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《速度与激情5》由美籍华人 导演林诣彬执导。 在本集全 新故事中,上一集中逃出生 天的范· 迪塞尔和保罗· 沃克再 聚首,在更加强悍的军警巨 石强森的围追堵截之下,联 手众人在巴西里约热内卢, 对当地黑势力创下惊天大劫 案,上演飞车版ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ不可能的 任务”。本片不仅旧班底全 阵容回归,更加入新鲜面孔, 该片延续该系列电影俊男靓 女激情动感的影像风格之外, 将更多警匪、动作元素融入 其中,枪战、爆破场面劲爆 升级。
Brian O'Conner has left LA due to his illegal actions from the first movie and now soars the streets of Miami making money here and there by street racing. Watched by Customs Agent Monica Fuentes, Brian is caught by the police and is given a deal by Agent Markham and Bilkins to go undercover and try to bring down drug lord Carter Verone in exchange for his criminal record to be erased. Brian agrees but only if he is given permission to choose his partner. Brian heads home to Barstow, California where he recruits an old friend Roman Pearce to help him. Pearce agrees but only for the same deal Brian was offered. With the help of Monica, Brian and Rome work together to take down Verone.
简 介
距离上一次充满激情的速度生涯已经 过去了两年,两位驰骋赛车届的风云 人物多米尼克与布莱恩厌倦了 见不 得光的躲避警察的生活,为了让自己 彻底获得真正的自由,他们 决定干 最后一票来完成这个目标,然后金盆 洗手,乐享自由。而任务地点则是南 美巴西繁华都市里约热内卢,决心和 当地腐败的政府以及黑恶势力展开对 决。多米尼克和布莱恩组成了一支终 极赛车团队,和当地的触目惊心的腐 败政府展开对战,而神秘的第三方势 力也插手了他们的交锋。 另一方面,声名显赫 的FBI探员 卢克依然在执着的追捕着多米尼克和 布莱恩,他率领精 英突击队对两人进行 了全面围攻, 结果在里约大败而归。不过卢克可不 是什么好惹的主,彻底被激怒的他决 定设下天罗地网,来彻底的围剿多米 尼克和布莱恩。在里约的贫民窟和公 路上,正义与邪恶的交锋再次掀起, 一场你死我活的惊心追逐就此上 演……
Paul Walker (Brian O‘Conner)
Vin Diesel (Dominic Toretto )
The Fast 5 is one is my favorite movies. In
this movie, there are many aspect ,famous actor Vin Diesel, exciting driving scene, many famous cars and lots of fighting and guns. It is really a good movie, you could see something you’d like to see .