



晶振简介(OCXO恒温、 MCXO数补、VCXO压控、VCTCXO、VCOCXO)各种晶振简介1. 普通晶振Packaged Crystal Oscillator(PXO):是⼀种没有采取温度补偿措施的晶体振荡器,在整个温度范围内,晶振的频率稳定度取决于其内部所⽤晶体的性能,频率稳定度在10-5量级,⼀般⽤于普通场所作为本振源或中间信号,是晶振中最廉价的产品。

2. 温补晶振Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator(TCXO):是在晶振内部采取了对晶体频率温度特性进⾏补偿,以达到在宽温温度范围内满⾜稳定度要求的晶体振荡器。



3. 压控晶振Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator(VCXO):是⼀种可通过调整外加电压使晶振输出频率随之改变的晶体振荡器,主要⽤于锁相环路或频率微调。

压控晶振的频率控制范围及线性度主要取决于电路所⽤变容⼆极管及晶体参数两者的组合 4. 恒温晶振Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator(OCXO):采⽤精密控温,使电路元件及晶体⼯作在晶体的零温度系数点的温度上。


主要⽤作频率源或标准信号 5. 电压控制-温补晶体振荡器(VCTCXO)温度补偿晶体振荡器和电压控制晶体振荡器结合。

6. 电压控制-恒温晶体振荡器(VCOCXO)恒温晶体振荡器和电压控制晶体振荡器结合。



2 电路设计
恒温晶振的电路设计分为振荡电路(主振电路)和控温电路 两个部分。
2.1 主振电路的设计 振荡电路的设计有串联晶体振荡器和并联晶体振荡器两种。
并联型晶体谐振器电路是晶体接在反馈网络中,并与电路中其他 电抗元件构成并联谐振回路 ;在串联型晶体电路中,晶体与负载 电容串联,工作时呈纯阻性。为了便于可生产性和调试方便等原 因,本文采用了并联振荡电路的共集柯尔匹兹电路形式,主振电 路图见图 1。
D 专题 IGITCW 技术 Special Technologyห้องสมุดไป่ตู้
郭 旺
(中国电子科技集团公司第五十四研究所,石家庄 050000)
摘要 :本文主要介绍了一款 36×27×13mm3 封装的小型化超低秒高稳定的恒温晶振的设计。传统的高稳定度恒温晶振其温度稳定
度和老化特性都能够做到很好,比如温度特性能够达到 ±0.1ppb(40℃ ~85℃),老化特性能够达到 0.1ppb/ 日。但是其短期稳定度(秒
[1] 赵声衡、赵英 . 晶体振荡器 . 北京 :科学出版社,2008. [2] 赵声衡 . 精密恒温槽原理 . 长沙 :湖南科学技术出版社,1991. [3] LEESON D B.A simple model of feedback oscillator noise spectrum[J].
3 测试结果
由于本文设计的产品短稳已经达到了 5*10e-13 的数量级,普 通设备的测量精度已经无法达到要求。所以建议采用测试精度较 高的测试设备和参考源,如本次实验的测试设备为 5125A,参考 源为高稳定度的 DBV-10M 参考源。经过前期的实验和参数的调 整,测试结果如下图 2 和图 3 :






















晶振温补补偿的实现方法 ­ 捷比信电阻
关于我们 联系我们 升华取样电阻 旺铨采样电阻 天二精密电阻
首页 大毅电阻 光颉电阻 天二电阻 升华电阻 旺铨电阻 威世电阻 低阻值电阻 高精密电阻 抗冲击电阻 保险丝电阻 薄膜电阻 毫欧电阻 分流电阻 无感电阻
低温漂电阻 汽车电阻 防腐蚀电阻 巨驰电阻
电子行业人士都知道晶振,但是却没多少人了解温补晶振,也就是我们常说到的温补晶振。根据市场发展捷比信紧随其后向着更高端电的话 方向:发07展55。­接29下79来6要19给0大家 讲到的是温补晶振,简单说来就是需要温度补偿的晶振,在我们使用中要了解哪些?
所有石英晶体材料做成的频率器件,均有一定的温漂。温漂是晶振的一个重要特性,一般情况下晶振出现温漂是在室外温度偏低或者比正常温度较高的情况下。晶 振出现温漂有很多种因素,例如天气、焊接过程中的失误,晶振在产品工作的过程中出现温漂的话就会导致频率不稳定,甚至停振的现象,这是比较常见的现象,温 补晶振正是为解决温漂问题所设计出来的一款高稳定度的压电元件,成为弥补石英晶体温漂的重要手段。
电动汽车的未来动力是何种电池? 小蜂窝基站技术的盛行之年 手机快充兴起,保险丝行业迎来春天 高精度低温漂电阻­ 万分之一精度5PPM温漂电阻 单品VS系统 智能家居将走向何方? 台湾天二贴片保险丝电阻FCR系列 数字电路抗干扰这些问题,你造吗? 太阳能+无人机 强强联合发展火爆 田海浪:搞过山寨手机之后,他又瞄准了电动平衡车 石英晶振的常用封装 SMD晶振 DIP晶振 晶体振荡器



• 92•描述了一种新型恒温晶振(OCXO)的设计方案,在恒温晶振(OCXO)研究基础上,通过对控温电路的优化设计,并采用热敏网络补偿技术,以恒温控制为主,温度补偿为辅,先进行恒温控制,再进行温度补偿。





引言:石英晶体振荡器是无线电设备的核心部件,是通信、广播、雷达、电子对抗、遥控遥测及许多测量仪器必不可少的部件,其中恒温晶体振荡器(OCXO )是一种频率稳定性最好的高精密晶体振荡器(蒋松涛,一种小型超低相噪恒温晶振的设计:压电与声光,2015)。




本文描述了一种恒温控制为主,温度补偿为辅,两者相结合的新型OCXO 设计方案。

并成功研制了体积为36×27×12.7(mm ),温度稳定度优于±1×10-9的小体积低功耗恒温晶振。

1 晶体谐振器温频特性晶体谐振器是一种基于压电效应实现的机械振动系统。

其晶片切型有很多种,包括AT 切、SC 切、BT 切等。

其中比较常用、生产较成熟的是AT 切和SC 切。

SC 切谐振器的显著特点是其频率与温度之间有近似的三次函数关系,因而它具有零温度系数点(John R.Vig Quartz Crystal Resonators and Oscillators For Frequency Control and Timing Applications:U.S.Army Communications-Electronics Command,2001)。



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系统管 理器件
通信接 口器件
数据 转换器
信号调 理器件
电源管 理器件
★ 超薄轻量 ★ 积层电极结构可靠性高 ★ 适用于各式点焊制程 ★ 装配性佳,于自动化表面黏着封装程序稳定度高 ★ 产品无铅端电极符合 RoHS 标准 ★ 产品与生产制程无卤素
★ 适用各式一般应用 ★ 消费性电子产品(手机,个人导航设备,笔记型本电脑,个人电脑等) ★ 汽车电子,工业应用 ★ 电源,电池,能源系统
★ 高储能,低电阻 ★ 最小尺寸和高性能 ★ DC-DC 转换器电感元件 ★ 最大电感值范围:1μH ~1000μH ★ 盘装
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07 卷轴
07 = 7 英寸 10 = 10 英寸 13 = 13 英寸
10R 阻值
例子 0R = 跨接电阻 0R1 = 0.1Ω
1R = 1Ω 100R = 100Ω 1K = 1000Ω 1M = 1000000Ω


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2400 Series-square wave in 25.4x25.4mm DIP packageNA-10M-2400 series oscillators are designed for applications where space is at apremium and good frequency stability is required. The oscillators can be used in many communications applications. A choice of quartz resonators offers a variety of performance versus cost options to fit most applications.ELECTRICAL SPECIFICA TIONS1.OUTPUT (PIN = “R.F. OUTPUT”)ParameterMin. Typ.Max. UnitTest Condition1.1.Frequency10.000000MHz1.2.Initial Accuracy -0.1 +0.1 ppm@ +25 ±1°Cafter turn on power 15 ±1 minutes ≤ 90 days following date code VCO Input at Center Voltage ±0.001V1.3. Waveform Rectangular 1.4.LevelLVTTL “1” level +2.6 +3.3 V “0” level +0.4 V1.5. Load 15 pF1.6. Duty cycle 45 50 55 % @ +1.65V 1.7. Rise/fall time 6 ns 10% to 90% 1.8.Spurious-60dBc2.FREQUENCY STABILITYParameterMin. Typ.Max. UnitTest Condition2.1.Ambient ±3, ±5, ±10 ppb referenced to 25°C Refer to Table 1 : Ordering Information-30 ~ +70 -40 ~ +85°C2.2.Aging-0.5+0.5 ppb per day, at time of shipment Daily -0.5 +0.5 ppb after 30 days Yearly -50 +50 ppb 10 Years-0.3 +0.3 ppm2.3. Voltage -0.5 +0.5 ppb ±5% change 2.4. Short term 0.05 ppb/s root Allan variance 2.5. Load -0.5 +0.5 ppb ±5% change2.6. Warm-up -10 +10 ppb in 10 minutes @ +25 ±1°C referenced to 1 hourRoHS Compliant StandardRev(1)09/2014深圳捷比信--高品质精密元件供应商www.jepsun.comParameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Condition2.7. Phase Noise-95 -90 dBc/Hz @ 1Hz (@25°C)-125 -120 dBc/Hz @ 10Hz (@25°C)-140 -135 dBc/Hz @ 100Hz (@25°C) -148 -145 dBc/Hz @ 1KHz (@25°C) -156 -155 dBc/Hz @ 10KHz (@25°C) -158 -155 dBc/Hz @ 100KHz (@25°C)3. ELECTRICAL FREQUENCY ADJUSTMENT (PIN = “VCO INPUT”)Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Condition3.1. Tuning Range-0.5 ppm ***************Referenced to frequency at nominalCenter Voltage+0.5 ppm ***************3.2. Control Voltage 0 +5.0 VOptional, Refer to Table 1 : Ordering Information 0 +4.0 V3.3. Slope Positive3.4. Center Voltage +2.5 VOptional, Refer to Table 1 : Ordering Information Note 1 +2.0 V3.5. Linearity -10 +10 %3.6. Input Impedance 100 kΩ4. INPUT POWER (PIN = “+VDC”)Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit Test Condition4.1. Voltage +4.75 +5.0 +5.25 V4.2. Current 800 mA @ turn on4.3. Steady State 1.3 W @ +25°C5. REFERENCE VOLTAGE (PIN = "REFERENCE VOLTAGE")(Optional Function. Refer to Table 1 : Ordering Information.)Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Test Condition5.1. Voltage +3.8 +4 +4.2 V Over temperature range in Load 9 kΩ6. ENVIRONMENTALParameter Reference Std. Test Condition6.1. Operating Temperature -40°C to +85°C Note 26.2. Storage Temperature-55°C to +105°C6.3. Humidity MIL-STD-202, Method 103Test Condition A 95% RH @ +40°C,non-condensing,240 hours6.4. Vibration (non-operating) MIL-STD-202, Method 201 0.06” Total p-p, 10 to 55 Hz6.5. Shock (non-operating) MIL-STD-202, Method 213,Test Condition J30g, 11ms, half-sineNote 1. When not connected, VCO INPUT is internally held at this voltage.Note 2. Output maintained over this temperature range. Other requirements of this specification may not be met when operating outside the temperature range in 2.1.Rev(1)09/2014深圳捷比信--高品质精密元件供应商www.jepsun.comOUTLINE DRA WINGTable 1 : ORDERING INFORMA TIONRev(1)09/2014 深圳捷比信--高品质精密元件供应商www.jepsun.com。

