



欧姆龙CJ2M系列PLC与PLC之间的数据相互读取设定————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:欧姆龙CJ2M系列PLC与PLC之间的数据相互读取设定分享一下欧姆龙CJ2M系列的plc与PLC之间的数据相互读取设定,因为CJ2M系列PLC自带EIP协议,所以硬件连接只需要将多个PLC 通过网线用交换机连起来,并将所有的PLC的IP地址设置在同一个网段即可(如192.168.250.1;;……)1,IP地址的设置:打开编程软件,用USB线将CPU与电脑连起来,打开IO表,将每个PLC的CJ2M-EIP21的IP地址设为同一网段不同节点,用USB线分别下载到每个PLC。

2,打开network configratorn软件在菜单栏选择USB接口,并在线点击OK,选择TCP:2连接选择网络选择上载网络上载后就可以看到整个网络里的所有设备下面我们来设置各PLC相互读取的数据(在这儿我们用1#PLC分别与2#,3#,4#,5#PLC进行数据交换,1#PLC的D00000,D02000,D03000,D04000作为发送地址,D00010,D02100,D03100,D041000作为接收地址,2#,3#,4#,5#PLC均由D00000作为接收地址,D00010作为发送地址),建立1#PLC的CJ2M-EIP21的tag,双击1#EIP模块,点击edit tags进入新建页面,点击NEW新建tag名称为D0,8个字节,依次建立D2000,D3000,D4000,均为8个字节;之后在OUT新建tag,地址分别为D10,D2100,D3100,D4100,地址均为8个字节。








iFIX与欧姆龙PLC通讯连接手册目录1 概述 (1)1.1 iFIX与欧姆龙PLC连接的通讯驱动 (1)1.2 通讯驱动安装 (1)2 iFIX使用OMR驱动与欧姆龙PLC串口连接 (5)2.1 OMR驱动支持PLC系列及读写寄存器区域 (5)2.2 OMR驱动配置 (5)2.3 数据库标签建立 (9)3 iFIX使用OMF驱动与欧姆龙PLC以太网连接 (10)3.1 OMF驱动支持PLC系列及可读写区域 (10)3.2 OMF驱动配置 (11)3.3 设置路由表 (14)3.4 FINSGateway设置 (15)3.5 建立数据库标签 (17)4 iFIX使用OMS与欧姆龙PLC以太网连接 (19)4.1 OMS驱动支持PLC系列及可读写区域 (19)4.2 OMS驱动配置 (19)4.3 设置路由表 (22)4.4 FINSGateway设置 (23)4.5 建立数据库标签 (26)5 iFIX使用OPC与欧姆龙PLC以太网连接 (28)5.1 OPC驱动支持PLC系列及可访问寄存器 (28)5.2 OPC驱动配置 (30)5.2.1 Sysmac OPC Server配置 (30)5.2.2 OPC Client配置 (32)5.3 设置路由表 (36)5.4 FINSGateway设置 (37)5.5 建立数据库标签 (40)1 概述iFIX的驱动程序主要是完成硬件设备(包括PLC,电度表,电量监测仪,模拟量模块等)和组态监控软件IFIX动态数据交换,以完成上位监控软件的监视与控制功能。


两种驱动程序的安装包里都包含以下五个文件:setup.exe 驱动的安装文件setup.dll 驱动安装文件的动态库license 驱动的授权安装文件xxx.inf 驱动程序安装过程中的安装配置文件,其中XXX为三个字母驱动程序名[注: 在IFIX 中所有的驱动程序名都只能且只能有三个字母]Server.Cab 驱动程序安装包1.1 iFIX与欧姆龙PLC连接的通讯驱动目前iFIX与欧姆龙PLC通讯连接驱动主要有两种:1、由组态软件厂商开发的基于串口(Hostlink)或TCP/IP的驱动程序,如OMR,基于串口Hostlink协议,可直接与欧姆龙PLC连接;IGS,基于TCP/IP协议,支持自动化行业200多种主流PLC。



打开“Network Configuratior”

双击DJ2M-EIP图标进⼊输⼊输出存储区配置,In-consume 对应输⼊区,即是应答区和数据接收区。


点击“Edit Tags”
单击“N ew”













NX1P2之间的EIP通信实例说明实验对象:PLC: NX1P2-1140DT*2操作步骤:1.打开SYSMAC STUDIO软件并使用”ethernet直接连接”方式在线连接PLC如果无法连接,需打开“DIRECTETHERNETUTILITY”设置如下:IP地址可以自定义。

