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关键词:中石油;天然气;未开发储量;潜力 中图分类号:F426 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1003-2355-(2019)03-0045-03 Doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-2355.2019.03.009
Abstract: CNCP holds massive proven natural gas reserves. However, the ratio of developed reserves to the total is low. There remain a large amount of natural gas reserves undeveloped. Producing undeveloped reserves is one of the realistic chances to increase production. Undeveloped natural gas reserves can be divided into four categories: commercial reserves to be developed, reserves difficultly to be developed, reserves to be confirmed or to be cancelled and reserves restricted by ground surface conditions. Commercial reserves to be developed and reserves hardly to be developed are the resource basis to increase and stabilize natural gas output. Commercial reserves to be developed are the main targets in the near future, with a production potential estimated to be 27 billion cubic meters per year. Reserves hardly to be developed are at the economic margin at present. Under the circumstances of lower cost or higher gas price or proper governmental subsidies, this category of reserves could be economically feasible to be produced,with a production potential estimated to be 3 billion cubic meters per year. Due to the strong heterogeneity of reservoirs and the complex distribution of formation water, reserves to be confirmed or to be cancelled need to be reevaluated using new data acquired after development. Reserves restricted by ground surface conditions cannot be produced currently.
Key words: CNPC; Natural Gas; Undeveloped Reserves; Potential
0 引言
近年来,中国天然气进入跨越式发展的黄金 时期,中石油作为国内天然气第一大供应商,积 极加快天然气发展步伐。天然气增产有 3 个可能 的方向:老气田已开发部分的稳产和增产、发现
Oil & Nature Gas
中石油天然气未开发储量分类 评价及潜力分析
罗 娜,王丽娟,何东博
(中石油勘探开发研究院,北京 100083)
摘要:中石油天然气储量规模巨大,总体动用程度较低,动用未开发储量是公司现实的增 产领域之一。天然气未开发储量分为四类:待开发效益储量、难开发储量、待落实储量和地面受 限制储量。待开发效益储量和难开发储量是公司上产和稳产的资源基础,待开发效益储量是公司 天然气效益开发的主体,预计建产潜力为 270 亿 m3/a,难开发储量目前处于经济效益边际,在 成本降低或气价升高或争取到一定财政补贴的情况下,该类储量有望可逐步实现经济开发,预 计建产潜力为 30 亿 m3/a ;待落实储量由于储层强非均质性、地层水分布复杂等原因需要利用 开发后获取的新资料对储量规模进一步落实或者核销;地面受限制储量在目前情况下不能开发。
第 41 卷 第 3 期 2019 年 3 月 45
Oil & Nature Gas
现状、搞清切实可以动用的储量规模,因此有必 要对未开发天然气储量开展分类评价研究。
1 未开发天然气储量现状
截 至 2015 年 底, 中 石 油 探 明 天 然 气 地 质 储 量 约 8 万 亿 m3( 不 含 页 岩 气 ), 累 计 投 入 开 发 近 5 万亿 m3,探明储量动用率约 60%,还有近 40% 的储量未开发,储量动用程度低。
新气田探明新储量和动用已探明未开发储量。而 从成本、时间周期和效益等方面考虑,动用天然 气未开发储量是现实的增产领域 [1]。中石油天然 气储量规模巨大,总体动用程度较低。为推动天 然气未开发储量的效益动用,需要明确公司天然 气未开发储量品质优劣、认识探明储量的动态和
收稿日期: 2019-02-27 基金项目:中国石油天然气股份有限公司重大科技攻关课题“天然气未动用储量分类评价与开发技术”(编号:2016B-1505); 作者简介:罗娜,高级工程师,从事地球物理测井评价、气藏评价等方面研究工作。
Abstract: CNCP holds massive proven natural gas reserves. However, the ratio of developed reserves to the total is low. There remain a large amount of natural gas reserves undeveloped. Producing undeveloped reserves is one of the realistic chances to increase production. Undeveloped natural gas reserves can be divided into four categories: commercial reserves to be developed, reserves difficultly to be developed, reserves to be confirmed or to be cancelled and reserves restricted by ground surface conditions. Commercial reserves to be developed and reserves hardly to be developed are the resource basis to increase and stabilize natural gas output. Commercial reserves to be developed are the main targets in the near future, with a production potential estimated to be 27 billion cubic meters per year. Reserves hardly to be developed are at the economic margin at present. Under the circumstances of lower cost or higher gas price or proper governmental subsidies, this category of reserves could be economically feasible to be produced,with a production potential estimated to be 3 billion cubic meters per year. Due to the strong heterogeneity of reservoirs and the complex distribution of formation water, reserves to be confirmed or to be cancelled need to be reevaluated using new data acquired after development. Reserves restricted by ground surface conditions cannot be produced currently.
Key words: CNPC; Natural Gas; Undeveloped Reserves; Potential
0 引言
近年来,中国天然气进入跨越式发展的黄金 时期,中石油作为国内天然气第一大供应商,积 极加快天然气发展步伐。天然气增产有 3 个可能 的方向:老气田已开发部分的稳产和增产、发现
Oil & Nature Gas
中石油天然气未开发储量分类 评价及潜力分析
罗 娜,王丽娟,何东博
(中石油勘探开发研究院,北京 100083)
摘要:中石油天然气储量规模巨大,总体动用程度较低,动用未开发储量是公司现实的增 产领域之一。天然气未开发储量分为四类:待开发效益储量、难开发储量、待落实储量和地面受 限制储量。待开发效益储量和难开发储量是公司上产和稳产的资源基础,待开发效益储量是公司 天然气效益开发的主体,预计建产潜力为 270 亿 m3/a,难开发储量目前处于经济效益边际,在 成本降低或气价升高或争取到一定财政补贴的情况下,该类储量有望可逐步实现经济开发,预 计建产潜力为 30 亿 m3/a ;待落实储量由于储层强非均质性、地层水分布复杂等原因需要利用 开发后获取的新资料对储量规模进一步落实或者核销;地面受限制储量在目前情况下不能开发。
第 41 卷 第 3 期 2019 年 3 月 45
Oil & Nature Gas
现状、搞清切实可以动用的储量规模,因此有必 要对未开发天然气储量开展分类评价研究。
1 未开发天然气储量现状
截 至 2015 年 底, 中 石 油 探 明 天 然 气 地 质 储 量 约 8 万 亿 m3( 不 含 页 岩 气 ), 累 计 投 入 开 发 近 5 万亿 m3,探明储量动用率约 60%,还有近 40% 的储量未开发,储量动用程度低。
新气田探明新储量和动用已探明未开发储量。而 从成本、时间周期和效益等方面考虑,动用天然 气未开发储量是现实的增产领域 [1]。中石油天然 气储量规模巨大,总体动用程度较低。为推动天 然气未开发储量的效益动用,需要明确公司天然 气未开发储量品质优劣、认识探明储量的动态和
收稿日期: 2019-02-27 基金项目:中国石油天然气股份有限公司重大科技攻关课题“天然气未动用储量分类评价与开发技术”(编号:2016B-1505); 作者简介:罗娜,高级工程师,从事地球物理测井评价、气藏评价等方面研究工作。