
材 , 出自己的起初 经历和真实感受 。笔者认 为 , 写 让学生 进入情 境, 摸一摸 , 看一看 , 闻一闻 , 听一听 , 想一想 , 学生就能较 准确地 抓 住 事 物 的 特 征 , 中 发 现 美 , 知 美 , 起 表 达 的 欲 望 , 而 激 从 感 唤 从 发起学生对作文的浓厚兴趣。 在作文 教学 中, 可采用音乐小 品 、 剧 、 话 编故 事 , 猜迷 语等方 法 引导学生 进入情境 , 将所要表 达的主题告诉学 生 , 学生根据 让 自己的生活视野和认识能 力组织材料 , 在脑子 里组织故事 , 再把 故事 用文字 叙述 出来 , 就容 易做到有 内容 , 有个性 , 有文 采。另 外, 多媒体具有 教学 手段先进 、 容量大 、 内容集 中 、 重点突出 、 图像 色 彩艳 丽等特点 。应 用多媒体教学 手段 也是创设情境 的一种有 效方法 。多媒体写作教材通过特有的图像 、 画 、 动 色彩 、 声音甚 至 于游戏的形式 , 给学生 以极 大的刺激和引诱 , 让学 生在游戏 中取 乐, 在乐趣中不断提高写作能 力。在教学 中 , 选择一些风光片 , 让 学 生练练写景抒情散文 ; 选择 一些 新闻报道 , 关闭声音播放 , 然后 让 学生写新 闻报道 ; 录一些 学生熟悉 的图片 , 摄 让学 生配上一些 解 说词 。多媒体 能给学 生 以新 奇 的感 觉 , 促使其 产生极 大 的兴 趣 , 师要 很好地应用这一 现代化 的教学 手段 。总之 , 教 通过创设 情 境 , 要我写 ” 我要写 ” 使学生兴致勃勃 地投入到作 文练 变“ 为“ ,


中学生怎样培养学英语的兴趣英语作文How Middle School Students Can Cultivate Interest in Learning EnglishEnglish is an essential language in today's globalized world, and it is crucial for middle school students to develop an interest in learning it. Here are some ways to cultivate this interest:1. Make Learning Fun: Incorporate games, songs, and interactive activities into English lessons. This makes the learning process enjoyable and engaging, capturing the attention of students.2. Use Technology: Integrate technology into the classroom by using educational apps, online resources, and multimedia tools. This can make learning English more interesting and interactive.3. Connect with Real-life Situations: Relate English lessons to real-life situations, such as ordering food in a restaurant or having a conversation with a foreigner. This helps students understand the practical value of learning English.4. Encourage Reading: Introduce students to a variety of English books, including storybooks, graphic novels, and magazines. Reading enhances vocabulary, comprehension, and pronunciation skills while fostering a love for the language.5. Provide Opportunities for Communication: Create a supportive environment where students feel confident in speaking English. This canbe achieved through group discussions, debates, and role-plays.6. Celebrate Achievements: Recognize and reward students for their progress and efforts in learning English. This boosts their confidence and motivates them to continue improving.7. Expose to English-speaking Cultures: Introduce students to English-speaking cultures through movies, music, and cultural events. Understanding different cultures can spark their interest in the language.8. Encourage Self-study: Encourage students to take responsibility for their learning by setting aside time for self-study. Provide them with resources and guidance to help them excel.9. Set Realistic Goals: Help students set achievable goals in their English learning journey. This creates a sense of purpose and direction, driving them to work towards their objectives.10. Be a Positive Role Model: Teachers should demonstrate enthusiasm and passion for English. A positive attitude can inspire students to develop a similar interest in the language.By implementing these strategies, middle school students can develop a genuine interest in learning English, setting a strong foundation for their future academic and professional success.。

(二 写我所想 ) — 变“ 苦差” 乐事” 为“
为了让学生感到有东西可写, 有东西要写, 我们就要把 握学生的思想脉搏, 洞察学生的内心世界, 命题更贴近学生 生活, 更能激发学生的写作情趣。在这方面, 我作了这样的 尝试: 1、 命题亲切自 具体确切, 然, 富于诱导性、 启发性相结 合, 有利于激发学生的积极性。例如有一次, 我出了这样一 道作文题《 我对语文教学的一点看法》但后来我反复琢磨, , 觉得这一题 目太呆板, 不能激活学生的思维, 于是我把他改
大部分, 每大部分再分几个小部分: 例如写人部分就分成 肖 像、 心理、 神态、 言行等;将在名著刊物中读到的佳句、 佳段, 摘录后分门别类编上条目,这成了学生写作时可资选用的
为要写出最能反映时代气息,对自己心理触动最大的事, “ 开头”有人这样说: “ 在我身边每时每刻都发生着许多事,
的思维, 激起灵感的火花, 这一工作在作前指导和作后评讲 上都可以做。 在作前指导上, 我一改过去“ 教师一言堂” 的现
象, 而是让同学们面对文题共同讨论 , 畅所欲言 , 在争辩 中
艺报刊杂志, 自 3、 备一本读书摘录本。在每一学期里, (1)开 一次名著片断介绍会, (2)出一期谈读书体会为内 容的班报, (3)举办一次读书摘录展览。 高中三年, 学生对于一些中外名
倡廉》《 、说廉洁》《 公宴醉猪” 、由“ 想到的》《公宴” 、“ 吃掉的 是什么》《 、猪醉乎? 人醉乎?》哪个题目更利于学生有话可 说, 就不言自明了;2、 ; 实行统一与自由相结合的原则:大作 “ 统一” 与小作“ 自由” 相结合, 即大作统一体裁、 统一内容、 统一要求, 小作自由选材、 自由命题、 自由写作。 这样既保证 了教师必须完成的教学训练任务,又为学生提供了广泛的

作 文 兴趣 的培养 在 实践 上是 与 写作 能力 的 培养 结合 在一 起 并贯 热 情 ,这样 才会 使 学 生 有 兴 趣进 行 作 文 。其 四 ,通 过 命 题 后 的辅 穿 于作 文教 学 全过 程 的 。在 作 文教 学 的每个 环 节都 应该 有 意识 地培 导 ,给 学生 提 出一 些 恰 切 的 要求 ,如 内容 上 ,表达 、文 面 、时 限 养 学生 的作 文 兴趣 。下 面就 作 文教 学 的几个 环 节分 析有 关 能力 与兴 等 要 求 。这 样 既 保 证 了作 文 的 目的性 ,也 为 下 一步 作 文 评 改 作 了
趣 的培 养 。 三 、评 改
