
A 重复保险B 共同保险C 再保险D 合作保险3.于某投保了保险金额为5万元的家庭财产保险,保险期间内某日由于第三者原因发生火灾而造成于某6万元的财产损失。
A 全部据为己有B 留下5万元,1万元归还被保险人C 全部归还被保险人D 留下5万元,1万元与被保险人平分4.张江投保一年期家财险10万元,保险期限内某日不幸发生火灾使保险财产全部被焚毁,保险人赔偿10万元后该保单终止,该保单终止的原因属于()。

1.大多数纯粹风险属于(? )A.经济风险?B.静态风险C.特定风险?D.财产风险2.以下属于投机风险的是( ?)A.交通事故?B.买卖股票?C.地震?D.火灾3.保险属于( )A. 避免风险B. 自留风险C. 中和风险D. 转移风险4. 安装避雷针属于( )A. 损失抑制B. 损失预防C. 风险避免D. 风险转移5.医生在手术前要求病人家属签字的行为属于( ?)A.风险避免B.风险隔离C.风险转移D.风险自留6.多米诺骨牌理论的创立者是( ?)A.哈顿?B.海因里希?C.加拉格尔?D.马歇尔7. 在风险事故发生前达成的借贷协议属于( )A. 内部借款B. 特别贷款C. 应急贷款D. 抵押借款8.营业中断损失属于( ?)A.直接损失B.间接损失C.责任损失D.额外费用损失9.当保险方与被保险方对合同的理解不一致时,对合同的解释应有利于(? )A.保险方B.第三方C.被保险方D.具体情况具体确定10. 关于团体保险以下说法正确的是()A.保险金额无上限B.增加了逆选择C.对团体的性质有要求D.不能免体检11. 实施风险管理的首要步骤是()A.风险识别B.风险评价C.风险处理D.风险管理决策12. 选择保险人时,以下因素中最重要的是()A.费率高低B.规模大小C.偿付能力D.折扣多少13. 以下属于特定风险的是()A.战争B.通货膨胀C.自然灾害D.偷窃14. 在一定的概率水平下,单一风险单位因单一事故所致的最大损失称为()A.最大可能损失B.最大预期损失C.损失期望值D.年度最大可能损失15. 企业普遍采用的风险管理组织是()A.直线制B.职能制C.直线职能制D.选择制16. 在火灾保险中,最常用的共保条款比例是()A.60%B.70%C.80%D.90%17. 以下不属于保险与自留相结合的方式是()A.不足额保险B.足额保险C.自负额保险D.限制损失保险18. 被保险人纵火属于()A.道德风险因素B.实质风险因素C.心理风险因素D.有形风险因素19. 中和用处理()A.纯粹风险B.投机风险C.人身风险D.国家风险20. 以人们行为为控制着眼点的损失控制技术是()A.损失预防B.损失抑制C.工程法D.行为法二、多项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。

A.近因是造成保险标的损失最直接、最有效的、起决定作用的原因2010〜2011学年第一学期考试试卷 《风险管理与保险》(共3页)(考试时间:2011年11月26 6.某律师担心由于其工作或过失给第三者造成损失依法应承担民事损害赔偿责任的,他 一、选择题(每小题可能有一个或几个正确答案,请选出你认为正确的,全 部选对得1分,多选、不选、错选或漏选均得 0分,共15分)。
1 •按风险的性质分类,风险可分为( ) A.人身风险与财产风险 B. 纯粹风险与投机风险 C.经济风险与技术风险 D. 自然风险与社会风险 2.某建筑工程队在施工时偷工减料导致建筑物塌陷, 则造成损失事故发生的风险因素是 ( )。
A.物质风险因素 B. 心理风险因素 C.道德风险因素 D. 思想风险因素 3 •桥梁因设计失误导致倒塌的风险属于( ) A.道德风险 B. 责任风险 C. 投机风险 D. 纯粹风险4.保费收入总额占国内生产总值的比重是指() A.保险密度 B. 保险深度 C. 保险金额 D. 保险价值 5 •对发生频率低但发生后带来巨大损失的风险,我们应采用( )方法来处理A.避免B. 预防C. 自留D. 保险 可以投保()A.意外伤害保险B. 职业责任保险C.公众责任保险D.雇主责任保险7•某人向甲、乙、丙三家保险公司重复投保,保险金额分别为10万元、8万元和7万元。
如果保险标的发生事故损失 9万元,由于保险合同约定采用保额比例责任制分摊, 所以甲、乙、丙三家保险公司应分别赔付()A. 3.2 万、万、万B. 万、万、万C. 3万、3万、3万D. 6万、2万、1万8.投保人因过失未履行如实告知义务, 对保险事故发生有严重影响时,保险人对于保险 合同解除前发生的保险事故()A. 应承担赔偿或给付保险金的责任。
B. 不承担赔偿或给付保险金的责任,并不退还保费。
C. 不承担赔偿或给付保险金的责任,但可退还保费。
D. 承担部分赔偿或给付保险金的责任。

单选题60% 多选题20% 判断题20%一、单选题1.从狭义上讲,风险仅指( C )发生的不确定性。
A.过失 B.盈利 C.损失 D.事件2.促使某一特定风险事故发生或增加其发生的可能性或扩大其损失程度原因或条件,被称作( B )。
A.风险 B.风险因素 C.风险事故 D.损失3.在风险管理中,损失一般是指( C )。
A.物质损失 B.精神损失 C.经济损失 D.政治损失4.按风险损害的性质进行分类,风险可分为(B )A人身风险与财产风险 B纯粹风险与投机风险C经济风险与技术风险 D自然风险与社会风险5.造成损失的直接的或外在的原因,是损失的媒介物的是( B )。
A.风险概率 B.风险事故 C.损失 D.风险因素6.按风险损害的性质进行分类,风险可分为(B )A人身风险与财产风险 B纯粹风险与投机风险C经济风险与技术风险 D自然风险与社会风险7.风险管理的第一步,即风险管理的基础是(D )。
A.选择风险管理技术 B.风险评价C.风险估测 D.风险识别8.风险管理技术中( C )的目的是降低损失频率和减少损失幅度,重点在于改变引起意外事故和扩大损失的各种条件。
A.估算型风险管理技术 B.财务型风险管理技术C.控制型风险管理技术 D.概率型风险管理技术9.通常在风险所致损失频率和程度低、损失在短期内可以预测以及最大损失不影响企业或单位财务稳定时采用(A)的方法。
A.自留风险 B.转移风险C.预防风险 D.抑止风险10.保险的职能是集散风险、( A )。
A.分摊损失 B.承担赔偿责任C.控制风险 D.化解风险11.保费收入总额占国内生产总值的比重是指( B )。

风险管理与人身保险考试试题1. 在风险管理中,什么是风险评估?请简述其作用和步骤。
2. 请列举人身保险的几种常见类型,并简要描述其适用对象和保障内容。
3. 请解释保险期间和保险责任的概念,并说明二者之间的关系。
4. 在风险管理中,风险转移是常见的一种策略,请描述风险转移的定义和主要手段。
5. 对于人身保险产品,保费是一个重要的考量因素。
6. 在人身保险中,除了保险合同外还常见到保险条款。
7. 请列举几个个人风险管理中常见的风险,并说明每个风险可能带来的影响和相应的应对措施。
8. 在风险管理中,风险预防是一种主动的风险管理方法。
9. 请解释保险赔偿的概念,包括赔偿的要素和赔偿的方式。
10. 在购买人身保险时,个人需要考虑哪些因素,并如何选择适合自身需求的保险产品?请提供几点建议。
以下进一步展开对上述试题的详细回答:1. 风险评估是风险管理的关键步骤之一。
通常,风险评估包括以下几个步骤:a. 风险识别:确定与具体业务、行业或环境相关的潜在风险。
b. 风险分析:对识别的风险进行定性或定量分析,了解其概率、影响力及可能性。
c. 风险评估:综合考虑风险的概率和影响力,评估其严重性和紧迫性。
d. 风险处理:根据风险评估结果,制定相应的风险管理策略,如风险转移、风险降低、风险避免等。
2. 人身保险的几种常见类型包括寿险、意外险、重大疾病保险和年金保险。

风险管理的期末考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 风险管理的核心目标是什么?A. 降低风险发生的概率B. 减少风险带来的损失C. 消除所有风险D. 以上都是2. 下列哪项不是风险管理的基本步骤?A. 风险识别B. 风险评估C. 风险转移D. 风险接受3. 风险矩阵通常用于以下哪个阶段?A. 风险识别B. 风险评估C. 风险监控D. 风险缓解4. 以下哪种保险属于风险转移的一种方式?A. 人寿保险B. 健康保险C. 财产保险D. 所有选项都是5. 风险评估中,VaR(Value at Risk)是指:A. 风险事件发生的概率B. 风险事件发生的最大可能损失C. 风险事件发生时的平均损失D. 风险事件发生时的预期损失...(此处可继续添加选择题)二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 简述风险管理的三个主要目标。
2. 解释什么是风险偏好,并举例说明如何确定一个企业的风险偏好。
3. 描述风险监测与风险评估的区别。
三、案例分析题(每题25分,共50分)1. 假设你是一家制造企业的首席风险官(CRO),公司计划进入一个新的海外市场。
2. 某公司在进行一项大规模的IT系统升级。
风险管理的期末考试题答案一、选择题答案1. B2. C3. B4. D5. B...(此处可继续添加选择题答案)二、简答题答案1. 风险管理的三个主要目标是:降低风险发生的概率,减少风险带来的损失,以及提高组织对风险的适应能力。
2. 风险偏好是指一个组织或个人愿意接受风险的程度。
3. 风险监测是持续跟踪风险的过程,以确保风险管理措施的有效性并及时调整策略。

A.足额保险B .强制保险C.自愿保险D.不足额保险二、多项选择题(在下列各题的备选答案中选择2至5个正确的,并将其序号字母填入题后的括号里。

B.销售 D.投保
10.财产保险的最初形式是()。 A.车辆保险 C.农业保险
B.死亡保险 D.火灾保险
11.保险的基本特征包括( A.经济性 C.互助性 E.科学性
题号 分数
2020年7月 二}三1四}五}总分
1 .()的人通常比较激进,喜欢或愿意承担风险。
4 .(),也称承保人、要保人,是与投保人订立合同,收取保险费,在保险事故发生时,对


风险管理期末考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 风险管理的主要目标是什么?A. 减少风险发生的概率B. 降低风险带来的损失C. 预防风险的发生D. 以上都是2. 以下哪项不是风险管理的基本步骤?A. 风险识别B. 风险评估C. 风险控制D. 风险接受3. 风险矩阵通常用于哪种风险评估方法?A. 定性分析B. 定量分析C. 风险规避D. 风险转移4. 风险评估中,以下哪个指标通常用来衡量风险的严重性?A. 风险频率B. 风险概率C. 风险影响D. 风险成本5. 以下哪个不是风险管理的工具?A. 保险B. 风险基金C. 风险规避D. 风险预算二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)6. 简述风险管理在企业运营中的重要性。
7. 描述风险识别的一般过程。
8. 解释什么是风险转移,并举例说明。
三、案例分析题(每题25分,共50分)9. 假设你是一家制造企业的首席风险官,公司最近面临原材料价格波动的风险。
10. 某建筑公司在施工过程中,发现存在潜在的工程质量问题。
风险管理期末考试题答案一、选择题1. D2. D3. B4. C5. D二、简答题6. 风险管理在企业运营中的重要性体现在:确保企业能够持续稳定地发展,通过识别、评估和控制风险,减少不确定性对企业运营的负面影响;帮助企业做出更明智的决策,合理分配资源,提高企业竞争力。
7. 风险识别的过程一般包括:收集相关信息,确定风险来源,分类风险类型,建立风险清单,以及风险的初步评估。
8. 风险转移是指企业通过合同或其他方式将风险转移给第三方,如通过保险将风险转移给保险公司,或者通过外包服务将风险转移给服务提供商。
三、案例分析题9. 针对原材料价格波动的风险管理策略可以包括:多元化采购渠道,以减少对单一供应商的依赖;采用期货合约锁定原材料价格,减少价格波动的影响;建立风险基金,用于应对原材料价格的突然上涨;与供应商建立长期合作关系,争取更优惠的价格和供应保障。

风险管理与保险试题----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 一、单选题(25题,2分/题,共50分)1.下列关于风险因素的说法中,错误的是()。
A.重复保险 B.合作保险C.互助保险D.共同保险4.在机动车辆损失保险中,保险金额的确定一般有三种方式,其中不包括()。
A.车辆损失险和全车盗抢险 B.车辆损失险和车上责任险C.车辆损失险和第三者责任险D.车辆损失险和车辆停驶损失险9.在机动车辆第三者责任保险中,每次事故保险人承担赔偿责任的最高限额叫()。


