静电纺丝技术 ppt课件
图1. (左)静电纺丝示意图和(右)电纺纤维的扫描电镜图2.静电纺丝技术的起源“静电纺丝”一词来源于“electrospinning”或更早一些的“electrostatic spinning”,国内一般简称为“静电纺”、“电纺”等。
纺丝工艺技术培训课件纺丝工艺技术培训课件第一部分:纺纱工艺简介1. 纺纱工艺概述- 纺纱是将棉麻丝绸等纤维加工成线或线状的纱线的过程。
- 纺纱工艺的主要目的是提高纤维的加工性能和纱线的质量。
2. 纺纱工艺的作用- 改善纺纱原料的物理和化学性质。
- 提高纺纱原料的可加工性。
- 改变纺纱原料断裂形式和加工技术。
- 生成符合产品质量要求的纱线。
第二部分:纺织纤维的加工过程1. 纺纱原料的选择和处理- 选择合适的纺纱原料,如棉花、麻、丝、化纤等。
纺丝工艺技术培训课件- 进行纺纱原料的门清洗、开松、锯谷、开锭等处理,使其达到纺纱的要求。
2. 纺纱方法的选择- 确定纺纱所采用的方法,如纺纱机械纺纱、化纤纺纱、纱线制造等。
- 根据纺纱目的,选择适合的纺纱方法。
3. 纺纱工艺参数的控制- 细度:纤维的直径或单位长度的质量。
- 纺度:指纺纱后纱线的质量。
- 平均加捻度:纱线中每米纱线上的捻度。
- 单位长度强度:纱线断裂前承受的力。
- 单位长度伸长率:纱线在断裂前的变形量与原长比值。
第三部分:常见的纺纱工艺技术1. 棉纺织纤维加工- 梳棉前处理:浸泡、脱杂、干燥。
- 梳棉工艺:预并、粗梳、精梳、打条。
- 精纺工艺:纺纱前的准备工序,包括梳子准备、松纺准备、浆纱准备和筘纱准备。
2. 化纤纺纱加工- 干纺工艺:在不加水的条件下进行纺纱。
- 湿纺工艺:在水中进行纺纱,可分为湿拉纺和湿走纺。
- 混纺工艺:将两种或多种纤维混合纺纱。
第四部分:纺丝工艺的常见问题和解决方法1. 纺纱原料问题及解决方法- 纺纱原料含杂:增加梳理次数,加强梳理质量。
- 纺纱原料短纤维含量高:选择适当的纺纱方法,增加纺纱加捻度。
2. 纺纱设备问题及解决方法- 纺纱机械故障:及时检修和维护纺纱设备。
- 纺纱机械调整不准确:根据纺纱工艺参数进行调整。
第五部分:纺丝工艺的质量控制1. 纺纱原料质量控制- 棉纱弹性和灵活性控制。
- 化纤纱质量控制。
2. 纺纱工艺质量控制- 纺纱设备调整和维护的质量控制。
Carbohydrate Polymers 92 (2013) 1012–1017Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirectCarbohydratePolymersj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /c a r b p olAntimicrobial activity of carboxymethyl chitosan/polyethylene oxide nanofibers embedded silver nanoparticlesMoustafa M.G.Fouda a ,b ,∗,M.R.El-Aassar c ,Salem S.Al-Deyab aaPetrochemical Research Chair,Chemistry Department,College of Science,King Saud University,P.O.Box 2455,Riyadh 11451,Saudi Arabia bTextile Research Division,National Research Center,Dokki,Cairo,P.O.Box 12622,Giza 12522,Egypt cPolymer Materials Research Department,Institute of Advanced Technology and New Material,City of Scientific Research and Technology Applications,New Borg El-Arab City 21934,Alexandria,Egypta r t i c l ei n f oArticle history:Received 22September 2012Received in revised form 10October 2012Accepted 19October 2012Available online 26 October 2012Keywords:ChitosanPolyethylene oxide Silver nanoparticles Electrospinning Antimicrobiala b s t r a c tA facile method to synthesize silver nanoparticles (AgNPs)using carboxymethyl chitosan (CMCTS),which act as reducing agent for silver ions as well as protecting agent for the formed AgNPs,is reported.CMCTS embedded AgNPs are mixed with polyethylene oxide (PEO).The blend polymers containing AgNPs are electrospun resulting in blend nano-fiber mats.The formation of AgNPs has been confirmed using UV–vis and TEM.The diameter range of 12–18nm of well-dispersed AgNPs with a concentration of 100ppm was obtained.The electrospun mats are characterized using SEM,EDX as well as TGA.Antimicrobial activity against different species of pathogenic/nonpathogenic;Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923,Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853and Escherichia coli ATCC 25922in addition to the fungus Candida albicans ATCC 10231was studied.The results show excellent antimicrobial activity compared with nanofibers without AgNPs and AgNPs alone.© 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.1.IntroductionIn electrospinning,the simplest and most cost-effective method of fabricating polymer nanofibres,various polymers have been electrospun into ultrafine fibers with diameters range of 20–400nm (Huang,Zhang,&Kotaki,2003).In electrospinning,the polymer solution is placed into syringe with millimeter size nozzle.Strong electric field is applied on a droplet of polymer solution held by its surface tension at the tip of a syringe’s needle.As a result,the pendent drop becomes highly electrified and the induced charges are distributed over its surface.Increasing