
英国大事年表一、政治13C后半期,英国议会制度开始萌芽(议会之母)1640英国爆发资产阶级革命1649年:查理一世被处决,克伦威尔宣布共和政体1688英国光荣革命1689《权利法案》颁布-----英国君主立宪制确立1721英国责任制内阁逐渐形成,第一任首相沃尔波尔1775-1783美国摆脱英国的殖民统治1832年英国议会改革19C三四十年代英国宪章运动(工人阶级登上历史舞台)1840年发动鸦片战争1842年与中国签订《南京条约》1856年发动第二次鸦片战争1858年与中国签订《天津条约》1860年与中国签订《北京条约》1900年参与八国联军侵华1901年签订《辛丑条约》1914-1918 第一次世界大战1919年初巴黎和会举行1939-1945 第二次世界大战1946年前英国首相丘吉尔在富尔顿发表演说(铁幕演说,冷战序幕)1997年中国收回香港经济:1588年英国击败西班牙无敌舰队17C初英国通过东印度公司等垄断性的贸易公司进行殖民扩张1651年英国颁布《航海条例》,通过三次英荷战争击败荷兰18C中期英国通过七年战争击败法国成为日不落帝国18C60年代哈格里夫斯发明珍妮纺纱机18C60-19C中期工业革命1785年瓦特改良的蒸汽机正式投入使用1825年周期性的经济危机开始1840年前后英国率先完成工业革命19C中后期资本主义世界市场基本形成,英国成为世界工厂1973年1月加入欧共体思想:14-17C 文艺复兴:英国莎士比亚16C 宗教改革英国国教1685年:牛顿发现万有引力定律1687年,牛顿出版《自然哲学的数学原理》,创立经典力学1814年:史蒂芬逊发明火车1825 欧文空想社会主义新和谐公社19C30年代浪漫主义文学:拜伦《唐璜》雪莱《解放了的普罗米修斯》《西风颂》1831年法拉第电磁感应现象19C上半期现实主义文学:狄更斯《大卫科波菲尔》1859年达尔文《物种起源》20C早期现实主义文学:萧伯纳《苹果车》1929年播送世界上第一个电视节目。


英国历史年表英国历史年表1、古代- 公元前55年:罗马人入侵英格兰- 公元43年:罗马控制整个英格兰- 407年:罗马人撤离英格兰- 597年:基督教传入英格兰2、中世纪- 1066年:诺曼征服,威廉一世成为英格兰国王- 1215年:签署《大宪章》- 1337年-1453年:百年战争- 1381年:沃特·泰勒领导的人民起义3、文艺复兴时期- 1485年:亨利七世成为英格兰国王,都铎王朝开始- 1534年:国王亨利八世宣布英格兰独立,建立英国国教4、17世纪- 1603年:詹姆斯一世成为英格兰、苏格兰和爱尔兰的国王- 1642年-1651年:英国内战- 1649年:国王查理一世被处决,英国成为共和国- 1660年:帕尔斯居权,英王复辟,开始斯图亚特王朝5、君主立宪制时期- 1688年:光荣革命,威廉三世和玛丽二世共同统治英国- 1707年:英格兰和苏格兰合并成为大不列颠王国6、工业革命时期- 1760年:乔治三世成为英国国王,开始乔治王朝- 1769年:詹姆斯·瓦特发明蒸汽机- 1789年:法国大革命爆发,对英国产生影响- 1801年:英格兰与爱尔兰合并,成为大不列颠及爱尔兰联合王国7、维多利亚时代- 1837年:维多利亚女王登基,开始维多利亚时代- 1867年:英国扩大选举权,给予更多人参政权- 1901年:维多利亚女王去世,爱德华七世继位8、二战及后期- 1939年:第二次世界大战爆发,英国参战- 1945年:二战结束,英国战胜纳粹德国- 1952年:伊丽莎白二世成为英国女王,伊丽莎白二世时代开始9、历史的转折点- 1997年:香港回归中国,结束了英国殖民统治- 2016年:英国公投决定脱离欧盟- 2019年:英国正式脱欧附件:- 无法律名词及注释:- 大宪章.1215年签署,保护个人自由权利的法律文件。
- 光荣革命.1688年威廉三世和玛丽二世取代詹姆斯二世,确立了君主立宪制度。

英国历史年表罗马占领公元前55年~公元410年公元前55年:朱利叶斯·凯撒(Julius Caesar)第一次率军入侵不列颠公元43年:罗马皇帝克劳狄乌斯(Claudius)率军征服不列颠盎格鲁撒克逊盎格鲁-撒克逊时期与丹麦统治时期:公元449年~1066年公元5世纪-9世纪:盎格鲁撒克逊人移民不列颠带来古英语不列颠南部改称英格兰开始七国时代公元597年:圣·奥古斯丁到达不列颠,使当地人皈依基督教公元829年:埃格伯特开始威塞克斯王朝(Wessex,西萨克逊)公元876年:阿尔弗烈德大帝在埃丁顿之战中击败丹麦维京海盗公元832~860:肯尼斯·麦克阿尔平统一皮克特人和苏格兰人公元1014年:“北海帝国”丹麦克努特大帝兼任英格兰国王诺曼底公元1066年:诺曼底公爵威廉征服英格兰公元1086年:发布《末日审判书》金雀花公元1154年:亨利二世继承王位,金雀花王朝开始公元1215年:英王约翰被迫签署由封建贵族提出的《大宪章》公元13世纪初:牛津大学和剑桥大学创立公元1277~1288:英格兰征服威尔士公元1337~1453:英法"百年战争"公元1387~1394:乔叟写作《坎特伯累故事集》兰卡斯特公元1413年:苏格兰第一所大学圣安德鲁斯大学成立公元1455~1487年:约克家族与兰卡斯特家族之间的"玫瑰战争"约克王朝1461~1485公元1477年:威廉·卡克斯顿出版印刷第一本书都铎王朝公元1485年:亨利七世即位公元1536年:英格兰与威尔士合并公元1529-1536年:英国宗教改革立新教圣公会为国教公元1558年:英国女王伊丽莎白一世即位,统治英国达45年之久创伊丽莎白时代公元1564年:莎士比亚诞生公元1588年:击败西班牙无敌舰队斯图亚特公元1603年:苏格兰王詹姆士六世加冕成为英格兰的詹姆士一世,统一了英格兰和苏格兰公元1620年:对新教徒的镇压激化,一批新教徒乘"五月花号"抵达美洲公元1642~1651年:英国内战爆发公元1649年:查理一世被处决,克伦威尔宣布共和政体公元1652-1654年:第一次英荷战争,英国取胜公元1660年:查理二世复辟公元1665-1667年:第二次英荷战争,英国战败公元1672年:第三次英荷战争,签和约恢复战前状态公元1676年:格林尼治天文台设立公元1685年:牛顿发现万有引力定律公元1688年:光荣革命英国确立君主立宪政体公元1694年:英格兰银行成立公元1688-1697年:大同盟战争公元1698年:伦敦股票交易所成立公元1701-1714年:西班牙王位继承战争公元1707年:英格兰、苏格兰议会合并,形成"大不列颠王国"汉诺威公元1720年:南海泡沫破裂公元1721~1742年:罗伯特·沃尔波成为英国第一任首相公元1740-1748年:奥地利王位继承战争公元1754年至1763年:七年战争从法国手中夺得美国加拿大印度的控制权公元1757年:普拉西战役,克莱武入侵印度孟加拉公元1767年:英国议会通过了“东印度公司管理法”规定英国直接统治印度公元1760~1830年:工业革命公元1761年:乔治三世从私人手中买下白金汉宫公元1770年:库克船长发现澳大利亚并宣布英王乔治三世对其享有主权公元1775~1783年:美国独立战争公元1793年到1815年:七次反法同盟及拿破仑战争公元1795年:英国出兵占领南非福尔斯湾公元1801年:合并爱尔兰,"大不列颠及爱尔兰联合王国"成立公元1805年:纳尔逊将军特拉法尔加海战公元1812-1815年:英美战争公元1814年:史蒂芬森发明了火车公元1815年:威灵顿公爵滑铁卢战役公元1831年:法拉第发现电磁感应公元1837年:维多利亚女王登基而修建大本钟;下加拿大叛乱公元1837~1901年:维多利亚时代日不落帝国公元1840年:《威坦哲条约》,新西兰建立公元1840-1842年:鸦片战争公元1851年:路透社由德国亚琛迁往英国伦敦公元1853年:克里米亚战争公元1859年:达尔文发表《物种起源》公元1863年:第一份正式足球比赛规则在英国创立标志现代足球的诞生公元1867年:红河叛乱公元1886年:伦敦塔桥修建完成公元1896年:北岩勋爵创立《每日邮报》公元1899年-1902年:第二次布尔战争温莎王朝公元1914~1918年:第一次世界大战公元1921年:爱尔兰独立战争公元1922年:BBC成立公元1928年:弗莱明发现青霉素公元1931年:澳大利亚成为独立国家,加拿大获得独立公元1939~1945年:第二次世界大战公元1947年:印巴分治公元1948年:伦敦奥运会公元1952年:伊丽莎白女王二世加冕公元1961年:南非独立公元1966年:英格兰举办足球世界杯并获得冠军公元1970年-1980年:北海油田开始产油公元2012年:伦敦奥运会。


英国历史重大事件年表约公元前3000年,伊比利亚人进入不列颠,以长坟闻名约公元前2000年,建立巨石阵;宽口陶器人出现,以钟形容器闻名约公元前700年,三波凯尔特人进入不列颠:盖尔人、布立吞人、贝尔格人●公元前55年,Julius Caesar率罗马军团入侵不列颠,开启不列颠有文字记载的历史●公元43年Claudius皇帝时期,罗马正式占领不列颠,不列颠的罗马时代持续400年●597年,教皇格里高利一世派St. Augustine到不列颠传教●9世纪,Egbert成为第一位英格兰国王●1066年诺曼征服:忏悔者爱德华、哈罗德、征服者威廉;斯坦福桥、黑斯廷斯战役;封建制度完全建立。
●1086年威廉一世“末日审判书”完成●1170年大主教贝克特被刺,亨利二世宗教改革失败●12、13世纪,牛津、剑桥大学建校●1215年约翰王被迫签订《大宪章》,限制王权●1265年的大议会标志着向现代议会的转变,签署《牛津协定》●1284年爱德华一世征服威尔士,创立“威尔士亲王”封号●1337-1453年爱德华三世发动英法百年战争,亨利五世取得大胜●1348年爆发黑死病,劳动力短缺、土地闲置、转耕为牧、农民可讨价还价●《劳工法令》Statute of Labours 禁止提高农民工资●1381年农民起义,理查二世欺骗起义军、谋杀瓦特·泰勒●14、15世纪,圣安德鲁大学、格拉斯哥大学、阿伯丁大学、爱丁堡大学在苏格兰建校●1455-1485玫瑰战争:爱德华四世胜利、爱德华五世失踪、理查三世被击杀、亨利七世建立都铎王朝●1529-1534年亨利八世进行宗教改革Reformation,确立英王为独立的英格兰教会最高领袖,脱离罗马教皇●1558-1603伊丽莎白一世统治●1588年击败无敌舰队Armada●文艺复兴Renaissance (1350-1650)和英国文艺复兴(1485-)●1605年火药阴谋案,天主教谋杀詹姆士一世失败,处决盖伊·福克斯,英国人庆祝11月5日“盖伊福克斯之夜”●1628第三次召集的议会向查理一世提出Petition of Right民权请愿书●1642-1649英国内战(清教革命、英国资产阶级革命)●1649年查理一世被处决,进入Commonwealth 共和国时期●1660年共和国瓦解,查理二世复辟Restoration●1688年光荣革命,威廉、玛丽共掌英国●1689年《权利法案》出台,君主立宪制确立●1707年《联合法案》规定英格兰、苏格兰合并,“大不列颠”产生;也规定苏格兰教会成为联合王国国教之一。

英国历史总结(时间线)英国历史总结(时间线)1. 古代英国历史1.1 史前时期 (至公元43年)- 早期居民为石器时代部落- 铁器时代带来农业和青铜工艺的发展 - 凯尔特人的入侵和定居1.2 罗马时期 (公元43年-410年)- 罗马帝国征服英格兰南部- 社会、农业、建筑和法律制度的发展 - 罗马帝国撤退后,英国被分裂成小王国 1.3 盎格鲁-撒克逊时期 (410年-1066年)- 盎格鲁-撒克逊人定居- 基督教传入英格兰- 卡尔斯·英格兰建立统一王国1.4 诺曼征服和中世纪 (1066年-1485年)- 威廉征服者征服英格兰- 封建制度的建立- 英法百年战争2. 近代英国历史2.1 英国文艺复兴和宗教改革 (1485年-1603年)- 亨利八世发起英国宗教改革- 知识和艺术的繁荣- 英国国教成立2.2 英国的帝国扩张 (1603年-1815年)- 英属殖民地的建立和扩大- 英国东印度公司的崛起- 英国在世界各地建立殖民地和贸易站点2.3 工业革命和维多利亚时代 (1815年-1901年)- 工业革命导致经济和技术的巨大进步- 资本主义、工会运动和社会改革- 维多利亚女王统治时期2.4 英国在两次世界大战中的角色 (1901年-1945年)- 第一次世界大战:英国参战并取得胜利- 英国在国际政治舞台上的重要地位- 第二次世界大战:英国是盟军之一,反法西斯战争的胜利3. 当代英国历史3.1 战后重建和福利国家 (1945年-1979年)- 英国实施国家医疗保健和福利制度- 社会主义政策和工业国有化- 殖民地独立和英国的国际地位下降3.2 新自由主义和撒切尔夫人 (1979年-1990年)- 撒切尔夫人上台,推行自由市场经济政策- 工业重组和私有化- 冷战结束和欧盟成员国地位恢复3.3 英国在欧盟和布莱尔时代 (1990年-现在)- 英国加入欧盟- 托尼·布莱尔时期的工党政府- 英国脱欧公投和脱欧进程4. 附件- 图片:古代英国遗址、历史人物等相关图片- 地图:显示古代和现代英国边界5. 法律名词及注释- 盎格鲁-撒克逊:指来自盎格鲁地区和撒克逊地区的日耳曼民族,他们在古代定居并建立了英国的基础。



