



Deepening reform and opening up 深化改⾰扩⼤开放 The theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics 建设有中国特⾊的社会主义理论 The theory on the initial stage of socialism 社会主义初级阶段的理论 One focus, two basic points ⼀个中⼼,两个基本点 Focus on economic construction 以经济建设为中⼼ Adhere to the four cardinal principles 坚持四项基本原则 Adhere to reforms and opening to the outside world 坚持改⾰开放 Seizing the opportunity, deepening the reform,抓住机遇,深化改⾰ opening wider to the rest of the world, promoting development,扩⼤开放,促进发展, maintaining stability 保持稳定 Whether it would be beneficial to developing socialist productive forces 是否有利于发展社会主义⽣产⼒ Whether it would be beneficial to enhancing the overall strength of the country 是否有利于增强综合国⼒ Whether it would be beneficial to raising people‘s living standard 是否有利于提⾼⼈民⽣活⽔平 Taking the socialist public ownership as the mainstay 以社会主义公有制为主体 Common development of multi-economic sectors 多种经济成分共同发展 Establishment of socialist market economy 社会主义市场经济的建⽴ Deepening economic reform 深化经济改⾰ Relationships among reform, development and stability 改⾰发展和稳定的关系 Deepening of reform and promotion of development 深化改⾰与促进发展 Economic growth and social progress 经济增长与社会进步 Strengthen the position of agriculture 加强农业的基础地位 Science and technology are the primary productive forces 科学技术是第⼀⽣产⼒ Strengthen the socialist legal system 加强社会主义法制 A series of policies and measures ⼀系列政策措施 Reform and opening up policy 改⾰开放政策 Reform measures 改⾰措施 Speed up reform 加快改⾰ Reform of economic system 经济体制改⾰ Reform of state-owned enterprises 国有企业改⾰ Strengthen the management of state-owned property 加强国有资产管理 Reform ofmanagement of state-owned property 国有资产管理体制改⾰ Reform of property rights system 产权制度改⾰ Reform of commodity circulation 商品流通体制改⾰ Reform of foreign trade system 外贸体制改⾰ Reform of personnel system ⼈事制度改⾰ Reform of social security system 社会保险制度改⾰ Reform of housing system 住房制度改⾰ Planning system 计划管理体制 Transferring the function of government 转换政府职能 Open door policy 开放政策 Open economy 开放经济 Open-door to the outside world 对外开放 Opening up 扩⼤开放 Open domestic market 开放国内市场 Introduce foreign capital, advanced technology and 引进外国的资⾦,先进技术和 managerial experiences 管理经验 Economic and technical development zone 经济技术开发区 Special economic zones in coastal areas 沿海经济特区 One country, two systems ⼀国两制 Special administrative region 特别⾏政区 Contract responsibility system with remuneration linked 家庭联产承包责任制 to the household Narrowing the gap between the rich and poor 缩⼩贫富差距 Eliminate poverty 消除贫困 Common prosperity 共同富裕 ECONOMY AND MARKET ECONOMY 经济和市场经济 Socialist market economy 社会主义市场经济 Socialist sector of economy 社会主义经济成分 State-owned economy 国有经济 Non-state economy ⾮国有经济 Collective economy 集体经济 Individual economy 个体经济 Coexistence of various economic composition 多种经济成分共存 Sustained, rapid and sound economic development 持续,快速和健康的经济发展 National economic budget 国民经济预算 Comprehensive development of economy 经济综合发展 Strategy for economic development 经济发展战略 Theory of macroeconomic policy 宏观经济政策理论 Macroeconomic decision 宏观经济决策 Microeconomic phenomenon 微观经济现象 Traditional planned economy 传统的计划经济 Stimulate economic development 刺激经济发展 Commodity economy 商品经济 Market economy 市场经济 Free market economy ⾃由市场经济 Developed market economy 发达的市场经济 Developing market economy 发展中的市场经济 Emerging market economy 新兴市场经济 Mature market economy 成熟市场经济 Market economy country 市场经济国家 Extensive economy 粗放型经济 Intensive economy 集约型经济。



书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟英语四级翻译提高必备词汇1. pay attention to 注意pay high attention to 高度关注; 高度重视e.g. Pisces people pay attention to how they feel .双鱼座的人很注意他们自己的感受。

e.g. Following a game , many parents and coaches pay attention to theoutcome and find the faults with their performance .一场比赛后许多父母和教练都集中精力在结果上,并对青少年的表现吹毛求疵。

2. attract ones attention 引起(注意,兴趣等)3. lie / swim on ones back 仰卧/仰泳小编注:在游泳比赛中,自由泳、仰泳、蛙泳、蝶泳、花样游泳分别被叫做freestyle, back-stroke, breast-stroke, butterfly,synchronizedswimming. 下次看比赛时留意一下咯。

4. a bad cold 重感冒Cold 感冒Fever 发烧Flu 流感Headache 头疼Stomachache 胃疼,肚子疼Toothache 牙疼Arthritis 关节炎Diabetes 糖尿病Cancer 癌症Infection 传染病,感染Enteritis 肠炎Break 骨折Heart disease 心脏病5. two pieces of baggage 两件行李[英语四级翻译提高必备词汇]相关文章:tips:感谢大家的阅读,本文由我司收集整编。




a fool's paradise 黄梁美梦
a foregone conclusion 预料中的结局
a forlorn hope 极小的希望
a form of address 称呼
a fortiori 更加
a free hand 放手干的权利
a free wind 顺风
a bad life 不道德的生活
a bad lot 一个坏蛋
a bad quarter of an hour 不愉快的短暂时刻
a bad shot 错误
a bad word 猥亵话
a bag of bones 骨瘦如柴的人
a bag of wind 夸夸其谈的人
a couple of 两个
a course of exchange 兑换率
a covenant of salt 不可背弃的盟约
a cow in calf 怀孕的母牛
a crowd of 许多的
a crowning victory 最大的胜利
a cuckoo in the nest 破坏他人家庭幸福的人
a cock of the walk 称王称霸的人
a cold cook 殡仪馆生意人
a command post 指挥所
a common soldier 列兵
a complimentary ticket 赠券
a conceited pup 傲慢的小青年
a back answer 顶嘴
a back issue 过期期刊
a back number 过期的刊物
a bad actor 坏蛋



英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(U2)uninfluenced 未受影响uninformed 未被通知的uninhabited 无人居住的uninjured 未蒙损失的uninjurious 无害的uninquiring 不打听的uninspected 未经检查的uninspired 无灵感的uninstall 卸载uninstructed 未经教导的uninsured plan 未经保险的计划uninsured 未保险的unintelligent 缺乏才智的unintelligible 难解的unintelligibly 难以理解地unintentional 无意的uninterested 不感兴趣的uninteresting 无趣的uninterrupted 不停的uninterruptedly 不间断地uninvited 未被邀请的uninviting 不动人的union card 工会会员证union catalog 联合图书目录union jack 英国国旗thermocouple pyrometer 热电偶高温计union of india 印度联邦共和国union shop 工会商店union suit 连衫裤union 联合unionism 联合主义unionist 联合主义者unionization 联合unionize 统一uniparous 单梗的uniped 单足的unipod 独脚架unipolar 单极的unique 唯一的uniquely 独特地unisex 男女通用的unisexual 单性的unison 调和unisonant 一致的unisonous 和谐的unit of measure 度量单位unit 个体unitage 单位量Unitarian 一神论者unitarianism 上帝一位论unitary 一元的unite with 联合unite 联合United Arab Emirates 阿拉伯联合酋长国United Arab Republic 阿拉伯联合共和国United Kingdom 联合王国United Nations Children's Fund 联合国儿童基金会united press international 美国合众国际新闻社United States of America 美国United States 美国united 联合的unitive 统一的units 单位Units/Picture 单位/图片unity 一致Univ. 大学univalent 一价的univalve 单壳的universal agent 全权代理人universal compass 万能圆规universal coupling 万向接头universal donor 普通供血者universal equivalent 一般等价物universal gravitation 万有引力universal joint 万向接头universal language 世界语universal printer driver 通用打印机驱动程序universal suffrage 普选权universal time 世界时间universal 普遍的universalism 普遍性universalist 普遍主义者universality 普遍性universalize 一般化universally 普遍地universe of discourse 讨论或辩论的范围universe 宇宙university extension 大学附校university man 大学出身之人university 大学univocal 单一的unjoint 解开结子unjust 不公平的unjustifiable 不正当的unjustly 不义地unkempt 蓬乱的unkennel 揭露unkind 无情的unkindly 不亲切地unkindness 不亲切unknit 解开unknot 解开unknowable 不能知道的unknowing 没查觉的unknowingly 不知不觉地unknown soldier 阵亡的无名英雄unknown 未知的unlabored 轻易完成的unlaboured 轻易完成的unlace 解开带子unlade 卸下unlamented 不被哀悼的unlash 解开unlatch 拔掉门栓unlawful 非法的unlawfully 非法地unlay 解散unlearn 忘却unlearned 无学问的unleased 未租出的unleash 解放unleavened 未受激发的unlessC.除非unlettered 无字的unlicensed 无执照的unlicked 不整饰的unlid 揭开盖子unlifelike 不逼真的unlike 不象的unlikelihood 不可信unlikeliness 不大可能unlikely 未必的unlikeness 不相等unlimber 准备行动unlimited 无限的unlimitedly 无限地unlink 解开unliquidated 未清算的unlisted or updated driver 未列出或更新的驱动程序unlisted 未上市的unlit 未点燃的unlivable 不适居住的unload 卸货unlock 开锁unlooked-for 意外的unloose 解开unloosen 解开unloved 未被爱的unloveliness 不可爱unlovely 不可爱的unluckily 不幸地unlucky 不幸的unmake 撤回unman 阉割unmanageable 难管理的unmanliness 怯懦unmanly 怯懦的unmanned 无人的unmannered 没有礼貌的unmannerly 无礼貌的unmarked 无标的unmarketable 滞销的unmarriageable 不适于结婚的unmarried 未婚的unmarry 离婚unmask 揭露unmatchable 不能匹敌的unmatched 无比的unmeaning 无表情的unmeant 无意的unmeasurable 无法计量的unmeasured 不可测的unmeditated 未加思考的unmeet 不适当的unmentionable 不宜说出口的unmerciful 无情的unmerited 无功受禄的unmet 未满足的unmethodical 无方法的unmilitary 违反军事规程unmindful 不留心的unmistakable 明白的unmistakably 明白地unmitigated 未缓和的unmixed 纯粹的unmold 从模子里取出unmolested 没有苦恼的unmoor 起锚unmoral 不道德的unmotivated 动机不明的unmounted 未装框的unmoved 无动于衷的unmoving 不感动人的unmuffle 消音物unmusical 非音乐的unmuzzle 解下口罩unnamable 不能命名的unnameable 不知名unnatural 不自然的unnaturally 不合乎自然规律unnecessaries 非必需品unnecessarily 不必要地unnecessary 没必要的unneighborly 不睦邻的unneighbourly 不睦邻的unnerve 失去勇气unnoted 无价值的unnoticed 不引人注意的unnumbered 数不清的unobjectionable 无异议的unobservance 不留心unobservant 不注意的unobserved 没有观察到的unobtainable 难获得的unobtrusive 谦虚的unoccupied 空闲的unoffending 无罪的unofficial 非正式的unofficially 非正式地unopened 未开放的unopposed 不反对的unorderly 混乱的unorganized ferment 离体酶unorganized 未加入工会的unoriginal 非独创的unorthodox 非正统的unostentatious 不虚饰的unostentatiously 朴素地unpack 拆开unpaid 未付的unpaid-for 尚未付款的unpainful 没有痛苦的unpaired 不成双的unpalatable 不适口的unparalleled 无比的unpardonable 不可原谅的unparliamentary 违反议会法的unpatented 无专利的unpatriotic 不爱国的unpaved 没有铺石砖的unpeaceful 不平静的unpeel 削皮unpeg 解除unpen 释放unpenetrable 不能穿入的unpeople 使减少人口unpeopled 人口减少的unperceived 未被发觉的unperceptive 无识别力的unperson 被冷落的人unpersuadable 不能说服的unperturbed 平静的unpick 拆开unpierceable 无法刺穿的unpiloted 无人领航的unpin 拔掉unpitied 没人可怜的unpitiful 不仁慈的unpitying 无同情心的unplaced 无处居住的unpleasant 不愉快的unpleasantness 煞风景的事unpleasing 不愉快的unpliant 不易弯折的unplug 拔去unplumbed 未测深度的unpoetical 无诗意的unpolished rice 糙米unpolished 未磨光的unpolled 弃权的unpolluted 未受污染的unpopular 不流行的unpopularity 不受欢迎unpractical 不实用的unpracticed 练习不足的unpractised 练习不足的unprecedented 空前的unpredictable 不可预知的unprejudiced 公平的unpremeditated 非故意的unprepared 即席的unprepossessed 无成见的unprepossessing 不吸引人的unpresumptuous 不骄傲的unpretending 不矜持的unpretentious 不骄傲的unpriced 无法估价的unprincipled 无原则的unprintable 不宜刊印的unprivileged 无特权的unprizable 不值得评价的unproductive 不毛的unprofessional 外行的unprofitable 不赚钱的unprohibited 未阻止的unpromising 无前途的unprompted 自发的unpronounceable 不能发音的unpropitious 不吉利的unprosperous 不茂盛的unprotected 无保护unprovided 无供给的unprovoked 无谓的unpunished 未受惩罚的unpuzzle 解释unqualified 不合格的unquenchable 难抑制的unquestionable 确实的unquestionably 无疑地unquestioned 不成为问题的unquestioning 不加疑问的unquiet 不平静的unquotable 不能引用的unquote 结束引语unravel 拆开unread 无学问的unreadable 枯燥阅读unreadiness 没预备unready 没预备的unreal 不真实的unrealistic 不实在的unreality 非现实unreason 无理性unreasonable 不合理的unreasonableness 无理性unreasonably 不合理地unreasoning 无理智的unreasoningly 无理智地unrecognized 未被认识的unreconstructed 脑筋转不过来的unredeemable 不能收回的unredeemed 未履行的unreel 回卷unreflecting 不反射的unreformed 未改革的unregarded 不被关心的unregenerate 灵魂未得再生的unregimented 未严加管制的unregistered 未注册的unrelenting 无情的unrelentingly 无情地unreliable 不可靠的unrelieved 未减轻的unreligious 与宗教无关的unremitted 未赦免的unremitting 不懈的unremittingly 不间断地unremunerative 无报酬的unrequited 无报答的unreserve 坦白unreserved 坦白的unreservedly 不客气地unresponsive 无答复的unrest 不安的状态unrestful 不安静的unrestrained 放纵的unrestraint 无拘束unrestricted 无限制的unriddle 解unrig 卸除unrighteous 罪深的unrighteously 邪恶地unrighteousness 邪恶unrip 撕开unripe 未准备好unrivaled 无敌的unrobe 脱外衣unroll 解开unromantic 平淡无奇的unroof 除去屋顶unrounded 非圆唇的unruffle 安慰unruffled 安静的unruled 失控unruliness 任性unruly 任性的unsaddle 解下马鞍unsafe 不安全的unsaid 无以言表unsalable 滞销的unsaleable 非卖品的unsalted 新鲜的unsanitary 不卫生的unsatisfactorily 不能令人满意地unsatisfactory 令人不满意的unsaturated 不饱和的unsavory 难吃的unsavoury 难吃的unsay 取消unscanned 未测量的unscared 未受惊吓的unscarred 无疮疤的unscathed 未受伤的unscholarly 无知的unschooled 文盲unscientific 不科学的unscramble 整理unscrew 旋松unscrewed 没有扭紧unscripted 不用稿子的unscrupulous 无道德的unscrupulously 不客气地unscrupulousness 狂妄unseal 开启unsearchable 神秘的unseasonable 不合时宜的unseasoned 没有调味的unseat 坠马unseaworthy 不适航的unseeded 未播种的unseeing 茫然unseemliness 不合适unseemly 不体面的unseen translation 未经预备章节之翻译unseen 看不见的unsegregated 没有种族隔离的unselfconscious 自然的unselfish 不自私的unselfishly 不自私地unselfishness 不自私unsensational 不煽动感情的unsensible 无感觉的unsent-for 未受邀请的unserviceable 无用的unset 未凝固的unsettle 搅乱unsettled 未处理的unsex 使失去性征unsexed 失去性征的unshackle 释放unshaded 未遮住的unshakable 不可动摇的unshakably 不可动摇地unshakeable 不可动摇的unshakeably 不可动摇地unshaken 坚决的unshaped 不成形状的unshapely 丑怪的unsheathe 拔出unsheltered 未遮盖的unship 卸下unshod 赤脚的unshrinking 不收缩的unsight unseen 未过目unsight 不检查的unsighted 未被看到的unsightly 不悦目的unsigned 无符号的unsisterly 不像姐妹的unskilful 不熟练的unskilled labor 非技术性工种unskilled 不熟练的unskillful 笨拙的unskillfully 笨拙地unslaked 未满足的unsleeping 未入睡的unsling 取下unsnap 解开扣子unsnarl 松开unsociability 不爱交际unsociable 不和气的unsocial 非社会的unsoiled 未弄脏的unsold 未出售的unsolder 拆焊unsolicited 未经同意的unsolicitous 未悬念的unsolvable 不能解决的unsolved 未解决的unsophisticated 单纯的unsophisticatedness 不懂世故unsought 未追求的unsound 不健全的unsparing 不宽恕的unsparingly 不宽恕地unspeak 撤回unspeakable 无法形容的unspeakably 无法形容地unspecific 非特定的unspecified 未指明的thermocouple pyrometer 热电偶高温计unspent 未用完的unspiritual 非精神的unspoiled 未损坏的unspoken 未说出口的unsportsmanlike 不光明正大的unspotted 清白的unstable 不牢固的unstained 无污点的unstatesmanlike 无政治家风度的unsteadily 不安定地unsteadiness 不稳定unsteady 不安定的unstick 扯开unstinted 不受限制的unstop 拔开塞子unstrained 不勉强的unstrap 解开皮带unstressed 不着重的unstring 解开unstructured 未组织的unstrung 解开unstuck 未粘住的unstudied 非娇揉造作unsubstantial 不坚固的unsuccessful 不成功的unsuccessfully 失败地unsuitability 不适合unsuitable 不适合的unsuited 不适合的unsullied 清白的unsung 未赞颂的unsupported 无支持的unsuppressed 未镇压的unsure 不肯定的unsureness 不确定unsurpassable 无法超越的unsurpassed 非常卓越的unsuspected 未被怀疑的unsuspecting 信任的unsuspectingly 信任地unsuspicious 不可疑的unsustained 未持续的unswear 违背unswerving 不歪的unsyllabic 不构成音节的unsymmetrical 非对称的unsympathetic 无情的unsystematic 无组织的untainted 无污点的untalented 没有天赋的untamed 不能抑制的untangle 解开untanned 未硝的untapped 未使用的untaught 文盲unteach 忘却untempered 没有锻练的untenable 支持不住的unthankful 不感谢的unthink 不思考unthinkable 想象不到的unthinking 无思想的unthought 未加思考的unthought-of 没有想到的unthread 抽去线unthrifty 不节省的untidy 不整洁的untie 解开until 直到untillable 不能耕种的untilled 未耕种的untimeliness 不合时宜untimely 不时的untinged 未着色的untiring 不懈的untiringly 不疲倦地untitled 无标题的unto 到untold 未说过的untomb 掘出untouchability 不能触摸untouchable 贱民untouched 未触及的untoward 麻烦的untraceable 难以捉摸的untrained 未经训练的untrammeled 自由自在的untraveled 未涉足untraversed 人迹罕至的untread 折回untried 未试过的untrodden 杳无人迹的untroubled 无烦恼的untrue 不真实的untruss 解开untrustworthy 靠不住的untruth 不真实untruthful 不真实的untuck 拆开unture 不正确的unturned 未翻转的untutored 未受教育的untwine 解开untwist 拆开unused 不习惯的unusual 不平常的unusually 显著地unvalued 无价值的unvanquishable 不能克服的unvaried 未改变的unvarnished 未涂漆的unvarying 不变的unvaryingly 恒久地unveil 揭开unventilated 不通风的unversed 不精通的unvoice 禁声unvoiced 未出声的unwanted 不必要的unware 不察觉的unwarily 没注意地unwariness 不注意unwarrantable 不允许的unwarranted 无根据的unwary 不注意的unwashed 下层民众unwatered 已排水的unwavering 不动摇的unwearied 不疲倦的unweave 拆unweighted 无重负的unwelcome 不受欢迎的unwell 不舒服的unwept 无人哀悼的unwhipped 未受处罚的unwholesome 不健康的unwieldiness 笨拙unwieldy 笨拙的unwilling 不愿意的unwillingly 不愿意地unwillingness 不愿意unwind 展开unwinking 不松懈警觉的unwisdom 无知unwise 无智的unwisely 无智地unwished-for 非所希望的unwitnessed 未注意到的unwitting 不知情的unwittingly 不知情地unwomanly 不似女流的unwonted 不习惯的unworkable 难运转的unworldly 淡没金钱unworn 没穿破的unworthily 可耻地unworthiness 无价值unworthy 不值得的unwound 未卷绕的unwrap 打开unwrinkle 将弄平unwritten constitution 不成文宪法unwritten law 不成文法unwritten 未成文的unwrought 未做成的unwrung 未扭曲的unyielding 坚硬的unyieldingly 不屈服地unyieldingness 不屈服unyoke 解开Unzip to folder 解压到文件夹unzip 解压缩uop 微指令up a gum tree 进退维谷up a stump 处境尴尬up a tree 进退两难up against the wall 碰壁up against 面临up and about 起床走动up and doing 活泼up and down 到处up arrow 向上箭头键up front 预先up hill and dale 拚命地up in arms 竭力反对up in the air 悬而未决up the creek 处于困境up the pole 进退两难up the river 在狱中up the wind 顶着风up to a move or two 机灵up to date 最近的up to grade 合格up to much 有很大价值的up to no good 不怀好意up to now 到目前为止up to one's neck in 深陷入up to par 达到标准up to scratch 准备行动up to snuff 正常up to someone 由某人决定up to the chin 深陷up to the ears 深陷于up to the elbows in 忙于up to the eyes 埋头于up to the hammer 极好up to the hub 深深陷入up to the minute 最新up to the present day 到目前up to the present 至今up to 一直到up with 拿起up 向上up-and-coming 积极进取的up-and-down 起伏的up-and-up 向上up-to-date 最近的up-to-the-minute 最新的Upanishad 《奥义书》upas 毒害upbeat 弱拍upblaze 燃烧起来upborne 被举起的upbow 上弓upbraid 谴责upbraiding 谴责的upbraidingly 叱责地upbreed 改良质量upbringing 教养upbuild 建立upcast 上抛upchuck 呕吐upcoming 即将来临的upcountry 内陆的update now 立即更新update remote references 更新远程引用update 更新updating 更新updraft 上升气流upend 颠倒upgrade 升级upgrowth 生长upheaval 起来upheave 举起uphill and downhill 上上下下uphill 登高uphold 支撑upholster 装饰upholsterer 装饰业者upholstery 室内装潢upkeep 维持upland 高地uplift 高扬uplifted 举起的uplink 向上传输upload 上传upmost 最高的upon my word 的确upon that 于是upon the look 在寻找中upon the table 尽人皆知upon 在upper case 大写体upper crust 上流社会upper hand 优势Upper House 上议院Upper Memory Area 上端内存区Upper memory block 上位内存块upper tray 上层纸盒upper 上面的upper-bracket 高级的upper-class 上流社会的uppercase 大写字母的upperclassman 高年级学生uppercut 直击uppermost 最高的uppertendom 上流社会upperworks 干舷uppish 高傲的uppity 自负的upraise 举起uprear 扶起upright piano 直立式钢琴upright 正直的uprightly 笔直地uprightness 垂直uprise 起义uprising 起来upriver 上游的uproar 喧嚣uproarious 骚动的uproariously 喧嚣地uproariousness 喧嚣uproot 根除uprush 上冲ups and downs 盛衰upset price 拍卖时之底价upset stomach 肚子痛upset 颠覆upshot 结果upside down 颠倒upside 上边upside-down cake 倒置型水果蛋糕upside-down 颠倒的upsides 对等upspring 向上弹upstage 自负的upstair 楼上的upstairs 楼上的upstanding 直立的upstart 暴发户upstate 偏僻的upstream 向上游upstroke 上挑的笔迹upsurge 涌起upsweep 向上曲upswept 向上斜的upswing 上升upsy-daisy 起来没事啦!uptake 举起upthrow 上抛upthrust 冲上uptight 紧张的uptilt 向上uptodate 现时的uptown 住宅区uptrend 上升upturn 好转upturned 朝上的upward 向上upwardly 在上面地upwards 向上upwind 逆风的Ur 吾珥uraemia 尿毒症uraemic 尿毒症的uraeus 蛇形标记uranic 星学的uraninite 沥青铀矿uranium 铀uranography 天体学uranology 天文学uranous 铀的Uranus 天王星urban 城市的urbane 彬彬有礼的urbanise 使都市化urbanism 都市生活urbanite 都市人urbanity 都市风格urbanization 都市化urbanize 都市化urbanologist 都市学家urchin 顽童urea 尿素uremia 尿毒症uremic 尿毒症的ureter 尿管urethra 尿道urethral 尿道的urethritis 尿道炎urge to 怂恿urge 催促urgency 紧急urgent 急迫的urgent-mail 急件urgently 迫切地urger 推进者uric acid 尿酸uric 尿的urinal 尿壶urinalysis 尿分析urinary bladder 膀胱urinary ladder 膀胱urinary 尿的urinate 小便urination 撒尿urine 尿urn 瓮urogenital 泌尿生殖的urologist 泌尿科医师urology 泌尿科学uroscopy 验尿ursine 熊的urticant 痒的urticaria 风疹Uruguay 乌拉圭Uruguayan 乌拉圭人Urumchi 乌鲁木齐urus 野牛US Copyright law 美国版权法US States 美国各洲us 我们USA 美国usability 可用性usable 可用的usableness 可用usage 惯例usance 票据期限use and wont 习惯use as default 设置为默认值use color 使用颜色use full page 使用整页use grammar and style rules 使用语法和文体规则use old bottles for new wine 旧瓶装新酒use oneself 处身use out 耗尽use prefix 使用地区号use printer resolution 使用打印机分辨率use truetype fonts as defaults 使用 Truetype 字体作为默认字体use up 用完use 使用used to 惯常used-up 精疲力竭useful 有用的useful-life 有效期限usefully 有用地usefulness 有用useless 无用的uselessly 无益地uselessness 无用user name 用户名user 使用者user's guide 使用手册user-defined autoformats 自动套用自定义图表user-defined format 自定义格式user-defined 自定义userinfo 用户信息userkit 用户套件Username 用户名称ush 招待usher 招待员usherette 女引座员Using 用usquebaugh 威士忌USSR 苏联usual 通常的usually 通常usucapion 取得时效usufruct 用益权usufructuary 用益权使用者usurer 高利贷者usurious 高利贷的usuriously 取高利地usurp on 侵占usurp 篡夺usurpation 篡夺usurper 篡夺者usury 高利贷usw und so weiter等等ut 八度音阶Utah 犹他州utensil 器具uterine 子宫的uterus 子宫utilitarian 功利的utilitarianism 功利主义utility man 杂务工thermocouple pyrometer 热电偶高温计utility room 杂物间utility 效用utilization 利用utilize 利用utmost 极限Utopia 乌托邦Utopian 乌托邦的utopianism 乌托邦的理想utricle 木囊utricular 小囊状的utter 绝对utterance 意见utterly 完全uttermost 极端uvdicon 视象管uvula 悬雍垂uvulae 小舌uvular 悬壅垂的uxoricide 杀妻uxorious 怕老婆的uxoriously 疼爱妻子地uxoriousness 疼爱妻子。