命 题 是作 文 教学 首要 一 环 ,题 目命 得如 何 ,直 接关 系 到学 生有 在作 文评 改 问题 上 ,如 何 才 能确 有 实 效 而 又 不 致 教 师 花 费大 无 兴趣 写 ,能 不能 写好 。它是 一次 作文 成败 关 键所 在 。学生 写 作 的 量 精 力 。这 一 直 是 影 响 作 文 教学 改 革 取 得 突破 性 进 展 的 大 问题 。 欲 望直 接导 源 于教 师 的命题 ,命 题 的能 力是 一 位教 师作 文教 学 水平 虽 然 教 学大 纲 中也 讲 到 “ 改要 采 用 多 种 形式 ,讲 求 实 效 ” ,然 评 的 反 映 ,在 这点 上 应 该 是 慎 之 又 慎 的 。很 早 ,我 国语 文 教学 的前 而 要 做 到这 一 点 实 际 上 却有 许 多 困难 。这 些 困难 首 先 来 自习惯 认 辈 们就 提 出 了作文 命题 的原 则 应该 使学 生能 写 ,会 写 。所谓 能 写 , 识 ,习惯 上 都 认 为 精 批 细 改是 作 文 批 改 唯 一有 效 途 径 ;其 次学 校 就 是适 应学 生 的生 活范 围 ,使 他们 有材 料可 写 ,有话 可 说 。所谓 会 领 导 以批 改 见 红 的繁 简 ,作 为检 查 教 学认 真 与否 的依 据 ;学 生 家 写 ,就 是指 适 合学 生 的写作 能 力 ,适应 学生 的实际 水平 。这 种使 题 长 ,常 以作 文 见 红 的 多 少评 价 教 师 的 工作 。 因此 ,语 文 教 师都 是 目来 源 于学 生 生活 ,符 合他 们 的年 龄特 点 的原 则 ,至今 看来 仍 不失 坚 持 了精 批 细 改 的。 在 与教 师 的座 谈 中 ,不少 教 师 也 反 映这 样 做 它 的现 实意 义 。要 把作 文题 目命 得 让学 生 “ 写” ,除 了在 命题 形 是 事倍 功半 ,甚 至 劳 而 无 功 。改 一 次 作 文耗 费几 十 个 小 时 ,反 到 爱 式 ,方 式 ,语 言上 作一 些探 讨外 ,根本 还在 于要 了解学 生 的生 活 , 影 响 了整 个 教 学 工 作 ,也影 响 了作 文 教 学水 平 的提 高 ,但 又苦 于 思想 ,感情 ,他 们 受丰 富多 彩 的生 活感 染 ,又受 到 多种 视听 媒体 的 无 奈 也 只得 这 么 去 做 。 看来 如 何 改 革 作 文评 改 已成 为 作 文教 学 的 影 响 ,视野 开 阔 ,思想 活跃 ,这一 切都 远非 既往 年代 的学生 所 能 比 关键 。 拟 。作 文命 题应 该有 利 于学 生直 抒其 对 生活 的感 受 ,这 就会诱 发 他 作 文批 改 的重要 性 除 了它是 写作 前 指导 的反 馈 和继 续 ;是写 后 们 的兴趣 。 评 讲 的依 据 和基础 ,更重 要 的是师 生情 感 的直 接交 流 。往往 多有 这
培养兴趣 英文作文

培养兴趣英文作文英文,Cultivating interests is a crucial part of personal growth and development. Having a variety of interests not only enriches our lives, but also helps us to become more well-rounded individuals. Personally, I have found that developing and nurturing my interests has brought me a great deal of joy and fulfillment.One of my passions is photography. I first became interested in photography when I received a camera as agift from my parents. At first, I simply took pictures of anything and everything that caught my eye. However, as I began to learn more about the art of photography, I discovered that I had a natural talent for capturing beautiful moments and scenes. I started to experiment with different techniques and styles, and soon enough, photography became a significant part of my life. I found myself constantly seeking out new subjects to photograph, and I even started to share my work on social media, where I received positive feedback and encouragement from friendsand followers.Another interest of mine is cooking. I have always enjoyed experimenting with different ingredients andflavors in the kitchen. I love the process of creating adish from scratch and seeing the smiles on my friends' and family's faces when they taste my creations. Cooking has become a way for me to relax and unwind after a long day, and it has also allowed me to bond with others over ashared love of food.中文,培养兴趣是个人成长和发展的重要组成部分。

培养兴趣的思考和感悟的作文英文回答:I believe cultivating interests is essential for personal growth and fulfillment. When we have a genuine interest in something, we are more likely to invest time and effort into it, which can lead to a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. For example, I have always had a passion for photography. Whenever I pick up my camera and start capturing moments, I feel a sense of joy and excitement. It's like I enter into a different world where I can express myself creatively. This has not only brought me a lot of happiness but also helped me to develop patience and attention to detail.中文回答:我相信培养兴趣对个人成长和满足感至关重要。

中学生培养对英语学习的兴趣英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Cultivating Interest in Learning English among Middle School StudentsIntroductionEnglish is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world and is considered as an important skill for communication and career advancement. However, many middle school students often find it challenging to learn English due to various reasons such as lack of interest, motivation, or proper guidance. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of cultivating interest in learning English among middle school students and explore some effective strategies to achieve this goal.Understanding the Importance of English LearningEnglish is a global language that is used in business, technology, science, and many other fields. It is also the main language for international communication, which opens up numerous opportunities for personal and professional growth. Therefore, it is crucial for middle school students to develop astrong foundation in English to excel in their academic and future careers.The Challenge of Cultivating Interest in English LearningDespite the importance of English, many middle school students struggle to develop an interest in learning the language. They may find English classes boring or difficult, which can demotivate them from putting effort into studying. Moreover, some students may lack exposure to English outside the classroom, which hinders their language acquisition and proficiency. As educators and parents, it is essential to address these challenges and foster a positive attitude towards English learning among students.Strategies to Cultivate Interest