


《了不起的盖茨比》 内容提要
美国中西部城市卡罗威世家的后裔尼克(Nick)厌 倦了中西部的生活,到纽约当证券交易人并在市郊 长岛西卵区租了一套小屋。他的邻居便是豪华的盖 茨比公馆。小海湾对面的东卵区宫殿式的大厦住着 从芝加哥搬来的汤姆Tom和黛茜Daisy夫妇。黛茜是 尼克的远房表妹。汤姆是他大学里的同学,家里很 有钱。他性情暴戾、盛气凌人。黛茜忧郁而美丽, 她是盖茨比Gatsby以前的恋人。
果然,盖茨比请尼克安排他与黛茜的会面。 盖茨比在他的别墅与黛茜第一次见了面,又激动又 惶惑。她的表情告诉他可以挽回昔日的恋情。两人沉浸 在强烈的爱情之中,把站在一旁的尼克都遗忘了。但尼 克觉得黛茜远不如盖茨比的梦想。他的幻梦超越了她, 超越了一切。但黛茜激动的声音把他迷住了。 不久,汤姆带黛茜到盖茨比家赴宴。盖茨比把他的 来宾、纽约的女大明星和名导演介绍给他俩。盖茨比与 黛茜跳舞跳得挺起劲,但他感到很难使她理解。他想叫 黛茜对汤姆说,她从来没爱过他,然后两人自由地回老 家去结婚,仿佛5年前那样。
黛茜果真总是在下午悄悄来盖茨比家看他。他把所 有的仆人都辞退了。不久,尼克陪盖茨比去黛茜家作客, 汤姆很反感。盖茨比发觉:黛茜声音里充满了金钱。后 来他们一起上纽约去。汤姆责怪盖茨比给他制造家庭纠 纷,大骂盖茨比私自卖酒津赚大钱。盖茨比忍着跟黛茜 上一辆车。尼克也跟他们一起回长岛。 可是,黛茜因情绪激动,开着盖茨比的车子在归途 中将汤姆的情妇玛特尔撞死了。出事后她匆忙驾车逃走。 玛特尔的丈夫威尔逊发现肇事的汽车在盖茨比家, 以为是他撞死了妻子,便悄悄地潜入盖茨比的别墅,把 正在游泳的盖茨比打死了,然后在草丛里开枪自杀。
凶杀案发生后,尼克打电话给黛茜,但她和汤 姆带了行李,很早就出门去欧洲旅行了。黛茜既没 打来电报,也没送花圈。往日一起花天酒地的朋友 没有一个来参加盖茨比的葬礼,唯有他年老的父亲 和尼克…… 盖茨比为了久久地抱着的一个梦而付出了很高 的代价。他死后,尼克发觉是汤姆暗中挑拨威尔逊 去杀死盖茨比。他感到东部鬼影幢幢,世态炎凉, 便决定回中西部老家去。






在菲茨杰拉德这一部作品当中, 其塑造了盖茨比等悲剧性的人物, 表现了极为浓厚的悲剧意识, 这些包含了菲茨杰拉德对于社会与人性的彻底思考与批判。

因此, 要深入分析《了不起的盖茨比》中的悲剧意识, 要深入到故事情节与人物塑造等方面, 充分的分析这种社会因素与个人因素交缠下的宿命悲剧, 才能够深刻的体会菲茨杰拉德的批判意识。

关键词:菲茨杰拉德; 《了不起的盖茨比》; 人生悲剧美国作家菲茨杰拉德所创作的《了不起的盖茨比》, 是一部蜚声文坛的小说。

菲茨杰拉德在自己的人生当中提取出自己的经历和感情思想, 在《了不起的盖茨比》里面创作了盖茨比这一悲剧性的人物。

《了不起的盖茨比》主要是以20世纪初期第一次世界大战之后一直到资本主义经济危机爆发之前的整个社会危机作为自己的创作背景, 以盖茨比的人生轨迹作为主要的线条, 揭示了盖茨比这一悲剧性人物的美国梦想破碎以及其个人性格的异化过程。

在这一部小说当中, 美国青年盖茨比实际上是曾经有着自己梦想的, 并且带着自己的梦想参与到第一次世界大战之中。

可是自己成为战斗英雄之后, 回到国内依然是面对着非常多的悲剧。

所以盖茨比的性格在经历了这些事件之后产生了异化, 特别是在世间无情讽刺的条件下, 盖茨比对于人生的认知有着逐渐的转化。



了不起的盖茨比论文引言《了不起的盖茨比》是一部经典的美国小说,由斯科特·菲茨杰拉德(F. Scott Fitzgerald)创作并于1925年出版。




































《了不起的盖茨比》:解析梦想与现实的碰撞引言1.1 概述《了不起的盖茨比》是美国作家F. Scott Fitzgerald于1925年创作的一部长篇小说。



1.2 文章结构本文分为五个部分,以下是各个部分的主要内容:2. 主题介绍:介绍《了不起的盖茨比》及其主要主题,并探讨梦想与现实之间碰撞和冲突的意义。

3. 梦想的追逐和破灭:探讨主人公盖茨比对于梦想的追求,以及社会阶层和其他障碍对梦想实现的影响。

4. 现实世界中的虚幻与真实性:分析茉莉花之夜派对带来的虚幻感受以及真实生活中存在的欺骗与伪装。

5. 结论:总结文章中提出的观点,并评价梦想与现实之间找到平衡点的重要性。

1.3 目的本文旨在通过对《了不起的盖茨比》这部经典小说的解析,探讨梦想与现实之间的碰撞,并强调找到平衡点的重要性。


2. 主题介绍2.1 《了不起的盖茨比》简介《了不起的盖茨比》是由美国作家F·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德于1925年所撰写的一部小说。


2.2 梦想与现实主题分析梦想与现实是整个小说的核心主题之一。






[摘要] 《了不起的盖茨比》被公认为菲茨杰拉德最好的小说,在很长一段时间里,它被认为是“喧嚣的二十年代”的最佳代言,并且作为美国中学生必读的文学作品。


[关键词] 盖茨比悲剧美国梦
1.1 美国梦的起源
1.2 美国梦的实质
1.3 盖茨比美国梦错误的化身----黛西
2.1 新富和贵族之间的矛盾
2.1.1 经济地位不同
2.1.2 社会斗争
2.2 上层阶级对社会的残酷迫害
3.1 盖茨比对纯洁爱情的追求
3.2 盖茨比对金钱的盲目崇拜
3.3 盖茨比对建立财富缺乏批判的眼光