博威集成电路 集成晶体振荡器目录 说明书

博威集成电路 集成晶体振荡器目录 说明书

晶振电路的生产研发条件质量保证命名规则恒温晶体振荡器(OCXOs)OX253B-H-MR-V-10M OX362D-H-MR-V-10MOX20系列10~40SC±0.01~0.20.2S/T/HOX30x系列10~120SC±0.005~0.20.5S/T/H-140/-14556●●9●1215订购表7●OX14B-T-HU-V-10MOX12A-T-HT-V-40M温度补偿晶体振荡器(TCXOs)TX12/TX14/TX15系列10~120±0.5~512/5/3.3S/T/H/CTXG36B-S-KW-R@300M1922命名规则●-55~+85CTX7A-C-GU-V@10M TX12B-T-JW-N@20M注:ppm=10,120MHz以上为倍频输出,可选定制产品;10MHz以下为分频输出;产品概览8●型号频率范围f(MHz)频率温度稳定度压控频率范围工作电压V输出选择*电压控制晶体振荡器(VCXOs)ppmVX12/VX14/VXM14(SMD)ppm压控线性注:ppm=10, 除VXM15系列外,频率>35MHz压控频率范围为±30ppm; 需宽压控频率范围可选倍频输出。

*:S:Sinewave; LC:L VCMOS; LP:LVPECL。

VXM15B-T-HQ-A@100M页码24命名规则●VX12/VX14/VXM14集成晶体振荡器目录封装外形尺寸图35(TMs )±ppmppm时钟模块概述VTM18B-T-HT-001页码TM18系列±4.62/2CMOS5/3.328±0.370.008~32.768●27集成晶体振荡器目录(XTALs )封装页码29命名规则●±5ppm1、完善的晶体谐振器生产线2 我们拥有1000m 资上千万元完整的晶体谐振器生产线,其主要设备从国外引进,可生产高Q、低老化冷压焊和电阻焊(抽真空)SC、AT切晶体。
























rtc温度补偿补偿晶振的精度1. 引言RTC(Real-Time Clock)是一种能够提供准确时间和日期信息的电子设备。




2. 温度对晶振的影响温度会导致晶振的频率发生变化,主要原因是晶体的物理性质会随温度变化而改变。



3. RTC温度补偿原理RTC温度补偿是通过测量环境温度并根据温度变化来调整晶振频率,从而实现对晶振精度的补偿。


(1) 温度测量:通过传感器等设备测量环境温度,获取当前温度值。

(2) 频率补偿:根据温度的变化,计算需要补偿的频率值,并通过控制电路对晶振频率进行调整。

4. RTC温度补偿的应用RTC温度补偿广泛应用于需要高精度时间计算的领域,例如航空航天、通信设备、工业自动化等。



5. RTC温度补偿的实现RTC温度补偿的实现需要依赖精确的温度传感器、控制电路和补偿算法。




6. RTC温度补偿的挑战与改进RTC温度补偿在实际应用中还面临一些挑战。


32.768khz 温补晶振电路

32.768khz 温补晶振电路

32.768khz 温补晶振电路


1. 晶体:核心元件是石英晶体,它具有非常高的Q值,可以产生3
2.768kHz 的振荡频率。

2. 反相器:通常采用CMOS反相器,它为晶体提供偏置,使晶体工作在饱和区,以获得较大的增益。

3. 负载电容:C1和C2是晶体的负载电容,与反相器一起形成一个负阻,为晶体提供振荡所需的能量。

4. 温度补偿电容:C3和C4是温度补偿电容,通常连接到晶体的两个端子,以稳定其振荡频率。

5. 电阻:R1和R2是电阻,用于降低对晶体的驱动能量,防止晶体振坏或出现异常。

6. 反相器:inv2对invl的输出波形进行整形并驱动负载。











2,输出信号的频率不可避免会有⼀定的偏差,我们⽤频率误差(Frequency Tolerance)或频率稳定度(Frequency Stability),⽤单位ppm来表⽰,即百万分之⼀(parts per million)(1/10^6),是相对标称频率的变化量,此值越⼩表⽰精度越⾼。

⽐如,12MHz晶振偏差为±20ppm,表⽰它的频率偏差为12×20Hz=±240Hz,即频率范围是(11999760~12000240Hz)3,还有⼀个温度频差(Frequency Stability vs Temp)表⽰在特定温度范围内,⼯作频率相对于基准温度时⼯作频率的允许偏离,它的单位也是ppm。

4,另外,负载电容CL(Load capacitance),它是电路中跨接晶体两端的总的有效电容(不是晶振外接的匹配电容),主要影响负载谐振频率和等效负载谐振电阻,与晶体⼀起决定振荡器电路的⼯作频率,通过调整负载电容,就可以将振荡器的⼯作频率微调到标称值。

更准确⽽⾔,⽆源晶体的负载电容是⼀项⾮常重要的参数,因为⽆源晶体属于被动元器件,所谓的被动元器件即是⾃⾝不能⼯作,需要外部元器件协助⼯作,⽆源晶体即是!其中:CS为晶体两个管脚之间的寄⽣电容(⼜名晶振静态电容或Shunt Capacitance),在晶体的规格书上可以找到具体值,⼀般0.2pF~8pF不等。





