序号物料编号工程类天花灯开孔尺寸170008618NDL856 19/04天花灯145270004873NDL825 19天花灯140370004676NDL721 19天花灯114470004729NDL801 19天花灯113570004668NDL717 19天花灯108670008621NDL856S 19/04天花灯105770008620NDL856S 18/04天花灯105870022778NDL860A K16天花灯100970022779NDL860B K16天花灯1001070022780NDL860C K16天花灯1001170022781NDL860D K16天花灯1001270022782NDL860E K16天花灯1001370022783NDL860F K16天花灯1001470023195NDL860G K16天花灯1001570023196NDL860H K16天花灯1001670018262NDL859ZS 19/04天花灯1051770004670NDL720 19天花灯821870004956NDL842 18/06天花灯801970018261NDL859S 19/04天花灯952070018259NDL859 19/04天花灯125注:共19款产品,上半块展板也就是20个灯位,再加上县级市场天花灯1.5块展板,形成两序号物料编号工程筒灯开孔尺寸170023810NDLB91398270023811NDLB913A98370023812NDLB915-E/50W 19筒灯140470023813NDLB915A-E/50W 19筒灯140570005278NDL935-E/13W 19筒灯160870005663NDLE938-A/2x18W 19筒灯175970005305NDL938-E/2x18W 19筒灯2121070005309NDL944-A/9W 19筒灯(玻璃砂面)1251170005320NDL945-A/2x13W 19筒灯(玻璃砂面)1601270009786NDL946-E/2x13W 19筒灯(玻璃砂面)1751370005368NDL948-A/2x18W 19筒灯(玻璃砂面)2001470005377NDL948-E/2x18W 19筒灯(玻璃砂面)2001570005379NDL954-A 19筒灯1251670005396NDL955-A 19筒灯1601770005422NDL956-A/2 19筒灯1701870012438NDL316P-E 19筒灯1751970005431NDL964-A 19筒灯(玻璃砂面)1252070005436NDL965-A 19筒灯(玻璃砂面)1602170005445NDL974-A 19筒灯(玻璃砂面)1252270005448NDL975-A/2 19筒灯(玻璃砂面)160注:工程筒灯做一块展板展示,共22个灯位.黄色区域新产品优先.再加上家装类筒灯形序号物料编号格栅射灯开孔尺寸170004133NDL501SA 18格栅射灯/NDL501SB 105x105270004197NDL502SA 18格栅射灯/NDL502SB 215x105370004211NDL502SD 18格栅射灯202x98 470018230NDL502SE A4格栅射灯202x108 570004165NDL502AJ/50W 18格栅射灯345x172 670004280NDL503SD 18格栅射灯288x98 770004269NDL503SA 18格栅射灯/NDL503SB 320x105 870004230NDL503AJ/50W 18格栅射灯480x165 970004104NDL501AJ/50W 18格栅射灯/NDL501BJ/50W 162x162 1070004148NDL501SD-QR80 19格栅射灯129x129 1170004182NDL502BJ/50W 18格栅射灯345x172 1270004282NDL503SD-QR80 18格栅射灯378x129 1370023858NDL501SFJ 19格栅射灯90*90 1470023860NDL503SFJ 19格栅射灯90*270 1570023855NDL501SFJ-QR80129*129 1670023856NDL502SFJ-QR80129*262 1770023566NDL501FJ170*170 1870023567NDL502FJ320*170注:格栅射灯做一块展板展示, 不用再加县级市场产品.序号物料编号金卤系列筒灯和格栅射灯开孔尺寸170019095NDL591FP 19格栅射灯165x165 270004507NDL592BNH 18格栅射灯350x170 370004505NDL592BHH 18格栅射灯350x170 470004512NDL592BNP 18格栅射灯350x170 570004529NDL593BNHN 18格栅射灯480x165 670004535NDL593BNPN 18格栅射灯480x165 770023859NDL591FJH170*170 870023573NDL592FJNP320*170 970023571NDL593FJNHN490*170 1070004629NDL651H 19筒灯145 1170004636NDL651P/L 19筒灯145 1270019352NDL640 19金卤灯132*225 1370004639NDL652S/70W 19商业射灯167 1470019348NDL641S/70W 19金卤灯210 1570004562NDL603/70W 19金卤筒灯150 1670004591NDL630NG/70W 19金卤筒灯(内罩光外罩砂)200 1770004593NDL631NG/70W 19金卤筒灯(内罩光外罩砂)165 1870023293NDL654PB K2筒灯(酒店)205 1970023289NDL653PA K2筒灯(酒店)180 2070023300NDL645R/70W 19金卤灯215*215 2170024248NDL655 93金卤灯175 2270024249NDL655S 93金卤灯150注:此两产品线通过一块展板展示,上板为金卤筒灯,下板为金卤格栅射灯.序号物料编号T8/T5格栅灯盘开孔尺寸170022704NDL431SI/3x14W 19灯盘(天溢) T5598*598 370022703NDL432SI/2x28W 19灯盘(天溢) T51198*298 470004022NDL417JSI/3x18W-T 19灯盘 T8598*598 570004009NDL413JSI/3x36W-T 19灯盘 T81198*598 670004058NDL444/2x20W 19灯盘 (胶片灯盘) T8585*285770023257NDLE417SI/3x18W 19灯盘(天溢)598*598 870022901NDL412SI/2x36W 19灯盘(天溢)1198*298 970004057NDL443/3x18W 19灯盘(胶片)579*579注:此两产品线通过两块展板展示.序号物料编号T8支架170004076NDL482/1x40W T8支架270004069NDL473/2x40W T8支架370005629NDLE482/1x40W T8支架470017898NDLE489/1X36W T8支架570017901NDLE489/2X36W T8支架序号物料编号T5支架工程支架470023079NDL475/1x28W-T5 19支架670022449NDL484/1x28W-T5 19支架序号物料编号三防支架170026650NDL491/1x40W 05 T8支架370026649NDL491/2x40W 05 T8支架470026652NDL491/2x20W 05 T8支架注:T8,T5及三防支架吸顶悬吊在天花一块板上做为样品展示.序号物料编号导轨金卤灯170013271TLH297P/L 70W 04导轨金卤灯270022049TLH299A/70W 19导轨金卤灯370022043TLH300/70W 19导轨金卤灯470006872TLH293H/70W 19导轨金卤灯570022041TLH300/70W 04导轨金卤灯670013268TLH297H/70W 04导轨金卤灯770022098TLH301/70W 04导轨金卤灯870019364TLH299/70W 19导轨金卤灯970022101TLH302/70W 04导轨金卤灯1070022100TLH301/70W 19导轨金卤灯序号物料编号小射灯安装方式170012511TLN148/300L 19/50射灯轨道式270011306TLN127/300L 19/50射灯轨道式370012527TLN148/190L 19/50射灯轨道式470012503TLN148/65L 19/50射灯轨道式570011734TLN127 19/50射灯轨道式670006614SLN150/190L 19射灯吸顶式770006665SLND126/65L 19射灯吸顶式870012489SLN127/65L 19/50射灯吸顶式970012196SLN127/190L 19/50射灯吸顶式1070012252SLN148/65L 19/50射灯吸顶式注:导轨金卤射灯和小射灯吸顶展示在天花同一块展板上.