


出处:Jameson S M. Recruitment and training in small firms[J]. Journal of European Industrial Training, 2000, 24(1):43-49.

Recruitment and training in small firms

SM Jameson


The hospitality and tourism industries are two of the fastest growing and most dynamic sectors of the UK economy. Both industries are highly labour intensive and, because of this, the effective management of human resources is critical to their success. A defining characteristic of these industries is the high incidence of small firms. The issue of training in the small business sector in general has been neglected by academics and management specialists and this is also the case specifically in tourism and hospitality. This article goes some way to address this gap in knowledge and examines the recruitment and training practices of small tourism and hospitality firms. The issues examined include sources of recruitment, the extent to which small tourism and hospitality firms had training plans and training budgets, participation, and evaluation of training.


Recruitment; Training; Small firms;Hospitality; Tourism.


Small firms and training

Although definitions of small firms have been extensively debated, there is no disagreement that the most commonly found tourism or hospitality enterprise is small (Thomas, 1998). To date, very little research has been conducted in these organisations. This is no surprise and as Matlay argues:

The issue of training in the small business sector of the British economy has largely been neglected by academic researchers and human resource planning, development and management specialists who, until recently, were content to suggest solutions which were more relevant to the businesses strategies of larger firms (Matlay, 1996, p. 648).

This is supported by Johnson and Gubbins (1992, pp. 28-9) who suggest that:relatively little is known about the extent, nature and determinants of training in small and medium-sized businesses, either on a national or on a local basis.

It is argued that with the growth of tourism and hospitality and the importance of human resources within them this neglect should not continue.

Research conducted in hospitality and tourism firms of all sizes has discovered that informality and a relatively unsophisticated management style characterise the approach taken towards recruitment and training (Goldsmith et al.,1997; Price, 1994; Lucas, 1995; Baum, 1995). Research on recruitment and training in small firms in general (Jameson, 1998) has also indicated that an informal approach towards the management of human resources is the norm in these firms. One of the major themes in small business literature has been the examination of the informality of relations between employers and employees. A correlation has been found to exist between the size of firm and level of formality in various sectors of the economy (see, for example, Scott et al. (1989); Curran et al. (1993)). Research conducted specifically in hospitality firms (Price, 1994, p. 49) found that:

one of the main findings from the survey was the importance of the relationship between establishment size and employment practices … there was a strong correlation between size and the extent to which establishments had introduced personnel policies, procedures or other arrangements which met the requirements of employment law.

The significance of this relationship cannot be underestimated and must be borne in mind when interpreting the results on recruitment and training in the small firms in the sample.

Any meaningful analysis of recruitment and training cannot be undertaken without some understanding of the labour market within which small tourism and hospitality firms operate. Much effort has been expended developing theoretical models of the labour market. As far as the tourism andhospitality industries are concerned one of the most useful theories is dual labour market theory. Goldsmith et al. (1997) summarize this succinctly. Dual labour market theory proposes that the total labour market can be segmented. One section is the primary labour market, where jobs tend to be supplied by large, highly profitable firms with a high capital to labour ratio and high productivity. Here, production is usually large scale with high investment in technology. Employment in these firms is normally stable with relatively high skill and wage levels. In this context, there are normally opportunities for training. The secondary labour market is normally characterised by small firms with low capital to labour ratio, low productivity and small scale production. In these firms, wage and skill levels tend to be low, employment is unstable and training opportunities are usually limited. Small tourism and hospitality firms normally tend to operate within the secondary labour market.

There are obvious relationships between recruitment and training. One relationship is where training can provide solutions to problems in the labour market. Campbell and Baldwin (1993) suggest that in many industrialised countries there is a concern that skills shortages and mismatches are appearing in the labour market and that policy makers are aware that recruitment difficulties and skill shortages may reduce the competitiveness of small and large firms. Bradley and Taylor (1996) suggest that there is a growing awareness that education and training systems can influence the skill and occupational mix of a locality and local economic wellbeing. Another type of relationship is one where the level of recruitment affects the level of training. In tourism and hospitality, with their reliance on the secondary labour market and high rates of labour turnover, there is a strong tendency to have high levels of recruitment and low levels of training. The arguments being that either it is not worth investing in training or there simply is not time. Recruitment

Research on tourism and hospitality firms in general (i.e. not specifically small firms) refers to informal and unsystematic recruitment methods (Lucas and Boella, 1996). Others, who have carried out research into recruitment in small firms in general have found a reliance on informal methods (see, for example, Curran et al., 1993). Millward et al. (1992) found that, whereas larger enterprises relied greatly on formal methods and bureaucratic procedures by specialist personnel departments, the small business owner/manager is likely to handle recruiting and personnel matters without delegating and is unlikely to have any relevant skills.


Tourism and hospitality have one of the highest levels of skill shortages (HCTC, 1995; HEFCE, 1998). If, as Bradley and Taylor (1996) suggest, training can influence the skill of a locality, then it is interesting to see how seriously small tourism and hospitality firms take training.

According to Curran et al. (1996) small businesses experience problems in providing training for both owner-managers and workers. It has also been discovered that the hospitality industry displays one of the lowest levels of training activity in the UK economy (HCTC, 1995). These points should be borne in mind when the results of this survey are interpreted.

Two of the indicators of a systematic approach to training are the existence of a training plan/policy and a specific budget for training.

According to the Hospitality Training Foundation (HtF, 1996) 63 per cent of employers in all industries had a training plan. In catering and hospitality 64 per cent had a training plan. The most recent research on training and small firms found that only 28 per cent of such firms had a training plan.

It is appropriate to discuss training budgets alongside training plans. It is also useful to compare the survey findings with all industries and with the hospitality industry (no figures are available for tourism). In all industries 55 per cent of employers had training budgets; in hospitality this figure was 43 per cent according to IFF research (HtF, 1996). However, research carried out by the HtF found that only 19 per cent of hospitality firms had a training budget.