1. 频率精度:晶振的频率精度通常以频率偏差来表示。




2. 温度精度:晶振的工作稳定性受温度的影响较大,因此温度精度是评估晶振性能的重要指标之一。



3. 长期稳定性:晶振的长期稳定性指的是在长时间运行过程中,其频率偏差的变化程度。

一般使用年平均频率偏差(Annual Average Deviation, AAD)来表示长期稳定性。






SiT53561 – 60 MHz, ±0.1 to ±0.25 ppm, Stratum 3, Elite Platform™ Precision Super-TCXODescriptionThe SiT5356 is a ±100 ppb precision MEMS Super-TCXO that is fully compliant to Telcordia GR-1244-CORE Stratum 3 oscillator specifications. Engineered for best dynamic performance, the SiT5356 is ideal for high reliability telecom, wireless and networking, industrial, precision GNSS and audio/video applications.L everaging SiTime’s unique DualMEMS™ temperature sensi ng and TurboCompensation™ technolog ies, the SiT5356 delivers the best dynamic performance for timing stability in the presence of environmental stressors due to air flow, temperature perturbation, vibration, shock, and electromagnetic interference. This device also integrates multiple on-chip regulators to filter power supply noise, eliminating the need for a dedicated external LDO.The SiT5356 offers three device configurations that can be ordered using Ordering Codes for:1)TCXO with non-pullable output frequency,2)VCTCXO allowing voltage control of outputfrequency, and3)DCTCXO, enabling digital control of output frequencyusing an I2C interface, pullable to 5 ppt (parts pertrillion) resolution.The SiT5356 can be factory programmed for any combination of frequency, stability, voltage, and pull range. Programmability enables designers to optimize clock configurations while eliminating long lead times and customization costs associated with quartz devices where each frequency is custom built.Refer to Manufacturing Guideline for proper reflow profile and PCB cleaning recommendations to ensure best performance. Features⏹Any frequency from 1 MHz to 60 MHz in 1 Hz steps ⏹Factory programmable options for low lead time⏹Best dynamic stability under airflow, thermal shock▪±100 ppb stability across temperature▪±1 ppb/ C typical frequency slope (ΔF/ΔT)▪3e-11 ADEV at 10 second averaging time⏹-40°C to +105°C operating temperature⏹No activity dips or micro jumps⏹Resistant to shock, vibration and board bending⏹On-chip regulators eliminate the need for external LDOs ⏹Digital frequency pulling (DCTCXO) via I2C▪Digital control of output frequency and pull range ▪Up to ±3200 ppm pull range▪Frequency pull resolution down to 5 ppt⏹ 2.5V, 2.8V, 3.0V and 3.3V supply voltage⏹LVCMOS or clipped sinewave output⏹RoHS and REACH compliant⏹Pb-free, Halogen-free, Antimony-free Applications⏹4G/5G radio, Small cell⏹IEEE1588 boundary and grandmaster clocks⏹Carrier-grade routers and switches⏹Synchronous Ethernet⏹Optical transport – SONET/SDH, OTN, Stratum 3⏹DOCSIS 3.x remote PHY⏹GPS disciplined oscillators⏹Precision GNSS systems⏹Test and measurementBlock DiagramFigure 1. SiT5356 Block Diagram 5.0 x 3.2 mm2 Package PinoutOE / VC / NC12345678910SCL / NCNCGNDNCNCVDDCLKA0 / NCSDA / NCFigure 2. Pin Assignments (Top view) (Refer to Table 13for Pin Descriptions)Ordering InformationThe following part number guide is for reference only. To customize and build an exact part number, use theSiTime Part Number Generator. To validate the part number, use the SiTime Part Number Decoder.Notes:1. “-“ corresponds to the default rise/fall time for LVCMOS output as specified in Table 1 (Electrical Characteristics). Contact SiTime for other rise/fall time optionsfor best EMI.2. Bulk is available for sampling onlyTABLE OF CONTENTSDescription (1)Features (1)Applications (1)Block Diagram (1)5.0 x 3.2 mm2 Package Pinout (1)Ordering Information (2)Electrical Characteristics (4)Device Configurations and Pin-outs (10)Pin-out Top Views (10)Test Circuit Diagrams for LVCMOS and Clipped Sinewave Outputs (11)Waveforms (13)Timing Diagrams (14)Typical Performance Plots (15)Architecture Overview (19)Frequency Stability (19)Output Frequency and Format (19)Output Frequency Tuning (19)Pin 1 Configuration (OE, VC, or NC) (20)Device Configurations (20)TCXO Configuration (20)VCTCXO Configuration (21)DCTCXO Configuration (22)VCTCXO-Specific Design Considerations (23)Linearity (23)Control Voltage Bandwidth (23)FV Characteristic Slope K V (23)Pull Range, Absolute Pull Range (24)DCTCXO-Specific Design Considerations (25)Pull Range and Absolute Pull Range (25)Output Frequency (26)I2C Control Registers (28)Register Descriptions (28)Register Address: 0x00. Digital Frequency Control Least Significant Word (LSW) (28)Register Address: 0x01. OE Control, Digital Frequency Control Most Significant Word (MSW) (29)Register Address: 0x02. DIGITAL PULL RANGE CONTROL[14] (30)Serial Interface Configuration Description (31)Serial Signal Format (31)Parallel Signal Format (32)Parallel Data Format (32)I2C Timing Specification (34)I2C Device Address Modes (35)Schematic Example (36)Dimensions and Patterns (37)Layout Guidelines (38)Manufacturing Guidelines (38)Electrical CharacteristicsAll Min and Max limits are specified over temperature and rated operating voltage with 15 pF output load unless otherwise stated. Typical values are at 25°C and 3.3V Vdd.Table 1. Output CharacteristicsTable 1. Output Characteristics (continued)Table 2. DC CharacteristicsTable 3. Input CharacteristicsNote:3. APR = PR – initial tolerance – 20-year aging – frequency stability over temperature. Refer to Table 17 for APR with respect to other pull range options.Table 5. Jitter & Phase Noise – Clipped Sinewave, -40 to 85 °CTable 7. Jitter & Phase Noise – Clipped Sinewave, -40 to 105 °CTable 8. Absolute Maximum LimitsAttempted operation outside the absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the part.Actual performance of the IC is only guaranteed within the operational specifications, not at absolute maximum ratings.Note:4. Exceeding this temperature for an extended period of time may damage the device.Table 9. Thermal Considerations[5]Note:5. Measured in still air.Table 10. Maximum Operating Junction Temperature[6]Note:6. Datasheet specifications are not guaranteed if junction temperature exceeds the maximum operating junction temperature.Table 11. Environmental ComplianceDevice Configurations and Pin-outsTable 12. Device ConfigurationsPin-out Top ViewsOE/NC12345678910NC NC GNDNC NC VDD CLKNCNCFigure 3. TCXOVC 12345678910NC NC GNDNC NC VDD CLKNCNCFigure 4. VCTCXOOE / NC 12345678910 SCL NC GNDNC NC VDD CLKA0 / NCSDAFigure 5. DCTCXOTable 13. Pin DescriptionNotes:7. In OE mode for noisy environments, a pull-up resistor of 10 kΩ or less is recommended if pin 1 is not externally driven. If pin 1 needs to be left floating, use the NC option.8. A 0.1 μF capacitor in parallel with a 10 μF capacitor are required between Vdd and GND. The 0.1 μF capacitor is recommended to place close to the device, and place the 10 μF capacitor less than 2 inches away.9. All NC pins can be left floating and do not need to be soldered down.Test Circuit Diagrams for LVCMOS and Clipped Sinewave OutputsFigure 6. LVCMOS Test Circuit (OE Function)Figure 7. Clipped Sinewave Test Circuit (OE Function)for AC and DC MeasurementsVC FunctionFigure 8. LVCMOS Test Circuit (VC Function)VC FunctionFigure 9. Clipped Sinewave Test Circuit (VC Function)for AC and DC MeasurementsNC FunctionFigure 10. LVCMOS Test Circuit (NC Function)NC FunctionFigure 11. Clipped Sinewave Test Circuit (NC Function)for AC and DC MeasurementsTest Circuit Diagrams for LVCMOS and Clipped Sinewave Outputs (continued)FunctionFigure 12. LVCMOS Test Circuit (I2C Control), DCTCXO modeFunction2C Control), DCTCXO mode for AC and DC MeasurementsFigure 13. Clipped Sinewave Test Circuit (IFigure 14. Clipped Sinewave Test Circuit for Phase Noise Measurements, Applies to All Configurations(NC Function shown for example only)Note:10.SDA is open-drain and may require pull-up resistor if not present in I2C test setup.Waveforms90 % Vdd 50 % Vdd10 % VddFigure 15. LVCMOS Waveform Diagram[11]Figure 16. Clipped Sinewave Waveform Diagram[11]Note:11.Duty Cycle is computed as Duty Cycle = TH/Period.Timing DiagramsVdd Pin CLK OutputT_start: Time to start from power-offFigure 17. Startup Timing T_oe: Time to re-enable the clock outputFigure 18. OE Enable Timing (OE Mode Only)Typical Performance PlotsFigure 19. ADEV (±0.1 ppm)Figure 20. TDEV (0.1 Hz loop bandwidth, ±0.1 ppm)Figure 21. MTIE (0.1 Hz loop bandwidth, ±0.1 ppm)Figure 22. Frequency vs Temperature (±0.1 ppm), 105°CFigure 23. Freq. vs. Temp. Slope (ΔF/ΔT), ±0.1 ppm deviceFigure 24. VCTCXO frequency pull characteristicFigure 25. 1-day aging rate (to 62 days), ±0.1 ppm deviceFigure 26. Drift over 30 days relative to the first readingTypical Performance Plots (continued)Figure 27. Load sensitivity (±0.1 ppm )Figure 28. VDD sensitivity (±0.1 ppm)Figure 31. IDD TCXO (LVCMOS)Figure 32. IDD VCTCXO (LVCMOS)Figure 33. T_phj, RMS Random, (DC)TCXO (LVCMOS)Figure 34. Period Jitter, RMS (LVCMOS)Figure 35. IDD DCTCXO (LVCMOS)Figure 36. T_phj, RMS Random, VCTCXO (LVCMOS)Figure 37. DCTCXO frequency pull characteristicFigure 38. Rise Time (Clipped Sinewave)Figure 39. IDD TCXO (Clipped Sinewave)Figure 40. IDD VCTCXO (Clipped Sinewave)Figure 41. T_phj, RMS Random, (DC)TCXO (Clipped Sine)Figure 42. IDD DCTCXO (Clipped Sinewave)Figure 43. T_phj, RMS Random, VCTCXO (Clipped Sine)Figure 44. Duty Cycle (Clipped Sinewave)Architecture OverviewBased on SiTime’s innovative Elite Platform™, the SiT5356 delivers exceptional dynamic performance, i.e. resilience to environmental stressors such as shock, vibration, and fast temperature transients. Underpinning the Elite platform are SiTime’s unique DualMEMS™temperature sensing architecture and TurboCompensation™ technologies. DualMEMS is a noiseless temperature compensation scheme. It consists of two MEMS resonators fabricated on the same die substrate. The TempFlat™resonator is designed with a flat frequency characteristic over temperature whereas the temperature sensing resonator is by design sensitive to temperature changes. The ratio of frequencies between these two resonators provides an accurate reading of the resonator temperature with 20 µK resolution.By placing the two MEMS resonators on the same die, this temperature sensing scheme eliminates any thermal lag and gradients between resonator and temperature sensor, thereby overcoming an inherent weakness of legacy quartz TCXOs.The DualMEMS temperature sensor drives a state-of-the-art CMOS temperature compensation circuit. The TurboCompensation design, with >100 Hz compensation bandwidth, achieves a dynamic frequency stability that is far superior to any quartz TCXO. The digital temperature compensation enables additional optimization of frequency stability and frequency slope over temperature within any chosen temperature range for a given system design.Figure 45. Elite ArchitectureThe Elite platform also incorporates a high resolution, low noise frequency synthesizer along with the industry standard I2C bus. This unique combination enables system designers to digitally control the output frequency in steps as low as 5 ppt and over a wide range up to ±3200 ppm. For more information regarding the Elite platform and its benefits please visit:⏹SiTime's breakthroughs section⏹TechPaper:DualMEMS Temperature Sensing Technology ⏹TechPaper:DualMEMS Resonator TDC Functional OverviewThe SiT5356 is designed for maximum flexibility with an array of factory programmable options, enabling system designers to configure this precision device for optimal performance in a given application.Frequency StabilityThe SiT5356 comes in two factory-trimmed stability grades that are optimized for different applications. Both Stratum 3+ and Stratum 3 devices are compliant with Stratum 3 stability of ±4.6 ppm over 20 years.Table 14. Stability Grades vs. Ordering Codes⏹Stratum 3+ grade with ΔF/ΔT of ±3.5 ppb/︒C isengineered to provide significantly better performancethan legacy quartz TCXOs in time and phasesynchronization applications such as IEEE1588, smallcells, and 5G C-RAN (cloud RAN).