2.分别对两台PLC设置IP地址并下载到PLC3.使用“Ethernet-HUB连接”方式连接PLC,红色框中,设置所要连接的PLC地址4.在全局变量中添加需要进行通讯的变量并下载,具体设置如下图,两台PLC都进行同样的设置其中,在红色框中的“网络公开”,根据通讯要求分别设置“输入”或者“输出”5.导出所创建的变量,进行EIP网络配置,步骤如下两台PLC的全局变量都需要导出6.打开“network configurator”工具进行EIP网络配置在“OPTION”中选择“ETHERNET I/F”选择红色框中的按钮,与PLC在线.选择电脑有线网卡,按OK点OK点OK选中红框中按钮,上载网络设置。

弹出对话框中全部点是上载完成时,显示网络中的所连接的PLC双击其中一个PLC,弹出上面的对话框,选择“TAG SET”-“TO/FROM FILE”-“IMPORT FROM FILE”把前面从PLC 导出的变量倒进来。









班中工作程序服务流程行为规范迎接指引递阅资料上饮品(糕点)添加茶水工作要求1)眼神关注客人,当客人距3米距离时,应主动跨出自己的位置迎宾,然后侯客迎询问客户送客户注意事项15度鞠躬微笑问候:“您好!欢迎光临!”2)在客人前方1-2米距离领位,指引请客人向休息区,在客人入座后问客人对座位是否满意:“您好!请问坐这儿可以吗?”得到同意后为客人拉椅入座“好的,请入座!”3)若客人无置业顾问陪同,可询问:请问您有专属的置业顾问吗?,为客人取阅项目资料,并礼貌的告知请客人稍等,置业顾问会很快过来介绍,同时请置业顾问关注该客人;4)问候的起始语应为“先生-小姐-女士早上好,这里是XX销售中心,这边请”5)问候时间段为8:30-11:30 早上好11:30-14:30 中午好 14:30-18:00下午好6)关注客人物品,如物品较多,则主动询问是否需要帮助(如拾到物品须两名人员在场方能打开,提示客人注意贵重物品);7)在满座位的情况下,须先向客人致歉,在请其到沙盘区进行观摩稍作等待;阶段工作及服务流程班中工作程序工作要求注意事项饮料(糕点服务)1)在所有饮料(糕点)服务中必须使用托盘;2)所有饮料服务均已“对不起,打扰一下,请问您需要什么饮品”为起始;3)服务方向:从客人的右面服务;4)当客人的饮料杯中只剩三分之一时,必须询问客人是否需要再添一杯,在二次服务中特别注意瓶口绝对不可以与客人使用的杯子接触;5)在客人再次需要饮料时必须更换杯子;下班程序1)检查使用的工具及销售案场物资情况,异常情况及时记录并报告上级领导;2)填写物资领用申请表并整理客户意见;3)参加班后总结会;4)积极配合销售人员的接待工作,如果下班时间已经到,必须待客人离开后下班;吧台服务岗1.吧台服务岗岗位职责1)为来访的客人提供全程的休息及饮品服务;2)保持吧台区域的整洁;3)饮品使用的器皿必须消毒;4)及时补充吧台物资;5)收集客户意见、建议及问题点;吧台服务岗工作及流程阶段工作及服务流程班前阶段1)自检仪容仪表以饱满的精神面貌进入工作区域2)检查使用工具及销售大厅物资情况,异常情况及时登记并报告上级。



Thank You!
选择2项和3项,修改输入/输出字节为2,如下图 所示:
点击PREV返回DCS界面,选择4Safe I/O device如下图所示:
进入Safe I/O device界面,选择1Safe I/O process,按F4选择I/O connect,如下图所示:
选择2 SFDO Pulse check,按F4选择ENABLE (PL e),如下图所示:
FANUC机器人DCS利用 Ethernet与PLC联网
点击MENU选择6 SYSTEM,然后选择第9项 DCS如下图所示:
进入DCS界面,选择3 CIP Safety,如下图所示:
进入CIP Safety界面,选择1Enable/Bypass,按 F4选择ENABLE,如下图所示:
进入EtherNet/IP界面,选择connection1,所下 图所示:
选择1Ethernet Interface,按F4选择Port1(根据 现场所用的端口选择),如下图所示:
FANUC组 张卫明 以上步骤,如有遗漏望高手补充,谢谢!
点击PREV返回DCS界面,按F2应用所修改的设置, 如下图所示:
输入Code number(master):1111,进入 Verify界面,如下图所示:
按F4 OK,应用完成,自动返回DCS界面,如下 图所示:
பைடு நூலகம் 点击MENU选择5 I/O,然后选择EtherNet/IP, 如下图所示:















(3)电台与PLC匹配的参数:Baud Rate 为9600Data Format为7E2或8N1DataKey Mode is onCont. Mode is offBuffer Mode is off经测试,MDS 2710A电台和欧姆龙CQM1H-CPU51的PLC连接通信正常,可以正常进行数据的上载、下载及远程通信。

