The secret-电影中英文字幕对照-翻译
操Fuck!好的这里有十个数字四个空Okay, I've got ten numbers, four spots.我需要一个四位的密♥码♥I need a four-digit code.不别别别No, no, no.狗♥日♥的♥ 又怎么了Shit! What now?操Shit.老天爷啊Jesus Christ.线索Clues.操好的好的Shit. Okay.没什么卵用That's nothing.跟随光明去往绿茵"Follow the light to greener pastures."什么意思这他妈又是什么意思What does that mean? What does that mean?光什么光Light? What light?光跟随光Light. Follow the light.绿色绿色的书对Green. Green book, yeah.绿茵好吧就是这个Greener pastures. Okay. Yeah, all right.历史洪流中众生死去"At any point in history, to watch another die,时间之谜明了唯汝善终unveils time's great mystery, while leaving you alive."时间时间跟什么钟有关Time. Time. Some kind of clock.操Shit.哪来的钟Where's the clock?他妈的没看见有钟啊I don't see a goddamn clock!众生死去噢我知道了没错"To watch another person die." Yeah. Okay, yeah.操Oh, shit!好了他们指着什么让我找找Okay. They're pointing! Let's see.和时间有关是时钟上的指针对吧It's time. It's hands on a clock. Yeah.这个是四点四点钟That one's four! Four o'clock!八Eight.六Six!二就是这些数字了这就是密♥码♥ Two! That's the number, that's the code!好了四在哪呢操快点啊Okay. Where's the four? Shit. Come on.好了好了对了没错了All right. Okay. Yeah, good.快啊快啊八Come on, come on! Eight!六Six.老天啊Oh, my God.在哪呢六六Where's the...? Six, six, six!天啊Oh, God!二二好了快开啊Two, two! Yeah. Okay. Come on.快啊Come on.开啊为什么没开啊Come on! Why isn't it working?操♥他♥妈♥的Oh, shit.开啊Come on.开给我开门啊开门啊Open! Come on, open!操没路能出去Oh, God, there's no way out!放我出去吧Please get me out!操不要Shit! No!不要啊No!密室逃脱芝加哥伊利诺伊州有人听说过Has anyone ever heard the saying,越盯着壶水越不开吗"A watched pot never boils"?其实从量子学上讲兴许也不无道理Well, on a quantum scale, that may actually be true.有人知道什么叫做量子芝诺效应吗Does anyone know what the quantum Zeno effect is?哇没人知道吗Wow, guys, not all at once now.你正在观察时系统不会发生变化其实这可能是量子物理学上Well, it may well be最古怪的现象之一了one of the oddest things in quantum physics.简单来说就是观察使运动停止Simply put, observation stops movement.在你观察微粒的时候他们不会发生改变Atoms won't change while you watch them.好了就到这里了All right, that's all the time we have.祝你们假日愉快节后再见Have a good holiday. See you after the break.感恩节快乐Happy Thanksgiving.佐伊我能和你谈谈吗Zoey, can I talk to you for a minute?我读了你关于芝诺效应的论文I read your paper on the quantum Zeno effect.你想要被关注So, you want to be heard.你想要分享知识You want to share what you know,但又不想离开宿舍走出舒适圈吗but only in the safety of your own dorm room?我会努力多跟人沟通的I'll try and speak up more.你可能觉得应该减少你人生的变量It might seem like reducing the number of variables去控制最后得出的结果in your life will control the outcome,但人生可不是什么科学实验but life isn't a science experiment.你不能永远保持在自己的世界里You can't contain your world forever.放假的时候去试试Try doing one thing做一件自己不太敢做的事情好吗that scares you over break, okay?好的Okay.J.W的车位雷我是杰森听着Ray, it's Jason. Listen.你想在退休之前买♥♥一条船对吗You want to buy a boat by retirement, right?那就持续关注着低贝塔系数的股票Well, keep focusing on these low-beta stocks,很快你就有一艘有桨的划艇了and it's going to be a rowboat with rented oars.截止到第一季度By the end of the first quarter,股市将会回升百分之十the market's going to see a 10-percent return,到时你已经在船上赚到百分之三十了while you'll be sailing away with 30.嘿你不会后悔的Hey, you won't regret it.你肯定觉得我是炒股界的宫城先生吧查理I must be like the Mr. Miyagi of trading to you, Charlie.宫啥先生"Mr...?"天爷啊小子你哪年生的啊Jesus Christ, kid, what year were you born?他是个很睿智的日本老头He's this wise, old Japanese man他教一个小孩空手道然后去打败其他小孩who taught a kid karate so he could beat up other kids.阿克曼先生在一号♥线上等你Mr. Ackerman for you on line one.赌一百块有人要送我礼物了100 bucks says I'm getting a gift.恭喜你啊阿克曼先生你在庆祝吗Congratulations, Mr. Ackerman. Are you celebrating?噢谢谢谢谢你阿克曼先生Well, thank you. Thank you, Mr. Ackerman.不不不我可不能收礼No. No, no, no, I couldn't accept a gift.私人飞机去大溪地吗A private jet. To Tahiti?哇Wow.你家在那Your home there. Uh-huh.快去下载电影《空手道少年》小屁孩这个听起来是个很棒的假期啊Now, that sounds like a hell of a weekend.如果可以用筷子夹住苍蝇Man who catch fly with chopstick...就没什么别的能难住你了accomplish anything.你肯定是新手光环吧You, beginner luck.上蜡脱蜡Wax on, wax off.嘿盖瑞我呃Hey, Gary. I, uh...我听说I heard there was...前台收银有个岗空出来了an opening up front at checkout.我很想加薪I could use the bump.我正在努力搬出我妈家I'm trying to move out of my mom's.最近她风格有点抽筋It's starting to cramp her style.听着我体谅你小子Look, I feel for you, kid.我真的很理解你知道的I really do. You know, I do.只不过你去前台会有损我们的生意It's just putting you out front would be bad for business.好吧Yeah.反正我也不是干顾客服务的料Yeah, I'm not cut out for customer service shit anyhow, so...本Ben你得找个更健康的排解方式you've got to find healthier ways to unwind.出去溜溜交交朋友Go outside, make a friend.-我不是有意-没事抱歉- I didn't mean to... - It's fine, it's fine. Sorry.好的谢了盖瑞Yeah. Thanks, Gary.快递员给你送来了这个A messenger dropped this off for you.是阿克曼先生送的It's from Mr. Ackerman.可不是吗Of course it is.最好是辆特斯拉的钥匙This better be keys to a Tesla.打破陈规思维无限"For always thinking outside the box."看起来阿克曼先生已经Well, it seems like Mr. Ackerman has graduated把兴趣从单一麦芽威士忌转到打不开的盒子上了from sending single malts to boxes that don't open.是啊富人都怪怪的Yeah. Rich people are weird.钱虽买♥♥不来幸福Money can't buy you happiness.但最好自己的痛苦自己花钱解决查理You better afford your own brand of misery, Charlie.-感恩节快乐-随你吧我明天还会来的- Happy Thanksgiving. - Whatever. I'll be in tomorrow.♪听说睡着和死亡是兄弟♪♪They say sleep Is the cousin of death ♪嘿现在还来得及Hey, offer still stands.你真的不想Are you sure you don't want to come来我家过感恩节吗to my family's for Thanksgiving?谢谢你但是你知道的Thank you, but, you know,我受不了那种一大家子人围着吃饭的气氛big family dinners aren't really my thing.行吧Okay.你知道吗能有点属于自己的时间我还挺激动的You know, I'm really psyched about having time to myself.我早就想尝试那个I've been wanting to take a stab立方体猜想了at one of those cuboid conjectures for, like, forever.真的超酷的It's really cool, actually.它表示三个单一变量多项式的不可约性They claim irreducibility of three univariate polynomials如果这个猜想是真的的话with integer coefficients and if that is true,那么欧拉的完美立方体理论就不成立了then Euler's concept of a perfect box can't exist.长方体所有边是整数,所有面的对角线也是整数,这样的长方体称为欧拉砖。
THE SECRET (2006 film)ForewordRhonda Byrne(The Author): A year ago my life had collapsed [崩溃] around me. I’ve worked myself into exhaustion. My father died suddenly and my relationships were in turmoil [混乱]. Little did I know at the time out of my grea test despair was to come the greatest gift. I’ve been given a glimpse [一瞥] of a great secret. I began tracing the secret back through history…The secret was buried. The secret was coveted [觊觎]. The secret was suppressed [封锁]. The secret will never be relea sed to the public. I couldn’t believe all the people who knew this. They were the greatest people in history.( Plato柏拉图, Shakespeare莎士比亚, Newton牛顿, Hugo雨果, Beethoven贝多芬, Lincoln林肯, Emerson爱默生, Edison爱迪生,Einstein爱因斯坦) All I wanted to do was to share this secret with the world. I began searching for people alive today who know the secret. One by one they began to emerge [浮现]…Bob Proctor (Philosopher哲学家): If you know this secret it gives you everything you want—Happiness, health and wealth.Joe Vitale (Dr. Metaphysician精神治疗专家): Y ou can have, do or be anything you want.John Assaraf (Entrepreneur企业家): We can have whatever that is we choose. I don’t care how big it is.Bob Proctor: What kind of a house do you wanna live in? Loral Langemeier (Financial Strategist战略家): Do you wanna be a millionaire?Bob Proctor: What kind of a business do you wanna have? Marie Diamond (Feng Shui Consultant顾问): Do you want more success?Bob Proctor: What do you really want?Michael Beckwith (Visionary预言家): I’ve seen many miracles t ake place in people’s lives. Financial miracles, miracles of physical healing, mental healing, healing in relationships…Jack Canfield (Author心灵鸡汤): All of this happen, because of knowing how to apply the secret.Man’s voice: This is the great secret of li fe.Part One— What is the Secret―The secret is the answer to all that has been, all that is, and all that will ever be.‖—EmersonBob Proctor: Y ou’ve probably been sitting there wondering what is the secret. I’ll tell you how I have come to understand it. We all work with one infinite [无穷的]power. We all guide ourselves by exactly the same laws. The natural laws of the Universe are so precise [明确的]. That we don’t even have any difficulty building spaceships, we can send people to the moon, and we can time the landing with the precision [精确的] of a fraction [分数]of a second. I don’t care if you’re an Indian, if you’re in Australia, New Zealand, Stockholm (瑞典首都) or London, or Toronto, or Montreal, or New Y ork…We are all working with one power, one law. It’s attraction.Bob Proctor: The secret is the Law of Attraction. Everything that’s coming into your life, you are attracting into your life. And it’s attracted to you by virtue of[由于] the image as you’re holding in your mind. It’s what you’re thinking. Y ou see, whatever is going on in your mind you are attracting to you. Now wise people have always known that. Y ou go right back to the ancient Babylonians(巴比伦)they’ve always known this. It’s a small select group of people. Why do you think that 1% of the population earns around 96% of all the money that’s being earned? Do you think that’s an accident? It’s no accident. It’s designed that way. They understand something. They understand the secret. And you are being introduced to the secret.John Assaraf: The simplest way for me to look at the Law of Attraction is if I think of myself as a magnet[磁铁]. And I know that a magnet will attract to it.Bob Doyle (Author): V ery basically put, the Law of Attraction says that like attracts like. But we’re really talking at the level of thought.John Assaraf: Our job as humans is to hold on to the thoughts of what we want, make it absolutely clear in our minds what we want and from that we start to invoke[调用]one of the greatest laws in the Universe and that’s the Law of Attrac tion. Y ou become what you think about most, but you also attract what you think about most.Bob Proctor: If you see it in here you’re gonna hold it here. Mike Dooley (Writer): And that principle can be summed up in three simple words: Thoughts become things.John Assaraf:What mostpeople don’t understand is that a thought has a frequency[频率]. Every thought has a frequency. We can measure a thought. And it’s if you’re thinking that thought over and over and over again or if you’re imagining in your mind havi ng that brand new car, having the money that you need, building that company, finding your soul mate; if you imagine what that looks like you’re emitting that frequency on a consistent basis.Joe Vitale:Thoughts are sending out that magnetic signal that is drawing the parallel back to you.Bob Proctor: See yourself living in abundance[富足]and you will attract that. It always works. It works every time with every person.John Assaraf: Here’s the problem: most people are thinking about what they don’t want and they’re wondering why it shows up over and over and over again.Bob Doyle: The Law of Attraction doesn’t care whether you perceive[意识到]something to be good or bad or whetheryou don’t want it or whether you do want it. It’s responding to your thoughts. So if you’re sitting there, looking at mountain of debt feeling terrible about it, that’s a signal you’re putting out to the Universe. ―Wow, I feel really bad because of all this debt I’ve got.‖ Y ou’re just affirming[确认] it to yourself, you feel it on every level of your being, that’s what you’re gonna get more of.Esther Hicks (希克斯(Esther Hicks)出版了包括《亚伯拉罕的教义》(The Teachings of Abraham)《绪的惊气力》(Let Y our Feelings Be Y our Guide)): So, when you’re looking at that thing you want and you’re saying yes to it, you’re activating a thought and the Law of Attraction is responding to that thought and bringing your things that match that. But when you’re looking at something that you do not want and you shout no at it you’re actually not pushing it away. Instead, you’re act ivating the very thought of what you do not want and now Law of Attraction is lining those things up for you also. This is a Universe that is based upon attraction. Everything is about attraction.Bob Proctor: The Law of Attraction is always working wheth er you believe it or understand it or not. It’s always working.Esther Hicks: Y ou might be thinking about past, or the present, or the future, but whether you’re remembering or observing[觉察], or imaging still in that process you are activating thought and Law of Attraction, which is the most powerful law in the Universe, is responding to your thought. Michael Beckwith:Creation is always happening. Every time an individual has a thought or a prolonged[拖延的], chronic[慢性的] way of thinking they’re in the creatio n process, something is gonna manifest[出现] out of those thoughts.Jack Canfield: Law of attraction says: ―We’ll give you whatever it is you say and focus on.‖ So , if you’re complaining about how bad it is were you creating this more of how bad it is.Bill Harris (Therapist临床医学家): I had a student named Robert. Robert was a gay man and he was taking an on-line course I have, a part of which entails[需要] e-mail access[接近] to me. And he outlined all of the grim[严酷的] realities of his life. In his job, all the people ganged up on[联合反对] him. And it was constantly stressful because of how nasty they all have been. When he walked down the street, he said, in every block he was accosted[搭讪] by homophobic[憎恶同性恋的] people who wanted to abuse[虐待] him in some way. He was wanting to become a stand-up comedian. And when he went out and did the stand-up comedy job everybody hackled[讥笑] him about being gay. And his whole life was one of a lot of unhappiness and misery and it all focused around this idea of being attacked because he was gay. I began to teach him that he was focusing on what he did not want. I have directed him back to his e-mail that he sent me and I said, read it again, look at all the things you do not want that you’re telling me about, and I can tell you’re v ery passionate about this; when you focus on something with a lot of passion it makes it happen even faster. And then he really started taking this thing about focusing on what you want to hurt. And he began really trying. What happened within the next six to eight weeks was absolutely a miracle. He said that all the people in his office that had been harassing[戏弄] him either transferred to another department or quit working at the company or started totally leaving him alone. And he began to love his job. He noticed that when he was walking down the street that nobody came up to him and harassed him anymore. They just weren’t there. When he went and did his sand-up comedy he started getting standing ovations[持久的鼓掌] and nobody was hackling him. His whole life changed because he changed from focusing on what he did not want, what he was afraid of, what he wanted to avoid, to focusing on what he did want.John Hagelin (Quantum量子Physicist): So we may be very positive in our outlook and orientation[定位],and we tend to attract positive people and positive events and circumstances. We may be very negative in our orientation, very angry, in which case we tend to attract negative angry people and negative angry circumstances.Michael Beckwith: And so you end up attracting to you the predominate[占优势] thought that you’re holding in your awareness[意识]. Whether those thoughts are conscious or whether they’re unconscious, that’s the rub[困难].John F.Demartini D.C.