
以下是英美早餐常见的食物词汇:1. 主食:- Toast(吐司)- Pancake(薄煎饼)- Waffle(华夫饼)- Oatmeal(燕麦片)- Cereal(麦片)2. 蛋类:- Fried eggs(荷包蛋)- Scrambled eggs(炒鸡蛋)- Boiled eggs(水煮蛋)- Omelette(煎蛋卷)3. 肉类:- Bacon(培根)- Sausage(香肠)- Ham(火腿)- Steak(牛排)4. 面包:- Bread(面包)- Bagel(贝果)- Croissant(牛角包)- Muffin(松糕)5. 饮品:- Orange juice(橙汁)- Coffee(咖啡)- Tea(茶)- Milk(牛奶)二、中国早餐中国早餐的种类多样,因地域差异而不同。
以下是中国早餐常见的食物词汇:1. 北方早餐:- 油条(Youtiao)- 煎饼果子(Jianbing guozi)- 包子(Baozi)- 粥(Zhou)2. 南方早餐:- 豆浆(Doujiang)- 油饼(Youbing)- 干肠粉(Ganchangfen)- 米粉(Mifen)三、日本早餐日本早餐通常包括以下几个部分:主食、汤类、小菜、鸡蛋、鱼类、豆腐等。
以下是日本早餐常见的食物词汇:1. 主食:- Rice(米饭)- Miso soup(味噌汤)- Natto(纳豆)- Nori(海苔)2. 小菜:- Tsukemono(日式腌菜)- Tamagoyaki(玉子烧)- Oshinko(泡菜)- Hijiki(石蕻菜)3. 鱼类:- Grilled fish(烤鱼)- Sashimi(生鱼片)- Fish roe(鱼籽)- Fish cakes(鱼饼)四、其他国家的早餐除了英美、中国、日本的早餐外,世界各国还有许多独特的早餐食物和文化。


为”彭祖”,这就是历史上 “制羹受封”的故事。
华夏十大名厨之 首,被民间尊为 厨神,有“烹调 之圣”美称。
夏商周时期,有些先哲已注意到饮 食与为政的密切关系。如商朝的开国元勋 伊尹,原是个陪嫁的奴隶,具体负责商汤 膳食。当他发现商汤志在灭夏,但又急于 求成,便利用烹饪故意激商汤发火。果然, 商汤受不了饭菜的非咸即淡,一怒之下将 他叫来当面呵斥,而他则趁机借饭菜阐述 治国的道理。伊尹把饮食制作的烹饪技术 融会贯通到国家治理之中,形成一套治国 与烹饪相结合的文化理念。
从汉代起,传统的一日两餐制开始向一日三餐制转变, 时称“三食”。
具”。 第二顿饭是午饭,时称“中饭”或“过中”,一般在正 午时刻。 第三顿饭则为晚餐,又叫“晡bū食”,大约在下午三点 至五点之间。
这是指手里拿着筷子在菜盘里不住的扒拉,以求寻找 猎物,就像盗墓刨坟的一般。这种做法同“执箸巡城”相 近,都属于缺乏教养的做法,令人生厌。
(7)泪箸遗珠 实际上这是用筷子往自己盘子里夹菜时,手里不利 落,将菜汤流落到其它菜里或桌子上。这种做法被视为
(8)颠倒乾坤 这就是说用餐时将筷子颠倒使用,这种做法是非常被
施舍。这种做法被视为极其下贱的事情,被他人所不齿。 俗话说“敲碗敲筷子,讨吃一辈子。”
回在桌子上的菜盘里巡找,知从哪里下筷为好。此种行为 是典型的缺乏修养的表现,且目中无人极其令人反感。