4、应注意的问题:1)、电台和PLC的数据模式设置要一致,如PLC设置为96007E2,电台必须设为9600 7E22)、连接好电台、天线,确保电台设置正常3)、确保电台的接收信号强度(RSSI)在-60到-100dBm之间(用设置软件可测出如何C200H-LK201-V1与计算机RS232口联线C2OOH-LK201-V1单元可将C200H/C200HS&C200HE/HG/HX型号的PLC与计算机通过RS232C通讯口联机,从而可使用SSS,CPT等编程,监控软件对PLC,进行梯形图编程或监控。



FANUC机器人与S7-1200 PLC Profinet 通讯方法一、PLC组态1. 新建项目2. 添加新设备3. 选择CPU类型(注意:版本号要跟硬件一致)4. 以太网地址5. 添加新子网6. IP 协议(注意PLC的IP地址要跟机器人的IP地址在同一个网段)7. 设备和网络8. 添加机器人(需要先安装好FANUC 机器人GSD文件)9. 选择硬件目录下→其他现场设备→ PROFINET IO → I/O → FANUC →R-30Ib EF2 →AO5B-2600-R843;FANUC Robot Controller(1.0)10. 组网11. 点击未分配12. 进入设备视图13. 双击r30ib-iodevice(机器人图标)设置机器人IP 地址(注意要更机器人中的IP地址一致)14. 根据项目的需要添加通讯I/O的字节数(注意这里的起始地址就是跟机器人通讯的首地址)15. PLC输入I的首地址(I 68.0开始)16. 输出Q的首地址(Q2.0开始)17. 转到拓扑视图连接PLC 到机器人(选择机器人的Port1就是由上往下的第2个网口)18. 编译19. 下载:PG/PC要跟计算机的网卡对应21. 准备下载22. 下载23. 下载完成24. 编程下载25. 测试机器人的DI1-D12前2位检查通讯结果OK (64个字节I/O)26. 测试机器人的DI511-D512后2位,检测通讯结果OK(64个字节I/O)二、机器人设置1. 设置机器人Profinet IP地址: 按下示教器上MEUN键→ 5 I/O →选中I/O 2页面→PROFINET(M) → ENTER →选中2频道(备注:2频道是机器人做从站)→按下DISP键→选中IP地址→按下F4键(编辑)→编辑完成后→按下F1键→(适用)→完成IP地址编辑。

注意要跟电脑上组态机器人的IP地址一致!2. 编辑插槽类型和字节长度:按下示教器上MEUN键→ 5 I/O →选中I/O 2页面→PROFINET(M) → ENTER →按下F4键(编辑)→选中输入输出插槽→编辑完成后→按下F1键(适用)→光标移到插槽大小→按下F4键(编辑)选中字节大小→按下F1键(适用)→编辑完成。



2、设置IND331 IP地址和数据类型(浮点)



(4)若想要执行标定零点,则可以MOVE 16#C8 到OUTPUT_1。


(5)在执行标定零点后,想要切换状态到重量信息获取,可以MOVE 16#0 到OUTPUT_1。



欧姆龙PLC 培训
连接PLC 下载/上载 在线监控/修改
跟踪数据存储 2
1、简介其他Fra bibliotekCP1H-X CP1H-XA
调试过程中,经常需要强制/取消IO信号,有时一次要对好几个信 号进行处理,使用快捷键省时省力。
PROFIBUS通讯,用于实现 PLC对驱动器的控制,现场硬件 不变,程序也是不要改的。
连接PLC后,选择在线,之 后将配置文件下载到PLC中。
如果需要查看配置文件的具 体内容,则需要安装相应的GSD 文件。
EIP通讯用于PLC与PLC之间的通讯,以《魅力戏曲》为例,用于车子 之间、车子与转盘之间的通讯,只需将配置文件下载到PLC中即可。
利用以上的程序块,将所需监控的数据存储到E区里面,待监测完 成后,再将数据转化为十进制的数据,复制到Excel表里面,制作出相应 的曲线图。
离线状态下, 点击文件〉比较程 序 ,找到要与现有 程序对比的程序文 件,比较两个程序
在查看程序逻辑或验证 程序修改后是否正确,而 身边没有PLC硬件,这时就 用到了PLC软件的模拟仿真 功能。

FANUC机器人与S7-1200 PLC PROFINET通讯及外部启动配置

FANUC机器人与S7-1200 PLC PROFINET通讯及外部启动配置

FANUC机器人与S7-1200 PLC PROFINET通讯及外部启动配置前段时间项目接触到需用西门子1200PLC与发那科机器人进行Profinet通讯.由于发那科工业机器人这方面资料比较难找,下面我将该项目的配置步骤分享给大家,欢迎留言探讨。

