
let (让) let let preuatd((放读)) repaudt/red/purtead /red/ set (放置 ) set set shut (关闭) shut shut
二、 AAB型(动词原形与过去式同形)
beat (跳动) beat beaten
三、 ABA型(动词原形与过去分词同形)
study—studied carry—carried
4:末尾只有一个辅音的重读闭音节,先双写该辅音字 母,再加-ed.( fix的过去式和过去分词x不双写,为fixed. )
stop—stopped plan—planned
中考英语不规则动词过去式、过去分词 归类表
一、 英语动词有两种语态:
主动语态 (the Active Voice) 被动语态 (the Passive Voice)
A. 当主语为动作的执行者时,谓语的形式为主动语态。
Many people speak English.
B. 当主语为动作的承受者时,谓语要用被动语态
English is spoken by many people.
learn (学习) learnt / learned learnt / learned
light (点燃) lit/lighted
lit / lighted
smell (嗅;闻) smelt / smelled smelt / smelled
speed (加速) sped/speeded sped / speeded
S+ can/may/must/should + be+过去 分词

3. 一般将来时: They will send cars abroad by sea. Cars will be sent abroad by sea. They will give plenty of jobs toቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱschool-leavers. Plenty of jobs will be given to school-leavers.
想借贵报一角~几句。 【补办】动事后办理(本应;短信群发 短信群发 ;事先办理的手续、证件等):~住院手续。 【补报】动①事后 报告;补充报告:调查结果将于近日~。②报答(恩德):恩深似海,无以~。 【补仓】∥动指投资者在持有一定数量的证券的基础上,又买入证券。 【补 差】①(-∥-)动补足原工资和退休金之间的差额(用于退休人员继续工作时)。②名指补差的钱:他被单位返聘,每月拿五百块钱的~。 【补偿】动抵 消(损失、消耗);补足(缺欠、差额):~损失|~亏欠。 【补偿贸易】国际贸易的一种方式,买方不以现汇支付,而以产品或加工劳务分期偿付进口设
4. 过去将来时: The manager said they would complete the project by the
end of the year. The manager said the project would be completed by the
end of the year. The workers told me they would mend the car as soon as
备、技术、专利等费用。 【补充】动①原来不足或有损失时,增加一部分:~兵员|~支弹|对他的发言,我再做两点~。②在主要事物之外追加一些:~ 意见|~教材。 【补丁】(补钉、补靪)?名补在破损的衣服或其他物品上面的东西:打~|~摞~。 【补过】∥动弥补过失:将功~。 【补花】(~儿) 名手工艺的一种,把彩色布片或丝绒缝在枕套、桌布、童装等上面,构成花鸟等图案。 【补给】动补充、供给弹和粮草等:前线急需及时~。 【补给舰】名 供应舰。 【补给线】名军队作战时,输送物资器材的各种交通线。 【补剂】名补。 【补假】∥动①职工应休假而未休假,事后补给假日。②补办请假手续。 【补角】名平面上两个角的和等于一个平角(即°),这两个角就互为补角。 【补救】动采取行动矫正差错,扭转不利形势;设法使缺点不发生影响:发现

They make shoes in that factory.
Shoes are were made by them.
Tom broke the window. The window was broken by Tom.
Tom broke the windows.
The windows were broken by Tom. He broke the windows.
Our homework has to be finished (by us) on time
He rides the
motorbike to his factory every
The motorbike is ridden to his factory every day.
We call the snowman Mr Strong.
are ______ used for cutting Knives_____ things. 2.The students clean the windows of their classroom twice a month.
2. Mr. Green teaches us this term.
We are taught (by Mr. Green) this term.
一般过去时的被动语态: was/were + 过去分词
4. People built the Great Wall long ago.
The Great Wall was built (by people) long ago.
“They must be put in the fridge.”The dogs thought.

