____; and ____.”Question 7: At the first meeting, A.J. asked about SUVs, but there was no further mention of them. How would you follow up on his query?Anyone in the group could answer that SUVs have more carrying capacity than autos and many also have trailer hitches. SUVs are sufficiently popular—particularly in the United States—such that many buyers of the Super Gym equipment would either have a SUV or be able to borrow one.。




A.客户服务B.高度诚信C.持续的竞争能力D.满足顾客需要a d3.不属于经济活动的物质实体流动,不属于物流范畴。

A.正确B.错误 a4.商流是物流的基础,物流是商流先导。



A.正确B.错误a7.运输和搬运的区别在于:A.使用工具不同B.运送商品不同C.活动范围不同D.时间周期不同c8.物流体系动态功能中的核心功能是:A.包装B.装卸搬运C.流通加工D.运输 d9.储存功能是物流体系中唯一的静态环节。

这句话:A.正确B.错误a10.可看作是整个物流体系缩影的是:A.运输B.储存C.流通加工D.配送 d11.物品散乱地堆放在地面上的状态,活性指数用()来表示。

A.0B.1C.2D.3E.4 a12.物品正处于装卸搬运的状态,活性指数用()来表示。

A.0B.1C.2D.3E.4 e13.物流体系中的()功能,是一种动态过程,是生产过程向流通或消费领域的延伸。

A.配送B.装卸搬运C.包装D.流通加工 c14.发生在流通领域的生产过程的物流功能是()。

A.配送B.装卸搬运C.包装D.流通加工 d15.现代物流区别于传统物流关键在:A.客户服务功能B.配送功能C.流通加工功能D.信息功能 d16.客户服务是物流的基本功能之一。

A.正确B.错误 a17.流通企业承担起生产厂家“采购代理”任务体现了物流增值作用中的()效应。

A.批量效应B.信用效应C.风险效应D.品种效应 d18.一个企业的物料状况是最能体现其管理水平高低的标志。

这句话:A.正确B.错误 a19. 第一方物流是(a)。





5.物流学研究的根本任务是什么?第一章物流的概念与内涵1.名词解释:物流P10 商流P12 流通加工配送P142.从国外物流概念的形成和发展中所表现物流概念的基本要点有哪些?P53.请举例说明为什么“物流是市场的延伸”?P64.怎样认识物流成本和物流服务间的“二律背反”关系?P75.“精益物流”的内涵是什么?P76.物流现代化理念都包括哪几个方面?请加以分析说明。






P17-21第二章物流管理1. 名词解释:物流管理P21 物流管理组织P27 物流专门性评价物流综合性评价物流纵向评价物流横向评价物流管理行政机构物流管理业务机构物流费用P362.简述物流管理的发展历史。

P233. 物流管理的内容从不同角度是怎样分类的?各包括那些内容?P244. 物流管理的总原则是什么?如何理解这一原则?P255.请阐述物流管理的目标。




P36-37第三章物流的形式1.名词解释: 企业物流p40 返品的回收物流p42 废旧物资物流p42 国际物流p52 多式联运p58 通关手续城市物流专业配送中心柔性配送中心供应配送中心城市物流系统规划国民经济物流国际物流2. 生产企业物流可划分为哪三个阶段?其主要内容是什么?p40-423. 根据我国流通企业的类型,流通企业的物流可分为哪几种?p42-434. 企业物流合理化的措施主要有哪些?p43-445.阐述城市物流的特征并说明城市物流系统的主要构成要素都包括哪些?P45-466.城市物流能为实现“零库存”目标起到什么作用?城市物流可实现“零库存”或降低库存的主要运作方式有哪些?7.请说明城市物流中心的概念和城市物流中心的基本要求。