英国历史年表英国历史(前55~ )1 罗马人占领时期:公元前55年~公元410年2 盎格鲁-撒克逊时期与丹麦统治时期:公元449年~1066年3 诺曼底王朝1066~1154 4 金雀花王朝1154~13995 兰卡斯特王朝1399~14616 约克王朝1461~14857 都铎王朝1485~16038 斯图亚特王朝1603~17149 汉诺威王朝1714~1917 10 温莎王朝1917~罗马人占领时期:公元前55年~公元410年公元前55年:朱利叶斯·凯撒(Julius Caesar)第一次率军入侵不列颠公元43年:罗马皇帝克劳迪厄斯(Claudius)率军征服不列颠盎格鲁-撒克逊时期与丹麦统治时期:公元449年~1066年公元597年:圣·奥古斯丁到达不列颠,使当地人皈依基督教公元832~860:肯尼斯·麦克阿尔平统一皮克特人和苏格兰人诺曼底王朝1066~1154 公元1066年:诺曼底公爵威廉征服英格兰公元1086年:发布《末日审判书》金雀花王朝1154~1399 公元1154年:亨利二世继承王位,金雀花王朝开始公元1215年:英王约翰被迫签署由封建贵族提出的《大宪章》公元13世纪初:牛津大学和剑桥大学创立公元1277~1288:英格兰征服威尔士公元1337~1453:英法"百年战争" 公元1387~1394:乔叟写作《坎特伯累故事集》兰卡斯特王朝1399~1461 公元1413年:苏格兰第一所大学圣安德鲁斯大学成立公元1455~1487年:约克家族与兰卡斯特家族之间的"玫瑰战争"约克王朝1461~1485 公元1477年:威廉·卡克斯顿出版印刷第一本书都铎王朝1485~1603 公元1485年:亨利七世即位公元1536年:英格兰与威尔士合并公元1558年:英国女王伊丽莎白一世即位,统治英国达45年之久公元1564年:莎士比亚诞生公元1588年:击败西班牙无敌舰队斯图亚特王朝1603~1714 公元1603年:苏格兰王詹姆士六世加冕成为英格兰的詹姆士一世,统一了英格兰和苏格兰公元1620年:对新教徒的镇压激化,一批新教徒乘"五月花号"抵达美洲公元1642~1651年:英国内战爆发公元1649年:查理一世被处决,克伦威尔宣布共和政体公元1660年:查理二世复辟公元1676年:格林尼治天文台设立公元1694年:英格兰银行成立公元1698年:伦敦股票交易所成立公元1707年:英格兰、苏格兰合并,形成"大不列颠王国"汉诺威王朝1714~1917 公元1721~1742年:罗伯特·沃尔浦成为英国第一任首相公元1760~1830年:工业革命公元1775~1783年:美国独立战争公元1801年:合并爱尔兰,"大不列颠及爱尔兰联合王国"成立公元1837~1901年:维多利亚时代公元1859年:达尔文发表《物种起源》公元1914~1918年:第一次世界大战温莎王朝1917~ 公元1921年:爱尔兰独立公元1928年:弗莱明发现青霉素公元1939~1945年:第二次世界大战公元1952年:伊丽莎白女王二世加冕"Britain"这个词起源于希腊和拉丁词,而最终可能追溯到凯尔特语。


(完整版)英国事件时间轴-55BC Early settlement3000BC Iberiams come to the British Isles750BC Celts began to come to setttle in the British Isles55BC Early settlement55BC-410 Romen Ocupation54BC Julius Caesar invaded Britain43BC Roman Emperor Claudius sent Roman Legions to Britain and conquered Englang410 AD Romen Legions were withdraw from Britain410~871 Anglo-Saxon Times:beginning of Feudalism8th~1066 VikingsSAXON RULERS829 Egbert ruled England871 King Alfred fought against the Danish11DANISH RULERS1016 Danish King Canute conquered England ,and became king of EnglandSAXON RULERS1066 Harold became king, and was killled at Hastings. The Battle of Hastings .Duke of Normany ,William conquered England and wascrowned on Christmas Day,as king William Ⅰ.HOUSE OF PLANTAGENET1154 Henry Ⅱ began the House of AngouKINGS OF ENGLAND AND LORDS OF IRELAND1170 Henry Ⅱfour knights to kill the Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Becket1198 Richard Ⅰ.joined the third crursade1215 King John signed the Magna Carta1265 Simon de Montfort summoned the first parliament1282 Edward Ⅰconquered wales1295 Edward Ⅰsummoned “Model Parliament”1296 Edward Ⅰinvaded Scotland1337~1453 The Hundred Years’war1348 The Black Death struck England1381 Wat Tyler UprisingHOUSE OF LANCASTER1399 Henry Ⅳ began the House of Lancaster1455-1485 the wars of the RosesHOUSE OF YORK1461 Eaward Ⅳ began the house of yorkHOUSE OF TUDOR1485 Henry Ⅶ began the house of Tudor1509 Henry Ⅶ came to the throne1516 Thomas More published Utopia1534 Henry Ⅷpassed the “Act of Supremacy”KINGS(QUEENS) OF ENDLAND AND IRELAND1558 Elizabeth Ⅰwas crowned1587 Elizabeth Ⅰ ordered Mary Queen of Scots to sentenced to death 1588 England d efea ted Spain’s Armada1600 The East India Company was set upKINGS(QUEENS) OF ENGLAND ,SCOTLAND AND IRELAND HOUSE OF STAUART1603 James Ⅰbegan the house of stuart1629 Charles agreed to sign the Petition of Right1642 King Charles sent soldiers to arrest the Parliament leaders andthe First Civil War atarted1644 Cromwell defeated the King’s forces1649 Charles Ⅰwas beheaded by Parliament in January .In May a republican government was proclaimed by cromwell COMMONWEALTH-DECLARED 16491653 Cromwell became Protector of the commonwealth of England 1658 Cromwell diedHOUSE OF STUART1660 Charles Ⅱ landed at Dover,and the house of stuart was restored 1664 the Plague of London1666 The Great Fire of London1679 The “Exclusion Bill”was passed and the Whig and The Tory parties were formed1688 William of Orange landed on England on November 5.The “Glorious Revolution” took place1689 The “Bill of Rights” was passed .The Constitutions Monarchy began in England .1690 The Cabinet was formed1694 The Bank in England was founded1701 the “Act of Settlement”was passed in ParliamentKINGS(QUEENS)OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND1707 The Parliament of England and Scoltland were united HOUSE OF HANOVER1714 George Ⅰbegan The House of Hanover,the Cabinet System was established.KINGS(QUEENS)OF UNITED JINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND1819 The “Machester Massacre in st.Peters Field” took place 1830 a combination of liberals from both parties defeated the Tories: passed the Reform Bill1832step toward universal suffragc Two system excute1833the Fancy ACT1834The “New Pool Law”was passed1836-1848the Chartist Movement1846corn laws-reading the price of bread Education1837Queen Victoria came to throne1839The First national petition too place1840Irish potato famine1851The Crystal Palace Exhibition opened in London1853-1856 England joined the Crimean War,the Crimean war is a balance-of-power war during which Florence Nightingale created nurse as a profession for woman.1859 The Indian Mutiny was put down Charles Darwin Published “on the Origin of species”.1867 The second “reform Bill” was passed1868 clandstone of the Liberal Party become Prime Minister 1870 Charles Parnell