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exchange to ensure a better future for China-US ties.

Make the most of sth.: This article introduces 7 tips for making the most of your iPh on e5S.

Reap the ben efits: Keep on readi ng exte nsively, and you will reap the

ben efits sooner or later.

Feel overwhelmed by sth.: Nowadays, manyyoung people feel overwhelmed by the fierce competiti on in the job market.

Stand chanee of: Animals stand little chanee of survival under such extreme weather.

Take great pleasure in: He always takes great pleasure in lending a helping hand to people around him.

Open the door to sth.: These useful suggesti ons ope n the door to better com muni cati on with your pare nts.

3. Lan guage applicati on

a. writi ng device

Sentence writ ing

Parallelism : By placing two or more ideas of equal value in the same grammatical form en ables us to express these ideas clearly and emphatically.

Example: You may have cried tears of joy to be fin ally fini shed with high school; your pare nts may have cried tears of joy to be fin ally fini shed with doing your laun dry!

Paragraph writi ng: topic - details - con clusi on


For you, these next four years will be a time unlike any other. (Topic sentence) Here you are surrounded by great resources: interesting students from
