廉洁协议书甲方(公司/组织名称):_______________________地址:_______________________法定代表人/负责人:__________________________联系电话:__________________________乙方(公司/组织名称或个人姓名):_______________________地址:_______________________法定代表人/负责人/身份证号:__________________________联系电话:__________________________鉴于甲乙双方在业务往来中可能存在的利益冲突和腐败风险,为维护双方的合法权益和社会公共利益,经友好协商,达成如下廉洁协议:一、廉洁承诺1.1 甲乙双方承诺在合作过程中遵守国家法律法规和行业规范,坚持公平、公正、公开的原则。
1.2 甲乙双方承诺不参与任何形式的贿赂、贪污、挪用公款等违法行为。
1.3 甲乙双方承诺不利用职务之便为自己或他人谋取不正当利益。
二、反腐败措施2.1 甲乙双方应建立健全内部监督机制,加强对员工的廉洁教育和培训。
2.2 甲乙双方应定期对合作项目进行审计和检查,确保项目的透明度和合规性。
2.3 甲乙双方应设立举报渠道,鼓励员工和合作伙伴举报违规行为。
三、违约责任3.1 如一方违反本协议约定,另一方有权要求违约方承担相应的法律责任和经济赔偿。
3.2 如因一方的违约行为导致另一方遭受损失,违约方应负责全额赔偿。
四、争议解决4.1 本协议在履行过程中发生的任何争议,双方应首先通过协商解决;协商不成时,任何一方可向合同签订地的人民法院提起诉讼。
五、其他5.1 本协议自双方授权代表签字盖章之日起生效。
5.2 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。
5.3 本协议未尽事宜,由双方协商解决。
甲方签字:________________ 乙方签字:________________签订日期:______年___月___日签订日期:______年___月___日。
stcw公约英文版The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW Convention) is the most important international treaty governing the training, certification and watchkeeping standards for seafarers. The latest version of the convention is the STCW 2010 amendments.Here is an English translation of the STCW Convention:-------THE INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON STANDARDS OF TRAINING, CERTIFICATION AND WATCHKEEPING FOR SEAFARERS, 1978Article IGeneral Obligations1.1The Parties to the Convention undertake to give full and complete effect to its provisions.1.2The Parties to the Convention undertake to apply the provisions of the Convention to ships entitled to fly their flags without distinction as to nationality.Article IIDefinitionsFor the purposes of the Convention, unless expressly providedotherwise:1. "Administration" means the Government of the state whose flag the ship is entitled to fly.2. "Safety Convention" means the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974.3. "Cargo ship" means any ship which is not a passenger ship.4. "Near-coastal voyage" means a voyage, whether on a single or multi-leg voyage, in the course of which a ship is at all times within:(a) 200 miles of the coast, or(b) 50 miles of a port or safe place of refuge, to which the ship is committed, or(c) 50 miles of a port or safe place of refuge, to which it is proceeding or stopping for the purpose of taking on or discharging passengers or cargo or engaging in fishing operations.5. "Gross tonnage" means the gross tonnage calculated in accordance with the tonnage measurement regulations contained in Annex I to the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969, or in accordance with any other regulations which may be substituted for them.Article IIITraining and Certification3.1Each Party to the Convention undertakes to ensure that training and certification of seafarers are conducted in accordance with the provisions of the annex to this Convention.3.2Each Party to the Convention shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the training and assessment of seafarers, as provided in the annex to this Convention, are conducted under the immediate supervision of persons and institutions authorized by the Administration.--------Please note that this is only a sample section of the STCW Convention in English. The full text of the convention and its subsequent amendments can be found on the official website of the International Maritime Organization (IMO).。
廉洁协议英文版Integrity AgreementThis Integrity Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement") is entered into by and between the following parties:Party A:Name: _____________________________Address: ___________________________Tel: _______________________________Party B:Name: _____________________________Address: ___________________________Tel: _______________________________IntroductionParty A and Party B hereby agree to enter into this Agreement to ensure the integrity of their activities and to comply with relevant laws and regulations.Article 1. Identity of the PartiesParty A is a law firm registered and established in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of China.Party B is an individual/entity who needs legal services.Article 2. Rights and Obligations of the PartiesA. Party A shall provide legal services and advice to Party B in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of China in a timely and professional manner.B. Party B shall provide accurate and complete materials and information to Party A to ensure the quality and efficiency of legal services.C. Party A shall keep confidential all information related to Party B's legal matters.D. Party B shall pay Party A for the legal services as agreed upon in the service agreement.Article 3. Performance Method, Term, and Liability for Breach of ContractA. The performance method of this Agreement shall be in accordance with the service agreement signed by Party A and PartyB.B. The term of this Agreement shall be the same as the term stipulated in the service agreement signed by Party A and Party B.C. In case of breach of contract, the breaching party shall compensate the other party for the losses suffered by the other party.Article 4. Compliance with Relevant Laws and RegulationsParty A and Party B shall comply with relevant laws and regulations of China in their activities and shall not engage in any illegal activities.Article 5. Power and ObligationsA. Party A has the right to provide legal services to Party B in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations.B. Party B has the obligation to cooperate with Party A in providing accurate and complete materials and information related to the legal matter.Article 6. Legal Effectiveness and ExecutabilityThis Agreement is legally effective and executable in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of China.Article 7. Other ProvisionsMatters not covered in this Agreement shall be handled in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of China.Article 8. Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising from the performance of this Agreement shall be resolved through friendly negotiation. In case of failure toreach a consensus, the dispute shall be submitted to the People's Court of the place where Party A is located for settlement.This Agreement is signed on __________________ (date).Party A: ___________________________Party B: ___________________________。