《了不起的盖茨比》:美国梦与虚幻的追逐1. 引言1.1 概述《了不起的盖茨比》是美国作家菲茨杰拉德于1925年创作的一部文学经典之作。



1.2 文章结构本文共分为五个部分:引言、美国梦与虚幻的追逐、盖茨比人物形象分析、社会阶层与人性冲突展现以及结论。






1.3 目的本文旨在通过对《了不起的盖茨比》这部小说内容和主题进行详尽分析,探讨其中关于美国梦以及虚幻追逐的内涵。




2. 美国梦与虚幻的追逐2.1 美国梦的定义与起源美国梦是指每个人都有机会通过勤奋工作和个人努力实现自身的成功和繁荣的理念。






















《青春与梦想:了不起的盖茨比》1. 引言1.1 概述《了不起的盖茨比》是美国作家F·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德于1925年所写的一部经典小说。




1.2 文章结构本文共分为五个部分。






1.3 目的本文的目的在于通过对《了不起的盖茨比》这一经典作品的分析和探讨,深入剖析青春与梦想两个主题,并解释它们之间可能存在的关联。




2. 青春与梦想的主题分析2.1 描绘青春的特点在小说《了不起的盖茨比》中,青春被描绘为充满活力、追求自由和无限可能性的阶段。



2.2 展示梦想的追求小说中各个角色都怀揣着追求梦想的渴望。




了不起的盖茨比英文论文正稿Part One Introduction1.1 Research Background and SignificanceAs “the spokesman of a crucial and revealing period in the culturalfield of his country”,(Wang Weiping, 2004:57) Fitzgerald knows the societyclearly due to his rich personal experience and creates many characterslike Gatsby out of the American life. These novels describe the disillusionment of the American dream in the Jazz Age. And the reason isalways that the transformations of the values of traditional morality makepeople not believe in any hero but pursue individual consumption andenjoyment. Fitzgerald deeply feels the spiritual emptiness and moraldecadence under the superficial splendor and prosperity in that age, sohe is called the spokesman of the Jazz Age. Most of his works describe theexpectation, dissatisfaction and disappointment of the American younggeneration in the 1920s. One distinguishing feature of his works is thatthe close relationship between his personal experiences and works. Nearlyall the characters in his novel can find the original shapes inrealitysometimes even himself, especially in The Great Gatsby.1.2 Motivation and ObjectiveConsidering disillusion of the American dream, different people havedifferent understandings. “In its board sense, it refers to the ideal ofa nation such as democracy, equality and freedom. While in its narrow sense,it refers to the pursuit of obtaining success of life”. (Wang Weiping,2004:57) Essentially, the American dream is a confident desire forperfection by means of progress. But the history and reality of Americanhave proved that “the American dream” is, to some extent, a kind ofillusion.The great Gatsby is one of the representative works that reflects theillusory nature of the American dream.Part Two Gatsby’s American Dream Gatsby is the representative figure of a self-made man in the twenties. He is born in a poor family in the west of America, and his parents are shiftless and unsuccessful farm people. He comes to the big city—New York where the young men are inspired to make the most of their opportunities to get the key to be successful. They believe that they can be successful men in history, just like Benjamin Franklin, who has been ma n “of humble origin, narrow fortune, small advantages, and self-taught.”(Chen Qing,2006:18) The poor boy is inspired to do the great deeds by the example of Franklin, like Gatsby. So in the end, Gatsby gets wealth and fame by industry. Some people may think that Gatsby has fulfilled his dream; it is obvious that Gatsby’s dream is a symbol of the American dream for wealth and youth. However, Gatsby’s real dream is to win back his first love Daisy but not to get the money only. Gatsby genuinely has a belief that money can buy anything, innocently thinking that his wealth can erase the last five years of his and daisy’s l ove and reunite them at the original point of 1917. He falls in love with the beautiful and wealthy girl of the upper class and he wants to enter into the upper class through his efforts. Although he devotes his whole life to win the wealth and position, he fails totally at last. Why does he fail? In the thesis the reasons for his failure would be discussed.Part Three Reasons for the Disillusion3.1Gatsby’s Dream is out of Connection with the RealityGay Gatsby is a great young man who has many superficial characters. He tries his best to realize his dreams, but he fails at last. The reason is that he is completely an American dreamer, a man of great imagination and extraordinary hope. He is willing to do anything to gain the social status he thinks necessary to win back Daisy who i s the “golden girl”in his dream. His relentless quest for Daisy demonstrates that Gatsby has an outstanding ability to transform his dreams into reality. But actually, his great dream is swallowed up by the meanness of the upper class and his “golden girl”—Daisy, which are the superficial reasons for his failure. And the deep reason is that his dream is out of connection with the reality. In fact, the people in the twenties do n’t believe in the values oftraditional morality any longer and they have their philosophy of life—to “seize every day” and “enjoy every moment”.(Chen Qing, 2006:1) The differences in the understanding between Daisy and Gatsby narrates the distance between the dream and reality; while competition between Gatsby and Tom expresses the strange points of the material wealth and how fragile of the pursuit of the spirit. And the difference between Gatsby and upper class people reflects the downfall of the American society. All these contradictions and conflicts make people realize the fragile of the idealism when the dream confronts the reality. The pursuit of the spiritual life can not realize in the society which only pays a great attention to the material life.3.2 Gatsby’s Love for Daisy is IdealisticAt the last of the novel, he expresses himself “I love only one girl forever”, (F.Scott Fitzgerald, 2004:143) which represents a kind of idealism. But this kind of idealistic love can not be realized, because the girl whom he loves is just a superficial and vulgar woman in reality. For Daisy, love should be built on the wealth and high position and she has accustomed to this sense of security, which can make her live happily. But Gatsby who is born into a poor family gains his wealth and position criminally; he can not give Daisy the security which she has accustomed to. And Daisy will not love anyone who can not give her this kind of securi ty. So in front of Daisy, Gatsby’s real love is an idealistic dream, and this dream can not be realized forever.Just as Americans have endued America with meaning through their dreamsfor their own lives, Gatsby instills Daisy with a sort of idealized perfection that she neither deserves nor possesses. Just as the American dream in the roaring twenties is ruined by theunworthiness of its goal, money and pleasure, Gatsby’s dream is ruined by the unworthiness of its goal, Daisy. “He knew that Daisy was extr aordinary, but he didn’t realize just how extraordinary a ‘nice’ girl could be.”(Chen Qing, 2006:25) In Gatsby’s eyes, Daisy is a noble fairy, but she is a superficial and vulgar woman in reality.Gatsby’s love and the American dream connect closely because his first love Daisy is the embodiment of his dream. Daisy is the symbol of wealth and position, and marrying Daisy means entering into the upper class, so he devotes his whole life to win her back. But he fails at last, that is because he can not recognize Daisy clearly and his blindness leads to his death in the end.3.2.1Daisy in RealityDaisy is born into the upper class and grows up in wealthy conditions, so she depends on wealth from her birth and only responds to surface. When Gatsby shows her around his splendid house, she admires what she sees. Later, Gatsby takes out a pile of shirts and throws them one by one before her. She likes these beautiful shirts so much that she even cries out, “They’re such beautiful shirts”, “It makes me sad because I’ve never seen such—such beautiful shirts before”. (F.Scott Fitzgerald, 2004:124) “Daisy has n’t any practical value. The people whom Daisy likes are also beautiful without any true value.”