HomeLink 通用远程传输器说明书
Features The HomeLink ® Universal Transceiver can be programmed to operate up to three remote controlled devices around your home, such as garage doors, lighting, or home security systems.Refer to the safety information that came with your garage door opener to test that the safety features are functioning properly. If you do not have the safety information, contact the manufacturer.Before programming HomeLink, make sure that people and objects are out of theway of the garage or gate to prevent potential injury or damage.When programming a garage door opener, park just outside the garage door’s path.■Important Safety Precautions 1HomeLink ® Universal Transceiver *Before programming HomeLink to operate a garage door opener, confirm that the opener has an external entrapment protection system, such as an “electronic eye,” or other safety and reverse stop features. If it does not, HomeLink may not be able to operate it.uu HomeLink ® Universal Transceiver *u Training HomeLink FeaturesTraining HomeLinkIf it is necessary to erase a previously entered learned code:•Press and hold the I and III HomeLink buttons for about 10 seconds, until the green indicator blinks. Release the buttons, and proceed to step 1.•If you are training the second or third button, go directly to step 1.The instructions on the next page should work for most gate or garage openers, but may not work for all. For detailed instructions about your specific remote opener, visit or call (800) 355-3515.1Training HomeLinkNOTE:Some LED lightbulbs installed in the garage door opener can interfere with the training and consistentoperation of your HomeLink device. Please consider use of Low RF interference bulbs in your garage door opener.Button III HomeLink Buttonuu HomeLink® Universal Transceiver*u Training HomeLinkFeatures ■Programming a Button1Training HomeLinkReprogramming a ButtonIf you want to retrain a programmed button for anew device, you do not have to erase all buttonmemory. You can replace the existing memory codeusing this procedure:2.1.Press and hold the desired HomeLink button untilthe HomeLink indicator begins to slowly flashorange. This should take about 20 seconds.Release the HomeLink button and position theremote transmitter you wish to link 1 - 3 inches(3 - 8 cm) from the HomeLink button you want toprogram, then follow steps 3 - 6 under“programming a button.”Erasing Button MemoryTo erase programming from the buttons, press and holdthe two outside HomeLink buttons until the HomeLinkindicator changes from orange to rapidly flashing green.This should take about 10 seconds. You should erase allprogramming before selling the vehicle.OperatingTo operate, simple press and release theprogrammed HomeLink button. Activation will nowoccur for the trained device.QuestionsFor questions or comments, visit, /HomeLinkGentex, or by calling the HomeLink Hotline(North America only) at (800) 355-3515.HomeLink® is a registered trademark of Gentex TrainingComplete1.Position the remote transmitter you wish to link 1 to 3 inches (3 - 8 cm) from theHomeLink® button you want to program.3b.Canadian Garage Door OpenerA. Press and release the HomeLinkbutton. Press, hold and release thebutton on the remote every 2 secs.Does the HomeLink indicator (LED)change from slowly flashing orange torapidly flashing or continuously ongreen? The process should take lessthan 60 seconds.2.Press and release the desired HomeLink button. Is the HomeLink indicator (LED) slowlyflashing orange?3a.Hold the button on the remotetransmitter. Does HomeLink indicator(LED) change from slowly flashingorange to rapidly flashing green orcontinuously on green? The processshould take less than 60 seconds.5.Press and hold the HomeLink button again.5a.The remote has a rolling code. Press the“learn” button on the remote-controlleddevice (e.g. garage door opener).6.Press and hold the HomeLink buttonagain.The remote-controlled device shouldoperate.Training Complete5b.Within 30 secs, press and hold theprogrammed HomeLink button for 24.Press and hold the programmed HomeLinkbutton for about a second. Does the device(garage door opener) work?。
二、系统参数设置1. 进入系统管理模块后,选择“系统参数”选项。
2. 在系统参数界面,用户可以设置公司的基本信息,如公司名称、地址、电话等。
3. 用户还可以设置系统的日期和时间格式,以及货币单位等。
4. 对于财务模块,用户需要设置会计科目、账套等信息。
5. 对于人力资源模块,用户需要设置员工信息、部门信息等。
6. 对于供应链模块,用户需要设置供应商信息、客户信息等。
三、用户权限管理1. 进入系统管理模块后,选择“用户管理”选项。
2. 在用户管理界面,用户可以添加新用户、编辑现有用户信息、删除用户等。
3. 用户还可以为每个用户分配不同的角色和权限,确保系统的安全性。
4. 用户角色包括系统管理员、财务人员、人力资源人员等,每个角色拥有不同的权限。
5. 用户权限包括查看、编辑、删除等操作权限,以及访问不同模块的权限。
四、系统监控1. 进入系统管理模块后,选择“系统监控”选项。
2. 在系统监控界面,用户可以查看系统的运行状态,如CPU使用率、内存使用率等。
3. 用户还可以查看系统的日志信息,了解系统的运行情况。
4. 如果系统出现异常,用户可以通过系统监控及时发现并解决问题。
5. 系统监控还可以帮助用户优化系统性能,提高系统运行效率。
用友U8_系统管理使用手册五、数据备份与恢复1. 数据备份是保障系统安全的重要措施。
2. 用户可以设置自动备份计划,确保数据定期备份。
3. 手动备份也是可行的选择,用户可以随时触发备份过程。
4. 在“数据恢复”选项中,用户可以恢复之前备份的数据,以应对系统故障或数据丢失的情况。
智能医疗远程护理系统使用手册第一章概述 (3)1.1 系统简介 (3)1.2 功能特点 (4)1.2.1 实时监测 (4)1.2.2 数据分析 (4)1.2.3 智能提醒 (4)1.2.4 个性化护理方案 (4)1.2.5 移动应用 (4)1.2.6 数据安全 (4)1.2.7 易于集成 (4)第二章系统安装与配置 (5)2.1 系统要求 (5)2.2 安装流程 (5)2.2.1 获取安装包 (5)2.2.2 安装步骤 (5)2.3 配置说明 (5)2.3.1 网络配置 (5)2.3.2 软件配置 (5)2.3.3 硬件配置 (6)第三章用户注册与登录 (6)3.1 用户注册 (6)3.1.1 注册流程 (6)3.1.2 注意事项 (6)3.2 用户登录 (6)3.2.1 登录流程 (6)3.2.2 注意事项 (6)3.3 密码找回 (7)3.3.1 找回流程 (7)3.3.2 注意事项 (7)第四章基础信息设置 (7)4.1 个人信息设置 (7)4.1.1 功能概述 (7)4.1.2 操作步骤 (7)4.2 联系方式设置 (7)4.2.1 功能概述 (8)4.2.2 操作步骤 (8)4.3 权限设置 (8)4.3.1 功能概述 (8)4.3.2 操作步骤 (8)第五章患者管理 (8)5.1 患者资料录入 (8)5.1.1 登录系统后,左侧菜单栏中的“患者管理”选项,进入患者管理界面。
(8)5.1.2 “新增患者”按钮,系统将弹出患者资料录入窗口。
(9)5.1.3 在患者资料录入窗口中,按照提示填写患者的基本信息,包括姓名、性别、年龄、联系方式、家庭住址等。
(9)5.1.4 根据患者的病情,填写相关的医疗信息,如疾病名称、诊断时间、治疗经过等。
(9)5.1.5 确认无误后,“保存”按钮,系统将自动将患者资料录入数据库。
(9)5.2 患者资料修改 (9)5.2.1 在患者管理界面中,找到需要修改的患者信息。
网络同传的使用网络环境网络环境1台计算机作为发送端,接收端计算机不超过200台,但为确保同传的稳定性建议您每次同传不超过100台,通过交换机或HUB 连接于同一个局域网中,网络设备不要阻止广播包的传输。
网络同传前的准备工作网络同传前的准备工作在网络同传操作前,需要做好如下准备工作:在网络同传操作前,需要做好如下准备工作:1. 保证发送端与所有接收端通过交换机或HUB 连接于同一个局域网的同一网段中,且网络通讯状况正常(网络设备不要阻止广播包的传输)。
2. 请确保发送端计算机配置及型号与接收端一致。
3. 选择网络环境内的一台计算机作为发送端,并在此发送端安装设置操作系统、硬件驱动程序、硬盘保护驱动程序、网络控制工具被控端(如果需要使用网络控制功能)及需要使用的应用软件。
4. 发送端安装各类应用的软件均可正常使用,保障发送端系统本身完好。
5. 查杀发送端病毒及木马等恶意程序,确保发送端本身的安全。
6. 在进行网络同传前,请确保发送端已进入保护模式。
发送端操作过程发送端操作过程1. 请选择进行操作的计算机作为发送端。
2. 按下电源开关启动计算机,在弹出如图2-11所示的选择启动系统界面后按F4功能键进入网络同传的界面,如图2-18所示。
