IP Office产品介绍
☆Avaya IP Office 融合系统解决方案
![☆Avaya IP Office 融合系统解决方案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c682a794680203d8ce2f2487.png)
Avaya IP Office 融合系统解决方案全新IP语音技术产品Avaya IP Office<<融合通信>> 2002年度产品奖XXXX公司2003-11-18全新IP语音技术产品AVAYA IP OFFICE (1)<<融合通信>> 2002年度产品奖 (1)前言 (4)XXXX公司简介 (4)A VAYA公司简介 (4)1AVAYA IP OFFICE 方案介绍 (6)1.1项目概述 (6)1.2系统解决方案描述 (8)1.3远期系统扩容 (15)2AVAYA IP OFFICE 功能介绍 (20)2.1语音通信解决方案 (20)2.2数据通信解决方案 (21)2.3应用程序平台 (21)2.4管理工具 (22)2.5可扩展的平台 (22)2.6电话功能和呼叫处理 (24)3AVAYA IP OFFICE 的组网优势 (29)3.1A VAYA IP O FFICE支持丰富的中继接口来连接语音网络 (29)3.2A VAYA IP O FFICE 支持与A VAYA D EFINITY的QSIG组网 (29)3.3A VAYA IP O FFICE 的VOIP优势 (31)3.3.1网络灵活性 (31)3.3.2Voice Over IP (31)3.3.3服务质量 (32)3.3.4支持的VoIP标准 (33)4AVAYA IP OFFICE丰富的应用介绍 (35)4.1A VAYA语音终端灵活性 (35)4.1.1Avaya™ I P Office eConsole 应用 (35)4.1.2IP 硬件电话 (38)4.1.3IP 软件电话 (42)4.1.4数字话机 (44)4.1.5无线解决方案 (50)4.1.6模拟终端(POTS) (52)4.2语音消息平台 (53)4.2.1VoiceMail Lite (54)4.2.2VoiceMail Pro (55)4.2.3自动话务员 (56)4.2.4个人编号 (57)4.2.5将语音邮件作为电子邮件显示 (58)4.2.6综合消息 (59)4.2.7活动管理器 (61)4.2.8呼叫录音 (61)4.3A VAYA™IP O FFICE呼叫中心 (62)4.3.1Avaya™ IP Office紧凑商务中心 (62)4.3.2Avaya™ IP Office紧凑联络中心 (62)4.3.3计算机电话集成(CTI) (64)4.3.4多媒体互动和协作 (64)4.3.5积极活动 (66)4.4轻松完成管理、维护和安装 (67)4.4.1系统管理和安装主要特点 (67)4.4.2管理器客户端 (67)4.4.3呼叫状态 (69)4.4.4监视器 (70)4.4.5呼叫记录器 (71)4.4.6信令网络管理协议(SNMP) (71)4.4.7轻型目录访问协议(LDAP) (71)前言XXXX公司简介Avaya公司简介我们的合作伙伴AVAYA (原朗讯科技网络部)公司的前身是朗讯科技有限公司。
Avaya IPOffice IP500 简介1.1 控制单元IP Office 系统的基本部分是控制单元。
IP Office版本6支持下列IP Office控制单元。
1.2 IP500 V2 系统组件以下组件为基于 IP500 V2 控制单元的 IP Office 系统的典型组件。
IP Office IP500 V2 系统单元控制单元保有主配置,并执行电话通话和数据流量的路由与交换。
对于 IP500 V2 控制单元, 即便未在使用授权功能, 要使系统正常运行也必须使用加密锁。
IP500 V2 控制单元使用一块插入其背部的 Avaya SD 卡。
此卡还提供嵌入式语音信箱支持, 并为系统软件文件提供存储空间。
IP500 基卡IP500 控制单元拥有最多4个IP500基卡插槽。
它们可用于添加模拟分机端口、数字分机端口、语音压缩信道以及一些遗留 IP400卡。
IP500 数字分机基卡此卡提供8个DS (数字站)端口,除了IP 电话外,还用于连接 Avaya 数字电话。
该卡与 IP500 中继子卡安装在一起,后者使用基卡端口进行中继连接。
IP500 模拟分机基卡 该卡有两种类型,提供2个或8个模拟电话端口。
该卡与 IP500 中继子卡安装在一起, 后者使用基卡端口进行中继连接。
IP500 VCM 基卡此卡有两种类型,支持32个或64个语音压缩信道,可用于 VoIP 呼叫。
![AVAYA IPO 呼叫中心](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4578e3d3195f312b3169a56c.png)
Copyright© 2003 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved
Avaya – Proprietary Use pursuant to Company instructions
IP Office 呼叫中心的自动语音引导-VMPro 呼叫中心的自动语音引导-
在这里添加每个特 定用户或组的语音 流程
中增加名为“ 在VMPro中增加名为“CC_Menu”的流程 中增加名为 的流程 则在IPO(Manager)中增加相应的 则在 ( )中增加相应的Shortcode
– Short Code : *81 – Telephone Number : “CC_Menu” – Feature: VoicemailCollect
IP Office 呼叫中心的 呼叫中心的ACD自动呼叫分配 自动呼叫分配-agent 自动呼叫分配
我们采用IPOffice的虚拟用户做座席,要 注意以下设置: • • • • Telephony->Offhook Station: 选中 Telephony-> Force Login:选中 Telephony-> Login Code:(输入座 席登陆的密码) Source Number:用于语言留言系统 的访问,例如 • • HSupportGroup V301
IP Office与VMPro Server 与 的数据通道个数 IP Small Office:4 : IP403:10 : IP406:20 : IP412:30 :
IP Office主机与 主机与VMPro 主机与 Server建立数据通道,通 建立数据通道, 建立数据通道 过该数据通道将VMPro 过该数据通道将 Server上的 上的Wav语音播放 上的 语音播放 给用户
Avaya IP Office快速安装说明V1.0
![Avaya IP Office快速安装说明V1.0](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7ea5bc13fc4ffe473368abdf.png)
AVAYA IP OFFICE快速安装说明Avaya:WangYi注:1.Avaya IP Office 在本文中简称:IPO;2.在本文中尤其要注意“注:……”的蓝色字体内容。
1 IPO的加电IPO为24VDC供电,电源模块为一个220VAC转24VDC的电源转换器,注意:在IPO上并无任何开关设置,正常的流程是:o将电源线的24VDC插头插入IPO机箱上;o将电源线的220VDC插头插入插线板中;o需要断电重启时,断开电源转换器的线即可,不要直接插把24VDC的电源插头,否则容易产生火花并烧坏机器。
2 系统软件介绍IPO FirmwareIPO 硬件核心软件,即通常所说的IPO的发行版本:IPO 1.4、IPO 2.0等等,该软件为IP4XX.bin文件,一般为IP403.bin,IP406.bin,IP412.bin 文件,文件大小一般为2M左右,IP412要大些,4M。
当然以上的IP4XX.bin 文件是针对主机模块的,各种扩展模块也有不同的Firmware,如16模拟中继扩展模块的Firmware文件为:naatm16.bin。
当然通过下面的IPO Manager管理软件的下载。
IPO ManagerIPO的管理软件,是一个基于Windows界面的应用程序,用于管理配置IPO。
Analog terminals / Fax / Modem
IP Office 500: 最多支持 12 个开展模块
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•Available in North America only
© 2007 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
IP Office
为中小企业市场度身定制 –不是大型企业产品通过“挤压”来满足到中小企业需要
可扩展和模块化 –按您今天的需求购买 –容易随着您的业务扩展而扩展
融合平台 –支持多种类型的终端 –模拟,数字,IP –IPO的应用支持所有的类型的终端
移动选项 –VPN 硬件电话,远程工作者,Hot-Desking –Mobile Twinning (one-X和Mobile 呼叫控制)
© 2007 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
Avaya IP Office 500V2主机
通用插槽 (4)
最大 12 扩 展模块
SD卡插槽 (功能锁、 内置语音信箱和保留
© 2007 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
IP Office Platform Overview
IP Office 500 中继子卡
新设计的 E1 (30B+D ),2B+D 可插入的基本卡:
– DS 8 8端口数字分机 – Phone 2 / Phone 8 2或8端口模拟
分机卡 – VCM 32 / 64
不能安装在承载适配卡和4端口扩展端 口卡上。
Avaya IP Office产品介绍 - R9版
![Avaya IP Office产品介绍 - R9版](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/941ed104f18583d04964593b.png)
呼叫通道/功能键8个按键可以根据需要设定成通道键或 功能键;每个按键旁边对应红绿两个指 示灯,提示该通道或对应功能的状态
会议键通过点击此按键可以召集最多6方会议 转接键将当前呼叫转接至其他号码 挂断键挂断当前的呼叫 耳机键当连接耳机时,点 击此按键将话路接 到耳机 免提键激活双工免提
模拟外线端口支持内置忙音检测功能,有效防止外线吊死; 支持4个背景音乐源,可以针对不同呼入路由播放不同的背景音乐;
例如:两个公司共用一套IP Office系统,可以针对不同的公司播放不同的背景音乐。
IP电话应该具有比传统电话更好的音频质量 全面的声学工程设计l:手柄、免提、话机本身,耳机 所有话机支持 G722标准宽频编码 最新VoIP芯片技术 Avaya Labs 音频专业设计
为用户提供更 好的音频感受
高保真 手柄 高保真 耳机 高保真 扬声器
静音键将当前呼叫静音, 对方无法听到声音
音量键在对应的状态下调 节,耳机、听筒、 免提的音量
96X1 IP话机
BM-12键模块(9608, 9611G,
模拟 中型会议室 (<10人) OmniSound® 2.0 通过SD卡实现电话录音
IPO 500简单培训计划一、硬件简介IP Office 500系统组件下面列出了IP Office IP500系统的典型组件。
• IP Office IP500系统单元控制单元负责主要配置任务, 执行电话呼叫和数据通信的路由与交换。
它支持两种工作模式:IP OfficeExpress版或IP Office专业版。
IP Office标准版是IP500控制单元的默认模式。
在这种模式下,它只支持32个用户和基本的IP Office应用,不支持外部扩展模块。
添加许可之后,IP500可以在IP Office专业版模式下工作。
此时,它支持最多272个分机、8个外部扩展模块和全套完整的IP Office应用。
• IP500基卡IP500控制单元中的插槽支持最多4块IP500基卡。
1、数字分机基卡: 这种板卡提供了12个RJ45端口。
前8个端口为DS端口, 用于连接Avaya数字电话, 而非IP电话。
此板卡可配合IP500子卡, 使用另外4个RJ45端口进行连接。
• 这种板卡支持任意类型的IP500子卡。
• 最大数量:每个IP500控制单元支持3个。
• 不支持4400系列电话(4406D、4412D和4424D。
此板卡可配合IP500子卡, 使用另外4个RJ45端口进行连接。
• 这种板卡支持任意类型的IP500子卡。
• 最大数量:每个IP500控制单元支持4个。
Avaya IP Office语音系统介绍
![Avaya IP Office语音系统介绍](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a494fd704afe04a1b171de71.png)
例如:VIP客户呼入时,不经过自动电脑话务员直接落地到前台分机振铃;将骚扰电话列为黑 名单,当这些号码呼入时,系统直接挂断。
➢模拟外线端口支持内置忙音检测功能,有效防止外线吊死; ➢支持4个背景音乐源,可以针对不同呼入路由播放不同的背景音乐;
例如:两个公司共用一套IP Office系统,可以针对不同的公司播放不同的背景音乐。
实时状态/历史告警 底层消息追踪
FEATURES: J129 - The Basic IP Phone
One line phone, supports two concurrent calls 3 Context Sensitive Soft Keys Easy to use features including Hold, Transfer, Conference,
IP Office J159电话快速参考指南说明书