organized the Irion Nationalists in the English Parl into a well-disciplined group1884 The third parliamenta ry “Reform Bill” was passed1885 Pm clandstone proposed a Home Rule Bill giving Irish their own Parl1893 Kier Hordie set up the Independent Labor Party1900 The “Labour Representation Committee” established HOUSE OF SAXE-COBURG1906 The “Labour Representation Committee” was officially recognized as the Labour PatryHOUSE OF WINDSOR1914-1918 Britain joined the First World War1916 Lody George organized a united cabinet1919 the Versailles Peace Tready and Wilson’s proposal of “FourteenPoints” the League o f nation.Britain divided with France the control over German-held territory in Aferica and the Near East1924 Ramsay Macponald led the first Labour Party governmentKINGS(QUEENS)OF UNITED KINGDOM OF GREATBRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND1929 NY stock Market crashed,beginning the Great Depression 1932 Britain enacted protective tariffs and ceased payment on war debts to US1935 Baldwin replaced MacDonald as Prime Minister1936 George VI came to throne,social problems faded with the emergence of Nazism1937 Baldwin resigened to be succeeded as rime Minister by Neille Chamberlain1939 On September 3th Chamberlain broadcast to the nation that Britain was in the Second World War1940 winston churchil formed a coalition government1941 the pearl Habor Event-us joined withBritain against Japan German troops weakened after failure in invading Russia-TheBattle of Stalingrad1944 The Allied Forces landed in Normandy1945 In the end of the Seconde World War,Germany and Japan subsequently surrender.1947 India and Pakistan gain independence from Britiain.1949 NATO,the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ,was estiblished.And Brit in had declined to attend the Counicil of Europe. 1950:The Korean War broke out.Elizabeth ‖1952 Princess Elizabeth was crouwned Queen Elizabet h‖.A four-day London “smog” raised the city’s death toll to threetimes its normal.1955 London passed its Clean Air Act.Wartime hero Winston Churchill in ill health resigned.1956 The Suez Crisis broke out.1957 Treaty of Rome established the European Econormic Community. 1967 Britain was forced to devalue the pound in an attempt to check inflation and improve the trade deficit.1973 Britain became a full member of the European Community which was still called the Common Market.And joined the European Union Britain witnessed the first oil shock.1979 Margaret Thatcher became the Prime Minister.1981 Prince Charles married lady Diana Spencer.1984 Mrs. Thatcher visited China.1990 John Major took over thereigns of the Conserative Party as Prime Minister.1993 Britain ratified the Maastricht Treaty.1995 Major resigned as party leader in June.1997 Diana Princess died in an autommobtle accident in Paris.HK was returned to Chinese sovereignty.Tony Blair became Prime Minister.2001 Tony Blair was re-elected Prime Minister on June 8.2003 Blair , with George Bush, led a coalition of military forces in an attack on Iraq in March.2005 Tony Blair won his third term as Prime Minister .2006 An alleged airplane bomb plot threw whole Britain in chaos . 2007 There was a clash between UK and Iran .Naval forces of Iran’s .Revolutionary Cruards captured 15 Britain sailors.Tony Blair stepped down from office on June 27.Gordon Brown became Britain Prime Minister.。

英国历史大事件年表古代英国-55BC Early settlement750BC Celts began to e to setttle in the British Isles55BC Early settlement55BC-410 Roman Occupation54BC Julius Caesar invaded Britain43BC Roman Emperor Claudius sent Roman Legions to Britain andconquered England410 AD Romen Legions were withdraw from Britain410~871 Anglo-Saxon Times:beginning of Feudalism8th~1066 VikingsSAXON RULERS829 Egbert ruled England871 King Alfred fought against the Danish11DANISH RULERS1016 Danish King Canute conquered England ,and became king of EnglandSAXON RULERS1066 Harold became king, and was killled at Hastings. The Battle of Hastings .Duke of Normany , William conquered England and was crowned on Christmas Day,as king William Ⅰ.HOUSE OF PLANTAGENET1154 Henry Ⅱ began the House of AngouKINGS OF ENGLAND AND LORDS OF IRELAND1170 Henry Ⅱ four knights to kill the Archbishop of CanterburyThomas Becket1198 Richard Ⅰ.joined the third crursade1215 King John signed the Magna Carte1265 Simon de Montfort summoned the first parliament1282 Edward Ⅰconquered Wales1295 Edward Ⅰsummoned “Model Parliament〞1296 Edward Ⅰ invaded Scotland1337~1453 The Hundred Years’war 1348 The Black Death struck England 1381 Wat Tyler UprisingHOUSE OF LANCASTER1399 Henry Ⅳ began the House of Lancaster1455-1485 the wars of the RosesHOUSE OF YORK1461 Edward Ⅳ began the house of York近代英国HOUSE OF TUDOR1485 Henry Ⅶ began the house of Tudor1509 Henry Ⅶ came to the throne1516 Thomas More published Utopia1534 Henry Ⅷ passed the “Act of Supremacy〞KINGS(QUEENS) OF ENDLAND AND IRELAND1558 Elizabeth Ⅰwas crowned1587 Elizabeth Ⅰ ordered Mary Queen of Scots to sentenced to death1588 England defeated Spain’s Armada1600 The East India pany was set upKINGS(QUEENS) OF ENGLAND ,SCOTLAND AND IRELAND HOUSE OF STAUART1603 James Ⅰbegan the house of stuart 1629 Charles agreed to sign the Petition of Right 1642 King Charles sent soldiers to arrest the Parliament leaders andPoints〞 the League of nation.Britain divided with France the control over German-held territory in Aferica and the Near East1924 Ramsay