PART IIANSWERS TO END-OF-CHAPTER QUESTIONSCHAPTER 1: AN OVERVIEW OF LOGISTICS1-1. Did it surprise you that logistics has such an important economic impact? Why or why not?The answer to this question likely depends on the student’s prior exposure to logistics. A typical student in an undergraduate, introductory logistics course likely has had limited exposure to and knowledge about logistics and thus might be unaware as to logistics’ economic impact. As such, a student might be pleasantly surprised to learn that logistics is important for a country’s economic growth and development.1-2. Distinguish between possession, form, time, and place utility.Possession utility refers to the value or usefulness that comes from a customer being able to take possession of a product and can be influenced by the relevant payment terms. Form utility refers to a product’s being in a form that (1) can be used by the customer and (2) is of value to the customer. Time utility refers to having products available when they are needed by customers while place utility refers to having products available where they are needed by customers.1-3. How does logistics contribute to time and place utility?Logistics contributes to time utility by recognizing that different products have different sensitivities to time. For example, a three-day-late delivery of bananas likely has more serious consequences than a three-day-late delivery of a box of pencils. As for place utility, logistics facilitates the movement of products from points of lesser value to points of greater value.1-4. How can a particular logistics system be effective but not efficient? Effectiveness can be thought of as “how well a company does what it says it’s going to do;” efficiency focuses on how well (or poorly) company resources are used to achieve what a company promises it can do. There are a multitude of examples that would illustrate an effective, but inefficient, logistics system. For example, some companies routinely use premium and expedited methods of transportation—which increase transportation costs—to meet customer delivery requirements. As such, the logistics system could be considered effective (meeting delivery deadlines) but perhaps not efficient (increased transportation costs).1-5. Explain the significance of the fact that the purpose of logistics is to meet customer requirements.One reason for this significance is that meeting customer requirements means that companies must know—rather than assume—customer needs and wants. This knowledge is facilitated by communication between companies and their customers. Even today, some companies are hesitant to communicate with customers. In addition, meeting customer requirements means that a one-size-fits-all approach to logistics will result in some customers being overserved and others being underserved. As a result, companies should consider a tailored logistics approach, where groups of customers who have similar logistical needs and wants are provided with the appropriate logistical services.1-6. Explain how an understanding of logistics management could be relevant to your favorite charitable organization.There are any number of examples that can be used. The textbook mentions the Food Bank of New York City; from a logistical perspective, the Food Bank of New York City is responsible for collecting, sorting, repacking, and distributing food from its 90,000 square-foot warehouse.1-7. How has a reduction in economic regulation contributed to the increased importance of logistics?Reductions in economic regulation in the United States allowed individual carriers flexibility in pricing and service, and this flexibility was important to logistics for several reasons. First, it provided companies with the capability to implement the tailored logistics approach in the sense that companies could specify different logistics service levels and prices could be adjusted accordingly. Second, the increased pricing flexibility allowed large buyers of transportation services to reduce their transportation costs by leveraging large amounts of freight with a limited number of carriers.1-8. Discuss the logistical implications associated with the increased emphasis on the convenience associated with a family’s shopping experience.This convenience is manifested in various ways to include extended store hours, home delivery of purchased items, and ready-to-eat/ready-to-cook foods. From a logistics perspective, extended store hours force retailers to address issues such as the optimal delivery times for replenishment trucks and when to replenish merchandise. A logistical challenge with home delivery is the coordination of delivery times with the purchaser’s ability to receive the item(s). Finally, ready-to-eat-ready-to-cook foods have different packaging requirements, and food processors continue to experiment with packaging alternatives that will extend the shelf life of ready-to-cook foods.1-9. What are some ways in which technology has impacted logistics management? Technological advances have influenced channel design by allowing companies to offer an alternate distribution channel (or alternate distribution channels) to already existing channels. Technological advances can also improve the productivity of the order picking process, which traditionally involved paper pick tickets. Today, by contrast, order picking can utilize radio frequency devices, voice-directed picking, and robotic picking. Shipment tracking provides another example of how technological advances have impacted logistics management. Global positioning systems can provide real-time location information about a shipment, as well as provide information about a vehic le’s temperature, humidity, and vibrations.1-10. Explain how big-box retailers are logistical trendsetters.The logistics practices of big-box retailers are often viewed as barometers for emerging logistics trends. Big-box retailers have also been trendsetters with respect to environmental and social issues in logistics. As an example, one of Best Buy’s sustainability goals for 2020 is to recycle one billion pounds of consumer goods.1-11. What is the systems approach to problem solving? How is this concept applicable to logistics management?The systems approach to problem solving suggests that a company’s objectives can be realized by recognizing the mutual interdependence of its major functional areas, such as marketing, production, finance, and logistics. As such, decisions made by one functional area can have important implications for the other functional areas. With respect to logistics, the systems approach suggests that one should recognize the mutual interdependence of the various activities that constitute the logistics function. Thus, a transportation decision may impact inventory, warehousing, and packaging, among others.1-12. Distinguish between materials management and physical distribution.Materials management refers to the movement and storage of materials into a firm while physical distribution refers to the storage of finished product and movement to the customer.1-13. Explain what is meant by the total cost approach to logistics.The total cost approach to logistics is built on the premise that all relevant activities in moving and storing products should be considered as a whole (i.e., their total cost) and not individually. Use of the total cost approach requires an understanding of cost trade-offs. In other words, changes to one logistics activity cause some costs to increase and others to decrease. The key to the total cost approach is that all relevant cost items are considered simultaneously