
《绯闻女孩》第一季精彩对白(英语学习)《绯闻女孩》第一季精彩对白Lily: Serena you’ve been gone, doing who knows what with god knows who.Serena你一直都不在这里,在鬼知道什么是哪儿的地方做鬼知道是什么的事儿.Chuck: Any interest in fresh air想出去走走透透气吗?Gossip: Game on.游戏开始了。
Eric: No offense. Blair: None taken.——没有冒犯的意思。
Chuck: Move, plz.请让一下。
Blair: Done and done.成交!* 成交还有其他的说法,比如单用“Deal”。
Nate: You set me up.你陷害了我。
Gossip girl: Some one pours that man a drink. 有人要使他难堪了。
Blair:Yes, it would be really nice if I was sailing on the may flower. 对,如果我是古代人(这样穿)就好看了。
Gossip:Be careful what you fish for.对你调查的东西要小心噢。
Chuck:I was born loaded.我是含着金汤匙出生的。
Nate’s mum: Not another word of this.别说了。
Vanessa: Baby steps.慢慢来嘛。
Blair: Next you cross me, I won’t be as forgiving.下次你再背叛我,我就不会手软了。
Dan: I’m doomed.我完蛋了。
Nate’s pa: I can hardly contain my joy.我无法抑制自己的狂喜。
Blair: Guard my drink.看着我的酒。

绯闻女孩第一季开场白第一篇:绯闻女孩第一季开场白vol.1Gossip girl: Hey, upper east siders,Gossip girl here and I have the biggest news ever.One of my many sources-Melanie91 sends us this.Spotted: at grand central,Bags in hand,Serena van der woodsen.Was it only a year ago,our “it” girl mysteriously disappeared for “boardingschool”?And just as suddenly,She's back.Don't believe me?See for yourselves.Lucky forus,Melanie91 sent proof.Thanks for the photo, mel.vol.2Gossip Girl:Good morning, upper eastsiders,Gossip girl here.Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan'selite.Top story on my home page: Serena van der Woodsen,everybody's favorite “it” girl,has just returned from a mysterious absence.vol.3Gossip Girl:Good morning, upper eastsiders,Gossip girl here.Your one and only sourceinto the scandalous lives of Manhattan'selite.Top story on my home page: Serena van der Woodsen,everybody's favorite “it” girl,has just returned from a mysterious absence and waslearning the hard way that you can never go home again.vol.4Gossip Girl:Good morning, upper eastsiders,Gossip girl here.Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite.vol.5.~13Gossip Girl:Gossip girl here.Your one and only source intothe scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite.第二篇:绯闻女孩读后感建议1《绯闻少女》第2季第1集评论:恶魔纯爱看过这是一篇对电影《绯闻少女第2季》的评论B CN JS D是的,我想第二季,无论是观众还是主创都应该以这样的优先级来审视上东区绯闻男女的花边新闻,绯闻女孩读后感。

《绯闻女孩》的经典台词1、Gossip girl: Hey, upper east siders, gossip girl here、绯闻女孩:嘿,上东区的人们,绯闻女孩驾到。
(gossip: 绯闻,流言蜚语;upper east side:上东区,聚集了金融、投资银行的富豪们,是美国纽约的富人比较集中的区域。
)2、Gossip girl: your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite、这是你们窥探曼哈顿上流生活的唯一渠道。
(one and only:一且唯一;source: 来源;scandalous: 丑闻的,可耻的;Manhattan:曼哈顿,纽约市中心区;elite: 精英,中坚分子)3、Was it only a year ago our "it" girl mysteriously disappeared for boarding school?我们的时尚女孩不是在一年前神秘消失,转到"寄宿学校"就读了吗?("it" girl:指那些经常现身主流媒体及终日参加聚会的时尚女孩;board: 登飞机、车、船等;boarding: 供膳的,供膳宿的;boarding school:寄宿学校)4、they’re b、f、f、s,、她们是死党。
(b、f、f、s: best friends forever的缩写:永远的好朋友)5、Clock's ticking、时不我待。
(tick: 发出滴答声,形象地用时钟的走动的动作所发出的滴答声表明时间飞速流逝,多用于口语。
)6、He tries to take his own life, and you're worried it's gonna cost you "mom of the year"?他试图自杀,而你担心的却是这会让别人觉得你不是个好母亲?(gonna:将要=going to;"mom of the year"在美国常会评选年度人物,例如公司里的年度最佳雇员=employee of the year。

一1. With my own ears I clearly heard the heart beat of the nuclear bomb.我亲耳清楚地听到原子弹的心脏的跳动。
2. Next year the bearded bear will bear a dear baby in the rear.明年,长胡子的熊将在后方产一头可爱的小崽。
3. Early I searched through the earth for earthenware so as to research in earthquake. 早先我在泥土中搜寻陶器以研究地震。
4. I learn that learned earnest men earn much by learning.我得知有学问而认真的人靠学问挣很多钱。
5. She swears to wear the pearls that appear to be pears.她发誓要戴那些看起来像梨子的珍珠。
6. I nearly fear to tear the tearful girl's test paper.我几乎害怕撕那个泪流满面的女孩的试卷。
7. The bold folk fold up the gold and hold it in hand.大胆的人们将黄金折叠起来拿在手里。
8. The customers are accustomed to the disgusting custom.顾客们习惯了令人讨厌的风俗。
9. The dust in the industrial zone frustrated the industrious man.工业区里的灰尘使勤勉的人灰心。
10. The just budget judge just justifies the adjustment of justice.公正的预算法官只不过为司法调整辩护而已。
Gossip Girl第一季第4集中英剧本+单词翻译

Season 1, Episode 4: Bad News Blair-Gossip girl: Good morning, upper east siders.gossip: 绯闻,流言蜚语upper: 较高的,上层的sider: 帮派成员早上好,东区的居民们。
Gossip girl here—gossip: 说闲话我是绯闻女友。
Y our one and only source into the, scandalous lives of Manhattan’s elite.source: 消息来源scandalous: 丑闻的Manhattan: 纽约市中心区elite: 精英,上层人士为你提供独家报道,披露曼哈顿上流社会的各种丑闻。
-Katy: Oh, my god.哦,上帝啊。
Y ou'll never believe, what’s on "gossip girl."believe: 认为,相信你不会相信绯闻女孩网页上登了什么。
-Isabel: Someone saw Serena getting off, the train at grand central.train: 火车grand: (建筑物等)雄伟的,堂皇的central: 中央的有人看见Serena在中央车站下了火车。
-Serena: I thought everything, was good between us.between: 在...之间我以为我们之间没有问题。
-Blair: It was... Before i found out, you had sex with my boyfriend.before: 以前,在...以前sex: 性,性行为以前是,直到我发现你和我男朋友搞上了。
-Serena: I didn't come back for you.我不是为了你回来的。
Look, Blair’s my best friend, and you're her boyfriend.boyfriend: 男朋友听着,Blair是我最好的朋友,你是她的男朋友。

10.Chuck: seal the deal
11. Gossip Girl: did S think she could waltz home?
Waltz,大家都知道啦,是“华尔兹”~waltz home,翻译成“凯旋而归”,踏着3拍子的舞步回家,好形象!有用的表达~ 再写一个例句吧:She waltzed off with the school prizes for maths and science. 她轻而易举赢得了全校数学奖和理科奖。
Bail v. 保释
Pajamas [p?'d?ɑ:m?z] n. 睡衣,宽睡裤
Croissant [krw?:'sɑ:nt] n. 新月形面包
phy [k?'ligr?fi] n. 书法
Effing adj. 该死的,他妈的
Tip-off n. 可以告诉的秘密,警告
《Gossip Girl》第一季第二集学习笔记Gossip Girl (Season One)
《Gossip Girl》第一季第一集学习笔记Gossip Girl (Season One)
1. Blair: can I borrow you?

第一季第一集Dialogue: 曼哈顿东区的"贵族们Hey,upper east siders,Dialogue: 我是"八卦天后Gossip girl here,Dialogue: 我得到了一个爆炸性新闻And I have the biggest news ever.Dialogue: 我的线人之一One of my ma sources...Dialogue: 美兰尼... 放出消息...Melanie... sends us this...Dialogue: 她出现在了中央火车站Spotted at grand central,Dialogue: 手里还提着包Bags in hand...Dialogue: 她... 就是瑟琳娜·范德·伍德森Serena van der woodsen.Dialogue: 我们的这位"她"不是在一年前Was it only a year ago our "it" girlDialogue: 就神秘消失了Mysteriously disappearedDialogue: 然后去了所谓的寄宿学校?For "boarding school"?Dialogue: 突然她竟回来啦And just as suddenly,she's back.Dialogue: 不相信我说的?Don't believe me?Dialogue: 那你自己看吧See for yourselves.Dialogue: 很幸运美兰尼用她的手机Lucky for us,lanieDialogue: 给我们发来了证据Sent proof.Dialogue: 小美谢谢你的照片啦Thanks for the photo,mel.Dialogue: 丹珍尼我在这!Dan,jenny,over here!Dialogue: 爸爸Hey,dad!Dialogue: 你们终于到了!Hey,hey,you made it!Dialogue: 欢迎回来Welcome back.Dialogue: 你们周末过得愉快吗?How was your weekend?Dialogue: 妈妈好吗?How's your mom?Dialogue: -不错-她很好Fine. she's good.Dialogue: 厄... 不错也很好Uh,fine and good.Dialogue: 她... 她不错挺好的She's... she's good and... and fine.Dialogue: 是哪一种好? 是"也许我不该离开曼哈顿"那种?Like,"maybe I never should've left manhattan" fine,Dialogue: 还是"摆脱婚姻生活是我一生...Or "taking a time-out from my marriage Dialogue: 所做的最正确的决定"?Was the best idea I ever had" fine?Dialogue: 爸爸知道吗Dad,you know what?Dialogue: 我... 我饿坏了I- I am,uh,i'm starving.Dialogue: 我们回家我来做给你们吃Let's go home. I'm cooking.Dialogue: 卡佩斯沙拉再拌点奶酪Caprese salad,a little mozzarella di bufala.Dialogue: 嗯我会让你们...Y eah,i'm gonna make you guys...Dialogue: 发现... 内心孤独的男孩Spotted... lonely boy.Dialogue: 不敢相信他一生的挚爱又回来了Can't believe the love of his life has returned... Dialogue: 只要她知道他是谁的话If only she knew who he was.Dialogue: 但没人不知道瑟琳娜大家都在猜测But everyone knows serena,and everyone is talking.Dialogue: 布莱尔·霍道夫会有什么反映Wonder what blair waldorf thinks.Dialogue: 当然了她们是BFS组合Sure,they're b.f.s,Dialogue: 但别忘了But we always thoughtDialogue: 布莱尔的男友内特Blair's boyfriend nateDialogue: 曾与瑟琳娜有一些感情纠葛Had a thing for serena.Dialogue: 我必须为她设计一套礼服布莱尔...Design a dress for this woman.blair, Dialogue: 如果你要穿我设计的服装If you're gonna wear one of my designs,Dialogue: 告诉我至少我能为你量身定做一套Tell me so we can at least get it properly fitted. Dialogue: 谢谢妈妈Thanks,mom.Dialogue: 我会记着的Keep that in mind.Dialogue: 聚会很棒Great party.Dialogue: 她就是我最好的活广告She is mybest advertisement.Dialogue: 内特你开始考虑读大学了吗So,nate,you started thinking about college? Dialogue: 事实上我是达特茅斯大学毕业的Well,actually,i'm a dartmouth man. Dialogue: 是的爸爸对达特茅斯大学的评价总是很高Y es,dad's always spoken very highly of dartmouth,Dialogue: 但是我更喜欢西部的一些学校But I'd like to check out west.Dialogue: 比如是思考利大学或者加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校Y ou know,maybe u.s.c.,u.c.l.a....Dialogue: 他妈妈根本不会同意的His mother wouldn't hear of it.Dialogue: 她认为达特茅斯都太远了Dartmouth is far enough away for her.Dialogue: 是啊达特茅斯是我的第一选择Y es,well,dartmouth is my first choice. Dialogue: 打扰了上校Excuse me,captain.Dialogue: 内特能跟你说点事吗Nate,can I borrow you?Dialogue: 当然失陪一下Uh,sure. will you excuse me for a second?Dialogue: 内特尼尔Nathaniel...Dialogue: 想出去透透气吗?Any interest in some fresh air?Dialogue: 等我回来后?When I get back?Dialogue: 如果他回得来的话If he gets back.Dialogue: 怎么啦?What's going on?Dialogue: 我想要...I wanna do this...Dialogue: 这儿... 马上It... now.Dialogue: -现在? -没错Now now? yeah.Dialogue: 我以为你不想现在就...I thought you wanted to wait.Dialogue: 改变主意了Not anymore.Dialogue: B 春宵一刻值千金啊Better lock it down with nate,Dialogue: 时间在慢慢流逝B. clock's ticking.Dialogue: 天哪你肯定无法相信"八卦天后"上又写了什么Oh,my god! you'll never believe what's on "gossip girl."Dialogue: 有人看见瑟琳娜乘火车到了中央火车站Someone saw serena getting off the train at grand central.Dialogue: 很好这里已经变得有些无聊了Good. things were getting a little dull around here. Dialogue: 谢谢Thank you.Dialogue: 我爱你I love you...Dialogue: 内特·阿齐布尔德Nate archibald.Dialogue: 永远这么爱你Always have,always will.Dialogue: 我也爱你I love you,too.Dialogue: 瑟琳娜·范德·伍德森?Serena van der woodsen?Dialogue: 是你吗?!Is that you?!Dialogue: 布莱尔瑟琳娜来了!Blair,it's serena!Dialogue: 瑟琳娜?Serena?Dialogue: 瑟琳娜还在学校呢吻我Serena's at school.kiss me.Dialogue: 不不我刚听到你妈说她在这儿No,i just heard your mom say she's here. Dialogue: 你不想和她打下招呼?Don't you wanna go say hey?Dialogue: 嗯Y eah...Dialogue: 当然了Totally.Dialogue: ...但我听说她怀孕了...but I heard she was pregnant.Dialogue: 不那是瑞哈博No,but it's rehab.Dialogue: -帮我签下到-她看上去不错Sign me up for that. she looks go.Dialogue: 所以我跟他说"算了吧So I told him,"forget it.Dialogue: "我才不在乎是不是村上春树I don't care if it's murakami.Dialogue: "它碍着我的沙发了It clashes with my sofa."Dialogue: 妈妈妈妈Mom,momDialogue: 见到你真高兴Hey,good to see you.Dialogue: 是瑟琳娜亲爱的Serena,darling. oh!Dialogue: 他在哪儿?Um,so where is he?Dialogue: 怎么他们还没放他出来?What,they haven't let him out yet?Dialogue: 我们现在别谈这个好吗?Oh,let's not discuss that right now,okay?Dialogue: 我想你该见见你的朋友I thought you might wanna see some of your friends. Dialogue: 是啊Thanks.Dialogue: 瑟琳娜!Serena!Dialogue: -见到你太开心啦-你好吗很高兴见到你It's so good to see you! how are you? good to see you!Dialogue: 过来吧我们要吃晚餐了Come,we're about to have dinner.Dialogue: 我会安排你坐在布莱尔旁边I'll set a place for you at the table next to blair. Dialogue: 嗯其实我必须要先去个地方Y eah,actually,um,there's somewhere I have to go. Dialogue: 你要走了吗?Y ou're leaving?Dialogue: 嗯我...