高盛英汉财经词典中文翻译详情说明/例子Accelerated Depreciation 加快折旧任何基于会计或税务缘故促使一项资产在较早期以较大金额折旧的折旧原那么Accident and Health Benefits 意外与健康福利为职员提供有关疾病、意外受伤或意外死亡的福利。
Accounts Receivable (AR) 应收账款客户应对的金额。
拥有应收账款指公司差不多出售产品或服务但仍未收取款项Accretive Acquisition 具增值作用的收购项目能提高进行收购公司每股盈利的收购项目Acid Test 酸性测试比率一项严谨的测试,用以衡量一家公司是否拥有足够的短期资产,在无需出售库存的情形下解决其短期负债。
运算方法:(现金 + 应收账款 +短期投资)‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾流淌负债Act of God Bond 天灾债券保险公司发行的债券,旨在将债券的本金及利息与天然灾难造成的公司缺失联系起来Active Bond Crowd 活跃债券投资者在纽约股票交易所内买卖活跃的定息证券Active Income 活动收入来自提供服务所得的收入,包括工资、薪酬、奖金、佣金,以及来自实际参与业务的收入Active Investing 积极投资包含连续买卖行为的投资策略。
主动投资者买入投资,并紧密注意其走势,以期把握盈利机会Active Management 积极治理寻求投资回报高于既定基准的投资策略Activity Based Budgeting 以活动为基础的预算案一种制定预算的方法,过程为列举机构内每个部门所有牵涉成本的活动,并确立各种活动之间的关系,然后依照此资料决定对各项活动投入的资源Activity BasedManagement以活动为基础的治理利用以活动为基础的成本运算制度改善一家公司的运营Activity Ratio 活动比率一项用以衡量一家公司将其资产负债表内账项转为现金或营业额的能力的会计比率Actual Return 实际回报一名投资者的实际收益或缺失,可用以下公式表示:预期回报加上公司专门消息及总体经济消息Actuary 精算保险公司的专业人员,负责评估申请人及其医疗纪录,以推测申请人的寿命Acquisition 收购一家公司收购另一家公司的多数股权Acquisition Premium 收购溢价收购一家公司的实际成本与该公司收购前估值之间的差额Affiliated Companies 联营公司一家公司拥有另一家公司少数权益〔低于50%〕的情形,或指两家公司之间存在某些关联Affiliated Person 关联人士能阻碍一家企业活动的人士,包括董事、行政人员及股东等After Hours Trading 收盘后交易要紧大型交易所正常交易时刻以外进行的买卖交易After Tax Operating Income - ATOI 税后营运收入一家公司除税后的总营运收入。
English Terms中文翻译详情解释/例子Accelerated Depreciation 加快折旧任何基于会计或税务原因促使一项资产在较早期以较大金额折旧的折旧原则Accident and Health Benefits 意外与健康福利为员工提供有关疾病、意外受伤或意外死亡的福利。
Accounts Receivable (AR) 应收账款客户应付的金额。
拥有应收账款指公司已经出售产品或服务但仍未收取款项Accretive Acquisition 具增值作用的收购项目能提高进行收购公司每股盈利的收购项目Acid Test 酸性测试比率一项严谨的测试,用以衡量一家公司是否拥有足够的短期资产,在无需出售库存的情况下解决其短期负债。
计算方法:(现金 + 应收账款 +短期投资)‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾流动负债Act of God Bond 天灾债券保险公司发行的债券,旨在将债券的本金及利息与天然灾害造成的公司损失联系起来Active Bond Crowd 活跃债券投资者在纽约股票交易所内买卖活跃的定息证券Active Income 活动收入来自提供服务所得的收入,包括工资、薪酬、奖金、佣金,以及来自实际参与业务的收入Active Investing 积极投资包含持续买卖行为的投资策略。
主动投资者买入投资,并密切注意其走势,以期把握盈利机会Active Management 积极管理寻求投资回报高于既定基准的投资策略Activity Based Budgeting 以活动为基础的预算案一种制定预算的方法,过程为列举机构内每个部门所有牵涉成本的活动,并确立各种活动之间的关系,然后根据此资料决定对各项活动投入的资源Activity BasedManagement以活动为基础的管理利用以活动为基础的成本计算制度改善一家公司的运营Activity Ratio 活动比率一项用以衡量一家公司将其资产负债表内账项转为现金或营业额的能力的会计比率Actual Return 实际回报一名投资者的实际收益或损失,可用以下公式表示:预期回报加上公司特殊消息及总体经济消息Actuary 精算保险公司的专业人员,负责评估申请人及其医疗纪录,以预测申请人的寿命Acquisition 收购一家公司收购另一家公司的多数股权Acquisition Premium 收购溢价收购一家公司的实际成本与该公司收购前估值之间的差额Affiliated Companies 联营公司一家公司拥有另一家公司少数权益(低于50%)的情况,或指两家公司之间存在某些关联Affiliated Person 关联人士能影响一家企业活动的人士,包括董事、行政人员及股东等After Hours Trading 收盘后交易主要大型交易所正常交易时间以外进行的买卖交易After Tax Operating Income - ATOI 税后营运收入一家公司除税后的总营运收入。
Actual Return Actuary
实际回报 精算
一名投资者的实际收益或损失,可用以下公式表示:预期回报加上公司特殊消息及 总体经济消息 保险公司的专业人员,负责评估申请人及其医疗纪录,以预测申请人的寿命
Activity Based Budgeting
Activity Based Management Activity Ratio
APICS Business Outlook Index
APICS(美国生 产及库存控制协 议)商业前景指 数 价值评估
美国全国性制造业指数,每月对多家制造业企业进行调查。若指数高于50,表示行 业正在扩展,若低于50,则表示行业正在萎缩
Anti-takeover Statute Anti-trust Any and All Bid
Arbitrage Pricing Theory 套汇定价理论 (APT)
Arbitrage Bond
Arbitrage Trading Program 套汇交易理论 (ATP)
是资本资产定价模式以外的另一个选择,主要分别在于其假设及对资产相关风险因 素的诠释 同时买入股票指数期货及相关股份的交易计划,旨在从差价中获利(市场套汇)
对争议的非正式听证,其间一组由公正委员会选出的人士(一般为三名)对争议作 出裁判。在做出判决会,不设进一步上诉的机制 一项产品的买方与卖方独立进行交易,互相之间并无任何关系
Agency Securities
Hale Waihona Puke 由美国政府支持的企业发行的低风险债务
Agency Cross Agency Problem
交叉代理人 代理问题
一项由一名代理人同时代表买方与卖方的交易,也称为撍 卮 砣藬("Dual Agency" 。 债券人、股东及管理人员因目标不同而产生的利益冲突
以活动为基础的 预算案 以活动为基础的 管理 活动比率
一种制定预算的方法,过程为列举机构内每个部门所有牵涉成本的活动,并确立各 种活动之间的关系,然后根据此资料决定对各项活动投入的资源 利用以活动为基础的成本计算制度改善一家公司的运营
Accelerated Depreciation Accident and Health Benefits
意外与健康福利 为员工提供有关疾病、意外受伤或意外死亡的福利。这些福利包括支付医院及医疗 开支以及有关时期的收入。
APICS Business Outlook Index
APICS(美国生 产及库存控制协 议)商业前景指 数 价值评估
美国全国性制造业指数,每月对多家制造业企业进行调查。若指数高于50,表示行 业正在扩展,若低于50,则表示行业正在萎缩
Anti-takeover Statute Anti-trust Any and All Bid
【财务知识】高盛财经词典—英汉对照(doc 87页)
![【财务知识】高盛财经词典—英汉对照(doc 87页)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fb67e2e628ea81c759f57813.png)
高盛财经词典—英汉对照(doc 87页)部门: xxx时间: xxx拟稿人:xxx整理范文,仅供参考,勿作商业用途高盛财经词典 - 英汉对照English Terms(A)中文翻译详情解释/例子Accelerated Depreciation 加快折旧任何基于会计或税务原因促使一项资产在较早期以较大金额折旧的折旧原则Accident and Health Benefits 意外与健康福利为员工提供有关疾病、意外受伤或意外死亡的福利。
Accounts Receivable (AR) 应收账款客户应付的金额。
拥有应收账款指公司已经出售产品或服务但仍未收取款项Accretive Acquisition 具增值作用的收购项目能提高进行收购公司每股盈利的收购项目Acid Test 酸性测试比率一项严谨的测试,用以衡量一家公司是否拥有足够的短期资产,在无需出售库存的情况下解决其短期负债。
计算方法:(现金 + 应收账款 +短期投资)流动负债Act of God Bond 天灾债券保险公司发行的债券,旨在将债券的本金及利息与天然灾害造成的公司损失联系起来Active Bond Crowd 活跃债券投资者在纽约股票交易所内买卖活跃的定息证券Active Income 活动收入来自提供服务所得的收入,包括工资、薪酬、奖金、佣金,以及来自实际参与业务的收入Active Investing 积极投资包含持续买卖行为的投资策略。
主动投资者买入投资,并密切注意其走势,以期把握盈利机会Active Management 积极管理寻求投资回报高于既定基准的投资策略Activity Based Budgeting 以活动为基础的预算案一种制定预算的方法,过程为列举机构内每个部门所有牵涉成本的活动,并确立各种活动之间的关系,然后根据此资料决定对各项活动投入的资源Activity Based Management 以活动为基础的管理利用以活动为基础的成本计算制度改善一家公司的运营Activity Ratio 活动比率一项用以衡量一家公司将其资产负债表内账项转为现金或营业额的能力的会计比率Actual Return 实际回报一名投资者的实际收益或损失,可用以下公式表示:预期回报加上公司特殊消息及总体经济消息Actuary 精算保险公司的专业人员,负责评估申请人及其医疗纪录,以预测申请人的寿命Acquisition 收购一家公司收购另一家公司的多数股权Acquisition Premium 收购溢价收购一家公司的实际成本与该公司收购前估值之间的差额Affiliated Companies 联营公司一家公司拥有另一家公司少数权益(低于50%)的情况,或指两家公司之间存在某些关联Affiliated Person 关联人士能影响一家企业活动的人士,包括董事、行政人员及股东等After Hours Trading 收盘后交易主要大型交易所正常交易时间以外进行的买卖交易After Tax Operating Income - ATOI 税后营运收入一家公司除税后的总营运收入。
A C C A高盛财经词典-英汉对照版高盛财经词典 - 英汉对照AEnglish Terms中文翻译详情解释/例子Accelerated Depreciation 加快折旧任何基于会计或税务原因促使一项资产在较早期以较大金额折旧的折旧原则Accident and Health Benefits 意外与健康福利为员工提供有关疾病、意外受伤或意外死亡的福利。
Accounts Receivable (AR) 应收账款客户应付的金额。
拥有应收账款指公司已经出售产品或服务但仍未收取款项Accretive Acquisition 具增值作用的收购项目能提高进行收购公司每股盈利的收购项目Acid Test 酸性测试比率一项严谨的测试,用以衡量一家公司是否拥有足够的短期资产,在无需出售库存的情况下解决其短期负债。
计算方法:(现金 + 应收账款 +短期投资)‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾流动负债Act of God Bond 天灾债券保险公司发行的债券,旨在将债券的本金及利息与天然灾害造成的公司损失联系起来Active Bond Crowd 活跃债券投资者在纽约股票交易所内买卖活跃的定息证券Active Income 活动收入来自提供服务所得的收入,包括工资、薪酬、奖金、佣金,以及来自实际参与业务的收入Active Investing 积极投资包含持续买卖行为的投资策略。
主动投资者买入投资,并密切注意其走势,以期把握盈利机会Active Management 积极管理寻求投资回报高于既定基准的投资策略Activity Based Budgeting 以活动为基础的预算案一种制定预算的方法,过程为列举机构内每个部门所有牵涉成本的活动,并确立各种活动之间的关系,然后根据此资料决定对各项活动投入的资源Activity Based Management 以活动为基础的管理利用以活动为基础的成本计算制度改善一家公司的运营Activity Ratio 活动比率一项用以衡量一家公司将其资产负债表内账项转为现金或营业额的能力的会计比率Actual Return 实际回报一名投资者的实际收益或损失,可用以下公式表示:预期回报加上公司特殊消息及总体经济消息Actuary 精算保险公司的专业人员,负责评估申请人及其医疗纪录,以预测申请人的寿命Acquisition 收购一家公司收购另一家公司的多数股权Acquisition Premium 收购溢价收购一家公司的实际成本与该公司收购前估值之间的差额Affiliated Companies 联营公司一家公司拥有另一家公司少数权益(低于50%)的情况,或指两家公司之间存在某些关联Affiliated Person 关联人士能影响一家企业活动的人士,包括董事、行政人员及股东等After Hours Trading 收盘后交易主要大型交易所正常交易时间以外进行的买卖交易After Tax Operating Income - ATOI 税后营运收入一家公司除税后的总营运收入。
《高盛财经词典》汉英对照A中文术语英文术语英文解释安静申请Quiet Filing The name given to an IPO filing where important details areintentionally excluded. Sent to the SEC in order to begin the processof issuing a new security, these details must be submitted throughamendments. This form of filing generally takes longer than theconventional methods.安全投资转移Flight to Quality When investors move their capital to the safest possible investmentvehicle. It is usually caused by uncertainty in the financial markets. 按比例Pro Rata Used to describe a proportionate allocation.B中文术语英文术语英文解释巴黎俱乐部Paris Club A monthly meeting, taking place in Paris, between the creditors of19 countries for the purpose of discussing debt issues. Among otherthings, the Paris Club addresses the issue of coordinated debt relieffor developing countries that cannot service their debt.白皮书White Paper An informational document issued by companies trying to promoteor highlight the significance of a planned product or service白武士White Knight A company that makes a friendly takeover offer for the control of atarget company that is being faced with a hostile takeover from aseparate party.白象White Elephant Any investment that nobody wants because it is a money loser.半可变因素Semi-Variable Cost A cost composed of a mixture of fixed and variable components.Costs are fixed for a set level of production or consumption,becoming variable after the level is exceeded.半年Semi-annual An event that occurs twice in a calendar year.保管人Custodian A financial institution that has the legal responsibility for acustomer's securities. This implies management as well assafekeeping.保管帐户Custodial Account 1. An account created at a bank, brokerage firm or mutual fundcompany that is managed by an adult for a minor that is under theage of 18 to 21 (depending on state legislation).保护主义Protectionism Actions taken by a government to prevent imports from destroyingdomestic producers.保荐人Sponsor 1.In the context of mutuals, an underwriting company thatoffers shares in its mutual funds.2.In the context of stocks, an influential investor who createsdemand for a security because of their positive outlook on it.保留管理层的收购项目Management Buyin(MBI)When a group of investors outside of a company purchase acontrolling block of shares and keep the existing management.保留盈余R/E The percentage of net earnings not paid out in dividends, butretained by the company to be reinvested in its core business or topay debt. It is recorded under shareholders equity on the balancesheet.Calculated by adding net income to (or subtracting any net lossesfrom) beginning retained earnings and subtracting any dividendspaid to shareholders.