序号物料编号应急照明170023898NEM101-D应急照明灯270007699NEM102-G-02A应急标志灯370007700NEM102-G-02B应急标志灯470007655NEM101-A应急照明灯570023890NEM102-K-02C应急标志灯670007656NEM101-B应急照明灯770007658NEM102-A-02A应急标志灯870024474NEM103-Z136-A应急电源(分体式)注:应急照明上一块展板.序号物料编号明装筒灯和悬吊式格栅射灯170005737NDLM915-A 04筒灯270005743NDLM916-A 04筒灯370005729NDLM914-A 19筒灯470005734NDLM914-E 19筒灯570005727NDLM9135-E 19筒灯670005739NDLM915-A 19筒灯770005742NDLM915-E 19筒灯870005744NDLM916-A 19筒灯970004568NDL606/70W 19筒灯1070004570NDL607/70W 19商业射灯170008838NDL618H/16E27-BE筒灯1770004361NDL512E/50W 18格栅射灯1870004376NDL514E/50W 18格栅射灯注:明装筒灯和悬吊式格栅射灯吸顶,悬吊展示在天花一块展板上.序号物料编号投光灯170026849NFM013-A11/150W 6泛光灯2NFM013-A11/70W 6泛光灯370026892NFS037/70W/E27 米黄色 泛光灯注:展台展示序号物料编号金卤光源170003312HND70/NDL金卤光源270003314HND70/WDL金卤光源注:中岛展示序号物料编号铝杯170000469NHDJ50/24°铝杯270000469NHDJ50/24°铝杯370008707NHDW50-QR80铝杯470008707NHDW50-QR80铝杯570007724NHDW50/24°铝杯670007724NHDW50/24°铝杯770006133NHDJ50/10°铝杯870006133NHDJ50/10°铝杯注:中岛展示GE产品明细序号物料编号金卤光源 HID尺寸17002474421682 CMH70/PAR30/830/FL 陶瓷金卤PAR全长:120序号物料编号单端陶瓷金卤灯 Single End CMH尺寸17002557243272 CMH35/T/UVC/U/830/G12 陶瓷金卤全长:11827002473920005 CMH70/T/UVC/U/830/G12 陶瓷金卤全长:8837002474220014 CMH150/T/UVC/U/942/G12 陶瓷金卤全长:98序号物料编号国产卤粉T8 Local尺寸17002473224844 F18T8/WW荧光灯管(2900K)全长:600 27002473024842 F30T8/CW荧光灯管(4200K)全长:900 37002472824840 F36T8/DL荧光灯管(6500K)全长:1200序号物料编号国产白炽灯尺寸17002474595735 EDISON25W/CL/RO/E27 (水晶/透明球泡直径:45 27002475811516E EDISON40W/CL/CAN/E14 (透明烛泡)直径:35 37002627070347 Edison 230V/60W柔白E27蘑菇泡GE直径:50序号物料编号电子节能灯尺寸17002546924172 FLE14HLX/827/E27 05电子节能灯GE长度:126 直径:41 27002547695558 FLE6DBX/864/E27 05电子节能灯GE长度:107 直径:40 37002549611458E FLT6DBX/827/E27 05电子节能灯GE长度:116 直径:41颜色数量运营价白/黑125.87亮光白115.19亮光白116.53亮光白124.8亮光白114.32白/黑120.06银灰/黑120.65砂面白124.31砂面白124.31砂面白124.31砂面白124.31砂面白124.31砂面白124.31砂面白122.31砂面白126.58亮光白122.74亮光白17.57银灰/铬18.66亮光白118.36亮光白123.89形成两块展板.颜色数量运营价亮光白117.5亮光白117.5亮光白136.4亮光白136.4亮光白127.79亮光白163.49亮光白150.06亮光白128.63亮光白135.45亮光白138.38亮光白166.59亮光白166.59亮光白121.99亮光白123.56亮光白128.45亮光白112.81亮光白117.88亮光白121.15亮光白123.56亮光白129.15筒灯形成两块板.颜色数量运营价亮银灰136.48亮银灰159.56亮银灰160.86发黑182.67亮银灰172.1亮银灰188.68亮银灰178.68亮银灰1112.6亮银灰145.89亮光白138.28亮银灰172.1亮银灰199.89亮光白118.1亮光白148.6亮光白122.4亮光白142.4亮光白127亮光白149.3颜色数量运营价亮光白163.98亮银灰188.78亮银灰192.74亮银灰192.74亮银灰1106.28亮银灰1106.28亮光白134.2亮光白158.1亮光白198.5亮光白140.17亮光白129.78亮光白180.8亮光白128.56亮光白147.1亮光白130.02亮光白141.79亮光白130.16奶油白195.68奶油白185.68亮光白182.33奶油白141.1奶油白132.4颜色数量运营价1134.621113.6185.801131.22190.31117.351831122.1数量运营价119.58137.56130.92124.21135.02颜色数量运营价133.89129.79颜色数量运营价188.41190.0颜色数量运营价平光黑1158.68亮光白1194.68亮光白1190.68亮光白1199.56平光黑1190.68平光黑1163.68平光黑1187.89亮光白1211.2平光黑1210.89亮光白1187.89颜色数量运营价亮光白125.53亮光白125.53亮光白123.83亮光白120.44亮光白119.18亮光白123.83亮光白120.44亮光白120.44亮光白123.83亮光白120.44数量运营价183153.8153.81138178.61145181.81128颜色数量运营价平光黑119.73平光黑126.68亮光白114.86亮光白114.86亮光白110.57亮光白119.73亮光白119.73亮光白126.68亮光白1216.89亮光白1198.56砂铝131.26亮银灰1137.36亮银灰1227.56数量运营价1个185.21个1个163.9数量运营价1045.51045.5数量运营价20只7.4220只7.4220只9.0620只9.0620只 6.2620只 6.2620只7.4220只7.42飞利浦含税经销价数量运营价180.00178.00飞利浦含税经销价数量运营价216.62150.13129.97125.00141.79113.00飞利浦含税经销价数量运营价4.70 3.955.20 4.304.80 4.00飞利浦含税经销价数量运营价1.80 1.302.15 1.30暂无 2.03飞利浦含税经销价数量运营价15.1516.50暂无10.20暂无8.70。
400W 黑光灯160.028用户手册说明书
![400W 黑光灯160.028用户手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/28a53c05bf1e650e52ea551810a6f524ccbfcbbd.png)