(Chen Qing, 2006:15) When she takes part in Gatsby’s party, she s ee s many super stars that can only be seen on TV, which makes her very interested and excited. “Perhaps you k now that lady”, (F.Scott Fitzgerald, 2004:140) Gatsby indicates a gorgeous woman who sits in state under a white-plum tree. Daisy stares and says“She’s lovely”,“I’ve never met so many celebri ties, I like that man—what was his name?”.( F.Scott Fitzgerald,2004:141)“Daisy likes to arrest men’s attention and to get men’s compliments in order that she can depend on them. Maybe it is because s he couldn’t make a living independently, so she has to attach herself to a man, which is her way to live in this world.”(Chen Qing, 2006:15) Daisy marries Tom because of his large wealth and high social position. When Gatsby leaves her, she is very sad and even wants to kill herself. But with the arrival of Tom, her life changes immediately, and then she decides to forget Gatsby, and marries with Tom who has great wealth and high social position.From this aspect we can see that, for Daisy, love is just an interesting game, whereas money and position are the most important things in it. For money and position, she forgets Gatsby quickly, and devotes herself to another wealthy man no matter she loves him or not. But in fact, she will “love” Gatsby if he can make her believe that she can live a wealthy and safe life together with him. Because they have such two different kinds of disillusions towards each other, Daisy can never understand Gatsby’s love for her and thus is not worthy of being loved by Gatsby.After the marriage, the husband Tom treats Daisy badly. Daisy knows that Tom B doesn’t care about her and ha s a mistress outside, so she needs a chance to complain her unfortunate life. Therefore, when Nike visits them, she complains about her misfortune to him. Nick feels very uncomfortable when he hears the complaint from Daisy because he can not understand Daisy. He says “It seemed to me that the thing for Daisy to do was to rush out of the house, child in arms—but apparently there were no such intentions in her he ad.”(F.ScottFitzgerald, 2004:27) Actually, Daisy can do nothing, she will not leave Tom. Without Tom she can not enjoy the wealthy life any longer. But she cannot control her fate and she feels sad for herself. So she wants to change her fate with someone’s help. Just at this very time, his first love Gatsby appears as a wealthy man and calls her back. It seems to be a good chance for her to make a decision to leave her bad husband. But instead she refused him, just because Gatsby’s background makes her la ck of safety. She destroys Gatsby’s dream totally and goes away with Tom in a hurry. Daisy has to go on living with Tom, which is her fate, so in reality she is also an unfortunate woman. To this point, we can say that at this time, she still doesn’t deserve the love of Gatsby.3.2.2 Daisy in Gatsby’s DreamNo matter how other people may think about Daisy, in the mind of great Gatsby, she should be cherished forever. Although Gatsby and Daisy have departed for five years, Daisy is a lways living in Gatsby’s memory and she has turned into an perfect fairy as time passes by. For Gatsby, if he can marry with Daisy, he can enter into the upper class naturally and gain the identity in the upper class. Maybe it is because in Gatsby’s mind, Daisy has been endowed with a kind of special value. For this special vale, Gatsby would rather devote his whole life to winning her back. At this time, Daisy in reality is not important for him. Because Daisy has become the noble embodiment of the upper class in Gatsby’s dream.Gatsby always thinks the reason why Daisy leaves him is that he is poor and has a low social position when he is young, and he totally believes that he can win Daisy back if he can gain the wealth and high social position. With this faith in his mind, Gatsbydetermines to win Daisy back, making her the single goal of all his dreams and the symbol of everything he desired. So he earns large wealth by efforts and then buys a splendid house across the bay of Daisy’s and g ives parties day and night on every weekend just want to arrest her coming.Actually, Five years later when Gatsby sees Daisy again, he feels that she is different from the Daisy he dreams of day and night. In reality, Daisy has already lost her magical power and becomes a common woman. Later, Gatsby invites Daisy to take part in his party. And after she leaves, Gatsby feels very disappointed because he thinks that Daisy can’t really understand him any longer. It seems that Gatsby is so disappointed that he will not love her any longer. But Gatsby is really a great dreamer. Hejust pursues every thing in his dream and because Daisy in his dream has turned into a perfect fairy, so Daisy in reality is not so important for him; he would rather believe that Daisy still loves him.In fact, Daisy does n’t really love anyone else. But Gatsby does not think so. He loves Daisy and he also believes that Daisy also loves him. So people think that Gatsby is a son of God. “He was a son of God—a phrase which, if it means anything, means just that—and he must be about his F ather’s business, the of a vast, vulgar, and meretricious beauty.”(F.Scott Fitzgerald, 2004:131) From this sentence, we can know that he makes Daisy as an embodiment of his dream, without thinking what Daisy is in reality. Actually, Both Nick and Gatsby notice her special voice, and are d escribed as “full of money” and even a “deathless song”.(F.Scott Fitzgerald, 2004:59) Her voice is seemed to jinglewith a sound of wealth to Gatsby. For Daisy, it seems that wealth is more important than lov e itself. So Gatsby can’t get true love from her no matter he is poor or wealthy. This indicates that Gatsby’s dream for Daisy will be inevitable destructed.3.3 Gatsby’s Dream for the Upper Class is IdealisticFitzgerald deeply feels the transformations of the values o f traditional morality and people will not admire any self-made hero longer and they only care about individual enjoyment. So in a society with spiritual emptiness and moral decadence, Gatsby with much imagination is doomed to fail.Compared with the wealthy people, Gatsby is different in nature. He has dreams and ambitions, and tries his best to realize them. But he can not see the upper class clearly. The upper class in Gatsby’s dream is different from the one in reality.And his dream can not be realized in this kind of upper class nowadays.3.3.1 The Upper Class People in Gatsby’s MindIn Gatsby’s mind, if he has money, he can get into the upper classnaturally, and being an upper class member, he should be a moral person who has many virtues. So he stresses himself with the self-improvement and hard work; it can be proved easily in Gatsby’s schedule: No wasting timeNo more smoking or chewingBath every other dayRead one improving book or magazine per weekSave$5.00[crossed out] $3.00 per weekBe better to parents (F.Scott Fitzgerald, 2004:231)Gatsby’s li st of self-improving resolves is similar with Benjamin Franklin’s rules for self-improvement on eighteenth-century. Gatsby learns to him, and decides to be a decent personlike him. In Ni ck’s eyes, “he was a handsome young man about thirty years old and dressed very well. He spoke very politely and it is a little funny to me. Most men in his age were not so polite. He spoke as if he is carefully choosing his words.”