CHAPTER 1Introduction to RiskTrue-False1. A peril is a contingency that can cause a loss.ANSWER: T2. An objective risk is the risk based on the mental state of an individual who experiencesuncertainty as to the outcome of an event.ANSWER: F3. Pure risk exists when there is uncertainty as to whether loss will occur.ANSWER: T4. If a loss is certain to occur, objective risk is zero.ANSWER: T5. As the probability of an event occurring increases, the degree of objective risk also increases.ANSWER: F6. Doing nothing about a risk exposure is a viable risk management technique.ANSWER: T7. Enterprise risk management is concerned solely with the management of exposures to pure risks.ANSWER: F8. As the number of exposure units increases, the degree of risk increases.ANSWER: F9. As the chance of loss increases, the variation of actual from expected losses tends to increase ifthe number of exposures remains the same.ANSWER: F10. Employee theft is an example of a morale hazard.ANSWER: F11. The long-run chance of occurrence or relative frequency of a loss is defined to be the degree ofrisk.ANSWER: F12. The threat of Congress enacting a costly environmental regulation is an example of a risk that isboth pure and dynamic.ANSWER: T13. The purchase of a stock that has little chance of earnings growth or price appreciation is anexample of the assumption of a speculative risk.ANSWER: T14. The degree of subjective risk is easily measured.ANSWER: F15. The term objective risk is most often used in connection with pure static risks.ANSWER: T16. If two companies have the same number of exposure units and experience the same averagenumber of losses, then the degree of risk for each company tends to be equal.ANSWER: F17. The degree of risk is essentially the same concept as the chance of loss.ANSWER: F18. Fire is an example of a physical hazard.ANSWER: FMatchinga. Dynamic risks 1. _________________ is the process of systematically managingrisks through the following steps: identifying risks, evaluatingrisks, selecting risk management techniques, and implementingand reviewing decisions.b. Financial risk 2. A/An _________________ is a contingency that can cause a loss.c. Hazards 3. _________________ is uncertainty regarding loss.d. Integrated risk management 4. Probable variation of actual from expected losses divided by theexpected loss is the _________________.e. moral hazard 5. _________________ does not include a chance of a gain andinvolves only uncertainty as to whether loss will occur.f. morale hazard 6. A/An _________________ is associated with intentional actionsdesigned to either cause a loss or increase the severity of a loss.g. objective risk 7. _________________ involves uncertainty as to whether a gain ora loss will occur.h. peril 8. _________________ arises from psychological uncertainty that isbased on an individual’s mental attitude or state of mind.i. Pure risk 9. _________________ are conditions that introduce or increase theprobability of a loss stemming from the existence of a given peril. j. Risk 10. _________________ are caused by societal changes.k. Risk management 11. The mental attitude of a careless or accident prone person isreferred to as _________________.l. Speculative risk 12. _________________ are those that would exist in an unchangingsociety that is in stable equilibrium.m. Static risk 13. A risk management approach in which an organization'sspeculative and pure risks are both considered together is knownas either enterprise or _________________ risk management.n. Subjective risk 14. Credit risk, commodities, and interest rate risks are all examplesof _________________.ANSWERS:1. l2 i3 k4 h5 j6 f7 m8 o9 d10 a11 k12 g13 n14 b15 e16 cMultiple Choice1. Examples of physical hazards includea. a building fireb. a building fire, oily rags, and a dishonest employeec.oily rags and a gas leakd. a dishonest employee.ANSWER: C2. Expressed as a percentage, what is the degree of objective risk if a company owns 1,000 cars,has averaged 25 collision losses per year, the collision losses will very likely range between 20and 30, and last year’s loss experience was 23?a.43.5 percentb.92.0 percentc.25.0 percentd.40.0 percent.ANSWER: D3. Which of the following are steps in the four-step risk management process described in the text?a.select risk management techniques and purchase insurance on selected risksb.select risk management techniques and identify risksc.select risk management techniques, purchase insurance on selected risks, and identify risksd.identify risks and analyze severity of expected losses.ANSWER: B4. Risk is defined asa.uncertainty concerning lossb.the probable variation of actual from expected experiencec.the long-run chance of occurrence or relative frequency of lossd. a specific contingency that may cause loss.ANSWER: A5. In which of the following towns is the degree of objective risk from the peril of fire the highest?a.Town A has 10,000 homes with an average loss of 2 percent and a range of 100-250 lossesper yearb.Town B has 100,000 homes with an average loss of 5 percent and a range of 400-500 lossesper yearc.Town C has 1,000 homes with an average loss of 1 percent and a range of 7-15 losses peryeard.Town D has 10,000 homes with an average loss of 3 percent and a range of 150-350 lossesper year.ANSWER: C6. Risk can be categorized asa.objective-subjective and perils-hazardsb.objective-subjective, physical-moral-morale, and pure-speculativec.objective-subjective and pure-speculatived.objective-subjective, physical-moral-morale, pure-speculative, and perils-hazards.ANSWER: C7. Pure risk may be said to create an economic burden in all except which of the following ways?a.reserve funds may be necessitated that may not yield the highest rate of return available,b.pure risk can result in feelings of mental unrest and worry that can drain human energiesc.pure risk results in gambling, which is a destructive social forced.pure risk may deprive society of certain goods or services determined to bear excessive risk.ANSWER: C8. Which of the following does not involve a moral hazard?a. a dishonest employeeb.an employee known to falsify personal injury claimsc. a driver who drives recklessly because he feels that any damage to his car will be covered byinsuranced. a building owner who is considering torching the building.ANSWER: C9. The formula used to calculate the degree of objective risk isa.probable variation of actual from expected losses divided by the expected lossb.expected loss multiplied by the quantity 1 minus variance divided by expected lossc.range of reasonable loss expectation divided by actual loss experienced.expected losses minus probable losses divided by the range of actual losses experienced.ANSWER: A10. Which one of the following is not a risk management technique that a