智慧医疗远程监护系统操作手册第一章概述 (3)1.1 产品简介 (4)1.2 功能特点 (4)1.2.1 实时监测 (4)1.2.2 数据存储与分析 (4)1.2.3 预警提示 (4)1.2.4 多终端访问 (4)1.2.5 信息安全 (4)1.3 使用环境 (4)1.3.1 硬件要求 (4)1.3.2 软件要求 (4)第二章设备安装与连接 (5)2.1 硬件设备安装 (5)2.1.1 设备清单 (5)2.1.2 安装步骤 (5)2.2 软件系统安装 (5)2.2.1 软件清单 (5)2.2.2 安装步骤 (5)2.3 设备连接与调试 (5)2.3.1 设备连接 (6)2.3.2 设备调试 (6)第三章用户注册与登录 (6)3.1 用户注册 (6)3.1.1 注册流程 (6)3.1.2 注意事项 (6)3.2 用户登录 (6)3.2.1 登录流程 (7)3.2.2 注意事项 (7)3.3 密码找回与修改 (7)3.3.1 密码找回 (7)3.3.2 密码修改 (7)3.3.3 注意事项 (7)第四章监护设备使用 (7)4.1 设备配置与调试 (7)4.1.1 设备准备 (7)4.1.2 设备配置 (8)4.1.3 设备调试 (8)4.2 数据采集与 (8)4.2.1 数据采集 (8)4.2.2 数据 (8)4.3 设备故障处理 (8)4.3.2 联系售后服务 (9)第五章数据查看与分析 (9)5.1 数据查询 (9)5.1.1 查询入口 (9)5.1.2 查询条件设置 (9)5.1.3 查询结果展示 (9)5.1.4 数据导出 (10)5.2 数据报表 (10)5.2.1 报表类型 (10)5.2.2 报表 (10)5.2.3 报表导出与打印 (10)5.3 数据分析与解读 (10)5.3.1 数据趋势分析 (10)5.3.2 数据对比分析 (10)5.3.3 数据异常分析 (10)5.3.4 数据综合分析 (10)第六章报警与预警 (10)6.1 报警设置 (11)6.1.1 报警参数配置 (11)6.1.2 报警解除 (11)6.2 预警通知 (11)6.2.1 预警参数配置 (11)6.2.2 预警解除 (12)6.3 报警记录查询 (12)6.3.1 报警记录查看 (12)6.3.2 报警记录导出 (12)第七章通讯与互动 (12)7.1 患者与医生通讯 (12)7.1.1 通讯方式 (12)7.1.2 发起通讯 (12)7.1.3 消息记录 (12)7.1.4 通讯设置 (13)7.2 群组交流 (13)7.2.1 群组创建 (13)7.2.2 群组加入 (13)7.2.3 群组交流 (13)7.2.4 群组管理 (13)7.3 互动咨询 (13)7.3.1 咨询发起 (13)7.3.2 咨询回复 (13)7.3.3 咨询记录 (13)7.3.4 咨询评价 (13)第八章系统管理 (14)8.1.1 用户注册 (14)8.1.2 用户登录 (14)8.1.3 用户信息修改 (14)8.1.4 用户注销 (14)8.2 权限设置 (14)8.2.1 权限分配 (14)8.2.2 权限修改 (14)8.2.3 权限撤销 (15)8.3 系统升级与维护 (15)8.3.1 系统升级 (15)8.3.2 系统维护 (15)第九章安全与隐私 (15)9.1 数据安全 (15)9.1.1 数据加密 (15)9.1.2 数据备份 (15)9.1.3 数据访问权限控制 (15)9.2 用户隐私保护 (15)9.2.1 隐私政策 (16)9.2.2 用户信息保护 (16)9.2.3 用户隐私设置 (16)9.3 法律法规遵守 (16)9.3.1 法律法规遵循 (16)9.3.2 用户权益保障 (16)9.3.3 法律责任承担 (16)第十章常见问题与解答 (16)10.1 硬件设备问题 (16)10.1.1 问:如何检查设备是否正常工作? (16)10.1.2 问:设备故障时,如何进行初步排查? (16)10.1.3 问:如何清洁和维护设备? (17)10.2 软件系统问题 (17)10.2.1 问:如何更新软件版本? (17)10.2.2 问:软件出现故障时,如何进行排查? (17)10.2.3 问:如何备份和恢复数据? (17)10.3 用户操作问题 (17)10.3.1 问:如何添加新用户? (17)10.3.2 问:如何设置用户权限? (17)10.3.3 问:如何查看患者监护数据? (17)10.3.4 问:如何进行远程会诊? (17)第一章概述1.1 产品简介智慧医疗远程监护系统是一款集成了现代通信技术、物联网技术及医疗健康监测技术的高科技产品。
物联网智能门锁远程控制操作手册第一章:产品概述 (3)1.1 产品简介 (3)1.2 产品特点 (3)第二章:安装与准备 (4)2.1 安装准备 (4)2.2 安装步骤 (4)2.3 验证安装 (5)第三章:智能门锁初始化 (5)3.1 初始化流程 (5)3.1.1 开启电源 (5)3.1.2 进入初始化界面 (5)3.1.3 选择初始化类型 (5)3.1.4 输入管理员密码 (5)3.1.5 确认初始化 (5)3.1.6 初始化完成 (6)3.2 设置管理员 (6)3.2.1 进入设置菜单 (6)3.2.2 选择“管理员设置”选项 (6)3.2.3 输入管理员密码 (6)3.2.4 设置管理员密码 (6)3.2.5 保存设置 (6)3.3 初始化注意事项 (6)3.3.1 初始化前保证门锁已接通电源,避免初始化过程中断电。
(6)3.3.2 初始化过程中,请勿进行其他操作,以免影响初始化结果。
(6)3.3.3 在初始化完成后,门锁将自动重启。
(6)3.3.4 若初始化过程中遇到问题,请及时联系售后服务进行解决。
(6)3.3.5 在设置管理员密码时,请保证密码具备一定的安全性,避免使用过于简单的密码。
(6)3.3.6 初始化后,需重新添加用户指纹、密码等信息,以恢复正常使用。
(6)第四章:用户管理 (6)4.1 添加用户 (6)4.1.1 登录系统 (6)4.1.2 进入用户管理模块 (6)4.1.3 添加新用户 (7)4.1.4 填写用户信息 (7)4.1.5 设置用户权限 (7)4.1.6 确认添加 (7)4.2 删除用户 (7)4.2.1 选择用户 (7)4.2.2 删除用户 (7)4.3 修改用户权限 (7)4.3.1 选择用户 (7)4.3.2 修改权限 (7)4.3.3 设置新权限 (7)4.3.4 确认修改 (7)第五章:远程控制 (7)5.1 远程开锁 (7)5.1.1 操作步骤 (7)5.1.2 注意事项 (8)5.2 远程关锁 (8)5.2.1 操作步骤 (8)5.2.2 注意事项 (8)5.3 远程监控 (8)5.3.1 操作步骤 (8)5.3.2 注意事项 (8)第六章:报警与通知 (9)6.1 报警设置 (9)6.1.1 报警功能概述 (9)6.1.2 报警设置方法 (9)6.2 通知设置 (9)6.2.1 通知功能概述 (9)6.2.2 通知设置方法 (9)6.3 报警记录查询 (10)6.3.1 报警记录查询功能概述 (10)6.3.2 报警记录查询方法 (10)第七章:系统升级与维护 (10)7.1 系统升级 (10)7.1.1 升级概述 (10)7.1.2 升级前准备 (10)7.1.3 升级步骤 (10)7.2 系统维护 (11)7.2.1 维护概述 (11)7.2.2 维护步骤 (11)7.3 故障处理 (11)7.3.1 故障现象与原因 (11)7.3.2 故障处理步骤 (11)第八章:安全与隐私 (12)8.1 数据加密 (12)8.1.1 加密技术概述 (12)8.1.2 加密算法 (12)8.1.3 加密密钥管理 (12)8.2 用户隐私保护 (12)8.2.1 隐私政策 (12)8.2.3 用户信息删除 (12)8.3 防护措施 (13)8.3.1 防火墙 (13)8.3.2 入侵检测 (13)8.3.3 安全审计 (13)8.3.4 漏洞修复 (13)8.3.5 安全培训 (13)第九章:操作技巧 (13)9.1 快速操作指南 (13)9.1.1 开锁操作 (13)9.1.2 关锁操作 (13)9.1.3 添加新用户 (13)9.1.4 删除用户 (13)9.2 高级功能应用 (14)9.2.1 指纹开启 (14)9.2.2 刷卡开启 (14)9.2.3 虚拟密码开启 (14)9.2.4 临时密码开启 (14)9.3 常见问题解答 (14)第十章:售后服务 (15)10.1 售后服务政策 (15)10.2 售后服务流程 (15)10.3 联系我们 (15)第一章:产品概述1.1 产品简介物联网智能门锁远程控制是一款集物联网技术、智能识别技术以及机械锁技术于一体的安全门锁产品。
MR-900T 4G路由器使用手册北京北科驿唐科技有限公司北京市海淀区丰贤中路7号北科产业园3号楼2层TEL: 4008-909-611网址:©版权所有2005-2022目录第一章产品介绍 (2)1.1 产品简介 (2)1.2 产品外观 (3)1.3 标准配件 (4)1.4 安装尺寸 (6)1.5 工作原理 (7)1.6 规格参数 (7)1.6.1 技术参数 (7)1.6.2 指示灯说明 (8)1.6.3 串口定义 (8)1.7 技术优势 (9)1.8 典型应用 (10)第二章设备配置 (12)2.1 配置方法 (12)2.1.1 准备工作 (12)2.1.2 配置MR-900T (12)2.2 配置参数介绍 (18)2.3 恢复出厂设置 (19)2.4 固件更新 (19)2.5 远程配置 (21)附录1:配置MR-900T实现高速上网 (28)附录2:驿云网口通实现点到中心案例 (33)附录3:驿云网口通实现点到点案例 (41)附录4:驿云串口通调试案例 (46)附录5:MR-900T以VPN的方式实现远程接入局域网 (51)附录6:APN专网调试案例 (55)附录7:用路由器网口收发短信及短信数据格式 (63)附录8:用路由器串口收发短信 (67)附录9:路由器网口AT命令 (70)附录10:网口通结合驿唐工业路由器虚网映射功能实现下位机设备相同IP地址的远程访问 (71)第一章产品介绍本章主要介绍MR-900T的外观、配件、规格参数和使用原理。
Remote System for Bolt FlashesUser’s ManualIntroductionThe Bolt RT-16 system allows you to control all compatible monolights and strobes from one convenient location with a reliable, easy-to-use controller. The RT-16 is a great solution to speed up and simplify your work ow. Whether you work with a few ashes in a single setup, or in a large studio with a number of sets with many lights, you will immediately see the advantage of being able to make adjustments to your lighting without the need to maneuver into crowded, hard to reach places.You can adjust the power level of each ash or group of ashes in 1/10 or 1/3 stop increments as well as controlling model lamps or AF assist lamps, turning alert sounds on or off and test ring and triggering your entire lighting setup, all from a central location. The RT-16 also features 16 channels to avoid interference and false triggers, along with the ability to address 16 separate groups for precision control of your lighting. You may even nd that this convenience frees you to experiment with new ideas and styles. You’ll discover creative ways to use your lighting to bring out your very best work.WarningsBefore using this product, please read the following safety instructions carefully in order to ensure your safety and the proper operation of the RT-16 system. Failure to observe these precautions could result in product malfunction, re or explosion, electric shock or other physical injury.• Do not disassemble or modify. Should the product break open due to accidental damage, remove the batteries and send it to an authorized repair center.• Keep dry. Do not handle with wet hands, immerse in water, or expose to rain or snow.• Do not use in the presence ofammable gasses.• Keep out of reach of children. This product contains small parts that may pose a choking hazard. Should a child swallow any part of this product, consult a physician immediately.• Turn off the transmitter or receiver immediately should a malfunction occur. Should smoke or any unusual smell come from this product, shut it off and remove the batteries immediately. Send it to an authorized repair facility for service. Continued use may result in physical injury.