正文内容:一、戴尔供应链管理的成功经验1.1 精益生产模式戴尔采用精益生产模式,即“定制化生产、零库存、按需供应”的模式。
1.2 创新的供应链合作模式戴尔与供应商建立了紧密的合作伙伴关系,共享信息、资源和风险。
1.3 强大的信息技术支持戴尔通过建立强大的信息系统,实现供应链中各环节的信息共享和实时监控。
1.4 高效的物流管理戴尔注重物流管理,通过建立全球物流网络、合理配置仓储和运输资源等方式,实现了物流的准时和高效。
1.5 客户导向的服务理念戴尔以客户为中心,根据客户需求提供个性化的产品和服务。
二、戴尔供应链管理的挑战2.1 物流风险管理由于全球化的供应链网络,戴尔面临着供应商延迟交货、自然灾害和政治经济风险等多种物流风险。
2.2 中小供应商管理戴尔的供应链中存在大量的中小供应商,其规模和管理水平参差不齐。
2.3 供应链可持续发展戴尔注重供应链的可持续发展,包括环境保护、社会责任等方面的考虑。
2.4 信息安全和防范风险随着信息技术的发展,戴尔的供应链信息系统面临越来越多的安全和风险威胁。
1990年在爱尔兰Limerick建立生产厂房,以 供应欧洲、中东及非洲市场
1992年首次被《财富》杂志评为为全球五百 强企业
1993年成为全球五大计算机系统制造商之一, 在澳大利亚和日本设立办事处,正式进军亚 太区市场
顾客下单到出货存货周转天数为4天 每人每小时的生产效率提升160% 订单处理效率提高50% 订单错误率降低50% 订货生产的周期缩短了30% 企业的按时交货率大概提高了15%
戴尔从研发,设计,生产到行销 的完美串联都依赖于戴尔所拥有 的IT系统,换句话来说,整个流 程必须依靠计算机。
这个IT系统生产的产品在顾客满意度体 验中排名颇高,为戴尔带来不赖的口碑。
● 1.供应链的设计与管理直接影响到企业的发展。
先进合理的供应链模式可以有效地降低生产成 本、提高生产效率、增加税后利润及更好地服务 顾客,最终极大地提高了企业的竞争力。
2.企业之间良好的合作关系是供应链管理的 关键之所在。
连接顾客与供应商的IT系统---V3系统 (订单分配系统)
戴尔以信息代替库存。一方面加强与供应商的信息交流,能 够针对原料供应和市场做出迅速的反应,所以戴尔几乎还是 零库存。另一方面,戴尔及时向供应商提供未来3个月左右的 生产计划,从而供应商也减少了库存。进而实现了完美的共 赢库存管理。
供应链管理给企业带来的价值 Байду номын сангаас析
戴尔供应链管理案例分析目录一、内容概览 (2)1.1 背景介绍 (3)1.2 研究目的与意义 (3)1.3 研究方法与数据来源 (5)二、戴尔供应链管理概述 (6)2.1 戴尔公司简介 (7)2.2 戴尔供应链管理特点 (8)2.3 戴尔供应链管理战略 (9)三、戴尔供应链管理策略 (10)3.1 需求预测与库存管理 (11)3.2 供应商选择与评估 (12)3.3 生产计划与物流管理 (14)3.4 库存控制与风险管理 (15)四、戴尔供应链管理实施与效果分析 (16)4.1 供应链管理实施流程 (17)4.2 实施效果评估 (19)4.3 案例研究 (19)五、戴尔供应链管理面临的挑战与对策 (21)5.1 全球化带来的挑战 (23)5.2 技术变革的压力 (24)5.3 环境法规的影响 (25)5.4 对策与建议 (27)六、结论与展望 (28)6.1 研究结论 (29)6.2 研究局限与未来研究方向 (30)一、内容概览本文档旨在深入分析戴尔(Dell)公司的供应链管理策略及其在实际运营中的成功实践。
1. 政治法律因素分析:全球政治环境相对和平稳定,这对经济的发展提供了较好的发展环境,有利于企业的发展,同时,世界各国法律更加健全完整,国际间贸易法律更加健全,在不断发展的国际贸易中发挥着越来越大的作用,也对戴尔电脑进行中国以致全球的销售做好了保证。
2. 经济因素分析基于政府干预经济的能力提高,大国经济政策的协调性增强,发展中国家整体经济增长。
3. 社会人文因素分析随着全球化的大势所在,全球各地区人们的生活方式越来越相似,价值观也越来越贴近。
1990年代,Dell公司开始涉 足硬件制造和销售,推出自有
2000年代初,Dell公司开始 拓展海外市场,逐渐成为全球
2010年代,Dell公司开始涉 足数据中心、云计算和虚拟化 等领域,进一步扩大业务范围
Dell公司是全球领先的PC制造商之一 ,提供多种类型的个人电脑,包括笔 记本、台式机和工作站等。
Dell公司通过收购和自主研发,提供 一系列软件和服务,包括数据保护、 安全解决方案和IT咨询服务等。
Dell公司提供一系列企业级解决方案 ,包括服务器、存储设备、网络设备 和服务等,以满足企业客户的IT需求 。
Dell公司提供虚拟化和云计算解决方 案,帮助企业实现IT基础架构的优化 和转型。
Dell的原材料采购策略注重成本 控制和供应商多元化,以确保供
Dell与供应商建立紧密的合作关系 ,通过供应商绩效评估和持续改进 计划,确保供应商提供高质量、低 成本的原材料。
Dell采用先进的库存管理技术,如 实时库存监控和需求预测,以降低 库存成本并提高库存周转率。
深入了解目标客户的需求和期望,为产品设 计提供依据。
鼓励设计师运用新技术、新材料,提高产品 的附加值和市场竞争力。
统一产品规格和接口,降低生产成本,提高 产品的互换性和维修便利性。
生产计算机系统的地点主要分布如下:德克萨斯州奥斯汀、田纳西州Nashville、巴西Eldorado do Sul(美洲)、爱尔兰Limerick(欧洲、中东和非洲)、马来西亚槟城(亚太区及日本)以及中国厦门(中国)。
戴尔公司提供的主要产品和服务主要包括:戴尔PowerEdgeTM 网络服务器、戴尔PowerVaultTM 及Dell | EMC、戴尔服务、戴尔OptiPlexTM 台式计算机、戴尔LatitudeTM 笔记本电脑、戴尔PrecisionTM 工作站、戴尔InspironTM 笔记本电脑、戴尔DimensionTM 台式计算机、戴尔PowerConnectTM 网络交换机、戴尔AximTM 掌上电脑、戴尔显示器以及软件及外设等。
戴尔公司供应链管理案例分析第一篇:戴尔公司供应链管理案例分析戴尔公司供应链管理案例分析戴尔公司供应链管理案例分析在网络和信息技术迅速发展的今天,面对电子商务的出现和兴起,企业最关心的是如何通过电子商务解决供应链管理问题.戴尔计算机公司于1984年创立,戴尔是目前全球领先的计算机系统直销商,同时也是电子商务基础建设的主要领导厂商.戴尔公司能够有如此成就离不开他日渐完善的供应链管理模式与销售模式.戴尔公司的供应链管理策略主要是: 一是零库存.零库存的关键是按定单生产.这样就要求对用户的需求把握要很准.零库存也能最大限度地降低成本.戴尔在全球有6座工厂,包含马来西亚的槟城和中国的厦门.它将原本下给200多家供货商的订单集中,交给其中50家,但条件是他们在戴尔工厂旁边盖仓库,就近供货,不愿配合的就从供应链剔除.戴尔本身的零件库存不到2小时,接到订单后,再通知供货商送零件来,从进料到组装完出货只要4小时.从而达到了零库存,降低库存成本,不用为库存堆积而蒙受损失.二是强化供应链上的信息流通速度和透明度.和戴尔做生意的供货商,等于是帮它管理库存,必须很清楚戴尔未来的出货计划,以免库存过多自己赔本、库存不够被戴尔撤换.对戴尔来说,也必须随时掌握整条供应链上的库存情形,确保上头每一家公司的运作都正常.这牵涉双向的信息流通和信任.它必须确保这一整条神经活得好好的,一小段出问题,整条神经就会瘫痪,在供应链的运作上,换供货商的成本很高,因为学习曲线是效率的损失.戴尔高度运用信息科技,架构连结客户、管理生产线和联络供货商的基本骨干,并要求供货商配合.三是找到最短的到达客户路径,也就是说,用户对DELL直接提出需求.这种最短的途径最好的办法就是直销.直销可以直接获得客户的需求,最“懂”市场.戴尔计算机因采取直销方式,库存量低于同业,可将成本下降迅速回馈给消费者.四是低成本.DELL采用的直接模式、生产方法和对供应链的管理有助于降低成本,包括DELL对办公地点的选择和对新技术的研发,也是着眼于不降低质量为前提的降低成本.这些削减的成本最后会反映到用户身上.他们买产品的价格就会趋于更加合理.从这个意义上来说,DELL喜欢进入技术标准化,但是“利润不合理(很高)”的行业.通过DELL的这种“低成本”运作,实现在这个行业中具备领先优势迫使竞争对手调整自己的管理和策略,降低价格.五是客户关系管理,是戴尔公司重点关注的服务.在顾客方面,整合了顾客关系管理的软件,让顾客那一头的下单状况透明,使得工厂和后续供货商那边可以配合更好,预估做得更准确.六是接单生产的模式.电子商务的出现及网络化的普及,使得戴尔采取直接接单再生产的流程,这种模式越过经销商、直接和消费者打交道.可以更确切的知道客户的需求.也因此,没有存货在店面的货架上,所以,一旦货从戴尔的工厂送出,就等于已经卖掉.这就实现了零库存,从而大大的提高了供应链效率.顾客下单到出货存货周转天数只要4天,交货时间提升到只要8个小时.Dell目前供应链的运转状况可说是业界最成功的,不管是与上下游的厂商的整合或与客户之间行销方式都可算独创的先例,从研发、设计、生产到行销完美的串连起来,将整个过程彻底e化,将电子商务与供应链物流很好的相结合.为企业在日益激烈的市场竞争中占了一席之地.戴尔公司的供应链管理策略很值得大多数企业借鉴,特别是对于我国大部分制造企业而言.我们应该积极地借鉴戴尔公司的供应链管理模式来改善企业自身的供应链.基于戴尔公司的供应链管理,对于我国大多数制造企业的供应链优化,得到以下几点启示: 第一,重视供应链管理的设计.现今企业之间的竞争由原来的在技术上展开已经逐渐转移到在供应链上展开.企业比以往任何时候都更加重视供应链的设计和管理.戴尔的成功经验告诉我们,先进合理的供应链模式可以有效地降低生产成本、提高生产效率、实现零库存及更好地服务顾客,最终极大地提高了企业的竞争力.近年来,欧美企业纷纷掀起流程再造运动,其实质都是企业对自身供应链的一种调整,以便在今后发展中形成更强的竞争力.因此,我们的企业应该对供应链的设计与管理工作给予高度重视.学习和借鉴发达国家企业的成功经验,组建起与企业发展相适应的供应链体系,从而提高企业的竞争力.第二,企业与企业、企业与客户之间要协同整合.为了保证直销模型的顺利运作,戴尔公司依赖先进的网络信息技术,与供应商实时共享一切重要的客户与生产信息.原配件供应商大多将自己的仓库建在戴尔工厂的附近,以保证生产所需原件在20分钟之内可以运到其装配车间;戴尔的技术设计小组全部配有供应商的工程师,在推出新产品时这些工程师会常驻戴尔,以保证新产品的顺利推出.为了维持这种相互信任、高度默契的企业关系,戴尔公司严格挑选供应商,逐步减少供应商数量,同时努力与供应商建立长期合作关系.因此,为了提高我国企业的供应链管理程度,我们应该努力促进企业间的长期合作,建立相互信任的合作基础;同时要有效提高信息技术的建设水平,为企业间的信息共享建立有效的操作平台.第三,我们要有目的性的借鉴国外相关企业的管理经验,不可盲目性.以戴尔为例,其先进的供应链管理方式固然值得引鉴,但它并不适用于所有行业或者所有企业.首先,直销模型只适用于高度标准化的产品,例如计算机,家电等.其他类型的产品,如时装、珠宝首饰等,顾客对产品的亲身体验至关重要,因此零售商在促进这类产品的销售方面不可或缺,直销模型并不适用.其次,即便是应用直销模型在高度标准化的产品上,企业也要谨慎确定正确的目标客户群,正如戴尔公司定位于熟练计算机用户一样,直销模型多适用于有一定产品使用经验的顾客.因此,在引进国外先进的供应链管理经验的同时,我们有必要对其方法的特点和我国企业的实际情况进行客观的分析,避免陷入盲目引进的误区.随着中国全面融入全球贸易体系进程的加快,激烈的国际竞争对中国制造企业提出了前所未有的挑战.在信息化为显著标志的后工业化时代,供应链在生产、物流等众多领域的作用日趋显著.戴尔模式无疑对中国企业实施供应链管理有着重要的参考价值,我们在取其精华的同时,还应根据自身特点,寻找提升竞争力的有效途径.结束语论文出处(作者):admin第二篇:戴尔公司供应链管理案例分析(写写帮整理)戴尔公司供应链管理案例分析姓名:王永丽班级:学号:8B0941 8B094116戴尔公司供应链管理案例分析一、戴尔公司供应链管理概况在戴尔直线模式的背后,是其出色的供应链管理,它能在收到顾客个人化需求的定单后,立即向不同的供应商采购材料,迅速转入生产,再交给快递公司分发送货。
戴尔赢利案例分析说起”戴尔”这两个字,可以说是家喻户晓的,作为电子产业的龙头老大,戴尔能发展到今天势必有它别人无可比敌的东西,当然戴尔的赢利不是一朝一夕就能够铸就的,也不是简简单单就可以作到的, 尽管整个PC行业在近两年来不断下滑,但戴尔凭借成本控制以及质量过硬的优势,逐步取代惠普成为PC市场的领头羊,且连续10年保持盈利,这与它严谨的供应链和物流配送是分不开的.说起戴尔,首先说说戴尔的年轻时代吧,少年的戴尔是一个不修边幅的人,良好的家庭教育让他从小就养成了独立思考和善于思考的习惯,尤其是他的母校更是一个能让各种人才发展和发挥的地方,后来,由于父母从事医师工作,戴尔来到了医学院工作了一段时间里,但是在别人眼里,他不是个上进的青年,因为他总是在每天都在”幻想”一个问题,那就是:什么是IBM做不到,而我能做到的.年轻的戴尔在心中早就装下这么个伟大的志向,最终他实现了他的梦想.直销是戴尔最大的特色,而聪明的戴尔又能积极的借助电子商务这个最具潜力的销售方式为其服务,难怪它无坚可摧. 曾有报道这样评价戴尔的这一创举:“戴尔公司在电子商务领域的成功实践使‘直接经营’插上了腾飞的翅膀,极大增强了其产品和服务的竞争优势。
Dell 供应链案例分析
![Dell 供应链案例分析](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/5c6f00b9f121dd36a32d8257.png)