饮食文化各大菜系major styles of cooking / cuisine粽子Zongzi: a pyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves (eaten on the Dragon Boat Festival)月饼moon cake蜜饯candied preserved fruit / sweetened preserved plums豆沙sweet bean paste蛋黄egg yolk咸蛋黄marinated egg yolk海鲜seafood扇贝scallop大葱scallion葱green onion肉馅minced meat鱼糜minced fillet虾糜minced shrimp饺子Jiaozi boiled dumpling八宝饭8-treasure rice鲤鱼carp青鱼black carp草鱼grass carp欧洲鲫鱼crucian carp鲫鱼golden carp鲈鱼bass桂鱼Chinese perch石斑鱼garoupa三文鱼/ 大麻哈鱼salmon金枪鱼tuna鳕鱼cod年糕rice cake - year cake胡桃walnut饭票,餐券meal ticket涮羊肉thin slices of mutton for boiling in a hot pot芝麻sesame油条deep-fried dough sticks酱油soy sauce绿豆mung beans油饼deep-fried dough cake汤soup菜dish豆浆soybean milk盖交饭rice served with meat and veggies on top香菜cilantro (Chinese parsley cilantro/ coriander)粉丝glass noodles; vermicelli made from bean starch, etc.馒头steamed buns花卷steamed twisted rolls包子steamed stuffed buns肉包子steamed bun with meat filling肉馅meat filling豆沙包steamed bun filled with bean paste豆沙馅bean-paste filling春卷spring roll (a thin sheet of dough, stuffed, rolled and fried)包饺子making Chinese dumplings案板kneading board擀面杖rolling pin馅stuffing; filling面团儿dough饺子皮dumpling wrappers馄饨皮wonton wrappers网筛wire strainer蒸笼bamboo (food)steamer锅贴pot sticker烧卖shaomai (a steamed dumpling with the dough gathered at the top)葱饼scallion pancake推棍儿pancake spreader甜面酱sweet sauce made of fermented flour北京烤鸭Beijing roast duck面条noodles拉面hand-stretched noodles; ramen方便面instant noodle挂面fine dried noodles炒面fried noodles凉面cold noodles in sauce馄饨wonton (dumplings in soup)刀削面shaved noodles米粉rice flour面粉wheat flour烤面包toast果酱jam三明治sandwich热狗hot dog汉堡包hamburger糖纳滋doughnut百吉饼、面包圈bagel高粱饴sorghum candy酒心糖liqueur-filled candy口香糖chewing gum泡泡糖bubble gum山楂片haw flakes糖炒栗子chestnuts roast (in sand)with brown sugar 爆米花popcorn松糕sponge cake绿豆粥mung bean porridge红豆粥red bean porridge杏核豆腐almond bean curd豆腐tofu (bean curd)麻花fried dough twist萨其马egg crisp cake鱿鱼squid笋bamboo shoot笋干air-dried bamboo shoot香菇dried mushroom草菇straw mushroom猴菇hedgehog mushroom木耳wood-ear/ Jew’s ear白木耳tremella冬虫夏草Chinese caterpillar fungus海带kelp紫菜seaweed燕窝bird’s nest海蜇jellyfish海参sea cucumber鲍鱼abalone鱼翅s hark’s fin熊掌bear’s paw豆腐泡beancurd puff腐乳fermented beancurd刀工cutting technique切丁dice切条slice切丝shred剁、剁碎chop切碎(成泥)mince方块cube块chunk瓜子sunflower seeds莲藕lotus root莲子lotus seeds青蒜,韭葱leek韭菜Chinese chives / leek平菇oyster mushroom苦瓜bitter gourd四季豆、菜豆string bean,snap bean,green bean 豌豆荚、雪豆荚snow pea豆芽bean sprout绿豆芽mung bean sprouts黄豆芽soybean sprouts枣子Chinese dates山楂haw石榴pomegranate弥猴桃、奇异果kiwi fruit荔枝lychee龙眼longan橘子tangerine西柚、葡萄柚grapefruit佛手瓜Buddha’s-hand; fingered citron木瓜papaya核桃仁walnut meat松子,松人pine nut kernels西瓜子melon seeds腰果cashew nut榛果,榛子hazelnut葡萄grape核桃walnut谷grain; cereal米ricelong rice 长米,较硬,煮前先泡一个小时Pudding rice or short rice 短米,较软Brown rice 糙米THAI Fragrant rice 泰国香米Glutinous rice 糯米强力面粉strong flour中筋面粉,不含发酵粉的面粉plain flour自发粉self- raising flour小麦面粉whole meal flour砂糖brown sugar红糖(感冒时煮姜汤时用)dark brown sugar糖粉icing sugar冰糖rock sugar醋vinger玉米淀粉、太白粉cornstarch麦芽糖maltose芝麻sesame seeds麻油sesame oil蚝油oyster sauce胡椒pepper白胡椒white pepper黑胡椒black pepper辣椒粉red chilli powder芝麻酱sesame paste味精msg (monosodium glutamate)豆鼓black bean sauce大红豆red kidney bean冬菇dried black mushroom酸菜pickled mustard-green八角、茴香anise荸荠、马蹄water chestnuts虾米dried shrimps明虾prawn美食节gourmet festival中餐烹饪Chinese cuisine; Chinese culinary art色香味形color, aroma, taste and appearance四大菜系:four major Chinese cusines:山东菜Shangdong cuisine川菜Sichuan cuisine粤菜Canton cuisine扬州菜Yangzhou cuisine南淡北咸the light southern cuisine and the salty northern cusine 东甜西辣the sweet eastern cuisine and the spicy western cuisine 八宝饭eight-treasure rice pudding风味小吃local delicacy切片slice切丝shred切丁dice切碎mince绞碎grind大、旺、武火high heat中火medium heat小、微、文火low heat煎pan-fry炒stir-fry; sauté爆quick-fry炸deep-fry烩stew熏smoke煨,炖simmer, stew煮boil烘bake烤bake; roast, grill架烤grill; BBQ蒸steam红烧braise (with soy sauce)涮(羊肉)dip-boil (mutton slices)。