保留盈余Retained Earnings The percentage of net earnings not paid out in dividends, butretained by the company to be reinvested in its core business or topay debt. It is recorded under shareholders equity on the balancesheet.保收债券Cushion Bond A type of callable bond that sells at a premium because the issuedcoupon payments are above market interest rates保证金、按金Margin Account 1.The use of borrowed money to purchase securities, referredto as "buying on margin."2.The amount of equity contributed by a customer as apercentage of the current market value of the securities heldin a margin account.3.In a general business context, margin refers to thedifference between selling price and the cost of goods sold. 贝塔系数Beta (Coefficient) The measure of systematic risk of a security. Beta (or betacoefficient) is a means of measuring the volatility of a security orportfolio of securities in comparison with the market as a whole.备考、模拟Pro Forma A latin term that translates into "for the sake of form." In theinvesting world, the term describes a method of calculating financialresults in order to emphasize either current or projected figures.备考盈利Pro Forma Earnings Earnings that are derived by pro forma rather than standard GAAPmethods.背对背贷款Back-to-Back Loan A loan where two companies in different countries borrow offsettingamounts in each other's currency. The purpose of this transaction isto hedge against currency fluctuations.被动投资Passive Investing? An investment strategy involving limited ongoing buying andselling actions. Passive investors will purchase investments with theintention of long-term appreciation and limited maintenance.倍数Multiple Another term for the price/earnings ratio, which is calculated bydividing a stock's current price by the company's current annualearnings per share.倍数压缩Multiple Compression Arises when a stock trades at a certain multiple and, while earningsmay be good, the stock price doesn't move or sometimes goes down.The result is that the multiple is reduced even though nothing is fundamentally wrong with the company. The valuation has been called into question and the multiple that you are willing to pay for that stock is the only thing different.本金、[企业]主要负责人、[交易]当事人Principal 1.The amount borrowed or the amount still owed on a loan,separate from interest.2.The original amount invested, separate from earnings.3.The face value of a bond.4.The owner of a private company.5.The main party to a transaction, acting as either a buyer orseller for his/her own account and risk.本年迄今YTD The period beginning January 1st of the current year up until today'sdate本年迄今Year To Date (YTD) The period beginning January 1st of the current year up until today'sdate本票Promissory Note A written, dated, and signed two-party instrument containing anunconditional promise by the maker to pay a definite sum of moneyto a payee on demand or at a specified future date.本债比Gearing This is the ratio of long-term funds with fixed interest that makes upa firm's capital.比例税Proportional Tax An income tax that takes the same percentage of income fromeveryone regardless of how much (or little) an individual earns.必付合约Take or Pay A provision, written into a contract, whereby one party has theobligation of either taking delivery of goods or paying a specifiedamount.避风港Safe Harbor 1. A legal provision to reduce or eliminate liability as long asgood faith is demonstrated.2. A form of shark repellant where a target company acquiresa business that is so poorly regulated that the target itself isless attractive. In effect, this gives the target company a"safe harbor."3.An accounting method that avoids legal or tax regulationsand allows for a simpler (usually) method of determining atax consequence than is available following the preciselanguage of the tax code.避税乐园Tax Haven A country that offers individuals and businesses little or no taxliability.边际税率Marginal Tax Rate The amount of tax paid on an additional dollar of income. Asincome rises, so does the tax rate.边际效用Marginal Utility The additional satisfaction obtained by a consumer from consumingone more unit of a good or service.贬值Devaluation Lowering the value of a country's currency compared to the value ofa commodity or to the value of another country's currency.变动率ROC One of two principal clearing houses for securities traded in the Euromarkets. 变动率Rate of Change (ROC) The speed at which a variable changes over a specific period of time. 标准差 Standard Deviation1. A measure of the dispersion of a set of data from its mean.The more spread apart the data is, the higher the deviation.2. In finance, standard deviation is applied to the annual rateof return of an investment to measure the investment'svolatility (risk). 标准普尔 S&P (Standard And Poor's) A company that rates stocks and corporate and municipal bondsaccording to risk profiles. Additionally, Standard and Poor'sproduces and tracks the S&P indexes, and publishes a variety offinancial and investment reports.标准普尔 S&P A company that rates stocks and corporate and municipal bondsaccording to risk profiles. Additionally, Standard and Poor'sproduces and tracks the S&P indexes, and publishes a variety offinancial and investment reports.标准普尔500 S&P500 An index consisting of 500 stocks chosen for market size, liquidity,and industry group representation. It is a market-value weightedindex, with each stock's weight in the index proportionate to itsmarket value表现超越大市 Market Outperform An analyst recommendation meaning a stock is expected to doslightly better than the market return.表现超越大市 Outperform An analyst recommendation meaning a stock is expected to doslightly better than the market return.表现股票 Performance Shares Shares of company stock that are given to managers only if certainperformance criteria is met.表现落后大市 Underperform An analyst recommendation that means a stock is expected to doslightly worse than the market return波动性 Volatility 1. In general, volatility is a statistical measure of the tendencyof a market or security to rise or fall sharply within a shortperiod of time. Volatility is typically calculated by usingvariance or annualized standard deviation of the price or return.2. Volatility is a variable that appears in option pricingformulas. In the option pricing formula, it denotes theextent to which the the return of the underlying asset willfluctuate between now and the expiration of the option.表现最佳承销商 Bulge Bracket The group of firms in an underwriting syndicate who sold the largestamount of the issue.补偿买进 Buy-In When an investor is forced to repurchase shares because the sellerdid not deliver the securities in a timely fashion, or did not deliverthem at all.不可抗力 Force Majeure Literally translated as "great force," this clause is included incontracts to remove liability for unforeseen events restrictingparticipants from fulfilling obligations.不可买回 Non-Callable Securities that cannot be called by the issuer prior to maturity.不良贷款 Bad Debt A debt which is not collectable and therefore worthless to thecreditor.不良贷款NPL Loans that are in default or close to being in default. 不良资产Non-Performing Asset Any asset that is not effectively producing income. 不良贷款Non-Performing Loan Loans that are in default or close to being in default. 不能变现Illiquid An asset or security that cannot be converted into cash very quickly (or near prevailing market prices). 部分还款Paydown The process of repaying a portion of an outstanding loan balance.C中文术语英文术语 英文解释 CEDEL CEDEL A zero-coupon bond issued by a corporation, it can be converted into that corporation's common stock at a certain price. 财产转让Disposition Getting rid of an asset or security through a direct sale or some other method. 财产Property A legally owned possession or real estate. 财产税Property Tax A tax assessed on real estate by the local government. The tax is usually based on the value of property (including the land) you own. 财富500Fortune 500 An annual list of the 500 largest companies in the United States. The list is compiled using the most recent figures for revenue. 财富效应 The Wealth Effect The "wealth effect" refers to the propensity of people to spend moreif they have more assets. The premise is that when the value ofequities rises, so does our wealth and disposable income. Therefore, we feel more comfortable about spending.财富增值指数 Wealth Added Index (WAI) Designed by the Steward Stern & Co. consulting firm, this indexmeasures wealth intuitively as returns exceeding shareholder's costof capital.财富效应Wealth Effect The "wealth effect" refers to the propensity of people to spend moreif they have more assets. The premise is that when the value ofequities rises, so does our wealth and disposable income. Therefore,we feel more comfortable about spending. 财富管理 Wealth Management A professional service which is the combination offinancial/investment advice, accounting/tax services, andlegal/estate planning for one fee.财务Finance The science that describes the management of money, banking,credit, investments, and assets. 