




the thrill of the chase, the blood pumping through your veins, just the two of us against the rest of the world.



marriage changes you as a person in ways that you cant imagine.

婚姻会用一种你无法想象的方式改变你。you are married, and then you just let your old friends slip away.



john, i am a ridiculous man. redeemed only by the warmth and constancy of your 约翰,我是个荒谬的人,却被你的热情和对友谊的忠贞拯救了

(john to mary)



to the very best of times, john.
















































1、the thrill of the chase, the blood pumping through your veins, just the two of us against the rest of the world.


2、every fairy tale nees a good old-fashioned villain.


3、 you are married, and then you just let your old friends slip away.


4、in the light of this, these incidents are now being treated as linked.


5、im a consulting detective. only one in the world, i invented the job. means when the police are out of their depth, which is always, they consult me.


6、im a private detective, the last thing i need is a public image.


7、brainy is the new sexy


8、most people? blunder round this city, and all they see are streets and shops and cars.when you walk with sherlock holmes, you see the battlefield.


9、i cant turn it on and off like a tap.


10、anderson, dont talk out loud.you lower the iq of the whole street.


11、anderson, face the other way. you are putting me off.


12、 to the very best of times, john.


13、listen. this is my hard drive, and it only makes sense to put things in there that are useful. really useful.


14、do you know the big problem with a disguise,mr holmes? however hard you try, its always a self-portrait.i think youre damaged, delusional and believe in a higher power. in your case, its yourself.


15、 did he offer you money to spy on me?yes. did you take it? no. pity, we could have split the fee. think it through next time.


16、 i wont insult your intelligence by explaining it to you.


17、 marriage changes you as a person in ways that you cant imagine.


18、well, your arch-enemy, according to him. do people have arch-enemies?


19、 the one person he thought didnt matter at all to me was the one person that mattered the most.


20、 john, i am a ridiculous man. redeemed only by the warmth and constancy of your friendship.


21、 the problems of your past are your business. the problems of your future are my privilege.


22、 ordinary people fill their heads with all kinds of rubbish.that makes it hard to get at the stuff that matters. do you see?



神探夏洛克》经典台词集锦 《神探夏洛克》简介: 《神探夏洛克》是英国的一部侦探系列电视剧,改编自柯南?道尔的小说《福尔摩斯探案集》,讲述了一个叫夏洛克?福尔摩斯的侦探和他的朋友华生经历一个个不同的案件,每个案件都非常危险、刺激、疑点重重的故事。从XX年到XX年,《神探夏洛克》已经播出了四季,在艾美奖上夺得了多个奖项和提名,在全球多个国家和地区播出,男主角夏洛克被叫做“卷福”,华生被叫做“花生”。 《神探夏洛克》经典语录幽默台词:你,不要说话,你拉低了整条街的 智商。你,转过去,你影响我思考了。 ——《神探夏洛克》经典语录普通人让自己的脑中装满垃圾,所以学习有用的东西就很难。 ——《神探夏洛克》经典语录我就不给你解释了,省得说我侮辱你智商。 ——《神探夏洛克》经典语录是不是说我这辈子遇到的所有人就没有一个正常的? ——《神探夏洛克》经典语录 《神探夏洛克》经典语录人生感悟台词:你的过去我不愿过问,那是你的事情。你的未来我希望参与,这是我的荣幸。 神探夏洛克》经典语录 爱是种危险的劣势 ——《神探夏洛克》经典语录

眼泪是挡不住子弹的,否则那该是个多么温柔的世界啊。 ——《神探夏洛克》经典语录 爱的承诺,失去的苦楚,赎罪的欢愉。 ——《神探夏洛克》经典语录 生命终有尽头,人心终要破碎,太在意可不是什么优点! ——《神探夏洛克》经典语录 每个童话都需要一个经典大反派。 ——《神探夏洛克》经典语录 感情用事是失败者的生理缺陷。 如果想隐藏一棵树,森林就是绝佳的地点。 ——《神探夏洛克》经典语录 勇敢是愚蠢最好听的代替词。 ——《神探夏洛克》经典语录 你在撒谎,你的脉搏跳动速度在加快,你的瞳孔在张大探夏洛克》经典语录 没有我他哪来的新生活? ——《神探夏洛克》经典语录 聪明又不像水龙头有开关。 ——《神探夏洛克》经典语录 - 我只有孤独作伴。孤独能保护我。 - 不对,保护我们的是朋友。 ——《神探夏洛克》经典语录


