国际贸易实务 第三章 货物的计量

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4、theoretical weight 、
Commodities have regular specifications and regular size, such as steel plate, galvanized iron, etc. The unit weight is the same and the theoretical weight is got by multiplying the unit weight with the total number of the goods.
• 该公司的做法是可行的。 该公司的做法是可行的。 • 合同中未注明是按毛重还 是按净重计算的, 是按净重计算的,则习惯 上应按净重计算。 上应按净重计算。 • 本案中,我方交货扣除皮 本案中, 重后不足200公吨,说明 公吨, 重后不足 公吨 我方短量交货, 我方短量交货,买方有权 要求我方退回因短量而多 收的货款。 收的货款。
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3.2 The Methods to measure the
Weight of Goods
1、gross weight 毛重 、 2、net weight 净重 、 3、conditioned tare 公量 、 4、theoretical weight 理论重量 、 5、legal weight 法定重量 、
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3、conditioned weight 、
The weight of the goods derived from such a process with which the moisture content of the commodity is removed and standardized moisture content is added by scientific means. Applicable goods: raw silk, wool, etc.
• United Nations Convention on Contract for International Sale of Goods requires that the quantity of Goods delivered should be identical to that called for in contract, otherwise, the buyer is entitled to reject that portion of goods excessive in quantity, and to claim against the seller if the quantity is found to be less than that called for in the contract. • 《公约》第52条第 款规定:“按约定的数量交付货物是 公约》 条第2款规定 条第 款规定: 卖方的一项基本义务。 卖方的一项基本义务。如果卖方交付货物的数量大于约定 的数量,买方可以拒收多交的部分, 的数量,买方可以拒收多交的部分,也可以收取多交货物 的全部或一部分,但必须按合同价格付款,但如果卖方少 的全部或一部分, 付款, 应在合同规定的界满期之前补交, 交,应在合同规定的界满期之前补交,但也不能使买方遭 受不合理的不便,或承担不合理的开支,即使如此, 受不合理的不便,或承担不合理的开支,即使如此,买方 也有保留要求赔偿的权利。 也有保留要求赔偿的权利。”
Biblioteka Baidu
1、gross weight (G.W.) 、
the over-all weight of the commodity, including the tare, i.e. the package weight.
2、net weight (N.W.) 、
The weight of the goods alone alone, the tare is not counted in. The ways to calculate the tare of the goods gross for net If the contract does not state whether the goods are to be calculated by gross weight or net weight, they are usually to be weight. calculated by net weight CASE
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• 我国某出口公司与日本一商人按每公吨 500美元 美元CIF东京成交某农产品 东京成交某农产品200公吨, 公吨, 美元 东京成交某农产品 公吨 合同规定:每袋包装25公斤 公斤。 合同规定:每袋包装 公斤。事后对方来 电称: 电称:该公司所交货物扣除皮重后实际到 货不足200公吨,要求按净重计算价格, 货不足 公吨,要求按净重计算价格, 公吨 退回因短量多收的货款。 退回因短量多收的货款。我公司则以合同 未规定按净重计价为由拒绝退款。 未规定按净重计价为由拒绝退款。 试问:该公司做法是否可行? 试问:该公司做法是否可行?Why ?
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the price of the more or less quantity
Generally the more or less quantity is paid at the contracted price price. But sometimes , to prevent speculation with the fluctuating price, it is often stipulated in the contract that more or less quantity should be paid at the market price price. If the contract does not state whether more or less quantities are to be paid at the the contracted price or the market price they are usually to be paid at the price, contracted price . exercise
The Quantity of Goods
• 我某出口公司在某次交易会上与外商当 面谈妥出口大米10000公吨,每公吨 公吨, 面谈妥出口大米 公吨 USD275 FOB中国口岸。 中国口岸。 中国口岸 • 但我方公司在签约时,合同上只笼统地 但我方公司在签约时, 写了10000吨(ton),我方当事人主观 ),我方当事人主观 写了 吨 ), 上认为合同上的吨就是指公吨( 上认为合同上的吨就是指公吨(metric ton)。后来,外商来证要求按长吨 )。后来 )。后来, (long ton)供货。 )供货。 • 如果我方照证办理则要多交大米 如果我方照证办理则要多交大米160.5公 公 折合美元为44137.5美元。于是,双 美元。 吨,折合美元为 美元 于是, 方发生争议。 方发生争议。
more or less clause
• The quantity of the deal should be stated clearly in the contract, and expressions like “about”, “approximately” should not be allowed. • The trading of bulk goods is quite often over-delivered or under-delivered. • If more or less clause is used in a contract, “the range”, “who decide”, and “the price of the more or less quantity” should be stated clearly in the contract. • Relative Stipulations in UCP600
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Units of Measures
1、Measure System: 、 MS(公制) (公制) BS(英制) (英制) U.S.S(美制) (美制) SI(国际单位制) (国际单位制) 3、不同度量衡制度下吨和担的换算值 、
度量衡计量单位吨( ) 度量衡计量单位吨(T)换算值 公吨( 公制 公吨(M/T)1M/T=1000kg ) 长吨( ) 英制 长吨(L/T) 1L/T=1016.05kg 短吨( 美制 短吨(S/T) 1S/T=907.2kg )
度量衡计量单位担( ) 度量衡计量单位担(Q)换算值 市担( 公制 市担(M/Q) 1M/Q=50kg ) 英制 英担 (L/Q) 1L/Q=50.80kg ) 美制 美担 (S/T) 1S/T=45.36kg )
4、 Units of Measures : kg, t, pc, pr, doz/dz, c/s, ctn, dr 、
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Four ways to calculate the tare of the goods
By actual tare or real tare :the package is weight to have its actual weight. Average tare the package of a number of the goods tare: are weighed to get their average weight, then the total tare is got by multiplying the average tare with the total number of the package. Customary tare certain standard packages have tare: generally recognized weight, which is used as the customary tare. Computed tare the tare previously agreed upon by tare: the seller and the buyer.
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Main Points
Units of Measures 商品的计量单位 The Calculations of the Weight of Goods 计算重量的方法 More or Less Clause 数量机动幅度的规定
3.1 Units of Measures
Examples of Quantity Clause in Contract
• Chinese northeast soybean 100 m/t , gross for net. • 800 m/t, 5% more or less at sellers’ option. • The sellers are allowed to load 5% more or less , the price shall be calculated according to the unit price in the contract. • To be packed in new gunny bags containing about 100 kgs and each bag shall weigh 1.15 kgs with allowance of 0.1 kg more or less.
5、legal weight 、
The weight of the goods and the immediate packages of the goods. Net net weight Customs duties: 1)specific duty: value of the goods 2) ad valorem duty: legal weight or net net weight
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Quantity Clause in Contract
1. Content: the total number and the units of measures measures. 2. Examples 3. More or less clause