历史文化类(二)1. 中国传统节日中国传统节日traditional Chinese festival ★★★过节celebrate a festival ★★☆放假have a holiday / vacation ★★☆文化积淀cultural accumulation ★★☆文化凝聚cultural cohesion ★★☆记录社会文化生活record the moments of social and cultural life ★★☆节气solar term ★★☆季节变迁seasonal change / transition ★★☆公历历法solar calendar ★★☆地球绕太阳公转的周期period of the Earth’s revolution around the Sun ★☆☆农历历法lunar calendar ★★☆月球绕地球公转的周期period of the Moon’s revolution around the Earth ★☆☆农业生产agricultural product ion ★★☆科学指导scientific guidance / instruction ★★☆日常社会生活everyday social life ★★☆祭祀活动ritual / sacrificial activity ★★☆庆祝活动celebratory activity; celebration ★★☆春节the Spring Festival ★★★元宵节the (Spring) Lantern Festival ★★★清明节the Qingming Festival; Tomb-Sweeping Day ★★★端午节the Dragon Boat Festival ★★★七夕节the Qixi Festival; the Double Seventh Festival; the Chinese Valentine’s Day ★★★ 中秋节the Mid-Autumn Festival ★★★重阳节the Double Ninth Festival ★★★农历几月几日fall on the+序数词+day of the+序数词+luna r month ★★★追溯到date back to; be traced back to ★★★有……年历史have a history of XX years ★★★传说……According to legend, … / Legend has it that… ★★★为了庆祝in celebration of ★★★为了纪念in honour / memory of ★★★风俗习惯social customs and habits ★★★中国农历新年Chinese lunar new year ★★★腊月the twelfth month of the lunar year ★★☆正月the first month of the lunar year ★★☆迎接新年的到来welcome the arrival of the new year ★★☆除尘clean the house ★★☆沐浴更衣take a bath and put on clean clothes ★★☆理发have a haircut ★★☆祛除晦气和霉运get rid of one’s bad luck / ill-fortune ★★☆置办年货purchase necessities for the new year ★★☆招待亲朋好友entertain relatives and friends ★★☆烘托节日的气氛add an air of festivity ★★☆大年三十Chinese New Year’s Eve ★★★贴春联paste Spring Festival couplets ★★☆贴“福”字paste the Chinese character “Fu” ★★☆贴窗花paste window paper-cuts ★★☆吃团圆年夜饭have New Year Eve reunion dinner ★★☆看春晚watch the Spring Festival Gala ★★☆燃放烟花爆竹set off fireworks and firecrackers ★★☆辞旧迎新ring out the Old Year; ring in the New Ye ar ★★☆正月初一the first day of the lunar new year ★★★穿上新衣新鞋put on new clothes and shoes ★★☆祈求新的开始pray for a new beginning in life ★★☆新年贺礼New Year gifts / presents ★★☆走亲访友visit / call on relatives and friends ★★☆给……拜年give sb. New Year greetings ★★☆红包red packet / envelope ★★★压岁钱money given to children as a New Year gift ★★☆好运good luck / fortune ★★★长寿longevity ★★★ 幸福happiness ★★★喜庆场合festive occasion ★★☆灯会lantern show / exhibition ★★☆赏花灯appreciate colourful lanterns ★★☆猜灯谜guess lantern riddles ★★☆观看舞龙舞狮表演watch the dragon-lion dance performances ★★☆悠久历史文化time-honoured history and culture ★★★精神文化遗产spiritual and cultural heritage ★★☆全球化飞速发展的今天in this rapidly globalizing world ★★☆西方文化思想Western cultures and thoughts ★★☆过洋节celebrate the Western festivals ★★☆传统节日的传承inheritance of traditional festivals ★★☆弘扬中国传统文化carry forward traditional Chinese culture ★★☆传承中华传统美德inherit the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation ★★☆ 增强民族凝聚力e nhance / strengthen national cohesion ★★☆2. 中国饮食文化饮食文化food culture ★★★春卷Chinese spring roll ★☆☆汤圆tangyuan (sweet rice dumpling) ★☆☆青团qingtuan (sweet green rice ball) ★☆☆粽子zongzi (Chinese rice-pudding) ★★★月饼mooncake ★★★重阳糕Double-Ninth cake ★☆☆饮食习惯eating / dietary habits ★★★主食staple food ★★☆大米/水稻rice ★★★馒头steamed bun ★★★面条noodles ★★★农作物crop ★★★小麦wheat ★★★副食non-staple / subsidiary food ★★☆鸡肉chicken ★★★鸭肉duck ★★★鱼肉fish ★★★水果fruit ★★★蔬菜vegetable ★★★维持均衡的膳食maintain a well-balanced diet ★★☆摄取所需的营养obtain adequate nourishment ★★☆确保健康secure physical health ★★☆避免疾病avoid / prevent diseases ★★☆传统待客之道traditional hospitality ★★★菜品种类丰富a rich / wide variety of dishes ★★☆宴席feast / banquet ★★★凉菜cold dish ★★★开胃菜appetizer ★★☆味蕾taste bud ★★☆主菜main course ★★★热菜hot dish ★★★肉类meat ★★★家禽poultry ★★★海鲜seafood ★★★时蔬seasonal vegetable ★★★甜点dessert ★★★清淡食物light food ★★☆解油腻get rid of the greasy feeling after eating fatty / oily food ★☆☆ 助消化help / facilitate digestion ★★☆食材ingredient ★★☆烹饪风格cooking style ★★★菜系cuisine ★★★家乡菜hometown dish ★★☆八大菜系China’s 8 major regional cuisines ★★☆川菜Sichuan cuisine ★★☆鲁菜Sh andong cuisine ★★☆粤菜Cantonese cuisine ★★☆苏菜Jiangsu cuisine ★★☆浙菜Zhejiang cuisine ★★☆闽菜Fujian cuisine ★★☆湘菜Hunan cuisine ★★☆徽菜Anhui cuisine ★★☆特色菜speciality ★★☆色、香、味俱全a perfect combination of appearance, aroma and flavour ★★☆ 酸sour ★★☆甜sweet ★★☆苦bitter ★★☆辣spicy ★★☆咸salty ★★☆大厨chef ★★☆佐料seasoning ★★☆柴firewood ★★☆米rice ★★☆油cooking oil ★★☆盐salt ★★☆酱sauce ★★☆醋vinegar ★★☆茶tea ★★☆神农氏Shennong ★☆☆尝百草taste hundreds of herbs ★☆☆解毒clear away toxic materials; get rid of the poisoning effect ★☆☆茶馆teahouse ★★☆茶树tea tree ★★☆种植在山上plant on hills ★★☆茶叶的质量quality of tea leaves ★★☆得名于get name because… ★★☆浓郁strong ★★☆持久long-lasting ★★☆清淡faint ★★☆香甜sweet ★★☆唇齿留香f eel the flavour in mouth / on lips for a long time ★★☆修身养性cultivate moral characters ★★☆陶冶情操cultivate sentiments ★★☆去除杂念remove distracting thoughts ★★☆【补充词汇】1. 二十四节气立春spring begins ★☆☆雨水more rain than snow ★☆☆惊蛰hibernating insects awake n ★☆☆春分spring center ★☆☆清明clear and bright ★☆☆谷雨wheat rain ★☆☆立夏summer begins ★☆☆小满creatures plentish ★☆☆芒种seeding millet ★☆☆夏至summer maximum (solstice) ★☆☆小暑a bit sweltering ★☆☆大暑most sweltering ★☆☆立秋autumn begins ★☆☆处暑heat withdraws ★☆☆白露dews ★☆☆秋分autumn center ★☆☆寒露cold dews ★☆☆霜降frost ★☆☆立冬winter begins ★☆☆小雪snows a bit ★☆☆大雪snows a lot ★☆☆冬至winter maximum ★☆☆小寒a bit frigid ★☆☆大寒most frigid ★☆☆2. 中国传统节日黄金周golden week ★★★国家法定假日official national holiday ★★★烧香burning incense ★☆☆纸钱joss paper ★☆☆祭祖宗offer sacrifices to one’s ancestors ★★☆ 孔明灯Kongming lantern ★☆☆子孙后代offspring ★★☆纪念碑memorial tablet ★☆☆悼文memorial essay ★☆☆网上祭扫online tomb-sweeping ★★☆扫墓sweep tombs ★★☆扫墓者tomb sweeper ★★☆踏青spring outing ★★☆绿柳green willow ★★☆伟大的爱国诗人great patriotic poet ★★☆楚国the state of Chu ★★☆爱国主义patriotism ★★☆奉献精神dedication ★★☆不朽的著作immortal masterpiece ★★☆赛龙舟dragon-boat racing ★★★带香囊wear perfu med medicine bags ★☆☆鹊桥the bridge of magpies ★☆☆王母娘娘Goddess of Heaven ★☆☆银河the Milky Way ★★☆庆祝丰收celebrate harvest ★★☆拜月worship the moon ★★☆赏月enjoy the moon’s beauty; appreciate the full moon ★★☆合家团聚family reunion ★★★嫦娥奔月Chang’e Flying to the Moon ★☆☆登高/爬山mountain climbing ★★☆去除厄运dispel bad luck ★★☆去除恶灵dispel evil spirits ★★☆带来好运bring good fortune ★★★尊敬老人show respect for elders ★★★3. 中国饮食文化谷物grain ★★★面粉flour ★★☆面包bread ★★★糕点pastry ★★☆小吃snack ★★★菜谱recipe ★★☆菜单menu ★★★全鱼the whole fish ★★★汤soup ★★★美食家gourmet ★★☆餐具tableware ★★☆菜肴的装盘和摆放the layout and design of the dishes ★★☆ 佐料的搭配the blending of seasoning ★★☆调味的艺术the art of proper seasoning ★★☆烹饪艺术culinary art ★★☆煮boil ★★☆清蒸steam ★★☆ 清炒plain-fry ★☆☆油炸deep-fry ★☆☆ 烘培roast ★★☆刀工slicing technique ★☆☆烹饪餐具cooking utensil ★★☆饮料beverage ★★☆茶具tea set ★★☆茶壶teapot ★★☆茶杯teacup ★★☆茶托saucer ★★☆紫砂purple sand ★☆☆陶器pottery ★★☆瓷器porcelain ★★☆茶道tea ce remony ★☆☆食疗Chinese food therapy ★★☆食补保健maintain good health through the intake of nourishing food ★★☆4. 其它文化类词汇文化多样性cultural diversity ★★★多元文化社会multicultural society ★★★跨文化交流cross-cultural communication ★★★文化交流与合作cultural exchange and cooperation ★★★文化繁荣cultural prosperity ★★★东方文化Eastern / Oriental culture ★★★民俗文化folk culture ★★☆传统意识形态traditional ideology ★★☆丰富文化生活enrich cultural life ★★☆中国结Chinese knot ★★☆手工艺handicrafts ★★☆手工艺人handicraftsman ★★☆祈求好运pray for good luck ★★☆辟邪ward off evil spirits ★★☆中医traditional Chinese medicine ★★★针灸acupuncture ★☆☆穴位acupuncture point ★☆☆推拿medical massage ★☆☆拔火罐疗法cupping therapy ★☆☆理疗physical therapy ★☆☆医疗保健health care ★★★心heart ★★☆肝liver ★★☆脾spleen ★★☆胃stomach ★★☆肺lung ★★☆肾kidney ★★☆中草药Chinese herbal medicine ★★☆副作用side effect ★★☆切脉feel the pulse ★☆☆偏方folk prescription ★☆☆秘方secret prescription ★☆☆传统中国画traditional Chinese painting ★★★饮茶下棋drink tea and play chess ★★☆耕耘收割plough and harvest ★★☆织布缝衣weave and sew ★★☆砍柴采药cut firewood and gather herbs ★★☆吟诗作画compose poems and draw pictures ★★☆中国书画Chinese painting and calligraphy ★★★山水画Chinese landscape painting ★☆☆水墨画Chines e ink and wash painting ★☆☆汉字Chinese character ★★★文房四宝the four treasures of the Chinese study ★★☆ 笔墨纸砚brush, ink, paper and ink stone ★★☆中国传统体育运动traditional Chinese sports ★★★功夫/武术kung fu; Chinese martial arts ★★★自卫self-defence ★★☆国宝nation al treasure ★★☆太极拳Tai Chi; shadow boxing ★★★中国传统服饰traditional Chinese costume ★★★民族服饰national costume ★★★宽松长袍loose robe ★★☆女性美women’s beauty ★★☆时装秀fashion show ★★☆社交聚会social gathering ★★☆中国民乐Chinese folk music ★★☆乐器musical instrument ★★☆中国传统戏曲traditional Chinese opera ★★☆中国生肖Chinese zodiac ★★☆。

