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Assignment 2

1. Consider a 180 nm technology. Compute the value of V DSAT for the NMOS and PMOS

device assuming V GS = 1.8 V , V Tn = 0.5 V , V Tp = -0.5 V , L = 200 nm.

Solution :

(1)、针对于NMOS ,由V V V V Tn GS GT 3.1=-=可知道,GT V 值很大,且对于短沟道器件(勾道长度=0.2um ),速度饱和因子V κ明显小于1,相比于长沟道器件往

往工作于饱和区,所以由公式可知:GT GT DAST V V V )(κ=,其中)/(11

)(L V V cn GT GT ξκ+=,

当处于速度饱和时V L cn 2.1102.010666=⨯⨯⨯=--ξ,所以V V DASTN 62.0)


3.1(13.1=+=。 (2)、同理针对于PMOS ,V V V V Tp GS GT 3.1=-=,同(1),

V L cp 8.4102.0102466=⨯⨯⨯=--ξ,得到V V DASTP 02.1)


2. Compute the NMOS and PMOS saturation currents per micron of width for a 130 nm

technology and the ratio of I DSA TN /I DSATP . Assume a channel length of 100 nm, t ox =22 Å, V Tn = 0.4 V , V Tp = -0.4V , V GS = 1.2 V . Use νsat = 8*106 cm/s.

Solution :

根据公式)(DAST GT ox sat DSAT V V W C v I -=,)

/(1)(L V V V V V c GT GT GT GT DAST ξκ+==,合并得到:L

V V V V W C v I c T GS T GS ox sat DSAT ξ+--=)()(2,同时cm F t C ox ox ox ox /105.3,13-⨯==εε, ,4.21.024,6.01.06V L V L cp cn =⨯==⨯=ξξ所以:

um uA L V V V V C v W I cn Tn GS Tn GS ox sat DSATN /5856


317102=+--⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯=+--=--ξ um uA L V V V V C v W I cp Tp GS Tp GS ox sat DSATP /2564


317102=+--⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯=+--=--ξ 所以最后:



3. Compute the overlap capacitance, C ol , for a 130 nm technology with t POLY /t OX = 100 and a lateral diffusion of 10 nm.

Solution :

将100/=OX POLY t t ,带入到边缘扩散电容公式:

um fF t t C ox POLY ox

f /1.0)1001ln(14.31054.32)1(ln 213

≈+⨯⨯=+=-πε,如果:nm L D 10=,则um fF L C C D ox ov /15.0≈⨯=横向扩散电容,所以整个覆盖电容为:

um fF um fF um fF C ol /25.0/15.0/1.0=+=.

4. Compute the channel capacitance in th e

cutoff, resistive, and saturation regions required for a PMOS device with t ox =22 Å and W = 400 nm, L = 100 nm.

Solution :

um fF um F L t L C C ox ox

ox g /6.1/106.11.010

2.2105.315317=⨯=⨯⨯⨯===---ε,所以总电容是:fF um um fF W C C g G 64.04.0/6.1=⨯==,所以在各个区中计算如下:

(1)截止区中:fF fF C C C GB GD GS 32.02/64.0,0,0====;

(2)线性区中:0,2/64.0,2/64.0===GB GD GS C fF C fF C ;


2===⨯=GB GD G GS C C fF C C ;

5. Compute the junction capacitance for a 130 nm technology.

(a) Find Φ0 and C jo for an n +p junction with N D = 1020 cm -3 and N A = 3*1017 cm -3. (b) W = 400 nm, L = 100 nm, x j = 50 nm, and the diffusion extension L S is 300 nm. Find C diff in unit of fF for V D = 0 V and V D = -1.2 V . Assume C j = C’jsw .

Solution :

(a )由题中条件可知:V n N N q kT i D A 1))

105.1(10103ln(026.0ln 21020

1720=⨯⨯⨯==φ, 由公式可知道:



.12103106.11085.87.1122um fF qN N N N N q C A si D A D A B si j ≈⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯=≈+=--φεφε (b )总共的结电容PERIMETER C AREA C C jsw j diff ⨯+⨯=,由于'

jsw C C j =,所以