the intensity of electric field,the surface of the liquid drop will be distorted to a conical shape known as the Taylor cone (Taylor,1969).Once the electric field strength exceeds a threshold value,the repulsive electric force dominates the surface tension of the liquid and a stable jet emerges from the cone tip.The charged jet is then accelerated toward the target and rapidly thins and dries as a result of elongation and sol-vent evaporation.As the jet diameter decreases,the surface charge density increases and the resulting high repulsive forces split the jet to smaller jets.Ultimately,solidification occurs and fibers are deposited on the surface of the collector as randomly oriented∗Corresponding author at:Petrochemical Research Chair,Chemistry Department,College of Science,King Saud University,P.O.Box 2455,Riyadh 11451,Saudi Arabia.E-mail addresses:m gaballa@ ,mmfoudah@.sa (M.M.G.Fouda).nonwoven mats (Derch,Greiner,&Wendorff,2004).Besides charge density and applied voltage other parameters also influence the final nanofibrous structure and its properties,for example:polymer types and concentration,type of solvent,presence of electrolyte,type and concentration of electrolyte,viscosity,surface tension,tip-to-collector distance,flow rate of the polymer solution,inner diameter of the tip,material of the tip,etc.The field of nanoparticle research has witnessed tremendous growth due to the unique chemical and physical properties from the bulk.Silver nanoparticles have gained considerable attention today due to their potential applications in medical field,since it has been widely used in the production of biodegradable surgical sutures.Recently,electrospun nanofibers embedded AgNPs have a great antimicrobial potential.Different methods have been used to prepare AgNPs,where one of these is chemical reduction method in which the polymer can be used as both reducing and stabilizing agents for the formed AgNPs (Abou-Okeil,2012;Abou-Okeil,Amr,&Abdel-Mohdy,2012;El-Rafie et al.,2011;Hebeish,El-Naggar,et al.,2011;Textor,Fouda,&Mahltig,2010).Chitosan is one of the most important biopolymers,obtained from chitin,the second most abundant natural polysaccharide present on the earth next to cellulose (El-Shafei,Fouda,Knittel,&Schollmeyer,2008;Hebeish,Abdel-Mohdy,et al.,2011).The poor solubility of chitosan in water,due to its rigid crystalline structure,limits its effective utilization in electrospinning process.To overcome this drawback,it is necessary to convert chitosan to water-soluble derivative (El-Shafei et al.,2008).Chemical0144-8617/$–see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved./10.1016/j.carbpol.2012.10.047M.M.G.Fouda et al./Carbohydrate Polymers92 (2013) 1012–10171013Fig.1.Schematic diagram of the typical electrospinning setup.modification is anticipated to be quite promising.Carboxymethy-lation is one of the chemical methods to prepare water-soluble chi-tosan.This reaction takes place preferentially either at C-6hydroxyl groups or at the NH2-group resulting in N/O–carboxymethyl chi-tosan(CMCTS).Both products are water-soluble and contain an amino group either as the primary(NH2)or as secondary amine (NH CH2COOH).Polyethylene oxide(PEO)is one of the few biodegradable syn-thetic polymers approved for internal use in food,cosmetics, personal care products,and pharmaceutical.PEO is an effective ion conductive polymer(Morgado et al.,1999).Therefore,it is added in order to enhance the spinnability of the modified natural polymer.The objective of this research work is to synthesize well-stabilized AgNPs using CMCTS followed by