
ADM Add Drop Multiplexer 分插复用器:AON Active Optical Network 有源光网络:APON ATM Passive Optical Network A TM无源光网络:ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line 非对称数字用户线:AA Adaptive Antenna 自适应天线:ADPCM Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation 自适应脉冲编码调制: ADFE Automatic Decree Feedback Equalizer自适应判决反馈均衡器:AMI Alternate Mark Inversion 信号交替反转码:AON All Optical Net 全光网AOWC All Optical Wave Converter 全光波长转换器:ASK Amplitude Shift Keying 振幅键控:ATPC Automatic Transfer Power Control自动发信功率控制:AWF All Wave Fiber 全波光纤:AU Administrative Unit 管理单元:AUG Administrative Unit Group 管理单元组:APD Avalanche Diode 雪崩光电二极管:BA Booster(power) Amplifier 光功率放大器:BBER Background Block Error Ratio 背景误块比:BR Basic Rate Access 基本速率接入:Bluetooth 蓝牙:C Band C波带:Chirp 啁啾:C Container C 容器:CSMA/CD Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection 载波侦听多址接入/碰撞检测协议:CSMA/CA Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance 载波侦听多址接入/避免冲撞协议:CNR Carrier to Noise Ratio 载噪比:CP Cross polarization 交叉极化:DCF Dispersion Compensating Fiber色散补偿单模光纤DFF Dispersion-flattened Fiber色散平坦光纤:DR Diversity Receiver 分集接收DPT Dynamic Packet Transport动态包传输技术:ODM Optical Division ltiplexer 光分用器:DSF Dispersion-Shifted Fiber 色散移位光纤:DTM Dynamic Synchronous Transfer Mode 动态同步传送模式:DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing 密集波分复用:DLC Digital loop carrier 数字环路载波:DXC Digital cross connect equipment 数字交叉连接器:EA Electricity Absorb Modulation电吸收调制器:EB Error Block 误块:ECC Embedded Control Channel 嵌入控制通路:EDFA Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier 掺铒光纤放大器EDFL Erbium-doped Fiber Laser掺铒光纤激光器:ES Errored Second 误块秒:ESR Errored Second Ratio 误块秒比:FEC Forward Error Correction 前向纠错:FWM Four-wave Mixing 四波混频:FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access 频分多址:FTTB Fiber to the Building 光纤到大楼:FTTC Fiber to the Curb 光纤到路边FTTH Fiber to the Home 光纤到户:FA Frequency agility 频率捷变:CSMF Common Single Mode Fiber 单模光纤:DSF Dispersion-Shifted Fiber 色散位移光纤:GE Gigabit Ethernet 千兆以太网技术:GIF Graded Index Fiber 渐变型多模光纤:GS-EDFA Gain Shifted Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier增益平移掺饵光纤放大器: GVD Group Velocity Dispersion 群速度色散:HPF High Pass Filter 高通滤波器:HRDS Hypothetical Reference Digital Section 假设参考数字段:IDLC Integrated DLC 综合数字环路载波:IDEN Integrated Digital Enhanced Networks 数字集群调度专网:IEEE 802.3: CSMA/CD局域网,即以太网标准。