肚皮舞:belly dance
情侣装:couples dress
胎教:fetal education
限时抢购:flash sale
期房:forward delivery housing
闪电恋爱 whirlwind romance
刻不容缓,紧要关头 crunch time
健身 bodybuilding
遮阳伞 parasol
人渣 scouring
头等舱 first-class cabin
世界遗产名录 the world heritage list
乐活族 LOHAS(Lifestyle Of Health And Sustainability)
演艺圈 Showbiz
核遏制力 nuclear deterrence
试点,试运行 on a trial basis
精疲力竭 be dead on one's feet
软禁 be under house arrest
拼车 car-pooling
解除好友关系 unfriend v.
暴走 go ballistic
扫货:shopping spree
烟熏妆:smokey-eye make-up
水货:smuggled goods
热裤:tight pants
舌钉:tongue pin
文凭热 degree craze



翻译考试历年常考高频词汇(考试必备)P5 联合国安全理事会五个常任理事国partisan, partizan 党羽,某个党派、事业、派系、人或思想的狂热支持者或反对者PETA (People for the ethical Treatment of Animals) 美国善待动物协会pay a price 付出代价piracy 侵犯版权,非法翻印,盗版plutocracy 富豪统治Presidential election 总统选举adverse election results 不利的选举结果ballot 投票;选举/ 拉选票;选票campaign 竞选活动从事竞选活动candidate 候选人canvass 游说、拉选票charisma领袖魅力controversy 争议,争论Democratic party <美>民主党派electorate 全体选民eloquent 全体选民gracious loser 输得起的人;有风度的输家hheavy poll 得票率高nominee 候选人;被提名者opinion poll 民意测验poll 投票,投票数poll station; the poll 投票站Republican Party <美>共和党TV debate 电视辩论voter 选民neck and neck 并驾齐驱;不分上下landslide 占绝对优势的选举;压倒多数的选票landslide victory 巨大的胜利proliferation 扩散proposal 倡议书quota 配额,限额recall <美>(投票)罢免recession 工商业之衰退,不景气revenue enhancement 税收增加sea change 海洋是转变,巨大变化(源自莎士比亚的剧本台词)secede 正式脱离或退出分离secret ballot 不记名投票Secret Service (政府的)特务机关,情报机关Security Council 联合国安全理事会skyjacking 劫机smallpox 天花socialism 社会主义,社会主义运动2D (two dimensional graphics images and animated images) 平面3D (three dimensional graphics images and animated images) 三维3D rendering 三维渲染aerial top dressing 空中施肥advanced technology 先进技术analog electronic technology 模拟电子技术animation 动画片AOL (American Online) 美国在线Apple Corporation 苹果公司artificial intelligence (AI) 人工智能artificial life (AL of Alife) 人工生命ATM (Automated Teller Machine) 自动柜员机audio card 声卡audio conference 音频会议;电话会议biotechnology 生物工程B2B and B2C 企业对企业(商家对商家)及企业对消费者的电子商务bandwidth 带宽bar code 条形码BBS (Bulletin Board System) 公告板系统,论坛bookmark 电子书签browser 浏览器bullet train 子弹头列车cache memory 高速缓冲存储器caller ID display 来电显示camcorder 便携式摄影机CD burning 光盘刻录CDMA/TDMA 码分多址(一种扩频多址数字式通信技术)CD-RW/CD-Rewritable 可重刻chat lines; chat rooms 聊天室CPU (Central Processing Unit) 中央处理器cyberspace 电脑空间conductor 导体convection 对流cortex 大脑皮层cryonics 人体冷冻法cutting-edge 优势;前沿,极其重要的状态或位置database 数据库desktop videoconference (桌面)视频会议dial-up connection 拨号连接Digital Video (DV) / Camcorder 数码摄像机distance education (DE) 远程教育E-learning; Web-based training 电子学习encryption 加密firewall 防火墙Flash 由macromedia公司推出的交互式矢量图和Web动画的标准frontier science and technology 科技发展前沿FTP (File Transfer Protocol used for downloading files on the Internet) 文件传输协议genetic engineering 遗传工程hacker (phreaker) 黑客,骇客hard drive 硬盘驱动器hemisphere 大脑半球high scientific and technological content 科技含量高home page 主页insulator 绝缘体interactive television (ITV) 互动电视IBM = International Business Machines Corporation 国际商业机器公司(美)internet surfing 网上冲浪Internet 互联网intranet 企业内部互联网ISO (International Organization for Standardization) 国际标准化组织joystick (电脑游戏等)操纵杆jukebox 自动点唱机Kiosk 多功能信息商亭LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) 液晶显示器Mac (Macintosh) 苹果机maglev train 磁悬浮列车manned spaceflight 载人航天飞行MD (minidisk) 小型磁盘MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) 迷笛,数码音乐microcircuit 微电路modem “猫”,调制解调器multimedia 多媒体molecular science 分子科学natural sciences 自然科学nerd 不善社交、专心致志搞科研或精于科研的人;书呆子neuron 神经元new and high technology industries 高新技术产业notebook computer 笔记本电脑Omega point 欧米伽点P2P (Peer to Peer Networking) 对等网络PC (Personal Computer) 个人电脑PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) 个人数字助理,掌上电脑Pentium 奔腾,Intel公司生产的CPU芯片Plug and play 插件Plug-in 插件PPP (PowerPoint presentation) 文件演示plastic beauty 人造美女posthuman 后人类pseudo-science 伪科学RAM (Random Access Memory) 随机存贮器,内存remote control 遥控robotics 机器人技术research institutions 科研院所semi-conductor 半导体soil and pasture management 土壤和草场管理streaming media 流媒体synchronous 同步的scanner 扫描仪screen capturing 截屏search engine 搜索引擎technological innovation 科技创新telecommunication 电讯teleconference 远程电信会议touchscreen 触摸屏tablet computer 平板电脑tissue (生物)组织URL (Uniform Resource Locator) 互联网上的信息资源定位系统ubiquitous network 无处不在的网络virtual community 虚拟社区VR –virtual reality (artificial reality) 虚拟现实water conservancy 水利webcasting 网络广播live web casting 网络直播World Wide Web 万维网acknowledge 承认a gathering permeated with a spirit of cordial friendship 充满亲切友情的聚会a rewarding trip 不虚此行accommodate 供给……住宿,招待;适应,配合add a new page to the history of 给……的历史增加了新的一页agenda 议程alumnus 校友at the invitation of …应……的邀请banquet 宴会播BBQ party 烧烤会Bon Appetit! 祝你胃口好Bon Voyage! 旅途愉快buffet 自助餐buffet reception 冷餐招待会cheek-to-cheek embrace 贴脸拥抱cheers 干杯closing speech 闭幕致辞cocktail party 鸡尾酒会colleague(s) 同仁commerce ties 商业关系coexistence 共存,共处congenial atmosphere 融洽气氛costume party; masquerade 化妆舞会courtesy call 礼节性拜会courtesy call 礼节性拜会dinner; dinner party 晚宴distinguished guest 贵宾;嘉宾draw to a close 即将结束eloquent remark 雄辩的(动人的)演讲entertain 招待extraordinary arrangement 特殊安排;精心安排eye salute 注目礼farewell ceremony 欢送仪式feel honored and privileged 感到荣幸feel pleased and honored 感到愉快和荣幸feel proud and honored 感到骄傲和荣幸fellow citizens 同胞们foreign affairs office 外事办fulfill one’s ambitions 展鸿图,酬壮志generous hospitality 盛情款待genuine friendship 真挚友谊give a dinner for a visitor from afar 接风洗尘goodwill visit 友好访问gracious invitation 盛情邀请gracious remark 热情的演讲,评论Guest of Honor 主宾gun salute 礼炮heartfelt gratefulness 由衷的感谢hearty embrace 热烈拥抱hearty gratitude 衷心的感谢heritage 传统hospitality 好客host a farewell dinner for someone 为…饯行host country 主办国,东道主国家host 主人I’ve long heard of you 久仰impromptu speech 即席讲话in the company of…;accompanied by…在…的陪同下inauguration 开幕式;就职典礼incomparable hospitality 无比盛情的款待itinerary 活动日程,路线kind words of welcome 友好的欢迎词lasting friendship 长久的友谊long-awaited guest 盼望已久的客人look back at the past回顾过去look into the future 展望未来luncheon 午餐会motorcade 车队nodding acquaintance 泛泛之交occasion 场合;时刻opening address 开幕致辞opening ceremony 开幕式pay a return visit 回拜picnic party 野餐会propose a toast 祝酒receive; play host to 接待receptionist 接待员reception 招待会regard 尊重;敬意regards 问候renew old friendships(and establish new contacts) 重温旧情(结交新友)seating arrangement 席位安排signing ceremony 签约式sincere gratitude 真挚的感谢speech of welcome; address of welcome 欢迎词state banquet 国宴sworn friend 刎颈之交take this opportunity 趁此机会toaster 祝酒者toast 祝酒词unequalled 无与伦比的unprecedented 前所未有的warm reception 热情接待warm welcome 热情欢迎wedding reception 喜宴welcoming banquet 欢迎宴会welcoming ceremony 欢迎仪式a resolution 决议abundant accomplishment 丰硕的成果accord with; agree with; conform to; meet 符合acknowledge 承认assert 宣称;维护attempt 尝试beckon 召唤boost 促进,刺激,增进bilateral 双边的bilateral channels 双边渠道bilateral cooperation 双边合作bilateral diplomatic activities 双边外交bilateral relations 双边关系bully 欺侮;以强凌弱cast off 丢弃,摆脱cause 原因,理想,事业,目标channel 渠道channels of dialog 对话渠道chaos 混乱clash 冲突coercion 强迫,高压政治collapse 溃败;崩溃commitment 承诺,义务common aspiration 共同希望common causes 共同目标;共同理想common desire 共同愿望common development 共同发展common interest 共同利益common prosperity 共同繁荣communiqué联合公报community of nations 国际社会compassion 同情,怜悯consolidate 巩固constrain 约束;强迫containment 遏制,遏制政策contradictory ; self-contradictory 矛盾convention 大会;条约;协定;惯例convergence 集中counterpart 相应的、对等的人或物counterproductive 起反作用的;反效果的courtesy 礼貌crises 危机;危险期dawning 黎明;开端decline 下降;衰落defy 挑战;公然挑衅delay 耽搁;拖延decency 合宜,得体delightful 令人愉快的deteriorate 使恶化;变糟deterioration 衰败disparity 不等;不同dispute 争端diverse 多变的diversity 多样化;气象万千dominate 压倒;统治;占优势emancipate 释放;解放embody 体现embrace 拥抱;信奉encroach on 侵犯,蚕食encroachment 侵犯endeavor 努力enduring 持久的;不朽的enrich 充实equitable 公平的;公正的era 纪元erupt 突然爆发escalation 升级exacerbate 恶化,使......加剧flaunt 炫耀;标榜fluctuation 波动;起伏不定foil 阻扰;挫败formulation 明确表达;简洁陈述foundation 基础;基金会guarantee 保证guidance 指导gunboat policy (尖船利炮)强权政策hamper 妨碍harness 管理,支配,控制hereby 在此hostility 敌意;敌对状态ideal arena 理想的场所,舞台impair 损害impetus 动力implement 贯彻in a friendly manner 以友好的方式in a wide range of areas (就)广泛领域incapacitate 使不能胜任incentive 动机;动力in-depth 彻底的;深入的integral 整体的international community 国际社会intervention 干涉interventionist 主张干涉他国内政者;干涉主义intimidate 恐吓,威逼intricacy 错综复杂irresistible 不可抗拒的jeopardize 危及joint communiqué联合公报joint declaration 联合声明joint efforts 协力juncture 时刻,关头;接合点jurisdiction 权限;管辖权;管辖区域justice 正义legitimate 合法的maintain 维持;坚持认为make great contribution to 对...有重大贡献malignant 恶性的;致命的manifold 多方面的meddle 干涉memorable 令人难忘的mentality 心理,思维状态might 势力,兵力mighty 强大的mimic 模仿mistrust 不信任;疑心multilateral 多边的mutual benefit 互利互惠mutual complementarities 互补mutual confidence 互相信任mutual consultation 共同协商mutual courtesy 礼尚往来mutual promotion 互相促进mutual respect 互相尊重mutual supervision 互相监督mutual trust 互相信任mutual understanding 互相理解negotiation 谈判;协商objective 目标;目的obstacle 干扰;障碍obstruct 阻碍origin 起源;渊源overshadow 弱化;使……黯然失色paralysis 瘫痪,麻痹partnership 合作;合伙关系peace-loving 爱好和平的perish 毁灭;死亡permeate 浸透phenomenal 非凡的;杰出的pioneering 开拓性的pool (efforts) 协力potential 潜力;潜在的prejudice 偏见;损害prerequisite 先决条件;首要的,必要的prescribe 指示;规定prevailing 占优势的;盛行的prior to 在……之前profound 深刻的,意义深远的proliferation 扩散promising 有前途的,有希望的promote/facilitate/enhance/strengthen/advance 加强;促进prudence 审慎;慎重pursue 追求recognition 承认,认可reflect 反映refrain 节制;制止regime 政权,体制resentment 不满、怨恨resolutely 决心;决议respectable 可敬的respective 分别的,各自的restructure 重组;体制改革reunification 统一rhetoric 修辞;空话rival 竞争对手rivalry 竞争;敌对状态safeguard 捍卫sanction 体裁score 取得(成果、成果……)setback 挫折;退步signify 表征,意味着solidarity 团结sound 健全的source 来源sponsor 赞助;主办stability 稳定status quo 现状steadfastly 踏实地;坚定地straightforward 坦率的,直截了当的strengthen the bond 加强联系;加固纽带subordinate 次要、下属、从属的subsequent 后来的,接着发生的,连续的summit 峰会;首脑会议symbol/symbolize 象征thereby 从而threat 威胁,恐吓trailblazer 开拓者trailblazing 开拓性trample 践踏tranquil 安静、宁静的transcend 凌驾;超越trans-century 跨世纪transition 转变;过渡turmoil 动乱;冲突tackle 处理;对付take shape 成形tense 紧张的undermine 破坏undesirable 不受欢迎的union 联盟;工会unswervingly 坚定不移地vigorous 强健的;精力充沛的volatile 不稳定的;多变的going global “走出去”(战略)security; safety 安全hegemony 霸权closed-door past 闭关锁国的过去closed-door policy 闭关政策criteria 标准extensive and profound 博大深远non-confrontation 不对抗irrationality 不合理non-alignment 不结盟insurmountable difficulty 不可克服的困难inequality 不平等unremitting efforts 不懈的努力undertake concrete step 采取具体步骤gap 距离attempt 尝试dynamism 充满活力lofty cause 崇高的事业grand ideal 崇高理想address differences 处理分歧shuttle diplomacy 穿梭外交break down barriers 打破障碍unilateral 单边的unilateralism 单边主义Deng Xiaoping’s diplomatic thoughts 邓小平外交思想underestimate; underestimation 低估regional conflicts 地方矛盾regional disparity 地区差异regional turmoil (conflicts) 地区动乱(冲突)independent foreign policy of peace 独立自主的和平外交政策principles of independence 独立自主原则holiday-making diplomacy 度假外交opponent; rival 对手external work 对外工作multilateral diplomatic activities 多变外交multilateralism 多变政策global village 地球村multi-polarization 多极化multipolar times 多极时代multipolar world 多极世界multi-polarity 多极性prosperity 繁荣flourish 繁荣昌盛imitation 仿效division of responsibilities 分工splittist activities 分裂活动issues of difference 分歧veto right 否决权a complex and volatile international situation 复杂多变的国际形势complication 复杂化complexity 复杂性ameliorate 改善,改进high-level and all-directional dialogue 高层次、全方位的对话summit(forum) 高峰论坛senior officials 高级官员estrangement 隔阂well-being of all nations 各国人民的福祉proclamation 公告fairness 公平justice 公正,正义consensus 共识all-win 共赢the transitional period 过渡期head of state 国家元首state-to-state 国与国go overboard 过分the legitimate rights and interests 合法权益cooperative relationship 合作关系harmonious relationship 和睦关系peace 和平peaceful means 和平方式peaceful coexistence 和平共处peace diplomacy 和平外交consequence 后果;结果noninterference in each other’s internal affairs 互不干涉内部事务non-communication 互不往来reciprocal contract 互惠合同partners of mutual benefit and cooperation 互利合作的伙伴suspicion 怀疑Pacific rim countries 环太平洋国家buffer (conflicts) 缓解(冲突)resume the exercise of sovereignty (over…) 恢复行使主权in retrospect 回顾过去mechanism 机制active defense 积极防御positive impact 积极影响cornerstone 基石great expectation 极大的希望aggregation 集合;凝聚shoulder 肩负arduous task 艰巨任务a constructive strategic partnership 建设性的战略伙伴关系exchange notes 交换意见exchange views 交换观点establish new contacts 结交新友emulate 竭力仿效resolve differences 解决分歧progress; advancement 进步world-renowned 举世闻名military intelligence (secrets) 军事机密test 考验affirm old tradition 肯定传统framework 框架expand the common ground 扩大共识hard-won 来之不易optimism 乐观精神reciprocity in courtesy; reciprocal (mutual) courtesy 礼尚往来decencies 礼仪;行为准则good faith 良好诚意a favorable climate in areas around China 良好周边环境conscience 良知cross-strait relations 两岸关系territorial integrity 领土完整border or territorial disputes 领土争端fulfill international obligations 履行国际义务ally; allies 盟国people-to-people diplomacy 民间外交mode 模式friction 摩擦good-neighborliness 睦邻友好good-neighbor relationship 睦邻友好关系remove interferences and obstacles 排除干扰与障碍exclusive group 排他性集团exclusivism 排外主义ratify 批准equality and mutual benefit 平等互利principle of equality and mutual benefit 平等互利原则equal partnership 平等伙伴关系equal consultation 平等协商concerted effort 齐心协力discrimination 歧视make positive contribution to 起积极作用millennium 千年prospect; future 前景condemn 谴责power diplomacy 强权外交power politics 强权政策enforcement 强制执行violate; encroach on; be an encroachment on 侵犯seek common ground while reserving/shelving/putting aside differences 求同存异twists and turns 曲折yield to 屈服trend 趋势all-round cooperation 全方位合作all-round; all-around 全面的;全方位的comprehensive engagement 全面接触all-round improvement 全面提高globalization 全球化the world at large; the world over 全世界rights and interests 权利和义务(make) concessions 让步humanitarian 人道主义者fusion 融合trilateral 三边的convey profound condolences to 深切哀悼size up the situation 审时度势mission 使命undertaking; cause 事业momentum 势头build shared optimism 树立共有的乐观精神bilateral 双边的bilateral relations 双边关系bilateral cooperation 双边合作bilateral channels 双边渠道bilateral diplomatic activities 双边外交win-win situation 双赢局面smooth transition of power 权利顺利平稳过渡candid and in-depth 坦诚深入的treaty 条约halt 停滞不前equal dignity 同等尊严break-through 突破unity 团结external blockade 外部封锁diplomacy 外交diplomatic practice 外交惯例diplomatic immunity 外交豁免权diplomatic barometer 外交晴雨表diplomatic envoy 外交使节diplomatic truce 外交休兵downright distrust 完全不信任complete equality 完全平等stubborn ills 顽疾seek a common good 为大众谋利maintain the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong 维护香港的繁荣与稳定justice-upholding 维护正义的diplomatic practice 外交惯例cultural exchange 文化交流cultural ambassador 文化使节cradle of civilization 文化摇篮inexorable facts 无情的事实disorder 无秩序状态current state 现状elaborate on 详细谈论harmonize 协调agreement 协定alliance 结盟protocol 协议coordination 协作hand-in hand 携手a new world pattern 新的世界形态neo-colonialism 新殖民主义assert 宣称;维护declaration 宣告,声明the Asia-Pacific region 亚太地区severe test 严峻的考验message of condolences 唁电consistent policy 一贯的政策take history as guidance and look into the future 以史为鉴,面向未来ideology 意识形态never yielding 永不屈服increase; strengthen; promote; expand; boost 增进enhance mutual understanding 增进了解strategic relationship 战略关系strategic partnership of coordination 战略协作伙伴关系normalization 正常化correct foreign policy 正确的对外方针an official visit 正式访问transfer of government 政权交接political dialogs 政治对话political and moral support 政治和道义上的支持medium and long term cooperation 中长期的合作the Sino-Japanese Treaty for Peace and Friendship 中日和平友好条约apartheid; racial segregation 种族隔离racial tensions 种族矛盾racial discrimination 种族歧视approach (a problem) 着手处理reevaluation 重新评估sovereign states 主权国家garrison 驻军self-determination 自觉自主self-reclusive 自我封闭least-developed countries (LDCs) 最不发达国家the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence 和平共处五项基本原则equality and mutual benefit 平等互利mutual respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity 互相尊重和主权领土完整non-aggression 互不侵犯non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries 互不干涉内政peaceful coexistence 和平共处Abstract Expressionism 抽象表现主义Art Deco 装饰派艺术Art Nouveau 新艺术主义Ashcan School 垃圾箱画派Assemblage (Collage) 装配艺术品Barbizon School (Landscape Painting) 巴比松画派Baroque 巴罗克艺术风格Classicism 古典风格Constructivism 构成派Cubism 立体派Dada达达主义运动Expressionism 表现主义Fauvism 野兽派Futurism 未来主义Genre 风俗画Impressionism 印象主义Mannerism 风格主义Neoclassicism 新古典主义Neoimpressionism 新印象主义,点描派Op Art 光效应绘画艺术,欧普艺术Pop Art 波普艺术Realism 现实主义画派Rococo 洛可可风格Surrealism 超现实主义Symbolism 象征主义bas-relief (=bass-relief) 浮雕,浅浮雕cameo 刻有浮雕的宝石或贝壳caricature 漫画cartoon (报刊上的)政治性漫画,讽刺画,卡通画,漫画chiaroscuro 光影、明暗对比法colors, complementary 补色;对比色。