electrospinning of CMCTS–AgNPs/PEO solution.The structure,morphology and the antimicrobial activity of the resulted nanofiber mats are character-ized.2.Experimental2.1.MaterialsPolyethylene oxide(PEO)(≥95%,average Mw124–186kg/mol) was obtained from Scientific Polymer Products,Inc.Silver nitrate (AgNO3)(99.998%)was purchased from Aldrich,Germany.Chi-tosan,DDA95%was obtained from Aldrich Chemical Co.,Germany. All other solvents and reagents were used as received without any further purification.2.2.Synthesis of carboxymethyl chitosan(CMCTS)The experimental technique adopted for carboxymethylation of chitosan was as follows:certain volume of sodium hydroxide solution(30%,w/v)was added to16g chitosan suspended in iso-propyl alcohol.The mixture was left under stirring for30min at room temperature.To this mixture34g of monochloroacetic acid was added and the content of theflask was subjected to continuous stirring for3h.At the end,the excess alkali was neutralized using glacial acetic acid and chitosan was precipitated by adding acetone. Finally,modified chitosan wasfiltered and washed with isopropyl alcohol/water(70:30)several times and dried at60◦C(El-Shafei et al.,2008).Thefinal product was soluble in water.2.3.Synthesis of silver nanoparticles(AgNPs)Silver nanoparticles(AgNPs)were prepared according to the procedure described by El-Rafie et al.(2011)and can be summa-rized as follows:0.5g of CMCTS is dissolved in100ml of distilled water,the temperature of the reaction is raised to60◦C and the pH is adjusted to11.5by using10M NaOH.1ml of AgNO3(1.7M) is added dropwise to the previous solution under continuous stir-ring for almost1h.The formation of silver nanoparticles solution was observed by monitoring the color change(visually,when the color of the solution started to change from its original color to the different degrees of the yellow color,then the reduction reac-tion started to work and silver nanoparticles started to seed).The AgNPs formed are characterized by(UV–vis),transmission electron microscope(TEM).2.4.Electrospinning of CMCTS–AgNPs/PEO solution2g of CMCTS is added to CMCTS solution containing sil-ver nanoparticles(0.5wt%)while stirring.To this solution,PEO (5wt%)is added slowly under continuous stirring till homogeneity occurs.Electrospinning of the prepared blend polymers solution containing AgNPs was carried out using two different methods; typical electrospinning technique and Nanospider technology as a modified electrospinning technique.A schematic diagram of the complete electrospinning apparatus is shown in Fig.1.It consisted of a syringe and stainless needle,a grounded electrode,an iron plate covered by aluminum foil as a collector,and an adjustable high voltage supply.2.5.Testing and analysisUV–vis spectrum was used to prove the formation of AgNPs (Hebeish,El-Naggar,et al.,2011).Particle shapes and sizes of AgNPs were obtained by transmission electron microscope(TEM); JEOL-JEM-1230.Scanning electron microscope(SEM)(JEOL GSM-6610LV)and(JEOL GSM-7600F)field emission scanning electron microscope were used to study the surface characteristics of elec-trospun nanofibers.Specimen in the form offilms was mounted on the specimen stabs and coated with thinfilm of gold by the sputtering method.The micrograph was taken at magnifica-tion of1000×using(KV)accelerating voltage.FT-IR spectra were obtained using FT-IR spectrometer,Bruker,TENSOR Series FT-IR1014M.M.G.Fouda et al./Carbohydrate Polymers 92 (2013) 1012–1017Fig.2.Solid state 13C NMR spectrum typical for O -carboxymethyl chitosan.Spectrometer,Germany,connected to a PC,and the data were