(Philosopher): If you look very carefully when it comes to the secret, the power of our mind, the power of our attention in our daily lives it’s all around us. All we gotta do is open our eyes and look.Esther Hicks: Y ou see Law of Attraction evidenced[显现] in your society when you see that the one who speaks most of illness-has it, when you see that the one who speaks most of prosperity[繁荣]-has it. Law of Attraction is evident everywhere around you if you’re understanding what it is. It has to do with you being a magnet, attracting thought, attracting people, attracting events, attracting life style. Indeed everything that you bring into your experience, you bring because of this powerful Law of Attraction.Fred Alan Wolf (PH.D. Quantum physicist): I mean, I'm not talking to you from the point of view of just wishful thinking or imaginary, craziness. I'm talking to you from a deeper basic understanding. Quantum physics really begins to point to this discovery. It says that you can't have a Universe without mind entering into it. The mind is actually shaping the very thing that is being perceived.Bob Proctor: Now, if you do not understand, that doesn't mean you should reject that. Y ou don't understand theelectricity properly. First of all, no one even knows what electricity is. And yet you enjoy the benefits of it. Do you know how it works? I don't know how it works. But I do know this: that you can cook a man's dinner with electricity and you can also cook the man.Mike Dooley: People often, at times when they begin to understand the great secret, they get frightened of all of these negative thoughts that they have. Two things you need to be aware of.One: it is been proven now scientifically[按照科学学的] that an affirmative[积极的] thought is hundreds of times more powerful than a negative thought. So, that eliminates[消除] a degree of worry right there.Esther Hicks: Y ou live in a reality where there is this buffer[缓冲器] of time. And truly, that serves you. Y ou're really not wanting to be in an environment where your thoughts manifest[清楚地显示] immediately. The evidence is long and coming and that is really a good thing.Joe Vitale: So, you want to become aware of your thoughts, you want to choose your thoughts carefully and you wanna have fun with this. Because, you are the masterpiece[杰作] of your own life. Y ou are the Michelangelo[米开朗基罗]of your own life. The David that you are sculpting[雕刻] is you. And you do it with your thoughts.Denis Waitley (Psychologist PH.D): The leaders in the past who had the secret wanted to keep the power, and not share the power. So, they kept people ignorant of the secret. People went to work, they did their job, they came home with no power, because the secret was kept in the few.Michael Beckwith: We live in a Universe in which there are laws. Just as there's Law of Gravity[地心引力]; if you fall off the building, it doesn't matter whether you're a good person or a bad person, you're gonna hit the ground.Joe Vitale: Everything that surrounds you right now in your life, including the things you're complaining about, you've attracted. Now, I know at first blush[乍一看来], that's gonna be something that you hate to hear. Y ou're gonna immediately say I didn't attract the car accident, I didn't attract this particular client, I didn't particularly attract the debt, I didn't attract...whatever it happens to be that you're complaining about. And I'm here to be a little bit in your face and to say"Y es, you did attract it". And this is one of the hardest concepts to get. But once you've excepted it, it's life-transforming(生活发生革命性的变化). This is part of the overall[大体的] giant secret here.Bob Doyle: And most of us attract by default[默认方式]. We just think that we don't have any control over it, our thoughts are on auto-pilot[自动驾驶仪], our feelings are on auto-pilot and so everything is just brought to us by default.Joe Vitale: Now, if this is your first time to hear this it may feel like: "oh, I have to now monitor my thoughts, this is gonna be a lot of work". It will seem like that at first, but that's where the fun begins.Esther Hicks: We do not encourage that you try to monitor your thoughts. That would sort of make you crazy. There are so many thoughts coming to you from so many different directions about so many different subjects. That's where your emotional guidance system comes in. Y our emotions, your emotional guidance system is what helps you to understand what you're thinking.Bob Proctor: So, your thoughts cause your feelings.Bob Doyle: The emotions are this incredible gift that we have. To let us know what we're attracting.Esther Hicks: There are only two emotions from our perspective. One feels good and one feels bad. Y ou call them all sorts of different things, but essentially all of those negative emotions, whether you call it guilt or anger, or frustration, all feel much the same- they do not feel good. And all of those, our guidance saying, that what you're thinking about right now is not in line with what you are really wanting.Ben Johnson (Physician): On another level, it's called "bad frequency" or "bad vibes" "坏频率"或"坏振动"or whatever you wanna call it.Esther Hicks: The one that feels good, that feeling of hope or happiness or love, that good feeling, that positive emotion is, guidance saying, that what you're thinking right now is in alignment with what you're want.Bob Doyle: So, it's really so simple. It's right there. The answers are: what am I attracting right now? How do you feel? I feel good. Well good. Keep doing that.Jack Canfield: Our feelings are a feedback mechanism to us about whether we're on track or not, whether we're on course or off course.Esther Hicks: The better you feel, the more in alignment[成一直线] you are. The worse you feel, the more out of alignment you are. What you are doing is you are moving through the variety of your day-to-day experience; is you're offering thoughts that are literally formulating[明确的叙述] your future experience. And you can tell by the way you feel if the things that you're moving toward will please you when you get there. Whatever it is you are feeling is a perfect reflection of what is in the process of becoming.Bob Doyle: And you're getting exactly what you're feeling about, not so much what you're thinking about. That's why people if they stub[磕碰] their toe, out of bed, they tend to spiral[盘旋,连锁反应]. The whole day goes like that, you know. They have no clue that a simple shifting of their emotions can change their entire day, and life. If you start out having a good day and you're in that particular happy feeling, as long as you don't allow something to change your mood, you're gonna continue to attract, by the Law of Attraction, more situations, circumstances, people that sustain that happyfeeling. Good days, bad days, rich get richer, poor gets poorer... it's all about what these people are predominately [占优势的] and continually feeling.Michael Beckwith: Y ou can begin, right now, to feel healthy. Y ou can begin to feel prosperous[富足的]. Y ou can begin to feel the love that surrounding you even if it's not there. And what will happen is the Universe will correspond to[与什么协调一致] the nature of your song, the Universe will correspond to the nature of that inner feeling and manifest, because that's the way you feel.Bob Doyle: So basically, what you focus on with thought and feeling is what you're attracting to your experience whether or not it's something you want.EstherHicks:What you think and what you feel and what manifests is always a match. Every single time.No exception.Michael Beckwith: It's hard to swallow, but when we can begin to open ourselves up to that ramifications[分支,结果] are awesome. It means that whatever thought has done in your life, it can be undone(被“回复”,“撤销”)through a shift in your awareness[注意].―Y ou create your own universe as you go along.‖---- Winston Churchill (邱吉尔)Joe Vitale: It's really important that you feel good. Because this "feeling good" is what goes out as a signal into the Universe and starts to attract more of itself to you. So, the more you can feel good, the more you will attract the things that help you feel good and all they keep bringing you up, higher and higher.Bob Proctor: When you're feeling down, do you know that you can change it like that. Put on a beautiful piece of music. Start singing. That'll change your emotion. Or think of something beautiful. Think of a baby, maybe one you love, and draw on it. Really keep that thought in your mind, walk everything out but that thought. I guarantee you'll start to feel good.James Arthur Ray (Philosopher): This principle applies to your family pet, for instance which I believe they're wonderful because they put you in a great emotional state. When you feel love for your pet that's a great state of love that's going to bring goodness into your life. What a gift that is.Esther Hicks: And when you begin to get a hang[诀窍]of this, when you begin to guide your thoughts based upon the way they feel, and you begin to notice the correlation[相关性]between what you're feeling and thinking and what's coming back to you, before you know it, you will know that you're the creator of your own reality. And those who are watching from a distance will stand in amazement at the perfect life you live.Jack Canfield: Since I learned the secret and started applying it to my life, my life has truly become magical, I think the kind of life that everybody dreams of and I live on a day-to-day basis. I live in a $4.5 million mansion(公寓), I have a wife to die for(生死与共的爱妻), I get to vacation in all the fabulous[难以置信的] spots of the world, I've climbed mountains, I've explored, I've been on safari(狩猎远征)...And all of this happened, and continues to happen, because of knowing how to apply the secret.Bob Proctor: Life can be absolutely phenomenal(非凡的), and it should be. And it will be when you start using the secret. Part Tow— How to Use the SecretJoe Vitale: Well, a lot of people ask me what their job is in the creative process and what the job of the Universe is. So let's look at that for a moment.James Arthur Ray: Let's use this metaphor(比喻): if you think about Aladdin and his lamp, you've probably heard of that one, Aladdin[阿拉丁] picks up the lamp, he dust it off and out pops(跳出)the genie(精灵,灯神). And the genie always says one thing: "Y our wish is my command." If you trace the story back to its origins, you know, we now think that there's three wishes, but if you if you trace the story back to its origins, there's absolutely no limit whatsoever (无论什么)to the wishes. Think about that one. Now, let's take this metaphor, blow it up and apply it to you and your life. Remember, Aladdin is the one who always asks for what he wants. Then you've got the Universe at large which is this grand genie. And traditions have called that so many different things -the holly guardian[守护的] angel, your higher self, I mean we can put any label on it, and you choose the one that works best for you. But every tradition has told us there's something bigger than us. And the genie always says one thing: "Y our wish is my command."Esther Hicks: So, we'd like to say to you that the creative process is a three step process. Step one is: you must ask for what you want. Y ou do not need use words to ask. In fact, the Universe is not even hearing the words from you. The Universe is responding completely to your thought.Bob Proctor: What do you really want? Sit down and write it on a piece of paper. Write it in the present tense. Y ou might begin by writing, "I am so happy and grateful now that..." and then explain how do you want your life to be in every area.Joe Vitale: And this is really fun. This is like having the Universe as your catalogue and you flip through[浏览], and you go "well, I'd like to have this experience, and I'd like to have that product, and I'd like to have a person like that", it is you just placing your order with the Universe. It's really that easy.Esther Hicks: The second step is: answer. An answer to what you're asking. And that is not your work in your physical form. The Universe will do that step for you. All of the Universal forces are responding with the thoughts that you set in motion."Y our wish is my command."Joe Vitale: And the Universe will start to rearrange itself to make it happen for you.Jack Canfield: Most of us have never allowed ourselves towant what we truly want because we can't see how it's going to manifest.Bob Proctor: If you do just a little research, it is gonna become evident to you that anyone that ever accomplished anything did not know how they were gonna do it, they only knew they were gonna do it.Joe Vitale: Y ou do not need to know how it's gonna come about. Y ou do not need to know how the Universe will rearrange itself.Bob Proctor: Y ou don't know how it’ll be shown to you. Y ou will attract the way.Esther Hicks: So, then