我只是觉得有点不舒服Y eah,i-i just...i don't feel well.Dialogue: 我就是想过来和大家打声招呼I just wanted to come by and say hi.Dialogue: 那我们明天学校见了I'll see you at school tomorrow.Dialogue: 学校? 我看她是不会再走了School? so I guess she's back for good.Dialogue: 你不知道她要来么?Didn't you know she was coming?Dialogue: 我当然知道了Of course I did.Dialogue: 我只不过等着她给我这个惊喜I just... wanted it to be a surprise.Dialogue: 事实是S在秒内...就从布莱尔的聚会上消失了Word is that s. bailed on b.'s party in under secondsDialogue: 连一杯柠檬酒都没喝And didn't even have one limoncello.Dialogue: 我们的坏女孩真的改邪归正了吗?Has our bad girl reallygone good?Dialogue: 还是这一切只是装模作样?Or is it all just part of the act?Dialogue: 小姐你不能进去Y oung lady,you can't be here.Dialogue: 探视时间已经过了Visiting hours are over.Dialogue: 我是家属I'm family.Dialogue: 他是我弟弟He's my brother.Dialogue: 为什么她要走?Why'd she leave?Dialogue: 为什么又回来?Why'd she return?Dialogue: 发给我进一步的消息Send me all the deets.Dialogue: 想知道我是谁?And who am i?Dialogue: 那是我永远不会告诉你的秘密...That's one secret I'll never tell...Dialogue: 唯一的秘密The only one.Dialogue: X.O.X.O. 八卦天后X.o.x.o.,gossip girl.Dialogue: 想知道我是谁?And who am iDialogue: 那是我永远不会告诉你的秘密That's one secret I'll never tell...Dialogue: 你知道你爱我Y ou know you love meDialogue: 瑟琳娜?Serena?Dialogue: 瑟琳娜?Serena?Dialogue: 嘿你怎么样?Hey,how are you?Dialogue: 你知道...Y ou know...Dialogue: 我好多了I've been better.Dialogue: 艾瑞克我知道我是个不称职的姐姐Eric,i know I've been a terrible sister... Dialogue: 能见到你我太高兴了Oh,i'm just so happy to see you.Dialogue: 肯定有许多流言蜚语Must be a lot of rumorsDialogue: 谈论你为什么要回来Why you're back.Dialogue: 是啊但没有一个跟你有关Y eah,but none of them mention you.Dialogue: 如妈妈所愿是吧?Just like mom wants,huh?Dialogue: 如我所愿什么宝贝?What do I want,baby?Dialogue: 我只希望她能穿着自己的睡衣For serena to sleep in her own bed,Dialogue: 躺在她自己的床上Possibly wearing pajamas.Dialogue: 早上好妈妈Morning,mom.Dialogue: 嘿我刚想问医生Hey,i was just about to ask the doctorDialogue: 我能不能带艾瑞克去吃早餐If I could take eric to breakfast.Dialogue: 一起去吗?Wanna come?Dialogue: 厄... 不了Um... no.Dialogue: 我想还是我去街上给他买个面包吧I think what I'll do is go get him a croissant down the street.Dialogue: 瑟琳娜别这样Serena,don't.Dialogue: 我猜...Let me guess...Dialogue: 你跟大家说Y ou told everyoneDialogue: 艾瑞克只是去柔德岛探望外祖父了Eric's just visiting grandpa in rhode island. Dialogue: 是去探望在迈阿密的姨妈Y our aunt carol in miami.Dialogue: 你想把他藏起来?So you're actually hiding him?Dialogue: 他企图自杀He tries to take his own life,Dialogue: 但你担心的只是...And you're worriedDialogue: 自己评不上今年的"年度妈妈"?It's gonna cost you "mom the year"?Dialogue: 瑟琳娜Serena,Dialogue: 你离家出走杳无音信Y ou've been gone,doing who knows what with god knowswho...Dialogue: 我告诉过你寄宿学校并不是你想象的那样I told you,boarding school was not like that.Dialogue: 知道吗我很高兴你能回家Then you know what? as happy as I am to have you home,Dialogue: 但你完全不明白我的感受Y ou have no idea what it's been like.Dialogue: 猜猜谁的老爸最酷Guess whose dad is cool?Dialogue: 真难答啊It's a trick question.Dialogue: 对啊因为不可能是咱爸Y eah,'cause it can't be ours.Dialogue: 哈哈看这个Ha ha,ha ha. look at this.Dialogue: 年代被遗忘的十大乐队"top ten forgotten bands of the 's. "Dialogue: 是啊猜猜谁是第九名Y eah,check out who's number nine.Dialogue: 他非常自豪啊He's very proud. mm-hmm.Dialogue: 嘿被人遗忘的方式Hey! hey,way to be forgotten.Dialogue: 也是被人记起的方法But that's how you get remembered.Dialogue: 也许你正在担心老爸的乐队也上了"八卦天后"呢Maybe you'd care if dad's band was on "gossip girl."Dialogue: 什么?What?Dialogue: 我才不看那玩意儿呢I don't read "gossip girl."Dialogue: 那只是小女生看的That's... that's for chicks.Dialogue: 那昨晚开着那个页面的不是你的电脑?So that wasn't your laptop open to it last night Dialogue: 看的全是有关瑟琳娜·范德·伍德森的消息Reading all about serena van der woodsen?Dialogue: "滚石"?"rolling stone"? wow.Dialogue: 老爸让我再看一眼好酷啊Let me take a look at this again,dad.Tr鑣cool. Dialogue: 林肯华客乐队第九名Lincoln hawk...number nine.Dialogue: 嘿你在忙什么呢?Hey,what are you working on?Dialogue: 是派对名叫"唇上之吻It's called the kiss on the lips party.Dialogue: 大家都去Everyone's going.Dialogue: 他们邀请你了?Y ou were invited to that?Dialogue: 不是想讽刺你只是有点惊讶Well,no offense if I sound surprisedDialogue: 他们从来没邀请过我Since l have never been invited.Dialogue: 一个我艺术课上的同学One of the girls in my art classDialogue: 看我字写得漂亮Saw my calligraphy,Dialogue: 她说如果我把所有的请帖写完And she said that if I addressed all the invitations Dialogue: 就可以让我去That I could have one.Dialogue: 听上去很公平嘛多劳多得Sounds very fair. the sweatshops could learn a thing or two.Dialogue: 老爸这不是让你们那些反资本主义者叫嚣的平台Dad,this is not a platform for one of your anticapitalist rants.Dialogue: 它就是Y es,it is.Dialogue: 另外是你让我们上私立学校的Besides,you make us go to private school. Dialogue: 那是为了你们的教育That's for your education.Dialogue: 那我们就该成为默默无闻的失败者独自吃午餐So we should just be anonymouslosers who eat lunch aloneDialogue: 永远不被邀请参加派对?And never get invited to parties?Dialogue: 我觉得不错Works for me.Dialogue: 妈妈认为这是个不错的点子Mom thinks it's a good idea.Dialogue: 她的想法总是对的不是吗?And her judgment is always sound,right?Dialogue: 珍尼如果你想去你就去吧Jenny,you wanna go to that party,you should go. Dialogue: 你们这些孩子应该去玩玩Y ou kids could use some fun.Dialogue: 内特?Nate?Dialogue: 你妈妈告诉我你们住在这里Uh,your mom told me you guys were staying here at the palace.Dialogue: 是啊我家在重新装修Y eah,uh,we're renovating again.Dialogue: 你了解我妈的Y ou know my mom...Dialogue: 如果没坏的话就一定要弄"坏"它If it's not broke,break it.Dialogue: 那么你来这儿干嘛?So what are you doing here?Dialogue: 我就是想来看看你Oh,i just wanted to see how you were.Dialogue: 你昨晚看起来有些不安Y ou seemed kind of upset last night.Dialogue: 我必须得赶去办转学手续了I- I gotta get going and change for school. Dialogue: 马上要迟到了I'm gonna be late.Dialogue: -瑟琳娜-别别这样Serena... no. no.Dialogue: 但是你现在回来了But you're back now...Dialogue: 我并不是为了你才回来的I didn't come back for you.Dialogue: 听着布莱尔是我最好的朋友Look,blair's my best friend,Dialogue: 你现在是她的男朋友And you're her boyfriend,Dialogue: 并且她爱着你And she loves you.Dialogue: 事情就应该如此That's the way things are supposed to be.Dialogue: 嘿走路看着点Hey,watch where you're going!Dialogue: 瑟琳娜昨晚看起来真TMD辣Serena looked effing hot last night.Dialogue: 那样的完美程度似乎有点不太对劲There's something wrong with that level of perfection.Dialogue: 应该有人来挑战一下It needs to be violated.Dialogue: 你已经神魂颠倒了Y ou are deeply disturbed.Dialogue: 是的你知道我说得没错And yet,you know I'm right.Dialogue: 你告诉我如果你有机会的话...Y ou're telling me if you had the chance... Dialogue: 我有女朋友了I have a girlfriend.Dialogue: 你们俩从幼儿园开始就在约会Y ou guys have been dating since kindergarten Dialogue: 可到现在还把她搞定And you haven't sealed the deal.Dialogue: 谁说要"搞定"的?Who says,"seal the deal"?Dialogue: 下车Come on.Dialogue: 你是在跟踪我们吗?Are you following us or something?Dialogue: 不我和你们一个学校的No,i-i go to your school.Dialogue: 一样的校服?Identical uniforms?Dialogue: 是不是一种暗示啊?Is that kind of a tip-off?Dialogue: 真有意思That's funny.Dialogue: 想一起吃午饭吗?So you guys wanna sit together at lunch?Dialogue: 真精致So cute!Dialogue: 应该加个边框什么的These should be framed or something.Dialogue: 做得不错Not bad work.Dialogue: 这是你的我们说好的And here's yours,as promised.Dialogue: 谢谢Thanks.Dialogue: 你们在这里啊Here you guys are.Dialogue: 我刚才还在满餐厅的找你们I looked all over the dining hall for you.Dialogue: 你好我叫瑟琳娜Oh,hi,i'm serena.Dialogue: 我知道我是说I know.i mean,Dialogue: 你好我叫珍妮Hi,i'm jenny.Dialogue: 那么...So...Dialogue: 派对什么时候开始?When's the party?Dialogue: 星期六Saturday.Dialogue: 但是...And...Dialogue: 似乎没有邀请你Y ou're kinda not invited...Dialogue: 因为直到小时前Since until hours ago,Dialogue: 所有人都以为你在寄宿学校Everyone thought you were at boarding school. Dialogue: 现在我们人都满了Now we're full,Dialogue: 珍妮把所有的请贴都发光了And,uh,jenny used up all the invites.Dialogue: 事实上Um,actually...Dialogue: 你现在可以走了Y ou can go now.Dialogue: 不好意思Sorry.Dialogue: 不没事No,that's okay.Dialogue: 其实我还有很多事要做I got a lot of stuff to do anyway.Dialogue: 那好吧我们该走了Well,we should get going then.Dialogue: 除非你想让我们等你Unless you want us to wait for you.Dialogue: 看上去你还有很多酸乳酪没吃完Looks like you got a lot of yogurt left. Dialogue: 不走吧No,go ahead.Dialogue: 布莱尔今晚我们见个面怎么样?Blair,think we could meet tonight?Dialogue: 我很乐意I'd love to,Dialogue: 但是今晚我跟内特有约会But I'm doing something with nate tonight.Dialogue: 皇宫酒吧点如何?The palace. :?Dialogue: 内特会等你的Nate will wait.Dialogue: 发现在大都会美术馆的阶梯上Spotted on the steps of the met...Dialogue: S和B针锋相对An s. and b. power struggle.Dialogue: 也许我能抽出半个小时来I could probably do a half-hour.Dialogue: S是否认为她可以凯旋而归Did s. think she could waltz home,Dialogue: 一切都能回归从前And things would be just like they were?Dialogue: 谢谢你能抽空出来Thanks for making the time.Dialogue: 你毕竟是我最好的朋友Y ou're my best friend.Dialogue: B是否觉得S会不战而败?Did b. think s.would go down without a fight? Dialogue: 还有这两位美女能否从容应战?Or can these two hotties work it outDialogue: "八卦天后"最爱的就是一场女人之间的战争There's nothing gossip girl likes more than a good catfight,Dialogue: 而这可能成为经典一战And this cou be a classic.Dialogue: 听着老爸Uh,you know... you know,dad,Dialogue: 网上有个地方叫个人空间There's this thing called my space whereDialogue: 你可以在那发布所有这些信息Y ou can post all this information online. Dialogue: 节约一些木材开一个博客吧Save some trees. have a blog.Dialogue: 如果那些音乐家们关掉他们的博客Maybe if musicians got off their blogs Dialogue: 拿起他们的吉他And picked up their guitars,Dialogue: 音乐事业会做得更好The music business would be in better shape.Dialogue: 听起来像是箴言Spoken like a true relic.Dialogue: 多谢孩子Thanks,son.Dialogue: 珍妮: 救命紧急情况第五大道号Help,emergency , th aveDialogue: 老爸我得走了Hey,dad,listen,um,i gotta run.Dialogue: 你一个人行吗?Are you gonna be okay?Dialogue: 当然你妈会回来的Y eah. yeah,your mom will be back.Dialogue: 她一直是个追求自由的人She's always been a free spirit.Dialogue: 这是我对她一见钟情的原因之一That's one of the reasons I fell for her in the first place.Dialogue: 我说的是这些传单I meant with the fliers.Dialogue: 还好钉传单是老差事了Luckily,staple guns are old school.Dialogue: 走吧我没事Go. I'm gonna be fine.Dialogue: 我跟护士说过了我要带你走了I talked to the nurse,and I'm kidnapping you. Dialogue: 我们是去购物对吗?We're going shopping,aren't we?Dialogue: 我们去"班得尔We're going to bendel's,Dialogue: 我保证就只有一个小时Just for an hour,though,i swear.Dialogue: 我今天很不爽I had a really bad day.Dialogue: 真的吗? 但是我过的不错Really? 