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A framework for using UGI to mitigate excess urban heat
We propose a hierarchical, five step framework to prioritise urban public open space for microclimate cooling (Steps 1–4) using the most appropriate ‘fit for place’ UGI (Step 5) (Fig. 1). The same principles will apply to privately-owned outdoor space, although this may be complicated by issues of multiple ownership (Pandit, Polyakov, Tapsuwan, & Moran, 2013). The framework operates firstly at the ‘neighbourhood’ scale, then the ‘street’ scale and finally the ‘microscale’ (Fig. 1). While the actual area would be defined by organisation implementing the framework, a neighbourhood would encompass hundreds of houses and urban features such as a shopping precinct, a school, a railway station, parks and playing fields. The street scale is a smaller unit within a neighbourhood, for example some houses and a strip of shops. The microscale is an area within a street canyon, equivalent to one or more property frontages perhaps. Integrating these three scales
is central to this framework, and is important to the strategic integration of UGI for microclimate cooling (Dütemeyer, Barlag, Kuttler, & Axt-Kittner, 2014). This framework is flexible and can be applied and adapted by green space mangers, planners and designers to meet their local circumstances. Local stakeholders can also be involved in the decision framework at any, or all, stages as determined by budget, time and engagement philosophy of the local government authority.
我们提出了一个层次,五步框架优先考虑城市公共开放空间的小气候冷却(步骤1 - 4)使用最合适的适合地方的UGI(步骤5)(图1)。
同样的原则适用于私人户外空间,尽管这可能是复杂问题的多个所有权(Tapsuwan,潘迪特,Polyakov &莫兰,2013)。
整合这三个尺度是这个框架的核心,对于UGI微气候降温的战略整合也很重要(Dutemeyer, Barlag, Kuttler, & Axt-Kittner, 2014)。
Step 4—Develop a hierarchy of streets for new UGI integration
After selecting priority neighbourhoods for temperature mitigation, particular streets that are most vulnerable to high temperatures can be targeted. Urban streets can be viewed as canyons, with a floor (the road, walkway, verge and front yards) and two walls (the building frontages up to the top ofthe roof). Our fivestep hierarchy focuses on street canyons because: (1) they occupy a large proportion of the public domain in cities; (2) a lot of urban climate research is based around street canyons; (3) street features relevantto assessing the thermal environment are relatively easy to measure and often already available to local government agencies; (4) street geometry and orientation are important determinants of surface and air temperatures in urban areas (Bourbia & Awbi, 2004a, 2004b); and (5) the principles for cooling based on canyon geometry can be usefully applied to other urban open spaces, e.g. car parks (Onishi, Cao, Ito, Shi, & Imura, 2010) and intersections (Chudnovsky, Ben-Dor, & Saaroni, 2004; Saaroni et al., 2000). An important goal in using UGI to reduce surface temperature is to replace or shade impervious surfaces with vegetation (Oke, Crowther, McNaughton, Monteith, & Gardiner, 1989). Selection of UGI should therefore focus on the properties of the street canyon that determine level of solar exposure. These are building height (H), street width (W), height to width ratio (H:W), and orientation, but providing sufficient capacity for ventilation at night is also important. The street canyon H:W ratio determines the amount of shade cast by the buildings themselves across the canyon floor. Wide, open canyons (low H:W ratios) experience higher daytime temperatures due to high solar exposure, as compared to deep, narrow canyons (high H:W ratios) where buildings self-shade the canyon (Johansson, 2006). Canyon orientation influences the level of solar exposure, as east-west canyons receive more hours of direct solar radiation than north-south orientated canyons (Ali-Toudert & Mayer, 2006). If street H:W ratio is low (e.g. 0.5), an east-west oriented street will receive direct solar radiation while the sun is up, whereas north-south streets are solar exposed only in the middle hours of the day (Bourbia & Awbi, 2004a). The number of solar exposedhours is also related to a street canyon’s H:Wratio and solar zenith angle, which changes predictably through out the year. For Melbourne’s latitude (37.8◦ S), a street canyon
H:Wratio of between 0.5 and 1.0 would provide some self-shading during the day, but be able to dissipate heat at night (Bourbia & Awbi, 2004b; Mills, 1997; Oke, 1988). Implementing UGI is one of the easiest ways to modify street canyon microclimates, other than fac¸ ade awnings and overhangs to shade footpaths (Ali-Toudert
& Mayer, 2007). Ranking canyon geometry and orientation can help prioritise streets for tree planting or other UGI interventions. Using the RayMan model (Matzarakis, Rutz, & Mayer, 2010), we hierarchically prioritised streets of different geometry, based on self-shading by buildings at the summer solstice (Fig. 3). For east-west oriented canyons the proportion of the street canyon floor exposed to the sun is calculated at solar noon (Fig. 3a), and for north-south oriented canyons the proportion of the day that the canyon floor is shaded is calculated (Fig. 3b). The amount of shading was then equally divided into four priority classes (Fig. 3a and b). It should be noted that these priorities are specific to Melbourne and will vary with geographic location. This hierarchical approach demonstrates that wide/very wide, east-west orientated streets should be
prioritised for street trees because of high solar exposure (Fig. 3c). Street trees would provide less benefit in narrow street canyons with a high degree of self-shading. In an analysis of daytime thermal imagery, Coutts and Harris (2013) found that street trees in Melbourne were particularly effective at reducing surface temperatures in canyons with a H:W< 0.8, whilst above this H:W the effects of trees on surface temperature were reduced, which is consistent with our findings. In narrow canyons, where there is adequate light, green walls and fac¸ ades as well as ground level vegetation should be prioritised over trees due to reduced space, and because they allow better ventilation and long wave cooling at night. Appropriate plant selection is very important in these situations. As H:W increases, light levels drop and wind turbulence may increase, and few plant species are likely to tolerate these conditions. There is a paucity of empirical data on the performance of plants suitable for green walls and facades in deep, narrow urban canyons (Hunter et al., 2014; Rayner, Raynor, & Williams, 2010).