Dell 供应链案例分析一、公司简介戴尔计算机公司于1984 年由Michael Dell 创立,他同时也是计算机界任期最久的总执行长。
截至2000 年10 月27 日为止,戴尔过去四季的营收高达300 亿美元,不但名列全球第二,其获利与成长更成为世界主要计算机系统厂商中的佼佼者。
目前,戴尔全球共有39000 名员工,在美国,戴尔更是企业用户、政府部门、教育机构和消费者巿场排名第一的个人计算机供货商。
透过DellWare( 计划,设计多项产品及服务,搭配多元化的计算机周边硬体和计算机软件等系列产品,提供客户量身定做的解决方案。
戴尔于1994年推出 网站,并于1996 年加入电子商务功能,成为企业利用网际网络进行商业活动的典范。
戴尔的网站是以微软公司的Microsoft Windows 作业系统为基础平台,目前为全球最高用量的商业网站。
的网站基础建构完全是用戴尔PowerEdge 服务器运作,共有78个国家的分站,每季共有超过4000万人次浏览。
案例 DELL价值链分析
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英语论文 戴尔价值链分析 The Value Chain Analysis of Dell
![英语论文 戴尔价值链分析 The Value Chain Analysis of Dell](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8dfe21dc7f1922791688e8ee.png)
The Value Chain Analysis of DellAbstractIn the business world, there are several classic business models that can evaluate a company from different perspectives. The value chain framework is a powerful analysis tool for strategic planning of a corporation. It creatively views a corporation as a serious of value adding activities. This essay attempts to use the value chain framework to analyze one famous corporation – Dell Inc. and tries to figure out how Dell achieves the value creation objective in each separate activity.Key words: Dell Value chain Marketing and sales Logistics Information system1.IntroductionDell Inc. is a reputable multinational information technology corporation. Funded in 1984 by Michael Dell, the corporation has become one of the world’s largest computer manufacturers in merely two decades. Many studies have been done to explain the huge success of Dell from various angles, such as corporate strategy, organizational structure, etc. However, few researches touch upon the overall picture of Dell as a value chain. This essay aims to analyze Dell with value chain framework which is composed of two basic categories of value creation activities: primary activities and support activities.The following sections attempt to elaborate on the value chain framework and analyze Dell in depth with the theory. Part two provides an overview of the value chain theory, the original Porter’s (1985) version and Hill’s (2003) version in the textbook International Business. Part three portrays Dell as a value chain and analyzes the value creation activities in the corporation.2.Literature review2.1Porter’s (1985) value chainPorter (1985) identifies a set of interrelated generic activities to analyze a firm’s value-creating process and to figure out a firm’s competitive advantage. Products pass through all activities of the chain, and at each activity, the product gains some value.Porter’s value chain is depicted as below:Support Activities2.2Hill’s (2003) value chain in International BusinessHill (2003) states that one important objective for most firms is to maximize the value of the firm; thus managers should pursue strategies that increase the profitability of the enterprise. Since value creation is the difference between the value of product to an average consumer and the cost of production per unit (V-C), two strategies can be carried out to increase profitability: differentiation (raising V) and low-cost strategy (lowering C).The value chain is designed to portray how the interrelated activities manage to create value by increasing product attractiveness and controlling cost in production, marketing and sales, materials management, R&D, human resources, information system, and firm infrastructure.Hill categorizes the value creation activities as primary activities and support activities. “Primary activities have to do with the design, creation, and delivery of the product; its marketing and its support and after-sale service.”(p.268) “The support activities of the value chain provide inputs that allow the primary activities to occur.”(p.269)Hill’s value chain framework is similar with Porter’s. It is illustrated as follows:Support ActivitiesPrimary activitiesFigure 2 Hill’s value chain3.The value chain analysis of DellHill’s value chain framework is developed from Porter’s. In Hill’s model, technology development is placed among primary activities (R&D) and logistics are put into supportactivities. Given the different functions of primary and support activities, and the changes in the business environment in recent years, Hill’s framework is believed to have some improvements.Therefore, this essay adopts Hill’s value chain to analyze Dell.In the following parts, detailed evidence of Dell will be provided for analysis under the value chain framework.3.1Primary activitiesPrimary activities are those that are directly involved in creating value for customers. In Dell, research and development, production, marketing and sales, and customer service are of great importance to the value creation of the corporation.3.1.1Research and Development (R&D)Research and development is defined as "creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications" by Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).The R&D activity in Dell is effective in four ways.First, the core of Dell’s innovation approach remains an unwavering commitment to deliver new and better solutions that directly address customer needs. The company talks to its customers frequently about “relevant technology”, listening carefully to customers' needs and problems and endeavoring to identify the most cost-effective plans. The customer-oriented approach makes its products more attractive to consumers. As a result, the value of product to consumer increases.Second, Dell's R&D efforts now span the globe, driven by some of the industry's foremost product designers and engineers. Dell has established R&D centers in Silicon Valley, Santa Clara, Dublin, Israel, Bangalore, Shanghai, etc. These centers take in talents of various backgrounds who have more understanding of the local customer tastes and