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Most of us, however, take life for granted. We know that one day we must die. But usually we picture that day as far in the future. When we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable. We seldom think of it. The days stretch out in an endless vista. So we go about our petty tasks, hardly aware of our listless attitude toward life.



近年来安乐死所带来的道德和法律问题又一次引发了全球性的争论. 一方面安乐死(euthanasia) 可以使患绝症的人从此摆脱难以忍受的生理痛苦.使病人的家庭摆脱沉重的经济负担.另一方面,给患绝症的病人实施安乐死术的医生常常受到不少人士的谴责,他们常常被指控犯了所


问题的关键在于社会是否应该把价值观强加给病人.我们也许要问,目睹患绝症者在痛苦中死去与在安乐中结束他们的生命在道德上有何不同?蓄意延长病人无尽的痛苦在道德上有何公正可言?就社会规范而言,我们没有理由认为安乐死与现有的价值观有什么根本的冲突.毕竟世道在变, 现存的不一定总是合理的.



In recent years, euthanasia has again sparked a worldwide debate over the moral and legal implications of the act.

On the one hand, euthanasia frees fatal patients from unbearable physical pains and the families of these patients from heavy financial burdens. On the other hand, the doctors who practiced euthanasia on patients with fatal illnesses with no hope to recover are often condemned by many people and accused of the so called “assisted murder”

The point of the issue is whether the society should impose its values upon the patients. We may ask what exactly would the moral difference be between seeing a fatal patient die in pain and ending his or her life in peace.

Is it morally justified to deliberately

lengthen the time of the patient’s suffering, the suffering that sees no end?

There is no reason to think that euthanasia conflicts fundamentally with the existing values in terms of social norms.

After all, the world is changing and what has existed is not always justifiable.

In any case, it is practical to make laws that will provide an opportunity for the practice of true euthanasia according to the patient’s own wish while preventing real murder.






到处笼罩着死亡的阴影.更糟糕的是瘟疫开始蔓延,而且立刻使这一地区荒废了.我就是在那个时候逃离这乡村的. Before we reached the center of the village, I stared in surprise at the green vegetation lining

the roadside. I was even more amazed to see birds feeding on the seeds of the dried weeds, to hear bees buzz ing /hum ming/ droning among the flowers, and to find chickens flocking here and there. All life had begun again in harmony with its