risk manager willtypically choose for managing pure risks?a.purchase insurance to cover a risk exposureb.do nothing about a risk exposurec.sell a high risk investment to purchase one of lower riskd.establish a reserve fund.ANSWER: C11. A peril that relates to a dynamic risk isa.an earthquakeb. a riotc.deathd.an increase in the consumption of cholesterol by society.ANSWER: B12. An insurer is least likely to insurea.static riskb.pure riskc.objective riskd.speculative risk.ANSWER: D13. Under which of the following conditions will objective risk decrease, assuming everything elseremains constant?a.the number of exposure units increasesb.the chance of loss decreasesc.the number of exposure units decreasesd.the probable variation of actual from objective losses increases.ANSWER: A14. A peril that involves pure risk isa. a building fire that burns one of several company owned office buildingsb.the purchase of a stock with a high degree of price fluctuationc. a competitor’s attempt to take market share from a businessd.betting that the Dallas Cowboys will win the Super Bowl at the beginning of the footballseason.ANSWER: A15. Which of the following represent hazards that affect the level of Company ABC’s liability risk?a. a large amount of debt in comparison with the level of ABC’s assets and an award of ajudgment against ABCb.an award of judgment against ABC and the frequent occurrence of slippery spills on thefloor of ABC’s personnel departmentc.the frequent occurrence of slippery spills on the floor of ABC’s personnel department and aparticularly toxic waste product that is temporarily stored in a vacant lot next to a largechemical factoryd.an award of judgment against ABC and a particularly toxic waste product that is temporarilystored in a vacant lot next to a large chemical factory.ANSWER: CCHAPTER 2Risk Identification and EvaluationTrue-False1.Loss exposure checklists cannot be tailored to specific industries.ANSWER: F2.A financial statement analysis would include a review of a long range strategic plan.ANSWER: T3.Outside suppliers can be added to a company’s flowcharts.ANSWER: T4.Risk managers can discover previously unidentified loss exposures from on-site inspections.ANSWER: T5.Risk management information systems can analyze claim payments, accident causes, and safetyprograms. (The risk manager does these things, not the RMIS.)ANSWER: F6.Risk managers should leave contract analysis for potential risks to the company’s attorney.ANSWER: F7. If all risk identification methods are properly used, all loss exposures can be identified.ANSWER: F8. The maximum possible loss to a firm with $200,000 in assets is $200,000.ANSWER: F9. Liability losses outside the United States are not as likely to happen as those inside thecountry.ANSWER: T10. The binomial distribution is used to evaluate partial losses.ANSWER: F11. The main difference between the Poisson distribution and the normal distribution is that oneinvolves continuous variables while the other involves discrete variables.ANSWER: F12. As the number of exposure units increases the loss exposure becomes less risky, all else the same.ANSWER: T13. A loss exposure and a pure risk are the same thing.ANSWER: F14. One method to identify loss exposures is the Poisson analysis.ANSWER: F15. Risk mapping considers both risk frequency and risk severity. ANSWER: TMatchinga. Adjusted return on capital 1. _________________ involves analyzing each item on a firm’sincome statement and balance sheet regarding risks that may be present.b. contractual liability 2. A/An _________________ maps out the physical flow of goodsand can be analyzed with respect to the types of risks that mayaffect the goods at each point.c. expected value 3. A/An _________________ enumerates various specific sources ofloss.d. financial statement analysis 4. The _________________ of a group of losses represents theaverage of all losses.e. flowchart 5. The _________________ represents the middle value when valuesare arranged from smallest to largest.f. law of large numbers 6. The _________________, which is the square root of the variance,is a measure of variability.g. loss exposure checklist 7. Under the concept of _________________, one’s liability may beimputed to another by contract.h. maximum possible loss 8. The _________________ of a collection of observations is definedas the observed value with the largest relative frequency.i. mean 9. Among other things, a _________________ analyzes past lossesand forecasts future losses with the use of computers.j. median 10. The _________________ states that the greater the number ofexposure units insured, the greater the accuracy in the predictionof future losses by the insurer.k. mode 11. The _________________ is another term that describes the meanof a group of values.l. risk management information system 12. By calculating the _________________, the firm can determinethe extent to which the firm is exposed to a particular loss.m. standard deviation 13. _________________ analysis constructs probability distributionsof risks and combinations of risks to estimate the risk of loss atdifferent probability levels.n. Value at risk 14. _________________ assesses how much capital would be requiredto keep the probability of bankruptcy below a specified level.ANSWER:1 d2 e3 g4 i5 j6 m7 b8 k9 l10 f11 c12 h13 n14 aMultiple Choice1.Which approach is not used by risk managers to identify and evaluate risks?a.contract analysisb.risk mappingc.financial discriminationd.on-site inspections.ANSWER: C2.Which method would be more useful to discover a dollar estimate of losses?a.flowchartsb.financial statement analysisc.contract analysisd.statistical analysis.ANSWER: B3.Which combination of methods would be best to identify as many loss exposures as possible for anorganization?a.flowcharts and contract analysisb.on-site inspections, statistical analysis, and contract analysisc.financial statement analysis, statistical analysis, and on-site inspectionsd.all the methods combined.ANSWER: D4.The Goode Company has a plant in Newark, New Jersey, and a plant in upstate New York. Thecompany has had many prior damage