preferences. Their innovations of products are more tailored to the local market and theirdesigns of production processes are more suitable to the local manufacture.Third, Dell partners, rather than competes, with top industry technology suppliers and original development manufacturers. Dell steers enabling industry standards and technologies through industry groups and strategic partners. By sharing and quickly updating new technology, the initial stage of product life span can be shortened; the cost of production can be reduced as well.Forth, Innovation inside Dell is more about how one produces, packages and markets a product rather than improvements in the product itself. Although Dell has some competitors who are spending 8 to 14 percent on R&D, the company’s financial reports suggest its R&D model is more cost-effective. Research and development is one way Dell tamps down costs. The company devotes 5 percent of its bottom line to this area, much less than its rivals.In summary, the research and development activity of Dell achieves both raising value and lowering costs. Hence Dell adds more value than the industry average in this section of value chain.3.1.2ProductionRivlin (2004: C2) reported that Dell’s executives study the assembly process with the intensity of Alfred Kinsey and his researches. They wheel in video equipment to examine a work team's every movement, looking for any extraneous bends or wasted twists.In this way, costs could be reduced to the minimum in the assembly line.Moreover, Dell has begun to outsource its hardware production to its manufacturing partners since 2008. Dell’s competitors such as Hewlett-Packard and Acer have long-standing relationships with such partners. Dell is actually one step behind the trend. However, the change started from 2008 shows that Dell realized the low profit margin in production section and switched its focus from manufacturing to other activities bringing more value to the corporation.One main advantage of outsourcing is cost-reducing. Few overhead expenses will incurred and there is also tax benefit for outsourcing.3.1.3Marketing and salesMcCarthy (1960) came up with four elements of market mix theory: Product, Price,Place and Promotion (4P). This essay adopts the 4P model to analyze Dell’s marketing from value creation aspect.a.Product:For a long time, Dell prides itself for offering its customers with a high degree of product customization, which few of its competitors can match. Dell categorized its products as “for home, for small and medium business, for public sectors and for large enterprise”. Customers are able to design their own products on the website. They simply go to Dell’s website, choose a computer using purpose, specify the desired sorts of processors, optical devices, and memory modules and so on, place the order and then expect to receive the customized product within a few days.The product differentiation strategy used here satisfies different customer needs and raises the customers’ expected value of Dell computers.b.Price:Dell mainly employs the cost-plus pricing. The low price of Dell computers is largely due to its direct sales model as well as the incredible efficiencies it achieved via its supply-chain strategies. Dell can maintain its profit with a lower price because of its unique business model which its rivals cannot compete.c.Place:As mentioned above, the main distribution channel of Dell is direct sales. The direct sales model markets and sells products directly to consumers away from a fixed retail location so that no fees incurred resulting from wholesalers and retailers. This model was a revolution and contributed a large portion to Dell’s development in the past.However, as Dell targets more on the international market, direct sales model is becoming too simple to cope with the complicated business environment worldwide.Therefore, Dell is moving forward with plans to begin selling PCs through solution providers, channel partners and retail partners, instead of sticking to the pure direct sales model championed by company founder Michael Dell. In the new international market, a combination of both direct sales and indirect sales is believed to be a more cost-saving approach. But to maintain its low prices, Dell continues to accept most purchases of itsproducts via the Internet through direct sales. In China, orders online can be received by customers within 48 hours. Such convenience holds huge appeal for customers living a hectic life.d.Promotion:Dell has long been prestigious in producing high quality and low price business computers. Recently, Dell plans to diversify its business by targeting personal consumers, such as families and students. To do so, the company highlights Dell’s distinctive features, including customization and ease of ordering.Dell targets personal consumers through direct email campaigns as well as television and print advertising. Additionally, Dell introduces a number of new products and features that personal users value, including enhanced graphics and sound cards as well as multicolored laptops. Dell also promotes larger servers and consulting services to its corporate customers as a way of grabbing a larger share of the corporate market and competing with companies such as IBM.Dell relied heavily on direct-to-consumer marketing efforts (such as electronic and paper mailers) in promoting both its personal and corporate computer products. By promotion, customers gain a better understanding of the Dell brand, products and special feature of customization.3.1.4Customer serviceDell has more than 43,000 Services team members in approximately 90 countries, 60 technical support centers and 7 global command centers dedicated to helping customers use technology to reach their business goals. Corporate IT users rank Dell as the number one in customer satisfaction