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完成句子: 1.我已经完成了作业。
My homework _h_a_s_b__ee_n__f_in_i_s_h_e_d_ by me. 2.这些电池还没充好电。 These batteries __h_a_v_e_n_’t__b_e_en__c_h_a_r_g_e_d___. 3.自从8点后电视就一直关着吗?
完成句子: 1.很多书能够在网上阅读。
Many books __c_a_n__b_e_r_e_a_d__ online. 2.我们不应该摘花。 The flowers __s_h_o_u_l_d_n_’_t_b_e_p_i_c_k_e_d__by us. 3.教室必须现在清洁吗?
_M__u_s_t_the classroom _b_e__c_le_a_n_e_d___now? 含情态动词的被动语态结构: 肯定句:主语+情态动词+ be +动词过去分词+(by~) 否定句:主语+情态动词+ not+be +动词过去分词+(by~) 疑问句:情态动词+主语+ be +动词过去分词+(by~)
2.需强调或突出动作的承受者时常用被动语 态。此时动作的执行者由 by 引导且置于谓语 动词之后,也可省略。 The glass was broken by Mike. 玻璃杯是迈克打碎的。 This book was written by him. 这本书是他写的。
3.当动作的执行者不是人时,多用被动语态。 The whole village has been washed away by the flood. 整个村庄都被洪水冲走了。
完成句子: 1.比赛将在明天举行。 The match _w__il_l_b_e__h_e_ld___ tomorrow. 2.我下星期不会去参观北京。 Beijing _w__o_n_’t_b__e_v_i_si_t_ed__by me next week. 3.你们将会照很多相片吗?

主语 + was/were + 动词的过去 分词 + 其他成分
主语 + was/were + not + 动词的 过去分词 + 其他成分
Was/Were + 主语 + 动词的过去分 词 + 其他成分?
主语 + will be + 动词的 过去分词 + 其他成分
主动句中的两个宾语在被动句中 都可以变为主语,分别构成两个
如何区分被动语态和过去分词作定语 ?
哪些动词不能用于被动 语态?
不及物动词,如 happen, occur等。
表示状态的系动词,如 be, seem, appear等。
表示归属的动词,如 belong to, consist of 等。
在科技论文、新闻报道等正式文体中,适当使用被动语态可以增加文章的客观性和 正式度,但要避免过度使用。
初三英语 被动语态精品课件

把下列句子改成被动语态 The parents looked after the baby carefully. (答案:The baby was looked after carefully by the parents.) He threw away the old clothes. (答案:The old clothes were thrown away by him.)
am / is / are + being + done have / has + been + done
The best chocolate is made in Switzerland. 最好的巧克力产在瑞士。
Fast trains are found in France and Japan. 法国和日本都有快速列车。
He showed me the ID card. (答案:The ID card was shown to me./
I was shown the ID card.)
My father bought me a beautiful skirt when I was fourteen years old. (答案:A beautiful skirt was bought for me by my father when I was fourteen years old. /I was bought a beautiful skirt by my father when I was fourteen years old. )
5. 含有双宾语的句子的被动语态

→the sports meeting will be held byBeijing
n 2025.
3. Miss Deng teaches us English. → We are taught English by Miss Deng. → English is taught to us by Miss Den.g
情型 6:
(1)感觉动词(hear, see等)改被动语态 (2)使役动词(let, make等)改被动语态
如动词为 make, see, hear, watch 等,后接 宾语补足语为不带“to”不定式时,变被动 语态时要加上“to” 。如:
I saw him fall off the tree. →He was seen to fall off the tree.
语态的定义谓语除了注意时态以外, 语态也是谓语的必要形式。在英 语的句子运用中,谓语的时态和 语态是共同构成了谓语的形态。
语态包括:主动语态和被动语态。 主动语态:主语是动词的执行者, 或者说动作是主语的完成者。被 动语态:主语是动作的承受者, 或者说动作不是由主语而是由其 他人完成的。
中考对语态的考查侧重于以下几个方面: ①主动语态和被动语态的选择,含动词各种 时态的被动语态形式, ②被动语态后的动词形式, ③主动意义表示被动意义的常见结构等等。
例1 将下列句子改为被动语态。 We clean our classroom every day.
10.We gave him some books. →He was given some books (by us.) →Some books were given to him (by us. )