缩写中文全称英文全称2G 第二代移动通信系统Second Generation of Wireless Communications Systems 3G 第三代移动通信系统 Third Generation of Wireless Communications Systems 3G-MSC 第三代移动交换中心3G Mobile Switch Center3GPP 第三代合作项目3G Partnership Project3G-SGSN 第三代服务GPRS节点3G Service GPRS NodeA/D 模数转换Analog-to-DigitalAAA 认证、鉴权和计费Authentication、Authorization and AccountingAB 地址总线Address BusABB 模拟基带Anolog BasebandAC 天线校准Antenna CalibrationAC 交流电Alternating CurrentACLR 邻道泄漏比Adjacent Channel Leakage RatioACPR 邻道功率比Adjacent-Channel Power RatioACS 邻道选择性Adjacent Channel SelectivityADC 模数转换器Analog-to-Digital ConverterADI 美国模拟器件公司Analog Devices InstrumentsAEP 有源方向图法Active Element PatternAFC 自动频率控制Auto Frequency ControlAFMS来音频信号AFPCB 音频电路板AGC 自动增益控制Automatic Gain ControlA-GPS 辅助全球定位系统AHB Advanced High Performance BusALC自动电平控制Automatic Level ControlALEV自动电平ALPS 高级线性规划系统Advanced Linear Programming System ALPS 相关逻辑并行运算系统Associative Logic Parallel System AMP放大器AMPS 先进移动电话业务Advanced Mobile Phone Service AMR Adaptive Multi-rate CodecAM-SAP 确认业务接入点ANT天线ANT/SW 天线开关AOA 到达的角度APC自动功率控制API Application Program InterfaceAPI 应用编程接口Application Programming InterfaceARFCH 绝对信道号ARQ 自动请求重发ASIC 专用集成电路Application Specific Integrated Circuit ASIC专用接口集成电路ASK amplifier shift keyingASM Antenna Switch ModuleASP application service providerAST-DET 饱和度检测ATM asynchronous transfer modeATM 异步转移模式ATMS到移动台音频信号ATPC 自动发送功率控制Automatic Transmit Power Control AUC 身份鉴定中心AUX 辅助数据通道Auxiliary Data ChannelAWGN additive white Gaussian noiseBAI Baseband and Audio InterfaceBAP 基带模拟处理器BB 基带BasebandBCCH 广播控制信道BCFE 广播控制功能实体BCH 广播信道Broadcast ChannelBER 误码率Bit Error RateBH 接力切换Baton HandoverBIAS-PA 功放信置BIAS-PD 推动偏置BIC 总线接口BLIGHT 背景灯BMC 广播/多播控制BPSK 二进制相移键控binary phase shift keying BS 基站Base StationBSC 基站控制器Base Site ControllerBT 高斯滤波器带宽与比特率之比BTS 基站收发器base transceiver stationBUZZ 蜂鸣器C/I 载干比CA 码分配CAI 公共空间接口CAMEL 移动网定制应用增强逻辑CBCH 小区广播信道CC 呼叫控制CCBS 用户忙呼叫完成CCH 公共传输信道Common Transport ChannelsCCITT 国际电话与电报咨询委员会International Telephone and Telegraph consultative committeeCCPCH 公共控制物理信道CCRR co-channel rejection ratioCCTrCH 编码复用传输信道Coded Composite Transport ChannelCDMA 码分多址code-division multiple accessCDPD Cellular Digital Packet DataCEPT 欧洲邮电管理委员会CG 计费网管Change Gate WayCIR 允许的信息速率Committed Information RateCM 连接管理模块CM 交叉调制Cross ModulationCMD California Micro DevicesCMM 控制管理维护模块CMOS 互补金属氧化物半导体complementary metal-oxide semiconductor CMRR common-mode rejection ratioCN 核心网子系统CNAP 主叫名显示CODEC 编码器/解码器COFDM 编码正交频分复用Code Or-thogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing CORBA Common Object Request Broker ArchitectureCPCH 公共物理信道CPLD 复杂可编程逻辑设备Complex Programmable Logical DeviceCQI 信道质量指示Channel Quality IndicatorCRC 循环冗余校验CTCH 公共业务信道CW 连续波continuous waveCWDM 粗波分复用Coarse Wavelength Division MultiplexingCWTS 中国无线通信标准Chinese Wireless Telecommunication StandardsDAB 数字音频广播Digital Audio BroadcastingDAI 数字音频接口Digital Audio InterfaceDARPA 美国国防部高级研究计划署DCA 动态信道分配技术Dynamic Channel AllocationDCCH 专用控制信道DCH 专用传输信道Dedicated Transport ChannelsDCIN 外接电源输入DCS distributed communications system or digital cellular system DCS1800 Digital Cellular System at 1800MHzDCU 数据计算单元Data Computation UnitDDC 数字下变频DDS 直接数字频率合成技术Dirrect Digital SynthesisDEC 网络范围内的数据保密性机制DECODER 解码器DECT 数字增强无绳通信系统digital European cordless telephone DEM 解调DemodulationDEMUX 分接DeMutiplexDF 抽取滤波器Decimation FilterDF 判决反馈Decision FeedbackDFMEA Design Failure Mode Effect and AnalysisDFMS 来数据信号DIF 数字中频DIO DSP I/O intercore blockDM 双模Dual ModelsDMA Direct Memory AccessDMAC DMA ControllerDOA 到达的方向Direction Of ArrivalDPCH 专用物理信道DPT 动态分组传输技术Dynamic Packet Transport DRA 动态资源分配Dynamic Resource Allocation DRNC 漂移无线网络控制器DRNS 漂移无线网络子系统DRP 数字射频DSCH 下行共享信道Downlink Shared Channel DSP 数字信号处理Digital Signal ProcessorDSS 数字信号处理子系统DSP Subsystem DTCH 专用业务信道DTMS 到数据信号DTV 数字电视Digital TVDUT device under testDVB-C 数字有线节目DVB-S 数字卫星节目DWDM 密集波分复用Dense Wavelength Division MultiplexingDwPTS 下链导引时隙Downlink Pilot Timeslot Physical ChannelEBI 外部总线接口External Bus InterfaceEBMM External Baseband Memory ModuleECC Emergency Call CodeECT 直接呼叫转移EDGE 改进数据率GSM服务Enhanced Data rate for GSM Evolution EEPROM 电擦除可编程只读存储器electrically erasable programmable read-only memoryEER Envelope Eliminaton RestorationEFR Enhanced Full-rate codecE-GSM Extended GSM frequency bandEIR 移动设备识别寄存器Equipment Identify RegisterEMC 电磁适应性electromagnetic compatibilityEMI 电磁接口electromagnetic interferenceEMI 电磁干扰External Memory InterfaceEPROM 电编程只读存贮器ESD 静电漏电Electro-static dischargeETACS 增强的全接入通信系统ETSI 欧洲电信标准委员会European Telecommunications Standards Institute EUIC 增强用户身份保密性EVITA+ 评估验证集成测试应用平台Evaluation Verification Integration Test Application PlatformEVM 矢量幅度误差EWC 增强无线联盟FACCH 快速随路控制信道FACH 前向接入信道Forward Access ChannelFCA 固定信道分配技术FCC 联邦通信委员会federal communications commissionFCH 频率校正信道FDD 频分复用frequency division duplexFEC 前向纠错Forward Error Correction.FEM 前端模块FER 误帧率frame error rateFET 场效应管field-effect transistorFH 跳频Frequency HoppingFHSS 跳频扩频frequency-hopping, spread spectrumFIFO 先进先出first-in, first-outFIR 有限冲激响应finite impulse responseFM 调频Frequency ModulationFN 闪烁噪声Flicker NoiseFPACH 快速物理接入信道FPLMTS 未来公共陆地移动通信系统Future Public Land Mobile Telecom System FSA 全球IC设计委外代工协会Fabless Semiconductor AssociationFSK frequency shift keyingFSM 有限状态机Finite State MachineFTA Final Type ApprovalFTMS Field Trial Mobile StationFU 功能单元Functional UnitGaAs 砷化镓gallium arsenideGaN gallium nitrideGDA Gate Way Design AutomstitionGFSK Gaussian filtered frequency shift keyingGGSN 通用分组无线业务网关支持节点GIF-SYN 双工中频GMM 通用分组无线业务移动性管理GMSC 网关移动交换中心GMSK Gaussian minimum shift keyingGP 保护时隙GPIB general-purpose interface busGPIO 通用输入输出General Purpose Input/OutputGPRS 通用分组无线业务General Packet Radio ServiceGPS 全球定位系统global positioning systemGSM 全球移动通信系统Global System for Mobile communication GTP 通用分组无线业务隧道协议HBT heterojunction bipolar transistorHDB3 三阶高密度双极性码Trinodal high density bipolar code HDR hardware defined radioHDTV 高清晰度电视High-definition TelevisionHEMT high electron mobility transistorHLR 归属用户位置寄存器HLR 归属位置寄存器HOOK 外接免提状态HPA 高功率线性放大器High Power AmplifierHRF 高通滤波器HRPD High Rate Packet DataHSCSD 高速电路交换数据high-speed circuit-switched dataHSDPA 高速下行链路分组接入High Speed Downlink Package Access HS-DSCH 高速下行共享信道High Speed Downlink Shared Channel HS-SCCH 高速下行共享信道的共享信息信道HTTP 超文本传输协议hypertext transfer protocolHW 硬件HardwareIC 干扰抵消(算法Interference CancellationIC 集成电路integrated circuitICD In-Circuit DebuggerICE In-Circuit EmulatorICTRL 供电电流大小控制端IDU 室内单元Indoor UnitIEMF 感应电动势法Induced Electromotive ForceIF 中频intermediate frequencyIIC/I2C Inter-Integrated Circuit (BusIM 互调intermodulationIM IP多媒体IM 相互调制Inter ModulationIMD 互调失真intermodulation distortionIMEI 国际移动设备识别码IM-MGW IP多媒体媒体网关功能IMS IP多媒体核心网子系统IMSI International Mobile Subscriber IdentityIMT-2000国际移动通信—2000 International Mobile Telecommunication for the 21st centuryInGaP indium gallium phosphideInP indium phosphideIOT Inter operability testIP 知识产权Intellectual PropertyIP internet protocolIPTV 互联网协议电视Internet Protocol TelevisionISCP 干扰信号码功率ISDN 综合业务数字网ISI 多径干扰ISM industrial, scientific, and medicalISUP 综合业务数字网用户部分ITS Incompatible Time Sharing SystemITU 国际电信联盟International Telecommunication UnionIWF 互通功能JD 联合检测Joint DetectionJPEG Joint Photographic Expert Group; glossy image compression format JTAG 标准检测访问接口与边界扫描结构LAC 位置区号LAL 位置区域识别码LAN 本地网络Local Area NetworkLCD 液晶显示器Liquid Crystal DisplayLCR 低码片速率Low Chip RateLDMOS laterally diffused metal oxide siliconLDO 低压差线性稳压器Low Drop Out RegulatorLINC Linear Amplification with Nonlinear ComponentsLLC Logical Link ControlLMDS 本地多点分配业务系统Local Multipoint Distribution ServiceLNA 低噪音放大器low-noise amplifierLO 本机振荡器local oscillatorLOG 逻辑LOGKED 锁机LOMC 本地操作维护中心LOS 信号丢失Loss of SignalLPF 低通滤波器low-pass filterLSI large scale integrationLTCC low-temperature co-fired ceramicLTE 本地终端模拟器Local Terminal EmulatorLTP 长期预测器LTPS 低温多晶硅Low Temperature Poly Silicon LVDS 低压差分技术Low Voltage Differential Signaling M&C 监控Monitor and ControlMAC 媒体访问控制(媒体接入层Media Access Control MAC 测量与控制Measurement and ControlMAI 多址干扰MAP 移动应用部分MBOA 多频段OFDM联盟MCC Mobile Country CodeMCP Multi Chip PackageMDM 调制解调MDS multipoint distribution systemsMDU 调制解调单元Modem UnitME Mobile EquipmentMexE 移动执行环境MF 匹配滤波器Matching FilterMGW 媒体网关MIPS Mega Instructions Per SecondMM 移动性功能管理模块MMDS multichannel multipoint distribution serviceMMI 人机界面Man Machine InterfaceMMIC 单片微波集成电路monolithic microwave integrated circuitMMS 多媒体信息服务Multimedia Messaging ServiceMMSE-BLE最小均方误差块均衡Minimum Mean Square Error Block Linear Equalizer MNC Mobile Network CodeMOM 矩量法Method of MomentMOSFET metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistorMP3 Audio Player 3 of MPEG 1 and 2MPEG Moving Picture Experts GroupMS 移动台Mobile StationMSC 移动交换中心MSIN 移动台识别码MSK 最小移频键控MSM Mobile Station ModemMTMRA 多发多收天线MTP 消息传输部分MUD 多用户检测Multiuser DetectionMUX 复分接器Multiplexer/DemultiplexerNAM 号码分配模块NAS 非接入层NBAP 节点B应用协议NCO 数控振荡器Numerically Control Oscillator NFR 陷频滤波测试Notch Filter RejectionNMS 网络管理系统Network management system NNMC 全国网管中心NRI 网络资源标识NTC Negative Temperature CoefficientNZIF Near ZIFODB 运营商闭锁业务ODU 数字微波收发信机Outdoor UnitOEM Original equipment ManufacturerOFDM 正交频分复用Orthogonal Frenquency Division MultiplexingOLED 有机发光显示器Organic Light Emitting DisplayOMC 操作管理中心Operation And Management CenterOMT 操作管理终端Operation And Management TerminalONSRQ 免提开关控制OO-VHDL 面向对象的VHDL Object Oriented VHDLOSA 开放业务接入OSR 过采样比Over Sampling RatioOTA 空中下载技术Over The AirOVSF 正交可变扩频因子Orthogonal Variable Spreading Factor OXCO oven controlled crystal oscillatorPA 功率放大器Power AmplifierPAE power added efficiencyPAN 个人接入网Personal Acess NetworkPAR peak-to-average ratioPAS 个人介入系统Personal Acess SystemPC 功率控制Power ControlPCB 印制电路板Printed Circuit BoardPCCH 寻呼控制信道P-CCPCH 主公共控制物理信道PCDE 峰值码域误差Peak Code Domain ErrorPCH 寻呼信道Paging ChannelPCM 脉冲编码调制pulse-code modulationPCN personal communications networkPCS Personal Communication SystemPCU 程序控制单元Program Control UnitPDA Personal Digital AssistantPDATA 并行数据PDC 个人数字蜂窝电话Personal Digital Cellular PDCP 分组数据汇聚协议Package Data Collect Protocol PDH 准同步数字系列Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy PDP Packet Data ProtocolPDPCH 分组数据物理信道PDSCH 物理下行链路共享信道PECL positive emitter-coupled logicPGA 可编程功率放大器Programmable Gain Amplifier PhCH 物理信道Physical ChannelPHEMT pseudomorphic high-electron-mobility transistor PHS 个人手持电话系统Personal Handy-phone SystemPI 外围设备连接Peripheral InterconnectPICH 寻呼指示信道PIN 个人识别码PIO 并行输入输出Parallel I/OPLL 索相环Phase-Locked LoopPLMN 公共陆地移动网Public Land Mobile NetworkPMIC 电源管理集成电路Power Management Integrated Circuit PMU 功率管理单元Power Management UnitPNMC 省级网管中心PRACH Physical-Random Access ChannelPRBS 伪随机二进制序列Pseudo-random Binary Pulse Sequence PROM 可编程只读存储器PS Philips SemiconductorPSAM 导频符号辅助调制Pilot Symbol Assisted ModulationPSK phase shift keyingPSTN 公用交换电话网Public Switching Telephone NetworkPVC 永久虚电路PVCO voltage-controlled oscillatorPWDM 极化波复用Polarization Wavelength Division Multiplexing PWM 脉宽调制Pulse Width ModulationQAM quadrature amplitude modulationQASK quadrature amplitude shift keyingQoS 服务质量要求Quality of ServiceQPSK 正交相移键控Quadrature Phase Shift KeyingRAB 无线接入承载Radio Access BearerRACH 随机接入信道Random Access ChannelRAM 随机存储器Random Access MemoryRAN 无线接入网RANAP 无线接入网络应用实体RAT Radio Access TechnologyRBER 残余比特误码率Remainder Bit Error RateRBW 中频分辨率带宽RCCC 并行级联分组码RF 射频Radio FrequencyRFADAT 射频频率合成器数据RFAENB 射频频率合成器启动RFCI RAB子码流组合指示RFDRXM 双路射频收模块Radio Frequency Double Receiver Module RFDTXM 双路射频发模块Radio Frequency Double Transmitter Module RFI 射频接口radio frequency interferenceRFIC 射频集成电路radio frequency integrated circuitRFID 射频标签Radio Frequency IdentificationRFTRXU 射频收发信机模块Radio Frequency Transceiver UnitRISC reduced instruction set computingRLC 无线链路控制RLP 无线链路协议RMS Record Management SystemRMS 均方根值RNC 无线网络控制器RNS 无线网络子系统ROM 只读存储器Read Only MemoryRRC 平方根升余弦Root-Raised CosineRRC 无线资源控制RRM 无线资源管理RRM 无线资源管理Radio Resource ManagementRSC 循环系统卷积码Recursive Systematic ConvolutionalRSCP 接收信号码功率 RSL 接收信号电平 Received signal level RSSI 接收信号强度指示 Received signal strength indication RSU 倒换单元 Redundancy Switch Unit RSVP 资源预留协议 RTK Real Time Kernel RTK-E Real Time Kernel, embedded RTT 无线传输技术 RU Resource Unit RX 接收机 Receiver RXIFN 接收中频信号负 RXIFP 接收中频信号正 RXON 接收开 RXVCO 收信压控振荡器 SA 智能天线 Smart Antenna SABP 服务区广播协议 SACCH 慢速随路控制信道 SAP 服务接入点 SAR 电磁波吸收比值 Specific Absorption Rate SAT 饱和度 SAW 地面声波 Surface Acoustic Wave SBDM "Swift" Baseband Digital Module SC 系统控制器 System Controller S-CCPCH 辅助公共控制物理信道 SCDMA 同步码分多址 Synchronous Code Division Multiplexing Access SCH 同步信道 Synchronization Channel SCIF 系统控制器界面 System Controller Interface SCLK 串行时钟 SCM 信号编码调制 signal code modulation SCTP 简单控制传输协议 SD Sigma Delta 调制 Sigma Delta Modulation SDAT 串行数据 SDCCH 快速随路控制信道 SDH 同步数字系列Synchronous Digital Hierarchy SDM 统计复用 Statistical Division Multiplexing SDR 软件定义无线电 Softwaer Defined Radio SDU 业务数据单元 SEMC 安全性管理中心Security Management Center SF 扩频系数 Spreading Factor SFDR 无杂散动态范围Spurs Free Dynamic Range SFN System Frame Number SGSN 支持 GPRS 的功能实体SGW 信令网关 SiGe silicon-germaniumSIM 用户识别模块 Subscriber Identity Module SIP 系统级封装 SIR 信干比Signal Interference Ratio SLIP 串行线路网际协议 Serial Line Internet Protocol SM 会话管理功能模块 SMCP "Swift" Multi-Chip Package Module SMMI "Swift"人机接口界面 "Swift" Man-Machine Interface Module SMOC 调制解调器 SMR specialized mobile radio SMS Short Message Service (Point-to-Point SMSCB Short Message Service Cell Broadcast SMT surface-mount technology or surface-mount toroidal SNDR 信号与噪声畸变比 Signal to Noise- Distorsion Ratio SNMP 简单网络管理协议 Simple network management protocol. SNR 信噪比 signal-to-noise ratio SoC 系统级芯片 SOC 信号操作控制器 Signal Operation Control SoC 片上系统(系统单芯片)System-on-Chip SOIC small-outline integrated circuit SONET synchronous optical network SPDT single-pole double-throw SPI 串行外围接口 Serial Peripheral Interface SRAM 静态随机存储器 SRB 信令无线承载 SRNC 服务无线网络控制 SRNS 服务无线网络子系统 SS 同步偏移控制符号 Synchronization Shift SS 辅助服务 Supplementary Service SSB single side band SSCF 具体业务协调功能 SSCOP 特定业务面向连接协议 SSPA solid state power amplifiers SSPA 固态功率放大器 Solid State Power Amplifier STM SDH 光同步传输模式 SVC 交换虚电路 SW 开关 SWDC 未调整电压 SW-RF 射频开关SYNSTR 频率合成器启动 TACS 全选址通信系统 Total Access Communications System TACS 全接入移动通信系统 TC 测试用例 Test case TCH Traffic Channel TCP transmission control protocolTDD-LCR Time Division Duplex – Low Chip Rate TDK 东京电气化学工业株式会社 Tokyo Dengikagaku Kogyo K.K TDMA time-division multiple access TD-SCDMA 时分同步码分多址技术 Time Division-Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access TE 终端设备 Terminal Equipment TEMP 温度监测 TETRA trans European trunked radio TF 传输格式 Transport Format TFC 传输格式组合 Transport Format Combination TFCI 传输格式组合指示 Transport Format Combination Indicator TFCS 传输格式组合集合 Transport Format Combination Set TFD 薄膜二极管 Thin Film Diode TFI 传输格式显示 Transport Format Indicator TFS 传输格式集合 Transport Format Set THD 总谐波失真 Total Harmonics Distortion TMEM TD-SCDMA Modem Emulation Module TMU Tandem Mailbox Unit TP 测试点 Test Point TPC 传输功率控制 Transmitter Power Control TrBK 传输块 Transport Block TrCH 传输信道 Transport Channel TSG 技术规范部 Technical Specification Group TSM TD-SCDMA System for Mobile communication TSMB Two-Slot Mother Board TTD Test, Trace and Debug (tool TTI 传输时间间隔 Transmission Time Interval TTL transistor — transistor logic TX Transmitter, Transmission TXC 发信控制 Transmitter Control TXCO temperature-compensated crystal oscillator TXVCO 发信压控振荡器 UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver / Transmitter UCA 均匀圆阵 Uniform Circular Array UE 用户终端 User Equipment UHF 超高频 UltraHigh Frequency ULA 均匀直线阵 Uniform Linear Array UM-SAP 非确认业务接入点 UMTS 公用移动电话系统 UniversalMobile Telecommunications Service UpPTS 上行导频时隙 USB 通用串行总线Universal Serial Bus USCH 上行共享信道 Uplink Shared Channel UTRAN 无线网络子系统 UWB 超宽带 Ultra WidebandVBW 视频分辨率带宽 VCXO 压控晶体振荡器 Voltage Control X-tal [Crystal] Oscillator VDSM 超深亚微米 Very Deep Submicron VHDL 高速集成电路硬件描述语言 VHSIC Hardware Description Language VHE 虚拟归属环境 VHSIC 高速集成电路Very High Speed Integrated Circuit VLR 拜访用户位置寄存器 Visiter Location Register VLR 拜访位置寄存器 VOFDM 正交矢量频分复用 Vector Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing VSAT 小孔径终端 very small aperture terminal (satellite service VSB 残余边带 vestigial side band VSWR 电压驻波比 Voltages Standing Wave Ratio WAD 无线广告业务 Wireless AD WAFI Walkthrough and Fagan Inspection WAP 无线应用协议 Wireless Application Protocol WBMP 无线位图Wireless Bitmap WCDMA 宽带码分多址技术 wideband code-division multiple access WD-CP 看门狗脉冲 WIFI 无线相容性认证 Wireless Fidelity WiMAX 全球微波接入互操作性 Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access WLAN 无线局域网wireless local area network WMF 白化匹配滤波 White Matching Filter ZF-BLE 迫零块均衡(算法) Zero Forcing Block Linear Equalizer ZIF 零中频 Zero Intermediate Frequency。