![IP Office J159电话快速参考指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/aa296cb64793daef5ef7ba0d4a7302768e996f99.png)
Making Calls If you are not already on a call, just dial the number. The first available appearance button is used for the call.Alternatively, press another appearance button in order to hold your current call and to make a separate call.system calls you. When you answer, the system automatically makes another call attempt to the internal user.1.Press the CONTACTS key. The directory menu is displayed.e the left/right cursor keys to select the type of directory entries you want to display; All , Personal (your own personal directory contacts), External , Users , and Groups .e the up/down cursor keys to scroll through the list. Alternatively, you can use the number keypad to enter the name for which you want to display matching entries. If you dial a name, press Clear to return to the full list.4.To view more details of the highlighted name, pressDetails . To return to the directory, press List .5.When the required entry is highlighted, press the Call button.You can use your call history to make calls:1.Press the HISTORY button. Use the left/right cursor keys to select which calls are shown: All , Outgoing ,Incoming orMissed .e the up/down cursor keys to scroll through the records.3.Press Call to call the number displayed in the call record.1.Press Redial . Use the up/down cursor keys to scroll through your most recent outgoing calls.2.Press Call to call the number displayed in the call record.A slow flashing appearance button indicates an alerting call. This may also be accompanied by ringing and by the message lamp flashing. If you are currently not on a call:·To quiet the ringing, pressIgnore . The call will continue alerting visually.·To redirect the call to your mailbox, press To VM if shown.·To answer the call using the handset, lift the handset.·To answer the call handsfree, press the SPEAKER key.·To answer the call on a headset, press the HEADSET key.Once you have answered the call, you can switch between different talk modes:·To switch to using the handset, simply lift the handset.·To switch to handsfree, press the SPEAKERkey. If you were using the handset you can now replace it. ·To switch to headset mode, press the HEADSET key. If you were using the handset you can now replace it. ·Pressing the call's appearance key or any other appearance key will put the call on hold.If you are already on a call, answering a new call automatically puts the existing call on hold.·To answer the call, press the appearance button.·Alternatively, using the up/down cursor keys, scroll the display to highlight the waiting call and select the action you want to apply; Answer, To VM, Ignore or Drop.You can transfer directly to your voicemail mailbox any call targeted at you.1.If the call is not the currently highlighted call on the display, use the up/down cursor keys to highlight it.2.Press To VM to redirect the call to your mailbox.You can adjust the volume of the incoming audio while you are on the call:1.With the call connected, press the VOLUME key.e the + plus and – minus keys to adjust the volume.Note: The volume for the device currently in use (handset, headset, or speaker) is adjusted separately.1.To put your current call on hold, press the Hold soft key or the call's appearance button.2.The held call will be indicated by its call appearance button with a fast-flashing green lamp. On phones with only asingle call appearance button (or icon), the phone displays "On-Hold" before the call information on the call'sapplication line.3.While held, the caller will hear music on hold. If your system does not have music on hold available, the caller willhear double beep tones every few seconds.4.You can scroll the display using the up and down cursor keys.Muting a call stops the far end from hearing you although you can still hear the far end. The mute setting remains active even if you switch between calls using the hold or appearance buttons. If you change how you are listening to the call, for example switching from the handset to the speaker, the mute setting is canceled.1.To activate mute, press the MUTE key. The button will be lit while mute is active.2.To switch mute off, press the MUTE key again.·The Drop button can be used to end the currently highlighted call.·If the call is on the phone's speaker, the SPEAKER key is lit. Pressing the key again will end the call.·If the call is on the phone's headset, the HEADSET key is lit. Pressing the key again will end the call.·If the call is on the phone's handset, replacing the handset will end the call.If you have a connected call and have held alternate calls, pressing Conf will start a conference with those held calls and the connected call.Otherwise, to start a conference or to add another party to a conference:1.Press Conf. Your current call is put on hold.2.Dial the party that you want to add to the conference.3.If they answer and want to join the call, press Conf again.4.If they do not want to join or do not answer, press Drop and then press the appearance key of the held call.While in a conference, press the Details key. Scroll through the list of callers in the conference and: ·To drop a caller from the conference, highlight them and press Drop.·To mute a caller, highlight them and press Mute. Repeat this to unmute them.·To return to the call display, press Back.You can transfer calls even if no call appearance buttons are available.1.Press Transfer. The current call is put on hold.2.Dial the number for the transfer. Alternatively, press Dir to select a destination from the directory, or pressRedial if applicable.·To complete a supervised transfer, press Complete after the call has been answered.·To complete an unsupervised transfer, press Complete while the call is still ringing.