In the UK, the provision of training to SMEs has become a central issue of economic policy (Miller and Davenport, 1987). Storey (1994) has described this as a major indirect small firms policy initiative. Over the last decade, the provision of training and support to SMEs has increased considerably involving national and local Government, the private sector, and further and higher education institutes (Westhead, 1996. In the survey on small tourism and hospitality firms, the issue of training provision was examined.

There is little point in investing in training without attempting to measure its effectiveness. Measuring the effectiveness of training is extremely difficult in any size of firm. The small firms literature suggests that owner-managers of small firms assess the value of workforce training in an informal way and tend to use various kinds of subjective assessments. The firms in the survey were questioned on if and how they measured the effectiveness of training.

Research method

Researchers at The Centre for the Study of Small Tourism and Hospitality Firms based at Leeds Metropolitan University, UK, were keen to examine business practices in small firms both by breadth and depth. As such, it was decided to administer a questionnaire to 4,331 small firms. In total, 1,103 were returned completed, giving a response rate of 26 percent. The project focused on four regions: Cumbria; Heart of England; West Country; and Yorkshire. Eight sectors were chosen to provide a broadly based cross-section of these industries. These sectors were public house/bar; travel agent; hotel; visitor attraction; B&B/guesthouse; fast food/takeaway; restaurant or café; self-catering. The vast majority of firms in the sample were independently-owned single outlet businesses (80 per cent). The definition of a small firm adopted for the survey is fewer than 50 employees and is a conflation of the European Commission’s definition of very small (or micro) enterprises (fewer than ten employees) and small (between ten and 49 employees). The sample source was the Business Database (British Telecom) and a disproportionate

stratified sample was specified within the four regions to provide a cross-section of experiences. This article presents some of the findings of the national survey of small tourism and hospitality firms. The survey is the most comprehensive of its kind ever to be undertaken in the UK and examined business performance, the business environment, marketing and recruitment and training in small tourism and hospitality firms. The survey represents a barometer of the changing attitudes and behaviour of those operating small tourism and hospitality firms.

This article concentrates on the recruitment and training practices of the firms in the survey. The aim of the research was to discover the extent and nature of recruitment and training in small tourism and hospitality firms.


Informality and a relatively unsophisticated management style characterise the approach taken towards recruitment and training in the small firms in the survey.

When respondents in the survey were questioned about their recruitment activity during the past year (see Table I), and more specifically were asked about the methods used to recruit staff, word of mouth was the most commonly used recruitment method, followed by local press and job centres.

These findings support the advice in the recruitment literature which normally suggests that small firms should recruit from the local labour market and should keep their recruitment spending within a very tight budget.

In addition to questions on recruitment, respondents were asked a series of questions on training practices. When they were asked if they had a training plan for their business, the results were as indicated in Table II. Although only 11 per cent of small tourism and hospitality firms had a formal written plan, significantly more had some sort of training plan. Although this is lower than for other industries and the

hospitality industry in general, it is higher than the figure for small firms, and does indicate some commitment to a systematic approach to training.

As far as training budgets were concerned, 12 per cent of firms in the sample had them (see Figure 1). This figure of 12 per cent is not discouraging, and in fact, is almost identical to the figure of 12.5 per cent for small firms in general (Curran et al., 1996). Although both the figures for training plans and budgets appear encouraging, more details are required on the exact nature of the training plans and the precise amount of money devoted to training in relation to turnover etc. However, results from the survey do seem to indicate that some small tourism and hospitality firms are taking training seriously.

Respondents were asked if they had provided training during the past 12 months (see Table III). On-the-job training was the most common training method used by small tourism and hospitality firms. This was followed by external training courses and induction. These results are unsurprising as small firms in general tend to favour informal training methods and usually value training which is specific to the job in question. Although on the job training may be appropriate for many jobs in small tourism and hospitality firms, this reliance on informal, unsophisticated training methods is typical of weak internal labour markets which generally have low skill requirements and lack training and promotion opportunities. This can be

interpreted as part of the whole package of the informal, unsophisticated approach to the management of human resources in small firms which is characterised by vague hiring standards and unsystematic recruitment. It runs counter to the primary labour market which has a strong internal labour market with precise hiring standards, formalised recruitment, high skill requirements and opportunities for training and promotion.

Respondents in the survey were asked about training courses provided by external agencies and their replies produced the following response (see Table IV).

As far as the small tourism and hospitality firms in the sample were concerned the courses which they found to be “very helpful” were organised by private providers (42 per cent found them to be ve ry helpful). The provider who ranked second in the “very helpful” category was trade associations with 40 per cent. Courses provided by the banks appeared to be the least helpful as they had the highest percentage of respondents in the “not very helpful”ca tegory. Banks continue to be in the limelight as far as services to small businesses are concerned. Obviously it depends on which bank and which courses small tourism and hospitality businesses have experienced. Much also depends on the expectations that the owner/managers have of such a service. When the positive responses were combined, i.e. “very helpful” and “helpful”, the providers who fared best were private providers (86 per cent), trade associations (83 per cent) and local authorities (83 per cent). The banks’ results were worst with only 40 per cent of owner-managers finding their courses helpful.

When respondents were questioned on active involvement in education or training initiatives, the results showed the following (see Table V). As far as Investors in People is concerned the 9 per cent of small tourism and hospitality firms which were either committed to or recognised as Investors In People is still much higher than the industry average of 3 per cent. This contrasts with the HtF’s suggestion that small firms are only as likely as large firms to engage in Investors in People activity.