⑸现在完成时的被动语态 have/has +been + spoken eg: My car has been repaired . 我的汽车已经修好了
①基本构成形式:情态动词+be+过去分词 eg: This must be done as soon as possible. 这件事必须 尽快做。 eg: An art school may be opened next year. 明年可能 开办一所艺术学校 ②句式 肯定句:主语+情态动词+be+过去分词+by…. 否定句:主语+情态动词+not +be +过去分词+by… 一般疑问句:情态动词+主语+be+过去分词+by…. 特殊疑问句: 特殊疑问词(不作主语)+情态动词+主语+be原形+ 过去分词+by…. 特殊疑问词(作主语)+情态动词+be原形+过去分词 +by…. eg:When can my computer be repaired. 我的电脑什么时候能修好?
练习:将下列主动语态改为被动语态句子。 1. The computer club held a writing competition(竞赛). A writing competition was held by the computer club. 2. The fastest player finished the game in eight hours .
was showed
will be held by Beijing
3. Miss Deng teaches us English. → We are taught English by Miss Deng . → English is taught to us by Miss Deng .

木卫三(盖尼米得,Ganymede,Γανυμ?δη?)是围绕木星运转的一颗卫星,公转周期约为7天。按距离木星从近到远排序,在木星的所有卫星中排第七,在 伽利略卫星中排第三。它与木卫二及木卫一保持着::的轨道共振关系。中文名木卫三外文名Ganymede,Γανυμ?δη?别称盖尼米得分类卫星发现时间年质 量.89×kg平均密度g/cm直径km表面温度零下℃逃逸速度km/s离心率.公转周期7天绕木星一周表面积87km体积7.×?km表面引力.8m/s平均半径.km大气成分 氧气,原子氧,臭氧目录简介星体命名星体数据结构特征?星体构成?内部结构?表面特征?大气层和电离层?磁层星体历史运行特点?轨道距离?离心率7探测历 史?冰下海洋?对木星影响?完整;股票知识 股票知识 ; 地图8发现意义简介编辑木卫三(盖尼米得,Ganymede,Γανυμ?δη?)是围 绕木星运转的一颗卫星,公转周期约为7天。按距离木星从近到远排序,在木星的所有卫星中排第七,在伽利略卫星中排第三。它与木卫二及木卫一保持着:: 的轨道共振关系。木卫三是太阳系中最大的卫星。直径大于水星,质量约为水星的一半,木卫三主要由硅酸盐岩石和冰体构成,星体分层明显,拥有一个富
possible. The workers told me that the car would be mended as soonas pFra bibliotekssible.
在公元前年夏天)依据《唐开元占经》引录甘德论及木星时所说的话:“若有小赤星附于其侧”,著名天文学史家席泽宗先生指出:甘德在公元前世纪中叶 就观测到了木星的最后的卫星木卫二。而对于木星的卫星的发现,近代是在7世纪初望远镜发明之后,由意大利大科学家伽利略(Galilei)于年用它观测木星 时才发现的。甘德早伽利略近两千年,而且在没有望远镜的条件,仅凭肉眼就发现了木星的卫星,这真是一个奇迹。而后,天文学家西门·马里乌斯以希腊神 话中宙斯的爱人伽倪墨得斯为之命名。旅行者号航天器精确地测量了该卫星的大小,伽利略号探测器则发现了它地下海洋和磁场。年月日,美国国家航空航 天局宣布,太阳系最大卫星木卫三的冰盖下有一片咸水海洋,液态水含量超过地球。[]星体命名编辑在公元前年到公元前年之间(最有可能的是在公元前年 夏天),中国战国时期的甘德就已经发现了木卫三,比伽利略早了多年。年月日,伽利略·伽利莱观测到三颗靠近木星的星体;第二天晚上,他注意到这三颗 星体发生了用哈勃望远镜拍到的木卫三用哈勃望远镜拍到的木卫三位移接着他又发现了第