Macponald led the first Labour Party governmentKINGS(QUEENS)OF UNITED KINGDOM OF GREATBRITAIN ANDNORTHERN IRELAND1929 NY stock Market crashed,beginning the Great Depression1932 Britain enacted protective tariffs and ceased payment on wardebts to US1935 Baldwin replaced MacDonald as Prime Minister1936 George VI came to throne,social problems faded with the emergence of Nazism1937 Baldwin resigened to be succeeded as rime Minister by NeilleChamberlain1939 On September 3th Chamberlain broadcast to the nation thatBritain was in the Second World War1940 Winston Churchil formed a coalition government1941 the pearl Habor Event-us joined withBritain against JapanGerman troops weakened after failure in invading Russia-The Battle of Stalingrad1944 The Allied Forces landed in Normandy1945 In the end of the Second World War,Germany and Japan subsequently surrender.1947 India and Pakistan gain independence from Britain.1949 NATO,the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ,was estiblished. And Brit in had declined to attend the Council of Europe.1950:The Korean War broke out.Elizabeth ‖1952 Princess Elizabeth was crowned Queen Elizabeth‖.A four-day London “smog〞 raised the city’s death toll to three times its normal.1955 London passed its Clean Air Act.Wartime hero Winston Churchill in ill health resigned.1956 The Suez Crisis broke out.1957 Treaty of Rome established the European Econormic munity. 1967 Britain was forced to devalue the pound in an attempt to check inflation and improve the trade deficit.1973 Britain became a full member of the European munity which was still called the mon Market.And joined the European Union Britain witnessed the first oil shock.1979 Margaret Thatcher became the Prime Minister.1981 Prince Charles married lady Diana Spencer.1984 Mrs. Thatcher visited China.1990 John Major took over thereigns of the Conserative Party as PrimeMinister.1993 Britain ratified the Maastricht Treaty.1995 Major resigned as party leader in June.1997 Diana Princess died in an autommobtle accident in Paris. HK was returned to Chinese s overeignty. Tony Blair became Prime Minister.2001 Tony Blair was re-elected Prime Minister on June 8.2003 Blair , with George Bush, led a coalition of military forces in anattack on Iraq in March.2005 Tony Blair won his third term as Prime Minister .2006 An alleged airplane bomb plot threw whole Britain in chaos .2007 There was a clash between UK and Iran .Naval forces of Iran’s . Revolutionary Cruards captured 15 Britain sailors. Tony Blair stepped down from office on June 27. Gordon Bro wn became Britain Prime Minister.关键名词与解释1. LondonLondon is the largest city located in the south of the country. It is dominant in all sorts of ways. It i s the cultural and business center and the headquarters of the vast majority of Britain’s big panies . It is not only the financial center of the nation, but also one of the three major international fina ncial centers in the world. 2. Robin HoodRobin Hood was a Saxon nobleman. As he could no longer put up with oppressions from the Nor mans, he became an outlaw and hid himself with his band of “m erry men〞 in the forest. From t his secret place, he went out to rob from the rich to give the poor. 3. Anglo-SaxonsThey were two groups of Germanic peoples who settled down in England from the 5th century. T hey were regarded as the ancestors of the English and the founders of England. 4. King ArthurIt is said that he was the King of England in the 5th century and united the British and drove the S axons back with his magical sword, Excalibur. His real existence is in doubt. He is the central figureof many legends. 5. King HaroldHe was the Saxon King whose army was defeated in the Battle of Hastings in 1066, when William the Conqueror invaded England from France. 6. The Bill of Rights of 1689In 1688, King James II’s daughter Mary and her husband William were invited by the politicians a nd church authorities to take the throne, on condition that they would respect the rights of Parlia ment, The Bill of Rights was passed in 1689 to ensure the King would never be able to ignore Parli ament. 7. The ConstitutionBritain has no written Constitution. The foundations of the British state are laid out in statute law, which are laws passed by Parliament; the mon laws, which are laws established through mon pra ctice in the courts; and conventions. 8. The functions of ParliamentThe functions of Parliament are: to pass laws, to vote for taxation, to scrutinize government policy , administration and expenditure and to debate the major issues of the day. 9. The House of LordsThe House of Lords consists of the Lords Spiritual, who are the Archbishops and most prominent bishops of the Church of England; and the Lords Temporal, which refers to those lords who either have inherited the seat from their forefathers or they have been appointed. The lords mainly repr esent themselves instead of the interests of the public. 10. The House of monsThe House of mons is the real center of British political life because it is the place where about 65 0 elected represent the interests of the people who vote for them. 10. The importance of general electionsGeneral elections are very important in western democracy. According to the author, they provid e opportunities for people to influence future government policies and to replace those inpetent political leaders.11. The formation of the government651 members of parliament are elected in the general election representing 651 constituencies in the UK. The party which holds a majority of those “seats〞 in parliament forms the government, with its party leader as the Prime Minister. 