翻译学习必备词汇(1)伯乐 good judge of talent (the name of a legendary person in the state of Qin during the Spring and Autumn Period who excelled in evaluating horses)薄利多销 small profit, large sale volume博士后 post-doctoral博士生导师 tutor of a Ph.D. student博彩(业)lottery industry剥夺冠军 strip the gold medal of somebody播客 podcast博客圈 blogosphere薄利多销 small profit, large sales volume; small profits but quick returns; small profits and good sales博士生 Ph.D candidate BP 机 beeper, pagerB to B (B2B) business to business B to C (B2C) business to consumer不安全性行为 unprotected sex不败记录 clean record, spotless record 步步高升 Promoting to a higher position 补偿贸易 compensatory trade不承诺放弃使用武器not undertake to renounce the use of force不承诺放弃使用武力 will not commit ourselves to rule out the use of force 不打不成交"No discord, no concord."布达拉宫 the Potala Palace不到长城非好汉 He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.不得转让 not negotiable不分上下的总统选举结果 the neck-and-neck presidential elect ion result 不感冒have no interest不搞劳民伤财的"形象工程"refrain from building “vanity projects” that waste both money and manpower不管部部长 minister without portfolio不怀恶意的谎言white lie不记名投票secret ballot《不见不散》Be there or be square.不结盟运动 non-aligned movement不可抗力force majeure不可推卸的责任 compelling obligation不可再生资源 non-renewable resources布雷顿森林体系Bretton Woods System不良贷款 non-performing loan不买账 not take it; not go for it不眠之夜white night不明飞行物 unidentified flying object (UFO)不拿原则换人情refrain from seeking personal favor at the expense of principle补缺选举by-elect ion不惹是非 Stay out of trouble.; Let sleep ing dogs lie.不速之客gate-crasher补习班 tutoring center (Macao,s Education and Youth Affairs Bureau has ordered two local privatetutoring centers to be temporarily shut down as it receivedreports of a sexual abuse cases involving the two centers and young boys, the Macao Post Daily reported on Friday.据《澳门邮报》周五报道,澳门教育暨青年局下令暂时关闭两家当地的私立补习班,因为该局收到有关这两家补习班对男生进行性虐待的报告。



四六级翻译必备词汇及短语词汇篇1、经济economic globalization(经济全球化)sustainable development(可持续发展)unfair competition(不正当竞争)crack down on fake commodities (打假)booming(繁荣的)fierce competition(激烈竞争)credit crisis(信用危机)stabilize prices (稳定物价)2、文化:great and profound (博大精深的)integration and interaction(融合交汇)crash(碰撞)charming(极具魅力的)splendid(壮丽辉煌的)English fever(英语热)3、环保:environment-friendly(生态型的,环保的)threat of global warming(全球变暖的威胁)promote fundamental shifts in the economic system and mode of economic growth(促进经济体制和经济增长方式的转变)curb environmental pollution/ bring the pollution under control(治理环境污染)develop renewable resources (开发可再生资源)a low-carbon economy (低碳经济)4、科技:science and technology(科学技术)web-addiction(沉迷网络)computer crime(电脑犯罪)e-commerce(电子商务)virtual life (虚拟生活)information era(信息时代)cyber romance(网恋)surf the Internet(网上冲浪)5、就业:applicant(申请人)position available/ vacant position(空缺职位)competent(能胜任的)be qualified for(合格的)proficiency(熟练程度)job arrangement and benefit(工作待遇和福利)promotion (晋升)6、大学生活/教育:cultivate(培养)further one’s study (深造)quality education(素质教育)foster abilities(培养能力)relieve the burden on students(减轻学生负担)be occupied with so much schoolwork(忙于功课)place emphasis on(以…为重心)comprehensive(全面的,广泛的)practical capability(实际能力)duck-stuffing(填鸭式)7、社会现象:enlightening(富有启发的)cause alarm and attention(引起了警惕和重视)set good example for(为…树立榜样)dedicate(做贡献)take action (采取行动)ensure implementing activities(确保执行)vulnerable(易诱惑的,易受影响的)be supposed to(应该)8、人物特征、情感描写:strong-minded(坚强的)industrious(勤奋的)promising(有前途的)dynamic(有生机的;有活力的)responsible(有责任心的)influential(有影响力的)profound(渊博精深的)devoted(忠实的,投入的)warm-hearted(热心的)句型词组搭配1. 随着经济的繁荣with the booming of the economy2. 随着人民生活水平的显著提高with the remarkable improvement of people's living standard3. 先进的科学技术advanced science and technology4. 为我们日常生活增添了情趣add much flavor to our daily life5. 人们普遍认为It is commonly believed that…6. 我同意前者(后者)观点I give my vote to the former / latter opinion.7. 引起了广泛的公众关注sth. has aroused wide public concern. / sth has drawn great public attention.8. 利远远大于弊The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.9. 开阔眼界widen one's horizon / broaden one's vision10. 考虑到诸多因素take many factors into consideration11. 从另一个角度from another perspective12. 致力于/ 投身于be committed / de voted to…13. 日益激烈的社会竞争the increasingly keen social competition14. …有其自身的优缺点… has its own merits and demerits / pros and cons15. 对…有害do harm to / be harmful to / be detrimental to16. 交流思想/ 情感/ 信息exchange ideas / emotions / information17. 跟上…的最新发展k eep pace with / keep abreast with the latest development of…18. …的健康发展the healthy development of…19. 把时间和精力放在…上focus one's time and energy on…20. 导致很多问题give rise to / lead to / spell various problems21. 可以替代think的词believe, claim, maintain, argue, insist, hold the opinion / belief / view that22. 优先考虑/发展… give (top) priority to sth.23. 与…比较compared with…/ in comparison with24. 提供就业机会offer job opportunities疯狂演练四级模拟为了帮助中国人欣赏不同文化中友谊的价值,他收集和整理了一百多条友谊方面的中外格言。