400W BLACK LIGHT160.028USER MANUALINTRODUCTIONCongratulations on the purchase of your new our company lighting effect. We are confident you will enjoy many trouble free hours with this unit . To assist with the care and use of the product we have prepared this short guide.OPERATIONBefore connecting this unit to the mains power supply for the first time you must first install the lamp .(See ‘Replacing Lamp’ for details).This lighting effect has been designed to function on a mains power supply of either 240V~50Hz and has been fitted with a suitable power plug for use with your local voltage. Check the label on the unit and the power plug for the correct voltage.When connected to the mains power supply the unit should illuminate. The 160.028 utilizes a mercury vapor lamp ,it will take 5 to 10 minutes to reach full intensity . The intensity of the lamp will increase with use. The light emitted by the 160.028 is invisible and does not have the glow of a fluorescent fixture.Due to the high operating temperature of halogen lamps it is advisable that the effect be used in well ventilated areas taking care not to obstruct the air vents. To maximize lamp life, allow the unit to cool down before moving or touching the lamp.CAUTIONDue to the nature of the mercury vapor lamp, this lamp must be allowed to cool down (about 5 to10 minutes) after being turned off before re-igniting. Failure to wait for cool down many cause the lamp to fail prematurely.INSTALLATION/MOUNTIONAlthough this unit can be used in an upright position , it is recommended that , for safety purposes ,your lighting effect be properly mounted using a suitable hanging clamp and safety cable . Our company offers a range of items , which are ideal for safe mounting .Use in a well-ventilated area without obstruction to air vents.REPLACING LAMPS1. Disconnect from main power supply before attempting to replace either lamp .2. Ensure that the unit is sufficiently cool , before removing blown lamps.3. Never touch new lamps with your fingers: use a tissue or a cloth.In order to replace the lamp, disconnect from main power supply first, and unscrew the lamp replacement cover. Only use the appropriately rated lamps as use of any other lamp type many cause the unit to be non-operational.Due to the nature of halogen lamp it is vitally important that you do not touch the new replacement lamp with your fingers, as this will reduce lamp life considerably. Once again a tissue or cloth can be used for fitting the replacement lamp.If after replacement of the lamp, the unit is still not working then please contact your dealer or our company for servicing.CLEANINGThe most important part of your lighting effect to keep clean is the reflector as it allows the light output to transmit. This should be cleaned with a soft damp cloth. The body of the unit may also be cleaned in the same way . We recommend internal cleaning be carried out by a fully qualified technician.MAINTENANCE & SERVICINGWork on internal parts should be carried out by a qualified technician. Removal of covers other than the front to replace lamp is considered a breach of warranty and will not be covered under any such agreement unless authorized first by the company.TROUBLESHOOTING• If the unit is not functional-check main power supply is ‘on’.• If the unit is functional but lamp does not light-lamp may require replacing.• If after trying this solution you still have a problem contact your dealer or our company for service. CAUTIONDo not obstruct the air vents.Do not touch unit or lamps while hot.Never put any objects through the air grill on the top of the unit.No user serviceable parts inside, please refer to our company.POWER CONNECTIONSThe unit is supplied with a power plug appropriate to its voltage and destination. Should any other connections be required they must be carried out with the following configuration.Earth = Green/Yellow cableNeutral = Blue cableLive = Brown cableIn the USA & Europe, it is required that all plugs are 3-pin type i.e. with Earth/Ground connection. In the UK, it is required that all mains plugs are fitted with 5A fuses.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSAC Power 240V~50Hz Lamps E40 400W Mercury VaporPart No H400BLFuse 250V/5A imensionsD 375x388x413mm Weight 13.5kg。