in English Learning1. Create a Positive Learning EnvironmentTeachers should create a positive and engaging learning environment that motivates students to participate actively in English classes. Utilize interactive teaching methods such as group activities, games, and multimedia resources to make learning English fun and enjoyable. Encourage students to express their opinions and ideas in English to build their confidence and communication skills.2. Incorporate Real-life Contexts in English LessonsMake English learning relevant to students' daily lives by incorporating real-life contexts and examples in lessons. Discuss current events, cultural topics, and global issues in English to help students understand the practical applications of the language. This will make learning English more meaningful and valuable for students, as they can see how it relates to their own experiences and interests.3. Provide Diverse Learning OpportunitiesOffer students a variety of learning opportunities to explore different aspects of English language and culture. Organize extracurricular activities such as English clubs, language immersion programs, and language exchange partnerships to expose students to authentic English communication and experiences. Encourage students to read English books, watch English movies, and listen to English music to develop their language skills and broaden their cultural awareness.4. Set Achievable Learning GoalsHelp students set achievable learning goals and monitor their progress in English learning. Break down long-term goals into smaller milestones and celebrate students' achievementsalong the way. Provide constructive feedback and support to help students overcome challenges and improve their English proficiency. By setting clear and realistic learning goals, students will stay motivated and focused on their English learning journey.ConclusionCultivating interest in learning English among middle school students is essential for their academic success and future opportunities. By creating a positive learning environment, incorporating real-life contexts, providing diverse learning opportunities, and setting achievable learning goals, educators and parents can inspire students to develop a lifelong passion for English learning. With dedication, patience, and creativity, we can empower middle school students to become proficient English speakers and global citizens.篇2Cultivating Interest in English Learning Among Middle School StudentsIntroductionAs a crucial subject in the school curriculum, English learning plays a vital role in students' academic and personal development. However, many middle school students often findEnglish learning challenging and uninteresting due to various reasons. Therefore, it is essential to cultivate their interest in English learning to enhance their proficiency in the language and promote a positive attitude towards learning. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of nurturing interest in English learning among middle school students and explore effective strategies to achieve this goal.Importance of Cultivating Interest in English Learning1. Enhances Language Proficiency: Engaging students in English learning activities that interest them can enhance their language skills and proficiency. When students are motivated and passionate about learning English, they are more likely to actively participate in lessons, practice regularly, and seek opportunities for language improvement.2. Promotes Positive Attitude: Cultivating interest in English learning can help students develop a positive attitude towards the subject. When students enjoy learning English, they are more likely to perceive it as a fun and rewarding experience rather than a daunting task. This positive mindset can boost their confidence, motivation, and overall academic performance.3. Fosters Lifelong Learning: Instilling a love for English learning at a young age can foster a lifelong interest in languagestudy and exploration. When students develop a passion for learning English, they are more likely to continue pursuing language learning opportunities beyond the classroom and seek ways to expand their language skills and cultural knowledge.Effective Strategies to Cultivate Interest in English Learning1. Incorporate Real-World Contexts: Integrate real-world contexts, such as authentic materials, cultural references, and practical language use, into English lessons to make learning more relevant and engaging for students. By connecting language learning to real-life situations, students can see the