losses due to riots in the Newark plant in the past, but no similar losses in the New York plant. The possibility of the riot losses in the New York plant are considered remote. There have been reports of community tensions in Newark recently.What is the maximum probable loss due to riots to the plants?a.There is no maximum probable loss because nothing has happened yetb.T he maximum probable loss is complete damage to both plantsc.The maximum probable loss is minor damage to the plant in Newarkd.T he maximum probable loss is complete destruction of the plant in Newark.ANSWER: C5.In the past, Traci e’s Ceramics has averaged 5 injuries among her 30 employees per year. What’s theprobability of an employee injury this year?a.0.1667b.16.67c. 6.67d.none of the above.ANSWER: A6.Which of the following uses is not a usual function of a RMIS?a.claims managementb.report generationc.catastrophe predictiond.adjuster performance monitoring.ANSWER: C7.Consider the following numbers that range from 10 to 40 (10, 14, 23, 23, 30, 36, 40) and theirprobabilities (.20, .10, .05, .20). Name the median, mean, mode, and the expected valuerespectively.a.23, 23, 23, and 25b.23, 24, 23, and 25.3c.23, 24.3, 24, and 26d.23, 25.3, 23, and 30.ANSWER: A8.What is the best number of exposure units for Cofield Drugs in estimating the actual loss frequency oftheir 100-vehicle automobile fleet?a.100b.92c.1,000d.infinite.ANSWER: D9.The Cookie Company (CC) has 1,200 employees and the chance of an injury to employees is 0.05.Suitmaker Lauren Alexander (LA) has 750 employees and the chance of an injury to employees is 0.08. The possible variation of losses for both are 34 and 40, respectively. What is theobjective risk of both companies, and which is more risky?a. 46.6% for CC, 56.7% for LA; LA is more riskyb. 56.6% for CC, 66.7% for LA; LA is more riskyc. 56.6% for CC, 46.7% for LA; CC is more riskyd. 46.6% for CC, 66.7% for LA; CC is more riskyANSWER: B10. Sharlene, the risk manager of Chief Rocking Records, has been asked to assist the corporatestrategy team in planning a new compact disk factor y. The team wants Sharlene’s input on how many CDs they should produce. Sharlene knows the losses are distributed normally, and theprobability of loss is 8%. She will use 2 standard deviations for the calculations. What is thenumber of exposure units needed for the actual loss to be within 10% of the expected?a. 4,300b. 4,600c. 4,900d. infinite.ANSWER: B11. Which theoretical distribution would be most appropriate to use for a large number of exposureunits (over 50) and the probability of loss is very small?a.normal distributionb.binomial distributionc.Poisson distributiond.fourier distribution.ANSWER: C12. Which theoretical distribution would be most appropriate to use for a small number of exposureunits (under 50) if there is no probability of a partial loss?a.normal distributionb.binomial distributionc.Poisson distributiond.fourier distribution.ANSWER: B13. Which measure of central tendency is used most often by risk managers?a.medianb.modec.standard deviationd.mean.ANSWER: D14. Sharon, the risk manager of Tracie’s Ceramics, wants to know more about the employee injuries ather firm. One loss was a wrist sprain that has a probability of 0.06. Another was a back sprainwith a probability of 0.07. Yet another was overinhalation of a hazardous substance with aprobability of 0.02. The other two were slips and falls with a probability of 0.13. If the amounts of the losses were $700, $3,000, $2,500, $950, and $950, respectively, what is the expectedvalue of an employee injury loss for that year?a.$500b.$749c.$549d.$1,249.ANSWER: C15. Dawson Products had 20 losses in 1999, 21 in 2000, 43 in 2001, 38 in 2002, and 29 in 2003.What is the standard deviation of losses?a.20.37b.333.56c.414.8d.151ANSWER: ACHAPTER 3Property and Liability Loss ExposuresTrue-False1. Oxanhorse fails to repair Bickley’s car on time which causes Bickley to be late for anappointment. As a result, Bickley loses an important contract. Oxanhorse is probably liable for the loss.ANSWER: F2. Loss through legal liability for harm caused to others is not a serious financial risk.ANSWER: F3. Insurance is available for intentional torts such as slander.ANSWER: T4. If Miller breaches a contract with Almaro, such a breach may be properly described as a tort.ANSWER: F5. Imputed liability is illustrated when one person is blamed for the negligence of another.ANSWER: T6. Fewer damage claims would probably be paid under the doctrine of comparative negligence thanunder the doctrine of contributory negligence.ANSWER: F7. Under the doctrine of res ipsa loquitur, a plaintiff may collect without proving negligence on thepart of the defendant.ANSWER: T8. Vicarious liability laws place the liability of the driver of an automobile on the owner.ANSWER: T9. Under workers’ compensation laws, the law of negligence is used to settle most claims.ANSWER: F10. The attractive nuisance doctrine may give the status of an invitee to a trespasser who is a child.ANSWER: T11. A manufacturer cannot usually be held liable for loss occurring because of the unsafe use of aproduct.ANSWER: T12. An agent may be held liable for an insolvent insurer.ANSWER: T13. The last clear chance rule is often used in medical malpractice cases.ANSWER: F14. A homeowner has an obligation to protect a licensee from harm.ANSWER: F15. It is all right for an attorney to mix personal funds with a client’s.ANSWER: F16. Clergy do not need professional liability insurance.ANSWER: F17. Under strict tort liability, the consumer must show that the manufacturer was negligent.ANSWER: F18. There are two major categories of property—real and personal.ANSWER: T19. There are two major types of property loss—direct and interruption.ANSWER: F20. The largest losses from single events are usually property losses.ANSWER: T21. Raw land is normally insured under property insurance contracts.ANSWER: F22. Few medical doctors have to worry about being sued for negligent behavior.ANSWER: F23. Regardless of how wrong a defendant may have been, if a suitable defense can be presented, thedefendant may be