美国是一个由多民族组 成的国家,拥有丰富多 彩的文化传统。不同民 族和种族的文化在这里 交融,形成了独特的美 国文化。
美国的社会制度以自由、 平等和民主为核心价值。 其教育、医疗、社会保 障等制度相对完善,为 居民提供了较好的生活
教授学生使用得体的礼 貌用语,以建立良好的
了解并运用肢体语言、 面部表情、眼神交流等 非语言交际方式,增强
学习并掌握倾听、表达、 提问、回应等交际技巧,
教授学生如何应对语言 障碍、文化冲突等交际 问题,以化解误会和矛
网络资源,如官方网站、学术论坛等, 提供更多关于英美的信息和讨论平台
旅游指南和游记分享,激发学生对英 美的兴趣和好奇心,促进跨文化理解。
注重传统学科的教学,如文学、历史、哲学等,同时增加职业 教育和技能培训课程。教学方法以学生为中心,注重启发式教 学和讨论式教学。
更加灵活多样,包括社会科学、自然科学、艺术等多个领域。 教学方法强调实践性和创新性,注重培养学生的团队协作和问 题解决能力。
美国有许多重要的节日 和庆典活动,如独立日、 感恩节、圣诞节等。这 些节日和庆典不仅丰富 了美国人的文化生活, 也吸引了众多游客前来
3.1.1 Economic reason Two different economic systems existed side by side In the South—slavery was the foundation In the North—commerce and industry led the economy led to increased conflicts between North and South.
A meeting of colonial leaders
who opposed British oppression was held in Philadelphia. They urged Americans to disobey The Intolerable Acts and to boycott (抵制) British trade. At the same time, the colonists began to defend themselves.
• Printing paper money and opening diplomatic relations with foreign powers.
2.2 The Second Continental Congress
George Washington, a wealthy Virginia planter, was respected as a man of ability and integrity.
The United States of America
英 语 国 家 概 况
I America in the Colonial Era The War of Independence The Civil War America in the 20th Century America in the 21st Century
Also, the social services in the U.S compare unfavorably with those in most industrialized societies.
4. Crime
Former President Nixon said that crime is America’s “number one enemy”. In 1970s, he was involved in the Watergate scandal, for which he was forced to resign from the presidency.
Americans are primarily a nation of immigrants, who or whose ancestors came from many parts of the globe.
---1. some as refugees from religious and political persecution (逃避宗教和政治迫害的难民)
Furthermore, the affluent majority seems indifferent to the problems of the poor. This raises some serious moral problems and inevitably creates fierce conflicts of interest and many political controversies.
美国4历史2 美国概况 英语国家概况 英美概况课件
![美国4历史2 美国概况 英语国家概况 英美概况课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/97d37540f4335a8102d276a20029bd64793e6273.png)
The Monroe Doctrine
❖ The Monroe Doctrine is a U.S. doctrine which, on December 2, 1823, stated that European powers were no longer to colonize or interfere with the affairs of the newly independent states of the Americas.
❖ The United States would not interfere with existing colonies or their dependencies in the Western Hemisphere. However, any attempt by a European nation to oppress or control any nation in the western hemisphere would be seen as an act of aggression and the United States would intervene.
American History The Civil War
❖ Process of the War ❖ 1. First two Years of the War ❖ 2. Emancipation Proclamation ❖ 3. Last Two Years of War (1863-65) ❖ The Emancipation Proclamation consists of two
❖ 1607 Jamestown; 1620 Plymouth; 1733 (13)
《英美概况教案》课件第一章:英国地理与文化1.1 英国地理位置与气候英国位于欧洲大陆西北部,由英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰组成。
1.2 英国政治体系英国是一个君主立宪制国家,拥有国王或女王作为国家元首。
1.3 英国教育体系英国教育体系分为小学、中学和大学三个阶段。
1.4 英国文化特色英国文化源远流长,拥有丰富的文学、戏剧、音乐和艺术传统。
第二章:美国地理与文化2.1 美国地理位置与气候美国位于北美洲,东临大西洋,西濒太平洋,北接加拿大,南界墨西哥。
2.2 美国政治体系美国是一个联邦制国家,由50个州组成,拥有总统作为国家元首。
2.3 美国教育体系美国教育体系分为小学、中学、高中和大学四个阶段。
2.4 美国文化特色美国文化多元且开放,拥有丰富的音乐、电影、科技和体育传统。
第三章:英国经济概况3.1 英国经济简述英国是发达国家之一,拥有强大的经济实力和先进的技术产业。
3.2 英国主要产业英国拥有发达的制造业,包括汽车、航空、制药等行业。
3.3 英国经济政策英国政府采取自由市场经济政策,鼓励企业创新和发展。
3.4 英国与他国的经济关系英国与美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等英语国家有着密切的经济合作关系。
Degree - one to two years of post-graduate specialized programs including business, journalism, sciences, humanities, mathematics Professional Degree - post-graduate doctoral degree obtained through a highly specialized course of study such as law (J.D.), medicine (M.D.), psychology (Ph.D.), business administration (M.B.A.), and engineering (M.Eng.)