practical value of English and become more motivated to learn.2. Use Varied Teaching Methods: Employ a variety of teaching methods, such as multimedia resources, interactive activities, games, and project-based learning, to cater to different learning styles and interests. By providing a diverse range of learning opportunities, teachers can capture students' attention, stimulate their curiosity, and make English learning more enjoyable and effective.3. Encourage Student Autonomy: Empower students to take ownership of their learning by encouraging them to set goals, make choices, explore their interests, and self-assess their progress. By promoting student autonomy, teachers canenhance students' motivation, engagement, and sense of responsibility towards their English learning journey.4. Create a Supportive Learning Environment: Establish a positive and supportive learning environment where students feel safe, respected, and valued. Encourage open communication, collaboration, and creativity in the classroom to foster a sense of community, belonging, and mutual support among students. A supportive learning environment can enhance students' confidence, motivation, and willingness to engage in English learning activities.ConclusionCultivating interest in English learning among middle school students is essential for enhancing their language proficiency, promoting a positive attitude towards learning, and fostering lifelong learning habits. By implementing effective strategies, such as incorporating real-world contexts, using varied teaching methods, encouraging student autonomy, and creating a supportive learning environment, teachers can inspire students to develop a passion for English learning and achieve success in their language learning journey. Ultimately, nurturing students' interest in English learning can empower them to becomeconfident, motivated, and lifelong learners who appreciate the value of language study and cultural exchange.篇3Cultivating Interest in English Learning Among Middle School StudentsEnglish is a vital language in today's globalized world. It is not only a means of communication but also a gateway to accessing a wealth of information, opportunities, and experiences. For middle school students, developing an interest in English learning is crucial for their future academic and personal growth. However, many students struggle to find motivation and enthusiasm for studying English. It is essential for educators and parents to take proactive measures to cultivate interest in English learning among middle school students.One effective way to foster interest in English learning is to make the process enjoyable and engaging. English lessons should be interactive, dynamic, and relevant to students' interests and experiences. Teachers can incorporate games, multimedia resources, and real-life scenarios into their lessons to make learning fun and meaningful. By creating a positive andstimulating learning environment, students are more likely to be motivated and invested in their English studies.Another important factor in cultivating interest in English learning is to highlight the practical benefits of mastering the language. Middle school students should be made aware of the various opportunities and advantages that come with proficiency in English, such as access to international exchange programs, higher education opportunities, and better job prospects. By demonstrating the real-world relevance of English skills, students are more likely to see the value of investing time and effort in their language studies.Furthermore, educators and parents can encourage middle school students to develop a curiosity and appreciation for English language and culture. Exposing students to authentic English language materials, such as literature, films, music, and social media, can help them develop a deeper understanding and connection to the language. Additionally, organizing cultural exchange programs, language immersion experiences, and study abroad opportunities can provide students with firsthand exposure to the richness and diversity of English-speaking countries.In addition to creating a supportive learning environment and emphasizing the practical benefits of English proficiency, it is important for educators and parents to provide students with personalized guidance and support in their language learning journey. By recognizing and addressing individual learning styles, strengths, and challenges, teachers and parents can help students overcome any obstacles and develop a sense of confidence and competence in their