供应商廉洁诚信协议Supplier Honesty and Integrity Agreement乙方:Party B:在甲乙双方业务往来过程中坚持守法、公平和诚信原则,防止各种违法违纪行为的发生,维护双方的合法权益,根据国家、地方相关法律法规和廉洁诚信建设方面的规章制度,经双方协商一致,达成如下廉洁诚信协议以资信守。
In consideration of persisting in the principle of law abiding, fairness and integrity during Party A and Party B business activities, preventing the occurrence of all kinds of illegal and undisciplined acts or behaviors, maintaining the lawful rights and interests of both parties and in accordance with the law of PRC, local relevant laws and regulations and related rules and regulations of the Honesty and Integrity Cultivation, the two parties through consultation hereby agree upon, and shall be bound by the following agreement.一、定义Definition本协议中的相关词句应作如下定义:Definition of related terms in the agreement:1、“不正当利益”包括但不限于利用职务上的便利收受他人钱财、物品、购物卡/券、有价证券等财物,或接受他人的旅游、桑拿、浴足、按摩、KTV等安排或各种娱乐场所的VIP卡、金卡、银卡等,或收受各种名义的提成、回扣归个人所有,或以明显不合理低价的形式购买他人的商品,或借用他人的物品(含车辆),或要求、接受接送服务及报销差旅费,或以任何形式侵占甲方财产,或以任何形式参股乙方(含乙方参股的组织),或索取或变相索取其他财物、好处。
一带一路廉洁建设高级别原则英文版IntroductionThe Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a global development strategy proposed by the Chinese government with the goal of promoting economic cooperation and infrastructure development across Asia, Africa, and Europe. As the BRI seeks to connect countries and regions through a network of infrastructure projects, it is crucial to ensure that these projects are implemented with integrity and transparency. To achieve this, the principles of clean construction for the BRI have been developed to guide the planning, implementation, and monitoring of infrastructure projects.The principles of clean construction for the BRI are based on the fundamental values of integrity, transparency, accountability, and sustainability. These principles aim to promote responsible and ethical practices in the construction and operation of infrastructure projects, and to prevent corruption and unethical behavior. By adhering to these principles, countries and institutions involved in the BRI can ensure that infrastructure development contributes to the economic, social, and environmental well-being of the communities it serves.The following are the high-level principles of clean construction for the BRI:1. Integrity and EthicsIntegrity and ethics are the foundation of clean construction for the BRI. All parties involved in infrastructure projects must adhere to high ethical standards and conduct their activities with honesty, fairness, and transparency. This includes avoiding conflicts of interest, respecting the rule of law, and upholding the rights and dignity of all individuals affected by the projects.2. Compliance with Laws and RegulationsAll infrastructure projects under the BRI must comply with the laws, regulations, and standards of the countries in which they are implemented. This includes environmental regulations, labor laws, and other relevant legal requirements. Compliance with local laws and regulations is essential for the responsible and sustainable development of infrastructure projects.3. Risk Management and Due DiligenceEffective risk management and due diligence are essential for the successful implementation of infrastructure projects. This includes conducting thorough assessments of potential risks and impacts, and developing strategies to mitigate and manage these risks. Due diligence also involves conducting comprehensive background checks on potential partners and suppliers to ensure their integrity and reliability.4. Transparency and AccountabilityTransparency and accountability are critical for the effective oversight and monitoring of infrastructure projects. All parties involved in the BRI must disclose relevant information about the projects to stakeholders, including project costs, timelines, and potential impacts. Additionally, mechanisms for accountability and redress should be established to address any grievances or misconduct related to infrastructure projects.5. Anti-Corruption MeasuresCorruption is a significant threat to the integrity and sustainability of infrastructure projects. All parties involved in the BRI must implement robust anti-corruption measures to prevent and address corrupt practices. This includes establishing clear procedures for reporting and investigating allegations of corruption, as well as providing training and support for personnel to resist and report corrupt behavior.6. Social and Environmental ResponsibilityInfrastructure projects under the BRI must prioritize the well-being of local communities and the environment. This includes conducting thorough social and environmental impact assessments, and developing strategies to minimize negative impacts and enhance positive outcomes. Additionally, the rights and interests of affected communities must be respected and protected throughout the project lifecycle.7. Capacity Building and Knowledge