移动通信类缩写含义移动通信类缩写含义1. GSM(Global System for Mobile Communications)全球移动通信系统,是一种全球性标准的数字移动通信技术,广泛用于2G和3G方式通信系统中。
2. CDMA( Division Multiple Access)码分多址技术,是一种数字移动通信技术,广泛应用于3G和4G方式通信系统中。
3. WCDMA(Wideband Division Multiple Access)宽带码分多址技术,是一种3G移动通信技术,用于无线网络中实现高速数据和语音传输。
4. LTE(Long Term Evolution)长期演进技术,是一种4G移动通信技术,提供了更快的数据传输速度和更高的系统容量。
5. 5G(Fifth Generation)第五代移动通信技术,是当前最先进的移动通信技术,具有更快的速度、更低的延迟和更大的网络容量。
6. IMS(IP Multimedia Subsystem)IP多媒体子系统,是一种基于IP技术的移动通信网络架构,用于提供多媒体服务,如语音、视频和消息传输。
7. SIM(Subscriber Identity Module)用户身份模块,是一种存储用户信息的芯片卡,用于身份验证和存储用户的方式号码、联系人和短信等信息。
8. IMEI(International Mobile Equipment Identity)国际移动设备身份码,是一个全球唯一的方式身份码,用于识别方式设备的唯一性。
9. APN(Access Point Name)接入点名称,是一个标识移动网络的名称,用于方式连接互联网并访问移动网络的服务。
10. HSPA(High Speed Packet Access)高速分组接入技术,是一种3G移动通信技术,用于提供高速的数据传输和互联网访问。
11. VoLTE(Voice over LTE)LTE语音通话,是一种通过LTE网络进行的高质量语音通话技术,提供更快、更稳定的语音通信服务。

1. WLAN--Wireless Local Area Network, 中文名叫: 无线局域网2. WiFi--Wireless Fidelity ,是一种无线联网的技术(俗称:无线宽带)3. DT--Drive Test ,路测,是无线网络优化数据采集的方法。
4. CQT--Call Quality Test ,呼叫质量测试或定点网络质量测试5. GPS--Global Positioning System (全球定位系统)的简称6. KPI--Key Performance indicator 关键性能指标7. SIM 卡--Subscriber Identification Module 用户身份鉴别模件8. FTTH--Fiber To The Home 光纤到户9. Channel-- 海峡, 频道, 通道,通信中指信息传输的通道(信道)10. Frequency-- 频率,通信中特指无线信号的频率11. Mobile station-- 移动的设备,移动台,特指手机12. Base station-- 基站,用于接收和发送手机信号13. Short message-- 短消息,短信14. Communication-- 通信15. Network-- 网络16. Mobile community-- 移动通信17. 4G--G 是generation (一代)的简称,特指第四代移动通信技术18. Protocol-- 协议,网络之间互联遵循的规范Online--在线的,名词可指网游 On li ne bankin g--网上银行 Wireless--无线,通信领域范畴指的是无线电或无线电波 Broadcast--广播Cell--细胞;电池;蜂房的巢室;单人小室。
移动通信网络中 特指小区(基站信号覆盖的范围) Satellite Com mun icatio n-- 卫星通信Ch ina Mobile--中国移动 China Telecom--中国电信 China Unicom--中国联通 Opted fiber-- 光纤 Cable--电缆Man ageme nt--管理 DC--direct curre nt ,直流电AC--alternati ng curre nt,交流电 DT--Drive Test ,无线网络路测 CQT--Call Quality Test ,呼叫质量测试(通信里常称为拨打 测试) nee of work-- 工程验收Project startup -- 工程启动Prelimi nary in specti on-- 初验Con structi on quality-- 工程质量39. Project acco un ti ng-- 项目核算40. Engin eeri ng supervisi on-- 工程督导41. Project ma nager-- 项目经理42. Project engin eer--项目工程师43. Project completio n-- 项目竣工44. Un pack ing in specti on-- 开箱验货45. Time limit for a project-- 工期46. 抽样量化与编码:sampling,quantizing and coding47. 话路:speech channel 幅值:amplitude value48. 抽样频率:sampling frequency49. 抽样速率:sampling rate 脉冲流:stream of pulses50. 重复率:repetition rate 编码过程:coding process51. 模拟信号:analog signal52. 传输质量:transmission quality53. 数字通信:digital communication54. 数字传输:digital transmission55. 含噪声的环境:noisy environment56. 传输路由:transmission path57 信噪比:signal-to-noise ratio58.信号电平:signal levels 噪声功率:noise power59地面系统:terrestrial system60. 二进制传输:binary tra nsmissi on61. 反向操作:reverse operati on62.8-位码序列:8-digit sequenee63. 接受端:receiving termi nal 帧格式:frame format64. 同步字:synchronization word65. 串行接口serial in terface显示终端CRT term in al发送器与接收器tra nsmitter and receiver数据传输data tran smissi on数据流data stream闲置状态the idle state传号电平mark level空号电位space level起始位start bit停止位stop bitT 秒的持续时间durati on of T seco nds奇偶校检位parity bit错误标志error flag 传输错误tra nsmissi on error下降沿fallinf edge 符号间的空格in tersymbol space接收机的定时receiver timi ng 本地时钟local clock 磁带magnetic tape 控制比特con trol bit 逻辑1 电平logical 1 level二进制数据binary data通信卫星commu ni cati on satellite微波设备microwave facilities 调制器与解调器modulator and demodulator缓冲器buffer定时信号timi ng sig nals同步脉冲syn chr oni zati on pulses时隙time slot移位寄存器shift register传输媒体tra nsmissi on medium线形衰弱lin ear atte nuati on信息安全in formati on security键盘keyboard数据终端data termi nals网络资源:n etwork resource信息服务:in formatio n services远程终端:remote termi nals互联的系统:interconn ected systems命令:comma nd电子邮件:electro nic mail主机:host无线信道:wireless cha nnels搜索工具:search ing tools用户界面:user in terface存取:access文本信息:textual messages协议:protocol超文本协议:hypertext protocolthe 分布在全世界的计算机的巨大网络:gaint network of computers located all overworld主干系统:backb one system全国范围的网络:n atio nwild network电子会议:electro nic con fere nces实时对话:live con versati on最大的信息库the largest repository of the computers on the net 网络设备资源:n etwork facilities resources在网上的绝大多数计算机:the vast majority of the computer on the netUNIX 操作系统:the UNIX operating system在因特网和你的PC机之间传送数据的方法: a way to move data between theand your PC方便的搜索工具:the convenient search ing tools联网的超文本协议:the :n etwork hypertextprotoco l光纤通信:optical fiber commu ni cati ons光源:light source波长:wavele ngth激光器:laser色散:dispersi on传输介质:tran smissi on medium多模光纤:multi-mode fiber长途干线:lon g-houl trunks单模光纤:sin ger-mode fiber带宽:ban dwidth带宽用户:wideba nd subscriber纤维光学:fiber-optics商用技术:commercial tech no loge门限电流:threshod curre nt光检测器:photodetector波分复用:wavele ngth multiplex ing纤维光网络:fiber-optic network视频带宽:video ban dwidth长途传输:long dista nee tra nsmissi on中继距离:repeater spac ing已装光纤的总长度:the total len gth of in stalled fiber 长途通信系统:lon g-haul telecommu nicatio nsystem低衰减的石英纤维:the low-loss silica fiber波分复用:wavele ngth multiplexi ng带宽用户环路系统:widebe nd subscriber loop system多纤连接器:multifibre conn ectors设计寿命:projected lifetime光源:light source单模光纤:sin gle-mode fibre分布反馈式激光器:distributed-feedback laser信息容量:in formatio n capacity交换体系:switch ing hierarchy带宽业务:broadband services公用电信网public telecommu nicatio n n etwork本地环路local loop交换节点switching 1 nodeinternet双绞线 twisted pair外部呼叫 externalcall 二线连接 two wire connection收费中心 toll cen ter电路交换网 circuit-switch ing n etwork电话用户 telepho ne subscriber数据流量 data traffic链路 link中继线 trunk半双工的 half-duplex全双工的 full-duplex中间交换节点 in termediate switchi ng node音频电路voice-freque ncy circuit汇接交换机 tan dem switch拓扑 topology多媒体 multimedia交互环境in teractive en vior nment视频压缩 video compress in高清晰度电视 high defi ni tio n televisi on数字信号处理器 digital sig nal processor点播业务 on-dema nd services视频服务器 video servers全球通信 global commu ni cati ons灵活性 flexibility端到端的数字连接 en d-to-e nd digital conn ectivity开放网络 ope n n etwork语声编码voice en cod ing综合业务数字网 in tegrated services digital n etwork系统结构 in frastructure国际标准化组织 Intern ati onal Organi zati on for Stan dardizati on 通信载体 commu ni cati on carriers传输媒体 tran smissi on medium接口设备 in terface equipme nt带宽限制 ban dwidth limitati on 交换设备 switchi ng equipme nt语音编码 voice en cod ing脉码调制 pulse code modulati on基本接入 basic accessX.25协议 X.25 protocol电视信号 televisi on sig nals 宽带业务 n arrowba nd services基本接入 basic access端局 数字数据系统 digital data systemsend officeteleservicetelexradio waves grou nd antenna coaxial直接广播系统 direct broadcast systemvideo-on-dema nd in teractive services 交互式视频点播业务multimedia en virome nt 多媒体环境 visual images 视频图象hard disk storage 硬盘存储colour mon itor 彩显the standards of multimedia 多媒体标准 moti on pictures 活动图象consumer quality of video and audio 顾客质量的视频和音频 broadcast images 广播图象high defin ition televisi on 高清晰度电视 cod ing algorithms 编码算法digital sig nals processor 数字信号处理器 端到端的时延 en d-to-e nd delay抖动 繁忙小时 芯片技术 高清晰度电视 运行也维护 jitterpeak hourschip tech no logyhigh defi niti on televisi on operations and maintenance 现有的公用网络 the exist ing public 硬件、软件和应用 hardware,software 存储 storage n etwork and applicati ons 彩显 colour mon iter全活动图象 full motion picture视频编码器 visio n en coder字节 bytemixture of hardware,software and applicatio ns 硬件、软件和应用层 in teractive en vir onment 交互环境personal desk top computers video compressi on 视频压缩the vision encoder 视频编码器个人桌面电脑 电信业务 用户电报 无线电波 地面天线 同轴的。