English skills. Offering encouragement, constructive feedback, and praise for students' efforts and progress can help build their self-esteem and motivation to continue learning and improving.In conclusion, cultivating interest in English learning among middle school students is essential for their academic success and personal development. By making English learning enjoyable, relevant, and meaningful, highlighting the practical benefits of language proficiency, fostering curiosity and appreciation for English language and culture, and providing personalized support and guidance, educators and parents can empower students to become motivated, confident, and lifelong learners of the English language. Through these efforts, middle school students can develop a lasting passion for English learning and open up a world of opportunities and possibilities for their future.。

中学生如何培养对英语学习兴趣 英语作文

中学生如何培养对英语学习兴趣英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1How to Cultivate Interest in English Learning for Middle School StudentsAs middle school students, mastering the English language is not only a requirement for academic success but also a valuable life skill. However, many students struggle to find motivation and interest in learning English, leading to poor performance and lack of enthusiasm. It is essential to cultivate a genuine interest in English learning to ensure long-term success and enjoyment in the process.Here are some effective strategies for middle school students to cultivate interest in English learning:1. Make it Relevant: Help students connect the English language to their daily lives and interests. Encourage them to read English books, watch English movies or listen to English songs related to topics they are passionate about. This will make learning more enjoyable and meaningful for them.2. Use Technology: Utilize technology to make the learning process more interactive and engaging. There are numerous language learning apps, websites, and online resources that can help students improve their English skills in a fun and engaging way.3. Gamify Learning: Turn English learning into a game by organizing quizzes, puzzles, and other interactive activities. Create a friendly competition among students to motivate them to excel in their language studies.4. Encourage Creativity: Inspire students to express themselves creatively in English through writing stories, poems, or creating videos. This will not only enhance their language skills but also boost their confidence and interest in learning.5. Provide Real-Life Opportunities: Create opportunities for students to practice their English skills in real-life situations, such as participating in debates, speech competitions, or engaging in English conversations with native speakers. This practical experience will help them see the relevance of English learning in their lives.6. Celebrate Achievements: Recognize and celebrate students' progress and achievements in their English learning journey. Positive reinforcement and encouragement can go along way in motivating students to continue learning and improving.By implementing these strategies, middle school students can develop a genuine interest in English learning and enjoy the process of mastering the language. With dedication, support, and a positive mindset, students can become proficient English speakers and open up a world of opportunities for themselves.篇2How to Cultivate Interest in English Learning for Middle School StudentsEnglish learning is an essential part of education for middle school students. However, many students find it challenging to cultivate interest in learning English due to various reasons such as lack of motivation, difficulty in understanding the language, or simply finding it boring. In order to help middle school students develop a passion for English learning, it is important to implement effective strategies that make learning fun and engaging. Here are some useful tips on how to cultivate interest in English learning for middle school students:1. Use Interactive and Engaging Learning Materials: One of the best ways to make English learning interesting for middleschool students is to use interactive and engaging learning materials. This can include videos, games, songs, or other multimedia resources that make learning fun and exciting. By incorporating these interactive materials into the curriculum, students are more likely to stay engaged and interested in learning English.2. Encourage Group Activities and Discussions: Group activities and discussions can also help to foster