12. The electoral campaignsBefore a general election, the political parties would start their electoral campaigns in order to m ake their ideologies and policies known to the public, The campaign involves advertisements in n ewspapers, door-to-door campaigning, postal deliveries of leaflets and “party electoral broadcast s〞 on the television. The parties also try to attack and criticize the opponents’ policies, Therefore, these campaigns sometimes can be quite aggressive and critical. 13. Ethnic relations in the UKThe ing of immigrants groups from other parts of the world has greatly enriched British culture. B ut ethnic relations are also sometimes tense: the local people view the newers as a threat to their way of living; and despite much official actions to minimize racism, both subtle and overt oppres sion remains. The immigrant population is not well-off economically. They face problems of unem ployment, under-representation in politics and unfair treatment by police and by the justice syste m.14. prehensive schoolsprehensive schools are the most popular secondary schools in Britain today. Such schools admit children without reference to their academic abilities and provide a general education. Pupils can study everything from academic subjects like literature to more practical subjects like cooking.15. Grammar schoolsIt is a type of secondary schools in Britain. Grammar schools select children at the age 11, throug h an examination called “the 11-plus〞. Those children with the highest marks go to grammar sch ools. These schools lay emphasis on advanced academic subjects rather than the more general cu rriculum of the prehensive schools and expect many of their pupils to go on to universities. 16. In dependent schoolsIndependent schools are monly called public schools which are actually private schools that recei ve their funding through the private sector and tuition rates, with some government assistance. I ndependent schools are not part of national education system, but the quality of instruction and standards are maintained through visits from Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Schools. These schools are restricted to the students whose parents are paratively rich. 17. The Open UniversityThe Open University was founded in Britain in the1960’s for people who might not get the opport unity for higher education for economic and social reasons. It’s open to everybody and does not d emand the same formal educational qualifications as the other universities. University courses ar e followed through TV, radio, correspondence, videos and a net work of study centers. At the end of their studies at the Open University, successful students are awarded a university degree.18. “Football hooligans〞“Football hooligans〞 reflect the violence associated with football. While all social classes used t o join in the local football match, it was regarded as being not at all suitable for gentlemen. Visito rs from abroad sometimes plained about stumbling into the midst of a rough and dangerous gam e when walking the streets of London, while local householders and merchants were troubledby having their windows broken by stray footballs. Drinking hard went along with playing hard. To day, violence is still associated with football. “Football hooligans〞 are supporters of rival teams. They sometimes clash before, during and after matches and occasionally run riot through the tow n, breaking windows and beating each other up. 19. Cricket and “fair play〞Cricket was one of the very first team sports in Britain to have organized rules and to be played ac cording to the same rules nationally. The reason that fixed rules were applied to cricket so early o n was a financial one: aristocrats loved betting on cricket matches and if people were going to ric k money on a game, they wanted to ensure that the game would be played fairly. In Britain peopl e from all walks of life play cricket, but in the 19th century, cricket was a sport played mainly by th e upper classes. It was a kind of “snob〞 game played by boys who attended public schools. As ge nerations of public school boys grew up to bee the civil servants and rulers of the UK and its colo nies, cricket became associated with a set of moral values, in particular the idea of “fair play〞 w hich supposedly characterized British government. 20. WimbledonWimbledon is the name of a London suburb. In Wimbledon the world’ best players gather to pet e on grass courts. It is one of the major events of the British sporting calendar and probably the most famous tennis event in the world. Besides actually watching the tennis matches, other activi ties closely associated with the “Wimbledon fortnight〞 are eating strawberries and cream, drink ing champagne and hoping that it doesn’t rain. 21. The three traditions of Christmas in BritainThere are three Christmas traditions which are particularly British: one is the Christmas Pantomi me, a ical musical play. The main male character is played by a young woman while The main fem ale character, often an ugly woman called “the Dame〞, is played by a man. Another British Chris tmas tradition is to hear the Queen give her Christmas message to her realm over the television a nd radio. A third British tradition is Boxing Day, which falls on the day after Christmas. Traditionall y, it was on Boxing Day that people gave Christmas gifts or money to their staff or servants. Now t hat most British people do not have servants, this custom is no longer observed. However, a new Boxing Day custom has emerged, in the cities: shopping. Shops open up to sell off all their Christ mas stock decorations, food, cards and gift items at low prices. 