一、基础知识1.1 信息的数字表示中文英文缩写信息information数字digital模拟analog二进制binary十进制decimal十六进制hexadecimal比特bit字节byte字word数据data编码encoding解码decoding1.2 多媒体信息与系统中文英文缩写多媒体multimedia文本text图像image音频audio视频video动画animation压缩compression解压缩decompression格式转换format conversion¹²³帧率frame rate⁴fps1.3 通信系统中文英文缩写通信系统communication system CS中文英文缩写发送端transmitter TX接收端receiver RX信道channel CH信号signal SG噪声noise NS调制modulation MOD解调demodulation DEMOD二、通信技术2.1 有线通信中文英文缩写有线通信wired communication WC电缆cable CB光纤fiber optic FO同轴电缆coaxial cable COAX双绞线twisted pair TP电话线telephone line TL网络线network cable NC屏蔽双绞线shielded twisted pair STP非屏蔽双绞线unshielded twisted pair UTP光纤到户fiber to the home FTTH 2.2 无线通信中文英文缩写无线通信wireless communication WC 无线电波radio wave RW微波microwave MW 红外线infrared IR可见光visible light VL激光laser LS射频radio frequency RF蓝牙Bluetooth BT 红外通信infrared communication IRC 可见光通信visible light communication VLC 射频识别radio frequency identification RFID 近场通信near field communication NFC 蜂窝移动通信cellular mobile communication CMC中文英文缩写卫星通信satellite communication SC全球定位系统global positioning system GPS2.3 网络通信中文英文缩写网络通信network communication NC计算机网络computer network CN局域网local area network LAN广域网wide area network WAN城域网metropolitan area network MAN互联网internet NET互联网协议internet protocol IP传输控制协议transmission control protocol TCP用户数据报协议user datagram protocol UDP超文本传输协议hypertext transfer protocol HTTP超文本标记语言hypertext markup language HTML统一资源定位符uniform resource locator URL网络地址转换network address translation NAT动态主机配置协议dynamic host configuration protocol DHCP 域名系统domain name system DNS三、新通信技术3.1 物联网中文英文缩写物联网internet of things IoT智能家居smart home SH 智能穿戴设备smart wearable device SWD 智能交通系统intelligent transportation system ITS智能电网smart grid SG智慧城市smart city SC 物联网协议栈internet of things protocol stack IoT-PS 物理层physical layer PHY网络层network layer NET传输层transport layer TRA应用层application layer APP 物联网应用协议internet of things application protocol IoT-AP 轻量级传输协议lightweight transport protocol LTP 约束应用协议constrained application protocol CoAP中文英文缩写消息队列遥测传输协议message queue telemetry transport protocol MQTT 物联网安全internet of things security IoT-S 物联网隐私保护internet of things privacy protection IoT-PP3.2 云计算中文英文缩写云计算cloud computing CC云服务提供商cloud service provider CSP云服务用户cloud service user CSU公有云public cloud PC私有云private cloud PC社区云community cloud CC云服务模式cloud service model CSM基础设施即服务infrastructure as a service IaaS平台即服务platform as a service PaaS软件即服务software as a service SaaS函数即服务function as a service FaaS云计算架构cloud computing architecture CCA云端cloud CLD边缘edge EDG3.3 大数据中文英文缩写大数据big data BD数据源data source DS数据清洗data cleaning DC数据转换data transformation DT数据存储data storage DS数据仓库data warehouse DW数据湖data lake DL数据分析data analysis DA数据挖掘data mining DM数据可视化data visualization DV数据安全data security DS数据隐私保护data privacy protection DPP。

1.2G:第二代移动通信技术(Second Generation)2G网络推出于20世纪90年代,提供了数字语音通信和简单的数据传输功能。
2.3G:第三代移动通信技术(Third Generation)3G网络推出于21世纪初,提供了更高速的数据传输功能,支持移动互联网应用。
3.4G:第四代移动通信技术(Fourth Generation)4G网络推出于2010年,具备更高的数据传输速度和更低的延迟,支持高清视频和复杂的互联网应用。
4.5G:第五代移动通信技术(Fifth Generation)5G网络是当前最新的移动通信技术,提供了更高的速度、更低的延迟和更大的网络容量,支持了更多复杂的应用场景,如物联网和智能交通系统。
5.CDMA:码分多址技术(Code Division Multiple Access)CDMA是一种数字通信技术,允许多个用户同时在同一频率上进行通信。
6.GPRS:通用分组无线服务(General Packet Radio Service)GPRS是一种2G网络技术,允许移动设备通过分组交换方式进行数据传输。
7.LTE:长期演进(Long Term Evolution)LTE是一种4G网络技术,提供高速数据传输和更低的延迟,为后续5G网络的发展打下基础。
8.MIMO:多输入多输出(Multiple-Input Multiple-Output)MIMO是一种天线技术,通过多个发射和接收天线来提高传输速度和网络容量。
9.SIM卡:用户识别模块(Subscriber Identity Module)SIM卡是一种移动通信设备中的可移动芯片,用于存储用户信息和身份认证。
10.VoIP:网络语音(Voice over Internet Protocol)VoIP是一种通过互联网传输语音的技术,可以实现网络方式、视频通话等功能。

移动通信类缩写含义移动通信类缩写含义一、GSM类缩写1. GSM:全球移动通信系统(Global System for Mobile Communications)- 简介:GSM是一种全球标准的数字蜂窝方式技术,用于移动方式和数据传输。
2. SIM:用户识别模块(Subscriber Identity Module)- 简介:SIM卡是一种嵌入式智能卡,用于存储移动用户的身份信息和个人数据。
3. UMTS:通用移动通信系统(Universal Mobile Telecommunications System)- 简介:UMTS是第三代移动通信标准,支持高速数据传输和多媒体应用。
4. HSPA:高速分组接入(High Speed Packet Access)- 简介:HSPA是一种通信协议,提供了高速数据传输和网络接入的能力。
5. LTE:长期演进(Long-Term Evolution)- 简介:LTE是一种4G无线通信技术,提供了高容量和高速率的移动通信服务。
二、CDMA类缩写1. CDMA:码分多址(Code Division Multiple Access)- 简介:CDMA是一种数字通信技术,通过将数据编码为码片进行传输和接收。
2. EV-DO:增强型数据传输优化(Evolution-Data Optimized)- 简介:EV-DO是一种CDMA网络技术,用于高速数据传输和移动宽带接入。
3. WCDMA:宽带码分多址(Wideband Code Division Multiple Access)- 简介:WCDMA是一种广泛使用的3G移动通信技术,提供高速数据传输和语音通信。
4. CDMA2000:CDMA第二代(Code Division Multiple Access 2000)- 简介:CDMA2000是一种CDMA网络技术,提供高速数据传输和语音通信。
三、TD-SCDMA类缩写1. TD-SCDMA:时分同步码分多址(Time Division-Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access)- 简介:TD-SCDMA是一种中国自主发展的3G移动通信技术,用于高速数据传输和语音通信。

一. 网络通信缩写1. HTTP:超文本传输协议(Hypertext Transfer Protocol)HTTP是一种用于在Web浏览器和Web服务器之间传输超文本的协议。
2. IP:互联网协议(Internet Protocol)IP用于将数据包从一个网络节点传输到另一个网络节点。
3. WiFi:无线保真(Wireless Fidelity)WiFi是用于在无线设备之间传输数据的技术。
4. DNS:域名系统(Domain Name System)DNS将域名转换为与之关联的IP地址。
5. VoIP:网络电话(Voice over Internet Protocol)VoIP是一种通过互联网进行语音通信的技术。
二. 电信通信缩写1. PSTN:公共交换电话网(Public Switched Telephone Network)PSTN是传统电话网络,用于进行电话通信。
2. ISDN:综合业务数字网(Integrated Services Digital Network)ISDN是一种数字电话线路,可以同时传输语音和数据。
3. SMS:短消息服务(Short Message Service)SMS用于在移动设备之间发送短信。
4. MMS:多媒体消息服务(Multimedia Messaging Service)MMS用于在移动设备之间发送包含图像、音频和视频的消息。
5. SIM:用户身份模块(Subscriber Identity Module)SIM是嵌入在移动设备中的芯片,用于存储用户信息和身份验证。
三. 通信设备缩写1. LAN:局域网(Local Area Network)LAN是一种用于在有限地理范围内连接多个设备的网络。
2. WAN:广域网(Wide Area Network)WAN是一种连接较大地理范围内的设备的网络。

9.HSPA:高速数据封装访问,一种基于WCDMA技术的增强型3G 移动通信技术,提供更高的数据传输速率。

移动通信技术名词英文解释DRIFTED BY 417903263(fyt11111@)动态范围: Dynamic range频率偏值: Frequency offset符号率:Symbol rate码域功率:code domain power频分多址: Frequency Division Multiple Access码分多址: Code Division Multiple Access时分多址: Time Division Multiple Access沃什码:Walsh code误码率:Bit Error Rate,BER帧误码率:Frame Error Rate,FER循环冗余码:Cyclic Redundancy Code,CRC时序分析:timing analyze门限:threshold非同步模式:Asynchronous Mode同步模式:Synchronous Mode邻道功率:ACP D――Adjacent Channel Power先进移动电话业务:AMPS---Advanced Mobile Phone Service组织协会:ANSI --- American National Standard Institute 美国国家标准局BPT --- British Post and Telecommunication Standard 英国邮政与电信标准CCIR --- International Radio Consultative Committee 国际无线电咨询委员会CCITT --- International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee 国际/电报咨询委员会CEPT --- Conference of European Post and Telecommunication Administrat ions欧洲邮电行政会议EIA --- Electronic Engineers Association 电子工业协会美ETSI --- European Telecommunication Standards Institute欧洲电信标准委员会FCC --- Federal Communications Commission联邦通信委员会美IEC --- International Electrotechnics Committee国际电工委员会IEE --- Institution of Electrical Engineers电气工程师协会英IEEE--- Institution of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, INC电气与电子工程师协会美ITU --- International Telecommunication Union 国际电信联盟联合国MPT --- Ministry of Post and telecommunications邮政与电信部英TIA --- Telecommunications Industries Association电信工业协会美WARC --- World Administrative Radio Conference世界无线电行政大会ZVEI --- Zentralverband der Electechnischen Industrie电气工业中央协会德ACP --- Adjacent Channel Power邻道功率AMPS --- Advanced Mobile Phone Institute先进移动电话业务APOC --- Advanced Paging Operator Code先进寻呼操作码AVL --- Average Voice Level平均话音电平BSC --- Base Site Controller基站控制器CDMA --- Code Division Mulitiple Code码分多址CDPD --- Cellular Digital Packet Data蜂窝分组数据系统CSC --- Cell Site Controllor小区控制器DCCH --- Digital Control Channel数字控制信道DECT --- Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications数字增强无绳电话EDACS --- Enhanced Digital Access Communications System加强的数字接入通信系统ERMES --- European Telecommunications Standards Institute欧洲无线电信息系统ESN --- Electronics Serial Number电子串号FDR --- Frequency Domain Reflectometry频域反射计FLEX --- Flexible Paging System可变速寻呼系统FOCC --- Forward Control Channel前向控制信道FVC --- Forward Voice Channel前向话音信道GSC --- Golay Sequential Coding格雷码GSM --- Global System for Mobile Communications全球移动通信系统IBASIC --- Instrument BASIC仪器BASIC语言IDC --- Instantaneous Deviation Control瞬时频偏控制IMSI --- International Mobile Station Identify国际移动台识别号码LNA --- Low Noise Amplifier低噪声放大器LPF/HPF --- Low/High Pass Filter低通/高通滤波器LSB/USB --- Lower/Upper Side Band下/上边带MCC --- Mobile Country Code移动业务国家号码MCS --- Mobile Control Station移动控制站MIN --- Mobile Identification Number移动识别码MNC --- Mobile Network Code移动电话网号码MSC ---Mobile Switching Center移动交换中心MSIN --- Mobile Station Identification Number移动台识别码MTSO --- Mobile Telephone Switching Office移动电话交换局NMSI --- National Mobile Station Identify国内移动台识别号码NMT --- Nordic Mobile Telephone北欧移动电话系统OTP --- One Time Programmable一次性编程PDC --- Personal Digital Cellular个人数字蜂窝系统PHS --- Personal Handy-Phone System个人手持电话系统PSTN --- Public Switching Telephone Network公用交换电话网RECC --- Reverse Control Channel反向控制信道RVC --- Reverse Voice Channel反向话音信道RSSI --- Receiced Signal Strength Indicator接收信号场强指示SCC --- Signalling Channel Controller信令信道控制器SCM --- Station Class Mark移动台级别标志SID --- Syste Indentification Number系统识别号TACS --- Total Access Communications System全选址通信系统TDMA --- Time Division Multiple Access时分多址UUT --- Under Unit Test被测单元VCC --- Voice Channel Controller话音信道控制器VSWR --- Voltages Standing Wave Ratio电压驻波比--欢迎各位光临科技教育->移动通信(Mobile_Comm)版面/cgi-bin/showfile?name=gal_zm_ext_1.jpgEDGE技术1997年,爱立信公司向ETSI(欧洲电信标准委员会)提出了EDGE的可行性研究方案,并在同年得到认可。

