英文版劳动合同1Employment Contract甲方(用人单位):Party A:地址:法定代表人:乙方(劳动者):Party B:身份证号码:ID No:住址:依照《中华人民共和国劳动法》有关规定,结合本公司实际,甲乙双方本着平等、自愿、协商一致的原则达成如下协议According to the Labor Law of PRC China, Party A and PartyB agree as follows:一、合同期限 Contract Period本合同期______年__ 月 __日起至______年 ___月___日或本合同约定终止条件出现时止。
This agreement is valid from (Y/M/D) until (Y/M/D) or terminated by either party二、工作内容和工作时间 Responsibility & working hours1. 甲方聘请乙方担任部门职务,详见职务说明书。
Party Bs Department: Party Bs position:Please refer to the job description for details.2. 乙方须完成甲方安排的生产(工作)任务Party B must accomplish his/her regular work and additional assignments on time3. 每天工作8小时,每周工作共40小时。
There are 8 working hours a day, 40 working hours a week.4. 甲方如因业务拓展变化需要对乙方的工作岗位及工作区域进行调整,乙方应当接受。
No:AAAA-C11-AAAA【优品合同】广州市标准劳动合同英文完整版LaborContractOfGuangzhouEmployer(PartyA):Address(PartyA):Employee(PartyB):Address(PartyB): ConsultationTelephoneofPoliciesandRegulationsaboutLaborContact:123 33GuidanceI.Beforesigningthecontract,thetwopartiesshallcarefullyreadeverydetailsof thecontract.LegalvalidityshalltaA eeffectuponthetwoparties’signing thec ontractandthetwopartiesshallstrictlyperformanceaccordingtothetermsof thecontract.II.Thecontractmustbesignedpersonallybythelegalrepresentative(orentrus tedperson)oftheemployer(partyA)andtheemployeehimself/herself(party B)withthechopoftheemployer(orLaborContractSpecialChop)thatshallbed eemedeffective.III.TheblanAcolumninthecontractshallbedecidedbythetwopartiesbynegot iationanddiscussion,andthecontentmustbeclearlyindicated;forthecolumn withnoindicatedcontent,pleasemarA with“/”.IV.Thelabortimesystemisdividedintothreeparts:standerworAingtimesyste m;indefinitetenseworAingsystem;synthesiscomputationman-hourofwor A.IfitimplementstheindefinitetenseworAingsystemandSynthesiscomputationman-hourofworA,itshouldbeapprovedbythelaborsecuritydepartmen t,andagreedandmarAedoutthespecificcontentintheitemthreeoftheeleven tharticleinthiscontract.V.Withregardtotheissuenotcoveredinthecontract,pleasesignothersupple mentaryagreementastheattachmentofthecontractthatfulfilledtogetherwi ththecontract.VI.Eachlaborstanderofthelaborcontractthattheindividualemployeesigned withtheemployershallnotbelowerthanthecontractagreementsignedbythe unionortheworAerswhowaselectedtobearepresentativesoftheemployee. VII.Thecontractshallbefilledwithpenwithclearletter,simpleandaccuratewor ds,anyunauthorizedchangeshallnotbeallowed.VIII.Theoriginalcontract(withattachment)washeldbyPartyAandPartyBresp ectivelyafterverified.IG.TheteGtofthiscontractshallnotapplytothenonfulltimeemployment. PartyA(Employer): PartyB(Employee):Name: Name:Legalrepresentative(principal):IDnumber:Censusregisteraddress: Postaladdress:Economictype: Postaladdress:Telephone: Telephone: ThecontractisherebyconductedbybothpartiesinaccordancewithLaborLaw ofthePeople’sRepublicofChinaandLaborContractLawofthePeople’sRep ublicofChina,intheprinciplesoffairness,legitimacy,equality,voluntariness,consensusthroughnegotiationandgoodfaith.I.ContractValidPeriodA.Thetwopartiesagreewiththe termasbelowtodecidecontractvalidperiod:1.FiGedvalidperiod:From (Date) (Month) (Year) to (Date) (Month) (Year) .2.UnfiGedvalidperiod:From (Date) (Month) (Year) tothetimewhentheterminationtermstatedinthecontracthappens.3.ValidperiodisdecidedbycertainworAingtasA:From (Date) (Month) (Year) to whentheworAingtasAfinished;thetimewhenfinishoftheworAingtasAandt erminationofthecontractshallbedeterminedby .B.Thetwopartiesagreewiththe termasbelowtodecideperiodofprobation(theprobationperiodisincludedi nthecontractperiod):1.Noprobationperiod.2.Probationperiodfrom (Date) (Month) (Year) to (Date) (Month) (Year) .II.JobdescriptionandworAingplaceA.PartyB’swor Aingdepartmentis , worAingpost(managementtechnicalpostorproductionoperationpost)is,title(function)is .B.PartyB’swor Aingcontentandresponsibilityare.C.PartyB’swor Aingplaceis.D.IfPartyAadjuststhepositionofPartyBaccordingtotheoperationrequire ments,orassignsPartyBtootherplacesorunionstoworAinthecontractvalidp eriod,tosigna variationalbeacontractattachment.IfPartyBdon’tagreewith thearrangementofPartyAofthetwopartiesfailedtoagreeonachangeinthec ontract,thetwopartiesmayterminatethelaborcontractwithmutualagreeme nt.III.WorAinghoursandresthoursA.BothpartiesagreetoperformtheworAandresttimeinaccordancewiththep rovisionsofthe"EmployeeHandbooA".B.PartyBentitledtoallholidaysandleavesprovidedbytheState,includingann ualleave,marriageleave,funeralleave,maternityleave,etc.Andpaywagesacc ordingtothesalarystandardasstipulatedinthiscontract.borpaymentA.AccordingtothewagesystembasedlegalsalaryregulationbyPartyA,Party B’sbasicsalaryintheperiodofprobationisRMB/month,allowancewages(includingdifferentAindsofovertimeworAin gandbonus)is ,meritpayis .(performasPartyA'sevaluations ystem),intotal ,other .B.Aftertheprobationperiod,andPartyBhadcompletedtheworAtasAsandac hievedtherequiredqualitythatstipulatedbyPartyA.Thebasicsalaryafterbec omingafulltimemembershallbeRMB/month,allowancewages(includingdifferentAindsofovertimeworAin gandbonus)is ,meritpayis .(performasPartyA'sevaluationsystem),intotal ,other ,accordingtoPartyA’ssalarysystem .C.OtheragreementoflaborpaymentD.PartyAshallpaythewageof (lastmonth/thismonth)toPartyBonofeverymonth.E.PartyAshalldeterminethewagedistributionsystembylawaccordingtothe productionandoperation,pricelevelandgovernmentissuedwagegrowthgu idancelineoftheorganization.F.PartyB’slaborpaymentwillbeevaluatedaccord ingtohis/herposition,duti esandcomprehensiveperformance.IfPartyB’spositionanddutieschanged uetoPartyA’sdemandofthebusinessmanagementormar Aetchangesando therfactors,PartyB’swageandtreatmentwillalsoadjustthechanges.PartyB shalladmitthisandPartyAdidnothavealiabilityforbreachthecontract.PartyB shallpayindividualincometaGaccordingtolaw.V.SocialinsuranceandfringebenefitsInaccordancewithnationalandlocallaws,regulationsandpolitiesrelatin gtosocialinsurance,PartyAshallpaypartofthebasicsocialinsuranceforParty B,socialinsurancepremiumpaidbyindividualpartiswithholdwagesfromPart yB.PartyAshouldtellthetruthtoPartyBabouthandlingthesocialinsurancefor malitiesandwithholdingofsocialinsurancepremiums.borprotection,laborconditionsandoccupationalhazardprotection A.PartyAprovidelaborprotectionfacilitiesandlaborconditionsconformingt onationalregulationsaccordingtotherelatednational,provincialandlocalla borprotectionregulationstotrulyguaranteePartyB’ssafetyandhealthduringproductionandworAing.PartyAshallinformPartyBanyoccupationaldisea semayproduceduringtheworA,andprotectthehealthandrelatedrightsofPa rtyBaccordingtotheprovisionsof"occupationaldiseasepreventionlaw". B.Inaccordancewiththerelatingnationalandlocallaws,regulationsandpoliti es,PartyAshouldprotectthefemaleworAercommendably.VII.Thechange,dismantlement,terminationofthelaborcontractA.Whenchangingthelaborcontract,thetwopartiesshouldinformtheotherp artyinwriting.B.Bothofthepartieshavetherighttochangethetermsofthecontractordisma ntlethecontractafternegotiationbybothparties.Thechangecontractoragre ementshouldbeheldbybothpartiesandHRdepartment.VIII.TerminationandrelieveofthelaborcontractA.Relief1.Thislaborcontractcouldbeterminatedafternegotiationbybothparties.2.Underoneofthefollowingcircumstances,PartyAcanterminatethiscontrac t:(1)WherePartyBisprovedtobenotinconformitywiththetermsofemploymen tintheprobationperiod;(2)WherePartyBseriouslyviolatestherulesandregulationsofPartyA;(3)WherePartyBcommitsseriousderelictionofdutyorpracticesgraftorcorru ption,causingsubstantialeconomicdamagetoPartyA;(4)WherePartyBhasadditionallyestablishedalaborrelationshipwithanother employerwhichmateriallyaffectsthecompletionofhis/hertasAsatPartyAorr efusestorectifythematterwhenbroughttohis/herattentionbyPartyA;(5)WherePartyBcheats,threatens(includingprovidefaAeinformationtoPart yA)PartyA,andsignsorchangesthecontractinviolationofthetruemeaningof PartyA,whichleadstotheinvalidofthecontract;(6)WherePartyBhashis/hercriminalliabilityinvestigatedinaccordingtolaw;(7)WherePartyB,duetosicAnessorinflictedoffthejob,cannotresumehis/her worAordotheotherjobreassignedbyPartyAafterspecifiedperiodofmedical treatment.(8)WherePartyBisunqualified,evenafteratrainingorjobadjustment;(9)Theobjectiveconditionsonwhichthecontractisbasedhavemateriallycha ngedtotheeGtentthatitisimpossibletoperformthecontractwhilebothparti escannotreachanagreementtoamendthecontracttoreflectthechangedcon ditions;3.Underoneofthefollowingcircumstances,PartyAmayreducethepersonnel aftertheprocedureisperformed:(1)PartyAshallbereformedinaccordancewiththeprovisionsoftheenterprise banAruptcylaw(2)PartyAhasgreatdifficultiesinproductionandoperation;(3)PartyAadjustedtheproduction,technologicalinnovationormanagement model;(4)Whenthecontractcannotbefulfilledbecauseotherlaborcontractswhichsi gningatthattimewasbasedontheobjectiveeconomicsituation;4.PartyBmaycancelthecontractupon30days’priorwrittennoticetoPartyA;i fintheprobationperiod,3daysinadvance. Underoneofthefollowingcircumstances,PartyBcanterminatethecontract:(1)WherePartyAfailstopayPartyB’ssalaryorprovidewor Aconditionsasstip ulatedherein.(2)WherePartyAfailstopaylaborremunerationinfullandonschedule;(3)WherePartyAfailstopaysocialinsurancepremiumsforPartyBaccordingto law;(4)WherePartyA’srulesandregulationsviolatelawsandregulations,thereb yharmingPartyB’srightsandinterests;(5)WherePartyAcheats,threatensPartyB,andsignsorchangesthecontractin violationofthetruemeaningofPartyB,whichleadstotheinvalidofthecontract ;(6)PartyAbreaAsthelawsorhasmandatoryprovisionsofadministrativeregul ations,whichmaAesthecontractinvalid.(7)PartyAforcesPartyBworAbyviolence,threatorillegallimitationsofPartyB ’sfreedom,or illegalcommandPartyBtodothedangerousworAwhichcannotensurethesaf etyofPartyB;(8)OthercircumstancesasspecifiedinlawsoradministrativestatutesenableP artyBtodissolvethecontract. IfPartyAhasthecircumstanceliAearticle(7)asBmentionedabove,PartyBcant erminatethelaborcontractatoncewithoutinformingPartyA.B.Terminate1.ThelaborcontracteGpiresorotherstatutoryterminationconditionsappea r;2.Underoneofthefollowingcircumstances,thiscontractcanbeterminated:(1)EGceptforPartyBmaintainsorimprovestheconditionstorenewthecontra ct,PartyBdoesn’tagreetodoso,thelaborcontracte Gpires.(2)PartyAisdeclaredbanAruptcylegally;(3)PartyA’sbusinesslicenseisrevo Aed;PartyAiscompelledtoclosedownor dissolve;orPartyAdecidestodissolveinadvance;(4)Othersituationsstipulatedinlawsandadministrativeprovisions.3.PartyBisconfirmedpartlyortotallyincapacitatedduetoanindustrialinjury oranoccupationaldiseasewhenworAingforPartyA,inaccordancewiththepr ovisionsofthestateandtheprovinceontheimplementationofindustrialinjur yinsurance.C.Proceduresofterminateorreliefthecontract PartyAshouldgivethecertificatetoPartyBwhenterminateorreliefthecontrac t.IG.Dispute Anydisputebetweenbothpartiesarisingfromtheperformanceofthiscontrac tshallfirstbesettledbyconsultation.Ifnosettlementcanbereachedbyconsult ation,eitherpartymayapplytolabordisputemediationcommittee.Ifthemedi ationfailstoandoneofthepartiesrequestsforarbitration,thatpartymayapply tothelabordisputearbitrationcommitteeforarbitration.Eitherpartymayals odirectlyapplytothelabordisputearbitrationcommitteeforarbitration.Ifon eofthepartiesisnotsatisfiedwiththeadjudicationofarbitration,thepartymay institutelegalproceedingstothePeople’sCourtwithintheeffectivetime. G.TheperiodofserviceandcompetitionrestrictionA.PartyAshallprovidePartyBwithspecialtrainingfeesfortheprofessionaland technicaltraining,thetwopartiesshallmaAethefollowingagreement:(IfPartyBviolatestheagreementintheserviceperiod,itshallpaythepenaltyto PartyAaccordingtotheagreement.)B.IfPartyBAnowsthebusinesssecret,intellectualpropertyandtheotherrelate dmatters,thetwopartiesshallmaAethefollowingagreement:(PartyBhastheresponsibilityofAeepingthesecret.PartyAcanmaAeacompet itionrestrictionwithPartyB.)GI.OthersA.AnymattersnoteGpresslystatedhereinshallbeeGecutedinaccordancewit hthelawsandregulationsoftheStateandoflocalgovernment;whereanyregu lationsviolatesrelevantlawsandregulationsoftheStateoroflocalgovernme nt,thelawsandregulationsoftheStateoroflocalgovernmentshallprevail.B.ThefollowingdocumentsareprovidedfortheanneGtothiscontractandsha llhavethesameeffectasthiscontract:C.Bothpartiesagreethat(thecontentmaynotbeinviolationoflawsandregula tionsandrelevantprovisions,mayalsoaddthesignatureorsealoftheattached page):Thiscontract(includingtheanneG)hastwooriginalsinorganization,withone ofthemrespectivelyforPartyAandPartyB.EachAindergartenandschoolhastUseful Documentshreeoriginals,withoneofthemrespectivelyforPartyA,PartyBandHRoforgan ization.ThecontractcomesintoforceuponaffiGingsignaturesandsealsbybo thpartiesherein.PartyA:(Seal)PartyB:(signatureorseal)Legalrepresentative(orentrustedagent):SigningDate:SigningDate:Accreditingbody:(Seal)Useful Documents 11。