中国传统文化有关的英语词汇以下是更多与中国传统文化有关的英语词汇及翻译:1. 四大发明:The Four Great Inventions- 造纸术:Paper-making- 印刷术:Printing- 火药:Gunpowder- 指南针:Compass2. 中医:Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)- 中药:Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) herbs- 针灸:Acupuncture- 推拿:Tuina3. 传统文学:Traditional Literature- 诗经:The Book of Songs- 唐诗:Tang Poetry- 宋词:Song Ci- 明清小说:Ming and Qing Novels4. 工艺美术:Arts and Crafts- 景泰蓝:Cloisonné- 刺绣:Embroidery- 陶瓷:Ceramics- 木雕:Wood Carving5. 饮食文化:Food Culture- 筷子:Chopsticks- 茶道:Tea Ceremony- 八大菜系:Eight Major Cuisines6. 传统历法:Traditional Calendar- 农历:Lunar Calendar- 二十四节气:The 24 Solar Terms7. 传统礼仪:Traditional Etiquette- 鞠躬:Bow- 抱拳礼:Fist-andPalm Salutation- 敬茶:Offering Tea8. 哲学概念:Philosophy Concepts- 和谐:Harmony- 中庸:The Doctrine of the Mean- 礼:Ritual这些词汇可以帮助你更好地理解和描述中国传统文化。

高级口译笔记——饮食文化(Catering Culture)VOCABLULARY烹调术cookery色、香、味color, aroma and taste佐料seasoning刀功slicing technique清炒plain-frying煸stir-frying爆quick-frying炸deep-frying煎pan-frying焙roasting清蒸steaming氽quick-boiling熏smoking腌salting食谱recipe回锅肉twice-cooked pork slices in brown sauce炸猪排fried pork chop北京烤鸭roast Beijing duck什锦炒蔬stir-fried mixed vegetables酸辣汤hot and sour soup鸡茸蘑菇汤cream of mushroom with chicken主食staple food馒头steamed bread米饭steamed rice扬州炒饭Yangchow fried rice冷面cold noodle炒米粉fried ground rice noodles炸酱面noodles with fried brown sauce paste油条fried twisted stick锅贴pan-fried dumping花卷steamed twisted roll小笼包子steamed meat dumpling粽子rice dumpling wrapped in reed leaves黑啤dark beer黄酒/花雕酒yellow rice wine烈酒spitits/ strong liquor白干white liquor佐餐酒table wine(酒)加冰块的on the rocks(酒)不加冰块的straight up小啜sip矿泉水mineral water红茶black tea清咖啡black coffee全脂/脱脂奶whole/skim milk酸奶yoghurt粟子chestnut马蹄梨water chestnut莲子lotus seed藕lotus root猕猴桃kiwi fruit山楂haw枣Chinese date餐前开胃点心appretizer主菜main course附菜side dish餐后甜食dessert什锦色拉mixed fruit salad with ham什锦水果圣代mixed fruit sundae民族风味餐ethnic food小吃snack冷盘cold dish点心pastry餐桌圆转盘Lazy SusanPRACTICETranslate the following passage into English评判中餐烹调的优劣可依据中餐的三大要素,即“色、香、味”。