for services that include on-site expertise, on-site response time and phone support. Forrester Research recognized Dell’s initiatives to collect, interpret and react to feedback to improve customer experience with its V oice of the Customer Award.Customer satisfaction of products and services creates a perception of superior value of Dell in the minds of consumers, and adds to the intangible asset of the company.3.2Support activitiesThe most important support activities in Dell that facilitate the primary processes arelogistics and information system. The distinctive features in these two activities are the keys to value creation.3.2.1LogisticsA unique feature of Dell’s logistics is that Dell virtually carries no inventory. Dell forces the suppliers to carry all the inventory and therefore the suppliers also assume all the risks and costs associated with this inventory.When Dell receives and processes a customer’s order, it sends the order out to each individual supplier and the suppliers transport each part to a location where the product can be assembled. Then Dell simply assembles the item and ships it out to the customer. Dell is not responsible for any inventory and even more incredibly does not have to pay for any unused parts.The most difficult part in this no-inventory logistics is to convince a supplier to guarantee that a certain number of parts will be in stock and ready for use. From a supplier's point of view it would not be beneficial to assume all the risk of unused inventory. Dell solved this problem by choosing small suppliers and making sure that the majority of their business is done at Dell. Dell then leverages this position and coerces them into taking part in a logistics system that is clearly not beneficial to the supplier. In order for the supplier to allow this to happen, Dell has to keep sales high so that it can give the individual suppliers enough business to stay afloat and be profitable. This task is more than hard to accomplish, so Dell is one of the few companies that can offer a customizable product that can be assembled and delivered quickly to the consumer.Dell is the only company in computer manufacturing industry to use the no-inventory system and this system substantially reduces the cost and risk of logistics. This is one reason that Dell can afford year-round low-pricing strategy without reducing profit margins. Besides, the extremely high inventory turnover (estimated as 39.4 in 2010 by Forbes) indicates that less money is tied up and the company has sufficient cash flow to do other business operations.3.2.2Information systemDell has enhanced and broadened the fundamental competitive advantages of the directmodel by applying the efficiencies of the Internet. Dell led commercial migration to the Internet, launching in 1994 and adding e-commerce capability in 1996. The following year, Dell became the first company to record one million USD in daily online sales. Today, Dell operates one of the highest volume Internet commerce sites in the world.The company's Web site, which runs entirely on Dell Power Edge servers, receives more than one billion page requests per quarter at 86 country sites in 28 languages and 29 currencies.The company realizes Internet-associated efficiencies throughout its business, including procurement, customer support and relationship management. At , customers may review, configure and price systems within Dell's entire product line; order systems online; and track orders from manufacturing through shipping. At , Dell shares information with its suppliers on a range of topics, including product quality and inventory. Dell also uses the Internet to deliver industry-leading customer services. For instance, thousands of business and institutional customers worldwide use Dell's Premier Web pages to do business with the company online. The name change to Dell Inc.in 2003 reflected the evolution of the company to a diverse supplier of technology products and services.The mature information system of Dell helps the company manage other value creation activities efficiently and effectively. Although the system itself does not create value directly, it facilitates all primary activities to add more value to the end products.4.ConclusionAccording to the analysis of Dell as a value chain, it can be concluded that the activities are interacted with one another and function more powerful as an integrated value chain. It is hard to analyze one activity without mentioning one or more other activities. The R&D provides innovative ideas to production; marketing and sales gives directions to R&D and production by market research and analysis; customer service collects customer feedback to better improve all other value creation activities; logistics and information system back up primary activities.Because of the interweaving relationships among the activities, Dell’s value creation in the value chain is larger than the total sum of each separate activity.In addition, the value chain is a dynamic process. Dell has altered and improved many aspects to adapt to the ever evolving market and customer needs. When the pure direct model cannot fit the new and complex international situation, Dell decisively carried out indirect ways of distribution, though the direct model was the core of Dell mode. The dynamic character of value chain makes it hard to be imitated. It is easy to copy a single model of one activity, but it is hard to imitate the whole interrelated dynamic value chain. This is one of the reasons that Dell is still one of a kind.Moreover, secondary activities are playing a role of vital importance in Dell. As competition is global and fierce, the value creation of primary activities is limited to a certain amount determined by the product feature. The core competitive advantages of Dell are more about its no-inventory logistics