通信常用缩写以下按照缩写的首字母排列:3GPP the third generation partnership project 第三代伙伴项目AAA authentication authorization and accounting认证、授权、计费AMR adaptive modulation rate 自适应调制速率AP access point 无线接入点AMPS adcanced mobile phone services 高级移动电话服务AAL ATM adaption layer ATM适配层ATM asychronous transfer mode异步传输模式B-ISDN broadband integrated services digital network综合服务数字宽频网BCC block control check 快控制校验BSC binary sychronou scommunication二进制同步通信BTS base transceiver station 无线电收发基站CB citizen band 民用波段C/S client server客户机、服务器CAPEX capital expenditure 资本性支出DTE data terminal equipment 数据终端设备DSL digital subcriber line 数据用户线DCS digital cellular sustem 数字蜂窝系统DHCP dynamic host configuration protocol 动态主机配置协议DLE data link escape数据链路逃逸DQDB distributed queue dual bus分布式列队双总线ETSI european telecommunication standands institute欧洲电信标准协会EDGM enhanced data rate for gsm evolution 增强型数据速率EDGE enhanced data for GSM evaluation 增强型数据GSM引进技术FDDI fiber distributed data interface光纤分布式数据接口GSM groupe special mobile\global system for mobile communication全球移动通信服务GPRS general packet radio service通用无线分组业务GERAN GSM/EDGE radio access networkHSSI high speed senrial interface高速串口HSCSD high speed circuit switch data高速电路交换数据HTTP hyper text transfer protocol 超文本传输协议IMS Internet multicasting service 多路广播服务ITU international telecommunication Union 国际电信联盟电信标准部门(TSS,即ITU-T)、无线电通信部门(RS,即ITU-R)和电信发展部门(TDS,即ITU-D)IMT international mobile telecommunications 国际移动通信联盟ISP Internet service provider移动运营商ICI inter carrier interference 载波间干扰IP interner protocol网际协议local\ metropolitan\ wide area network局域/城域/广域网location areas 位置区IDEN integrated digital enhanced network集成数字增强网络IM instant message 即时通讯MMS multimedia message services多媒体信息服务MS mobile station 移动站MLS multiprotocol label switch 多协议标签交换MSC mobile switch center 移动交换中心MGW media gate way 媒体网关NTT nippon teleprap and teleplane public corporationOPEX operating expenditure cost运营成本ODRS call detail records通话详细清单PCMCIA personal computer memory card international association个人计算机内存国家联合会PCS personal communication service个人通信服务PLMN public land mobile nerwork 公用陆地移动网PSTN public switched telephone network 公用电话网PDS personal digital assistant 掌上电脑、个人数字助手PDC personal communication services 个人通信服务PVC permanent virtual counection 永久虚电路PDC personal digital cellular个人数字蜂窝电话系统PDP packet data protocol分组数据协议PDCP packet data convergence protocol 分组数据汇聚协议PWLAN public wireless local area network公共无线局域网QoS quality of service 服务质量RAN radio assess network无线接入网RNC radio network controller 无线网络控制器RoI return on investment投资回报率RANAP radio access network application partRTP realtime transport protocol 实时传输协议synchronization character 同步sychronous data link control同步数据链路控制规范system network architecture 系统网络体系结构sychronous optical network 同步光纤网subscriber identity module 用户身份模块short message services\storage 存储 message systemsvc switch vitual circuit 开关\交换虚拟电路sychronous digital Sequence同步数字序列SIP session initiation protocol 会话启动协议total access communication sustem 全球入网通信系统TDM time division multiplexing时分多路复用universal mobile telecommunication system 通用移动通信系统URL uniform resource locator 统一资源定位器UTRAN UMTS ferritorid radio access network UMTS陆上无线接入网VPN virtual private network 虚拟专业网ADM Add Drop Multiplexer 分插复用器:AON Active Optical Network 有源光网络:APON ATM Passive Optical Network A TM无源光网络:ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line 非对称数字用户线: AA Adaptive Antenna 自适应天线:ADPCM Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation 自适应脉冲编码调制:ADFE Automatic Decree Feedback Equalizer自适应判决反馈均衡器:AMI Alternate Mark Inversion 信号交替反转码:AON All Optical Net 全光网AOWC All Optical Wave Converter 全光波长转换器:ASK Amplitude Shift Keying 振幅键控:ATPC Automatic Transfer Power Control自动发信功率控制:AWF All Wave Fiber 全波光纤:AU Administrative Unit 管理单元:AUG Administrative Unit Group 管理单元组:APD Avalanche Diode 雪崩光电二极管:BA Booster(power) Amplifier 光功率放大器:BBER Background Block Error Ratio 背景误块比:BR Basic Rate Access 基本速率接入:Bluetooth 蓝牙:C Band C波带:Chirp 啁啾:C Container C 容器:CSMA/CD Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection 载波侦听多址接入/碰撞检测协议:CSMA/CA Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance 载波侦听多址接入/避免冲撞协议:CNR Carrier to Noise Ratio 载噪比:CP Cross polarization 交叉极化:DCF Dispersion Compensating Fiber色散补偿单模光纤DFF Dispersion-flattened Fiber色散平坦光纤:DR Diversity Receiver 分集接收DPT Dynamic Packet Transport动态包传输技术:ODM Optical Division ltiplexer 光分用器:DSF Dispersion-Shifted Fiber 色散移位光纤:DTM Dynamic Synchronous Transfer Mode 动态同步传送模式: DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing 密集波分复用:DLC Digital loop carrier 数字环路载波:DXC Digital cross connect equipment 数字交叉连接器:EA Electricity Absorb Modulation电吸收调制器:EB Error Block 误块:ECC Embedded Control Channel 嵌入控制通路:EDFA Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier 掺铒光纤放大器EDFL Erbium-doped Fiber Laser掺铒光纤激光器:ES Errored Second 误块秒:ESR Errored Second Ratio 误块秒比:FEC Forward Error Correction 前向纠错:FWM Four-wave Mixing 四波混频:FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access 频分多址:FTTB Fiber to the Building 光纤到大楼:FTTC Fiber to the Curb 光纤到路边FTTH Fiber to the Home 光纤到户:FA Frequency agility 频率捷变:CSMF Common Single Mode Fiber 单模光纤:DSF Dispersion-Shifted Fiber 色散位移光纤:GE Gigabit Ethernet 千兆以太网技术:GIF Graded Index Fiber 渐变型多模光纤:GS-EDFA Gain Shifted Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifier增益平移掺饵光纤放大器: GVD Group Velocity Dispersion 群速度色散: HPF High Pass Filter 高通滤波器:HRDS Hypothetical Reference Digital Section 假设参考数字段: IDLC Integrated DLC 综合数字环路载波:IDEN Integrated Digital Enhanced Networks 数字集群调度专网:IEEE 802.3: CSMA/CD局域网,即以太网标准。

信息通信技术英文术语缩写大全A1. ASON 自动交换光网络,也称智能光网络。
2. ATM 异步转移模式3. ATM+IP 综合ATM与IP的多业务交换4. A3/前景展望正面5. A2/前景展望稳定6. A+体验行动A+是对中国移动全球通优质业务和服务的描述,代表全球通的整合优势。
“A”就是优秀、领先,代表全球通所有的服务和业务是先进的优质的、是从消费者需求而来应需而生的;“+”代表全球通细微的优势差异,同时“+”还代表着全球通业务将不断优化,“A +”服务将成就客户的“我能”价值。
7. ARPU 每用户平均收益8. ADSL 非对称数字用户线9. APEC 亚太经合组织B1. BOSS 业务运营支撑系统C1. CNGI 中国下一代互联网2. CDMA 码分多址3. CNNIC 中国互联网络信息中心4. CNCERT/CC 国家计算机网络应急技术处理协调中心5. CDMA2000 码分多址2000(3G标准之一)6. CN ChinaNet7. CRM 客户关系管理D1. DWDM 密集波分复用2. DTG PDA文档处理软件(Document to Go)3. DSL 数字用户线4. DDN 数字数据网E1. EV-DO CDMA2000功能增强版(Evolution Data Optimized)2. EMS 邮政特快专递/增强型短信服务……3. EPON 以太无源光网络4. ENVM5. ERP 企业资源计划F1. FTTH 光纤到户2. FocOne 中国电信推出的“FocOne全球一站服务”3. FR 帧中继G1. GPRS 通用分组无线业务2. GPS 全球定位系统3. GOTA 中兴提出的基于cdma2000 1x的数字集群技术(Global OpenTrunking Architecture)4. GT800 华为提出的基于GSM的数字集群技术5. 3G 第三代移动通信系统6. GSM 全球移动通信系统7. GSM-R GSM for Railway(铁路)8. 3GPP 第三代合作伙伴计划(组织)9. GPS+GSM/SMS/GPRSH1. HSDPA 高速下行分组接入技术2. HHI 赫尔芬达-赫希曼指数3. HSUPA 高速上行分组接入技术4. HSPA 高速分组接入技术I1. IDC 互联网数据中心2. ISP 互联网服务提供商3. IPv6 新一代互联网协议4. IMS IP多媒体子系统5. IP centrex Centrex是一种集中交换业务,又称虚拟交换机,是数字程控交换机所具有的一种功能。