(F.Scott Fitzgerald, 2004:42) He does his best to be the same hero as Benjamin Franklin, believing that he can also be successful if he sets strict demands on himself.3.3.2 The Upper Class People in RealityBut in fact, people in that age do not believe in any hero of the American dream. They only care about themselves and enjoy themselves without considering the feelings of other people. They just like to pursue the enjoyment. And they have their philosophy of life—to “seize every day”and “enjoy every moment”. (Chen Qing, 2006:1) That can be proved easily in the novel of The Great Gatsby.In the party of the upper class, everyone needn’t know the name of anyone else and talks friendly as if they have known each other well for a long time. P eople taking part in Gatsby’s parties d on’t know h im at all and even don’t see him before. They will not appreciate Gatsby who holds party for them, but making the rumors for him. In their eyes, Gatsbyis just a subordinate. Maybe, some of them do not care about who he is. They come here just because they want to enjoy themselves, and they need these big parties to prove their positions, while Gatsby also need them to raise his social position. They have mutual needs, so the parties can be held on every weekend. But nobody will remember him after they go away from his big parties. “A ll over the party, people were laughing, talking and drinking. But all the happiness seemed so empty.”(F.Scott Fitzgerald, 2004:40) In the society which people don’t careabout others and just knowing to enjoy them. Gatsby, who does n’t really understand the true value of wealth in real life, can not live longer and his dreams can not be realized.3.4 Destroyer of Gatsby’s Dream—T om3.4.1 Tom in RealityTom is the representative person in the upper class. In the nove l, he is the direct destroyer of Gatsby’s dream. Both Gatsby and Tom possess wealth, but they are very different. Gatsby earns his wealth by diligence and discipline and uses his wealth to realize his great dreams, while T om do not have any large goals and lives happily on the wealth that his father has created. In the end, Tom wins and goes away with Daisy in a hurry, while Gatsby i s killed by the husband of Tom’s mistress, George Wilson. From this aspect, we can see that Tom is a vicious man in reality. Maybe it is because he is born into a wealthy family and has been spoiled. Tom is a former football player at Yale and enjoys the high status, but he is an arrogant, cruel person who does nothing important everyday, just playing with cars and racing horses. Only in this way can he win his own ego. It is obvious that he does not have any moral standards which he demands for the people around him. He is the representative person of the upper class in reality which has replaced American idealism.Tom is also an immoral person who just knows to ask others to be honest. In order to meet his desire, Tom has an affair with the fleshly woman Myrtleand keeps an apartment in the city for their dating. But he is not upset at all and he even opens their relationship in public. He treats Daisy badly, however, when he knows that Daisy and Gatsby are having an affair. He even becomes outraged and forced them to confront it in the room at the hotel where heirritates Gatsby to win his wife back and thus destroys his rival’s dreams. From this aspect, we can also see that Tom actually is a man of violence, because he tells the group of people that Gatsby’s wealth is criminally obtained and thus he is cheating Daisy all the time. Then he forces Daisy to change the declaration that she has never loved him. T o be honest, Daisy does not love Tom, she loves Tom for his wealth and will be reluctant to leave him, for he can provide her with security and the lifestyle to which she is accustomed. The victory of Tom reflects that Gatsby can not really enter into the upper class. For the upper class people like Tom, they will never take Gatsby as their friend but a subordinate.Tom is also a careless person who will not be worried about the sufferings he causes. When problems arise, he will run to his money and safe situation, leaving it to be dealt with by others and will never take the responsibility. After the death of Tom’s mistress Myrtle, Tom tells her husband that Gatsby is the killer and then runs away with Daisy quickly until the affair finishes.3.4.2 The Differences between Gatsby and TomComparing with Tom, Gatsby is really a strange hero of the Jazz Age. Because he creates wealth by diligence and discipline but he doesn’t really understand the true value of wealth in real lif e, that is, “wealth makes people enjoy life”. (Chen Qing, 2006:16) He does n’t know this point, so he still lives a simple life. “His bedroom was the simplest room of all—except where the dresser was garnished with a toilet set of pure dull gold.”(F.Scott Fitzgerald, 2004:122)He holds big parties not to enjoy himself, but to arrest his first love Daisy’s coming.“When the party is over and the guests go away, Gatsby soaks in large loneliness” (F.ScottFitzgerald, 2004:78) and at this moment he is himself.Tom is a representative person of the realism, while Gatsby is a representative person of the idealism. Tom is a realist who lives in reality while Gatsby is an idealist who lives in his dreams. Gatsby’s dream is out of connection with the reality, so his dream can not be realized.Part Four ConclusionAlthough Gatsby’s dream fails, his greatness still rests on his dream, which distinguishes him from the other disillusioned people, who have lost the capacity to wonder and to dream. But as time goes by, Gatsby reveals himself to be a man who stakes everything on his dreams, unaware that his dreams are out of connection with the reality and unworthy of him.To sum up, Gatsby’s dream is incompatible with reality. Gatsby is a great dreamer who just lives in his dreams, without considering the changes of the society. In his dream, every thing is beautiful: Daisy is a perfect fairy who can give him hopes; the upper class people are all decent ones who can cooperate with him very well. But in reality, every thing is different: his dreaming girl can not really understand Gatsby’s love for her; while the upper class people are the disillusioned ones who just make Gatsby as a subordinate. Facing the reality, Gatsby does not adjust himself to suit the society, but to pursuit his dreams which are out of connection with the reality. At last, it leads his dream to be a disillusion.Considering ourselves, we are the students who are going to devote ourselves into the society. Some of us may have great dreams and are ambitiously hoping to realize them immediately, just like Gatsby. But we must remind ourselves every moment that we are living in reality but not in our dreams. Dream is alwaysvery beautiful while the reality is always impersonal, it can not be changed as what we want to. So we should suit ourselves with the changes of the society and make achievement step by step. If we can persist in the above principle and work hard everyday, I am surewe will succeed and then fulfill our dreams eventually.Bibliography[1] Cheng Qing, The Disillusionment of The American dream in The GreatGatsby and Tender Is The Night [J]. 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分类号单位代码学号 00907066密级本科毕业论文院系名称外国语学院专业名称英语语言文学年级 2009级学生姓名李林源指导老师常慧2013年4月20日中文摘要美国著名作家菲兹杰拉德被称为“美国梦的代言人”,在他的小说中,我们难以区分是他的生活如一部小说,还是他的小说就是他的一段真实的生活的写照,因为他已完全融入其中。