and mature information system which make Dell a low-cost leader. Since reforms in secondary activities facilitate value creation, maybe Dell could think of creating more efficient models related to company infrastructure and human resource.Last but not least, Dell’s constant focus on delivering technology solutions that customers want and need in today’s economic and IT enviro nment continues to pay off. Customization is penetrating the whole value chain. While cutting the cost, Dell always places customers in the first place and does its best to offer an effective path for customers. With the goal to balance customization and low-cost, Dell manages to enlarge V-C from both sides in the value chain.References[1] Porter, Michael (1985) Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance, New York: Free Press, 1998[2] Hill, Charles W.L. (2002) International Business (7th ed.),New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008[3] Rivlin, Gary (2004) “Who is afraid of China”, New York Times, December 19, C2[4] McCarthy, E. Jerome (1960) Basic Marketing: A Managerial Approach, Irwin ProfessionalPublishing, 1986[5] /[6] /technology/content/jul2007/tc20070711_908932.htm[7] /finapps/jsp/finance/compinfo/Ratios.jsp?tkr=DELL[8] /docs/dell.pdf (2885 words)。
戴尔公司是全球IT 界发展最快的公司之一,1996年开始通过网站www.dell。
“戴尔”实施大规模定制供应链管理的原因.戴尔公司创立之初是给客户提供电脑组装服务,先天在研发能力和核心技术方面与业界的IBM、惠普等公司有着一定差距,要想在市场竞争中占据一席之地,必须进一步分拆计算机价值链的机会,依靠管理创新获取成本优势.因此,“戴尔"在发展过程中虽有业务和营销模式的革新,但把重点放在成本控制和制造流程优化等方面,尤其是创造了直销模式,这可以减少中间渠道,直接面对最终消费者,达到降低成本的目的,而实施面向大规模定制的供应链管理更能帮助“戴尔”与供应商有效合作和实现虚拟整合,降低库存周期及成本,从而获取高效率、低成本的优势,这也正是其核心竞争力所在.(二)“戴尔"面向大规模定制供应链管理的实施基础1. 零部件标准化.产品的模块化设计,零部件的标准化和通用化是大规模定制的基础所在.对产品按照其功能进行划分而进行模块化设计,建立产品族和零部件族,设计出一系列功能模块,通过模块的选择和组合构成不同的产品。
生产管理理论之延迟制造案例分析(以戴尔为例)(精选5篇)第一篇:生产管理理论之延迟制造案例分析(以戴尔为例) 以戴尔为例的延迟制造供应链管理案例分析生产理论:1、供应链协同2、精益生产3、延迟制造延迟理论:延迟制造概念首先由Anderson于1950年提出,是指产品可以在接近顾客购买点时实现差异化,即实现差异化延迟。
延迟制造的作用1、延迟制造减少库存成本2、延迟制造缩短反应时间延迟制造的差异化表现形式包括产品制造上的延迟、时间上的延迟和制造商的延迟实现延迟差异的几种重要途径 1)工艺重构 2)通用化 3)模块化4)标准化戴尔实施延迟制造的现状:延迟制造要求企业进行最终装配的产品由标准化、模块化的零部件成,顾客个性化的需要可以通过对标准化部件的组合装配以及附加其它的个性化模块或服务以实现。
戴尔公司把关键放在处理和众多供应商的关系,在这一点上,戴尔减少了供应商的数量,其95%的零部件及原材料由5O 家供应商提供,其中75%来自3O家最大的供应商,另20%来自规模略小的20家供应商;同时,戴尔采用“供应商库存在制造工厂集中管理” 的方法,在自己的组装厂附近建了一个相当大的仓库,并要求所有供应商在这个仓库中建立自己的库存,戴尔还和所有的供应商一起更快、更准确地分享需求和生产信息,来帮助供应商更好地计划他们的生产和库存。
英语论⽂戴尔价值链分析TheValueChainAnalysisofDell The Value Chain Analysis of DellAbstractIn the business world, there are several classic business models that can evaluate a company from different perspectives. The value chain framework is a powerful analysis tool for strategic planning of a corporation. It creatively views a corporation as a serious of value adding activities. This essay attempts to use the value chain framework to analyze one famous corporation – Dell Inc. and tries to figure out how Dell achieves the value creation objective in each separate activity.Key words: Dell Value chain Marketing and sales Logistics Information system1.IntroductionDell Inc. is a reputable multinational information technology corporation. Funded in 1984 by Michael Dell, the corporation has become one of the world’s largest computer manufacturers in merely two decades. Many studies have been done to explain the huge success of Dell from various angles, such as corporate strategy, organizational structure, etc. However, few researches touch upon the overall picture of Dell as a value chain. This essay aims to analyze Dell with value chain framework which is composed of two basic categories of value creation activities: primary activities and support activities. The following sections attempt to elaborate on the value chain framework and analyze Dell in depth with the theory. Part two provides an overview of the value chain theory, the original Porter’s (1985) version and Hill’s (2003) version in the textbook International Business. Part three portrays Dell as a value chain and analyzes the value creation activities in the corporation.2.Literature review2.1Porter’s (1985) value chainPorter (1985) identifies a set of interrelated generic activities to analyze a firm’s value-creating process and to figure out a firm’s competitive advantage. Products pass through all activities of the chain, and at each activity, the product gains some value.Porter’s value chain is depicted as below:Support Activities2.2Hill’s (2003) value chain in International BusinessHill (2003) states that one important objective for most firms is to maximize the value of the firm; thus managers should pursue strategies that increase the profitability of the enterprise. Since value creation is the difference between the value of product to an average consumer and the cost of production per unit (V-C), two strategies can be carried out to increase profitability: differentiation (raising V) and low-cost strategy (lowering C).The value chain is designed to portray how the interrelated activities manage to create value by increasing product attractiveness and controlling cost in production, marketing and sales, materials management, R&D, human resources, information system, and firm infrastructure.Hill categorizes the value creation activities as primary activities and support activities. “Primary activities have to do with the design, creation, and delivery of the product; its marketing and its support and after-sale service.”(p.268) “The support activities of the value chain provide inputs that allow the primary activities to occur.”