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摘要 (i)

基本气候概况 (1)

1. 气温 (1)

2. 降水 (3)

3. 日照 (5)

主要天气气候事件 (8)

1. 大雾 (8)

2. 干旱 (9)

3. 暴雨 (11)

4. 降雪 (13)

5. 寒潮降温 (14)

6. 连阴雨 (16)

7. 高温 (18)

8. 大风与冰雹 (20)

9. 沙尘 (22)

10. 干热风 (23)

指标说明 (25)

2016年河北省主要气象灾害及异常气候事件概述 (28)






Climate in Hebei province in 2016 (Jan - Dec), overall, was belonged to normal year. The annual mean temperature is higher; annual precipitation is much more than normal; annual sunshine hours are less by 131.2h; types of meteorological disasters are more, economic losses are serious.

The Feature of Weather/Climate in Hebei in 2016 are as follows: the annual mean temperature is 12.6°C, which is warmer with 0.8°C above normal. Among seasons, spring is significantly warmer than normal, and it is the second warmest spring on the record. The other three seasons are all higher than normal year by 0.5°C. The annual mean precipitation is 608.9 mm, which is 20.9% more than normal. There are four counties, which broke the historical precipitation record in 2016. The temporal and spatial distributions of rainfall are uneven. Rainfall during spring-autumn is less or near the normal. However, it is more than normal year in summer and winter. Especially in summer, there are more strong precipitation processes, which caused serious loss in certain areas. The annual average sunshine hours are 2358.8h, which are less than the normal year. Sunshine hours in summer and autumn are less than normal too; otherwise, winter and spring are near the normal year.

Summarize in the characteristics meteorological disasters of Hebei province in 2016 are as follows: heavy fog in autumn appeared the most in historical record. During 18~22 Dec, there present a last long, heavily influenced process. Drought mainly occurs in summer and spring, but the extent is less. Heavy rain days and intensity are more than normal. There is a serious flood and waterlogging disaster i n summer named ‘7.19’ which caused heavy economic losses in Taihang Mountains west. The snowfall days, generally, is significantly less than normal. There was a strong snowfall process in midmonth of Feb. During this process, there were some counties breaking the daily precipitation record in history. Although, cooling and cold day is less, two extreme low temperature events occurred in late Jan. and late Nov. respectively. High temperature, strong wind and hailstorms, dust, dry-hot wind, are all less than normal. Otherwise, continuous rainy day is more than normal year; especially it is abnormal more than normal during summer-autumn.