一、名词1. 食:吃。


(《孟子·梁惠王上》)2. 饮:喝。


(《礼记·礼运》)3. 舟:船。


(《离骚》)4. 车马:车辆与马匹。


(《史记·秦始皇本纪》)5. 舞:跳舞。


(《史记·赵世家》)二、动词1. 行:走。

例:吾欲之南海,何如?(《庄子·逍遥游》)2. 言:说。

例:子曰:“学而时习之,不亦说乎?”(《论语·学而》)3. 见:看见。


(《荀子·劝学》)4. 闻:听见。


”(《论语·述而》)5. 听:听。


(《增广贤文》)三、形容词1. 大:大。


(《史记·项羽本纪》)2. 小:小。


(《左传·僖公二十五年》)3. 好:好。


(《中庸》)4. 善:善。


(《老子》)5. 恶:恶。


(《史记·平原君虞卿列传》)四、副词1. 乃:于是。


(《史记·孔子世家》)2. 于是:在这时。


(《史记·孔子世家》)3. 于是乎:于是。


(《史记·齐太公世家》)4. 然后乃:然后。


(《孟子·告子下》)5. 然后而:然后。


(《孟子·梁惠王上》)五、连词1. 而:并且。


(《论语·颜渊》)2. 于是:于是。




slapping 极好的 slapstick 闹剧 slash 猛砍 slashing 猛烈的 slat 条板 slate pencil ⽯笔 slate 板岩 slate-coloured ⽯板⾊的 slater 使溢出 slather ⼤量使⽤ slating 批评 slattern 随便的⼥⼈ slatternly 不检点的 slaty ⽯板⾊的 slaughter 屠宰 slaughterhouse 屠宰场 slaughterous 杀⽣的 Slav 斯拉夫⼈ Slavdom 斯拉夫民族 slave driver 监督奴⾪⼯作者 slave ship 贩卖奴⾪的船 slave station 辅助电台 slave trade 贩卖奴⾪ slave trader 奴⾪贩⼦ slave 奴⾪ slave-drive ⽆情地驱策 slaveholder 奴⾪所有者 slaveholding 拥有奴⾪ slaveocracy 奴⾪主集团 slaver 奴⾪贩⼦ slavery 奴⾪制度 slavey ⼥佣⼈ Slavic 斯拉夫语 Slavism 斯拉夫⽓质 slavocracy 奴⾪制度派 Slavonian 斯拉夫尼亚⼈ Slavonic 斯拉夫⼈ Slavophil 亲斯拉夫⼈者 Slavophile 亲斯拉夫⼈的 Slavophobe 厌恶斯拉夫⼈ Slavophobist 厌恶斯拉夫⼈ slaw 卷⼼菜沙拉 slay 杀 sleave 细丝 sleazy 质地薄的 sled 雪橇 sledding 使⽤雪撬 sledge hammer ⼤锤 sledge 雪橇 sledgehammer ⼤锤 sleek 光滑的 sleekly 光滑地 sleep around 乱伦 sleep in 睡过头 sleep like a log 熟睡 sleep like a top 酣睡 sleep on a problem 把问题留到第⼆天解决 sleep on a question 把问题留到第⼆天解决 sleep on both ears 熟睡 sleep on 留下 sleep out 在外过夜 sleep over 借宿 sleep rough 在公园过夜 sleep 睡 sleep-in 住在家内 sleep-out 住在外的 sleepiness 想睡 sleeping bag 睡袋 Sleeping Beauty 睡美⼈ sleeping carriage 铁路的卧车 sleeping draught 安眠药 sleeping partner 隐名合伙⼈ sleeping pill 安眠药⽚ sleeping potion 安眠药 sleeping powder 安眠药粉 sleeping rent 限定的租⾦ sleeping sack 睡袋 sleeping sickness 昏睡病 sleeping 睡眠 sleepless 失眠的 sleepwalker 梦游病者 sleepwalking 梦游病 sleepwear 睡⾐裤 sleepy 困乏的 sleepyhead 贪睡者 sleet ⾬夹雪 sleety ⾬夹雪的 sleeve emblem 袖章 sleeve link 袖⼝钮 sleeve target 筒形拖靶 sleeve 袖⼦ sleeve-fish 鱿鱼 sleeveboard 熨袖架 sleeveless ⽆袖的 sleevelet 袖套 sleigh 雪橇 sleighing 乘橇 sleight 技巧 slender 苗条的 slept 睡觉 sleuth 侦探 sleuthhound 警⽝ slew around 旋转 slew 回转 slice from 切开 slice off 切开 slice up 切⽚ slice 薄⽚ slice-of-life 反映现实的 sliced meat ⾁⽚ slicer 限幅器 slick chick 漂亮的⼥孩 slick up 漂亮 slick 光滑的 slicked up 整洁的 slickenside 岩⽯光滑⾯ slicker ⾬⾐ slickness 巧妙的 slid 滑动 slide fastener 拉链 slide into 陷⼊ slide over 回避 slide projector 幻灯⽚放映机 slide rule 计算尺 slide show 放映幻灯⽚ slide valve 滑阀 slide 滑动 slider 滑雪者 slideway 滑道 sliding axle 滑动轴 sliding bearing 滑动轴承 sliding board 滑梯 sliding roof 滑顶 sliding rule 计算尺 sliding scale 计算尺 sliding 滑⾏的 slight heat ⼩暑 slight 轻微的 slighting 轻视的 slightingly 轻视地 slightly 些微地 slightness 些微 slily 狡猾的 slim down 消瘦 slim 苗条的 slim-jim 瘦⼦ slime mold 粘液菌 slime pit 沥青矿 slime 粘⼟ sliminess 滑溜 slimline 细线电缆 slimly 苗条地 slimming 节⾷ slimmish 稍为苗条的 slimsy 细的 slimy 泥泞的 sling over ⽤⼒拥抱 sling 投⽯器 slinger 投⽯者 slingshot 弹⼸ slink 潜逃 slinkingly 偷偷地 slinky ⿁⿁祟祟的 slip a cog 出错 slip carriage 卸下的车厢 slip into 匆忙穿上 slip noose 套索 slip one's memory 使某⼈⼀时想不起 slip one's wind 断⽓ slip over 漫不经⼼ slip rail 滑动栏栅 slip ring 滑动环 slip sheet 薄衬纸 slip something on 急忙戴上 slip stitch 跳针 slip the collar 逃脱 slip the leash 摆脱束缚 slip up 跌倒 slip 滑倒 slip-on shoe 便鞋 slip-on 易穿⾐服 slip-road ⾼速公路进出⼝ slip-up 错误 slipcase 书套 slipcover 覆盖物 slipknot 活结 slipover 便服 slippage 微⼩的 slipper 拖鞋 slippery as an eel 油滑的 slippery 滑的 slippy 光滑的 slipshod 马虎的 slipslop 枯燥⽆味 slipstick 计算尺 slipstream 冲流 slipup 疏忽 slipway 滑台 slithery 滑的 sliver 裂⽚ sloat 升降机 slob 懒汉 slobber 垂涎 slobbery 流⼝⽔的 sloe ⿊刺李 slog 猛击 slogan ⼝号 sloganeer 标语⼝号 slogger 猛击者 sloid ⼯艺教育 slojd ⼯艺教育 sloop 帆船 slop basin 倒残渣的浅碟 slop over 越界 slop pail 污⽔桶 slop 溢出 slope away 开⼩差 slope off 逃⾛ slope 斜坡 sloping 倾斜的 sloppy 泥泞的 slopshop 成⾐店 slopwork 成⾐ slosh 泥泞 sloshy 雪泥的 slot machine ⾃动售货机 slot man 编辑 slot 缝 sloth bear 长⽑熊 sloth monkey 懒猴 slothfulness 怠惰 slotware 槽件 slouch hat 宽边软帽 slouch 懒散 slouching 没精打采的 slouchy 没精打采的 slough off 抛弃 slough over 轻视 slough up 逮捕 slough 泥沼 sloughy 泥泞的 Slovak 斯洛伐克⼈ Slovakian 斯洛伐克⼈ sloven 懒散的⼈ Slovene 斯洛⽂尼亚⼈ Slovenia 斯洛⽂尼亚 Slovenian 斯洛⽂尼亚⼈ slovenly 懒散的 slow and steady 稳扎稳打地 slow coach 迟钝的⼈ slow down 怠⼯ slow match 缓燃引信 slow motion 慢动作 slow time 标准时间 slow up 慢下来 slow 慢的 slow-footed 速度慢的 slow-motion 缓慢的 slow-moving 动作缓慢的 slow-paced 速度缓慢的 slow-spoken 说话缓慢的 slow-witted 头脑不好的 slowgoing 缓步的 slowish 速度较慢的 slowly 慢慢地 slowness 缓慢 slowpoke ⾏动迟缓者 slowworm 蛇蜥 sloyd ⼿⼯艺教育 slub 搓捻 slubber 弄污 sludge 泥泞 sludgy 泥泞的 slue 旋转 slug ⿐涕⾍ slugabed 睡懒觉的⼈ slugfest 激烈的殴⽃ sluggard 偷懒者 sluggardly 懒惰的 slugger 种⼦选⼿ slugging average 打击率 sluggish 慢的 sluice gate ⽔门 sluice valve ⽔闸 sluice ⽔门 sluiceway 闸沟 slum 贫民窟 slumber away 以睡觉消磨 slumber 睡眠 slumberous 昏昏欲睡的 slumbrous 昏昏欲睡的 slumlord 恶劣房东 slummer 贫民区的⼈ slummock 狼吞虎咽 slummy 贫民区的 slungshot 飞⽯ slunk 潜逃 slur 忽视 slurry 泥浆 slush fund 贿赂基⾦ slush 烂泥 slushy 泥泞的 slut 懒妇 sluttery 懒惰 sluttish 懒惰的 sly 狡猾 slyboots 狡猾的⼈ slyly 狡猾地 slype ⾛廊 smack down 责骂 smack 滋味 smacker 咂咂声 smacking 活泼的 smacksman 船员 small arms 轻武器 small beer 淡啤酒 small business ⼩型商业 small capital ⼩体⼤写字母 small caps ⼩型⼤写字母 small change 零钱 small computer system interface ⼩型计算机系统接⼝ small hours 午夜以后 small intestine ⼩肠 small letter ⼩写字母 small potatoes ⼩⼈物 small talk 闲聊 small ⼩的 small-beer 微不⾜道的 small-fry ⼉童 small-minded ⼼胸狭窄的 small-scale ⼩规模 small-time ⼩规模的 small-town ⼩都市的 smallage 块根芹 smallclothes 紧⾝短裤 smallholder ⼩农 smallholding ⼩农地 smallish 短⼩的 smallness ⼩ smallpox 天花 smallsword 轻剑 smallwares 杂货 smalt 深蓝⾊ smaragdite 绿闪⽯ smarm 阿谀 smarmy 令⼈厌烦的 smart aleck ⾃作聪明的⼈ smart for 受罚 smart from 伤⼼ smart money 罚⾦ smart set 最时髦的⼈ smart 刺痛 smartdrive ⾼速缓冲程序 smarted up 漂亮的 smarten up 变得漂亮 smarten 漂亮潇洒 smartly 潇洒地 smartness 现代风格 smartweed 荨⿇ smarty ⾃作聪明者 smarty-pants ⾃作聪明的⼈ smash hit ⾮常流⾏ smash in 打破 smash up 崩溃 smash 打碎 smashed 喝醉酒的 smasher 重击 smashing 猛烈的 smashup 猛撞 smatter 充内⾏ smattering 略知 smaze 烟霾 smear word 污蔑性的字 smear 涂上 smeary 染污的 smell a rat 感到不妙 smell about 到处寻找 smell of shop 本⾏⽓息浓重 smell of the stable 带有从事职业的味道 smell out 嗅出 smell up 使充满臭⽓ smell ⽓味 smell-less ⽆臭的 smeller 触须 smelling bottle 嗅盐瓶 smelling salts 嗅盐 smelly 臭的 smelt 胡⽠鱼 smew 巫鸥 smidgen 少量 smidgeon 少量 smilax 拔契属 smile on 赞许 smile 微笑 smiling 微笑的 smilingly 微笑地 smirch 沾污 smirk 傻笑 smite hip and thigh 痛打 smite under the fifth rib 刺死 smite with the tongue 谴责 smite 重击 smith 铁匠 smithereens 碎⽚ smithery 锻冶⼯作 smithsonite 菱锌矿 smithy 锻冶场 smitten 打击 smock ⼯作服 smocking ⾐褶 smog 烟雾 smokables 烟草 smoke ball 烟幕弹 smoke bomb 烟幕弹 smoke helmet 救⽕帽 smoke like a chimney 烟瘾⼤ smoke out ⽤烟熏出 smoke screen 烟幕 smoke the calumet together 和睦相处 smoke the pipe of peace 讲和 smoke 烟 smoke-consumer 完全燃烧装置 smoke-dried 熏制的 smokebell 灯罩 smokehouse 熏制室 smokeless ⽆烟的 smokeproof 防烟的 smokestack 烟窗 smokily 冒着烟 smoking car 吸烟车厢 smoking cigarette end 冒烟的烟蒂 smoking jacket 男⼦便服 smoking room 吸烟室 smoking 抽烟 smoking-room *猥的 smoko ⼯间休息 smoky 冒烟的 smolder 闷烧 smolt ⼩鲑鱼 smooch 接吻 smooth down 消除 smooth out 消除 smooth over 消除 smooth things 恭维话 smooth 平滑的 smooth-faced 没胡须的 smooth-shaven 不留胡须的 smooth-spoken 娓娓动听的 smooth-tongued 油嘴滑⾆的 smoothbore ⽆膛线枪 smoothed line 平滑线 smoothen 使平滑 smoother 弄平的⼈ smoothing iron 熨⽃ smoothly 平滑地 smoothness 平滑 smorgasbord 瑞典式⾃助餐 smote 重击 smother 窒息 smothery 令⼈窒息 smoulder 潜伏 smudge 污迹 smudgily 污点 smudginess 脏污 smudgy 脏污的 smug ⾃以为是的 smuggle in 偷运进来 smuggle out 逃避 smuggle through ⾛私运出 smuggle ⾛私 smuggler ⾛私者 smugness 装模做样 smut 煤尘 smutch 污迹 smuttily **地 smuttiness ** smutty 煤⿊的 snack bar 快餐柜 snack table 单⼈⼩餐桌 snack ⼩吃 snaffle 马嚼⼦ snafu 天翻地覆的 snag 障碍 snagged 多障碍的 snaggletooth 断齿 snaggletoothed ⽛齿不齐的 snaggy 有暗桩的 Snail Mail 邮件 snail 蜗⽜ snail-paced 慢得像蜗⽜的 snail-slow 慢得像蜗⽜的 snailery 蜗⽜饲养场 snake fence 蛇形围栅 snake oil 万灵油 snake pit 疯⼈院 snake 蛇 snake-charming 玩蛇术 snakebird 蛇鹈鸟 snakebite 蛇咬伤 snakehead 贝母 snakeroot 治蛇伤的草 snakeskin 蛇⽪ snakestone 菊⽯ snakewood 蛇纹树 snakish 似蛇的 snaky 蛇⼀般的 snap at 抓 snap back 很快恢复 snap bug 磕头⾍ snap cap 雷管 snap fastener 按扣 snap link 弹簧扣环 snap lock 弹簧锁 snap one's fingers at 向……捻拇指 snap shooter 快枪射击⼿ snap shot 急射 snap to grid 对齐格线 snap 猛地吸住 snapback 将球踢回 snapbolt 弹簧门闩 snapdragon ⾦鱼草 snapper 咬⼈的狗 snapping beetle 磕头⾍ snappish 急躁的 snappy 爽快的 snapshoot 快照 snapshot 快照 snare drum ⼩军⿎ snare 陷阱 snarl 吼叫 snarl-up 阻塞 snarler 咆哮的⼈ snarly 善于嚣叫 snatch at 抓取 snatch up 夺取 snatch 攫取 snatchy 断续的 snath 镰⼑柄 snathe 镰⼑柄 snazzy 时髦的 sneak attack 偷袭 sneak out of 逃避 sneak thief ⼩偷 sneak 偷窃 sneak-raid 偷袭 sneaking 偷偷逃⾛的 sneakingly 偷偷地 sneaky 卑鄙的 sneer at 嘲笑 sneer 冷笑 sneering 嘲笑的 sneeringly 嘲笑地 sneeze into a basket 被斩⾸ sneeze 喷嚏 sneezes 打喷嚏 snell 钓钩线 snib 插销 snick 刻痕 snicker 窃笑 snickersnee 短⼑ snide 赝品 snidesman ⽤假钞者 sniff ⽤⼒吸 sniffer 嗅探器 sniffish 轻蔑的 sniffle 抽⿐涕 sniffy 嗤之以⿐ snifter 窄⼝酒杯 snifty 傲慢的 snigger 窃笑 sniggle 垂钓 snip 便宜货 snip-snap 卡擦卡擦 snipe 鹞 sniper 狙击兵 sniperscope 夜袭镜 snippet ⼩⽚ snipping 碎⽚ snippy 暴躁的 snit 发怒 snitch 告密者 snivel 哭泣 sniveler 啜泣的⼈ sniveller 啜泣的⼈ snob 势利的⼈ snobbery 势利 snobbish 势利的 snobbishness 势利 snobbism 势利 snobism 势利性格 snobling 势利年轻⼈ snoek 梭鱼 snog 接吻 snood 发 snook 轻蔑 snooker 彩⾊台球 snoop 探听 snooper 刺探者 snoopy 爱探听的 snoot ⼝⿐部分。



pie waggon 押送囚犯的警车 pie 馅饼 pie-dog ⽆主野狗 pie-eyed 喝醉了的 piebald 花斑的 piece by piece 逐渐地 piece de resistance 主菜 piece goods 匹头 piece of cake ⾮常容易的事 piece rate 计件⼯资 piece together 拼凑 piece up 修补 piece 块 pieceable 可接合的 piecemeal 粉碎 piecework 计件⼯作 pieceworker 论件⼯作的⼈ piecrust 馅饼⽪ pied magpie 喜鹊 pied piper 吹笛⼿ pied 斑驳的 pied-a-terre 临时住宿处 piedmont ⼭麓地带 pieman 卖馅饼者 pieplant ⼤黄 pier glass 穿⾐镜 pier 码头 pierage 码头费 pierce into 突破 pierce through 刺⼊ pierce 刺穿 piercer 钻孔器 piercing 刺⾻的 Pierian spring 诗泉 Pierian ⽪埃⾥亚的 Pierrot 江湖丑⾓ Pietism 虔敬 Pietistic 虔诚的 piety 虔诚 piezoelectricity 压电 piezometer 压⼒计 PIF editor PIF编辑器 piffle 做⽆聊事 piffling 琐碎的 pig bed 猪圈 pig between two sheets ⽕腿三明治 pig 猪 pig's knuckle 猪脚 pigboat 潜⽔艇 pigeon breast 鸡胸 pigeon hawk ⼀种⼩鹰 pigeon house 鸽笼 pigeon 鸽⼦ pigeon's milk 不存在的事物 pigeon-breasted 鸡胸的 pigeon-livered 温柔的 pigeon-toed ⾜内翻的 pigeonhearted 胆⼩的 pigeonhole 鸽棚 pigeonry 鸽舍 pigeonwing 舞步的⼀种 pigfish 鸡鱼科鱼 piggery 猪舍 piggin 汲⽔桶 piggish 猪般的 piggy bank 扑满 piggywiggy ⼩猪 pigheaded 刚愎的 piglet ⼩猪 pigling ⼩猪 pigment ⾊素 pigmental 颜料的 pigmentary 颜料的 pigmentation ⾊素沉着 pigmy 矮⼈ pignut 花⽣⽶ pigpen 猪舍 Pigs might fly 奇迹可能会发⽣ pigskin 猪⽪ pigstick 狩猎野猪 pigsticker 猎野猪的⼈ pigsticking 猎野猪 pigsty 猪舍 pigtail 猪尾 pigtailed 梳辫⼦的 pigwash 猪饲料 pigweed 藜 pika ⿏兔 pike along 离开 pike ⽭ pikeman 枪兵 piker 谨慎赌徒 pikestaff 枪柄 pilaf ⾁饭 pilaster 壁柱 pilatory ⽣发剂 pilau ⾁饭 pilch 尿布垫 pilchard 沙丁鱼 pile it on 夸张 pile on the agony 渲染悲痛 pile out 挤出 pile up the agony 渲染悲痛的事 pile up 堆积 pile 堆 piled 有细⽑的 pileous 多⽑的 piles 痔 pileup 堆积 pileus 伞状帽 pilfer 偷窃 pilferage ⾏窃 pilferer ⼩偷 pilgarlic 秃头 pilgrim 朝圣者 pilgrim's progress 《天路历程》 pilgrimage 朝圣 piling 打桩 pill pad 吸毒窝 pill roller 医⽣ pill 药丸 pillage 掠夺 pillar box 邮筒 pillar 柱⼦ pillar-box 邮筒 pillared 有柱的 pillbox 碉堡 pillion 后部座位 pilliwinks 夹指刑具 pillory 颈⼿枷 pillow fight 打闹 pillow 枕头 pilose ⽑多的 pilosity 多⽑性 pilot balloon 测风⽓球 pilot biscuit (供海员 pilot boat 领航艇 pilot bread 硬⾯包 pilot cloth 蓝⾊粗呢 pilot engine 清路车 pilot film 电视样⽚ pilot fish 鲭类海鱼 pilot lamp 指⽰灯 pilot light 标灯 pilot plant 试验⼯场 pilot study 初步研究 pilot 飞⾏员 pilotage 领港 pilothouse 操舵室 piloting 领航的职业 pilotless aircraft ⽆⼈驾驶飞机 pilotless ⽆驾驶员的 pilous 多⽑的 Piltdown man 辟尔唐⼈ pilular 丸药 pilule ⼩丸药 pily 棉花的 pimento 西班⽛⽢椒 pimiento 辣椒 pimola 辣味橄榄果 pimp stick ⾹烟 pimp 男妓 pimpernel 紫繁篓 pimping 很⼩的 pin B on A 归咎B于A pin down 阻⽌ pin money 零花钱 pin on 归罪于 pin one's faith on 把全部信⼼寄托于 pin one's hope on 寄希望于 pin something on one 归咎于某⼈ pin up 钉住 pin 钉 pinafore 围裙 pinang 槟榔 pinaster 松树 pinball machine 钉球机 pinball 钉球戏 pinboard 插接板 pince-nez 夹⿐眼镜 pincers movement 钳形攻势 pincers 钳⼦ pincette ⼩钳⼦ pinch and scrape 省吃俭⽤ pinch and screw 省吃俭⽤ pinch from 勒索 pinch hitter 代替者 pinch off 修剪 pinch pennies 精打细算 pinch 捏 pinch-hit 打球 pinch-runner 替补跑垒员 pinchbeck ⾦⾊铜 pinchcock 弹簧夹 pinchers 铁钳 pinchfist 吝啬⿁ Pindaric Pindar 的 pindling 极⼩的 pine away 消瘦 pine cone 松果,松球 pine for 渴望 pine marten 松貂 pine needle 松针 pine nut 松仁 pine tar 松焦油 pine tree 松树 pine 松树 pineal 松果状的 pineapple 菠萝 pinecone 松球 pinery 菠萝园 pinetum 松树园 piney 似松的 pinfeather 鸟的新⽣⽑ pinfold 家畜栏 ping 砰声 ping-pong 乒乓 pinger 声波发射器 pingo ⼩丘 pingpong 乒乓球 pinguid 油腻的 pinhead 针头 pinhole 针孔 pinion ⼩齿轮 pink elephants 幻觉 pink lady 鸡尾酒 pink slip 解雇通知书 pink tea 午后茶会 pink 粉红⾊ pinkish 浅桃⾊ pinko 左倾思想者 pinkster flower 粉红⾊杜鹃花 pinky 浅红⾊ pinna ⽿郭 pinnace 舰载艇 pinnacle 尖峰 pinnacled 顶处的 pinnate ⽻状的 pinnated ⽻状的 pinner 别扣针者 pinniped 鳍⾜类的 pinny 围嘴⼉ Pinocchio 童话主⾓ pinochle 纸牌游戏 pinocle 纸牌游戏 pinole 甜炒⽟⽶粉 pinon 矮松 pinouts 梢出 pinpoint bombing 准确轰炸 pinpoint 精确 pinprick 针刺孔 pins and needles 发⿇ pinstripe 细条纹 pint 品脱 pint-size ⼩型的 pint-sized ⼩型的 pinta 品他病 pintail 针尾鸭 pintle 枢轴 pinto 有花斑的 pinup 钉在墙上 pinwale 灯⼼绒 pinxit 所画 piny 松树的 pion 介⼦ pioneer 先锋 piosity 表⾯虔诚 pious 虔诚的 pip 果仁 pipage 以管输送 pipal 菩提树 pipe away 发开船信号 pipe dream 幻想 pipe in 电传 pipe off 列⼊⿊名单 pipe one's eye 流泪 pipe operator 管道操作符 pipe organ 管风琴 pipe up 开始吹奏 pipe 管 pipe-clay ⽤管⼟漂⽩ piped 拷边的 pipefish 尖嘴鱼 pipeful ⼀⽃ pipelaying ⽔管⼯程 pipeline 管道 pipelining 流⽔线技术 piper 吹笛者 pipestem 烟⽃管 pipet 吸量管 piping 吹笛 pipit ⽥云雀 pipkin ⼩⽡罐 pippin 苹果 pippip 再见 pipsqueak 矮⼩的⼈ pipy 管状的 piquancy ⾟辣 piquant 开胃的 pique oneself on 夸耀 pique 不满 piquet 牌戏 piracy ⾮法复制 piragua 独⽊⾈ piranha ⽔虎鱼 pirate 海盗 piratic 剽窃的 piratical 剽窃的 pirogue 独⽊⾈ pirouette 脚尖旋转 pis aller 最后⼀⼿ piscary 捕鱼权 piscatology 捕鱼学 piscator 捕鱼⼈ piscatorial 渔业的 piscatory 捕鱼的 piscicultural 养鱼的 pisciculture 养鱼学 pisciculturist 养鱼家 pisciform 鱼形的 piscina 养鱼池塘 piscine 鱼的 piscivorous ⾷鱼的 pise 捣实粘⼟ pisgah mount 毗斯迦⼭ Pisgah 毗斯迦⼭ pish 表⽰轻蔑 pisiform 豌⾖状的 piss and vinegar 精⼒ piss on ice ⽣活优越 piss ⼩便 pissed 愤怒的 pistachio 阿⽉浑⼦树 pistil 雌蕊 pistillate 有雌蕊的 pistol grip ⼿枪式握把 pistol shot ⼿枪射程 pistol ⼿枪 pistole 西班⽛⾦币 piston ring 活塞环 piston 活塞 pit against 使竞争 pit 深坑 pitch in 努⼒投⼊ pitch into 投⼊ pitch on 选中 pitch pine 北美脂松 pitch pipe 律管 pitch 程度 pitch-and-toss 掷钱 pitch-black 漆⿊的 pitch-dark 漆⿊的 pitchblende 沥青油矿 pitched battle 激战 pitcher plant 猪笼草 pitcher 投⼿ pitcherful ⼀⽔壶量 Pitchers have ears 隔墙有⽿ pitching 铺地⽯ pitchman 摊贩 pitchout 坏球 piteously 可怜地 pitfall 陷阱 pith 要旨 pithead 坑⼝ pithecanthrope 猿⼈ Pithecanthropus 猿⼈属 pithily 有⼒地 pithiness 简洁 pithless ⽆髓的 pithy 有髓的 pitiable 可怜的 pitiably 可怜地 pitiful 慈悲的 pitiless ⽆情的 pitilessly ⽆情地 pitman 矿⼯ piton 峻峭⼭顶 pitpat ⼼跳声 pitprop 坑⽊ pitsaw ⼤锯 pittance 少量 pitted 有凹痕的 pitter-patter ⾬声 pittite 后排观众 pittypat 劈啪声 pituitary body 脑下垂体 pituitary gland 脑下垂体 pituitary 垂体 pity for 怜悯某⼈ pity 同情 pitying 怜悯的 pityingly 可怜地 pivot on 依据 PivotTable 数据透视表 pixel 像素 pixie ⼩精灵 pixilated 精神失常 pixmap 象素映射 pixy 妖精 pizazz 精⼒ pizazzy 有精⼒的 pizza ⽐萨饼 pizzicato 拨奏曲 pj's 睡⾐ placability 易抚慰 placable 易慰抚的 placard 招牌 placate 安抚 placatory 安抚的 place a premium on 诱发 place brick ⽋⽕砖 place card 席次牌 place kick 定位踢 place 地⽅ place-kick 定位踢球 placebo 晚祷词 placed 放置 placeholder 占位符 placeman 官吏 placement 放置 placename 地名 placenta 胎盘 placental 胎盘的 placer 冲积矿 placeseeker 追求官位者 placet 赞成 placing-out 寄养制度 placket 开⼝ placoid 盾鳞状的 plafond 天花板 plage 海滨 plagiarism 剽窃 plagiarist 剽窃者 plagiarize 剽窃 plagiary 剽窃 plagioclase 斜长岩 Plague on it!该死! plague spot ⿏疫斑 plague 瘟疫 plaguily 极其 plaguy 讨厌的 plaice 欧蝶 plaid 格⼦花呢披肩 plaided 格⼦花呢 plain dealing 坦率 plain rice ⽩饭 plain sail 普通帆布 plain sailing ⼀帆风顺 plain text 纯⽂本 plain 平原 plainchant 单声圣歌 plainclothesman 便⾐刑警 plainly 平坦地 plainness 平坦 plainsman 平原居民 plainsong 单声圣歌 plainspoken 率直的 plan on 打算 plan out 策划 plan 计划 planar 平⾯的 planarian 花⾍类动物 planchet 造币⾦属板。