4. The Civil Rights Movement
One of the most import 1960s U.S. history. Rosa Park’s (罗莎· 帕克斯) spontaneous action (自发行为) in 1955 was believed to be the true beginning of the civil rights movement. The black students’ sit-in at a department lunch counter in North Carolina touched off (触发,激起) the nationwide civil rights movement.
2. Background
1. Why did Black Americans risk their lives breaking the law and defying the Ku Klux Klan? 2. Why did young people disobey their parents, school administrators, and civil and military authorities? 3. What brought women out of their homes into public demonstrations for Civil Rights, against the War in Vietnam and for their own liberation from male dominance?
1. The United States is made up of District of Columbia and_____ states. A. 48 B. 49 C. 50 D. 51
2. What are the names of the two states of the United States which are noncontiguous? A. Alaska and Hawaii B. Alaska and Ohio C. Ohio and Kansas D. Hawaii and Kansas
Uncle Sam
John Bull
The Pacific Ocean
The Atlantic Ocean Mexico
American Geography
1.Location and size 2. Topography (地形,地质) Major mountains and rivers three geographical divisions 3.Climate 4. Natural resources 5.Population 6.Geograpical regions 7.Major cities
In 1986, President Regan issued a proclamation to declare that the rose became the official flower of the America.
National Bird—The Eagle
The bald eagle was chosen on June 20, 1782 as the symbol of America, because of its long life, great strength and majestic looks. The eagle, full of the spirit of freedom, living above the valleys, strong and powerful in his might, has become the national symbol of U.S.A.
2007年12月美国正式成为中国公民组团出境旅游目的地国家, 首批中国游客取得赴美旅游签证。
December 2007, the United States formally for Chinese citizens outbound tourism destination country, the first group of Chinese tourists get to have a tourist visa.
August 1, 2005, the first sino-us strategic dialogue held in Beijing.
In December 2006, the first sino-us strategic economic dialogue held in Beijing.
• February 1972, Richard Nixon presidential visit to China, meeting with chairman MAO zedong. Signed in sino-us Shanghai the sino-us joint communique (also referred to as "the Shanghai communique). The sino-us joint communique signed between the two countries is the first guide bilateral relations files. It's published between China and the United States, marks the end of mutual isolation against state normalizing relations process begins with. Communique points out, "no matter how all the social system should be based on respecting countries sovereignty and territorial integrity, not infringe upon other countries, no interference in other countries' internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit and peaceful coexistence principles, to deal with the relationship between countries. The Shanghai communique laid the foundation of china-us relations.
美国课件10+文化 美国概况 英语国家概况 英美概况
![美国课件10+文化 美国概况 英语国家概况 英美概况](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/55d4c40c76eeaeaad0f3300d.png)
Recommended movie
• The stories reinforced the idea. The idea is that all individuals, no matter how poor, were capable of becoming wealthy as long as they were honest and hard-working.
creed or religion. 4. Public schools are controlled by the state
and the local governments. 5. Attendance at school is compulsory. 6. Schooling should be enriched and not just
• D. Religious authorities: “Schools that teach facts but no values weaken the moral strength of the country. We can provide the wisdom and insight on which all teaching should be based.”
• B. Teachers: “What do parents know? We have been to college. We are the ones with the special training. We should make the decisions.”