紫外线 100-380nm
可見光 380-780
紅外线 780-1,000,000nm
光与色---LED基础参数 I-V特性
➢ 具有非线性、整流性质:单向导电性,即外加正偏压表现低接触电 阻,反之为高接触电阻。
雷士照明:LED基础以Co及nsum运pti用on Substances
Less Weight
Recycling and
Lifetime Reliability
。 • LED:light emitting diode------发光二极管
• LED自发性的发光是由于电子与空穴的复合而产生的。 • 当LED两端加上正向电压,电流从LED阳极流向阴极时,电子由N区注
SMT(Surface Mount Technology 中文:表面黏著技术)元器件中的一种, 可以进行回流焊,适合于自动化大规模生产 小功率LED一般为单颗0.2W以下,常见的有 3528 / 3014 / 5050 中功率LED一般为单颗0.2W~0.5W,常见的有5630 / 2323 / 3030
• 光源电器
• 卤钨光源、荧光灯光源、金卤光源、 • 电子变压器、电子镇流器、天花灯
• 荧光灯具
• 灯盘、支架、筒 灯
• 金卤灯具
• 金卤灯
学 习 目 的
通过学习,让我们来了解以下的问题: ◆ 什么是光? ◆ 公司有哪些产品群?各产品系列如何命名? ◆ 有什么功能? 用的是什么材质? ◆ 表面处理有哪些?客户投诉产品质量主要表面在 哪几个方面。 ◆ 在入库验货时对产品哪些部位要加强检测?
■ ■ ■ ■ 照明基本概念 公司产品分类及命名规则 产品功能及材质介绍 异常信息与检测重点
光射入人眼落到视网膜上,产生光化学反应, 刺激视神经而形成视觉
的视觉灵敏度不同,对光谱中心部位的 黄绿色光最灵敏,对两边的紫光和红光 都不灵敏。 人眼看不见紫外线和红外线。紫外线会 伤害人的眼睛, 红外线只能刺激人的皮肤产生热的感觉。
-表示灯泡发光的多少,流明是光通量的单位。 (发光愈多流明数愈大)
光照明时彩色被显现的真实程度。 白炽灯泡和卤钨灯泡的显色指数被定义为100,而高压钠灯的 显色指数为20,美标金卤灯的显色指数为65。
• 1. 什么是光? • 2. 白炽灯的显色指数是多少? • 3. 2700K是暧色光还是冷色光?
色温 – 就是光的颜色。黑体辐射温度, 以 开尔文表示(K)低色温的是暖色,高色温 的是冷色
筒灯收藏该商品雷士筒灯NDL314 雷士节能灯12W-15W组合冲冠特价∙商品编号:2295 3423∙市场价:0元∙现价:元∙详细介绍用户点评()∙功率: 0-5W∙同城服务:同城买家上门提货∙品牌:雷士∙型号: NDL31351∙家居照明类型:筒灯∙应用空间:家居照明∙是否带光源:带光源∙商品编号: 2295 3423∙雷士筒灯NDL3135∙开孔尺寸:12-12.5MM∙灯架材料:锌合金烤漆白∙灯体高度:13公分∙可配置节能灯12W-32W螺旋∙NVC雷士照明吸顶灯具 LED卧室灯饰NYX1558-2*36∙品牌:NVC雷士照明∙外形尺寸(mm):560x560x140∙主要材质:铁材+压克力+树脂∙光源/功率:220V H管 2x36W 6500K+LED∙主体颜色:珍珠色+紫色心∙适应面积:12-16平方价格:¥298.00雷士LED筒灯2.5寸NDL3125P白色翰源E27大功率3*1W超亮价格40.37元产品品牌:灯架为雷士品牌,灯杯为翰源品牌产品型号:NDL3125P 2.5寸筒灯(白色)配套光源:正品翰源大功率3*1W工作电压:AC220V 50-60Hz额定功率:3W灯头规格:国际通用标准E27大螺口发光颜色:正白光/暖白光,价格相同!默认为正白光发光角度:聚光30-60度,散光120度.拍下后请备注需要的规格.默认为散光发放开孔尺寸:80MM-85MM外径尺寸:100MM整体高度:105MM-130MM(可调节)材质颜色:白色烤漆/冷轧板安装方式:嵌入式3,特价/地中海/海岩石/筒灯/GM7001-2(2.5寸直径12cm 开孔7.5-8cm) ∙品牌: 其它品牌∙型号: 宫明∙应用空间: 家居照明∙家居照明类型: 筒灯∙功率: 31-40W∙是否带光源: 不带光源∙【设计理念】∙整个海岩石系列是从人类回归生态,感受自然魅力的灵感设计而成,仿海岩石材质、天然环保石粉(非石膏或真岩石)造就了自然的侵蚀外部特征,像是经历海水和风的洗礼;沧桑的蚀纹,时间流逝的痕迹、透过岩头那柔和的光…超然的灵感让整个系列的灯饰成了一件件艺术品,让您久久回味,在光和影的和谐中寻找自然和人文最完美的结合。
Whelen LINSV2 V-Series 三合一警示光源产品详细说明书
![Whelen LINSV2 V-Series 三合一警示光源产品详细说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/aa23c4261611cc7931b765ce05087632311274c5.png)
DODGE DURANGO P O L I C E L I G H T I N G PA C K A G EA comprehensive guide to Whelen’s lighting and warning products.LINSV2™ V-Series ™Utilizing multiple planes of light in one lighthead, LINSV2 V-Series lightheads are two-in-one 180° warning and puddle lights for under surface mounting. Includes glamour cap.Mirror-Beam ™ & Mirror-Beam ION ™ V-SeriesCustom molded Black housings fit over the vehicle’s existing mirror glamour caps and feature ION or ION V-Series Super-LED ® lightheads.Vertex ™ SeriesVertex Series lightheads offer three different optical light output models:omni-directional, side emitter, and directional. These small lightheads install easily with a 1” hole and utilize an in-line lamp driver.LINV2™ V-SeriesUtilizing multiple planes of light in one lighthead, LINV2 V-Series lightheads are two-in-one 180° warning and puddle lights for surface mounting. Includes Black flange.Micron ™ SeriesCompact and durable Micron series lightheads are available in single or split colors. Models are available in surface or stud mount.ION SeriesEngineered for optimal versatility, ION Series lightheads provide high intensitywarning or illumination. Designed to mount in many applications, ION lightheads are available in directional, wide-angle, DUO ™ (two color interleaved), or TRIO ™ (three color interleaved) models. Models are available in surface or universal mount.ION V-SeriesUtilizing multiple planes of light in one lighthead, ION V-Series lightheads