'cause I had a great day...Dialogue: 几粒药丸一堆罗尔沙赫氏测试A couple of pills,bunch of rorschach tests. Dialogue: 午餐提供的是这种绿色果冻They had this green jell-o for lunch.Dialogue: 为什么不给我留点?Mmm! why didn't you save me any?Dialogue: 抓紧我们得走了Come on,let's go.Dialogue: 我们得在妈妈出现之前离开这We gotta get you out of here before mom shows up. Dialogue: 珍妮怎么回事?Jenny,what is it?Dialogue: 出什么事了?What's wrong?Dialogue: 你觉得我穿这件如何?Do you like this on me?Dialogue: 等一下Wait... wait a second.Dialogue: 你叫我来就为了这个?Is that why you need me?Dialogue: 我还以为是什么要紧的事呢I thought this was an emergency.Dialogue: 时尚呼救A fashion emergency.Dialogue: 我是说我从来没去过大型舞会I mean come on,i've never been to a big dance before.Dialogue: 我也没有Neither have i.Dialogue: 是的可是老妈走了Y eah,but mom's gone,Dialogue: 老爸又不喜欢逛百货商店And dad's allergic to department stores.Dialogue: 你看起来很漂亮珍Well,you look good,jen.Dialogue: 真的Y ou do,really.Dialogue: 谢谢Thanks.Dialogue: 可惜这比我们的租金贵多了I mean,too bad it's more than our rent,Dialogue: 但我想我可以照着做一件But I think I can sew something like it.Dialogue: 哦天哪是瑟琳娜Oh,my gosh,it's serena.Dialogue: 瑟琳娜Hi,serena!Dialogue: 珍妮是吧?Hey. jenny,right?Dialogue: -你好-这是我的Y eah,hi, this is my...Dialogue: 造型师和私人导购员艾瑞克Stylist and personal shopper eric. hi.Dialogue: -你好-你好Hi. hi.Dialogue: 这是我哥哥Um,this is my brother.Dialogue: 这是你准备在派对上穿的礼服吗?Um,so is... is that your dress for the kiss on the lips party?Dialogue: 算是吧Sort of.Dialogue: 说起派对给Speaking of that,um,here.Dialogue: 我没事时给你做了一张I made you one during free period,Dialogue: 但千万别说我给你的But if anyone asks where you got it,i know nothing. Dialogue: 多谢Thanks.Dialogue: 丹? 丹?Dan? dan?Dialogue: 珍妮?Jenny?Dialogue: 如果你换件黑色的会更好That dress would look even better in black.Dialogue: 黑色的好的多谢Black. cool. thanks.Dialogue: 这真是好东西This is some good stuff.Dialogue: 是啊看来我也需要这玩意儿了Y eah,i'm gonna need it.Dialogue: 布莱尔的妈妈现在住在乡村别墅Blair's mom's at the country house.Dialogue: 是吗或许我该偷点我爸的"伟哥Y eah? well,then maybe I should swipe some of my dad's viagra...Dialogue: 或是我老妈的"帕罗西汀"{\fs}{\b}{\c&HFFFFFF&}{\c&HFFF&}{\c&H&}(一种能延长射精时间的药物)Or my mom's paxil?Dialogue: 纳特尼尔你终于要和你女朋友上床了Nathaniel,you're finally about to have sex with your girlfriend.Dialogue: 看起来却像要奔赴刑场一样It's like you're headed to your execution.Dialogue: 不伙计我很好No,man,i'm good.Dialogue: 跟兄弟我说说Talk to chuck,buddy.Dialogue: 你和布莱尔谈了这么久了Y ou and blair have been dating forever.Dialogue: 突然间出什么问题?All of a sudden there's a problem?Dialogue: 没问题There's no problem.Dialogue: 只是It's just...Dialogue: 你难道不觉得我们整个人生Do you ever feel like our whole livesDialogue: 就像是被策划好的Have been planned out for us,Dialogue: 我们最后只不过走父母的老路?That we're just gonna end up like our parents? Dialogue: 伙计你的想法太消沉了Man,that's a dark thought.Dialogue: 难道我们没有资格选择吗And aren't we entitled to choose,Dialogue: 我只要快乐Just to be happy?Dialogue: 听着放松点苏格拉底Look,easy,socrates.Dialogue: 我们有资格接手一笔信托基金What we're entitled to is a trust fund,Dialogue: 或许是汉普顿的一栋房子Maybe a house in the hamptons,Dialogue: 又或是处方药引来的麻烦A prescription drug problem.Dialogue: 但快乐并不在这些选项当中But happiness does not seem to be on the menu, Dialogue: 所以说多抽几支烟So smoke upDialogue: 然后搞定布莱尔去吧And seal the deal with blair,Dialogue: 因为你也有资格和她亲热Cause you're also entitled to tap that ass.Dialogue: 那么你妈过得怎样?So how's your mom doingDialogue: 离婚的手续办得如何?With the divorce and everything?Dialogue: 不错Great.Dialogue: 老爸为了另一个男人离开了她So my dad left her for another man.Dialogue: 她减了磅还做了双眼皮She lost pounds,got an eye lift.Dialogue: 她一直都不错It's been good for her.Dialogue: 我真的很抱歉I'm really sorry.Dialogue: 是的我知道Y eah,i could tell,Dialogue: 因为事情发生后你从来没有通知我Since you didn't call or write the entire time it was happening.Dialogue: 不我了解我只是No,i-i know,i was just...Dialogue: 寄宿学校就像...Boarding school is like...Dialogue: 我甚至不知道你为什么去寄宿学校I don't even know why you went to boarding school to being with.Dialogue: 我当时是什么感受吗Do you know how it felt calling your house when Dialogue: 你知道当你没去学校你妈又说Y ou didn't show up at school and having your mom say,Dialogue: 瑟琳娜没告诉你她转学去康涅狄格了吗"serena didn't tell you that she moved to connecticut?"Dialogue: 我只是I just...Dialogue: 我必须得走我只是I- I had to go. I just...Dialogue: 我得远离这里的一切I need to get away from everything.Dialogue: 请相信我Please,just trust me.Dialogue: 当我觉得我已不了解你的时候How can I trust youDialogue: 叫我怎么相信你When I feel like I don't even know you?Dialogue: 让我们来弥补Let's fix that.Dialogue: 我在学校看到你和凯帝在一起I saw you at school with... with katy and is, Dialogue: 我知道了And i-i get it.Dialogue: 我不想从你那抢走什么I- I don't want to take any of that away from you... Dialogue: 因为你想得到你就能够拥有?Because it's just yours to take if you want it. Dialogue: 不我不是这个意思No,that... that's not what I mean. i...Dialogue: 我想你I miss you.Dialogue: 我只是希望我们能一如往昔I just want things to go back to the way they used to be... Dialogue: 一起上学Y ou know,walking to school together,Dialogue: 一起在平房里的桌上跳舞Dancing on tables at bungalow,Dialogue: 晚上在你妈妈乡村别墅的泳池里游泳Night swimming at your mom's country house.Dialogue: 你就像我妹妹Y ou were like my sister.Dialogue: 像家人一样Y ou know,and with our families...Dialogue: 我们彼此需要对方We need each other.Dialogue: 你错过了埃莉诺·霍道夫几场经典的抓狂戏Y ou missed some classic eleanor waldorf meltdowns.Dialogue: 如果不是那么悲惨的话应该会很有意思If it wasn't such a tragedy,it would've been funny.Dialogue: 事实上是有些好笑Actually,it kind of was.Dialogue: 我真希望我当时在场Hmm,well,i wish I could've been there.Dialogue: 你现在不是回来了吗?Y ou are now.Dialogue: 我得去见内特了I have to meet nate.Dialogue: 有特别的安排Kinda have something special planned.Dialogue: 我并不是想留你但是...Well,i don't want to keep you,but,um...Dialogue: 我爱你BI love you,b.Dialogue: 我也爱你SI love you,too,s.Dialogue: 发现在皇宫酒吧Spotted at the palace hotel...Dialogue: S和BS. and b.Dialogue: 说了交心话Having a heart-to-heart.Dialogue: 为什么会这么渴呢S?Hmm,why so thirsty,s.?Dialogue: 你眼下也许赢得了B的心Y ou may have won over b. for now,Dialogue: 但我们仍认为你隐藏了些什么But we still think you're hiding something. Dialogue: 隐形人回来了Ah,the invisible man returns.Dialogue: 我真不知道你能跑这么快Y ou know,i really had no idea you could move that fast. Dialogue: 你的时尚呼救解决了Y eah,well,uh,your fashion emergency was solved, Dialogue: 所以我想我的任务完成了So I figured my work was done.Dialogue: 拜托丹Come on,dan.Dialogue: 瑟琳娜在你九年级生日会上和你打过招呼Serena said hi to you at a ninth grade birthday party,Dialogue: 你从没忘记过And you've never forgotten it.Dialogue: 我怎么可能忘记?How could i?Dialogue: 她是当时唯一和我说话的人She was the only person who spoke to me. Dialogue: 而且我肯定她认错人了And I'm pretty sure she thought I was someone else. Dialogue: 要知道她人真得不错Y ou know,she's actually nice.Dialogue: 如果她认识你的话And if she did know you,Dialogue: 我觉得她会很喜欢你的I think she'd really like you.Dialogue: 我不知道我觉得她也许会为I don't know. I think she might be a tad overwhelmed Dialogue: 我闪亮耀眼的生活方式所折服By the glitz and the glamour of the humphrey lifestyle.Dialogue: 我听说她住在皇宫酒店Well,i heard she's living at the palace hotel...Dialogue: 是啊我想得没错Well,my... my point exactly.Dialogue: 也许她正一个人坐在酒吧Probably sitting at the bar by herself,Dialogue: 寂寞地喝着马提尼酒Sipping martinis,all alone.Dialogue: 要知道这场景真有些伤感Y ou know,it's actually kind of sad.Dialogue: 而且爸爸会在画廊里工作到很晚Oh,and,um,dad's at the gallery working late.Dialogue: 他留了晚饭钱He,uh,left money for dinner,Dialogue: 我想可以去吃印度菜So I was thinking indian.Dialogue: 你知道吗...Y ou know... you know what?Dialogue: 我想我...I think I'm...Dialogue: 我应该出去I'm gonna go out.Dialogue: 好的Okay.Dialogue: 很好因为我只点了一份Good,'cause I already ordered and only got enough for one. Dialogue: 请让开Move,please.Dialogue: 我爱这个小镇I love this town.Dialogue: 我得告诉我父母I'm going to have to tell my parentsDialogue: 他们刚买的酒店只是招待二流人的The hotel they just bought is serving minors. Dialogue: 如果你也在这喝酒的话And if you get a drink,Dialogue: 看来他们连猪都招待呢They're also serving pigs.Dialogue: 我喜欢你讲脏话的样子I love it when you talk dirty.Dialogue: 你只是喜欢女孩子和你说Y ou just love when a girl talks to you.Dialogue: 其实我更喜欢她们不说话的时候Actually,i prefer them when they're not talking. Dialogue: 我想念你的幽默了Mm,i've missed your witty banter.Dialogue: 那就一起叙叙旧Let's catch up,Dialogue: 脱掉衣服凝视对方Take our clothes off,stare at each other.Dialogue: 我只想吃点东西How about I just get a bite to eat?Dialogue: 我空着肚子喝酒呢I've been drinking on an empty stomach.Dialogue: 我听说你已经改了那习惯I heard you didn't do that anymore.Dialogue: 特别的日子Special occasion.Dialogue: 奶酪烤菌菇怎么样?Well,how about a grilled cheese with truffleil?Dialogue: 你的确很喜欢菌菇Y ou do love truffles.Dialogue: 幸好不在菜单上Enough to know it's not on the menu.Dialogue: 幸好我有Good thing I'm connected.Dialogue: 仅仅因为我现在很饿Only 'cause I'm hungry.Dialogue: 太过了吗?Is it too much?Dialogue: 我想让这次特别点I want it to be special.Dialogue: 怎么了What's wrong?Dialogue: 我不知道该怎么说Look,i don't know how to say this...Dialogue: 或者我应不应该说这事Or if it's even the right thing to do,Dialogue: 但是...But,um...Dialogue: 我得告诉你一些事情There's something I need to tell you.Dialogue: 埃尔弗索你是花花公子Alfonso,you're a stud.Dialogue: 那... 晚上玩得开心Now,uh,have a good night.Dialogue: 我们提早关厨房We're closing the kitchen early.Dialogue: 我的天啊Oh,my god.Dialogue: 这个太好吃了This is so good.Dialogue: 如果你想找个方法来谢谢我Well,if you're looking for a way to thank me, Dialogue: 我倒有几个主意I've got a couple ideas.Dialogue: 这只是个三明治恰克It's a sandwich,chuck.Dialogue: 你...This is...。
gossip girl绯闻女孩第一季第一集台词

第一季第一集Hey,upper east siders,gossip girl here, and I have the biggest news ever.One of my ma sources...Melanie91... Sends us this...Spotted at grand central,bags in hand... Serena van der WoodsenSerena van der woodsen.Was it only a year ago our "it" girl mysteriously disappeared for "boarding school"?And just as suddenly,she's back.Don't believe me?See for yourselves.Lucky for us,lanie91 sent proof. Thanks for the photo,mel.Dan,jenny,over here!Hey,dad!Hey,hey,you made it!Welcome back.How was your weekend?How's your mom?- Fine.- She's good.Uh,fine and good.She's... She's good and... And fine. Like,"maybe I never should've left manhattan" fine,or "taking a time-out from my marriage was the best idea I ever had" fine? Dad,you know what?I- I am,uh,I'm starving.let's go home. I'm cooking.Caprese salad,a little mozzarella di bufala.Yeah,I'm gonna make you guys... Spotted... Lonely boy.Can't believe the love of his life has returned...If only she knew who he was. Buteveryoneknows serena,and everyone is talking.Wonder what blair waldorf thinks. Sure,they're b.F.S,but we always thought blair's boyfriend nate had a thing for serena.Design a dress for this woman.Blair,if you're gonna wear one of my designs, tell me so we can at least get it properly fitted.Thanks,mom.Keep that in mind.Great party.She is mybestadvertisement.So,nate,you started thinking about college?Well,actually,I'm a dartmouth man. Yes,dad's always spoken very highly of dartmouth,but I'd like to check out west.You know,maybe u.S.C.,u.C.L.A....His mother wouldn't hear of it. Dartmouth is far enough away for her. Yes,well,dartmouth is my first choice. Excuse me,captain.Nate,can I borrow you?Uh,sure. Will you excuse me for a second?Nathaniel...Nathaniel...Any interest in some fresh air?When I get back?Ifhe gets back.what's going on?I wanna do this...It... Now.- Nownow?