Barack Hussein Obama
The 44th President
The Fifth African American senator
The first black president in American history
He attended the Columbia University and then Harvard University. Later, he became a lawyer
Development of the Parties
the Federal Party the Republican Party
Alexander Hamilton Thomas Jefferson
Secretary of Treasury
Secretary of State
the groups who felt themselves to be outside the dominant system
party of the left since 1933
Political Policies
“New Deal” program (during the presidency of Roosevelt in 1932): federal and state intervention in the economy the beginnings of government social services
With his Grandma and Grandpa
1996-2004: he was elected
Senator of Illinois
Obama During the Election
位于纽约港口,是法国送给美国 的礼物,象征着自由和民主。
位于华盛顿特区,是为纪念美国 第一任总统乔治·华盛顿而建造的 ,高耸入云,是华盛顿特区的标
位于费城,是美国独立战争时期 的重要历史遗址,也是《独立宣
美国政治中主要有两大政党,即民主 党和共和党,两党通过竞选争夺总统 职位和国会席位,形成两党制的政治 格局。
美国实行总统制,总统是国家元首、 政府首脑和军队总司令,拥有广泛的 行政权和领导权。
国会是美国最高立法机构,由参议院和众 议院组成,负责制定法律和监督政府行为 。
科技创新为美国经济带来了显著的增 长动力,提高了生产效率和竞争力。
美国的科技创新涉及多个领域,如人 工智能、生物技术、航空航天等。
美国经济面临着一些挑战,如财 政赤字、贸易不平衡、收入不平
未来,美国经济将继续面临全球 化和技术变革带来的机遇和挑战
预计美国经济将保持增长动力, 但增速可能会受到国内外经济环
• 引言 • 美国地理与历史背景 • 美国政治制度与政府机构 • 美国经济概况与发展趋势 • 美国社会文化与风俗习惯 • 美国旅游资源与推荐景点 • 总结回顾与课程考核
掌握美国地理、历史、 政治、经济、文化等方 面的基本情况
了解美国的社会制度、 价值观念、生活方式等 文化特征
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![英语国家概况 美国 U10ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f9e1c6f102768e9950e7386b.png)
1. House ownership
Most people have an ambition to own their own house on a little piece of property, and very large numbers of them have achieved that ambition. Indeed, among western countries, America ranks first in terms of the percentage of people who own the houses (and apartments) they live in. Houses are not excessively expensive in relation to their space and comfort, and prices look quite reasonable in relation to the average income Americans make. It is estimated that more than two-thirds of all families in the United States are homeowners, though many of them may have borrowed money (mortgages) on the security of their houses and their jobs to pay for them.
Single-family dwellings
What are Americans’ major home activities?
One of the first activities at home is to make and mend things, like doing carpentry work in the basement to make or repair a piece of furniture. Then, there is endless work in the garden or backyard, where most families plant flowers and vegetables. In many American families, children are expected to help around the house. They are assigned “chores” which may include, for instance, vacuuming the rugs, washing and waxing floors, cleaning windows, mowing the lawn, raking the leaves, shoveling snow, running errands, keeping the car(s) clean, looking after the pets, taking the garbage out,
英美概况 ppt课件
![英美概况 ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/162aa652cc22bcd127ff0c98.png)
chapter four: Family and life, media (1 week)
Books for References
• 丁国声. 致用英语-英语国家概况[M]. 外语教学与 研究出版社, 2008.
• 来安方. 英美文化与国家概况[M]. 复旦大学出版社, 2008.
244,820 square kilometers.
• The UK is a member of the European Union (EU).
• one of the five permanent membership of the UN Security Council.
• a founding member of NATO.
Different Names for Britain
• Why is England or the UK sometimes called Britain? 'When people say England, they sometimes mean Great Britain, sometimes the United Kingdom, sometimes the British Isles - but never England.' "England" is sometimes, wrongly, used in reference to the whole United Kingdom, the entire island of Great Britain (or simply Britain), or indeed the British Isles. This is not only incorrect but can cause offence to people from other parts of the UK.