FANUC机器人与S7-1200PLCPROFINET通讯步骤一、PLC组态(一)新建项目(二)点击设备与网络,添加新设备(三)选择CPU 类型(注意:PLC型号及版本号要更硬件一致)(四)双击PLC网络端口,建立以太网地址(五)添加新子网(一般情况位PN/IE1)(六)设定IP地址(注意:PLC的IP地址要跟机器人的IP地址应在同一网段类)(七)进入设备和网络,添加机器人(需要提前安装好机器人的GSD文件)(八)在右侧选择硬件目录→其它现场设备→PROFINET IO→I/O→FANUC→R-30ib EF2→A05B-2600-R834:FANUC Robot Controller(1.0)(九)双击硬件进行组态(十)进行组网。


此项目添加16字节的输入输出模块(十二)返回设备和网络,进行控制器分配(十三)分配后,PLC与机器人之间会链接在一起(十四)设置机器人IO地址(此处地址是与机器人通讯的首地址)(此处的I 对应机器人的DO、此处的Q对应机器人的DI )(十五)组态完成后,进行编译(十六)编译完成后,下载进PLC中(十七)下载、点击装载(十八)下载完成。

二、机器人设置(一)设置机器人PROFINET地址:按下示教器上 MEUN 键→ 5I/O → 选中 I/O 页面→PROFINET(M) → ENTER →选中 2 频道(备注:2 频道是机器人做从站)→按下 DISP 键 →定址模式选择DCP→选中 IP 地址→按下 F4 键(编辑)→编辑完成后→按下 F1 键→(适用)→完成 IP 地址编辑。