- yeah.I thought you wanted to wait.Not anymore.Better lock it down with nate,b. Clock's ticking.Oh,my god! You'll never believe what's on "gossip girl."someone saw serena getting off the train at grand central.Good. Things were getting a little dull around here.Thank you.I love you...Nate ArchibaldNate archibald.Always have,always will.I love you,too.Serena van der Woodsen?serena van der woodsen?Is that you?!Blair,it's serena!Serena?Serena?Serena's at school.Kiss me.No,I just heard your mom say she's here. Don't you wanna go say hey? Yeah...Totally....But I heard she was pregnant.No,but it's rehab.- Sign me up for that.- She looks go.So I told him,"forget it.I don't care if it's murakami.It clashes with my sofa."Hey,good to see you.Serena,darling. Oh!Um,so where is he?What,they haven't let him out yet? Oh,let's not discuss that right now,okay?I thought you might wanna see some of your friends.Thanks.Serena!Serena!- It's so good to see you!- How are you? Good to see you! Come,we're about to have dinner.I'll set a place for you at the table next to blair.Yeah,actually,um,there's somewhere I have to go.You're leaving?Yeah,I-I just...I don't feel well.I just wanted to come by and say hi. I'll see you at school tomorrow. school? So I guess she's back for good. Didn't you know she was coming?Of course I did.I just... Wanted it to ba surprise.Word is that s. Bailed on b.'S party in under 90 secondsand didn't even have one limoncello. Has our bad girl reallygone good?Or is it all just part of the act?Young lady,yocan't be here.Visiting hours are over.I'm family.He's my brother.Why'd she leave?Why'd she return?Send me all the deets.Anwho am I?That's one secret I'll never tell... Theonlyone.X.O.X.O.,gossip girl.Serena?serena?Serena?Serena?Hey,how are you?You know...I've been better.Eric,I know I've been a terrible sister... Oh,I'm just so happy to see you.Must be a lot of rumors why you're back.Yeah,but none of them mention you. Just like mom wants,huh?What do I want,baby?For serena to sleep in her ownbed,possibly wearing pajamas. Morning,mom.Hey,I was just about to ask the doctorif I could take eric to breakfast. Wanna come?Um... No.I think what I'll do is go gethim a croissant down the street.Serena,don't.Let me guess...You told everyone eric's justvisiting grandpa in rhode island.Your aunt carol in miami.So you're actually hiding him?He tries to take his own life,and you're worried it's gonna cost you "mom the year"?Serena,you've been gone,doingwho knows what with god knows who...I told you,boarding school was not like that.Then you know what? As happy as I am to have you home,you have no idea what it's been like. guess whose dad is cool?It's a trick question.Yeah,'cause it can't be ours.Ha ha,ha ha. Look at this."Top ten forgotten bands of the '90s. " yeah,check out who's number nine.He's very proud. mm-hmm.Hey! Hey,way to be forgotten.But that's how you get remembered. Maybe you'd care if dad's band was on "gossip girl."what?I don't read "gossip girl." that's... That's for chicks.So that wasn't your laptop open to it last nightreading all about serena van der woodsen?"Rolling stone"? Wow.Lincoln hawk...Number nine.Hey,at are you working on?It's called the kiss on the lips party. Everyone's going.You were invited to that?Well,no offense if I sound surprised sincel'venever been invited.One of the girls in my art class saw my calligraphy, and she said that if I addressed all the invitationsthat I could have one.Sounds very fair. The sweatshops could learn a thing or two.Dad,this is not a platform for one of your anticapitalist rants.Yes,it is.Besides,you make us go to private school.That's for your education.So we should just be anonymous losers who eat lunch aloneand never get invited to parties?Works for me.Mom thinks it's a good idea.And her judgment is always sound,right?jenny,you wanna go to that party,you should go.You kids could use some fun.Nate?Nate?Uh,your mom told me you guys were staying here at the palace.Yeah,uh,we're renovating again.You know my mom...If it's not broke,break it.So what are you doing here?Oh,I just wanted to see how you were. You seemed kind of upset last night.I- I gotta get going and ange for school. I'm gonna be late.- Serena...- serena...- No. No.But you're back now...I didn't come back for you.Look,blair's my best friend,and you're her boyfriend,and she loves you.That's the way things are supposed to be. Hey,watch where you're going! Serena looked effing hot last night.There's something wrong with that level of perfection.It needs to be violated.You are deeply disturbed.And yet,you know I'm right.You're telling me if you had the chance...I have a girlfriend.You guys have been dating since kindergartenand you haven't sealed the deal.Who says,"seal the deal"?Come on.Are you following us or something? No,I-I go to your school.Identical uniforms?Is that kind of a tip-off?That's funny.So you guys wanna sit together at lunch? So cute!These should be framed or something. Not bad work.And here's yours,as promised. Thanks.Here you guys are.I looked all over the dining hall for you. Oh,hi,I'm serena.I know.I mean,hi,I'm jenny.When's the party?Saturday.And...You're kinda not invited...Since until 12 hours ago,everyone thought you were at boarding school.Now we're full,and,uh,jenny used up all the invites.Um,actually...You can go now.Sorry.No,that's okay.I got a lot of stuff to do anyway.Well,we should get going then.Unless you want us to wait for you. Looks like you got a lot of yogurt left. No,go ahead.Blair,think we could meet tonight?I'd love to,but I'm doing something with nate tonight.The palace. 8:00?Nate will wait.Spotted on the steps of the met...An s. And b. Power struggle.I could probably do a half-hour.Did s. Think she could waltz home,and things would be just like they were? Thanks for making the time.You're my best friend.Did b. Think s.Would go down without a fight?Or can these two hotties work it t? There's nothing gossip girllikes more than a good catfight,and this cou be a classic.Uh,you know... You know,dad,there's this thing called my space where you can post all this information online. Save some trees. Have a blog.Maybe if musicians got off their blogs and picked up their guitars,the music business would be in better shape.Spoken like a true relic.Thanks,son.Hey,dad,listen,um,I gotta run. Are you gonna be okay?Yeah. Yeah,your mom will be back. She's always been a free spirit.That's one of the reasons I fell for her in the first place.I meant with the fliers.luckily,staple guns are old school.go. I'm gonna be fine.I talked to the nurse,and I'm kidnapping you.We're going shopping,aren't we?We're going to bendel's,just for an hour,though,I swear.I had a really bad day.really? 'Cause I had a great day...A couple of pills,bunch of rorschach tests.They had this green jell-o for lunch. Mmm! Why didn't you save me any? Come on,let's go.We gotta get you out of here before mom shows up.jenny,what is it?What's wrong?Do you like this on me?Wait... Wait a second.Isthatwhy you need me?I thought this was an emergency. Afashionemergency.I mean come on,I've neverbeen to a big dance before.Neither have I.Yeah,but mom's gone,and dad's allergic to department stores.well,you look good,jen.You do,really.Thanks.I mean,too bad it's more than our rent, but I think I can sew something like it. Oh,my gosh,it's serena.Hi,serena!- hey. Jenny,- right?- yeah,hi- This is my...Stylist and personal shopper eric. Hi. Um,this is my brother.Or...Um,so is... Is that your dressfor the kiss on the lips party?Sort of.Speaking of that,um,here.I made you one during free period,but if anyone asks where you got it,I know nothing.Thanks.Dan? Dan?dan? Dan? Jenny?Jenny?That dress would look even better in black.Ack. Cool. Thanks.this is some good stuff.Yeah,I'm gonna need it.Blair's mom's at the country house. Yeah? Well,then maybe I shouldswipe some of my dad's viagra...Or my mom's paxil?Nathaniel,you're finally aboutto have sex with your girlfriend.It's like you're headed to your execution. No,man,I'm good.Talk to chuck,buddy.You and blair have been dating forever. All of a sudden there's a problem? There's no problem.It's just...Do you ever feel like our wholelives have been planned out for us,that we're just gonna end up like our parents?Man,that's a dark thought.And aren't we entitled to choose,just to be happy?Look,easy,socrates.What we're entitled to is a trust fund, maybe a house in the hamptons,a prescription drug problem.But happiness does not seem to be on the menu,so smoke up and seal the deal with blair, 'cause you're also entitled to tap that ass. so how's your mom doing with the divorce and everything?Great.So my dad left her for another man. She lost 15 pounds,got an eye lift.It's been good for her.I'm really sorry.Yeah,I could tell,since you didn't call or write the entiretime it was happening.No,I-I know,I was just...Boarding school is like...I don't even know why you wentto boarding school to being with.Do you know how it feltcalling your house whenyou didn't show up at school and having your mom say,"serena didn't tell you that she moved to connecticut?"I just...I- I had to go. I just...I need to get away from everything. Please,just trust me.How can I trust you when I feel like I don't even know you?Let's fix that.I saw you at school with... With katy and is,and I-I get it.I- I don't want to take any of that awayrom you...Because it's justyours to take if you want it.No,that... That's not what I mean. I...I miss you.I just want things to go back to the way they used to be...You know,walking to school together, dancing on tables at bungalow,night swimming at your mom's country house.You were like my sister.You know,and with our families...We need each other.You missed some classic eleanor waldorf meltdowns.If it wasn't such a tragedy,it would've been funny.Actually,it kind of was.Hmm,well,I wish I could've been there. You are now.I have to meet nate. Kinda have something special planned. Well,I don't want to keep you,but,um...I love you,b.I love you,too,s.Spotted at the palace hotel...S. And b.Having a heart-to-heart.Hmm,why so thirsty,s.?You may have won over b. For now,but we still think you're hiding something.Hey.Ah,the invisible man returns.You know,I really had no idea you could move that fast.Yeah,well,uh,your fashion emergency was solved,so I figured