《英美概况教案》课件第一章:英国地理与文化1.1 教学目标:了解英国的地理位置和气候特点。
1.2 教学内容:英国的地理位置和气候特点。
1.3 教学活动:图片展示英国的地标建筑,让学生猜测并介绍。
第二章:美国地理与文化2.1 教学目标:了解美国的地理位置和气候特点。
2.2 教学内容:美国的地理位置和气候特点。
2.3 教学活动:图片展示美国的地标建筑,让学生猜测并介绍。
第三章:英国教育体系3.1 教学目标:了解英国的教育体系和学校类型。
3.2 教学内容:英国的教育体系和学校类型,如公立学校、私立学校、Technical and Further Education等。
3.3 教学活动:分组讨论英国的教育体系和学校类型。
4.2 教学内容:美国的教育体系和学校类型,如公立学校、私立学校、Community College 等。
Federal system “Checks and balances” Respect for the Constitution
Introduction to British and American Culture
The Federal System
Power is shared between the central government and the state government
Introduction to British and American Culture
The Constitution
a single political document in1787 7 articles The Constitution follows three principles:
The Republican Party
The second largest party More conservative Ideology
A small government and free market Letting business compete with little or no government regulation in the marketplace Advocates strong national defense
Chapter 3 Politics
Part Two The Political System of the United States
Introduction to British and American Culture
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US House of Representatives
435 voting members each represents a congressional district serves for a 2-year term 6 non-voting members 5 delegates from the District of Columbia, Guam, Virgin Islands, and American Samoa, and Northern Mariana Islands (2-year term) resident commissioner from Puerto Rico (4year term)
US House of Representatives
Each party elects a whip. to ensure that the party's members vote as the party leadership desires
US House of Representatives
We will explore
Legislative branch bicameral Congress House of Representative Senate
Executive branch President Cabinet members and other officials Judicial branch Courts Federal courts the Supreme Court lower federal courts State courts
US House of Representatives
3 qualifications (1) be at least 25 years old; (2) have been a citizen of the United States for the past 7 years; (3) be (at the time of the election) an inhabitant of the state they represent Disqualification (Under the 14th Amendment ) a federal or state officer engages in rebellion or aids the enemies of the United States, is disqualified from becoming a representative
US Senate
qualifications • each senator must be at least 30 years old, • must have been a citizen of the United States for at least the past 9 years • must be (at the time of the election) an inhabitant of the state he or she seeks to represent
The House uses committees and their subcommittees for a variety of purposes The appointment of committee members is formally made by the whole House, but the choice of members is actually made by the political parties. Membership on committees represents the party's strength in the House as a whole.
US House of Representatives
Each House committee and subcommittee is led by a chairman. control the committee/subcommittee agenda, and may prevent the committee from dealing with a bill
253 178 4 435
US House of Representatives
The presiding officer of the House: the Speaker elected by the members of the House also the leader of their party second in the line of presidential succession behind the Vice President The powers of the presiding officer are extensive one important power is that of controlling the order in which members of the House speak.
US House of Representatives
Each party elects a floor leader. Majority Leader Minority Leader Party leaders decide what legislation members of their party should either support or oppose.
Three basic principles
• federalism division of power was between the national government and the state governments • separation of powers • division of power was within the national government— • legislative, executive, and judicial • checks and balances
US House of Representatives
Majority party Minority party
Delegates / Resident Commissioner (non-voting)
6 0 0 6
Affiliation Democratic Party Republican Party Vacancy Total
US Senate
an oath to support the Constitution I, A— B—, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.
Chapters 10 &11
The U.S. Federal Regime
General introduction
• Federal government of the United States is the central government entity established by the United States Constitution • Shares sovereignty over the United States of America with the governments of the individual U.S. states • The seat of the federal government is in the District of Columbia. • the first modern national federation in the world
US Senate
the upper house of the US Congress each state is represented by two senators serve staggered 6-year terms (1/3 of the Senate stands for election every 2 years ) • consenting to treaties as a precondition to their ratification • consenting or confirmation of appointments of Cabinet secretaries, federal judges, other federal executive officials, military officers and other federal uniformed officers • trying federal officials impeached by the House
US House of Representatives
Committee of the Whole largest committee, consists of all members of the House considers and amends bills 20 standing committees each has jurisdiction over a specific set of issues considers, amends, and reports bills that fall under its jurisdiction oversee the departments and agencies of the executive branch