1.Hello - 你好2.Goodbye - 再见3.Thank you - 谢谢你4.Please - 请5.Sorry - 对不起6.Yes - 是的7.No - 不8.Good - 好的9.Beautiful - 美丽的10.Happy - 开心的11.Sad - 伤心的12.Love - 爱13.Family - 家庭14.Friend - 朋友15.Food - 食物16.Water - 水17.Fire - 火18.Earth - 地球19.Sky - 天空20.Sun - 太阳21.Moon - 月亮22.Star - 星星23.Tree - 树24.Flower - 花25.Animal - 动物26.Bird - 鸟27.Dog - 狗28.Cat - 猫29.Fish - 鱼30.Home - 家31.School - 学校32.Work - 工作33.Play - 玩34.Read - 读35.Write - 写36.Sleep - 睡觉37.Walk - 走路38.Run - 跑39.Swim - 游泳40.Dance - 跳舞以上是一些常用的英语单词及其中文翻译,希望这些词汇能够帮助大家更好地理解和运用英语。




翻译考试必备:翻译词汇日积月累第31天汉英词汇航海博物馆maritime museum黑车unlicensed car红色旅游区red tourist destinations黄金周golden week机场建设费departure tax推广节水灌溉法popularize water-efficient irrigation methods推行可持续发展战略pursue the strategy of sustainable development退耕还林还草return farmland to forests and restore livestock pastures to grasslands尾气净化器exhaust purifier污染控制期限制度pollution control deadline system案件受理费court acceptance fee案情陈述书statement of case案由cause of action案值total value involved in the case办案人员personnel handling a case英汉词汇electrifying effect 令人震撼的效果fashion designer 服装设计师fashion victim 时尚牺牲者film critic 影评家film production assistant 电影摄制助理UN General Assembly 联合国大会unilateral action 单边行动UN's peacekeeping activities 联合国维和活动verbal note 普通照会weapons of mass destruction 大规模杀伤性武器inspection and supervision 督导interdisciplinary talent 复合型人才jacked-up tuitions 学费上涨joint custody 共同的监护权latchkey children 挂钥匙儿童缩略语动物保护协会SPCA(Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)国际货币基金组织IMF(international monetary fund)国际事务研究中心CFIA(Center for International Affairs)政府和国际研究中心CGIS(Center for Government and International Studies)麻省理工学院MIT(Massachusetts Institute of Tech-nology)翻译考试必备:翻译词汇日积月累第32天汉英词汇促进国际关系民主化promote democracy in international relations弹性外交elastic diplomacy等距离外交equidistant diplomacy东海问题East China Sea issue独立自主的和平外交政策independent foreign policy of peace相声cross-talk小品witty skits新文学运动New Literature Movement宣纸xuan paper —high-quality rice paper good for traditional painting and calligraphy艺高胆大superb skill engenders bravery旅游巴士包租、游览服务charter bus and coach services and tour旅游城市tourist city旅游淡季slack season for tourism旅游定点商店/餐厅officially designated shop/restaurant旅游景点attraction for tourism英汉词汇temperature "tipping points" 气温“引爆点”thermal power generation 火力发电the world's leading emitters 世界最大的排放国three-D climate 立体气候throwaway society 一次性社会ringleader 首要分子search warrant 搜查令sentence disparity 量刑不当shelter and investigation 收容调查sole right of use 专用权(screen)debut/premiere 首演;首映show business 演艺业simultaneous narrative 同步叙述solo concert 独唱音乐会spinach cinema 菠菜电影(即有教育意义、令人深思的电影)缩略语联合国安理会UNSC(United Nations Security Council)联合国环境规划署UNEP(UN Environment Programme)美国医药协会AMA(American Medical Association)中国人民银行PBOC(People's Bank of China)美国国际集团AIG(American International Group)翻译考试必备:翻译词汇日积月累第33天汉英词汇作战能力combat capability群众路线活动mass line campaign底线思维bottom-line mentality无党派人士代表non-party representative和谐世界harmonious world龙头产品flagship product龙头老大leading enterprise; flagship of the industry内联企业inland associated enterprises配套工程auxiliary/supporting project配套资金supporting funds学术机构academic institution学习型社会learning society学习知识acquire knowledge学以致用study knowledge to apply it学杂费tuition fee and miscellaneous charges英汉词汇average student 中等生award/confer degree 授予学位basic literacy 基本读写能力campus medical center; school clinic 校内诊所CA T(computer adaptive test)机考ambassador with special function 特任大使a permanent ceasefire 永久停火协议armed intervention 武装干涉arms race 军备竞赛arms control 军控in the scarcely settled grasslands 在人烟稀少的大草原issue a visa 签发签证locker service 寄存行李marine ecosystem 海洋生态系统monsoon climate 季风气候缩略语自由度DOF(Degree of Freedom)北美自由贸易协定NAFTA(North America Free Trade Agreement)美国国际集团AIG(American International Group)最惠国待遇原则MFNS(Most-Favored-Nation Treatment)不良资产救助计划TARP(Troubled Asset Relief Plan)翻译考试必备:翻译词汇日积月累第34天汉英词汇潜在恐怖袭击possible terrorist attacks保持高度警惕keep up extreme vigilance预防措施cautionary measure监控局势monitor the situation情报机构intelligence agencies全球警报global alert双边会谈bilateral negotiation铁饭碗iron rice bowl; a secure job外汇储备foreign currency reserves外汇牌价foreign exchange quotation外贸工作者foreign trade personnel 亭、台、楼、阁pavilion, stage, building and multi-storied pavilion同仁堂Tongrentang Chinese Medicine徒步旅行walking tour途中休息停车comfort stop英汉词汇tidal wave(tsunami)海啸tobacco-free environment 无烟环境total emission control 总体污染物控制UN Habitat Award 联合国人居奖unleaded gas 无铅汽油prize-awarding ceremony 颁奖仪式production coordinator 制片协调员reality show 真人秀road show 巡回演出salad days 少不更事的青涩时代a treaty of arbitration 仲裁条约bargaining agent 谈判代表cat's paw 傀儡certificate of appointment 委任证书circular note 通知照会缩略语联合国环境与发展大会(环发大会)UNCED(United Nation Conference on Environment and Development)联合国环境规划署UNEP(United Nations Environment Programme)联合国气候变化框架公约UNFCCC(The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change)人口零增长ZPG(Zero Population Growth)不良资产救助计划TARP(Troubled Asset Relief Plan)翻译考试必备:翻译词汇日积月累第35天汉英词汇体质下降physical decline缺乏运动lack of exercise腰围waist circumference臀围hipline肠胃病gastro-intestinal trouble传染病contagious disease创建卫生城市build an advanced clean city低脂饮食low-fat diet碘缺乏症iodine deficiency disease多发病frequently occuring disease保险箱服务safe deposit box services补偿贸易compensation trade长期低息贷款long-term, low-interst loan炒股speculate in the stock market惩罚性关税punitive tariffs英汉词汇upper, middle or lower berth 上铺,中铺或下铺vacant berth 空着的卧铺(未卖出)valid visa 有效签证vehicle-free promenade 步行街visa-free travel 免(申办)签证旅行urban refuse 城市垃圾vegetation cover 植被覆盖volcano eruption 火山爆发water-intensive 耗水量较大water resource conservation zone 水资源保护区unsafe water and sanitation 不安全饮用水和环境卫生violence and suicide 暴力和自杀viral disease 病毒性疾病viruses, bacteria or fungi 病毒、细菌或真菌visual impairment 视力受损缩略语人口零增长ZPG(Zero Population Growth)国民净产值NNP(Net National Production)汽化器空气温度CAT(Carburetor Air Temperature)欧洲国家的一种面向国际学位制度IMP(International Master Program)社会保险账号SSN(Society Security Number)翻译考试必备:翻译词汇日积月累第36天汉英词汇国际惯例international practice国际货币基金会International Monetary Fund(IMF)国际金融危机world financial crisis国际聚焦international spotlight国际决策机制international decision-making mechanism 国情教育education about China's condition海外优秀人才overseas personnel of high caliber互动式教学interactive teaching积累知识accumulate knowledge基础教育basic/elementary education网络综合症net synthesis网上冲浪surf the Internet网上购物online shopping网上交易平台online trading platform网上聊天online chatting英汉词汇agricultural and sideline products 农副产品agricultural commodities 农产品agro-food systemsair stripping 空气清除an agribusiness specialist 农业企业的专家reciprocal holdings 互相控股reconstruction of old area 旧区改造recoverable cost/debt/loss 可收回成本/债务/损失red balance 赤字结余reform of the property rights system 产权制度改革the lost generation 迷茫的一代the Millennials 千禧一代tolerate and mutual respect 互相宽容和尊重value of knowledge 知识的价值value proposition 价值主张缩略语自动测量系统集成AMIS(Automatic Measure Integrated System)联邦税款在内FTI(Federal Tax Included)增值税VAT(Value Added Tax)增长与稳定公约(欧盟)SGP(Stability and Growth Pact)联合国儿童基金会UNICEF(UN International Children's Emergency Fund)翻译考试必备:翻译词汇日积月累第37天汉英词汇秒杀seckill桌游board role-playing games胶囊公寓capsule apartment游街示众shame parade/public shaming蜗居snail house/dwelling蚁族city ant/antizen雷人wacky/shocking/weird给力gelivable/cool/thrilling孔雀女peacock woman凤凰男ugly duckling橡皮人the jaded两餐半人meal skipper笑点、泪点、痛点bursting point伪娘drag queen零帕族stress-free/stress-proof type英汉词汇deprived of private rights 民事权利剥夺dereliction of duty 渎职discrimination practice 歧视性条款disposition of merchandise 货物处理dispute concerning private rights 民事权利争议reciprocal visits 互访red-carpet welcome 隆重欢迎red-hot news 最新消息regional cooperation 区域合作review the guard of honour 检阅仪仗队core curriculum 核心课程cost of education 教育费用course leader 课代表cramming system; spoon-feeding pedagogy 填鸭式教学法缩略语南非发展共同体SADC(Southern African Development Community)英国广播公司BBC(British Broadcasting Corporation)美国有线电视新闻网络CNN(Cable News Network)美国广播公司ABC(American Broadcasting Company)澳大利亚广播公司ABC(Australian Broadcasting Corporation)翻译考试必备:翻译词汇日积月累第38天汉英词汇脑残体/火星文leetspeak代排族hired queuer恶搞parody joke山寨shanzhai / copycat/knock-off隐婚族pseudo-singles浮云fleeting cloud拼车carpooling节日病holiday excess伤不起to dedicate to bear a blow咆哮体roaring genre僵尸粉zombie fans恐归族home-fear group物联网the internet of things信用等级integrity rating数字信息鸿沟digital gap/divide英汉词汇planned economy 计划经济mechanical and electrical products 机电产品opportunity cost 机会成本macroeconomic fundamentals 宏观经济基本状况supporting industry 储备产业up-to-date ticket information 最新票务信息trial operation 试运行ticket scalper 票贩子,黄牛党train service shortage 铁路运力不足intercity high-speed rail 城际高铁Global City Informatisation Forum 全球信息化论坛classified website 分类网站laser communication 激光通信instant messaging service 即时聊天工具privacy leaks 隐私泄露缩略语香港廉政专员署ICAC(independent commission against corruption)伦敦国际金融期货和期权交易所LIFFE(London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange)中国人民解放军PLA(People's Liberation Army)国家航空航天局NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)欧洲安全与合作组织OSCE(Organization Security and Cooperation in Europe)翻译考试必备:翻译词汇日积月累第39天汉英词汇莫尔斯电码Morse code机顶盒set-top box/unit宽带网broad-band network垃圾邮件junk email, spam信息高速公路information superhighway信息检索information retrieval信息流information flow网上交易平台online trading platform终端服务器terminal server公告板服务Bulletin Board Service炒作hype打酱油see no evil,hear no evil/I'm just passing by无语no comment裸婚simplistic marriage/bare-handed marriage网络威胁cyber threat英汉词汇incomplete high-speed broadband network 高速宽带网络不健全new generation of information technology 新一代信息技术three network convergence/TCL convergence 三网融合National Climate Change Program 《应对气候变化国家方案》Energy Conservation Law 节约能源法Renewable Energy Law 可再生能源法Circular Economy Promotion Law 循环经济促进法the pricing reform of resource products 资源型产品价格改革pilot projects on circular economy 循环经济试点carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP 单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放强度exhaust 尾气energy consumption per unit of GDP 单位国内生产总值能耗installed hydro power capacity 水电装机容量nuclear power capacity construction 核电在建规模photovoltaic power capacity 光伏发电容量forest stock volume 森林蓄积量缩略语国际空间站ISS(International Space Station)联合国安全理事会UNSC(United Nations Security Council)世界遗产委员会WHC(World Heritage Committee)联合国紧急部队UNEF(United Nations Emergency Force)联合国宪章UNC(United Nations Chapter)翻译考试必备:翻译词汇日积月累第40天汉英词汇生存排放survival emissions国际排放转移international transfer emissions大幅量化减排deep quantified emission cuts扶贫工作poverty alleviation work海洋经济the marine economy主体功能区战略main functional regions区域协调发展balanced development between regions现代产业体系the modern industrial system产业核心竞争力the core competitiveness of industries社会主义现代化建设socialist modernization drive产粮大省granary province反倾销税countervailing duty服务外包service outsourcing风险投资venture capita/risk investment不锈钢stainless steel英汉词汇transfer of technology with compensation 技术有偿转让grey income 灰色收入grey economy 灰色经济overstocked commodities 积压产品returned customer 回头客withdrawl of currency from circulation 货币回笼currency retention scheme 货币留成制度vested interest groups 既得利益集团demand deposit interest rate 活期存款利率listed companies 上市公司currency manipulator 货币操纵国first-day cover 首日封commemorative envelope 纪念封exclusive story 独家报道sheetlet 单枚odd event 特色项目缩略语联合国经济合作行动计划署UNAPEC(United Nations Action Program for Economic Cooperation)非营利性组织NPO(Not-for-Profit Organization)国家物价局SACP(State Association of Community Prices)英中了解协会SACU(Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding)共和党GOP(Grand Old Party)翻译考试必备:翻译词汇日积月累第41天汉英词汇户口调查员census taker/enumerator流动人口floating population入户摸底调查door-to-door survey居委会neighborhood committee隐私保护意识awareness of privacy protection保险索赔insurance claim恶意诋毁malicious slander治标治本tackle problems at root and at surface广大人民群众the broad masses of the people社会事业体制social program system民族振兴the revitalization of a nation爱国主义统一战线the patriotic united front人民内部矛盾contradictions among the people革命老区old revolutionary base areas社会主义核心价值体系core socialist values英汉词汇job reshuffle 换岗election at expiration of office terms 换届选举Pacific Rim 环太平洋地区household register 户籍登记薄resident's booklet 户口薄scratch-open ticket/scratch pad 即开式奖券shoddy cotton 黑心棉black box 黑匣子nuclear family 核心家庭nuclear arsenal 核军火库nuclear radiation 核辐射trade journal 行业杂志South Korean fad 韩流Hollywood blockbuster 好莱坞大片an adjunct organization 挂靠户transit visa 过境签证缩略语美国公共广播电视公司PBS(Public Broadcasting Service)通用分组无线业务GPRS(General Packet Radio Service)欧洲央行ECB(European Central Bank)环境保护组织ECB(Environmental Conservation Board)国际劳工组织ILO(International Labor Organization)翻译考试必备:翻译词汇日积月累第42天汉英词汇霸权主义hegemonism百花齐放 a hundred flowers blossom百家争鸣 a hundred schools of thought contend边疆稳定the stability in border areas人大常委会the standing committees边远地区remote areas波澜壮阔 a magnificent upsurge博大精深extensive and profound不变质never degenerating法制国家 a country with an adequate legal system法治国家 a country under the rule of law学前教育preschool education学生减负alleviate the burden on students学时credit hours学位证书degree certificate英汉词汇cargo planes 运输机hymn 赞美诗, 圣歌improvisation 即席创作car loans 汽车贷款cash bonuses 现金奖励alcoholic poison 酒精中毒soil alkalinization 土壤碱化soil erosion 土壤侵蚀Qinghai-Tibet plateau 青藏高原power plant 发电站, 发电厂ocean currents 洋流natural selection [生]自然选择,物竞天择说sexual orientation 性取向have an affair/an ultra-marriage affair 婚外恋home for the aged/seniors' home 敬老院缩略语电汇T/T(telegraphic transfer)付款交单D/P(document against payment)成本、保险加运费价CIF(cost, insurance &amp; freight)转基因生物GMO (genetically modified organism)提单B/L(bill of lading)翻译考试必备:翻译词汇日积月累第43天汉英词汇点钞费counting fee国债government bonds物价上涨price hikes放宽物价政策quantitative easing monetary policy结构性输入性物价上涨structural and imported inflation 主体功能区development priority zones产能过剩excess production capacity农产品流通体系farm products distribution保税物流园区bonded logistic parks 流通性简单加工simple circulative processing增值服务value-added services国际中转international transit加工贸易进口货物goods imported under processing trade转口贸易货物goods in transit trade整顿和规范市场秩序overhual and better regulate the market英汉词汇an average annual increase 年均增长annual return 利润anti-dumping measures 反倾销措施income disparity 收入分化;贫富分化infant mortality 婴儿死亡率supply side economics 供方经济学survival rate 成活率luxury suite 豪华套房presidential suite 总统套房microprocessor 微处理器,单片机migraine 偏头痛pay a return visit 回拜nodding acquaintance 泛泛之交secret ballot 不记名投票terrorist acts 