when making a decision. The objective is to find the approach with the lowest total cost that supports the organization’s customer service requirements.1-14. Define what is meant by a cost trade-off. Do you believe that this concept is workable? Why or why not?A cost trade-off acknowledges that changing patterns or activities of distribution will result in some costs increasing and other costs decreasing. The net effect, however, should be an overall cost decrease for providing a given level of customer service.The remainder of this question asks for the student’s opinion about the workability of this concept. Although nearly any answer is acceptable, those students who believe that cost trade-offs are unworkable might have difficulty with many of the concepts presented throughout the text.1-15. What are several areas in which finance and logistics might interface?The finance department is often in charge of capital budgeting decisions that would affect logistics, such as materials handling and packaging equipment. Another potential area of finance and logistics interface is with respect to inventory; finance tends to view inventory from a dollar perspective while logistics tends to be more concerned with the number of units of inventory. This dichotomy is highlighted by the concept of obsolescence, which reduces the monetary value of inventory by a certain amount per period of time—even though the actual quantity of inventory may be unchanged.1-16. Discuss the postponement concept as it relates to the production and logistics interface.Postponement refers to the delay of value-added activities such as assembly, production, and packaging until the latest possible time. Some value-added activities, such as case packing and case labeling, that were traditionally performed at a production plant are now performed in warehousing facilities. As a result, warehousing facilities are adding new types of equipment and being configured differently to allow specific value-added activities to take place.1-17. Define what is meant by a landed cost and explain its relevance for pricing decisions.Landed cost refers to the price of a product at its source plus transportation costs to its destination. On the one hand, a selling price that is based on a product’s landed cost allows the seller to offer “free” delivery of the product to prospective customers, because the transportation costs associated with delivery are captured in the landed cost. On the other hand, a selling price that is based on a product’s landed cost could result in a substantial increase in a product’s selling price, and a higher selling price tends to decrease buyer demand for most products.1-18. Discuss several possible interfaces between marketing and logistics in terms of product decisions.One interface involves the marked increase in product offerings; marketers like this increase because it allows for more customer choice, but these additional choices create logistical challenges in terms of identification, storage, and tracking. Another interface concerns the amount of a particular item (SKU) to hold. Marketers prefer to carry higher quantities for particular items because this reduces the likelihood of stockouts; however, from a logistics perspective, higher quantities of inventory necessitate additional storage space and increase inventory carrying costs.Students can also discuss product design and sustainable products.1-19. Briefly discuss the ownership, negotiations, financing, promotion, and logistics channels.The ownership channel covers movement of the title to the goods; the goods themselves might not be physically present or even exist. The negotiations channel is the one in which buy and sell agreements are reached and can include telephone, email, and electronic data interchange, among others. The financing channel handles payment for goods and the company’s credit, while the promotions channel is concerned with promoting a new or an existing product. Finally, the logistics channel handles the physical flow of the product.1-20. Discuss five activities that might be part of a company’s logistics department.The chapter presents, and briefly describes, 12 separate activities that might be part of a company’s logistics department. Any 5 of the 12 activities are acceptable for students to discuss.PART IIICASE SOLUTIONSCASE 1.1 KIDDIELAND AND THE SUPER GYMQuestion 1: List and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of purchasing a two-wheel trailer for each store to use for delivering the Super Gyms.Because the stores are in a number of states, one would have to check the motor vehicle and insurance requirements of each state. An advantage is that deliveries would be under the control of each store. A disadvantage may be labor costs, especially if two workers are needed to make the delivery. Also, once at the site, the store’s employees might be asked to assist in the assembly of the gym.Question 2: List and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having local trucking companies deliver the Super Gym from the retail stores to the customers.There are probably no disadvantages to using a local trucking company to make the delivery. However, a decision about how to handle the trucking firm’s charges would have to be made.Question 3: List and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of stocking Super Gyms at the distribution centers and then having the truck that makes deliveries from the distribution center to the retail stores also make deliveries of Super Gyms to individual customers.One problem focuses on the size of equipment—large tractor–trailer combinations are not suited to making home deliveries. The actual costs to KiddieLand of using trucks this way might be very high. There might be some savings in inventory costs by stocking the gyms at the distribution center rather than at each retail store.Question 4: List and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of charging customers for home delivery if they are unable to carry home the Super Gym.Perhaps the one advantage to charging for home delivery is that KiddieLand recoups the associated costs. However, because charged home delivery will add to the customer’s total purchase price, there could be a reduction in demand or this could generate customer dissatisfaction.Question 5: Which alternative would you prefer? Why?The student can choose any alternative. However, the text of the case seems to prefer the use of a local trucking company and charging the customer for home delivery.Question 6:Draft a brief statement (catalog copy) to be inserted in the firm’s spring–summer brochure that clearly explains to potential customers the policy that is recommended in Question 5.The brochure is intended for use in all stores, so whatever copy is prepared must be widely applicable. A sentence might read: “The Super Gym comes unassemb led and is packed in three boxes: One weighs ____ pounds and is ____ inches by ____ inches by____ inches; the second weighs ____ pounds and is ____ inches by ____ inches by ____ inches; and the third weighs ____ pounds and is ____ inches by ____ inches by ____ inches. Assembly requires the following tools: ____; ____; ____; and ____.”Question 7: At the first meeting, A.J. asked about SUVs, but there was no further mention of them. How would you follow up on his query?Anyone in the group could answer that SUVs have more carrying capacity than autos and many also have trailer hitches. SUVs are sufficiently popular—particularly in the United States—such that many buyers of the Super Gym equipment would either have a SUV or be able to borrow one.。