(2)节日习俗词汇:如gift、decoration、family reunion等。
3.社交礼仪文化类词汇(1)礼貌用语:如please、thank you、sorry等。
(2)见面问候:如hello、hi、good morning等。
(3)告别道别:如goodbye、see you later等。
4.历史文化类词汇(1)历史事件:如Brexit、9/11、World War II等。
(3)历史遗迹和文化遗址:如金字塔(Pyramid)、故宫(Forbidden City)等。
(3)城市和景点名称:如New York City、Big Ben等。

一、餐厅与用餐方式1. Restaurant 餐馆2. Cafe 咖啡馆3. Diner 小餐馆4. Bistro 小酒馆5. Buffet 自助餐6. Takeout 外卖7. Delivery 外送8. Fast food 快餐9. Fine dining 高级餐饮10. Reservation 预订11. Menu 菜单12. Appetizer 开胃菜13. Main course 主菜14. Dessert 甜点15. Beverage 饮料16. Condiments 调味品17. Tip 小费18. Cheers 干杯二、食物分类1. Meat and poultry 肉类2. Seafood 海鲜3. Vegetables 蔬菜4. Fruits 水果5. Grains and cereals 谷物6. Dairy products 乳制品7. Nuts and seeds 坚果和种子8. Herbs and spices 草药和调味品9. Condiments 调味品三、食物准备和烹饪方法1. Cooking 烹饪2. Baking 烘焙3. Grilling 烧烤4. Frying 油炸5. Boiling 煮沸6. Steaming 蒸7. Roasting 烤8. Sautéing 炒9. Stir-frying 炒菜10. Chopping 切碎11. Slicing 切片12. Mixing 混合13. Seasoning 调味14. Marinating 腌制15. Garnishing 装饰四、饮食习惯和文化1. Breakfast 早餐2. Brunch 早午餐3. Lunch 午餐4. Dinner 晚餐5. Snack 小吃6. Tea time 下午茶7. Happy hour 开心时光8. Family dinner 家庭晚餐9. Festive meal 节日宴会10. Street food 街头小吃11. Food truck 移动餐车12. Foodie 美食爱好者13. Organic food 有机食品14. Locally sourced food 当地食材15. Fusion cuisine 融合菜肴16. Gourmet 美食家17. Culinary experience 美食体验18. Food pairing 食物搭配五、饮食场所与活动1. Farmers market 农夫市场2. Food festival 美食节3. Cooking class 烹饪课程4. Wine tasting 品酒5. Brewery 啤酒厂6. Distillery 蒸馏酒厂7. Winery 葡萄酒庄园8. Cocktail bar 鸡尾酒吧9. Pub 酒吧10. Sushi bar 寿司店11. Ice cream parlor 冰淇淋店12. Bakery 面包店13. Butcher shop 肉店14. Fish market 鱼市场15. Grocery store 杂货店16. Supermarket 超市在学习饮食英语词汇的过程中,您可以通过背诵和运用这些词汇来加深记忆。

中外饮食文化的英语词汇Chinese and Western Culinary Cultures: A Vocabulary Exploration.The art of cuisine is as diverse as it is fascinating, with each culture carrying its unique flavors, traditions, and techniques. China and the West, in particular, present two distinct yet equally rich culinary landscapes. In this article, we delve into the vocabulary and terminology that defines these two culinary cultures, examining the ingredients, cooking methods, dishes, and dining customs that shape their respective identities.Ingredients and Staples.China:Rice The staple food of China, it's central to many dishes and can be found in various forms like white rice, brown rice, and sticky rice.Soy Sauce A vital condiment, used to season and enhance the flavor of many dishes.Ginger Commonly used to add a pungent, warming flavor to dishes.Garlic Another essential ingredient, often used in cooking and seasoning.Tea Used not only for drinking but also as an ingredient in some dishes, imparting a unique, earthy flavor.West:Bread A cornerstone of Western cuisine, it's found in various forms like loaves, rolls, and buns.Butter Often spread on bread or used in baking.Cheese A versatile ingredient, used in a wide range ofdishes from salads to desserts.Wine Used not only for drinking but also occasionally as an ingredient in cooking, adding a rich, fruity flavor.Olive Oil A staple for cooking and seasoning in many Western kitchens.Cooking Methods.China:Stir-Frying A quick cooking method using high heat, where ingredients are rapidly tossed in a hot pan to retain their crispness and flavor.Steaming A method of cooking food using steam, often in bamboo steamers.Deep-Frying Food is submerged in hot oil to achieve a crispy exterior.Soup Making A traditional method of cooking where ingredients are simmered in a broth.West:Baking A cooking method using dry heat, often in an oven, to create breads, cakes, and pastries.Roasting Meat or vegetables are cooked in an oven at high temperatures, resulting in a crispy exterior and tender interior.Sautéing Ingredients are cooked quickly in a hot pan with a small amount of oil.Stewing A slow cooking method where food is simmered in liquid, often with wine or stock.Dishes.China:Peking Duck A famous Beijing dish, served with thin pancakes, sweet bean sauce, and cucumber slices.Kung Pao Chicken A spicy Sichuan-style dish with chicken, peanuts, and chili peppers.Mapo Tofu A spicy Sichuan dish of tofu and ground pork in a savory sauce.Dumplings A variety of filled pastries, popular throughout China.West:Pizza An Italian dish with a dough base topped with tomato sauce, cheese, and various toppings.Pasta Italian noodles, often served with sauces like marinara or Alfredo.Steak A grilled or roasted piece of beef, popular in many Western countries.Mashed Potatoes Potatoes mashed with butter, milk, and seasonings.Dining Customs.China:Communal Dining In China, it's common to share dishes placed in the center of the table, using chopsticks to serve oneself.Tea Ceremony A formalized ritual where tea is prepared and enjoyed, often with guests.West:Individual Portions In the West, each diner typically has their own plate with individual servings of food.Tipping It's customary to tip waiters and waitresses in Western restaurants, as a token of appreciation fortheir service.In conclusion, the vocabulary of Chinese and Western culinary cultures is vast and diverse, reflecting the unique flavors, traditions, and techniques that have been honed over centuries. From the ingredients and cooking methods to the dishes and dining customs, each culture offers a rich tapestry of flavors and experiences that are not only delicious but also deeply cultural.。