analyzed by IR Solution software,where analytical methods are standard in OPUS TM software.2.6.Antimicrobial evaluation of electrospun nanofibersIn order to evaluate the antimicrobial properties of electrospun nanofiber mats with/without AgNPs against microbial pathogens and to compare this effect with the commonly used antibiotics in addition to AgNPs alone as +ve control,the zone of inhibition test was performed against the gram positive bacterium Staphylococ-cus aureus ATCC 25923,the gram negative bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853and Escherichia coli ATCC 25922in addi-tion to the fungus Candida albicans ATCC 10231.To perform the test,several colonies of each strain,obtained from a fresh cul-ture in blood agar plate,were suspended in 5ml of Mueller-Hinton broth to achieve turbidity equal to the 0.5Mac-Farland standards.The suspensions were inoculated with sterile swabs onto 150mm diameter Mueller-Hinton agar plates and after the agar surfaces were allowed to dry,tested disks were applied on each plate.Plates were incubated at 37◦C for 24h and the zones of inhibition (IZ)were measured.Same was performed for the Candida except that it was inoculated in Sabouraud dextrose agar medium and incu-bated for 2–3days at 37◦C.The antimicrobial agents tested in this study were CMCTS–PEO nano-fiber incorporated with silver nano-particles (CMCTS–AgNPs/PEO),the antibiotic Amikacin (AK),ampicillin/clavulinic acid (AMC),100ppm AgNPs solution (10L per disk)as a positive control,in addition to negative controls as empty disks of CMCTS–PEO nano-fibers.3.Results and discussion3.1.Characterization of (CMCTS)by solid state 13C NMRCarboxymethylation of chitosan (CTS)is achieved with monochloroacetic acid and sodium hydroxide.According to El-Shafei et al.(2008)this reaction takes place preferentially either at C-6hydroxyl groups or at the NH 2-group resulting in N/O–carboxymethyl chitosan (CMCTS).The solid state 13C NMR spectrum for a typical N-carboxymethyl chitosan shows sig-nals attributed to the N-carboxymethyl substituent,at 47.7and 168.7ppm,for N CH 2and COOH,respectively (El-Shafei et al.,2008).But in case of our results,the solid state 13C NMR described in Fig.2shows signals at 73and 175ppm which attributed to O CH 2and COOH respectively.This downfield shift of thecarbon indicates the formation of O -carboxymethyl chitosan.The formation of this product agrees with the higher reactivity of hydroxyl group of C 6in this heterogeneous reaction.The N -carboxymethyl substituent is not present because of the absence of peaks at 47and 168ppm for N CH 2and COOH respectively.3.2.Characterization of the synthesized silver nanoparticles (AgNPs)In this research work,CMCTS was used as reducing and as stabi-lizing agent too.The formation of AgNPs could be visualized from changes in the color of the solutions from colorless to light yellow.The reduction of Ag +could occur via the reduction effect of CMCTS at 60◦C and pH 11.5for 30min.Fig.3shows the UV–visible absorp-tion spectra of AgNPs.The surface plasmon absorption bands are centered around 409nm (El-Rafie et al.,2011).The absorption band at 405nm becomes stronger and narrower which means higher conversion of Ag +to Ag 0with smaller nanoparticles size.Fig.4a and b shows the TEM image and the histogram of the size and size distribution of the AgNPs.Results revealed that the size range of prepared AgNPs was between 12and 18nm.3.3.Morphology of the CMCTS–AgNPs/PEO-electrospun nanofibersThe performance and morphology of the electrospun fiber were affected by the electrospinning process parameters.In the present study,two different electrospinning setups were used.In the first setup,a typical electrospinning setup was used (Fig.1)alongwithFig.3.UV–vis spectra of silver nanoparticles embedded in CMCTS.M.M.G.Fouda et al./Carbohydrate Polymers92 (2013) 1012–10171015Fig.4.