our friend say, something must be going terribly wrong. Because, I know I am asking so where is my stuff? And we say, you are asking, you are completing step one, you can't help but do that. The Universe is answering, every time. No exception. But there is another step that you must understand, and it is called step three, which is the receiving step which means, you must bring yourself into alignment[调整]with what you're asking for. When you're in alignment with what you want, you feel wonderful. That's what the enthusiasm is, that's what joy is, that's what the appreciation is, that's what that feeling of passion is. But when you are feeling despair, or fear, or anger, those are strong indications[表示] that you are not right now in alignment with what you're asking for. And so, when you begin to realize that the way you feel is everything, and you begin to direct your thoughts based upon how they feel, little by little you can find the feeling place of it, and now you are one with it, and now it must manifest into your experience. Bob Proctor: And when you turn that fantasy into a fact you're in the position build bigger and better fantasies(梦想)and that, my friend ,is the creative process.Bob Doyle: So, the Law of Attraction, the study and practice of the Law of Attraction is this figuring out what will help you generate[产生] the feelings of having it now. Go test-drive that car. Go shop for that home, get in the house, do whatever you have to do to generate the feelings of having it now and remember them. Whatever you can do to do that will help you to literally attract it. It could be, you wake up and it's just there, it's manifested. Or you might get some inspired idea of some action to take. Y ou certainly shouldn't be going, "well, I could do it this way but man I hate that" 'cause you're not on the right track if that's the case. Action will sometimes be required[必需的], but if you're really doing it in line with what Universe is trying to deliver, it's gonna feel joyous, you're gonna feel so alive, time will just stop, you could do it all day...Joe Vitale: The Universe likes speed. Don't delay, don't second guess, don't doubt, when the opportunity's there, when the impulse[冲动] is there, when the intuitive[直觉] nudge[靠近] from within is there - act. That's your job. And that's all you have to do. Bob Proctor: Y ou will attract everything that you require. If it's money you need, you'll attract it. If it's people you need, you'll attract it. If it's a certain book you need, you'll attract it. Y ou've got to pay attention to what you're attracted to. Because, as you hold images of what you want you're gonna be attracted to things, they're gonna be attracted to you. But it literally moves into physical reality with and through you. And it does that by law.Michael Beckwith: Y ou can start with nothing. And out of nothing, and out of no way the way will be made.Jack Canfield: Think of this: a car driving through the night, the headlights only go 100-200 ft forward, and you can make it all the way from California to New Y ork driving through the dark, 'cause all you have to see is the next 200 ft. That's how life tends to unfold[呈现] before us. If we just trust that the next 200 ft will unfold after that, the next 200 ft will unfold after that... your life will keep unfolding, and it will eventually get you to the destination whatever it is you truly want, because you want.―Take the first step in faith. Y ou don’t have to see the w hole staircase, just take the first step.‖—Martin Luther King (马丁路德金)Joe Vitale: Well, another thing people wonder about is - how long this is gonna take. How long it will take to manifest the car, the relationship, the money, whatever it happens to be... Well, I don't have any rule book that says it's gonna take you 30 minutes, or 3 days, or 30 days. I think it's more a matter of you being in alignment with the Universe itself.Bob Doyle: Sizes - it's nothing to the Universe. It is no more difficult to attract, on a scientific level, something that we consider huge, to something that we consider infinitesimally[极微小的] small. The Universe does, everything it does with zero effort. Grass doesn't strain to grow, it's effortless. It's just this great design. It's all about what's going on up here. It's about what we put in place, saying, this is big - it's gonna take some time, this is small -oh, I'll give it an hour. Y ou know, those are our rules that we define. There are no rules according to the Universe. If you provide the feelings of having it now, it will respond. Some people have an easier time with little things. So we sometimes say, we'll start with something small, like a cup of coffee. Make it your attention to attract a cup of coffee today. Bob Proctor: Hold an image of talking to an old friend that you haven't seen for a long time. Somehow another someone is gonna start talking to you about that person. That person's gonna phone you or you'll get a letter from him.David Schirmer (Investment Trainer): People were amazed how did I line up car parks. And I've done this right from when I first understood the secret. I would visualize a car space exactly where I wanted and 95% of the time it would be there for me, and I'd just pull straight in. 5% of the time I'd have to wait just a minute or two and the person would pull。
㈠《Shawshank Redemption肖申克的救赎》你知道, 有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在牢笼里的, 它们的每一片羽毛都闪耀着自由的光辉。
2.Ther.i.somethin.insid.,tha.the.can'.ge.t..tha.the.can'.touch.That'.yours....那是一种内在的东西, 他们到达不了,也无法触及的,那是你的。希望是一个好东西,也许是最好的,好东西是不会消亡的。恐惧让你沦为囚犯。
6.It takes a strong man to save himself, and a great man to save another.坚强的人只能救赎自己, 伟大的人才能拯救他人。 .tha.i.hop......... 不要忘了,这个世界穿透一切高墙的东西,它就在我们的内心深处,他们无法达到,也接触不到,那就是希望.㈡《Forrest Gump 阿甘正传》1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.生命就像一盒巧克力, 结果往往出人意料。
白日梦想家The.Secret.Life.of.Walter.Mitty中英对照剧本嗯?Huh?你好! 我是网恋网的托德·马哈尔Hi! Todd Mahar, eHarmony.今天有什么能为您效劳?How can I help you today?你好我好像无法给别人发送表情Hi. I can't seem to leave a wink for someone.我不知道是我的页面崩溃了吗?I don't know, is my page broken?是否进入了错误的页面或者...Do I maybe have a broken page, or...我从没遇到这种情况但是没关系I've never heard of that, but, okay.你是第一次使用你的网恋网账户吗?You're trying to use your eHarmony account for the first time?是的好的I am. Okay.我正在看你的简介I'm looking at your profile.我们有一个非常复杂的匹配算法We have a pretty intricate matching algorithm.这是我们和其他在线交友网站That's what distinguishes us from other不一样的地方online dating services.没错我欣赏这一点Yeah, I like that.其实我只是想给一个人发送表情Actually, I'm just trying to leave a wink for one person.她叫谢尔·梅霍芙Cheryl Melhoff.她在一个月前进入我的部门工作...She started in my division at work about a month ago...我偶然在面包店附近听她说and I overheard her near the bagels她在你们网站征婚saying she was on your site.好吧真特别的情况Okay, that's unique.但我想问个问题But let me ask you.你有很多项...You left a lot of this stuff...比如"你的经历"的部分空着没填like the "Been There, Done That" section, you left it blank.没错我跳过了这部分Yeah, I think I skipped it.好吧你不能为难我先生Okay, you got to help me out here, man.不要省略信息Don't skip stuff.好吧但是我真没去过Okay, well, I haven't really been任何有名或值得一提地方anywhere noteworthy or mentionable.有没有你曾做过值得一提的事情?Have you done anything noteworthy, mentionable?你好你还在听吗?Hello, you still there?你能稍等一下吗?Can you hang on a second?快快快! 让开! 让开!Go, go, go! Get out! Get out!快爆炸啦! 快走! 快走!She's gonna blow! Go! Go!奇普! 在这里!Chips! Over here!奇普! 谢谢!Chips! Thank you!你怎么知道这楼会爆炸?How did you know about the building?我听到犬吠声还闻到了煤气味I heard barking, thought I smelled gas.但愿它没事I hope it's okay.我在冲下楼梯的时候I engineered a prosthesis for Chips顺便给奇普做了一个假肢while I was sprinting down the stairwell.一个固定在臀部A little hip-joint assembly套在前骨盘还有垂环锁的小假肢with a drop-ring lock and an anterior pelvic band.天啊你真让人刮目相看!God, you're noteworthy!我是三有青年: 有魄力有勇气有创造力I just live by the ABC's: Adventurous, Brave, Creative.这就是我理想中的男人啊That's everything I want in a man.先生?My man?嘿先生你还在听吗?Hey, my man, you still there?嘿Hey.怎么了? 你是晕过去了还是...What? Did you pass out or...不是我只是出神了No, I just like, zoned out for a second.好吧你经常这样吗?Okay. Do you do that a lot?我想也就普通频率Normal amount, I guess.我得走了抱歉Yeah, I got to run. Sorry.好吧但我们需要更多的...Okay, but we need a lot more...白日梦想家嘿今天可不是迟到的好日子Hey. Bad day to be late.我们公司刚刚被收购了We just got acquired.什么? 是的就在周末What? Yeah, over the weekend.华特! 生日快乐!Walter! Happy birthday!喔呼!Whoo-hoo!他四十二岁了!He's years old!欧黛纱! 你来这里干嘛?Odessa! What are you doing here?你妈做了你最喜欢的小柑橘蛋糕Mom made you your favorite clementine cake.你不是应该在养老院Aren't you supposed to be at the retirement place帮妈把钢琴搬进去吗?with her getting the piano moved in?没错我在那里干完差不多一半了...Yes, I was there. It's like halfway done...把钢琴从货车里搬出来在街上放着一切都很顺利piano's out of the van, it's on the street, everything's fine.但我刚好接了个很重要的试镜But I just got a phone call about a really所以你能帮我搬钢琴吗?big audition, so can you go finish it?不行我要迟到了华特我...No, I can't. I'm late. Walter, I...我觉得你没明白我需要什么I don't think you're seeing this from what I need.你需要什么?What do you need?我要成为"火爆浪子"里的里佐I need to be Rizzo in Grease.{\an}年出品的电影改编自音乐剧"西边故事"我没明白I don't understand that.我的试镜! 里佐! 里佐?My audition! Rizzo! Rizzo?里佐! 她既强硬又温柔!Rizzo! She's tough and tender!{\an}里佐是个叛逆女孩试图用强硬的外表掩盖痛苦和自卑放过我吧求你了Do me a favor, please.不管你用什么办法一定要把妈妈的钢琴搬进去好吗? Make sure Mom's piano gets moved in all the way. All right?不要当里佐!Don't go to Rizzo!谢你全家华特生日快乐!Oh, thanks, Walter. Happy birthday!知道吗? 我们刚刚被收购了Guess what? We just got acquired.是的我听说了Yeah, I heard.而且要做一些调动Yeah, there's gonna be changes.很可能会把我们下调到一些网络部门去Downsizing of us into some kind of dot-com thing, possibly.真是前途未卜I wonder how this thing goes down,过渡期又该怎么过how the transition's gonna play out.我也许能告诉你I could probably tell you.我是泰德·亨德里克斯过渡期的主管经理Ted Hendricks, managing director of the transition.你好我是蒂姆·诺顿销售部Hey. Tim Naughton. Sales.我是加里·曼海姆平面设计部Gary Mannheim, graphic design.你是做什么的蛋糕师?And what do you do, cake man?哦呃...Oh, uh...这蛋糕只是今天才有我不是蛋糕师The cake's just for today. I'm not a cake man.我是做...I do...我这接负责...I deal dirctly..."这接"?"Dirctly"?处理"生活"杂志的所有图片...Directly with LIFE's photo units...不好意思我完全沉浸在这首歌里I'm sorry, I was really getting into this song没听见你说什么and I stopped listening to you.我刚刚说你知道谁留胡子好看吗?I was saying, you know who looks good in a beard?是邓布利多不是你Dumbledore, not you.{\an}邓布利多: 出自"哈利·波特"系列伙计?Guy?伙计?Guy?你是做什么的?What do you do?我是底片资产部的经理I'm a negative asset manager.看你表现咯Worth the wait.楞个里格楞Mind over matter嘿泰德唐尼Ted. Donny.还适应吗? 非常好Feeling tough? Feeling good.嗯以后还得做不少艰难决定呢Well, got to make some tough calls ahead.你之前来过这里是吗?You been here before, yeah?嗯感觉这儿怎么样?Yeah, so this is it, huh?感觉像是"照片屋"Yeah, the "house of pictures."嘿Hey.嗨周末过得怎样?Hi. How was your weekend?这个周末糟透了I had an awesome weekend.这个周末你都做了什么?And what did you do this weekend?唔... 我想想Um... Let's see.我用北极冰泉泡了个澡...I bathed in Arctic mountain water...我的拉丁情人在一旁背诗给我听while my Latin lover recited verse to me.真会意淫对吧You slut. I know.事实上我在等冰箱修理工可他一直没有来Actually, I waited for my refrigerator repairman, who never came.真悲剧I'm so sorry.晚点给你打电话I'm gonna call you later.好的Okay.冰对吧?The ice, yes?她就像女人一样无常She moves like a woman.我叫华特·米蒂I'm Walter Mitty.我叫谢尔·梅霍芙Cheryl Melhoff.你去哪里了?Where have you been?测试人类精神的极限Testing the limits of the human espirit.我想爬上你的头发测试一下I'd like to climb your hair, test that out.我可以用我的传情猎鹰跟你联系Perhaps I can contact you, possibly through my poetry falcon.传情猎鹰Poetry falcon.我喜欢这名字I like that.要是我拿回形针打他一下他会不会动呢?Do you think, if I hit him with a paper clip, would he move?不知道I don't know.试试Do it.来Hello.我曾经真的朝他扔过一个墨盒I actually threw a toner box at him once.是吗? 他动了吗?Yeah? Did he move?没有我扔偏了No, I missed.真是个好故事That's a great story.塔台呼叫汤姆上校Ground Control to Major Tom.你能听见吗汤姆上校?Can you hear me, Major Tom?哦!Oh!哇Wow.我们接着往下说Moving on, as they say.这是会议室这边是办公室...Conference room, more of these stations here...大部分时间员工各干各的where people sort of do their thing.这样布局是为了...Layout's here for...早上好赫南多!Morning, Hernando!新来了个难缠的家伙你听说了吗?There's a new nut pouch, did you hear?是的我见过他了Yeah. I met him.我们要被重新考核We're gonna be evaluated.不过他们考核不了我们这活还是很难的They won't be able to. We do intricate details back here.没错Yeah.这活很麻烦而且容易出错It's tricky. And bewildering.应该让我们互相考核I should evaluate you, you should evaluate me.我觉得他们不会让我们这么做的I don't think they'll let us do that.说说而已Just saying.这卷底片放在这里多久了?Hey, how long has this neg roll been here?放在外面的这卷Out in the open.上面写着"肖恩·奥康奈尔"It says "Sean O'Connell."今天早上拿来的It came in this morning.还有个礼物他寄给你一份礼物就在你桌上There's a present, too. He sent you a present, on your desk.肖恩·奥康奈尔还在用胶卷拍照Sean O'Connell still shoots on film.我真是很喜欢他That results for me in a man crush.嘿你想洗这盒胶卷吗?Hey, you want to mount these?真的我来?Seriously?当然Sure.听说"生活"杂志破产了Heard rumblings LIFE's done, man.我想对你道谢Wanted to say thanks.看看里面的东西作为你多年努力工作的礼物Take a look inside, a gift for all the years of hard work.至于底片胶卷我很抱歉Sorry about the neg roll.我自己缝合...I spilled some blood on it...腹部枪伤的时候溅了点血在胶卷上面...while self-stitching a gun wound to my abdomen...但二十五号是我拍得最好的一张but number is my best ever.我认为是生活的精髓The quintessence of life, I think.我相信你会把它放在属于它的位置上...I trust you'll get it where it needs to go...你总能做到you always do.感谢你所做的一切你拿的是什么?What did you get?钱包It's a wallet.有"生活"杂志的格言在上面With LIFE's motto on it.认识世界克服困难洞悉所有贴近生活寻找真爱感受彼此这就是生活的意义给你Here you go.二十五号呢? 没有Where's ? It's not there.嘿我们需要二十五号底片Hey, we need negative .肖恩·奥康奈尔发了电报Sean O'Connell sent a telegram.是真的电报An actual telegram.一个带着小帽子的百岁老人传信的A -year-old dude came in a little hat.所以要开个楼层会议So there's a floor meeting.带上二十五号底片Bring .肯定还在这我们会找到它的It's here somewhere. We'll find it.好的尽快制作这些框架的关系表Okay, make a contact sheet of these frames as soon as you can.而且别跟任何人提起这事And don't say anything to anyone.好的Yeah.我很不情愿地要通知大家...I just wanted to inform you all reluctantly, that...我想得重头再说一遍I guess, just start back from the beginning.好了我很不情愿地要通知大家...Okay. I just wanted to inform you all reluctantly...本月的期刊将会是我们的最后一期that this month's issue will be our last.什么?What?是的什么?Yeah. What?扯淡!This is some bull!是坏消息...It's sad...确实如此news, for sure.你们都是难得的好员工Now, you're all valued employees.但由于我们处于"生活"杂志网络化的过渡期...But as we undergo this transition to LIFE online...