SharingEffective clean construction for the BRI requires the development of human and institutional capacity. This includes providing training and support for project personnel to enhance their understanding of clean construction principles, as well as fostering exchange and collaboration between countries and institutions to share best practices and lessons learned.8. Stakeholder Engagement and ParticipationEffective stakeholder engagement is essential for the successful implementation of infrastructure projects. All parties involved in the BRI must actively engage with relevant stakeholders, including local communities, civil society organizations, and other affected parties, to ensure their concerns and perspectives are incorporated into project planning and decision-making.9. Continuous Improvement and LearningThe principles of clean construction for the BRI are not static, and should be continuously reviewed and improved to reflect changing circumstances and lessons learned. This requires a commitment to ongoing learning and improvement, as well as the establishment of mechanisms for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of clean construction principles in infrastructure projects.ConclusionThe principles of clean construction for the BRI provide a framework for promoting responsible, ethical, and sustainable infrastructure development. By adhering to these principles, countries and institutions involved in the BRI can contribute to the economic, social, and environmental well-being of the communities they serve, while also fostering trust, collaboration, and mutual benefit among all parties involved in the initiative. As the BRI continues to grow and evolve, the principles of clean construction should be upheld as essential guidelines for the planning, implementation, and monitoring of infrastructure projects. Only by embracing these principles can the BRI achieve its goals of enhancing connectivity, promoting economic development, and building a more prosperous and sustainable future for all.。
海外工程项目英文合同合同标题:h1International Engineering roject Contract/h1合同An international engineering roject contract is a legal agreement etween two or more arties, tyically involving the construction, design, or maintenance of infrastructure in a foreign country. The contract should e comrehensive and cover all asects of the roject to mitigate risks and ensure clarity in resonsiilities and exectations.The first section of the contract should detail the identification of the arties involved, including their full names, addresses, and any relevant legal entities. It is essential to estalish clear roles and resonsiilities for each arty to avoid misunderstandings and disutes.Next, the scoe of work should e outlined in detail, secifying the nature of the roject, its location, timelines, and any secific requirements or standards that must e met. This section should also include details aout the deliverales, milestones, and any erformance criteria that will e used to evaluate the roject's success.The financial terms are another crucial asect of the contract. This section should clearly state the ayment schedule, including the amount, currency, and method of ayment. It should also address any otential enalties for late ayments or reaches of contract.A well-crafted contract should also include rovisions for managing changes to the roject scoe, known as change orders. These rovisions should outline the rocess for requesting changes, evaluating their imact, and aroving or denying them.Risk management is a significant comonent of any international roject. The contract should identify otential risks and include clauses that allocate these risks etween the arties. This may include force majeure clauses that exemt arties from liaility in the event of natural disasters or other unforeseeale circumstances.In addition to risk management, the contract should also contain clauses regarding disute resolution. These should outline the referred methods for resolving disutes, such as mediation or aritration, and secify the jurisdiction in which any legal roceedings will take lace.Finally, the contract should include rovisions for termination, outlining the conditions under which either arty may terminate the contract and the oligations of each arty uon termination.In conclusion, an international engineering roject contract is a comlex document that requires careful attention to detail. y including sections that address the identification of arties, scoe of work, financial terms, change orders, risk management, disute resolution, andtermination rovisions, the contract can serve as a solid foundation for a successful overseas roject. It is advisale for organizations to consult with legal rofessionals when drafting or reviewing such contracts to ensure comliance with international laws and regulations.。