(p.269)Hill’s value chain framework is similar with Porter’s. It is illustrated as follows:Support ActivitiesPrimary activitiesFigure 2 Hill’s value chain3.The value chain analysis of DellHill’s value chain framework is developed from Porter’s. In Hill’s model, technology development is placed among primary activities (R&D) and logistics are put into supportactivities. Given the different functions of primary and support activities, and the changes in the business environment in recent years, Hill’s framework is believed to have some improvements.Therefore, this essay adopts Hill’s value chain to analyze Dell.In the following parts, detailed evidence of Dell will be provided for analysis under the value chain framework.3.1Primary activitiesPrimary activities are those that are directly involved in creating value for customers. In Dell, research and development, production, marketing and sales, and customer service are of great importance to the value creation of the corporation.3.1.1Research and Development (R&D)Research and development is defined as "creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications" by Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).The R&D activity in Dell is effective in four ways.First, the core of Dell’s innovation approach remains an unwavering commitment to deliver new and better solutions that directly address customer needs. The company talks to its customers frequently about “relevant technology”, listening carefully to customers' needs and problems and endeavoring to identify the most cost-effective plans. The customer-oriented approach makes its products more attractive to consumers. As a result, the value of product to consumer increases. Second, Dell's R&D efforts now span the globe, driven by some of the industry's foremost product designers and engineers. Dell has established R&D centers in Silicon Valley, Santa Clara, Dublin, Israel, Bangalore, Shanghai, etc. These centers take in talents of various backgrounds who have more understanding of the local customer tastes and preferences. Their innovations of products are more tailored to the local market and theirdesigns of production processes are more suitable to the local manufacture.Third, Dell partners, rather than competes, with top industry technology suppliers and original development manufacturers. Dell steers enabling industry standards and technologies through industry groups and strategic partners. By sharing and quickly updating new technology, the initial stage of product life span can be shortened; the cost of production can be reduced as well.Forth, Innovation inside Dell is more about how one produces, packages and markets a product rather than improvements in the product itself. Although Dell has some competitors who are spending 8 to 14 percent on R&D, the company’s financial reports suggest its R&D model is more cost-effective. Research and development is one way Dell tamps down costs. The company devotes 5 percent of its bottom line to this area, much less than its rivals.In summary, the research and development activity of Dell achieves both raising value and lowering costs. Hence Dell adds more value than the industry average in this section of value chain.3.1.2ProductionRivlin (2004: C2) reported that Dell’s executives study the assembly process with the intensity of Alfred Kinsey and his researches. They wheel in video equipment to examine a work team's every movement, looking for any extraneous bends or wasted twists.In this way, costs could be reduced to the minimum in the assembly line.Moreover, Dell has begun to outsource its hardware production to its manufacturing partners since 2008. Dell’s competitors such as Hewlett-Packard and Acer have long-standing relationships with such partners. Dell is actually one step behind the trend. However, the change started from 2008 shows that Dell realized the low profit margin in production section andswitched its focus from manufacturing to other activities bringing more value to the corporation.One main advantage of outsourcing is cost-reducing. Few overhead expenses will incurred and there is also tax benefit for outsourcing.3.1.3Marketing and salesMcCarthy (1960) came up with four elements of market mix theory: Product, Price,Place and Promotion (4P). This essay adopts the 4P model to analyze Dell’s marketing from value creation aspect.a.Product:For a long time, Dell prides itself for offering its customers with a high degree of product customization, which few of its competitors can match. Dell categorized its products as “for home, for small and medium business, for public sectors and for large enterprise”. Customers are able to design their own products on the website. They simply go to Dell’s website, choose a computer using purpose, specify the desired sorts of processors, optical devices, and memory modules and so on, place the order and then expect to receive the customized product within a few days.The product differentiation strategy used here satisfies different customer needs and raises the customers’ expected value of Dell computers.b.Price:Dell mainly employs the cost-plus pricing. The low price of Dell computers is largely due to its direct sales model as well as the incredible efficiencies it achieved via its supply-chain strategies. Dell can maintain its profit with a lower price because of its unique business model which its rivals cannot compete.c.Place:As mentioned above, the main distribution channel of Dell is direct sales. The direct sales model markets and sells products directly to consumers away from a fixed retail location so that no fees incurred resulting from wholesalers and retailers. This model was a revolution and contributed a large portion to Dell’s development in the past.However, as Dell targets more on the international market, direct sales model is becoming too simple to cope with the complicated business environment worldwide.Therefore, Dell is moving forward with plans to begin selling PCs through solution providers, channel partners and retail partners, instead of sticking to the pure direct sales model championed by company founder Michael Dell. In the new international market, a combination of both direct sales and indirect sales is believed to be a more cost-saving approach. But to maintain its