(a and b)TEM image and the histogram of the size and size distribution of the AgNPs.Nanospider technology.Both electrospinning setup and Nanospi-der are used in order to prepare nanofiber mats,but,Nanospider is used in large scale/sample production of the selected and best nanofiber mats from the results obtained,in addition,no differ-ence in morphology of the resulted mats for both techniques is observed.Generally,the electrospun mat is opaque due to light scattering from thefibrous structure.The obtainedfibers(Fig.5a and b)had cylindrical morphology and nofiber bundles,indicat-ing that applied parameters were adequate for the formation of fibers and proper evaporation of the solvent.On the other hand, the presence of AgNPs in CMCTS has little effect on the electrospun fiber morphology.Thefiber diameter ranged from50to300nm. In addition,after the encapsulation of AgNPs into CMCTS–PEO nanofiber,thefiber diameter decreases compared tofibers consist-ing of CMCTS–PEO without AgNPs,due to the high conductivity, which plays a key role in decreasing of thefiber diameter during electrospinning(Sheikh et al.,2010).The presence of AgNPs results in high electric charge and subsequently high conductivity of the polymer solution which leads to high charge values during elec-trospinning process and possibly forming thinnerfiber diameter (Nirmala et al.,2010;Nirmala,Navamathavan,Kang,El-Newehy, &Kim,2011;Nirmala,Park,et al.,2011).At the same timethe Fig.5.SEM images of electrospun nanofibers containing AgNPs;(a)CMCTS;(b)CMCTS–Ag,(c)CMCTS/PEO–Ag and(d)CMCTS/PEO–Ag(EDX).1016M.M.G.Fouda et al./Carbohydrate Polymers 92 (2013) 1012–1017Fig.6.FT-IR spectra of electrospun nanofibers;(a)PEO and (b)PEO–AgNPs.fibrous structure assures much more loading of AgNPs into the fibers.EDX was used to analyze the elemental constitution of solid samples.Elementary analysis of CMCTS–PEO/silver nanocompos-ite was carried out by using SEM–EDX.Fig.5c displays a spectrum of CMCTS–PEO/silver nanocomposite obtained by elemental micro-probe analysis of EDX.The results show that carbon,oxygen,and Ag were the principal element of CMCTS–PEO/silver nanocomposite.EDX analysis,as a result,provides direct evidence that AgNPs are embedded in the CMCTS–PEO composite.The quantitative analysis of CMCTS–PEO/silver nanocomposite is presented in Table 1.At the same time,Fig.5a and b shows SEM images of CMCTS–PEO/AgNPs nanofibers,which revealed that the AgNPs were evenly distributed in the CMCTS–PEO ultrafine fibers with an average size less than 12–18nm.This suggested that the AgNPs were well stabilized by CMCTS during the preparation of AgNPs.Table 1Stoichiometric ratio of CMCTS–AgNPs.ElementWeight%Atomic%(PEO)/Ag C K 83.9088.17O K 14.8111.68Ag L1.290.15Total100.003.4.FT-IR spectra of electrospun nanofibersFT-IR spectra of electrospun CMCTS–PEO and CMCTS–AgNPs/PEO are shown in Fig.6.The frequencies and assignments for the pristine PEO are indicated asfollows:Fig.7.Diameter inhibition zone (cm)of electrospun nanofibers against Staphylococcus aureus (Sa),Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ps)and Escherichia coli (Ec).M.M.G.Fouda et al./Carbohydrate Polymers92 (2013) 1012–101710172882cm−1due to the CH2group stretching vibration,1097cm−1 and841cm−1due to the C O C asymmetric stretch and bending vibrations.On the other hand,for