财务会计 Financial Accounting Reporting of the financial position and performance of a firmthrough financial statements issued to external users on a periodicbasis.财务会计标准委员会 Financial Accounting Standards Board - (FASB) Designated as the organization for establishing standards offinancial accounting and reporting. FASB standards govern thepreparation of financial reports and are recognized by the SEC. 财务表现Financial Performance A company's ability to generate new resources, from day-to-day operations, over a given period of time. 财务规划Financial Planner An investment professional who assists individuals put together a financial plan and coordinate various financial activities. 财务代理Fiscal Agent An organization, such as a bank or trust company, that takes responsibility for the fiscal duties of an unrelated party. 财务年度Fiscal Year Any 12-month period that a company uses for accounting purposes. 财政政策 Fiscal Policy Government spending policies that influence macroeconomicconditions. These policies affect tax rates, interest rates, andgovernment spending, in an effort to control the economy.CAMELS 评级制度 CAMELS Rating System An international bank-rating system with which bank supervisoryauthorities rate institutions according to six factors. The six areasexamined are represented by the acronym "CAMELS."参考比率 Reference Rate The underlying index or rate upon which a floating-rate security isbased.残值 Salvage Value The estimated value that an asset will realize upon its sale at the endof its useful life.长城 Chinese Wall A slang term for the division within a brokerage firm that preventsinsider information from being handed out by corporate advisers toinvestment traders.长期债款、融资债务 Funded Debt A long term debt that matures after more than one year.长期债券 Long Bond A bond that matures in more than 10 years. When people refer to"the long bond," this typically is the 30-year U.S. treasury.长期资产 Long Term Assets1. Reported on the balance sheet, it's the value of a company'sproperty, equipment, and other capital assets, lessdepreciation.2. A stock, bond, or other asset that you plan on holding inyour portfolio for a lengthy period of time. 长期债务/总资本比率 Long Term Debt/Capitalization A ratio indicating the financial leverage of a firm. It is calculated by taking a company's long term debt and dividing by the capitalavailable (the sum of long term debt, preferred stock, andstockholders' equity).长期债务 Long Term Debt A ratio indicating the financial leverage of a firm. It is calculated bytaking a company's long term debt and dividing by the capitalavailable (the sum of long term debt, preferred stock, andstockholders' equity).长期负债 Long Term Liabilities Recorded on the balance sheet, a company's liabilities for leases,bond repayments, and other items due in more than one year.偿付比率Solvency Ratio One of many ratios used to gauge a company's ability to meetlong-term obligations.偿付能力、资力Solvency The ability of a corporation to meet both its long-term fixedexpenses and to have adequate money for long-term expansion andgrowth.偿还债务Repayment 1.The payment of a debt obligation prior to its due date.2.The excess payment over a scheduled debt repaymentamount.偿债基金Sinking Fund A means of repaying funds advanced through a bond issue. Theissuer makes periodic payments to a trustee, who retires part of theissue by purchasing the bonds in the open market.场外交易Curb Trading Trading that occurs outside of general market regulations,commonly through computers or telephones after the officialexchanges have closed.场外交易证券OTC A security which is not traded on an exchange, usually due to aninability to meet listing requirements. For such securities,brokers/dealers negotiate directly with one another over computernetworks and by phone. The NASD carefully monitors theiractivities.场外交易证券Over-The-Counter(OTC) A security which is not traded on an exchange, usually due to an inability to meet listing requirements. For such securities, brokers/dealers negotiate directly with one another over computer networks and by phone. The NASD carefully monitors their activities.超额认股权Greenshoe Option An option that allows the underwriting of an IPO to sell additionalshares to the public if the demand is high.超额配股权Overallotment Selling more securities than are available in an IPO.超额认购Oversubscribed When the demand for a new issue of securities (IPO) exceeds thenumber of shares issued.超高市值股票Mega Cap Companies having a market capitalization greater than $200 billion. 超卖Oversold A technical analysis term for a market in which the volume ofselling that has occurred is greater than the fundamentals justify.成本基础Cost Basis The purchase price after commissions or other expenses. Cost basisis used to calculate capital gains or losses when the security iseventually sold.成本协同效益Cost Synergy In the context of mergers, cost synergy is the savings in operatingcosts expected after two companies, who compliment each other'sstrengths, join.承销价差Underwriting Spread The spread between the amount received by underwriters from thepublic offering price and the amount underwriters pay to the issuingcompany for the securities承销团Syndicate A group of bankers, insurers, etcetera, who work together on a largeproject.承销团 Underwriting 1. The process by which investment bankers raise investmentcapital from investors on behalf of corporations andgovernments that are issuing securities (both equity anddebt).2. The process of issuing insurance policies 乘数效应 Multiplier Effect The expansion of a country's money supply that results from thecollective of member banks being able to lend more money thanthey take in.承继人 Heir A person who inherits some or all of the estate of a recentlydeceased person. The legal successor is usually selected becausethey are related to the deceased by a direct bloodline or have beendesignated in a will or by a legal authority.持续经营 Going Concern A term for a company that has the resources needed in order tocontinue to operate. If a company is not a going concern, it meansthe company has gone bankrupt. 持续经营价值Going Concern Value The value of a company's ability to generate earnings from tangible and intangible assets. 持有Hold An analyst recommendation to neither buy nor sell a security. 持有量不足 Underweight A term describing an investment position that does not hold asufficient amount of securities to satisfy the accepted benchmark ofthe portfolio's asset allocation strategy.持有期 Holding Period The time (or expected time) that an asset will be held for.持有期回报/收益率 Holding Period Return/Yield The total return received from holding an asset. Calculated asincome plus price appreciation during a specified time period,divided by the cost of the investment.重置成本 Replacement Cost The price that will have to be paid to replace an existing asset with asimilar asset.出口 Export In reference to international trade, these are goods shipped from onecountry from another.出市代表、场内交易商 Floor Trader An exchange member who executes transactions from the floor of the exchange exclusively for their own account.出售权 Put 1. An option contract giving the owner the right, but not theobligation, to sell a specified amount of an underlyingsecurity at a specified price within a specified time.2. The act of exercising a put option.出售认股权证 Put Warrant A warrant that gives the holder the right to sell the underlying sharefor an agreed price, on or before a specified date.出账、销账 Charge Off 1. A debt that is deemed uncollectable and written off. Alsoknown as a bad debt.2. A one time expense incurred by a company that negativelyaffects earnings.初级市场 Primary Market The market in which investors have the first opportunity to buy anewly issued security.除权、不带新股认股权Ex-RightsThe period when a new purchaser of stock is not entitled to participate in the recently declared rights offering. 除外责任比率 Exclusion Ratio The portion of the return on investments that is income tax exempt.It represents a payback of initial investments rather than capitalgains.除息、不带息 Ex-Dividend The trading of shares when a declared dividend belongs to the seller rather than the buyer.除证、不带认股权证 Ex-WarrantThe trading of shares when a warrant has been declared, but notdistributed. 创业基金 Venture Capital Fund Venture capital funds pool and manage money from investorsseeking private equity stakes in small and medium-size enterpriseswith strong growth potential. 创业基金投资者 Venture Capitalist An investor who provides capital to either start-up ventures orsupport small companies who wish to expand but do not have accessto public funding.创业项目 Venture Generally refers to a risky start-up or enterprise company.创业资本 Venture Capital Money and resources made available to startup firms and smallbusinesses with exceptional growth potential.纯价格 Clean Price The price quoted for a bond excluding accrued interest.次级股票 Secondary Stock A stock that is considered more risky than blue chips because it hasa smaller market capitalization.次级证券 Junior Security A security that ranks below others in regards to claim on assets andincome.