关键词:美国梦;了不起的盖茨比;破灭;原因ABSTRACTF. Scott Fitzgerald is the literary spokesman of the “American Dream”. His novels include many aspects of his unique experiences in that period. It is not easy to distinguish his novels with his real life, because his works have already involved himself physically and mentally. Especially in his masterpiece The Great Gatsby, the hero reveals a typical example of those who were eager to achieve the American Dream but finally sacrificed themselves. Although Gatsby dreams of achieving material wealth and love through his courage and hard work, all kinds of external and internal factors lead to the disillusionment of his hope. Through the analysis of American Dream and the historical background of the novel, this thesis elaborates a vivid picture of the reasons leading to the disillusionment of American Dream in order to show the social significance of this work.Key words: American dream; The Great Gatsby; disillusionment; reasonTable of ContentsINTRODUCTION (1)Chapter Ⅰ BACKGROUND INFORMATION (2)1.1 Fitzgerald and His Literary Works (2)1.2 Lost Generation and the Jazz Age (2)1.3 The Main Plot of the Novel (3)1.4 American Dream (4)Chapter ⅡTHE ESTABLISHMENT AND THE DISILLUSIONMENT OF Gatsby’s AMERICAN DREAM (5)2.1 The Esta blishment of Gatsby’s American Dream (5)2.1.1 Gatsby’s Dream of Wealth (6)2.1.2 Gatsby’s Dream of High Social Position (6)2.1.3 Gatsby’s Dream of Love (7)2.2 The Disillusionment of Gatsby’s American Dream (7)Chapter ⅢTHE REASONS FOR THE DISILLUSIONMENT OF Gatsby’s AMERICAN DREAM (9)3.1 Hypocritical Interpersonal Relationship (9)3.2 The Worship of Money (10)3.3 Unrealistic Dream of High Social Position (11)3.4 The Wrong Understanding of Love (12)CONCLUSION (13)Bibliography (14)Notes (14)An Analysis of American Dream in The Great Gatsby: From the Establishment to theDisillusionmentINTRODUCTIONThe thesis is a brief longitudinal study of American Dream in the novel The Great Gatsby. This thesis analyzes the establishment of Gatsby’s American Dream and the reasons leading to his American Dream’s disillusionment. Through this thesis, we can have a dialectical view of the reasons why Gatsby can not realize his American Dream. The main body of the thesis is made up of three parts. The first part is a general introduction to the great author Fitzgerald, his novel The Great Gatsby and its writing background. In order to trace back to the reasons that result in the disillusionment of Gatsby’s American Dream, the second part reviews the establishment and the disillusionment of Gatsby’s American Dream. The third part focuses on analyzing the reasons for his American Dream’s disillusionment. In the end, the thesis comes to a conclusion that the disillusionment of Gatsby’s American Dream is unavoidable.Chapter Ⅰ BACKGROUND INFORMATION1.1 Fitzgerald and His Literary WorksFitzgerald was born on September 24, 1896 and St. Paul Minnesota was his hometown. While he was a student in Princeton University, the young man developed his hobby and skill in writing. When the First World War broke out, he became a soldier. In a training camp in Alabama, he met and fell in love with Zelda Sayre. This woman finally married Fitzgerald and became the model for most of the beautiful female characters in his novels.This Side of Paradise, the Beautiful and Damned, Tender is the Night and The Great Gatsby were his four well-known novels. The last one The Great Gatsby, which established Fitzgerald’s significant position in American modern literature, is often viewed as a mirror of American society in the 1920s.In 1925, Fitzgerald published his most famous novel The Great Gatsby. The novel reflected the selfishness and bossy of American vested interest groups represented by Tom and pointed out that Gatsby’s tragedy is caused by his fantasy of life and his lack of comprehension of theuppertendom’s essence.1.2 Lost Generation and the Jazz AgeFrancis Scott Key Fitzgerald was one of the greatest writers in the twentieth century, and his works reflected the Jazz Age. He is regarded as a member of the Lost Generation in the 1920s.Lost Generation is a term used to refer to the generation appeared after World War I. The term was popularized by Ernest Hemingway who used it for his novel The Sun Also Rises. Lost Generation were characterized by being pessimistic about the society and losing confidence for the future. Influenced by the First World War, they could not tolerate and accept the cruel reality. They lived a hopeless and degenerate life.The Jazz Age refers to the period starting from the end of World War I to the beginning of the Great Depression during which jazz became popular. In this period, the traditional puritan moral standards collapsed and hedonism was very popular. Fitzgerald once said that this is an age full of miracles, arts, luxury and irony. And due to this, Fitzgerald was titled as the representative of the Jazz Age.1.3 The Main Plot of the NovelThe Great Gatsby is a very profound and moving novel, and the main plot of the story is as following. A young man named Nick Caraway comes to New York City in the spring of 1922. He is involved in the life of his new neighbor Jay Gatsby who lives at Long Island. Gatsby is a very rich man and regularly holds parties visited by hundreds of people.Gatsby tells Nick that Daisy is his lover before the First World War. Although at that time he is very poor, Gatsby still loves her. Gatsby tries to persuade Daisy to break up with her present husband Tom. On the contrary, Tom reveals that Gatsby earns money by bootlegging. Daisy gets soimpetuous that she drives Gatsby's car and accidentally kills Myrtle Wilson who is Tom's mistress.Tom intentionally tells Myrtle's husband Wilson that Gatsby hits Myrtle when driving his car. Gatsby keeps silent to protect Daisy. At last, Wilson kills Gatsby and then commits suicide. Nick prepares a funeral for Gatsby. Although he wants to make a decent funeral, nobody wants to attend the funeral except Gatsby's father and one former guest. Nick goes back to his Midwest hometown, reflecting on Gatsby's dream and the cynical nature of the past.1.4 American DreamIn order to escape from the political persecution and seek freedom on a new continent, some Englanders started their voyage to the North America. In 1620, 35 Puritans and 67 Non-Puritans drifted to North America in a famous ship called May Flower. Before they landed, 41 travelers signed a treaty—Mayflower Compact.It was the first governing document of Plymouth Colony and the oldest historical document recording those people immigrating towards the North America. The Compact not only regulated equality and justice but also implied the struggling spirit of the Puritans. Even though American Dream has different definitions in different times, yet under political persecution these Anglo-Saxons hoped to create new life with political equality. This is the beginning of American Dream.Different people have different understandings of American Dream and the ways to achieve their American Dream are also various. The definition of American Dream can be introduced in broad sense and narrow sense respectively. For the former one, American Dream means the equality, freedom and democracy on the land of the United States. The latter one means that everyone in America who works hard and never gives up can achieve his or her dream and live a better life in this piece of land. That is to say, people should make efforts to realize their dreams rather than depend on the help from others.James Truslow Adams was the first person who put forward the term American Dream in his book The Epic of America written in 1931. “It is a difficult dream for the European upper classes to interpret adequately, and too many of us have grown weary and mistrustful of it. It is not a dream of motor cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain to the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position.” ①This ideology is based on the principle that one should be responsible for oneself, and hold every opportunity to gain success by courage and hard work.Chapter Ⅱ THE ESTABLISHMENT AND THE DISILLUSIONMENT OFGatsby’s AMERICAN DREAM2.1 The Establishment of Gatsby’s American DreamAs for the American Dream, it is a belief that a better life could be achieved through hard work and strives. “There are several factors lying in the American Dream: equal chances for each person; success is obtained by efforts, not the social background and extraction; everyone is equal; and everyone has his own rights to pursue success.”