恐怖行为,恐怖活动terrorist group 恐怖组织缩略语反独裁民主统一战线UDD(United Democratic Front against Dictatorship)(联合国)粮食及农业组织FAO(Food Agricultural Organization (of the UN))世界工会联合会WFTU(World Federation of Trade Union)世界卫生组织WHO(World Health Organization)世界贸易组织WTO(World Trade Organization)翻译考试必备:翻译词汇日积月累第44天汉英词汇储备基金reserve fund后备工业supporting industry后续投资follow-up investment互惠互利reciprocity and mutual benefit激励约束制度 a system of incentives and disincentives 电话订票系统telephone booking system高速铁路专线网high speed rail network动车bullet train洲际铁路transcontinental railroad洲际高速公路系统interstate highway system国内游inbound tourism国外旅游overseas travel国土资源管理land and resources administration过山车roller coaster固定电话运营商fixed-line telecom carrier英汉词汇customs barrier/tariff wall 关税壁垒international settlement 国际清算tariff quota 关税配额joint-stock company 股份公司shareholding cooperative system 股份合作制euthanasia/mercy killing 安乐死consolation prize 安慰奖keypad 按键keypad tone 按键音Prince Charming 白马王子bungee jumping 蹦极groomsman 伴郎bridesmaid 伴娘shareholding system/joint-stock system 股份制industrial stagnation 工业停滞purchasing power 购买力缩略语空气质量指数AQI(Air Quality Index)中小型企业SME(Small and Medium—size Enterprise (s))到岸价格CIF(Cost Insurance and Freight)哈佛大学商学院HBS(Harvard Business School)政府间气候变化专门委员会IPCC(Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change)翻译考试必备:翻译词汇日积月累第45天汉英词汇收货和发货人consigner and consignee配送货物distribute goods提取货物take delivery of goods免税和税务减免tax deduction/tax exemption/tax break 纳税补贴tax subsidies税法tax code税法缺陷和保护规定loopholes and shelters in the tax code加税tax hike退运手续returning formalities存储期限storage time自由港free port/free-trade port自由区free-trade zone开放外贸经营权lift controls over access to foreign trade 削减工资税payroll tax cut英汉词汇credit hour 学时drop out (中途)退学educational expenditure 教育开支educational innovation 教育革新educational network 网络教育nuclear reactor 核反应堆optical communication 光通讯packaging service 套餐服务page view 访问量patent application 专利申请organic farming 有机耕作persistent drought 持续干旱pollution-free vegetables 无公害蔬菜post-harvest and marketing information 收获后和销售信息post-harvest food losses 收获后粮食损失缩略语首次公开募股(发行)IPO(Initial Public Offerings)港口进入管制HEC(Harbour Entry Control)世界野生动物基金会WWF(World Wildlife Fund)万维网WWW(World Wide Web)翻译考试必备:翻译词汇日积月累第46天汉英词汇处于国际产业链低端at the lower end of international industrial chain先污染后治理的老路the old path of polluting first and cleaning up later节能减排energy conservation and emission reduction应对气候变化address/meet/fight against/tackle/combat climate change 推动人类应对气候变化的历史进程push forward mankind's historical process of combating climate change节能环保汽车energy-saving and environment-friendly vehicles能源结构以煤为主the role predominant of coal in our energy mix实施节能产品惠民工程support the energy-saving /energy-efficient products by ordinary households by subsidies联合国气候变化框架公约The UN convention Framework Convention on Climate Change共同但有区别的责任原则principle of 'common but differentiated responsibilities' 减缓温室气体排放,适应气候变化mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change承诺期减排目标emission reduction targets in the commitment period以人为本,全面协调可持续的科学发展scientific development, that is, comprehensive, balanced and sustainable development which puts people's interests first全民健身和竞技体育public fitness programs and competitive sports表演项目demonstration event英汉词汇outdoor sports 室外运动figure skating 花样滑冰water polo 水球modern pentathlon 现代五项triathlon 铁人三项equestrian 马术archery 射箭gymnastics 体操theme pavilion 主题馆stand-alone pavilion 独立展馆cooperate joint pavilion 企业联合馆Collection Highlights 镇馆之宝virtual walkthrough 虚拟全景游览group visitors 团体游客individual visitors 散客standard day tickets 平日门票缩略语国际标准化组织ISO(International Standardization Organization)国际科学组织ISO(International Science Organization)接近峰值性能TPP(Toward Peak Performance)中国商务部MOFCOM(The Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China)经济合作与发展组织OECD(Organization for Economic Co—operation and Development)翻译考试必备:翻译词汇日积月累第47天汉英词汇公务接待费hospitality spending连锁反应ripple effect/chain effect/butterfly effect体制与机制institutions and mechanisms体制障碍institutional barriers企业退休人员enterprise retirees政策保险policy insurance冲破不合时宜的观念束缚break the shackles of outdated ideas生育率fertility rate人口红利demographic dividend超生人口extra births育龄妇女woman of child-bearing age第一责任人person of primary/chief responsibility 管理机构management organization/body伪报fraudulent report漏报incomplete report/omission of facts英汉词汇heptathlon 七项全能decathlon 十项全能synchronized swimming 花样游泳soccer fraud 假球grand slam 大满贯break a world record 打破世界纪录host country/ nation 东道国all-round champion 全能冠军track and field/athletics 田径运动Marathon (race)马拉松赛跑wed in civil ceremony 登记结婚wedding march 结婚进行曲extramarital affair 婚外恋premarital medical check-up 婚检wedding dress 婚礼服缩略语高效照明工具CFL(compact fluorescent lamp)注册会计师协会会员ACCA(Association of Charted Certified Accountants)中国翻译专业资格考试CATTI(China Accreditation Test for Translators and Interpreters)计算机化考试CBT(Computer Based Test)鉴别能力倾向考试DA T(different aptitude test)翻译考试必备:翻译词汇日积月累第48天汉英词汇化解国有企业历史债务ease the long-standing debt of SOEs国有企业state-owned enterprises盲目投资haphazard investment政策性亏损policy mandated looses朝阳产业/夕阳产业sunrise/sunset industry即兴消费immediate consumption全面的经济计划all-inclusive economic plan一条龙服务all-in-one package特约经销商exclusive distributor包容性增长inclusive growth年均增长率annual average growth rate城乡差距rural-urban divide贫困线poverty line双赢win-win/double win高端设备制造high-end equipment manufacturing英汉词汇natural landscape(scenery)自然风景natural spa 天然水疗中心newly introduced entertainment in the tourist site 最新引入景区的游乐项目observation deck 观光台read through safety instructions 细读安全须知pirated film/theatre of the absurd 盗版片/荒诞剧plastic arts 造型艺术pop arts 大众艺术popular media 大众媒体portrait painting 肖像绘画citizen treatment 国民待遇cold war mentality 冷战思维commercial attache 商务专员commercial secretary 商务参赞commit troops to 承诺派军缩略语欧洲经济合作委员会CEEC(Committee of Europe Economic Coorperation)欧洲经济合作协定CEECO(Convention of European Econimc Cooperation)中国外汇管理局CFECA(China Foreign Exchange Control Administration)美国期货商品委员会CFTC(Commodity Futures Trading Commission)中国海关总署CGAC(Custom General Administration of China)翻译考试必备:翻译词汇日积月累第49天汉英词汇客队visiting team套票season ticket淡季slack season/off-season旺季high/busy season最有价值球员MVP=the most valuable player出线资格finals berth体育强国 a world sports power体育大国 a major sports country冷门an unexpected winner比赛地点spots/competition venue室内运动indoor sports指定日门票designated day tickets一票通用制度universal ticket system土地承包经营权land contract and management right产权单位owner of property rights英汉词汇intellectual property right 知识产权proprietary intellectual property right 自主知识产权inaugural issue 创刊号special issue 特刊referendum/plebiscite 公民投票work-related injuries 工伤joint custody 共同监护权package tour 跟团旅游post allowance 岗位津贴work post responsibility 岗位责任制on- the - job training 岗位培训hi-fi music 高保真音乐legal loophole 法律漏洞drug cartel 贩毒集团hush money 封口费hi-fi music 高保真音乐legal loophole 法律漏洞drug cartel 贩毒集团hush money 封口费缩略语学术英语EAP(English for Academic Purpose)英语作为一门外语EFL(English as a Foreign Language)职业英语EOP(English for Occupation)英语水平测试EPT(English Proficiency Test)专门用途英语考试ESP(English for Special Purpose)翻译考试必备:翻译词汇日积月累第50天汉英词汇贺电message of greeting; congratulatory message礼仪etiquette代表on behalf of最后in closing金秋golden autumn剪彩cut the ribbon at an opening ceremony竭诚do one’s best; spare no efforts茶话会tea party招待会reception奠基礼foundation stone laying ceremony自助餐buffet dinner兄弟般的fraternal以……名义in the name of;in one’s name圆满成功 a complete success万事如意all the best英汉词汇enterprise law 企业法escape clause 免责条款extension of the term of patent 延长专利期限extradition and repatriation of criminal suspect 引渡和遣返犯罪嫌疑人fault liability 过错赔偿责任field sobriety test 现场清醒度测试/现场酒精测试first-degree murder 一级谋杀案first tribunal 第一审判庭forced confession 刑讯逼供functions and powers 职权audio-video tape market 音像市场award ceremony music 颁奖音乐backup dancer 伴舞演员best art direction 最佳艺术指导black-and-white epic 黑白史诗片缩略语英语专业考试EPT(the English Professions Test)管理学研究生入学考试GMAT(Graduate Management Admission Test)注册会计师CPA(Certified Public Accountant)等绩点均值GPA(Grade Point Average)全国外语翻译证书NAETI(National Accreditation Examinations for Translators and Interpreters)翻译考试必备:翻译词汇日积月累第51天汉英词汇结交新朋establish new contacts友好访问goodwill visit友好往来friendly exchanges远道而来come from a distant land明月当空with a bright moon ;moonlit隆重举行observe the grand opening of提供全方位的服务offer an all-round service本着……精神in the spirit of恋恋不舍feel reluctant to part (with sb)亲切的问候cordial greetings略备薄酒prepare a humble dinner坦诚相待in an honest partnership欢迎宴会welcome dinner工作午餐working lunchcon.答谢宴会return dinner英汉词汇letter of appointment 委任书letter of recall 召回公文liaison office 联络处member of the delegation 代表团成员memorandum of understanding on 谅解备忘录alumni association 同学会an exchange student 交换留学生an outstanding academic reputation 声名显赫的学术水平anti-tuition hike campaign 反对增加学费运动assistantship 助理金Hunman Genome Project 人类基因组计划incumbent operator 主导运营商Internet penetration 互联网普及率landing pad 着陆架launch pad 发射台缩略语公共英语等级考试PETS(Public English Test System)亚裔美国新闻工作者协会AAJA(Asian-American Journalist Association)亚非经济合作组织AOEC(Afro-Asian Organization for Economic Cooperation)亚非人民团结组织AAPSO(Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Organization )亚洲教育改革促进发展中心ACEID(Asian Centre of Educational Innovation for Development)翻译考试必备:翻译词汇日积月累第52天汉英词汇次贷危机subprime crisis外商直接投资foreign direct investment资源配置allocate resources社会生产力social productivity货运港船上交货free on board FOB市场经济 a market economy计划经济 a planned economy虚拟经济virtual economy第三产业tertiary industry/service industry宏观调控macro-economic regulations、macro control 优化经济结构optimize the economic structure资源优化配置the most optimum distribution of resources低碳经济low-carbon economy可持续发展sustainable development人们赖以生存和发展的people rely on for subsistence and development英汉词汇crop failures 作物歉收crop residues 作物秸秆crop rotation 作物轮种crossbreeding 杂交育种deforestation rate 森林砍伐速度natural selection 自然选择oil consuming countries 石油消费国oil spill 石油泄漏per capita energy intensity ratio 人均能源浓度比persistent organic pollutants 难降解有机污染物standing ovation 长时间起立鼓掌stereoscopic film 立体电影still lift 静物画symphony concert 交响音乐会talent show 业余歌手演唱会缩略语东南亚国家联盟(东盟)ASAN(Association of Southeast Asian Nations)东盟自由贸易区AFTA(Asian Free Trade Area)国际清算银行BIS(The Bank for International Settlements)独联体CIS(Commonwealth of Independence States)联合国教科文组织UNESCO(United Nations Educational,Scientific,and Cultural Organization)翻译考试必备:翻译词汇日积月累第53天汉英词汇走出去,引进来going/bringing in global/abroad strategy 资源产品定价和市场resource products pricing and market财税体制fiscal and taxation system铺设铁轨或路面lay down tracks or pavement新外匝道new off- ramp年久失修的道路crumbling roads检票员ticket inspector邮政运输postal freight包车chartered bus散客odd customer临客temporary train客流高峰期peak time for passenger transport24小时售票窗口24 hours ticket sales window双层公共汽车double-deck bus燃油附加税banker surcharge英汉词汇undernourished people 营养不良的人waterborne disease 水源的疾病water carrying capacity of a canal 渠道输水能力weed control 控制杂草zero or minimum tillage 零耕或少耕chamber of commerce 商会clearance sale 清仓销售closing price 收盘价common stock 普通股compensation trade 补偿贸易issue a summons 传票joint and several liability 连带责任judicial power 司法权judicial practice 司法惯例judicial arbitration 司法仲裁缩略语中国国际技术交流中心CICETE(China International Center for Economic and Technical Exchange)美国食品安全检验局FSIS(Food Safety and Inspection Service)中国国际旅行社CITS(China International Travel Service) 中央军事委员会CMC(Central Military Commission)中国人民政治协商会议CPPCC(Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference)翻译考试必备:翻译词汇日积月累第54天汉英词汇近期和中期减排目标near-term and mid-term reduction targets消费性排放emissions attributed to consumption人均排放per capita emissions气候友好技术climate-friendly technologies循环经济circular economy二氧化碳排放carbon dioxide emissions绿色经济green economy低碳经济low carbon economy清洁能源clean energy建设生态文明build a conservation culture应急机制contingency mechanism自然灾害多发地区places prone to natural disasters自然灾害风险评估natural disaster risk evaluation灾害防御能力disaster preparedness灾害救助制度the natural disaster relief system英汉翻译septic tanks 化粪池sequestration of the carbon 碳的隔离sewage treatment system 污水处理系统shelterbelt 防护林slow down the rate of resource degradation 降低资源消耗率hear a case 审理案件hit-and-run 肇事逃逸holder of patent 专利持有人home surveillance 监视居住illegal purchase of foreign exchange 非法套汇education in patriotism 爱国主义教育elective course 选修课exemption from examination 免考exit qualification 结业资格fellowship 研究生奖学金略语缩多边出口控制协调委员会CCMEC(Coordinating Committee for Multilateral Export Controls)中国学生学者联谊会CSSA(Chinese Students and Scholars Association)欧洲中央银行(央行)ECB(European Central Bank)中国国家药品管理局SPCA(State Pharmaceutical Administration of China)美国总领事USCG(United States Consul General)翻译考试必备:翻译词汇日积月累第55天汉英词汇返程票round-trip tickets养路费road toll/road preset maintaince fee直飞航线non-stop flight /direct flight。








A/C = Account 账号AC. = Acceptance 承兑acc = acceptance,accepted 承兑,承诺a/c.A/C = account 帐,帐户AWB=Airway bill** AQL Advanced Quicklook* AQL Acceptable/Acceptance Quality Level * AQL Aeroquest LtdSUB-CONTRACTOR转包商, 次承包者标点符号读法:infinity无限大号customs declaration 报关customs liquidation 清关Arrivals 进港还可以是entry吧报关员:customs declarer/broker/declarant报检员:inspector/CCIB Clerk(CCIB=China Commodity Inspection Bureau)customs clearance agentcustomhouse broker指专门代办进出口业务的企业。

qoutequoation sheet 报价单B/l 提单bill of landing CNTR container 集装箱,货柜BG=BANK GUARANTEELC IS ONE KIND OF BG.quotation valid within 10 days. 报价有效期10天Over stowage爆舱提单补料:SI=SUPPLEMENT INFORMATION. 补料auxiliary material1. Bank Guarantee银行保函2. advance payment guarantee预付款保函3. backward letter担保函4. letter of guarantee保证书保函C/N C.N.:credit note 贷方通知covering note 保险承兑单consignment note 发货通知书箱号,carton no集装箱货物的交接,根据贸易条件所规定的交接地点不同一般分为:(1)门到门(Door to Door):从发货人工厂或仓库至收货人工厂或仓库;(2)门到场(Door to CY):从发货人工厂或仓库至目的地或卸箱港的集装箱堆场;(3)门到站(Door to CFS):从发货人工厂或仓库至目的地或卸箱港的集装箱货运站;(4)场到门(CY to Door):从起运地或装箱港的集装箱堆场至收货人工厂或仓库;(5)场到场(CY to CY):从起运地或装箱港的堆场至目的地或卸箱港的集装箱堆场;(6)场到站(CY to CFS):从起运地或装箱港的集装箱堆场至目的地或卸箱港的集装箱货运站;(7)站到门(CFS to DOor):从起运地或装箱港的集装箱货运站至收货人工厂或仓库;(8)站到场(CFS to CY):从起运地或装箱港的集装箱货运站至目的地或卸箱港的集装箱堆场;(9)站到站(CFS to CFS):从起运地或装箱港的集装箱货运站至目的地或卸箱港的集装箱货运站。



小升初词汇一、名词1.人物:mother 妈妈;father 爸爸;mum妈妈;dad爸爸;brother 兄弟;sister 姐妹;grandfather 祖父;grandmother 祖母;grandpa 爷爷;grandma 奶奶;aunt 阿姨;uncle 叔叔;parents 父母;grandparents 祖父母;student 学生;pupil 小学生;teacher 老师;driver 司机;doctor 医生,博士;nurse 护士;cook 厨师;worker 工人;waiter 服务员;waitress 女服务员;farmer 农民;boy 男孩;girl 女孩;friend 朋友;child 孩子。