·If the transfer destination does not answer or does not want to accept the call, press Cancel.You can use the Message key to transfer a call to another user's or group's voicemail mailbox.1.With a call connected, press the Message key. You can continue talking.2.Dial the extension number of the user or group and press Select.When you select 'Do Not Disturb', your calls are redirected to voicemail if available or otherwise hear busy tone. Calls to any group of which you are a member are not presented to you. You can still use the phone to make outgoing calls. When you go off-hook you will hear broken dial tone.1.Press Features. Use the up/down cursor keys to highlight Call Settings. Press Select.2.Select Do Not Disturb.3.Press Change to change the setting.4.Press Save to save the setting.1.Press Features. Use the up/down cursor keys to highlight Forward. Press Select.e the up/down cursor keys to highlight Forward Unconditional. Press Select.·To switch on/off: Highlight Fwd Unconditional. Press On or Off. If no destination is currently set, the display jumps to the destination field.·To select which calls: Highlight Call Type. Press Change and when the required option is displayed press Save. Options are External Only, External and Group, Non Group Calls and All Calls.·To set the destination: Highlight Destination. Press Edit and enter the number required or press To VM to forward to voicemail.You can redirect your calls temporarily to another extension.1.Press Features. Use the up/down cursor keys to highlight Forward. Press Select.e the up/down cursor keys to highlight Follow Me To. Press Select.3.Dial the number of another user or press Dir to select from the directory. Press Save.You can add up to 100 personal directory contacts. This number is limited by the capacity of the telephone system directory. If capacity is met, you will not be able to add new contacts.1.Press the CONTACTS key. Use the left/right cursor keys to select your Personal directory.2.To add a contact, press New. To edit a contact, highlight it and press Edit.·Use the up/down cursor keys to switch between number and name entry.·When the name and number have been entered as required, press Save.You can add a name and number shown in your call history to your personal contacts.1.Press the HISTORY button. Use the left/right cursor keys to select which calls are shown: All, Outgoing,Incoming or Missed.e the up/down cursor keys to scroll through the records.4.Press More and then press +Contact.e the up/down cursor keys to switch between the name and number details for the new contact.6.When the name and number are set as required, press Save.1.Press the MESSAGE button. Enter your voicemail password if requested and press Done.2.The numbers shown next to Listen indicate the number of new, old and saved messages.3.Highlight Listen and press Select.e the up/down cursor keys to highlight which messages (New, Old or Saved) that you want to listen to andpress Select. The details of the first message of that type are displayed.5.You can use the up/down cursor keys to scroll through the messages.e the soft keys to control the playback actions for the current message.By default, messages are automatically deleted a set time after being played. The delay depends on the particular voicemail server (24 hours for embedded voicemail, 30 days for Voicemail Pro).You can control whether voicemail is used for your unanswered calls. This does not switch off your mailbox; you can still play existing messages and use other functions.1.Press the MESSAGE button. Enter your voicemail password if requested and press Done.e the up/down cursor keys to highlight Voicemail.3.Press Change to switch between On or Off.4.Press Save to save the change.。
Avaya IP Office 5601用户指南说明书
![Avaya IP Office 5601用户指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2c7ed637001ca300a6c30c22590102020740f2fd.png)
IP Office (R3.0)5601 User Guide40DHB0002UKFF – Issue 1 (7th February 2005)Page ii - ContentsContentsThe 5601 Telephone (3)Overview of the 5601 (3)Call Appearance Buttons (3)Basic Call Handling Features (4)Answer a Call (4)Make a Call (4)Clearing a Call (4)Hold (4)Redial (5)Message (5)Transfer (5)Conference (5)System Features (6)Introduction (6)Making Calls (6)Answering Calls (6)Call Forwarding (7)Diverting Calls (7)Do Not Disturb (8)Voicemail (8)Default Feature Codes (9)Page ii IP Office (R3.0) 5601 User GuideThe 5601 Telephone Overview of the 5601 - Page 3 The 5601 TelephoneOverview of the 5601This guide covers the use of the Avaya 5601 telephone, running in Key and Lampmode, on Avaya IP Office telephone systems operating with Level 3.0 software. Thediagram below shows the main 5601 telephone features.1. Message lamp: Lit when the user has voicemail messages. Can also be set toflash when the phone is ringing.2. Call Appearance Buttons and LEDs:Two Call Appearance Buttons provide call appearance for both incoming andoutgoing calls.3. Hold: Places a call on hold; retrieves a held call.4.Call Handling Buttons: See Basic Call Handling Features on page 4.• Transfer: Transfer call.• Conference: Conference held calls.• Drop: Drop call.• Redial: Redial last number dialed.5. Dial pad: Standard 12-button pad for dialing telephone numbers.6. Volume Controls:Adjusts the handset or ringer volume, depending on which item is in use.7. Headset Socket: Located on the side of the telephone8. Messages: Access the user's mailbox.Call Appearance ButtonsHaving two call appearance buttons is useful. When holding a call you can answeranother call and then use the call appearance keys to switch between calls.If you are set to receive call waiting indication, the waiting call is shown against thenext call appearance key. Again you can switch between calls using the callappearance keys.IP Office (R3.0) 5601 User Guide The 5601 Telephone - Page 3Page 4 - Answer a Call Basic Call Handling Features Basic Call Handling FeaturesAnswer a CallWhen a call arrives at your 5601 telephone, you hear a ringing tone and the LED nextto the call appearance button flashes.To answer an incoming call:Do one of the following:• If you are not active on another call, answer the call using your handset.