②There is no doubt that everyone living on that land actually has an American Dream and is eager to achieve it. “E veryone can work their way up from the rags to riches just like Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the US. In other words, American culture focuses on values of individuals, opportunity, pursuing of democracy and freedom, the promotion of deportation and competition and the need of realism and practicality.”③After the Industrial Revolution, American Dream can be realized by commercial activities. Most of individual possessions in the United States were brought by those successful businessmen and these merchants used some capital to build up corporations. Compared with agriculture, Americans preferred business, because engaging in business was a quicker way to make individuals gain wealth. And Gatsby is one of those Americans that pursue American Dream by engaging in the field of business. Obtaining wealth, social position and love are his three goals.2.1.1 Gatsby’s Dream of WealthBecoming wealthy is the most basic element in Gatsby’s American Dream. Gatsby’s dream of wealth reflects the gold rush in the new continent America.Born with a humble family background, Gatsby is a young person who has ambitions and dreams. In order to realize his personal ideals, he changes his original name Gatz into Gatsby that has the meaning “the son of god” and Gatsby's ambition can be seen here clearly.Gatsby is a practical, active and perseverant person. We can see from his schedule that he is an ambitious youth who does things in a planned and orderly way. His plan to realize his dream is arranged very well and he takes getting rich dream as the first step. He believes that if there is a material base, he can live a wealthy life of high social status.Therefore, in order to make the dream of wealth come true, Gatsby is willing to suffer and bear pains. He even runs risks to commit smuggling. In the end, he can hold grand banquets in his blue garden, the guests generally laughing and chatting.2.1.2 Gatsby’s Dream of High Social PositionWith enough money and wealth, the next dream of Gatsby is to become a member of the upper class in the society. And the method he uses is constantly holding a large banquet to show off his wealth and to get acquainted with characters belonging to the upper social class at the same time.Gatsby hopes that the society can accept him, and therefore feel at ease when enjoying everything that the upper classes enjoy. This kind of idea can also be considered as a microcosm of American Dream, because from the beginning of the establishment of the American society, equal opportunity and people’s subjective initiative were advocated.However, the upper classes still look down upon those who have a humble background such as Gatsby. A lot of new upstarts like these people are only smuggling guys. It is easy for us to see that Gatsby, through every struggle, can not be accepted by the society either from his appearance or from his inner world.2.1.3 Gatsby’s Dream of LoveGatsby's first two dreams are the basis of the third one. The realization of his dreams of wealth and high social position is only to makepreparation for winning back his love that is once lost because of poor economic conditions and low position.Gatsby regards Daisy as the embodiment of beauty, kindness and truth that he pursues. In this case, getting married with Daisy and living together with her forever is an important goal in his life and also one of the motive forces of his struggle. However, his pursuit is doomed to be in vain, because Daisy is just superficially beautiful but empty inside. She is a shallow and selfish girl of the bourgeoisie. All day long, the ultimate goal of her life is to seek money and enjoy pleasure.Gatsby can sacrifice his own life in order to protect her, but Daisy refuses to pay any cost for Gatsby. This is the fundamental difference between the two characters. It is also doomed that Gatsby’s dream of love cannot be realized.2.2 The Disillusionment of Gatsby’s American DreamIn this novel the protagonist Gatsby is single-minded in love, ambitious and strong-willed in career, and persistent in the pursue of dreams. The establishment of his dreams is a good beginning, but during the process of achieving the dreams he gradually takes the wrong way. He is a typical victim of the Jazz Age. All of his three dreams fail to be realized.First of all, all of his wealth that he gains through hardships is gone with the loss of his life. The original values of American Dream such as hard work, thrift and moderation are weaker and weaker, and they are replaced by money worship. The real world is an empty shell, and everyone is fond of the immediate pleasure. Gatsby cannot escape from the fashion of luxury. He spends all his money on meaningless things and gets nothing valuable. In other words, he loses his dream of wealth.Secondly, he dies without the acceptance by the upper class. He does not get his ideal social position and his death has little influence on others. Gatsby is a very idealistic person. This kind of people often seem naive or run counter to the reality,because they are not aware of their own condition correctly and the psychology of upper class clearly. He does not know the real attitude of others towards himself. People are always living in certain social groups. When one’s behavior is not consistent with the social mainstream, he or she will be sacrificed. Gatsby belongs to this type. He just pretends to be a person with high social position through such superficial methods as squandering money and making contact with decent people. However, he is no more than a speculator in essence. His behavior and his essence do not match.Thirdly, his dream of love is disillusioned before he has any chance to get Daisy’s sympathy. All the time, Daisy, the perfect girl in the mind of Gatsby, is his unrealistic dream. Deeply attracting Gatsby, she seems pure, beautiful and innocent. Gatsby’s love for Daisy is selfless, and he always wants to protect his beloved person. Even though his own life is threatened, he is willing to sacrifice for her in the end. On the contrary, Daisy's love is selfish, because it is based on material benefits and her own interests. Daisy and Gatsby’s values of love are not balanced. Although after Gatsby becomes wealthy, with Nick’s help, he could be able to meet his lover, his dream to stay with her together for a lifetime fails to be realized. When he tells Nick that “of course the past can be repeated” (Fitzgerald.F.S, 2009: 133) or that “Tom’s love for Da isy was just personal” (Fitzgerald.F.S, 2009:182), he may be just finding some excuses for his inability to recapture his former lover Daisy.His dreams are distant and unreal, and no one can touch it. The disillusionment of Gatsby's dreams is closely associated with the society he lives in, his characteristics, and his lover Daisy's personality.Chapter Ⅲ THE REASONS FOR THE DISILLUSIONMENT OF Gatsby’sAMERICAN DREAMThe Great Gatsby is a well-known novel in the history of American literature. Many scholars both home and abroad have analyzed and commented on this work from different perspectives. And the reasons leading to the disillusionment of Gatsby’s dream has always been a hot topic to discuss. Different people have different ideas. In general, those reasons can be divided into external reasons and internal ones, which depend on each other. Both the two kinds of reasons play an important role in Gatsby’s tragedy. Gatsby’s struggle for the realization of his dreams can not avoid the influence of social environment, and his personality is also one of the important reasons leading his dream to fail.3.1 Hypocritical Interpersonal RelationshipThis is the most important external reason leading to the final disillusionment of Gatsby’s American Dream.In the 1920s, most people wanted to