• Do not expose to high temperature. Do not leave product in a closed vehicle in the sun or other areas subject to extremely high temperature.• Keep away from strong magnetic elds. Strong static or magnetic elds produced by devices such as cell phones and radios may lead to malfunction.• Observe precautions when handling batteries. Batteries may leak or explode if improperly handled.Please observe the following precautions when using batteries with this product.• Use only batteries listed in this manual. Do not mix new and old batteries or different brand batteries.• Read and follow all warnings and instructions provided by the battery manufacturer.• Do not attempt to short-circuit or disassemble batteries.• Do not put batteries in a re or apply direct heat to them.• Do not attempt to install batteries in the reverse direction.• Batteries may leak when fully discharged. To avoid damage to the product, be sure to remove the batteries if the product will not be used for an extended period of time, or if the battery power is low.• Should uid from damaged batteries come into contact with skin or clothing, rinse immediately with fresh water.Features• 16 channels• Up to 16 groups• 433 MHz• Effective range 150’ (50 m)• Raise or lower ash power• Model or AF Assist light On/Off• Audio alert On/Off• Test ash (triggers all groups)NOTE: All ashes that you wish to control from the RT-16 must be equipped with a RR-16-A or RR-16-B Receiver. Additional ashes may be triggered using their optical slave function if available.Using the RT-16Installing Batteries in Transmitter1. Remove battery cover from unit.2. Insert two AA batteries, being sure to follow illustrations inside unit to properly position the positive (+) and negative (–) terminals.3. Replace battery cover.Attaching the RT-16 Transmitter to Your Camera: Rotate the locking wheel counterclockwise on the RT-16 until it is in the fully open (uppermost) position. You can also connect a PC cord from your camera to the unit's 3.5mm mini sync socket.Attaching the RR-16-A Receiver to Your Compatible Flash or Monolight: Flip up the USB connector on the RT-16 Receiver. Plug it into the USB port on your compatible ash or monolight. Attaching the RR-16-B Receiver: Plug the connector pins into the appropriate socket on your compatible ash or monolight.The receivers are powered directly from the ash or monolight, so no battery or external power is required. The Receivers have no On/Off switch. As soon as it is set and plugged in to an active, compatible ash or monolight, it will automatically begin to function.Turning on the RT-16 Transmitter: To turn on the transmitter, slide the Power switch to the On position.Setting the Channel: The RT-16 has 16 channels available for use. This allows you to avoid interference with other devices or photographers in a busy work environment, with each photographer operating on a different channel. Use theDIP switches on the front panel of the transmitter and receiver to select the desired channel as shown on the DIP switch con guration chart.In order for the transmitter and receiver to communicate with each other, both have to be set to the same channel. Selecting the Group on the RT-16: Use the Group Select dial to choose the group you want to adjust. A group can consist of just one ash up to any number of ashes you wish. The Group function allows you to adjust settings on speci c ashes or groups of ashes from one location, without having to go to each ash and make those adjustments individually. Group-speci c controls are raising and lowering the power, turning the sound on or off, and turning the modeling/AF assist light on or off.Selecting the Group on the Receiver: Use the Group Select dial to choose the desired group.Adjusting Power Output: Use the + and - buttons to adjust the power of the selected group up or down.Using the RT-16NOTE: The transmitter’s display can be switched from showing power output in decimals (generally used for monolights) to fractions (typically used for ashes). To change this setting, press and hold the Set button until the display switches.When the display is set to decimals, the power adjustments will be in 1/10th-stop increments. When set to fractions, the adjustments will be in 1/3rd-stop increments. Sound: Use the Sound button to turn the sound on or off for all the ashes in the selected group. will be displayed on the LCD.Lamp: Use the Lamp button to turn the Modeling or AF-Assist Light (depending on your device) on or off for all theashes in the selected group. will be displayed on the LCD.NOTE: The Sound and Lamp buttons will only work if your ash or monolight supports those functions.Test: Press the Test button to test re all ashes in all groups.Turning Off a Group: To turn off a group, use the - button to turn its power down all the way. The display will indicate OF. NOTE: After making any changes to settings, whether on the RT-16 or on any connected sync all settings. will be displayed on the LCD.Changes made to ash settings will be re ected on the RT-16 display, and on each ash’s display as well.The RT-16 can also be used as a handheld central remote controller to adjust the settings on all your compatible lights, even if you use a different method to actually trigger them (e.g. a sync cord, Pocket Wizard, etc.).Troubleshooting1. Unable to trigger a ash by pressing the Test button or the camera’s shutter release:• Make sure the batteries are installedproperly and the transmitter ispowered on.• Check the DIP switches to see thatthe transmitter and receiver are setto the same channel.• Check if the transmitter is rmlyseated in the camera’s hot shoe. 2. Signal disturbance or shooting interference (lights not ring or ring irregularly):• Try using a different channel.3. Reduced operating range, or monolights not ring.• Check if batteries in transmitter aredrained. Try replacing with freshones.4. Flashes not responding to adjustments made on transmitter.• Check that transmitter and receiverare set to the same channel.• Check that the transmitter andreceiver are set to the same group.• Check if the ash power is out ofadjustment range (e. g. ash has1.0-6.0 power adjustment range butremote is set to 7.0).