海外工程合同范本英文版rTitle:Overseas Engineering Contract TemlateThis contract is made and entered into y and etween [Comany A], a comany incororated and existing under the laws of [Country A], with its registered office at [Address A] (hereinafter referred to as "arty A"), and [Comany ], a comany incororated and existing under the laws of [Country ], with its registered office at [Address ] (hereinafter referred to as "arty ").WHEREAS, arty A has een awarded the contract for the construction of [roject Name] in [Country C];AND WHEREAS, arty has agreed to rovide certain services and materials for the comletion of said roject;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual romises, covenants, and agreements contained herein, the arties agree as follows:1. Scoe of Workarty shall rovide the following services and materials for the comletion of [roject Name]: [List of services and materials].2. Time of erformanceThe work shall commence on [Start Date] and shall e comleted within [Numer ofDays/Months] from the commencement date.3. ayment Termsayment shall e made in accordance with the attached schedule of ayments, which forms an integral art of this contract.4. Reresentations and WarrantiesEach arty reresents and warrants that it has full authority to enter into this contract and that it will erform its oligations under this contract in comliance with all alicale laws and regulations.5. Force MajeureNeither arty shall e liale for any delay or failure to erform its oligations under this contract if such delay or failure is caused y force majeure.6. Governing Law and Disute ResolutionThis contract shall e governed y and construed in accordance with the laws of [Country D]. Any disute arising out of or in connection with this contract shall e sumitted to aritration in accordance with the rules of [Aritration Organization].7. TerminationEither arty may terminate this contract uon written notice to the other arty if the other arty fails to erform its oligations under this contract.8. Entire AgreementThis contract constitutes the entire agreement etween the arties and suersedes all rior negotiations, understandings, and agreements etween the arties.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the arties have executed this contract as of the date first aove written.[Signature lock][Comany A]y: ___________________________Name: ___________________________Title: ___________________________Date: ___________________________[Comany ]y: ___________________________Name: ___________________________Title: ___________________________Date: ___________________________Attachments: [List of attachments]。
分包合同协议SUBCONTRACT AGREEMENT该合同签订于2014 年__月 __ 日,签订地址: ____________THIS AGREEMENT is made the ______ day of _______2014,at_______________合同双方BETWEEN甲方:是在 ___ 法律下单独构成、成立的一个公司,其公司总部在: ________________在(国家)注册的办公室在:地址(以下称为“承包商”)M/s Xinjiang Beixin Road & Bridge Group Co., Ltd a company duly organized and existing underthe laws of the _______________________________having its Head Office at_______________________________________and registered Office in(Country)at(address) (hereinafter referred to as " Contractor ") of the one part;及乙方: __________ 其办公室位于 ________________________(以下称为“分包商”)AND________________________________Whose office is situated at_________________________________________________(hereinafter referred to as the " Subcontractor ") of the other part.鉴于1. 承包商已经与 ____ 业主 (以下称为“业主”)签订了一个合同(以下称为“主合同”)关于执行___( 项目名称 )_______( 以下称为“项目”)的施工合同。
廉洁协议的英文翻译Integrity PactThis Integrity Pact (the "Agreement") is entered into as of the date set forth below, between the undersigned parties (the "Parties").I. Basic InformationParty A:[Name and address of Party A, including legal representative or authorized representative]Party B:[Name and address of Party B, including legal representative or authorized representative]II. Identity, Rights and Obligations of the PartiesParty A represents and warrants that it is a law firm duly organized and existing under the laws of the People's Republic of China, with the necessary legal capacity and authority to perform legal services for its clients. Party A shall have the right to provide legal services in accordance with its applicable licenses and permits.Party B represents and warrants that it is a client seeking legal services from Party A, and has the necessary legal capacity and authority to engage Party A to provide such services. Party B shall have the right to receive legal services in accordance withthe scope of services specified in the engagement letter or other agreement entered into between Party A and Party B.Party A and Party B shall mutually agree to the scope of legal services to be provided, which shall be set forth in writing and agreed u pon in advance. The Parties’ obligations and responsibilities shall be expressly stated in the engagement letter.III. Performance and TermThe Parties shall perform their respective obligations in good faith and with due diligence. Party A shall provide legal services to Party B in accordance with its professional standards and the engagement letter. Party A shall exercise reasonable care and skill in performing its services, and shall promptly notify Party B of any matter, conflict, or circumstance that may adversely affect the legal services.The term of this Agreement shall be set forth in the engagement letter or other agreement entered into between Party A and Party B.IV. Breach and LiabilityIn the event that Party A or Party B breaches any provision of this Agreement, the breaching party shall be liable for any damages incurred by the non-breaching party. The parties shall resolve any disputes arising out of this Agreement in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China.V. ComplianceThe Parties shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and legal ethics rules in the performance of this Agreement.VI. MiscellaneousThis Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the Parties, and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous agreements, negotiations, and understandings, whether oral or written.This Agreement shall be binding and enforceable against the Parties, their successors and assigns.If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above.[Signature block for Party A][Signature block for Party B]。