interest in English learning among middle school students. By working together with their peers, students can practice speaking and writing in English, while also sharing ideas and perspectives on various topics. This not only enhances their language skills but also makes learning more interactive and enjoyable.3. Provide Real-Life Contexts: Another effective way to cultivate interest in English learning is to provide students with real-life contexts in which they can apply their language skills. This can include activities such as role-plays, simulations, or project-based learning that require students to use English in practical situations. By connecting language learning to real-life scenarios, students are more likely to see the relevance and importance of mastering the language.4. Incorporate Cultural Awareness: Learning about the culture of English-speaking countries can also help to spark interest in English learning for middle school students. By exploring topics such as holidays, traditions, food, music, and literature, students can gain a deeper appreciation for the language and its cultural significance. This can make learning English more engaging and meaningful for students.5. Offer Incentives and Rewards: Providing incentives and rewards for English learning achievements can also motivate middle school students to take an interest in the language. This can include prizes, certificates, or recognition for students who demonstrate improvement in their English language skills. By offering incentives and rewards, students are encouraged to set goals and work towards achieving them, leading to a greater sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.In conclusion, cultivating interest in English learning for middle school students is essential for their academic success and personal development. By implementing interactive and engaging learning materials, encouraging group activities and discussions, providing real-life contexts, incorporating cultural awareness, and offering incentives and rewards, educators can help students develop a passion for learning English. With theright strategies and support, middle school students can enjoy the process of acquiring language skills and thrive in their English learning journey.篇3How to Cultivate Interest in English Learning for Middle School StudentsEnglish is considered one of the most important languages in the world, and mastering it can open up many opportunities for individuals in terms of education and career prospects. However, many middle school students find learning English to be a daunting task, often lacking the motivation to improve their language skills. In order to cultivate interest in English learning for middle school students, it is important to implement various strategies aimed at making the learning process engaging and enjoyable.One effective way to pique students' interest in English is by incorporating interactive and hands-on activities into the classroom. For example, teachers can organize group discussions, debates, or role-playing exercises that require students to actively participate and engage with the language. These activities not only make learning more fun and interactive butalso help students develop their language skills in a practical and meaningful way.Additionally, exposing students to authentic English materials, such as movies, music, and literature, can also help ignite their interest in the language. By using real-life examples of how English is used in different contexts, students can better understand the relevance and importance of mastering the language. Furthermore, incorporating technology into the learning process, such as interactive language learning apps or online resources, can make studying English more engaging and accessible for students.Another important aspect of cultivating interest in English learning is to create a supportive and inclusive learning environment. Teachers should encourage students to express themselves freely in English, without fear of making mistakes or being judged. By fostering a positive and encouraging atmosphere in the classroom, students are more likely to feel motivated and confident in their language learning journey.Furthermore, teachers can also help students set personal goals and milestones in their English learning process. By breaking down the language learning journey into manageable steps, students can track their progress and celebrate theirachievements along the way. This sense of accomplishment can boost students' motivation and drive to continue improving their English skills.In conclusion, cultivating interest in English learning for middle school students requires a combination of engaging teaching methods, exposure to authentic language materials, a supportive learning environment, and goal-setting strategies. By implementing these strategies in the classroom, teachers can help students develop a lifelong passion for learning English and equip them with the necessary skills to succeed in an increasingly globalized world.。