low prices, Dell continues to accept most purchases of itsproducts via the Internet through direct sales. In China, orders online can be received by customers within 48 hours. Such convenience holds huge appeal for customers living a hectic life.d.Promotion:Dell has long been prestigious in producing high quality and low price business computers. Recently, Dell plans to diversify its business by targeting personal consumers, such as families and students. To do so, the company highlights Dell’s distinctive features, including customization and ease of ordering.Dell targets personal consumers through direct email campaigns as well as television and print advertising. Additionally, Dell introduces a number of new products and features that personal users value, including enhanced graphics and sound cards as well as multicolored laptops. Dell also promotes larger servers and consulting services to its corporate customers as a way of grabbing a larger share of the corporate market and competing with companies such as IBM.Dell relied heavily on direct-to-consumer marketing efforts (such as electronic and paper mailers) in promoting both its personal and corporate computer products. By promotion, customers gain a better understanding of the Dell brand, products and special feature of customization.3.1.4Customer serviceDell has more than 43,000 Services team members in approximately 90 countries, 60 technical support centers and 7 global command centers dedicated to helping customers use technology to reach their business goals. Corporate IT users rank Dell as the number one in customer satisfaction for services that include on-site expertise, on-site response time and phone support. Forrester Research recognized Dell’s initiatives to collect, interpret and react to feedback to improve customer experience with its V oice of the Customer Award.Customer satisfaction of products and services creates a perception of superior value of Dell in the minds of consumers, and adds to the intangible asset of the company.3.2Support activitiesThe most important support activities in Dell that facilitate the primary processes arelogistics and information system. The distinctive features in these two activities are the keys to value creation.3.2.1LogisticsA unique feature of Dell’s logistics is that Dell virtually carries no inventory. Dell forces the suppliers to carry all the inventory and therefore the suppliers also assume all the risks and costs associated with this inventory.When Dell receives and processes a customer’s order, it sends the order out to each individual supplier and the suppliers transport each part to a location where the product can be assembled. Then Dell simply assembles the item and ships it out to the customer. Dell is not responsible for any inventory and even more incredibly does not have to pay for any unused parts.The most difficult part in this no-inventory logistics is to convince a supplier to guarantee that a certain number of parts will be in stock and ready for use. From a supplier's point of view it would not be beneficial to assume all the risk of unused inventory. Dell solved this problem by choosing small suppliers and making sure that the majority of their business is done at Dell. Dell then leverages this position and coerces them into taking part in a logistics system that is clearly not beneficial to the supplier. In order for the supplier to allow this to happen, Dell has to keep sales high so that it can give the individual suppliers enough business to stay afloat and be profitable. This task is more than hard to accomplish, so Dell is one of the few companies that can offer a customizable product that can be assembled and delivered quickly to the consumer.Dell is the only company in computer manufacturing industry to use the no-inventory system and this system substantially reduces the cost and risk of logistics. This is one reason that Dell can afford year-round low-pricing strategy without reducing profit margins. Besides, the extremely high inventory turnover (estimated as 39.4 in 2010 by Forbes) indicates that less money is tied up and the company has sufficient cash flow to do other business operations.3.2.2Information systemDell has enhanced and broadened the fundamental competitive advantages of the directmodel by applying the efficiencies of the Internet. Dell led commercial migration to the Internet, launching/doc/8dfe21dc7f1922791688e8ee.html in 1994 and adding e-commerce capability in 1996. The following year, Dell became the first company to record one million USD in daily online sales. Today, Dell operates one of the highest volume Internet commerce sites in the world.The company's Web site, which runs entirely on Dell Power Edge servers, receives more than one billion page requests per quarter at 86 country sites in 28 languages and 29 currencies.The company realizes Internet-associated efficiencies throughout its business, including procurement, customer support and relationship management. At /doc/8dfe21dc7f1922791688e8ee.html , customers may review, configure and price systems within Dell's entire product line; order systems online; and track orders from manufacturing through shipping. At /doc/8dfe21dc7f1922791688e8ee.html , Dell shares information with its suppliers on a range of topics, including product quality and inventory. Dell also uses the Internet to deliver industry-leading customer services. For instance, thousands of business and institutional customers worldwide use Dell's Premier/doc/8dfe21dc7f1922791688e8ee.html Web pages to do business with the company online. The name change to Dell Inc.in 2003 reflected the evolution of the company to a diverse supplier of technology products and services.The mature information system of Dell helps the company manage other value creation activities efficiently and effectively. Although