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the Union of church and state and divine rights of Kings
• The King should be the head of state and meanwhile the temporal church leader. • It rejects the pope as the church leader of a state. • The powers of the Kings derive from God
God elects (unconditional election)
• Although God is incomprehensive ,there is some evidence to show who are God's chosen people. • The success of one's work or prosperity in his calling is the sign of being God's elect. • Everyone must work hard,spend little and invest for more business. • It means how much money he was accumulated.
清教主义是16世纪晚期在英国教会内部进 行的一次宗教改革。在教权和皇权的双重 压力下,清教的一个分支于17世纪三、四 十年代迁址美洲新大陆的北方殖民地,他 们为新英格兰奠定了宗教知识和社会秩序 的基础。清教主义不仅符合新英格兰成立 的特定历史,而且也一直反映着美国生活 的一种方式。
Intolerant Moralism Violations of moral rules should be punished such as drunkenness,adultery( scarlet letter),violation of Sabbath,belief in other religious,singing of temporal songs,wearing of jewelry,long hair and modern clothes,dancing,and watching play etc
The End
American Dream
The American dream is the faith held by many in the U.S of American that through hard work,courage and determination one can achieve a better life for oneself,usually through financial prosperity.These were values held by many early European settlers,and have been passed on to subsequent generations.Nowadays the American Dream has led to an emphais on material wealth as a measure of success and happiness.
Incomprehension of God • God is all-knowing, yet hidden and unknown to man • Catholics believe that God can be reached through his representative on the earth ---the Papa.
The Age of Realism
Theodore Dreiser(1871-1945): Sister Carrie.
18 year-old Caroline Meeber leaves her rural Wisconsin home and heads for Chicago,where she wants to live her older sister's family.Soon,however,Carrie finds out that working in a sweatshop and living in a squalid and overcrowded apartment is not what she wants.The second part of the book is set in N.Y city.Hurstwood and Carrie rent a flag as a man and wife.Gradualy,Hurstwood is slowly running out of money but Carrie rises to stardo m as an actress.She leaves him,andfinally,he puts an end to his life in a cheap hotel.
美国文化源于清教文化,由清教徒移民时传入北美。美国主流价值观都 可以追溯到殖民地时期一统天下的清教文化。 清教徒构成了当时北美移民的主体,在新英格兰北部更是清一色的清教 徒。“清教主义成为当时人们共同的价值观,他们提倡的思想主要有:虔 敬,谦卑,严肃,诚实,勤勉和节俭”。在这些价值观下,清教徒不畏陌 生艰险的环境,克服种种困难,很快便在蛮荒的土地上收获了繁荣和富足。 因此,他们更加坚信自己的清教主义,雄心勃勃地要扩张疆域,而美国历 史也的确是一部不断向西的拓展史,清教主义的价值观念也随之拨洒到更 广阔的土地上。“在两百多年的沧桑变化中,美国文化像一座大熔炉吸收 了世界诸多文明的精华,成为具有鲜明特色的多元化的,开放性的文化体 系。它包含了世界上几乎一切种族,民族,宗教,价值思想和学术,但又 始终以WASP(White Anglo-Saxon Protestant)文化为主流,其核心是崇尚 勤奋劳动的清教道德传统”。历史学家巴斯等说:“没有对美国清教思想 的了解,就不可能理解美国社会。”清教主义奠定了美国社会的基础,塑 造了美国人的性格,从各个方面影响着美国社会。
启蒙时期和独立来自百度文库争时期. 浪漫主义时期. 现实主义时期. 现代主义时期.
Enlightenment Period
Benjamin Franklin(1706-1790):Poor Richard'sAlmunce; Autoqiography • God helps them that help themselves.神助自助者. • He that by the plow would thrive.Himself must either hold or drive.利用身边的有利条件,自立更生. • In the Autobiography,Franklin looks intensely into his past life and describes the image of a boy's rise from rage to riches through hard work and wise management.
American Romanticism
Nathanial Hawthorne(1804-1864):The Scarlet Letter. One of his best-known novels of Hawthorne's is The Scarlet Letter.The story describes the illicit love affair of Hester Prynne,the story's protagonist,is a young married woman whose husband was presumed to have been lost at sea.She becomes pregnant with a daughter.She is then publicly vilified and forced to wear the scarlet letter"A'' on her clothing to identify her an an adulteress,and accepts the punishment with grace.
Modernism period
F.Scott Fitzgerald(1896-1940):The Great Gatsby. The Great Gatsby recounts that Jay Gatsby,who was a poor youth from the Midwest.He falls in love with Daisy,a wealthy girl,but is too poor to marry her.The girl is then married to a rich young man.Determined to win his lost love back,Gatsby engages himself in boot and earning enough money to buy a magnificent imitation French villa.In a fit of building vengeance,Gatsby is consequently shot by George;George commits suicide immediately afterward.
Predestination (limited atonement) • People are predestined before their birth.God knows precisely who the elect are and since only the elect will be scared,Christ does not atone for sins in genetal,only for those of the elect. • No good works could sare angore (only through faith in Christ). • Catholics argue that a person could confess his or her sin,do good works and give money to the Church and buy back his or her soul.
Subtitle Goes Here
American Puritanism
puritanism was a religious reform movement that arose within the church of England in the late sixteeth century.In literature it was American's first great creative period, a full flowering of the romantic inpulse on American soil.