MSDS-format sample




msds范文Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Sample。

Product Name: Acme All-Purpose Cleaner。

Date of Preparation: 01/01/2022。

1. Product and Company Identification。

Product Name: Acme All-Purpose Cleaner。

Manufacturer: Acme Cleaning Products, Inc. Address: 123 Main Street, Anytown, USA。

Emergency Phone Number: 1-800-123-4567。

2. Composition/Information on Ingredients。

Chemical Name: Water。

CAS Number: 7732-18-5。

Percentage: 60-70%。

Chemical Name: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate。

CAS Number: 151-21-3。

Percentage: 10-15%。

Chemical Name: Ethanol。

CAS Number: 64-17-5。

Percentage: 5-10%。

Chemical Name: Fragrance。

CAS Number: N/A。

Percentage: 1-5%。

3. Hazards Identification。

Emergency Overview: Acme All-Purpose Cleaner is a liquid cleaner that may cause eye and skin irritation. It is flammable and should be kept away from heat and open flame.Potential Health Effects:Inhalation: May cause respiratory irritation. Symptoms may include coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.Skin Contact: May cause skin irritation. Prolonged or repeated contact may cause dermatitis.Eye Contact: May cause eye irritation. Symptoms may include redness, tearing, and pain.Ingestion: May cause gastrointestinal irritation. Symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.4. First Aid Measures。



化学品安全技术说明书Material Safety Data SheetInhalation:Excessive inhalation of vapors may cause respiratory irritation.摄取:可能引起胃肠道刺激、恶心、呕吐和腹泻。

Ingestion:May cause gastrointestinal irritation,nausea,vomiting and diarrhea.governmental permits.参考其它部分Reference to other sections参考第7部分安全处置信息。

See Section7for information on safe handling.参考第8部分个人陪护信息。

See Section8for information on personal protection equipment.参考第13部分废弃信息。

See Section13for disposal information.Carcinogenicity:Not a known or suspected carcinogen.慢性毒性:无资料。

Chronic Toxicity:No information available.致敏性:不被归类于致敏物。

Sensitization:Not classified as a sensitizer.:无Marine pollutants:包装方法:Packing method:运输注意事项:海洋污染物None开口钢桶。



An opening steel barrel. Common wooden casesoutside ampoules, threadedglass bottles, iron cover pressure glass bottles, plastic bottles or metal barrels(cans),outside ordinary wooden boxes, etc. Carry out the packing according to themethod recommended by the manufacturer.Matters of attentionto transportation:装运该物品的车辆排气管必须配备阻火装置,禁止使用易产生火花的机械设备和工具装卸。



MSDS范本MSDS范本中英文对照 (2007-07-19 12:05:43)MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET1 PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATIONProduct name (Chinese): S-3Product popular name: 783慢干水Product name (English): SolventCorporation name:Address:Postcode:Email address:Telefax:2 COMPOSITION /INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical name:Composition: concentration (%)Ketone solvent: 100%Heavy metal content: ,5ppm (comply with standard EN.71)3 USE SUMMARIZEMainly used in:4 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONSpecies Hazards: Medium flash point, highly flammable liquid Invade way: Inhalation, skin contact, ingestionHealthy effect: Repeat, high concentration and abundantly contact may cause narcosis andharm to haematogenous system.Fire risk: Highly flammable, the vapours and air may form ofvolatile mixture which mayburn or blast when it exposes in sources of ignition or high temperature. 5 FIRST-AID MEASURESSkin contact: Remove immediately any soiled or soaked clothing. Wash Skin with plenty of water and soap.Eye contact: Wash open eyes immediately, abundantly and consult a doctor if needed.Inhalation: Move patient from contaminated area to fresh air. Ingestion: Drink abundant warm water in order to try to vomit.Consult a doctor if needed.6 FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESSpecific hazards: The vapors and air may form of volatile mixture whichmay burn or blast when it exposes in sources of ignitionor high temperature. The vapors are heavier than air, sothey could widely spread. Static discharges may createand accumulate when the fluid of the product is too fast. Harmful burning waste: CO, NO2Extinguishing media:Suitable: Foam, CO2, dry power or soil.Not suitable: Water jet.Other information: Acid-alkaline extinguisher is invalid, water spraycould be used in small fire.7 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESRelease measures: Cut off electrical source and leave the contaminatedarea for safety place. People who treat with theaccident will wear respirator and gasproof clothes andnot go into cloacae, drain where it is too small space. Methods for cleaning-up:Collect the residues in close containers.Cover with sand, active carbon or other inert materialsup the residues.Use latex made up of nonflammable Dispersant. Work notice: Ensure adequate aeration.Keep away from all sources of ignition and oxide. Do not smoke.People need to wear respirator, gasproof clothes, unpermeablegloves and eye protection glasses.The fluid of production will low than 5m/s.Install electrical wire touched floor and keep staticdischarges from accumulating.Avoid package broken.Storage notice: Store in shady, cool and ventilated warehouse where the temperature is lowerthan 35?. Keep away from all sources of ignition and heat. Keep containers close and awayfrom oxide and chemical edible. The instrument and machine which can make spark are forbidden. The accidental release measures instrument and containers shall be supplied with inwarehouse.8 EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTIONThreshold limit value: ?100ppmInspect method: gas chromatograph (GC)Engineering control: Be hermetic, ensure adequate aeration. Respiratory protection: Wear a respirator if the vapors concentration is too high.Eye protection: Eye/face protection glasses. Body protection: Wear work clothes.Hand protection: Impermeable gloves.Other information: Do not smoke, ingest and drink water in workshop. Do not drinkwine before working and bath after working. Check body in schedule.9 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESPhysical state: LiquidColor: YellowwishpH: 6.5-7.5 Flash point (?): 5810. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYStability: Stable at normal temperature of storage, handling and use.Conditions to avoid: Flame, high temperature. Hazardous reactions: Unactable11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONAcute toxicity: N/AIrritancy: N/ABiodegradation: N/Adisbiodegradation: N/A12. HANDLING AND STORAGEHandling: Ensure adequate aeration.Be far away from oxide.Storage: Store in shady and cool area.Keep containers hermetically sealed.Keep away from all source of ignition. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONWaste information: Hazards wasteWaste disposal: Ignition under control. Disposal notice: Disposalarea must comply with the environment and national safetystandard.Transportation information: Do transportation in the morning andnight in summer.14. REGULATION INFORMATIONRegulation information: Directive “Chemical hazards regulation” (Directive 2/17/1987), aim at safe production, use, storage, transportation etc.Directive GB13690-92. The product is classified as middle flash liquid (grade 3.2).15. OTHER INFORMATIONReference:Date: 01/2007Dept.:Check Dept.:Version notice: Some values are selected average value/limit value because of many breed ofproducts.16. NATIONAL EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERFire-alarm: 119 First-aid: 120物质安全资料表第一部分化学品及企业标识化学品中文名称: S-3化学品俗名或商品名: 783 慢干水化学品英文名称:企业名称:地址:邮编:电子邮件地址:第二部分成分/组成信息化学品名称:成分含量(%)酮类溶剂 100%重金属含量:<5ppm (符合EN.71标准)第三部分用途概述主要用途:油墨稀释剂第四部分危险性概述危险性类别: 中闪点易燃液体侵入途径:吸入、食入、经皮吸收健康危害:长期、大量、高浓度对中枢神经系统具麻醉作用,对造血系统有损害。