• If you are active on a call already, place the active call on hold (see Hold on page4), and then answer the incoming call.Make a CallYou can make calls from the 5601 telephone using one of two methods.To make a call manually:1. Lift the handset and when you hear dial tone, key the required numberor2. Key the required number. Lift the handset to listen to the progress of the call(answered, busy or no answer)Note: If you are calling an external number, be sure to include the required code (forexample, 9) to access an outside line.To make a call automatically:1. Press Redial to have the 5601 telephone dial the last number that youdialed. Lift the handset to listen to the progress of the call (answered, busy or noanswer).Clearing a CallTo clear an established call either:1. Replace the handsetor2. Press Drop.HoldIf, with a call in progress, a second call arrives and is shown against a Call Appearancekey, you can then Hold the first call and answer the second call.To put a call on hold:1. Press Hold and answer the second call by pressing its Call Appearancekey. The LED beside the first call appearance button flashes to show that it is onhold.To return to the held call:1. Clear or put on hold the second call and press the Call Appearance button of theheld call.Notes: 1. If the system feature AutoHold is on (consult your System Administrator)then you can hold an active call by pressing the second call’s CallAppearance button. If AutoHold is off, then pressing the second call’s CallAppearance button will drop the first call.2. To transfer a held call see Transfer on page 5.Page 4 - Basic Call Handling Features IP Office (R3.0) 5601 User GuideRedial Basic Call Handling Features - Page 5 RedialThe Redial (or Last Number Dialed) feature automatically redials the last extension oroutside number (up to 24 digits) you dialed.To redial the last number that you dialed:1. Press Redial.MessageYour Message lamp turns on when a caller has left a message for you.Lift the handset and press the Message button to retrieve your messages, andfollow the prompts.TransferThe Transfer feature allows you to transfer a call from your telephone to anotherextension or outside number.To transfer the current call to another extension1. With a call in progress, press Transfer.2. When you hear dial tone, dial the number to which the call is to be transferred.3. Do one of the following:• To transfer the call without announcing it, press Transfer again andhang up. The transfer is complete.• To announce the call before transferring it, wait for the called party to answer.If the called party is willing to accept the call, hang up to complete the transfer.If the called party does not wish to accept the call, press Transfer againto return to the original caller.• If the line is busy or if there is no answer you can return to the held call bypressing it’s call appearance button.To transfer a new call to a held call using Conference:1. With a call in progress and you wish to make an enquiry call or another call arrives,press Hold. Make or answer the second call. The second call requires to betransferred to the first held call.2. To transfer the new call to the held call, press Conference and thenDrop. The transfer is complete.ConferenceThe Conference feature allows you to conference other parties (including yourself) intoa call. The number of parties allowed in a conference is controlled by your telephonesystem.To add another party to a call:1. Press Conference.2. Dial the number of the person you want to add to the call.3. Wait for an answer.If the called party does not answer or does not want to join the conference, pressDrop. You can return to the held call by pressing its call appearance button.4. To add the person to the call, press again.5. Repeat Steps 1 through 4 for additional conference connections.To add a held call to an active call1. Press Conference.2. All calls that are on Hold are added to the conference.IP Office (R3.0) 5601 User Guide Basic Call Handling Features - Page 5Page 6 - Introduction System Features System FeaturesIntroductionAs well as your phones specific features, you can access a number of system featuresby dialing short codes.These instructions are for the system's default configuration. They assume that you areusing the default feature codes (see Default Feature Codes on page 9). It alsoassumes that you have full access to all features and the public telephone network.Consult your System Administrator for details of short codes that may have beenchanged.Other System Features, that would normally be allocated to soft keys by your SystemAdministrator, are not supported on the 5601.Making CallsInternal Calls: To make a call to another extension, simply dial the number.External calls: To make an external call, either dial the number (prefixed by theaccess code if required) or use a speed dial code (contact your system manager for alist of your speed codes).If you hear busy tone while dialing, then the call may be barred. Your system managercan bar certain calls, such as those to premium rate numbers and international calls Answering CallsRinging at your own extension:Simply pick up the handset. When in headset mode, press the button associated withthe alerting call.The default ringing cadences are:• Internal calls have a single ring cadence• External calls have a double ring cadence.These can be changed by your System Administrator.Ringing at another extension: You can answer from your own phone by using CallPick-Up; lift your handset and dial:- *30 to answer a call ringing anywhere.- *31 to answer a call within your group.- *32*201# to answer the call for a particular extension, in this example 201.Note: If your phone rings for any longer than a specified period (15 seconds indefault), any re-direction feature that you have activated, such as voicemail orcall forwarding, will come into effect.Page 6 - System Features IP Office (R3.0) 5601 User GuideCall Forwarding System Features - Page 7 Call ForwardingYour calls can be forwarded to another extension or an external number either whenyou are away from your desk (on no answer), when your extension is busy, and allcalls (for example when you go on holiday).• To switch forward direct station (i.e. not Hunt Group*) calls on dial *01, to switch it off dial *02.• To switch forward on busy on dial *03, to switch it off dial *04.• To switch forward on no answer on dial *05, to switch it off dial *06.