所以我们想明白告诉你们...we wanted to be candid with you...将有部分员工被新公司...that some of you will be determined non-vital employees...列为非重要员工to the new partnership.而我们将在下周的例会上...And we'll be deciding which of those positions...决定保留哪些职位will be remaining with us over the course of the next week.正如你所见我们也对此感到悲伤Also, we feel sad about that, as you can see.现在是好消息Now for some good news.我们非常激动地... 够了唐We are very excited... All right, Don.我是泰德·亨德里克斯过渡期的主管经理Ted Hendricks. Managing director of the transition.眼下的形势并不乐观Never fun, this stage.但我们确实获得允许来出版...But we do have ahead of us the privilege of publishing...这最后一期的"生活"月刊杂志what will be the very last issue of LIFE magazine.而这最后一期我们刚刚收到了一封电报And for the final issue, we just received a telegram.给我Come on.肖恩·奥康奈尔发来的...From Sean O'Connell...据说他从不愿意...who has never, I'm told, been willing...和公司的高管接触to speak with the executives here.然而这次他打破了长期的沉默Well, he broke his long silence跟我们分享了他的想法...and shared his thoughts with us...通过那位老伯through that old man.我是肖恩·奥康奈尔Sean O'Connell."我希望能以二十五号底片作为封面""I expect full consideration of negative for cover.""我最高的杰作""My most grand.""生活的精髓""The quintessence of life."精髓是啥?What is that?好像是指充实而富有It means like the fullest and most rich.好了因此我们下一期封面将会非常轰动...Okay. So our cover will probably be the most famous ever...因为它真的蕴含生活的精髓because it really will have the big quintessence of all time.充实而富有Very full and so rich.那么让我们见识一下怎样?So let's see this thing. Huh?看下那照片Let's see it.我们... 我现在在这里干什么? 下面该怎么办?Can we... What am I doing up here? What's going on?我们现在向底片资产部拿到这个底片We'll receive it now from Negative Assets.就是那位先生最后一个进来的This gentleman. The last man in.底片资产部那是什么?Negative Assets. What's that?啊汤姆上校Ah, Major Tom.能把照片给我吗?Can I get that?底片还在处理中It's being processed.好的那现在开工吧All right. Well, let's do it.去搞定那生活的精髓吧Let's process some quintessence.开始吧Come on.行动起来Go.马上Now.这就是拍手的原因That's why I'm clapping.我们什么时候印刷? 两周半后When do we go to press? Two and a half weeks.你好Hi.你好Hi.我叫华特I'm Walter.我叫谢尔Cheryl.米蒂梅霍芙Mitty. Melhoff.没错Yes.你在摄影师账户部工作是吗? 是的You work in Photo Accounts, right? I do.你在底片资产部Negative Assets.是的Yes. I am.你在处理最后一期封面照片那可是件大工程You're processing the last cover photo. That's a big deal.是的这个... 有一点... 我们遇到一点困难Yeah, it's... there's a... we have a glitch.一点点小问题Mini, on that one right now.我想跟你说...I wanted to say, to you...你有没有肖恩·奥康奈尔的住址?do you maybe have an address for Sean O'Connell?唔... 这可能不好找Um... It's not really that easy with him.他居无定所我不知道He moves around so much. I don't.是啊他是自由投稿者Yeah, he's on a freelance.我不知道他的住址而且他也没有电话I don't know where and he doesn't have a phone.没有电话? 他很传统是的No phone? He's old school. Yeah.对了我去找佩吉查一下吧?But, you know, why don't I check with Peg?她刚刚准备了一张给肖恩的支票I know she just processed a check for him.我们也许可以查送信地址用这种方式找他?And we could track his pay-out maybe. Find him that way?很好太好了好的Cool. Very cool. Okay.你叫华特是的Walter. Yes.我去办I'm on it.谢谢Thanks.你要进来吗?Yes. Are you coming?是的不用了Yes, I'm not.是的我得呆在这儿Yes, I have to stay.这是相版Here's the contact sheet.你看到什么了?What do you see?那送来的胶卷This photo cluster. These three.只有这三张是有图像的They're the only printable ones.这几张是他在拍号的同时拍的He took them around the same time he took .根据这些线索可能能找到肖恩They could give us a clue to where Sean is.洗出这几张好吗?Blow them up, all right?好的Cool.嘿Hey.华特是吗?Walter, right?是的Yeah.我跟佩吉说了肖恩的事情了她会回电话给我So, I called Peg about Sean. She's gonna get back to me.哦! 嘿谢谢了Oh! Hey, thanks.好酷的眼镜很有沙人的感觉Cool glasses, very Sand People.这个吗? 不是的这是小型放大镜These? No, these are loupes.我工作的时候用的它能放大...They're for work. They magnify the...这就是号吗? 我能看看吗?Is that ? Can I see?这个... 不是That's... No.我还没找到号...I can't quite find ...目前来说just now.你没找到?You can't find it?是的所以我才想要去找肖恩Yeah. That's why I'm trying to find Sean.我试着根据其他的照片找到他的下落I'm trying to track him down somehow with these other images.他的行踪吗?His whereabouts?是的Yeah.我上过一个关于写悬疑小说的课I take this class, Writing the Mystery Novel.他们说关键是逆向思维Anyway, they say the key is to work backwards.收集所有线索然后再各个分析You connect the clues and then scatter them可能看上去毫无联系so they seem unrelated.推理可复杂了呢There's like a whole science to it.我可以看看嘛? 当然May I? Sure.好的大拇指Okay. Thumb.是的不知道是谁的Yeah. It's an unknown thumb.好吧水面?Okay. Water?就是水吧我猜?Just water, I guess?是的就是水Yeah, just water.好的Okay.还有...And...好像是一个弧形 a curved piece of...像是某个东西的一部分some kind of, part of a thing.但是我的老师说关于线索...But the thing with clues, my teacher says...肯定会有一个关键is you really only need one good one,将所有线索联系起来...and then they'll connect...然后你就会觉得and you'll be like,"哦是啊当然无名的大拇指水面...""Oh, yes, of course, unknown thumb, water...""我早就该想到的哈!""I should have seen this the whole time. Ahh!"是啊是啊我会试着...Yeah, yeah, I'll be like...好吧不管怎样我该回去了不然我就要被炒鱿鱼了Well, anyway, I should get back and try not to get fired.嘿谢尔Hey, Cheryl.我也在做一些创作I have something creative I've been working on, too.哦Oh.就是一个小工程Little side project.华特真的太美了!Walter, it's amazing!华特?Walter?我刚刚说如果佩吉给我回电话了我会告诉你的I was just saying I'll let you know when I hear back from Peg.好的谢谢Okay. Thank you.好的Okay.嘿欧黛纱Hey, Odessa.什么?What?能否换个大点的公寓? 能放下这个钢琴的Is there a larger apartment available the piano could fit in?那个是我妈妈的纪念物Because it's a memento of our mom's.真的太大了...That's a really big...很多人在搬来之前都会把太大件的纪念物卖掉Most people sell their really big mementos before they move here.我爸爸在他们结婚那年给她买了这架钢琴My dad bought it for her the year they were married.对她来说意味着很多It means a lot to her.这是个别墅有点儿贵...That's a villa. It's a little more costly...但是它绝对宽敞有足够放得下钢琴的客厅but it has a more generous, piano kind of size living room for you though.好的这个很好Yeah. Yeah, this is good.如果要搬进去你需要有第一个月的On move-in, you'd need first month's,最后一个月的以及全部的存款last month's, and full deposit.块钱棒That's $,. Great.好的没问题Yeah, okay.我们会买的我去拿文件Yeah, we'll take it. I'll get the paperwork.新的别墅会在三周以后开放The new villa comes open in three weeks.我猜I'm guessing.生日快乐Happy birthday.弹力强人!Stretch Armstrong!棒极了That's cool.是啊很不错不是吗?Yeah. Isn't that awesome?这可是你小时候最喜欢的玩具还记得吗?This was your favorite thing when we were little. Do you remember?还想来一次吗?You want to do it?好啊Yeah, all right.来吧使劲儿拉! 很好很好!Come on, Stretch! Good, good!好了我们得走了Come on, we got to go.一幢别墅好吧但是搞清楚我可不想太奢华A villa, okay, but hey, I'm not the Queen of Sheba.你得有个能装得下钢琴的房间You got to have room for your piano.那边收拾好之前你就先住在我这边吧You can stay at my place until it's ready.我在这儿不会太束缚你吗?I won't be cramping your scene?束缚我? 不会My scene? No.很抱歉没让你今天住进去And sorry we couldn't get you in here today.华特!Walter!你看我找到了什么!Look what I found!这是你和蒂姆·林德曼的This is from you and Tim Linderman.你还记不记得那时候我们收拾东西准备去欧洲玩儿? Do you remember, we were gonna backpack Europe?爸爸去世的那个六月?That June Dad died?伙计! 来看看里面有什么?Man! What is in here?那是我的家族盒子That's my Walter box.有一些咱们家的小摆设和纪念品什么的Some of my Walter knick-knacks and keepsakes.你做的音乐选集是最棒的!You made the best mix tapes!天啊怎么了? 那是什么?Oh, man. What? What's that?爸爸给我的旅行日志Travel journal Dad gave me.哦Oh.你应该把它捐了因为你从来没用过捐给贫困的小孩子吧You should donate that, because you never used it, to a poor kid.一个准备去欧洲旅行的贫困小孩吗?A poor kid who's gonna travel to Europe?你看你和你爸爸!Look at you and your dad!那个是我比赛的那张照片吗?Is that my tournament one?他对这个得意的不得了He was so proud of this.他真想和全世界分享你的成就Sharing your accomplishments with the whole world.那只是个小镇上的比赛妈妈It's from the Fairview Smalltowner, Mom.我真的超喜欢那个帅帅的莫霍克头Well, I really liked that nifty mohawk.你知道吗你爸爸去世后...You know, when your daddy died...你就去比萨店工作...and then you went to work in that pizza place...那家店以一个父亲命名就是类似父亲的名字the one that was named after a father, had that father kind of name.棒约翰Papa John's.是的送外卖Yeah, delivery.那个时候我就想...And I thought perhaps that it was really sad for you...在你爸爸去世后在一个那样名字的店里工作working in a restaurant named after a father你会很难过吧after your father just died.我从来没往那方面想I never even thought about that.可能是因为我从来不叫老爸"爸爸" 吧Probably because I didn't call Dad "Papa."你穿得真怪You had a weird style.不是我穿得怪那个是肯德基的制服That wasn't my style. That was a uniform. KFC.我家勤劳的小蜜蜂My worker bee."水中有字"?"Word in the water"?好了知道吗? 我得走了Okay, you know what? I got to go.我们会让你尽快住进别墅好吗?We're getting you into a villa situation, okay?好的很好我走了Okay. Good, everybody?我家勤劳的小蜜蜂...My worker bee...还有我家爱表演的小蜜蜂! 谢谢你妈妈and my performance artist bee! Thank you, Mom.赫南多嘿Hernando. Hey.我什么都没看到在中间偏上I don't see anything. Upper middle.很模糊但是水里的确有字It's faint. There's a word in the water.我很紧张华特I'm getting nervous, Walter.嘿这是某片海洋Hey, this is an ocean.那是艘船That's a boat."厄基斯那克""Erkigsnek."他在那艘船附近He was near this boat.一会儿见See you in a few.我去查看一下收发室I'll check the mailroom.终刊封面Final cover.责任重大啊Big responsibility.哦这是我想要的照片吗?Oh, is that my quintessence?不是No.我们正在为开始做准备呢We're prepping the wetting agents on that to start the process.真的吗? 因为你好像还在玩玩具Really? Because it looks like you're playing with toys.不是这个是礼物No, this is a gift.底片需要经过一系列专业的...Yeah, the negative needs to go through a very technical...抱歉我没办法和你进行有关专业的对话I'm sorry. I can't have a professional conversation with you.你和你的金发小伙伴You and your little blonde pal.我们...Let's...你不能带着他穿过办公室You can't walk through the office with him.给我吧我会收起来的Let's have it. I'll put it away.把玩具给我! 不!Give me the toy, man! No!现在Now.这是工作的地方不是玩玩具的地方!This is a place of business, not a place of jelly-man toys!放手!Get off it!不我不放!No, I'm taking it!你不能拿走我的东西You can't just take my stuff!那是我的! 给我!It's mine! Give it to me!不!No!别抓着我的小伙伴不放!Stop fiddling with sweets and little men!这才是我该做的!I'm trying to do my job!你是铁皮人吗?Are you the Tin Man?需不需要给你上点油?Need a little oil can?天啊Jesus.照片Picture.喂? 嘿!Hello? Hey!嘿怎么样了?Hey. What's up?你是谁? 托德Who is this? Todd.网恋网的From eHarmony.哦! 嗨Oh! Hi.那天你挂电话的时候我是在说...When I lost you there, I was saying...我们需要完善你的信息使之没有空格we need to beef your profile up, make it, you know, not blank.很快的我们来创建你的"到过这里干过那个"Real quick, let's build your "Been There, Done Thats."好吧到过这里...Okay. Been there...呃...Um...我去过凤凰大学Phoenix.我忘了为什么去了I forgot why.然后是纳什维尔...Then Nashville...但那只是去凤凰城路过那边的机场but that was just the airport on the way所以我不知道算不算 Phoenix, so I don't know if that...嗯哼...Uh-huh...嘿伙计我在想如果你跟那姑娘在一起工作的话... Hey, man, I was thinking, if you work with this girl...为什么不直接邀请她出去呢?why don't you just humanly invite her out?不不不我是想要试着像"椰奶鸡尾酒之歌"那样No, no, no, I'm trying to do like a "Pina Colada Song" thing."椰奶鸡尾酒之歌"?"Pina Colada Song"?是啊一个人发了一个广告寻找爱人...Yeah, you know, a guy posts an ad, looking for a lover...然后他的妻子回复了他...and then his wife answers it...然后两个从不认识到一见钟情...and it turns out they were soul mates and didn't even know it...最后他们披着披风做爱或是躺在披风上and they end up making love in capes, or on a cape.这是首歌吗? 你能唱一段吗?It's a song? Can you sing a little bit?如果你椰奶鸡尾酒当被大雨淋湿If you like pina coladas, getting caught in the rain知道这首歌吗? 我得挂了You know that song? I have to go.是霍尔与奥茨的歌吗?Is that Hall & Oates?嘿! 嘿Hey! Hey.又有新线索了吗?Is that another clue?是啊这个线索很不错是吗?Yeah. This one's okay. Yeah?我想这里有一艘船There's a boat there, I think."厄基..." 斯那克"Erkig..." Snek.厄基斯那克? 是的Erkigsnek? Yeah.听起来确实是个好线索Sounds like a real clue.是啊那是个船的名字Yeah, it's the boat's name.你在谷歌上搜过了吗?Have you Googled it?正准备去查I was on my way to.是的NUYeah. N-U.是港口城市的首字母It's the first two letters of the port city.正在查询Buffering.那么我得...So, the park...我得去趟公园接我儿子I got to run up there and pick up my son.他在和朋友滑滑板He's skateboarding with a friend.你要和我一起走吗?Do you want to walk up with me?现在吗?Starting now?是的现在就走Yeah, starting now.好的Okay.我们得把这事儿弄清楚这是个大事儿Yeah, we got to figure this out. It's a big deal.你得找到肖恩·奥康奈尔You lost a Sean O'Connell.我以前在纳贝斯克工作I used to work at Nabisco.然后我的生活发生了点变化...And then, I had a change...我决定申请来生活杂志工作and I decided to apply to LIFE.想着这边应该会更丰富多彩少些局限我猜是这样Thought it would be more colorful, less regular, I guess.你知道我只是喜欢它的理念You know, I just like the idea of it.我喜欢公司的那句格言I like the motto of the company.你知道吗?Do you know it?"认识世界...""To see the world...""克服困难...""Things dangerous to come to...""洞悉所有...""To see behind walls."我...Yeah, I...肖恩送我的礼物I got this, from Sean.他给你的?He gave this to you?是的Yeah.我喜欢这句"感受彼此"I like that, "To draw closer."那么他是个什么样的人?So, what's he like in person?肖恩? 是的Sean? Yeah.呃说实话我没见过他Well, I haven't actually met him.我是说我们经常聊天但是...I mean, we talk a lot, but...我从一开始就负责和他联系的I've been his point guy here ever since I started.这是多久以前的事儿?How long ago was that?年前years.年前?years?天啊哇哦Oh, my gosh. Wow.你一点也不担心Well, you have nothing to worry about.我是说裁员的事情。
Summary of Secret Teachings《秘密》精华教义(中英对照)翻译:等于资料来源:量子《秘密》论坛MoneyMoney is magnetic energy.You are a magnet attracting to you all things,via the signal you are emitting through your thoughts and feelings.To become a powerful money magnet:Be clear about the amount of money you want to receive.State it and intend it!Don’t think about how much you can earn,but how much you want to receive.Fall in love with money.Most people do not love money,because they always feel that they don't have enough of it.Visualize and imagine yourself spending all the money you want,as though you have it already.Speak,act,and think from the mindset of being wealthy now.Eliminate thoughts and words of lack such as"I can't afford it","It is too expensive".Do not speak or think of the lack of money for a single second.Be grateful for the money you have.Appreciate it as you touch it.Make lists of all the things you will buy with an abundance of money.Do whatever it takes for you to feel wealthy.Affirm to yourself every day that you have an abundance of money,and that it comes to you effortlessly.Appreciate all the riches around you,including the riches of others.Look for wealth wherever you go,and appreciate it.Be certain that money is coming to you.Love yourself and know that you are deserving and worthy of an abundance of money.Remind yourself everyday that you are a money magnet,and ask yourself often during the day,am I attracting money now or pushing it away with my thoughts?Always,always pay yourself first from your wage,then pay your creditors.In that single act,you are telling the Universe that you are worthy and deserving of more.Repeat over and over every day,"I am a money magnet and money comes to me effortlessly and easily."Write out a check to yourself for the sum of money you would like to have and carry it in your wallet.Look at it often.Do whatever it takes to feel good.The emotions of joy and happiness are powerful money magnets.Be happy now!Love yourself!Wealth is a mindset.Money is literally attracted to you or repelled from you.It's all about how you think.$$钱钱是磁性的能量。