物質安全資料表(MSDS)P1/4物品中(英)文名稱:物品編號:製造商或供應廠商名稱:製造商或供應商住址:製造商或供應商電話:緊急聯絡電話:二、成份辨識資料:中(英)文名稱化學式含量化學文摘社登記號碼(CAS NO) 錫(Tin) Sn 33~37% 7440-31-5鉛(Lead) Pb 餘量7439-92-1Rosin C19H29COOH 1~3% 65997-05-9活性劑1%以下三、危害辨識資料:最重要危害注意緊急概要:健康危害效應:急性:*吸入:吸入高量的鉛蒸氣可能引起貧血、失眠、虛弱、便秘、反胃及腹痛等症狀,吸入過量的鉛蒸氣可能會對造血、神經、生殖、腸及泌尿系統造成傷害。
















物質安全資料表六、洩露處理方法:七、安全處理與儲存方法::八、曝露預防措施:十、安定性及反應性:十一、毒性資料(本項無法取得相關資料)〜NIF(NO Information Found)::十二、生態資料(本項無法取得相關資料)〜NIF:十四、運送資料:十六、其他資料:*本表僅供參考,運作人需自行必要的處理。



MSDS常用格式发布时间:2009-03—25 14:40:39MSDS基本格式要求目前在MSDS行业内常用的格式有以下几类:美国 OSHA要求的MSDS格式加拿大 WHMIS要求的MSDS 格式美国标准协会 ANSI以及国际标准机构ISO建议实行的MSDS格式中国为同国际标准eqvISO11014—1:1994(E)接轨也制定的MSDS格式上述四种格式在下面简单描述:1、美国 OSHA要求的MSDS格式第一项:制造商和联系方法第二项:危险化学品组分第三项:理化特性第四项:燃烧与爆炸数据第五项:反应活性数据第六项:健康危害数据第七项:安全操作和使用方法第八项:防护方法2、加拿大 WHMIS要求的MSDS 格式第一项:产品名称和制造商信息第二项:危险化学品组分第三项:物理特性第四项:消防或燃爆数据第五项:反应活性数据第六项:毒理学特性第七项:预防措施第八项:急救方法第九项:编制信息3、美国标准协会 ANSI以及国际标准机构ISO建议实行的MSDS格式第一项:化学品名称和制造商信息第二项:化学组成信息第三项:危害信息第四项:急救措施第五项:消防措施第六项:泄露应急处理第七项:操作和储存第八项:接触控制和个人防护措施第九项:理化特性第十项:稳定性和反应活性第十一项:毒理学信息第十二项:生态学信息第十三项:废弃处置第十四项:运输信息第十五项:法规信息第十六项:其他信息4、中国为同国际标准eqvISO11014-1:1994(E)接轨也制定的MSDS格式第一项:化学品及企业标识(chemical product and company identification)第二项:成分/组成信息(composition/information on ingredients)第三项:危险性概述(haxards summarizing)第四项:急救措施(first—aid measures)第五项:消防措施(fire-fighting measures)第六项:泄露应急处理(accidental release measures)第七项:操作处置与储存(handling and storage)第八项:接触控制/个体防护(exposure controls/personal protection)第九项:理化特性(physical and chemical properties)第十项:稳定性和反应性(stability and reactivity)第十一项:毒理学资料(toxicological information)第十二项:生态学资料(ecological information)第十三项:废弃处置(disposal)第十四项:运输信息(transport information)第十五项:法规信息(regulatory information)第十六项: 其他信息(other information)。



MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (MSDS) FORMAT1.IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE / PREPARATION AND COMPANYUNDERTAKINGProduct Name:Product Information:Company Name:Address:Phone No.Fax No.POSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Name:Product Code:Hazardous Ingredients / Components:CAS No.Other Components: Risk Phrases & SymbolFor e.g.: Xi = Irritant, R36 = Irritating to eyes, R37 = Irritating to respiratory system, R38 = Irritating to skin3.HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONHealth: InhalationSkin ContactEye ContactIngestionFire:4.FIRST – AID MEASURESInhalation:Skin Contact:Eye Contact:Ingestion:5.FIRE FIGHTING MEASURESExtinguishing media:Fire Fighting Protective Equipment:Specific Hazards:6.ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESPersonal precautions:Environmental precautions:Method for cleaning up:7.HANDLING AND STORAGEHandling:Storage8.EXPOSURE CONTROL / PERSONAL PROTECTIONEngineering measures:RespiratorsEye ProtectionPersonal protective equipment:GlovesSafety glassesOccupational Exposure Limits – Hazardous Ingredients9.PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESAppearance:Form:Colour:Odour:PH (Value):Boiling Point:Melting Point:Flash Point:Flammable Limits:Auto Ignition Temperature:Explosive Properties:Oxidising Properties:Vapour Pressure (mm Hg):Density (g/ml):Solubility (Water):Solubility (Other):Partition Coefficient:10.STABILITY AND REACTIVITYHazardous Reactions:Hazardous Decomposition Product(s):Conditions to avoid:Materials to avoid:11.TOXICOLOGY INFORMATIONInhalation (LC50):Skin Contact (Dermal – LD50):Eye Contact:Ingestion (Oral – LD50)12.ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEnvironmental Hazards:Persistence and Degradation:Toxicity:Effect on Effluent Treatment:13.DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSProduct & contaminated packaging:14.TRANSPORT INFORMATIONIATA:ADR:IMO:UN NO.:15.REGULATORY INFORMATIONClassification and labeling Danger symbol:Danger Label:Safety phrases:16.OTHER INFORMATION。

MSDS 16项模板

MSDS 16项模板
十三、廢棄處置方法/Disposal considerations
廢棄處置方法/Disposal Methods:
十四、運送資料/Transport information
國際運送規定/International Transportation Regulations:
聯合國編號/UN Reference No.:
國內運送規定/Domestic Transportation Regulations:
特殊運送方法及注意事項/Special Transportation Methods and Precautions:
十五、法規資料/Regulatory information
適用法規/Applicable Regulation:
特殊滅火程序/Special Fire-Fighting Procedures:
消防人員之特殊防護設備/RequiredSpecialProtectiveEquipment forFire-Fighters:
六、洩漏處理方法/ AccidentalReleaseMeasures
個人應注意事項/Personal Precautions:
爆炸界限/Explosion Limits
蒸氣壓/Vapor Pressure:
蒸氣密度/Vapor Density:
十、安定性及反應性/Stability andReactivity
特殊狀況下可能之危害反應/Possible Hazard Reaction Under Special Conditions:


Exposure Limits曝露限度
10mg/m3 Total dust. 5mg/m3 Respirable fraction.
15mg/m3 Total dust from OSHA PEL (TWA)
[Alumina oxide]
9. Physical and Chemical Properties理化特性
Physical State物态
Critial Temperature临界温度
Not available
Not available
Boiling Point沸点
Not available
Keep container tightly closed. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area.
8. Exposure Controls/Personal Protection接触控制/个体防护
Engineering Measure
5.Fire and Explosion Data火灾和爆炸数据
Flammability of the Product产品的易燃性
Non-flammable and non-exption氧化
Not available
Fire Fighting Ways灭火方法
Personal Protection in Case of a Large Spill
Splash goggles. Full suit. Dust respirator. Boots. Gloves. A self contained breathing apparatus should be used to avoid inhalation of the product. Suggested protective clothing might not be sufficient; consult a specialist BEFORE handling this product.