2.动物:lion 狮子;tiger 老虎;elephant 大象;panda 熊猫;monkey 猴子;horse 马;giraffe 长颈鹿;cat 猫;dog 狗;duck 鸭子;pig 猪;cow 奶牛;chick 小鸡;sheep 绵羊;ox 公牛;rabbit 兔子;bird 小鸟;fish 鱼3.植物:tree 树;flower 花;grass 草。

4.物品:bed 床;sofa 沙发;table 桌子;desk 课桌;cupboard 碗柜;chair 椅子;door 门;window 窗户;book 书;pencil 铅笔;ruler 尺子;rubber 橡胶,橡皮;eraser 橡皮;crayon 油笔;stapler 订书机;puzzle 谜语;puppet 木偶;doll 玩具;ball 球;kite 风筝;balloon 气球;guitar 吉他;violin 小提琴;accordion 手风琴;piano 钢琴;recorder 记录器;umbrella 雨伞;raincoat 雨衣;watch 手表;clock 钟表。

5.人体部位:head 头;face 脸;eye 眼睛;ear 耳朵;hair 头发;shoulder 肩膀;hand 手;arm 胳膊;neck 脖子;back 后背;body 身体;leg 腿;foot 脚。



1. at the thought of一想到…­2. as a whole (=in general) 就整体而论­3. at will 随心所欲­4. (be) abundant in(be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有­5. access(to) (不可数名词) 能接近,进入,了解­6. by accident(=by chance, accidentally)偶然地,意外. Without accident(=safely) 安全地,­7. of one’s own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自愿地,主动地­8. in accord with 与…一致. out of one’s accord with 同…。

不一致­9. with one accord (=with everybody agreeing)一致地­10. in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照,根据­11. on one’s own account-为了某人的缘故,为了某人自己的利益;(=at one’s own risk) 自行负责;(=by oneself)依靠自己12. take…into account(=consider)把..。

考虑进去­13. give sb. an account of 说明,解释(理由)­14. account for (=give an explanation or reason for) 解释,说明。

­15. on account of (=because of) 由于,因为。

­16. on no account(=in no case, for no reason)绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装)­17. accuse…of…(=charge…with; blame sb. for sth. ; blame sth. on sb. ; complain about) 指控,控告­18. be accustomed to (=be in the habit of, be used to)习惯于。



plimsolls 帆布鞋 plink 叮玲声 plinth 柱基 Pliocene 上新世 pliofilm 胶膜 plod 沉重脚步 plodder 沉重⾏⾛的⼈ plodding 沉重缓慢的 plonk 使劲投掷 plop 扑通声 plosion 爆破⾳ plosive 爆破⾳ plot out 划分 plot ⼩块⼟地 plotter font 绘图仪字体 plotter 阴谋者 plotting paper 坐标纸 plotting 测绘 plough a lonely furrow 孤独地⾏动 plough around 试探 plough back 再投资 plough into 投⼊ plough the air ⽩费⼒ plough the sand ⽩费⼒ plough under 消失 plough up 耕 plough 犁 ploughboy 耕童 plover 千鸟类 Plow Monday 开耕的星期⼀ plowboy 牵畜男孩 plowman 农夫 plowshare 犁头 pluck a pigeon 诈骗傻⽠的钱 pluck up 振作 pluck 勇⽓ pluckily 有勇⽓地 pluckless ⽆勇⽓的 plucky 有勇⽓的 plug and play 即插即⽤ plug in 插⼊ plug into 把插头插⼊ plug up 堵住 plug up 阻塞 plug 堵 plug-in 插件 plug-ugly 城市流氓 plugboard 插接板 plugger 填塞物 plum blossom 梅花 plum cake 葡萄⼲糕饼 plum duff 葡萄⼲布丁 plum pudding 葡萄⼲布丁 plum 李⼦ plumage 鸟类⽻⽑ plumb bob 铅锤 plumb line 铅垂线 plumb rule 锤规 plumb 铅锤 plumbaginous ⽯墨的 plumbago ⽯墨 plumbeous 铅的 plumber ⽔管⼯⼈ plumbery 铅⼯业 plumbic 铅的 plumbiferous 产铅的 plumbless 深不可测的 plumbous 铅的 plumbum 铅 plume ⽻⽑ plume-line 探测 plumelet ⼩⽻⽑ plummet 铅锤 plummy 李⼦似的 plumose 有⽻⽑的 plump in 突然进⼊ plump out 脱⼝⽽出 plump up ⿎起 plump 圆胖的 plumper 猛跌 plumpish 较丰满的 plumply 丰满地 plumpy 丰满的 plumule 幼芽 plumy 有⽻⽑的 plunder 抢劫 plunderage 抢夺 plunderer 掠夺者 plunge bath 浴池 plunge into 投⼊ plunge pool 瀑布下的⽔潭 plunge 跳进 plunger 投机家 plunging 跳进的 plunk down 突然落下 plunk for ⽀持 plunk ⽀持 pluperfect 过去完成时 plural marriage ⼀夫多妻制 pluralism 复数 pluralist 兼职者 pluralistic 兼职的 plurality 复数 pluralize 成复数 plus fours 灯笼裤 plus sign 加号 plus 加上 plush 长⽑绒 plute 富豪 Pluto 冥王星 plutocracy 富豪统治 plutocrat 财阀 plutocratic 财阀的 plutocratical 富豪政治的 plutodemocracy ⾦权民主主义 Plutonic ⽕成论的 Plutonism 地壳⽕成说 plutonium 钚 plutonomy 政治经济学 Plutus 财神 pluuiose ⾬量多的 pluvial ⾬的 pluvian 下⾬的 pluviometer ⾬量计 pluviometric ⾬量计的 pluviose ⾬量多的 pluvious ⾬的 ply between 定期往返于 ply with 纠缠 ply 厚度 plymouth brethren 普利茅斯教友会 pneumatic gun ⽓枪 pneumatic tyre ⽓胎 pneumatic 装满空⽓的 pneumatically 由空⽓作⽤ pneumatics ⽓体⼒学 pneumatology 灵物学 pneumatometer 肺活量计 pneumatophore ⽓胞囊 pneumobacillus 肺炎杆菌 pneumococcus 肺炎球菌 pneumoconiosis 肺尘症 pneumogastric nerve 迷⾛神经 pneumogastric 肺和胃的 pneumonia 肺炎 pneumonic 肺的 Pnom-penh ⾦边 Po 波河 poach for 偷猎 poach ⽔煮 poached egg 荷包蛋 poacher 偷猎者 pochard 潜鸭 pock 痘痕 pocket book ⼩笔记簿 pocket borough 国会议员选区 pocket edition 袖珍本 pocket money 零⽤钱 pocket piece 吉利钱 pocket pistol ⼩⼿枪 pocket veto 搁置否决权 pocket ⾐袋 pocket-handkerchief ⼿帕 pocketbook 笔记本 pocketful 满袋 pocketknife 随⾝⼩折⼑ pockety 分布不均匀的 pockmark 痘痕 pockmarked 有痘疮的 pocky 痘痕的 poco 少 pococurante 冷漠的的 pococurantism 冷淡 pod 密集⼩群 podagra ⾜痛风 podagric ⾜痛风的 podded 有荚的 podge 矮胖者 podgy 矮胖的 podia 突出的坐席 podiatrist 脚病医⽣ podiatry 脚病学 podium 乐队指挥台 podophyllin 黄⾊树脂剂 Podunk ⼩乡镇 poem 诗 poesy 诗 poet laureate 桂冠诗⼈ poet 诗⼈ poetaster 打油诗⼈ poetess ⼥诗⼈ poetic justice 理想的赏罚 poetic 诗歌的 poetical justice 扬善惩恶 poetical 诗的 poetically 有诗意地 poetize 作诗 poetry 诗 pogo 单⾼跷 pogrom * poi ⼭芋 poignancy 强烈 poignant 严厉的 poilu 法国兵 poinsettia 猩猩⽊ point a moral 道德标准 point at 指向 point constable 交通警察 point d'appui ⽀承 point duty 站岗 point lace 针绣花边 point number 数据标记序号 point of departure 开航点 point of honor 有关个⼈名誉之事 point of no return 极限点 point of order 议事程序的问题 point of view 观点 point off .加⼩数点 point out 指出 point size 磅值 point switch 转辙机 point system 磅因制 point to 指向 point up 强调 point 点 point-blank 直射的 point-by-point 逐点详述的 point-device 极正确的 point-devise 完全或精确地 pointedly 尖锐地 pointer 指针 pointillism 点画法 pointing device 定点设备 pointing 弄尖 pointless 钝的 points of the compass 罗盘的三⼗⼆个⽅位 pointsman 交通警察 pointy ⾮常尖的 poise 平衡 poised 泰然 poison dogwood 美国毒漆树 poison fang 毒⽛ poison gas 毒⽓ poison hemlock 芹叶钩吻 poison ivy 毒葛 poison oak 毒葛 poison 毒药 poison-pen 中伤的 poisoner 投毒者 poisoning 中毒 poisonous 有毒的 poke and pry 管闲事 poke around 闲逛 poke fun at 取笑 poke one's nose into 探听 poke 刺 poke-out 施舍 pokeberry 美洲商陆 poker face 正经⾯容 poker work 烙画 poker 拨⽕棍 poker-faced ⽆表情的 poky 慢吞吞 Polack 波兰⼈ Poland 波兰 polar bear 北极熊 polar cap 极冠 polar circles 极圈 polar coordinates 极坐标 polar distance 极距 polar front 极⾯ polar lights 极光 polar 两极的 polarimeter 偏光计 Polaris 北极星 polariscope 偏光器 polarity 极性 polarization 极化 polarize 偏振 polarizer 偏光器 polarograph 极谱记录仪 polaroid ⼈造偏光板 polaron 极化⼦ polder 开拓地 pole jump 撑竿跳 pole vault 撑杆跳 pole vaut 撑竿跳 pole 棒 pole-vault 撑竿跳 poleax 战斧 poleaxe 战斧 polecat 臭猫 polemic theology 辩证神学 polemic 争论的 polemical 辩论法 polemist 善辩论者 polemize 辩论 polenta 粥 poles apart 截然相反 polestar 北极星 police action 警察⾏动 police agent 警察 police box 警察岗亭 police car 警察巡逻车 police chief 警察局长 police constable 警察 police court 警务法院 police dog 警⽝ police headquarters 警察总局 police magistrate 违警罪法庭推事 police offense 违警罪 police office 警察局 police officer 警官 police sergeant 警佐 police stand 警察岗亭 police state 警察国家 police station 警察局 police wagon 警车 police 警察队 policeman 警察 policemen 警察 policewoman ⼥警官 policlinic 门诊部 policy holder 投保⼈ policy of insurance 保险单 policy racket ⾮法摇彩 policy 政策 policy-holder 投保⼈ polis 城邦 polish off 草草做完 polish up 改善 polish 磨光 polished 擦亮的 polisher 磨光器 polite letters 风雅⽂学 polite 有礼貌的 politely 殷勤地 politeness 有礼 politer 有礼貌的 politest 有礼貌的 politic 精明的 political asylum 政治庇护 political science 政治学 political scientist 政治学者 political 政治的 politicalize 政治化 politically 政治上 politician 政治家 politicize 搞政治 politico 政治活动家 politics 政治 polity 政治组织 polka dot 花样布料 polka 波尔卡舞 poll parrot 鹦鹉 poll 投票 poll-beast ⽆⾓⽜的⼀种 poll-ox ⽆⾓⽜ poll-parrot 鹦鹉般说话 pollack 绿鳕 pollard 修剪树枝 pollex 拇指 pollinate 授粉 pollination 授粉 polling booth 投票站 polling day 选举⽇ Polling 轮流检测 pollinosis 花粉病 polliwog 蝌蚪 pollock 鳕鱼类 pollster 民意测验专家 pollutant 污染物质 pollute 污染 polluted 污染 polluting 污染 pollution 污染 Pollux 双⼦座星 Pollyanna 盲⽬乐观 pollywog 蝌蚪 polo stick 马球棍 polo 马球 poloist 马球赛⼿ polonaise 波兰舞 polonium 钋 Polonize 波兰化 polony 猪⾁⾹肠 polt 图表 poltergeist 恶作剧⿁ poltroon 懦夫 poltroonery 怯懦 polyandrous ⼀妻多夫的 polyandry ⼀妻多夫 polyanthus 西洋樱草 polycarpous 多⼼⽪的 polycentric 多中⼼的 polycentrism 多中⼼主义 polychromatic 多⾊的 polychrome 多彩的 polychromy ⾊彩装饰 polyclinic 综合门诊 polyester 聚酯 polyethylene 聚⼄烯 polygamist 多配偶 polygamous ⼀夫多妻的 polygamy 多配偶 polygene 多基因 polygenesis 多源发⽣说 polyglot 数种语⾔ polygon 多边形 polygonal 多边形的 polygraph 复写器 polygynous ⼀夫多妻的 polygyny ⼀夫多妻 polyhedral 多⾯的 polyhedron 多⾯体 polyhistor 博学的⼈ Polyhymnia 圣歌⼥神 polylingual 多语⾔说 polymath 博学者 polymer 聚合体 polymeric 聚合的 polymerization 聚合 polymerize 聚合 polymorph 多形体 polymorphic 多形的 Polynesia 玻利尼西亚 polynomial 多项式 polyonymous 多名的 polyp 珊瑚⾍ polyphagia 多⾷症 polyphagous 多⾷的 polyphase 多相的 polyphone 多⾳字 polyphonic 多⾳的 polyphony 多⾳ polypi 息⾁ polyploid 多倍的 polypody ⽡苇属的植物 polypoid 息⾁状的 polypous ⽔螅似的 polypropylene 聚丙烯 polypus 息⾁ polyrhythm 多旋律 polysaccharid 多醣 polysaccharide 多糖 polysemy 多义 polystyrene 聚本⼄烯 polysyllabic 多⾳节的 polysyllable 多⾳节字 polytechnic ⼯艺的 polytheism 多神论 polytheist 多神论者 polytheistic 多神论者 polythene 聚⼄烯 polytonality 多调性 polyurethane 聚亚安酯 polyvalent 多价的 polyvinyl acetate 多⼄酸⼄烯酯 pomaceous 苹果类的 pomade 润发油 pomander ⾹丸 pome 梨果 pomelo 柚⼦ Pomerania 波美拉尼亚 pomfret 鲳鱼 pomiculture 果树栽培 pommel horse 鞍马 pommel 圆头 pommy 英国移民 pomology 果树学 Pomona 果树⼥神 pomp 壮丽 pompadour 束发 pompano 参鱼 Pompeian 庞培的 Pompeii 庞培 pompier 救⽕梯 pompom ⼤型机关枪 pompon 绒球 pomposity 华丽 pompous 夸⼤的 pompously 傲慢地 ponceau 丽春花⾊ poncho cloth ⾬披 poncho ⾬布 pond life 池塘中动物 pond lily 睡莲 pond scum 绿藻类层 pond up 堵⽔成池 pond 池塘 ponderable 有重量的 ponderance 重量 ponderation 过磅 ponderosity 沉重 ponderous 沉重的 pondweed ⽔池草 pone ⽟⽶饼 pong 恶臭 pongee 茧绸 poniard 短剑 ponograph 疲劳描记器 pons 桥 pontes 连接部分 pontifex ⼤祭司 pontiff 主教 pontifical 主教的 pontificate 教皇 pontil 铁棒 pontine 桥的 pontlevis 吊桥 ponton 平底船 pontoon bridge 浮桥 pontoon 浮桥 pony express 驿马快信的制度 pony ⼩马 pony-trekking 骑⼩马旅⾏ ponytail 马尾巴 pooch 狗 pood 重量单位 poodle 狮⼦狗 poof 吹蜡烛声 pool 池 poolroom 台球场 poon 胡桐 poop 船尾 poor box 慈善箱 poor farm 救济农场 poor law 济贫法 poor rate 贫民救济税 poor 贫穷的 poor-mouth 哭穷 poor-spirited ⽆⽓⼒的 poorhouse 救济院 poorish 不⼤好的 poorly off 贫困的 poorly 贫穷地 poorness 贫穷 pop art 流⾏艺术 pop concert 流⾏⾳乐会 pop fly ⾼飞球 pop off 突然离去 pop out 突出 pop test 突然的测验 pop the question 求婚 pop up 突然出现 pop 取出 pop-eyed 瞪⼤眼睛的 pop-up program 弹出程序 pop-up =pop pop-up 弹出 popcorn flower 爆⽟⽶花 popcorn 爆⽶花 pope's-eye 腿部淋巴腺 popedom 罗马教宗 popery 天主教会 popeyed 眼睛突出的 popish 天主教的 poplar ⽩杨 poplin ⽑葛 popliteal 腿弯部的 popover 淡烤的酥饼 poppa 爸 popper 爆破者 poppet 乖孩⼦ poppethead 随转的尾座 poppied 多罂粟的 popple 荡漾 poppy flower 罂粟花 poppy 罂粟 poppycock 胡说 poppyhead 罂粟状装饰 poppyseed 罂粟的种⼦。



汉英翻译词汇--社会发展词汇安居工程housing project for low-income families保障妇女就业权利to guarantee women’s right to employment城镇居民最低生活保障guarantee of subsistence allowances for urban residents在城镇强制推行以养老、失业、医疗为重点的社会保险Social welfare insurance, particularly old-age, unemployment and medical insurance, must be made mandatory in urban areas.城镇社会保障体系the social security system in urban areas城镇职工基本医疗保险制度the basic medical insurance system for urban employees创新精神be innovation-minded; to have a creative mind促进学生德、智、体、美全面发展ensure that students improve in terms of their moral, intellectual and fitness level as well as in their appreciation of aesthetics待业人员job seekers待遇优厚的工作a well-paid job单亲家庭single parent family独生子女the only child反对迷信be against superstition福利分房buy a benefit-oriented apartment from the organization one works with岗位培训on-job training高度重视精神文明建设pay close attention to cultural and ethical progress 搞好优生优育promote good prenatal and postnatal care工资收入分配制度the wage and income distribution system关系国计民生的大事matters vital to national well-being and the people’s livelihood关心和支持残疾人事业Programs to help the physically and mentally challenged deserve our care and support.关心老龄人care for senior citizens.贵族学校exclusive school(美); select school(英)国企下岗职工基本生活保障guarantee of basic cost of living allowances for workers laid off from state-owned enterprises过温饱生活live a life at a subsistent level合理调整就业结构to rationally readjust the employment structure继续开展“扫黄打非”斗争The fight against pornography, illegal publications and piracy shall be continued.加快住房分配货币化进程capitalization process of housing distribution/allocation加强计划生育工作further improve family planning加强舆论监督ensure that the correct orientation is maintained in public opinion家庭美德family virtues坚持“两手抓、两手都要硬”的方针adhere to the principle of “doing two jobs at once and attaching equal importance to each”坚持正确的舆论导向maintain the correct orientation for public opinion 建设廉洁、勤政、务实、高效政府build a clean and diligent, pragmatic and efficient government建设一个富强、民主、文明的国家build a prosperous, strong, democratic and culturally advanced country教育程度educational status; education received戒毒所drug rehabilitation center扩大就业和再就业to expand employment and reemployment劳动保障监察制度the labor security supervision system面临困境face adverse conditions人口出生率birth rate人口老龄化aging of population人民生活水平quality of life; the living standards弱势群体disadvantaged groups社会保障social security社会福利制度the social welfare system社会公德social morality社会互助制度the social mutual help system社会治安状况好转see an improved law-and-order situation深入扎实地开展群众性精神文明创建活动Extensive public participation activities are launched to promote cultural and ethical progress.生活待遇material amenities生活费收入income available for cost of living生活费用cost of living; income maintenance; subsistence cost生育保险制度the childbirth insurance system失学儿童dropouts失业保险guarantee of unemployment insurance benefits失业保险unemployment insurance失业保险制度the unemployment insurance system失业率rate of unemployment实施积极促进就业的政策to implement the policy of vigorously increasing employment实现基本普及九年义务教育The goal in the effort to make nine-year compulsory education basically universal has been attained.实现小康目标attain the goal of ensuring our people a relatively comfortable life实行弹性大、灵活性强、多样化的就业形式to adopt elastic, flexible, diversified forms of employment实行计划生育、控制人口数量、提高人口素质promote family planning and control the population size and improve the health of the people实行劳动合同制度to institute a labor contract system树立正确的价值观、世界观、人生观help foster in the young the morally sound values and outlook on the world and life思想道德建设(思想政治工作)moral education among people提高部分优抚对象抚恤标准Allowances for certain disabled service men and women and family members of revolutionary martyrs and service menand women have been increased.提高劳动者素质to enhance workers’quality统筹兼顾城乡就业to make overall plans for urban and rural system推动就业服务向社区延伸,形成多层次的就业服务网络to encourage the formation of community-run agencies as a part of the multi-level employment service network推进素质教育push ahead with education for all-around development推行职业资格证书制度to introduce a vocational qualification credentials system退休基金pension fund脱贫lift off poverty; cast off poverty完善和落实再就业优惠政策to improve and implement preferential reemployment完善失业保险制度to improve the unemployment insurance system文明城市model city; culturally advanced city; city cited for high moral and cultural standards物业管理estate management, property management消费价格总水平the general price level小家庭nuclear family小康生活enjoy a fairly comfortable life; be moderately better off新生儿死亡率infant mortality rate; neonatal mortality rate行行出状元Every profession produces its own leading authority.研究生毕业证/学位证graduate diploma/graduate degrees diploma养老保险retirement insurance养老保险制度the old-age insurance system医疗保险medical insurance医疗保险制度the medical insurance system应试教育examination-oriented education system 优抚安置制度the special care and placement system优化就业结构to optimize employment structure有公德心be civic-minded舆论导向direction of public opinion舆论监督supervision by public opinion预期寿命life expectancy灾害救助制度the natural disaster relief system在职博士生on-job doctorate招生就业指导enrolment and vocation guidance争取实现高等教育大众化work to make regular higher education accessible to the majority of young people政府主导计划government-sponsored programs职业道德ethics of profession中华人民共和国劳动法the Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China 中专生secondary specialized or technical school student重视发展具有比较优势和市场潜力的劳动密集型企业to stress the development of labor-intensive enterprises with comparative advantages and market potential抓好农村和流动人口计划生育管理与服务devote efforts to the management of family planning and related services in rural areas and among the floating population自然增长率natural growth rate自学成才self-taught and self-made person; become a qualified professional through self-taught way最低生活保障制度the minimum living standard security system中高级口译高频考点-城市介绍中高级口译高频考点-城市介绍西湖西湖在杭州市区的西部,面积约6.03平方公里,其中,水面积5.2平方公里,湖岸周长15公里。