22. Orange MarchesThese events can be traced back to the 17th century battles between Catholics and Protestants. N ow the Protestants celebrate their victory at the Battle of the Boyne (12 July) in 1690. The Catholi c King James II was forced off the throne in 1688. William of Orange was invited to take the thron e and James was driven into exile. The Twelfth of July is the high point of what is known as the M arching Season, when Protestant “Orangemen〞 take to the streets wearing their traditional unif orms and orange sashes, marching through the streets singing, banging drums and playing in mar ching bands. The Orangemen often clash—verbally, legally or sometimes violently—with the Cath olics as they attempt to parade through Catholic neighborhoods. Therefore, during Orange March es there is a massive police and army presence surrounding the parades and the atmosphere canbe very tense. 23. EisteddfodWales has a long poetic tradition. Poems written in the traditional Welsh language and style are g overned by ancient codes and conventions. This poetic tradition has been celebrated for centurie s.英国历史重大事件年表约公元前3000年,伊比利亚人进入不列颠,以长坟闻名约公元前2000年,建立巨石阵;宽口陶器人出现,以钟形容器闻名约公元前700年,三波凯尔特人进入不列颠:盖尔人、布立吞人、贝尔格人公元前55年,Julius Caesar率罗马军团入侵不列颠,开启不列颠有文字记载的历史公元43年Claudius皇帝时期,罗马正式占领不列颠,不列颠的罗马时代持续400年597年,教皇格里高利一世派St. Augustine到不列颠传教 9世纪,Egbert成为第一位英格兰国王1066年诺曼征服:忏悔者爱德华、哈罗德、征服者威廉;斯坦福桥、黑斯廷斯战役;封建制度完全建立。



英国历史大事年表英国历史(前55~ )1 罗马人占领时期:公元前55年~公元410年2 盎格鲁-撒克逊时期与丹麦统治时期:公元449年~1066年3 诺曼底王朝1066~11544 金雀花王朝1154~13995 兰卡斯特王朝1399~14616 约克王朝1461~14857 都铎王朝1485~16038 斯图亚特王朝1603~17149 汉诺威王朝1714~191710 温莎王朝1917~1、公元前公元前2000-1500年,古印欧人的一支——凯尔特人(罗马人称其为高卢人)西进。
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History of Britain - timeline and facts Woodlands Junior School is in the south-east corner of EnglandTimeline of the Kings and Queens History ofLondonHistory of the Union FlagThousands of years ago, Great Britain was joined to Europe andwas covered with ice. About 15,000 years ago, the weather became warmer. The ice melted and the sea level rose. Great Britainbecame an island about 8000 years ago.Celtic people called Britons settles in Britain. They werewarriors and farmers who were skilled metal workers. They builtvillages and hill forts, and used iron weapons and tools. Celtscalled Gaels lived in Ireland.Prehistoric Britain BC Roman Britain 43ADAnglo SaxonBritain 450Viking Britain 793Medieval Britain1066Tudor Britain 1485Stuart Britain 1603Georgian Britain1714Victorian Britain1837Modern Britain 1902 +King and Queens of EnglandRomans Saxons Vikings Normans Tudors Victorians WW ll43 450 793 1066 1485 1837 1939Prehistoric BritainThe first men and women came to Britain over two and a half million years ago. They were hunters and gatherers of foodwho used simple stone tools and weapons.BC Britain Abroad 500,000People migrate to Britain from Europe.6500The land bridge joining Britain to Europe is flooded as the sea level rises. Britainbecomes an Island.3000New Stone Age begins: farming people arrive from Europe.3000First stone circles erected.2100Bronze Age begins2150People learn to make b ronze weapons a nd tools2000Stonehenge completed1650Trade routes begin to form1200Small Villages are first formed750Iron Age begins: iron replaces bronze as most useful metal.Population about 150,000.500The Celtic people arrive from CentralEurope.The Celts were farmers and lived in smallvillage groups in the centre of their arablefields. They were also warlike people. TheCelts fought against the people of Britainand other Celtic tribes.Romans Saxons Vikings Normans Tudors Victorians WW ll43 450 793 1066 1485 1837 1939Roman BritainThe Romans were the first to invade us and came t o Britain nearly 2000 years ago. They changed our country. The Roman Empire made its mark on Britain, and even today, the ruins of Romanbuildings, forts, roads, and baths can be found all overBritain.Britain was part of the Roman Empire for almost 400 years!By the time the Roman armies left around 410 AD, they had established medical practice, a language of administration and law and had created great public buildings and roads.Many English words are derived from the latin language of the Romans.Click here to find out more about the Romans in Britain.Britain Abroad55 BC Julius Caesar heads first Roman Invasion but later withdraws44 BC44BCJulius Caesaris murdered inRomeAD3030Jesus Crucified43Romans invade and Britain becomes part of the Roman Empire50London Founded61Boadicea leads the Iceni in revolt against the Romans70Romans conquer Wales and the North76The Emperor Hadrian is born8080The Colosseum of Romecompleted 122 - 12 8 Emperor Hadrian builds a wall on the Scottish Border14Romans conquer Scotland20 9St Alban becomes the 1st Christian martyr30 6Constantine the Great declared Emperor at York35The Picts and Scots attack the border40 1 - 41 0The Romans withdraw from Britain:Anglo Saxons