my wk was done.Come on,dan.Serena said hi to you at a ninth grade birthday party,and you've never forgotten it.How could I? She was the only person who spoke to me.And I'm pretty sure she thought I was someone else.You know,she's actually nice.And if shedidknow you,I think she'd really like you.I don't know. I think she might be a tad overwhelmedby the glitz and the glamour of the humphrey lifestyle.Well,I heard she's living at the palace hotel...Well,my... My point exactly.Probably sitting at the bar by herself, sipping martinis,all alone.You know,it's actually kind of sad. Oh,and,um,dad's at the gallery working late.He,uh,left money for dinner,so I was thinking indian.You know... You know what?I think I'm...I'm gonna go out.okay.Good,'cause I already ordered and only got enough for one.move,please.I love this town.I'm going to have to tell my parentsthe hotel ey just bought is serving minors.And if you get a drink,they're also serving pigs.I love it when you talk dirty.You just love when a girl talks to you. Actually,I prefer them when they're not talking.Mm,I've missed your witty banter.Let's catch up,take our clothes off,stare at each other.How about I just get a bite to eat?I've been drinking on an empty stomach.I heard you didn't do that anymore. Special occasion.Well,how about a grilled cheese with truffleil?You do love truffles.Enough to know it's not on the menu. Good thing I'm connected.Only 'cause I'm hungry.Is it too much?I want it to be special.What's wrong?Look,I don't know how to say this...Or if it's even the right thing to do, but,um...There's something I need to tell you. Alfonso,you're a stud.Now,uh,have a good night.We're closing the kitchen early.Oh,my god.This is so good.Well,if you're looking for a way to thank me,I've got a couple ideas. It's a sandwich,chuck.this is...This is not happening right now.You worried nate'll find out?What?Last year...The shepherd wedding.You think I don't know why you left town?Come on,hurry up.You know we're not supposed to be in here.Oh,if the happy couple didn't want to put up the cash for the premium bar, they should have made their wedding b.Y.O.B.- No!- Let me see it.No,make me.I can do it. I can do it.- No,you can't.- Let me just show you.Here,come here. Let me see it.I can do it. Stop.That never happens to me.It's okay.You're still a man in my eyes. Come here.Look at you. You're a mess.So are you.but... That was it.You guys kissed.Best friend and the boyfriend.That's pretty classy,s.I think you're more like me than you'd admit.No.No,that... That was then.I... I'm trying to change.I liked you better before.Chuck,stop it. Stop.No! Chuck,stop it!I knew it! I always knew there was something! Get out!Chuck! No!get off of me!I'm so sorry.Are... Are you okay?And just when b. And s. Had built a bridge,it all had to come crashing down.But dry your eyes.The kiss on the lips party is around the corner.And you know who les parties? Gossip girl.nice try,son.Maybe next time.You seem upbeat this morning.Did you have fun with blair last night? Actually,we got into a pretty big fight. Oh,you want my advice? Apologize even if it was her fault.Flowers,maybe some jewelry if she's really upset.Always works for your mom.I don't know. I think it might be for the best.Wait a minute.You guys broke up? Yeah,I guess we did.Blair is a great girl.I know. I'm just not sure if she's the girl for me.And you guys have been dating since kindergarten.So I keep hearing.Well,you love her,don't you?Yes,I do.I just think it might be goodfor us to take a break,you know? Maybe not right now.Eleanor waldorf is gearingup to take her company public,and I've been courting her formonths to let me handle the deal.Then you should get it.Iwillget it. If you could just help me out a little bit...What? You love her. She loves you.It's just a rough patch,that's all.You don't give up just because things are hard,not in business,or if yourfamily is depending on you.How do you know it was miss van der woodsen's if you didn't read it?And if you're not a guest at the hotel, what were you doing here?what?Uh,look,when prince charming found cinderella's slipper,they didn't accuse him of having a foot fetish.Uh,and you're prince charming?Well,there's miss van der woodsen now. no,no!Uh,serena?No,no,no,no,no.What are you dng? Don't.Hey,um,do you know this young man? She doesn't know me.Nobodyknows me.It's cool. It's fine.Uh... From last night.Are you...Um,I'm sorry about that.You remember me?She remembers me.Well,he claims he found your cell phone. Oh! You found it.Hey,mom.Guess what I got for you...A dress for kiss on the lips.I saw the invitation on the nightstand. Oh,uh,I'm not going to that.What do you mean? Blair's throwing it. Yeah,um,se the problem is,um, by... By the time I got the invitation,I,um,actually already had plans.Plans with whom?My friend.Uh... Yeah,hi.Uh,nice to meet you,mrs. Van der woodsen.I'm dan humphrey.What are you and dan humphrey doing? We...Uh,uh,we're... We're gog to a concert tonight.Lincoln Hawk?Lincoln hawk?yeah,"rolling stone" named them one of the top ten forgotten bands the '90s. Whoo! I'm a huge fan.Well,this party would've been the perfect opportunity for you to announce your return,but I guess I'll just,uh,keep the dress for myself.Thank you.Yeah,no,uh...It's not a problem,really.So you'll pick me up at 8:00?You'd really go out with some guy you don't know?Well,you can't be worse than the guys idoknow.Thanks for meeting me.Look,blair,I- I really hurt you,and I know that,and I wanna fix it. Really? And how are you gonna do that? I'm gonna put everything in the past.I'm not gonna see serena again or even talk to her.It'll be like she doesn't exist.I think that's a good idea.Let's not mention it again.You gonna eat that?That's it?'Cause you were pretty upset last night.I mean,should we talk about this? There's nothing to talk about.I overreacted.If you say it's in the past,it's in the past. I'm sure you have no feelings for her anymore. I just feel bad for serena.She'll really miss you.What time does the limo come?8:00.Perfect.Lilylily.Are you shopping for some art to match your furniture?Why is my daughter going to one of your concerts?'Cause we're awesome.With your son.Dan scored a date with serena?Well,our kids were bound to meet.It's a small island.Are you sure it's not some ploy,your using my daughter to getto me now that your wife left you?How do you know about alison?Like you said...Small island.Oh,I get it.You hear about alison,use your daughter as an excuse to start something. Yeah.In your dreams.Well,youarein my dreams,lily,and one in particular recurs...It involves finding you in the back of a nine inch nails buswith your shoes in your earrings and trent reznor...That happened.No need to rehash details of decades past.So I moved on...Yeah,from trent to layne to perry,till you switched up rock stars for billionaires.You think you're so cute...Washed-up band,crappy so-called art gallery.Well,not all of us have settlementsfrom multiple divorces to sustain us.Just stay out of my life,rufus.you're going out with serena,and I'm going to kiss on the lips.Who said this family wasn't cool? Well,listen,I don't want to be late,but good luck,all right?Same.See you at the concert,right,dad? Uh... Okay.Oh,my god.My daughter's a woman.Dad,you could just tell me I look nice instead of turning this into a sermon on the passage of time.You look like...Your mother.Thanks.Blair,let me see how it looks.Why are you wearing that one?Didn't you see the dress I left on the bed?I like this one.Thisone is not as elegant a choice asthatone.Why do you care so much?Because I love you.Blair,you will never be more beautiful or thin or happythan you are right now.I just want you to make the most of it.I guess I have time to change.And put some product in your hair. The ends are dry.who's the newbie?Jenny HumphreyJenny humphrey.She's a freshman.I love freshmen.They're so...Fresh?Anything about her on "gossip girl"? No.Hmm,until you're done with her.hi. I'm chuck. I know. Um,I mean...Hi,I'm... I'm jenny.It's,uh,it's nice to meet you.You,too.Thank you.Looks like little j. Might end up with a new boyand a ticket to the inner circle.Or will c.End up with another victim?I told you I love parties.So i'm little overdressed,aren't I? Honestly,I don't really have a problem with your appearance.Hey,come on. I want you to meet one of the guys in the band.Oh,so you're a groupie?Well,not quite.Rufus HumphreySerena,I'd like you to meet rufus humphrey.Dad,this is serena.Serena van der WoodsenSerena van der woodsen.Oh,uh,I don't know how I know that. Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you,too.You guys are a little early.It's gonna be a while before we take the stage.Yeah,I-I may have slightly overbudgeted for travel time.I should go tune that.Excuse me. Enjoy the show.Son,talk to you later.Dad,see you.you took me to meet your dad on a first date?So this... This is a date?Maybe I should've worn my loafers then...Dressed down a little bit.Let's go and talk somewhere quieter. Okay.Well,this is definitely quieter,but,um,do you actually know where we're going or...Here looks pretty good.so... Uh,you said you wanted to talk. Um,what'd you want to talk about? How into you I am.okay,I'm... I'm sorry. uh...If you don't want to do anything,that's... That's cool.Let... Let's start over.Um,do you want to start over back at the party?Uh,have a glass of champagne. Please?Maybe one.thanks.- What?- Sorry. No,nothing,nothing.I just,um...My sister was right.You're nice.But you asked me out on a date,and you didn't think I was nice?No,uh,I just thought you were hot.And technically,youaskedmeout.Oh,okay. Okay,I see.So,um,sensitive,tortured soul boyis actually kinda superficial,huh? Yeah,just... Just a little bit.Good to know.{\a6}Help emergrncy need you Sorry.for real please u know chuck?What,better offer?No,it's my sister.She's at that kiss on the lips party,you know?She's having some problems with this guy chuck.I'm sorry. I have to go.I'll go with you.No,really,that's okay.No,no,listen.If it's chuck,it's not okay. look,I'm... I'm gonna do a lap,okay? Look for her.Okay,yeah.Serena? It's serena!Oh,my god! What?!She'sreallyhere?Is that really her? Everyone said she wasn't invited.I think she's wasted.Do you think blair knows?What's she wearing? What's with that dress?She'ssobrave.You know serena...She'd never miss a party.Serena's here?!What is she doing here?She wasn't invited.Blair,come on,are you really gonna kick her out?Didyouinvite her?What? No!God,I told you...Donottalk to her.I was going for a walk.- no!- Quiet.Stop!Hey,no luck?No,I haven't seen her anywhere.Come on.Let's try upstairs.there isn't gonna be anybodyup here. This is pointless.- DanDan. what?That's chuck's scarf.Oh,god.Get off! Stop!Hey! Jenny!Chuck,get off of her!Are you okay?You son of a...What the hell is your problem?!It's a party. Things happen.Who are you,anyway?How many times do I have to tell you? I'm in your class.My name is dan humphrey,and that is my little sister!Come on,dan.Let's go. Come on.Chuck,don't youever touch her again! Hey,your life is over,slut!Don't forget,I know everything!You sure you're okay?Yeah,I will be.Just take me home,okay?so... Think I got a shot at a second date? Well,I don't think you could top this one. Ididpunch someone.True.We'll talk about it in the cab.she better not show her face again.I'm actually hoping she will. spotted...Serena making heroic exit from b.'S party.Too bad for her there's school on monday.So until next time...You know you love me...Gossip girl.。