Another finding which contradicts the HtF’s view is that NVQ/SVQs have not been implemented in smaller hospitality establishments. Again, 17 per cent of small tourism and hospitality firms in the survey were participating in NVQs and SVQs. Highest participation was work experience for school pupils and work experience for college students and both of these “initiatives” have traditionally been extensively utilised by tourism and hospitality firms of all sizes.

As mentioned above, it is pointless to invest in training unless some attempt is made to measure its effectiveness. In this survey of small tourism and hospitality firms one-third of respondents attempted to measure the effectiveness of training within their firm (see Figure 2). This again indicates that some small tourism and hospitality firms are taking training seriously.


1. 原则之一:激励要因人而异 由于不同员工的需求不同,所以,相同的激励政策起到的激励效果也会不尽相同。即便是同一位员工,在不同的时间或环境下,也会有不同的需求。由于激 励取决于内因,是员工的主观感受,所以,激励要因人而异。 在制定和实施激励政策时,首先要调查清楚每个员工真正需要的是什么。将这 些需要整理、归类,然后来制定相应的激励政策帮助员工满足这些需求。 2. 原则之二:奖励适度 奖励和惩罚不适度都会影响激励效果,同时增加激励成本。奖励过重会使员工 产生骄傲和满足的情绪,失去进一步提高自己的欲望;奖励过轻会起不到激励 效果,或者使员工产生不被重视的感觉。惩罚过重会让员工感到不公,或者失 去对公司的认同,甚至产生怠工或破坏的情绪;惩罚过轻会让员工轻视错误的 严重性,从而可能还会犯同样的错误。 3. 原则之三:公平性 公平性是员工管理中一个很重要的原则,员工感到的任何不公的待遇都会影响 他的工作效率和工作情绪,并且影响激励效果。取得同等成绩的员工,一定要 获得同等层次的奖励;同理,犯同等错误的员工,也应受到同等层次的处罚。 如果做不到这一点,管理者宁可不奖励或者不处罚。 管理者在处理员工问题时,一定要有一种公平的心态,不应有任何的偏见和喜好。虽然某些员工可能让你喜欢,有些你不太喜欢,但在工作中,一定要一视 同仁,不能有任何不公的言语和行为。 1. 激励员工从结果均等转移到机会均等,并努力创造公平竞争环境。 举例来说,吴士宏在IBM从一个打扫卫生的人做起,一步一步到销售业务员, 到地区负责人,到中国区总经理,是什么原因呢?除了个人努力,还应该说 IBM良好的企业文化给了一个发展的舞台,那就是每一个人都有无限的发展机会,只要有能力就会有发展的空间,实现自我,这在很多企业是做不到的,这 种体制无疑会给员工莫大的激励作用。 2. 激励要把握最佳时机。 ——需在目标任务下达前激励的,要提前激励。 ——员工遇到困难,有强烈要求愿望时,给予关怀,及时激励。 3. 激励要公平准确、奖罚分明 ——健全、完善绩效考核制度,做到考核尺度相宜、公平合理。 ——克服有亲有疏的人情风。 ——在提薪、晋级、评奖、评优等涉及员工切身利益热点问题上务求做到公平。 4. 推行职工持股计划。


译文资料: 机器人 首先我介绍一下机器人产生的背景,机器人技术的发展,它应该说是一个科学技术发展共同的一个综合性的结果,同时,为社会经济发展产生了一个重大影响的一门科学技术,它的发展归功于在第二次世界大战中各国加强了经济的投入,就加强了本国的经济的发展。另一方面它也是生产力发展的需求的必然结果,也是人类自身发展的必然结果,那么随着人类的发展,人们在不断探讨自然过程中,在认识和改造自然过程中,需要能够解放人的一种奴隶。那么这种奴隶就是代替人们去能够从事复杂和繁重的体力劳动,实现人们对不可达世界的认识和改造,这也是人们在科技发展过程中的一个客观需要。 机器人有三个发展阶段,那么也就是说,我们习惯于把机器人分成三类,一种是第一代机器人,那么也叫示教再现型机器人,它是通过一个计算机,来控制一个多自由度的一个机械,通过示教存储程序和信息,工作时把信息读取出来,然后发出指令,这样的话机器人可以重复的根据人当时示教的结果,再现出这种动作,比方说汽车的点焊机器人,它只要把这个点焊的过程示教完以后,它总是重复这样一种工作,它对于外界的环境没有感知,这个力操作力的大小,这个工件存在不存在,焊的好与坏,它并不知道,那么实际上这种从第一代机器人,也就存在它这种缺陷,因此,在20世纪70年代后期,人们开始研究第二代机器人,叫带感觉的机器人,这种带感觉的机器人是类似人在某种功能的感觉,比如说力觉、触觉、滑觉、视觉、听觉和人进行相类比,有了各种各样的感觉,比方说在机器人抓一个物体的时候,它实际上力的大小能感觉出来,它能够通过视觉,能够去感受和识别它的形状、大小、颜色。抓一个鸡蛋,它能通过一个触觉,知道它的力的大小和滑动的情况。第三代机器人,也是我们机器人学中一个理想的所追求的最高级的阶段,叫智能机器人,那么只要告诉它做什么,不用告诉它怎么去做,它就能完成运动,感知思维和人机通讯的这种功能和机能,那么这个目前的发展还是相对的只是在局部有这种智能的概念和含义,但真正完整意义的这种智能机器人实际上并没有存在,而只是随着我们不断的科学技术的发展,智能的概念越来越丰富,它内涵越来越宽。 下面我简单介绍一下我国机器人发展的基本概况。由于我们国家存在很多其