• Check that your ash supports theSound or Lamp functions.Speci cationsTransmitter Power ReceiverPower Transmitter frequency Effective range Controls (for each group)Control (for all groups)Max. sync speed No. of channels Groups per channel Weight: Transmitter (w/o batteries) RR-16-A Receiver RR-16-B Receiver Dimensions: Transmitter body Transmitter body w/AntennaRR-16-A Receiver RR-16-B Receiver 2 AA batteries5 V433 MHzApprox. 150’ (50 m)Raise and Lower Flash PowerModel Light/AF Assist On/Off Audio Alert On/Off Test Fire1/250th sec.16162.3 oz. (65 g)0.7 oz. (20 g)0.4 oz. (12 g)3.75” x 2”x 1.5”(95 x 50 x 37 mm) 5.4” x 2”x 1.5”(137 x 50 x 37 mm) 2.2” x 1.2” x 1”(57 x 30 x 27 mm) 2.2” x 1.1” x 0.6”(57 x 30.5 x 15.2 mm)DIP Switch Con gurationsChannel 1Channel 5Channel 9Channel 10Channel 111 2 34WarrantyOne-Year Limited WarrantyThis BOLT product is warranted to the original purchaser to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal consumer use for a period of one (1) year from the original purchase date or thirty (30) days after replacement, whichever occurs later. The warranty provider’s responsibility with respect to this limited warranty shall be limited solely to repair or replacement, at the provider’s discretion, of any product that fails during normal use of this product in its intended manner and in its intended environment. Inoperability of the product or part(s) shall be determined by the warranty provider. If the product has been discontinued, the warranty provider reserves the right to replace it with a model of equivalent quality and function.This warranty does not cover damage or defect caused by misuse, neglect, accident, alteration, abuse, improper installation or maintenance. EXCEPT AS PROVIDED HEREIN, THE WARRANTY PROVIDER MAKES NEITHER ANY EXPRESS WARRANTIES NOR ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. This warranty provides you with speci c legal rights, and you may also have additional rights that vary from stateto state.To obtain warranty coverage, contact the Bolt Customer Service Department to obtain a return merchandise authorization (“RMA”) number, and return the defectiveproduct to Bolt along with the RMAnumber and proof of purchase. Shipment of the defective product is at the purchaser’s own risk and expense.For more information, or to arrangeservice, visit www.bolt or call Customer Service at 212-594-2353.Product warranty provided by the Gradus Group.Bolt is a registered trademark of theGradus Group. © 2015 Gradus Group LLC. All Rights ReservedAll other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © Copyright 2015 Gradus GroupGG3BOLTA Gradus Group Brand。
2.1.2. 客户端的连接与使用
1、客户端连接与使用:点击“开始”—“所有程序”,打开“Cisco”—“CiscoAnyconnect VPN Client”,单击“Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client”;
因公司原使用的远程办公系统(Juniper SA 2000)设备使用年限较长,允许同时在线用户数量小,且出现宕机、无响应问题,现已将远程办公系统进行更新,采用新远程办公系统(Cisco AnyConnect VPN Client)进行办公。
2.2.2. 客户端的连接与使用
1、客户端连接与使用:点击“开始”—“所有程序”,打开“Cisco”—“Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client”,单击“Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client”;
2、在VPN客户端界面中的“Connect to:”输入:vpn.csrcqsf.;点击登陆框左下角的“齿轮“符号,将“Preferences”选项中的第二项”Minimize AnyConnect on VPN connect”、第四项”Block connections to untrusted servers”勾选去掉,并勾选中第三项“Allow local(LAN)access when using VPN”,关闭窗口;
14007763 July 2020Remote Control Initial PairingThe receiver and the handset of the remote control system must be initially paired before the fi rst use.(Note that batteries must already be installed in the wall mounted battery holder)1. Insert two 1.5 V AAA alkaline batteries in the handset.2. Locate the Reset button on the front side of the re-ceiver.3. With a thin object, press and hold the receiver’s RESETbutton until you hear one short and one long beeps. After the second beep, release the reset button.4. Within the subsequent 20 seconds, press and holdthe button on the remote handset for 2-3 seconds.will be displayed and fl ash on the handset dur-ing the pairing sequence. The handset will count up from 1 to 8, and you will hear two short beeps con-fi rming the pairing is done. If you hear one long beep, the pairing sequence has failed or the wiring is incorrect.This is a one time pairing only and is not required when changing the batteries of the handset or battery holder.The remote control system is now ready to use.Valor 10 Electronic Ignition Remote Control SystemFor use with Valor heaters model 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, 2100 and 2200KOPERATING INSTRUCTIONSGV60 SYMAX©2020, Miles Industries Ltd.Reset buttonRESET2Remote Control OperationNOTE: Before using the remote control system for the first time, the receiver and the handset must be paired. See the section Remote Control Initial Pairing on the fi rst page of this manual.Main DisplayTo Turn O ff FirePressto turn OFF.Note: There is a 2 minute delay after switching o ff before the next ignition is possible.Flame Height AdjustmentTo increase fl ame height, press and hold .To decrease fl ame height, press and hold . You may hold the button down until the fi re is set to pilot fl ameonly.Light Fan (if included)Program ModeCountdown TimerBattery StatusEco Mode°F or °CTo Turn On FireOne-Button lighting (default):Two-Button lighting: + simultaneouslyPress and hold for 4 seconds, until 8short beeps and a blinking series of lines con fi rms the start sequence has begun. Release button.Main gas fl ows once pilot ignition is con firmed.Handset automatically goes into manual mode after main burner ignition.Standby Mode (Pilot Flame)Press and hold to set appliance topilot flame.3Designated Low Fire and High FireTo go to low fi re, double-click . “LO”is displayed.Note: Flame goes to high fi re fi rst before going to low fi re.To go to high fi re, double-click . “HI”is displayed.C hoosing 1-Button or 2-Button Ignition On the remote control handset, you can choose a1-button or 2-button ignition. You can also choose to activate or deactivate some of the functions. By default, the handset is set to a 1-button ignition.To change from 1-button to 2-button ignition, remove the batteries, wait 10 seconds, reinsert batteries, and immediately when the display fl ashes, press and hold the button for 10 seconds. ON is displayed and 1 is fl