No:AAAA-C11-AAAA【AAA】广州市标准劳动合同英文完整翻译版LaborContractOfGuangzhouEmployer(PartyA):Address(PartyA):Employee(PartyB):Address(PartyB): ConsultationTelephoneofPoliciesandRegulationsaboutLaborContact:123 33GuidanceI.Beforesigningthecontract,thetwopartiesshallcarefullyreadeverydetailsof thecontract.LegalvalidityshalltaA eeffectuponthetwoparties’signin gthec ontractandthetwopartiesshallstrictlyperformanceaccordingtothetermsof thecontract.II.Thecontractmustbesignedpersonallybythelegalrepresentative(orentrus tedperson)oftheemployer(partyA)andtheemployeehimself/herself(party B)withthechopoftheemployer(orLaborContractSpecialChop)thatshallbed eemedeffective.III.TheblanAcolumninthecontractshallbedecidedbythetwopartiesbynegot iationanddiscussion,andthecontentmustbeclearlyindicated;forthecolumn withnoindicatedcontent,pleasemarA with“/”.IV.Thelabortimesystemisdividedintothreeparts:standerworAingtimesyste m;indefinitetenseworAingsystem;synthesiscomputationman-hourofwor A.IfitimplementstheindefinitetenseworAingsystemandSynthesiscomputationman-hourofworA,itshouldbeapprovedbythelaborsecuritydepartmen t,andagreedandmarAedoutthespecificcontentintheitemthreeoftheeleven tharticleinthiscontract.V.Withregardtotheissuenotcoveredinthecontract,pleasesignothersupple mentaryagreementastheattachmentofthecontractthatfulfilledtogetherwi ththecontract.VI.Eachlaborstanderofthelaborcontractthattheindividualemployeesigned withtheemployershallnotbelowerthanthecontractagreementsignedbythe unionortheworAerswhowaselectedtobearepresentativesoftheemployee. VII.Thecontractshallbefilledwithpenwithclearletter,simpleandaccuratewor ds,anyunauthorizedchangeshallnotbeallowed.VIII.Theoriginalcontract(withattachment)washeldbyPartyAandPartyBresp ectivelyafterverified.IG.TheteGtofthiscontractshallnotapplytothenonfulltimeemployment. PartyA(Employer): PartyB(Employee):Name: Name:Legalrepresentative(principal):IDnumber:Censusregisteraddress: Postaladdress:Economictype: Postaladdress:Telephone: Telephone: ThecontractisherebyconductedbybothpartiesinaccordancewithLaborLaw ofthePeople’sRepublicofChinaandLaborContractLawofthePeople’sRep ublicofChina,intheprinciplesoffairness,legitimacy,equality,voluntariness,consensusthroughnegotiationandgoodfaith.I.ContractValidPeriodA.Thetwopartiesagreewiththe termasbelowtodecidecontractvalidperiod:1.FiGedvalidperiod:From (Date) (Month) (Year) to (Date) (Month) (Year) .2.UnfiGedvalidperiod:From (Date) (Month) (Year) tothetimewhentheterminationtermstatedinthecontracthappens.3.ValidperiodisdecidedbycertainworAingtasA:From (Date) (Month) (Year) to whentheworAingtasAfinished;thetimewhenfinishoftheworAingtasAandt erminationofthecontractshallbedeterminedby .B.Thetwopartiesagreewiththe termasbelowtodecideperiodofprobation(theprobationperiodisincludedi nthecontractperiod):1.Noprobationperiod.2.Probationperiodfrom (Date) (Month) (Year) to (Date) (Month) (Year) .II.JobdescriptionandworAingplaceA.PartyB’swor Aingdepartmentis , worAingpost(managementtechnicalpostorproductionoperationpost)is,title(function)is .B.PartyB’swor Aingcontentandresponsibilityare.C.PartyB’swor Aingplaceis.D.IfPartyAadjuststhepositionofPartyBaccordingtotheoperationrequire ments,orassignsPartyBtootherplacesorunionstoworAinthecontractvalidp eriod,tosign avariationalbeacontractattachment.IfPartyBdon’tagreewith thearrangementofPartyAofthetwopartiesfailedtoagreeonachangeinthec ontract,thetwopartiesmayterminatethelaborcontractwithmutualagreeme nt.III.WorAinghoursandresthoursA.BothpartiesagreetoperformtheworAandresttimeinaccordancewiththep rovisionsofthe"EmployeeHandbooA".B.PartyBentitledtoallholidaysandleavesprovidedbytheState,includingann ualleave,marriageleave,funeralleave,maternityleave,etc.Andpaywagesacc ordingtothesalarystandardasstipulatedinthiscontract.borpaymentA.AccordingtothewagesystembasedlegalsalaryregulationbyPartyA,Party B’sbasicsalaryintheperiodofprobationisRMB/month,allowancewages(includingdifferentAindsofovertimeworAin gandbonus)is ,meritpayis .(performasPartyA'sevaluations ystem),intotal ,other .B.Aftertheprobationperiod,andPartyBhadcompletedtheworAtasAsandac hievedtherequiredqualitythatstipulatedbyPartyA.Thebasicsalaryafterbec omingafulltimemembershallbeRMB/month,allowancewages(includingdifferentAindsofovertimeworAin gandbonus)is ,meritpayis .(performasPartyA'sevaluationsystem),intotal ,other ,accordingtoPartyA’ssalarysystem .C.OtheragreementoflaborpaymentD.PartyAshallpaythewageof (lastmonth/thismonth)toPartyBonofeverymonth.E.PartyAshalldeterminethewagedistributionsystembylawaccordingtothe productionandoperation,pricelevelandgovernmentissuedwagegrowthgu idancelineoftheorganization.F.PartyB’slaborpaymentwillbeevaluatedaccor dingtohis/herposition,duti esandcomprehensiveperformance.IfPartyB’spositionanddutieschanged uetoPartyA’sdemandofthebusinessmanagementormar Aetchangesando therfactors,PartyB’swageandtreatmentwillalsoadjustthechanges.PartyB shalladmitthisandPartyAdidnothavealiabilityforbreachthecontract.PartyB shallpayindividualincometaGaccordingtolaw.V.SocialinsuranceandfringebenefitsInaccordancewithnationalandlocallaws,regulationsandpolitiesrelatin gtosocialinsurance,PartyAshallpaypartofthebasicsocialinsuranceforParty B,socialinsurancepremiumpaidbyindividualpartiswithholdwagesfromPart yB.PartyAshouldtellthetruthtoPartyBabouthandlingthesocialinsurancefor malitiesandwithholdingofsocialinsurancepremiums.borprotection,laborconditionsandoccupationalhazardprotection A.PartyAprovidelaborprotectionfacilitiesandlaborconditionsconformingt onationalregulationsaccordingtotherelatednational,provincialandlocalla borprotectionregulationstotrulyguaranteePartyB’ssafetyandhealthduringproductionandworAing.PartyAshallinformPartyBanyoccupationaldisea semayproduceduringtheworA,andprotectthehealthandrelatedrightsofPa rtyBaccordingtotheprovisionsof"occupationaldiseasepreventionlaw". B.Inaccordancewiththerelatingnationalandlocallaws,regulationsandpoliti es,PartyAshouldprotectthefemaleworAercommendably.VII.Thechange,dismantlement,terminationofthelaborcontractA.Whenchangingthelaborcontract,thetwopartiesshouldinformtheotherp artyinwriting.B.Bothofthepartieshavetherighttochangethetermsofthecontractordisma ntlethecontractafternegotiationbybothparties.Thechangecontractoragre ementshouldbeheldbybothpartiesandHRdepartment.VIII.TerminationandrelieveofthelaborcontractA.Relief1.Thislaborcontractcouldbeterminatedafternegotiationbybothparties.2.Underoneofthefollowingcircumstances,PartyAcanterminatethiscontrac t:(1)WherePartyBisprovedtobenotinconformitywiththetermsofemploymen tintheprobationperiod;(2)WherePartyBseriouslyviolatestherulesandregulationsofPartyA;(3)WherePartyBcommitsseriousderelictionofdutyorpracticesgraftorcorru ption,causingsubstantialeconomicdamagetoPartyA;(4)WherePartyBhasadditionallyestablishedalaborrelationshipwithanother employerwhichmateriallyaffectsthecompletionofhis/hertasAsatPartyAorr efusestorectifythematterwhenbroughttohis/herattentionbyPartyA;(5)WherePartyBcheats,threatens(includingprovidefaAeinformationtoPart yA)PartyA,andsignsorchangesthecontractinviolationofthetruemeaningof PartyA,whichleadstotheinvalidofthecontract;(6)WherePartyBhashis/hercriminalliabilityinvestigatedinaccordingtolaw;(7)WherePartyB,duetosicAnessorinflictedoffthejob,cannotresumehis/her worAordotheotherjobreassignedbyPartyAafterspecifiedperiodofmedical treatment.(8)WherePartyBisunqualified,evenafteratrainingorjobadjustment;(9)Theobjectiveconditionsonwhichthecontractisbasedhavemateriallycha ngedtotheeGtentthatitisimpossibletoperformthecontractwhilebothparti escannotreachanagreementtoamendthecontracttoreflectthechangedcon ditions;3.Underoneofthefollowingcircumstances,PartyAmayreducethepersonnel aftertheprocedureisperformed:(1)PartyAshallbereformedinaccordancewiththeprovisionsoftheenterprise banAruptcylaw(2)PartyAhasgreatdifficultiesinproductionandoperation;(3)PartyAadjustedtheproduction,technologicalinnovationormanagement model;(4)Whenthecontractcannotbefulfilledbecauseotherlaborcontractswhichsi gningatthattimewasbasedontheobjectiveeconomicsituation;4.PartyBmaycancelthecontractupon30days’priorwrittennoticetoPartyA;i fintheprobationperiod,3daysinadvance. Underoneofthefollowingcircumstances,PartyBcanterminatethecontract:(1)WherePartyAfailstopayPartyB’ssalaryorprovidewor Aconditionsasstip ulatedherein.(2)WherePartyAfailstopaylaborremunerationinfullandonschedule;(3)WherePartyAfailstopaysocialinsurancepremiumsforPartyBaccordingto law;(4)WherePartyA’srulesandregulationsviolatelawsandregulations,thereb yharmingPartyB’srightsandinterests;(5)WherePartyAcheats,threatensPartyB,andsignsorchangesthecontractin violationofthetruemeaningofPartyB,whichleadstotheinvalidofthecontract ;(6)PartyAbreaAsthelawsorhasmandatoryprovisionsofadministrativeregul ations,whichmaAesthecontractinvalid.(7)PartyAforcesPartyBworAbyviolence,threatorillegallimitationsofPartyB ’sfreedom,or illegalcommandPartyBtodothedangerousworAwhichcannotensurethesaf etyofPartyB;(8)OthercircumstancesasspecifiedinlawsoradministrativestatutesenableP artyBtodissolvethecontract. IfPartyAhasthecircumstanceliAearticle(7)asBmentionedabove,PartyBcant erminatethelaborcontractatoncewithoutinformingPartyA.B.Terminate1.ThelaborcontracteGpiresorotherstatutoryterminationconditionsappea r;2.Underoneofthefollowingcircumstances,thiscontractcanbeterminated:(1)EGceptforPartyBmaintainsorimprovestheconditionstorenewthecontra ct,PartyBdoesn’tagreetodoso,thelaborcontracte Gpires.(2)PartyAisdeclaredbanAruptcylegally;(3)PartyA’sbusinesslicenseisrevo Aed;PartyAiscompelledtoclosedownor dissolve;orPartyAdecidestodissolveinadvance;(4)Othersituationsstipulatedinlawsandadministrativeprovisions.3.PartyBisconfirmedpartlyortotallyincapacitatedduetoanindustrialinjury oranoccupationaldiseasewhenworAingforPartyA,inaccordancewiththepr ovisionsofthestateandtheprovinceontheimplementationofindustrialinjur yinsurance.C.Proceduresofterminateorreliefthecontract PartyAshouldgivethecertificatetoPartyBwhenterminateorreliefthecontrac t.IG.Dispute Anydisputebetweenbothpartiesarisingfromtheperformanceofthiscontrac tshallfirstbesettledbyconsultation.Ifnosettlementcanbereachedbyconsult ation,eitherpartymayapplytolabordisputemediationcommittee.Ifthemedi ationfailstoandoneofthepartiesrequestsforarbitration,thatpartymayapply tothelabordisputearbitrationcommitteeforarbitration.Eitherpartymayals odirectlyapplytothelabordisputearbitrationcommitteeforarbitration.Ifon eofthepartiesisnotsatisfiedwiththeadjudicationofarbitration,thepartymay institutelegalproceedingstothePeople’sCourtwithintheeffectivetime. G.TheperiodofserviceandcompetitionrestrictionA.PartyAshallprovidePartyBwithspecialtrainingfeesfortheprofessionaland technicaltraining,thetwopartiesshallmaAethefollowingagreement:(IfPartyBviolatestheagreementintheserviceperiod,itshallpaythepenaltyto PartyAaccordingtotheagreement.)B.IfPartyBAnowsthebusinesssecret,intellectualpropertyandtheotherrelate dmatters,thetwopartiesshallmaAethefollowingagreement:(PartyBhastheresponsibilityofAeepingthesecret.PartyAcanmaAeacompet itionrestrictionwithPartyB.)GI.OthersA.AnymattersnoteGpresslystatedhereinshallbeeGecutedinaccordancewit hthelawsandregulationsoftheStateandoflocalgovernment;whereanyregu lationsviolatesrelevantlawsandregulationsoftheStateoroflocalgovernme nt,thelawsandregulationsoftheStateoroflocalgovernmentshallprevail.B.ThefollowingdocumentsareprovidedfortheanneGtothiscontractandsha llhavethesameeffectasthiscontract:C.Bothpartiesagreethat(thecontentmaynotbeinviolationoflawsandregula tionsandrelevantprovisions,mayalsoaddthesignatureorsealoftheattached page):Thiscontract(includingtheanneG)hastwooriginalsinorganization,withone ofthemrespectivelyforPartyAandPartyB.EachAindergartenandschoolhastUseful Documentshreeoriginals,withoneofthemrespectivelyforPartyA,PartyBandHRoforgan ization.ThecontractcomesintoforceuponaffiGingsignaturesandsealsbybo thpartiesherein.PartyA:(Seal)PartyB:(signatureorseal)Legalrepresentative(orentrustedagent):SigningDate:SigningDate:Accreditingbody:(Seal)Useful Documents 11。
Number:Guangdong ProvinceLABORCONTRACTDepartment of labor and social security of Guangdong ProvinceLabor and Social Security Hotline: 12333InstructionsArticle 1 Before signing this contract, the two parties shall read this contract carefully. This contract once signed has legal validity, two parties must strictly perform.Article 2 This contract must be signed or sealed by the employer's legal representative or the principal responsible person (Party A) and the employee (Party B), and affix the official seal of the employer (or the special seal of the labor contract).Article 3 The empty column in this contract, should be filled in by two parties through negotiation, and shall not violate laws, provisions, and relevant regulations; empty column not need to be filled in, mark “/”.Article 4 Working hours system is divided into standard working hours, non-fix working hours, and comprehensive calculation working hours. The irregular working hours, and comprehensive calculation working hours, should be approved by labor administration authorities.Article 5 The unfinished matters of this contract, may sign a supplementary agreement, as the attachment of this contract, and be performed with the contract together.Article 6 This contract must fill in seriously, write legibly, text be concise and accurate, and shall not alter arbitrarily.Article 7 After the signing of this contract (including attachments), each party holds one.Party A(Employer): Party B(Laborer):Name: Name:Legal Representative ID No:(Principal Responsible Person):Permanent add:Address: ,,Residence add:Business type:Contact No: Contact No:This contract is concluded on the basis of principle of lawfulness, fairness, equality, free will, negotiated consensus and good faith by and between the foresaid the Party A and Party B in accordance with the Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China (the RPC Labor Law), the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Employment Contracts (the PRC Employment Contract Law) and other relevant laws and regulations of China and of Guangdong Province.Article 1 Term of the Employment Contractof ContractThe Parties agree to determine the term of this Contract pursuant to mode below:1. Fixed T erm: From / / to / / .2. Open-ended T erm: From / / to the date which stipulated ending condition occurs.3. T erm to expire upon completion of a certain job: From to the completion of . The symbol of completion of the job shallbe .periodThe Parties agree to determine the term of the probation period pursuant to mode below (the probation period shall be included in the term of Contract ) :1. Without probation / / .(If a labor contract has a term of more than three months but less than one year, the probation period may not be exceed one month; if a labor contract has a term of more than one year and less than three years, the probation period may not exceed two months; and if a labor contract has a term of more than three years or is open-ended labor contract, the probation period may not exceed six months.)Article 2 Job Description and Place of WorkA. The department or group at which the Party B works is as: ,The position (management and technical or production operational) is as , The title (or type of work) is as .B. The task or duty of Party B is as .C. The place of work is as .D. During the term of this Contract, if the Party A has to adjust the position of the Party B due to the needs of production and business operation or other causes, or assign the Party A to work in the place or unit other than the place or unit provided in this Contract, the Parties shall reach consensus through negotiation to amend this Contract. The amendment agreement concluded shall be the appendix of this Contract.Article 3 Working Hours, and Rest and LeaveA. The Parties agree to determine the term of the working hour pursuant to mode below:1. Standard working hours system. Party B shall work for hours a day, and hoursa week. Party A shall guarantee that Party B has at least one day off in a week.2. N on-schedule working hour system. The position of Party B practices non-schedule working hour system after the approval of the labor administration authority.3. System of comprehensive calculation of working hour. The position of Party B practices system of comprehensive calculation of working hour after the approval of the labor administration authority; calculation circle ; total working hours .B. Party A may extend working hours due to the requirement of its production or business after consultation with the Trade Union and the Party B, but, with the exception of the circumstances stipulated in Article 42 of the PRC Labor Law,the extended hours for a day shall generally not exceed one hour; if such extension is called for due to special reasons, the extended working hours shall not exceed three hours a day under the condition that the health of the Party B is guaranteed. However, the total extension in a month shall not exceed 36 hours.C. Party A shall provide the Party A with legal holidays, annual leave, marriage leave, funeral leave, home leave, maternity leave, nursing leave, etc. in accordance with relevant regulations and pay vacation wages according to the wage standard provided by this contract.Article4 Labor Remunerationwage of Party B for normal working hours shall be paid pursuant to mode below and may not less than the minimum wage rate in the place where the Party A is located.1. Hourly wage:(1) The wages of the Party B for normal working hours shall be paid pursuant to ; the beginning wage amount is as RMB/month or RMB /hour.