are available in three-in-one combination or single color warning models. Models are available in surface or universal mount.ION T-Series ™The ION T-Series features Linear Super-LED ® technology and a sleek and low profile design, with a depth of only 1.50”. ION T-Series lightheads are available in SOLO ™ (single color), split, or DUO models.ION Mini T-Series ™Introducing the smallest ION yet. The ION Mini T-Series features Linear Super-LED technology and a sleek and low profile design, with a depth of only .50” and a length of only 3.34”. ION Mini T-Series lightheads are available in SOLO or DUO models.M2 SeriesWith a unique lens shape and patented Linear-LED ® designed reflector assembly, the M2 Series is completely illuminated for unmatched high intensity warning and low current consumption. The M2 Series is available in standard or wide-angle models.V23™ V-SeriesUtilizing multiple planes of light in one lighthead, V23 V-Series lightheads are three-in-one 180° wide-angle warning, illumination, and puddle light.New! Arges ™Arges is Whelen’s new remote spotlight designed with officer safety in mind. Its small footprint can help reduce blind spots while driving and its all-new collision-safe control head eliminates the need for an internal handle. Arges works seamlessly with CenCom Core ™ and features revolutionary control, with 360° of continuous rotation and a 180° tilt range.LIGHTHEADSWARNING: These products may contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information, visit/regulatoryION™ License Plate BracketUniversal license plate bracket for two ION lightheads.ION T-Series™ License Plate BracketUniversal license plate bracket for two ION T-Series lightheads.ION Mini T-Series™ License Plate BracketUniversal license plate bracket for two ION Mini T-Series lightheads. LICENSE PLATE BRACKETSDASH & DECKLIGHT ARRA YSTracer™ SeriesEngineered to increase vehicle visibility, the Tracer Series utilizes sleek vehicle specific mounting bracketsconform to vehicle rocker panels for maximum versatility. The durable clamshell design allows for easyreconfiguration and serviceability. Tracer now includes a Traffic-Advisor™ in 4-6 lamp versions. The newlydesigned, fully encapsulated control module is designed for exterior or interior installation and featurestwo additional inputs for Traffic Advisor functions. The Tracer Series is available in SOLO, DUO,or TRIO models.Avenger® II SeriesThe Avenger II Series features combination Linear/TIR optics for high-intensity warning and illuminationand a smaller profile to maximize space for optimal versatility. The Avenger II is available in SOLO™, DUO™,or TRIO™models.WARNING: These products may contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancerand birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information, visit/regulatoryLIGHTBARS3Liberty™II Series Redesigned and reinvented for exactly what your fleet needs, the Liberty II features Super-LED®optics and builds on the Liberty’s reputation for excellent reliability and performance. Increase clarity with Whelen’sall-new, patent pending Proclera®Silicone Optics (available in take-down lights). The Liberty II Series is available in SOLO ™, DUO+™, or TRIO ™ models with WeCan ®, WeCanX ™, or low current technology.Legacy ® SeriesThe low-profile Legacy Series provides 360° of high-intensity light output. Engineered for optimal durability with a UNI-DOME construction and aluminum top, the Legacy Series is available in SOLO, DUO+, or TRIO models with WeCan, WeCanX, or low current technology.Inner Edge ®FST ™SeriesThe newly designed, low-profile Inner Edge FST Series mounts to visor anchor points and better utilizes vehicle contours, providing higher visibility and a custom fit. Models feature BroadBand Blue ™. BroadBand Blue