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Test 1

1. Russia fears the pressure from NA TO that is ___ closer to its western border.

A. stretching

B. enlarging

C. expending

D. extending

2. China is boldly ___ all cultural achievement of mankind, including developed capitalist countries.

A. drawing on

B. drawing out

C. drawing from

D. drawing up

3. The biotechnology is using man’s DNA to build ___ proteins that may have some value as disease-fighting drugs.

A. exceptional

B. special

C. specific

D. peculiar

4. The US economy many starting to ___ after its most vigorous years in a decade.

A. soften

B. loosen

C. slacken

D. stiffen

5. Aristotle’s natural science ___ Western thought for two thousand years.

A. controlled

B. dominated

C. governed

D. regulated

6. Although architecture has artistic qualities, it must satisfy a number of important practical ___ first of all.

A. situations

B. conditions

C. necessities

D. considerations

7. Researcher discovered that the plants infected with virus give off a gas that ___ disease resistance in neighboring plants.

A. contracts

B. activates

C. excites

D. evokes

8. The disappearance of ___ books, periodicals and CDs is a proof that China’s campaign against porn is making progress.

A. obscene

B. offensive

C. obscure

D. inferior

9. Concepts that were ___ to the country, such as intellectual property and share-holding systems, have become commonly accepted.

A. queer

B. alien

C. harsh

D. disagreeable

10. The AIDS virus can be passed sexually or by ___ instruments used to make intravenous drugs.

A. employing

B. utilizing

C. touching

D. sharing

11. Three passions, simple and strong, ___ myself: the longing for love, the search for knowledge and unbearable pity for suffering of mankind.

A. restrained

B. restricted

C. confined

D. governed

12. To preserve peace we must be strong and it is an ___ to think that there is an effective alternative.

A. illusion

B. illustration

C. imagination

D. desire

13. The two sides will maintain contact and hold appropriate ___ on bilateral and international issues of common interest.

A. agreement

B. harmony

C. consultation

D. consent

14. In big cities, music cafes favored and ___ by young courting couples are on the increase.

A. frequented

B. attended

C. seated

D. entered

15. In order to fully ___ the human resources, we should encourage the rational flow of trained personnel.

A. explore

B. tap

C. excavate

D. discover

16. Respect for each other’s sovereignty and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs ___ the fundamental principles guiding Sino-American relations.

A. confirm

B. construct

C. compose

D. constitute

17. The Chinese government reiterates that Taiwan is China’s ___ and the question of Taiwan is China’s internal affair.

A. domain

B. realm

C. district

D. territory

18. Journalists should firmly object to payoffs-aimed journalism which deviates from press ___.

A. morale

B. virtue

C. model

D. ethics