Omron PLC NX102-9020与V430代码阅读器的Sysmac设置及EIP通信说明书

Omron PLC NX102-9020与V430代码阅读器的Sysmac设置及EIP通信说明书

PurposeThe purpose of this document is to describe the setup configurations required for addingV430 code reader to a PLC project using Sysmac and Omron PLC. This tutorial document uses Omron PLC model NX102-9020, but is useful also for NJ PLC. The intention is to target beginners with Sysmac and with V430. Therefore, extra details are explained with a walkthrough the steps to bring up a working setup. In this document there are practical examples of read / write data between the PLC and the reader over EIP.Table of contentPurpose (1)Table of content (2)Create new project (3)Adding the PLC controller to the project (4)Verify correct network settings (4)Reader configuration (5)Install EDS file (7)Create new EIP connection for the reader (8)Install Sysmac library with data definitions (10)Input / Output assembly (11)Using Big Input Assembly (11)Create global variables (13)Transfer the project to the PLC (15)Reading data from reader to PLC (18)Example 1 – read decoded text (19)Example 2 - Get status of reader’s digital outputs (20)Example 3 - Get status of external trigger input (20)Example 4 – Read the current value of the available counters (21)Sending data from PLC to reader (22)Example 1 - Trigger the reader from the PLC over EIP (23)Example 2 - Disable scanning (put reader to offline) over EIP (23)Sending match data to the reader - Explicit messages (24)Explicit messages – Overview (24)Example 3 – sending matchdata K command using explicit messages (26)Assembly info (26)Send message structure (26)Receive message structure (26)Ladder program implementation (27)Explicit commands – Common errors (31)Testing the implementation (32)Create new project1. Start-up Sysmac software and create a new project, providing a new name to the project.Adding the PLC controller to the projectAdd the PLC and the external modules like power supply and I/O extensions into the project, by finding them first in the toolbox search on the right side. Then drag and drop into the PLC rack on the left.Verify correct network settingsNext stage is to configure the network settings on PLC, PC and reader to be on the same network. For example, in our project the network settings are below:PLC:,, :, configurationOn the reader side, we need to enable EIP communication, then reboot. Enable EIP from Weblink (verify that byte swapping is disabled).After enabling EIP, save settings to flash and reboot the device:To verify the EIP enable status parameter in the flash memory, it is possible to read out the settings via telnet using the following command: BP_DumpAll*If the parameter is still not changed in the flash memory, there is another way to change the EIP enable parameter, using the following telnet command: BP_UpdateEIPEnable(1)*A third way is sending the K-command <K129,1> over TCP or telnet connection (port 2001/2003). Don’t forget to reboot the device, so the new settings will take effect.Install EDS fileIn Sysmac menu, select Tools->EIP connection settings, In the toolbox right click->display EDS library. If V430 EDS is installed already, it will appear there. If not, press install button and browse to the EDS file saved locally on the PC. The EDS file can be downloaded from Omron GTKS website. EDS file used for this tutorial:V430(32-9000097-01).edsIn EIP Device list window, right click on the PLC, then Edit:Then in the toolbox on the right side, right click in the window, then ‘Display EDS Library’.Then click ‘Install’ button and browse to the EDS file on the PC.After a successful installation of the EDS file, the V430 appears in the installed library:Create new EIP connection for the readerAfter EDS file is installed, i n toolbox on the right side, Click ‘+’ button to add a device, give IP settings and select V430 from the list. Then V430 will be available for selection as a new EIP connection.Open window Built-in EIP port settings in connection view, and add new connection:Install Sysmac library with data definitionsImport the provided library by Omron which includes data structures for V430 memory mapping. To install the library file, In the menu select Project->Library->Show References, then add the library by clicking on the + button, browsing to the provided .slr file in the PC.Then we have the required data types and structures pre-defined for the V430 inside the library:Input / Output assemblyIn this stage, before we add connection variables, we need to select the desired input / output assemblies to work with. There are several options to choose from. Please refer to the documentation for full details. Here we will give example of using Big Input Assembly (#101) and Legacy output assembly (#198).Using Big Input AssemblyWhen more info is required to be read from the reader, like real time reader status for example, which is required for proper communication handshake between reader and PLC, we will need to use the Big input assembly (Assembly 101, which has 176 byte in total):For more info about the input assembly, please refer to the documentation of ID-40 reader. In the following pages we bring some examples of reading useful input data from the reader. Let’s look first at the documentation to see what info we can get from the device:CountersSeveral counters are available, which can be very useful in run time. Triggers counter, Read Cycle counter, No R eads counter and more…Decode dataJust like in the Small Input Assembly, here we also have the decode string with the length info of the string in the preceding 4 bytes.Required setup in SysmacTo use the Big Input structure to get data from the reader, we need to define the correct input variable in Sysmac (step by step instructions are described earlier in this document). After the setup, verify that the displayed structure size in bytes is correct, according to the documentation. Otherwise the project will not be downloaded to the PLC properly.Create global variablesIn the Sysmac explorer on the left side, under global variables create 2 new variables, one for input and one for output:Now make them published, so we can register them later successfully:Under task settings -> VAR tab, add the two variables we have just created, using ‘+’ button. Select them from the options:Go to built-in port settings and click the button register all, to register all tags:(To reach this window, first select Tools->EIP settings, then right mouse on the PLC and click Edit. Then click on the button 10)After a successful registration the IN / OUT tags should look like this:Then in connection tab add the target variable and originator to have the following final settings:*Note that the EIP refresh rate (RPI) can be max 10ms. It can be faster, but if slower it can cause issues with sensing status signals from the reader, resulting in missing decode results.The required settings and configurations for the PLC project are completed. Now the project is ready to compile and download to the PLC, then we can test operations like read / write data between the PLC and the reader.Transfer the project to the PLCBuild the project and verify no errors:Verify no errors in output window:Go to online mode with the PLC. If needed, use the connection wizard:When online connection with the PLC is OK, transfer the project to the PLC:Verify that PLC is in run mode and without errors (All Green LEDs):*Note that you need to enable the transfer of Network settings, as we changed those for creating the EIP connection properly. (It is disabled by default). See screenshot below.When PLC is set back to run mode, the EIP communication is started. Verify the connection status by monitoring the PLC status: right click on the PLC, then select ‘monitor’:See below example for a typical monitor window of a correct connection status and tag status:Reading data from reader to PLCTo see the incoming data from the reader to the PLC use watch window, adding the relevant data structures (ID_IN and ID_OUT).Note that in this tutorial we are using Big Input assembly which has extended amount of input data, which gives many options for reading useful status data from the reader.The incoming data from the reader to the PLC can be found under ID_IN structure:The outgoing data from PLC to reader, can be found under ID_OUT structure:Example 1 – read decoded textTo find the decoded text after a good read or no_read, we need to view the decode data string array as shown below. So verify that there is a symbol in front of the reader, trigger once and view the results.For better readability we change the display format column to show ASCII format:Just for a cross-check, view in parallel the good read symbol in Weblink:Example 2 - Get status of reader’s digital outputsWe trigger a Good Read to activate output 1, after configuring it to Latch on a good read in Weblink. After the next trigger, verify that the relevant output is activated:In the watch window, looking at bit 0 of external output status memory location, we will find that this bit is TRUE:Example 3 - Get status of external trigger inputEach time we trigger the reader from external source (for example Trigger sensor), we can monitor