美剧绯闻女孩的经典台词《绯闻女孩》(Gossip Girl)是一部由塞西莉·冯·齐格萨所作同名流行小说改编而成的美国TA电视剧。
gossip girl 八卦天后绯闻女孩原版剧本第一季第一集s01e01

Serena: Yeah, I don't feel well. I just wanted to come by and say hi. I'll see you at school tomorrow. {she leaves}
Blair: School. So I guess she's back for good.
Gossip Girl: Has our bad girl really gone good? Or is it all just part of the act?
Gossip Girl: Why'd she leave? Why'd she return? Send me all the deets. And who am I? That's the secret I'll never tell. The only one. —XOXO. Gossip Girl.
Serena: So what are you doing here?
Nate: Oh, I just wanted to see how you were. You seemed kind of upset last night.
Serena: I gotta get going and change for school. I'm gonna be late.
Lily: Serena, you've been gone. Doing who knows what with god knows who—
Serena: I told you, boarding school was not like that.
【推荐下载】绯闻女孩 gossip girl 中英剧本词汇解析 SE01.1


绯闻女孩第一季经典台词大集合Gossip girl: Hey, upper east siders, gossip girl here, your one and only source into the scandalous life of Manh attan’s elites. And who am I? That’s a secret I’ll never tell. You know you love me, XOXO, gossip girl。
Ep1. PilotGossip girl: Spotted, lonely boy can’t believe the love of h is life has returned. If only she knew who he was.目击——寂寞男孩不敢相信他一生挚爱回来了,只是如果她知道他的存在的话。
* Gossip的经典转折..哈哈..Blair: I love you, Nate Archibald, always have, always will.我爱你,N,一直是,永远会。
* 出现两次,相似的第三次是C说的。
S erena: I didn’t come back for you.我又不是为你回来的。
* 自作多情的N。
Gossip girl: There’s nothing gossip girl like more than a good cat fight. And this could be a classic.在这世界上绯闻少女最喜欢的莫过于女人之间的战争,而这个将是个十分经典的战役。
* 女人之间的战役一般都用cat fight,因为女人打架都像猫一样又叫又抓。
Chuck: But happiness does not seem on the menu, so smoke up, and seal the deal with Blair.幸福并不在你的选项之内,你还是先搞定B吧。

vol.1Gossip girl: Hey, upper east siders,Gossip girl here and I have the biggest news ever.One of my many sources-Melanie91 sends us this.Spotted: at grand central,Bags in hand,Serena van der woodsen.Was it only a year ago,our "it" girl mysteriously disappeared for "boardingschool"?And just as suddenly,She's back.Don't believe me?See for yourselves.Lucky forus,Melanie91 sent proof.Thanks for the photo, mel.vol.2Gossip Girl:Good morning, upper eastsiders,Gossip girl here.Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan'selite.Top story on my home page: Serena van der Woodsen,everybody's favorite "it" girl,has just returned from a mysterious absence.vol.3Gossip Girl:Good morning, upper eastsiders,Gossip girl here.Your one and only sourceinto the scandalous lives of Manhattan'selite.Top story on my home page: Serena van der Woodsen,everybody's favorite "it" girl,has just returned from a mysterious absence and was learning the hard way that you can never go home again.vol.4Gossip Girl:Good morning, upper eastsiders,Gossip girl here.Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite.vol.5.~13Gossip Girl:Gossip girl here.Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite.。
gossip girl 1-2 绯闻女孩第一季第二集 剧本台词 情景旁白

Gossip Girl (Voice Over)Good morning, Upper East Siders! Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source in the scandalous lives of Manhatten's elite. Top story on my homepage: Serena van der Woodsen. Everybody's favourite It-Girl has just returned from a mysterious absence.[INT TRAIN - Serena is looking out of the window][INT GRAND CENTRAL STATION - Serena walks in][INT HOME OF THE WALDORFS - Chuck, Katy and Isabel are sitting on a couch, Katy and Isabel are looking at their messages on their cell phones]KatyYou'll never believe what's on 'Gossip Girl'!IsabelSomeone saw Serena getting off a train at Grand Central![EXT NEW YORK - Several people on the streets receive the news over their cell phones that Serena has returned]Gossip Girl (Voice Over)Everyone knows Serena. And everyone is talking[INT BLAIR'S BEDROOM - Blair and Nate are kissing on the bed, half undressed, Eleaonr interrupts them]EleanorBlair, it's Serena!NateSerena?Gossip Girl (Voice Over)And B's boyfriend Nate? Rumour has it he's always had a thing for Serena.[EXT THE PALACE HOTEL]NateBut you'r back now.SerenarI didn't come back for you. Look, Blair is my best friend and you're her boyfriend and she loves you.[INT OSTROFF CENTER - Serena is looking into her brother's room]Gossip Girl (Voice Over)Why did she leave? Why did she return?EleanorMust be a lot of rumours why you're back.SerenarYeah, but none of them mentioned you.[INT OSTROFF CENTER - HALLWAY]SerenarHe tries to take his own life and you're worried it's gonna cost you 'Mom Of The Year'.LilyYou have no idea what it's been like.[FLASHBACK - INT BAR - Serena and Nate are having sex, Chuck is watching from the balcony]ChuckBest friend and the boyfriend. That's pretty classy, S.Gossip Girl (Voice Over)And Nate's friend Chuck won't let Serena forget about her past.[INT THE PALACE HOTEL - KITCHEN]SerenarI'm trying to change.ChuckI liked you better before.[INT THE PALACE HOTEL - BAR - Serena crashes into Dan]Gossip Girl (Voice Over)And then there's Dan: Outsider, looks like his childhood crush has returned.[INT THE PALACE HOTEL - FOYER]DanShe doesn't know me. Nobody knows me. It's cool.ConciergeSerena! Do you know this young man?SerenarUhm, from last night.DanYou remember me?[Dan walks off but then turns around]DanYou'd really go out with some guy you don't know?SerenarWell, you can't be worse than the guys I do know. [INT HOME OF THE HUMPHREYS - KITCHEN]RufusGuess who's dad is cool!JennyIt's a trick question.DanYeah, 'cause it can't be ours.[Dan looks at the front page of 'Rolling Stone']Dan'Top 10 Forgotten Bands Of The '90s'.RufusYeah, check out who's number nine.JennyHe's very proud.DanHey, hey way to be forgotten.[INT THE HUMPHREY'S ART GALLERY]LilyWhy is my daughter going to one of your concerts?Well, our kids were about to meet. It's a small island.LilyYou're sure it's not some ploy your using my daughter to get to me? Now that your wife left you?[INT 'KISS ON THE LIPS' PARTY - Dan and Serena are walking through the crowd]Gossip Girl (Voice Over)Serena and her mystery man made a surprise appearance at Blair's 'Kiss On The Lips' party.Isabel and KatySerena's here?BlairWhat is she doing here? She wasn't invited.Gossip Girl (Voice Over)But Serena wasn't the only one who made an impression.[INT 'KISS ON THE LIPS' PARTY - Chuck notices Jenny]ChuckWho's the newbie?Gossip Girl (Voice Over)Jenny made an impression on Chuck.ChuckLet's go and talk somewhere private.[EXT ROOF TOP - Chuck tries violently to kiss Jenny]JennyNo, stop!DanHey! That is my little sister![EXT ROOF TOP - Dan punches Chuck in the face]SerenarDon't you ever touch her again!Hey, you're life is over, slut![EXT 'KISS ON THE LIPS' PARTY - Blair and Chuck watch Dan, Jenny and Serena get into a cab]BlairShe better not show her face again.ChuckI'm actually hoping she will.DanSo, think I've got a shot at a second date?SerenarWe talk about it in the cab.Gossip Girl (Voice Over)And now that S is back... will the Upper East Side ever be the same? We're all just dying to see what happens next.END OF TEASER [EXT NEW YORK]Gossip Girl (Voice Over)I bet you're wondering what Gossip Girl is doing up so early. Truth is: I never went to bed. Why waste precious time dreaming when waking life is so much better?[INT THE PALACE HOTEL - KITCHEN - Ice cubes are thrown into a bucket, lemons and cucumbers are being sliced, eggs scrambled]Gossip Girl (Voice Over)Is there really anything better than a lazy sunday? Reading the paper in bed, sipping coffee, scrambling an egg or two. Yeah, right. We Upper East Siders don't do lazy: Breakfast is brunch and it comes with champagne, a dress code and a hundred of our closest friends... and enemies.[Tables get decorated, flowers arranged, strawberries are being dipped in chocolate]Gossip Girl (Voice Over)Chuck's dad Bart Bass is hosting the annual brunch for his foundation. Everyone is invited. Well, not everyone.[INT HOME OF THE HUMPHREYS - Dan opens a garage door which seperates his room from his sister's]Oh, hey, you're up.JennyAnd you're checking up on me. I'm ok, really, I'm ok. You know, I was ok when you asked me at the party and in the cab, when we got home, before and after I brushed my teeth. Well, I just feel really... stupid. I mean, how could I'Ve actually thought that Chuck Bass just wanted to talk to me?DanBecause you trust people which is normally a good thingJennyYeah, except when it involes Chuck.DanYeah, pretty much.JennySo, the real question is: How are you?DanMe? Why wouldn't I be ok?JennyYou know, at the end of the night with Serena and the... the...[Jenny makes a waving gesture]DanWas it really that bad?[FLASHBACK - LAST NIGHT - CAB - Jenny, Dan and Serena are sitting in the cab, Serena is getting out, then stops]SerenaThis is me. So, good night.DanYeah, uhm, yeah, good night.