ashing. When change is complete, 1 changes to 2.To change from 2-button to 1-button ignition, proceed the same as above. ON is displayed and 2 is fl ashing. When change is complete, 2 changes to 1.Deactivating or Activating FunctionsThese functions are active by default, but can be deactivated at any time:• Child Proof • Program Mode• Thermostatic Mode • Eco Mode• Circulating Fan Operation • Countdown TimerTo deactivate functions:1. Install batteries. All icons are displayed and fl ashing.2. While the icons are fl ashing, press the relevant func-tion button and hold for 10 seconds.3. The function icon will fl ash until deactivation is com-plete. Deactivation is complete when the functionicon and two horizontal bars () are displayed.Note: If a deactivated button is pressed, there is nofunction, and the two horizontal bars are displayed.To activate functions:1. Install batteries. All icons are displayed and fl ashing.2. While the icons are fl ashing, press the relevant func-tion button and hold for 10 seconds.3. The function icon will continue to fl ash until activa-tion is complete, and then turn solid. Activation iscomplete when the function icon is displayed.Setting Celsius or FahrenheitTo change between °C and °F, press and hold + simultaneously.Note : °C = 24-hour clock °F = 12-hour clockSetting the Time1. Press + simultaneously.Day fl ashes.2. Press + to select a number to correspond with the day of the week.• 1 = Monday • 2 = Tuesday • 3 = Wednesday • 4 = Thursday • 5 = Friday • 6 = Saturday • 7= Sunday 3. Press + simultaneously. Hour fl ashes.4. To select hour pressor.5. Press +simultaneously. Minutes fl ash.6. To select minutes press or.7. To con fi rm, press+simultaneously or wait.Child ProofYour handset can be set to lock out all commands to the fi replace, except OFF.To turn Child Proof ON:1. Press and hold + simultaneously.2.To turn Child Proof OFF:1. Press and hold + simultaneously.2.Countdown TimerYou can set your fi replace to automatically turn off at the end of a timer.To set a Countdown Timer:1. Press and hold until is displayed.Hourfl ashes.2. Press or to select Hour.3. To confi rm, press .Minutesfl ash.4. Press or to select Minutes.5. To confi rm, press or wait.To turn off a Countdown Timer:1. Press , and the countdown disappears. Note: The Countdown Timer only works in Manual, Thermostatic, and Eco modes. Maximum countdowntime is 9 hours and 50 minutes.Light/Dimmer OperationOn:, is displayed. Light is on atOff:, disappears. Light turns off .Setting:1. until fl ashes.2. To adjust light between 20-100% pressor . 3. To confiis displayed.Note: fl ame. If you want the light on but no flCirculating Fan OperationSetting:1. until fl ashes.2. Press to increase or to de-crease fan speed.3. To confior wait. is displayed.Off:Press until all 4 speed level bars disappear. Note: When setting, if the fan was not switched offafter last use, it starts automatically 4 minutes after ignition at maximum speed, and goes to the last set level after 10 seconds. The fan stops 10 minutes after the gas is OFF or at pilot.45Modes of OperationThermostatic Modecompared to the set temperature. The fl ame height is automatically adjusted to achieve the set temperature.Program ModeThe temperature is controlled byPrograms 1 and 2, each of which can be set to go on and o ff at speci fi c times, at a set temperature.Eco ModeFlame height modulates between highand low. If the room temperature is lower than the set temperature, the fl ame height stays on high for a longer period of time. If the room temperature is higher than the set temperature, the fl ame height stays on low for a longer period of time. One cycle lasts approximately 20 minutes.If any of the above modes (Thermostatic, Pro-gram, or Eco) are engaged by the MyFire app over WiFi, the handset will display APP .Manual ModeThe on/o ff status of the fi replace, as well as fl ameheight, are manually controlled by the user.Thermostatic ModeOn:. is displayed. Preset fl y, followed by the room temperature.Setting Desired Temperature:1. until is dis-fl ashes.2. To adjust set temperature, pressor .3. To con fiOff:2. Press orto go to Manual Mode.Program ModeOn:Press , 2, ON or OFF are displayed.Off:,, orto go to ManualNote: The set temperature for Thermostatic Mode is the temperature for the ON time in Program Mode. Changing the Thermostatic Mode set temperature also changes the ON time temperature in Program Mode.Default Settings:• ON TIME (Thermostatic) TEMPERATURE: 70°F / 21°C •OFF TIME TEMPERATURE: “” (pilot flame only)61. until fl ashes.ON and set temperature (set in Ther-mostatic Mode) is displayed.2. or wait., OFF displayed, temperature fl ashes.3. Select o ff temperature by pressing or .4. To con fi rm, press Note: The on (Thermostatic) and o ff set temperatures are the same for each day.Day Setting:1. ALL fl ashes. Pressortochoose between:• ALL = same settin g s ON-OFF every day • SA:SU = same settin g s ON-OFF Saturday and Sunday• 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 = daily timer—unique ON-OFF settin g s for a sin g le day of the week, for multiple days of the week or for every day of the week.2. To con fi rm, ALL SelectedOn Time Setting (PROGRAM 1)1., 1, ON are displayed. ALL is displayed brie fl y.Hour fl ashes.2. To select hour, pressor.3. To con fi. , 1, ON are displayed. fl y. Minutesfl ash.4. To select minutes, press or.5. To con fiOff Time Setting (PROGRAM 1)1., 1, OFF are displayed. ALL isdisplayed brie fl y. Hour fl ashes.2. To select hour, pressor.3. To con fi., 1, OFF are displayed. fl y. Minutes flash.4. To select minutes, press or.5. To con fiNote: Either continue to PROGRAM 2 and set ON and OFF times or stop programming at this point, and PROGRAM 2 remains deactivated.Note: PROGRAM 1 and 2 use the same ON(Thermostatic) and OFF temperatures. Once a new ON (Thermostatic) and/or OFF temperature has been set, that temperature becomes the new default setting.Note: ON and OFF times programmed for PROGRAM 1 and PROGRAM 2 become the new default times. The batteries must be removed to clear thePROGRAM 1 and PROGRAM 2 ON and OFF times and temperatures.SA:SU or Daily Timer (1-7) Selected• Set on time and o ff time using the same procedure as“ALL Selected” above.