rowan ⼭梨 rowboat 划艇 rowdy 吵闹的⼈ rowdydowdy 吵闹的 rowdyish 粗暴的 rowdyism 粗暴的⾏为 rowel ⼩齿轮 rower 划⼿ rowing 划船 Royal Academy 皇家艺术院 Royal Air Force 英国空军 royal blue 品蓝 Royal Flying Corps 英国陆军航空队 Royal Highness 皇族称呼 Royal Humane Society 英国溺⽔者营救会 Royal Institution 英国科学研究所 royal road 捷径 royal water 王⽔ royal yellow 雌黄 royal 王室的 royale 蛋糕饰块 royalism 君主主义 royalist 保皇党员 royalistic 保皇党派的 royally 为王 royalmast 最上桅 royalty 皇室 roydon 克⾥登 rozener 烈酒 rozzer 警察 Rpm 每分钟转数 RSA encryption technique RSA加密技术 RSVP Reply rub along 勉强相处 rub away 擦掉 rub down 按摩 rub elbows with 交往 rub in ⽤⼒擦⼊ rub off 擦掉 rub on 勉强度过 rub out 擦掉 rub the lamp 实现愿望 rub the wrong way 激怒 rub through 勉强度过 rub up against 接近 rub up 揉和 rub 擦 rub-a-dub ⿎声 rub-up 擦净 rubaboo ⼲⾁饼汤 rubasse 红⽔晶 rubato 随意增减的 rubbed 擦 rubber band 橡⽪圈 rubber cement 橡胶胶⽔ rubber check 空头⽀票 rubber eraser 橡⽪ rubber heel 侦探 rubber plant 橡胶树 rubber stamp 橡⽪图章 rubber tube 橡⽪管 rubber 橡⽪ rubber-neck 游览的⼈ rubber-stamp 批准 rubberize 涂橡胶 rubberlike 橡⽪状的 rubbing alcohol 外⽤酒精 rubbing 摩擦 rubbings 拓⽚ rubbingstone 磨⽯ rubbish 废物 rubbishy 碎屑的 rubble 粗⽯ rubblework ⽑⽯建筑 rubbly 碎⽯状的 rubdown 按摩 rube 乡下⼈ rubefacient 使发红的 rubefaction 发红 rubella 风疹 rubellite 红电⽓⽯ rubeola ⿇疹 rubescent 变红的 rubiaceous 茜草科的 rubicund 红润的 rubicundity 颜⾊发红 rubidium 铷 rubied 红⽟⾊的 rubify 使变红 rubiginous 锈的 rubigo 过氧化铁 rubious 红⽟⾊的 ruble 卢布 rubor 红 rubout 谋杀 rubric 红字 rubrical 仪式指⽰的 rubricate 红字标题 rubrication 红字 rubricity 红⾊ rubstone 砥⽯ ruby 红宝⽯ ruche 褶带 ruching 褶饰 ruck up 变皱 ruck 弄皱 ruckle 弄绉 rucksack 帆布背包 ruckus 喧闹 ruction 吵闹 rudbeckia 黄雏菊 rudd ⽯斑鱼 rudder 舵 ruddered 有⽅向舵的 rudderfish 追船鱼 rudderhead 舵轴的顶端 rudderless ⽆指导的 rudderpost 舵轴 ruddevator ⽅向升降舵 ruddily ⾚红⾊地 ruddiness 红⾊ ruddle 红⼟ ruddleman 红⼟商 ruddock 知更鸟 ruddy 红的 rude 粗陋的 rudely 粗鲁地 rudeness 粗蛮 ruderal 杂草 rudesby ,粗⼈ rudest ⽆礼的 rudiment 基础 rue 懊悔 rueful 悔恨的 ruefully 悲伤地 ruefulness 悲伤 ruelle 窄⼩街道 rufescent 带红⾊的 ruff 出王牌 ruffed 环状⽻⽑的 ruffian 恶棍 ruffianism 流氓习⽓ ruffianize ⾏为残暴 ruffianlike 像⽆赖的 ruffianly 恶棍般的 ruffle one's feathers 发怒 ruffle 滋扰 ruffled 褶饰边的 ruffler 扰乱的⼈ ruffly 起皱的 rufous 红褐⾊的 rug 毯⼦ ruga 皱 rugate 皱的 rugged 崎岖的 ruggedization 强壮化 ruggedize 使坚固 ruggedly 险峻地 ruggedness 险峻 rugger 橄榄球 rugose 有皱纹的 rugosity 皱纹 rugous 有皱纹的 rugulose 有皱纹的 ruined 毁灭的 ruinous 破坏性的 ruinously 毁灭地 rulable 可操纵的 rule against 否决 rule of law 法规 rule of thumb 单凭经验 rule off 隔开 rule out 划去 rule over 统治 rule the roast 当家 rule the roost 当家 rule 规则 rulebook 规则⼿册 ruleless ⽆规则的 ruler mark 标尺游标 ruler 统治者 rulership 统治者 ruling pen 直线笔 ruling 统治的 ruly 不紊的 rum 甜酒 Rumania 罗马尼亚 Rumanian 罗马尼亚⼈ rumba 伦巴舞 rumble forth 低沉地说出 rumble 隆隆声 rumble-tumble 车⾏声 rumbling 隆隆声 rumbly 隆隆声的 rumbustious 喧闹的 rumbustiously 喧嚣地 ruminate over 反复思考 ruminate 反刍 rumination 反刍 ruminative 默想的 ruminatively 沉思默想地 ruminator 好思考的⼈ rumly 奇妙地 rummage sale 清仓拍卖 rummage up 搜查出 rummage 到处翻寻 rummager 搜查者 rummer ⼤酒杯 rummery 酒店 rummily 奇妙地 rummy 甜酒的 rumor 谣⾔ rumormonger 造谣者 rumormongering 造谣 rumorous 传说的 rumour 谣⾔ Rump Parliament 尾闾议会 rump steak 臀部的⽜排 rump 尾部 rumpbone 骶⾻ rumple 弄皱 rumpless ⽆尾的 rumply 弄绉的 rumpot 酒徒 rumpus room 娱乐室 rumpus 喧闹 rumpy ⽆尾猫 rumrunner 酒类⾛私贩 run a fever 发烧 run a school 办学校 run a tape over 检查 run about 乱跑 run across 偶遇 run afoul of 撞 run after 追捕 run against 偶遇 run aground 搁浅 run along 离开 run amuck 横⾏ run application 运⾏应⽤程序 run around 东奔西跑 run at the mouth 流⼝⽔ run at the nose 流⿐涕 run at 突袭 run atilt at 冲向 run away with 潜逃 run away 潜逃 run back over 回顾 run back 回忆 run before the wind 顺风⾏驶 run counter to 违反 run cross to 相反 run deep 深沉 run dialog 运⾏对话框 run down 跑下 run errands 供差遣 run for it 快跑 run for 竞选 run in the family 世代相传 run in 跑进 run into a blank wall 碰壁 run into debt 负债 run its course 按常规发展 run like split 飞奔 run low 减少 run macro 运⾏宏 run minimized 运⾏时最⼩化 run mountains high 汹涌澎湃 run off at the mouth 信⼝开河 run off 逃跑 run on 抢购 run one's eyes over 浏览 run one's head against a wall 碰壁 run oneself out 跑得筋疲⼒竭 run out of ⽤完 run out 跑出 run over 溢出 run prizes 参加⽐赛 run ragged 破旧⽆⽤ run riot 跟错踪迹 run round in circles 忙得团团转 run scared 战战兢兢 run short of 缺少 run the gauntlet 受严厉批评 run the show 主持 run the streets 流浪 run through 贯穿 run to an extreme ⾛极端 run to 跑向 run true to form ⼀如既往 run up against 偶遇 run up to 跑到 run up 向上跑 run upon 撞上 run wild 放肆 run-down 荒芜的 run-in index 平⾏式 run-in ⼝⾓ run-of-mill ⼀般性的 run-of-the-mill ⾮精选的 run-of-the-mine 粗制的 run-off 决赛 run-on 词意连贯的 run-over 超过篇幅的 run-through 贯通 run-time error 运⾏错误 run-up 抬⾼ runabout 流浪者 runagate 游民 runaround 借⼝ runaway 逃跑 runcible spoon 有利刃的三齿叉 runcinate 锯齿状的 rundle 梯级 rundlet ⼩桶 rundown 裁减 rune 古代北欧⽂字 runelike 古⽂字 rung 地位 runic 古北欧⽂字 runless ⽆得分的 runlet 桶 runnable interface 运⾏接⼝ runnable 可追捕的 runnel ⼩河 runner 奔跑者 runner-up 亚军 running 运⾏ runout 避开 runover 转页部分 runproof 不绽线的 runt ⼩⽜ runtime class 运⾏时间类 runtime 执⾏时间 runtish 发育不良 runtishly 发育不良地 runtishness 发育不良 runty 矮⼩的 runway 飞机跑道 rupee 卢⽐ rupestrian 由⽯头构成的 rupestrine 长在岩⽯上 rupiah 印尼货币 rupicolous 住在岩⽯中 rupturable 可破裂的 rupture 破裂 rural free delivery 乡村地区免费邮递 rural 乡下的 rurales 骑警队 ruralism 乡下风味 ruralist ⽥园⽣活者 rurality ⽥园风味 ruralize 成⽥园风味化 rurally 乡下地 rurban 城郊 rurigenous 乡下出⽣的 Ruritanian 理想王国的 rusa ⿊⿅ ruse 策略 rush at 冲向 rush candle 蜡烛 rush into 仓促⾏动 rush one's fences 鲁莽 rush out of 奔出 rush through 快速通过 rush up 催促 rush 匆促 rushed 匆忙的 rushing 急流的 rushingly 急流地 rushlight 灯芯草蜡烛 rushlike 像灯⼼草的 rushwork 草编⼿⼯ rushy 多灯⼼草 rusk 甜⾯包⼲ Russ 俄国⼈ russet 枯叶⾊的 russetish 深红 russety 枯叶⾊的 Russia 俄国 russian church 俄国国教 Russian dressing 俄式调味酱 Russian leather 俄国⽪⾰ Russian Revolution 俄国⾰命 Russian Roulette 俄式轮盘 russian wolfhound ⼀种俄国狼⽝ Russian 俄国⼈ Russianize 俄国化 Russophile 亲俄者 Russophobe 惧俄者 Russophobia 恐俄症 rust 铁锈 rustic 乡下⼈ rustically 乡⼟⽓地 rusticate 去乡下 rustication 乡村⽣活 rusticism 乡⼟⽤语 rusticity 乡村式 rusticize 使乡下化 rustily 锈蚀地 rustiness ⽣锈 rustle up 搞到 rustle 沙沙声 rustler 积极分⼦ rustless ⽆锈的 rustling 瑟瑟声 rustproof 不锈的 rusty ⽣锈的 rut 常规 rutabaga 蔓菁 ruth 怜悯 ruthenium 钌 Rutherford 卢瑟福 ruthful 悲哀的 ruthfully 充满感伤地 ruthfulness 充满感伤 ruthless ⽆情的 ruthlessly 冷酷地 ruthlessness ⽆情 rutilant 红⾊⽕光 rutile ⾦红⽯ rutin 芦丁 Rutlandshire 卢特兰郡 ruttish 春情的 rutty 遍地车辙 rvalue 右值 Rwanda 卢旺达 rye bread ⿊⾯包 rye *麦 ryegrass ⿊麦草 ryke 抵达 rynd 轴⼼铁 ryot 佃农 Ryukyu 琉球群岛 Ryukyuan 琉球⼈。

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小翻译必备词汇集一、政治类:1. 日益昌盛 become increasingly prosperous2. 快速发展 develop rapidly3. 隆重集会 gather ceremoniously4. 热爱和平 love peace5. 追求进步 pursue progress6. 履行权利和义务 perform the responsibilities and obligations7. 回顾奋斗历程 review the course of struggle8. 展望伟大征程 look into the great journey9. 充满信心和力量 be filled with confidence and strength10. 必胜 be bound to win11. 主张各国政府采取行动 urge governments of all countries to take action12. 和平共处 coexist peacefully13. 对内开放和对外开放 open up both externally and internally14. 经历两个不同时期 experience two different periods15. 战胜无数的困难 overcome numerous difficulties16. 赢得一个又一个胜利 win one victory after another17. 完全意识到 be fully aware that18. 迈出重要的一步 make an important step19. 采取各种措施 adopt various measures20. 得出结论 ,告一段落 draw ( arrive at, come to reach ) a conclusion21. 实现民族独立 realize national independence22. 追求真理 seek the truth23. 建立社会主义制度 establish a socialist system24. 根除 (防止,消除)腐败 root out (prevent, eliminate) corruption25响应号召 respond to the call26. 进入新时期 enter a new period27. 实行新政策 practice new policies28. 展现生机和活力 display one’s vigor and vitality29. 增强综合国力 enhance comprehensive(overall) national strength and 和国际竟争力 international competitiveness30. 进入世界先进行列 edge into the advanced ranks in the world31. 解决温饱问题 solve the problem of food and clothing32. 吸收各国文明的先进成果 absorb what is advanced in other civilizations33. 与日俱增 increase every day34. 实现夙愿 fulfill the long-cherished wishes35. 必将实现 be bound to come true36. 锻造一支人民军队 forge a people’s army37. 建立巩固的国防 build a strong national defense38. 进行和谈 hold peace talks39. 修改法律 amend the laws40. 在...中起(至关) play a major的(crucial, an important ) role in 重要作用41. 对...做出重要(巨大)贡献make important (great, major )contributions to42. 遵循规则 follow the principles43. 把理论和实际结合起来 integrate theory with practice …44. 把...作为指导 take… as the guide45. 缓和紧张状况 ease the tension46. 高举伟大旗帜 hold high the great banner47. 解决新问题 resolve new problems48. 观察当今世界 observe the present-day world49. 开拓前进 open up new ways forward50. 增强凝聚力 enhance the rally power51. 结束暴力,开始和平谈判 end the violence and resume peace talks52. 进行战略性调整 make strategic readjustment53. 开始生效 go into effect / enter into force54. 就...接受妥协 accept a compromise on55. 接受...的采访 be interviewed by56. 把……看成社会公敌 look upon … as a threat to society57. 把……捐给慈善机构 donate …to charities58. 维护世界和平 maintain world peace59. 摆脱贫穷落后 get rid of poverty and backwardness60. 实现发展繁荣 bring about development and prosperity61. 反对各种形式的恐怖主义 be opposed to all forms of terrorism62. 宣布。

召开 announce the opening of63. 对...具有深远的影响 have a far-reaching impact on64. 面对...明显的缺陷 face up to the obvious defects of65. 保护妇女权利不受侵犯 guarantee(protect ) women’s rights against infringement二、经济类1. 给...带来机遇和挑战 present (bring) both opportunities and challengesto2. 给...带来积极影响 bring a more positive impact on....3. 给予财政资助 support financially4. 有巨大潜力 have huge potential for5. 开发 / 青睐中国市场 tap / favor the Chinese market6. 申请专利 apply for a patent7. 阻碍...的经济发展 handicap (hamper) the economic development8. 增加农业投入 invest more in agriculture9. 有望达到(上升到) be expected to reach (rise to, be up to)10. 造成很大压力 pose a big pressure on11. 占领市场10% occupy (take, account for ) 10 percent of the market12. 缩小...间的距离 narrow the gap between13. 加快经济发展和结构调整 speed up economic development and restructuring14. 夺回失去的市场 take back lost market15. 减轻...的负担 reduce (lighten) the burden of (on)16. 采取反垄断措施 take anti-monopoly measures to17. 加快努力 speed up efforts to18. 在...建立分公司 set up branches in19. 促进改革 promote reform20. 面对可能的压力和竞争 face possible pressure and competition21. 充分利用 make full use of22. 把。

列为基本国策 list…..as fundamental national policies23. 发挥自身优势 give full play to one’s advantages24. 开拓市场 exploit markets25. 扩大消费市场 expand consumption market26. 改善投资环境 improve the environment for investment27. 加强风险防范 prepare oneself against possible risks28. 扩大贫富差距 widen the gap between the rich and the poor29. 为。

提供巨大商机 present huge business opportunities30. 快速稳定增长 grow fast and steadily31. 让...处于同一起跑线 put… on the same platform and at the same startingpoint32. 赶超先进 surpass the advanced33. 遵循市场经济的规律 follow the law of market economy34. 根据市场作出调整 gear ourselves to the market orientation35. 牟取暴利 seek excessive profits36. 做好充分准备 make good preparations for37. 对...造成/构成威胁 form /pose的a threat to…38. 和...合作 cooperate with39. 和...进一步合作 further cooperation with40. 提高公务员工资 raise the salaries of civil servants41. 计算出准确的工资水平 figure out an exact salary level42. 和...有合作关系 have cooperative ties with43. 从国外引进先进技术 introduce from abroad the advanced technology 和管理经验 and management expertise44. 优胜劣汰 select the superior and eliminate the inferior45. 保证下岗职工的基本生活 guarantee the basic needs of laid-off workers46. 取缔非法收入 ban unlawful incomes (ban illegal earnings)47. 深化改革 deepen the reform48. 控制通货膨胀 control inflation (keep inflation under control)49. 让位于竞争需要 give way to the need for competition50. 向...投资巨额资金 invest huge amounts of money into51. 损失惨重 suffer great losses52. 制造假象 create smoke screens to do53. 陷入困境 land oneself in deep trouble54. 吸引外商投资 attract foreign investment55. 抓住机遇 seize opportunities56. 适应...的发展 adapt oneself to the development of57. 被指控接受贿赂 be accused of accepting bribes58. 和。