以下是一些常见的饮食文化词汇及其相关解释:1. 传统美食:代表着一个地区或国家传统食物的标志性食物,通常有着悠久的历史和独特的烹饪技巧。
2. 地道口味:指符合当地独特饮食文化特点和口味要求的美食,通常是当地民众传统喜爱的食物,具有鲜明的地域风味。
3. 美食节日:特定的日期或时刻,人们通过食用特定的食物纪念或庆祝的传统节日。
4. 食材新鲜:强调食物原材料的新鲜程度和口感。
5. 甜品饮品:指制作精美、口感独特的糕点、甜品和饮品。
6. 饮食礼仪:指在用餐过程中应该遵循的行为准则和礼节,包括餐桌礼仪、用餐方式等。
7. 精致烹饪:指对食物进行精心烹饪,注重食物的制作工艺和视觉效果。
8. 健康饮食:强调在日常饮食中注意均衡膳食、合理营养,避免过度油腻和高糖高盐等不良食物。
9. 地道小吃:指一些地方特有的传统小吃,通常由本地原材料和口味制作而成,味道地道,具有浓郁的当地特色。
10. 美食评论:专业的食评家或美食博主对于美食的评价和推荐,通常包括对菜品口感、外观、价格等方面的评测和点评。


饮食文化烹饪烹饪culinary art菜系cuisine美食节gourmet festival色、香、味、形俱全perfect combination of color, aroma, taste and appearance四大菜系:山东菜、四川菜、粤菜、扬州菜Shandong cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, Canton /Guangdong cuisine and Yangzhou cuisine南淡北咸,东甜西辣the light southern cuisine and the salty northern cuisine, the sweet eastern cuisine and the spicy western cuisine或the light flavor in the south, the salty flavor in the north, the sweet flavor in the east and the spicy flavor in the west白斩鸡tender boiled chicken臭豆腐odd-odour bean curd风味小吃local delicacy刀切、火候刀切cutting and slicing techniques火候heat control切片slicing切条cutting to strips切丝shredding切柳filleting切丁dicing切碎mincing磨碎grinding大/旺/武火strong heat中火medium heat小/微/文火gentle heat烹饪方法(名词)烹饪方法Cooking Techniques煎pan-frying炒stir-frying爆quick-frying炸deep-frying烩stewing熏smoking煨simmering煮boiling烘baking烤roasting蒸steaming红烧braising (with soy sauce)涮羊肉dip-boiled mutton slices酒啤酒beer洋酒wine黄酒yellow rice wine烈酒spirit白酒white spirit酸奶yoghurt粟子chestnut马蹄梨water chestnut莲子lotus seed藕lotus root猕猴桃kiwi fruit山楂haw枣Chinese date餐前开胃点心appretizer主菜main course附菜side dish餐后甜食dessert什锦色拉mixed fruit salad with ham 什锦水果圣代mixed fruit sundae民族风味餐ethnic food小吃snack冷盘cold dish点心pastry餐桌圆转盘Lazy Susan。

(2)饮食文化烹饪烹饪culinary art菜系cuisine美食节gourmet festival色、香、味、形俱全perfect combination of color, aroma, taste and appearance 四大菜系:山东菜、四川菜、粤菜、扬州菜Shandong cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, Canton /Guangdong cuisine and Yangzhou cuisine南淡北咸,东甜西辣the light southern cuisine and the salty northern cuisine, the sweet eastern cuisine and the spicy western cuisine或the light flavor in the south, the salty flavor in the north, the sweet flavor in the east and the spicy flavor in the west白斩鸡tender boiled chicken臭豆腐odd-odour bean curd风味小吃local delicacy刀切、火候刀切cutting and slicing techniques 火候heat control切片slicing切条cutting to strips切丝shred ding切柳filleting切丁dicing切碎mincing磨碎grinding大/旺/武火strong heat中火medium heat小/微/文火gentle heat烹饪方法(名词)烹饪方法Cooking Techniques煎pan-frying炒stir-frying爆quick-frying炸deep-frying烩stewing熏smoking煨simmer ing煮boiling烘baking烤roasting蒸steaming红烧braising (with soy sauce) 涮羊肉dip-boiled mutton slices 酒啤酒beer洋酒wine黄酒yellow rice wine烈酒spirit白酒white spirit。

一、节日与庆典1. Christmas(圣诞节)- 圣诞树、礼物、圣诞老人2. Halloween(万圣节)- 南瓜灯、化妆、不给糖就捣蛋3. Thanksgiving(感恩节)- 火鸡大餐、家庭团聚、感恩之心二、传统习俗与仪式1. Tea Ceremony(茶道) - 茶艺师、茶叶、和平与宁静2. Dragon Boat Festival(端午节)- 赛龙舟、粽子、屈原3. New Year Countdown(新年倒计时)- 烟花、派对、狂欢三、饮食文化1. Sushi(寿司)- 生鱼片、米饭、酱油2. Pasta(意大利面食)- 面条、番茄酱、奶酪3. Dim Sum(点心)- 小笼包、糯米饭、茶四、艺术与文学1. Impressionism(印象派)- 莫奈、印象画、光的变化2. Shakespeare(莎士比亚)- 高雅戏剧、十四行诗、戏剧人生3. Calligraphy(书法)- 毛笔、字体、艺术表达五、建筑与历史遗迹1. Great Wall(长城)- 世界奇迹、防御工事、旅游景点2. Taj Mahal(泰姬陵)- 印度宫殿、爱情故事、白色大理石3. Colosseum(斗兽场)- 古罗马遗迹、角斗士、壮丽建筑六、服饰与时尚1. Kimono(和服)- 传统日本服装、花纹、日本文化象征2. Saree(印度沙丽)- 印度传统服装、色彩斑斓、丰富细节3. High Heels(高跟鞋)- 时尚女鞋、增加身高、职场必备总结:英语词汇复习是提高语言能力的关键,文化类词汇更是扩展视野、了解他国文化的有效途径。