• Waiting to fi nish setting.Eco ModeOn:button to enter Eco Mode.Flame height modulates between high and low every 20 minutes.Off:button to exit Eco Mode.disappears.7Low Battery IndicationHandsetalkaline batteries.ReceiverFrequent beeps for 3 seconds when the motor turns indicate the batteries in the battery holder need to be replaced. Replace with four 1.5 V AA alkaline batteries.Automatic Shut O ffCountdown TimerAt the end of countdown time period, the fi re turns o ff . The Countdown Timer only works in Manual,Thermostatic, and Eco Modes. Maximum countdown time is 9 hours and 50 minutes.Low Battery ReceiverWith low battery power in the battery holder, the system shuts o ff the fi re completely. (This will not happen if the power is completely interrupted.)Seven Day Shut OffThe system shuts o ff the fi re completely if there is no change in fl ame height for 7 days.Automatic Turn Down3 Hour No Communication FunctionThe valve will turn to pilot fl ame if there is nocommunication between the handset and receiver for a 3-hour period. The fi re will continue to function normally when communication is restored.8Valor Fireplaces190–2255 Dollarton Highway, North Vancouver, BC, CANADA V7H 3B1Tel. 604-984-3496 Fax Because our policy is one of constant development and improvement, details may vary slightly from those given in this publication.Error CodesIn the event of an error condition with the handset or fi replace, the handset will display an error code.。
目录第一章远程数据传输1第一节远程数据传输概述 (1)第二节安装说明 (3)一、环境要求 (3)(一)操作系统 (3)(二)软件环境 (3)(三)可选安装: (3)二、配置iMTS用户名与密码 (3)(一)以DOS命令方式运行iMTS (3)(二)调用iMTS主控台 (4)(三)调用设置 (4)(四)设置imts的用户名和密码 (5)(五)注意 (5)第三节使用说明 (7)一、程序启动 (7)二、初始配置 (7)三、远程数据复制传输方的设置 (8)四、远程数据复制接收方的设置 (13)五、HTTP配置 (17)(一)流程图 (17)(二)IIS服务器配置 (17)(三)发送方配置 (19)第一章远程数据传输本章内容提要:☺概述☺传输方的设置☺接收方的设置☺ HTTP配置第一节远程数据传输概述远程数据传输是用来实现金蝶k/3账套,金蝶2000账套,文件等数据在Internet上的输支持定相互传递。
可传输的对象为SQL Server数据库、金蝶2000账套和一般性文件。
发送方接收方图1 远程数据传输流程说明第二节安装说明一、环境要求(一)操作系统中英文Windows 2000 Server,Windows 2000 Advance Server,Windows 200 Professor、Window NT server 4.0,(二)软件环境运行远程数据传输系统需要先安装金蝶k/3系统中间层或者客户端,即远程传输系统运行在金蝶k/3系统的中间层服务器或客户端上。
目录1 概述........................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
网动公司简介........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
Active Meeting 简介 ................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
Active Meeting (会议室版)特点 ............................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2 手册阅读方法........................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
标记方式................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
文本标记........................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
图标................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
3 基本概念阐述........................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
协通 XT800 远程助手(客户端/被控端)使用手册
设置方法: 1. 点击客户端主界面右上角设置按钮 ,打开设置页面,选择常规选项卡。 2.开启功能勾选启动时自动以托盘模式运行复选框,关闭功能取消勾选。
软件启动后自动锁定,解锁需输入事先设置的锁定密码。 设置方法: 1. 点击客户端主界面右上角设置按钮 ,打开设置页面,选择常规选项卡。 2.开启功能勾选启动后自动锁定软件复选框,关闭功能取消勾选。
系统默认开机自动运行协通 XT800 远程助手。 设置方法: 1. 点击客户端主界面右上角设置按钮 ,打开设置页面,选择常规选项卡。 2.开启功能勾选当计算机启动后自动运行复选框,关闭功能取消勾选。
建议勾选此功能,否则当远程计算机处于锁定、屏保或睡眠状态下无法进行远程控制,特别 是无人值守远程计算机时。
协通 XT800 远程助手(客户端/被控端)使用手册
第二章 软件设置
对软件的一些基本属性进行设置。 界面打开方法:点击客户端主界面右上角设置按钮 ,打开设置页面,选择常规选项卡。
常规设置包括五个方面: 开机自动运行 系统服务方式运行 启动托盘模式运行 自动锁定软件 个人名称/昵称修改
协通 XT800 远程服务系统
远程助手版使用手册 v2.1.5
广州协之通信息技术有限公司 2012/7/1
协通 XT800 远程助手(客户端/被控端)使用手册
第一章 使用办法...............................................................................................................................2 一、开始使用(初始化运行) ................................................................................................2 二、主动请求协助..................................................................................................................... 2 三、接受被控制请求 ................................................................................................................4 四、客服可通过帐号和授权码远程控制您 ............................................................................5
DameWare使用手册DameWare使用手册目录1. 简介2. 安装和配置2.1 系统要求2.2 安装DameWare2.3 配置DameWare3. 远程控制3.1 连接远程计算机3.2 屏幕共享3.3 文件传输3.4 音频和视频会议4. 设备管理4.1 计算机清单4.2 硬件和软件清单4.3 驱动程序管理5. 用户管理5.1 用户列表5.2 用户权限5.3 用户组管理5.4 远程注册表管理6. 安全设置6.1 访问控制6.2 加密通信6.3 安全日志7. 系统维护7.1 系统备份和恢复7.2 系统更新和补丁管理7.3 日志和事件管理8. 常见问题解答8.1 连接问题8.2 远程控制问题8.3 声音和视频问题8.4 安全设置问题8.5 系统维护问题9. 附录9.1 常见错误代码9.2 帮助和支持资源9.3 版本更新历史1. 简介DameWare是一款功能强大的远程控制和管理工具,它可以帮助系统管理员轻松管理和维护远程计算机。
2. 安装和配置2.1 系统要求在安装DameWare之前,请确保您的计算机满足以下最低系统要求:- 操作系统:Windows 7或更高版本- 处理器:1 GHz或更快- 内存:1 GB RAM(建议2 GB或更高)- 硬盘空间:100 MB可用空间2.2 安装DameWare请按照以下步骤安装DameWare:1. DameWare安装程序,并双击运行。
2. 根据安装向导的指示,选择安装路径和其他设置。
3. 完成安装后,您可以在开始菜单或桌面上找到DameWare的快捷方式。
2.3 配置DameWare在第一次运行DameWare时,您需要进行一些配置:1. 启动DameWare,并“设置”按钮。
2. 在设置选项卡中,您可以设置默认的远程控制参数、文件传输设置等。
3. 确认配置完成后,“保存”按钮。
网络视频会议系统操作手册第一章:系统概述 (3)1.1 产品简介 (3)1.2 功能特点 (3)1.2.1 高清视频通话 (3)1.2.2 多人会议 (4)1.2.3 实时互动协作 (4)1.2.4 会议录制与回放 (4)1.2.5 会议管理 (4)1.2.6 数据安全 (4)1.2.7 灵活的部署方式 (4)1.2.8 易用性 (4)1.2.9 兼容性 (4)1.2.10 定制化服务 (4)第二章:安装与配置 (4)2.1 系统要求 (4)2.2 安装步骤 (5)2.2.1 安装包 (5)2.2.2 安装程序 (5)2.2.3 运行程序 (5)2.3 配置网络 (5)2.3.1 设置网络参数 (5)2.3.2 配置防火墙 (6)2.3.3 设置代理服务器(如有需要) (6)第三章:账户管理 (6)3.1 注册与登录 (6)3.1.1 注册 (6)3.1.2 登录 (6)3.2 账户信息修改 (7)3.2.1 修改个人信息 (7)3.2.2 修改密码 (7)3.2.3 绑定/解绑邮箱、手机 (7)3.3 密码找回 (7)第四章:会议组织与预约 (7)4.1 创建会议 (7)4.1.1 登录系统 (7)4.1.2 创建会议 (7)4.1.3 填写会议信息 (8)4.1.4 提交会议信息 (8)4.2 预约会议 (8)4.2.1 查询会议 (8)4.2.2 选择会议 (8)4.2.4 提交预约信息 (8)4.3 会议通知 (8)4.3.1 发送会议通知 (8)4.3.2 查看会议通知 (9)4.3.3 确认会议参加 (9)第五章:会议接入与退出 (9)5.1 加入会议 (9)5.2 退出会议 (9)5.3 会议密码 (9)第六章:会议功能操作 (10)6.1 视频功能 (10)6.1.1 视频开启与关闭 (10)6.1.2 视频切换 (10)6.1.3 视频美颜 (10)6.2 音频功能 (10)6.2.1 麦克风开启与关闭 (10)6.2.2 静音与取消静音 (10)6.2.3 耳机与扬声器切换 (11)6.3 文档共享 (11)6.3.1 文档 (11)6.3.2 文档预览 (11)6.3.3 文档编辑 (11)6.3.4 文档 (11)第七章:互动与交流 (12)7.1 聊天功能 (12)7.1.1 功能概述 (12)7.1.2 公共聊天 (12)7.1.3 私聊 (12)7.2 投票与问卷调查 (12)7.2.1 功能概述 (12)7.2.2 创建投票 (12)7.2.3 创建问卷调查 (12)7.2.4 参与投票与问卷调查 (13)7.3 屏幕共享 (13)7.3.1 功能概述 (13)7.3.2 启动屏幕共享 (13)7.3.3 结束屏幕共享 (13)第八章:会议录制与回放 (13)8.1 录制会议 (13)8.1.1 录制启动 (13)8.1.2 录制暂停与恢复 (14)8.1.3 录制结束 (14)8.2 回放会议 (14)8.2.2 调整播放速度 (14)8.2.3 暂停与继续播放 (14)8.2.4 跳转到指定位置 (14)8.3 录制文件管理 (14)8.3.1 文件列表 (14)8.3.2 文件 (14)8.3.3 文件删除 (14)8.3.4 文件共享 (15)第九章:系统设置与维护 (15)9.1 系统参数设置 (15)9.1.1 登录系统设置界面 (15)9.1.2 基本参数设置 (15)9.1.3 高级参数设置 (15)9.1.4 网络参数设置 (15)9.2 设备检测与配置 (16)9.2.1 设备检测 (16)9.2.2 设备配置 (16)9.3 系统升级与维护 (16)9.3.1 系统升级 (16)9.3.2 系统维护 (16)第十章:常见问题与解答 (16)10.1 常见问题 (16)10.1.1 视频会议系统无法连接 (16)10.1.2 视频画面卡顿 (17)10.1.3 音频问题 (17)10.2 技术支持与售后服务 (17)10.2.1 技术支持 (17)10.2.2 售后服务 (17)第一章:系统概述1.1 产品简介本网络视频会议系统是一款集视频通信、数据共享、互动协作于一体的现代化远程会议解决方案。
