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1)It took a complex analysis of the Martian surface from NASA’s two Mars orbiters(人造卫星)eventually to reveal the shape of that strange basin (来揭示那个奇怪盆地的形状), which is consistent with being an impact crater (陨石坑)as mentioned previously.

2)NASA attempts to use a vibrant space exploration program(生动鲜活的太空探索项目)to engage the public, encourage students and help develop a high-tech workforce.

3)A series of NASA’s X-ray observatory images of the spiral (呈螺旋形的)galaxy NGC 1637 has provided a dramatic view of a violent restless nature (狂暴的、躁动的自然)that belies(证明⋯⋯为虚假)the galaxy’s serene visual image.

4) Some researchers cited the benefits of cloning at the conference(在大会上提到了克隆技术的好处), for instance, the potential for increased food supply and more nutrient rich foods.

5) The couple both took part in the top-secret space shuttle program without informing each other. In the bottom of their hearts, They believed their partner could understand what counted most was their motherland’s advance and prosperity. (最重要的是祖国的发展和繁荣).

6) The two journalists rushed to the battle field but could not hear any gun shots. Their editor then telephoned, saying the warring parties had ceased fire in order to watch the World Cup soccer matches(为了看世界杯足球赛已经停火).

7) The essence of his argument他论点的核心)is that the hypothesis of the big-bang(大爆炸)theory of the origin of the universe has weak points and therefore needs reconsidering.

8) When the radio program was signing off(即将播完), its audience had gained a deeper perception about earth’s fragility.(对地球的脆弱有了更深刻的理解)

9) In my childhood, I once read a retired astronaut’s autobiography in awe(满心敬畏地读了一位前宇航员的自传), which fired my curiosity about space(点燃了我对太空的好奇心)and made me a space enthusiast(使我成为太空发烧友).

10) Although the Apollo programs were feasible(是可行的)in the 1960s, there were some unpredictable dangers(无法预测的危险)awaiting the first astronauts. However, none of them was willing to be left out(他们中没有一人愿意被排除在外)of the opportunity to orbit the Earth(环绕地球)and enjoy the landscape on the moon.(在月球上欣赏风景)


1.These renewable energy sources have demonstrated to be of great aid in cutting down the amount of toxins, which are by-products of the consumption of energy. (L7)


2. Since the 1950’s solar cell technology has been advancing and has come quite a long way. (L20)


3. Photovoltaic cells mounted on rooftops are used to heat water using the sun’s rays. (L22) 通过利用太阳光,安放在屋顶上的光伏电池被用来加热水。

4.To date, the main disadvantage of using this source is that it is limited. (L27)