——Sherlock Holmes SHERLOCK Season Two Episode Three —The Reichenbach Fall

——Sherlock Holmes 为什么今天来? Why today? 你想听我说? Do you want to hear me say it? 上次诊断已经过去个月了 18 months since our last appointment. 你看报纸吗? Y ou read the papers? 有时候 Sometimes... 电视总看吧 And you watch telly? 你知道我为什么来 Y ou know why I'm here. 我来是因为... I'm here because... 出了什么事约翰? What happened, John? 夏... Sherl... 你必须说出口 Y ou need to get it out. 我最好的朋友... My best friend... 夏洛克·福尔摩斯 Sherlock Holmes... 死了 ..is dead. "莱辛巴赫瀑布" 透纳的杰作 Falls Of The Reichenbach. Turner's masterpiece. 终于失而复得 Thankfully recovered, 多亏夏洛克·福尔摩斯先生的奇才 owing to the prodigious talent of Mr Sherlock Holmes. 小小意思不成敬意 A small token of our gratitude. 钻石袖链我袖口都有扣子的 Diamond cufflinks... All my cuffs have buttons. 他说谢谢我说了吗 He means thank you. Do I? 快说谢谢 Just say it. Thank you. 稍等 Hang on. 我历经艰辛终于和家人重聚 Back together with my family, after my terrifying ordeal. 我的解脱还要格外谢谢一个人 And we have one person to thank for my deliverance... 夏洛克·福尔摩斯 Sherlock Holmes. 领带夹我不戴领带嘘 Tie pin. I don't wear ties. Shhh. 彼得·里科里特 Peter Ricoletti... 1982年以来国际刑警组织通缉名单首位Number one on Interpol's most wanted list since 1982. 已经被捕我们必须感谢一个人 We got him, and there's one person we have to thank 给予的关键性指引 for giving us the decisive leads. 仰仗他对人情世故的精通 With all his customary diplomacy and tact. 是讽刺没错 Sarcasm. Y es. 大家凑钱买的 We all chipped in. 哦 Oh... 戴上戴上 Put the hat on. Put the hat on. 对夏洛克戴上 Y es, Sherlock, put it on. 早戴早超生 Just get it over with. 学术神探 "Boffin!" 学术神探夏洛克 "Boffin Sherlock Holmes!" 人人都会有 Everybody gets one. 一个什么? 小报外号 One what? Tabloid nickname. 苏珊大妈贱尼克我应该也快有了 SuBo, Nasty Nick. I'll probably get one soon. 第5页第6列第1句 Page five, column six, first sentence. 为什么总是这张带帽照? Why is it always the hat photograph?! "单身者华生" 什么头衔啊"Bachelor John Watson."What kind of hat is it? "单身者" 想暗示什么? BACHELOR? What are they implying?!


1. Take somebody (sb.) a while/some time to do something 需要一点时间去做某事/某件事情需要小一阵子才能完成 例句: John, you're a soldier, and it's going to take you a while to adjust to civilian life. 约翰你是个军人,从这个身份到普通人,需要一个过程 2. Live one’s life to full 生活美满\充实过好每一天 3. Mystery谜 例句: My husband was a happy man who lived life to the full. He loved his family and his work, and that he should have taken his own life in this way is a mystery and a shock to all who knew him. 我的丈夫是个努力生活的乐观男人,他热爱家庭和工作,他选择这样结束自己的生命让人无法理解,也让认识他的人都感到震惊. 4. Umbrella 5. Share 6. Confirm 确认 7. apparent 明显的、显而易见的(related words:obvious, clear) 例句: We can confirm that this apparent suicide closely resembles those of Sir Jeffrey Patterson and James Phillimore. 我们可以确认这起自杀案十分类似于杰弗瑞·帕特森爵士和詹姆士·费力默的状况 8. serial murder/serial killer连环谋杀案/连环杀手 9. detective 侦探 10. poison毒药 11. look for something 寻找 (已经找到用find, find 的过去式为found) We looked for a mobile in the house. And we found it in the kitchen. 12. administer执行、做、管理 Self-administer 自己去做 例句: 记者1:有可能是谋杀吗? 如果是的话会是连环杀手干的吗? Is there any chance that these are murders? And if they are, is this the work of a serial killer? Sally:我知道你们更喜欢写这种故事,但现场状况确系自杀。两者的差别明显很清楚,毒药是他们自己服下的。 I know that you like writing about these but these do appear to be suicides. We know the