文献信息: 文献标题:Challenges and opportunities affecting the future of human resource management(影响人力资源管理未来的挑战和机遇) 国外作者:Dianna L. Stone,Diana L. Deadrick 文献出处:《Human Resource Management Review》, 2015, 25(2):139-145 字数统计:英文3725单词,21193字符;中文6933汉字 外文文献: Challenges and opportunities affecting the future of human resource management Abstract Today, the field of Human Resource Management (HR) is experiencing numerous pressures for change. Shifts in the economy, globalization, domestic diversity, and technology have created new demands for organizations, and propelled the field in some completely new directions. However, we believe that these challenges also create numerous opportunities for HR and organizations as a whole. Thus, the primary purposes of this article are to examine some of the challenges and opportunities that should influence the future of HR. We also consider implications for future research and practice in the field. Keywords: Future of human resource management, Globalization, Knowledge economy Diversity, Technology 1.Change from a manufacturing to a service or knowledge economy One of the major challenges influencing the future of HR processes is the change from a manufacturing to a service or knowledgebased economy. This new economy is characterized by a decline in manufacturing and a growth in service or knowledge as the core of the economic base. A service economy can be defined as a system based on buying and selling of services or providing something for others (Oxford


重庆大学网络教育学院 学生毕业设计(论文)开题报告 一、课题的目的及意义(含国内外的研究状况分析): 近年来,随着国民经济的发展,市场竞争日益加大,再加上中国加入世贸组织,国 门逐渐打开,越来越多的国外企业在中国的市场上发展壮大,抢夺市场占有份额,对国内企业 造成了很大的冲击,特别是中小企业更难立足和发展,因此提高我们企业的竞争力迫在眉睫。 我们都是知道人才对于企业的生存和发展都有着重要的意义,并起着越来越重要的作用, 尤其对于我国的中小企业而言,由于其财力、物力有限,不可能与大企业比资金、比实力,因 而人才,尤其是优秀的人才对我国的中小企业的生存与发展就有着决定性的作用。但是,由于 社会、历史和自身等诸多因素的影响,人才在我国的中小企业中往往难以发挥自己的才能,人 才流失现象相当严重,往往自己培养的核心员工成为别人的得意助手,给企业带来了不可估量 的损失。中小企业如果想要获得长足发展必须在人才方面下功夫,应该将人才战略作为整个 企业发展战略的核心,但是中小企业在人才引进、聘用、培育、留守方面存在着种种的不利和 弊端,这些直接导致了企业请进了人才而又留不住人才的尴尬局面的出现。因此如何留住人才, 如何解决人才流失这一问题就显得尤为必要。 二、课题任务、重点研究内容、实现途径、条件: 本文主要利用文献研究方法,通过多种途径收集有关中小企业人才流失现状及对策的文献 资料。主要包括相关著作、期刊杂志以及相关网站查找资料,收集数据等多个关于人才流失的 的相关著作及论文,收集我国关于中小企业相关的文献资料及法律法规等。通过搜集和整理大 量的与中小企业人才流失相关的资料,在指导老师的指导和帮助下,分析中小企业在人力资源 管理中的人才流失问题,找出原因,并结合自己所学的知识、收集的资料并整理消化写成论文。 通过新颖的论点和想法来提出自己论文的创新点,并运用所学习的知识来补充和加工。本文 先阐述课题背景和目的,从而引出人才流失的研究现状,结合现状并运用课题的研究方法来分


Human resource management more and more drives value. Under the system that economy development mature, human resource management have to match with fight for the best resources performance, if out of character of the manpower form couples out of character of post, the resources performance be not only whole have no, or may have already exhaust. The modern economy stress balance and match, promote management effect and quality vegetable, will human resource match with make balance, the inside contents establish human resource structure frame, use most in keeping with of the person do most in keeping with of work. Establishment human resource terrace is a communication and collection information way, everyone's opinion comprehensive, give up short take long, with processing salary, welfare etc. affair. Human resource most the importance be a training and development, human resource development have to investment at training aspect, with exertive each stratum of human resource potential. 人力资源管理愈来愈被重视。在经济发展成熟的体系下,人力资源管理必须配合以争取最佳的资源效益,若将不适当的人力配对不适当的职位,资源效益不但全无,或可能有损耗。现代经济讲求平衡及配合,提升管理效能和质素,就要人力资源配合以作平衡,其中的内容是设立人力资源架构框架,用最适合的人做最适合的工作。建立人力资源平台,作为沟通及搜集信息管道,将各方意见综合,舍短取长,以处理薪酬、福利等事宜。人力资源最重要是培训及发展,人力资源发展必须投资在培训方面,以发挥各阶层的人力资源潜能。 发展简史 Generally say, the academic circles development of human resource experience: Personal management, human resource management be recently till now rise of manpower capital management. The main dissimilarity namely lay in the principle that company and business enterprise treat an employee of variety and development. 一般说来,人力资源在学术界的发展经历了:人事管理,人力资源管理,到现在新近兴起的人力资本管理。其主要不同即在于公司和企业对待职员的理念的变化和发展。