(2) The wages of the Party B is as RMB/month in the probationary period (the probational salary shall not be less than the minimum wage of same post and 80 percent ofappointed salary in the contract, not less than the minimum wage standard in where Party A is located.) ;2. Piecework wage:(1) Unit price: / ;(2) Labor quotas: / (The labor quotas determined generally shall be the amount of work that over 70% employees in the same position of the Party A can finish within legal working hours.) ;3. Other compensations (such as the Party A practices a annual salary system or it pays wages according to an assessment term) : / .4. Party A shall determine its wage distribution system in the light of the status quo of its production and business operation, the price level and wage increase guideline announced by the government. The specific ways and extent of normal wage increase shall be determined in accordance with law through mutual consultation between the Parties or through collective bargaining.B. The pay for performance and bonus of the Party B shall be paid per the following method:.C. The allowance and subsidies of the Party B shall be paid per the following rate and method: .D. The wages shall be paid in currency instead of kind or portfolio.E. Party A shall pay wages of (immediately/previously) month, on of each month. If the date for wage payment happens to be a legal holiday or a non-business day, the wage payment shall be made in advance on the most recent business day.F. If Party A arranges Party B to work overtime, it shall pay Party B overtime pay in accordance with the PRC Labor Law and Provisions of Guangdong Province on Wage Payment, except that Party B is arranged for compensatory time-off after he/she has been arranged to work overtime on non-business day.Article 5 Social Insurance and Fringe BenefitsA. During the contract period, Party A, in accordance with the relevant regulations of nation, province and district, shall pay the pension, medical, unemployment, work injury and maternity insurance procedures for Party B, and shall pay social insurance fund based on payment base and payment ratio by rule. Party B shall undertake his own part of social insurance fund, thepayableamountshallbewithheldbyPartyAfromthePartyB’smonthlywages.Party A shall truthfully inform the situation of handling social insurance procedures and withholding social insurance premiums to PartyB.B. In case Party B suffers sickness or non-work-related injury, Party A shall offer Party B aperiod of medical treatment and sick-leave treatment stipulated by national and local regulations, pay medical insurance and other medical payment relating to relevant regulations, and pay sickness pay or disease relief during specified medical period, the amount may be RMB per month (no less than 80% of the local minimum wage standard).Article 6 Labor Protection, Working Condition and Protection Against Occupational HazardsA. Party A shall provide working place conformed to the national labor health standard, in accordance with labor protection regulations of the nation and province, and effectively protect the safety and health of Party B during working production. If Party B may suffer occupational hazard during production procedures, Party A shall truthfully inform Party B, and protect the health and related rights of Party B stipulated by “Law of Occupational Disease Prevention”.B. According to the position of the Party B, Party A shall provide Party B with labor safety and hygiene conditions in conformity with the relevant laws and regulations, and provide free physical examination for Party B every (year /season /month) in accordance with labor protection provisions.C. Party A must carry out relevant provisions formulated by the nation, province and district for the labor protection and health-care work of female worker..D. Party B shall have the right to refuse to carry out any dangerous operation forced upon him/her by Party A. For Party A's or its manager's behavior which is indifferent to the safety and health of Party B, Party B may have the right to inform and report to the relevant government departments.E. If Party B suffer occupational disease, work-related injury or death due to work, Party A shall handle it in accordance with “work injury insurance regulations”.Article 7 Modification of the Employment ContractA. Either of the Parties may modify relevant terms of the Employment Contract with written notice to others.B. Party A change the name, legal representative, principal responsible person or investor, dose not affect the performance of the contract.C. If Party A occur the event of merger or division, the contracts remain in force, and shall continuously perform by the unit succeeded Party A's rights and obligations.D. The two parties may alter the labor contract through mutual consultation and agreement, and handle change procedures in writing. After the change of labor contract, each party holdsone.Article 8 Cancellation and Termination of the Employment ContractA. Cancellation1. The parties may terminate the labor contract through mutual consultation and agreement. If Party A proposes to terminate this contract, shall pay the economic compensation to Party B by rule.2. Party A may terminate the employment contract under any of the following circumstances involving Party B:(1) Party B been proven to be incompetent for the employing requirement during probational period.(2) Party B seriously breach labor disciplines or regulations stipulated by Party A.(3) Party B neglects his duty and engages in malpractices for selfish ends, thus causing significant harm to the interests of the Party A.(4) Party B build labor relationships with other units, to cause a seriously impact on the completion of the task of Party A, or refuse to correct the rules made by Party A.(5) Where Party B has concluded or modified the labor contract against the true intentions of Party A through the use of fraud, coercion or exploitation of the unfavorable position of Party A, as a result of which this agreement is deemed null and void;(7) Party B is ill or injured due to non-work relation, after the completion of medical, still is incompetent for his original work, or alternative jobs arranged by Party A.(8) Party B is incompetent for work after training or adjustment of jobs.(9) If the objective situation changes significantly this contract based on, to result the contract unable to perform, and mutual consent can not be reached in charge of this labor contracts.Party A terminate this contract according to item (7), (8) and (9), should notice Party B in writing before 30 days (or extra pay a month wage to Party B), and pay economic compensation to Party B subject to regulations. If Party A terminate this contract according to item (7), also shall pay medical treatment allowances to Party B conforming to relevant regulations.3. Under any of the following circumstances, Party A can make redundancies stipulated by regulations and procedures, and pay economic compensation to Party B by rule:(1) Party A restructured pursuant to the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law;(2) Production and business operation of Party A met serious difficulties;(3) Production, technological innovation or business method of Party A adjusted;(4) If other objective situation this contract based on, changes significantly, to result the contract unable to perform.4. Party B may terminate the labor contract with 30 days' prior written notice to Party A; during the probationary period with 3 days' prior written notice to Party A.Party B may terminate his employment contract under any of the following circumstances involving Party A. Party A shall pay the economic compensation to Party B by rule:(1) Party A has failed to provide labor protection or working conditions as stipulated in the labor contract;(2) Part A has failed to pay remuneration on time or in full;(3) Party A has failed to contribute social insurance fund on behalf of Party B in accordance with the law;(4) Party A's policies violate laws or regulations, thereby infringing upon Party B's rights and interests;(5) Party A has concluded or modified the labor contract against the true intentions of PartyB through the use of fraud, coercion or taking advantage of Party B’s unfavorable position, as a result of which this contract or the changing agreement is deemed null and void;(6) Party A is exempted from its legal liability and Party B's rights, as a result of which this contract is deemed null and void;(7) Party A violates obligatory provision in laws and regulations, as a result of which this contract is deemed null and void;(8) If Party A uses violence, intimidation, or an unlawful restraint of individual freedom to compel Party B to work, or if Party A instructs Party B to violate the law or engage in hazardous work that endangers his personal safety.(9) Other circumstances for termination by Party B as specified under laws and regulations.If the situation of item (8) occurs, Party B has the right to terminate the contract immediately without notice Party A in advance.5. Of the any of the following circumstances, Party A can not terminate the labor contract on the basis of article 40 and 41 of the “Labor Contract Laws”;(1) Party B that conducts operations exposing him/her to occupational disease hazards has not gone through an occupational health examination before leaving his post, or is suspected of having an occupational disease and is under diagnosis or medical observation.(2) Injured due to the occupational disease or work-related reasons, and was confirmed as having lost or partially lost the ability to work.(3) Illness or non work-related injury within the prescribed period of medical treatment.(4) Women workers in pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding.(5) Worked continuously for 15 years and less than five years away from his legal retirement age in this unit.(6) Other circumstances stipulated by laws administrative regulations.1. Once the contract expired or statutory termination condition occurs, the contract shall be terminated.2. The contract terminate due to one of the following circumstance, Party A should pay economic compensation to Party B stipulated by regulations.(1) In addition to the Party A maintain or improve the condition of the labor contract to renew the labor contract, Party B disagree to new a lease, the labor contract expires;(2) Party A was declared bankrupt by court.(3) Business license of Party A was revoked, order to close, cancellation or early dissolution of.(4) Other circumstances stipulated by laws administrative regulations.3. When Party B has the circumstances of the first paragraph (5) of article 8, the contact expired, Party A shall renew the contract until the corresponding circumstance disappeared. But if Party B suffers from occupational disease or work-related injury and is confirmed to have totally or partially lost the ability of work, Party A shall execute according to work injury insurance regulations formulated by nation and province.C. If Party A illegally dissolves or terminates the contract, Party B requests to carry on this contract, Party A shall continue to perform; Party B does not require to carry on the contract or the contract can not continue to be performed, Party A shall pay double compensation for Party B according to economic compensation standard.D. Procedures of the dissolution or termination of the contractWhen relieving or terminating this contract, Party A shall show the certificate of relieving or terminating labor contact, and handle transfer formalities of files and social insurance for Party B within 15 days.Article 9 Conciliation and ArbitrationIf any dispute arises between this contract, it shall be settled through negotiation; if the parties are unwilling to negotiate or the negotiation fails, can apply for mediation to the Party A's labor dispute mediation organization. If mediation fails, can apply arbitration to jurisdictional labor dispute arbitration commission within the time for statutory arbitration; also can apply arbitration to labor dispute arbitration commission. If not satisfied with arbitral decision, can institute legal proceedings in People's Courts within statutory time limit.Article 10 Service Period and Competition RestrictionA. If Party A provide Party B with special training expenses and professional and technique training, the two parties make following agreement: executing in accordance with company training management system . (When Party B breaches the service period agreement, shall pay penalty to Party A according to the agreement. The amount of penalty shall not exceed the training expenses provided by Party A, and shall be no more than the training expenses caused inthe service period unperformed.B. If Party B shall keep the business secrets and confidential matters related to intellectual property of Party A, the two parties make the following appointment: for details see Confidentiality Agreement . (If Party B have confidentiality obligation, Party A can make competition restriction agreement with Party B, and after relieving or terminating this contract, provide economic compensation to Party B every month during the competition restriction period. If Party B breaches the Confidentiality Agreement, Party B shall bear the liability therefor pay for penalty according to agreement. The personnel of the competition restriction shall be restricted to senior management personnel of Party A, senior technical staff and other personnel have confidentiality obligation. After relieving or terminating this contract, the competition restriction period shall no more than two years.)Article 11 OthersA. The unfinished matters of this contract, may be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of nation and local. During the contract period, if the terms of this contract in contradiction with the new labor administrative regulations of nation and province, shall execute according to new regulations.B. The following documents are provided for the attachment of this contract, and have the same effect as the contract:1. Confidentiality Agreement .2. .3. .4. .5. .C. Bilateral Agreement (the contents shall not violate the laws, regulations and the relevant provisions, may plus signature or seal of the two parties to attachment.):1. Party A, according to operating conditions, can change Party B's position and adjust Party B's remuneration in accordance with the income distribution system stipulated by law. Party B agrees to be adjusted its own remuneration according to Party A's remuneration standard.2. Party A have the right to adjust Party B‘s position and working place according to operating situation, Party B should positively cooperate with it, otherwise may terminate the labor contract with Party A for special reasons.Party A (Stamp) Party B (sign or stamp)Legal Representative(Entrusted Agent)Day Month Year Day Month YearIdentification institution (Stamp)AttestorDate of identification Day Month YearAgreement of Modified Labor ContractParty A and Party B agree to make the following changes to the contract through equal consultation,Party A (Stamp) Party B (sign or stamp)Legal Representative(Entrusted Agent)Day Month Year Day Month Year。