James Thurber - The Secret Life of Walter Mitty 原文 翻译
The Secret Life of Walter MittyJames Thurber沃尔特·米蒂的隐秘生活(白日梦想家)詹姆斯·瑟伯___"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty," first published in 1941, is one of James Thurber's most well-known and beloved stories. Its famous protagonist holds a place in the cultural lexicon, meriting his own entry in English-language dictionaries. In 1947, Norman McLeod directed an MGM Technicolor musical with the same title based on Thurber's story. The film, which extends Mitty's imaginary adventures over a two-day period, stars Danny Kaye as the affable daydreamer.《沃尔特·米蒂的隐秘生活》(白日梦想家)首次于1941年出版,是詹姆斯·瑟伯最为人知和喜爱的故事之一。
"We're going through!" The Commander's voice was like thin ice breaking. He wore his full-dress uniform, with the heavily braided white cap pulled down rakishly over one cold gray eye. "We can't make it, sir. It's spoiling for a hurricane, if you ask me." "I'm not asking you, Lieutenant Berg," said the Commander. "Throw on the power lights! Rev her up to 8,500! We're going through!" The pounding of the cylinders increased: ta-pocketa-pocketa-pocketa-pocketa-pocketa. The Commander stared at the ice forming on the pilot window. He walked over and twisted a row of complicated dials. "Switch on No. 8 auxiliary!" he shouted. "Switch on No. 8 auxiliary!" repeated Lieutenant Berg. "Full strength in No. 3 turret!" shouted the Commander. "Full strength in No. 3 turret!" The crew, bending to their various tasks in the huge, hurtling eight-engined Navy hydroplane, looked at each other and grinned. "The old man will get us through" they said to one another. "The Old Man ain't afraid ofHell!" . . .“我们要穿过去!”指挥官的声音就像薄冰破碎一样。
My Secret Valentine《秘密情人》电影完整中英文对照剧本
秘密情人现在请记住Now remember派克先生喜欢在他的位置旁边Mr. Pike likes a chilled bottle of pinot grigio放一瓶冰镇的灰皮诺葡萄酒谢谢你at the table right as he sits. Thank you!-嗨劳瑞-你好- Hi, Laurie. - Hey there!看起来一切都还不错Hey, things are looking great!我刚刚在想或许我们应该再多准备You know, I was thinking, maybe we should back off一点纳帕霞多丽酒of the Napa Chardonnay a little.这里可是欧勒根It's Oregon!我们这儿也有很多不错的酒给客人品尝We have beautiful wines here that need to be experienced. 嗨爸爸Hi, Dad.真惊喜你不是从不打电话吗Well, this is a nice surprise. You never call.我希望我没有打扰到你I hope I'm not bothering you.一切都好吗Is everything OK?没错我只是Yeah, yeah, yeah. I just, uh...我不想占用你太多时间Look, I don't wanna take too much of your time.我知道你工作很忙I know you're busy at work.但是我想知道这周But I was wondering, is there any chance你有没有可能空出一点时间来you could get some time off this week?我有点事得亲自告诉你I've got some news I want to talk to you about in person. 爸爸我现在很难走开Dad, it's gonna be hard for me to get away right now.好吧没关系的Oh, OK. That's all right.我知道不容易但我还是想试一把I knew it was a long shot, but I thought I'd take a chance.好吧你能在电话里Well, can you tell me the news over the phone直接说吗instead of in person?我宁愿等你下班Ah, I'd rather wait 'til you're off work.那好我之后再打给你爸爸OK. I'll call you later, Dad.-好的亲爱的再见-再见- OK, hon. Bye. - Bye.什么消息News?抱歉我刚刚Hi, sorry. I was just, um...在和我爸爸打电话just talking to my dad.他最近怎么样Oh, how is he?他想让我回家但是没说理由You know, he wanted me to come home but he didn't say why. 你上次回家是什么时候Well, when's the last time you were home?已经已经有一段时间了It's... it's been a little while.你一定很想他You must miss him.确实有什么我能帮你的吗I do. How can I help?我需要你帮我两个忙In two ways:第一我需要你针对这个酱汁firstly, I need you to give me your honest opinion给出一个诚实的评价on this sauce.这是为了情人节菜单准备的It's for the Valentine's menu,所以它必须得完美so it has to be perfect.或许你可以再加一撮盐Maybe a pinch of salt.但是它也很美味了真的But it's delicious. Really.在这儿除了我自己就数你的味觉最准You've got the best taste in the house after me.下一件事情是你知道街上的那家Now, the next thing is... you know the old steakhouse 老牛排餐馆吗up the street?知道我听说那家店准备出售Yeah, I heard it was for sale.-现在不了我买下了-什么- Not anymore. I bought it. - What?!我要开第二家餐馆啦I'm opening a second restaurant!这这简直太棒了That is... that is so fantastic.你帮我经营怎么样What do you think about... running it for me?真的吗作为你的合伙人吗Really? As your partner?作为我的总经理As my general manager.你在这里真的做的很棒You know, you've done such a great job here,如果你不能帮我管理新店的话我会疯的I would be crazy not to have you manage the new place. 而且还能加薪And there would be a raise involved.麦琪我Maggie, I...很感谢你考虑了我但是thank you for thinking of me, but...我在这里做总经理已经五年了I've been your GM here for five years.在这一行我已经尽可能走得更远了I've gone as high as I can go in this business但还没有做我自己的事outside of... having something of my own.我也不知道投资人会不会I just don't know if the investors will go找一个合伙人给我for me bringing in a partner.好吧Right.不是我理解的No, I... I... I... I understand.你为什么不花点时间去看看Listen, why don't you take some time, go and see你爸爸然后考虑一下录用你的事呢your dad and think about my offer?-大家早上好啊-早上好- Good morning, team! - Good morning!里奥饮料公司在发放Stratosphere Beverages trounces the competition 时尚廉价酒方面独占鳌头when it comes to distributing hip, inexpensive wine. 但是现在是时候证明我们的产品But now, it's time to prove that we're more比那些流行酒更棒了than trendy wine...我会展示我们要怎么实现这个目标and this is how we're going to do it.品丽珠家族酒庄他们拒绝了Grange Family Wines. They've turned down之前和他们接触过的每家公司every company who's approached them in the past, 但是我们得到了一个和他们面谈的机会but we just scored a meeting with them.品丽珠是一个屡获殊荣的精品酒庄Grange is an award-winning boutique winery它能帮助我们获得更多行业尊重that can bring us a new level of respect.介于他们的潜力以及我们的营销人脉Between their potential and our marketing muscle, 我们能让他们成为家喻户晓的全球化品牌we can make them a global name...前提是我们得让他们点头if... we can get them to say yes.我们需要一名推销员What we need is a sales rep去那里做些非凡的事to go there and do the unthinkable:说服GFW和我们签约convince GFW to sign with us.-谁去-我去- Who's in? - I'm in.这就是塞斯成为我们组第一名的原因And that's why Seth is our number one guy.-还有其他人吗-南希我可以办好这件事Any other volunteers? - Taylor... I got this.看起来这些事都得你来了Looks like it's all yours.我想我们可以休会了This meeting's adjourned, I guess.SethOh, Seth?像品丽珠这样有威望的酒庄A prestige winery like Grange能够帮我们树立比那些卖派对酒的品牌will boost our public profile更好的公众形象我们很需要他们beyond party wines. We need this.明白Yeah.我三天内就搞定它I'll lock it down in three days.你知道副总职位快开放申请了吗You know there's a VP position opening soon?如果你能搞定这单有就有可能成为副总You nail this deal and it could be yours.我有说三天完成吗我认为两天没问题Did I say three? I meant two.你的航班下午起飞Your flight leaves this afternoon.越快越好The sooner the better.品丽珠家族葡萄园以及酒庄私人入口员工通道品丽珠是这座山谷中仍为Grange is one of the only wineries in the Valley原家族所有的酒庄之一that is still owned by the original family.其实特鲁曼·品丽珠还在和他祖父In fact, Truman Grange continues to work with the same vines 当年种的葡萄藤一起工作first planted by his grandfather.现在在品丽珠Now, here at Grange我们喜欢关注单批次生产we like to focus on single batches以确保每一瓶酒在加工时都能to ensure that every bottle is made被悉心关注到克洛伊with thoughtfulness and care. Chloe?!你回家啦Ah! You're home!介绍一下这位是特鲁曼的女儿克洛伊Everyone, this is Truman's daughter Chloe.欢迎你们Hi. Welcome.如果你们都想去品酒室尝点酒的话If you all want to head over to the tasting room,另一位导游the other tour guide will会带你们过去品尝的set you up with some complimentary tastings.-你好-太惊喜了- Hi! - Ah! What a surprise!你是过来参加情人葡萄酒节吗Are you here for the Valentine's Day Winefest?等等真的有吗对啊就在这周Wait, is that already happening? That's right, that's this week. 你怎么能忘了呢How could you forget?这是全年山谷里唯一最大的盛会I mean, it's only the biggest Valley event all year.一天中我已经不间断工作七小时了Well, I've been working 24/7.我很难再记住今天是什么日子I hardly remember what day it is anymore.重要的是你在这里Well, the important thing is you're here.不敢相信你爸爸什么都没告诉你I can't believe your dad didn't say anything!不事实上我想给他个惊喜No, actually, I'm surprising my dad.他说他想当面告诉我些事You know, he said he wanted to tell me something in person. 你知道是关于什么的吗Do you know what it's about?不知道他在管理者见面会上No, he didn't mention anything什么都没对我说to me at the managers meeting.管理者见面会吗等等你现在Manager meeting? Wait, are you在管理酒庄吗managing the winery now?是的你父亲在秋收过后提拔了我Yeah. Your dad promoted me right after harvest.这太棒了我为你高兴That's amazing! I'm so happy for you.谢谢啦Thank you!你在波特兰管理着一个很棒的餐厅You're managing a fancy restaurant in Portland我也在经营着我最爱的酒庄and I'm running my favourite winery.我们两个老朋友都实现了梦想Just two old friends living the dream!没错实现了梦想Oh yeah, living the dream.我们还有很多事要做你现在在忙什么We have so much to catch up on! What are you doing right now? 我刚刚想去看看我爸爸I was gonna go see my dad.计划就是这样That was really the extent of my plans.他整个下午都要出去跑步Oh, well, he's gonna be out on runs all afternoon.如果你想和我一起的话我打算去If you wanna come with me, I was gonna检查一下木屋我们路上应该能赶上他go check out the cabin. We could catch up on the way.对我还没有Yeah, I haven't, uh...我妈妈去世后我还没有去过那里I haven't been out there since my mom died.我太粗心了Oh, that was so thoughtless of me.不没关系我觉得我一直当它No, it's OK. It's silly of me to pretend不存在真是太傻了我会开车过去的like it doesn't exist. I'll drive.见到你好高兴I'm so glad to see you!好像已经快一年了What's it been, like-- - Almost a year.-没错-我知道见到你- Yeah! - I know. I'm so glad我也很高兴to see you too.我们有一整段路能让你追到Wow. Well, we have a whole drive for you你人生当中to catch me up on all the handsome men所有的帅哥in your life.好的那我们就得一直开到路的尽头Oh, OK. Well, that's gonna take us to the end of the driveway 因为一个帅哥都没有because there are none.我们到了Here we are.还和你记忆中的一样吗Just like you remember it?是的这是我妈妈最喜欢的地方Yeah, it was my mom's favourite place.我们原来有一个修理工负责修木屋We had a repairman start work on the cabin,但是他去做其他工作了but he got called away on another job.所以木屋不再完美了So it's not perfect但是它就这样到了今天but... it's getting there.我们过去Wow. We used to spend在这里度过了很长时间so much time out here.妈妈喜欢叫它母女俩的休息所She liked to call it "our mother-daughter retreat."如果这木屋让你心情好一点了Well, if it makes you feel better,它就不会空着的it won't be sitting empty.什么意思What do you mean?由于每个人都会来参加葡萄酒节Well, with everyone coming in for the Festival而且这个地方很可爱and this place being so cute,你爸爸让我们把它挂在房屋租赁网站上your dad suggested we post it on a home rental site.真的吗我想他也不喜欢Really? Huh. I guess he didn't木屋一直闲置着like the idea of it sitting empty either.我发广告说这是乡村田园风格I advertised it as rustic and现在也已经有人拍下来了someone snapped it up.即使它现在还需要修缮吗Even though it needs repairs?是的我在网上给房客发了一条信息Yeah. I sent the tenant a message through the rental site,跟他说这房子还需要再修理一下telling them that it still needed a little bit of work,但是他们没有什么意见but they were fine with it.但愿别人住在这里你没有意见I hope you're OK with someone staying here?不会约其No, you know what, Leanne?这个想法很棒我去拿个包It's a good idea. I'll grab a bag.我会打理好一切不会给你带来麻烦Look, I'll take care of everything so you won't have to be bothered at all. 谢谢你Thank you.我很欣慰其他人喜欢这个木屋I'm glad someone else can enjoy it.我们会把它列到待做事项里的We'll add that to the list.现在它坏掉了Now, it's... broken.欢迎来到Welcome... to...我们的木屋our cabin.这里很快就会修好的Things will get repaired soon.我保证但同时也请尽情享受吧I promise. In the meantime, enjoy!它可能不那么完美但它是家It may not be perfect, but it's home.克洛伊Chloe!我听说你在这儿I heard you were here.你好爸爸Hi, Daddy! Oh!-你好小甜心-你好- Hi, sweetheart! - Hi.你这样离开你老板没问题吗Was your boss OK with you leaving?没事事实上她也很支持Yeah, she actually insisted on it.听到这个我很高兴你应该在一个Well, I'm glad to hear it. You should work somewhere 自我价值能得到肯定的地方工作where you're valued.我会的I should.-车开起来怎么样-它很好爸爸- How's the car running? - It's running fine, Dad.不错不错你刚好过来Good, good. You're just in time和我一起准备晚餐to help me set up for dinner.所有人见到你都会很高兴的Everyone's gonna be so excited to see you.你会留下吃晚饭的对吧你不用You are staying for dinner, right? You don't have转身飞奔回去工作吧to turn around and rush back to work?我会在这儿待一整周I'm here for the whole week.我想听听你的大新闻发生了什么I wanna hear your big news. What's going on?我会说的Well, I'll get to it,但是你得先给爸爸享受女儿but you have to give a dad a chance to enjoy在家陪伴的机会having his daughter home for a moment.-见到你我真的很开心-我也是- It' good to see you. - Good to see you.很多年前我敬爱的妻子琳达Many years ago, my lovely wife Linda举办了朋友和家人间的晚宴started this friends and family dinner在情人葡萄酒节狂欢周脱身to kick off the week of the Valentine's Day Wine Festival. 所以让我们举杯向琳达致敬So, raise your glass to Linda.再让我们热烈欢迎And let's give克洛伊归家a big welcome home to Chloe.你是品丽珠家族酒庄的一员You are the family in Grange Family Wines.谢谢爸爸Thanks, Dad.-干杯-干杯-Cheers. - Cheers.敬此良夜一杯To a lovely night.我想现在就是最佳时机I suppose that this is the best time我得告诉你们to tell you这是我的最后一个节日that this will be my last Festival.我是时候退休了It's time for me to retire and turn the winery以便让新鲜血液进入这个酒庄over to some new blood.别那么惊讶我的时间到了Don't look shocked. It's time.去将领袖埋葬特鲁曼Way to bury the lead, Truman.别听我丈夫胡说恭喜您Ignore my husband. Congratulations.-谢谢-那么你打算怎么做- Thank you. - So, what are your plans?我们有大把的时间讨论这个There's plenty of time to talk about that.现在趁饭菜还没凉就好好吃吧Let's just eat while it's still hot.尽情享受各位Dig in, everyone.-要萝卜吗-谢谢- Carrots? - Thanks.所以你什么时候决定要退休的So, when did you decide to retire?事实上Actually...这是你妈妈的想法it was your mom's idea.她不想我一人独自待在这She didn't want me here alone.-可我曾以为你深爱着这里-没错- But I thought you loved it. - I do!但是少了你妈妈很多事都不同了而且But it's not the same without her, and... well, 我已青春不再I'm not getting any younger.那么酒庄要怎么处置So, what's gonna happen to the winery?你尝过这甜菜酒吗have you tried this chard?没放多久但是香味It's young, but the pear notes爸爸Dad.我可能会同意I may have agreed to a meeting和一家公司举行会谈with a wine company.什么You what?!你不是一直说You were always the one我们不应该出售股权that said we shouldn't sell out, that we'd因为这样会失去酒庄的完整性lose our integrity.爸一定还有其他方法Dad, I'm sure there are other options.约其Leanne!把酒庄卖给约其吧Sell the winery to Leanne,只要不是随便哪个公司就行not just some random company!我们不是一定要卖但是We don't have to sell, but...我们该听听他们的想法we should hear them out.爸,至少让我也加入进来Dad, please let me be a part of this at least.我只是不想那些狡猾的销售员I just don't want some slick salesman跑到这里利用你coming in here and taking advantage of you.当然可以Sure, of course.谢谢Thanks.所以这家我们得言听计从的公司So, what's the name of this...到底叫什么this company that we have to hear out?-里奥-里奥- Stratosphere. - Stratosphere?!爸那些卖盒装葡萄酒的人Dad, the boxed wine people?没有比这更差的了Oh, this is the worst.欢迎来到情人葡萄酒节没有比这更糟的了This is the worst.附近哪里可以找到东西吃Where's a guy supposed to eat around here?店铺都关门了Everything's closed.这不是一个好主意This is a bad idea.♪你若变了方向我将矢志不渝♪♪♪I'll follow you when you change directions ♪♪你将写一首歌因为♪♪You'll make up a song because we both agree ♪♪恍若今日♪♪It seems today ♪♪是因我们而生♪♪Was made for you and I ♪♪我来帮你I can help you with that.给你There you go.-谢谢-看来我们都找到了这- Thanks. - Looks like we both found唯一开门的地方你为什么会来这儿the only place that's open. What brings you here?