从属债务 Subordinated Debt A loan (or security) that ranks below other loans (or securities) withregard to claims on assets or earnings.存款证 CDA savings certificate entitling the bearer to receive interest. A CDbears a maturity date, a specified interest rate, and can be issued inany denomination. CDs are generally issued by commercial banks. 存款证 Certificate Of Deposit (CD) A savings certificate entitling the bearer to receive interest. A CDbears a maturity date, a specified interest rate, and can be issued inany denomination. CDs are generally issued by commercial banks.存款、按金 Deposit 1. A transaction involving a transfer of funds to another partyfor safekeeping.2. A portion of funds that is used as security or collateral forthe delivery of a good. 存托公司 Depository Trust Company (DTC) One of the world's largest securities depositories, it holds in excessof $10 trillion worth of securities in custody. The DTC acts like aclearing house to settle trades in corporate and municipal securities.存托及结算机构 Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC) Established in 1999, the DTCC is a holding company consisting of 5clearing corporations and 1 depository, making it the world's largestfinancial services corporation dealing in post trade transactions.存托凭证Depository Receipt A negotiable financial instrument issued by a bank to represents aforeign company's publicly traded securities. The depository receipttrades on a local stock exchange.D中文术语英文术语 英文解释 大宗交易Block Trade The sale or purchase of a large quantity of securities. 呆账准备金Allowance For Doubtful Accounts An estimation made by companies and documented on their balance sheet for receivables that might go uncollected. 代理人Agent An organization, such as a bank or trust company, that takes responsibility for the fiscal duties of an unrelated party. 代理委托书 Proxy A formal document signed by a shareholder to authorize anothershareholder, or commonly the company's management, to vote theholder's shares at the annual meeting.代理问题 Agency Problem When conflicts of interest rise between creditors, shareholders, andmanagement, because of differing goals.贷款 LoanWhen a lender gives money or property to a borrower, and theborrower agrees to return the property or repay the borrowed moneyalong with interest, at a predetermined date in the future. 贷款损失准备金Loan Loss Provision An expense set aside as an allowance for bad loans (customer defaults, or terms of a loan have to be renegotiated, etc). 贷款银团Loan Syndication The process of involving numerous different lenders in providing various portions of a loan. 贷款与价值比率Loan to Value Ratio A lending risk ratio calculated by dividing the total amount for the mortgage or loan by the appraised value of the property. 带领权 Drag Along Rights A right that enables a majority shareholder to force a minorityshareholder to join in the sale of a company. The majority ownerdoing the dragging must give the minority share holder the sameprice, terms, and conditions as any other seller. 担保人 Guarantor A person that guarantees to pay for someone else's debt if theydefault on their loan obligation.单纯期权 Vanilla Option An normal option with no special or unusual features.单位数量,整份股 Board Lot A term used when describing a standard number of shares in tradingstocks, usually 100.单位信托 Unit Trust (UT) An un-incorporated mutual fund structure that allows funds to holdassets and pass through profits to the individual owners, rather thanreinvest profits back into the fund.单一业务 Pure Play A company devoted to one line of business, or a company whosestock price is highly correlated with the fortunes of a specificinvesting theme or strategy.到价 At the MoneyAn option is at-the-money if the strike price of the option equals themarket price of the underlying security.到价 In the Money For a call option, in-the-money is when the option's strike price isbelow the market price of the underlying stock. For a put option,in-the-money is when the strike price is above the market price ofthe underlying stock. 到期日 Expiration Date The day on which an options or futures contract is no longer validand, therefore, ceases to exist.到期日期 Maturity Date The date on which a bond's principal or other liability investment isrepaid to the investor and interest payments stop. 到期收益率 YTMThe rate of return anticipated on a bond if it is held until thematurity date. YTM is considered a long term bond yield expressedas an annual rate.The calculation takes into account the current market price, parvalue, coupon interest rate, and time to maturity. It is also assumedthat all coupons are reinvested at the same rate. Sometimes this isreferred to as a bond's "yield" for short. 到期收益率 Yield To Maturity (YTM) The rate of return anticipated on a bond if it is held until thematurity date. YTM is considered a long term bond yield expressedas an annual rate.The calculation takes into account the current market price, parvalue, coupon interest rate, and time to maturity. It is also assumedthat all coupons are reinvested at the same rate. Sometimes this isreferred to as a bond's "yield" for short.道琼斯工业平均指数 DJIAThe Dow Jones Industrial Average is a price-weighted average of 30significant stocks traded on the New York Stock Exchange and theNasdaq. The DJIA was invented by Charles Dow back in 1896. 道琼斯工业平均指数 Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) The Dow Jones Industrial Average is a price-weighted average of 30significant stocks traded on the New York Stock Exchange and theNasdaq. The DJIA was invented by Charles Dow back in 1896.道琼斯公用事业平均指数 DJUAThe Dow Jones Utility Average is a price-weighted average of 15 utility stocks traded in the United States. The DJUA was startedback in 1929.道琼斯公用事业平均指数 Dow Jones Utility Average (DJUA) The Dow Jones Utility Average is a price-weighted average of 15 utility stocks traded in the United States. The DJUA was started back in 1929.道琼斯交通平均指数 DJTA The Dow Jones Transportation Average is a price-weighted averageof 20 transportation stocks traded in the United States. The averagewas started back in 1884.道琼斯交通平均指数 Dow Jones Transportation Average (DJTA) The Dow Jones Transportation Average is a price-weighted averageof 20 transportation stocks traded in the United States. The averagewas started back in 1884.道氏理论 Dow Theory A theory which says the market is in an upward trend if one of itsaverages (industrial or transportation) advances above a previousimportant high, it is accompanied or followed by a similar advance。
高盛财经词典—英汉对照A1. accounting (会计)The process of recording, summarizing, and analyzing financial transactions in order to prepare financial statements and reports.会计是记录、汇总和分析财务交易的过程,以便编制财务报表和报告。
2. asset (资产)Anything that has a value and is owned by an individual, company, or organization.任何具有价值并由个人、公司或组织拥有的物品。
3. audit (审计)An independent examination and verification of an organization’s financial records and sta tements by a qualified person or firm.由合格的个人或公司对组织的财务记录和报表进行独立检查和核实。
B1. balance sheet (资产负债表)A financial statement that shows a company’s assets, liabilities, and shareholders’ equity at a specific point in time.资产负债表是一份显示公司在特定时间点的资产、负债和股东权益的财务报表。
2. bear market (熊市)A market condition in which prices of securities are falling or expected to fall, often characterized by widespread pessimism and selling.指证券价格下跌或预计下跌的市场状况,通常以广泛的悲观情绪和抛售行为为特征。
【财务知识】财经词典汉英对照【财务知识】财经词典汉英对照高盛财经词典—汉英对照0-9glish EnglishDefinitionsAnSECrulethatmodifiedatwo-yearholdingperiodrequirementonprivatelyplacedsecuritiesbypermittingQualifiedInstitu(QIBs)totradethesepositionsamongthemselves.ArulewherebythesumoftheinflationrateandtheP/EratiooftheDowJonesIndustrialAverageisanindicatorofthedirectionoIfthetotalisabove18,stocksaresupposedtodecrease.Ifthetotalisunder18,thenthestockmampanyActof1940 Createdin1940throughanactofCongress,thispieceoflegislationclearlydefinestheresponsibilitiesandlimitationsplaceduponfundcompaniesthatofferinvestmentpArulestatingthatinordertofindthenumberofyearsrequiredtodoubleyourmoneyatagiveninterestrate,youdividethecomTheresultistheapproximatenumberofyearsthatitwilltakeforyourinvestmenttodouble。
A—ZEnglishDefinitionsdex Anationalmanufacturingindexthatsurveysseveralmanufacturingfirmsonamonthlybasis.Iftheindexisabove50itsignalsexpansion,ifitdAninternationalbank—ratingsystemwithwhichbanksupervisoryauthoritiesrateinstitutionsaccordingtosixfactors。