delivers a higher intensity, creates a larger optical image, and produces a more consistent color, all while being easier on the eyes—especially at night. Increase clarity with Whelen’s all-new, patent pending Proclera Silicone Optics. The Inner Edge FST Series is available in SOLO, DUO, or TRIO models with WeCanX technology.Mounting KitsMKEZ85, and MKAJ85, straps mount 52”-58” lightbars CMK85 straps mount 48” Cenator lightbarsCenator ® SeriesIntroducing the innovative and economic Cenator Series. Featuring Linear Super-LED optics and an all-new low-profile design, the Cenator Series is engineered for versatility and convenience. Laser etched opaque colored domes provide full customization. A multitude of options areavailable, including a center speaker and lighted signs. The Cenator Series is available in SOLO, DUO ™, or TRIO models with WeCan, WeCanX, or high current technology.Freedom ® IV SeriesEngineered for high intensity warning, the Freedom IV Series features Linear Super-LED optics, DYAD ™ two level technology, and 360° ofcontiguous light. Multiple options are available for full customization. The Freedom IV is available with WeCan, WeCanX, or low current technology.Inner Edge RST ™ SeriesThe newly designed, low-profile Inner Edge RST Series better utilizes vehicle contours by mounting to the rear deck of sedans and the rear headliner of SUVs and pickup trucks, providing higher visibility and a custom fit. Models feature BroadBand Blue. BroadBand Blue delivers a higher intensity, creates a larger optical image, and produces a more consistent color, all while being easier on the eyes—especially at night. Increase clarity with Whelen’s all-new, patent pending Proclera Silicone Optics. The Inner Edge RST Series is available in SOLO, DUO, or TRIO models with WeCanX technology.Outer Edge ® Rear PillarNewly designed featuring six Micron ™ or ION ™ lightheads and an all new service loop for easy reconfiguration, Whelen’s durable Outer Edge rear lights are engineered for weather and vibration resistance. The Outer Edge Rear Pillar is available in WeCan or WeCanX capable or low current models.WARNING: These products may contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information, visit /regulatory10CONTROL SYSTEMSWARNING: These products may contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information, visit /regulatoryNew! CenCom Core ™With the greatest configurability, speed, and expansion yet, CenCom Core is a system created to enhance officer safety with advanced automation and remote connectivity. Every aspect of Core is engineered for performance and designed for vast configuration, allowing for access to every connector and fuse from the top of the box. Core features WeCanX ™, our newest CAN-based communication system. Providing true system synchronization, greater speed capabilities, expanded peripheral add-ons, and full support of diagnostics, WeCanX is designed for optimal situational awareness programming.CanTrol ® WCThe best way to connect you with your vehicle and the world around you is CanTrol—intelligent technology that makes every day on the job safer, whether you’re inside or outside your vehicle. CanTrol features situation based integration and conditional programming. Models are now available with the CANport ™ OBDII Interface, a simple plug-in connection to your vehicle. Using the CANport, CAN bus signals are easily applied to automate warning system functions. (Only available through authorized CanTrol distributors)CenCom Carbide ™CenCom Carbide features a newly designed control head and all new configuration software, both engineered to help maintain situational awareness of the officer. Numerous innovative features and optional expansion modules make Carbide a convenient, single box programming