• To set the number to which your calls are forwarded dial *07*201#, forwarding to 201 in this example.* To forward Hunt Group Calls On/Off, use *50 and *51 respectively.Diverting CallsYou can divert your calls to another extension. In the examples below N is theextension to which you want your calls diverted. Note that, if you do not answer calls atthe temporary extension, they are forwarded to your own voicemail or call forwardingnumber.At another extension:• *12*N# from the extension you are temporarily using.• *13*N# to re-direct the calls back to your own extension, before you return to it.At your own extension:• *14*N# from your own extension.• *14*# to cancel either feature from your own extension.IP Office (R3.0) 5601 User Guide System Features - Page 7Page 8 - Do Not Disturb System Features Do Not DisturbYou may choose to receive no calls at all or only those from particular callers on yourexceptions list:• To switch Do Not Disturb on (with or without exceptions) dial *08, to switch it off dial *09.• *10*N# to add a number to the exception list.• *11*N# to delete a number from the exception list.Note: Your callers, other than your exceptions, either hear busy tone or are re-directed to your voicemail.VoicemailWhere your system has voicemail support and has been installed:• To switch voicemail on dial *18, to switch it off dial *19.• To retrieve your voicemail, use the code *17.Your voicemail may be set up to deliver your messages by calling you whenever youhang up: this feature is known as Voicemail Ringback.• To turn Voicemail Ringback on dial *48; to turn it off dial *49.Dialing a number while listening to your messages invokes further facilities:Once messages have been delivered, they are held on the system for 24 hours.You can collect your voicemail from another extension by using the PIN your SystemAdministrator has set up for you. You can collect your messages if you are out of theoffice, by either dialing from a number that has been registered for the purpose or bydialing your extension number and PIN when prompted. If validation is successful, thendial 1 to retrieve your mail.The System Administrator also specifies the reception number, to which the call isdiverted if the caller dials 0, and your email address if your voicemail and email areintegrated.Page 8 - System Features IP Office (R3.0) 5601 User GuideDefault Feature Codes System Features - Page 9 Default Feature CodesThe following are the normal default feature codes available to all users. Your SystemAdministrator may add additional codes for other features and for speed dials.The N where shown, should be replaced by the appropriate number. For example, with*07*N#, replace N with the extension to which you want your calls forwarded when youhave forwarding switched on.*00 Cancel All Forwarding *32*N# Call Pick Up Extension*01 Forward Unconditionally On *33*N# Call Queue*02 Forward Unconditionally Off *34 Hold Music*03 Forward on Busy On *35*N# Extn Login*04 Forward on Busy Off *36*N# Extn Logout*05 Forward on No Answer On *37*N# Park Call*06 Forward on No Answer Off *38*N# Ride Call*07*N# Forward to number *39 Relay On*08 Do Not Disturb On *40 Relay Off*09 Do Not Disturb Off *41 Relay Pulse*10*N# Do Not Disturb Exception Add *42 Relay On*11*N# Do Not Disturb Exception Delete *43 Relay Off*12*N# Follow Me Here *44 Relay Pulse*13*N# Follow Me Here Cancel *45*N# Call Steel*14*N# Follow Me To *46 Call Steel*15 Call Waiting On *47 Conference Add*16 Call Waiting Off *48 Voicemail Ringback On*17 Voicemail Collect *49 Voicemail Ringback Off*18 Voicemail On *50 Forward Hunt Group Calls On*19 Voicemail Off *51 Forward Hunt Group Calls Off*20*N# Set Hunt Group Night Service *52 Clear Call*21*N# Clear Hunt Group Night Service *53*N# Call Pickup Members*29 Toggle Calls *57*N# Forward on busy number*30 Call Pick Up Any *70*N# Dial Physical Extn by Number*31 Call Pick Up Group *71*N# Dial Physical Extn by IDIP Office (R3.0) 5601 User Guide System Features - Page 9Performance figures and data quoted in this document are typical, andmust be specifically confirmed in writing by Avaya before they becomeapplicable to any particular order or contract. The company reserves theright to make alterations or amendments to the detailed specifications atits discretion. The publication of information in this document does notimply freedom from patent or other protective rights of Avaya or others.Intellectual property related to this product (including trademarks) andregistered to Lucent Technologies have been transferred or licensed toAvaya.All trademarks identified by the ® or ™ are registered trademarks or trademarks, respectively, of Avaya Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respectiveowners.This document contains proprietary information of Avaya and is not to be disclosed or used except in accordance with applicable agreements.Any comments or suggestions regarding this document should be sentto"*********************".© 2005 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.AvayaSterling Court15 - 21 MundellsWelwyn Garden CityHertfordshireAL7 1LZEnglandTel: +44 (0) 1707 392200Fax: +44 (0) 1707 376933Email:*****************Web: IP Office (R3.0) 5601 User Guide。
【VIP专享】Avaya IP Office服务器版中文描述
![【VIP专享】Avaya IP Office服务器版中文描述](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1560ec7bee06eff9aef807f7.png)
1。纯 IP 部署的服务器版: •所有 IP 电话与 SIP 中继 •采用 Avaya 的服务器,用于应用,IP 电话和 SIP 中继 2。混合部署的服务器版: •混合了模拟,数字和 IP 电话 •采用了 Avaya 的服务器应用,IP 电话和 SIP 中继 •使用的 IP500v2 连接模拟或数字分机和中继
Linux 服务器和 IP Office500v2 上运行的软件相同,因此交付由两部分组成的功 能是相同的(下面列出的除外),并作为一个单一解决方案的一部分并存。