高盛财经词典- 汉英对照0-9中文词句English English Definitions144A 条例Rule 144A An SEC rule that modified a two-year holding periodrequirement on privately placed securities by permittingQualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs) to trade thesepositions among themselves.18定律Rule of 18 A rule whereby the sum of the inflation rate and the P/Eratio of the Dow Jones Industrial Average is an indicatorof the direction of the stock market. If the total is above18, stocks are supposed to decrease. If the total is under18, then the stock ma1940年投资公司法InvestmentCompany Act of1940 Created in 1940 through an act of Congress, this piece of legislation clearly defines the responsibilities and limitations placed upon fund companies that offer investment products to the public.72定律Rule of 72 A rule stating that in order to find the number of yearsrequired to double your money at a given interest rate,you divide the compound return into 72. The result is theapproximate number of years that it will take for yourinvestment to double.中文词句English English Definitions已动用资本回报率Return On CapitalEmployed (ROCE) A ratio that indicates the efficiency and profitability of a company's capital investments.Calculated as:Earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾(Capital employed + Short term borrowings -Intangible assets)公开发行价值Public OfferingPrice (POP) The price at which new issues are offered to the public by an underwriter无风险回报率Risk Free Rate ofReturnThe quoted rate on an asset that has virtually no risk.无风险资产Risk-Free Asset An asset which has a certain future return. Treasuries(especially T-bills) are considered to be risk-free becausethey are backed by the U.S. government.不可买回Non-Callable Securities that cannot be called by the issuer prior tomaturity.公平交易Arms LengthTransaction When the buyers and sellers of a product act independently of each other and have no relationship to each other.公平价值Fair Value 1. The estimated value of all assets and liabilitiesof an acquired company used to consolidate thefinancial statements of both companies.2. In the futures market, fair value is the equilibriumprice for a futures contract. This is equal to the spotprice after taking into account compounded interest(and dividends lost because the investor owns thefutures contract rather than the physical stocks)over a certain period of time.毛收入Gross Income 1. For individuals, it is your total personal incomebefore deductions.2. For companies, it is their revenue minus cost ofgoods sold (also called gross margin).内在价值Intrinsic Value 1. The value of a company or an asset based on anunderlying perception of the value.2. For call options, this is the difference betweenthe underlying stock's price and the strike price.For put options, it is the difference between thestrike price and the underlying stock's price. In thecase of both puts and calls, if the differencebetween the underlying stock's price and the strikeprice is negative, the value is given as zero.不良贷款Bad Debt A debt which is not collectable and therefore worthless tothe creditor.不良贷款Non-PerformingLoan , NPLLoans that are in default or close to being in default.无形资产Intangible Asset An asset that is not physical in nature. E.g. goodwill不良资产Non-PerformingAssetAny asset that is not effectively producing income.分拆上市Carve out 1. Sometimes known as a partial spinoff, a carveout occurs when a parent company sells a minority(usually 20% or less) stake in a subsidiary for anIPO or rights offering.2. Where an established brick-and-mortarcompany hooks up with venture investors and anew management team to launch an Internetspinoff.分拆Spinoff A new, independent company created through selling ordistributing new shares for an existing part of anothercompany.风险价值Value at Risk (VAR) A technique for estimating the probability of portfoliolosses exceeding some specified price.不能变现Illiquid An asset or security that cannot be converted into cashvery quickly (or near prevailing market prices).内部回报率IRR Often used in capital budgeting, it's the interest rate thatmakes net present value of all cash flow equal zero.内部回报率Internal Rate ofReturn (IRR) Often used in capital budgeting, it's the interest rate that makes net present value of all cash flow equal zero.内部增长Organic Growth The growth rate of a company, excluding any growthfrom takeovers, acquisitions, or mergers.内部增长率Internal GrowthRate The highest level of growth achievable for a business without obtaining outside financing.长期债务/总资本比率Long TermDebt/Capitalization A ratio indicating the financial leverage of a firm. It is calculated by taking a company's long term debt and dividing by the capital available (the sum of long term debt, preferred stock, and stockholders' equity).长期债务Long Term Debt Loans and financial obligations, lasting over one year, onwhich interest is paid.长期资产Long Term Assets 1. Reported on the balance sheet, it's the value ofa company's property, equipment, and other capitalassets, less depreciation.2. A stock, bond, or other asset that you plan onholding in your portfolio for a lengthy period of time. 长期债款、融资债务Funded Debt A long term debt that matures after more than one year.中文词句English English Definitions生产力Productivity A measure of the amount of output per unit of input.生产毛利率Gross Processing The difference between the cost of a raw commodity andMargin (GPM)the income it generates once sold as a finished product. 市场风险溢价 Market RiskPremiumThe difference between the expected return on a market portfolio and the risk-free rate. 加权平均资本成本 Weighted AverageCost of Capital(WACC) A calculation of a firm's cost of capital that weights each category of capital proportionately. Included in the WACC calculation are all capital sources including: commonstock, preferred stock, bonds, and any other long termdebt.WACC is calculated by multiplying the cost of eachcapital component by its proportional weighting and thensumming:Where:Re = cost of equityRd = cost of debtE = the market value of the firm's equityD = the market value of the firm's debtV = E + DE/V = percentage of financing that is equityD/V = percentage of financing that is debtTc = the corporate tax rate平均年度回报率 Average AnnualReturn A figure used when reporting the historical return of a mutual fund. The AAR is stated after expenses havebeen tallied, including administration fees, 12b-1 fees,and others.平均年度增长率 Average AnnualGrowth Rate The average increase in the value of a portfolio over the period of a year.加快折旧 Accelerated DepreciationAny method of depreciation used for accounting orincome tax purposes that allows greater deductions inthe earlier years of the life of an asset. 市盈率 Price-EarningsRatio valuation ratio of a company's current share price compared to its per-share earnings.Calculated as:Market Value per Share‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾Earnings per Share (EPS)EPS is usually from the last four quarters (trailing P/E),but sometimes can be taken from the estimates ofearnings expected in the next four quarters (projected orforward P/E). A third variation is the sum of the last twoactual quarters and the estimates of the next twoquarters. '市盈率与增长及股息比率PEGY Ratio A variation of the PEG ratio where a stock's P/E ratio isdivided by its projected earnings growth rate anddividend yield.市盈率与增长及股息比率PEGY Ratio A variation of the PEG ratio where a stock's P/E ratio isdivided by its projected earnings growth rate anddividend yield.市盈率与增长比率PEG Ratio A ratio used to determine a stock's value while taking intoaccount earnings growth. The calculation is as follows:Price/Earnings Ratio‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾Annual EPS Growth市盈率与增长比率PEG Ratio A ratio used to determine a stock's value while taking intoaccount earnings growth. The calculation is as follows:Price/Earnings Ratio‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾Annual EPS Growth收入回报率Return On Revenue(ROR) A measure of a corporation's profitability, calculated as net income divided by revenue.Net Income‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾Revenue压力测试Stress Testing Simulative techniques used on asset and liabilityportfolios to determine their reactions to different financialstresses.交叉持股Cross Holding When listed corporations own securities issued by otherlisted corporations.企业价值Enterprise Value A measure of a company's value. Calculated as marketcapitalization plus debt & preferred shares, minus cash &cash equivalents.企业重组Reorganization A process designed to revive a financially troubled orbankrupt firm. A reorganization involves the restatementof assets and liabilities, and communication with creditorsin order to make arrangements for maintainingrepayment.企业倍数Enterprise Multiple A ratio used to determine the value of a company. Theenterprise-multiple looks at a firm as a potential acquirerwould, because it takes debt into account - an item whichother multiples like the P/E ratio do not include.Enterprise Value‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾EBITDA企业融资Corporate Finance Any financial or monetary activity that deals with acompany and its money.优先权Preemptive Right The right of a company's existing common shareholdersto have the first chance to purchase shares in acompany's future stock issuance.优先权Right Of FirstRefusal In general, the right of a person or company to purchase something before the offering is made available to others.发行成本Flotation Cost The costs associated with the issuance of new securities. 机会成本Opportunity Cost The difference in return between a chosen investmentand one that is passed up.买回溢价Call Premium 1. The dollar amount over the par value of aconvertible fixed income and debt security. Thisamount is given to holders when the security iscalled by the issuer due to the soft call provision.2. The amount the purchaser of a call option mustpay to the writer.