Code of Conduct for Clean and Ethical Cooperation We, the undersigned, commit to uphold the principles of clean and ethical cooperation in all our business dealings. As responsible members of the global community, we recognize the importance of adhering to high standards of business conduct and ensuring transparency in our relationships with all stakeholders.Commitments1.Integrity: We pledge to act with integrity in all our business dealingsand maintain the highest ethical standards in our conduct. We will not engage in bribery or corruption in any form and will uphold the laws of the countries in which we operate.2.Fairness: We will treat all our stakeholders fairly and with respect,including employees, customers, suppliers, and partners. We will notdiscriminate on the basis of race, gender, religion, or any other characteristic.3.Transparency: We will be transparent in our business operationsand provide accurate and timely information to our stakeholders. We will take responsibility for our actions and be accountable for the outcomes.pliance: We will comply with all applicable laws, regulations, andindustry standards. We will ensure that our business activities do not harm the environment, violate human rights, or contribute to social injustices.5.Continuous Improvement: We will continuously improve ourbusiness processes and practices to meet the changing needs of ourstakeholders. We will promote innovation and adopt new technologies thatcontribute to sustainability and social responsibility.ImplementationWe will implement this Code of Conduct in our daily operations and encourage our employees, customers, suppliers, and partners to uphold these principles. We will establish internal mechanisms for monitoring and reporting on our compliance with this Code of Conduct, and will take corrective action when necessary.ConclusionWe believe that clean and ethical cooperation is essential for building trust and fostering sustainable economic growth. By signing this Code of Conduct, we reaffirm our commitment to responsible business practices and the well-being of all our stakeholders.。
20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX英文版海外项目分包合同书2024年规范版本合同目录一览1. 定义与解释1.1 合同当事人1.2 合同项目1.3 合同金额1.4 交付日期1.5 质量标准1.6 技术规范1.7 违约金1.8 争议解决2. 分包商的义务2.1 完成工作2.2 质量保证2.3 保密义务2.4 保险责任2.5 遵守法律法规3. 发包人的义务3.1 支付合同价款3.2 协助分包商3.3 工期延长3.4 不可抗力3.5 验收与支付4. 合同价款与支付4.1 合同总价4.2 进度付款4.3 变更价款4.4 支付方式4.5 税收问题5. 工期与进度5.1 施工计划5.2 工期延误5.3 提前完成6. 质量与检验6.1 质量控制6.2 检验程序6.3 整改与重做7. 保密与知识产权7.1 保密信息7.2 知识产权保护8. 违约责任8.1 分包商违约8.2 发包人违约8.3 违约金计算9. 争议解决9.1 协商解决9.2 调解程序9.3 仲裁条款9.4 法律适用10. 合同的生效、变更与解除10.1 合同生效条件10.2 合同变更10.3 合同解除11. 一般条款11.1 合同的完整性11.2 通知与送达11.3 法律和解释12. 合同附件12.1 技术文件12.2 施工图纸12.3 验收标准13. 合同签署日期14. 合同正本份数第一部分:合同如下:第一条定义与解释1.1 合同当事人本合同当事人包括发包人和分包商。
1.2 合同项目本合同项目是指合同中指明的工程分包项目,包括但不限于工程的设计、施工、设备供应、材料供应、安装、调试、培训、验收等。
1.3 合同金额本合同金额是指分包商为完成合同项目应得的价款,具体金额在合同附件中予以明确。
1.4 交付日期本合同项目的交付日期是指分包商按照合同约定完成工程分包项目的日期,具体日期在合同附件中予以明确。
AGREEMENTFORXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX BETWEENANDTHIS AGREEMENT is made onXX/XX/2011,by and between. (hereinafter called“The employer”)and _________ Company Ltd。
(hereinafter called “The contractor”).WHEREAS:1。
The employer is desirous of carrying out the (hereinafter referred to as“The Works”)2。
The contractor has agreed to execute the said work in strict compliance with the terms of this Agreement。
NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS:1. Commencement: This Agreement shall commence on the date first above written.2。
Location of work:The employer's worksite in .3。
Scope of work:The contractor shall undertake the。
4. Period of completion:The work shall be completed within a period of days from the date first above written as commencement date in this agreement。
Contract sum:The total value of the contract shall be the sum N _________Naira only。
GREEMENT OF SUB-CONSTRUCTING工程施工分包合同This agreement is made on the day of ______本协议签订于:Party A: (As the party of General Contractor of the Work, hereinafter referred to as party A)甲方: (工程总承包方,下称:甲方,作为合同一方)Party B: : (As the party of Sub-Contractor, hereinafter referred to as party B)乙方:(工程分包商,下称:乙方)WHEREAS PART A is constructing and desirous to sub-contract out some of his works, PART B has agreed to carry out the said works of sub-contractor with terms and conditions set out hereunder.甲方愿将工程项目的施工对外分包一部分,乙方同意按照以下的条款来承担这部分分包工程的施工。
NOW THEREFORE THIS AGREEMENT WITHNESSETH AS FOLLOWS:双方约定条款如下:1. PART B agrees to provide all necessary labors and management therewith for completing the said works.乙方同意为完成工作提供所有必要的人力及管理。
2. PART B has to finish the works in quality, quantity and time required by PART A.乙方将按照甲方规定的时间、数量、质量来完成工作。
廉洁从业协议书英文Integrity in the Workplace: An Ethical PledgeAs a committed professional, I recognize the importance of upholding the highest standards of integrity in my work. I hereby pledge to adhere to the following principles and practices in order to maintain the trust and respect of my colleagues, clients, and the broader community.Honesty and TransparencyI will always strive to be truthful and forthcoming in my dealings with others. I will not engage in any form of deception or misrepresentation, whether through my words, actions, or the omission of relevant information. I will be transparent about my decision-making process and the rationale behind my actions, fostering an environment of openness and accountability.Conflict of InterestI will carefully identify and manage any potential conflicts of interest that may arise in the course of my work. I will disclose any personal, financial, or professional relationships that could influence my objectivity or decision-making. I will prioritize the interests of myorganization and