⏹Stratum 3 grade is designed to replace classicStratum 3 TCXOs in applications such as SyncE withbetter dynamic performance and shorter lead time. Output Frequency and FormatThe SiT5356 can be factory programmed for an outputfrequency without sacrificing lead time or incurring an upfront customization cost typically associated with custom-frequency quartz TCXOs.The device supports both LVCMOS and clipped sinewave output. Ordering codes for the output format are shown below: Table 15. Output Formats vs. Ordering CodesOutput Frequency TuningIn addition to the non-pullable TCXO, the SiT5356 can also support output frequency tuning through either an analog control voltage (VCTCXO), or I2C interface (DCTCXO). The I2C interface enables 16 factory programmed pull-range options from ±6.25 ppm to ±3200 ppm. The pull range can also be reprogrammed via I2C to any supported pull-range value.Refer to Device Configuration section for details.Pin 1 Configuration (OE, VC, or NC)Pin 1 of the SiT5356 can be factory programmed to support three modes: Output Enable (OE), Voltage Control (VC), or No Connect (NC).Table 16. Pin Configuration OptionsWhen pin 1 is configured as OE pin, the device output is guaranteed to operate in one of the following two states:⏹Clock output with the frequency specified in the partnumber when Pin 1 is pulled to logic high⏹Hi-Z mode with weak pull down when pin 1 is pulled tologic low.When pin 1 is configured as NC, the device is guaranteed to output the frequency specified in the part number at all times, regardless of the logic level on pin 1.In the VCTCXO configuration, the user can fine-tune the output frequency from the nominal frequency specified in the part number by varying the pin 1 voltage. The guaranteed allowable variation of the output frequency is specified as pull range. A VCTCXO part number must contain a valid pull-range ordering code. Device ConfigurationsThe SiT5356 supports 3 device configurations –TCXO,VCTCXO, and DCTCXO. The TCXO and VCTCXO options are directly compatible with the quartz TCXO and VCTCXO. The DCTCXO configuration provides performance enhancement by eliminating VCTCXO’s sensitivity to control voltage noise with an I2C digital interface for frequency tuning.Figure 46. Block Diagram – TCXOTCXO ConfigurationThe TCXO configuration generates a fixed frequency output, as shown in Figure 46. The frequency is specified by the user in the frequency field of the device ordering code and then factory programmed. Other factory programmable options include supply voltage, output types (LVCMOS or clipped sinewave), and pin 1 functionality (OE or NC).Refer to the Ordering Information section at the end of the datasheet for a list of all ordering options.A VCTCXO, shown in Figure 47, is a frequency control device whose output frequency is an approximately linear function of control voltage applied to the voltage control pin. VCTCXOs have a number of use cases including the VCO portion of a jitter attenuation/jitter cleaner PLL Loop.The SiT5356 achieves a 10x better pull range linearity of <0.5% via a high-resolution fractional PLL compared with 5% to 10% typical of quartz VCTCXOs that rely on pulling a resonator. By contrast, quartz-based VCTCXOs change output frequency by varying the capacitive load of a crystal resonator using varactor diodes, which results in poor linearity.Figure 47. Block Diagram – VCTCXO Note that the output frequency of the VCTCXO is proportional to the analog control voltage applied to pin 1. Because this control signal is analog and directly controls the output frequency, care must be taken to minimize noise on this pin.The nominal output frequency is factory programmed per the customer’s request to 6 digits of precision and is defined as the output frequency when the control voltage equals Vdd/2. The maximum output frequency variation from this nominal value is set by the pull range, which is also factory programmed to the customer’s desired value and specified by the ordering code. The Ordering Information section shows all ordering options and associated ordering codes. Refer to VCTCXO-Specific Design Considerations for more information on critical VCTCXO parameters including pull range linearity, absolute pull range,control voltage bandwidth, and Kv.The SiT5356 offers digital control of the output frequency, as shown in Figure 48. The output frequency is controlled by writing frequency control words over the I2C interface. There are several advantages of DCTCXOs relative to VCTCXOs:1)Frequency control resolution as low as 5 ppt. Thishigh resolution minimizes accumulated time error insynchronization applications.2)Lower system cost – A VCTCXO may need a Digital toAnalog Converter (DAC) to drive the control voltageinput. In a DCTXCO, the frequency control is achieveddigitally by register writes to the control registers viaI2C, thereby eliminating the need for a DAC.3)Better noise immunity –The analog signal used todrive the voltage control pin of a VCTCXO can besensitive to noise, and the trace over which the signalis routed can be susceptible to noise coupling from thesystem. The DCTCXO does not suffer from analognoise coupling since the frequency control isperformed digitally through I2C.Figure 48. Block Diagram4)No frequency-pull non-linearity – The frequency pullingis achieved via fractional feedback divider of the PLL, eliminating any pull non-linearity concerns typical of quartz-based VCTCXOs. This improves dynamic performance in closed-loop applications.5)Programmable wide pull range –The DCTCXOpulling mechanism is via the fractional feedback divider and is therefore not constrained by resonator pullability as in quartz-based solutions. The SiT5356 offers 16 frequency pull-range options from ±6.25ppm to ±3200ppm, providing system designers great flexibility.Refer to DCTCXO-Specific Design Considerations for more information on critical DCTCXO parameters including pull range, absolute pull range, frequency output, and I2Ccontrol registers.VCTCXO-Specific Design ConsiderationsLinearityIn any VCTCXO, there will be some deviation of the frequency-voltage (FV) characteristic from an ideal straight line. Linearity is the ratio of this maximum deviation to the total pull range, expressed as a percentage. Figure 49 below shows the typical pull linearity of a SiTime VCTCXO. The linearity is excellent (1% maximum) relative to most quartz offerings because the frequency pulling is achieved with a PLL rather than varactor diodes.Figure 49. Typical SiTime VCTCXO LinearityControl Voltage BandwidthControl voltage b andwidth, sometimes called “modulation r ate” or “modulation b andwidth”, indicates how fast a VCO can respond to voltage changes at its input. The ratio of the output frequency variation to the input voltage variation, previously denoted by K V, has a low-pass characteristic in most VCTCXOs. The control voltage bandwidth equals the modulating frequency where the output frequency deviation equals 0.707 (e.g. -3 dB) of its DC value, for DC inputs swept in the same voltage range.For example, a part with a ±6.25 ppm pull range and a 0-3V control voltage can be regarded as having an average KV of 4.17 ppm/V (12.5 ppm/3V = 4.17 ppm/V). Applying an input of 1.5V DC ± 0.5V (1.0 V to 2.0V) causes an output frequency change of 4.17 ppm (±2.08 ppm). If the control voltage bandwidth is specified as 10 kHz, the peak-to-peak value of the output frequency change will be reduced to 4.33 ppm/√2 or 2.95 ppm, as the frequency of the control voltage change is increased to 10 kHz.FV Characteristic Slope K VThe slope of the FV characteristic is a critical design parameter in many low bandwidth PLL applications. The slope is the derivative of the FV characteristic –the deviation of frequency divided by the control voltage change needed to produce that frequency deviation, over a small voltage span, as shown below:inoutV VfK∆∆=It is typically expressed in kHz/Volt, MHz/Volt, ppm/Volt, or similar units. This s lope is usually called “K V” based on terminology used in PLL designs.The extreme linear characteristic of the SiTime SiT5356 VCTCXO family means that there is very little K V variation across the whole input voltage range (typically <1%), significantly reducing the design burden on the PLL designer. Figure50below illustrates the typical K V variation.Figure 50. Typical SiTime K V VariationPull Range, Absolute Pull RangePull range (PR) is the amount of frequency deviation that will result from changing the control voltage over its maximum range under nominal conditions.Absolute pull range (APR) is the guaranteed controllable frequency range over all environmental and aging conditions. Effectively, it is the amount of pull range remaining after taking into account frequency stability, tolerances over variables such as temperature, power supply voltage, and aging, i.e.:agingstability F F PR APR --=where stability F is the device frequency stability due to initial tolerance and variations on temperature, power supply, and load.Figure 51 shows a typical SiTime VCTCXO FV characteristic. The FV characteristic varies with conditions, so that the frequency output at a given input voltage can vary by as much as the specified frequency stability of the VCTCXO. For such VCTCXOs, the frequency stability and APR are independent of each other. This allows very wide range of pull options without compromising frequency stability.Figure 51. Typical SiTime VCTCXO FV Characteristic The upper and lower control voltages are the specified limits of the input voltage range as shown in Figure 51 above. Applying voltages beyond the upper and lower voltages do not result in noticeable changes of output frequency. In other words, the FV characteristic of the VCTCXO saturates beyond these voltages. Figures 1 and 2 show these voltages as Lower Control Voltage (VC_L) and Upper Control Voltage (VC_U).Table 17 below shows the pull range and corresponding APR values for each of the frequency vs. temperature ordering options.Table 17. VCTCXO Pull Range, APR Options [12] Typical unless specified otherwise. Pull range (PR) is ±6.25 ppm.Notes:12.APR includes initial tolerance, frequency stability vs. temperature, and the corresponding 20-year aging.DCTCXO-Specific Design ConsiderationsPull Range and Absolute Pull RangePull range and absolute pull range are described in theprevious section. Table 18 below shows the pull range andcorresponding APR values for each of the frequency vs.temperature ordering options.Table 18. APR Options[13]Notes:13.APR includes initial tolerance, frequency stability vs. temperature, and the corresponding 20-year aging.Output FrequencyThe device powers up at the nominal operating frequency and pull range specified by the ordering code. After power-up both pull range and output frequency can be controlled via I2C writes to the respective control registers. The maximum output frequency change is constrained by the pull range limits.The pull range is specified by the value loaded in the digital pull-range control register. The 16 pull range choices are specified in the control register and range from ±6.25ppm to ±3200ppm.Table 19 below shows the frequency resolution versus pull range programmed valueTable 19. Frequency Resolution versus Pull RangeThe ppm frequency offset is specified by the 26 bit DCXO frequency control register in two’s complement format as described in the I2C Register Descriptions. The power up default value is 00000000000000000000000000b which sets the output frequency at its nominal value (0 ppm). To change the output frequency, a frequency control word is written to 0x00[15:0] (Least Significant Word) and 0x01[9:0] (Most Significant Word). The LSW value should be written first followed by the MSW value; the frequency change is initiated after the MSW value is written.Figure 52. Pull Range and Frequency Control WordFigure 52shows how the two’s complement signed value of the frequency control word sets the output frequency within the ppm pull range set by 0x02:[3:0]. This example shows use of the ±200 ppm pull range. Therefore, to set the desired output frequency, one just needs to calculate the fraction of full scale value ppm, con vert to two’s complement binary, and then write these values to the frequency control registers.The following formula generates the control word value: Control word value = RND((225-1) × ppm shift from nominal/pull range), where RND is the rounding function which rounds the number to the nearest whole number. Two examples follow, assuming a ±200 ppm pull range: Example 1:⏹Default Output Frequency = 19.2 MHz⏹Desired Output Frequency = 19.201728 MHz (+90 ppm) 225-1 corresponds to +200 ppm, and the fractional value required for +90 ppm can be calculated as follows.⏹90 ppm / 200 ppm × (225-1) = 15,099,493.95.Rounding to the nearest whole number yields 15,099,494 and converting to two’s complement gives a binary value of 111001100110011001100110, or E66666 in hex.Example 2:⏹Default Output Frequency = 10 MHz⏹Desired Output Frequency = 9.998 MHz (-50 ppm) Following the formula shown above,⏹(-50 ppm / 200 ppm) × (225-1) = -8,388,607.75. Rounding this to the nearest whole number results in-8,388,608.Converting this to two’s complement binary results in 11100000000000000000000000, or 3800000 in hex. To summarize, the procedure for calculating the frequency control word associated with a given ppm offset is as follows:1)Calculate the fraction of the half-pull range needed.For example, if the total pull range is set for ±100 ppmand a +20 ppm shift from the nominal frequency isneeded, this fraction is 20 ppm/100 ppm = 0.22)Multiply this fraction by the full-half scale word value,225-1 = 33,554,431, round to the nearest wholenumber, and convert the result to two’s complementbinary. Following the +20ppm example, this value is0.2 × 33,554,431 = 6,710,886.2 and rounded to6,710,886.3)Write the two’s complement binary value starting withthe Least Significant Word (LSW) 0x00[16:0],followed by the Most Significant Word (MSW),0x01[9:0]. If the user desires that the output remainsenabled while changing the frequency, a 1 must alsobe written to the OE control bit 0x01[10] if the devicehas software OE Control Enabled.It is important to note that the maximum Digital Control update rate is 38 kHz regardless of I2C bus speed.I2C Control RegistersThe SiT5356 enables control of frequency pull range, frequency pull value, and Output Enable via I2C writes to the control registers. Table 20 below shows the register map summary, and detailed register descriptions follow.Table 20. Register Map SummaryRegister DescriptionsRegister Address: 0x00. Digital Frequency Control Least Significant Word (LSW)。