enter the upper classes and pursue material enjoyment. They were very cynical to seek superficial enjoyment and greedy for material wealth. During that period, treasure and collapsed moral standards made the pursuit of freedom and happiness gradually impossible.The society was so cruel that a person like Gatsby could not break up the bondage. There was little sympathy in the relationship among people. And there was no doubt that people were indifferent and ruthless. The relationship among people was based on money and real love did not exist. If you did not have money, nobody would pay much attention to you.A friend indeed is a friend in need. It means that a true friend is someone who can share both happiness and sorrow together with you. However, Gatsby has no real friends, he only has friends who can share happiness together, but can not tolerate pains together. When Gatsby is rich, everyone comes to his party and curries favor with him. However, when he dies, few people attend his funeral.In the capitalist society, the relationship among people just depends on money and people do not care about one another. There are no permanent friends or enemies. There are only permanent interests. In order to make benefits, people take advantage of others.The hypocritical interpersonal relationship can also be reflected in the relationship of classes in American society where class prejudice is a very critical problem.The contradiction between upper classes and lower classes is the reason why Gatsby can not realize his dream of social position. The vested interest groups who have already stabilized their social position and gained a lot of economic benefits will not allow any poor person without high social background to share wealth and pleasure with them.Although he makes an effort to obtain a good position in the society, he still does not belong to the upper classes. He opens his mind to everyone, but others do not open to him. The old aristocrat Tom hates the new speculator Gatsby, so Tom oppresses Gatsby. In other words, there is a contradiction between Tom and Gatsby, because they are not only love rivals but also belong to different classes.Although the visitors to his parties are strangers, he is still friendly to them. Meanwhile, his guests attend the parties just for fun and wealth. They are not real friends. He is just a victim of that period. His death is a great tragedy of the age. And nobody cares about him.3.2 The Worship of MoneyThis is the internal reason why Gatsby’s dream of wealth fails.Gatsby represents those who have a wrong idea of the relationship between money and love. The novel reflects the social reality vividly. They think money talks. However, not everything can be obtained by money. The best things in life do not cost money.The most important point for realizing the dream of wealth is that one should increase income and decrease expenditure, but Gatsby earns money and consumes wealth in an irrational way.In order to win back his lost love eagerly, becoming wealthy is the most important and necessary thing for Gatsby. However, he uses a wrong way to get money. A large amount of fortune cannot be obtained honestly and legally. Gatsby earns a large amount of money by selling illegal alcohol and trading in stolen securities.After getting the money, he lives an extravagant life. He wastes a lot of wealth just to pursue fashions and high-quality material life. First of all, he gets a large house and an expensive car. Secondly, he holds parties day and night every weekend at home. He becomes famous around New York. The parties are nearly incredibly luxurious. “It looks like World Fair” (Fitzgerald.F.S, 2009: 50) He makes “friends” with famous people and makes himself elegant and noble. In general, he squanders his money.3.3 Unrealistic Dream of High Social PositionThe impossibility of realization of Gatsby’s dreams is the underlying cause resulting in the failure of Gatsby. Since Gatsby has an unrealistic idea about himself and the society he lives in, this is also the general internal reason why he can not realize his dream of high social position.Gatsby’s dream is to become a member of upper classes, but it is far away from him. Firstly, the love between Gatsby and Daisy has become the past, and there is a gap between them. It is impossible to return to the past, because all the things have changed. Secondly, Tom is his biggest enemy, because he has less money than Tom does. Tom is more ambitious than Gatsby according to their personalities. Thirdly, when Gatsby has the necessary condition to obtain a decent social position, the other people do not really accept him.In general, his unpractical dream is based on fantasy instead of reality. In the 1920s, American Dream was materialized. The inner essence of American Dream was changed. Becoming materially rich and pursuing the former spiritual principles of American Dream became a dilemma for the lower classes. He must admit the fact, because the postwar world in which he lives is meaningless and almost wholly loveless.3.4 The Wrong Understanding of LoveThe internal reason why Gatsby’s dream of love fails is that he has a wrong understanding of love itself. As it is known to all, we can not buy love by money.But Gatsby thinks he can not get Daisy’s love only because of money.Gatsby has no vigilance and trusts everyone. When he knows Daisy’s gown has been torn, he gives her a new one. He pursues his dream bravely, but he is too innocent to understand his dreamwhich is impossible to realize. He is so loyal to Daisy and loves her all the time. However, he never knows what his dream is on earth and he does not know Daisy clearly.At the very beginning, Gatsby tells a lie to Daisy. He hopes to make her believe that he can let her live a happy life. Gatsby does everything he can to make his life and possession perfect only for winning back the love between Daisy and him. In his opinion, to be rich is the easiest way. However, it can derail one’s conscience into corruption. The way would deteriorate the true meaning of life and love. Gatsby loses sight of it, so it is unavoidable for him to corrupt.CONCLUSIONAfter collecting information and completing this thesis, we can understand better the beginning, development and disillusionment of Gatsby’s American Dream. Now we can not only feel empathetic with Gatsby’s intricate and tragic life, but also see the inhumanity and cruelty of the society during that period.Through this novel, Fitzgerald shows the collapse and disillusionment of American Dream in the 1920s. Here, heroes and heroines including Gatsby, Daisy and Tom together serve as metaphors by Fitzgerald to reveal the deviation of American Dream in the 1920s. This thesis generalizes the reasons why Gatsby fails in the pursuing of his dream. Due to all kinds of factors, the disillusionment of Gatsby’s American Dream is unavoidable.All in all, this novel The Great Gatsby can be absolutely termed as the masterpiece of Fitzgerald, and it actually strengthens the famous and talented American author Fitzgerald’s honor. It takes up an important position in the history of American literature even in the whole world literature.BibliographyBurnham, T. A Re-Examination of The Great Gatsby. College English, 1952. Fitzgerald, F.Scott. The Great Gatsby. Penguin Classics, 1994.Malcolm, Cowley. What is the Meaning of the Jazz Age. New York University Press, 1986Miller, James E. F. Scott Fitzgerald: His Art and Technique. New York University Press, 1964.James Truslow Adams, The Epic of America. New York University Press, 1931 Wang Qiong. The Narrative Technique in “The Great Gatsby” from the Point View of Narration. Journal of Huzhou Teachers College, 1996.Wu Dingbai. An Outline of American Literature. Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1998.Yang Qishen. Selected Readings in American Literature, Volume 2. Shanghai Translation Press, 1987.Zhao Hongwei. The Definition of American Dream. Shanghai Language Education Press, 1998.陈胜利, 英美文化中含“国家名”的复合词解析, 盐城师范学院学报:人文社会科学版,2010葛靓, Doom of American Dream in Great Gatsby.《文学界(理论版)》 2012.杨慧群, 菲兹杰拉德的小说了不起的盖茨比浅析.江苏广播电视大学学报, 2002.赵红石, Characters’ Lives in The Great Gatsby.《科技信息》2010.Notes(素材和资料部分来自网络,供参考。