合并Merger The combining of two or more companies, generally byoffering the stockholders of one company securities inthe acquiring company in exchange for the surrender oftheir stock.有形资产净值Net TangibleAssets Calculated as total assets minus intangible assets and liabilities.有形资产Tangible Asset An asset that has a physical form.灰武士Gray Knight A second, unsolicited bidder in a corporate takeover. Agray knight enters the scene in order to take advantageof any problems between the first bidder and the targetcompany.边际效用Marginal Utility The additional satisfaction obtained by a consumer fromconsuming one more unit of a good or service.收购溢价AcquisitionPremium The difference between the actual cost for acquiring a target firm versus the estimate made of its value before the acquisition.收购Acquisition When one company purchases a majority interest in theacquired.收购Buyout The purchase of a company or a controlling interest of acorporation's shares. A leveraged buyout isaccomplished with borrowed money or by issuing morestock.回购Buy Back 1. The buying back of shares by a corporation inorder to reduce the number of shares on themarket.2. The purchasing of shares previously sold shortso the open position is closed.收购Takeover When an acquiring company makes a bid for anacquiree. If the target company is publicly traded, theacquiring company will make an offer for the outstandingshares.价格回升Rally A rise in the prices of individual securities, bonds, orindexes, following a period of flat or declining prices.权益会计法Equity Accounting A method of accounting whereby a corporation willdocument a portion of the undistributed profits for anaffiliated company that they own a position in.负债收购LBO A strategy involving the acquisition of another companyusing borrowed money (bonds or loans). The acquiringcompany uses its own assets as collateral for the loan inhopes that the future cash flows will cover the loanpayments.负债收购Leveraged Buyout(LBO) A strategy involving the acquisition of another company using borrowed money (bonds or loans). The acquiring company uses its own assets as collateral for the loan in hopes that the future cash flows will cover the loan payments.尽职调查Due Diligence 1. An investigation or audit of a potentialinvestment. Due diligence serves to confirm allmaterial facts in regards to a sale.2. Generally, due diligence refers to the care areasonable person should take before enteringin an agreement or transaction with anotherparty.财务年度Fiscal Year Any 12-month period that a company uses for accountingpurposes.应付账款天数Days PayableOutstanding (DPO)A company's average payable period. Calculated as:折旧、贬值Depreciation 1. An expense recorded to reduce the value of along-term tangible asset. Since it is a non-cashexpense, it increases free cash flow whiledecreasing the amount of a company's reportedearnings.2. A decrease in the value of a particular currencyrelative to other currencies.库存周转率Inventory Turnover A ratio that shows how many times the inventory of a firmis sold and replaced over a specific period.Generally calculated as:Sales‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾InventoryHowever, it may also be calculated as:Cost of Goods Sold‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾Average Inventory应收账款AccountsReceivable (AR) Money that is owed by customers.Having receivables means that the company has made the sale but has yet to collect the money应收账款天数Days SalesOutstanding (DSO)A company's average collection period. Calculated as:应收账款周转率ReceivableTurnover Ratio An accounting measure used to quantify a firm's effectiveness in extending credit and success in collection of debts.应收账款净额Net Receivables A company's accounts receivable (money owed to thecompany) minus any provisions for bad debts.折扣、贴现Discount The difference between the lower price paid for a securityand the security's face amount at issue.纯价格Clean Price The price quoted for a bond excluding accrued interest. 完全竞争Perfect Competition A market structure in which:1. All firms sell an identical product.2. All firms are price takers.3. All firms have a relatively small market share.4. Buyers know the nature of the product beingsold and the prices charged by each firm.5. The industry is characterized by freedom ofentry and exit.来自营运现金流Funds FromOperations (FFO) Used by real estate investment trusts (REITS) to define the cash flow from their operations. It is calculated by adding depreciation and amortization expenses to earnings, and sometimes quoted on a per share basis.呆账准备金Allowance ForDoubtful Accounts An estimation made by companies and documented on their balance sheet for receivables that might go uncollected.条例A Regulation A An SEC regulation that governs offerings of $5,000,000or less, which qualify for simplified registration (anexemption).连带、共同Jointly andSeverally 1. A legal term describing a partnership whereinindividual decisions are binding against all partiesinvolved and thus undivided.2. A term used in underwriting syndicates to referto the distinct responsibility of individual companies to sell a certain portion of unsold new issue.连带违约Cross Default A provisions in a bond indenture or loan agreement thatputs the borrower in default if the borrower defaults onanother obligation.系统性风险Systematic Risk risk that influences a large number of assets.利润分成计划Profit Sharing Plan A plan wherein the employees get a share in the profits ofthe company. The company decides what portion of theprofit will be shared. Each employee then receives, intoan account, a percentage of those profits based on theirearnings. There are typically restrictions as to when andhow you can withdraw these funds without penalties.估值不足Undervalued A stock or other security that is trading below itspresumed value.投资回收期Payback Period The length of time required to recover the cost of aninvestment.Calculated as:Cost of Project‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾Annual Cash InflowsAll other things being equal, the better investment is theone with the shorter payback period.投资回报率ROI The profit or loss resulting from an investmenttransaction, usually expressed as an annual percentagereturn.投资回报率Return OnInvestment (ROI) The profit or loss resulting from an investment transaction, usually expressed as an annual percentage return.投资的现金流回报Cash Flow Returnon Investment(CFROI) A valuation model that assumes the stock market sets prices based on cash flow, not on corporate performance and earnings.Cash Flow‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾Market Value of Capital Employed投资资金回报率Return OnInvestment Capital(ROIC) A calculation used to determine the quality of a company. The general definition for ROIC is as follows:Net Income - Dividends‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾Total Capital投资资金回报率ROIC A calculation used to determine the quality of a company.The general definition for ROIC is as follows:Net Income - Dividends‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾Total Capital估值Valuation The process of determining the current worth of an asset.中文词句English English Definitions转让Assignment The transfer of an individual's rights or property toanother person or business.卖出Sell 1. A recommendation to sell a particular security.2. The process of liquidating an asset in exchangefor money.股本回报率Return On Equity(ROE)A measure of a corporation's profitability, calculated as:股本回报率ROE A measure of a corporation's profitability, calculated as:Net Income‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾Shareholder's EquityThe ROE is useful in comparing the profitability of acompany to other firms in the same industry.股东权益ShareholdersEquity A firms total assets minus its total liabilities, or equivalently, share capital plus retained earnings minus treasury shares. It is the amount of the company that is financed through common and preferred shares.其他流动负债Other CurrentLiabilities A balance sheet entry used by companies to group together current liabilities that are not assigned to common liabilities such as debt obligations or accounts payable.其他流动资产Other CurrentAssets A balance sheet item that includes the value of non-cash assets like prepaid expenses and accounts receivable due within one year.净收入NI An individual or company's total earnings, reflectingrevenues adjusted for costs of doing business,depreciation, interest, taxes, and other expenses.净收入Net Income (NI) An individual or company's total earnings, reflectingrevenues adjusted for costs of doing business,depreciation, interest, taxes, and other expenses.净收益Net Proceeds The amount received after all the costs are deductedfrom the sale of property, a loan, or the sale of some typeof security.实收资本Paid in Capital Capital received from investors in exchange for stock.This is recorded as an entry on the balance sheet.实际回报Actual Return The actual gain or loss of an investor. This can beexpressed in the following formula: expected return(ex-ante) plus the effect of firm-specific andeconomy-wide news.