6.培养学生观察、思考、对比及分析综合的能力。过程与方法1.通过观察蚯蚓教的学实难验点,线培形养动观物察和能环力节和动实物验的能主力要;特2征.通。过教对学观方察法到与的教现学象手分段析观与察讨法论、,实对验线法形、动分物组和讨环论节法动教特学征准的备概多括媒,体继课续件培、养活分蚯析蚓、、归硬纳纸、板综、合平的面思玻维璃能、力镊。子情、感烧态杯度、价水值教观1和.通过学理解的蛔1虫.过观适1、察于程3观阅 六蛔寄.内列察读 、虫生出蚯材 让标容生常3根蚓料 学本教活.见了 据身: 生,师的2的、解 问体巩鸟 总看活形线作 用蛔 题的固类 结雌动态形业 手虫 自形练与 本雄学、三动: 摸对 学状习人 节蛔生结、4物、收 一人 后和同类 课虫活构请一并蚯集 摸体 回颜步关 重的动、学、归蚓鸟 蚯的 答色学系 点形教生生让纳在类 蚓危 问。习从 并状学理列学线平的害 题蚯四线人 归、意特出四生形面生 体以蚓、形类 纳大图点常、五观动玻存 表及的鸟请动文 本小引以见引、察物璃现 ,预身类 3学物明 节有言及的导 、巩蚯的上状 是防体之生和历 课什根蚯环学 怎固蚓主和, 干感是所列环史 学么据蚓节二生 样练引要牛鸟 燥染否以举节揭 到不上适动、回 区习导特皮类 还的分分蚯动晓 的同节于物让答 分。学征纸减 是方节布蚓物起 一,课穴并学课 蚯生。上少 湿法?广的教, 些体所居归在生前 蚓回4运的 润;泛益学鸟色生纳.靠物完问 的答蛔动原 的4,处目类 习和活环.近在成题 前蚯虫的因 ?了以。标就 生体的节身其实并 端蚓寄快及 触解上知同 物表内特动体结验总 和的生利慢我 摸蚯适识人 学有容点物前构并结 后生在用一国 蚯蚓于与类 的什,的端中思线 端活人问样的 蚓飞技有 基么引进主的的考形 ?环体题吗十生行能着 本特出要几变以动境,?大 节活的1密 方征本“特节化下物.并会让为珍 近习形理切 法。课生征有以问的引小学什稀 腹性态解的 。2课物。什游题主.出起结生么鸟 面和结蛔关观题体么戏:要蚯哪利明?类 处适构虫系察:的特的特蚓些用确等 ,于特适。蛔章形殊形征这疾板,资 是穴点于可虫我态结式。种病书生料 光居是寄的们结构,五典?小物, 滑生重生鸟内学构,学、型5结的以 还活要生类部习与.其习巩的如鸟结爱 是的原活生结了功颜消固线何类构鸟 粗形因的存构腔能色化练形预适特护 糙态之结的,肠相是系习动防于点鸟 ?、一构现你动适否统。物蛔飞都为结。和状认物应与的。虫行是主构课生却为和”其结病的与题、本理不蛔扁的他构?特环以生8特乐虫形观部特8三征境小理页点观的动位点、梳相组等这;,哪物教相,引理适为方些2鸟,育同师.导知应单面鸟掌类结了;?生学识的位你握日构解2互.生。办特认线益特了通动观手征识形减点它过,察抄;吗动少是们理生蛔报5?物,与的解.参虫一了它和有寄主蛔与结份解们环些生要虫其构。蚯都节已生特对中。爱蚓会动经活征人培鸟与飞物灭相。类养护人吗的绝适这造兴鸟类?主或应节成趣的为要濒的课情关什特临?就危感系么征灭来害教;?;绝学,育,习使。我比学们它生可们理以更解做高养些等成什的良么两好。类卫动生物习。惯根的据重学要生意回义答;的3.情通况过,了给解出蚯课蚓课与题人。类回的答关:系线,形进动行物生和命环科节学动价环值节观动的物教一育、。根教据学蛔重虫点病1.引蛔出虫蛔适虫于这寄种生典生型活的线结形构动和物生。理二特、点设;置2.问蚯题蚓让的学生生活思习考性预和习适。于穴居生活的形态、结构、生理等方面的特征;3.线形动物和环节动物的主要特征。
AVAYAIPOFFICE中文简单安装开通说明AVAYA IP OFFICE快速安装说明注:1. Avaya IP Office 在本文中简称:IPO;2. 在本文中尤其要注意“注:……”的蓝色字体内容。
用户名:telecomadmin 密码:nE7jA%5m1 IPO的加电v IPO为24VDC供电,电源模块为一个220VAC转24VDC的电源转换器,注意:在IPO上并无任何开关设置,正常的流程是:o 将电源线的24VDC插头插入IPO机箱上;o 将电源线的220VDC插头插入插线板中;o 需要断电重启时,断开电源转换器的线即可,不要直接插把24VDC的电源插头,否则容易产生火花并烧坏机器。
v IPO的扩展模块先加电,然后主机模块在加电,这样IPO才能正常识别扩展模块。
(主机模块与扩展模块同时加电也可,因为扩展模块的启动速度要快于主机模块)v IPO的每个模块的额定功率为24VDC×2A即50W。
2 系统软件介绍v IPO FirmwareIPO 硬件核心软件,即通常所说的IPO的发行版本:IPO 1.4、IPO 2.0等等,该软件为IP4XX.bin文件,一般为IP403.bin,IP406.bin,IP412.bin文件,文件大小一般为2M左右,IP412要大些,4M。
当然通过下面的IPO Manager管理软件的下载。
v IPO ManagerIPO的管理软件,是一个基于Windows界面的应用程序,用于管理配置IPO。
Merlin Integration
PARTNER® Integration
BCM, Norstar Integration Avaya AuraTM Integration
Integral Integration
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一个多世纪的经验与创新历史 IP语音通讯、联络中心、一体化通 讯和服务领域的第一大厂商 Avaya 试验室,通讯软件科学领域 的领袖:超过 3500 项实验室专利或 者专利应用 19,000+ 名员工遍布全球 54个国家 2,500 个业务合作伙伴 4,000多个Developer Connection合 作伙伴 100万客户 – 全球财富500强企业中 90%为Avaya客户
Nimcat Networks Traverse Networks
2007 2008
© 2007 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
Avaya IP Office 价值
简化 客户价值
• Minimize disruption and seamlessly migrate to IP Office • Lower TCO with the simplified manager
• Drive revenue from differentiated, targeted selling
© 2007 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
Avaya IP Office 应用解决方案
E、电话会议............................................................................................................................. 40 a.IP Office 会议解决方案........................................................................................................ 40 b.IP Office 会议容量................................................................................................................ 40 c.控制单元会议功能 ................................................................................................................ 41 d.VoiceMail Pro 要求 (如果需要 PIN 代码或指导): ............................................................ 41 e.IP Office 会议功能................................................................................................................ 41 F、语音信箱 ............................................................................................................................. 42 G、VoiceMail Pro ................................................................................................................... 43 VoiceMail Pro – 自动语音应答系统(IVR) ....................................................................................... 49
Avaya IP Office 500系统用户手册
![Avaya IP Office 500系统用户手册](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/26a6a9196edb6f1aff001f9a.png)
Avaya IP Office 500系统用户手册目录目录联动优势项目培训............................................................................................错误!未定义书签。
一、IP Office管理软件 (3)1、下载管理软件 (3)2、Manager (5)1)连接至IP Office系统 (5)2)Manager管理界面介绍 (6)3)保存配置 (6)4)使用Manager注意事项 (8)3、System Status (8)1)连接至IP Office系统 (8)2)System Status管理界面介绍 (9)4、Monitor (10)1)连接至IP Office系统 (10)2)过滤追踪消息类型 (10)3)将日志自动保存为文件 (11)二、修改系统设置 (12)1、添加SIP话机 (12)2、注册SIP电话 (15)3、修改分机号码 (18)4、修改自动话务员宣告 (21)5、组网设备的IPO侧的设置 (22)总结:IPO设备更改配置的后必须保存配置使其生效才能正常使用。
(27)三、日常维护工作 (28)1、系统开机及关机 (28)2、系统配置文件备份 (28)3、自动话务员宣告备份 (29)4、故障排查 (30)1)所有分机无拨号音 (30)2)个别模拟或数字分机摘机无拨号音 (30)3)个别IP分机摘机无拨号音 (31)4)分机无法拨打外线 (31)5)个别分机拨号音异常 (32)一、IP Office管理软件1、下载管理软件IP Office的管理软件主要包括三个部分:Manager、Call Status、Monitor。
可以到下载到这些软件:➢登陆后,点击左侧Downloads➢在弹出窗口中输入IP Office,并选择菜单中IP Office➢选择相应版本,单击要选择下载的软件➢在弹出页面选择Downloads2、Manager1)连接至IP Office系统将安装管理软件的PC的IP地址与IP Office设置成同一网段,直接将PC连接至IP Office的LAN口或通过局域网管理。
Avaya IP Office 耳机兼容性指南说明书
![Avaya IP Office 耳机兼容性指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ca5eda6ae3bd960590c69ec3d5bbfd0a7956d5ab.png)
Headset Compatibility Guide Wired and Wireless for Avaya IP OfficeJabra PRO™ 9450 Duo • Duo, Wireless • Up to 150 meters/490 feet of range • Connects to your desk or softphone• Up to 10 hours of talk timeAvaya 9608 IP with EHS Avaya J139, J169, J179 - EHS is not yet available with J series. DECT Security Compliant Jabra PRO™ 9450 Mono Flex (9450-65-707-105)Jabra PRO™ 9450 Mono (9450-65-507-105)• Mono, Wireless• Up to 150 meters/490 feet of range• Connects to your desk or softphone• Up to 10 hours of talk time• Noise Blackout™ noise cancelling• Jabra SafeTone™ acousticprotection• Digital Signal Processing andHD Voice• Extendable flex boom arm thatallows for perfect microphoneadjustment• Mono, Wireless• Up to 150 meters/490 feet of range• Connects to your desk or softphone• Up to 10 hours of talk time• Noise Blackout™ noise cancelling• Jabra SafeTone™ acousticprotection• Digital Signal Processing andHD Voice Avaya 9608 IP with EHS Avaya J139, J169, J179 - EHS is not yet available with J series. DECT Security Compliant Avaya 9608 IP with EHS Avaya J139, J169, J179 - EHS is not yet available with J series. DECT Security CompliantDETAILCOMPATIBILITY Wireless Headsets for Avaya IP OfficeJabra PRO™ 9460 Mono (9450-65-707-105)• Mono, Wireless • Up to 150 meters/450 feet of range• Connects to desk or softphone• Choice of earhook or headband• Noise Blackout™ noise cancelling• Jabra SafeTone™ acousticprotection• Digital Signal Processing & HD