People do good deeds for many reasons, but sometimes good deeds have bad consequences. 人们做好事的理由有很多,但有时好事却招致恶果。——《绝望主妇》 I have the one thing that you never will. Her respect. 我拥有你这辈子都得不到的东西,她的尊敬。——《吸血鬼日记》 Too late to turn back now. 现在回头为时已晚。——《绯闻女孩》 Whenever we make mistakes, we need to apologize, and then we need to move on. 只要犯了错,就应该道歉,然后释怀,继续生活。——《绝望主妇》 If you want to make an omelet, you have to break a few eggs. 舍不得孩子套不着狼。——《吸血鬼日记》 Every fairy tale needs a good old-fashioned villain. 每个童话都需要一个经典大反派。——《神探夏洛克》 Everyone has members of their family that are difficult to deal with. 每个家庭都会有一些比较难对付的一些人。——《为人父母》 Y ou make me happier than I ever thought I could be. If you let me, I’ll spend rest of my life trying to make you feel the same way. 你给了我难以想像的幸福。如果你愿意,我愿意用我的一生让你感受到同样的幸福。——《老友记》 Friend is someone who can see the truth and pain in you even when you are fooling everyone else. 真正的朋友就是,当你蒙蔽了所有人的眼睛,也能看穿你真实的样子和心底的痛楚。——《绝望主妇》 Happy to know you still care. 很高兴知道你还会关心我。——《吸血鬼日记》 Right now you're my priority, not business. 现在我的重心是你不是工作.——《绯闻女孩》


神探夏洛克经典台词 1.Bravery is by far the kindest word for stupidity. 勇敢是愚蠢最好听的代言词 2.Most people... blunder round this city, and all they see are streets and shops and cars. When you walk with Sherlock Holmes, you see the battlefield. 这城市大多人都庸庸碌碌,眼中只有繁华街肆,车来人往。与夏洛克?福尔摩斯同行,你却能看到战场。 3.Appreciation! Applause! At long last the spotlight. That's the frailty of genius, it needs an audience. 被人赏识,受人追捧,终成焦点所在,这就是天才的软肋,他们需要观众。 4.You lower the IQ of the whole street. 整条街智商都被你拉低了 5.Bitterness is a paralytic. Love is a much more vicious motivator. 愤懑是种麻醉剂。更危险的动机是爱 6.Some things aren't supposed to sit behind glass, they're made to be touched. To be handled. 有些东西注定不该空坐在玻璃护罩里,它们生来就该被人触碰,为人所用 7.Sometimes you have to look hard at something, to see its value. 有时候一些东西需要你仔细地观察,才能品味其价值 8.Take my card. 用我的卡吧 9.You want to hide a tree, then a forest is the best place to do it. 藏一棵树最好的地方是森林里 10.A book is like a magic garden, carried in your pocket. 书中自有颜如玉,书中自有黄金屋 11.This is my hard drive, and it only makes sense to put things in there that are useful. REALLY useful. Ordinary people fill their heads with all kinds of rubbish. That makes it hard to get at the stuff that matters. 这是我的硬盘,唯一合理做法是,只存进有用的东西。真正有用的!普通人总在脑子里塞满垃圾,有用的信息都找不到了。 12.People don't like telling you thing, but they love to contradict you. 人不爱主动说出真相,但他们总喜欢反驳


《神探夏洛克》S02E01口语精华 1. I will burn the heart out of you. 让你下到十八层地狱 burn somebody 灼烧某人,引申为让某人下地狱 eg:"May God burn you in hellfire for all eternity, " the priest flared. “愿上帝保佑,让你受地狱之火的永恒煎熬,”神甫快被气疯了。 2. Catch you later. 后会有期 catch you 抓住你,引申为跟上,赶上 eg:You go on, I will catch you up. 你先走,我一会儿来赶你。 3. But everything I have to say has already crossed your mind. 可我要说的你全都心知肚明了 cross one's mind 想到,知道,引申为心知肚明 eg:Someday, weeks will go by, maybe even years, it won't even cross our mind. 随着时间的慢慢流逝,总有一天,我们都不会再想起这些。 4. Wrong day to die. 今天还不适合死 wrong day 错误的时间,引申为还不适合怎样 eg:They were in the right place, on the wrong day. Or so it would seem. 他们来对了地方,却不是合适的时间,至少当时看起来是这样。 5. You'll be hearing from me, Sherlock. 我俩后会有期 hear from 收到...的信,引申为后会有期 eg:And we hope to hear from you soon. 我们也希望很快能听到你的回应。 6. I'll make you into shoes. 我让你吃不了兜着走 make you into shoes 把你塞到鞋子里,引申为让你吃不了兜着走 eg:Promise me or I will make you into shoes! 答应我,否则我让你吃不了兜着走! 7. I think my husband might be having an affair.