absolved.ANSWER: T24. Individuals are not responsible for diseases spread by their pets.ANSWER: F25. Completed operations insurance covers a contractor while working on a building.ANSWER: F26. Traditionally, courts have treated an automobile as if it were a dangerous instrumentality.ANSWER: F27. An employer may be held liable while an employee is driving a personal car on the employer’sbehalf.ANSWER: T28. Since many physicians are skilled specialists, they have little need for a good “bedside manner.”ANSWER: FMatchinga. attractive nuisance doctrine 1. A legal injury or wrong to another arising out of actions other thanbreach of contract in which courts will allow recovery in an action for damages is a/an _________________.b. collateral source rule 2. Failure to exercise the degree of care that is required by law is called_________________.c. direct loss 3. A/An _________________ is characterized by failure to do something.d. family-purpose doctrine 4. An act for which one is held responsible for the acts of another iscalled a/an _________________.e. guest-host statutes 5. The _________________ of the loss must be an unbroken chain ofevents between a person’s actions and the damage that occurs.f. hard market 6. The defense of contributory negligence can be refuted if the plaintiffcan show that the defendant had a/an _______________ before theaccident to avoid injuring the plaintiff.g. imputed act 7. The _________________ reduce the standard of care owed to apassenger in a car.h. Indirect loss 8. _________________ are individuals who are invited on the premisesfor their benefit as well as for that of the landlord or tenant.i. Invitees 9. Persons who have legitimate purpose on someone’s land but are notspecifically invited are called _________________.j. Lack of privity10. _________________ include all those other than invitees and licensees who are on the premises.k. last clear chance 11. The status of a trespasser may be changed to an invitee by the________________.l. Libel 12. Under the _________________ the owner of an automobile isresponsible for the use of that vehicle when it is driven by any memberof the family.m. licensees 13. In a _________________ premiums increase at a very rapid rate.n. negative act 14. In a _________________ premiums increase gradually or may evendecline.o. negligence 15. _________________ is land and all structures permanently attachedto land.p. Pain and suffering damages 16. _________________ is all other property, and so its primarycharacteristic is that it is not permanently attached to realproperty.q. Personal property 17. A _________________ occurs when there is damage to a property.r. proximate cause 18. _________________ occurs when a direct loss causes expenses toincrease or revenues to decline.s. Punitive damages 19. _________________ are designed to compensate the injured party forpain endured due to the negligent behavior of the defendant.t. Real property 20. _________________ are assessed when it is deemed that the defendantacted in a grossly negligent manner and deserves to be punished andmade an example of.u. Slander 21. _________________ involves written, printed, or pictorial materialthat damages a person’s reputation by defaming or ridiculing theperson.v. soft market 22. _________________ involves spoken words that are defamatory and/orinjurious to a person’s reputation.w. Superfund legislation 23. The _________________ is the actual person or organization liable fordamages.x. tort 24. The federal government established _________________ in order tohelp fund the cleanup of major pollution sites.y. tort feasor 25. The _________________ allows courts to ignore other sources fromwhich a plaintiff might receive indemnity for loss.z. Trespassers 26. _________________ is the premise that a manufacturer or vendor hasno liability for negligence unless it had a contractual relationship withthe injured party.ANSWER:1 x2 o3 n4 g5 r6 k7 e8 i9 m 10 z11 a12 d13 f14 v15 t16 q17 c18 h19 p20 s21 l22 u23 y24 w25 b26 jMultiple Choice1. One of the following is not an essential characteristic of a negligent act:a.the act is voluntaryb.the act is intentionalc.the act is negatived.the act is the proximate cause of the loss.ANSWER: B2. The trend toward absolute liability is illustrated by all but one of the following:a.passage, of workers’ compensation lawsb.weakening of common-law defensesc.guest-host lawsst clear chance rulee. the operation of the res ipsa loquitur doctrine.ANSWER: C3. If a pedestrian is injured by an object falling from a building, the owner is likely to be heldliable under the doctrine ofparative negligenceb.family purposec.respondeat superiord.res ipsa loquiture.contributory negligence.ANSWER: D4. An employer owes certain common-law duties to an employee, including all but one of thefollowing:a.to pay a just wageb.to warn of dangerc.to provide a safe place to workd.to employ competent fellow employeese.to provide appropriate tools.ANSWER: A5. A manufacturer has no liability for losses arising out of the use of faulty products unlessa.there was a contractual relationship between the manufacturer and the product userb.there was improper use of the productc.the product caused danger to the user when negligently manufacturedd.the retailer or wholesaler was also to blame for the accidente.the manufacturer is financially able to respond to damages.ANSWER: C6. Even a person who does not own a car may be held liable for its operation by others under thedoctrine ofa.respondeat superiorb.res ipsa loquiturc.family purposed.vicarious liabilitye.all of the above.ANSWER: A7. A is found to be 70 percent to blame and B 30 percent to blame in an accident in which Asuffers a loss of $ 1,000 and B suffers a loss of $ 10,000. Under the doctrine of comparativenegligence B recoversa.nothingb.$10,000c.$7,000d.$7,000 less 30 percent of A’s losse.none of the above.ANSWER: C8. In the previous question, if the law of contributory negligence were followed, B recoversa.nothingb.$10,000c.$7,000d.$7,000 less 30 percent of A’s losse.none of the above.ANSWER: A9. Under common law if both parties are to blame, they cannot collect from one another because ofthe doctrine ofst clear chanceb.contributory negligencec.assumed risk.ANSWER: B10. Owners of ball parks may defend themselves from lawsuits from fans injured by foul balls underthe doctrine ofa.assumed riskparative negligencec.contributory negligence.ANSWER: A。