solution. Models are now available with the CANport ™ OBDII Interface, a simple plug-in connection to your vehicle. Using the CANport, CAN bus signals are easily applied to automate warning system functions.HHS3200 & HHS4200Whelen’s innovative HHS Series features standard switching and a completely redesigned molded amplifier housing, providing excellent durability. HHS3200 Series models arecompatible with low current or high current products, or any light with a built-in flasher. HHS4200 Series models includes a WeCan ® port that supports the Inner Edge ® FST ™ and RST ™ Series, WeCan lightbars, or a WeCan external amplifier.CONTROL HEADSCANCTL5Handheld combination microphone and controller, 5 position progressive light/siren control, 9 push-buttons,and microphone extension cableCANCTL63 section control head with a4 position slide switch, 8push-buttons, 3 Traffic Advisor ™ switches, 7 position rotary knob, manual airhorn, microphone, and microphone extension cable CANCTL73 section control head with a4 position slide switch, 18 push-buttons, 3 Traffic Advisor switches, microphone, and microphone extension cableNew! CCTL63 section control head with a4 position slide switch, 13 push buttons, 7 position rotary knob, microphone, and microphone extension cableNew! CCTL73 section control head with a4 position slide switch, 21 push buttons, microphone, and microphone extension cableErgonomically designed for situational awareness of the officer, various control heads are compatible with Whelen systems. Completely configurable by the user, these control heads are designed with features such as tick marks, raised surfaces, and recessed areas for ease of use, allowing officers to focus on the road.SIRENS & SPEAKERSWARNING: These products may contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancerand birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information, visit/regulatorySA315P Siren SpeakerThe SA315P is a multi-port, 100 watt speaker with a nylon compositehousing that easily installs to the radiator cross member to deliver powerful traffic clearing capability.New! Howler™ Siren & SpeakerAdding a layer of warning for intersections and high risk areas when used with your 100/200 watt siren amplifier, Howler provides deep tones to penetrate other vehicles, alerting drivers and pedestrians of your approach. Available with WeCanX™ technology.295SLSA6 Hands-Free Electronic SirenEngineered for under-dash or console mounting, the compact 295SLSA6 Series is a siren and light controller with a hard-wired or plug-in noise cancelling microphone. Easily change functions with nine individually programmable switches for full customization.295SSA & 295SDA Siren SeriesNow available with a single or dual amplifier and two control head options, the economic 295SSA and 295SDA remote sirens are designed for powerful trafficclearing capability and ease of operation.MODELSand birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information, visitENGINEERING COMPANY, INC.51 Winthrop Road, Chester, CT 06412-0684P O L I C E L I G H T I N G PA C K A G EDODGE DURANGOWhelen Engineering reserves the right to upgrade and improve products without notice.NASCAR® is the registered trademark of the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing, Inc.© 2020 Whelen Engineering Company, Inc.Printed in the U.S.A. Form No. 13313D - 01/17/2020W h e l e n E N GISO 9001 Registered QMS。
产品编号:NDL862H产品描述:型号光源开孔尺寸旋转角度电器NDL862H G8.5Φ105mm任意方向30度另配金卤灯镇材质:铝合金+冷轧板。
应用场所:本产品可广泛使用于家装及商业店***********************************************************************************产品编号:灯杯MR16产品描述:型号功率(W)色温(k)显色性(Ra)管径(mm)光束角(度)标准型35/20 2700 100 直径50 光束角38° 日光型35/20 2700 100 直径50 光束角38° 安全型20 2700 100 直径50 光束角38° 冷光型35/20 2700 100 直径50 光束角38° 彩光杯35/20 红、绿、蓝100 直径50 光束角38°特性:1、安全型带玻璃防护盖,有效保护内胆;避免受外界尘土、潮气等的损害;2、低压杯灯采用坚丝结构,灯杯投射光形更完美;3、符合紫外线防护标准。