实际回报率Real Rate of Return The annual percentage return realized on an investmentadjusted for changes in the price level due to inflation ordeflation.现金的现金回报率Cash on CashReturn A rate of return often used in real estate transactions. The calculation determines "cash income" on "cash invested."Annual Dollar Income‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾Total Dollar Investment净现值NPV An approach used in capital budgeting where the presentvalue of cash inflow is subtracted from the present valueof cash outflows.净现值Net Present Value(NPV) An approach used in capital budgeting where the present value of cash inflow is subtracted from the present value of cash outflows.固定资产Fixed Asset Tangible property, owned by a firm, that is used in theproduction of its income, but not expected to beconsumed or converted into cash.实际资产Real Asset Physical or identifiable assets such as gold, land,equipment, patents, etc. They are the opposite of afinancial asset.周转率、成交量Turnover 1. In accounting, the number of times an asset isreplaced during a financial period. Often used interms of inventory or accounts receivable turnover.2. In the context of securities, for either a portfolioor exchange, the number of shares traded for aperiod as a percentage of the total shares.现值Present Value The amount today that a sum of money in the future isworth, given a specified rate of return.净资产回报率Return On NetAssets (RONA) A measure of a corporation's profitability, calculated as:Net Income‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾Shareholder's Equity承销团Underwriting 1. The process by which investment bankers raiseinvestment capital from investors on behalf ofcorporations and governments that are issuingsecurities (both equity and debt).2. The process of issuing insurance policies承销价差UnderwritingSpread The spread between the amount received by underwriters from the public offering price and the amount underwriters pay to the issuing company for the securities到期收益率YTM The rate of return anticipated on a bond if it is held untilthe maturity date. YTM is considered a long term bondyield expressed as an annual rate.The calculation takes into account the current marketprice, par value, coupon interest rate, and time tomaturity. It is also assumed that all coupons arereinvested at the same rate. Sometimes this is referred toas a bond's "yield" for short.到期收益率Yield To Maturity The rate of return anticipated on a bond if it is held until(YTM) the maturity date. YTM is considered a long term bondyield expressed as an annual rate.The calculation takes into account the current marketprice, par value, coupon interest rate, and time tomaturity. It is also assumed that all coupons arereinvested at the same rate. Sometimes this is referred toas a bond's "yield" for short.中文词句English English Definitions种子资金Seed Capital The initial equity capital used to start a new venture orbusiness. This initial amount is usually quite smallbecause the venture is still in the idea or conceptualstage.按比例Pro Rata Used to describe a proportionate allocation.首次公开上市Initial PublicOffering (IPO) The first sale of stock by a private company to the public. IPOs are often smaller, younger companies seeking capital to expand their business.首次公开上市锁定期、禁售期IPO Lock-up A legally binding contract between the underwriters andinsiders of the company undergoing an initial publicoffering (IPO). The contract prevents them from sellingany shares of stock for a specified period of time.总企业价值Total EnterpriseValue (TEV) A valuation measurement used to compare companies with varying levels of debt. This is calculated as:TEV = Market Capitalization + Interest Bearing Debt + Preferred Stock - Excess Cash.相对市盈率比率Price-EarningsRelative A stocks price-earnings ratio divided by theprice-earnings ratio for a market measure, such as the S&P 500 index or Wilshire 5000.复合年均增长率Compound AnnualGrowth Rate(CAGR) The year over year growth rate of an investment over a specified period of time.Calculated by taking the nth root of the total percentage growth rate where n is the number of years in the period being considered.This can be written as:(Current Value/Base Value)^(1/# of years) - 1.贬值Devaluation Lowering the value of a country's currency compared tothe value of a commodity or to the value of anothercountry's currency.面值Face Value 1. The stated principal amount of a debtinstrument.2. The value printed value on a banknote or coin.中文词句English English Definitions资本升值CapitalAppreciationA rise in the market price of an asset.退出投资策略Exit Strategy The method that a venture capitalist or business ownerintends to use to get out of an investment that he/she hasmade.资金的时间价值Time Value ofMoney The basic principle that money can earn interest. Therefore, something that is worth $1 today will be worth more in the future if invested. This is also referred to as future value.流动比率Current Ratio Indicator of company's ability to pay short-termobligations; calculated by dividing current assets bycurrent liabilities.流动比率Working Ratio A ratio used to measure a company's ability to recoveroperating costs from annual revenue. This ratio iscalculated by taking the company's total annualexpenses (excluding depreciation and debt-relatedexpenses) and dividing by the annual gross income资产回报率Return On Assets(ROA) A useful indicator of how profitable a company is relative to its total assets. Calculated by dividing a company's annual earnings by its total assets, ROA is displayed as a percentage. Sometimes this is referred to as Return on Investment.资产回报率ROA A useful indicator of how profitable a company is relativeto its total assets. Calculated by dividing a company'sannual earnings by its total assets, ROA is displayed as apercentage. Sometimes this is referred to as Return onInvestment.Net Income‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾Total AssetsNote: Some people add interest expense back into netincome when performing this calculation because itmeasures operating returns before cost of borrowing.流动负债Current Liabilities Usually appearing on a company's balance sheet, itrepresents the amount owed for interest, accountspayable, short-term loans, expenses incurred but unpaid,and other debts due within one year.资产负债表Balance Sheet A company's financial statement. It reports thecompany's assets, liabilities, and net worth at a specifictime.资产负债表以外融资Off Balance SheetFinancing The way a company raises money that does not appear on the balance sheet, unlike loans, debt, or equity, which do appear on the balance sheet.资产净值NAV 1. In the context of mutual funds, the total value ofthe fund's portfolio less liabilities. The NAV isusually calculated on a daily basis.2. In respect to corporate valuations, the bookvalue of assets less liabilities.资产净值Net Asset Value(NAV) 1. In the context of mutual funds, the total value ofthe fund's portfolio less liabilities. The NAV isusually calculated on a daily basis.2. In respect to corporate valuations, the bookvalue of assets less liabilities.积压待发股票、悬货Overhang Calculated as stock options granted, plus the remainingoptions to still be granted, and then divided by the totalshares outstanding.流动资产Current Assets Appearing on a company's balance sheet, it representscash, accounts receivable, inventory, marketablesecurities, prepaid expenses, and other assets that canbe converted to cash within one year.资产偿付比率Asset CoverageRatio A test that determines a company's ability to cover debt obligations with their assets after all liabilities have been satisfied. It is calculated as the following(Book or liquidation value of total assets -intangible assets -(current liabilities - short term debt obligations))‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾Total debt outstanding盈利Earnings The net income of a company during a specific period.Generally, but not necessarily, referring to after-taxincome.时间加权回报率Time-WeightedRate of Return A measure of the compound rate of growth in a portfolio. Because this method eliminates the distorting effects created by inflows of new money, it is used to compare。
关键词汇1. 殖民化•英文:Colonization•中文:殖民化是指一个国家或地区被另一个国家或地区所占领和控制的过程。
2. 投资组合•英文:Investment portfolio•中文:投资组合是指一个人或机构所拥有的全部投资资产的集合。
3. 负债率•英文:Debt ratio•中文:负债率是指一个公司的负债总额与其资产总额之间的比率。
4. 资本市场•英文:Capital market•中文:资本市场是指用于长期融资和投资的金融市场。
5. 通货膨胀•英文:Inflation•中文:通货膨胀是指一种普遍价格上涨和货币购买力下降的经济现象。
{财务管理财务知识}高盛财经词典英汉对照ActualReturn 实际回报一名投资者的实际收益或损失,可用以下公式表示:预期回报加上公司特殊消息及总体经济消息Actuary 精算保险公司的专业人员,负责评估申请人及其医疗纪录,以预测申请人的寿命Acquisition 收购一家公司收购另一家公司的多数股权AcquisitionPremium 收购溢价收购一家公司的实际成本与该公司收购前估值之间的差额AffiliatedCompanies 联营公司一家公司拥有另一家公司少数权益(低于50%)的情况,或指两家公司之间存在某些关联AffiliatedPerson 关联人士能影响一家企业活动的人士,包括董事、行政人员及股东等AfterHoursTrading 收盘后交易主要大型交易所正常交易时间以外进行的买卖交易AfterTaxOperatingIne-ATOI 税后营运收入一家公司除税后的总营运收入。
计算方法为将总营运收入减税项AfterTaxProfitMargin 税后利润率一种财务比率,计算方法为税后净利润除以净销售额AfterTheBell 收盘铃后股票市场收盘后Agent 代理人1.为客户进行证券买卖的人士或机构2.持有销售保险许可证的人士3.代表证券经纪行或发行人向公众出售或尝试出售证券的证券销售人员AgencyBonds 机构债券由政府机构发行的债券AgencyCross 交叉代理人一项由一名代理人同时代表买方与卖方的交易,也称为撍卮砣藬("DualAgency"。