the system itself does not create value directly, it facilitates all primary activities to add more value to the end products.4.ConclusionAccording to the analysis of Dell as a value chain, it can be concluded that the activities are interacted with one another and function more powerful as an integrated value chain. It is hard to analyze one activity without mentioning one or more other activities. The R&D provides innovative ideas to production; marketing and sales gives directions to R&D and production by market research and analysis; customer service collects customer feedback to better improve all other value creation activities; logistics and information system back up primary activities.Because of the interweaving relationships among the activities, Dell’s value creation in the value chain is larger than the total sum of each separate activity.In addition, the value chain is a dynamic process. Dell has altered and improved many aspects to adapt to the ever evolving market and customer needs. When the pure direct model cannot fit the new and complex international situation, Dell decisively carried out indirect ways of distribution, though the direct model was the core of Dell mode. The dynamic character of value chain makes it hard to be imitated. It is easy to copy a single model of one activity, but it is hard to imitate the whole interrelated dynamic value chain. This is one of the reasons that Dell is still one of a kind.Moreover, secondary activities are playing a role of vital importance in Dell. As competition is global and fierce, the value creation of primary activities is limited to a certain amount determined by the product feature. The core competitive advantages of Dell are more about its no-inventory logistics and mature information system which make Dell a low-cost leader. Since reforms in secondary activities facilitate value creation, maybe Dell could think of creating more efficient models related to company infrastructure and human resource.Last but not least, Dell’s constant focus on delivering technology solutions that customers want and need in today’s economic and IT environment continues to pay off. Customization is penetrating the whole value chain. While cutting the cost, Dell always places customers in the first place and does its best to offer an effective path for customers. With the goal to balance customization and low-cost, Dell manages to enlarge V-C from both sides in the value chain.References[1] Porter, Michael (1985) Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance, New York: Free Press, 1998[2] Hill, Charles W.L. (2002) International Business (7th ed.),New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008[3] Rivlin, Gary (2004) “Who is afraid of China”, New York Times, December 19, C2[4] McCarthy, E. Jerome (1960) Basic Marketing: A Managerial Approach, Irwin ProfessionalPublishing, 1986[5] /doc/8dfe21dc7f1922791688e8ee.html /[6] /doc/8dfe21dc7f1922791688e8ee.html /technology/content/jul2007/tc20070711_908932.htm[7] /doc/8dfe21dc7f1922791688e8ee.html /finapps/jsp/finance/compinfo/Ratios.jsp?tkr=DELL[8] /doc/8dfe21dc7f1922791688e8ee.html /docs/dell.pdf (2885 words)。
06Leabharlann 技术创新与应用01
在全球范围内优化资源配置,降 低生产成本,提高市场竞争力。
针对不同区域市场需求,制定针 对性的产品和服务策略,满足本
戴尔采取一系列措施来应对全球化布局带来的风险。包括多元化市场和供应商策略、灵活的采购和生产布局、以 及建立强大的风险管理团队。此外,戴尔还与政府和行业组织合作,加强供应链的稳定性和可靠性。
加强跨文化沟通与协作,促进全 球供应链的协同发展。
目 录
• 戴尔公司简介 • 戴尔供应链管理模式 • 戴尔供应链管理优势分析 • 戴尔供应链管理面临的挑战与对策 • 戴尔供应链管理对行业的启示 • 戴尔供应链管理未来展望
企业解决方案 云计算与大数据
直接销售 定制化生产
高效的供应链管理有助于提高整体运 营效率,降低运营成本。这使得戴尔 的产品更具价格竞争力,从而提高了 利润空间。
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• 财富1000强,年 购买额100万美元, 占总销售额70% • 提供个性化服务, 配备相应数量的现 场销售代表,和同 等数量的电话服务 代表
• 占Dell在美国销 售量的30%,其中 20%是中小企业, 10%是普通消费者 • Dell有几千个内 部销售代表专门为 这类客户挑选适合 现有机器的系统
市场研究 销售支持 技术文献
运输服务 原材料供应
计算机服务 运输服务
物资供应 出差和津贴
备用件 出差\津贴
DELL_PC 价值链图
进货搬运 进货检查 交货
部件装配 设备作业
订单处理 机器装运
广告与促销 服务信誉 销售队伍 备用件系统
• 零部件质量必须是世界一流 • 零部件必须存放在距工厂15分 钟的地方 • 必须保证工厂随时有2小时存货
模块化设计电脑 • 使各不同样式的电脑尽可能地使用相同的部件,减少库存零部件 数量和采购复杂性,简化采购和库存 • 与主要零部件供应商共同制定长年规划,进一步简化采购管理
• 重新设计电脑,将螺丝 钉数目降至5个
企业基础管理工作 人力资源管理
支持性 活动
进货 物流
运营 生产
发货 物流
市场 营销
企业基础设施 人力资源管理
规章、制度、内部信息系统 招聘/培训 招聘 招聘
机器设计 自动化 总装线设计 IT系统开发 系统设计 检测程序
• 缩短电线,使座架更有 利于安装、扩展和复位
• 使用光纤,使软件下载 速度增加75%
• 流程改造,使机器操纵 次数减半 技术开发 流程再造 • 缩短台式电脑生产时间: 从开始生产到卡车发送只 需7个小时
• 客户的系统安装时间从 45分钟锐减到2至3分钟
迅速反應需求 資訊
制造基本零部件 装配完整的个人电脑 个人电脑成品库存 送货给零售商 货架待售 顾客手中
顾客通过电话或者网络订货 合同制造商立刻查看订单信息 ,并发送零部件 组装电脑,同时保持顾客联系 电脑通过UPS或联邦快递直接 送达顾客
例:DELL采用 Boeing 的 IT 系统、用户界面、采购程序 等;还采用 Boeing 员工熟 悉的EDI系统处理 Boeing 的 PC订单;同时,DELL还将自 己的产品信息融入到 Boeing 的内部采购目录中。
生 產 後 派 送
戴爾 接單 製造 系統
传统制造商(如惠普或IBM) 戴尔公司
预测需求 从供应商获得零部件
梁新弘 博士
liangxh@ (教育网)
liangxh@ (电信网)
技术开发 流程再造 基础设施 IT应用
• 所有上游配件制造商与DELL组 成虚拟企业,是DELL零件提供部门 • DELL将客户电子定单分解为零 件采购单,实时发送给配件供应商 • DELL在指定期限收到零件后,只 需在生产车间进行成品组装
与消费者建立直接 的供求关系 •适用于商业客户 •无法利用能为最终 用户提供多种服务 的渠道
DELL直销 两大关键要素
针对不同细分市 场提供产品/服务 •根据购买数量细分 市场 •谨慎服务于小市场
例:大约有30个销售代表负 不同细分市场的销售/服务策略 责Boeing 的140000台Dell 计算机,并组成PC部,负责 预测未来PC购买量、管理库 存、以及确保必需的服务和 支持能够到位等。 关系型 交易型 国际市场 客户 客户
降低存貨&運作成本 產品符合消費者需求
DELL 竞争优势总结
• 戴尔模式核心并非单纯的直销。惠普/IBM/苹 果等跨国公司都曾经尝试过直销,根本无法取 得戴尔的效果,最终只好回到原的分销体系。 • 对于戴尔而言,直销只是一种手段:直接与顾 客交易和沟通的手段。 • 比竞争者更快更好地为顾客提供满意的产品和 服务,就是大客户关系管理的能力;对产品的 流通能力实施高效地控制和管理,也就是供应 链管理的能力。 • 供应链管理使戴尔能够和供应商虚拟整合,实 现零库存;顾客关系管理使戴尔能够为顾客提 供个性化的产品,实现顾客满意。
•第五步:测试。检测部门对组装好的计算机进 行物理测试、高压测试、软件预装等,测试合 格的机器将被运到包装间。 •第六步:装箱。测试合格的计算机连同其他配 件通过自动封装设备被放到包装箱中,密封并 附上货运文件和地址,等待托运。
•第七步:配送准备。一般在生产过程结束的当 日将产品交给货运公司。
•第八步:发运。一般情况下,订货可以在2-5 天内送到订单上指定的地点,即送货上门,同 时提供免费安装和测试服务。
• 大公司账户 (LCA)、优先账户 (PAD)、家庭和小 型企业(HSB)三类 • 采取“关系销售” 和“低价优势”策 略为前两类客户服 务
•第一步:订货处理。顾客拨打800免费电话与戴尔电 话中心取得联系,直接向销售人员订货或者通过网上 商店下载订单。只有付完款的订单才会立即发出零部 件的订货并转入生产数据库中,同时订单也转入生产 部门进入下一个环节。
•第二步:预生产。预生产的时间因顾客所订的产品不 同而不同,主要取决于供应商的仓库中是否有现成的 零部件。一般地,戴尔需要同顾客确定一个订货周期, 在美国一般为五天,在中国大约是10天。 •第三步:配件准备。当预生产完成后,顾客定购的计 算机的配件信息已经可以通过数据库将其统计出来, 物料工人按照订货清单将所有的配件备齐后,通过传 送带传到装配线上,从而保障顾客订货的及时供应, 同时实现“零库存”。 •第四步:配置。组装人员将装配线上传来的零部件按 照清单上顾客的要求将其组装成定制化的计算机,然 后进入测试过程。