[Serena gets out of the cab]JennyGo! Walk her to the door! Something! Go![Dan nods and tries to get out of the cab but the doors slams into his head, the cab starts to drive off]JennyWhoa, stop, stop, sir, stop, stop!DanI think I have brain damage.JennyYou know, Dan, if you had brain damage you wouldn't even know you had brain damage.DanNo, let's go, please. Williamsburg.JennyNo![Serena looks inside through the side window}DanHowiehi.[Dan waves at Serena, the cab drives off, Serena looks puzzled after the cab and waves slightly][INT OSTROFF CENTER - ERIK'S ROOM - Erik is sitting on his chair, looking at his hand]ErikSo he waved? I wouldn't have taken him for a waver.SerenaNo, he was just trying to be funny.ErikOr maybe he is shy.SerenaOr he hates me.ErikNo guy in the history of the world has ever hated you.[INT HOME OF THE HUMPRHEYS - JENNY'S ROOM - Dan is pacing up and down, Jenny is lying on her bad looking through a magazine]DanShe probably thinks I hate her now. I waited my entire adolescent life for a date with this girl. You know, Serena van der Woodsen! And I decided to close the evening with a wave.JennyIt was a nice wave.DanAt the end of a date? Come on, there's no such thing. And you only get one shot with a girl like Serena. I got mine and I blew it.JennyWhich means you've got nothing to loose.DanNothing except my last shred of dignity.JennyOh no, I think that's gone.DanYou're right. You know, I'll just... I'll go talk to here. I'm gonna apologise for the wave, I gonna tell her how much I like her and I'm gonna ask for a second shot... and I'm gonna get a second shot.JennyYeah you are!DanYeah.[Dan walks out of the room]JennyWait, wait, wait! I love the plan but uhm... you need a better outfit... and maybe a shower.[Dan heads into his room and closes the garage door][INT ERIK'S ROOM - Serena is pacing up and down]Whatever, it is probably for the best. The last thing I need in my life is another guy. He was just so smart, though, and funny...ErikIt sounds like you like him.Serena... and really nice. God, Blair was so plain to me last night. I don't even know why. Whatever, I'm sure if we talk about it we can work it out. Hey, maybe I should go over there.[INT HOME OF THE WALDORFS - LIVING ROOM - A note is clipped to a dress: Went to Paris. Bruch at 2. Wear pearls! Eleanor Waldorf, New York]BlairSerena had better just stay away. Thank you, Dohertha!IsabelThanks!KatyWe were sleeping on flares last night.BlairI don't want to see Serena at school and she better not show up at brunch today.KatyYou're really mad at Serena.IsabelI hope you never get that mad at us.BlairWell, you would never do what Serena did.KatyNo, never.Isabel'Course not.[Isabel looks puzzled at Katy who shrugs her shoulders]I wonder if Nate remembered brunch. It would be so wrong of me to show up without my boyfriend whom I love... and who loves me.[Blair calls Nate][INT THE PALACE HOTEL - CHUCK'S ROOM - Nate's cell phone is vibrating on a table covered with cards and poker chips, Nate wakes up on the couch and answers the phone]NateHello?[INT THE WALDORF'S LIVING ROOM]BlairHi sweety. Did I wake you?[INT THE PALACE HOTEL - CHUCK'S ROOM]NateNo, I'm up.[INT THE WALDORF'S LIVING ROOM]BlairWell, get some strong coffee and jump in the shower, sleepyhead. Chuck's dad's brunch for his foundation is today at The Palace.[INT THE PALACE HOTEL - CHUCK'S ROOM]NateAh, great, of course.[Nate hangs up the phone and throws it onto the table, the noise wakes up Chuck who is lying in bed with two women]ChuckNathaniel! Keep it down! Some of us are trying to regain our strenght.NateYou're dad's brunch is today.ChuckThe alarm's set for nine.It's ten.[Chuck sighs, then raises and claps his hands, he has a black eye]ChuckLadies, double time! Oh, unless... Nathaniel?[Chuck points behind him at the two women]NateI'm good. [The two women wear maid uniforms and Nate addresses them]NateActually, could you two bring some coffee when you get a chance? And some water, lots of water.MaidYou want ice with that?[She points at Chuck's black eye]MaidLooks like you could use some.ChuckThat's enough, ladies. And I'll make sure to tell my father just how committed you are to the hospitality industry.NateThat kid popped you pretty good, huh? Never mess with a guy's sister.ChuckIf I knew his name I'd hunt him down and kill him.NateWhat, 'cause you kill people now? Are you gonna strangle him with your scarf?[Nate throws Chuck's scarf into his face, Chuck is preparing a hangover remedy in a blender]ChuckDon't mock the scarf, Nathaniel. It's my signature.NateJust saying, death by scarf: Not that intimidating.He sucker-punched me, I told you. Besides, better a broken nose than a broken heart.NateWhat? I didn't even talk to Serena last night.ChuckWho said anything about Serena?[INT JENNY'S ROOM - Dan opens the garage door, he has changed his clothes]DanDo I look ok?JennyDefinitely second shot material.DanAlright then, I'm gonna go. Oh, uhm, and about what happend, you know, with Chuck... if you want to talk to someone... not your brother, just let me know.JennyOk.Yeah, alright.JennyHey, there wait! Actually, there is someone I want to talk to.[Jenny grabs her purse and they prepare to leave, Rufus comes home]DanHey!RufusHey, where are you guys going? I was going to make waffles.DanUh, sorry dad.JennyYeah, can't.RufusBut I want to know everything about your date.Later.RufusAnd your party.RufusWhen I get back?You guys missed a really great show! And I make really good waffles![Dan and Jenny leave][THE PALACE HOTEL - CHUCK'S ROOM - Nate is on the phone]ConciergeThe Palace Hotel.NateHi, this is Nate Archibald, calling from the Bass suite. I know you don't normally give out this information but could you tell me what room the van der woodsens are in, please?[EXT NEW YORK - Serena is walking down the street, she is leaving Blair a message on the phone]SerenaHey, Blair, it's me. Eh, I guess you're still sleeping but I'm gonna come over. I think we need to talk. Ok, ehm, see you soon. Bye.[INT HOME OF THE WALDORFS - Blair checks her missed calls: Serena, she deletes it][INT THE PALACE HOTEL - BALL ROOM - All the tables are decorated]Gossip Girl (Voice Over)Looks like the tables are all set. As soon as the guests arrive we can start dishing. Here's what's on the menue:[FLASHFORWARD - Serena, Blair, Dan, Chuck, Jenny, Nate, Dan, Blair, Serena, Chuck walks towards Dan but Nate stops him, Blair takes off a blue dress, Jenny is wearing Blair's blue dress and looks at herself in a mirror, Chuck gives Blair a key, Blair and Nate are kissing in an elevator, Blair turns around rapidly][THE PALACE HOTEL - THE ROOM OF THE VAN DER WOODSENS - Serena is searching through boxes]SerenaMom, did you borrow my Michelle Parise? Uh, I can't find anything in here!LilyWell, it might help if you unpacked. Look, you're home now, it's your life, you should start living it.SerenaThis is not live, this is a hotel we're living in because you decided you didn't like the colour of the walls in our real home.[Lily hands Serena the green pair of pumps she was looking for]SerenaMom, I said I'd go to this brunch. What else do you want from me?LilySerena, why are you being like this? You love parties. This is just not like you.SerenaMaybe it is like me. Maybe you don't know what I'm really like.LilyOh, ok, tell me.[Serena puts on her pumps and just stares at her mother]LilySo did you and Dan have fun at the concert last night?SerenaWe, uhm, never made it. We actually ended up at the 'Kiss On The Lips' party.LilyAh, well that must have pleased Blair.SerenaBlair? Actually no, not that pleased. Which is why I'm going to talk to her.LilyJust be back in time for brunch, ok?SerenaMom!Look, honey, I know how hard it is for you to be back but the more you hide yourself away the more people are gonna think you have something to hide.SerenaComing from someone who's keeping my brother in an institution.LilyThat's different.[Serena leaves, Lily shouts after her]LilyI mean it: Don't be late![EXT THE PALACE HOTEL - Serena runs to get a cab]SerenaWait![Serena gets into the cab just as Dan walks up to The Palace Hotel, Dan enters and walks over to the reception]DanHey! How are you doing? I, ah, I was in yesterday with Serena.ConciergeHow could I forget.DanYeah, well, is... she in?ConciergeJust missed her, actually, but you're welome to wait.DanOk, maybe I will. She probably won't be that long, right?ConciergeOnce she went out and didn't come back for six month but feel free to sit.[Dan points behind him towards a lounge, the concierge points into the opposite direction]ConciergeOver there.Over there is where I'll be.[Dan walks off, Nate walks towards the elevator, the door opens and Lily steps out]LilyHi, Nate, it's great to see you.NateHi, Misses van der Woodsen. Good to see you.LilyOh, I'm just heading out.[Nate accompanies Lily through the foyer]NateOh, is Serena in?LilyOh, you just missed her but I'll tell her you came by. I'm sure she will be happy to hear it.NateI... I don't know about that.LilyOh, what? I mean, Serena loves you and I think she's always a little crush on you. 'Course you and Blair are the perfect couple.NateMmh, is Serena going to be long? I could just wait.[They arrive at the reception, Lily nods towards the concierge]LilyUhm, well, Dexter here can take care of you. I'm just gonna step out for a while and Nate's gonna wait for Serena.NateGreat.ConciergeHe can get in line behind that guy.[The concierge points towards Dan who's sitting in a chair behind them, Lily and Nate turn around]LilyI had a feeling you'd be back. Dan, is it?[Dan gets up and shakes her hand]DanHumphrey, yes. It's nice to see you again, Misses van der Woodsen. I hope you had a pleasant, eh, 21 hours since I last saw you.LilyYes, it has been very pleasant... until now. Gentlemen...[Lily turn around and walks off, Nate and Dan stare at each other]NateHey.DanHey.[Nate and Dan sit down next to each other][HOME OF THE WALDORFS - Serena exits the elevator]SerenaBlair? Hey.BlairSerena.[Serena takes a copy of 'Breakfast At Tiffany's' out of a bag]SerenaHey., I got two baguettes and Audrey.BlairI must have totally blanked on the part where I invited you over.SerenaI... I called you. Blair, it's Sunday morning: Coffee, croissants, 'Breakfast At Tiffany's'. It's our tradition.BlairI have new traditions now.SerenaWell, they're not traditions if they're new.