AgencyProblem 代理问题债券人、股东及管理人员因目标不同而产生的利益冲突AgencySecurities 机构证券由美国政府支持的企业发行的低风险债务AggregateExercisePrice 总行使价格出售或买入期权的行使价格乘以合约金额AggressiveAccounting 激进会计不当地编制损益表以取悦投资者及提高股价法AggressiveInvestmentStrategy 进取投资策略投资组合经理尝试争取最高的回报。
Average Price Call平均价格买入期权权一种期权,其收益为零或相等于资产平均价格高于行使价格的金额Average Price Put平均价格出售期权一种期权,其收益为零或相等于行使价格高于资产平均价格的金额Average Up提高平均价格以比原先买入价格高的价格买入更多股票,从而提高所有股票的平均价格Back Door Listing后门上市/借壳上市未能符合股票交易所上市要求的企业采用的一种上市策略,公司通过收购一家已经上市的公司而达到上市的目的Backlog订单积压等候完成的出售指示Back Office后线金融服务公司的行政及支援人员,主要职能包括交易结算、清理、记录、合规监察、会计等Back Pricing往后定价某些期货合约采用的方法,期货商品的价格由买方在签署合约后特定日期决定Back-to-Back Loan背对背贷款两家位于不同国家的公司向对方借贷相同金额的对方国家货币贷款,目的在于对冲货币波动的风险Backstop最后担保为一项证券发行提供最终的保证或担保Bad Debt不良贷款不能回收的债务,因此对债权人没有价值Balanced Fund平衡基金将资产投资于货币市场、债券、优先股及普通股的共同基金,目的在于同时实现增长及收益Balanced InvestmentStrategy平衡投资策略旨在平衡风险及回报的投资组合分配及管理方法Balance Of Payments (BOP)国际收支差额一个国家在特定期间进行的所有交易的纪录,可用作比较一个国家与其他国家的经济活动量Balance Of Trade (BOT)国际贸易差额一个国家收支差额的最大组成项目。
加项包括出口、外国国民在国内的开支以及外国国民在国内的投资Balance Sheet资产负债表一家企业的财务报表,报告公司在一个特定时间的资产、负债及净值Balloon Option气球型期权名义付款额在达到若干标准后提高的期权1. 在一次债券发行中,在某一时间(一般于最终到期日)有大量债券到期的还款安排2. 贷款最后一次的偿还金额远高于之前偿还金额Bancassurance银行出售保险法文词汇,指通过银行既有的分销渠道销售保险Bank Guarantee银行担保放贷机构发出的担保,证明债务人的负债可获偿还。
中文词句 一次性偿还 English Bullet Repayment English Definitions A single payment for an entire loan amount that is paid at maturity. 一次总付分配 Lump Sum Distrib ution 一级资本 A one time payment for the entire amount due, rather th an breaking payments into smaller installments. Some lu mp-sum distributions receive special tax treatment. Tier 1 Capital A term used to describe the capital adequacy of a bank. Tier I capital is core capital, this includes equity capital and disclosed reserves. 一般义务债券 General Obligation A municipal bond backed by the credit and "taxing power Bond 一般折旧制度 " of the issuing jurisdiction, rather than the revenue from a given project. General Depreciati The most commonly used system for calculating deprecia on System tion. Personal property is depreciated using the decliningbalance method, which involves applying the depreciation rate against the undepreciated balance.
Average Life平均时期对到期时期的预测,其中考虑了提早偿付的可能性。
债券平均价格的计算方法为债券面值加支付价格,然后把总和除二对共同基金而言,平均价格也称为净资产值Average Price Call 平均价格买入期权权一种期权,其收益为零或相等于资产平均价格高于行使价格的金额Average Price Put 平均价格出售期权一种期权,其收益为零或相等于行使价格高于资产平均价格的金额Average Up提高平均价格以比原先买入价格高的价格买入更多股票,从而提高所有股票的平均价格Back Door Listing 后门上市/借壳上市未能符合股票交易所上市要求的企业采用的一种上市策略,公司通过收购一家已经上市的公司而达到上市的目的Backlog订单积压等候完成的出售指示Back Office后线金融服务公司的行政及支援人员,主要职能包括交易结算、清理、记录、合规监察、会计等Back Pricing往后定价某些期货合约采用的方法,期货商品的价格由买方在签署合约后特定日期决定Back-to-Back Loan 背对背贷款两家位于不同国家的公司向对方借贷相同金额的对方国家货币贷款,目的在于对冲货币波动的风险Backstop最后担保为一项证券发行提供最终的保证或担保Bad Debt不良贷款不能回收的债务,因此对债权人没有价值Balanced Fund平衡基金将资产投资于货币市场、债券、优先股及普通股的共同基金,目的在于同时实现增长及收益Balanced Investment Strategy 平衡投资策略旨在平衡风险及回报的投资组合分配及管理方法Balance Of Payments (BOP)国际收支差额一个国家在特定期间进行的所有交易的纪录,可用作比较一个国家与其他国家的经济活动量Balance Of Trade (BOT)国际贸易差额一个国家收支差额的最大组成项目。
高盛英汉财最新经词典(doc 86页)
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English Terms 中文翻译详情解释/例子Accelerated Depreciation 加快折旧任何基于会计或税务原因促使一项资产在较早期以较大金额折旧的折旧原则Accident and Health Benefits 意外与健康福利为员工提供有关疾病、意外受伤或意外死亡的福利。
Accounts Receivable (AR) 应收账款客户应付的金额。
拥有应收账款指公司已经出售产品或服务但仍未收取款项Accretive Acquisition 具增值作用的收购项目能提高进行收购公司每股盈利的收购项目Acid Test 酸性测试比率一项严谨的测试,用以衡量一家公司是否拥有足够的短期资产,在无需出售库存的情况下解决其短期负债。
计算方法:(现金 + 应收账款 +短期投资)‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾流动负债Act of God Bond 天灾债券保险公司发行的债券,旨在将债券的本金及利息与天然灾害造成的公司损失联系起来Active Bond Crowd 活跃债券投资者在纽约股票交易所内买卖活跃的定息证券Active Income 活动收入来自提供服务所得的收入,包括工资、薪酬、奖金、佣金,以及来自实际参与业务的收入Active Investing 积极投资包含持续买卖行为的投资策略。
主动投资者买入投资,并密切注意其走势,以期把握盈利机会Active Management 积极管理寻求投资回报高于既定基准的投资策略Activity Based Budgeting 以活动为基础的预算案一种制定预算的方法,过程为列举机构内每个部门所有牵涉成本的活动,并确立各种活动之间的关系,然后根据此资料决定对各项活动投入的资源Activity BasedManagement以活动为基础的管理利用以活动为基础的成本计算制度改善一家公司的运营Activity Ratio 活动比率一项用以衡量一家公司将其资产负债表内账项转为现金或营业额的能力的会计比率Actual Return 实际回报一名投资者的实际收益或损失,可用以下公式表示:预期回报加上公司特殊消息及总体经济消息Actuary 精算保险公司的专业人员,负责评估申请人及其医疗纪录,以预测申请人的寿命Acquisition 收购一家公司收购另一家公司的多数股权Acquisition Premium 收购溢价收购一家公司的实际成本与该公司收购前估值之间的差额Affiliated Companies 联营公司一家公司拥有另一家公司少数权益(低于50%)的情况,或指两家公司之间存在某些关联Affiliated Person 关联人士能影响一家企业活动的人士,包括董事、行政人员及股东等After Hours Trading 收盘后交易主要大型交易所正常交易时间以外进行的买卖交易After Tax Operating Income - ATOI 税后营运收入一家公司除税后的总营运收入。
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高盛财经词典—英汉对照American Depository Share (ADS) 美国存托股份根据存托协议发行的股份,代表发行企业在本土上市的股票American Option 美式期权可在有效期间随时行使的期权American Stock Exchange 美国股票交易所美国第三大股票交易所,位于纽约,处理美国交易证券总额的10%Amortization 摊销在一段期间分期偿还债务在一个特定时期资本开支的减少。
与类似相似,是一种衡量长期资产,例如设备或建筑物在特定期间价值的消耗Analyst 分析员具备评估投资专长的金融专业人员,一般受聘于证券行、投资顾问机构或共同基金。
为了提供全面的研究分析,分析员一般会专注于不同的行业或经济板块Angel Investor 天使投资者向小型初始企业或创业者提供创业资金的财务投资者Annualize 年度化 1. 将不足一年的回报率转为全年回报率2. 将不足一年的税务期转为每年一度Annual General Meeting (AGM) 年度股东大会必须每年举行一次的股东会议,指在向股东通报公司的决策与工作Annual Report 年报一家公司每年一度的财务营运报告。
年报的内容包括资产负债表、损益表、审计师报告以及公司业务的概要Annuity 年金在特定期间定期定额支付的款项Annuity Due 即付年金需要即时支付,而不是在期末支付的年金Anti-dilution Provision 反摊薄条款期权或可转换证券的一项条款,用以保障投资者,不会由于未来公司以较低价格(低于有关投资者支付的价格)发行股份而被摊薄Anti-takeover Measure 反收购措施企业管理人员长期或不时采取,防止或延迟被恶意收购的措施Anti-takeover Statute 反收购法规旨在防止或延迟恶意收购的一套美国法规。
每一州的法规细则有所不同,一般只适用于在州内注册成立的公司Anti-trust 反垄断法美国的反垄断法适用于所有行业及所有层面的业务,包括制造、交通、分销及促销。
非法行为包括联合控制价格、可能减弱个别市场竞争动力的企业合并、意图实现或维持垄断势力的掠夺性行为Any and All Bid 所有出价投标买入在特定价格出售的所有股份APICS Business Outlook Index APICS(美国生产及库存控制协议)商业前景指数美国全国性制造业指数,每月对多家制造业企业进行调查。
若指数高于50,表示行业正在扩展,若低于50,则表示行业正在萎缩Appraisal 价值评估对一项物业或业务价值的意见Appreciation 升值资产价值上升Arbitrage 套汇同时买入及卖出证券,意图从差价中获利,在一般于不同的交易所或市场进行买卖Arbitrage Bond 套汇债券市政府在市政府现有高评级证券买回日期前发行的低评级债务证券Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) 套汇定价理论是资本资产定价模式以外的另一个选择,主要分别在于其假设及对资产相关风险因素的诠释Arbitrage Trading Program (ATP) 套汇交易理论同时买入股票指数期货及相关股份的交易计划,旨在从差价中获利(市场套汇)Arbitration 仲裁对争议的非正式听证,其间一组由公正委员会选出的人士(一般为三名)对争议作出裁判。
在做出判决会,不设进一步上诉的机制Arms Length Transaction 公平交易一项产品的买方与卖方独立进行交易,互相之间并无任何关系Asian Option 亚洲式期权回报根据相关证券在特定期间的平均价格而定的期权Ask (Price) 买方叫价卖方愿意接受的证券价格,也称为要约价格Assessed Value 评估后价值一项房地产在税务上的预测价值Assessor 估价人决定一项房地产在税务上价值的地方政府官员Asset 资产个人或一家企业拥有、具有经济价值的任何物品。
资产也是资产负债表上的一个重要项目,显示公司拥有的价值企业买入资产以提高公司的价值或促进业务Asset-Backed Security 资产抵押证券由资产相关票据或应收账款,而不是房地产为担保的证券Asset Allocation 资产分配将一个投资组合分为不同资产种类的过程,主要资产种类包括债券、股票或现金。
资产分配的目的在于通过分散投资减低风险Asset Allocation Fund 资产分配基金一种将投资资产分为债券、股票及其他证券的共同基金,目的在于回报最大化及风险最小化Asset Coverage Ratio 资产偿付比率评估一家企业在扣除所有负债后以资产偿付债务的能力,计算方法为:(总资产账面值-无形资产–(流动负债---短期债务))未偿还债务总额Asset-LiabilityManagement资产负债管理企业协调资产及负债管理的措施,以赚取适当的回报Asset Management 资产管理 1. 企业管理其财务资产,以实现最高的回报2. 在一家金融机构开设户口,以享有支票服务、信用卡、记账卡、保证金贷款、自动将现金结余投入货币市场基金以及证券经纪服务Asset Play 资产隙估值不当的股票,其合并资产价值高于总市值,以而具有吸引力Asset Redeployment 资产重新配置将公司的资产重新进行策略分配,以提高盈利能力Asset Swap 资产互换与单纯掉期结构相似,主要分别在于潜在的掉期合约。
互换的是固定及浮动投资,而不是一般的固定或浮动贷款利率Asset Turnover 资产周转率每一单位金额资产产生的营业额。
计算方法为:总营业额总资产值Asset Valuation 资产估值评估一个投资组合、一家企业、一项投资或资产负债表项目当时价值的过程Assets UnderManagement管理资产额一般为一家投资公司代表投资者管理资产的市场价值Assignment 转让将要一项权益或物业转给另一名人士或另一项业务At the Money 到价一项期权到价指该期权的行使价格相等于相关证券的市场价值ATP 套汇交易理论同时买入股票指数期货及相关股份的交易计划,旨在从差价中获利(市场套汇)Auction Market 拍卖市场买方与卖方同时进行竞争性叫价及出价的市场Audit 审计对一家机构财务报表的公正验证及评价,可以是机构内部的程序(由机构员工进行)或外部程序(由外部机构进行)Auditor's Report 审计师报告是公司年报的一部分,旨在确证公司财务报告符合适当的通用会计原则Authorized Stock 授权股份企业公司章程容许发行的最高股份数量。
这个数字一般列在资产负债表的资本账目部分Auto Sales 汽车销售额美国国内主要汽车制造商每月报告销售金额。
美国商务部每季度作出调整,并于每月结束前一至五天向公众公布Automated Bond System (ABS) 自动债券系统纽约交易所的电子系统,纪录被动交易债券的叫价及出价。
系统不断对债券进行监察,直至债券被注销AutomatedConfirmationTransaction Service(ACT)自动确认交易系统纪录及结算纳斯达克市场交易的自动系统Average AnnualGrowth Rate平均年度增长率一个投资组合在一年内价值的平均升幅Average Annual Return 平均年度回报率用以报告共同基金历史回报表现的数据。
平均年度回报率扣除了开支,包括行政费用、12b-1费用以及其他开支Average Life 平均时期对到期时期的预测,其中考虑了提早偿付的可能性。
平均时期的计算根据收取所有未来现金流的加权平均时间Average Price 平均价格在某些情况用作评估债券的到期时收益率。
债券平均价格的计算方法为债券面值加支付价格,然后把总和除二对共同基金而言,平均价格也称为净资产值Average Price Call 平均价格买入期权权一种期权,其收益为零或相等于资产平均价格高于行使价格的金额Average Price Put 平均价格出售期权一种期权,其收益为零或相等于行使价格高于资产平均价格的金额Average Up 提高平均价格以比原先买入价格高的价格买入更多股票,从而提高所有股票的平均价格English Terms(B) 中文翻译详情解释/例子Back Door Listing 后门上市/借壳上市未能符合股票交易所上市要求的企业采用的一种上市策略,公司通过收购一家已经上市的公司而达到上市的目的Backlog 订单积压等候完成的出售指示Back Office 后线金融服务公司的行政及支援人员,主要职能包括交易结算、清理、记录、合规监察、会计等Back Pricing 往后定价某些期货合约采用的方法,期货商品的价格由买方在签署合约后特定日期决定Back-to-Back Loan 背对背贷款两家位于不同国家的公司向对方借贷相同金额的对方国家货币贷款,目的在于对冲货币波动的风险Backstop 最后担保为一项证券发行提供最终的保证或担保Bad Debt 不良贷款不能回收的债务,因此对债权人没有价值Balanced Fund 平衡基金将资产投资于货币市场、债券、优先股及普通股的共同基金,目的在于同时实现增长及收益Balanced InvestmentStrategy平衡投资策略旨在平衡风险及回报的投资组合分配及管理方法Balance Of Payments (BOP) 国际收支差额一个国家在特定期间进行的所有交易的纪录,可用作比较一个国家与其他国家的经济活动量Balance Of Trade (BOT) 国际贸易差额一个国家收支差额的最大组成项目。
加项包括出口、外国国民在国内的开支以及外国国民在国内的投资Balance Sheet 资产负债表一家企业的财务报表,报告公司在一个特定时间的资产、负债及净值Balloon Option 气球型期权名义付款额在达到若干标准后提高的期权Balloon Maturity 气球型期限 1. 在一次债券发行中,在某一时间(一般于最终到期日)有大量债券到期的还款安排2. 贷款最后一次的偿还金额远高于之前偿还金额Bancassurance 银行出售保险法文词汇,指通过银行既有的分销渠道销售保险Bank Guarantee 银行担保放贷机构发出的担保,证明债务人的负债可获偿还。
换言之,若债务人不能偿还债务,银行将承担责任Bank for InternationalSettlements (BIS)国际结算银行旨在加强各国中央银行及国际金融机构合作的国际组织Bank Insurance 银行保险一家公营或私营机构发出的担保,保证若银行破产,将承担特定金额以内的银行存款Bank Investment Contract (BIC) 银行投资合约附有银行发出的利率保证的证券,可在特定时期内带来固定的收益率Bank Rate 银行利率中央银行向国内银行借贷的利率Bank run 银行挤兑大量银行客户在同一时间要求提取银行存款,而银行的储备不足以应付提款Bankruptcy 破产由于一名人士或一家公司未能偿还债务。