勇敢面对现实与自我成长:《了不起的盖茨比》1. 引言1.1 概述在现代社会中,我们每个人都面临着各种不同的挑战和困难。




1.2 文章结构本文将分为五个部分来探讨《了不起的盖茨比》中关于勇敢面对现实与自我成长的主题。






1.3 目的本文旨在通过分析《了不起的盖茨比》这部小说,探讨并展示勇敢面对现实与自我成长这一重要主题对于个人发展和成就的积极影响。



2. 勇敢面对现实:2.1 接纳现实:在面对现实时,我们需要学会接受和认识到现实的存在。



2.2 面对挑战:勇敢面对现实也意味着主动去应对挑战和困难。




了不起盖茨比论文开题报告1. 研究背景《了不起的盖茨比》是美国作家F·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德的代表作之一,被誉为美国文学的经典之一。




2. 研究目的和意义本研究的目的是深入探讨小说《了不起的盖茨比》中盖茨比的形象及其意义,进一步揭示20世纪20年代美国社会的问题。


3. 研究内容和方法本研究将以文学研究的方法,通过对小说《了不起的盖茨比》中盖茨比的描写及相关情节的分析,来探讨盖茨比追逐美国梦和执着追求的心理及其对他的影响。



















































毕业论文文献综述题目:论《了不起的盖茨比》美国梦的破灭专业班级:汉语言一、前言部分(说明写作的目的,介绍有关概念,扼要说明有关主题争论焦点)作者简介:菲茨杰拉德:司科特·菲茨杰拉德(F·Scott Fitzgerald,1896—1940)在美国文坛占据着重要的位置:他是“迷惘的一代”的代表作家,是“爵士时代”的桂冠诗人。











《亲情与自由的价值:《了不起的盖茨比》中的主题探究》1. 引言1.1 概述《了不起的盖茨比》是美国作家F·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德创作的一部经典小说。


1.2 文章结构本文将通过以下几个方面对《了不起的盖茨比》中的主题进行深入分析与探究:首先,我们将探讨亲情与自由两个概念的重要性;其次,我们将从家庭关系、真实感与虚幻感以及失去亲情带来的痛苦和遗憾等角度,来剖析小说中展现出来的亲情内涵;随后,我们将深入思考富人社交圈所追求的虚荣和享乐对自由的束缚,以及对外部物质财富和社会地位视为自由标志这种错误认知产生的影响;最后,我们将通过盖茨比对爱情自由追逐过程中无法摆脱过去和现实束缚所带来的思考,探讨真正属于自己和自由的现实含义。

1.3 目的本文旨在通过对《了不起的盖茨比》中亲情与自由主题的深入探究,揭示其中蕴含的重要价值,并对当代社会中亲情与自由关系提供启示和建议。



2. 亲情与自由的重要性2.1 亲情的意义亲情是人类社会中最为基础和质朴的情感,它源于家庭关系,是血缘、婚姻或者养育等形式所连接起来的一种特殊关系。



2.2 自由的定义与价值自由是指个体在尊重他人权利和法律约束下,享有思想、言论、信仰、行动以及追求幸福等方面不受限制的状态。


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[摘要] 《了不起的盖茨比》被公认为菲茨杰拉德最好的小说,在很长一段时间里,它被认为是“喧嚣的二十年代”的最佳代言,并且作为美国中学生必读的文学作品。


[关键词] 盖茨比悲剧美国梦
1.1 美国梦的起源
1.2 美国梦的实质
1.3 盖茨比美国梦错误的化身----黛西
2.1 新富和贵族之间的矛盾
2.1.1 经济地位不同
2.1.2 社会斗争
2.2 上层阶级对社会的残酷迫害
3.1 盖茨比对纯洁爱情的追求
3.2 盖茨比对金钱的盲目崇拜
3.3 盖茨比对建立财富缺乏批判的眼光