人工智能的形成及其发展现状分析 冯海东 (长江大学管理学院荆州434023) 摘要:人工智能的历史并不久远,故将从人工智能的出现、形成、发展现 状及前景几个方面对其进行分析,总结其发展过程中所出现的问题,以及发展现状中的不足之处,分析其今后的发展方向。 关键词:人工智能,发展过程,现状分析,前景。 一.引言 人工智能最早是在1936年被英国的科学家图灵提出,并不为多数人所认知。 当时,他编写了一个下象棋的程序,这就是最早期的人工智能的应用。也有著名的“图灵测试”,这也是最初判断是否是人工智能的方案,因此,图灵被尊称为“人工智能之父”。人工智能从产生到发展经历了一个起伏跌宕的过程,直到目前为止,人工智能的应用技术也不是很成熟,而且存在相当的缺陷。 通过搜集的资料,将详细的介绍人工智能这个领域的具体情况,剖析其面临的挑战和未来的前景。 二.人工智能的发展历程 1. 1956年前的孕育期 (1) 从公元前伟大的哲学家亚里斯多德(Aristotle)到16世纪英国哲学家培根(F. Bacon),他们提出的形式逻辑的三段论、归纳法以及“知识就是力量”的警句,都对人类思维过程的研究产生了重要影响。 (2)17世纪德国数学家莱布尼兹(G..Leibniz)提出了万能符号和推理计算思想,为数理逻辑的产生和发展奠定了基础,播下了现代机器思维设计思想的种子。而19世纪的英国逻辑学家布尔(G. Boole)创立的布尔代数,实现了用符号语言描述人类思维活动的基本推理法则。 (3) 20世纪30年代迅速发展的数学逻辑和关于计算的新思想,使人们在计算机出现之前,就建立了计算与智能关系的概念。被誉为人工智能之父的英国天才的数学家图灵(A. Tur-ing)在1936年提出了一种理想计算机的数学模型,即图灵机之后,1946年就由美国数学家莫克利(J. Mauchly)和埃柯特(J. Echert)研制出了世界上第一台数字计算机,它为人工智能的研究奠定了不可缺少的物质基础。1950年图灵又发表了“计算机与智能”的论文,提出了著名的“图灵测试”,形象地指出什么是人工智能以及机器具有智能的标准,对人工智能的发展产生了极其深远的影响。 (4) 1934年美国神经生理学家麦克洛奇(W. McCulloch) 和匹兹(W. Pitts )建立了第一个神经网络模型,为以后的人工神经网络研究奠定了基础。 2. 1956年至1969年的诞生发育期 (1)1956年夏季,麻省理工学院(MIT)的麦卡锡(J.McCarthy)、明斯基(M. Minshy)、塞尔夫里奇(O. Selfridge)与索罗门夫(R. Solomonff)、 IBM的洛

文献翻译 (2)

对行销售人员激励机制分析 1激励机制的描述 1.1激励理论主要是研究激发人们行为动机的各种因素。由于人类行为 的原动力是需要,因此这种理论实际上就是围绕着人们的各种需要来进行研究。主要包括马斯洛的赫茨伯格的双因素理论、奥尔德弗的“ERG”理论、需要层次理论和麦克利兰的成就需要激励理论。 1.2 过程型激励理论重点研究人从动机产生到采取行动的心理过程。 包括亚当斯的公平理论、佛隆的期望理论和斯金纳的强化理论。 二对行销售人员激励机制分析 美国心理学家佛隆在1964年首先提出期望理论,人之所以能够完成某项工作并达成组织目标,因为这些组织目标和工作会帮助他们达成自己的目标。根据期望理论,某一活动对某人的激发力量取决于他所能得到的结果的全部预期价值乘以他认为达成该结果的期望概率。这就要求要处理好三个方面的关系:绩效与奖励的关系、努力与绩效的关系、奖励与个人需要的关系,任何一个环节都不能出现问题,否则都会导致无效激励。 从以期望理论为代表的过程型激励理论与内容型激励理论的观点来看,激励过程的科学性和合理性、激励手段对销售人员个性化需求的满足程度构成了激励的两要素。由此看出,销售人员的激励机制确实有改进的必要。 三销售人员激励体制中不足原因 3.1激励方式单一,过分依靠货币等物质激励手段而忽视精神激励的重要作用,销售人员没有归属感,缺少团队凝聚力。即使在物质激励方面,也是“佣金制”和“提成制”的天下,收入的多少完全依据销售额或利润额的多少,无视死去差异和个人实际努力程度,激励不公现象十分普遍。 3.2晋升制度僵硬,论资排辈,讲资历而忽视能力,讲关系而忽视业务水平,人浮于事,优秀人才流失严重,已不再适应市场竞争的需要。 3.3多数企业没有完整的培训激励机制,企业只注重“挖人”而非培养,因而满足不了销售人员自我发展的需要。


员工激励机制外文文献 员工激励机制外文文献 有一个国外民意调查组织在研究以往二十年的数据后发现:在所有的工作分类中,员工们都将工资与收益视为最重要或次重要的指标。工资能极大地影响员工行为--在何处工作及是否好好干。 因此,如何让员工从薪酬上得到最大的满意,成为现代企业组织应当努力把握的课题。应该从以下方面把握: 一、为员工提供有竞争力的薪酬,使他们一进门便珍惜这份工作,竭尽全力,把自己的本领都使出来。 支付最高工资的企业最能吸引并且留住人才,尤其是那些出类拔萃的员工。这对于行业内的领先公司,尤其必要。较高的报酬会带来更高的满意度,与之俱来的还有较低的离职率。一个结构合理、管理良好的绩效付酬制度,应能留住优秀的员工,淘汰表现较差的员工。 二、重视内在报酬。 实际上,报酬可以划分为两类:外在的与内在的。外在报酬主要指:组织提供的金钱、津贴和晋升机会,以及来自于同事和上级的认同。而内在报酬是和外在报酬相对而言的,它是基于工作任务本身的报酬,如对工作的胜任感、成就感、责任感、受重视、有影响力、个人成长和富有价值的贡献等。事实上,对于知识型的员工,内在报酬和员工的工作满意感有相当之大的关系。因此,企业组织可以通过工作制度、员工影响力、人力资本流动政策来执行内在报酬,让员工从工作本身中得到最大的满足。 三、把收入和技能挂钩。