风险管理与保险全套习题含答案(大学期末复习资料)CHAPTER 1Introduction to RiskTrue-False1. A peril is a contingency that can cause a loss.ANSWER: T2. An objective risk is the risk based on the mental state of an individual who experiencesuncertainty as to the outcome of an event.ANSWER: F3. Pure risk exists when there is uncertainty as to whether loss will occur.ANSWER: T4. If a loss is certain to occur, objective risk is zero.ANSWER: T5. As the probability of an event occurring increases, the degree of objective risk also increases.ANSWER: F6. Doing nothing about a risk exposure is a viable risk management technique.ANSWER: T7. Enterprise risk management is concerned solely with the management of exposures to pure risks.ANSWER: F8. As the number of exposure units increases, the degree of risk increases.ANSWER: F9. As the chance of loss increases, the variation of actual from expected losses tends to increase ifthe number of exposures remains the same.ANSWER: F10. Employee theft is an example of a morale hazard.ANSWER: F11. The long-run chance of occurrence or relative frequency of a loss is defined to be the degree ofrisk.ANSWER: F12. The threat of Congress enacting a costly environmental regulation is an example of a risk that isboth pure and dynamic.ANSWER: T13. The purchase of a stock that has little chance of earnings growth or price appreciation is anexample of the assumption of a speculative risk.ANSWER: T14. The degree of subjective risk is easily measured.ANSWER: F15. The term objective risk is most often used in connection with pure static risks.ANSWER: T16. If two companies have the same number of exposure units and experience the same averagenumber of losses, then the degree of risk for each company tends to be equal.ANSWER: F17. The degree of risk is essentially the same concept as the chance of loss.ANSWER: F18. Fire is an example of a physical hazard.ANSWER: FMatchinga. Dynamic risks 1. _________________ is the process of systematically managingrisks through the following steps: identifying risks, evaluating risks, selecting risk management techniques, and implementingand reviewing decisions.b. Financial risk 2. A/An _________________ is a contingency that can cause a loss.c. Hazards 3. _________________ is uncertainty regarding loss.d. Integrated risk management 4. Probable variation of actual from expected losses divided by theexpected loss is the _________________.e. moral hazard 5. _________________ does not include a chance of a gain andinvolves only uncertainty as to whether loss will occur.f. morale hazard 6. A/An _________________ is associated with intentional actionsdesigned to either cause a loss or increase the severity of a loss.g. objective risk 7. _________________ involves uncertainty as to whether a gain ora loss will occur.h. peril 8. _________________ arises from psychological uncertainty that isbased on an individual’s mental attitude or state of mind.i. Pure risk 9. _________________ are conditions that introduce or increase theprobability of a loss stemming from the existence of a givenperil. j. Risk 10. _________________ are caused by societal changes.k. Risk management 11. The mental attitude of a careless or accident prone person isreferred to as _________________.l. Speculative risk 12. _________________ are those that would exist in an unchangingsociety that is in stable equilibrium.m. Static risk 13. A risk management approach in which an organization'sspeculative and pure risks are both considered together is knownas either enterprise or _________________ risk management.n. Subjective risk 14. Credit risk, commodities, and interest rate risks are all examplesof _________________.ANSWERS:1. l2 i3 k4 h5 j6 f7 m8 o9 d10 a11 k12 g13 n14 b15 e16 cMultiple Choice1. Examples of physical hazards includea. a building fireb. a building fire, oily rags, and a dishonest employeec.oily rags and a gas leakd. a dishonest employee.ANSWER: C2. Expressed as a percentage, what is the degree of objective risk if a company owns 1,000 cars,has averaged 25 collision losses per year, the collision losses will very likely range between 20and 30, and last year’s loss experience was 23?a.43.5 percentb.92.0 percentc.25.0 percentd.40.0 percent.ANSWER: D3. Which of the following are steps in the four-step risk management process described in the text?a.select risk management techniques and purchase insurance on selected risksb.select risk management techniques and identify risksc.select risk management techniques, purchase insurance on selected risks, and identify risksd.identify risks and analyze severity of expected losses.ANSWER: B4. Risk is defined asa.uncertainty concerning lossb.the probable variation of actual from expected experiencec.the long-run chance of occurrence or relative frequency of lossd. a specific contingency that may cause loss.ANSWER: A5. In which of the following towns is the degree of objective risk from the peril of fire the highest?a.Town A has 10,000 homes with an average loss of 2 percent and a range of 100-250 lossesper yearb.Town B has 100,000 homes with an average loss of 5 percent and a range of 400-500 lossesper yearc.Town C has 1,000 homes with an average loss of 1 percent and a range of 7-15 losses peryeard.Town D has 10,000 homes with an average loss of 3 percent and a range of 150-350 lossesper year.ANSWER: C6. Risk can be categorized asa.objective-subjective and perils-hazardsb.objective-subjective, physical-moral-morale, and pure-speculativec.objective-subjective and pure-speculatived.objective-subjective, physical-moral-morale, pure-speculative, and perils-hazards.ANSWER: C7. Pure risk may be said to create an economic burden in allexcept which of the following ways?a.reserve funds may be necessitated that may not yield the highest rate of return available,b.pure risk can result in feelings of mental unrest