我们的五步结构主要关注街道峡谷,因为:(1)它们占据了城市公共领域的很大一部分;(2)很多城市气候研究都是基于街巷峡谷;(3)与热环境评估相关的街道特征相对容易测量,而且当地政府机构通常已经可以获得;(4)街道几何形状和朝向是城市地区地表和空气温度的重要决定因素(Bourbia & Awbi, 2004a, 2004b);(5)基于峡谷几何形状的冷却原理可以有效地应用于其他城市开放空间,例如停车场(Onishi, Cao, Ito, Shi, & Imura, 2010)和十字路
口(Chudnovsky, Ben-Dor, & Saaroni, 2004);Saaroni等,2000)。
使用UGI降低地表温度的一个重要目标是用植被代替或遮蔽不透水的表面(Oke, Crowther, McNaughton, Monteith, & Gardiner, 1989)。
宽而开阔的峡谷(低H:W比值)由于高的太阳照射,白天的温度会更高,而深而窄的峡谷(高H:W比值)则是建筑物自遮阳的峡谷(Johansson, 2006)。
峡谷方向影响太阳照射的水平,因为东西方向的峡谷比南北方向的峡谷接受更多小时的直接太阳辐射(Ali-Toudert & Mayer, 2006)。
如果街道H:W比值较低(例如0.5),当太阳升起时,东西向的街道将直接受到太阳辐射,而南北向的街道仅在一天的中午时分受到太阳辐射(Bourbia & Awbi, 2004a)。
对于墨尔本的纬度(37.8◦S),一个街道峡谷H:Wratio在0.5和1.0之间,将提供一些自遮阳白天,但能够在晚上散热(Bourbia & Awbi, 2004年b;米尔斯,1997;好的,1988)。
实施UGI是改变街道峡谷微气候最简单的方法之一,除了fac、遮阳棚和悬挑来遮挡人行道(Ali-Toudert & Mayer, 2007)。
使用雷曼模型(Matzarakis、Rutz &梅耶,2010),我们分层次优先的街道不同的几何形状,根据建筑的曲棍球在夏至(图3)。
为东西向的峡谷街道峡谷地板的比例计算暴露于太阳中午太阳(图3),以及南北面向峡谷峡谷的天地板的比例是阴影计算(图3 b)。
Coutts和Harris(2013)在对白天热图像的分析中发现,墨尔本的街道树木在H:W< 0.8时对峡谷地表温度的降低效果尤为显著,而H:W以上树木对地表温度的影响降低,这与我们的研究结果一致。
在城市深谷和狭窄峡谷中,适合绿色墙体和立面的植物性能经验数据较少(Hunter et al., 2014;Rayner, Raynor, & Williams, 2010)。
Step 5—Select new UGI based on site characteristics and cooling potential The final step selects and implements new UGI that is ‘fit-forplace’. The order of UGI elements presented in this section reflects
their priority given the goal of surface temperature reduction. The primary goal for new UGI implementation should be to maximise ‘overhead’ vegetation canopy cover,to reduce canyon surface temperatures as well as provide shading of pedestrian space and transpirative cooling. The secondary goal should be to implement
either ground or wall ‘surface’ vegetation cover, also to reduce surface temperatures and provide transpirative cooling, but no (or little) shading. Surface vegetation cover includes vertical greening systems, greenroofs andgrassedgroundsurfaces. Table2presents a simple guide to how different UGI elements provide surface cooling benefits.
2.8.1. Trees In most cases, tree canopies are the optimal solution for shading both canyon surfaces and the pedestrian space, and they also provide evapotranspirative cooling (Rosenzweig et al., 2006; Spronken-Smith & Oke, 1999) (Table 2). The amount of shade trees provide depends on their architectural form and canopy density (Pataki, Carreiro, et al., 2011; Shashua-Bar, Potchter, Bitan, Boltansky, & Yaakov, 2010). Thick or dense canopy trees provide particularly good shade, meaning that broadleaf trees are generally more effective than needle-leaf trees (Leuzinger et al., 2010; Lin & Lin, 2010). However, trees that provide the greatest shade during hot summer days can also trap heat under their canopy at night (Spronken-Smith & Oke, 1999). To minimise heat trapping, street trees should notform a continuous canopy,thereby allowing ventilation and long-wave radiation to escape (Dimoudi & Nikolopoulou, 2003; Spronken-Smith & Oke, 1999). A mix of tree species, with different canopy architectures, could be considered for the same reason (Pauleit, 2003).
在大多数情况下,树冠是遮蔽峡谷表面和行人空间的最佳解决方案,它们还提供蒸发蒸发冷却(Rosenzweig et al., 2006;Spronken-Smith & Oke, 1999)(表2).遮荫树的数量取决于其建筑形式和树冠密度(Pataki, careiro, et al.,2011;Shashua-Bar, Potchter, Bitan, Boltansky, & Yaakov, 2010)。
浓密的冠层树提供了特别好的树荫,这意味着阔叶树通常比针叶树更有效(Leuzinger et al., 2010;Lin & Lin, 2010)。
然而,在炎热的夏天提供最大阴凉的树木也可以在晚上将热量困在树冠下(Spronken-Smith & Oke, 1999)。
为了尽量减少热量的聚集,街道树木不应该形成连续的树冠,从而允许通风和长波辐射逃逸(Dimoudi & Nikolopoulou, 2003;施普林肯-史密斯和奥克,1999)。
出于同样的原因,可以考虑不同树冠结构的混合树种(Pauleit, 2003)。