语态是动词的一种形式,表示的是主语和谓语之 间的关系。英语当中有两种语态:主动语态和被 动语态。
Tom opened the door.
The door was opened by Tom.
被动语态由助动词be加过去分词构成,时态通过be表现 出来:
6. Last year Beijing ____ by a big sandstorm.
A. is hit
B. were hit
C. will be hit
D. was hit
用适当的形式填空 1 English _i_s_s_p_o_k_e_n_ by many people. ( speak)
A. were taken
B. was taken
C. are taken
D. is taken
5. Millie is my best friend. I ___ often ____ to
her party.
A. is invited
B. am invited
C. are invited
D. was invited
am/is/are + being+ P.P.
[5]. The trees ____ by some workers at 8 yesterday afternoon.
A. were being watered B. are watered C. are watering
was/were + being+ P.P.

11.In this factory women do most of the work.
Most of the work __i_s____ __d_o_n_e___ by women in this factory.
12.He can mend the bike in two days. The bike __c_a_n__ ___b_e__ _m_e_n_d_e_d_ in two days.
情态动词: ─Carl, are you going to Jack’s birthday party on Saturday?
Were many trees planted The baby can be taken care of by him. are used are tasted well; sell
Children will take some photos on the playground tomorrow.
Some photos will be taken by children on the playground tomorrow.
The headmaster will give a talk this afternoon.
His little brother was taken good care of by him yesterday.
WOuercclelaasnserodoomurwcalasscslreoaonmedjubsyt unsowju.st now.
TThhiesyrouosmedwthaiss uroseodmfoforrrerestsitninggb. y them.

能力提升3: Description (Group work)
Describe(描述)your favorite singer by using different tenses of passive voice.
What have we learnt today?
The structure of passive voice: be + done The main tenses of passive voice: 1. 一般现在时的被动语态 主语 + am/is/are + done + 其它 2. 一般过去时的被动语态 主语 + was/were + done + 其它 3. 现在完成时的被动语态 主语 + have/has + been + done + 其它 4. 一般将来时的被动语态 主语 + will + be + done + 其它 5. 现在进行时的被动语态 主语 + am/is/are + being + done + 其它
Homework:Basic Writing (合作学习) 50words
1.在过去的很多年,我们已经做了很多工作去改 善我们的校园;2.众所周知,图书馆已经竣工并且 投入使用;3.此外,今年一个新的教学楼正在建 成之中,这将给学生提供一个更好的学习环境;4. 花园里我们正在种植新的树种,这样可以在夏天 给我们提供阴凉;5.总而言之,学校将会变得越 来越来越漂亮,在这里我们会开心地学习和工作。
The clothesa_r_e__b_e_in_g__c_h_a_n_g_e_d(change) by Zhang Shaohan now.

The room will be cleaned by Tom tomorrow.
S+am/is /are +过去分词
S+was/were +过去分词.
3. 情态动词: 4.现在完成时
S+ can/may/must/should + be+过去分词. S+ have/has + been+过去分词.
Three thieves were caught by the policemen last night .
7 . I didn’t buy a dictionary .
9 . He will study English well .
English will be studied well by him .
当句子的主语是动作的执行者时,谓语 的形式是主动语态。当句子的主语是动 作的承受者时,谓语要用被动语态。被 动语态由助动词be+过去分词构成,时
be + 过去分词 ( 及物动词 )
被动语态是英语动词的一种特殊形式 . 汉语中往往用
3.Amy can take good care of Gina .
Gina can be taken good care of by Amy. 情态动词: S+ can/may/must/should + be+过去分词