神探夏洛克第三季第一集_05 All very interesting, Sherlock, 贝克街都很有意思夏洛克 but the terror alert has been raised to critical. 但恐怖袭击预警等级已达到"危急" Boring. Your move. 无聊该你了 We have solid information, an attack IS coming. 可靠情报显示袭击就在眼前 Solid information, 可靠情报 a secret terrorist organisation is planning an attack... 秘密恐怖组织正在策划一场袭击... That's what secret terrorist organisations do, isn't it? 秘密恐怖组织就是干这个的不是吗? It's their version of golf. 他们的消闲运动 An agent gave his life to tell us that. 一位特工为此牺牲了 Oh, well, 这样啊 perhaps he shouldn't have done. He was obviously just trying to show off. 也许是他做过头了只想逞英雄 None of these 'markers' of yours is behaving in any way suspiciously? 你那些"活标记"都没有可疑举动吗? Your move. 该你了 No, Mycroft, but you have to trust me. 没有麦克罗夫特可你得相信我 I'll find the answer. 我会找出答案 But it'll be in an odd phrase in an on-line blog, 答案也许是网上博客一处奇怪用词 or an unexpected trip to the countryside, 一次临时乡间旅行 or a misplaced lonely hearts ad. 或者发错地方的征友广告 Your move! 该你走了! I've given the Prime Minister my personal assurance you're on the case. 我亲自向首相保证你在积极破案 I am on the case, we both are, look at us right now.


1明斯克白俄罗斯 Minsk Belarus 2从头开始源源本本告诉我 Just tell me what happened from the beginning. 3(东欧口音)我们去泡吧 We had been to a bar, 4酒吧不错我开始和一个女招待搭讪 nice place, and, er, I got chatting with one of the waitresses, 5凯伦她很不高兴后来回到酒店 and Karen weren't happy with that, so...when we get back to the hotel, 6我们吵起来打了一架 we end up having a bit of a ding-dong. 7她老是讽刺我说我不似个真爷们 She's always getting at me, saying I weren't a real man. 8不"是"个真爷们 Wasn't a real man. 9什么? "不是" 你说的"不似" What? It's not "weren't", it's "wasn't". 10接着说 Go on. 11然后我也不知怎么回事 Well...then I don't know how it happened, 12 突然我手里就多了把刀 but suddenly there's a knife in my hands... 13我老爹是个屠户所以我会使刀 ..and me old man was a butcher, so I know how to handle knives. 14他叫我们肢解野兽"教" He learned us how to cut up a beast. Taught. 15什么? "教"你们肢解野兽 What? Taught you how to cut up a beast. 16嗯反正我就动作了 Yeah, well, then I done it. 17"动手" 动手捅了她 Did it. Did it! Stabbed her, 18一刀一刀又一刀等我低头看她经已... over and over and over, and I looked down, and she weren't... 19"已经" ..wasn't... 20不会东了 ..moving no more. 21"不会动了" Any more. 22老天我真不知道怎么回事


25. 别出去/ Not Going Out BBC喜剧讲述了李和凯特本是同室好友,他们分别把提姆当作最好的朋友和男友,但是自从提姆和凯特分手以后,事情就变得复杂起来。提姆无法原谅分手,他要如何处理李和凯特之间越来越深的友谊呢? 24. 二零一二 / Twenty Twelve 这部6集短小精悍的系列喜剧讲述了2012年奥利匹克运动会救助小组是如何工作的。剧集采用倒计天数的时间线,小组将遇到各种各样不同的麻烦,直到奥运会结束,他们都不会有什么好日子过。 23. 无耻之徒/ Shameless 故事发生在曼彻斯特的一个住房庄园里。几年前,母亲去了AWOL,只留下父亲和6个孩子。于是大姐Fiona就成了家中的头号人物,照看着Carl,Debbie 以及还是婴儿的Liam。这个热闹非凡的家庭忙碌与它的日常生活,充满性冒险,爱和欺诈的故事,便围绕着这样的家庭展开了……