its stakeholders over my own, and I will recuse myself from any situations where my impartiality may be compromised.Confidentiality and Data ProtectionI will respect the privacy and confidentiality of sensitive information entrusted to me, whether it belongs to my organization, its clients, or its employees. I will take appropriate measures to safeguard this information and prevent its unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. I will comply with all relevant data protection laws and regulations, and I will handle confidential information with the utmost care and discretion.Fair and Ethical PracticesI will treat all individuals with whom I interact, including colleagues, clients, and partners, with fairness, respect, and dignity. I will not engage in any form of discrimination, harassment, or exploitation, and I will actively promote an inclusive and equitable work environment. I will make decisions and take actions based on merit, qualifications, and the best interests of my organization and its stakeholders.Compliance with Laws and RegulationsI will familiarize myself with and comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards relevant to my work. I will notknowingly engage in any unlawful or unethical practices, and I will report any suspected violations to the appropriate authorities.Professional Development and Continuous ImprovementI will continuously strive to enhance my knowledge, skills, and expertise, in order to provide the highest level of service and value to my organization and its stakeholders. I will actively seek out opportunities for professional development and training, and I will share my knowledge and expertise with others in a spirit of collaboration and mutual growth.Commitment to Sustainability and Social ResponsibilityI will consider the long-term impact of my actions and decisions on the environment, the community, and society as a whole. I will strive to minimize any negative environmental or social consequences of my work, and I will actively seek out opportunities to contribute to the greater good through sustainable and socially responsible practices.By signing this pledge, I commit myself to upholding these principles and practices to the best of my ability. I understand that failure to do so may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or professional affiliation. I am dedicated to fostering a culture of integrity, transparency, and ethical conduct within my organization and the broader professional community.。
廉洁承诺书Letter of Commitment to Integrity我将严格遵守法律法规和公司反贿赂管理体系的各项要求,树立正确的人生观、价值观,以廉洁为荣,以腐败为耻。
I will strictly abide by the laws and regulations and the requirements of the Company's Anti-bribery Management System, establish a correct outlook on life and values, take pride in incorruptness and be ashamed of corruption. I will win the trust of the Company and colleagues with diligence and integrity, and create a "fair, just, simple and transparent" working environment.在此,我郑重承诺:I hereby make the following commitments solemnly:一、反对商业贿赂,不以任何形式收、送礼金、礼品;1. I will oppose commercial bribery and will not accept or give gift of moneyand gifts in any form;二、做到公私分明,不与商业伙伴发生任何形式的私人利益关系;2. I will distinguish between public and private, and will not have any form ofprivate interest relationship with business partners;三、不在任何时间、任何地点与商业伙伴发生私下接触行为;3. I will not have any private contact with business partners at any time andany place;四、不与公司及相关方产生任何利益冲突;4. I will not have any conflict of interest with the Company and its relatedparties;五、不假公济私,不以任何形式侵占或挪用公司财产;5. I will not practice jobbery, and will not occupy or misappropriate theCompany's property in any form;六、不徇私舞弊,不利用各种手段为自己或他人牟取私利;6. I will not engage in malpractices for personal gain, and will not seek personalgain for myself or others by any means;七、践行透明管理,主动声明个人以往声誉,敏感事项主动备案;7. I will practice transparent management, take the initiative to declare my pastreputation, and take the initiative to report sensitive matters for filing;八、树立保密意识,不窃取、泄露、倒卖或私自销毁公司保密信息;8. I will establish a sense of confidentiality and will not steal, leak, resellor arbitrarily destroy the Company's confidential information;九、保持简单透明的职场环境,不拉帮结派、不搞小团体;9. I will maintain a simple and transparent workplace environment, and will notengage in cliques;十、维护自身及公司良好形象,生活检点,不参加黄、赌、毒等违法活动;10. I will maintain a good image of myself and the Company, live a decent life,and will not take part in illegal activities such as pornography, gambling and drugs;十一、抵制失职渎职、推诿扯皮,弄虚作假,溜须拍马等各类软腐败行为;11. I will resist all kinds of soft corruption such as dereliction of duty,prevarication, fraud and flattery;十二、严格执行反贿赂管理体系制度各项要求,自觉接受监督检查,积极举报腐败行为。
美国反海外腐败法 合同 约定 范本
![美国反海外腐败法 合同 约定 范本](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/58ae314f0622192e453610661ed9ad51f11d5470.png)
美国反海外腐败法合同约定范本甲方:_______________________地址:_______________________联系人:_______________________联系电话:_______________________乙方:_______________________地址:_______________________联系人:_______________________联系电话:_______________________签订日期:_______________________签订地址:_______________________第一条合同背景与目的a. 甲方与乙方基于相互信任和合作意愿,就甲方在海外进行的业务活动达成合作协议。
b. 本合同旨在明确双方在甲方海外业务中的权利、义务和责任,确保双方合作顺利进行。
c. 本合同适用于甲方在海外进行的所有业务活动,包括但不限于合同签订、履行、变更和终止。
第二条甲方义务a. 甲方应遵守美国反海外腐败法(FCPA)的相关规定,确保其海外业务活动合法合规。
b. 甲方应向乙方提供其海外业务活动的详细信息,包括但不限于业务范围、合作伙伴、交易对手等。
c. 甲方应确保乙方在履行本合同过程中,不违反FCPA的相关规定。
d. 甲方应承担因违反FCPA而产生的所有法律责任和费用。
第三条乙方义务a. 乙方应协助甲方遵守FCPA的相关规定,提供必要的法律咨询和合规建议。
b. 乙方应协助甲方进行内部调查,以应对可能出现的FCPA违规行为。
c. 乙方应确保其提供的服务不违反FCPA的相关规定。
d. 乙方应承担因违反FCPA而产生的所有法律责任和费用。
第四条合同期限与终止a. 本合同自双方签字之日起生效,有效期为____年。
b. 双方可提前____个月书面通知对方终止本合同。
c. 在合同期限内,如任何一方违反本合同约定,另一方有权立即终止本合同。