译林版完整版初中英语被动语态讲义全一、选择题1.Good news! The film Titanic has returned to big screen in 3D fifteen years after it ________. A.has shown B.was shown C.shows D.will be shown 2.—The film Coco ________ with the Oscar Award not long ago.—That’s great! It deserves such a high prize.A.presents B.presented C.is presented D.was presented 3.— Who got the first prize?— Millie did. The result ______ just now.A.is announced B.announce C.was announced D.announced4.In Switzerland, things like glass and plastic ______ into different groups and then recycled. A.separate B.separated C.are separated D.is separated 5.The last team of medical workers ________ a warm welcome when returning to Nanjing from Wuhan this April.A.was giving B.was given C.has given D.gave6.The villagers expect that the bridge_______before the rainy season comes.A.is completed B.was completed C.will be completed D.has been completed 7.The historical drama Serenade of Peaceful Joy has received high praise for its story, costume, and make-up since it ________ on screen on April 7th.A.was put B.is put C.has been put D.will be put 8.—Have you finished your report, Jim?—Not yet. I will make it if I________ two more days.A.give B.will give C.am given D.will be given 9.The superheroes, such as Spider Man and Iron Man, ________ by Stan Lee when he was alive. A.are created B.have been created C.will be created D.were created 10.The school hall ________ next week to celebrate this year's Science & Technology Festival. A.is decorated B.will decorate C.is decorating D.will be decorated 11.When you visit a museum, some instructions should ________ and we’d better not ________ them.A.pay attention to; be against B.be paid attention; againstC.be paid attention to; against D.be paid attention to; be against12.When the natural park _____ ,it will be a good place for people to play and relax.A.has completed B.will complete C.is completed D.will be completed 13.Take it easy! This big experiment _______ several parts for you.A.was divided to B.divided into C.is divided into D.is divided 14.Last March, thousands of trees ______ along the street to make our city more beautiful. A.were planted B.were planting C.would plant D.planted15.A display of music and fireworks ______at the 3rd Yangzhou International Lighting Festival on July 20, 2018.A.was held B.were held C.has held D.will be held16.Chinese __________by more and more people in the world now.A.speak B.spoke C.is spoken D.was spoken 17.Different kinds of robots________in the coming robot show in our city.A.display B.are displayed C.will display D.will be displayed 18.—How do you like the poem ? —It’s a bit too long, but anyway, it________well. A.reads B.is read C.is reading D.has read19.As China is growing stronger and stronger, Chinese _____by more and more people around the world.A.speak B.is spoken C.was spoken D.has spoken 20.— Why have I never seen this kind of 5G mobile phone?— Because it ___________ by Huawei last week.A.was produced B.would produce C.have produced D.was producing 21.Yancheng-Xuzhou high-speed railway ________ in 2019. Now it brings much convenience to people.A.finishes B.finished C.is finished D.was finished 22.—It’s so cold! Why not close the window?—Sorry. It________. I’ll have it________.A.won’t be shut , repaired B.won’t shut , repairingC.haven’t shut , repairing D.isn’t shutting , repairing23.Have you heard that the big event Olympics in Tokyo________until next year?A.is put off B.was putted off C.would be put off D.will be put off 24.After the Chinese spacecraft’s landing on Mars ________ on May 16, 2021, we felt even prouder of our country.A.announces B.announced C.were announced D.was announced 25.Last year Huai'an Flyover(高架) _________. Now it brings much convenience to people. A.finished B.finishes C.is finishing D.was finished 26.With the development of 5G technology, more self-driving cars ________ in the near future. A.use B.are used C.will use D.will be used 27.—Great news! Zhurong has landed on Mars successfully.—It ________ into space by Long March 5 rocket on July 23, 2020.A.is sent B.was sent C.sent D.was sending 28.— Mum, may I watch TV for a while?— As soon as your homework _______ you can.A.finishes B.will finish C.is finished D.will be finished 29.We're sure that the environment in our city ______ greatly through our work in the near future.A.improved B.was improved C.has improved D.will be improved 30.— Excuse me, where is the nearest post office? —It’s ________ to the bank, but it ________ for a few days.A.close; has closed B.close; has been closed C.closed; has beenclosed D.closed; has been close31.