-40℃~+85 ℃
5.0*3.2mm (5032)
SG7050CA 有源贴片
晶振24MHZFra bibliotek-40℃~+85 ℃
7.0*5.0mm (7050)
SG7050CC 有源贴片

-20℃~+70 ±10PPM ℃ ±20PPM
15PF 20PF
2.0*6.0mm (2060)
X206024MSB2SC X206024MPD2SC X206024MSD2SC
音叉谐振 器
-20℃~+70 ℃
3.0*8.0mm (3080)
±10PPM ±20PPM
YSX530GA 陶瓷晶振 YXC
-20℃~+70 ℃
-40℃~+85 ℃
±10PPM ±20PPM
-20℃~+70 ℃
-40℃~+85 ℃
±20PPM ±50PPM
20PF 20PF 3.3V
5.0*3.2mm X503224MSD4SC (5032) X503224MSB4SI









二颗 高精确度、低功耗、小体积32.768Khz 温补晶体振荡器TCXO

二颗 高精确度、低功耗、小体积32.768Khz 温补晶体振荡器TCXO

二颗“高精确度、低功耗、小体积”32.768Khz 温补晶体振荡器TCXO 二颗32.768Khz 温补晶体振荡器TCXO的应用方案 DSK321STD 32.768Khz TCXO是上海唐辉电子有限公司目前面向市场推出的一款小体积、高精确度、低功耗的RTC温度补偿石英晶振。





DSK321STD 32.768Khz TCXO的优势如下:1、采用数字温度补偿方式2、高精确度+/-5ppm(-40-+85°C)、+/-3.8ppm(-10-+60°C)3、低功耗4、宽工作电压范围(2.0V-5.5V)5、宽工作温度(-40-+105°C)6、小体积封装3.2*2.5mm7、无需防湿包装管理8、符合AEC-Q100标准主要参数如下:DSK321STD 32.768Khz实物图:DSK321STD 32.768Khz温度曲线图:DSK321STD 32.768Khz TCXO从2013年底问世以来,在唐辉电子的大力推广之下,目前已经有诸多典型的应用案例,与一些知名品牌的MCU匹配使用:1、德州仪器TI的 MSP430系列2、意法STmicro的STM32系列3、日本瑞萨Renesas的RL78系列4、 Microchip额PIC18/MCP794xx系列5、 Energy Micro的EFG32系列6、 Fujitsu的MB89xx/MB951xx系列7、 NXPDE LPC11xx系列8、 Freescale的L4x/L5x系列第二颗32.768Khz简介如下。