这是唯一还在营业的店铺It's the only place that's open.而且我And I'm...我用吃零食缓解压力对你呢I'm stress-snacking. Yeah. You?我是因为饿I'm starving-snacking.嗯我想说如果Well, I mean, if you...我可以提些建议我高度推荐if you need some suggestions, I do highly recommend 这款爆米花因为它the popcorn, 'cause it...它的味道太棒了搭配上it just pairs so great with---巧克力-对- Chocolate. - Yes.对甜和咸二者完美融合Yeah! It's a perfect combination of sweet and salty.我一直都这样认为的That's what I always say.-这是个微妙的暗示-可能- That's a subtle hint, huh? - It's probably他们就寝时间已经过了我也要回去了past their bedtime. Me too.或许以后在爆米花货架间我们还能碰面maybe I'll see you in the popcorn aisle some other time. 期望再会I hope so.祝你零食吃得开心Happy snacking.你也一样You too.-谢谢-你要的都在这儿了吗-Thanks. - Did you find everything?总共3点75美元That's gonna be...$3.75.好的谢谢Great. Thank you.需要袋子吗Got a bag?你们搬箱子的样子实在是搞笑OK, you guys make loading cases actually look fun.这儿的每一天不尽相同Every day here is different.还有什么能比这更有趣的What could be more fun than that?-你急着去哪儿-什么为什么你- What's your hurry? - What? Why are you...你在你在你在干嘛What are you... what are you... what are you doing?你才刚刚到小镇为什么不去享受一下You just got into town. Why don't you take给自己放一个假或许可以去a "me" day, hmm? Maybe check out这路边的泥浆温泉买些东西that mud spa down the road,uh... get some shopping in? 为什么你看起来这么奇怪Why are you acting so weird?那个葡萄酒推销员就在这儿The wine rep is here.-等等现在-正和你爸爸在一起- Wait, now? - He's with your dad.那我Then I...我想我应该去见见他I guess I... I should go meet him.你不介意他在这儿吗You don't mind him being here?不我爸爸把这次会谈看得很重要No. My dad feels strongly about taking this meeting.我想尊重他你这是什么表情I want to respect that. Hey, what was that look?没有我只是Um, nothing! I just...以为你会为别的公司接管酒庄烦心呢thought you'd be bothered by a company taking over.什么都还没决定呢Nothing's been decided.只是见个面罢了It's just a meeting.当你说You know, when you said你正和一家葡萄酒公司见面我不知道you were meeting with a wine company, I didn't know 你指的是现在那个销售员在哪儿you meant right now. Where is this sales guy?他就在这儿He's right here.那个买零食的男人Snack guy?也叫塞斯安德森Also known as Seth Anderson.我叫克洛伊品丽珠但可能你已经猜到了Chloe Grange, but you probably guessed that.再见到你真好It's good to see you again.-你们俩认识-一面之缘- Do you two know each other? - Kind of.-不认识-这样事情就简单易行了- No. - Well, that cleared things up.你父亲刚刚还说你是如何想他远离So your dad was just saying how you want to protect him 我这样的人from people like me.她觉得我年纪太大很难独自做决定She thinks I'm a little too old to make decisions on my own. 没有爸我没这样想No, Dad, I don't think that.这是一项重大的事我只是This is a big deal and I just...我确实认为集思广益比较好I do think that two opinions are better than one.你还认为我会占便宜我知道了And you think I'm gonna take advantage. I get it.我想是你来唱白脸你父亲唱红脸I guess you play the bad cop to your dad's good cop?不我没有唱白脸Uh, no, I'm not the bad cop.这是你推销语的一部分吗Is that part of your sales pitch?什么没有说您的葡萄酒口味独特What, there's no... "Your wine is so special.它应享誉世界The world should know you.我们是唯一能帮您做到的人We're the only ones who get you."我我刚刚正打算这么说I was... I was gonna get to that.我知道你的把戏I know your type.你突然降临到这儿认为可以You're gonna swoop in here and think you can just dazzle 凭借你的自信和虚假的迎合the small town folks with your confidence and your...来迷惑小镇里的人们我猜你给了自己false flattery. Let me guess. You gave yourself三天的期限完成这笔单子对吗three days to close this deal. Am I right?-两天-在你那儿- Two! - Wow. Does that work这招有用吗where you're from?我是纽约的有时候有用New York. And sometimes.安德森先生如果你想被我们看重的话Well, Mr. Anderson, you are gonna have to work以后得更加努力才行a whole lot harder if you wanna be taken seriously here. 见到你我也很开心Ahem. It's good to see you too.我想一切进行得很好I think that went really well.我再带你四处看看I'll show you around.-我是来救你的-走走走- I was coming to save you. - Go, go, go, go, go!-他长得很帅-一点也不- He's handsome. - He is not handsome!他是我的敌人根本就没注意他的长相He is the enemy! Not that I noticed his looks.当然没用听着我想请你帮个忙Sure you didn't. So listen, I need a favour.他差不多已经肯定他的表现已经好到He practically admitted that his just showing up能让我们交出酒庄了would be enough to make us sell.我收到一封邮件I got an email是新房客发给房屋租赁网站的on the house rental site from the new tenant--我敢打赌他甚至都不喜欢酒You know what? I bet he doesn't even like wine.等一下对不起邮件Wait, I'm sorry. Email?你刚刚说什么What were you saying?内容是关于小屋里要修补的一些东西About some repairs that are needed on the cabin.对但我以为你打着乡村风的招牌Yeah, but I thought把它租出去了you sold it as "rustic."确实但我想这位房客是觉得太乡了I did, but I guess the tenant found it a little too rustic.所以如果你愿意在品酒室替我一下So if you wanna fill in for me in the tasting room,我就可以直接去小屋里可以吗I could head over to the cabin, see what the problem is? 不我去小屋You know what? No. Let me go to the cabin.你确定Are you sure?对对对我不想Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't want让这销售员觉得一切太顺利了this sales guy thinking I'm too available. I wanna let him 我想让他尝点苦头sweat it out a little. Ugh!有人吗Hello?我是我是It's it's...你的房东我想your landlord, I guess.在吗Hello?我进来了所以I'm inside, so...如果你在这儿我不想吓到你I just didn't wanna surprise you if you're here.如果你不在那我就是在自言自语And if you're not, then I'm talking to myself,所以请别介意so never mind.在乡下我会有很多闲暇时光"There's a lot of downtime in the country,所以我决定帮忙修理些用具"so I decided to help out and fix stuff.希望不要见怪"I hope that's OK.-杂活工Handyman."-谢谢-需要袋子吗- Thank you. - Do you need a bag?-这个用不着袋子-好的再见- I don't need a bag for that. - All right. Bye bye!好了Great.好吧All right.泰勒这里的招待环境相当差Taylor! Hey, reception is pretty bad here.我今天见到那家人了So, I met with the family today.其实Look...这件事it's...比我原先想的要棘手一点gonna be a bit trickier than I thought,但是but, uh...我有自信这单会成功的I'm confident we'll make the sale.你可以开始准备我的副总裁铭牌了You should probably start getting my VP plaque ready. 我不知道你能不能办到Look, I don't know if you're getting any of this, so...那我先挂了I'm gonna let you go.再见Bye bye.这是什么What's this?真好我喜欢这些Oh, yeah! Love these.太棒了This is great!你是我的英雄-杂活工You are my hero, handyman.谢谢这个需要修理Thank you! In Need of Repairs.我是你的英雄吗I'm your hero, huh?好吧Ok.那么Well, then...我就做你的英雄吧I'll be your hero.你好爸Hey, Dad.你好Hey.你今天对塞斯可不太友好Boy, you sure weren't easy on Seth today.对得让他知道我们没那么好说话Yeah, well, he needs to know that we aren't pushovers. 我想他已经知道了I think he got that.工作怎么样So, how's everything at work?还行It's fine.还行你过去可是说It's fine. You used to say,特别好特别棒"It's great! It's awesome!爸这是世界上最好的工作It's the best job in the world, Dad!"我不知道我只是觉得I don't know. I've just been feeling like...除那以外也许还有别的什么maybe there's something else out there.也许我需要改变你明白我的意思吗Maybe I need a change. You know what I mean?你在和一个要退休的人聊天You're talking to a future retiree.看我找到了什么Look what I found.这是我们第一届葡萄酒节This was our first Wine Festival!爸我们为庆典Dad, what if... what if we recreated重建原来的节日品丽珠摊位怎么样the original Grange booth for the festival?这可能是我们最后一届庆典了I mean, this might be our last festival,所以我们我们重建这个怎么样so what if we... what if we did this again?我不知道人们会不会喜欢I don't know if people would appreciate这么简陋的东西something so simple.拜托Come on!我想做让我为你完成这件事吧I wanna do this. Let me do this for you.我很荣幸I'd be honoured.太好了Great.这会是庆典中最好的摊位It'll be the best booth at the festival.-我保证-好吧- Promise. - OK.好吧需要修理All right, In Need of Repairs...有自我放松的建议吗any suggestions on how to entertain myself?好吧That's right.接受你的建议Suggestion taken.早上好Morning!吃熊爪面包吗Bear claw?我知道这不是爆米花和巧克力I know it's not popcorn and chocolate, but...但是现在商店还没开门it's a close second.你在这里干嘛What are you really doing here?我知道你起得早所以我也早点起来I knew you were an early riser, so I thought I'd join you. 不我是问你在这里干什么No, I mean what are you doing here.你知道我家开这个酒庄Do you... do you realize that this winery已经60年了吗has been in my family for 60 years?你知道它对我们意味着什么吗Do you have any idea what this means to us,还是说你只把它当成一笔交易or is this just another deal you have to close?别这么快对我下定论Don't judge me so quickly!我可能会让你大吃一惊I might surprise you.真的吗那就给我个惊喜Really? Then surprise me.好吧这个怎么样OK. How about this?看到那边那棵大树了吗See that tall tree over there?那是棵俄勒冈白橡树That's an Oregon white oak.它旁边那棵是山白松Right next to it, that's a western white pine.都很适合做圣诞树Great for Christmas trees.你是在某些有关树的应用上看到的吧Are you reading this off of some sort of tree app?我小时候父母离婚了I was a divorce kid.我妈搬去了城里My mom moved to the city我爸待在乡下and my dad stayed in the country.我们过去常去野营We used to go camping all the time.行好吧我All right, all right. I'll...我相信你I'll give you that.也许我不太懂高端葡萄酒Look, I might not know much about high-end wines, all right? -对真令人吃惊-但当我看到- Yeah, that's shocking. - But I know a good story一瓶酒的时候我懂的也很多when I see one, and...我工作能力很强I'm really good at my job.知道吗长得帅You know what? Being charming不代表工作能力强is not the same thing as being good at your job.你觉得我长得帅吗You think I'm charming?我I...别忘了你的熊爪面包Don't forget your bear claw.我就当成早餐收下了I'm taking this as breakfast...别想贿赂我not a bribe.还有And you know what?我不是你的导游别跟着我I'm not your tour guide. Stop following me around.你好Hey.我之前在葡萄园看到你和塞斯了I saw you and Seth in the vineyard earlier.-你想聊聊吗-不想- Do you need to talk? - Uh, nope.我也不想可能是我小题大做了Nope, neither do I. Talking is so overrated.你能帮我建庆典用的小摊位吗Hey, do you mind helping me with the booth for the festival? 当然就像以前一样Of course! It'll be like old times.-对-我来了- Yeah. - Knock knock.你还在跟着我吗Are you still following me?谢谢你的咖啡塞斯Thanks for the coffee, Seth.-谢谢-不客气- Thank you. - No problem.看起来你比我更需要这个Hmm. You look like you could use this more than I could.不不了谢谢No. No, thank you.太安静了我晚上睡不着。
The Secret 《心想事成的秘密》字幕笔记字幕整理:张旭升字幕发布:自然博客紫雨老师本字幕由张旭升(网名Tyler)在收看秘密时,看着字幕逐字逐句所作的个人笔录。
「我們現在的一切,都是過去思想的結果」 ─佛陀 每天睡覺前想想一整天所發生的事情,對 不滿意的事情,用自己滿意的過程從播一 次,這樣等於清除當天的頻率重新創造新 的生命畫面。
「許多人以各種方式將自己的生活安排的 很好,但卻仍活在貧窮之中,只因為他缺 少了感恩。」 嫉妒、忿恨、不滿或不夠的感覺都只會把 妳不想要的送回來給妳。因為妳缺乏感恩 的心。
在妳心中創造一個看得見「已經擁有想要 的事物」的畫面,心裡會產影經擁有的思 想和感覺,並向孙宙發出強大的頻率號, 而吸引力法則會捕捉這個有力訊號,把孙 宙中妳新所想的一模一樣的畫面傳回。 是感覺在創造吸引的力量,不是心裡的景 象或思想。只是想而沒有感覺是仍然無法 產生吸引的力量。
「目前的現實或生活,是妳自己一直以來 的思想所造成,當妳改變妳的思想和感覺, 一切也將全然改觀。」 「每個對正面思想和力量很清楚的人,他 們的結論是:人可以改變自己……並主宰 自己的命運。」
「要改變你的情境,首先必頇改變你的想 法。」例如 看到債務帳單。 期盼是一股很強大的吸引力,把事務拉向 妳,「渴望」把妳與渴望的事物連結起來, 「期盼」則把事務拉進妳的生命中。 期盼你想要的,別期盼拒絕你不想要的。
「吸引力法則」尌如重力法則一樣是自然法則。 • 妳生活周遭的一切,都是你自己吸引而來的。 「我沒吸引車禍、沒吸引爛客戶、吸引債 務」。 • 如果人們認為自己對情勢毫無掌控力、恐懼、 分離和無力的思想,尌可能吸引他。(面像氣 勢)
(完整word版)电影《The secret》台词
--------Fred Alan Wolf PH.D.(量子物理学家)我说不出这股力量是什么,我只知道它存在----贝尔(电话发明者)“如何(去做)”是宇宙的领域,宇宙总是知道哪条路最短,最快,最和谐,来通向你的梦想-----Mike Dooley(作家)想象力就是一切,它是生命将发生之事的预览。
----Esther Hicks(The Teachings of Abraham)11月23日,我被诊断出得了乳腺癌。
------Cathy Goodman我见过肾脏的重生,我见过癌症的消失,我见过视力的提高和恢复正常。
-----REV.DR.Michael Beckwith D.D.(梦想家)我的故事起始于1981年3月10日,这一天改变了我的一生,我永远不会忘记。
女巫TheWitches-电影-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语All right, then. 好了Where were we? 我们说到哪了Oh, yeah, that's right. Now I remember. 对了想起来了"A note about witches." "女巫二三事"See, here's the thing about them. 关于女巫你们得知道They're real! 她们是真的Witches are as real as a rock in your shoe. 女巫千真万确存在That's the first thing you need to know. 这是第一件事The second thing you need to know, 你们得知道的第二件事就是they're here! 她们就在这里And they live amongst us... 隐匿于我们当中side by side, with humans. 和人类共同生活In every big city, in every small town. 不论是大城市还是小乡镇For all you know, 谁知道呢a witch might be living right next door to you right now. 说不定你家隔壁就住着女巫They everywhere! 她们无处不在A witch might be a nurse, 护士可能是女巫or your teacher, 老师也可能是and you can bet your sweet patootie 你最好相信我说的that friendly, little old lady on the bus offering you 公车上那个送你美味的盐水太妃糖的a delicious piece of salt water taffy 看似友善的小老太婆is a witch. 也是个女巫And here's the most important thing. 而最重要的一点The most important thing. 最重要的一点是Witches hate children! 女巫对小孩恨之入骨A witch spends all her time 女巫每时每刻thinking up ways to destroy children. 都在思考消灭小孩的法子That's all she thinks about. 她满脑子就只有这一件事"How will I squish this horrible child?" "我该怎么压扁这个可恶的小孩"A witch gets the same pleasure from squishing a child 女巫从压扁小孩当中获得的乐趣as you get from eating a bowl of ice cream 正如你们吃冰淇淋所获得的欢乐一样covered in butterscotch syrup, 冰淇淋上洒满奶油糖浆with whipped cream, 再加点奶油chopped nuts, 坚果碎and a cherry on top. 顶上再放颗樱桃My story begins during the last month of 1968. 我的故事始于1968年的最后一个月Believe it or not, I was once a young boy. 相信吗我曾经是个小男孩A boy with a mother and a father. 有爸爸妈妈的小男孩We lived in Chicago. 我们那时住在芝加哥And it snows a lot at Christmas time. 圣诞时分经常下雪Tricky thing with snow is, it's slippery. 雪最令人头疼的一点就是它很滑- Take the front! This way! - Mom? -去前面这边 -妈妈- I was wearing my seat belt. - Dad? -我系了安全带 -爸爸Mom! 妈妈Mama and Daddy weren't. 可我爸妈没系Mama! Dad! 妈妈爸爸Mommy! Dad! 妈妈爸爸Let's get you out of here. 我们救你出来It was during my eighth Christmas 在我八岁的圣诞节that I lost my mother and father. 我失去了父母My dear child... 我的乖孩子Grandma. 外婆Grandma's here. 外婆来了You gonna be all right. 你会没事的Here, let me look at you. 来让我看看你I'mma get you out of here. 我带你走吧I packed your things, I'm gonna take you home. 你的东西都收拾好了我带你回家Home? To my house? 回家回我家吗No, darling. 不亲爱的Home to my house. 回外婆家Need any help bringing these bags inside, sister? 需要我帮你把东西拎进去吗姐妹Oh, no, thank you, Reginald. 谢谢不用了雷吉纳德You've done enough already. 你帮的忙够多了Running into you at the bus station was a godsend. 在车站遇见你一定是天意I'm much obliged. 我十分感激My pleasure. 乐意效劳I'll see you in church come Sunday? 周日教堂见吗Oh, you know you will. 那是当然Pleasure to make your acquaintance, young man. 很高兴认识你年轻人Welcome to Demopolis. 欢迎来到迪莫波利斯- Thank you, Reggie. - Sister. -谢谢雷吉 -回见Wait. 等等Take them shoes off before you walk on my good rug. 别穿着脏鞋踩我的地毯Grandma was my mama's mama. 外婆是我妈妈的妈妈A tough lady with a big heart. 她虽强势但心地善良The kind that wouldn't hesitate 要是你犯了错to give a spanking if you deserve it 她会毫不手软地打你一顿or a big ol' hug if you needed it. 但当你需要拥抱时她也毫不吝啬I reckon... 我想着you'll be comfy here. 你住这里正合适In your mama's old room. 这原来是你妈妈的房间We'll get you situated tomorrow. 我们明天再好好安顿I'm gonna make some hot chocolate. 我去做点热巧克力Want some? 想喝吗I'm gonna make some anyway, 我还是做点吧in case you change your mind. 以防你改变主意High tomorrow, 73. 明日最高气温23摄氏度Young man, what is wrong with you? 小家伙你这是干嘛Sitting in here all by your lonesome. It's nice out. 怎么一个人孤零零坐在这里外面天气多好呀You want something to eat? 想吃点东西吗I just fried some wings. 我刚炸好鸡翅Nobody turns down my wings. I'm gonna make you a plate. 没人能拒绝我的鸡翅我给你端一盘来Now if you Feel that you can't go on ? ? 如果你感到前路无望 ?Because all of your hope is gone ? ? 所有希望都已成空 ?And your life is filled with much confusion ? ? 如果你的生活充满困惑 ?Until happiness is just an illusion ? ? 连快乐都成了一种幻觉 ?And your world around is tumblin' down ? ? 如果你的世界已濒临崩塌 ?Darlin' ? ? 亲爱的 ?Reach out ? ? 伸出手来 ?Reach out ? ? 伸出手来 ?Come on, baby. Come on. 来吧宝贝伸手What you waiting for? 你还等什么呢Don't feel like eating. 没什么胃口And I don't feel like wasting all this good food. 我还不想浪费这好好的粮食呢What, you think I'm supposed to feel sorry for you? 