Voice Avaya 9608 IP with EHS Avaya J139, J169, J179 - EHS is not yet available with J series. DECT Security ComplianceJabra PRO™ 9460 Duo (9460-69-707-105)• Duo, Wireless • Up to 150 meters/450 feet of range• Optimized for contact center staff• Connects to desk or softphone• Choice of earhook or headband• Noise Blackout™ noise cancelling• Jabra SafeTone™ acousticprotection• Digital Signal Processing & HD VoiceAvaya 9608 IP with EHS Avaya J139, J169, J179 - EHS is not yet available with J series. DECT Security Compliant Jabra PRO™ 9470 Mono (9470-66-904-105)• Mono, Wireless• Up to 150 meters/490 feet of range• Connects to mobile phones,deskphones, or softphones• Choice of earhook, neckband orheadband• Noise Blackout™ noise cancelling• Jabra SafeTone™ acousticprotection• Digital Signal Processing andHD Voice Avaya 9608 IP with EHS Avaya J139, J169, J179 - EHS is not yet available with J series. DECT Security CompliantBluetooth® ConnectivityJabra PRO™ 9465 Duo (9465-69-804-105)• Duo, Wireless • Up to 150 meters/490 feet of range • Connects to mobile phones, deskphones, or softphones• Noise Blackout™ noise cancelling• Jabra SafeTone™ acousticprotection• Digital Signal Processing & HD VoiceAvaya 9608 IP with EHS Avaya J139, J169, J179 - EHS is not yet available with J series. DECT Security CompliantBluetooth® ConnectivityJabra PRO™ 925(925-15-508-185)• Mono, Wireless• HD Voice and professional sound• Up to 100 meters/300 feet of range• Optimized for deskphones• Choice of earhook, neckband orheadband• Noise Blackout™ noise cancelling• Up to 12 hours of talk time• Simple, intuitive and high quality,all in one wireless solutionAvaya 9608 IP with EHS Avaya J139, J169, J179 - EHS is not yet available with J series.Bluetooth® Connectivity Jabra PRO 920 Mono (920-65-508-105)• Mono, Wireless• Up to 120 meters/395 feet of range• HD Voice and professional sound• Optimized for deskphones• Choice of earhook, neckband orheadband• Noise Blackout™ noise cancelling• Up to 8 hours talk time• Optimized for contact centerand customer service agentsAvaya 9608 IP with EHS Avaya J139, J169, J179 - EHS is not yet available with J series.DECT Security Compliant Jabra Engage 65Convertible (9555-553-125)Avaya 9608 IP with EHS Avaya J139, J169, J179 - EHS is not yet available with J series.• Mono, Wireless• Up to 100 meters/330 feet of range• Connect up to 2 devices• Choice of earhook, neckband orheadband• Intuitive sound and call controls• Up to 9 hours of talk time• Busylight as a Do Not Disturb sign• Advanced noise cancelling• Unique pairing security thatJabra PRO™ 920 Duo (920-69-508-105)• Duo, Wireless • Up to 120 meters/395 feet of range • Optimized for deskphone systems• Up to 8 hours of talk time• Choice of earhook, neckband orheadband• Noise Blackout™ noise cancelling• Jabra SafeTone™ acousticprotection• Digital Signal Processing & HD VoiceAvaya 9608 IP with EHS Avaya J139, J169, J179 - EHS is not yet available with J series.DECT Security CompliantJabra Engage 65 Stereo & Mono (9559-553-125)(9553-553-125)• Stereo or Mono, Wireless • Up to 150 meters/490 feet of range • Connect up to 2 devices• Intuitive sound and call controls• Up to 13 hours of talk time• Busylight as a Do Not Disturb sign• Advanced noise cancelling• Unique pairing security thatexceeds Military standardsAvaya 9608 IP with EHS Avaya J139, J169, J179 - EHS is not yet available with J series. Avaya 9608 IP with EHS Avaya J139, J169, J179 - EHS is not yet available with J series. Jabra Engage 75 Convertible (9555-583-125)Avaya 9608 IP with EHS Avaya J139, J169, J179 - EHS is not yet available with J series.• Mono, Wireless• Up to 100 meters/330 feet of range• Connect up to 5 devices• Choice of earhook, neckband orheadband• Intuitive sound and call controls• Up to 9 hours of talk time• Busylight as a Do Not Disturb sign• Advanced noise cancelling• Unique pairing security thatexceeds Military standardsJabra Engage 75 Stereo & Mono (9559-583-125)(9556-583-125)• Stereo or Mono, Wireless• Up to 150 meters/490 feet of range• Connect up to 5 devices• Intuitive sound and call controls• Up to 13 hours of talk time• Busylight as a Do Not Disturb sign• Advanced noise cancelling• Unique pairing security thatexceeds Military standardsJabra Evolve 75UC Stereo (7599-838-199)• Duo, Wireless • Up to 30m/100 feet of range• Hi-Fi Audio• Active Noise Cancellation• Connects to PC, smartphone,or tablet• Up to 15 hours of talk time• Integrated Busy Light, VolumeControls & Listen-In Technology Softphone Connection Only Jabra Link 370 USB Adapter USB ConnectivityDual Bluetooth® ConnectivityJabra Evolve 75e UC Stereo (7099-823-409)• Duo, Wireless• Up to 30m/100 feet of range withPC and 10m with smartphones• Three-microphone ambient noisecancelling technology• Active Noise Cancellation• Passive Voice Cancellation• Connects to PC, smartphone,or tablet• Up to 13 hours of talk time• Integrated Busy Light, VolumeControls & Listen-In TechnologySoftphone Connection OnlyJabra Link 370 USB AdapterUSB ConnectivityDual Bluetooth® Connectivity(6593-829-409)Jabra BIZ 2300 QD Mono (2303-820-105)• Mono, Wired • HD Voice and professional sound • Connects to deskphone • 107.5cm of operating range• Noise Blackout™ noise cancelling• Durable Kevlar-reinforced cordand FreeSpin™ unbreakableboom armAvaya 9608 IP (GN1216 cord)Electronic Hook Switch (Remote Call Control) possible.*USB Model Available for Softphone Connection Jabra BIZ 2300 QD Duo (2309-820-105)• Duo, Wired• HD Voice and professional sound• Connects to deskphone• 107.5cm of operating range• Noise Blackout™ noise cancelling• Durable Kevlar-reinforced cordand FreeSpin™ unbreakableboom arm Avaya 9608 IP (GN1216 cord)Electronic Hook Switch (Remote Call Control) possible.*USB Model Available for Softphone ConnectionAvaya 9608 IP (GN1216 cord)Electronic Hook Switch (Remote Call Control) possible.