4B/3D(code)——4 Binary/3 ternary (code)4二进制/3三电平(码)AA/D——Analog/Digital数/模AAL-—ATM adaptation layer ATM适配层AC. ac。
-—Alternating Current 交流ACK——ACKnowledge确认ADC-—Application data center集中托管式数据应用中心-—Analog—to-Digital Converter模拟/数字转换器(模数变换器)ADPCM-—Adaptive DPCM自适应差分脉(冲编)码调制ADPCM-—Adaptive DPCM自适应差分脉冲编码调制ADSL--Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line非对称数字用户环路ADSL—-Asymmetric Digital Subscribers Loop非对称数字用户环路AM——Amplitude Modulation 幅度调制、调幅AM——Amplitude Modulation振幅调制(调幅)AMI——Alternate Mark Inverse传号交替反转ANSI--American National Standards Institute美国国家标准学会APK -—Amplitude Phase Keying幅相键控APT--the Advanced Packaging Tool Ubuntu软件包管理系统的高级界面ARQ--Automatic Repeat reQuest自动要求重发ASCII-—American Standard Code for Information Interchange美国标准信息交换码ASIC-—Application Specific Integrated Circuit专用集成电路ASK—-Amplitude Shift Keying振幅键控AT&T--American Telephone & Telegraph美国电话电报公司ATM-—Automated Tellermachine自动取款机—-Asynchronous Transfer Mode 异步转移(传递)模式AU--Administration Unit管理单元AUG—-Administration Unit Group管理单元群BBCD--Binary Coded Decimal二十进制B-ISDN--Broadband ISDN宽带综合业务数字网BPF-—Bandpass Filter带通滤波器BRAN—-Broadband Radio Access Network宽带射频接入网BRI--Basic Rate Interface基本速率接口CCAS——Channel Associated Signaling随路信令CCITT—-Consultive Committee for International Telegraph and Telephone国际电报电话咨询委员会C—-Container容器CCS-—Common Channel Signaling共路信令CDMA——Code Division Multiple Access码分多址CDM—-Code Division Multiplexing码分复用CELP-—Code Excited Linear Prediction码激励线性预测CLP--Cell Lose Priority信元丢失优先等级CMI—-Coded Mark Inversion传号反转COR-PSK-—Correlative Phase-Shift Keying相关移相键控CPU-—Central Processing Unit中央处理器CRC-—Cyclic Redundancy Check循环冗余校验CRT —-Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管(显示器)——Chinese Remainder Theorem 中国剩余定理CSMA/CD--Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection载波侦听/冲突检测DDAC——Digital Audio Compress数/模转装换器(数字模拟转换器)DAMA-—Demand Assignment Multiple Address按需分配多址DC。
1G- 英文缩写:1G- 中文对照:第一代移动通信技术(First Generation)1G是指第一代移动通信技术,诞生于20世纪80年代末和90年代初,主要使用模拟信号进行通信。
1G技术的代表是北美的AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone System),其主要特点是通话质量差,信号容易受到干扰。
2G- 英文缩写:2G- 中文对照:第二代移动通信技术(Second Generation)2G技术是指第二代移动通信技术,于20世纪90年代末问世。
2G技术的代表有GSM(GlobalSystem for Mobile Communications)和CDMA(Code Division Multiple Access)等。
3G- 英文缩写:3G- 中文对照:第三代移动通信技术(Third Generation)3G技术是指第三代移动通信技术,于21世纪初开始商用化。
3G技术的代表有UMTS(Universal Mobile Telecommunications System)和CDMA2000等。
4G- 英文缩写:4G- 中文对照:第四代移动通信技术(Fourth Generation)4G技术是指第四代移动通信技术,于21世纪中期开始商用化。
4G技术的代表有LTE(Long Term Evolution)和WiMAX等。

移动通信类缩写含义移动通信类缩写含义1. LTELTE是Long Term Evolution的缩写,中文名为“长期演进技术”,是一种4G移动通信标准。
2. 5G5G是第五代移动通信技术的简称。
3. GSMGSM全称为Global System for Mobile Communications,即全球移动通信系统。
4. CDMACDMA代表Code Division Multiple Access,即码分多址。
5. WCDMAWCDMA是Wideband Code Division Multiple Access的简称,即宽带码分多址。
6. HSPAHSPA是High Speed Packet Access的缩写,即高速分组接入。
7. VoLTEVoLTE代表Voice over Long Term Evolution,即基于LTE的语音通信技术。