英文版劳动合同范本5篇全文共5篇示例,供读者参考篇1Sample Employment ContractThis Employment Contract (the “Contract”) is made and entered into by and between [Employer’s Name], a company organized and existing under the laws of [Country], with its principal place of business located at [Address] (the "Employer"), and [Employee’s Name], an individual residing at [Address] (the "Employee"), on [Date].1. Term of EmploymentThe Employer hereby employs the Employee in the capacity of [Job Title]. The Employee’s employment under this Contract shall commence on [Start Date] and shall continue until terminated in accordance with the terms of this Contract.2. CompensationIn consideration of the services to be performed by the Employee under this Contract, the Employer shall pay the Employee a base salary of [Salary] per [insert period of time, e.g.month] payable on a [payment schedule, e.g. bi-weekly] basis. The Employee’s salary shall be subject to deduction for applicable taxes and other withholdings as required by law.3. Duties and ResponsibilitiesThe Employee shall perform the duties and responsibilities of the position of [Job Title] as assigned by the Employer. The Employee shall devote his/her full-time and best efforts to the performance of his/her duties and shall comply with all Company policies and procedures.4. BenefitsThe Employee shall be entitled to participate in the Employer’s benefit plans and programs, subject to the terms and conditions of such plans and programs as may be in effect from time to time.5. TerminationEither party may terminate this Contract with written notice at least [number of days] days prior to the intended termination date. In the event of termination of this Contract, the Employee shall be entitled to receive any accrued but unpaid salary and any benefits due to the Employee under this Contract.6. ConfidentialityThe Employee shall not disclose any confidential information of the Employer, including but not limited to trade secrets, customer lists, and proprietary information, either during or after the term of this Contract.7. Non-CompeteDuring the term of this Contract and for a period of [duration] after its termination, the Employee shall not engage in any business activity that is in competition with the Employer or solicit the Em ployer’s customers or employees for any purpose.8. Governing LawThis Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country]. Any dispute arising out of or relating to this Contract shall be settled by arbitration in [City], [Country] in accordance with the rules of the [Arbitration Association].IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract as of the date first above written.EMPLOYER: [Employer’s Signature]EMPLOYEE: [Employee’s Signature]This Employment Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral, relating to the subject matter of this Contract. This Contract may not be amended except in writing signed by both parties.=========================以上是一份关于英文版劳动合同范本的示例,仅供参考。
英文版劳动合同范本5篇篇1EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTThis Employment Contract is made and entered into by and between [Employer’s Name], hereinafter referred to as the “Employer”, and [Employee’s Name], hereinafter referred to as the “Employee”, on the terms and conditions set out below:1. EmploymentThe Employer hereby employs the Employee, and the Employee accepts the employment, on the terms and conditions stated in this Contract. The Employee will serve as [position title] at the [company branch/department].2. Duration of EmploymentThis Contract is effective as of [start date] and shall continue for a period of [duration] unless terminated earlier in accordance with the provisions of this Contract.3. Position Title and ResponsibilitiesThe Employee shall perform the duties and responsibilities assigned to the position of [position title]. The Employee’s specific duties may include but are not limited to [list specific duties].4. Working HoursThe Employee shall work regular hours as prescribed by the Company’s polici es and procedures. The Employee is also subject to reasonable changes in working hours as required by the Company’s operational needs.5. Salary and BenefitsThe Employee shall receive a salary of [salary amount] per [salary frequency] as stated in the Company’s pay policy. The Employee shall also be eligible for benefits as prescribed by the Company’s policies, including but not limited to [list benefits].6. ConfidentialityThe Employee agrees to maintain confidentiality concerning all Company secrets, confidential information, and any other information that is not intended for public disclosure.7. Termination of EmploymentEither party may terminate this Contract at any time with or without cause, upon notice as prescribed by Company policies or applicable laws. Termination of employment shall be made in accordance with the procedures and policies established by the Company.8. Intellectual Property RightsAll intellectual property rights arising out of the Employee’s work during the term of this Contract shall be owned by the Company. The Employee assigns all such rights to the Company.9. Lawful ConductThe Employee agrees to conduct himself/herself in a lawful and ethical manner while at work or representing the Company. The Employee shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and Company policies.10. Non-Discrimination and DiversityThe Company is committed to a policy of equal employment opportunity and prohibits discrimination in all forms. The Employee shall respect diversity and not discriminate against any colleague or third party on any prohibited basis.11. Discipline and GrievancesThe Company has established procedures for addressing discipline and grievances. Any issues shall be resolved through these procedures, which are outlined in the Company handbook or other policies provided to Employees.12. MiscellaneousThis Contract contains the entire agreement between the parties regarding the terms of employment. Any changes must be made in writing and signed by both parties. This Contract is governed by the laws of [applicable jurisdiction]. Any disputes arising out of this Contract shall be resolved in accordance with such laws.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract on the dates indicated below:Employer: _____________________ Date: _________________Employee: _____________________ Date: _________________(Signature) (Signature)(Date) (Date)篇2本合同由以下双方自愿签署:雇主(Employer):____________有限公司(以下简称“公司”)地址:_________________________法定代表人:_________________________联系方式:_________________________雇员(Employee):姓名:_________________________性别:_________________________出生日期:_______年______月______日家庭住址:_________________________联系方式:_________________________邮箱地址:_________________________身份证号:_________________________护照号(如有):_________________________紧急联系人及其联系方式:_________________________雇主与雇员就雇员在本公司工作的相关事宜达成如下协议:一、职位及工作内容(Position and Job Description)(在此处详细列出雇员在公司担任的职位、职责、工作地点等具体信息。
英文版劳动合同范本5篇篇1EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTThis Employment Contract is made and entered into by and between [Employer’s Name], hereinafter referred to as the “Employer”, and [Employee’s Name], hereinafter referred to as the “Employee”, on [Date].1. EMPLOYMENTThe Employee is employed by the Employer to work at the position of [Job Title] at the location specified by the Employer. The Employee shall perform the duties assigned to him/her by the Employer.2. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIESThe Employee shall perform the duties and responsibilities as stated in the job description provided by the Employer. The Employee shall also follow any reasonable guidelines or policies set by the Employer that are in line with the job description.3. HOURS OF WORKThe Employee shall work the hours specified by the Employer, which may include regular working hours, overtime, and any other work schedule required by the job.4. SALARY AND BENEFITSThe Employee shall receive a salary as specified in the offer letter or employment agreement. The salary may be subject to review and adjustments based on performance, job advancements, or changes in job responsibilities. The Employee shall also be entitled to any benefits provided by the Employer, including health insurance, paid time off, and any other benefits stated in this contract or employment agreement.5. CONFIDENTIALITY AND NON-COMPETEThe Employee agrees to maintain confidentiality of all confidential information obtained during his/her employment and not to disclose any confidential information unless authorized by the Employer. The Employee also agrees not to engage in any activities that are in competition with the business interests of the Employer during the term of employment and for a specified period after employment ends.6. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTYAll intellectual property developed or created by the Employee during his/her employment shall be owned by the Employer. The Employee acknowledges that any ideas, inventions, designs, or other intellectual property developed during work hours or using company resources shall be considered the property of the Employer.7. TERMINATIONThis contract can be terminated by either party giving notice as stipulated in this contract or as otherwise agreed upon by both parties. The termination clause should also include provisions for severance pay, if applicable, and any other matters related to termination.8. MISCELLANEOUSThis contract contains various other provisions, including but not limited to: rules on discipline, conduct, force majeure, disputes resolution, and applicable laws. Both parties shall adhere to the terms and conditions stated in this contract.9. NON-DISCRIMINATION AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITYThe Employer assures that no discrimination will be made against the Employee on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age, marital status, or anyother factor prohibited by law. The Employee shall be treated fairly and equally with respect to all aspects of employment.10. SIGNATURESThis contract is signed by both parties in the presence of witnesses to attest its validity and binding force. The signatures indicate that both parties have read and understood the terms and conditions stated in this contract and agree to abide by them.Employer: _______________________________________________ Date: ___________Employee: _______________________________________________ Date: ___________Witnesses: ______________________________________________ Date: ___________(Signature blocks should be filled with relevant details)This Employment Contract is intended as a general template and should be customized according to specific needs and circumstances. It is advisable to consult with legal professionals before finalizing any employment contract to ensure its legality and compliance with local labor laws.