Fusion5sSentry 远程监控与控制系统用户指南说明书
Sentry Consumer™Remote Monitoring and Control System for the Fusion5sUser GuidePackage Contents Pg. 4Installation Overview Pg. 5-6 Sentry Registration Pg. 7A dding Booster Pg. 8-9Antenna Placement Tool Pg. 10-11 Configure Gain Settings Pg. 12-13Changing Booster Information Pg. 14Delete Booster Pg. 15Modify Password Pg. 16Archiving Booster Information Pg. 17Specifications Pg. 183SureCall|48346MilmontDrive,FremontCA94538|1-888-365-6283|******************Thank you for purchasing SureCall’s Sentry remote monitor and software for use with the Fusion5s signal booster. The Sentry provides seamless installation, optimization and ongoing management of SureCall’s line of boosters. If you need any assistance during installation please contact our tech support department at: 1-888-365-6283.WARNING: The Sentry consumer may not function properly when used on a secure, private network environment. Please contact SureCall at 888-365-6283 for assistance.4Package Contents Your Sentry hardware kit includes the following:• Sentry Product• Ribbon Cable• USB Cable• LAN Cable• AC AdapterLAN CableSignal Booster Sentry Ribbon CableAC Adapter USB CableSureCall|48346MilmontDrive,FremontCA94538|1-888-365-6283|******************Step1: C onnect the ribbon cable (provided) from the Sentry’s 14-Pin RF port to the booster’s 14-Pin RF port.Step 2: C onnect the USB cable (provided) to the Sentry’s USB port then connect the other end of the USB cable to the USB port on your computer.Step 3: C onnect the LAN cable to the Sentry’s LAN port and connect the other end to your router.Step 4: C onnect the AC adapter cord to the Sentry’s Power port with the other endplugged into an electrical outlet.USB5SureCall|48346MilmontDrive,FremontCA94538|1-888-365-6283|******************Sentry Hardware InstallationPIN Connector6Sentry Software InstallationStep 1: Go to /product/Sentry.htmlStep 2: Download and save the setup application to your desktopStep 3: Run setup file to install softwareSentry OperationUser Registration:Click on the Register ButtonSureCall|48346MilmontDrive,FremontCA94538|1-888-365-6283|******************7SureCall|48346MilmontDrive,FremontCA94538|1-888-365-6283|******************Y ou will need to enter the Server IP which is Once you have added the Server IP click the User Registration button.Fill in the User Registration form and choose a user name and password.Once completed, click the Register button.Login to Sentry8Select Com Port and OpenClick on the dropdown boxes to select the server IP address and port numbers.Click “Refresh” to automatically assign the IP address to the Sentry.Server IP Address will automatically enter Click on “Apply”Enter a Booster Name and Location Address and click on the “Add” button to add a booster SureCall|48346MilmontDrive,FremontCA94538|1-888-365-6283|******************9SureCall|48346MilmontDrive,FremontCA94538|1-888-365-6283|******************When a booster is connected to Sentry it will automatically identify the model of the booster and show the corresponding interface.See example next pageAdding a Booster Fusion5sFusion5sOn the main interface screen, select the booster located in the left column and click theRefresh button. This will automatically populate the fields with the booster’s parameters.Antenna Placement ToolThis tool aids the installer in locating the best location for an outside antenna.To test for the best location, make sure the outside antenna cable is connected to thebooster and outdoor antenna. Place the antenna in a position you’d like to test and click on the measure button.10SureCall|48346MilmontDrive,FremontCA94538|1-888-365-6283|******************Fusion5sThis tool will identify the optimum location for the outdoor antenna. The “Position”fields will automatically populate with the dB measurement from various locations by clicking on the measure button at each possible location. You can test up to 5 posi-tions. Once you have entered all locations click on the “Compare” button to find thebest location. Keep in mind that a signal stronger than -65dB can over-power the booster. Aim for a range of -70 to -95dB. The signal strength can be adjusted to a weaker signal by:• Moving the outside antenna to a different location• Adding an inline attenuator to the cable connecting to the booster• Shielding the outdoor antenna with sheet metal11 SureCall|48346MilmontDrive,FremontCA94538|1-888-365-6283|******************12Attenuation:If the “Over Power” alert is red, the signal coming into the booster from the cellular tower is too strong which will shut down the affected band. There are three possible solutions:1. Add an inline attenuator to the outside cable coming into the booster 2. Relocate the outdoor antenna to a location where the signal is weaker 3. Lower the dB gain in 5dB increments on the Sentry booster dashboard under theAttenuation column until the Over Power alert is no longer red.SureCall|48346MilmontDrive,FremontCA94538|1-888-365-6283|******************13SureCall|48346MilmontDrive,FremontCA94538|1-888-365-6283|****************** NOTE: A ttenuation through the booster’s dip switches can be lowered to a maximum of 31 dB . Through the Sentry software the maximum attenuation is 25 dB.From the dashboard above you can manually adjust the attenuation dB to resolve prob -lems with oscillation and overpowering. You can also turn off individual bands.Column Definitions:Attenuation: Adjusts the amount of gain reduction.Manual Attenuation: Indicates the reduced gain through the booster’s dials.Automatic Gain Control: Indicates when the booster is automatically reducing the gain due to a strong outdoor signal or close indoor/outdoor antenna proximity.Gain: Indicates the current gain on the amplifier.Output Power: Indicates the power output level of the booster in dBm.Uplink/Downlink Status: Indicates whether a band is asleep, turned on or turned off.Over Power, Oscillation and Over Attenuation indicate with color alerts their current status. Refer to page 14 for color definitions. Fusion5s Fusion5s14Yellow Automatic Gain