[Blair sits down with the Sunday paper and ignores Serena]SerenaLook, Blair, I'm really trying to make an effort here. I thought everything was good between us.BlairIt was... before I found out you had sex with my boyfriend.[Serena is looking for words, Blair just stares at her]SerenaHow did you find out?BlairNate told me. At least he felt he owed it to me to tell the truth.SerenaI don't know what to say.BlairDon't bother saying anything. I wouldn't believe you anyway.SerenaBlair, it was...BlairYou know... I always knew you're a whore... I never took you for a liar too.SerenaBlair, how can I fix this?BlairYou don't, Serena. You just stay away from me, my boyfriend and my friends. You're done here.[Blair walks away and leaves Serena behind]Gossip Girl (Voice Over)Serena's visit was short and apparently not very sweet but you know what is? Revenge. We hear it's best served cold. Who's hungry?[Serena has already left, Jenny exits the elevator and enters the living room, Blair shouts from the other room]BlairDohertha, I told you I didn't want to see anyone![Blair enters the living room and sees Jenny]BlairHey, Jenny.JennyHi.BlairWhat do you want?JennyEh, I realised that I still have your calligraphy pens... from the party invitations and thought you might need them for something.BlairThat's the lamest excuse I've ever heard. You wanna know what Chuck Bass is saying about you.JennyNo. Is he... saying things? Is anyone?BlairMmh, no. Not yet anyway. Chuck likes to brag about his conquests not his victims. Come on, you can help me get ready for brunch.JennyOk, sure.[Blair leads Jenny upstairs, Jenny notices an arrangement of flowers]JennyNice flowers.BlairThey're hydrangeas.[EXT NEW YORK - Lily gets out of a cab]LilyJust coffee. I'm not staying long... I want to get out of here before someone throws me down and tattoos me.RufusThis is Brooklyn, Lil, not the 'Warped Tour' and don't tell me you had all your tattoos removed. I mean, even that one the little heart-shaped one between your, uhm...LilyDon't try to be cute, ok. Those days are way behind you.RufusAnd here I thought I was getting better looking every day. So, what's the big emergency?LilyDan went out with Serena last night.RufusAnd as Humphrey I sure am proud of him.[They walk into a coffee shop]LilyWell, currently he is sitting in the lobby of the hotel where we're living.Shop AssistentHi, how can I help you?RufusTwo americanos, one with an extra shot?LilyMhm.RufusYou don't actually think that I'm gonna tell my kid you he can and cannot date. I mean is that really the reason you came down here?LilyOh, I know what you're implying.RufusThat maybe you're falling for me again.You're right, you're right. It's the low income tax bracket, the bad v-neck t-shirts, the awful jokes. I don't know why your wife left you.RufusWell, she's got better taste than you.[The shop assistant brings them their coffee, Rufus pays]Shop AssistentHere you are. Thanks.RufusI mean, come on, why else have I seen you more in the last two days than in the last fifteen years?LilyAn unfortunate twist of fate.RufusBut fate non the less, unless... you are... are you seeing someone?LilyNo, not really.RufusAha, not serious... or he's married, that is your type.LilyThat's enough, Rufus.RufusWhat's his name? Have I read of him in 'Forbes' or 'Rolling Stone'? Well, whoever he is I'm sure he can't keep up with you.LilyWell, I'm gonna take that as a compliment. But I'm serious, I'm worried about Serena. I don't need some new boy influencing her, distracting her from her needs.RufusWell, no offense, Lil, but I'm guessing a kid like Dan is exactly what Serena needs.[EXT THE PALACE HOTEL - Dan walks away from the main entrance, he meets Nate at the front gate]So, ah, what do you need to talk to Serena about?NateNothing, just in the neighborhood. You?DanI... I'm nowhere near the neighborhood but I'm working on a better excuse.NateYou guys like...DanOh, ah, I... I don't know.NateYeah, well, that's Serena. With her you'll never know.[Chuck walks towards them, he is wearing black sunglasses]ChuckNathaniel! There you are. What are you doing?NateNothing... just waiting for you.[Chuck notices Dan, he takes of his sunglasses and reveales his black eye]ChuckHim? What are you doing here?DanWhy? What is this... your hotel?NateActually, it is.ChuckYes and unless you have a reason to be here I have to ask you to wait on the curb with the rest of the trash.DanTrash? Look man, I live in Brooklyn, alright, not the Ozarks... no offense to the Ozarks. But don't you think we're taking this class warfare thing way too far?[Chuck pushes Dan, Nate keeps him back]Ok, man, let's just go.ChuckYou told me stick it up for Serena's reputation... if anyone has a reason to kick his ass it's you.NateIt's no warfare. Not here.[Nate leads Chuck away from Dan, Chuck turns to Dan]ChuckThis isn't over.DanHey, any time, man. That one black eys looks a little lonely.[BLAIR'S BEDROOM - Blair is trying on the blue dress her mother laid out for her to wear to the brunch, Jenny is with her]JennyWow, Blair, it's... it's beautiful. I mean... you look beautiful.BlairIt's average. The collar is last season. And besides, Stella McCartney's a much better version of Bergdorf's.[Blair takes the dress off]JennyRight. I... I've been meaning to go by Bergdorf's.[Jenny walks over to Blair's bed and picks up a doll]JennyWow, these dolls are great. Oh my god, you've got 'Cabbage Patch'. My brother used to have one of these. His name was Cedric.BlairYou're brother's name is Cedric?JennyNo, that was his 'Cabbage Patch Kid'. My brother's name is Dan. Actually, you might know him. He, uhm, he went out with Serena last night.That was your brother? So does that mean you're friends with Serena now?JennyI mean, I don't have a problem with her but if someone did have a problem with her I wouldn't have a problem with that either.BlairYou know if you like that dress... you can have it.JennyWhat? No, no.BlairI'm sure you'll find some way to repay me.JennyWow, Blair, thank you, I mean, for the dress and... for the other thing... about that Chuck.BlairIf you want to be part of this world, Jenny, people will talk... eventually. And you need to decide if all this... is worth it.[EXT THE PALACE HOTEL - Dan is waiting for Serena, she walks up to him]SerenaDan, hey.DanI, I... I was in the neighborhood... uhm, give or take seventy blocks. Uhm, I just wanted to tell you in person that, eh, the end of last night may not have been my finest hour. It was a, eh, a wave.[Dan makes a waving gesture]SerenaI, I... I saw that.DanYeah, yeah. Since then I've just been wondering... eh... are you hungry?SerenaYes. Actually, I had the worst morining.Do you... do you wanna talk? And eat? Not necessarily in that order.SerenaYes, I would love to do both but food first because I'm starving.[Lily walks up to them]LilyGreat, just in time for brunch.SerenaMom.DanMiss van der Woodsen.LilyDan, you're still here.SerenaLook, mom, I really don't think it's a good idea for me to go to that brunch.LilyYou promised.SerenaYeah, but that was before... before I knew Dan was hungry too. I can't let the boy starve.DanIt would be inhumane.LilyHe's not invited.SerenaYeah, that's why I'm going with him.DanBecause I can't go with her.SerenaAnd we have plans to go to brunch together today.We had those plans.LilySerena, you're home: Living under my roof, my rules. What is it gonna take to get you dressed and through that door?[INT THE PALACE HOTEL - BALL ROOM - Dan and Serena stand at the entrance, Dan looks a little overwhelmed, there are models painted white to pose as statues, Howie Archibald, Bart Brass and Lily are all there, Nate, Chuck, Blair, Katy and Isabel are sitting together laughing and drinking, Blair notices Serena and her mouth drops]SerenaYou know, maybe... maybe this was a... a bad idea.[Back at the table]BlairYou got to be kidding.[Back at the entrance]DanYeah, this was... this was definitely a bad idea[Back at the table, Chuck notices Dan]ChuckThis should be fun.Gossip Girl (Voice Over)Looks like Chuck and Blair showed up with quite some appetite... for destruction that is.[Dan and Serena finally enter the ball room][INT HOME OF THE HUMPHREYS - Rufus is playing the guitar, Jenny enters with her new blue dress in a transparent cloth bag]JennyHey, dad. How's the new song going?RufusAh, I think I need more coffee.。


8 00:00:39,890 --> 00:00:43,140 mysteriously disappeared for "boarding school"?
7 00:00:39,890 --> 00:00:43,140 神秘消失 转到"寄宿学校"就读?
9 00:00:43,150 --> 00:00:45,220 And just as suddenly,she's back.
47 00:02:26,180 --> 00:02:28,620 Yes,dad's always spoken very highly of dartmouth,
48 00:02:28,630 --> 00:02:29,700 but I'd like to check out west.
49 00:02:29,710 --> 00:02:31,500 You know,maybe u.S.C.,u.C.L.A....
19 00:01:03,970 --> 00:01:05,100 - 蛮好 - 不错
20 00:01:05,480 --> 00:01:06,290 很好跟不错
00:01:06,300 --> 00:01:08,050 She's... She's good and... And fine.
00:01:06,300 --> 00:01:08,050 她....蛮好而且不错....
8 00:00:43,150 --> 00:00:45,220 而突然之间 她又回来了
10 00:00:45,230 --> 00:00:46,440 Don't believe me?
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Gossip girl: Hey, upper east siders,Gossip girl here and I have the biggest news ever.One of my many sources-Melanie91 sends us this.Spotted: at grand central,Bags in hand,Serena van der woodsen.Was it only a year ago,our "it" girl mysteriously disappeared for "boarding
school"?And just as suddenly,She's back.Don't believe me?See for yourselves.Lucky for
us,Melanie91 sent proof.Thanks for the photo, mel.
Gossip Girl:Good morning, upper east
siders,Gossip girl here.Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's
elite.Top story on my home page: Serena van der Woodsen,everybody's favorite "it" girl,has just returned from a mysterious absence.
Gossip Girl:Good morning, upper east
siders,Gossip girl here.Your one and only source
into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's
elite.Top story on my home page: Serena van der Woodsen,everybody's favorite "it" girl,has just returned from a mysterious absence and was learning the hard way that you can never go home again.
Gossip Girl:Good morning, upper east
siders,Gossip girl here.Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite.
Gossip Girl:Gossip girl here.Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite.。