篇2EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTThis Employment Contract is made and entered into by and between [Employer’s Name], hereinafter referred to as the “Employer”, and [Employee’s Name], hereinafter referred to as the “Employee”, on [Date].1. EMPLOYMENTThe Employer agrees to engage the Employee on a full-time basis to work at the position designated by the Employer in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in this Contract. The Employee agrees to accept the engagement on the terms and conditions set out in this Contract.2. POSITION AND DUTIESThe Employee shall serve as [Job Title] and shall be responsible for the duties specified by the Employer in relation to that position. The Employee shall perform his duties diligently, honestly and to the best of his abilities.3. HOURS OF WORKThe Employee shall work regular hours as prescribed by the policies and procedures of the Employer. The Employee shall also comply with any reasonable requests for additional hours of work when required by the nature of the business or circumstances beyond control of the Employed.4. SALARY AND BENEFITSThe Employee shall be paid a salary of [salary amount] per [salary frequency] in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Employer. The Employee shall also be entitled to any benefits agreed upon by both parties in writing.5. CONFIDENTIALITY AND NON-COMPETEThe Employee agrees not to disclose any confidential information related to the business of the Employer to any third party without the prior written consent of the Employer. Additionally, the Employee agrees not to engage in any activities that are in competition with the business of the Employer during the term of this Contract or for a specified period after its termination.6. TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENTThis Contract may be terminated by either party giving written notice to the other party through proper channel. Thenotice period and related matters shall be in accordance with local labor laws and regulations and as stipulated in this Contract.7. DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS AND DISMISSALSThe Employee may be subject to disciplinary actions for misconduct, negligence or failure to perform duties as prescribed in this Contract or policies of the Employer. Dismissal may result if such actions are deemed serious enough by the Employer.8. FORCE MAJEUREIn case of force majeure events that cannot be anticipated or avoided, both parties shall seek to resolve any issues arising from such events through mutual consultation and negotiation.9. LAW AND JURISDICTIONThis Contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of [Country/Region]. Any disputes arising from or in connection with this Contract shall be settled through friendly negotiation first. If no settlement can be reached, either party may submit such disputes to [specify court/tribunal] for resolution.10. MISCELLANEOUSThis Contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior agreements or understandings, whether oral or written, related to the employment of the Employee by the Employer. No modification of this Contract shall be effective unless agreed upon by both parties in writing. Any provisions herein which by their nature continue after termination of this Contract shall remain in full force and effect after termination.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract on the date stated at the beginning of this document.EMPLOYER:Name:Title:Date:EMPLOYEE:Name:Date:Signature Page (to be attached if necessary)Both parties hereby acknowledge that they have read and fully understand the terms of this Employment Contract and agree to be bound by its provisions.(To be signed by both parties separately)EMPLOYER: _____________________EMPLOYEE: _____________________Date: _____________________Signature Page (to be stamped if necessary)This Employment Contract has been duly executed by both parties in [specify number] originals, each party retaining an equal number of originals for their respective records.(To be stamped by both parties separately) 司职员印鉴EMPLOYER: _____________________ EMPLOYEE: _____________________ Date: _____________________ (注:本模板为参考范本,实际合同需根据具体情况调整并可能涉及专业法律建议。
Number:Guangdong ProvinceLABORCONTRACTDepartment of labor and social security of Guangdong ProvinceLabor and Social Security Hotline: 12333InstructionsArticle 1 Before signing this contract, the two parties shall read this contract carefully. This contract once signed has legal validity, two parties must strictly perform.Article 2 This contract must be signed or sealed by the employer's legal representative or the principal responsible person (Party A) and the employee (Party B), and affix the official seal of the employer (or the special seal of the labor contract).Article 3 The empty column in this contract, should be filled in by two parties through negotiation, and shall not violate laws, provisions, and relevant regulations; empty column not need to be filled in, mark “/”.Article 4 Working hours system is divided into standard working hours, non-fix working hours, and comprehensive calculation working hours. The irregular working hours, and comprehensive calculation working hours, should be approved by labor administration authorities.Article 5 The unfinished matters of this contract, may sign a supplementary agreement, as the attachment of this contract, and be performed with the contract together.Article 6 This contract must fill in seriously, write legibly, text be concise and accurate, and shall not alter arbitrarily.Article 7 After the signing of this contract (including attachments), each party holds one.Party A(Employer): Party B(Laborer):Name: Name:Legal Representative ID No:(Principal Responsible Person):Permanent add:Address: ,,Residence add:Business type:Contact No: Contact No:This contract is concluded on the basis of principle of lawfulness, fairness, equality, free will, negotiated consensus and good faith by and between the foresaid the Party A and Party B in accordance with the Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China (the RPC Labor Law), the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Employment Contracts (the PRC Employment Contract Law) and other relevant laws and regulations of China and of Guangdong Province.Article 1 Term of the Employment ContractA.T erm of ContractThe Parties agree to determine the term of this Contract pursuant to mode below:1. Fixed T erm: From / / to / / .2. Open-ended T erm: From / / to the date which stipulated ending condition occurs.3. T erm to expire upon completion of a certain job: From to the completion of . The symbol of completion of the job shallbe .B.Probation periodThe Parties agree to determine the term of the probation period pursuant to mode below (the probation period shall be included in the term of Contract ) :1. Without probation period.2. With a probation period which is from / / to / / .(If a labor contract has a term of more than three months but less than one year, the probation period may not be exceed one month; if a labor contract has a term of more than one year and less than three years, the probation period may not exceed two months; and if a labor contract has a term of more than three years or is open-ended labor contract, the probation period may not exceed six months.)Article 2 Job Description and Place of WorkA. The department or group at which the Party B works is as: ,The position (management and technical or production operational) is as , The title (or type of work) is as .B. The task or duty of Party B is as .C. The place of work is as .D. During the term of this Contract, if the Party A has to adjust the position of the Party B due to the needs of production and business operation or other causes, or assign the Party A to work in the place or unit other than the place or unit provided in this Contract, the Parties shall reach consensus through negotiation to amend this Contract. The amendment agreement concluded shall be the appendix of this Contract.Article 3 Working Hours, and Rest and LeaveA. The Parties agree to determine the term of the working hour pursuant to mode below:1. Standard working hours system. Party B shall work for hours a day, and hoursa week. Party A shall guarantee that Party B has at least one day off in a week.2. N on-schedule working hour system. The position of Party B practices non-schedule working hour system after the approval of the labor administration authority.3. System of comprehensive calculation of working hour. The position of Party B practices system of comprehensive calculation of working hour after the approval of the labor administration authority; calculation circle ; total working hours .B. Party A may extend working hours due to the requirement of its production or business after consultation with the Trade Union and the Party B, but, with the exception of the circumstances stipulated in Article 42 of the PRC Labor Law,the extended hours for a day shall generally not exceed one hour; if such extension is called for due to special reasons, the extended working hours shall not exceed three hours a day under the condition that the health of the Party B is guaranteed. However, the total extension in a month shall not exceed 36 hours.C. Party A shall provide the Party A with legal holidays, annual leave, marriage leave, funeral leave, home leave, maternity leave, nursing leave, etc. in accordance with relevant regulations and pay vacation wages according to the wage standard provided by this contract.Article 4 Labor RemunerationA.The wage of Party B for normal working hours shall be paid pursuant to mode below and may not less than the minimum wage rate in the place where the Party A is located.1. Hourly wage:(1) The wages of the Party B for normal working hours shall be paid pursuant to ; the beginning wage amount is as RMB/month or RMB /hour.(2) The wages of the Party B is as RMB/month in the probationary period (the probational salary shall not be less than the minimum wage of same post and 80 percent of appointed salary in the contract, not less than the minimum wage standard in where Party A is located.) ;2. Piecework wage:(1) Unit price: / ;(2) Labor quotas: / (The labor quotas determined generally shall be the amount of work that over 70% employees in the same position of the Party A can finish within legal working hours.) ;3. Other compensations (such as the Party A practices a annual salary system or it pays wages according to an assessment term) : / .4. Party A shall determine its wage distribution system in the light of the status quo of its production and business operation, the price level and wage increase guideline announced by the government. The specific ways and extent of normal wage increase shall be determined in accordance with law through mutual consultation between the Parties or through collective bargaining.B. The pay for performance and bonus of the Party B shall be paid per the following method:.C. The allowance and subsidies of the Party B shall be paid per the following rate and method: .D. The wages shall be paid in currency instead of kind or portfolio.E. Party A shall pay wages of (immediately/previously) month, on of each month. If the date for wage payment happens to be a legal holiday or a non-business day, the wage payment shall be made in advance on the most recent business day.F. If Party A arranges Party B to work overtime, it shall pay Party B overtime pay in accordance with the PRC Labor Law and Provisions of Guangdong Province on Wage Payment, except that Party B is arranged for compensatory time-off after he/she has been arranged to work overtime on non-business day.Article 5 Social Insurance and Fringe BenefitsA. During the contract period, Party A, in accordance with the relevant regulations of nation, province and district, shall pay the pension, medical, unemployment, work injury and maternity insurance procedures for Party B, and shall pay social insurance fund based on payment base and payment ratio by rule. Party B shall undertake his own part of social insurance fund, the payable amount shall be withheld by Party A from the Party B’s monthly wages. Party A shall truthfully inform the situation of handling social insurance procedures and withholding social insurance premiums to PartyB.B. In case Party B suffers sickness or non-work-related injury, Party A shall offer Party B a period of medical treatment and sick-leave treatment stipulated by national and local regulations, pay medical insurance and other medical payment relating to relevant regulations, and pay sickness pay or disease relief during specified medical period, the amount may be RMB per month (no less than 80% of the local minimum wage standard).Article 6 Labor Protection, Working Condition and Protection Against Occupational HazardsA. Party A shall provide working place conformed to the national labor health standard, in accordance with labor protection regulations of the nation and province, and effectively protect the safety and health of Party B during working production. If Party B may suffer occupational hazard during production procedures, Party A shall truthfully inform Party B, and protect the health and related rights of Party B stipulated by “Law of Occupational Disease Prevention”.B. According to the position of the Party B, Party A shall provide Party B with labor safety and hygiene conditions in conformity with the relevant laws and regulations, and provide free physical examination for Party B every (year /season /month) in accordance with labor protection provisions.C. Party A must carry out relevant provisions formulated by the nation, province and district for the labor protection and health-care work of female worker..D. Party B shall have the right to refuse to carry out any dangerous operation forced upon him/her by Party A. For Party A's or its manager's behavior which is indifferent to the safety and health of Party B, Party B may have the right to inform and report to the relevant government departments.E. If Party B suffer occupational disease, work-related injury or death due to work, Party A shall handle it in accordance with “work injury insurance regulations”.Article 7 Modification of the Employment ContractA. Either of the Parties may modify relevant terms of the Employment Contract with written notice to others.B. Party A change the name, legal representative, principal responsible person or investor, dose not affect the performance of the contract.C. If Party A occur the event of merger or division, the contracts remain in force, and shall continuously perform by the unit succeeded Party A's rights and obligations.D. The two parties may alter the labor contract through mutual consultation and agreement, and handle change procedures in writing. After the change of labor contract, each party holds one.Article 8 Cancellation and Termination of the Employment ContractA. Cancellation1. The parties may terminate the labor contract through mutual consultation and agreement. If Party A proposes to terminate this contract, shall pay the economic compensation to Party B by rule.2. Party A may terminate the employment contract under any of the following circumstances involving Party B:(1) Party B been proven to be incompetent for the employing requirement during probational period.(2) Party B seriously breach labor disciplines or regulations stipulated by Party A.(3) Party B neglects his duty and engages in malpractices for selfish ends, thus causing significant harm to the interests of the Party A.(4) Party B build labor relationships with other units, to cause a seriously impact on the completion of the task of Party A, or refuse to correct the rules made by Party A.(5) Where Party B has concluded or modified the labor contract against the true intentions of Party A through the use of fraud, coercion or exploitation of the unfavorable position of Party A, as a result of which this agreement is deemed null and void;(6) Party B is found guilty according to the laws of P.R.C.