the status of that input signal in bit 0 of External Input Status register:Example 4 – Read the current value of the available countersA good monitoring method of the system’s performance is to monitor different counters and compare the values. Let’s look at the counter values in our setup. In the watch window we extend the view of structure ID_IN to view all counters listed. For better readability we configure the display format column to show number in decimal.In the screenshot below we can see the current values of the counters in our setup. From the numbers we can learn the following:1. The reader received 4 triggers in total2. The reader entered 4 read cycles (it means that there are no missed triggers / overruns)3. Decode counter shows 3 good reads4. No_Read counter shows 1 No_Read eventSending data from PLC to readerFor sending data from PLC to reader, in this example we use the Legacy output assembly:Commands:Using the Command BIT fields we c an control the reader’s status / operation. For example, to trigger the device from the PLC which will be described later in this document as example.The possible BIT Commands are listed below:=>Trigger (bit 0) – triggers the reader once=>Disable scanning (bit 8) – puts the reader to online / offline mode=>New Master (bit 1) – saves a new master on the next good read=>Clear (bit 16) – Clears the results data from the memoryFor detailed description about the functionality below, please refer to the documentation. See below several examples for sending control commands to the reader:Example 1 - Trigger the reader from the PLC over EIPWhen looking at the data structure of the command bit fields, we see that bit 0 is the trigger bit. To trigger the device we need to change this bit from FALSE to TRUE (then back to false):In the watch window, under EIP_OUT -> Commands change bit 0 to TRUE and watch the reader to verify that it was triggered:Example 2 - Disable scanning (put reader to offline) over EIPWe can put the reader to offline / online state using bit 8 of the of the Command BITs register. By default this bit is FALSE and reader online (scanning enabled -> reader reacts to triggers). When the bit is TRUE, it means that the reader is put to offline and scanning is disabled. Triggers are ignored.After forcing this bit to TRUE in watch window, try to trigger the reader and verify that it is not reacting to triggers.Sending match data to the reader - Explicit messagesThe Matchcode feature is commonly used. This feature enables the reader to compare the reading result to a known string (Matchdata) on every trigger and send out a Pass/Fail result. (Please refer to the manual for more details).The preferred way to send a new Match data to the reader is by K command over EIP. It is possible only by using explicit messages. We will give first a quick overview below, then describe a real example on how to implement this in the PLC program.Explicit messages are useful also for other purposes. It enables sending K-commands to the reader. By sending K commands we can change the reader settings on the fly, as well as read various status data from the reader.Explicit messages – OverviewExplicit messaging is sending / receiving data between PLC and reader over TCP/IP communication. Therefore, it is meant for data that is not time critical like the Implicit messaging I/O data. Implicit messaging (which is the cyclic data which goes back and forth between reader and PLC) is sent over UDP packets.Using Explicit messaging the user can send and receive data which is not pre-defined in size and timing like the implicit I/O messaging. For example, the user can send and receive any K commands to and from the reader and request any data from the reader, as well as change reader configuration in run time.To send and receive K Commands to the V430 reader, the assembly below can be used:Serial Command Assembly (Instance Decimal: 69 Hex: 0x45) IN/OUT = PLC ID-40 readerThis assembly is accessible only through explicit messaging, to allow the programmer to use the implicit Input/Output assemblies in parallel with this explicit assembly. In the same project it will be possible to use the Input/Output assemblies for read/write data to/from the reader, as well as use this explicit command assembly to send and receive K commands.See relevant info below, taken from the reader device documentation:(Service code and class are in HEX format).The following table shows which service type is supported by each input / output assembly:Example 3 – sending matchdata K command using explicit messagesThis example was created using PLC NX102-9020 and V430 reader. But the method described below is valid also for NJ PLCs.Assembly infoWe will use the following Assembly info, as taken from the documentation:Service Code = 0x45 (= 69d)Class = 0x68 (= 104d)Instance = 1Attribute = 1Send message structureStructure of the message to send out from the PLC to the reader:For example, the K command <K231?> (requesting matchcode info) has a length of 7 characters. Therefore, the first 4 bytes (command length) will be: 07 00 00 00 (LSB first). Then comes the 7 bytes of the K command itself. The total length of this message will be 11 bytes. 4 bytes of length info and 7 bytes of the command itself.Receive message structureIn case there is a response from the reader to PLC, the structure of the received message is below:For example, the K command <K231?> should receive the following reply from the reader:<K231, 1, 12345678>(matchcode info from the reader).The data length is 17 characters => 17 bytes. So, the first 4 bytes (message length) should be 17 and the next 17 bytes will be the data itself. In total the received message has 17 + 4 = 21 bytes.See below log data from Weblink terminal, where the Matchcode is inquired and the response arrives:Ladder program implementationThe implementation described below shows how to send a single explicit message from NX or NJ PLC, carrying any K command.The main function used here is CIPUCMMSend which is a standard Sysmac function:1. In the first 4 rangs, the data structure RqPath is assigned with correct values using MOVEfunctions:2. In the next rang we define the K command we want to send (send new matchcode data to thereader), then copy the data to the correct place inside ByteArrayToSend. In this example, we need to define a local Array with minimum 19 bytes for sending this message:(4 bytes of length + 17 bytes of the K command itself)So to be on the safe side, we define a bigger array of 51 bytes. The array should be big Enough to contain all the sent data. It can be bigger but not smaller.3. Now copy the K command string into the byte array, leaving the first 4 bytes empty.Note that we send at once two K commands. One to send the new match data and another one to inquire the match data. This way we can verify that the new match data is arrived OK to the reader.In the next rang we extract the command length, then complete our Byte Array with thecommand length info in the first 4 bytes (LSB first):4.5. In the next rang we use the CIPUCMMSend function to actually send the data to the reader:6. When there is a response data sent back from the reader as a reply, we receive it into thearray MyRespArray:After checking that the response data is not empty (MyRespSize > 4 bytes), the data is separated from the length info and provided in a String variable: RespStringSee below the complete list of internal variables used in this example:Explicit commands – Common errorsAfter launching the send function CIPUCMMSend, there are possible errors that can occur. The meaning of the error code can be found in the help (Press F1, then search for the error code).Here are some common errors and the possible root cause:1. Wrong input parameterWhen this error is occurred, it means that one of the input parameters for the send function is out of range or from the wrong type.2. Timeout on sendingWhen this error is occurred, it means that there was no response from the reader on this K command. Some commands produce a response and some commands not. For example, the command of sending new matchcode is not producing a response from the reader. Therefore, we should expect a timeout error on sending.Note that the timeout error happens also when the command is received properly on reader side. So this error should be ignored on PLC side.A good workaround is sending two K commands together. One to send a new match data and one to inquire the saved match data. This way we can also verify that the change is done.Testing the implementation1. In Weblink, verify good read, then enable Matchdata feature and trigger again to verify failure (should fail, as we didn’t send yet the Matchdata).2. Now on PLC side, launch the sending of the K command via explicit, as described above.3. To verify that the correct matchdata is sent OK, trigger again and view the results in Weblink to see if Pass or Fail. Since the inspection is passed, we can conclude that the matchdata is sent OK to the reader (on PLC side it is a good practice to verify the match data change by comparing the new matchcode we sent to the matchcode we receive in the response on our inquiry.。