KDS常用晶振型号频率指标技术规格KDS常用晶振型号频率指标技术规格产品名称常用晶振型号频率指标技术规格温补晶振 1.25MHZ DIP14 2PPM SINE -20-70 3.3V晶体谐振器 2.176MHz 5030 4P 3.3V 50ppm晶体谐振器 3.57954MHz HC-49S 20PPM 20PF晶体谐振器 3.57MHz 5070 5V 30PPM 20PF 无电压晶体谐振器 3.58mhz ZTTCC3.58MG SMD Ceramic resonator晶体谐振器 3.58mhz ZTTCC3.58MG SMD Ceramic resonator温补晶振 3.6864MHZ DIP14 -55-+85℃ 10PPM 5V TTL温补晶振4.096MHZ DIP14 HCMOS ±0.5ppm@(-20-+70℃)压控 3.温补晶振 4.096MHZ DIP14 HCMOS ±0.5ppm@(-20-+70℃)压控 3.温补晶振4.096MHZ DIP14 HCMOS ±0.5ppm@(-20-+70℃)压控 3.恒温晶振4.0MHz DIP36X27 ±1×10-7 0-50 TTL 5V AT 压控 125d 恒温晶振4.0MHz DIP36X27 ±1×10-9 0-50 TTL 5V SC 压控 125d 晶体谐振器 4.0mhz ZTTCC3.58MG SMD Ceramic resonator晶体谐振器 4.0mhz ZTTCC3.58MG SMD Ceramic resonator晶体谐振器 5.0688MHZ HC-49SMD 20PF +/-50PPM恒温晶振 5.0MHz DIP36X27 SINE 3PPB 0-60 -145DBC 1K 12V 5X10?钟振 5.12MHZ DIP14 5V 30PPM数字温补 5.12MHz DIP40X25 0.1ppm 12V 方波 -20+70 机械微温补晶振 5.12MHz DIP40X25 0.5ppm 12V 方波 -20+70 机械微晶体谐振器 6.0MHZ CSTCC6M00G53-R0 Crystal晶体谐振器 6.0MHZ CSTCC6M00G53-R0 Crystal晶体谐振器 6.0MHz HC-49SMD 20PPM 20PF晶体谐振器7.3728MHZ HC-49SMD 20PF +/-50PPM晶体谐振器7.68MHz 5030 4P 3.3V 50ppm晶体谐振器8.0MHZ HC-49SMD 30PPM 16pF晶体谐振器8.0MHZ 5032 10PF 20PPM温补晶振8.0MHZ 5070 准确度在1PPM以下 -40~85度方波 3.晶体谐振器8.0MHZ HC-49S 18PF 30ppm 无电压晶体谐振器8.0MHz SMD8045 2脚 30PPM温补晶振8.388608MHZ 5070 3.3V 1PPM CMOS 调节8ppm -10-+75℃晶体谐振器9.8304MHz HC-49S 20pF 30PPM 温补晶振10.0MHZ 3225 3.3V 0.5PPM SMI温补晶振10.0MHZ 3225 3.3V 0.5PPM KDS温补晶振10.0MHZ 5032 3.3V 0.5PPM KDS温补晶振10.0MHZ 5032 3.3V 1PPM SMI温补晶振10.0MHZ 5032 DAS535SD 0.5ppm温补晶振10.0MHZ 5032 DS5032TC温补晶振10.0MHZ 5032 方波 2ppm 3.3v -40-85温补晶振10.0MHZ 5070 -40-85 1PPM 削峰正旋波不带压控温补晶振10.0MHZ 5070 TCXO 0.5ppm -40 to +85度,方波温补晶振10.0MHZ 5070 VCTCXO 0.28ppm -30 to +85度,方波温补晶振10.0MHZ 5070 4P 3.3V HCMOS 0.5ppm VCTCXO -35—65 温补晶振10.0MHZ 5070 TCVCXO 1PPM 3.3v -40-+85 HCMOS温补晶振10.0MHZ 5070 VCTCXO 0.5ppm -40+85 方波温补晶振10.0MHZ 5070 VCTCXO 泰艺 2.5ppm -40+85 clippedsine 控晶体谐振器10.0MHz CSTCC10M0G53-R0 Resonator Murata 数字温补10.0MHZ DIP14 ±0.05ppm-40℃85℃ 3.3V 20MA Hcmos DTXO数字温补10.0MHZ DIP14 0.1ppm 3.3V -40—85温补晶振10.0MHZ DIP14 0.3PPM SINE 5V恒温晶振10.0MHZ DIP14 1*10-7 12V -10-+60° 电平极:0dB 温补晶振10.0MHZ DIP14 1ppm 3.3v 正弦波机械调节调节范围几温补晶振10.0MHZ DIP14 1PPM -30-+70 0.5PPM 5V SINE VCTCXO温补晶振10.0MHZ DIP14 1PPM SINE 3.3V 机械微调温补晶振10.0MHZ DIP14 5V <0.28PPM ±0.14 -40~85C LVCMOS -1 1KHz温补晶振10.0MHZ DIP14 5V <0.28PPM ±0.14-40~85C LVCMOS -131KHz恒温晶振10.0MHZ DIP14 OCXO ±0.2ppm -40-+85 5V 方波恒温晶振10.0MHZ DIP14 OCXO ±0.2ppm -40-+85 5V 正玄波温补晶振10.0Mhz DIP14 sine 0~10dBm 1ppm 年老化率0.5ppm SC 温补晶振10.0MHZ DIP14 TCXO ±0.5ppm SINE -40-+85 5V恒温晶振10.0MHZ DIP20X20 ±0.05ppm-40℃85℃ 3.3V 20MA Hcmo 恒温晶振10.0Mhz DIP20X20 sine 0~10dBm 0.05ppm 年老化率 0.5恒温晶振10.0MHz DIP21X21 0.05PPM 0.03PPM -20-70 5V SINE 1K 恒温晶振10.0MHz DIP21X21 0.05PPM 0.03PPM -20-70 5V SINE 1K 恒温晶振10.0MHz DIP21X21 0.05PPM 0.03PPM -20-70 5V SINE 1K 恒温晶振10.0MHZ DIP25X25 0.1ppm 3.3V -40—85恒温晶振10.0MHz DIP25X25 3.3V -10-60±10ppb 准确20ppb SIN -140@1KHz恒温晶振10.0MHz DIP25X25 3.3V -10-60±10ppb 准确20ppb SIN -140@1KHz恒温晶振10.0MHZ DIP36X27 小于0.05PPM -55-85 10K -160DBC 温补晶振10.0MHZ SMD11X9 3.3V CMOS -10-+60℃ ±1PPM VCTCX 温补晶振10.0MHZ SMD11X9 电压3.3V 带压控方波1PPM -55-85C温补晶振10.0MHz SMD14X9 ±0.5ppm -20℃ +70℃ 3.3V sine输调整恒温晶振10.0MHz SMD25X22 SINE 0.02PPM -145 1K 5V -20-70 温补晶振10.24MHZ 3225 3V 2.5PPM -30~85 KDS温补晶振10.36MHZ 5070 3.3V 1PPM CMOS 调节8ppm -10-+75℃温补晶振10.386MHz DIP14 3ppm 3.3V -40-+85C HCOMS 频率调整晶体谐振器11.0592MHZ HC49/U 30PPM 20PF 晶体谐振器11.0592MHZ HC-49S 20PPM 20PF晶体谐振器11.0592MHZ HC49U 20PF 30PPM 无电压晶体谐振器11.2896MHz HC-49SMD 30ppm 20pf温补晶振12.0MHz 2520 20ppm 1.8V 3mA -40-+85℃钟振12.0MHZ 3225 30ppm 3.3v 4脚晶体谐振器12.0Mhz 5032 2p ±30PPM 18PF钟振12.0mhz 5032 3.3V 20ppm 四脚钟振12.0MHZ 5032 3.3V 30PPM TXC钟振12.0MHZ 5070 5V 30PPM TXC晶体谐振器12.0MHZ 6035 18PF 20PPM钟振12.0MHz SMD2520 3V 50ppm晶体谐振器12.288MHz 5032 2P 18pF 20ppm NDK恒温晶振12.288MHz DIP36X27 SINE 0.005PPM 0.01PPM -20-60 5V恒温晶振12.288MHz 短稳 +-5E-9 长期绝对精度1us -150dBc 1KH 温补晶振12.8MHz 3225 3.3V 0.5PPM KDS温补晶振12.8MHz 3225 3.3V 1PPM SMI温补晶振12.8MHZ 3225 1.5PPM SMI温补晶振12.8MHz 3225 1.5PPM 3.3V(3V) -40~85 clippedsine 温补晶振12.8MHz 5032 1.5ppm温补晶振12.8MHz 5032 1.5PPM 3.3V(3V) -40~85 clippedsine 温补晶振12.8MHZ 5070 -40-85 1PPM 削峰正旋波带压控库存TAITIEN温补晶振12.8MHz 5070 TCXO 0.5ppm -40 to +85度,方波温补晶振12.8MHz 5070 VCTCXO 0.5ppm -40+85 方波数字温补12.8MHz DIP14 ±0.05ppm-40℃85℃ 3.3V 20MA Hcmos DTXO恒温晶振12.8MHZ DIP14 0.025PPM 5V 0.1PPM 1K 135DB HCMOS温补晶振12.8MHz DIP14 3.3V 1PPM 4脚 -30-85 长方形正弦波恒温晶振12.8MHz DIP14 -40-70 0.1PPM SC切年老化0.1PPM 全尺恒温晶振12.8MHz DIP14 -40-85 0.1PPM SC切年老化0.1PPM 全尺温补晶振12.8Mhz DIP14 sine 0~10dBm 1ppm 年老化率 0.5ppm SC恒温晶振12.8MHz DIP20X20 ±0.05ppm-40℃85℃ 3.3V 20MA Hcm 控恒温晶振12.8Mhz DIP20X20 sine 0~10dBm 0.05ppm 年老化率 0.5恒温晶振12.8MHz DIP21X21 0.05PPM 0.03PPM -20-70 5V SINE 1K 恒温晶振12.8MHz DIP21X21 0.05PPM 0.03PPM -20-70 5V SINE 1K 恒温晶振12.8MHz DIP21X21 0.05PPM 0.03PPM -20-70 5V SINE 1K 恒温晶振12.8MHZ DIP60X60 ±2X10-8 ±20PPB -20+80 12V SINE S 温补晶振13.0MHZ 3225 3.3V 0.5PPM KDS 温补晶振13.0MHZ 3225 3.3V 1PPM KDS温补晶振13.0MHZ 3225 3V 2.5PPM CLIPPED温补晶振13.0MHZ 5032 -20-+70 3ppm 3.3v 5*3.2 TAITIEN温补晶振13.0MHZ 5032 -20-+70 3ppm 3.3v 5*7 TAITIEN晶体谐振器13.0MHZ 5070 3.3V/5V 30PPM/50PPM恒温晶振13.0MHz DIP36X27 SINE 0.01PPM -30-70 12V 150DBC 1K 晶体谐振器13.52127MHz 6035 10pF ±20ppm -40-85 ±30ppm晶体谐振器13.560MHz 3225 18pF ±20ppm -40-85 ±30ppm 晶体谐振器13.56MHz HC-49SMD 30ppm 20pf晶体谐振器13.56MHZ 5032 4P 30PPM 16PF NDK钟振13.5MHZ 5070 3.3V ±20PPM晶体谐振器14.31818MHz SMD6035 +/-50PPM KDS晶体谐振器14.318MHZ SMD6035 2P +/-50PPM晶体谐振器14.318MHz 5032 4p 不带电压 30ppm晶体谐振器14.4MHZ 