*USB Model Available forSoftphone ConnectionJabra BIZ 1500 Duo QD (1519-0157)• Duo, Wired• Connects to deskphone• 95cm of operating range• Noise Blackout™ noise cancelling DETAIL COMPATIBILITY Wired Headsets for Avaya IP OfficeAvaya 9608 IP (GN1216 cord)Electronic Hook Switch (Remote Call Control) possible. *USB Model Available forSoftphone ConnectionJabra BIZ 1500 Mono QD (1513-0157)• Mono, Wired• Connects to deskphone• 95cm of operating range• Noise Blackout™ noise cancellingAvaya 9608 IPElectronic Hook Switch (Remote Call Control) possible.Avaya 9608 IPElectronic Hook Switch (Remote Call Control) possible.• Noise Blackout™ noise cancelling • Durable Kevlar-reinforced cord and FreeSpin™ unbreakableboom arm Avaya 9608 IP (GN1216 cord) Electronic Hook Switch (Remote Call Control) possible.Jabra BIZ 2400 II QD Mono NC (2403-820-205)• Mono, Wired • HD Voice and professional sound • Connects to deskphone • 40% lighter than competingheadsets• Noise Blackout™ noise cancelling • Durable Kevlar-reinforced cord and FreeSpin™ unbreakable boom armAvaya 9608 IP (GN1216 cord)Electronic Hook Switch (Remote Call Control) possible.*USB Model Available for Softphone Connection Jabra BIZ 2400 II QD Duo NC (2409-820-205)• Duo, Wired• HD Voice and professional sound • Connects to deskphone• Noise Blackout™ noise cancelling • Durable Kevlar-reinforced cord and FreeSpin™ unbreakable boom arm Avaya 9608 IP (GN1216 cord)Electronic Hook Switch (Remote Call Control) possible. *USB Model Available forSoftphone ConnectionJabra Evolve 80 UC Stereo (7899-829-209)• Duo, Wired • Active Noise Cancellation• Passive Voice Cancellation• Integrated Busy Light & Listen-In Technology• Connects to PC, smartphone, tablet, or personal device via3.5mm jackSoftphone Connection Only Jabra Evolve 40 UC Stereo & Mono (6399-829-209)(6393-829-209)• Stereo or Mono, Wired • Passive Noise Cancellation • HD Voice & HiFi Sound• Connects to PC via 3.5mm jack • Integrated Busy LightSoftphone Connection OnlyJabra Evolve 30 UC Stereo & Mono (5399-829-309)(5393-829-309)• Stereo or Mono, Wired • Noise-cancelling microphone • HiFi Sound• Passive Voice Cancellation • Connects to PC, smartphone, tablet, or personal device via3.5mm jack• Easy call management using control unitSoftphone Connection Only Jabra Evolve 20 UC Stereo & Mono (4999-829-209)(4993-829-209)• Stereo or Mono, Wired• Noise-cancelling microphone • HiFi Sound• Passive Voice Cancellation • Connects to PC, smartphone, tablet, or personal device via3.5mm jack• Easy call management using control unitSoftphone Connection Only。
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500 用户
500 用户
减少5倍的安装空间,通过应用共享服务器 降低25%的总体拥有成本,减少能源的消耗* 减少安装过程中的故障,几分钟内完成升级
*Tolly Report
© 2011 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
支持 支持 支持,任意多级菜单。 支持 支持 支持, 首选版软件含4个端口,服务器版软件中含2个端口, 一个系统中的服务器版软件的语音信箱端口可以叠 加。 在首选版中可扩展到40个。在服务器版中采用 DL360G7可以扩展到100个端口,采用DL20G7可以扩 展到40个 UCM统一通信模块中含4个端口,当唯一提供语音信 箱功能时,可扩展到40个。当同时提供语音信箱和 One-X Portal时,可扩展到20个端口 支持 支持 支持 支持 支持 支持 支持 支持
Avaya IP Office 语言信箱
© 2011 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
– 由基本版提供,默认2端口,可扩展到6端口 – 通过系统SD卡,提供存储空间
专业版语音信箱(Voicemail Pro)
– IP500v2由首选版提供,默认4端口,可扩展到40端口 – 服务器版由服务器版软件许可提供
简单的接口,使视频会议易于使用,提高每天的 工作效率 低成本的桌面,移动,或会议室视频解决方案 可选高清多方视频会议
© 2011 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
Avaya IP Office
减少5倍的机架空间 降低25% 的总体拥有成本
© 2011 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
统一通信,呼叫中心和 企业通信都处在领导者 地位 - Gartner 2010
IP Office, 2011年统一通 信年度产品 - Frost & Sullivan
降低25% 的总体拥有成 本相对于Shoretel - Tolly
移动支持 iPhone, Android, 和平板
电话,聊天,和会议就 像您在办公室一样
电话,会议,移动和协 作在一个平台中
方便扩展到1000用户 和32个分支机构
跨多种技术的灵活部署 当您发展时,再利用电
1 张DVD 安装
© 2011 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
Avaya 领导地位
#1 Worldwide
750万 IP Office用户, 分布在全球
265,000+ 套在用系统 #1 全球中小企业市场销
售额- Dell Oro 2011
© 2011 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
办公室员工: Outlook插件
关联状态与MS Exchange, MS OCS, 和GoogleTalk 联系
© 2011 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
呼叫记录, 拨号 和会议电话控
– 每个服务器版软件许可支持2端口 – 在一个系统中所有服务器版许可中的语音信箱端口可累加使用 – 采用DL360G7,最大支持100个端口 – 采用DL120G7,最大支持40个端口
© 2011 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
集成和再利用现有的Avaya/Nortel电话机 部署技术的选择将减少或避免布线的成本 投资保护为您和Avaya提供一个创新的未来
© 2011 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
Avaya IP Office 应用介绍
© 2011 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
© 2011 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
接入到公司地址簿和消息,看到员工的状态,预订和管理会议电话,即时聊天,拨打或接 听电话
© 2011 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
© 2011 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
IP Office Voicemail redirected message
统一消息: VM Pro IMAP server
可使用任何支持IMAP的客户端收语音邮件 通过媒体播放插件回放语音留言 需要UMS许可(包含于远程员工和高级员工许可中)
可视语音信箱 日程关联
主要联系人,总是 显示,无需搜索
办公室员工: 插件
监控转接和盲转 来电时屏幕弹出
© 2011 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
– 页面插件Simple plug-in appears in side bar of every SFDC page – 定制化服务Enable your customers to personalize their service – 便捷地查看客户信息Instant access to customer information
© 2011 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
Avaya IP Office - Integrated Messaging Lite
Integrated Messaging Lite: – 将语音留言转发到电子邮箱中 – 通知, 复制或转发 – 免费
话和布线系统 未来的创新将基于你的
© 2011 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
基于浏览器的接入,与MS Outlook™ 和实现桌面集成 无缝的远端网络应用,通过任何电话,在任何办公节点 无缝转接电话,在各种设备之间
基于浏览器的通信 用户解决方那 软备份 第三方SIP话机支持
Feb 2010
Mar 2011
北电集成 简化管理 会议电话
UC移动应用在安卓和 IOS客户端
小型企业无服务器的统一 通信解决方案
内置支持 Outlook 和
Dec 2011
非常适合中小型企业建立业务 与寻求成本效益最大化的资产
Avaya Aura®
Avaya Aura® Solution for Midsize Enterprises
Avaya Aura®
© 2011 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
© 2011 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
Avaya IP Office One-X Portal
© 2011 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
IP Office版One-X Portal
瘦客户端, 例如, 火狐, Safari , IE 提供呼叫控制,状态,即时消息 第三方应用之间的状态显示,MS Exchange, OCS, Google Talk Gadgets: 呼叫控制,地址簿,语音信箱,呼叫记录,座席,世
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
© 2011 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
适用系统 IP 500 IP 500 V2
首选版 高级版
内置语音信箱 支持 支持 支持 不提供 不提供 不提供 支持 支持,40个选项 支持 支持
# 用户数
Communications for Your Growing Business.
灵活的工作方式. 通过 可扩展的解决方案. 适应现在和 面向未来.
© 2011 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
IP Office一体化中小企业UC解决方案
IP Office 解决方案概述 IP Office 应用介绍 IP Office 系统版本 IP Office 硬件架构
© 2011 Avaya Inc. All rights reserved.
Avaya IP Office 解决方案概述
3个语音信箱转接目的地 (个 人话务员)
2端口,15小时存储。能扩 展到4端口20小时或6端口25 小时