(7) Party B is ill or injured due to non-work relation, after the completion of medical, still is incompetent for his original work, or alternative jobs arranged by Party A.(8) Party B is incompetent for work after training or adjustment of jobs.(9) If the objective situation changes significantly this contract based on, to result the contract unable to perform, and mutual consent can not be reached in charge of this labor contracts.Party A terminate this contract according to item (7), (8) and (9), should notice Party B in writing before 30 days (or extra pay a month wage to Party B), and pay economic compensation to Party B subject to regulations. If Party A terminate this contract according to item (7), also shall pay medical treatment allowances to Party B conforming to relevant regulations.3. Under any of the following circumstances, Party A can make redundancies stipulated by regulations and procedures, and pay economic compensation to Party B by rule:(1) Party A restructured pursuant to the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law;(2) Production and business operation of Party A met serious difficulties;(3) Production, technological innovation or business method of Party A adjusted;(4) If other objective situation this contract based on, changes significantly, to result the contract unable to perform.4. Party B may terminate the labor contract with 30 days' prior written notice to Party A; during the probationary period with 3 days' prior written notice to Party A.Party B may terminate his employment contract under any of the following circumstances involving Party A. Party A shall pay the economic compensation to Party B by rule:(1) Party A has failed to provide labor protection or working conditions as stipulated in the labor contract;(2) Part A has failed to pay remuneration on time or in full;(3) Party A has failed to contribute social insurance fund on behalf of Party B in accordance with the law;(4) Party A's policies violate laws or regulations, thereby infringing upon Party B's rights and interests;(5) Party A has concluded or modified the labor contract against the true intentions of PartyB through the use of fraud, coercion or taking advantage of Party B’s unfavorable position, as a result of which this contract or the changing agreement is deemed null and void;(6) Party A is exempted from its legal liability and Party B's rights, as a result of which this contract is deemed null and void;(7) Party A violates obligatory provision in laws and regulations, as a result of which this contract is deemed null and void;(8) If Party A uses violence, intimidation, or an unlawful restraint of individual freedom to compel Party B to work, or if Party A instructs Party B to violate the law or engage in hazardous work that endangers his personal safety.(9) Other circumstances for termination by Party B as specified under laws and regulations.If the situation of item (8) occurs, Party B has the right to terminate the contract immediately without notice Party A in advance.5. Of the any of the following circumstances, Party A can not terminate the labor contract onthe basis of article 40 and 41 of the “Labor Contract Laws”;(1) Party B that conducts operations exposing him/her to occupational disease hazards has not gone through an occupational health examination before leaving his post, or is suspected of having an occupational disease and is under diagnosis or medical observation.(2) Injured due to the occupational disease or work-related reasons, and was confirmed as having lost or partially lost the ability to work.(3) Illness or non work-related injury within the prescribed period of medical treatment.(4) Women workers in pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding.(5) Worked continuously for 15 years and less than five years away from his legal retirement age in this unit.(6) Other circumstances stipulated by laws administrative regulations.B.T ermination1. Once the contract expired or statutory termination condition occurs, the contract shall be terminated.2. The contract terminate due to one of the following circumstance, Party A should pay economic compensation to Party B stipulated by regulations.(1) In addition to the Party A maintain or improve the condition of the labor contract to renew the labor contract, Party B disagree to new a lease, the labor contract expires;(2) Party A was declared bankrupt by court.(3) Business license of Party A was revoked, order to close, cancellation or early dissolution of.(4) Other circumstances stipulated by laws administrative regulations.3. When Party B has the circumstances of the first paragraph (5) of article 8, the contact expired, Party A shall renew the contract until the corresponding circumstance disappeared. But if Party B suffers from occupational disease or work-related injury and is confirmed to have totally or partially lost the ability of work, Party A shall execute according to work injury insurance regulations formulated by nation and province.C. If Party A illegally dissolves or terminates the contract, Party B requests to carry on this contract, Party A shall continue to perform; Party B does not require to carry on the contract or the contract can not continue to be performed, Party A shall pay double compensation for Party B according to economic compensation standard.D. Procedures of the dissolution or termination of the contractWhen relieving or terminating this contract, Party A shall show the certificate of relieving or terminating labor contact, and handle transfer formalities of files and social insurance for Party B within 15 days.Article 9 Conciliation and ArbitrationIf any dispute arises between this contract, it shall be settled through negotiation; if the parties are unwilling to negotiate or the negotiation fails, can apply for mediation to the Party A's labor dispute mediation organization. If mediation fails, can apply arbitration to jurisdictional labor dispute arbitration commission within the time for statutory arbitration; also can apply arbitration to labor dispute arbitration commission. If not satisfied with arbitral decision, can institute legal proceedings in People's Courts within statutory time limit.Article 10 Service Period and Competition RestrictionA. If Party A provide Party B with special training expenses and professional and technique training, the two parties make following agreement: executing in accordance with company training management system . (When Party B breaches the service period agreement, shall pay penalty to Party A according to the agreement. The amount of penalty shall not exceed the training expenses provided by Party A, and shall be no more than the training expenses caused in the service period unperformed.B. If Party B shall keep the business secrets and confidential matters related to intellectual property of Party A, the two parties make the following appointment: for details see Confidentiality Agreement . (If Party B have confidentiality obligation, Party A can make competition restriction agreement with Party B, and after relieving or terminating this contract, provide economic compensation to Party B every month during the competition restriction period. If Party B breaches the Confidentiality Agreement, Party B shall bear the liability therefor pay for penalty according to agreement. The personnel of the competition restriction shall be restricted to senior management personnel of Party A, senior technical staff and other personnel have confidentiality obligation. After relieving or terminating this contract, the competition restriction period shall no more than two years.)Article 11 OthersA. The unfinished matters of this contract, may be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of nation and local. During the contract period, if the terms of this contract in contradiction with the new labor administrative regulations of nation and province, shall execute according to new regulations.B. The following documents are provided for the attachment of this contract, and have the same effect as the contract:1. Confidentiality Agreement .2. .3. .4. .5. .C. Bilateral Agreement (the contents shall not violate the laws, regulations and the relevant provisions, may plus signature or seal of the two parties to attachment.):1. Party A, according to operating conditions, can change Party B's position and adjust Party B's remuneration in accordance with the income distribution system stipulated by law. Party B agrees to be adjusted its own remuneration according to Party A's remuneration standard.2. Party A have the right to adjust Party B‘s position and working place according to operating situation, Party B should positively cooperate with it, otherwise may terminate the labor contract with Party A for special reasons.Party A (Stamp) Party B (sign or stamp)Legal Representative(Entrusted Agent)Day Month Year Day Month YearIdentification institution (Stamp)AttestorDate of identification Day Month YearAgreement of Modified Labor ContractParty A and Party B agree to make the following changes to the contract through equal consultation,Party A (Stamp) Party B (sign or stamp)Legal Representative(Entrusted Agent)Day Month Year Day Month Year。
深圳市劳动合同英文版 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIANLABOR CONTRACT OF SHENZHENParty A (the Employer) Party B (the Employee)Name: Name:Address Sex:Legal Representative: ID No.:Address:Contact person :Telephone: Telephone:In accordance with the Labor Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “the Labor Contract Law”) and other applicable laws and regulations, and based on the principles of equality, free will, good faith, compliance with law and mutual negotiation, Party A and Party B hereby enter into this Contract and agree to jointly abide by the terms and conditions contained herein.Article 1 Contract Term1.1 Both Parties agree to determine the term of this Contract by ____of the following methods:1.1.1 Fixed term: from _____to_____.1.1.2 Unfixed term::。
1.1.3 Completion of certain work as the term: from _____to completion of_____work. The standard on completion of the work shall be _____.1.2 The probation period shall be none (the probation period shall be included in the term of this Contract. In case of no probation period, fill “none” in the blank). Article 2 Contents of WorkThe Party B shall act as (position or type of work) sales engineer, who shall be responsible for sale of printing equipment of the plastic packing department of Party A and other work in China, and shall report to the relevant responsible persons of Swiss Headquarters and Thailand Branch Company.Article 3 Working Time3.1 Standard working time system shall be adopted for Party B, that is, Part B shall work 8 hours per day and 5 days per week, without additional remuneration for overtime work.3.2 Any extension of work time as required by Party A’s production a nd operation shall be governed by Article 41 of the Labor Law.Article 4 Salary and Treatment4.1 Party A shall formulate the salary system according to law and notify Party B thereof. The salary paid by Party A to Party B shall not be lower than the minimum salary issued by the local municipal government in that year.4.2 The monthly salary of Party B shall be RMB 。
英文版劳动合同范本_劳动合同最新版This Employment Contract (the "Agreement") is made and entered into on the date of agreement between the Employer and the Employee hereinafter referred to as "the Parties"11 Term of Employment111 The employment shall commence on the start date and shall continue until the termination date unless sooner terminated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement112 Either party may terminate the employment relationship upon providing written notice in accordance with the terms specified herein12 Duties121 The Employee agrees to perform all duties and responsibilities assigned by the Employer in a diligent and professional manner122 The Employee will comply with all policies and procedures established by the Employer from time to time13 Place of Work131 The Employee's principal place of work shall be at the location designated by the Employer132 The Employer reserves the right to require the Employee to work at different locations as necessary14 Hours of Work141 The Employee's normal hours of work shall be as agreed upon between the Parties142 The Employee acknowledges that additional hours may be required to meet the business needs of the Employer15 Salary and Benefits151 The Employee shall receive a salary as agreed upon between the Parties152 The Employee shall be entitled to participate in the Employer's benefit plans as may be available from time to time153 Any changes to the salary or benefits shall be communicated in writing to the Employee16 Vacation and Leave161 The Employee shall be entitled to annual vacation leave in accordance with applicable laws162 The Employee may also be entitled to other forms of leave as provided by law or as determined by the Employer17 Confidentiality171 The Employee agrees not to disclose any confidential information relating to the Employer's business or its clients172 This obligation of confidentiality shall survive the termination of this Agreement18 Intellectual Property181 All intellectual property created by the Employee during the term of employment shall be the sole property of the Employer182 The Employee agrees to execute any documents necessary to vest ownership of such intellectual property in the Employer19 Termination191 Either party may terminate this Agreement for cause upon providing written notice to the other party192 In the event of termination without cause, the Employer shall provide the Employee with severance pay in accordance with applicable laws193 The Employee shall return all property belonging to the Employer upon termination of employment110 NonSolicitation1101 The Employee agrees not to solicit the Employer's clients or employees for a period following the termination of employment1102 This nonsolicitation clause shall apply only within a reasonable geographic area and for a reasonable period of time111 Governing Law1111 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction in which the Employer operates1112 Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the rules of the relevant arbitration body112 Amendments1121 No amendments to this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by both Parties1122 Any waiver of a breach of this Agreement must be in writing and signed by the waiving party113 Entire Agreement1131 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, and agreements between them1132 This Agreement may not be modified except in writing signed by both Parties114 Notices1141 Any notices required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and delivered to the Parties at their respective addresses as set forth below1142 Notices shall be deemed given when actually received by the addresseeEmployer: ______________________________________________________________ ______Employee: ______________________________________________________________ ______。