第五条保密条款a. 双方对本合同内容以及双方在履行本合同过程中知悉的任何商业秘密负有保密义务。
IntegrityAgreement(廉政协议英文)Integrity AgreementParty A:Party B:In order to ensure the party A and party B in business activities adhere to the law, fairness and good faith principle, prevent the occurrence of all kinds of violations, maintain the lawful rights and interests, According to the contract law of the P eople’s Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations and the provisions of the cultivation of clean government in the CPC and Central committee, agreed by the both parties, signing of this agreement.1.Management team for both parties shall hold education of clean politics frequently in orderto enhance awareness of legal compliance and probity and self-discipline; enhance awareness of “to survive on Quality, to develop on reputation, to promote on probity”.2.Business personnel from Party A may not abuse their authorities to ask for or accept anyproperty, as well as other illegitimate interests from Party B.3.Business personnel from Party A shall not submit an expense account to party B of thatexpenses should be paid by party A or party A’s salesman.4.Business personnel from Party A shall not ask for gifts (including gifts, money, marketablesecurities, etc.); to party B's gifts, should be politely refused, difficult to refuse, submit in time to discipline inspection departments.5.Business personnel from Party A shall not attend anybanquets and recreational activitieswhich might be affecting the justice of implementation of agreement, host by Party B.6.Business personnel from Party A shall not borrow tools of transportation, tools ofcommunication and high-grade office supplies; or require decoration, reparation and maintenance to business personnel’s private vehicles.7.Business personnel from Party A shall not obtain part time job, investment, shares or obtainsuch items in any names is not allowed .8.Business personnel from Party A shall not request Party B to build, decorate or maintainprivate houses, shall not accept any kind of covert funding.9.Business personnel from Party A shall not require party B to provide convenient andfavorable conditions to party A for their spouses, children and other relatives in business;shall not require job or assist to go abroad for their kids.10.Article second to Article ninth prohibits Party A’s and its operational staff also shall not takethe initiative to whom by Party B.11.Party B shall strictly abide by the laws and agreement in business actives, shall not bribebusiness personnel from Party A in the aim to get any benefit for Party B. The requirement of party A’s business personnel for properties shall be rejected.12.Party B shall not confront private negotiations with business personnel from Party A tohandle contract negotiations, signing and implementation ofagreement, and breach of contract and other matters, to reach some kind of understanding.13.Surrender of the profit should be outward, shall not transfer to business personnel incommissions, fees, rewards, such as names.14.Both parties should strictly abide by the provisions of this Agreement, Any violation of thisagreement come from party A or its business personnel, Party B shall inform Party A or its supervisor, Party B shall not retaliate. Party A should be based on the degree of severity of the violation, given punishments by administrative and Party discipline, conflict with the law, and transfer of the judiciary to pursue their legal obligations. Party B violates this agreement, party A shall have the right to terminate, the implementation of the contract due to party B's default, the economic losses caused by party B, party B shall bear full liability to pay compensation.15.This agreement is as attachment of the main contract, signed at the same time, with themain contract and has the same effect; the period of validity is the same as the main contract.16.This agreement is in duplicate, each party holds one.17.This agreement takes effect after signed and sealed.Party A: Party B:(Sign and seal) (Sign and seal)Date:。
【最新2018】国际工程廉洁承诺模板-范文模板 (3页)
![【最新2018】国际工程廉洁承诺模板-范文模板 (3页)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2781831a10661ed9ad51f3d9.png)
本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==国际工程廉洁承诺模板篇一:国际工程完工承诺模板英语Project Completion CommitmentOur company(公司名称) is highly interested and willing to construct theXXXX project. If the project is successfully signed, we would strictly follow the international construction practices, subject to the local construction specifications and criteria, and perform quality responsibilities and obligations of the construction unit to ensure project construction quality to meet the design requirements and construction quality criteria, and therefore to undertake:1. The conditions of the contract: to recognize and accept therequirements and conditions of the "tender documents"2. Time commitment: If successfully signed the contract, we guarantee that once receiving the start notification we will start within the specified time, andto completethe construction within the contract period as required.3. Quality commitment: we will be in accordance with the technical requirements and the requirements of the tender documents for the construction, and ensure to reach acceptance standards and meet the quality standards;4. Safe and civilizedconstruction commitment: we will strictlyadhere to safe production license regulations, to ensure the safe completion of the project, to achieve safe and civilized construction site; 5. The commitment to submit billing information: After30days ofthe project was officially handed over ,we will submit a complete and effective billing information at one time ;6. Pay wages of construction workers: we will establish a roster of construction workers to put the payroll in public every month, andaccept the supervision and verification of local labor and social security department to ensure that workers are paid in time ;7. Warranty: we commit that, in the contract warranty period,we will be responsible for any quality defects and the consequences resulting from it. And fulfill warranty obligations according to the contractof the project.8.Training: we will arrange necessary training for the staff participating in the construction project, and strictlysubject to the local laws, respect local customs, cooperate with Malaysiaparticipants with mutual respect, harmony and friendship.