建立个人技能评估制度,以雇员的能力为基础确定其薪水,工资标准由技能最低直到最高划分出不同级别。基于技能的制度能在调 换岗位和引入新技术方面带来较大的灵活性,当员工证明自己能够 胜任更高一级工作时,他们所获的报酬也会顺理成章地提高。此外,基于技能的薪资制度还改变了管理的导向,实行按技能付酬后,管 理的重点不再是限制任务指派使其与岗位级别一致,相反,最大限 度地利用员工已有技能将成为新的着重点。这种评估制度最大的好 处是能传递信息使员工关注自身的发展。 四、增强沟通交流。 现在许多公司采用秘密工资制,提薪或奖金发放不公开,使得员工很难判断在报酬与绩效之间是否存在着联系。人们既看不到别人 的报酬,也不了解自己对公司的贡献价值的倾向,这样自然会削弱 制度的激励和满足功能,一种封闭式制度会伤害人们平等的感觉。 而平等,是实现报酬制度满足与激励机制的重要成分之一。 五、参与报酬制度的设计与管理。 国外公司在这方面的实践结果表明:与没有员工参加的绩效付酬制度相比,让员工参与报酬制度的设计与管理常令人满意且能长期 有效。员工对报酬制度设计与管理更多的参与,无疑有助于一个更 适合员工的需要和更符合实际的报酬制度的形成。在参与制度设计 的过程中,针对报酬政策及目的进行沟通、促进管理者与员工之间 的相互信任,这样能使带有缺陷的薪资系统变得更加有效。 六、增加意外性工资收入。 那什么时候你会感到手头宽松、阔绰?拿红包,还是突然得到一 笔奖金,或是股票赚了?--当你有了”额外″或″意外”收入的时候。 员工对薪酬的感觉同样如此。也就是说,当有了″正常收入以外”收入的时候,他们的满意度最高。 因此,管理者千万不要以为付出了一笔高薪就万事大吉,因为规律性不会提高员工对薪酬的满意度--这钱本来就是我该得的!


《文献检索》课程教学设计 目录 绪论:文献(信息)检索的意义及基础 (2) 项目一科技文献检索方法和图书馆的科学利用 (8) 项目二常见化学化工科技论文的写作 (11) 项目三美国化学文摘的使用 (14) 项目四专利文献的查询 (17) 项目五标准文献的查询 (20) 项目六计算机信息检索的应用 (23) 项目七信息检索策略综合应用训练 (26)


教学内容与设计 绪论:文献(信息)检索的意义及基础 自我介绍 提问一:你会检索吗? 如果会,那么会用检索以下毕业专题的相关资料吗? ?杜仲叶中绿原酸的提取分离 ?有机废水处理工艺设计 ?蚕丝蛋白制备工艺研究 ?铁矿石含铁量测定方法新工艺 ?基因工程干扰素生产工艺研究 提问的目的:突出检索技术直接是为毕业专题服务,这是一门技术。提问二:信息检索课是什么? 学生如是说: 文献检索课程是井底之蛙的升降机,是雄鹰的翅膀,是横跨天堑的桥梁。 针对某一课题,通过电子检索查阅有关资料,才知道知识的浩瀚,才知道世界的宽广,才知道“山外青山,楼外楼”。 它是我在大学期间所学的最重要,最有用的课程之一,有了它,我们将会受益终生。教会我们一种方法,一种主动 了解外界,提高自己,放眼世界的方法。 检索不仅是我们学习的制胜法宝,更是一条贯穿我们生活的红线。正因为有了这门课的学习,现在大脑的检索意识 就比较强烈,越搜越快!前几天,问同学借自行车,他告 诉我车子大致地点,是永久牌,有车栏,略有一点蓝。到 了现场,脑海中一下就有了先找有栏的,再找蓝颜色的, 最后确定是不是永久的,很快就找到了。 我爱检索,就像爱自己的生命一样。 最后我想说,我们是幸运的!我们学到了一门真正有用的课,它对我的影响和帮助将是伴随我一身的。 提问三:借鉴与创新的关系? 科学研究是“站在前人肩膀上”的事业,而创新又是科学研究的灵魂,即要求“前无古人”。 时间分配 2min 引导学生回答 8min 10min 通过往届学生对信息检索课的评价能够激起学生学习这门课的兴趣,也可以突出这门课对个人的作用。 10min 通过提问让学生


人工智能 【摘要】:人工智能是一门极富挑战性的科学,但也是一门边沿学科。它属于自然科学和社会科学的交叉。涉及的学科主要有哲学、认知科学、数学、神经生理学、心理学、计算机科学、信息论、控制论、不定性论、仿生学等。人工智能(Artificial Intelligence),英文缩写为AI。它是研究、开发用于模拟、延伸和扩展人的智能的理论、方法、技术及应用系统的一门新的技术科学。人工智能是计算机科学的一个分支,它企图了解智能的实质,并生产出一种新的能以人类智能相似的方式做出反应的智能机器,该领域的研究包括机器人、语言识别、图像识别、自然语言处理和专家系统等1。 【关键词】:人工智能;应用领域;发展方向;人工检索。 1.人工智能描述 人工智能(Artificial Intelligence) ,英文缩写为AI。它是研究、开发用于模拟、延伸和扩展人的智能的理论、方法、技术及应用系统的一门新的技术科学2。人工智能是计 算机科学的一个分支,它企图了解智 能的实质,并生产出一种新的能以人 类智能相似的方式作出反应的智能 机器,该领域的研究包括机器人、语 言识别、图像识别、自然语言处理和 专家系统等。“人工智能”一词最初 是在1956 年Dartmouth学会上提出 的。从那以后,研究者们发展了众多 理论和原理,人工智能的概念也随之扩展。人工智能是一门极富挑战性的科学,从事这项工作的人必须懂得计算机知识,心理学和哲学。人工智能是包括十分广泛的科学,它由不同的领域组成,如机器学习,计算机视觉等等,总的说来,人工智能研究的一个主要目标是使机器能够胜任一些通常需要人类智能才能完成的复杂工作。但不同的时代、不同的人对这种“复杂工作”的理解是不同的。例如繁重的科学和工程计算本来是要人脑来承担的,现在计算机不但能完成这种计算, 而且能够比人脑做得更快、更准确,因之当代人已不再把这种计算看作是“需要人类智能才能完成的复 1.蔡自兴,徐光祐.人工智能及其应用.北京:清华大学出版社,2010 2元慧·议当人工智能的应用领域与发展状态〖J〗.2008


