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叶春华 刘浔阳

(中南大学湘雅三医院普外科,湖南 长沙 410013)











[关键词] 肝硬化,实验性; 疾病模型,动物; 大鼠; 四氯化碳

Study on Method of Inducing Hepatic Cirrhosis Model in Rats by Carbon Tetrachloride

 Y E Chun-hua, LIU X un-yang(Department o f General Surgery,the T hird X iangy a Hosp ital,Central

South University,Changsha,410013,China)

[Abstract]【Objective】T o dev elo p and evalua te an ideal means to induce cir rhotic model in rats for nex t

study o n live r cir rhosis with po r tal hypertension trea tment.【M ethods】N inety male SD rats we re randomly di-

vided into two gr oups,T he e xperiment g roup(n=70)wa s treated with CCl4,PBS and ea table alcoho l and the

co ncentra tion of CCl4and eatable alcohol were increased stage by stag e in a ce rtain range during the ex peri-

ment.T he co nt rol g roup(n=20)wa s trea ted w ith common drinking w ater and animal feeds,the f requency

and do se w ere the same a s the experime nt g ro up,meanwhile evalua ted by a se ries of check methods.【Results】

Af te r being induced w ith above means,the ra t mor tality of the ex periment gr oup w as12.86%,and the fo rma-

tion rate of liver cir rhosis false lobe was87.14%.T he po rtal v eno us pressure of the e xperiment g roup w as

higher than the co ntrol g ro up(<0.05),ST B,G PT,G O T we re higher than the co ntro l g roup,but SA B de-

crea sed(P<0.05).T he contro l g r oup w as all surv iv al.【Co nclusio n】T he pro cedure is fair ly stable and relia-

ble,the model is useful for resea rch in liv er cir rhosis w ith po rtal hy pe rtension.T he cy cle time of inducing cir-

rhosis model is shor t the mor ta lity is low.

[Key words] liver cir rho sis,ex pe rimental; disesase models,animal; rats; carbon tetr achloride

[中图分类号] R575.2 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1671-7171(2005)05-0619-04


[作者简介] 叶春华(1967-),男,湖南安乡人,博士,主治医师,主要从事肝胆外科临床工作。

[收稿日期] 2005-04-01过腹腔内注射四氯化碳(CCl4)加饮用苯巴比妥钠和食用酒精,探讨建立一种理想的肝硬化模型的方法。1 材料与方法

1.1 材料

1.1.1 实验动物 90只Sprag ue-Daw ley鼠(简称SD大鼠),全部雄性,体重180~220g,普通大鼠饲