饮⾷⽂化⽅⾯词汇⼤全饮⾷⽂化各⼤菜系major styles of cooking / cuisine粽⼦Zongzi: a pyramid-shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves (eaten on the Dragon Boat Festival)⽉饼moon cake蜜饯candied preserved fruit / sweetened preserved plums⾖沙sweet bean paste蛋黄egg yolk咸蛋黄marinated egg yolk海鲜seafood扇贝scallop⼤葱scallion葱green onion⾁馅minced meat鱼糜minced fillet虾糜minced shrimp饺⼦Jiaozi boiled dumpling⼋宝饭8-treasure rice鲤鱼carp青鱼black carp草鱼grass carp欧洲鲫鱼crucian carp鲫鱼golden carp鲈鱼bass桂鱼Chinese perch⽯斑鱼garoupa三⽂鱼/ ⼤⿇哈鱼salmon⾦枪鱼tuna鳕鱼cod年糕rice cake - year cake胡桃walnut饭票,餐券meal ticket涮⽺⾁thin slices of mutton for boiling in a hot pot芝⿇sesame油条deep-fried dough sticks酱油soy sauce绿⾖mung beans油饼deep-fried dough cake汤soup菜dish⾖浆soybean milk盖交饭rice served with meat and veggies on top⾹菜cilantro (Chinese parsley cilantro/ coriander)粉丝glass noodles; vermicelli made from bean starch, etc.馒头steamed buns花卷steamed twisted rolls包⼦steamed stuffed buns⾁包⼦steamed bun with meat filling⾁馅meat filling⾖沙包steamed bun filled with bean paste⾖沙馅bean-paste filling春卷spring roll (a thin sheet of dough, stuffed, rolled and fried)包饺⼦making Chinese dumplings案板kneading board擀⾯杖rolling pin馅stuffing; filling⾯团⼉dough饺⼦⽪dumpling wrappers馄饨⽪wonton wrappers⽹筛wire strainer蒸笼bamboo (food)steamer锅贴pot sticker烧卖shaomai (a steamed dumpling with the dough gathered at the top)葱饼scallion pancake 推棍⼉pancake spreader甜⾯酱sweet sauce made of fermented flour北京烤鸭Beijing roast duck⾯条noodles拉⾯hand-stretched noodles; ramen⽅便⾯instant noodle挂⾯fine dried noodles炒⾯fried noodles凉⾯cold noodles in sauce馄饨wonton (dumplings in soup)⼑削⾯shaved noodles⽶粉rice flour⾯粉wheat flour烤⾯包toast果酱jam三明治sandwich热狗hot dog汉堡包hamburger糖纳滋doughnut百吉饼、⾯包圈bagel⾼粱饴sorghum candy酒⼼糖liqueur-filled candy⼝⾹糖chewing gum泡泡糖bubble gum⼭楂⽚haw flakes糖炒栗⼦chestnuts roast (in sand)with brown sugar 爆⽶花popcorn 松糕sponge cake绿⾖粥mung bean porridge红⾖粥red bean porridge杏核⾖腐almond bean curd⾖腐tofu (bean curd)⿇花fried dough twist萨其马egg crisp cake鱿鱼squid笋bamboo shoot笋⼲air-dried bamboo shoot⾹菇dried mushroom草菇straw mushroom猴菇hedgehog mushroom⽊⽿wood-ear/ Jew’s ear⽩⽊⽿tremella冬⾍夏草Chinese caterpillar fungus海带kelp紫菜seaweed燕窝bird’s nest海蜇jellyfish海参sea cucumber鲍鱼abalone鱼翅s hark’s fin熊掌bear’s paw⾖腐泡beancurd puff腐乳fermented beancurd⼑⼯cutting technique切丁dice切条slice切丝shred剁、剁碎chop切碎(成泥)mince⽅块cube块chunk⽠⼦sunflower seeds莲藕lotus root莲⼦lotus seeds青蒜,⾲葱leek⾲菜Chinese chives / leek平菇oyster mushroom苦⽠bitter gourd四季⾖、菜⾖string bean,snap bean,green bean 豌⾖荚、雪⾖荚snow pea ⾖芽bean sprout绿⾖芽mung bean sprouts黄⾖芽soybean sprouts枣⼦Chinese dates⼭楂haw⽯榴pomegranate弥猴桃、奇异果kiwi fruit荔枝lychee龙眼longan橘⼦tangerine西柚、葡萄柚grapefruit佛⼿⽠Buddha’s-hand; fingered citron⽊⽠papaya核桃仁walnut meat松⼦,松⼈pine nut kernels西⽠⼦melon seeds腰果cashew nut榛果,榛⼦hazelnut葡萄grape核桃walnut⾕grain; cereal⽶ricelong rice 长⽶,较硬,煮前先泡⼀个⼩时Pudding rice or short rice 短⽶,较软Brown rice 糙⽶THAI Fragrant rice 泰国⾹⽶Glutinous rice 糯⽶强⼒⾯粉strong flour中筋⾯粉,不含发酵粉的⾯粉plain flour⾃发粉self- raising flour⼩麦⾯粉whole meal flour砂糖brown sugar红糖(感冒时煮姜汤时⽤)dark brown sugar糖粉icing sugar冰糖rock sugar醋vinger⽟⽶淀粉、太⽩粉cornstarch麦芽糖maltose芝⿇sesame seeds⿇油sesame oil蚝油oyster sauce胡椒pepper⽩胡椒white pepper⿊胡椒black pepper辣椒粉red chilli powder芝⿇酱sesame paste味精msg (monosodium glutamate)⾖⿎black bean sauce⼤红⾖red kidney bean冬菇dried black mushroom酸菜pickled mustard-green⼋⾓、茴⾹anise荸荠、马蹄water chestnuts虾⽶dried shrimps明虾prawn美⾷节gourmet festival中餐烹饪Chinese cuisine; Chinese culinary art⾊⾹味形color, aroma, taste and appearance四⼤菜系:four major Chinese cusines:⼭东菜Shangdong cuisine川菜Sichuan cuisine粤菜Canton cuisine扬州菜Yangzhou cuisine南淡北咸the light southern cuisine and the salty northern cusine 东甜西辣the sweet eastern cuisine and the spicy western cuisine ⼋宝饭eight-treasure rice pudding风味⼩吃local delicacy切⽚slice切丝shred切丁dice切碎mince绞碎grind⼤、旺、武⽕high heat中⽕medium heat⼩、微、⽂⽕low heat煎pan-fry炒stir-fry; sauté爆quick-fry炸deep-fry烩stew熏smoke煨,炖simmer, stew煮boil烘bake烤bake; roast, grill架烤grill; BBQ蒸steam红烧braise (with soy sauce)涮(⽺⾁)dip-boil (mutton slices)。