and worry that can drain human energiesc.pure risk results in gambling, which is a destructive social forced.pure risk may deprive society of certain goods or services determined to bear excessive risk.ANSWER: C8. Which of the following does not involve a moral hazard?a. a dishonest employeeb.an employee known to falsify personal injury claimsc. a driver who drives recklessly because he feels that any damage to his car will be covered byinsuranced. a building owner who is considering torching the building.ANSWER: C9. The formula used to calculate the degree of objective risk isa.probable variation of actual from expected losses divided by the expected lossb.expected loss multiplied by the quantity 1 minus variance divided by expected lossc.range of reasonable loss expectation divided by actual loss experienced.expected losses minus probable losses divided by the range of actual losses experienced.ANSWER: A10. Which one of the following is not a risk managementtechnique that a risk manager willtypically choose for managing pure risks?a.purchase insurance to cover a risk exposureb.do nothing about a risk exposurec.sell a high risk investment to purchase one of lower riskd.establish a reserve fund.ANSWER: C11. A peril that relates to a dynamic risk isa.an earthquakeb. a riotc.deathd.an increase in the consumption of cholesterol by society.ANSWER: B12. An insurer is least likely to insurea.static riskb.pure riskc.objective riskd.speculative risk.ANSWER: D13. Under which of the following conditions will objective risk decrease, assuming everything elseremains constant?a.the number of exposure units increasesb.the chance of loss decreasesc.the number of exposure units decreasesd.the probable variation of actual from objective losses increases.ANSWER: A14. A peril that involves pure risk isa. a building fire that burns one of several company ownedoffice buildingsb.the purchase of a stock with a high degree of price fluctuationc. a competitor’s attempt to take market share from a businessd.betting that the Dallas Cowboys will win the Super Bowl at the beginning of the footballseason.ANSWER: A15. Which of the following represent hazards that affect the level of Company ABC’s liability risk?a. a large amount of debt in comparison with the level of ABC’s assets and an award o f ajudgment against ABCb.an award of judgment against ABC and the frequent occurrence of slippery spills on thefloor of ABC’s personnel departmentc.the frequent occurrence of slippery spills on the floor of ABC’s personnel department and aparticularly toxic waste product that is temporarily stored in a vacant lot next to a largechemical factoryd.an award of judgment against ABC and a particularly toxic waste product that is temporarilystored in a vacant lot next to a large chemical factory.ANSWER: CCHAPTER 2Risk Identification and EvaluationTrue-False1.Loss exposure checklists cannot be tailored to specificindustries.ANSWER: F2.A financial statement analysis would include a review of a long range strategic plan.ANSWER: T3.Outside suppliers can be added to a company’s flowcharts.ANSWER: T4.Risk managers can discover previously unidentified loss exposures from on-site inspections.ANSWER: T5.Risk management information systems can analyze claim payments, accident causes, and safetyprograms. (The risk manager does these things, not the RMIS.)ANSWER: F6.Risk managers should leave contract analysis for potential risks to the company’s attorney.ANSWER: F7. If all risk identification methods are properly used, all loss exposures can be identified.ANSWER: F8. The maximum possible loss to a firm with $200,000 in assets is $200,000.ANSWER: F9. Liability losses outside the United States are not as likely to happen as those inside thecountry.ANSWER: T10. The binomial distribution is used to evaluate partiallosses.ANSWER: F11. The main difference between the Poisson distribution and the normal distribution is that oneinvolves continuous variables while the other involves discrete variables.ANSWER: F12. As the number of exposure units increases the loss exposure becomes less risky, all else the same.ANSWER: T13. A loss exposure and a pure risk are the same thing.ANSWER: F14. One method to identify loss exposures is the Poisson analysis.ANSWER: F15. Risk mapping considers both risk frequency and risk severity. ANSWER: TMatchinga. Adjusted return on capital 1. _________________ involves analyzing each item on a firm’sincome statement and balance sheet regarding risks that may be present.b. contractual liability 2. A/An _________________ maps out the physical flow of goodsand can be analyzed with respect to the types of risks that mayaffect the goods at each point.c. expected value 3. A/An _________________ enumerates various specific sources ofloss.d. financial statement analysis 4. The _________________ of a group of losses represents theaverage of all losses.e. flowchart 5. The _________________ represents the middle value when valuesare arranged from smallest to largest.f. law of large numbers 6. The _________________, which is the square root of the variance,is a measure of variability.g. loss exposure checklist 7. Under the concept of _________________, one’s liability may beimputed to another by contract.h. maximum possible loss 8. The _________________ of a collection of observations is definedas the observed value with the largest relative frequency.i. mean 9. Among other things, a _________________ analyzes past lossesand forecasts future losses with the use of computers.j. median 10. The _________________ states that the greater the number ofexposure units insured, the greater the accuracy in the predictionof future losses by the insurer.k. mode 11. The _________________ is another term that describes the meanof a group of values.l. risk management information system 12. By calculating the _________________, the firm can determinethe extent to which the firm is exposed to a particular loss.m. standard deviation 13. _________________ analysisconstructs probability distributionsof risks and combinations of risks to estimate the risk of loss atdifferent probability levels.n. Value