MSDS认证报告(English format)

MSDS认证报告(English format)

MSDS认证报告Material Safety Data Sheet(English format)1,2-Epoxyhexane, 97%Section 1 - Chemical Product and Company IdentificationMSDS Name: 1,2-Epoxyhexane, 97%Catalog Numbers:Synonyms: ButyloxiraneCompany Identification:For information in North America, call: 800-***-01For emergencies in the US, call CHEMTREC: 800-***-****Section 2 - Composition, Information on IngredientsCAS# Chemical Name Percent EINECS/ELINCS1436-34-6 1,2-Epoxyhexane 97% 215-864-6Section 3 - Hazards IdentificationEMERGENCY OVERVIEWAppearance: colorless liquid. Flash Point: 15 deg C.Moisture sensitive.Target Organs: Kidneys, liver, respiratory system, eyes, skin.Potential Health EffectsEye: Causes eye burns.Skin: Causes skin burns.Ingestion: Causes gastrointestinal tract burns. The toxicological properties of this substance have not been fully investigated.nose and throat, coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and pulmonary edema. Causes chemical burns to the respiratory tract. The toxicological properties of this substance have not been fully investigated. Inhalation may be fatal as a result of spasm, inflammation, edema of the larynx and bronchi, chemical pneumonitis and pulmonary edema.Chronic: Not available. Inhalation, ingestion, or skin absorption may cause eye toxicity, including corneal injury, optical neuritis, blurring vision, and possible cataractSection 4 - First Aid MeasuresEyes: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids. Get medical aid imme diately. Skin: Get medical aid immediately. Immediately flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes.Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting. If victim is conscious and alert, give 2-4 cupfuls of milk or water. Get medical aid immediately.Inhalation: Remove from exposure and move to fresh air immediately. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical aid.Notes to Physician: Treat symptomatically and supportively.Section 5 - Fire Fighting MeasuresGeneral Information: As in any fire, wear a self-contained breathing apparatus in pressure-demand, MSHA/NIOSH (approved or equivalent), and full protective gear. Vapors can travel to a source of ignition and flash back. Will burn if involved in a fire. Flammable liquid and vapor.Extinguishing Media: Use water spray, dry chemical, carbon dioxide, or chemical foam. Flash Point: 15 deg C ( 59.00 deg F)Autoignition Temperature: Not available.Explosion Limits, Lower:Not available.Upper: Not available.NFPA Rating: Not published.Section 6 - Accidental Release MeasuresGeneral Information: Use proper personal protective equipment as indicated in Section 8.Spills/Leaks: Absorb spill with inert material (e.g. vermiculite, sand or earth), then place in suitable container. Remove all sources of ignition. Use a spark-proof tool.Section 7 - Handling and StorageHandling: Use spark-proof tools and explosion proof equipment. Do not breathe dust, vapor, mist, or gas. Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Use only in a chemical fume hood.Storage: Keep away from sources of ignition. Store in a cool, dry place. Store in a tightly closed container. Flammables-area. Store in glass containers.Section 8 - Exposure Controls, Personal ProtectionEngineering Controls: Use adequate ventilation to keep airborne concentrations low. Exposure LimitsChemical Name ACGIH NIOSH OSHA - Final PELs1,2-Epoxyhexane none listed none listed none listedOSHA Vacated PELs: 1,2-Epoxyhexane: No OSHA Vacated PELs are listed for this chemical. Personal Protective EquipmentEyes: Not available.Skin: Wear appropriate protective gloves to prevent skin exposure.Clothing: Wear appropriate protective clothing to prevent skin exposure. Respirators: Follow the OSHA respirator regulations found in 29 CFR 1910.134 or European Standard EN 149. Use a NIOSH/MSHA or European Standard EN 149 approved respirator if exposure limits are exceeded or if irritation or other symptoms are experienced.Section 9 - Physical and Chemical PropertiesPhysical State: LiquidAppearance: colorlessOdor: Not available.pH: Not available.Vapor Pressure: Not available.Vapor Density: Not available.Evaporation Rate:Not available.Viscosity: Not available.Boiling Point: 118 - 120 deg C @ 7Freezing/Melting Point:Not available.Decomposition Temperature:Not available.Solubility: Not available.Specific Gravity/Density:.8310g/cm3Molecular Formula:C6H12OMolecular Weight:100.0834Section 10 - Stability and ReactivityChemical Stability: Stable.Conditions to Avoid: Incompatible materials, exposure to moist air or water. Incompatibilities with Other Materials: Strong oxidizing agents, strong acids, strong bases, alkali metals, metallic salts.Hazardous Decomposition Products: Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide.Hazardous Polymerization: Has not been reportedSection 11 - Toxicological InformationRTECS#:CAS# 1436-34-6: MO3630000LD50/LC50:Not available.Carcinogenicity:CAS# 1436-34-6: Not listed by ACGIH, IARC, NTP, or CA Prop 65.Epidemiology: No data available.Teratogenicity: No data available.Reproductive Effects: No data available.Mutagenicity: No data available.Neurotoxicity: No data available.Other Studies:Section 12 - Ecological InformationNo information available.Section 13 - Disposal ConsiderationsChemical waste generators must determine whether a discarded chemical is classified as a hazardous waste. US EPA guidelines for the classification determination are listed in 40 CFR Parts 261.3. Additionally, waste generators must consult state and local hazardous waste regulations to ensure complete and accurate classification. RCRA P-Series: None listed.RCRA U-Series: None listed.Section 14 - Transport InformationUS DOT Canada TDGShipping Name: DOT regulated - small quantity provisions apply (see49CFR173.4) No information available.Hazard Class:UN Number:Packing Group:Section 15 - Regulatory InformationUS FEDERALTSCACAS# 1436-34-6 is not listed on the TSCA inventory. It is for research and development use only.Health & Safety Reporting ListNone of the chemicals are on the Health & Safety Reporting List.Chemical Test RulesNone of the chemicals in this product are under a Chemical Test Rule. Section 12bNone of the chemicals are listed under TSCA Section 12b.TSCA Significant New Use RuleNone of the chemicals in this material have a SNUR under TSCA.CERCLA Hazardous Substances and corresponding RQsNone of the chemicals in this material have an RQ.SARA Section 302 Extremely Hazardous SubstancesNone of the chemicals in this product have a TPQ.Section 313 No chemicals are reportable under Section 313.Clean Air Act:This material does not contain any hazardous air pollutants.This material does not contain any Class 1 Ozone depletors.This material does not contain any Class 2 Ozone depletors.Clean Water Act:None of the chemicals in this product are listed as Hazardous Substances under the CWA.None of the chemicals in this product are listed as Priority Pollutants under the CWA.None of the chemicals in this product are listed as Toxic Pollutants under the CWA.OSHA:None of the chemicals in this product are considered highly hazardous by OSHA. STATECAS# 1436-34-6 is not present on state lists from CA, PA, MN, MA, FL, or NJ. California Prop 65California No Significant Risk Level: None of the chemicals in this product are listed.European/International RegulationsEuropean Labeling in Accordance with EC DirectivesF CRisk Phrases:R 11 Highly flammable.R 34 Causes burns.Safety Phrases:S 25 Avoid contact with eyes.S 33 Take precautionary measures against static discharges.S 36/37/39 Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection.S 45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell, seek medical adviceimmediately (show the label where possible).S 9 Keep container in a well-ventilated place.WGK (Water Danger/Protection)CAS# 1436-34-6: No information available.Canada - DSL/NDSLNone of the chemicals in this product are listed on the DSL or NDSL list. Canada - WHMISWHMIS: Not available.This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations and the MSDS contains all of the information required by those regulations.Canadian Ingredient Disclosure ListSection 16 - Additional InformationMSDS Creation Date: **-**-**Revision Date: **-**-**The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However, we make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assume no liability resulting from its use. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for their particular purposes. In no event shall Fisher be liable for any claims, losses, or damages of any third party or for lost profits or any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, howsoever arising, even if Fisher has been advised of the possibility of such damages.。



