高一英语必修一unit1 Warming up

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upset the cup ⑴ He _____________ (将杯子弄翻了)and the coffee went all over the floor.
upset his teacher ⑵ Hi百度文库 cheating in the exam_______________ (使他的老师生气).
Situation 1: Situation to You want 2: see a very interesting film with your Situation 3: asks to borrow go until he/ camera. friend, but your friend can’tyour favoriteshe Your friend finishes cleaning the bicycle. What he/she broke When he/she borrowed it lastvery upset. The bell time, will you do? Your friend comes to school it and so you need to it repaired. What will you rings you had to get go to class. What will you do now? do?
Miss Gao Period 1A
Do you have friends? What kind
of friend do you like?
kind honest
brave responsible helpful
Add up to
1). She felt rather ______ on hearing the news. 2). He ____________not being invited to attend the wedding. 3). He stood up, ____________(碰到了一杯酒). 1). upset 2). was upset about 3).upsetting a glass of wine
Describe one of your friends
His/Her name is … He/She is … years old. He/She likes … and dislikes … He/She enjoys … and hates… He/She is very kind/friendly/… When/Where we got to know each other…
get sb. doing sth. 让某人一直做某事
get sb. to do sth.
have sb. doing sth. 让某人一直做某事
have sb. do sth. 让某人做某事
What do you do to be a good friend? Are you good to your friends?
⑶ If I catch you doing that again,_________ I’ll be _____________________ (我将对你非常生气). very upset with you
⑷ He didn’t finish the work on time,and he ______________________it (对此感到心烦意乱). was very upset about
Auld Lang Syne
Should auld acquaintance be forgot. 老朋友怎能遗忘掉, And never brought to mind? 永不再放心上 Should auld acquaintance be forgot. 老朋友怎能遗忘掉, And days o’lang syne? 还有过去的好时光? For auld lang syne, my dear, 为了过去的好时光, (亲爱的) For auld lang syne, 为了过去的好时光, We’ll tak’a cup o’kindness yet 让我们干一杯友谊的酒, For auld lang syne. 为了过去的好时光。 And here’s a hand, my trusty fiere (friend) 老朋友, 我已伸出我的手, And gie’e a hand of thine, 请你也伸手相握, We‘ll tak’a cup of kindness yet 让我们干一杯友谊的酒, For auld lang syne. 为了过去的好时光。
Add up these figures and give me the total.
What do you do to be a good friend? Are you good to your friends?
Situation 1: Situation to You want 2: see a very interesting film with your friend, but your friend can’tyour favoriteshe Your friend asks to borrow go until he/ camera. finishes cleaning the bicycle. What he/she broke When he/she borrowed it last time, will you do? it and you had to get it repaired. What will you do now?
1.upset vt.使心烦/生气;弄翻 adj.心烦意乱的;不适的
upset sb.使某人生气/心烦 upset sth.弄翻某物 be upset with sb.对某人生气 be upset about sth.为某事感到心烦 upset vt &vi upset upset upsetting
4.The news _______________his sadness. added to Add up 5. __________the expenses(花费), see if we could afford it. adds up to 6. His income ________________3000 yuan a month Add…to Add to Add up
Think about what is friendship?
Think about what is friendship?
devoted sharing / sincere(真诚的) helpful / honest independent polite / patient
Miss Gao Period 1B
To make/do/carry out/conduct a survey 1. CCTV made a __________ of public opinion about the survey poisonous milk powder. 2. “He is very clever but a bit naughty,” he ___________. added 3._______ 8_______3, you’ll have 11. Add to
walk the dog 遛狗 loose adj. 1) 松开的, 自由的, 无束缚的 get/be loose 未拴住的, 松开的 I have one hand loose but the other is tied. 我的一只手没捆着, 另一只手却被捆绑着。 2) 松的, 松动的, 不紧的, 宽松的 a loose button 快掉的扣子 the loose soil 疏松的土壤 a loose sweater 宽松的套衫
What do you do to be a good friend? Are you good to your friends?
Situation 1: Situation to You want 2: see a very interesting film with your Situation 3: asks to borrow go until he/ camera. friend, but your friend can’tyour favoriteshe Your friend finishes 4: borrowed it last What he/she broke Situationcleaning the bicycle.very upset. The bell When he/she time, will you do? Your friend comes to school it and so you need to it repaired. What will you rings you has gone go to class. What will Your friendhad to get on holiday and asked you do now? do? to take care of his/her dog. While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose and was hit by a car. The dog’s leg was broken. You will…?
What do you do to be a good friend? Are you good to your friends?
Situation 1: Situation to You want 2: see a very interesting film with your Situation 3: asks to borrow go until he/ camera. friend, but your friend can’tyour favoriteshe Your friend finishes 4: borrowed it last What he/she broke Situationcleaning the bicycle.very upset. The bell When he/she time, will you do? Your friend comes to school it and so 5: has gone go to class. What will Situation you need to on holiday and asked you rings you Your friendhad to get it repaired. What will you do now? do? to take care of his/her dog. While walking the dog, You are taking your end-of-term exam. Your you were careless and it got loose and washelp friend, who doesn’t work hard, asks you to hit by a car. The dog’s leg was broken. You will…? him/her cheat in the exam by looking at your paper. What will you do?
get it repaired
get sth. done 请人做某事 (非亲自动手) =have sth. done
1 上周我去城里剪头发了. get / have my hair cut. Last week I went to the town to _________________. 2 爸爸明天要去检查身体. have/ get himself examined Tomorrow Daddy will________________________.
What do you do to be a good friend? Are you good to your friends?
add up 合计,相加 add to 增添,增加
add up to 总数为
The bad weather only added to our trouble.
His entire school education added up to no more than a year.