通讯类常用英文缩写名词ADPCM adaptive differential pulse code modulating 自适应差分脉冲调制ADSL asymmetric digital subscriber line 不对称数字用户环路(线路)AGC automatic gain control 自动增益控制AM amplitude modulation 振幅调制AMI alternate mark invertion 信号交替反转码(双极码)AMPS advanced mobile phone system 现代移动通信系统AN access network 接入网ARQ automatic repeat request 自动重发要求ASK amplitude shift keying 移幅键控ASIC application specific integrated circuit 专用集成电路ASCII America standard code for information interchange ASCII码ATM asynchronous transfer mode 异步转移模式AUC authentication center 鉴权中心AWGN additive white Guassion noise 加性白色高斯噪声AU administer unit 管理单元AUG administer unit group 管理单元BCH bose-chaudhuri-hocquenghem 以名字命名的一种高效循环码B-ISDN broadband ISDN 宽带ISDNBPF band pass filter 带通滤波器BPSK binary phase shift keying 二进制移相键控BQM balanceable quaternary phase shift keying 平衡四相移键控BSC binary symmetric channel base station controller 二进制对称信道基站控制器BTS base transceiver station 基站CCIR International Consultive Committee for Radiotelecommunication 国际无线电咨询委员会CCITT Consultive Committee for International Telegraph and Telephone 国际电报电话咨询委员会CDF cumulative distribution function 概率(累积)分布函数CELP code excited linear prediction 码激励线性预测CDMA code division multiple access 码分多址CIR carrier to interference ratio 载(波)干扰比C/N carrier to noise ratio 载波信噪比CPFSK continuous phase frequency shift keying 连续相位移频键控CPM continuous-phase modulation 连续相位调制CQM complex quaternary phase shift keying 复四相调制CRC cyclic redumdancy check 循环冗余校验CMI code mark invertive 符号及转码dBI dB with respect to a isotropic radiator power 相对各向性辐射器增益dBdBI dB milli watt 以毫瓦为电平零分贝dBW dB watt 以一瓦为电平零分贝DCT discrete cosine transform 离散余弦变换DECT digital European cordless telecommunication 泛欧数字无绳通信(系统)DFT discrete Fourier transform 离散傅氏变换DLL delay locked loop 延时锁定环DM(∆M)delta modulation 增量调制DMC discrete memoryless channel 离散无记忆信道DMT discrete multitone 离散多音频(调制)DPCM differential pulse code modulation 差分脉冲编码调制DPSK differential phase-shift keying 差分移相键控DQM double quaternary modulation 双四相调制DQPSK differential quaternary phase shift keying 差分正交移相键控DR digital radio 数字无线电DS-CDMA direct sequence spread-code division multiple access 直扩序列码分多址DS-FH direct sequence spread-frequency-hopped 直接序列扩频跳频DS-SS direct sequence spread spectrum 直接序列列扩频DS direct sequence spread spectrum signal 直接序列扩频信号DSB double sideband 双边带DSB-SC double sideband suppressed carrier 双边带抑制载波DTE data terminal equipment 数据终端设备DTMF dual tone multi-frequency 双音多频DWDM dense wavelength division multiplexing 密集波分复用EIR equipment identity register 设备识别寄存器EGC equality gain control 等增益控制EIRP effected radiated with respect to an isotropic radiator power 各向同性辐射器有效辐射功率EV-DO evolution-data optimized(CDMA2000 IXEV-DO) (CDMA2001X数据最佳化升级版本)EV-DV evolution-data and video CDMA2000 (CDMA2000)数据和视频业务升级版FDM frequency division multiplexing 频分复用FDMA frequency division multiple accessing 频分多址FEC forward error correction前向纠错FFH-SS fast frequency hopped spread spectrum 快跳频扩频FH-SS frequency hopped spread spectrum 跳频扩频FH frequency hopped 跳频FSK frequency shift keying 移频键控FIR finite impulse response 有限冲激响应FPLMTS future pubic land mobile telephone system 未来公共陆地移动电话系统GMSK Gaussian-pulse minimum shift keying 高斯脉冲最小移频键控GPRS general packet radio service 综合数据包无线业务GPS global positioning system 全球定位系统GSM group special mobile 移动通信特别小组global system mobile communication 全球移动通信系统G/T gain/temperature 增益/温度(天线质量指标)HDB3 high density bipolar code of three order 三阶高密度双极性码HDLC high level data link controlled 高级数据控制链路HDTV high definition television 高清晰度电视HEC hybrid error correct 混合纠错HLR home location register 归属位置寄存器HPF higher pass filter 高通滤波器IEC International Electric Committee 国际电工委员会IIR infinite duration impulse response 无线冲激响应IP Internet Protocols 互联网协议IRQ information retransmission request 信息重发请求ISDN integrated service digital network 综合业务数字网ISI intersymbol interference 符号间干扰ISO International Standards Organization 国际标准化组织ITU International Telecommunication Union 国际电信联盟ITU-R International Telecommunication Union-Telecommunication standardization sector 国际电信联盟-无线通信标准化部门IMT-2000 International Mobile Telecommunication–2000 国际移动电信2000系统JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Groups 图片联合专家小组LED linear envelope detecting 线性包络检测LMS least mean square 最小均方(算法)LPC linear predictive coding 线性预测编码LPF lower pass filter 低通滤波器MAP maximum a posterior probability 最大后验概率MASK M-ary amplitude shift keying 多元幅移键控MFSK M-ary frequency shift keying 多元频移键控MIMO multiple input multiple output 多入多出分集技术MPEG moving picture experts group 活动图像专家组MPSK M-ary phase shift keying M元相移键控ML maximum likelihood 最大似然MLSE maximum likelihood sequence estimation 最大似然序列估计值MMSE minimum mean square error 最小均方误差MQAM M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation M元正交调幅MRC maximal ratio combining 最大比值合并MSK minimum(frequency) shift keying 最小移频键控MSC mobile switching center 移动交换中心MS mobile station 移动台NBFM narrow band frequency modulation 窄带调频NBPM narrow band phase modulation 窄带调相NGN next generation network 下一代网络N-ISDN narrow band ISDN 窄带ISDNNRZ non-return zero code 不归零码NRZI non-return zero inversion code 不归零反转码OFDM orthogonal frequency division muitiplexing 正交频分复用OOK on-off keying 开闭键控OQPSK offset quadrature phase shift keying 偏移四相移键控OSI open system interconnection 开放系统互连OMC operations & maintenance center 操作维护中心PAM pulse amplitude modulation 脉(冲)幅(度)调制PCH paging channel 寻呼信道PCM pulse code modulation 脉码调制PCN personal communication network 个人通信网PDF probability density function 概率密度函数PDM pocket division multiplexing 包分复用PLL phase locked loop锁相环路PN pseudo noise 伪随机噪声PPM pulse phase modulation 脉冲调相PWM pulse wide modulation 脉冲宽度调相PRS partial response signal 部分响应信号PSC primary synchronization code 主同步码PSK phase shift keying 移相键控PSTN public switching telephone networks 公共交换电话网QAM quadrature amplitude modulation 正交调幅QoS quality of services 服务质量QPSK quadrature phase shift keying 正交相移键控QCELP qualcomm code excited linear prediction 高通码激励线性预测混合编码R-S(code) Reed-Solomon(code) 里德-索洛蒙码,RS码RZ return zero code 归零码RPE-LTP regular pulse excited long term prediction 规则脉冲激励长期预测编码SCH synchronization channel 同步信道SDH synchronous digital hierarchy 同步数字系列SDMA space division multiple access 空分多址SDR software-defined radio 软件无线电SIR signal to interference radio 信干比SISO soft input soft output 软输入软输出(算法)SNR signal to noise ratio 信噪比SONET synchronous optical NET work 同步光纤网SS spread spectrum 扩频,扩展频谱SSB single side band 单边带SSB-LSB single sideband-lower sideband 单边带-下边带SSB-USB single sideband-upper sideband 单边带-上边带SSP service switching point 业务交换点STM synchronous transmission modulus 同步传输模式STP signaling transfer point 信令转换点STD space transmit diversity 空间发射分集STTD space time transmit diversity 空时发射分集TCM trellis coded modulation格型码调制TDD time division duplex 时分双工TDM time division multiplexing 时分复用TDMA time division multiple access 时分多址TDSCDMA time-division synchronization code division–multiple-access 时分同步码分多址TDL tau-dither loop T型抖动环TH time hoped 跳时TPC transmit power control 发射功率控制TSTD time switched transmit diversity 分时发射分集TS time slot 时隙TST time slot interchange 时隙变换TU tapped unit 支路单元TUG tapped unit group 支路单元组UHFTV ultra-high frequency TV 超高频电视V A Viterbi algorithm 维特比算法VBR variable bit rate 变比特率VC virtual channel 虚通道VCC voltage controlled clock 压控时钟VCO voltage controlled oscillator(电)压控振荡器VHF-TV very-high frequency TV 甚高频电视VQ vector quantization 矢量量化VLR visitor location register 访问位置寄存器VO Video objet 视频对象VOP video objet/plain 视频对象场景平面WAN wide-area network 广域网WBFM wideband frequency modulation 宽带跳频WBPM wideband phase modulation 宽带调相WCDMA wide-band CDMA 宽带码分多址WDM wavelength division multiplexing 波分复用WHT Walsh-Hardmard transform 沃尔什-哈达码变换WLL wireless local loop 无线本地环路1.PCM编码一、汉译英抽样量化与编码sampling,quantizing and coding抽样速率sampling rate模拟信号analog signal含噪声的环境noisy environment地面系统terrestrial system8位码序列8-digit sequence话路speech channel脉冲流stream of pulses传输质量transmission quality传输路由transmission path噪声功率noise power接收端receiving terminal幅值amplitude value重复率repetition rate数字通信digital communication信噪比signal-to-noise ratio二进制传输binary transmission帧格式frame format抽样频率sampling frequency编码过程coding process数字传输digital transmission信号电平signal levels反向操作reverse operation同步字synchronization word二、英译汉The schemes for performing these three functions实现这三项功能的方案A series of amplitude values一串幅值A speech channel of telephone quality电话质量的话路A sequence of 8-binary digits一个8位二进制码的序列A minimum theoretical sampling frequency理论上的最小抽样频率A voice channel occupying the range 300Hz to 3.4kHz占据着300Hz到3.4kHz频率范围的话路8-digits per sample value每个样值8位码The sparking of a car ignition system汽车点火系统的打火The stream of the pulses with a repetition rate of 64kHz重复率为64kHz的脉冲流The relationship of the true signal to the noise signal真实信号与噪声信号的关系The signal received from a satellite由卫星上接收的信号The complete information about a particular message一条特定消息中的完全信息The shape of the transmitted signal被传信号的波形The attenuation introduced by transmission path由传输路由引起的衰减The unit that converts sampled amplitude value to a set of pulses将抽样的幅值转换成一串脉冲的单元A sequence relating to channel 1,2 and so on涉及到第一路、第二路及其他各路的序列A unique sequence of pulses called synchronization word被称为同步字的独特的码序列Terrestrial system地面系统The presence or absence of the pulse脉冲的“有”或“无”A high-speed electronic switch高速的电子开关The time division multiplexer时分多路复用器Time division multiplexing时分多路复用2.异步串行数据传输一、汉译英串行接口serial interface显示终端CRT terminal发送器与接收器transmitter and receiver数据传输data transmission数据流data stream闲置状态the idle state传号电平mark level空号电平space level起始位start bit终止位stop bitT秒的持续时间duration of T seconds奇偶校验位parity bit错误标志error flag传输错误transmission error下降沿falling edge符号间的空格intersymbol space接收机的定时receiver timing本地时钟local clock磁带magnetic tape控制比特control bit逻辑1电平logical 1 level二进制数据binary data明显的缺点obvious disadvantage二、英译汉Asynchronous serial data transmission异步串行数据传输The most popular serial interface最为流行的串行借口The transmitted data所传输的数据The clocks at the transmitter and receiver发送机和接收机的时钟The era of teleprinter电传机的时代The dots and dashes of a character一个字符的点和划Three times the duration of intersymbol space符号间空格持续时间的三倍The group of bits called characters被称为字符的比特组The invariable units comprising 7 or 8 bits of information 由7或8个比特的信息组成的固定单元A clock generated locally by the receiver由接收机本地产生的时钟The received parity bit following the character在字符后所收到的奇偶校验位The falling edge of the start bit起始位的下降沿The character-oriented nature of the data link数据链路面向字符的特性3.ISO网络标准一、汉译英联网技术networking technology国际标准化组织The International Organization for Standardization参考模型reference model数据分组data packets应用程序application program网络媒体network media分层layering硬件与软件hardware and software表示层the presentation layer传输层the transport layer数据链路层the data link layer网络服务network services文件接入file-access数据格式the data format主机host协议protocol连接connectivity逻辑选址logical addressing二、英译汉Networking technology联网技术Proprietary networking system专用网络系统The international organization for standardization国际标准化组织Compatibility between the various types of networks各种网络之间的兼容性Seven numbered layers七层Standardization of network components网络部件的标准化Error recovery纠错Receiving host’s system接收方的主机系统Connection-oriented circuits面向连接的电路Information flow control信息流的控制Network topology网络拓扑Network media access网络媒体接入Electrical specification电气标准Maximum transmission distance最大传输距离4.互联网一、汉译英网络资源network resource信息服务information services远程终端remote terminals地址address互联的系统interconnected systems命令command电子邮件electronic mail主机host无线信道wireless channels搜索工具searching tools用户界面user interface拷贝copy互联网internet存取access文本信息textual messages鼠标mouse协议protocol超文本协议hypertext protocol二、英译汉Giant network of computers located all over the world分布在全世界的计算机的巨大网络Backbone system主干系统Nationwide network\全国范围的网络Electronic conferences电子会议Remote terminal远程终端Live conversation实时的对话World wide web万维网Searching tool搜索工具The largest repository of information最大的信息库Network facilities resources网络设备资源The vast majority of the computers on the net在网上的绝大多数计算机The unix operating system UNIX操作系统Textual messages文本信息A way to move data between the internet and your PC 在因特网和你的PC之间传送数据的方法The convenient searching tools方便的搜索工具The networked hypertext protocol联网的超文本协议5.光纤通信介绍一、汉译英光纤通信optical fiber communications光源light source波长wavelength激光器laser色散dispersion传输介质transmission medium多模光纤multi-mode fiber长途干线long-haul trunks单模光纤single-mode fiber带宽bandwidth宽带用户wideband subscriber纤维光学fiber-optics商用技术commercial technology门限电流threshold current光检测器photodetector波分复用wavelength multiplexing纤维光网络fiber-optic networks视频带宽二、英译汉Long distance transmission长途传输Repeater spacing中继距离Commercial technology商用技术Optical fibre communications光纤通信The total length of unstalled fibre已装光纤总长Long-haul telecommunication system长途通信系统The low-loss silica fibre低衰减的石英纤维Fibers with losses approaching the Rayleigh limit衰减逼近瑞利极限的光纤Room temperature threshold currents室温下的门限电流The longer wavelength region较长波长区Subscriber access project用户接入工程Improvements in component performance and reliability部件性能和可靠性的改进Data rates for installed fibre optic system已安装的光纤系统的数据速率Gigabit per second range每秒吉(G)比特Wavelength multiplexing波分复用Widebend subscriber loop system宽带用户环路系统Multifibre connectors多纤维连接器Projected lifetime设计寿命Light source 光源Single-mode fibre单模光纤Distributed-feedback laser分部反馈式激光器Information capacity信息容量Switching hierarchy交换体系Broadband services宽带业务6.同步数字序列一、汉译英同步数字序列Synchronous digital hierarchy国际标准international standard信号格式signal format网络节点接口network node interface支路信号tributary signals数字交叉连接digital cross-connection网络管理network management网络维护network maintenance网络运营商network operators传输速率transmission rate支路映射tributary mapping灵活性flexibility用户业务subscriber services覆盖层overlay levels制造商manufacturer同步传输帧sunchronous transmission frame线路终端复用器line terminal multiplexer分插复用器add-drop multiplexer再生中继器regenerator灵敏度sensitivity虚容器virtual container成帧字节framing byte段开销section overhead端到端传输end-to-end transmission误码监视error monitoring信号处理节点signal processing nodes静负荷payload指针pointer二、英译汉Synchronous transmission system同步传输系统The standard covering the NNI覆盖NNI的标准The international standard interface国际标准接口Direct synchronous multiplexing直接同步复用Flexible telecommunication networking灵活的通信联网Point-to-point transmission technology点对点的传输技术Advanced network management先进的网络管理The equipment supplied by different manufacturers不同厂家提供的设备The flexibility provided by SDHSDH提供的灵活性Operator of synchronous multiplexers同步复用设备的运营者Telecommunication networking电信联网Tributary signals支路信号Maintenance capabilities维护能力Unified telecommunication network infrastructure统一的电信网络基础结构Building blocks组件Terminal multiplexer终端复用器Through-mode fashion贯通方式Synchronous DXC同步数字交叉连接Varying bandwidth可变贷款Individual tributary signals各个支路信号Transport system传输系统Optical carrier光载体2-dimensional map二维图形The order of transmission传输次序Framing byte成帧字节Virtual container虚容器Section overhead段开销Bit-error monitoring误码检测7.波分复用一、汉译英对光特性的理解The understanding of the properties of light基本重要性the fundamental importance想象今天的通信系统To imagine the communication system of today光的高速公路the highways of light巨量的信息the massive amount of information采用通信新技术To adopt new communication technologies大量的视频信息The large amount of video information波分复用the wave divide multiplexing只发送单个波长To send only one wavelength传输大量的波长To transmit a large amount of wavelength无差错传输the error-free transmission自愈特性the self-healing properties直接接入光网络To access directly to the optical network视频信息the video information二、英译汉The major advance that led to the WDM revolution导致WDM革命的主要进展The invention of the optical amplifier光放大器的发明The next span of fiber下一段光纤To boost the signal power of all wavelength提高所有波长信号的功率The advances in optical amplifier在光放大器方面的进展The development of gain equalization techniques获益均衡技术的发展The multiple-wavelength transmission多波长传输The growth of wireless system无线系统的增长The growth of various application各种应用的增长The wide variety of services各种各样的业务To handle various types of traffic处理各种业务类型The all-optical cross-connect全光交叉连接8.蜂窝式电话移动系统一、汉译英蜂窝式移动电话cellular mobile telephone服务性能service performance频谱frequency spectrum频带frequency band微处理器microprocessor移动手机mobile unit广播业务broadcast service天线antenna子系统subsystems移动用户mobile subscriber服务能力service capability服务性能service performance利用率utilization带宽bandwidth单边带single-side band扩频spread spectrum大规模集成电路large scale integrated circuit蜂窝点cellular site蜂窝交换机cellular switch天线机架radio cabinet呼叫处理call processing服务器service area二、英译汉Frequency spectrum utilization频谱利用率The limited assigned frequency band有限的指定频带Complicated features and functions复杂的特性和功能Large-scale integrated circuit technology大规模集成电路技术Developmental cellular system试验性的蜂窝系统Central coordinating element中央协调单元Cellular administration蜂窝管理Operational limitation of conventional mobile telephone system传统移动电话的运行限制Limited service capability有限的服务能力Radio communication industry无线通信行业Available radio frequency spectrum可用的无线电频谱The allocated frequency band所分配的频带Mobile transceiver移动收发信机Technological feasibility技术上的可行性Severe spectrum limitations严厉的频谱限制FM Broadcasting service调频广播业务Propagation path loss传播路径衰耗Multipath fading多径衰耗Radio cabinet无线机架Telephone company zone offices电话公司地方局9.全球移动通信系统一、汉译英个人通信personal communications通信标准communication standards固定电话业务fixed telephone service网络容量network capacity移动交换中心mobile switching center国际漫游international roaming宽带业务broadband service接口转换interface conversion频谱分配frequency allocation模拟方式analogue mode蜂窝通信原理cellular communication principle拥塞jamming蜂窝裂变cell splitting基站base station寄存器register收费功能billing function接入方法access method突发脉冲传输方式Burst transmission mode开销信息overhead information切换算法handover algorithms短消息服务short message service技术规范technical specification二、英译汉Total access communication system全接入的通信系统Global mobile communication system全球移动通信系统Time division multiple access时分多址Facsimile and short message service传真和短消息服务Fixed communication networks固定通信网络A more personalized system更个人化的系统The cost and quality of the link链路的价格和质量Market growth市场的发展Fixed telephone service固定电话业务Coaxial cable同轴电缆Interface conversion借口转换Cellular communication principle蜂窝通信原理Frequency reuse and cell splitting频率再用和蜂窝裂变Cochannel interference共信道干扰Theoretical spectral capability理论上的频谱容量Micro-cellular system微蜂窝系统Base station transceiver基站收发信机Subscriber register用户寄存器Burst transmission mode突发脉冲传输模式Overhead information开销信息Advanced handover algorithms先进的切换算法The GSM technical specificationsGSM的技术规范10.3G一、汉译英移动电话the mobile telephone第三代移动业务the third generation mobile service互联协议the Internet Protocol无线通信the wireless communication手机the handset全球漫游the global roaming无线标准the wireless standard蜂窝点the cell site峰值数据速率the peak data rate平均吞吐量the average throughput下载the download多址接入the multiple access扩频技术the spread spectrum technology时隙the timeslot二、英译汉To combine high speed mobile access with Internet Protocol(IP)-based services将高速移动接入与基于IP的服务结合起来To standardize future digital wireless communication对未来数字无线通信标准化The Internet Protocol(IP)-based services基于互联协议的服务The third-generation wireless technology and networks第三代无线技术与网络The single global wireless standard单一的全球无线标准To accommodate the continuing growth of voice services as well as new wireless Internet services 容纳话音服务的连续增长与新的无限因特网的服务The spectrum allocation flexibility频谱分配的灵活性The International Telecommunications Union国际电信联盟The boundaries between communication, information, media and entertainment在通信、信息、媒体和娱乐之间的旧界限11.电路交换和分组交换一、汉译英电路交换circuit switching分组交换packet switching报文交换message switching子网subnet信头header目的地址destination address误差控制error control存储转发方式store-and-forward manner突发性bursty传输时延transmission delay中间交换设备intermediate switching equipment交换技术switching technique返回信号teturn signal报文处理机message processor给定最大长度given maximum length信息转移information transfer随机性random专用电路dedicated circuit电路利用率channel utilization二、英译汉The capability of storing or manipulating user’s data存储和处理用户数据的能力The special signaling message特定的信令信息A well defined block of data called a message为精心定义的被称为报文的数据块The information regarding the source and destination address涉及源和目的地址的信息The computer referred to as a message processor称为报文处理器的计算机The store-and forward transmission technique存储转发传输交换技术The dynamic allocation of the bandwidth带宽的动态分配The overall transmission delay of the message报文整个的传输时延Switching technique交换技术Circuit switching电路交换Message switching报文交换Packet switching分组交换Total path of connected lines连线的整个通路Source-destination pair源到目的地的一对Communication parties通信各方Transmission unit传输单元Initial connection cost incurred in setting up the circuit在建立电路时产生的起初连接成本Low delay constraint required by the user用户所需的短时延的限制The fixed dedicated end-to-end circuit固定专用的端到端电路Low channel utilization低的电路利用率12.异步转移模式一、汉译英异步转移模式asynchronous transfer mode逻辑信道logical channel虚电路virtual circuits虚路径virtual paths建议recommendation网络层network level业务与应用层service and application level虚连接virtual connection信息高速公路information superhighway点播电视video-on-demand统计复用statistical multiplexing数字化的信息digital information标识符identifier协议protocol网络节点network node宽带网broadband networkATM论坛ATM forum面向未来的future-proofed图像编码image encoding虚拟专用网virtual private network数据处理data processing二、英译汉Short packets called cells被称为信元的短的分组Bit rates of several hundred megabits a second每秒几百兆比特的速率Unique multiplexing method独特的复用方法The physical connection between any two terminals任何两个终端之间的物理连接Interactive video services交互式的视频业务A nature vehicle for multimedia services多媒体业务的自然载体The current and future requirements of both operators and users运营商和用户当前及未来的要求The technique for switching high bit rate channel高比特率信道的交换技术Asynchronous transfer mode异步转移模式Multiplexing and switching technique复用和交换技术The underlying type of transmission所承载的传输类型Dual identification双重标识Virtual circuit虚电路Virtual path虚路径The transfer of cells to the network nodes信元在网络节点上的转移Hundreds megabits a second每秒几百兆比特Recommendation I.121 I.121建议The quality of service服务质量In proportion to the exact requirement与实际需求成比例The applications and services transported over a network网络所传送的应用和业务The ability to construct virtual networks构成虚网络的能力Cost-effective use of infrastructure低价高效的利用网络设施Future-proofed面向未来的Coordination different networks carrying different services协议传送不同业务的不同网络Essential components of future information superhighways未来信息高速公路的基本部件Statistical multiplexing统计复用Optimum use of resources资源的最佳使用Virtual private networks虚拟专用网13.多媒体一、汉译英多媒体multimedia交互环境interactive environment视频压缩video compression高清晰度电视high definition television数字信号处理器digital signal processor点播业务on-demand services视频服务器video servers硬件、软件和应用hardware,software and application存储storage彩显colour monitor全活动图像full motion picture视频编码器vision encoder二、英译汉Mixture of hardware,software and applications硬件、软件和应用的混合Interactive environment交互环境Personal desk top computers个人桌面计算机Video compression视频压缩The vision encoder视频编码器Video-on-demand interactive services交互式视频点播业务Multimedia environment多媒体环境Visual images视频图像Hard disk storage硬盘存储Colour monitor彩显The standards of multimedia多媒体的标准Motion pictures活动图像Consumer quality of video and audio顾客质量的视频和音频Broadcast images广播图像High definition television高清晰度电视Coding algorithms编码算法Digital signal processor数字信号处理14.IP电视一、汉译英通信行业communication industry广播电视broadcast television基础结构infrastructure可视电话video telephone宽带数字技术broadband digital technology端对端的传输end-to-end transmission quanlity交换机架switch cabinet高清电视high-definition television编码技术coding technologies国际电信联盟International Telecommunication Union内容提供商content provider交互式链路interactive link二、英译汉The delivery of television over Internet Protocol(IP) networks通过IP网络传送电视The diverse content and communication services多种多样的内容和通信服务The video telephony and remote monitoring可视电话和远程监控To distribute digital television channels to consumers using a TV screen利用电视屏幕向用户发送数字电视频道The telecommunication services such as voice connections例如话音连接的电信服务The limited network bandwidth有限的网络带宽The advanced coding technologies先进的编码技术A myriad of new innovative services and applications to the user大量的创新业务和用户应用15.非对称数字用户线一、汉译英综合业务数字网Integrated services digital network局域网local area network数字用户线digital subscriber line千比特每秒kilobit per second数据流data stream传真机fax machine网上浏览surf the web白噪声white noise带宽bandwidth业务提供商serveice provide双绞线twisted-pair line双工电话信道duplex telephone channel数字信号处理digital signal processing模拟滤波器analog filterA/D变换器converter频分复用frequency division multiplexing回声消除echo cancellation调制技术modulation technique以太网ethernet防火墙firewall二、英译汉The asymmetric digital subscriber line非对称数字用户线路The high-speed Internet access service高速的因特网接入服务The grade of ADSL service purchased所购买的ADSL服务的等级The analog signal telephones and fax machine use电话和传真机使用的模拟信号The data coming to your computer from the Internet从因特网送到你的计算机的数据The twisted-pair telephone lines双绞线电话线路The available bandwidth of a telephone line电话线的有效带宽The time division multiplexing时分多路复用The plain old telephone system conversations老式的单纯电话系统的通话The quadrature amplitude modulation正交复读调制16.电信世界的现状和未来一、汉译英X.25 协议protocol电视信号television signals。