Omron CP1L-EM连接与HMI配置说明书

Omron CP1L-EM连接与HMI配置说明书

NB With CP1L-EM (2pcs) Through Ethernet(FINS/UDP)IntroductionThis article is related to the article NB HMI and Connecting Peripheral Devices and explains how connection can be established with two CP1L-EM using Ethernet (FINS/UDP).Content1. Connecting Method2. Wiring diagram3. HMI Attribute settings4. PLC Attribute and PLC settings (PLC0)5. PLC Attribute and PLC settings (PLC1)6. HMI and PLC Network settings7. Example program1. Connecting MethodsEthernet (Fins/UDP)NB to CP1L-EM (2pcs) through Ethernet (FINS/UDP)2. Wiring diagramIn order to avoid malfunctions caused by interferences, use shielded cables.3. HMI Attribute settingsStart NB-designer, create a new program, drag and drop the NB (*TW001) and two Omron CP Series Ethernet (UDP Slave) on the “Project Structure Window”.Double click on the NB in the “Project Structure Window” to open the HMI Attribute.Select the ‘HMI’ tab and set the IP address to( and the Subnet Mask to ( PLC Attribute and PLC settings (PLC0)Double click on the CP(PLC0) in the “Project StructureWindow” to open the PLC Attribute. Set the IP address to (, Port (9600) and the Node ID to (2) in the PLC tab.Start CX-Programmer, create a newprogram and select a CP1L-EM. Openthe Settings properties. Select theBuild-in Ethernet tab.Set the IP address to (,Sub-net Mask to ( andthe FINS Node No. to (2).5. PLC Attribute and PLC settings (PLC1)In NB-Designer, double click on the CP(PLC1)in the “Project Structure Window” to open thePLC Attribute. Set the IP address to(, Port (9600) and the Node IDto (3) in the PLC tab.program and select a CP1L-EM or adda second CP1L-EM to the existing file.Open the Settings properties. Selectthe Build-in Ethernet tab.Set the IP address to (,Sub-net Mask to ( andthe FINS Node No. to (3).6. HMI and PLC Network settingsIn NB-Designer double clickStructure Window” to openthe HMI Attribute.Select the ‘HMI’ tab andselect ‘Network DeviceSettings’.Add a Device, set Device Type to (HMI),Device No. (HMI0), IP Address(, Port Num: (9600), CommProtocol (OMRON CP Series Ethernet UDP)and Node ID to (1).Add a Device, set Device Type to (PLC),Device No. (PLC0), IP Address(, Port Num: (9600) andNode ID to (2).Add a Device, set Device Type to (PLC),Device No. (PLC1), IP Address(, Port Num: (9600) andNode ID to (3).Save, compile and download the NB program and CX-Programmer settings to the units and restart all.7. Example programAttached file:Example program for a NB7W-TW01B with two CP1L-EM(PLC0/PLC1) screens for Read/Write data to the CP1L’s through Ethernet (FINS/UDP) and a NB Setup screen to Adjust settings like Date, Time, Buzzer, Screen Saver, Brightness adjust and Calibrate screen.For the CP1L-EM’s there is a CX-Programmer file for two PLC’s with the Communication settings for the Build-in Ethernet port.Reference:CP1L Operation Manual (Cat. No. W462)Programmable Terminals Host Connection Manual (Cat. No. V108)Programmable Terminals NB-Designer Operation Manual (Cat. No. V106)Programmable Terminals Setup Manual (Cat. No. V107)Programmable Terminals Startup Guide Manual (Cat. No. V109)NB-series Manuals (included in NB-designer)Program versions: NB-Designer version 1.23 and CX-Programmer version 9.4。