msds报告样本以下是MSDS报告的样本:MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (MSDS) PRODUCT NAME: ProductName MANUFACTURER: ManufacturerName ADDRESS: ManufacturerAddressEMERGENCY PHONE NO: EmergencyPhoneNo SECTION 1 - PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION Product Name:Product Code:Chemical Name:CAS No:Recommended Use:Supplier:SECTION 2 - HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONGHS classification:Signal Word:Hazard Statements:Precautionary Statements:Hazards not otherwise classified:SECTION 3 - COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSChemical Name:CAS No:Percentage:SECTION 4 - FIRST AID MEASURESInhalation:Skin contact:Eye contact:Ingestion:Advice to Doctor:SECTION 5 - FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESSuitable extinguishing media:Specific hazards arising from the chemical:Special protective equipment and precautions for firefighters: SECTION 6 - ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal precautions:Environmental precautions:Methods for containment and cleanup:SECTION 7 - HANDLING AND STORAGEPrecautions for safe handling:Conditions for safe storage:SECTION 8 - EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONEngineering controls:Eye/face protection:Skin protection:Respiratory protection:SECTION 9 - PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearance:Odor:pH:Melting point/freezing point:Boiling point/range:Flash point:Evaporation rate:Flammability:Autoignition temperature:Vapour pressure:Relative density:Solubility:SECTION 10 - STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Chemical stability:Possibility of hazardous reactions:Conditions to avoid:Incompatible materials:Hazardous decomposition products:SECTION 11 - TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Acute toxicity:Skin corrosion/irritation:Serious eye damage/irritation:Respiratory or skin sensitization:Germ cell mutagenicity:Carcinogenicity:Reproductive toxicity:Specific target organ toxicity - Single exposure: Specific target organ toxicity - Repeated exposure: Aspiration hazard:SECTION 12 - ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Ecotoxicity:Persistence and degradability:Bioaccumulative potential:Mobility in soil:Other adverse effects:SECTION 13 - DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSDisposal methods:Hazardous waste code(s):SECTION 14 - TRANSPORT INFORMATIONUN number:UN proper shipping name:Transport hazard class(es):Packing group:Environmental hazards:Special precautions for user:SECTION 15 - REGULATORY INFORMATIONSafety, health and environmental regulations/legislation specific for the substance or mixture:SECTION 16 - OTHER INFORMATIONDate of preparation:Other information:Please note that this is just a sample MSDS report and the contentmay vary for different substances or mixtures. It is important to consult the specific MSDS for the product in question.。


Dry chemical, water spray, carbon dioxide, or regular foam.
SECTION 4 FIRST AID MEASURES No specific treatment is necessary since this material is not likely to be hazardous by inhalation. If exposed to irritating vapors from overheated product, remove to fresh air. Get medical attention if cough or other symptoms develop. For contact with large quantities of hot product, immediately immerse in, or flush the affected area with large amounts of cold water. Cover with clean cotton sheeting or gauze and get prompt medical attention. Do not remove material from skin as the damaged flesh can be easily torn. Not likely to cause eye injury in present form. Contact with molten material can cause serious injury. Not likely to be ingested in present form.



MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET1CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATIONPRODUCT NAME : POLYESTER RESINPRODUCT NO. : XB5968-ATUseAPPLICATION :IndustrialSUPPLIER : ABC Resin Co.,Ltd123, Dongfang Road, Suzhou, Jiangsu, P.R.ChinaEMERGENCY TEL. : +86(0)512-89188888CONTAINER SIZE : 10kg/bag,25kg/bag,50kg/bag2 COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSIngredient CAS Number Weight in Percent (%)Notesterephthalic acid 100-21-0 >50isophthalic acid 121-91-5 <10Other Information:NOTE: The percentage by weight values reported for this product represent approximate formulation values.3 HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONEmergency Overview:Color: IvoryForm: granule or powderOdor: OdorlessFlash Point, °C: Not ApplicableMost Important Hazards: Inhalation may result in respiratory irritation. Prolonged or repeated contact may cause skin irritation. Prolonged contact may cause allergic skin reactions.Potential Health Effects:Inhalation: Exposure to dust particles generated from this material may cause irritation of the respiratory tract. Exposure to high concentrations may cause coughing and difficulty breathing.Ingestion: No adverse health effects are expected from swallowing.Skin Contact: Prolonged or repeated contact may cause skin irritation. Prolonged contact may cause allergic skin reactions.Eye Contact: Large amounts of dust may cause mechanical irritation.4 FIRST-AID MEASURESEyesNever introduce ointment or oil into the eyes without medical advice! If pain is present, refer the victim to an ophthalmologist for treatment and follow up.Skin contactIf splashed by molten material, cool quickly with water and seek medical aid : do not pull off from skin.5 FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURESGeneral informationAs in any fire, wear a self-contained breathing apparatus in pressure-demand and full protective gear. During a fire, irritating and highly toxic gases may be generated by thermal decomposition or combustion Suitable extinguishing agentsIn case of fire, use sand, carbon dioxide or powdered extinguishing agent.Special hazards caused by the material, its products of combustion or resulting gases.Carbon monoxide (CO)Carbondioxide(CO2)Protective equipmentMount respiratory protective device6 ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESPerson-related safety precautionsUse proper personal protective equipment as Exposure controls and personal protection.Measures for environmental protectionDo not allow to enter sewers/ surface or ground water.Small SpillUse appropriate tools to put the spilled solid in a convenient waste disposal container. Finish cleaning by spreading water on the contaminated surface and dispose of according to local and regional authority requirements.Large SpillUse a shovel to put the material into a convenient waste disposal container. Be careful that the product is not present at a concentration level above TLV.7 HANDLING AND STORAGEHandlingHandle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practices. These practices include avoiding unnecessary exposure and removal of material from eyes, skin and clothing.Engineering measuresProvide natural or mechanical ventilation to minimize exposure. If practical, use local mechanical exhaust ventilation at sources of air contamination such as processing equipment.StorageStable under normal conditions of handling and storage.8 EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTIONOccupational exposure limitNational authorities have established limits for particulates not otherwise classified that are the least stringent exposure limits applicable to dusts.ACGIH TLV: 10mg/m3 (total dust) 8-hr TWAACGIH TLV: 3mg/m3 (respirable) 8-hr TWAPersonal Protective EquipmentSafety glasses with side shields. Wear suitable gloves.Respiratory ProtectionUse approved respiratory protection if exposure limits are exceeded, or overexposure is likely. If respiratory protection is used, follow all requirements for respiratory programs set forth in government regulations. VentilationGeneral ventilation. Local exhaust.9 PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESGeneral InformationForm: SoildColour: White/IvoryOdour: OdorlessChange in conditionMelting point/Melting range: undeterminedBoiling point/Boiling range: undeterminedFlash point: Not applicableSelf igniting: Product is not self igniting.Danger of explosion: Product does not present an explosion hazard.10 STABILITY AND REACTIVITYConditions to avoidNone knownMaterials to avoidNone knownHazardous reactionsHazardous polymerization does not occur.Hazardous decomposition productsConditions: Decomposition occurs above temperature listed below :Decomposition temperature: > 300℃Decomposition products: carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide(CO2)11 TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONLow toxicityPrimary irritant effecton the skin: Prolonged and/or repeated skin contact may defat skin and possibly cause dermatitis on the eye: Low, reversible irritation.SensitizationNone known.Additional toxicological informationWhen used and handled according to specifications, the product does not have any harmful effects according to our experience and the information provided to us.12 ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEcotoxicity: Not available.BOD5 and COD: Not availableProducts of BiodegradationPossibly hazardous short term degradation products are not likely. However, long term degradation products may Arised.13 DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSIncineration, RecycleAll local and national regulations should be followed.14 TRANSPORT INFORATIONROAD/RAILOther Not regulated for transport.SEANot regulated for transport.AIRNot regulated for transport.15 REGULATORY INFORMATIONEC labelEU Dangerous Substances Directive 67/548/EC.16 OTHER INFORMATIONThis product may contain other copolymers, colour additives, heat stabilizers, flame retardants and/or other performance additives. Under normal use conditions, these additives are contained within the polymer matrix and occupational exposures are expected to be minimal.Data sheets prepared or revised have been completed in accordance with the European Communities Directive 2001/58.Although the information and recommendations set forth herein (hereinafter "Information") are presented in good faith and believed to be correct as of the date hereof, The company makes no representations as to the completeness or accuracy thereof. Information is supplied upon the condition that the persons receiving same will make their own determination as to its suitability for their purposes prior to use. In no event will The company be responsible for damages of any nature whatsoever resulting from the use of or reliance upon Information. NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OF ANY OTHER NATURE ARE MADE HEREUNDER WITH RESPECT TO INFORMATION OR THE PRODUCT TO WHICH INFORMATION REFERS.。