the electrospun CMCTS–AgNPs nanofiber shows the same characteristic bands,in which the intensity of the bands at2882cm−1and at841cm−1was increased due to the CH2and C O C stretching vibration upon the presence of AgNPs.3.5.Antimicrobial of electrospun nanofibersFig.7shows chart of inhibition zone of the tested antimicrobial samples and the corresponding plates(a,b,c).Results illustrated that S.aureus was the most sensitive microbe against antimicro-bial disk(AMC),CMCTS–PEO–AgNPs nanofiber,and AgNPs solution with inhibition zone30,22and15millimeters(mm)respectively.C.albicans was the least sensitive against all tested antimicrobial agents with IZ of0mm,except for CMCTS–PEO–AgNPs that showed IZ of12mm.It was found that the CMCTS–PEO–AgNPs nanofibers were the most effective silver containing material with IZs of20, 18,15and12against S.aureus,P.aeruginosa,E.coli and C.albicans, respectively.In contrast,the AgNPs showed the least antimicro-bial activity among silver containing nanofibers with IZ of13,7, 6and0mm against S.aureus,P.aeruginosa,E.coli and C.albicans, respectively.It was observed that CMCTS–PEO–AgNPs nanofibers are the most effective silver containing material against all tested microbes.Also,it was found that CMCTS–PEO–AgNPs nanofiber was more than twofold strength of the positive control(AgNPs).How-ever,its efficacy was less than any of the tested antibiotics,but this can be compensated with the less hazardous effect of antibi-otics and the less chance of resistance development compared with silver nanoparticles.4.ConclusionSilver nanoparticles(AgNPs)have been successfully prepared using carboxymethyl chitosan(CMCTS)which acts as both reduc-ing and stabilizing agent for the formed AgNPs.CMCTS–AgNPs with polyethylene oxide(PEO)are well mixed together and subjected to electrospinning process.The resulted nanofiber mats’embedded AgNPs are characterized using different analytical tools.The pres-ence of silver ions in the polymer structure was found to be strongly affecting the electrospun nanofibers diameters due to enhance-ment of electrical conductivity of the nanofibers.The obtained results indicated that the number of Ag+ions that were converted into Ag0increased with increasing the aging time.Antimicrobial activity of the prepared sample was evaluated against different types of microorganisms.It was observed that CMCTS–PEO–AgNPs nanofibers are the most effective silver containing material against all tested microbes.Also,it was found that CMCTS–PEO–AgNPs nanofiber was more than twofold strength of the positive con-trol(AgNPs).Finally,the prepared CMCTS–AgNPs/PEO nanofibers matrix could be properly employed as recommended candidate for many biological applications such as prolonged antimicrobial wound dressing materials.AcknowledgementThe authors extend their appreciation to the Deanship of Scien-tific Research at King Saud University for funding this work through research group no.RGP-VPP-201.ReferencesAbou-Okeil,A.(2012).Ag nanoparticles growing onto cotton fabric using chitosan as a template.Journal of Natural Fibers,9,61–72.Abou-Okeil,A.,Amr,A.,&Abdel-Mohdy,F.A.(2012).Investigation of silver nanopar-ticles synthesis using aminated-beta-cyclodextrin.Carbohydrate Polymers,89, 1–6.Derch,R.,Greiner,A.,&Wendorff,J.H.(Eds.).(2004).Polymer nanofibers prepared by electrospinning.Dekker encyclopedia of nanoscience and nanotechnology.New York:CRC.El-Rafie,M.H.,El-Naggar,M.E.,Ramadan,M.A.,Fouda,M.M.G.,Al-Deyab,S.S., 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35、不要以为自己成功一次就可以了 ,也不 要以为 过去的 光荣可 以被永 远肯定 。