22. 绿翼/ Green Wing 绿翼(Green Wing)是英国第四频道2004年出品的大获好评的癫狂医务类喜剧,设置在虚构的东汉普顿医院。故事是从外科病房新来的‘凯罗琳’医生第一天入院,不得不在自己车上蓬头垢面过夜开始的。随后她逐渐认识了她那些古古怪怪的同事,‘盖·塞克里’一个瑞士混血儿,伶牙俐齿、多才多艺,但异常讨厌女人;‘艾伦’虽是整个病房性情最古怪的放射线医生,又口吃得厉害,但却很合适人事经理‘科洛’的胃口,这为喜怒无常的科洛小姐总是担忧自己会人老珠黄;却又疯狂恋上人气极旺的‘麦克’医生;还有倒霉的助理医生‘马丁’…… 21. 梅林传奇/ Merlin 《梅林传奇》讲述梅林和亚瑟早年时生活。本剧将以全新的现代视角诠释古老而经典的亚瑟王传说,展示观众们从未见过的新奇领域——大法师梅林的年轻时代。故事将从少年梅林第一次踏进卡梅洛特城开始。君王尤瑟王二十年前颁布过一道命令,禁止在国内使用任何魔法,而年少气盛的梅林却被先天给予了魔法才能。


Moriaty: Do you mind if I get that? (我接一下你没意见吧?) Sherlock: Oh, no, please. You've got the rest of your life. (没事,请便. 尽情使用你的余生吧.) Moriaty: Hello? Yes, of course it is. What do you want? Sorry!(喂? 是的,当然是我.什么事? 不好意思!) Sherlock: It’s fine. (没事) Moriaty: say that again! Say that again, and know that if you're lying to me, I will find you, and I will skin you. Wait! Sorry. Wrong day to die. (你再说一遍! 再说一遍,警告你,要是你敢骗我, 我会找到你,活剥你的皮. 等着! 抱歉. 今天死不成了) Sherlock: Did you get a better offer? (你有更好的邀请了?) Moriaty: You'll be hearing from me, Sherlock. So if you have what you say you have, I will make you rich. If you don't, I'll make you into shoes. (会给你消息的夏洛克. 要是你真有你说的东西,我会让你发大财. 要是你没有, 我会把你做成鞋穿.) Watson: What happened there? (这是怎么回事?) Sherlock: Someone changed his mind.The question is... who?(有人让他改变了主意. 问题在于... 是谁?) Irene Adler: Well, now, have you been wicked, Your Highness? (你不乖了是不是,殿下?) Kate: Yes, Miss Adler. (是,艾德勒小姐) Sherlock: What are you typing?(你在打什么?) Watson: Blog. (博客) Sherlock: About? (写什么?) Watson: Us. (写我们) Sherlock: You mean me. (是写我吧) Watson: Why? (为什么?) Sherlock: Well, you're typing a lot. (看你敲了一大篇) Watson: Right, then. (好吧) Sherlock: So, what have we got?(看看我们有什么新案子) Man: My wife seems to be spending a very long time at the office. (我的妻子好像在办公室待的时间太长了) Sherlock: Boring. (无聊) Woman: I think my husband might be having an affair. (我觉得我丈夫有外遇) Sherlock: Yes. (对) Man: She's not my real aunt, she's been replaced. I know she has. I know human ash. (她不是我姨妈,她被人偷换了. 我知道她被换了. 我认识人的骨灰) Sherlock: Leave. (开路) Men: We are prepared to offer any sum of money you care to mention for the recovery of these files. (价码由您开,开多少我们都愿意出, 只要能找回这些文件) Sherlock: Boring. (无聊) Youngs: We have this website, it explains the true meaning of comic books, cos people miss a lot of the themes. But then all the comic books started coming true.(我们开了个网站,来解读漫画书的真意, 因为读者总是不关注主题. 可是所有的漫画书突然就成真了) Sherlock: Oh...interesting. (哦,有意思) Sherlock:“Geek Interpreter”. What's that? ("希腊译员".这是什么?) Watson: That's the title. (标题)


《神探夏洛克》经典台词 《神探夏洛克》经典台词 1、The thrill of the chase, the blood pumping through your veins, just the two of us against the rest of the world. 追寻罪犯的快感令人血脉喷张,我们两人对阵整个世界。 2、Every fairy tale nees a good old-fashioned villain. 每个童话都需要一个经典大反派。 3、You are married, and then you just let your old friends slip away. 你结婚了,旧的友谊会慢慢淡去。 4、In the light of this, these incidents are now being treated as linked. 据此,我们认为这些案件是相互关联起来的。