at risk 14. _________________ assesses how much capital would be requiredto keep the probability of bankruptcy below a specified level.ANSWER:1 d2 e3 g4 i5 j6 m7 b8 k9 l10 f11 c12 h13 n14 aMultiple Choice1.Which approach is not used by risk managers to identify and evaluate risks?a.contract analysisb.risk mappingc.financial discriminationd.on-site inspections.ANSWER: C2.Which method would be more useful to discover a dollar estimate of losses?a.flowchartsb.financial statement analysisc.contract analysisd.statistical analysis.ANSWER: B3.Which combination of methods would be best to identify as many loss exposures as possible for anorganization?a.flowcharts and contract analysisb.on-site inspections, statistical analysis, and contract analysisc.financial statement analysis, statistical analysis, and on-site inspectionsd.all the methods combined.ANSWER: D4.The Goode Company has a plant in Newark, New Jersey, and a plant in upstate New York. Thecompany has had many prior damage losses due to riots in the Newark plant in the past, but no similar losses in the New York plant. The possibility of the riot losses in the New York plant are considered remote. There have been reports of community tensions in Newark recently.What is the maximum probable loss due to riots to the plants?a.There is no maximum probable loss because nothing has happened yetb.T he maximum probable loss is complete damage to both plantsc.The maximum probable loss is minor damage to the plantin Newarkd.T he maximum probable loss is complete destruction of the plant in Newark.ANSWER: C5.In the past, Traci e’s Ceramics has averaged 5 injuries among her 30 emp loyees per year. What’s theprobability of an employee injury this year?a.0.1667b.16.67c. 6.67d.none of the above.ANSWER: A6.Which of the following uses is not a usual function of a RMIS?a.claims managementb.report generationc.catastrophe predictiond.adjuster performance monitoring.ANSWER: C7.Consider the following numbers that range from 10 to 40 (10, 14, 23, 23, 30, 36, 40) and theirprobabilities (.20, .10, .05, .20). Name the median, mean, mode, and the expected valuerespectively.a.23, 23, 23, and 25b.23, 24, 23, and 25.3c.23, 24.3, 24, and 26d.23, 25.3, 23, and 30.ANSWER: A8.What is the best number of exposure units for Cofield Drugs in estimating the actual loss frequency oftheir 100-vehicle automobile fleet?a.100b.92c.1,000d.infinite.ANSWER: D9.The Cookie Company (CC) has 1,200 employees and the chance of an injury to employees is 0.05.Suitmaker Lauren Alexander (LA) has 750 employees and the chance of an injury to employees is 0.08. The possible variation of losses for both are 34 and 40, respectively. What is the objective risk of both companies, and which is more risky?a. 46.6% for CC, 56.7% for LA; LA is more riskyb. 56.6% for CC, 66.7% for LA; LA is more riskyc. 56.6% for CC, 46.7% for LA; CC is more riskyd. 46.6% for CC, 66.7% for LA; CC is more riskyANSWER: B10. Sharlene, the risk manager of Chief Rocking Records, has been asked to assist the corporatestrategy team in planning a new compact disk factor y. The team wants Sharlene’s input on how many CDs th ey should produce. Sharlene knows the losses are distributed normally, and theprobability of loss is 8%. She will use 2 standard deviations for the calculations. What is thenumber of exposure units needed for the actual loss to be within 10% of the expected?a. 4,300b. 4,600c. 4,900d. infinite.ANSWER: B11. Which theoretical distribution would be most appropriate to use for a large number of exposureunits (over 50) and the probability of loss is very small?a.normal distributionb.binomial distributionc.Poisson distributiond.fourier distribution.ANSWER: C12. Which theoretical distribution would be most appropriate to use for a small number of exposureunits (under 50) if there is no probability of a partial loss?a.normal distributionb.binomial distributionc.Poisson distributiond.fourier distribution.ANSWER: B13. Which measure of central tendency is used most often by risk managers?a.medianb.modec.standard deviationd.mean.ANSWER: D14. Sharon, the risk manager of Tracie’s Ceramics, wants toknow more about the employee injuries ather firm. One loss was a wrist sprain that has a probability of 0.06. Another was a back sprainwith a probability of 0.07. Yet another was overinhalation of a hazardous substance with aprobability of 0.02. The other two were slips and falls with a probability of 0.13. If the amounts of the losses were $700, $3,000, $2,500, $950, and $950, respectively, what is the expected value of an employee injury loss for that year?a.$500b.$749c.$549d.$1,249.ANSWER: C15. Dawson Products had 20 losses in 1999, 21 in 2000, 43 in 2001, 38 in 2002, and 29 in 2003.What is the standard deviation of losses?a.20.37。


风险管理与保险----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 一、单选题(25题,2分/题,共50分)1.在股票市场上买卖股票的风险属于()。
A.纯粹风险 B.投机风险 C.责任风险 D.动态风险2.下列关于风险因素的说法中,错误的是()。
A.风险因素是风险事故发生的潜在原因 B.风险因素从性质上可分为有形风险因素和无形风险因素C.保险人对因投保人的道德风险因素引起的经济损失不承担赔偿责任D.保险人对因投保人的道德风险因素引起的经济损失承担赔偿责任3.在现代商业保险中,符合保险人承保条件的特定风险一般被称为()。
A.特别风险B.可保风险C.理想风险D.损失风险4.风险控制型处理方法是防患于未然的方法,下面哪一项不是常用的风险控制型处理方法 (C) A.风险回避B.损失控制C.通过衍生工具进行套期保值D.风险隔离5.按照保险金额的确定方式分类,保险合同的种类包括()。
A.财产风险 B.人身风险 C.责任风险 D.信用风险7.两个或两个以上的保险人共同承保同一保险责任,同一保险利益,同一保险事故的保险称为()。
A.重复保险 B.再保险 C.共同保险 D.综合保险8.保险合同特有的原则是()。
A.最大诚信原则 B.保险利益原则 C.公平互利原则 D.守法原则9.在人身保险合同中,由被保险人或者投保人指定的享有保险金请求权的人是()。
A.受益人 B.保险经纪人 C.保险人 D.投保人10.保险经纪人基于()的利益,为投保人与保险人与订立保险合同提供中介服务,并依法收取佣金。

风险管理与保险学考试试题第一部分:选择题1. 以下哪项不是风险管理的基本过程?A. 风险评估B. 风险控制C. 风险转移D. 风险假设2. 风险管理的目标包括以下哪些方面?A. 避免风险B. 减少风险C. 接受风险D. 转移风险3. 什么是保险合同中的第三人保险?A. 由保险公司与被保险人之间订立的合同B. 由保险公司与受益人之间订立的合同C. 由保险公司与第三人之间订立的合同D. 由保险公司与代理人之间订立的合同4. 以下哪种保险属于财产保险?A. 人寿保险B. 健康保险C. 意外险D. 车辆保险5. 风险管理中,风险转移的方式主要包括哪些?A. 再保险B. 合同转让C. 诉讼D. 担保第二部分:简答题1. 解释风险管理的概念和重要性。
2. 请阐述风险评估的步骤和方法。
3. 请简要介绍保险合同的要素和种类。

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D.近因原则是在保险理赔过程中必须遵循的原则 12.风险的基本要素包括( )
13.最大诚信原则的具体内容包括( )。
E.保密义务 14.保险的基本职能包括( )
B. 经济给付职能
C. 融资职能
E. 防灾防损职能 15.下列不属于人寿保险合同特点的是( )
A. 是补偿性合同
C. 不具有代位求偿的合同
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
10. 如果A 、B 、C 三者的损失频率分别为0、0.5和1,则风险大小应当为A ﹤B ﹤C 。