11、越是没有本领的就越加自命不凡。——邓拓 12、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。——爱尔兰 13、知人者智,自知者明。胜人者有力,自胜者强。——老子 14、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。——歌德 15、最具挑战性的挑战莫过于提升自我。——迈克尔·F·斯特利
聚合物熔体静电纺丝研究进 展
31、别人笑我太疯癫,我笑他人看不 穿。(名 言网) 32、我不想听失意者的哭泣,抱怨者 的牢骚 ,这是 羊群中 的瘟疫 ,我不 能被它 传染。 我要尽 量避免 绝望, 辛勤耕 耘,忍 受苦楚 。我一 试再试 ,争取 每天的 成功, 避免以 失败收 常在别 人停滞 不前时 ,我继 续拼搏 。
纺丝工艺参数 施加电压
针头到收集板的距离 纺丝液流量
环境参数 温度 湿度
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全F面on系g统等地对研静究 静电电纺纺丝丝纳超米细纤 维纤微维观串形珠貌现的影 响象因及素微、观表结征、 过构程作参了数研的究改进
Simons申请了 由静电纺丝法 制备超薄、超 细非织造膜的 专利
Reneke多rSp研组iva究分k等聚首合次采物用的流静电 组开始对纺体丝静动过丝电力程。学, 并静描且述电提静纺出电了丝纺静和其 纺丝进行他电研纺方究丝法的。结工艺合参开数发新型 静电纺丝纳迅米速纤维。纳米纤维 发展 纺丝机纳米蜘蛛问世
• 发展历史 • 工作原理 • 装置设备 • 影响因素 • 应用领域
A.Formhals在 发明专利中最 早报道静电纺 丝,设计了纺 丝加工的装置
Larrondo等 对聚乙烯和 聚丙烯进行 了熔融静电 纺丝的研究
1三维结构更适合细胞生存 2实现了细胞的储存-释放 3材料可循环利用
并列式针头体系是一 种结构简单却易于实现功能 化纳米纤维制备的喷丝头体 系。它将不同的聚合物溶液 通过紧密靠在一起的并列式 针头同时进行射流激发,在 电纺过程中平行射流融合, 得到多根纤维互相连接的束 状单根纤维,因此特别适合 制备双组份聚合物纤维。
4)多针头 在并列式针头装置的基础上,
交流电电纺可显著提高射流鞭动的稳定性,纤维变 粗但有序性增加,同时也可在绝缘的接收装置上有较大的 接收面积。但在纺丝过程中交流电频率不易调整(要考虑 每次的实验条件:温湿度、溶液性质等)。
喷丝头的作用就是在纺丝过程中产生纺丝小液滴,提供射流激发位点。 一般分为无针头和针头两种不同的喷丝体系,其中针头体系根据针头数量和 形式的不同,还可以进一步分为单头、同轴、并列电,电源的两 极分别连接在喷丝头和接收装置。根据电源性质的不同, 可分为直流和交流高压电源两种,都可用于静电纺丝。
直流高压电在电纺过程中通常采用感应充电的方式, 即将直流高压电直接接在喷丝头上,接收装置接地或反之。 电压极性对纺丝过程影响不大,实验室多采用高压正电纺 丝。
进一步增大针头间的距离就发展为 多可针头体系,针头数量从2个到 十几个不等,也称为平行电纺。
接收装置用于收集电纺纤维,常规接受装置主要包括平板、滚筒、间隔收 集装置、转盘、金属丝鼓、凝固浴等;根据电纺丝过程中喷丝头及接收装置之间 是否存在相对运动,又可分为静态接收和动态接收两种接收方式。
2、针头体系。 1)单针头 单针头最常见,根据需要可选择不同型号的针头。
2)同轴针头 同轴电纺的一个优点在于可以突破单头体系的限制,将一些难以直接电 纺的聚合物通过同轴电纺装置制备纳米纤维。另一个优势是通过将核层选择性 移除,还可以制备中空纳米纤维结构。
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定义:美国国家科学基金会(NSF)定义纳米纤维为至少在一 维空间尺度上小于100 nm 的纤维。无纺布工业一般认为直 径小于1 μm 的纤维就是纳米纤维。
特点:在微观上表现为纳米结构,具有纳米材料具有的一切 特性;而在宏观上表现为网毡结构,可以在重力作用下自然 沉降而分离。
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2011, 3, 369–377
mesoporous TiO2 nanofibers, solid TiO2 nanofibers, and P25 under different irradiation time. (b) Results of reusability experiments for photocatalytic H2 generation using the present three 静ph电o纺to丝c技a术talysts. (c) Schematic illustration of mesoporous fibers with enhanced photocatalytic activities.
1.利用静电纺丝技术合成了具有超长结构的纳米纤维。 2.引入发泡剂,得到了具有均一的介孔结构的纳米纤维 ,并证明了其普适性。
Fig.5 Average H2 evolution rates of the as-fabricated mesoporous TiO2 fibers, solid TiO2 fibers and P25.
parison of the related work for photocatalytic H2 production
Nano lett 2004, 4, 933
Nano lett 2004, 4, 933
纺丝液:PVP(K-30)、 TBOT(钛酸丁酯,钛源) 、DIPA(偶氮二羧酸二 异丙酯,发泡剂);无水 乙醇、醋酸作溶剂。
TiO2 nanofibers
Table1. Surface properties of the TiO2 mesoporous nanofibers of Sample A1 and A2 as well as P25
Fig.4 (a) Hydrogen production photocatalyzed by the as-fabricated
Fig.2 (a,b) SEM images of theTiO2 mesoporous nanofibers. (c) TEM image of a single mesoporous TiO2 nanofiber. (d) XRD pattern of Sample A1 after calcination. (e)Nitrogen adsorption−desorption isotherm of the TiO2 mesoporous nanofibers. (f) Corresponding pore size distribution.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 16716 −16719
将前驱体溶液带上高 压静电,带电的聚合 物液滴在电场的作用 力下于毛细管的 Taylor锥顶点被加速。 当电场力足够大时, 聚合物液滴可克服表 面张力形成喷射细流。 细流在喷射过程中溶 剂挥发或固化,最终 落在接受装置上,形 成类似非织造布状的 纤维毡。
Fig.3 (a-b) SEM images of the electrospun polymer fibers of Sample A2. (c-d) SEM images of the calcined products of Sample A2. (e) XRD pattern recorded from the calcined products Sample A2. (f) Nitrogen adsorptiondesorption isotherm of the calcined products of Sample A2.
DIPA,分子式为C8H14N2O4,在160 ℃ 左右完全分解为气相 CO2、NO2、H2O。
Fig.1 (a-b) Typical SEM images of the as-spun polymer precursor of Sample A1 under different magnifications. (c-e) The element mappings of Ti, O and N within a single 静pr电e纺cu丝r技so术r fiber under SEM.