一、激励理论的背景 在经济发展的过程中,劳动分工与交易的出现带来了激励问题。激励理论是行为科学中用于处理需要,动机,目标和行为四者之间关系的核心理论。行为科学认为人的动机来自需要,由需要确定人们的行为目标,激励则作用于人内心活动,激发,驱动和强化人的行为。哈佛大学维廉詹姆士研究表明:在没有激励措施下,下属一般仅能发挥工作能力的20%~30%,而当他受到激励后,其工作能力可以提升到80%~90%,所发挥的作用相当于激励前的3到4倍。日本丰田公司采取激励措施鼓励员工提建议,结果仅1983年一年,员工提了165万条建议,平均每人31条,它为公司带来900亿日元利润,相当于当年总利润的18%。由于激励的效果明显,所以各种组织为了提高生产效率,有些专家学者就开始了对激励理论的研究之中,探索激励的无穷潜力。 二、国外研究现状 国外对于激励理论有了大量的研究并获得了丰硕的成果。总体来说,可以分为两类激励理论。一类是以人的心理需求和动机为主要研究对象的激励理论,熟称“内容型激励理论”。另一类是以人的心理过程和行为过程相互作用的动态系统为研究对象的激励过程理论,它也被称作是“行为型激励理论”。 1 内容型激励理论 1.1 奠瑞的人类人格理论 这种理论认为,在面临着动态且不断变化的环境时,人们都是自适应的。它把需求分成了两种类型,即生理需求和心理需求。前者与人体基本生理过程的满足感有关,而后者所关注的是情绪上和精神上的满足感。 1.2 马斯洛的“需要层次”理论 美国心理学家马斯洛(A.H.Maslow)进一步发展了莫瑞的研究,在1954年出版的《动机与人格》一书中对该理论作了进一步的阐释。马斯洛认为人的需要可以划分为五个层次,从低到高依次为生理需要,安全需要,社交需要,尊熏需要,自我实现需要,且这五个层次的顺序,对每个人都是相同的。只有当较低层次的需要获得了基本满足后,下一个较高层次的需要才能成为主导需要。 1.3 赫茨伯格的激励—保健双因素理论 美国心理学家赫茨伯格因素理论打破了这一假设。他于1959年在《工作的激励》一书中提出了保健——激励因素理论,简称双因素理论。即保健因素和激励因素。保健因素可以用来体现高水平员工的不满意,激励因素可以用来体现高水平员工的满意度。他认为只有激励因素才能促发员工积极性,提高生产效率。 2 行为型激励理论 2.1 洛克的目标设置理论 2O世纪6O年代末,埃德温·A·洛克和他的同事们花了许多年的时间研究目标对于人类行为和绩效的效果。他们的研究导致了目标设置理论的创立并不断地得到验证,提出:指向一共同目标的工作意向是工作效率的主要源泉。他还提出了具体的设置目标的步骤。 2.2 亚当斯的公平理论 美国心理学家亚当斯(J.s.Adams)对员工受激励程度的大小与他人之间的关系进行研究,并在《工人关于工资不公平的内心冲突同其生产率的关系》(1962年与罗森合写),《工



Animation Animation is the rapid display of a sequence of images of 2-D or 3-D artwork or model positions to create an illusion of movement. The effect is an optical illusion of motion due to the phenomenon of persistence of vision, and can be created and demonstrated in several ways. The most common method of presenting animation is as a motion picture or video program, although there are other methods. Early examples An Egyptian burial chamber mural, approximately 4000 years old, showing wrestlers in action. Even though this may appear similar to a series of animation drawings, there was no way of viewing the images in motion. It does, however, indicate the artist's intention of depicting motion. Five images sequence from a vase found in Iran There is no single person who can be considered the "creator" of film animation, as there were several people working on projects which could be considered animation at about the same time. Georges Méliès was a creator of special-effect films; he was generally one of the first people to use animation with his technique. He discovered a technique by accident which was to stop the camera rolling to change something in the scene, and then continue rolling the film. This idea was later known as stop-motion animation. Early examples of attempts to capture the phenomenon of motion drawing can be found in paleolithic cave paintings, where animals are depicted with multiple legs in superimposed positions, clearly attempting to convey the perception of motion. An Egyptian burial chamber mural , approximately 4000 years old, showing wrestlers in action. Even though this may appear similar to a series of animation drawings, there was no way of viewing the images in motion. It does, however, indicate the artist's intention of depicting motion. A 5,000 year old earthen bowl found in Iran.It has five images of a goat painted along the sides. This has been claimed to be an example of early animation. However, since no equipment existed to show the images in motion, such a series of images cannot be called animation in a true sense of the word. A Chinese zoetrope-type device had been invented in 180 AD. The phenakistoscope, praxinoscope, and the common flip book were early popular animation devices invented during the 19th century. These devices produced the appearance of movement from sequential drawings using technological means, but animation did not really develop much


外文文献翻译原文及译文 (节选重点翻译) 人力资源战略与变革外文文献翻译中英文 文献出处:Handbook of Human Resources Management, 2015, pp 1-18 译文字数:5800多字