Msds化学品安全MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet)即化学品安全说明书,亦可译为化学品安全技术说明书或化学品安全数据说明书。


概述在欧洲国家,材料安全技术/数据说明书MSDS也被称为安全技术/数据说明书SDS(Safety Data sheet)。

国际标准化组织(ISO)11014采用SDS 术语,然而美国、加拿大,澳洲以及亚洲许多国家则采用MSDS术语。









MSDS 化学产品安全数据信息包括:化学产品与公司标识符;化合物信息或组成成分;正确使用或误用该化学产品时可能出现的危害人体健康的症状及有危害物标识;紧急处理说明和医生处方;化学产品防火指导,包括产品燃点、爆炸极限值以及适用的灭火材料;为使偶然泄漏造成的危害降低到最小程度应采取的措施;安全装卸与储存的措施;减少工人接触产品以及自我保护的装置和措施;化学产品的物理和化学属性;改变化学产品稳定性以及与其他物质发生反应的条件;化学物质及其化合物的毒性信息;化学物质的生态信息,包括物质对动植物及环境可能造成的影响;对该物质的处理建议;基本的运输分类信息;与该物质相关的法规的附加说明;其他信息。


4. 环境危害 简要描述化学品在一定浓度时对各种生物造成的危害及其造成危 害的程度[B]。
5. 燃爆危险 简要概述化学品在空气中遇明火、高温或氧化剂接触时能引起的 危害
What is “MSDS” and How to work out
11/ 13/ 2020
7. 手防护 主要选用防护手套、橡胶手套、乳胶手套、耐酸碱手套、防化学品手套、皮肤防护膜等。
8. 其他防护 主要填写作业人员的个人卫生要求、现场注意事项、毒物的监测和定期体验情况。
What is “MSDS” and How to work out “MSDS”?
RoHS and WEEE 11/ 13/ 2020
•化学品生产供应企业向用户提供基本危害信息的工具(包括运输、操作处 置、储存和应急行动等)
•相关标准: 1. 中华人民共和国国家标准GB16483-2000 化学品安全技术说明书编写规定
General rules for preparation of chemical safety data sheet (CSDS 2. ISO 11014 Safety Data Sheet for Chemical Products
1. 操作注意事项 指对化学品操作过程中的安全注意要点和个体防护。 2. 储存注意事项 参考下列层次填写。储存的基本条件和要求、储存限量、注 意事项、禁配物、防火防爆要求、 分装注意事项。
What is “MSDS” and How to work out “MSDS11/ 13/ 2020
What i s “MSDS” and how to work out “MSDS”?



MSDS认证报告化学品安全技术说明书(中文格式)第一部分化学品及企业标识化学品中文名:碳酸钠化学品英文名:sodium carbonate生产企业名称:XXX有限公司地址:XXX XXX邮编:XXX XXX 传真号码:XXX XXX企业应急电话:XXX XXX电子邮件地址:XXX XXX技术说明书编码:登记号:XXX XXX生效日期:国家应急电话:XXX XXX第二部分成分/ 组成信息纯品√混合物×有害物成分浓度CAS No.碳酸钠497-19-8第三部分危险性概述危险性类别:侵入途径:吸入、食入、经皮吸收健康危害:本品具有刺激性和腐蚀性。