第一章 物流基础知识同步习题及答案

第一章  物流基础知识同步习题及答案


( )P32.商流和物流的关系非常密切,两者都具有相同的活动内容和规律。

( )P33.商流是产生物流的物质基础。

( )P44.物流活动克服了供给方和需求方在空间和时间方面的距离。

( )P45.商流主要进行运输和储存,实现物资实体空间和时间位置转移,而物流过程主要进行商品交换,实现物资所有权的转移。

( )P36.物流科学是管理工程和技术工程相结合的综合学科。

( )P237.流通活动中资金流是在所有权更迭的交易过程中发生的,可以认为从属于商流。

( )P38.根据物流活动发生的先后次序,企业物流可划分为供应物流、生产物流、销售物流、回收废弃物物流四部分。

( )P10 9.物流科学以物的动态流转过程为主要研究对象,揭示了物流活动之间存在相互关联、相互制约的内在联系。

( )P1 10.流通包含商流、物流、资金流和信息流,其中信息流从属于物流。

( )P311.产成品从生产者所有转变为用户所有的过程,同时也伴随着对象物从生产地转移到使用地以实现其使用价值的过程。

( )P412.实行商物分离的原则是提高社会经济效益的客观需要,也是企业现代化发展的需要。

( )P413.我国是从美国引进“物流”一词的。

( )P1614.Logistics取代P.D,成为物流科学的代名词,这是物流学科走向成熟的标志。

( )P1715. 商流的研究内容是商品流通的全过程。



P4A.物资空间位置的变动和时间位置的变动 B.物资空间位置的变动和形状性质的变动C.物资时间位置的变动和形状性质的变动 D.物资空间位置的变动、时间位置的变动和形状性质的变动2.物资的特性有( )。

P5A.物质性和效用性 B.效用性和现代性 C.美观性和效用性 D.现代性和物质性3.物资的生产过程的功能是创造物资的( )。





1、按国标(GB/T 20523-2006)的要求,我国企业物流成本构成的划分方法为()A、按成本项目划分B、一是按成本项目划分;二是按物流成本产生的范围划分C、一是按成本项目划分;二是按物流成本产生的范围划分;三是按物流成本支付形态划分D、一是按成本项目划分;二是按物流成本产生的范围划分;三是按物流成本支付形态划分;四是按物流成本产生的范围划分二、多项选择题(本大题共小题,每小题分,共分)在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。


2、我国国家标准《企业物流成本构成与计算》(GB/T 20523-2006)对物流成本的定义是:物流成本指物流活动中所消耗的物化劳动和活劳动的货币表现。





















[单选题] *A、物流在经济中的运行角度(正确答案)B、物流服务对象角度C、物流活动空间范围角度D、物流活动的运作主体2、物流从()角度可划分为社会物流与企业物流。

[单选题] *A、物流在经济中的运行角度B、物流服务对象角度(正确答案)C、物流活动空间范围角度D、物流活动的运作主体3、物流从()角度可划分为国际物流、国内物流和区域物流。

[单选题] *A、物流在经济中的运行角度B、物流服务对象角度C、物流活动空间范围角度(正确答案)D、物流活动的运作主体4、物流从()角度可划分为第一方物流、第二方物流、第三方物流、第四方物流。

[单选题] *A、物流在经济中的运行B、物流服务对象C、物流活动空间范围D、物流活动的运作主体(正确答案)5、物流活动地域跨度大、时间跨度大,这一现象体现物流的()特征。