英文 Human Resources Strategy and Change: Competence Development in a Changed Environment Michiel Berg Abstract Building competence in a changing environment is a journey. It is a journey where it is essential to have communicated and envisaged a picture of the destination. The details of this envisaged picture will look different probably upon "arrival" at the end of the journey. However, communicating the destination is essential. It helps employees to understand what the direction is. It helps employees and managers to use existing competencies along the way. Moving ahead very often demonstrates unexpected strengths in colleagues one has not been aware of. Moving ahead with a plan can also show the team their current level of competence and the desired state of competence. Explaining and talking about these differences may often prove not to be that easy and clear for many involved. A changing environment shows also weaknesses of current practices, processes, and services. It requires strong managerial skills to keep discussions having a focus on the future and preventing these discussions to turn into complaint sessions of past events. Human Resources practices and processes are executed in a triangle of employees, managers, and


吸引和留住人才 来自:《承包商工具和供应》 吸引和留住人才的重要性 十多年前,美国一些先进的公司就预言将会出现严重的人力资源短缺问题。这样的预言在当今竞争越来越激烈的商界中已经得到验证。人力资源短缺几乎能影响所有的行业,因此企业雇主应当跳出传统陈旧的人力资源配置概念。当“新手”雇员加入工作岗位,必然有各种问题随之产生。因此,吸引和留住企业中的优秀雇员十分重要。高效率的雇员就是令人满意的雇员。这样的人能为企业创造更好的业绩。企业管理者有责任不断地营造能让人才乐意工作于其中的企业环境。 首先要确保新招募的雇员的素质,认定及留住资深雇员,再者就是发展有成长潜力的雇员。同时要关注表现欠佳的雇员,去了解这类员工是否分配到了不适当的工作岗位,明确公司有无提供具体清晰的工作要求让员工清楚自己的工作职责。如果员工的表现没有达到预期的要求,企业管理者应明确的反馈给员工知道。 大卫?格罗斯是Power&Control Automation 公司的客户代表。该公司是西门子公司在美国佛罗里达州和佐治亚州的主要分销商。他提出以下观点:“一个出色雇员的特点是忠诚,有责任心,有创意,注重细节——这是最重要也最难得的特性。除了福利和报酬之外,雇员还需要对公司有一份信心。他们希望确定为公司销售的产品是安全无害的,希望确定公司会在业界保持稳固地位。 格罗斯认为安全感是区分好企业与坏企业的一大特点。“优秀的雇员具有积极的态度和可培训性,他们有良好的工作记录,能与他们合作融洽。作为小型企业,我们可以更加灵活,并且我们很自豪能给雇员提供家庭般和谐友好的氛围,较有自我管理的风格。我们允许雇员处理个人事情但在过后补上该工作时间,我们提供的整套福利也很有竞争力。 优秀员工对公司的期望 任何行业任何公司里的雇员都对公司有以下几个方面的需求,以下各方面是根据重要性和受重视的程度降序排列的。 1、乐趣:工作的乐趣包括期待上班工作以及下班时感觉良好。具体的雇员对此有具体的不同感受。工作的乐趣对于雇员来说可能来自工作中的创意,成功的完成任务,看到自己的工作得到积极向上的结果,知道自己为别人做了一些贡献,或者得到来自他人的尊敬和认可。一个有创意的雇员会因为他的创意而成为一个高效率的人才。一个细心的雇员会乐意细致钻研。如果将一个技术骨干推到管理层的职位,则未必能令他成为一个高效率的人才。岗位责任分工与个人能力应当合理结合,才能实现最高的工作效率。


有关教学设计论文参考文献(中文索引20篇) [1]王家友.《运动起来会怎样(二)》教学案例--基于网络资源的小学科学教 学设计[J].小学科学(教师版),2014,(10). [2]刘艳艳.《沉与浮》教学设计[J].教育实践与研究,2014,(8). [3]杨世凤.谈新课程下的小学科学课堂教学设计[J].少儿科学周刊(少儿 版),2014,(7). [4]黄晓,孙丽伟.小学科学教学设计的规范化和学科化[J].全球教育展望, 2014,43(4):111-120. [5]陈磊.谈小学科学课堂教学设计模式之运用[J].赤子(中 旬),2014,(1):90. [6]吕笃康.基于问题学习模式的小学科学教学设计——以《水》教学为例[J]. 教学月刊(小学版)综合,2014,(1). [7]洪玉叶.基于个体差异的小学科学课堂教学设计[J].中国校外教育,2013, (25):113-114. [8]焦东林.浅谈小学科学实验教学的设计[J].科学大众(科学教育),2013, (1):67. [9]叶宝生.小学科学教学观察实验设计的依据和方法[J].课程教材教法, 2013,(12):68-72. [10]袁平.浅谈小学科学的有效教学设计[J].生物技术世界,2013,(9):121. [11]黄晓钰.支架式教学模式在小学科学中的教学设计[J].读与写(上,下 旬),2013,(9). [12]王军.论谈小学科学实验教学设计[J].数字化用户,2013,19(33). [13]汪丽,孙铭明.建构性教学策略在小学科学课堂教学设计中的应用[J].基 础教育研究,2013,(3). [14]胡俊.多媒体运用课——《心脏和血液循环》教学设计[J].科学大众(科 学教育),2013,(4). [15]王慧君.科学探究教学设计:依据、实施与评价[J].中国电化教育,2013, (9). [16]曹志刚.《运动的方式》教学设计[J]. 科学大众(科学教育),2013,(1). [17]张庆法.小学科学有效课堂教学设计的研究[J].小学科学:(教 师),2012,(7). [18]孙长华.《观察我们周围的材料》教学设计——小学科学三年级上册材料 单元第一课[J].小学时代(教育研究),2012,(12). [19]郑琳弋.小学科学课“声音的强弱与高低”教学设计[J].科学大众(科学教 育),2012,(2). [20]王利亚.小学科学教学的几点反思[J].新课程:教师,2012,(10). 有关教学设计论文参考文献(英文索引10篇) [1]Chun-Yen Chang, Hagmann, Johannes-Geert, Yu-Ta Chien, Chung-Wen Cho. Leveraging educational pathway to bridge in-school and out-of-school science