三、 学生想象作文, 提高 写作兴趣
用词 、短语及句子等方面有一点值得学习和借
改革命题模式 , 引发写作兴趣
苏霍姆林斯基说过 :所有智力方面 的工作 “
鉴 的,我们也要多给予赞美 ,激发其创作的兴 爱因斯坦说 :想象力 比知识更 重要 ,因为 趣 。否则 , “ 教师若是把学生作文批得满篇朱红, 评得一无是处 , 这不仅挫伤了他们 的自尊心, 而 且打击了他们 的写作兴趣 , 以为写作是件“ 高不 可攀” 的事 , 以“ 难 登堂人室” 。这样 , 老牛拉 破 车, 费力不讨好 。
阅读 , 同时让学生动手创办 “ 幼芽” 蓓蕾” “ 等手
往常 的那种对作文 的神秘感 、 畏惧感 , 已 早 荡然 先是狂风大作 , 大雪纷飞的景象 ; 接着是教室里 无存 , 取而代之的是浓厚的兴趣和鲜活的灵感。
二、 学生 自由作文 , 培养 写作兴趣
抄报和校 园刊物 , 为习作提供 广泛 的发表园地 , 我坚持每个学期举办一次快速作文竞赛 ,并经 常性向《 中学生优秀作文选》少年作文辅导》 《 等
我手写我心” 的作文观 。学生的写 作兴趣 法有 高分激 励 、 作 ,而提高学生写作的关键是对学生写作兴趣 树立“ 表扬激励 、 比激励 、 对 活动激励 的培养。 下面我就 自己多年来的教学实践 , 谈谈 得到 了培养 , 个性特点得到 了张扬 , 作文水平 自 等。在作文中 , 有些学生的习作并不见佳 , 但在 我在这方面所作的一些探索 。
的是作文; 对学生来讲 , 最难写的也是作文。欲 生细致 的观察力 ,丰富 的想象力 和潜在的创造
改变现状 ,调动学生 的写 作积极 性是 关键. 力。 那 如写人 记事 的《 我爱爸爸的手》我心 目中的 生作文成功的愉悦感和成就感 ,激发学生的写 《
兴趣培养 英文作文

兴趣培养英文作文Certainly! When it comes to writing an essay on cultivating interests, there are several key points to consider. Here's a detailed response:IntroductionCultivating interests is essential for personal growth and fulfillment. It involves exploring various activities, hobbies, and subjects to discover what sparks passion and curiosity. In this essay, we will delve into the significance of interest cultivation and explore strategies for nurturing and sustaining interests.Importance of Interest Cultivation1. Personal Development: Engaging in activities of interest promotes self-discovery and enhances individual strengths and talents.2. Motivation and Engagement: Pursuing one's interests fosters intrinsic motivation, leading to sustained engagement and perseverance.3. Well-being and Happiness: Studies show that people who regularly engage in activities they enjoy experience higherlevels of satisfaction and overall well-being.4. Career Opportunities: Developing diverse interests can open doors to unexpected career paths and opportunities for professional growth.Strategies for Cultivating Interests1. Exploration: Encourage experimentation with various activities, hobbies, and subjects to discover areas of interest.2. Exposure: Expose oneself to different experiences, cultures, and perspectives through travel, reading, or social interactions.3. Persistence: Emphasize the importance of perseverance and dedication, especially when faced with challenges or setbacks.4. Seeking Guidance: Seek guidance from mentors, teachers, or professionals in fields of interest to gain insights and advice.5. Balance: Maintain a balance between pursuing existing interests and exploring new ones to avoid burnout or boredom.6. Reflection: Regularly reflect on experiences and interests to assess personal growth and satisfaction.Case Studies and Examples1. Personal Experience: Share anecdotes or personal experiences of how cultivating interests has enriched your life and contributed to your growth.2. Successful Individuals: Highlight stories of successful individuals who attribute their achievements to their passion and dedication to their interests.3. Educational Programs: Discuss initiatives or programs aimed at promoting interest cultivation among students, such as extracurricular activities or project-based learning.ConclusionIn conclusion, cultivating interests is a journey ofself-discovery and personal development. By exploring, experimenting, and persisting in areas of interest, individuals can unlock their potential, find fulfillment, and lead more enriched lives. It is essential to recognize the value of interest cultivation and prioritize its integration into education and personal growth initiatives.References- Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1997). Finding Flow: The Psychology of Engagement with Everyday Life.- Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2000). The "What" and "Why" of Goal Pursuits: Human Needs and the Self-Determination of Behavior.- Hobbies and Interests - Their Role in Your Life and Career, Harvard Extension School, Division of Continuing Education.This structure provides a comprehensive framework for discussing the topic of interest cultivation in your essay. Feel free to adjust the content and examples to suit your specific audience and objectives. If you need further assistance or have any specific questions, feel free to ask!。