A1. ASON 自动交换光网络,也称智能光网络。
2. ATM 异步转移模式3. ATM+IP 综合ATM与IP的多业务交换4. A3/前景展望正面5. A2/前景展望稳定6. A+体验行动A+是对中国移动全球通优质业务和服务的描述,代表全球通的整合优势。
7. ARPU 每用户平均收益8. ADSL 非对称数字用户线9. APEC 亚太经合组织B1. BOSS 业务运营支撑系统C1. CNGI 中国下一代互联网2. CDMA 码分多址3. CNNIC 中国互联网络信息中心4. CNCERT/CC 国家计算机网络应急技术处理协调中心5. CDMA2000 码分多址2000(3G标准之一)6. CN ChinaNet7. CRM 客户关系管理D1. DWDM 密集波分复用2. DTG PDA文档处理软件(Document to Go)3. DSL 数字用户线4. DDN 数字数据网E1. EV-DO CDMA2000功能增强版(Evolution Data Optimized)2. EMS 邮政特快专递/增强型短信服务……3. EPON 以太无源光网络4. ENVM5. ERP 企业资源计划F1. FTTH 光纤到户2. FocOne 中国电信推出的“FocOne全球一站服务”3. FR 帧中继G1. GPRS 通用分组无线业务2. GPS 全球定位系统3. GOTA 中兴提出的基于cdma2000 1x的数字集群技术(Global OpenTrunking Architecture)4. GT800 华为提出的基于GSM的数字集群技术5. 3G 第三代移动通信系统6. GSM 全球移动通信系统7. GSM-R GSM for Railway(铁路)8. 3GPP 第三代合作伙伴计划(组织)9. GPS+GSM/SMS/GPRSH1. HSDPA 高速下行分组接入技术2. HHI 赫尔芬达-赫希曼指数3. HSUPA 高速上行分组接入技术4. HSPA 高速分组接入技术I1. IDC 互联网数据中心2. ISP 互联网服务提供商3. IPv6 新一代互联网协议4. IMS IP多媒体子系统5. IP centrex Centrex是一种集中交换业务,又称虚拟交换机,是数字程控交换机所具有的一种功能。

中国无线通信标准研究组(CWTS)ISP(Internet Service Provider):互联网服务提供商,即向广大用户综合提供互联网接入业务、信息业务、和增值业务的电信运营商。
EV DO(EV-DO):实际上是三个单词的缩写:E volution(演进)、Data O nly。
LTE(Long T erm Ev olution):长期演进)项目是3G的演进,始于2004年3GPP的多伦多会议。
L TE并非人们普遍误解的4G技术,而是3G与4G技术之间的一个过渡,是3.9G的全球标准,它改进并增强了3G的空中接入技术,采用OFDM和MIMO作为其无线网络演进的唯一标准。
在20MH z频谱带宽下能够提供下行326Mbit/s 与上行86Mbit/s的峰值速率。
MIMO(M ul ti ple-I nput Mul tiple-Out-put)多如多出技术:系统是一项运用于802.11n的核心技术。
802.11n是IEEE继802.11b\a\g后全新的无线局域网技术,速度可达600Mbp s。
同时,专有MIM O技术可改进已有802.11a/b/g网络的性能。
该技术最早是由Ma rconi于1908年提出的,它利用多天线来抑制信道衰落。
根据收发两端天线数量,相对于普通的SI SO(Single-Inpu t Single-Ou tput)系统,MIMO还可以包括SIMO(Single-Inp ut Multi-ple-Ou tput)系统和MIS O(Multiple-I nput Single-Outpu t)系统。
O FDM(Orthogona l Fre quenc y Div ision M ul ti plex ing)即正交频分复用技术:实际上O FDM是MCM Multi-Ca rrierMod ulation,多载波调制的一种。
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16QAM16 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation16 进制正交幅度调制
AAA Authentication, Authorization and Account认证和计费
ACK Acknowledgement应答
AMC Adapt Modulation Coding自适应调制编码
ASC Access Service Class接入业务级别
BLER Block Error Ratio误块率
CCTrCH Coded Composite Transport Channel编码复合传输信道
CC Call Control呼叫控制
CQI Channel Quality Indicator信道质量指示
FEC Forward Error Correction前向纠错
HCSN HS-SCCH Cyclic Sequence Number HS-SCCH 循环序列号
HS-SCCH Shared Control Channel for HS-DSCH高速下行共享信道的共享控制信道HS-SICH Shared Information Channel for HS-DSCH高速下行共享信道的共享信息信道HS-PDSCH High Speed Physical Downlink Shared Channel高速物理下行共享信道
HLR Home Location Register归属位置寄存器
HSCSD High Speed Circuit Switched Data高速电路交换数据
HARQ Hybrid Auto Retransmission Request混合自动重传请求
HSDPA High Speed Downlink Packet Access高速下行分组接入
HS-DSCH High Speed Downlink Shared Channel高速下行共享信道
IR Incremental Redundancy增量冗余
IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity国际移动用户标识
MAC Medium Access Control媒体接入控制
MCS Modulation and Coding scheme调制编码方案
MAC-hs Medium Access Control for HSDPA高速下行分组接入媒体接入控制MAC-c/sh
NACK Negative Acknowledgement命令错误应答
NID Network Identification网络标识符
PDCP Packet Data Convergence Protocol分组数据协议汇聚协议
PDU Protocol Data Unit协议数据单元
QPSK Quadrature Phase Shift Keying正交相位偏移键控
RLC Radio Link Control无线链路控制
RNTI Radio Network Temporary Identity无线网络临时标识
RV Redundancy Version冗余版本
RMF Recommend Modulation Format推荐调制格式
RTBS Recommended Transport Block Size推荐传输块大小
SAW Stop-and-Wait停止与等待模式
SDU Service Data Unit业务数据单元
SGSN Serving GPRS Support Node服务型通用分组无线业务支持节点SM Session Management会话管理
SR Selective repeat选择性重传
TFCI Transport Format Combination Indicator传输格式合并指示TFRC Transport Format Resource Combination
TFC Transport Format Combination传输格式合并TFCS Transport Format Combination Set传输格式组合集TCTF
TFI Transport Format Indicator传输格式指示
TTI Transmission Time Interval传送时间间隔TFRI Transport Format and Resource Indicator传输格式资源指示TPC Transmit Power Control发射功率控制TSN Transmission Sequence Number传输序列号。