migrants begin to Settle Click here for Information on the RomansRomans Saxons Vikings Normans Tudors Victorians WW ll43 450 793 1066 1485 1837 1939Anglo-Saxon BritainThe Roman army left Britain about AD 410. When they had gone there was no strong army to defend Britain, and tribes called the Angle, Saxon, and Jute (the Anglo-Saxons) invaded. They left their homelands in northern Germany, Denmark a nd northern Holland and rowed across the North Sea in wooden boats.The Anglo-Saxons ruled most of Britain but never conquered Cornwall in the south-west, Wales in the west, orScotland in the north. They divided the country into kingdoms.Missionaries from Roman spread Christianity across southern Britain.Read more about the Saxons on our Homework Help pages450 - 750Invasion of the Jutes from Jutland, Angles from South of Denmark and Saxons from Germany.Britain is divided up into the Seven Kingdoms of Northumbria, Mercia, Wessex, Essex, Sussex and Kent.450Saxons Hengist and Horsa settle in Kent.460St Patrick returns to convert Ireland510The Battle of Mount Badon: British victory over theSaxons597St Augustine brings Christianity to Britain from Rome and becomes Archbishop of Canterbury617Northumbria becomes the Supreme Kingdom779Mercia becomes the Supreme Kingdom and King Offa builds a Dyke along the Welsh BorderClick here for Information on the SaxonsRomans Saxons Vikings Normans Tudors Victorians WW ll43 450 793 1066 1485 1837 1939Viking BritainThe Viking Age in Britain began about 1,200 years ago in the 8th Century AD and lasted for 300 years.Read more ....793First invasion by the Vikings821Wessex becomes the Supreme Kingdom866 -77Invasion of the Great Danish (Viking) Army.867The Vikings take Northumbria871King Alfred defeats the Vikings but allows them to settle in Eastern England886The North subjected to the Danelaw, the rules of the Vikings889The Anglo Saxon Chronicle starts926Eastern England (Danelaw) is conquered by the Saxons 1016King Canute of Denmark captures the English Crown1042Edward the Confessor becomes King1055Westminster Abbey is completedClick here for Information on the VikingsRomans Saxons Vikings Normans Tudors Victorians WW ll 43 450 793 1066 1485 1837 1939The Middle Ages - Medieval Britain (Normans)The Middle Ages in Britain cover a huge period. They takeus from the shock of the Norman Conquest, which began in 1066, to the devasting Black Death of 1348, the HundredYears' War w ith France and the War o f the Roses, which finally ended in 1485.The Normans built impressive castles, imposed a feudal system and carried out a census of the country.1066The Battle of Stamford Bridge: Saxon victory over invading Vikings1066The Battle of Hastings: The invading Normans defeat the SaxonsWilliam of Normandy defeats Harold with a lucky shot and becomes King of England - Norman Conquest1070Work starts on Canterbury Cathedral1078Work starts on The Tower of London1080 -1100Great monastery and cathedral building begins1086The Domesday Book is compiled, a complete inventory of Britain1154Work starts on York Minster 1167Oxford University Founded1170Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas a Becket is murdered by the knights of Henry II1170Population of London exceeds 30,000 for the first time1174Work starts on Wells Cathedral1215Civil War1215The Magna Carta is signed by King John 1220Work starts on Salisbury1282 - 1283 King Edward conquers Wales. Llewellyn ab Gruffydd, the country's last prince is killed1296King Edward invades Scotland and takes the Stone of Destiny from Scone to Westminster1297The Battle of Stirling BridgeThe Scots under William Wallace defeat the English1298The Battle of Falkirk. King Edward defeats Wallace.1306Robert Bruce crowned King of the Scots1314Scots led by Robert the Bruce defeat the English at the battle of Bannockburn1321-22Civil War1337King Edward claims the Throne of France1337 -1453Hundred Years' War with France1348 -49The Black Death (bubonic plague) arrived in England and killed nearly half of the population1387Geoffrey Chaucer starts writing the Canterbury Tales 1415English defeat the French at the battle of Agincourt 1453The Hundred Years War against France ends1455Civil War: The War of the Roses startsClick here for Information on the NormansRomans Saxons Vikings Normans Tudors Victorians WW ll43 450 793 1066 1485 1837 1939Tudor BritainThe Tudors were a Welsh-English family thatruled England from 1485 to 1603 - one of themost exciting periods of British history.Henry VIII's matrimonial difficulties led tothe split with Catholicism. Henry madehimself head of the Church of England.Read more about Tudor Britain....1485The War of the Roses ends at the Battle of Bosworth.Henry Vll crowned king.1497John Cabot sails from Bristol aboard the 'Matthew' and discovers North America1509-1547Henry Vlll succeeds to the throne1513English defeat the Scots at the Battle of Flodden1534Henry VIII forms the 'Church of England'. Henry is confirmed as 'Supreme Head of the Church of England'following a parliamentary Act of Supremacy1536Act of Union joins England and Wales1536 - 39Destruction or closure of 560 monasteries and religious houses1542Mary, Queen o f Scots lays claim to the English throne 1558Elizabeth I begins her 45 year reign1570Sir Francis Drake sets sail for his first voyage tothe West Indies1587Queen Elizabeth I executes Mary, Queen of Scots1588The English defeat the Spanish Armada1591First