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公司以研究技术、销售为产业,并以高科技产业为产业发展目标,产品以汽车行业自 动化转变为自动化系统,氮气无铅波峰焊、回流焊、视觉全自动丝印机、邦定机及各行业自 动化总装线,并与韩国三星合作推出 SMT 表面贴装设备。自动化仓库和智能化全立体仓库。 日东新电子合作,开发销售 ICT 在线测试仪,与韩国 Amfis 合作销售 X-RAY 检测机、代理 Acculogic Boundary Scan 产品,与美国 OK 公司合作销售焊接设备,生产物流设备、环保清 洗设备、静电、喷涂/喷粉生产线、代理 OEM 程控机柜和钣金制作等。
investment or civil using. SMT 是一门新兴的、综合性的工程科学技术,涉及到机械、电子、光学、材料、化工、
SMT is a newly & synthetical engineering & science Tech. which deals with
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三、采用 SMT 的缘由: 1、电子产品追求小型化,原先穿孔插件已经无法满足要求; The traditional insert-parts can’t satisfy with the electronic products minitype trend
requires. 2、电子产品功能更加完整,目前采用的集成电路—IC 已经没有穿孔插件,特别是大规
Profile Founded in 1984 at Hong Kong, Sun East Technology(Holdings) Ltd. has been developed into one of the major electronic equipments manufacturer and supplier in China. Since 16 Oct. 2000, Sun East has been listed in Hong Kong Stock Exchange Market.
模、高集成 IC 不得不采用表面贴装技术; More functions of the electronic products. The trend is that cosmically & high
integration IC adapts to the SMT and there is no insert-parts in IC so far. 3、产品批量化、生产自动化、生产企业为提高自身竞争力、满足客户需求,大力提高
日东投入大量的人力资源,在产品的开发、设计研究,为不断变化市场需求提供技术 支援,建立多方面的发展平台,为中国发展的国内外企业提供良好的服务平台, 集团公司产 品的主要销售对象为电子产品的生产商,包括资讯科技、消费电子产品、通讯产品等行业。 集团公司的销售网络遍布,包括上海、北京、西安、成都、厦门及深圳并于日本设有办事处, 随着中国的市场推广越来越大,重要性不断增加。日东集团已拥有多种不同的业务领域,近 年逐步向海外市场发展。
sense SMT including slice parts, process and materials. SMT 工艺有以下组成部分,包括:PCB 准备检查、检查工艺;焊膏印刷、检查工艺;
贴装工艺;贴装后插件、检查;固化工艺;在线检查工艺;修正工艺;在线检测即 ICT;质 量检查;功能测试;返修工艺;包装工艺;标签工艺等。
SMT process consists of the following parts: Board preparation & checking, Screen
Printing, Mount, Hand placement & checking, Reflow, AOI, Modification & Stuffing, ICT,
systems, electroplating equipments, automatic logistics warehouse equipments, sheet metals
processing, automatic production line, and etc.
Market Sales network of Sun East covers all the China includes Shanghai, Beijing, Xian, Chengdu, Xiamen, and Shenzhen. The group also established her office in Japan and developed overseas market as well. The major target market of Sun East is electronics and IT industry likes manufacturers of computers, consumer electronics, communications equipments, portable digital electronics products, and etc. Sun East has been authorized by Samsung Corp. of Korea as sole distributor since 1997 to distribute chip mounter. Since then, more than 800 sets of the machines have been sold. To maintain good services and technical supports to our customers, we have sent our engineers to Samsung Corp of Korea constantly. In May 2001, we have further cooperated with Samsung to establish a SMT customer support centre in Shenzhen to provide the quickness response to our customers
SMT-Surface Mounted Technology came out in the 1960s, which is an advanced
technology serviced for circuit manufacturing, and from then it has been stronger which
mechanism, electron, optics, material, chemistry, computer, net, auto-control Tech. etc. SMT 从狭义上讲,是将表面元器件贴装到 PCB 上,经过整体加热实现电子元器件的互
产品质量及降低生产成本; The batch production, produces automatization, reduce costs, and improve the
quality are the ways to improve the self-competition power and satisfy the customers’ requires.
日东公司于 1997 年被韩国三星公司正式授权销售三星贴片机,并成为中国地区总代理。 自此本公司一直为客户提供先进的表面贴装生产设备。凭着自身的优势,在短短的几年时间 内,本公司销往中国地区的不断增长。为了更好地服务于客户,公司不断地派工程师赴韩国 培训,并于 2001 年产 5 月在深圳与韩国三星联合成立了 SMT 客户支援中心,为客户提供 全套更优质更完善的服务。
4、电子元件的发展、集成电路---IC 的开发及半导体材料的多元使用; Electronic parts developing, IC researching and much use of semiconductor material. 5、电子科技革命实在必行,追逐国际潮流。 Electronic technology revolution is forcefully and goes after the international trends. 四、公司简介 日东科技(控股)有限公司创立于 1984 年,是全球电子设备产业的先锋企业之一。公司 占地面积 6 万平方米,整个公司的员工人数达 1800 多人,其中技术开发人员占 15%。日东 在技术开发不断创造出革命性的业绩。并于 2000 年 10 月在香港主板股票上市。从个人公司 转变为股份有限公司。
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Production Resources Sun East has set up her own industrial zone in Shenzhen and Shanghai, with a total factory area of 76,300 square meters. The group has over 1,800 staffs, in which about 300 are professional engineers and technicians.
High dependability & quivery resistance capability and low solder defects etc. 3、高频特性好,减少了电磁和射频干扰;
Good quality of high frequency to reduce the interference of electromagnetism &
weigh of component is about 1/10 of the traditional insert-parts. The electronic cubage will
reduce about 60%~80% after adopting the SMT. 2、可靠性高、抗震能力强,焊接缺陷率底;
一、SMT 简单介绍
SMT 技术
SMT-Surface Mounted Technology,即表面贴装技术,是一种先进的电路组装技术, 自上个世纪 60 年代问世以来,就充分显示出其强大的生命力,它以非凡的速度走完了从诞 生、完善直至成熟的路程,迈入了大范围的应用旺盛期。如今无论是投资类电子产品还是民
Quality checking & assure, FAT, Rework, Package, Label etc. SMT 生产线由上料机、锡膏印刷机、接驳台、贴片机、回流焊、AOI 设备、ICT 设备、
FAT 设备、下料机等组成。
SMT production line consists of Loading, Screen printing, Handplace desk, Mounter,
Screen printing, soldering, and surface mount technology (SMT) equipments for
assembling printed circuit boards (PCB);
Others:Electronic equipments likes bonding machine, testers, coating equipments, cleaning
comes through the course of naissance, growth, and maturation as the speed of
extraordinary. And now it has coming into the application blooms whether in the areas of
According to the narrow sense we describe SMT is put the parts onto PCB and then
by whole calefaction to reality the electron parts & pads jointing, and according to board
radial. 4、易于实现自动化,生产效率高,降低约为 30%~50%的成本。节省材料、能源、设
Easy to realize automatization, high product efficient, reduce about 30%~50% costs
and save material, energy, equipment, பைடு நூலகம்ime etc.
Reflow, AOI, ICT, FAT, Unloading equipment etc. 二、SMT 特点
1、组装密度高、电子产品体积小、重量轻,贴片元件的体积和重量只有传统插装元件 的 1/10 左右,一般采用 SMT 后,电子产品的体积缩小 40%~60%,重量减轻 60%~80%;
High mount consistency, little cubage & weigh of electronic product. The cubage &