工作职责1. 乙方将担任甲方公司的[职位名称],履行以下职责:[具体工作职责]。
2. 乙方应遵守甲方公司的规章制度和劳动纪律,严守商业机密,保护公司利益。
薪酬与福利1. 乙方的月薪为人民币[金额],按月支付到乙方指定的银行账户。
2. 乙方享有法定的带薪年假、病假和其他福利待遇,具体按国家相关法律法规执行。
保密条款1. 乙方在任职期间及离职后,应保守甲方公司的商业机密和相关信息,不得泄露或以任何方式利用该信息损害甲方公司的利益。
2. 乙方离职后,应归还甲方公司的资料、文件和设备,并删除保存在个人设备上的与公司相关的信息。
解雇与终止1. 若乙方违反本合同约定或严重失职,甲方有权随时解雇乙方,并无需提前通知或支付违约金。
2. 乙方如需解除本合同,应提前[提前通知期限]书面通知甲方,并经双方协商达成一致。
其他条款1. 本合同的任何修改或补充须经双方书面协议并签字生效。
2. 本合同一式两份,甲方和乙方各持一份,具有同等法律效力。
LABOR CONTRACT OF SHENZHENParty A (the Employer) Party B (the Employee)Name: Name:Address Sex:Legal Representative: ID No.:Address:Contact person :Telephone: Telephone:In accordance with the Labor Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as “the Labor Contract Law”) and other applicable laws and regulations, a nd based on the principles of equality, free will, good faith, compliance with law and mutual negotiation, Party A and Party B hereby enter into this Contract and agree to jointly abide by the terms and conditions contained herein.Article 1 Contract Term1.1 Both Parties agree to determine the term of this Contract by ____of the following methods: 1.1.1 Fixed term: from _____to_____.1.1.2 Unfixed term::。
1.1.3 Completion of certain work as the term: from _____to completion of _____work. The standard on completion of the work shall be _____.1.2 The probation period shall be none (the probation period shall be included in the term of thisC ontract. In case of no probation period, fill “none” in the blank).Article 2 Contents of WorkThe Party B shall act as (position or type of work) sales engineer, who shall be responsible for sale of printing equipment of the plastic packing department of Party A and other work in China, and shall report to the relevant responsible persons of Swiss Headquarters and Thailand Branch Company.Article 3 Working Time3.1 Standard working time system shall be adopted for Party B, that is, Part B shall work 8 hours per day and 5 days per week, without additional remuneration for overtime work.3.2 Any extension of work time as required by Party A’s production and operation shall be governed by Article 41 of the Labor Law.Article 4 Salary and Treatment4.1 Party A shall formulate the salary system according to law and notify Party B thereof. The salary paid by Party A to Party B shall not be lower than the minimum salary issued by the local municipal government in that year.4.2 The monthly salary of Party B shall be RMB 。
雇佣外国人劳动合同模板(中英文) 广东省劳动合同英文版(完整版)
![雇佣外国人劳动合同模板(中英文) 广东省劳动合同英文版(完整版)](
LABOUR CONTRACT 劳动合同INDEX 目录1.POSITION & TASKS OF WORK 职务及工作职责2.TRIAL PERIOD 试用期3.DURATION OF THE CONTRACT 合同期限4.SALARY 工资5.PREMIUM & BONUS 奖金及分红6.PERSONAL INCOME TAX 个人所得税7.TRAINING 培训8.WORKING HOURS 工作时间9.DISCIPLINE 劳动纪律10.SICKNESS & INJURY LEAVE 病假及伤假BOUR SAFETY & HYGIENE劳动安全及劳动卫生保障12.S OCIAL INSURANCE 社会保险13.H OLIDAYS 休假14.EXCLUSIVITY & NON-COMPETITION 唯一性及非竞争协定15.C ONFIDENTIALITY 保密协定16.R ESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES 双方职责17.TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT 合同终止18.A MENDMENT OF THE CONTRACT 合同修订19.A PPLICABLE LAW 适用法律20.SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES 争议的处理及解决21.M ISCELLANEOUS 其它事宜甲方(用人单位)全称:住所:联系电话:法定代表人:Hereinafter referred to a s the “COMPANY”,以下简称“本公司”乙方(劳动者)姓名:性别:出生年月:出生地:有效身份证件号码:(护照)现住址:联系电话:Hereinafter referred to as the “EMPLOYEE”,以下简称“该员工”Hereinafter collectively referred to as the “PARTIES”.甲方、乙方以下统称“合同双方”。
劳动合同范本英文版Labor Contract Template (English Version)IntroductionLabor contracts serve as the foundation for a harmonious employer-employee relationship, outlining the rights and responsibilities of both parties involved. This article presents a sample labor contract written in English. Please note that this template is only for reference purposes and should be modified to fit specific circumstances or local regulations.Article 1 - Parties to the contractThis labor contract is made and entered into between [Employer's Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Employer," and [Employee's Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Employee."Article 2 - Duration of the contract1. This labor contract shall be effective from [Contract Start Date] and terminate on [Contract End Date].2. If neither party gives written notice to terminate the contract 30 days prior to the contract's expiration, it shall be automatically renewed for another term with the same conditions.Article 3 - Position and Duties1. The Employer hereby engages the Employee as [Job Title], and the Employee agrees to undertake the duties and responsibilities associated with this position.2. The Employee shall perform their duties diligently, professionally, and follow all lawful instructions provided by the Employer.Article 4 - Working Hours and Rest Days1. The standard working hours shall be [Number of Hours] per week, distributed over [Number of Days] days.2. The Employee is entitled to [Number of Rest Days] consecutive rest days per week, to be determined by the Employer.Article 5 - Compensation and Benefits1. The Employee shall receive a monthly salary of [Amount] payable in [Currency]. The salary shall be paid in full and on time, no later than the [Payment Date].2. The Employee is entitled to statutory benefits such as social insurance, housing fund, and medical insurance according to the local regulations.3. The Employer may provide additional benefits, such as annual leave, sick leave, and any other benefits agreed upon by both parties.Article 6 - Performance Evaluation1. The Employer shall conduct periodic performance evaluations to assess and provide feedback on the Employee's performance.2. The Employee is encouraged to actively participate in performance evaluations and take necessary actions to improve their performance based on feedback received.Article 7 - Confidentiality and Intellectual Property1. The Employee shall maintain strict confidentiality regarding any confidential information learned during their employment. This obligation shall continue even after the termination of this contract.2. Any inventions, creative works, or intellectual property created by the Employee during their employment shall belong to the Employer.Article 8 - Termination1. Either party has the right to terminate this contract by giving a written notice of [Notice Period] days in advance.2. The Employer may terminate this contract without notice in case of the Employee's gross misconduct or violation of work rules and regulations.Article 9 - Dispute Resolution1. Any disputes arising from the performance of this contract shall be resolved amicably through negotiation between the parties.2. If the dispute cannot be resolved through negotiation, either party may seek legal remedies as provided by the applicable laws.Article 10 - Governing Law and JurisdictionThis contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the [Employment Country]. Any disputes shall be under the jurisdiction of the [Employment Country]'s courts.Final RemarksWe strongly recommend seeking legal advice and adapting this labor contract template to comply with local laws, customs, and regulations. Awell-drafted labor contract can provide a solid foundation for a mutually beneficial employer-employee relationship and ensure a harmonious and productive work environment.。
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Number:Guangdong ProvinceLABORCONTRACTDepartment of labor and social security of Guangdong ProvinceLabor and Social Security Hotline: 12333InstructionsArticle 1 Before signing this contract, the two parties shall read this contract carefully. This contract once signed has legal validity, two parties must strictly perform.Article 2 This contract must be signed or sealed by the employer's legal representative or the principal responsible person (Party A) and the employee (Party B), and affix the official seal of the employer (or the special seal of the labor contract).Article 3 The empty column in this contract, should be filled in by two parties through negotiation, and shall not violate laws, provisions, and relevant regulations; empty column not need to be filled in, mark “/”.Article 4 Working hours system is divided into standard working hours, non-fix working hours, and comprehensive calculation working hours. The irregular working hours, and comprehensive calculation working hours, should be approved by labor administration authorities.Article 5 The unfinished matters of this contract, may sign a supplementary agreement, as the attachment of this contract, and be performed with the contract together.Article 6 This contract must fill in seriously, write legibly, text be concise and accurate, and shall not alter arbitrarily.Article 7 After the signing of this contract (including attachments), each party holds one.2Party A(Employer): Party B(Laborer):Name: Name:Legal Representative ID No:(Principal Responsible Person):Permanent add:Address: ,,Residence add:Business type:Contact No: Contact No:This contract is concluded on the basis of principle of lawfulness, fairness, equality, free will, negotiated consensus and good faith by and between the foresaid the Party A and Party B in accordance with the Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China (the RPC Labor Law), the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Employment Contracts (the PRC Employment Contract Law) and other relevant laws and regulations of China and of Guangdong Province.Article 1 Term of the Employment ContractA.T erm of ContractThe Parties agree to determine the term of this Contract pursuant to mode below:1. Fixed T erm: From / / to / / .2. Open-ended T erm: From / / to the date which stipulated ending condition occurs.3. T erm to expire upon completion of a certain job: From to the completion of . The symbol of completion of the job shallbe .B.Probation periodThe Parties agree to determine the term of the probation period pursuant to mode below (the probation period shall be included in the term of Contract ) :1. Without probation / / .(If a labor contract has a term of more than three months but less than one year, the probation period may not be exceed one month; if a labor contract has a term of more than one year and less than three years, the probation period may not exceed two months; and if a labor contract has a term of more than three years or is open-ended labor contract, the probation3period may not exceed six months.)Article 2 Job Description and Place of WorkA. The department or group at which the Party B works is as: ,The position (management and technical or production operational) is as , The title (or type of work) is as .B. The task or duty of Party B is as .C. The place of work is as .D. During the term of this Contract, if the Party A has to adjust the position of the Party B due to the needs of production and business operation or other causes, or assign the Party A to work in the place or unit other than the place or unit provided in this Contract, the Parties shall reach consensus through negotiation to amend this Contract. The amendment agreement concluded shall be the appendix of this Contract.Article 3 Working Hours, and Rest and LeaveA. The Parties agree to determine the term of the working hour pursuant to mode below:1. Standard working hours system. Party B shall work for hours a day, and hoursa week. Party A shall guarantee that Party B has at least one day off in a week.2. N on-schedule working hour system. The position of Party B practices non-schedule working hour system after the approval of the labor administration authority.3. System of comprehensive calculation of working hour. The position of Party B practices system of comprehensive calculation of working hour after the approval of the labor administration authority; calculation circle ; total working hours .B. Party A may extend working hours due to the requirement of its production or business after consultation with the Trade Union and the Party B, but, with the exception of the circumstances stipulated in Article 42 of the PRC Labor Law,the extended hours for a day shall generally not exceed one hour; if such extension is called for due to special reasons, the extended working hours shall not exceed three hours a day under the condition that the health of the Party B is guaranteed. However, the total extension in a month shall not exceed 36 hours.C. Party A shall provide the Party A with legal holidays, annual leave, marriage leave, funeral leave, home leave, maternity leave, nursing leave, etc. in accordance with relevant regulations4and pay vacation wages according to the wage standard provided by this contract.Article 4 Labor RemunerationA.The wage of Party B for normal working hours shall be paid pursuant to mode below and may not less than the minimum wage rate in the place where the Party A is located.1. Hourly wage:(1) The wages of the Party B for normal working hours shall be paid pursuant to ; the beginning wage amount is as RMB/month or RMB /hour.