篇二:【模板】工程人员廉洁承诺书****公司工程人员廉洁承诺书本人系****(以下简称公司)的工程人员,入职日期为: 20 年月,职务:,负责公司工程项目的采购,实施,现为继续保持本人在工程活动中的廉洁性,并自觉抵制工程活动中的不正之风,本人自愿承诺如下:一、本人将继续认真遵守国家的法律法规以及公司的各类规章制度,并在工程活动中诚实守信,自觉维护公司利益。
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BOT COAL-FIRED 2x600MWPOWER PLANT PROJECT海外BOT项目2×600MW亚临界燃煤发电机组工程EPC CONTRACT总承包合同PART II APPENDIX NO.6 AGREEMENT OF BUSINESS ETHICS AND PRINCIPLES 第二部分附件6廉洁协议THE EMPLOYER:业主:THE CONTRACTOR:承包商:年月对应合同编号:Contract No.: ___________________廉洁协议书(范本)Agreement of Business Ethics and Principles(Template)为了增强甲乙双方依法经营、廉洁从业意识,完善自我约束、自我监督机制,营造守法诚信、廉洁高效的工作环境,防止发生违法违纪行为,保护国家、集体和当事人的合法权益,根据国家有关法律法规和廉洁自律规定,特订立本廉洁协议书:For the purpose of intensifying the awareness of the both Parties on legal operation, improving the mechanism of self-restraint and self-supervision, creating a law-abiding and honest as well as high-efficiency working environment, preventing behaviors violating laws and principles from happening, and protecting the legitimate interests of the country, collective, and Parties concerned, it is hereby concluded the Agreement of Business Ethics and Principles (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) in accordance to relevant state laws an d regulations as well as provisions on honesty and self-discipline.第一条甲、乙双方的共同责任Article I Common Responsibilities of Party A and Party B(一)严格遵守国家关于市场准入、招标投标、工程建设、物资采购等市场经济活动的法律法规、政策以及廉洁建设规定。
(I) Strictly abide by laws, regulations, policies, and integrityconstruction stipulations on market economic activities such as market access, tendering and biding, engineering construction, and supplies purchasing;(二)严格履行合同约定,自觉承担合同义务。
(II) Strictly perform the Contract promises, and consciously undertake the Contract obligations;(三)业务活动必须坚持公平、公正、公开和诚实守信的原则(除法律法规另有规定者外),不得为获取不正当利益,损害国家、集体和对方利益,不违反招标投标、工程建设管理、物资采购等方面的规章制度。
(III) The business activities must adhere to the principle of fairness, impartiality, openness, and good faith (except that otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations). Both Parties shall not damage the interests of the country, collective, and the other Party to obtain illegitimate interests. Both Parties shall not go against the rules and regulations on such aspects as tendering and bidding, engineering construction and management, and supplies purchasing.(四)建立健全自我制约制度,开展廉洁教育,公布举报电话,监督并认真查处违法违纪行为。
(IV) Both Parties shall establish a sound system for self-restraint, develop integrity education, publish informant hotline, and supervise and seriously investigate the behaviors violating laws and regulations.(五)发现对方在业务活动中有违规、违纪、违法行为的,应及时提醒对方,情节严重的,应向有关纪检监察部门举报。
(V) One Party shall timely remind the other Party if detecting behaviors going against regulations, rules, and laws in the business activities. In case of serious violation, the behaviors shall be reported to relevant discipline inspection and supervision department.第二条甲方的责任:Article II Responsibilities of Party A甲方相关工作人员,在业务活动的事前、事中、事后,应遵守以下规定:Relevant working personnel of Party A shall abide by the following regulations before, during, and after business activities.(一)贯彻落实有限责任公司有关党风廉政建设责任制及廉洁从业的规定,建立企业诚信档案;(I) Party A shall implement the stipulations of Corporation on the accountability for the construction of honest Party and government and clean practice, and establish the enterprise credit archive;(二)按照公平、公正、公开和诚实守信的原则开展各项业务活动,为乙方提供公平的竞争环境与平台;(II) Party A shall develop various business activities according to the principle of fairness, impartiality, openness, and good faith, and provide Party B with the fair competition environment and platform;(三)不准向乙方泄漏涉及有关业务活动的秘密;(III) Party A shall not disclose Party B about the secrets involving relevant business activities.(四)不准向乙方和相关单位索要或接受回扣、红包、礼金、购物卡、有价证券、贵重物品和好处费、感谢费等;(IV) Party A shall not claim or accept kickback, red packet, cash gift, shopping card, negotiable securities, valuables, and favor fee from Party B and relevant units;(五)不准在乙方和相关单位报销任何应由甲方或个人支付的费用;(V) Party A shall not apply for reimbursement from Party B and relevant units for the expenses which shall be paid by Party A orindividuals;(六)不准要求、暗示或接受乙方和相关单位为个人装修住房、婚丧嫁娶、配偶子女的工作安排以及境内外旅游等提供方便;(VI) Party A shall not request, suggest, or accept Party B and relevant units to provide convenience for individual house decoration, preparation for weddings and funerals, employment arrangement for children, and outbound and inbound tourism;(七)不准向乙方介绍配偶、子女、亲属参与与甲方有关的经济活动,不得以任何理由向乙方和相关单位推荐第三方单位;(VII) Party A shall not introduce spouse, children, and relatives to participate in the economic activities related to Party A. Party A shall not recommend third-party unit to Party B and relevant units for any reasons;(八)不准参与影响相关工作正常和公正开展的其他活动;(VIII) Party A shall not participate in other activities affecting the normal and impartial development of relevant work;(九)不准违反《中共中央纪委关于严格禁止利用职务上的便利谋取不正当利益的若干规定》的内容。