[单选题] *A、系统化B、客观性C、大跨度性(正确答案)D、动态性6、物流系统随需求、供应、渠道、价格的变化,而难于长期稳定。


[单选题] *A、系统性B、客观性C、大跨度性D、动态性(正确答案)7、物流系统本身具有可分性,可以分成若干个子系统,同时物流系统在整个社会再生产中又处于流通环节中。


[单选题] *A、复杂性B、中间层次性(正确答案)C、网络经济性D、效益背反8、物流系统中某一项活动得到优化将会使系统中的另一活动相应劣化,甚至会出现系统总体恶化的结果。


[单选题] *A、效益背反(正确答案)B、复杂性D、系统性9、物流线路密度经济和物流网络的幅员经济,是指物流的()特征。

[单选题] *A、复杂性B、中间层次性C、网络经济性(正确答案)D、效益背反10、在物流领域采取的如:直达运输、联合运输、看板、实行按专门线路配送等管理技术手段,是为了实现()的目标。

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第一章概述一、简答1.什么是物流?2. 实物流通的简称是什么?3.什么是粮食物流?4.简述家电物流的组成5. 下图是玉米的物流,哪些属于物流的基本功能?6.下图物流的基本功能中,哪些项不属于物流的基本功能?运输仓储搬运装卸信息处理回收包装配送流通加工图1-1-17.在图1-1-3家电物流中,哪些项不属于物流的基本功能?零件采购集中加工制造与装配包装搬运装车运输配送中心入库配送交货图1-1-38. 在图1-1-4液态牛奶物流中,包括物流的哪些基本功能?牛奶生产基地原奶储存运输液态奶加工包装流通加工装/卸车入库配送交货图1-1-410.什么是回收物流?11. 典型企业物流可分为几种?12. 我国国家标准《物流术语》中对第三方物流(the third partylogistics)的定义是什么?13. 第三方物流的主要作用有哪些?14. 我国国家标准《物流术语》中对生产物流(production logistics)的定义是?15. 图1-2-1属于哪类企业的物流结构图?厂家其它工厂物流中心外部仓库采购物流运输原材料零部件供应商接收保管发出生产接收保管发出批发业零售业消费者销售物流(运输)销售物流(运输)销售物流(运输)运输运输生产物流销售物流企业内部物流退货物流废弃物流图1-2-116.什么是销售物流?20. 企业销售物流所研究的问题有哪些? 21. 什么是商业企业的销售物流?23.我国国家标准《物流术语》中对物流管理(logistics management )的定义是什么?24.一般物流管理所包含的内容主要有哪些?25. 我国国家标准《物流术语》中对物流服务(logistics service )的定义是什么?26.图1-3-3反映的是什么物流服务?27.图1-3-4反映的是什么物流服务?北美洲亚洲物流活动28.流通加工的作用是什么?29. 物流增值服务的内容包括哪些?30.我国国家标准《物流术语》中对物流成本(logistics cost)的定义是什么?31.物流成本管理的基本内容有哪些?32.进行物流成本决策与控制的基础是什么?33.物流成本分析常用的方法主要有哪些?34.物流成本决策包括哪些内容?35. 什么是物流成本预测?36. 从物流整个流程来说,物流成本决策有哪些?37. 物流成本计划管理的作用是什么?38.物流成本控制有哪些基本内容?40. 什么是物流信息管理?41.物流信息管理的主要内容有哪些?43.物流信息管理中工作量最大、最费时间、最占人力的环节是什么?44.信息处理的内容有哪些?45.从不同的传递角度来划分,信息有哪些传递方式?(可以分4个题)46.物流信息的服务工作主要内容有哪些?47.标准化的实质主要是什么?48.物流标准化的主要内容是什么?49.物流基础标准主要包括哪些内容?50.物流活动中的技术标准包括哪些内容?51.什么是物流工作标准?51-1什么是物流业务标准?52.对于物流企业来说,客户服务是什么?53.客户服务机构的作用有哪些?54.客户服务人员的素质能力基本要求有哪些?57.客户满意度和客户忠诚度有什么区别和联系?58.接打电话客户服务已经普遍,在接电话时最需注意的是什么?59.客户服务人员在使用电子邮件进行客户服务时,主要包括哪些内容?60.物流专业能力主要包括哪些?61.职业核心能力包括哪些内容?62.从就业招聘岗位信息可以将物流就业岗位划分为哪五个方向?二、单选1.将500公斤大米从杭州运到苏州属于物流的基本功能中的()。







A、运输B、储存C、流通加工D、客户服务8. 国家标准《物流术语》()年第一次发布。







