performance of a play by William Shakespeare1600First British involvement in the Indian continent -East India Company formed.Population of Britain just over 4 millionClick here for Information on the TudorsStuart BritainThe Stuarts had ruled Scotland since 1371, but James VI of Scotland was the first Stuart king of England.1603James VI of Scotland becomes James I of England uniting the two kingdoms1605Guy Fawkes is thwarted when he tries to blow up Parliament.1606The Union Flag adopted as the National Flag1620The Pilgrim Fathers set sail for New England from Plymouth, aboard the 'Mayflower'1624-30War with Spain1626-9War with France1629Parliament dissolved by King Charles1642 -1651Civil War1649King Charles executed1649-1650Cromwell's conquest of Ireland 1650 -1652Cromwell's conquest of Scotland 1652Tea arrives in Britain1653Cromwell proclaimed Lord Protector1660Restoration of the Monarchy under King Charles II1664-1665The Great Plague breaks out and up to 100,000 people die in London1666Great Fire of London1689English Bill of rights 1689From now on England's monarchs would rule inpartnership with Parliament. All Catholicsbarred from the English throne.1692William III massacres the Jacobites at Glencoe1707Act of Union between Scotland and England. The Scottish parliament was dissolved and England and Scotland became one country.Georgian BritainIn 1714 the British throne passed to a German f amily, the Hanoverians.1714George of Hanover, Germany succeeds Queen Anne to the Throne1721Sir Robert Walpole becomes the first Prime Minister1746Bonnie Prince Charlie is defeated at the Battle of Culloden1757First canal in Britain is completed1776America declares independence from Britain 1780's Industrial Revolution Begins1783Steam powered cotton mill invented by Sir Richard Arkwright1788First convict ships are sent to Australia1796Edward Jenner invented a vaccination against small pox1800Act of Union with Ireland1801The first census. Population of Britain 8 million Ireland made part of the United Kingdom1804Richard Trevithick built the first steam locomotive1805Lord Nelson defeats Napoleon at the Battle of Trafalgar1807Abolition of Slave Trade1815Duke of Wellington defeats Napoleon at the Battle of Waterloo1825World's first railway opens between Stockton and Darlington1829Robert Peel set up the Metropolitan Police force1834The Poor Law set up workhouses, where peoplewithout homes o r jobs could live in return for doingunpaid work.Romans Saxons Vikings Normans Tudors Victorians WW ll43 450 793 1066 1485 1837 1939Victorian BritainxThe Victorians lived over one hundred and fifty years agoduring the reign of Queen Victoria (1837 to 1901) and wasa time of enormous change in this country. In 1837 most people lived in villages and worked on the land; by 1901, most lived in towns and worked in offices, shops and factories. Read more .....1837 Queen Victoria becomes Queen at the age of 18 1840 The first postage stamps (Penny Post) came into use 1842 Mines Act ended child labour1845 - 1849 Ireland suffered the Great Potato Famine when entire crops of potatoes, the staple Irish food, were ruined. The famine was a consequence of the appearance of blight, the potato fungus. About 800,000 people died as a result of the famine. A large number of people migrated to Britain, the United States, Canada and Australia.1850s The first post boxes were built1851 The Great ExhibitionCensus showed just over half of Britain's population(of 20 million) lived in towns1854 Crimean War1854 A cholera epidemic led to demands for a clean water supply and proper sewage systems in the big cities1856 Britain defeats Russia in the Crimean War1860 The first public flushing toilet opens1861 Death of Prince Albert1863 London Underground opensThe foundation of the Football Association1868 Joseph Lister discovers disinfectant1868 The last public hanging1869 The first Sainsbury's shop open in Dury Lane, London 1870 Education Act means school for everyone1871 Queen Victoria opens the Albert Hall1876 Alexander Bell invented the telephone Primary education was made compulsory1877 The first public electric lighting in London 1883 First electric railway1887 The invention of the gramophone 1891 Free education for every child1901 Population of Britain 40 millionClick here for Information on the VictorianModern Britain1902Britain defeats Dutch settlers in Boer War in South Africa1902The first old age pension1914 - 1918First World WarCompulsory military service and food rationing introduced1920Republic of Ireland gains independence1937Sir Frank Whittle invents the Jet Engine1939 -1945The Second World War1951Festival of Britain1952Elizabeth II becomes Queen1953Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II 1973Britain joins the European Community1979Margaret Thatcher becomes Britain's first woman prime minister1982Falklands War1991Gulf War1991Sir Tim Berners Lee invents the World Wide Web1994Channel Tunnel links Britain back to the European continent1999Welsh national assembly and Scottish parliament2003The Second Gulf War2003England Wins the Rugby World CupClick here for Information on Britain Since 1930sLearn about England and the other countries in Britainfrom the children who live in therFollow this link to report typos, bad links or general mistakesAbout Us | Search | Site Map | Feedback | User Information | Contact Us? 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