5032 四脚的小于10PPM 10PF 对讲机温补晶振14.7456MHZ 5070 4PIN -40-85 1PPM 3.3V TC 温补晶振14.7456MHZ DIP14 3PPM -55℃-+85℃ 3.3V晶体谐振器14.7456MHZ HC-49S 30PPM 20PF晶体谐振器14.7456MHz HC-49SMD 30ppm 20pf晶体谐振器15.0MHz HC-49SMD 30ppm 20pf晶体谐振器16.0Mhz 3225 50ppm 12PF FA-238 EPSON晶体谐振器16.0MHZ 3225 12PF 9PF 20PF 20PPM 无电压 NDK EPSON 晶体谐振器16.0MHZ 3225 30ppm 12pf温补晶振16.0MHZ 5070 准确度在1PPM以下 -40~85度方波 3温补晶振16.0MHZ DIP38X38 DIP 5V TTL 0-70℃ 1ppm 不带调晶体谐振器16.0MHZ HC-49U ±100PPM -20-+70 公差±20PPM 18晶体谐振器16.0MHZ SMD2520 10ppm 8PF -20-75 NX2520SA NDK 温补晶振16.32MHZ 5032 DSA535SD 3.3V ±0.5ppm -40-80℃ CLIP 晶体谐振器16.3676MHZ 3225 10PF +-10ppm温补晶振16.3676MHZ 5032 DSB535SD 0.5ppm温补晶振16.368mhz 3225 ±0.5ppm SMD3225 KSS温补晶振16.368mhz 3225 DSB321SDA ±0.5ppm温补晶振16.368mhz 3225 DSB321SDA ±0.5ppm温补晶振16.369MHZ 3225 1.8V 0.5ppm -30-85 GPS温补晶振16.384MHz 3225 2.5ppm -40~80 3.3V 销峰正弦波温补晶振16.384MHz 5070 2.5ppm -40~80 3.3V 销峰正弦波温补晶振16.777216MHZ 5070 3.3V 1PPM CMOS 调节8ppm -10-+75温补晶振16.8MHz 5032 0.5ppm SMD SMI晶体谐振器16.9344MHz 5032 20PPM 18PF 4脚温补晶振17.28MHz DIP14 1.5ppm 3.3V HCMOS -40-+85C温补晶振18.285714MHz DIP14 ±1.0ppm温补晶振18.285714MHz DIP14 ±2.5ppm温补晶振18.432MHz 5070 2ppm -40-85 CLIPPED SINE 3.3V 温补晶振18.432MHz 5070 2ppm -40-85 HCMOS 3.3V晶体谐振器18.432MHZ SMD4025 ±20PPM无电压温补晶振18.651429MHz DIP14 ±1.0ppm温补晶振18.651429MHz DIP14 ±2.5ppm温补晶振19.2MHZ 3225 3.3V CLIPPED -30-+85 0.5PPM DSB321S 温补晶振19.2MHZ 5032 3.3V 2.5PPM -3075 clipped TAITIEN VC-温补晶振19.2MHZ 5032 DSA535SD 0.5ppm clipped sine温补晶振19.44MHZ 3225 3V 2.5PPM CLIPPED压控晶振19.44MHZ 贴片和直插VCXO 牵引范围+/-50或100PPM 3.恒温晶振19.68MHZ DIP14 0.01ppm 正弦波-20-70 数字温补19.68MHZ DIP14 0.05ppm DIP20*20*10 正弦波-20-70恒温晶振19.68MHZ DIP20X20 0.01ppm 正弦波-20-70 温补晶振20.0MHZ 3225 ±0.5ppm VC-TCXO -40-85 3.0V KDS SM 温补晶振20.0MHZ 5032 0.5PPM钟振20.0MHZ 5032 3.3V 30PPM TXC温补晶振20.0MHZ 5032 DSA535SGA 0.28ppm温补晶振20.0MHZ 5032 DSA535SGA 0.28ppm温补晶振20.0MHZ 5032 DSA535SGA 0.28ppm温补晶振20.0MHZ 5070 VCTCXO +-2ppm 3.3v HCMOS -40-+85C恒温晶振20.0MHZ D1P14 21*13*12 5V 方波±0.05ppm -20—70 温补晶振20.0MHZ DIP14 -55℃ 1.5ppm数字温补20.0MHZ DIP14 ±0.05ppm-40℃85℃ 3.3V 20MA HcmosDTXO钟振20.0MHZ DIP14 3.3V ±30ppm ±30ppm -20-+70℃钟振20.0MHZ DIP14 4插脚长方5V ±30ppm ±30ppm -20-+输出温补晶振20.0MHZ DIP14 CMOS 5V 1*10-7 年老化率1×10-温补晶振20.0MHZ DIP14 CMOS 5V 1*10-7 年老化率1×10-恒温晶振20.0MHZ DIP20X20 ±0.05ppm-40℃85℃ 3.3V 20MA Hcmo 恒温晶振20.0MHZ DIP20X20 -40-85 0.05PPM 相躁1K -155 恒温晶振20.0MHZ DIP20X20 -40-85 0.05PPM 相躁1K -155 温补晶振20.0MHZ DIP8 TCXO 不带压控1ppm -20-70 sine 3.3v 半温补晶振20.0MHZ SMD11X9 -55℃ 2PPM温补晶振20.48MHZ 3225 0.5PPM 3V 削顶正弦波温补晶振20.48MHz 3225 3.3V -25-55 0.5PPM 方波温补晶振22.4MHz 5070 TCXO 3.3v -40-+85 0.5PPM HCMOS 带压温补晶振22.4MHz 5070 TCXO 3.3v -40-+85 1PPM HCMOS 带压晶体振荡器22.576MHz 3225 3.3V 50PPM恒温晶振22.5792MHZ DIP25X25 SC切正弦压调-20-60 ±0.5PPM 晶体振荡器22.579MHz 3225 3.3V 50PPM晶体谐振器24.0Mhz 5032 2p ±30PPM 18PF晶体谐振器24.0MHz 5032 50ppm 16PF晶体谐振器24.0MHz 3225 30PPM HOSONIC 无电压晶体谐振器24.0MHz 5032 ±30ppm, 18p SMD 4-pad温补晶振24.0MHZ 5070 0.5ppm HCMOS 3.3V -40-+85钟振24.0MHZ 5070 30ppm 3.3v 4脚晶体谐振器24.0MHZ HC-49S 18PF 30ppm晶体谐振器24.0MHZ SMD6035 4P +/-30PPM晶体振荡器24.5535MHZ 3225 3.3V 20PPM晶体振荡器24.576MHz 3225 3.3V 50PPM温补晶振24.576MHZ 5070 0.5ppm sine 3.3V -40-+85温补晶振24.576MHZ DIP14 5ppm 正弦波 3.3V -20-+70温补晶振24.576MHZ DIP14 0.5ppm 正弦波 3.3V -40-+85恒温晶振24.576MHZ DIP25X25 SC切正弦压调-20-60 ±0.5PPM 温补晶振24.704MHz 5070 3.3V HCMOS SINE 2.5ppm 钟振24.704MHz 5070 +/-100PPM晶体谐振器25.0MHz HC-49SMD 18pF +-30ppm晶体谐振器25.0MHz HC-49SMD 30ppm 20pf晶体谐振器25.0MHZ SMD6035 +/-50PPM KDS晶体振荡器25.0MHz 3225 1.8V 30PPM温补晶振25.0MHZ 3225 3V 0.5PPM VCTCXO DSA321SDA KDS晶体谐振器25.0MHz 5032 ±30ppm, 20PF SMD 4-pad温补晶振25.0Mhz 5070 2.5PPM 3.3V HCMOS -40-85° 带压控温补晶振25.0MHz 5070 TCVCXO 1PPM 3.3v -40-+85 HCMOS 晶体谐振器25.0MHZ HC-49S 20PF 20PPM晶体谐振器25.0MHZ SMD6035 2P +/-50PPM 无电压温补晶振25.6MHZ 5070 0.5PPM 3.3V HCMOS温补晶振26.0MHz 3225 4-SMD ±2.5ppm 3V VCTCXO 晶体振荡器26.0MHZ 3225 2.8V 20PPM 京瓷晶体振荡器26.0MHz 3225 2.8V 50PPM NDK温补晶振26.0MHz 3225 DSA321SCA/L KDS温补晶振26.0MHz 3225 DSB321SCL温补晶振26.0MHZ 3225 DSB321SDA-3.0V TCXO晶体谐振器26.0MHZ 3225 NX3225SA 10PPM 12.5PF温补晶振26.0MHZ 5032 -20-+70 3ppm 3.3v 5*3.2 TAITIEN 温补晶振26.0MHZ 5032 -20-+70 3ppm 3.3v 5*3.2 TAITIEN 晶体谐振器26.0MHZ 5032 4P 25PPM 12PF 无电压即无源钟振26.0Mhz 5032 4p 3.3v ±2.5PPM温补晶振26.0MHZ 5070 -20-+70 3ppm 3.3v 5*7 TAITIEN温补晶振26.0MHZ DIP14 3.3V 0.5PPM sine 带压控数字温补26.0MHZ DIP14 ±0.05ppm-40℃85℃ 3.3V 20MA Hcmos DTXO恒温晶振26.0MHZ DIP20X20 ±0.05ppm-40℃85℃ 3.3V 20MA Hcm 控晶体谐振器26.0MHZ SMD2520 10ppm 8PF -20-75 NX2520SANDK 无钟振27.0mhz 5032 3.3V 20ppm 四脚钟振27.0MHZ 5032 4P 3.3V 25ppm -20 - +70C HCMOS晶体谐振器27.0MHZ 5070 ±50ppm; -20+70 15pF 3.3V钟振27.0MHZ DIP8 半尺寸工业级 -40-85 3.3V 30PPM温补晶振27.0MHz SMD2520 20ppm 1.8V 3mA 2.5*2.0mm -40-+85℃晶体谐振器27.0MHZ SMD6035 2P +/-50PPM 晶体谐振器27.12Mhz 5032 2p ±30PPM 18PF晶体谐振器27.12MHZ 3225 8PF 15PPM epson温补晶振29.4912MHZ 3225 3V 2.5PPM -30~85 KDS温补晶振29.4912MHZ 3225 3V 2.5PPM -30~85 KDS温补晶振29.4912MHZ 3225 3V 2.5PPM -30~85 KDS压控晶振30.0MHZ 11X11 3.3V -20-+70 20PPM VCXO恒温晶振30.0MHZ -20-+70 频率稳定度小于0.004ppm晶体谐振器30.0MHZ 3225 ±30PPM -20-70 12PF温补晶振30.0MHZ 3225 0.5PPM 方波 3.3V 工业级 -40-85 不带压晶体谐振器30.0MHZ 3225 4PAD 30PPM 12PF -0-+70 钟振30.0MHZ 5032 5V 30PPM CTZ温补晶振30.0MHz 5070 HCMOS 2PPM -30-80 3.3V温补晶振30.0MHZ DIP14 0.5PPM 方波 3.3V 工业级 -40-85 不带压温补晶振30.24MHZ 5070 3.3V -20 +70 1PPM温补晶振30.72MHZ 5070 1ppm 3.3V 方波 -20—+70°C晶体谐振器31.996314MHz 5032 4P 16pF +/10ppm温补晶振32.0MHZ 5032 TCXO 3.3V clippedsine 10PPM KTS533EG-温补晶振32.0MHZ 5070 TCXO 3.3V HCMOS 1PPM 温补晶振32.0MHz DIP14 HCMOS 1.5PPM -20-70 3.3V 1K 120DBC温补晶振32.0MHZ SMD11X9 -40-85 0.5PPM 