(2) The wages of the Party B is as RMB/month in the probationary period (the probational salary shall not be less than the minimum wage of same post and 80 percent of appointed salary in the contract, not less than the minimum wage standard in where Party A is located.) ;2. Piecework wage:(1) Unit price: / ;(2) Labor quotas: / (The labor quotas determined generally shall be the amount of work that over 70% employees in the same position of the Party A can finish within legal working hours.) ;3. Other compensations (such as the Party A practices a annual salary system or it pays wages according to an assessment term) : / .4. Party A shall determine its wage distribution system in the light of the status quo of its production and business operation, the price level and wage increase guideline announced by the government. The specific ways and extent of normal wage increase shall be determined in accordance with law through mutual consultation between the Parties or through collective bargaining.B. The pay for performance and bonus of the Party B shall be paid per the following method:.C. The allowance and subsidies of the Party B shall be paid per the following rate and method: .D. The wages shall be paid in currency instead of kind or portfolio.E. Party A shall pay wages of (immediately/previously) month, on of each month. If the date for wage payment happens to be a legal holiday or a non-business day, the wage payment shall be made in advance on the most recent business day.F. If Party A arranges Party B to work overtime, it shall pay Party B overtime pay in accordance5with the PRC Labor Law and Provisions of Guangdong Province on Wage Payment, except that Party B is arranged for compensatory time-off after he/she has been arranged to work overtime on non-business day.Article 5 Social Insurance and Fringe BenefitsA. During the contract period, Party A, in accordance with the relevant regulations of nation, province and district, shall pay the pension, medical, unemployment, work injury and maternity insurance procedures for Party B, and shall pay social insurance fund based on payment base and payment ratio by rule. Party B shall undertake his own part of social insurance fund, the payable amount shall be withheld by Party A from the Party B’s monthly wages. Party A shall truthfully inform the situation of handling social insurance procedures and withholding social insurance premiums to PartyB.B. In case Party B suffers sickness or non-work-related injury, Party A shall offer Party B a period of medical treatment and sick-leave treatment stipulated by national and local regulations, pay medical insurance and other medical payment relating to relevant regulations, and pay sickness pay or disease relief during specified medical period, the amount may be RMB per month (no less than 80% of the local minimum wage standard).Article 6 Labor Protection, Working Condition and Protection Against Occupational HazardsA. Party A shall provide working place conformed to the national labor health standard, in accordance with labor protection regulations of the nation and province, and effectively protect the safety and health of Party B during working production. If Party B may suffer occupational hazard during production procedures, Party A shall truthfully inform Party B, and protect the health and related rights of Party B stipulated by “Law of Occupational Disease Prevention”.B. According to the position of the Party B, Party A shall provide Party B with labor safety and hygiene conditions in conformity with the relevant laws and regulations, and provide free physical examination for Party B every (year /season /month) in accordance with labor protection provisions.C. Party A must carry out relevant provisions formulated by the nation, province and district for the labor protection and health-care work of female worker..D. Party B shall have the right to refuse to carry out any dangerous operation forced upon him/her by Party A. For Party A's or its manager's behavior which is indifferent to the safety and6health of Party B, Party B may have the right to inform and report to the relevant government departments.E. If Party B suffer occupational disease, work-related injury or death due to work, Party A shall handle it in accordance with “work injury insurance regulations”.Article 7 Modification of the Employment ContractA. Either of the Parties may modify relevant terms of the Employment Contract with written notice to others.B. Party A change the name, legal representative, principal responsible person or investor, dose not affect the performance of the contract.C. If Party A occur the event of merger or division, the contracts remain in force, and shall continuously perform by the unit succeeded Party A's rights and obligations.D. The two parties may alter the labor contract through mutual consultation and agreement, and handle change procedures in writing. After the change of labor contract, each party holds one.Article 8 Cancellation and Termination of the Employment ContractA. Cancellation1. The parties may terminate the labor contract through mutual consultation and agreement. If Party A proposes to terminate this contract, shall pay the economic compensation to Party B by rule.2. Party A may terminate the employment contract under any of the following circumstances involving Party B:(1) Party B been proven to be incompetent for the employing requirement during probational period.(2) Party B seriously breach labor disciplines or regulations stipulated by Party A.(3) Party B neglects his duty and engages in malpractices for selfish ends, thus causing significant harm to the interests of the Party A.(4) Party B build labor relationships with other units, to cause a seriously impact on the completion of the task of Party A, or refuse to correct the rules made by Party A.(5) Where Party B has concluded or modified the labor contract against the true intentions of7Party A through the use of fraud, coercion or exploitation of the unfavorable position of Party A, as a result of which this agreement is deemed null and void;(6) Party B is found guilty according to the laws of P.R.C.(7) Party B is ill or injured due to non-work relation, after the completion of medical, still is incompetent for his original work, or alternative jobs arranged by Party A.(8) Party B is incompetent for work after training or adjustment of jobs.(9) If the objective situation changes significantly this contract based on, to result the contract unable to perform, and mutual consent can not be reached in charge of this labor contracts.Party A terminate this contract according to item (7), (8) and (9), should notice Party B in writing before 30 days (or extra pay a month wage to Party B), and pay economic compensation to Party B subject to regulations. If Party A terminate this contract according to item (7), also shall pay medical treatment allowances to Party B conforming to relevant regulations.3. Under any of the following circumstances, Party A can make redundancies stipulated by regulations and procedures, and pay economic compensation to Party B by rule:(1) Party A restructured pursuant to the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law;(2) Production and business operation of Party A met serious difficulties;(3) Production, technological innovation or business method of Party A adjusted;(4) If other objective situation this contract based on, changes significantly, to result the contract unable to perform.4. Party B may terminate the labor contract with 30 days' prior written notice to Party A; during the probationary period with 3 days' prior written notice to Party A.Party B may terminate his employment contract under any of the following circumstances involving Party A. Party A shall pay the economic compensation to Party B by rule:(1) Party A has failed to provide labor protection or working conditions as stipulated in the labor contract;(2) Part A has failed to pay remuneration on time or in full;(3) Party A has failed to contribute social insurance fund on behalf of Party B in accordance with the law;(4) Party A's policies violate laws or regulations, thereby infringing upon Party B's rights and interests;(5) Party A has concluded or modified the labor contract against the true intentions of PartyB through the use of fraud, coercion or taking advantage of Party B’s unfavorable position, as a result of which this contract or the changing agreement is deemed null and void;(6) Party A is exempted from its legal liability and Party B's rights, as a result of which this contract is deemed null and void;8(7) Party A violates obligatory provision in laws and regulations, as a result of which this contract is deemed null and void;(8) If Party A uses violence, intimidation, or an unlawful restraint of individual freedom to compel Party B to work, or if Party A instructs Party B to violate the law or engage in hazardous work that endangers his personal safety.(9) Other circumstances for termination by Party B as specified under laws and regulations.If the situation of item (8) occurs, Party B has the right to terminate the contract immediately without notice Party A in advance.5. Of the any of the following circumstances, Party A can not terminate the labor contract on the basis of article 40 and 41 of the “Labor Contract Laws”;(1) Party B that conducts operations exposing him/her to occupational disease hazards has not gone through an occupational health examination before leaving his post, or is suspected of having an occupational disease and is under diagnosis or medical observation.(2) Injured due to the occupational disease or work-related reasons, and was confirmed as having lost or partially lost the ability to work.(3) Illness or non work-related injury within the prescribed period of medical treatment.(4) Women workers in pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding.(5) Worked continuously for 15 years and less than five years away from his legal retirement age in this unit.(6) Other circumstances stipulated by laws administrative regulations.B.T ermination1. Once the contract expired or statutory termination condition occurs, the contract shall be terminated.2. The contract terminate due to one of the following circumstance, Party A should pay economic compensation to Party B stipulated by regulations.(1) In addition to the Party A maintain or improve the condition of the labor contract to renew the labor contract, Party B disagree to new a lease, the labor contract expires;(2) Party A was declared bankrupt by court.(3) Business license of Party A was revoked, order to close, cancellation or early dissolution of.(4) Other circumstances stipulated by laws administrative regulations.3. When Party B has the circumstances of the first paragraph (5) of article 8, the contact9expired, Party A shall renew the contract until the corresponding circumstance disappeared. But if Party B suffers from occupational disease or work-related injury and is confirmed to have totally or partially lost the ability of work, Party A shall execute according to work injury insurance regulations formulated by nation and province.C. If Party A illegally dissolves or terminates the contract, Party B requests to carry on this contract, Party A shall continue to perform; Party B does not require to carry on the contract or the contract can not continue to be performed, Party A shall pay double compensation for Party B according to economic compensation standard.D. Procedures of the dissolution or termination of the contractWhen relieving or terminating this contract, Party A shall show the certificate of relieving or terminating labor contact, and handle transfer formalities of files and social insurance for Party B within 15 days.Article 9 Conciliation and ArbitrationIf any dispute arises between this contract, it shall be settled through negotiation; if the parties are unwilling to negotiate or the negotiation fails, can apply for mediation to the Party A's labor dispute mediation organization. If mediation fails, can apply arbitration to jurisdictional labor dispute arbitration commission within the time for statutory arbitration; also can apply arbitration to labor dispute arbitration commission. If not satisfied with arbitral decision, can institute legal proceedings in People's Courts within statutory time limit.Article 10 Service Period and Competition RestrictionA. If Party A provide Party B with special training expenses and professional and technique training, the two parties make following agreement: executing in accordance with company training management system . (When Party B breaches the service period agreement, shall pay penalty to Party A according to the agreement. The amount of penalty shall not exceed the training expenses provided by Party A, and shall be no more than the training expenses caused in the service period unperformed.B. If Party B shall keep the business secrets and confidential matters related to intellectual property of Party A, the two parties make the following appointment: for details see Confidentiality Agreement . (If Party B have confidentiality obligation, Party A can make competition restriction agreement with Party B, and after relieving or terminating this contract, provide economic compensation to Party B every month during the competition restriction period. If Party B breaches the Confidentiality Agreement, Party B shall bear the liability therefor pay for penalty according to agreement. The personnel of the competition restriction shall be restricted to senior management personnel of Party A, senior technical staff and other personnel10have confidentiality obligation. After relieving or terminating this contract, the competition restriction period shall no more than two years.)Article 11 OthersA. The unfinished matters of this contract, may be handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of nation and local. During the contract period, if the terms of this contract in contradiction with the new labor administrative regulations of nation and province, shall execute according to new regulations.B. The following documents are provided for the attachment of this contract, and have the same effect as the contract:1. Confidentiality Agreement .2. .3. .4. .5. .C. Bilateral Agreement (the contents shall not violate the laws, regulations and the relevant provisions, may plus signature or seal of the two parties to attachment.):1. Party A, according to operating conditions, can change Party B's position and adjust Party B's remuneration in accordance with the income distribution system stipulated by law. Party B agrees to be adjusted its own remuneration according to Party A's remuneration standard.2. Party A have the right to adjust Party B‘s position and working place according to operating situation, Party B should positively cooperate with it, otherwise may terminate the labor contract with Party A for special reasons.Party A (Stamp) Party B (sign or stamp)Legal Representative(Entrusted Agent)Day Month Year Day Month YearIdentification institution (Stamp)AttestorDate of identification Day Month Year11Agreement of Modified Labor ContractParty A and Party B agree to make the following changes to the contract through equal consultation,Party A (Stamp) Party B (sign or stamp)Legal Representative(Entrusted Agent)Day Month Year Day Month Year。