怎么你觉得我应该可怜你吗Well, I don't. 我一点也不Do I feel bad? Yeah. 我难过吗当然But not sorry. 但我不可怜你Sometimes, whatever the good Lord needs to teach us 有时上帝会以我们想不到的方式comes in ways we don't see. 指引我们But it doesn't mean we're not supposed to learn something.但这不意味着我们不能从中学到些什么Look here. 你看This was my baby. 她是我的宝贝女儿I'd do anything for her to be here right now. 只要能让她复活我愿意付出一切代价But the Man Above had another plan for her. 但上帝对她另有安排And whether it seems fair to me or not, it doesn't matter. 而对我来讲公平与否并不重要Sometimes life isn't fair. 生活有时就是这么不公It's a hard lesson for folks to learn 人人都迟早要面对这艰难的一课and most people don't have to learn it this young. 大多数人不用在如此年轻时面对But you do. 但你得面对You hear me? 懂了吗Come on now, baby, you got to eat something. 拜托宝贝你得吃点东西You like cake? 你喜欢蛋糕吗Well, corn bread is basically cake. 玉米面包和蛋糕差不多Go on. Try it. 尝尝吧What's his name? 他叫什么It's a she. 是她Her name is something you can ponder. 她的名字就由你来取吧Have you come up with a name for your mouse yet? 你给你的小老鼠取好名字了吗Well, tell me. 快告诉我啊Don't be keeping me in suspense. 别吊我的胃口Aisy. 艾西Lazy? 懒懒Well, that mouse is full of nothing but energy. 那老鼠明明浑身都是劲She runs all the time in that wheel. 无休无止地在轮子里跑Not "lazy." 不是"懒懒"Daisy. 是黛西"Daisy." Oh. "黛西"啊I like it. 我喜欢这名字That's a perfect name for her. 再适合她不过了Close your eyes, honey. 闭上眼睛宝贝And somehow, she did it. 不知怎的她做到了Little by little, 一点一滴地with a tug here and a pull there, 这扯扯那拽拽she brought me out of my sadness. 她带我走出了阴霾But even though my own darkness was being lifted, 尽管我的阴霾已被驱散there was another dark shadow looming nearby. 可附近还有另一个黑影逼近Very nearby. 非常近I didn't know it, 我当时还没意识到but I was about to meet my first witch. 但我即将第一次见到女巫Curses. 真该死Raymond. 雷蒙德Raymond. 雷蒙德You call these fresh? 这能叫新鲜吗- But we just got them in. - When? Last year? -可我们才进的货 -什么时候去年吗Look at how yellow they are. 你看这叶子都发黄了And those brown spots around the edges. 边上还有小黑点I'm not gonna waste good bacon drippings 我才不要把上好的肉汁浪费在on these shriveled-up weeds. 这些蔫了的菜叶上Can you get me some fresh greens if you don't mind? 你能给我拿点新鲜甘蓝来吗Yes, ma'am. 好的女士I'll see what we have in the back. 我去看看库房里有没有You do that. 赶紧去吧Grandma, can I get these nails to make Daisy a house? 外婆我能买这盒钉子给黛西做个房子吗Well, these aren't galvanized. 这种没镀锌You have to use galvanized nails so they won't rust. 得用镀锌的钉子才不会生锈- But galvanized costs 35 cents more. - Safety first. -可是镀锌的要多花三毛五 -安全第一Yes, ma'am. 好的外婆You cut yourself on a rusty nail, you can get lockjaw. 要是被生锈的钉子划伤你可能会得破伤风- Yes, ma'am. - And then I'd have to flush out your system -好的外婆-那我就得帮你治病了with liver oil, garlic juice, Tabasco sauce. 要用上橄榄油大蒜汁和塔巴斯科辣椒酱You wouldn't want to go through that now, would you? 你可不想尝试那些吧No, ma'am. 不想外婆Good. Remember, safety first. 很好记住安全第一Grandma knew how to fix all kinds of ailments. 外婆知道如何治疗各种病痛She learned from her grandma how to use herbs and potions 她跟她的外婆学会了使用草药和药水and strange incantations 还有奇怪的咒语to make sick people good as new. 能让病人焕然一新Here in Alabama, where she grew up, 外婆是土生土长的阿拉巴马州人Grandma was known as a healer. 她在本地是个出名的疗愈师Galvanized. 镀锌的Boy. 小子Boy. 小子Do you like sweets? 你喜欢糖果吗She is tame. 她很温顺的Very sweet. 很乖的Give her a kiss. 亲亲她Young man. 小伙子You want those nails, you better come on... 你要想买钉子就赶紧...Yes, Raymond, that's more like it. 很好雷蒙德这才像话- Grandma, I need to tell you something! - Not now, son. -外婆我得告诉你一件事 -现在不行孩子But, Grandma... 可是外婆...I thought you wanted those nails. 你不是想买钉子吗Forget it. Let's just go. 别管钉子了我们走吧Yeah. 嗯Let's just go. 咱们走吧Son, 孩子what were you trying to tell me 今天上午在杂货店in the grocery store this morning? 你想跟我说什么来着You were shaking like a leaf. 你当时抖得像筛糠一样Don't worry about that, Grandma. 没事了外婆- I just want you to feel better. - I feel fine. -我只希望你能好起来 -我挺好的You just tell me what you were trying to say. 告诉我你早上想说什么吧Looked like you were about to have a conniption fit. 当时感觉你都快抓狂了I don't know what I saw. 我不确定我看到了什么It was a scary lady. 有个很吓人的女士She called to me. 她叫住了我But when she did, when she talked, 可是她叫我和说话的时候her mouth... 她的嘴...Was she wearing gloves? 她是不是戴着手套Long ones, up to her elbows? 长长的手套一直戴到手肘Was she wearing a hat? 她是不是戴着帽子It looked like she had a towel on her head or something. 她头上像是裹着毛巾之类的东西And when she talked, 她说话的时候did her voice sound ugly and scratchy 声音是不是难听又嘶哑like an outhouse door swinging on a rusty hinge? 就像生锈的门在嘎吱作响I feared this was happening. 真是怕什么来什么That lady you saw in the grocery store was no lady. 你在杂货店看到的女士不是什么女士What you saw 你看到的was a witch. 是个女巫A witch? 女巫That's right. 没错A no-good, rotten, low-down, sneaky, sneaky witch. 一个一无是处肮脏卑鄙阴险鬼祟的女巫Okay. Okay. 慢点慢点Is this you and your church friends trying to play a joke on me?你是不是和教会的朋友联合起来开我的玩笑'Cause if it is, it's not very funny. 如果是的话真不怎么好笑Listen, child. 听好了孩子Witches ain't nothing to joke about. 女巫可不是拿来开玩笑的I've known children who no longer exist as children on this earth.我知道一些孩子现在已经不再是孩子了They were turned, 他们被转化了transformed, 变形了taken by witches. 被女巫带走了I can tell you about Alice Blue. 我可以给你讲讲爱丽丝·布鲁的事Well, Alice Blue and I were best friends. 爱丽丝·布鲁当年是我最好的朋友We lived across the street from each other. 我们两家之间只隔一条街We were like sisters. Inseparable. 我们就像姐妹密不可分We did everything together, even our chores. 我们干什么都在一起哪怕是家务活But Alice was a lollygagger. 但爱丽丝是个很磨蹭的人Alice, quit lollygagging, girl. 爱丽丝别磨磨蹭蹭的了It's almost suppertime. 快到晚饭时间了Alice did something no child should ever do. 爱丽丝做了一件小孩子绝不该做的事She took candy from a stranger. 她收下了一个陌生人给的糖果I got so scared, I tore out of there like greased lightning, 我吓坏了我像脚底抹了油一般逃了and hightailed it straight home. 径直跑回了家I never should have left Alice alone. 我真不该撇下爱丽丝I knew I shouldn't have. 我知道我不该那样But I was so scared. 可我太害怕了Later that night, 到了晚上when I saw Alice alive, 当我见到爱丽丝还活着时I was as happy as a mouse in a bucket of cheese. 我高兴得就像找到了一整桶奶酪的小老鼠But the very next morning, 但第二天一早all that happiness went away because it happened. 高兴的心情都消失了因为那件事发生了She started turning. 她开始转化了Alice was chicken-afied. Chicken-alified. 爱丽丝变鸡了变成了鸡Lordy! 我的天Look at the size of that chicken. 这鸡可真大Y'all seen where Alice run off to? 你看到爱丽丝跑哪去了吗She's right... 她就在...there. 你眼前What you talking about, child? 你说什么呢孩子Where'd she go? 她去哪了I tried to explain what I saw, 我努力解释我看到的事but everybody was looking at me like I was crazy. 但人人都像看疯子一样看着我Finally, I just shut up about it. 最终我闭上了嘴Although, I made it a point to visit Alice in her coop every day. 不过我争取每天都去鸡圈看看她Hi, Alice. 你好爱丽丝Alice even laid eggs. 爱丽丝甚至会下蛋Big green ones. 绿色的大鸡蛋Biggest green eggs I ever seen. 是我见过最大的蛋People said they were delicious. 大家说她的蛋很好吃What about the witch? 那女巫呢What about her? 女巫怎么了Did she go away? 她离开了吗Oh, my, no. 天啊没有Once a witch come into your life, it never... 女巫一旦进入你的生活就永远... Never... 永远不会...Oh, my, Lord in Heaven. 天啊我的上帝What am I thinking? 我在想什么呢I just told you we saw a witch today. 我刚说了我们今天遇到了一个女巫A witch in the grocery store. 有个女巫在杂货店And what am I doing? Sitting here 而我在做什么坐在这里like I'm blind in one eye and can't see out the other, 就像瞎了一只眼另一只眼也跟着不好使了一样wasting precious time lollygagging. 浪费宝贵的时间磨磨蹭蹭Always wondered what Grandma kept in that locked closet.我一直好奇外婆在那个上锁的储藏室里藏了什么Turns out it was full of medicinal herbs and elixirs, 结果发现里面全是医用草药和药剂and old books about ancient healing. 还有关于古老疗愈法的书Now, my mom always said 我妈妈总说Grandma was sort of a country-type healer. 外婆算是那种乡下的赤脚大仙But now I was starting to think 但我现在开始觉得she might be a voodoo priestess. 她可能是伏都教女祭司Child, we need to leave. 孩子我们得走了- Leave? - That's right, leave. -走 -没错离开It's not safe for us here. 我们在这里不安全But where we gonna go? 可我们要去哪I'll call my cousin, Eston. 我要联系我的表亲埃斯顿Have him make a reservation for us 让他给我们at the Grand Orleans Imperial Island Hotel. 在奥尔良帝国岛大酒店订一间房He was the executive chef there for over 30 years. 他在那当了三十多年的厨师长He's got pull there. 他有影响力He's a star. 他是个明星His cooking put that hotel on the map. 他做的菜让那家酒店成了知名地标It's the swankiest resort in all of Alabama. 成了全阿拉巴马州最奢华时髦的度假胜地You'll be telling your grandkids about your stay in this hotel.以后你会跟自己的孙子们讲起在酒店的经历How do you know we'll be safe there? 你怎么知道我们在那里就安全Because, child, 因为啊孩子ain't nothing but rich white folks 只有富裕的白人at the Grand Orleans Imperial Island Hotel. 才会去住奥尔良帝国岛大酒店And witches only prey on the poor, 而女巫只会捕猎穷人the overlooked, 那些被社会忽视的人the kids they think nobody's gonna make a fuss about if they go missing.那些她们认为即使失踪也不会有人在意的孩子们Go pack! 快去收拾行李Grandma, are there witches in every city? 外婆每个城市都有女巫吗Every city, every state, every country. 每个城市每个州每个国家And there's a secret society of witches in every country 每个国家都有一个秘密的女巫组织called a coven. 叫做女巫团That's just like a Rotary Club but for witches. 就像女巫版的扶轮社They all get together in one place 她们会聚集在一起and gossip about who they put spells on, 闲聊她们对谁施了咒or trade potion secrets, and whatnot. 或是交换药水秘方之类的But most important, 但最重要的是they receive orders from the Grand High Witch. 她们从高阶女巫那里接收指令The Grand High Witch? 高阶女巫The Grand High Witch, yeah. 是的高阶女巫She's the ruler of them all. 她统管着所有女巫All-powerful, pure evil, 强大邪恶and without a stitch of mercy. 毫无怜悯之心Yeah. Legend has it, she was hatched 传说她是在挪威的on the frozen tundra of Norway. 冻原上孵化出来的Now, take a look at that. 瞧瞧这个What, you just gonna stand there and stare at me all day? 怎么你要站在那盯着看我一整天吗Can I help you? 需要帮忙吗You can unload this car while I check in to this here hotel. 帮我把行李卸下来我去登记入住Yes, ma'am. 好的女士Here's the key. 这是车钥匙Oh, and... 还有No. 不必了You keep your money, ma'am. 留着您的钱吧女士And enjoy yourself. 祝您入住愉快I think I will. 我会的Grandma was right about this hotel. 外婆对这家酒店的描述是对的It sure was fancy. 它确实很豪华She brought us to the Gulf of Mexico 为了摆脱那个女巫to get away from that witch. 她带我们来到了墨西哥湾But she had no idea what we were about to step into. 但她绝不会想到我们即将经历什么Be careful with the mouse. 小心你的老鼠- No. - For God's sake, i think you're being extremely unreasonable. -不行 -看在上帝的份上你也太不讲道理了No, Deidre. For the last time, 不行黛德丽我最后说一遍I will not have that woman in my house. 我不会让那个女人进我的房子的- Oh, she's very good company. - Absolutely not, Deidre. -她是个很好的伙伴 -绝不可能黛德丽Oh, for God's sake, 我的天啊Bruno, your face. 布鲁诺你的脸Obviously can't take you anywhere. 真是哪里都不能带你去Here you are, ma'am. 您的房门钥匙女士Here you are, ma'am. 欢迎防止虐待儿童国际协会成员莅临Come on, we got our key. 来吧我们拿到钥匙了We are in room 766. 我们住766号房间Sounds like a good room. 听上去是个好房间You okay, Grandma? 你还好吗外婆That's the first time you coughed since we left the house. 这是我们离开家后你第一次咳嗽Can I help you, madam? 需要帮助吗女士Oh! You must be Eston's cousins. 你一定是埃斯顿的表亲了Yes, he insisted that you stay in room 766. 是的他坚持让你住766号房间That's the Magnolia. 那是木兰套间This is one of our most lovely junior suites. 我们最好的普通套房之一And aren't you a lucky fella? Hmm? 你可真是个幸运的家伙对吧It's not every day 不是每天that a young gentleman such as yourself is fortunate 都有像你这样的年轻人to come and stay in such a fine hotel as this now, is it? 能幸运地住进这么高级的酒店Come on, Gatsby. 走吧盖茨比Let's go. 我们走Let's go find our room. 去找我们的房间吧Would you like me to show you? 要我带您去吗It's on the fourth floor. 在四楼Grandma, if we're on the fourth floor, 外婆如果我们住在四楼why is it number 7-6-6? 为什么房间号是766Because the man who built this hotel was a numerologist. 因为建酒店的人是个数字命理学家He believed numbers have meaning. 他相信数字是有意义的I know a little something about numbers. 我对数字也略知一二Seven and six together means a test is coming. 七和六在一起意味着考验即将来临Two sixes mean abundance. 两个六一起意味着充裕So, it look like a big test might be coming. 看起来一场大考验将会到来So, it look like a big test might be coming. 欢迎防止虐待儿童国际协会的成员莅临Well, hello there. 欢迎光临The Grand Orleans Imperial Island Hotel 奥尔良帝国岛大酒店welcomes you and your lovely group of benefactresses. 欢迎您和您同行的捐助者们Uh, I would just like to say that we applaud 我想说我们十分赞赏您们your innumerable, uh, philanthropic... 不胜枚举仁慈高尚的acts and, um... 善举还有...And, um... 还有...I'm sorry, madam, 对不起女士but the hotel has a very strict no-pet policy. 但我们酒店有非常严格的禁养宠物规定You seem like the sort of man 你看起来懂得who loves a precious. 欣赏我的宝贝Don't you, Mister... 不是吗这位...Stringer. R. J. Stringer III. Hotel Manager. 斯特林格R·J·斯特林格三世酒店经理Thank you for making an exception, 谢谢你为我们破例- Mr. R. J. - Stringer. -R·J -斯特林格- Yes, but I haven't yet... But I didn't agree... -Hotel manager. -但我还没有...没有同意 -酒店经理先生So, tell me something, Mister... 那么跟我说说- Stringy? - Stringer. -斯特林伊先生 -斯特林格Hotel man. 酒店人- Manager. - The third. -经理 -三世- Yeah. - I know you love kitties. -是的 -我知道你喜欢猫咪But what do you think of... 但你觉得mice? 老鼠怎么样Mice? 老鼠Yeah. Mice. 是的老鼠What would you do if there were mice 如果这个酒店里有到处乱跑的老鼠running all around in this hotel? 你会怎么办Well, I can assure you, madam, 我可以向你保证女士there would never be any mice... 这里永远都不会有老鼠But if there were? Hypothetically? 但如果有呢假设有的话Oh, hypothetically. 假设有的话Yes, I suppose, well, I would, uh... 好吧我想我会...I would call the exterminator. 我会打电话给灭鼠公司Exactly! 说得没错You see, girls? 听到了吗姐妹们He would call the exterminator! 他会打电话给灭鼠公司Just like any normal human with his head screwed on right, 像所有头脑正常的人类一样he would exterminate those brats. 他会消灭那些小鬼Uh... Rats. 是老鼠We would exterminate the rats. 我们会消灭老鼠Evil. 邪恶There's no other way to describe them. 没有别的词可以形容她们了Pure, unvarnished evil. 纯粹的毫不掩饰的邪恶That's what witches are. 这就是女巫Now, you see this here cough of mine? 你知道我总是咳嗽吧It was likely brought on by a witch. 有可能就是女巫害的Probably that one you saw in the grocery store. 可能就是你在杂货店看到的那个Really? A witch can make you cough? 真的吗女巫可以让你咳嗽吗Oh, you bet your sweet patootie they can. 当然可以你最好相信我说的Grandma, how can you tell a real witch from a normal lady? 外婆怎么区分真正的女巫和普通的女人呢Well, first of all, witches aren't really women at all. 首先女巫根本不是真的女人They're demons in human shape. 她们是化成人形的恶魔That's why if you look closely at a witch, 所以如果你仔细观察女巫you'll notice the corners of her mouth is elongated, 就会发现她的嘴角很长stretching almost up to her ears, 几乎延伸到她的耳朵and that's usually hidden with pancake makeup. 通常还用浓妆加以遮盖And a real witch always wears gloves. Always. 真正的女巫总是戴着手套从来不摘Because a real witch doesn't have hands. 因为真正的女巫是没有手的She's got claws. 只有爪子Claws? 爪子And they don't have toes. 她们也没有脚趾Their ugly feet look like 她们丑陋的脚像是their toes got chopped off with an axe. 所有脚趾都被斧头砍下来了And all witches are bald. 所有的女巫都是光头As bald as a boiled egg. 脑袋像光溜溜的煮鸡蛋So, they wear wigs. 所以她们戴假发And it gives them nasty sores. 这会让她们长可怕的疮"Wig rash," The witches call it. "假发疹" 女巫们是这么叫的And it makes them crazy. 让她们很难受得要命So, gloves, 所以手套wigs. 假发Is that everything? 这就是全部了吗Nose-holes. 鼻洞- Nose-holes? - Yeah. Nostrils. -鼻洞 -是的鼻孔Nose-holes. 鼻洞Witches have larger nose-holes than normal people. 女巫的鼻洞比正常人的大When they need to sniff out a child, 当她们想要嗅出一个孩子时those nose-holes can grow out 这些鼻洞就会扩大as big as eight inches in diameter. 直径可达到20厘米But, mind you, children smell horrible to witches. 但记住女巫觉得小孩很臭Even if the kid just had a bath? 刚洗过澡的小孩也是吗That makes it worse. 那就更臭了A freshly clean kid smells like dog poop to a witch. 刚洗干净的小孩对女巫来说闻起来像狗屎- Dog poop? - That's right. -狗屎 -没错And the cleaner the kid, 小孩越干净the poopier he smells to a witch. 对女巫来说就越难闻Maybe I should stop taking baths. 也许我该停止洗澡了Child, don't test me. 孩子别惹我生气Can a witch come in here and get us while we sleep? 女巫能在我们睡觉的时候进来抓我们吗No. 不Not at all. 完全不会Witches never do silly things like 女巫从不做傻事climbing drainpipes or breaking into people's houses. 像爬排水管或者闯进别人家里Besides, they have no idea where we are. 而且她们也不知道我们在哪Okay, but I'm still a little scared. 好吧但我还是有点害怕Over here, come on, little man. 过来吧来这里小家伙There we go. 来吧Get some sleep. 好好睡一觉Really? 是吗The next morning, 第二天早上the sun was shining and the air was crispy clear. 阳光明媚空气清新I kept quiet as a mouse so Grandma could sleep in, 我安静无声好让外婆可以睡觉and I took it upon myself 我自己做了决定to order her some room service breakfast. 给她点了客房早餐Here's your breakfast, Grandma. 早餐来了外婆Scrambled eggs, chicken fried steak, 炒鸡蛋乡村炸牛排。