美国快餐饮食文化和词汇大全生活在美国(一) 无所不在的快餐点随着美国人生活节奏的加快,快餐食品便应运而生.其快餐连锁店遍及世界各地,其中影响最大的当属麦当劳快餐连锁店.供应的快餐食品有:汉堡包、烤牛肉、牛排、火腿、三明治、肯德鸡、油炸土豆片、烘馅饼、冰淇淋以及各种碳酸饮料等.Fast Food 快餐食品Fast-food chains,American-style,are currently on the increase all over the world.Most of these places work on a similar principle.There is a long counter ,above which is displayed a list(often with pictures)of the items available,and behind which several people(often students working for the minimum wage)are serving.Individual queues form in front of each assistant .You receive what you order more or less immediately and take it on a tray to a table,picking up thing like straws(吸管),pepper,salt,ketchup(蕃茄酱),pickles(泡菜)and napkins(usually paper napkins)on the way.If you can’t s ee any knives and forks ,this means you are supposed to eat with your hands.If you can’t see any straws,that’s because they are hiding in the straw dispenser(分配器)that you have to fiddle(拨弄)with the bottom of it to get a straw(one at a time)to emerge.Wh en you’ve finished,you yourself throw away everything except the tray.Many fast-food places have drive-in facilities.You place your order from your car via (通过)a microphone and then drive round to a special window to pay and pick it up .You may even encounter places where a waitress bring your meal out,and you sit and eat it in the car from a tray hooked over the door through the open window.You may be asked if your order is “for here” or “to go ”(i.e.to take away).In some states there is no sales tax on food consumed.Types of Fast Food Restaurants 快餐店的种类The most widespread type of fast-food restaurant is that serving hamburgers,such as the chains of MacDonald.All the different chains have their ownspecialties .Arby’s restaurants serve l arge roast beef,ham and cheese,and turkey (火鸡)“sandwiches”.Some restaurant chains specialize in serving steaks quickly and cheaply.And then there’s Kentucky Fried Chicken.Chips 油炸土豆片Chips in America are called “French fries” or “fries ”for shor t.(Note that in the USA “ chips” mean crisps).“French fries” are normally thinner than chips.Americansgenerally put ketchup on their chips ,and you will not normally find vinegar(醋).Pizzas(意大利式)烘焰饼There are many specialty pizza restaurants in America,and many of them take telephone orders and deliver pizzas to your home,which can often be convenient.They come in different sizes,and a large one can be big enough for a party of four people.If you want to share a pizza but can’t agree on the in gredients ,it is possible to order two different sets of toppings ,one set on each half.Ice-Cream 冰淇淋Shops selling large number of different flavors of ice-cream are very common in America.If you are not sure what flavor you want ,generally you can sample a small spoonful of a particular flavor to see if you like it.You can either have your ice-cream in a “plain cone”(普通型锥形物)or in a “sugar cone”(甜脆型锥形物).Soft Drinks 软饮料Fast-food restaurants do not serve alcohol.The soft drinks most often sold areCoca-Cola and Pepsi——Cola,plus fizzy drinks (which are like lemonade)and root beer (which is like cough medicine).Fizzy drinks are known as “carbonated beverages”(碳酸饮料)or ,more colloquially,“soda”,“pop”,“soda pop”,and “soft drinks”.All these drinks come with lost of ice.In fact,you will probably find as much ice as drink in your drink.If you ask for a soft drink without ice,they will think you are funny but will probably oblige.(They may charge you a bit extra,for ice is cheaper than Coke.)生活在美国(二) 美国人的用餐习惯美国人吃饭用刀叉,而且他们的用餐方式是很有讲究的。

英语中,人们经常使用“汽车”(car)和“交通”(traffic)来表示汽车和交通工具,而汉语中则更多地使用“打车”(dial a taxi)和“地铁”(subway)等词汇。
英语中,人们经常使用“感恩节”(Thanksgiving)和“圣诞节”(Christmas)等节日名称,而汉语中则更多地使用“春节”(Chinese New Year)和“中秋节”(Mid-Autumn Festival)等节日名称。
英语中,人们经常使用“商业活动”(business activity)和“公司”(company)等词汇,而汉语中则更多地使用“贸易”(trade)和“企业”(enterprise)等词汇。

二、汉语饮食文化词汇的基本概念1. 美食:指好吃的食物,强调食物的口味和滋味。
2. 炊事:指烹饪和做饭的活动。
3. 餐具:指进餐所使用的器皿,如碟子、碗、筷子等。
4. 饮食文化:指与饮食相关的传统、规范、礼仪和价值观念。
三、汉语饮食文化词汇的内涵与特点1. 色香味俱佳:汉语饮食文化注重食物的色香味,通过合理搭配食材和调料,使饮食具有诱人的色彩、香气和美味。
2. 五谷杂粮:汉语饮食文化中,五谷杂粮是主要的食物来源,包括稻谷、小麦、玉米、高粱、黄豆等。
3. 传统烹饪技艺:汉语饮食文化传承了丰富的烹饪技艺,如炒、炸、煮、蒸、烧、烤等多种烹饪方法。
4. 食物与节令:汉语饮食文化注重食物与节令的搭配,根据不同季节选择适宜的食材进行烹饪,以满足人们对美食的需求。
5. 餐桌礼仪:汉语饮食文化强调尊重、和谐和礼仪,要求在用餐时保持文明的行为和言谈举止。
四、部分汉语饮食文化词汇的解释和例句1. 美食:这家餐厅的川菜是当地最有名的美食之一。
2. 炊事:她对炊事非常有经验,每天都能做出可口的菜肴。
3. 餐具:请将餐具放在餐盘旁边,我们马上就要开饭了。
4. 饮食文化:中国的饮食文化源远流长,有着悠久的历史和丰富的内涵。
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有句格言:We eat to live,not live to eat.意思是:我们为了生存而吃,不是为了吃而生存。
每个席位都摆放有一个餐盘,盘里放着三副刀叉(knife and fork)和几把汤匙(spoon),两个酒杯,一块餐巾(napkin)和一只水杯。
主人(host hostess)入
服务员上菜(serve the dish)时,往往是等客人吃完一道后再上另一道菜。
饭、餐meal,早餐breakfast,早中饭brunch,午餐lunch, luncheon,晚餐supper,正餐,dinner,午茶afternoon tea,快餐snack,点心refreshment,家常便饭home-made meal, homely meal, potluck,便宴informal dinner自动餐buffet,宴会banquet,套菜complete dinner,中餐Chinese food,西餐western food,主食staple,副食subsidiary food,饭店restaurant,餐厅dining room,公共食堂canteen,快餐厅snack bar,咖啡馆,咖啡店cafe coffee shop,自助餐厅self-service cafeteria,账单bill,男招待员waiter,女招待员waitress,食谱recipe,菜单menu,长方面包loaf,甜面包bun,吐司toast,米饭rice,面条noodles,饺子dumplings, jiaozi,通心粉macaroni,稀饭porridge,燕麦粥oatmeal,馒头steamed bun,花卷steamed roll,烧饼,烙饼griddle cake。