5、I'm a consulting detective. Only one in the world, I invented the job. Means when the police are out of their depth, which is always, they consult me. 我是个“咨询侦探” 世界唯一的。这工作是我发明的。每当警察找不到方向他们经常都这样,他们会咨询我。 6、I'm a private detective, the last thing I need is a public image. 我是个私家侦探,我最不需要的就是公众形象。 7、Brainy is the new sexy 智慧是性感的新潮流 8、Most people… blunder round this city, and all they see are streets and shops and cars.When you walk with Sherlock Holmes, you see the battlefield. 这城市大多人都庸庸碌碌,眼中只有繁华街肆车来人往。与夏洛克·福尔摩斯同行,你却能看到战场。


英语吵架一百句 -- By linny(上帖) 1. Stop complaining! 别发牢骚! 2. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心! 3. What’s wrong with you? 你怎么回事? 4. You shouldn’t have done that! 你真不应该那样做! 5. You’re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球! 6. Don’t talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话! 7. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁? 8. What’s your problem? 你怎么回事啊? 9. I hate you! 我讨厌你! 10. I don’t want to see your face! 我不愿再见到你! 11. You’re crazy! 你疯了! 12. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!) 13. Don’t bother me. 别烦我。 14. Knock it off. 少来这一套。 15. Get out of my face. 从我面前消失! 16. Leave me alone. 走开。 17. Get lost.滚开! 18. Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。

19. You piss me off. 你气死我了。 20. It’s none of your business. 关你屁事! 21. What’s the meaning of this? 这是什么意思? 22. How dare you! 你敢! 23. Cut it out. 省省吧。 24. You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪! 25. You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。 26. I’m fed up. 我厌倦了。 27. I can’t take it anymore. 我受不了了!(李阳老师常用) 28. I’ve had enough of your garbage. 我听腻了你的废话。 29. Shut up! 闭嘴! 30. What do you want? 你想怎么样? 31. Do you know what time it is? 你知道现在都几点吗? 32. What were you thinking? 你脑子进水啊? 33. How can you say that? 你怎么可以这样说? 34. Who says? 谁说的? 35. That’s what you think! 那才是你脑子里想的! 36. Don’t look at me like that. 别那样看着我。 37. What did you say? 你说什么? 38. You are out of your mind. 你脑子有毛病! 39. You make me so mad.你气死我了啦。 40. Drop dead. 去死吧!


华生 WATSON THE PERSONAL BLOG OF DR.John H.Watson 博客写的如何? How's your blog going? 嗯 顺利 很顺利 Yeah, good, very good. 你一个字都没写 对吧? You haven't written a word, have you? 你刚写下了"仍然不信任人" You just wrote "still has trust issues". 而你颠倒着读出了我写的东西 And you read my writing upside down. 知道我什么意思了? You see what I mean? 约翰 你是个军人 John, you're a soldier 从这个身份到普通人 and it's going to take you a while 需要一个过程 to adjust to civilian life 把你每天的遭遇写在博客上 and writing a blog about everything that happens to you 会有很大帮助 will honestly help you. 我根本没有任何遭遇 Nothing happens to me. 10月21日October 21th 你说一辆破车都没了? 'What do you mean there's no ruddy car?' 他去滑铁卢了 抱歉 He went to Waterloo, I'm sorry. 叫辆出租车 我从不叫车 Get a cab I never get cabs 我爱你 什么时候? I love you. When? 快叫辆出租车 Get a cab 我的丈夫 My husband 是个努力生活的乐观男人 was a happy man who lived life to the full. 他热爱家庭和工作 He loved his family and his work, Season One Episode One — A Study in Pink