产品编号:灯杯MR11产品描述:型号功率(W)色温(k)显色性(Ra)管径(mm)光束角(度)标准型35/20 2700 100 直径35 光束角38° 日光型35/20 2700 100 直径35 光束角38° 安全型35/20 2700 100 直径35 光束角38° 冷光型35/20 2700 100 直径35 光束角38° 彩光杯35/20 红、绿、蓝100 直径35 光束角38°特性:1、安全型带玻璃防护盖,有效保护内胆;避免受外界尘土、潮气等的损害;2、低压杯灯采用坚丝结构,灯杯投射光形更完美;3、符合紫外线防护标准。
户外产品户外灯具分类1、 投光灯执行标准:GB7000.1/GB7000.7使用场合:适合建筑物、标志物、雕塑、公园、景观照明、码头、广告牌、体育场馆等雷士投光灯主要特点:• 灯具、电器附件均为雷士品牌——匹配佳,保证最佳性能及最长寿命。
• 符合电气安全标准IEC598——灯具安全可靠。
• 灯具本体为高纯铝高压压铸成型——坚固,耐腐蚀,散热性能佳。
• 耐高温硅橡胶密封圈,灯具、电器箱防护等级达IP65。
• 电器箱采用独特的裙锯状设计,利于散热,延长使用寿命。
• 反射器采用高纯铝材料,并经过阳极氧化处理——高反射,低衰减。
• 专业设计的光学系统——最佳配光曲线,减少灯具数量 。
• 配有镇流器、触发器、电容等电气附件——功率因数0.85。
• 全部使用高强度气体放电光源——高效率,低光衰。
• 大功率灯具采用双端金卤灯,点状光源——配光易控制。
• 光源色温5600K,显色性高达92——最适合彩电转播。
• 有多种不同角度的配光系统——适合不同应用场合。
• 配有遮光板,投光光束集中——溢光少。
• 背后开启式更换光源——维护方便。
NF2000 电器箱• 配有预接线盒,可安装触发器——实现远距离触发。
雷士路灯的主要特点:• 灯具、电器附件均为雷士品牌——匹配佳,保证最佳性能及最长寿命。
• 符合电气安全标准IEC598——灯具安全可靠。
• 灯体、灯盖为高纯铝高压压铸成型——坚固,耐腐蚀,散热性能佳。
• 耐高温硅橡胶密封圈,灯具电器箱防护等级达IP55,光学系统IP66。
• 曲面玻璃具有耐高温、高强度、透光度好、抗老化变色,可利用雨水自行清洁,减少维修次数。
• 反射器采用高纯铝材料,并经过阳极氧化处理——高反射,低衰减。
颜色、花纹、款式变化多。 灯光柔和 优质PP料,安全环保
树脂的定义:为半固态、固态或假固态 的不定型有机物质,一般是高分子物 质,透明或不透明。无固定熔点,有 软化点和熔融范围,在应力作用下有 流动趋向。受热、变软并渐渐熔化, 熔化时发粘,不导电,大多不溶于水, 可溶于有机溶剂如乙醇、乙醚等,根 据来源可分成天然树脂、合成树脂、 人造树脂,根据受热后的性能变化可 分成热定型树脂、热固性树脂,此外 还可根据溶解度分成水溶性树脂、醇 溶性树脂、油溶性树脂。
第三,利用模具生产初坯 第四,精修初坯,制作成模种 第五,利用模种制作模具。
普通厂家 模具制作是一次制作,精细度差。 长时间使用不换模具,产品变形。
第一、树脂与石膏以恰当比例混合成树脂浆 第二,树脂浆放在模具里压制成型 第三,抽真空。将产品里的气泡抽干净 第四,硬化
石膏的作用:增加产品成型的硬度,加速产品的硬化 过程,降低产品的变形系数,增加产品 的手感。
40%左右), 更明亮。
➢ 三基色光源: 环管、2D管,采用 国标6500K色温,均为 三基色光源
➢ 发光效率高:达65lm/w,更明亮; (白炽灯及卤素灯仅 17lm/w左右)
➢ 寿命长:达8000小时,省电省钱;
知识点:荧光光源发光材料分为两种。 第一种是卤粉,是第一代发光材料, 第二种事三基色粉,为第二带发光材 料。显色性高,光衰小,成本高。
NVC 雷士家居照明
类别 吸顶灯 厨卫灯 水晶灯 羊皮灯 艺术灯
一、技术参数 电源电压: +24VDC + 10% 功耗: 静态电流:30MA CAN通信接口: CAN总线:4位3.81插拔 端子 安装尺寸: 86×86×42 MM 二、安装说明 1、86式底盒安装。 2、CAN总线必须用手拖手方式接线。
一、技术参数 电源电压: +24VDC + 10% 功耗: 静态电流:30MA CAN通信接口: CAN总线:4位3.81插拔 端子 安装尺寸: 86×86×42 MM 二、安装说明 1、86式底盒安装。 2、CAN总线必须用手拖手方式接线。
一、技术参数 工作电压 220VAC±10% 输出电压 24VDC,1.3A 工作温度 0℃-45℃ 相对湿度 20%-90% 继电器输出 1A,用来检测电源模块的好坏 安装尺寸: 108×88×66 MM 功能:提供总线模块电源 二、安装说明 1、35MM导轨安装。 2、 继电器输出:当有24V直流电压输出时, 继电器输出闭合,无24VDC输出时,继电 器输出断开。该继电器输出可用来检测电源 模块好坏。
一、技术参数 电源电压: +24VDC + 10% 功耗: 150mA CPU: 主频400mHz SDRAM: 128M DDR2 Flash: 128M NandFlash 网络: 1个(10M/100M自适应),支持TCP/IP、UDP RS232 2个(3线制:GND、Rx、Tx) RS485 2个 CAN 1个 RTC 具备实时时钟和时钟电池 功能:通信协议转换,Canbus转IP、 Canbus转RS232/485,实 现场景控制功能和定时控制功能,最大32个场景定义,64个周期 定时器,16个虚拟定时器 安装尺寸: 108 x 88 x 66 mm 二、安装说明 1、35MM导轨安装。 2、CAN总线必须用手拖手方式接线。
灯具编号:流星灯 灯具芯片: 台湾晶元 光源:草帽 配光角度:120° 额定工作电压:24V 材质:PC 正常使用:20000小时 使用极限:LED使用50000小 时 防护等级:IP65
控制说明; 24V供电
灯具编号:洗墙灯 灯具芯片: 台湾晶元 光源:5050 配光角度:120° 额定工作电压:24V 材质:PC 铝灯体 正常使用:20000小时 使用极限:LED使用50000小 时 防护等级:IP65
控制明; 24V供电
灯具编号:点光 灯具芯片: 台湾晶元 光源:3528 配光角度:120° 额定工作电压:24V 材质:PC 铝灯体 正常使用:20000小时 使用极限:LED使用50000小 时 防护等级:IP65
控制说明; 24V供电
灯具编号:灯串 灯具芯片: 台湾晶元 光源:草帽 配光角度:120° 额定工作电压:24V 材质:户外防水线 正常使用:20000小时 使用极限:LED使用50000小 时 缺点:在树上安装,树长的速 度对灯具有很大的影响。 防护等级:IP65
雷士-LEDLED光源:DC12V-LED MR16C:6W ,PF≧0.6。
DC12V-SMD 5050LED软灯带:14.4W/M。
DC12V-SMD 3528LED软灯带:4.8W/M。
LED T5B:7W、10W、14W,PF≧0.9。
LED T8A:18W,PF≧0.9。
DC12V-COB-LED MR16B:4W,PF≧0.6。
DC12V-LED QR111C:15W, PF≧0.6。
LED T8B:9W、18W,PF≧0.9。
LED T8H:9W、18W。
NLED T5A:4W、7W、10W、12W、14W。
E27-LEDA60A球泡:8W.LED PAR20A:7W。
DC12V-LED QR111B:12W。
DC12V-LED QR111A:10W。
LED天花灯:NLED139,12W/ 30°,PF≧0.9。
NLED135 7W/30°,PF≧0.8。
NLED133 4W/30°,PF≧0.7。
单颗COB-NLED125D 15W/24°,PF≧0.9。
单颗COB-NLED125D 18W/38°,PF≧0.9。
单颗COB-NLED124D 9W、12W/24°,PF≧0.9。
单颗COB-NLED123D 4W、7W/24°,PF≧0.5。
NLED149 12W/30°,PF≧0.9。
NLED147 9W/30°,PF≧0.8。
NLED145 7W/30°,PF≧0.8。
NLED143 4W/30°,PF≧0.7。
NLED114 30W/30°,PF≧0.9。
NLED115 30W/30°,PF≧0.9。
1.0产品质保时间:1.1灯具、电器:1.1.1 额定条件下灯具使用功能保用12个月;1.1.2 电器保用18个月;1.2光源:不保(非我司产品)2.0质保时间的界定:2.1所有产品按生产日期起计算质保,并延长相应的仓储时间,具体如下:2.1.1产品质保期为12、18、24个月的,可延长多3个月。
4.4 公司在收到退货后8小时内处理完毕。