Control (AGC) is adjusting, part of normal operation.Red Band is offSignal coming into booster from cellular tower is too strong causing thebooster to shut down. There are two possible solutions:1). Add an inline attenuator to the cable coming into the booster.2.) relocate the outdoor antenna to a location where the signal is weaker LED Color Appearance IndicationRedYellowYellow/RedGreenSolidFlashingSolid Indicates an inactive band. Light is off while band is active.Oscillation is detected. First try increasing the separation between theindoor and outdoor antennas. If this doesn’t eliminate oscillation, lowerthe dB gain in 5dB incrementsFlashingAlternately FlashingSolid Normal OperationEmail AlertsEmail alerts will be sent in the event of booster overpowering or if oscillation is detected.Changing your Booster InformationIf you wish to change your Booster information, click on Edit Booster Info within the left hand navigationFusion5sSureCall|48346MilmontDrive,FremontCA94538|1-888-365-6283|******************Delete BoosterIf you wish to delete a booster in order to add a new one, right click on the specific booster in the left hand navigational field first, then click on “Delete Booster” within the navigation window, click on and confirm the deletion. See below.15 SureCall|48346MilmontDrive,FremontCA94538|1-888-365-6283|******************16Forget your Password?On the login page type in the email address that you entered when you first registeredand click on “Forgot your Password” your password will be emailed to you.Modifying your password:To change your password choose Tools in the top navigation and select the Accounts menu and select Modify Password/E-mail from the drop-down menu.Enter the Old Password, choose a new password, confirm the new password and clickon modify.SureCall|48346MilmontDrive,FremontCA94538|1-888-365-6283|******************17SureCall|48346MilmontDrive,FremontCA94538|1-888-365-6283|******************Archiving Booster Information To temporarily change boosters, choose Tool in the top navigation and select “Booster Recycle Bin”, information for this booster will be saved. Should you like to switch back to this booster or delete it, go back to “Booster Recycle Bin” where you will be given theoption to restore or delete the booster.Model No. Sentry Consumer (SC-Sentry-C)18SureCall|48346MilmontDrive,FremontCA94538|1-888-365-6283|******************。
物联网智能水表远程抄表系统操作手册第一章绪论 (3)1.1 系统概述 (3)1.2 功能特点 (4)1.2.1 实时数据采集 (4)1.2.2 远程传输 (4)1.2.3 自动存储 (4)1.2.4 数据分析处理 (4)1.2.5 用户管理 (4)1.2.6 系统扩展性 (4)1.3 适用范围 (4)第二章系统安装与调试 (4)2.1 硬件安装 (4)2.1.1 安装前准备 (4)2.1.2 智能水表安装 (5)2.1.3 数据传输设备安装 (5)2.2 软件安装 (5)2.2.1 安装前准备 (5)2.2.2 软件安装过程 (5)2.3 系统调试 (5)2.3.1 硬件调试 (5)2.3.2 软件调试 (5)第三章用户注册与登录 (6)3.1 用户注册 (6)3.1.1 注册流程 (6)3.1.2 注意事项 (6)3.2 用户登录 (6)3.2.1 登录流程 (6)3.2.2 注意事项 (6)3.3 密码找回与修改 (6)3.3.1 密码找回 (6)3.3.2 密码修改 (7)3.3.3 注意事项 (7)第四章设备管理 (7)4.1 设备添加 (7)4.1.1 添加设备前的准备 (7)4.1.2 添加设备操作步骤 (7)4.2 设备信息修改 (7)4.2.1 修改设备信息的条件 (7)4.2.2 修改设备信息操作步骤 (7)4.3 设备删除 (8)4.3.1 删除设备的条件 (8)第五章数据采集与传输 (8)5.1 数据采集 (8)5.1.1 采集内容 (8)5.1.2 采集方式 (8)5.1.3 采集频率 (8)5.2 数据传输 (9)5.2.1 传输方式 (9)5.2.2 传输过程 (9)5.2.3 数据加密 (9)5.3 数据存储 (9)5.3.1 存储方式 (9)5.3.2 存储结构 (9)5.3.3 数据备份 (9)第六章报警与通知 (9)6.1 报警设置 (9)6.1.1 报警类型 (10)6.1.2 报警阈值设置 (10)6.1.3 报警解除 (10)6.2 报警查询 (10)6.2.1 报警记录查询 (10)6.2.2 报警处理 (10)6.3 通知推送 (11)6.3.1 通知类型 (11)6.3.2 通知推送设置 (11)6.3.3 通知推送查看 (11)第七章数据查询与分析 (11)7.1 数据查询 (11)7.1.1 查询条件设置 (11)7.1.2 查询结果展示 (11)7.1.3 查询结果排序 (11)7.1.4 查询历史数据 (11)7.2 数据分析 (12)7.2.1 用水量统计 (12)7.2.2 用水趋势分析 (12)7.2.3 异常用水检测 (12)7.2.4 用户用水对比 (12)7.3 报表导出 (12)7.3.1 报表格式设置 (12)7.3.2 报表导出 (12)7.3.3 报表发送 (12)第八章系统维护与升级 (12)8.1 系统维护 (12)8.1.1 维护目的 (12)8.1.3 维护周期 (13)8.1.4 维护流程 (13)8.2 系统升级 (13)8.2.1 升级目的 (13)8.2.2 升级内容 (13)8.2.3 升级周期 (13)8.2.4 升级流程 (13)8.3 备份与恢复 (13)8.3.1 备份目的 (13)8.3.2 备份内容 (13)8.3.3 备份周期 (14)8.3.4 备份流程 (14)8.3.5 恢复流程 (14)第九章常见问题与解决方案 (14)9.1 硬件故障处理 (14)9.1.1 水表电池电量不足 (14)9.1.2 水表传感器损坏 (14)9.1.3 水表通信模块故障 (14)9.1.4 水表硬件故障 (14)9.2 软件故障处理 (14)9.2.1 系统软件升级失败 (15)9.2.2 数据采集异常 (15)9.2.3 系统软件运行异常 (15)9.3 网络故障处理 (15)9.3.1 网络连接中断 (15)9.3.2 网络速度慢 (15)9.3.3 网络攻击与安全 (15)第十章联系我们 (15)10.1 客户服务 (15)10.2 技术支持 (16)10.3 售后服务 (16)第一章绪论1.1 系统概述物联网智能水表远程抄表系统,是一种基于物联网技术,集数据采集、传输、处理于一体的高效智能管理系统。
二、如何使用控制器的远程传输功能1. 准备工作在使用控制器的远程传输功能之前,需要做好以下准备:①对控制器中的远程传输功能进行设置。
2. 使用步骤使用控制器的远程传输功能的步骤如下:步骤一:使用手持设备(如手机、平板电脑)连接控制器。
三、如何保证控制器远程传输功能的稳定性使用远程传输功能时,需要注意以下事项,以确保功能的稳定性:1. 远程传输过程中不应将人体挡在控制器和连接设备的线路中间,以避免干扰。
2. 使用控制器进行远程传输时,应该保持连接设备和控制器之间的距离不要过远,以防止信号的弱化。
3. 在使用控制器进行远程传输时,如果发现控制功能出现异常,应该及时找专业人员进行处理。
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
设置本公司代 Βιβλιοθήκη 、名称设置本公司代 码、名称
设置目标公司的 代码、名称、位
设置发送任务 (目标公司、发 送账套、发送时
是否符合发送 条件?
发送数 据队列
是 存入本地数据区
尝试连接目标公 司服务器
远程数据复制目前只以传输方作为复制过程的发起者,传输方将指定数 据传输到指定位置,接收方在收到数据后立即开始同步。下图为整个复制的 工 作 流 程 ,其 中 粉 红 色 标 注 的 是 用 户 需 要 配 置 的 信 息 ,其 余 部 分 均 自 动 完 成 。 请按次序进行配置。構氽頑黉碩饨荠龈话骛。
二 、 配 置 iMTS用 户 名 与 密 码 ..................................... 3厦礴恳蹒骈時盡继價骚。 ( 一 ) 以 DOS命 令 方 式 运 行 iMTS ............................. 3茕桢广鳓鯡选块网羈泪。 ( 二 ) 调 用 iMTS主 控 台 ........................................... 4鹅娅尽損鹌惨歷茏鴛賴。 ( 三 ) 调 用 设 置 ...................................................... 5籟丛妈羥为贍偾蛏练淨。 ( 四 ) 设 置 imts的 用 户 名 和 密 码 ............................... 5預頌圣鉉儐歲龈讶骅籴。 ( 五 ) 注 意 ............................................................. 6渗釤呛俨匀谔鱉调硯錦。
第一章 远程数据传输
第一章 远程数据传输
本章内容提要: ☺ 概述 ☺ 传输方的设置 ☺ 接收方的设置 ☺ HTTP 配置
第一节 远程数据传输概述
远程数据传输是用来实现金蝶 k/3 账套,金蝶 2000 账套,文件等数据在 Internet 上 的 输 支 持 定 相 互 传 递 。可 方 便 的 将 分 布 在 网 络 不 同 位 置 的 数 据 集 中 到一起。远程数据传时、自动的数据传输与接收,整个流程无需手工干预, 只需配置好相应参数即可。锹籁饗迳琐筆襖鸥娅薔。
可 传 输 的 对 象 为 SQL Server 数 据 库 、金 蝶 2000 账 套 和 一 般 性 文 件 。该 程 该程序可安装在金蝶中间层服务端上,也可安装在客户端,基于远程传输安 全 性 考 虑 , 不 提 供 数 据 库 服 务 器 端 功 能 (如 果 要 在 数 据 库 服 务 器 上 进 行 传 输 , 请 安 装 中 间 层 或 客 户 端 )輒 峄 陽 檉 簖 疖 網 儂 號 泶 。
一 、 环 境 要 求 ........................................................... 3残骛楼諍锩瀨濟溆塹籟。 ( 一 ) 操 作 系 统 ...................................................... 3酽锕极額閉镇桧猪訣锥。 ( 二 ) 软 件 环 境 ...................................................... 3彈贸摄尔霁毙攬砖卤庑。 ( 三 ) 可 选 安 装 : ................................................... 3謀荞抟箧飆鐸怼类蒋薔。
第一章 远程数据传输 ............................................................................... 1
第 一 节 远 程 数 据 传 输 概 述 ............................................. 1矚慫润厲钐瘗睞枥庑赖。 第 二 节 安 装 说 明 ........................................................... 3聞創沟燴鐺險爱氇谴净。