《秘密》(The Secret)是Prime Time公司在2006年推出的一部纪录片,该片堪称成功学、财富学和人生指导的经典之作A year ago my life had collapsed around me. collapse [kə'læps];一年以前, 我的生活彻底崩溃了.Ive worked myself into exhaustion,;我把自己累得精疲力竭,My father died suddenly;我的父亲也突然去世了and my relationships were in turmoil. turmoil ['tə:mɔil]n. 混乱,骚动;我的人际关系也一团糟了.Little did I know at the time;那时,我还不知道out of my greatest despair;在这最大的绝望之中was to come the greatest gift.;将要来临的是上天最大的礼物.Ive been given a glimpse of a great secret.;我瞥见一个伟大的秘密.I began tracing the secret back through history;我开始追踪这个秘密的历史渊源I couldnt believe all the people who knew this.;我简直不敢相信, 那些知道这个秘密的人,They were the greatest people in history.;他们都是历史上最伟大的人物.All I wanted to do was to share this secret with the world.;我想把这个秘密分享给这个世界.I began searching for people alive todaywho know the secret.;我开始搜寻那些现在还在世的知道这个秘密的人.One by one they began to emerge.emerge [i'mə:dʒ]vi. 浮现;摆脱;暴露;一个接一个, 他们出现在我的面前...If you know this secretit gives you everything you want.如果你知道了这个秘密, 你就能得到所有你想要的东西.Happiness, health and wealth.幸福,健康,财富。
The secret is the answer to all that has been, all that is, and all that will be.Everything that’s coming into your life, you are attracting to your life. And it’s attracted to you by virtue of the image as you’re holding in your mind. It’s what you’re thinking. You see, whatever is going on in your mind, you are attracting to you.If you see it here(mind), you’re gonna hold it here.(hand)Every thought has a frequency. We can measure a thought. Thoughts are sending out that magnetic signal that is drawing the parallel back to you. Now if you don’t understand, that doesn't mean you should reject it.You can begin right now, to feel healthy. You can begin to feel prosperous. You can begin to feel the love that surrounding you even it’s not there. And what will happen is the universe will correspond to the nature of that inner feeling and manifest, because that’s the way you feel.Think of this: a car driving through the night, the headlights only go 100-200 ft forward, and you can make it all the way from California to New York driving through the dark, because all you have to do is the next 200 ft. that’s how life tends to unfold before us. If we just trust that the next 200 ft will unfold after that, the next 200 ft will unfold after that, your life will keep unfolding and it will eventually get you to the destination whatever it is you truly want, because you want.Take the first step in faith, you don’t have to see the whole staircase. Justtake the first step.Those are our rules that we define. There are no rules according to the universe. If you provide the feelings of having it now, it will respond. Most people look at their current situation and say this is ‘who I am’. That’s not who you are. That’s who you were. All that we are is the result of what we have thought.Life is meant to be abundant in all areas.Do you treat yourself the way that you want other people to treat you?If you’re anti-war, be pro peace. If you’re anti-hunger, be pro people having more than enough to eat. If you’re anti particular politician, be pro his opponent.You are not here to try to get the world to be just as you want it to be. You are here to create the world around you that you choose while you allow the world as others choose it to be to exist also.If you believe it, if you can see it, if you act from it, it will show up for you.。
你是怎么开门的?HeP,howdidPouope nPourcelldoor? Default,,,,,,HeP!你在干嘛?whatarePoudo ing?把第二区的门打开!Open Sector!你怎么出来的?HowdidPougetout?回去你的房间Getback in Pourcell.警告你,回去你的房间!ltoldPou,getback in Pourcell!再给你几个朋友来玩Let'sgivePouafewfrie ndstoplaPwith.抱歉啦SorrP.快派警卫进去Sen dsomeguards in.已经叫了rm trPi ng.我准备好了,下面情况如何?OkaP,l'mset.How'sthi ngsgoi ngdow nbelow?你觉得呢?我在下水道耶HowdoPouth ink?l' mi nasewer.门打不开!我们被锁住了!Thedoorsw on 'tope n! we'relockedi n!发布警报!Soun dthealarm!已经失控了!we'velostc on trol!队长!Capta in!我就定位了「min positi on.进入第二阶段Movetophase.你在干嘛?你在干嘛?WhatarePoudoi ng?WhatarePoudoi ng?怎么了?发生什么事?what'swro ng?what'shappe nin g,Benji?他不去撤离点Oh,God.He's no tgoi ngtotheeGtractio npoi nt. 专心,他知道要去哪里StaPfocused.Hek no wswherehe'sgo ing.不,我不干No,l'm not.lwo n't.我不会开这扇门的Iwill no tope nthatdoor.请到撤离点,伊森PleasegototheeGtractio npoi nt,Etha now. 我懂你手势的意思Ikno wwhatthismea ns,可是不行,我未经授权…butlca n't.l'm no tauthorized...去撤离点,伊森GototheeGtractio npoi nt,Etha n.快去撤离点!GototheeGtractio npoi nt!你要等我吗?Oh,Pou'rejustgo in gtowait.大家来耗吧,我有的是时间we'regoi ngtowait.Great.lca nwait.好啦!好啦!OkaP,fi ne.Fi ne!Fi ne!这样我们就可以搞砸整个计划There.we'lljustscrewthewholethi ngup on purpose. 珍?进度会有点耽搁Jan e?we'rego in gtohaveaslightdelaP .你进去那里干嘛?whPdoPouwa nttogo in there?包格丹!Bogdan!包格丹!Bogdan!塞吉?Sergei?该闪人了!Timetogo!现在?Now?对,现在!Pes ,now!我不知道他在干嘛?Idon 'tk no wwhathe'sdoi ng,我也莫名奇妙在帮他an dforsomereas on ,1'mhelpi nghim.只要歌播完前他到定点Asl on gashe'swhereheshouldbewhe nthes ongends. 我们多了个伴wehaveapasse nger.塞吉!Sergei!把门全都打开!Open allofthem!天啊!OhGod!天啊…天啊…OhGodohGodohGod...塞吉,别说计划到此为止Sergei,pleasetellmethere'smoretothispla n!快走Let'sgo...韩特探员?Age ntHu nt?你是?An dPouare?卡特探员Age ntCarter.好OkaP.你的朋友是谁?who'sPourpal?等一下告诉你l'lltellPouo nthewaP!点火吧Lightthefuse.塞吉,怎么回事?Sergei,what'sgo ingon?别担心,包格丹lt'sOK,Bogda n.我并不想多嘴…Idon 'tmea ntobri nguptheelepha ntin theroom, 但这个像大猩猩的俄国佬是谁?butwhat'swiththebig,hairPRussia n?包格丹?他是我的线人who,Bogda n? Hefedmei ntel.如果我丢下他,他们会杀了他lfllefthimthere,thePwould'vekilledhim.所以我们会让他走Sowe'reg onn agivehimhisfreedom.你有没有安排清洁小组?DidPoucalli nthesweepers?正在路上OntheirwaP .好,很好Good,good.班吉…你怎么会在这里?Benji,howisitPou'rehere?我通过外勤测验!Oh,lpassedthefieldeGam.很瞎吧?CrazP,right?对,很瞎Peah.CrazP.DNA测试-是我啦-DNAtest.-lt'sme.我必须确认-你真仔细It'sprocedure.l'mjustco nfirmi ngit'sPou. 塞吉?-Pou'reverPthorough.-Sergei?你不是俄国人?ArePo un otRussia n?别紧张RelaG.清洁小组接近中!扫帚出动了!Sweepersapproach in g!Broomsareout!了解-Rogerthat.-Sergei.你不是…塞吉吗?ArePo uno tSergei?你会没事的Pou'llbefi ne.包格丹Bogda n.我一向很照顾我朋友lalwaPstakecareofmPfrie nds.朋友…MPfrie nd.刚才他差点坏事MessPbri ngin ghimalo ng.我认为进行得很顺利Ithoughtitwe ntratherwell.能告诉我为什么你在俄国监狱?Min dtelli ngmewhatPouweredo ingin aRussia npris on?能告诉我为什么你帮我逃狱?Min dtelli ngmewhPPoubrokemeout? 这不是营救任务?Thiswas n'tarescuemissi on?我这样说好了LetmeputitthiswaP .如果局长要我出来IftheSecretarPwa ntedmeoutofthere, 外头的事一定很大条itmustbeprettPbadouthere.我们在追查一份档案wewereafterafile.结果弄丢了welostit.“我们”?谁弄丢的?你?"we"?wholostit?Pou?汉纳威探员AgentHanawaP .汉纳威在哪里?where'sHa nawaP?那是个取件任务Itwasaletterdrop.机密档案Classifiedfile.原本是一次简单的拦截Itshouldhavebee nasimple in tercept.我们知道目标在哪列火车Wek newwhichtrai nthecourierwas on.目标预计分钟后抵达ETA,twomi nu tes on thecourier.可是我们不知道…Buttherewas on ethi ngwedid n'tk now.山猫,你的列车还有分钟进站Bobcat,Pourtra in' ssiGm inu tesout.…他是谁Whothecourierwas.快来不及了,山猫lt's noworn ever,Bobcat.带着档案的信使…他的名字?Thecourierdeliveri ngthefile,what'shis name? 你尽管开枪Goahead.Shoot.Goahead.Shoot.我们没时间了weareoutoftime.我需要名字In eeda name,folks.我无法同时追踪所有人lean 'ttrackallthesepeopleat on ce.马瑞克,史蒂芬斯基,饶了我吧!Marek.Stefa nski.FortheloveofGod!听到吗?Pougotit?马瑞克史蒂芬斯基MarekStefa nski.我正在找Searchi ng.“目标确定” {\r}接下来看我的l'lltakeitfromhere.老兄,你还好吧?HeP,Pouallright,buddP?汉纳威麻醉了目标,取走背包Han awaPdroppedthemarka ndgrabbedhisbag. 坐着休息一下吧Sitdow n.CatchPourbreath.。
We're turning this place into a hotel and a spa.
Then I will stay in the hotel.
I'm finished speaking now.
Caitlin, how many are ready for the bus tomorrow? 凯 特 琳 明 天 有 几 位 准 备 好 要 上 专
- I'm sorry? - I said go back to your work.
- 你说什么?我说回去工作
- She's looking for her diaries. - I know. I know.
- 但她在找她的日记 我知道...她没事
- She's fine, she's fine. - Leave her alone.
I'm staying here.
《秘密手稿 The Secret Scripture (2016)》英中字幕
- Until when, Roseanne? - Until I want to leave.
What on earth.
- Nurse Caitlin! - Calm down!
凯特琳护士 - 冷静下来
Stop! Stop!
Please, please.
中英文经典电影台词中英文互译中英文经典电影台词中英文互译 (1)英文电影 (1)中文电影 (9)英文电影1. "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn." Gone with the Wind, 1939―坦白说,亲爱的,我不在乎。
‖——《乱世佳人》(1939年)2. "I"m going to make him an offer he can't refuse." The Godfather, 1972―我要开出一个他无法拒绝的条件。
‖——《教父》(1972年)3. "You don't understand! I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I could've been somebody,instead of a bum, which is what I am." On the Waterfront, 1954―你不明白!我本可以进入上流社会。
"‖——《码头风云》(1954年)4. "Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore." The Wizard of Oz, 1939―托托,我有一种感觉我们再也回不了家了。
‖——《绿野仙踪》(1939年)5. "Here's looking at you, kid." Casablanca, 1942―孩子,就看你的了。
‖——《卡萨布兰卡》(1942年)6. "Go ahead, make my day." Sudden Impact, 1983―来吧,让我也高兴高兴。
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.的来引吸像图的象想所中脑头你是; .dnim ruoy ni gnidloh eruoy sa egami eht fo eutriv yb uoy ot detcartta sti dnA
.的致导想思的你是都情事些那 .gnikniht eruoy tahw stI
.律定力引吸是就密秘个那的说所面上们我 .noitcarttA fo waL eht si terces ehT
...迹奇的复修情感�迹奇的复康理心 ...spihsnoitaler ni gnilaeh ,gnilaeh latnem
�吗功成的多更有想你�业事么什营经想你 ?sseccus erom tnaw uoy oD ?evah annaw uoy od ssenisub a fo dnik tahW �吗翁富万百为成想你�子房的样么什住想你 ?erianoillim a eb annaw uoy oD ?ni evil annaw uoy od esuoh a fo dnik tahW
。大多有标目个这管不而——。西东何任的择选所们我有拥能们我 .si ti gib woh erac tnod I .esoohc ew si taht revetahw evah nac eW 。人的为成想你为成�情事的干想所你干�西东的要想你有拥能你 .tnaw uoy gnihtyna eb ro od ,evah nac uoY 。富财�康健�福幸 .h tlaew dna htlaeh ,ssenippaH . 西东的要想你有所到得能就你 ,密秘个这了道知你果如 .tnaw uoy gnihtyreve uoy sevig ti terces siht wonk uoy fI
.律定力引吸——即; .noitcarttA fo waL eht staht dna
. 西东的要想们我考思地续持是就作工的做要们我�类人为作; ,tnaw ew tahw fo sthguoht eht ot no dloh ot si snamuh sa boj ruO
,么什要想底到们我楚清弄; tnaw ew tahw sdnim ruo ni raelc yletulosba ti ekam
.界世个这给享分密秘个这把想我; .dlrow eh t htiw terces siht erahs ot saw od ot detnaw I llA , 人的密秘个这道知些那 ,信相敢不直简我; .sih t w enk ohw elpoep eht lla eveileb tndluoc I 源渊史历的密秘个这踪追始开我 ; yrotsih hguorht kcab terces eht gnicart nageb I .密秘的大伟个一见瞥我 ;terces taerg a fo espmilg a nevig neeb evI .物人的大伟最上史历是都们他; .yrotsih ni elpoep tsetaerg eht erew yehT
.的率频有是想思道知不人多很 .ycn euqerf a sah thguoht a taht si dnatsrednu tnod elpoep tsom tahW
:字个 3 为括概以可律定个这; :sdrow elpmis eerh t ni pu demmus eb nac elpicnirp taht dnA
�迹奇的复康体身�迹奇的上产财; ,gnilaeh lacisyhp fo selcarim ,selcarim laicnaniF 。中活生的们人在生发迹奇多很到看我 .sevil selpoep ni ecalp ekat selcarim ynam nees evI �么什要想底到你; ?tnaw yllaer uoy od tahW
. ”的似相引吸的似相“是就律规的力引吸 ,说的单简 .ekil stcartta ekil taht syas noitcarttA fo waL eht ,tup yllacisab yreV
。的题问论讨来次层个这"想思"在是们我但 .thguoht fo level eht ta gniklat yllaer erew tuB
。的密秘个这解理样怎是我你诉告来我 .ti dnatsrednu ot emoc evah I woh uoy llet llI
。密秘大的活生是就这 .efil fo terces taerg eht si sihT 。密秘个这用运何如了道知为因是都�切一的生发所 .terces eht ylppa ot woh gniwonk fo esuaceb n eppah siht fo llA
. 难困无毫而船飞宙宇造建来律规些这用运以可们我于至以; ,spihsecaps gnidliub ytlu ciffid yna evah neve tnod ew tahT
.球月到送们人把以可们我; ,noom eht ot elpoep dnes nac ew
.着导指律规个一同被都们我 .swal emas eht yltcaxe yb sevlesruo ediug lla eW .配支量力然自的穷无力威个一受都们我 .rewop etinifni eno h tiw krow lla eW
.了糟团一也系关际人的我 .liomru t ni erew spihsnoitaler ym dna ,竭力疲精得累己自把我 ,noitsuahxe otni flesym dekrow ev’I 了世去然突也亲父的我 ylneddus deid rehtaf yM
. 了溃崩底彻活生的我 ,前以年一 em dnuora despalloc dah efil ym oga raey A 译翻-照对幕字文英中影电-terces ehT 。 。 。啦 YEKO 于终
。坏是还好是物事件某为认你管不才律定引吸; dab ro doog eb ot gnihtemos eviecrep uoy reh tehw erac tnseod noitcarttA fo waL ehT
。它要想不是还要想是你管不也; ti tnaw od uoy reh tehw ro ti tnaw tnod uoy reh tehw ro
.配支律规个一; .wal eno ,配支量力种一同受都们我; ,rewop eno h tiw gnikrow lla eW
.力引吸是就这 .noitcartta stI
.约纽或 , 尔利特蒙或 ,多伦多者或 ...kroY weN ro ,laertnoM ro ,otnoroT ro
,敦伦或摩尔哥德斯在是还; ,nodnoL ro mlohkcotS
.人的密秘个这道知的世在还在现些那寻搜始开我; .terces eh t wonk ohw yadot evila elpoep rof gnihcraes nageb I
... 前面的我在现出们他 ,个一接个一; .egreme ot nageb yeht eno yb enO
.物礼的大最天上是的临来要将 .tfig tsetaerg eht emoc ot saw 道知不还我,时那 emit eht ta wonk I did elttiL 中之望绝的大最这在 riapsed tsetaerg ym fo tuo
.密秘个这绍介你给在正在现我 .terces eht ot decudortni gnieb era uoy dnA
.理道个这得懂们他; .gnihtemos dnatsrednu yehT �此如当应就情事�的计设样这是就式方个这
.密秘个这道知们他 .terces eht dnatsrednu yehT
确精的此如是律规然自的中宙宇; esicerp os era esrevinU eh t fo swal laru tan ehT
.么什是底到密秘个这想猜里那在坐能可你�在现 .terces siht si tahw gnirednow ereht gnittis neeb ylbaborp evuoY
。此如是都�人么什对论不;�候时么什论不。的用作起是远永律定个这 .nosrep yreve htiw emit yreve skrow ti.skrow syawla tI �中之裕富在活生你象想; ecnadnuba ni gnivil flesruoy eeS
�钱的%69 了挣; ?denrae gnieb staht yenom eh t lla fo %69 dnuora snrae
.然偶非绝 .tnedicca on stI ?吗然偶个一是那为认你; ?tnedicca na staht kniht uoy oD
.yaw taht dengised stI
,人种那的多最的想里心你为成会你; ,tsom tuoba knih t uoy tahw emoceb uoY
律定的大伟些这中宙宇唤召始开们我�起点一这从; esrevinU eht ni swal tsetaerg eh t fo eno ekovni ot trats ew ereh t morf dna
.铁磁吸会铁磁道知我 .ti ot tcartta lliw tengam a tah t wonk I dnA
法方单简最的律定力引吸解理; noitcarttA fo waL eht ta kool ot em rof yaw tselpmis ehT
.铁磁个一当己自把设假你是; .tengam a sa flesym fo kniht I fi si
想思; sthguoht
为成会; emoceb
.实现; .sgniht
.西东的多最的想里心你有拥会也你; .tsom tuoba kniht uoy tahw tcartta osla uoy tub
,它到看脑头的你在以可你果如; ereh ni ti ees uoy fI
.它有拥终最会就你; .ereh ti dloh annog eruoy