打开“Network Configuratior”

双击DJ2M-EIP图标进入输入输出存储区配置,In-consume 对应输入区,即是应答区和数据接收区。


点击“Edit Tags”













以下是使用CJ2H-CPU68-EIP与法那科机器人EIP连接测试的步骤:1.在CX-Programmer内建立PLC,并且进行PLC的网址设置:在IO表中双击内置EIP模块进入IP地址设置(本例子EIP单元号为0,节点号为3),并将设置下载到PLC内:2.在PLC符号表内建立网络变量:定义好网络变量名及对应的地址,如果是多通道的数组,可以点击高级设置进入设置数组长度(注意:PLC内设置的是通道,但是在EIP上是以Byte 为单位计算交换字节数的,1CH=2Byte)3.在IO表内右键内置EIP模块继承启动Network Configurator For EthernetIP或者在CX-One内启动,双击或者拖曳CJ2H-CPU68-EIP的EIP模块添加到EIP网络上,右键模块修改模块的IP地址:双击模块进入tag set,点击Import将刚刚在CX-Programmer建立的网络变量上载上来:若使用不能建立在CX-Programmer内直接网络变量的PLC(没有内置EIP的PLC)和CJ1W-EIP21模块组合进行连接的话,也可以通过以下方式建立网络变量:双击CJ1W-EIP21模块,进入Tag Sets,点击Edit Tag,在Edit tags里面新建标签以及设置标签的大小(需要注意的是tag name里面必须要填写PLC地址)并注册:注册好后,需要修改Tag name的话可以在下面界面选择tag然后进入修改然后确定即可:点击菜单栏上的EDS File,选择Install,然后选择路径,安装Fanuc的EDS文件:在左边EDS栏目内会出现了Fanuc的Device,将其双击或者拖曳到EIP网络上,并修改其IP地址:双击Fanuc设备,设置其输出输入字节数并确定:双击CJ2B-EIP模块,将Fanuc设备连接到CJ2B-EIP上点击上图的New或者双击FZ series进入tag交换设置:在左边选择接受的tag和发送的tag并注册.选择网络连接类型,连接PLC,并将组态下载到PLC内:至此,PLC端设置完成(PS:若EIP模块报错,可能是由于以前设置的路由表与现状的网络部一致导致,请检通过CX-Integrator检查路由表是否设置正确)。

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2.在PLC符号表内建立网络变量:定义好网络变量名及对应的地址,如果是多通道的数组,可以点击高级设置进入设置数组长度(注意:PLC内设置的是通道,但是在EIP上是以Byte 为单位计算交换字节数的,1CH=2Byte)
3.在IO表内右键内置EIP模块继承启动Network Configurator For EthernetIP或者在CX-One内启动,双击或者拖曳CJ2H-CPU68-EIP的EIP模块添加到EIP网络上,右键模块修改模块的IP 地址:
双击模块进入tag set,点击Import将刚刚在CX-Programmer建立的网络变量上载上来:
双击CJ1W-EIP21模块,进入Tag Sets,点击Edit Tag,在Edit tags里面新建标签以及设置标签的大小(需要注意的是tag name里面必须要填写PLC地址)并注册:
注册好后,需要修改Tag name的话可以在下面界面选择tag然后进入修改然后确定即可:
点击菜单栏上的EDS File,选择Install,然后选择路径,安装Fanuc的EDS文件:
在左边EDS栏目内会出现了Fanuc的Device,将其双击或者拖曳到EIP网络上,并修改其IP 地址:
点击上图的New或者双击FZ series进入tag交换设置:在左边选择接受的tag和发送的tag 并注册.


然后通过交换机将两者连接在一起,即可以进行数据交换了(连接后可以使用Fanuc的ping 功能查看是否能够ping上PLC)。