Computer: THE PERSONAL BLOG OF . (约翰·华生医生的博客) Dr.: How's your blog going (博客写的如何) W:Yeah, good, very good. You haven't written a word, have you You just wrote "still has trust issues". (嗯,顺利,很顺利。你一个字都没写,对吧你刚写下了"仍然存在信任问题"。) Dr.:And you read my writing upside down. You see what I mean John, you're a soldier, and it's going to take you a while to adjust to civilian life, and writing a blog about everything that happens to you will honestly help you. (而你颠倒着读出了我写的东西, 知道我什么意思了约翰,你是个军人, 从这个身份到普通人需要一个过程, 把你每天的遭遇写在博客上,会有很大帮助.) W: Nothing happens to me. (我根本没有遭遇) October 12th (10月12日) Man: 'What do you mean there's no ruddy car'(你说一辆破车都没了) Woman: He went to Waterloo, I'm sorry. Get a cab.(他去滑铁卢了,抱歉.叫辆出租车.) Man: I never get cabs. (我从不叫车) Woman: I love you. (我爱你) Man: When (什么时候) Woman: Get a cab.(快叫辆出租车) Woman: My husband…was a happy man who lived life to the full. He loved his family and his work, and that he should have taken his own life in this way…is a mystery, and a shock to all who knew him. (我的丈夫…是个努力生活的乐观男人. 他热爱家庭和工作, 他选择这样结束自己的生命…让人无法理解,也让认识他的人都感到震惊.) November 26th (11月26日) Man1:I'll be just two minutes, mate. (给我两分钟伙计。) Man2:What (什么) Man1: I'm just going home to get my umbrella. (我要回去拿伞)

神探夏洛克S01E01 A_Study_in_Pink 全英台词

A Study in Pink S01E01

TH=Therapist JW=John Watson TH : How's your blog going? JW: Y eah, good, very good. TH: Y ou haven't written a word, have you? JW: Y ou just wrote "still has trust issues". TH: And you read my writing upside down. Y ou see what I mean? John, you're a soldier and it's going to take you a while to adjust to civilian life and writing a blog about everything that happens to you will honestly help you. JW: Nothing happens to me. 【October 12th】 MAN: What do you mean, there's no ruddy car? WOMAN: He went to Waterloo, I'm sorry. Get a cab! MAN: I never get cabs! WOMAN: I love you. MAN: When? WOMAN: Get a cab! WIFE: My husband... was a happy man who lived life to the full. He loved his family and his work, and that he should have taken his own life in this way is a mystery and a shock to all who knew him. 【November 26th】 BOY A: Y es, yes! Taxi! I'll be back in two minutes, mate. BOY B: What? BOY A: I'm just going home to get my umbrella. BOY B: Y ou can share mine. BOY A: Two minutes, all right? 【January 27th】 MAN: She still dancing? WOMAN: Y eah, if you can call it that. MAN: Did you get the car keys off her?


神探夏洛克第一季经典台词 mostpeople...blunderroundthiscity,,youseethebattlefield. 这城市大多人都庸庸碌碌,眼中只有繁华街肆车来人往.与夏洛克?福尔摩斯同行你却能看到战场 well,yourarch-enemy,? 据他说,是你的宿敌。人真会有头号敌人? Didheofferyoumoneytospyonme??, 他有没出钱让你监视我?没错。收了吗?没有。真遗憾,我们本可以平分。下次想清楚点。 Inthelightofthis,theseincidentsarenowbeingtreatedaslinked. 据此,我们认为这些案件是相互关联起来的。 I’,,whichisalways,theyconsultme. 我是个”咨询侦探”世界唯一的。这工作是我发明的。每当警察找不到方向他们经常都这样,他们会咨询我. I’maprivatedetective,thelastthingIneedisapublicimage. 我是个私家侦探,我最不需要的就是公众形象。 Brainyisthenewsexy 智慧是性感的新潮流 Ialwayshear‘punchmeintheface’whenyou’respeaking,butit’

susuallysubtext. 你说话的时候我总能听到“请揍我”的潜台词— you,beingallmysteriouswithyourcheekbonesandturningyourcoatc ollarupsoyoulookcool.” 神秘的颧骨,竖起大衣的领子,所以你看起来很酷— Ican’tturnitonandofflikeatap. 聪明又没有龙头可开关。 Anderson,don’ 安德森,别大声说话,你拉低了整条街的智商 Anderson, 安德森,转过脸去。你妨碍我了。 ?XX精品范文 普通人让自己的脑中装满垃圾,所以学习有用的东西就很难。你发现了吗? , 听着,这是我的硬盘,只有放入非常有用的东西才有意义。 Doyouknowthebigproblemwithadisguise,mrHolmes?Howeverhardyou try,it’’redamaged,,it’syourself. 你知道化装术的最大弱点在哪吗?不管多么努力都只能描绘出一幅自画像。我觉得你深受创伤妄自尊大,崇尚某种强力。对你来说,