培养兴趣的英文作文英文:Developing interests is crucial in our lives. It not only enriches our leisure time, but also helps us to learn new things and broaden our horizons. As for me, I have several interests that I am passionate about.First and foremost, I love reading. I enjoy losing myself in a good book and immersing myself in a different world. Reading has not only expanded my knowledge, but also improved my language skills. I can read books in both English and Chinese, and I find it fascinating to compare the differences between the two languages.Secondly, I am really into cooking. I find it therapeutic to chop vegetables and stir fry ingredients. I love experimenting with new recipes and ingredients, and it gives me a sense of accomplishment when I create adelicious meal. Moreover, cooking is a great way to bondwith family and friends.Last but not least, I am a travel enthusiast. I love exploring new places and experiencing different cultures. Traveling has taught me to be open-minded and appreciatethe beauty of diversity. I have been to many countries, and each trip has left me with unforgettable memories.In conclusion, cultivating interests is essential for personal growth and happiness. It provides us with a senseof purpose and fulfillment. Therefore, I encourage everyone to discover their own passions and pursue them with enthusiasm.中文:培养兴趣对我们的生活至关重要。

另外 , 经常开展 班级作 文竞赛 , 办 好 墙报 、 手抄报 , 要 求 自行 写稿 、 设计 : 鼓 励 学生向报刊杂志投稿 , 都 能巩 固和 发展 学 生的作文兴趣 。 在作 文教学中 ,通过客体的刺激 , 强 作成 为学生一种内在的需要 , 从 而把教 师 “ 要我写 ” 变成 学生的“ 我要 写” , 变被动 为 主动。那么 , 学生 写作能 力的提高将指 日
的学 生产生顿 悟 : 作文 并不难 , 就 是写 生 活 中的真实故事 ,进 而激发热 爱生活、 热 爱作文的欲望。如新 生入学 , 为增强 同学 之 间、 师生之 间的 了解 , 采 用 自我 介绍 的 方式 , 从性格 、 为人 、 爱好等各方面说说 自 己。 老师先 自我介绍 , 然后学生各 自介绍 , 最后引导学生拟标题 , 形成作文。 二、 学生情感世界的波澜 熟, 他们模仿 力强 , 对外界 的感受敏锐 , 外 界的一切 ( 如 时髦 、 明 星等 ) 都能撞击学生 的心扉 , 激 起他们情 感 的波 澜 , 从而使 他
我 们知道 , 客体 即事物 或活 动 , 是生 活 中客观 的存在 。只有通 过对客 体 的刺 激, 才能成为兴趣源 , 这 个 兴 趣 源 也 就 是作 文 的题材 。然 而 , 平时 每逢作 文 , 学 生 总 是 愁眉 苦 脸 , 叫 苦连 天 , 都 说 作 文 无 啥可 写。但事 实上 , 真 的无啥可 写吗? 非也 。只是 因为这 些事 物或活 动成 不 了 学 生 的 兴 趣 源 ,进 不 了学 生 的 大脑 仓 库, 当然学 生就难 以成 文了 。由此可 见 ,
工作 者的共识。然而 , 在具体 的教学 实践 最熟悉最亲切 的故事 ,便会有话可说 , 也 中, 如何培 养学生 的作文 兴趣 , 让 写作成 容易说得真实 、 生动。这样可 以使大部分



二 、 发 学 生 的 写作 兴 趣 和 写 作 动 机 激
写作教学 巾 , 教师要 积极 引导学生 , 使学 生从 内心深处体
大 多 数 语 文教 师对 学 生 都 强 调 写 作 的重 要 ,可 实 际操 作 巾并 师 F已 感 到不 满 意 的 文 章 不 是 认 真 地 帮 助 分 析 原 因 ,套 找 纰 j
就 是外 部 世 界折 射 剑 我 们 心 巾 ,而 我 们 又 诉 诸 于 语 言 文 的 没有 给学 生 多 少 } 发 挥 写 作 能 力 的机 会 ,对 学 生 写 出 的 教 = } f
WE I A A G N L 0 H N D
课 改 前 沿
中学 生作文兴趣 的培 养
文 /刘 洁
说 话 , 文 章 是 初 中语 文 课 教 学 的 荩 本 要 求 , 谓 作 文 , 写 所 种 形 式 , 俗 地 讲 , 何 人 在 生 活 巾总 有 所 见 、 闻 、 感 , 通 任 所 所
2写 作 课 的 时 间 有 限 , 生 没 有 搜 集 素 材 和 修 改 草 稿 的 及时引导。使 学生 感觉 到写 作是 一件 轻松 愉快 的活动 。 . 学 教 既 课时, 写作课 上 , 教师 置完写 作题 H, 还要提一些要求 , 念一 教 学 过 程 巾 , 师 要 引导 学生 有 H标 有 重 点 的训 练 , 重 视 写
作 文就是把 我们 记忆 巾印象最 深的 ,感触最大 的东西 用语 青 漏 , 是横加指责 , 而 这样极 大的加重 了学生 的思想负 担 , 学 使 的形式 形成 的义章。如学生无 兴趣 作文而让其作 文 ,无异于 生在 写 作 时提 心 吊 胆 , 至 采 取 对 抗 手 段 。 甚

中学生怎样培养学英语的兴趣英语作文As a middle school student, there are several ways to cultivate an interest in learning English. Firstly, it is important to find fun and engaging ways to practice English outside of the classroom. This can include watching English language movies and TV shows, listening to English music, and reading English books and articles. By exposingyourself to the language in different contexts, you can start to appreciate its beauty and usefulness.Secondly, participating in English language activities and clubs can also help to foster an interest in the language. This could involve joining an English language debate club, drama club, or even a language exchange program. By interacting with others who are also passionate about English, you can gain new perspectives and insights, and hopefully develop a genuine interest in the language.Additionally, setting goals and challenges for yourself can be a great way to stay motivated and engaged. This could involve aiming to achieve a certain score on an English proficiency exam, or challenging yourself to read a certain number of English books within a given timeframe.By setting and achieving these goals, you can develop a sense of accomplishment and pride, which can in turn fuel your passion for learning English.Finally, it is important to remember that learning a language is a gradual process, and it is okay to make mistakes along the way. Embracing a positive attitude and being open to learning from your errors can help to makethe language learning journey more enjoyable and rewarding.作为一个中学生,有几种方法可以培养对学习英语的兴趣。
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