眼睛接触:立即提起眼睑,用大量流动清水或生理盐水彻底冲洗至少15 分钟。






















欧盟国家关于化学品的立法CHEMLEX (CD-ROM)
Flinn Scientific Materials Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)(可免费查询)
GESTIS-Substance Database (BIA的数据库, 大约7000多个危险化学品信息)(可免费查询)
Haddock HazCom (MSDS专业服务公司)
化学品的持续性、生物累积性、毒性在线预测PBT Profiler
MSDS Archive (将纸载体的MSDS文件转换成符合OSHA标准的电子文档)
MSDS from ESPI (金属及金属化合物、合金的MSDS)(可免费查询)
MSDSWorld (MSDS 发行管理服务)
MSDSystem (MSDS 管理, 搜索和修复软件)
Pesticide Active Ingredient Information at Cornell University (农药活性成分信息数据库)(可免费查询)
SuperList Locators索引的各种化学品安全法规
TOXNET (化合物毒性相关数据库系列)(可免费查询)
家用化学品健康与安全信息数据库 (Household Products Database)(可免费查询)


主要物质Main substance:
物品危害分类Hazard category:
不同暴露途径之急救方法Emergency and first aid procedure:
最重要危害及危害效应Major disease and harm effect:
浓度或浓度范围(成分百分比)CONCERTRATIONபைடு நூலகம்PERCENTAGE(%)
最重要危害效应Major hazard effect
蒸汽压Vapor pressure
蒸汽密度Vapor density

MSDS format

MSDS format

溶解性(Solubility:) 主要用途(Main purposes:) 其它理化性质(Others) 第十部分:稳定性和反应活性 (Stability and Reactivity) 稳定性(Stability:) 禁配物(Materials to avoid:) 避免接触的条件(Conditions to avoid:) 聚合危害(Hazardous Polymerization:) 分解产物(Decomposition products:) 第十一部分:毒理学资料 (Toxicological Information) 急性毒性(Acute toxicity:)
有害燃烧产物(Hazardous combustion products:)
传真(FAX): CAS No.
灭火方法(Fire fighting methods:) 第六部分:泄漏应急处理(Accidental Release Measures) 应急处理(Emergency Treatment:) 第七部分:操作处置与储存 (Handling and Storage) 操作注意事项(Handling Precautions:) 储存注意事项(Storage:) 第八部分:接触控制/个体防护 (Exposure Controls/Personal Protection) 监测方法(Monitoring methods:) 工程控制(Engineering controls:)
呼吸系统防护(Respiratory protection:)
眼睛防护(Eye protection:) 身体防护(Body protection:) 手防护(Hand protection:) 其他防护(Other protection:) 第九部分:理化特性 (Physical and Chemical Properties) 外观与性状(Appearance:) pH(pH:) 熔点(℃)(Melting point (℃):) 沸点(℃)(Boiling point (℃):) 分子式(Molecular formula:)
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发布时间:2008-08-03 14:57:38
加拿大WHMIS要求的MSDS 格式
2、加拿大WHMIS要求的MSDS 格式
第一项:化学品及企业标识(chemical product and company identification)第二项:成分/组成信息(composition/information on ingredients)
第三项:危险性概述(haxards summarizing)
第四项:急救措施(first-aid measures)
第五项:消防措施(fire-fighting measures)
第六项:泄露应急处理(accidental release measures)
第七项:操作处置与储存(handling and storage)
第八项:接触控制/个体防护(exposure controls/personal protection)
第九项:理化特性(physical and chemical properties)
第十项:稳定性和反应性(stability and reactivity)
第十一项:毒理学资料(toxicological information)
第十二项:生态学资料(ecological information)
第十四项:运输信息(transport information)
第十五项:法规信息(regulatory information)
第十六项:其他信息(other information)
Material Safety data Sheet for sodium nitrite General
Synonyms/同义词: nitrous acid sodium salt, diazotizing salt, anti-rust
Molecular formula/分子式: NaNO2
CAS No: 7632-00-0
EINECS No: 231-555-9
Annex I Index No: 007-010-00-4
Physical data
Appearance/外观: white to off-white powder/白色粉末
Melting point/熔点: 281 C
Boiling point/沸点: 320 C
Vapour density/蒸汽密度:
Vapour pressure/遮蒸力:
Density (g cm-3): 2.17
Flash point/闪点:
Explosion limits/爆炸限度:
Autoignition temperature/自燃点: 490 C
Water solubility/水溶性: soluble
Stable. Incompatible with reducing agents, strong oxidizing agents,
organics and other flammable materials, finely powdered metals. Contact with combustible material may lead to fire. Hygroscopic.

Toxic if swallowed. Severe eye irritant. Respiratory and skin irritant. May act as a carcinogen for chronic exposure.



Toxicity data /毒性资料
(The meaning of any toxicological abbreviations which appear in this
section is given here.)
ORL-RAT LD50 180 mg kg-1
ORL-RBT LD50 178 mg kg-1
ORL-HMN LDLO 71 mg kg-1
IVN-RAT LD50 65 mg kg-1
Risk phrases /危险词语
(The meaning of any risk phrases which appear in this section is given
R8 R25 R50.
Environmental information
Very toxic to aquatic organisms.对水生生物有严重的危害Transport information
(The meaning of any UN hazard codes which appear in this section is
given here.)
UN No 1500. Hazard class 5.1. Packing group III.
Personal protection
Safety glasses, adequate ventilation, gloves.
Safety phrases
(The meaning of any safety phrases which appear in this section is given here.)
S45 S61.。