3.3V SINE温补晶振32.0MHZ SMD25X25 -40-85 0.5PPM 3.3V SINE温补晶振32.512MHZ 5070 1PPM -40~85 方波TT 相位 115DBC 温补晶振32.51MHZ 5070 2ppm 3.3v HCMOS晶体谐振器32.768KHZ SMD4.9X1.8 2P 12.5PF +-10ppm晶体谐振器32.768KHZ SMD8x3.8 12.5PF +-20ppm晶体振荡器32.768KHZ 5032 4P 有源 10PPM晶体谐振器32.768Khz DIP2X6MM ±20PPM -10-+60 12.5PF 晶体谐振器32.768kHZ MS1V-T1K 2*6MM 12.5PF晶体谐振器32.768KHZ 3225 +/-20PPM 9PF KDS 无电压晶体谐振器32.768KHZ 3225 2P 20PPM 12.5PF晶体谐振器32.768KHz 3225 3.3V 50PPM晶体谐振器32.768KHZ 3225 3.3V ±25ppm晶体谐振器32.768KHZ 3225 4P 20PPM 3.3V晶体谐振器32.768KHz 5070 3.3V 50PPM晶体谐振器32.768KHZ CM200C/12.5PF/20PPM/ROHS CITIZEN数字温补32.768KHZ DIP14 0.1PPM 3.3V -20-70恒温晶振32.768KHZ DIP14 温度稳定1E-8 温度特性0.01PPM -20-晶体谐振器32.768KHZ DIP2X6 12.5PF 20PPM晶体谐振器32.768KHZ DIP2X6 20ppm 12.5pF晶体谐振器32.768KHZ DIP3X8 20ppm 12pF 镀镍晶体谐振器32.768KHZ DIP3X8 20ppm 12pF 镀锡晶体谐振器32.768KHZ DIP3X8 12.5PF 20PPM晶体谐振器32.768KHZ SMD3.2X1.5MM ±20PPM 12.5PF 70KΩ晶体谐振器32.768KHz SMD4.1X1.5 12.5pF + -20PPM晶体谐振器32.768KHZ SMD4.1X1.5 70PPM KDS晶体谐振器32.768KHZ SMD6.9x1.4mm ±20ppm 12.5pF 4-SM 温补晶振32.768MHZ 3225 0.5ppm 3.3v 常温DSA321SDA-32.768MH温补晶振32.768MHZ DIP14 ±0.5ppm 3.3v HCMOS或SINE -30-8控温补晶振32.768MHZ DIP14 ±0.5ppm 3.3v HCMOS或SINE -40-8控温补晶振32.768MHZ DIP14 1PPM 5V -40-+85温补晶振32.768MHZ DIP14 2PPM 5V -40-+85 机械微调温补晶振32.768MHZ DIP14 -40-+85 0.2PPM 5V Sine VCTCXO 钟振33.0Mhz 5032 4p 3.3v ±30PPM 18PF钟振33.0MHZ 5070 30ppm 3.3v 4脚温补晶振33.0MHZ 5070 ±1PPM 3.3V HCMOS-40-+85℃温补晶振34.6822MHZ DIP14 2PPM恒温晶振38.4MHz DIP36X27 ±0.001PPM -20-70 5V 1K 140 SINE 恒温晶振38.4MHz DIP36X27 ±0.001PPM -40-85 5V 1K 140 SINE 恒温晶振38.4MHz DIP36X27 ±0.01PPM -20-70 5V 1K 140 SINE 压控晶振39.4917MHZ DIP-14 电压5V ±100PPM VCXO 温补晶振39.95MHz SMD14.4x9.5 3ppm 5V -40-+85C HCOMS SMD1晶体谐振器40.0MHz 3225 20ppm 3.3V EPSON 钟振40.0MHZ 5070 30ppm 3.3v 4脚温补晶振40.0mhz 3225 0.5ppm 3.3v 常温DSA321SDA-40MHz温补晶振40.0MHz 3225 DSA321SDA KDS温补晶振40.0MHZ 5070 VCTCXO +-2ppm 3.3v HCMOS -40-+85C恒温晶振40.0MHz DIP36X27 SINE 5.5V 0.01PPM -40-80 -150DBC 温补晶振40.96MHZ 5070 -30℃~+85℃ ±1PPM 3.3V 压控范围±5PP 钟振44.645MHz DIP14 20PPM温补晶振45.0MHZ 5070 ±2PPM HCMOS +3.3VDC -30 to +85 温补晶振45.0MHZ 5070 -30-80 方波 3.3V 带压控±2.0ppm温补晶振45.0MHZ 5070 -40-85 方波 3.3V 带压控±2.0ppm温补晶振45.0MHZ 5070 -40-85 方波 3.3V 带压控±2.0ppm温补晶振45.0MHZ DIP14 ±2PPM HCMOS +3.3VDC -30 to +85温补晶振45.0MHZ DIP14 -30-80 方波 3.3V 带压控±2.0ppm温补晶振45.0MHZ DIP14 -40-85 方波 3.3V 带压控±2.0ppm温补晶振45.0MHZ DIP14 -40-85 方波 3.3V 带压控±2.0ppm钟振48.0mhz 5032 3.3V 20ppm 四脚温补晶振48.0MHZ DIP38X38 DIP 5V TTL 0-70℃ 1ppm 不带调晶体振荡器50.0MHZ 3225 3.3V +-50ppm -40-+85C钟振50.0MHZ 3225 3.3V ±50ppm台湾亚陶钟振50.0MHz 5032 3.3V 30ppm钟振50.0MHZ 5032 3.3V ±50ppm温补晶振50.0MHz 5070 0.5ppm HCMOS 3V 0-50度钟振50.0MHZ 5070 3.3V ±50ppm晶体振荡器50.0MHZ 5070 3V 20PPM SMD温补晶振50.0MHz DIP14 0.5ppm Sine 3V 0-50度恒温晶振50.0MHZ DIP14 3.3V 1KHZ 125 10KHZ 130 +-200PPB +-10温补晶振50.0MHZ DIP14 3.3V -20+70 1.0ppm 正弦波温补晶振50.0MHZ DIP14 3.3V -20+70 1.0ppm 正弦波恒温晶振50.0MHZ DIP25X25 5PPB 0.005ppm 5.0V 0-+75℃ HCMO 恒温晶振50.0MHz DIP36X27 TTL 0.05PPM -20-70 140DBC 1K 5V压温补晶振51.2MHZ 5070 -30℃~+85℃ ±1PPM 3.3V 压控范围±5PP 恒温晶振52.0Mhz DIP20X20 0.05PPM@-20~70 5V 方波晶体谐振器54.0MHZ SMD2520 10ppm 8PF -20-75 NX2520SA NDK钟振54MHZ 5070 3.3V 30ppm温补晶振55.296MHZ 5070 4PIN -40-85 2PPM 3.3V TCV 压控晶振61.44MHZ SMD14X9温补晶振62.0Mhz SMD11X9 0.5ppm -40-+85 5v clipped sine 温补晶振62.0Mhz SMD11X9 0.5ppm -40-+85 5v clipped sine 温补晶振62.0MHz SMD11X9 0.5PPM SINE -40-85 105DBC 1K 3.3V 温补晶振64.0MHz DIP14 HCMOS 1.5PPM -20-70 3.3V 1K 120DBC 恒温晶振65.536MHZ DIP36X27 -40-80 1E-10 0.2ppb 30ppb 5VHC 钟振66.666MHz 5070 3.3V ±25PPM温补晶振67.584MHz DIP14 HCMOS ±1.5 5V -20-70 机械微调温补晶振70.455MHz DIP14 1PPM -35-70 5V SINE 1KHZ 110DBC 温补晶振72.448MHZ DIP14 0.5ppm 正弦波-20-70恒温晶振76.8MHz 0.05PPM 5V电压工业级 OCXO恒温晶振78.0MHZ DIP36X27 SC 0.02PPM 0-40 5V SINE VCOCXO 恒温晶振78.0MHZ DIP36X27 稳定性+-0.2PPM 压控可调恒温晶振78.6432MHz DIP25X25 2*10-8 0.02ppm -20-70 0.1ppm/年1K/-135dBc恒温晶振78.6432MHz DIP25X25 2*10-8 0.02ppm -20-70 0.1ppm/年1K/-150dBc温补晶振80.0MHZ 5070 1PPM -40-+85 3.3V HCMOS温补晶振80.0MHZ 5070 1PPM -40-+85 3.3V HCMOS温补晶振80.0MHZ DIP14 1PPM 3.3V 0-65℃温补晶振80.0MHz SMD11X9 0.3PPM -40-85 SINE 3.3 -110DBC 温补晶振80.0MHz SMD11X9 3PPM -55-90 CLIPP SINE 3.3 -110D 钟振81.360MHz DIP14 ±30 ppm 0+70 5V CMOS TTL ≤5nS 恒温晶振97.536MHZ DIP25X25 1×10-7 -55℃~90℃温补晶振100.0MHZ 5070 1PPM -30~80 相噪 1KHz -100 方波3.3V 晶体振荡器100.0MHZ 5070 3.3V -40-85 50PPM TXC温补晶振*****************************.3VSINE-20-60 温补晶振100.0MHZ DIP14 1PPM -10-60 HCMOS 3.3V 温补晶振100.0MHZ DIP14 1PPM -10-60 HCMOS 3.3V温补晶振100.0MHZ DIP20X20 5V SINE HCMOS -30-85 0.5PPM -130温补晶振******************************* 3.3V SINE -20-7恒温晶振100.0MHz DIP25X25 0.1ppm Sine 3.3V -30--+80C 1KHz/恒温晶振100.0MHZ DIP25X25 1×10-7 -55℃~90℃恒温晶振100.0MHz DIP25X25 SINE 0.5PPM -10-60 135DBC 1K 压控恒温晶振100.0MHz DIP36X27 SINE 0.01PPM 0.05PPM 1K-155DBC 9差分晶振100.0MHz DIP8 13X13 LVPECL 0.5PPM 3.3V 5PPM -4恒温晶振100.02MHz DIP14 + -0.1ppm 0-70 1kHZ -155dbc/HZ 恒温晶振102.4MHZ DIP25X25 0.1PPM 正弦波方波OCXO温补晶振102.4MHZ DIP25X25 0.3PPM 正弦波方波 TCXO压控晶振122.88MHZ SMD14X9压控晶振122.88mhz SMD14X9 VCXO LV-PECL VC3D4B210-122.8压控晶振122.88mhz SMD14X9 VCXO LV-PECL VC3D4B210-122.8温补晶振124.0MHZ DIP14 1PPM -10-60 HCMOS 3.3V 温补晶振125.0MHZ DIP14 1PPM -10-60 HCMOS 3.3V差分晶振125.0MHz DIP8 13X13 LVPECL 0.5PPM 3.3V 5PPM -4温补晶振127.5MHz DIP14 不压控温特性1ppm 年老化1ppm 3.3V 温补晶振140.0MHz DIP14 -20-70 1PPM 5V 5X10-6秒稳输出幅度大于欧姆差分晶振148.5MHZ 5070 2.5V/3.3V 输出LVDS PECL工业级温补晶振299.792458MHZ DIP14 1PPM -20-70 5V TTL HCMOS 温补晶振300.0MHZ DIP14 1PPM -20-70 5V TTL HCMOS。



















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