—My father works in Shanghai. It takes him much time to go home every month.—Don’t worry. It’ll be easier and quicker after Taizhou High-Speed Rail Station _______. A.builds B.is built C.will build D.will be built 32.When he went abroad for further study, his parents and children _______ by his wife. A.are well taken care of B.took good care ofC.were taken good care D.were taken good care of33.A great number of volunteers ________ for the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games. A.will need B.are needed C.will be needed D.were needed 34.—A meeting ________ in our community to show people how to sort their garbage this weekend.—That’s great. Let’s go to the meeting together.A.will hold B.will be held C.hold D.is held 35.—Aunt Li, who is the lovely boy in red in the picture?—It’s my son. The picture ________ 10 years ago.A.took B.is taken C.has taken D.was taken36.A new railway station ________ in my town next year.A.builds B.built C.is built D.will be built 37.Don't touch that machine ________ you ________.A.if; are allowed B.unless; are allowedC.if; allow D.unless; are allowed to38.Finally both sides have reached an agreement, but the details later.A.are discussing B.are discussed C.will discuss D.will be discussed 39.Don’t discuss the problem with your partner unless you ________ to.A.ask B.are asked C.will ask D.will be asked 40.Last year, five Chinese teachers ________ to a school in the UK to teach the British students in Chinese styles for four weeks.A.were sent B.sent C.have sent D.have been sent 【参考答案】一、选择题1.B【详解】句意:好消息!电影“泰坦尼克号”在上映15年后以3D形式重返大银幕。
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一般过去时: was/were + done
一般将来时: will/shall+ be +done
am/is/are+ being+ done 现在进行时:
过去进行时: was/were+ being+ done
现在完成时: have/has+ been+ done 情态动词: can/may/must/should+ be+done
•thousand of tents •put up
Thousands of tents were put up.
What other actions were taken?
• Food and drink bring • Clothes donate • Charity shows hold • Money raise • ………(The more, the better)
2.Do they often talk about this question? Is this question often talked them __ _____ about by ___ ___? 3. Doesn’t Bob clean the street every day? _______ Isn’t the street _________ cleaned by Bob every day?
Life will be greatly improved in the future.
right after the earthquake
in the past two years
in the future
1.Finish the exercises on your paper.
2. I heard him talk about that matter.
He was heard to talk about that matter by me.
No.2 (复合宾语二)
see sb. doing hear sb. doing watch sb. doing notice sb. doing tell sb. to do want sb. to do ask sb. to do
Earthquake in Wenchuan
• What happened on May 12, 2008 ? • What was done right after the earthquake? • What has been done since 2008? • What is being done now? • What will be done in the future?
everything , damage(损坏) Almost everything was damaged.
The girl was made to cry.
tsunami , cause, earthquake
The tsunami was caused by the earthquake. cars, wash away
They were seen playing soccer over there.
② He asked me to buy some sugar. I was asked to buy some sugar .
No.3 双宾语
give sb.sth. show sb.sth. make sb.sth. buy sb. sth.
•highway •be in use •since 2008
The highway has been in use since 2008.
•schools •set up
The schools have been set up.
•flats •rebuild
The flats have been rebuilt.
•building •build •now
The new building is being built now.
•crossroads •complete •in the future
The crossroads will be completed in the future.
•Life •improve •in the future
3. The fish tastes good. 系动词
look, feel, smell, taste, sound, seem …
不用被动语态的几种情况 1.The house fell down.
happen, spread,come out, take place, die…
is happening e.g. Go and see what ____________ (happen) outside now.
1.强调动作的承受者。 He was chosen. 他当选了。 2.没必要提出动作的执行者。 English is spoken in our school. 3.不知道动作的执行者。 Tom was hit yesterday.
A big earthquake in Japan
No.5 句型 It is/ was said that… 类似的还有: It is/was reported / believed / hoped /
supposed that ...... They said that he would come back soon. It was said that he would come back soon.
sb. be seen doing sb. be heard doing
sb. be watched doing
sb. be noticed doing sb. be told to do sb. be wanted to do sb. be asked to do
① We saw them playing soccer over there.
3. Anna invited me to her birthday party last month. (改为被动语态) was _____ invited to Anna’s birthday party I ____ last month. (南通市)
Were you invited to Anna’s birthday party?
•Houses •fall down
The houses fell down.
•high way •break
The high way was broken.
•Many people •trap
Many people were trapped.
•The boy •save
The boy was saved.
Cars were wቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱshed away.
The house,
fall down
The house fell down.
The salt sold well.
rumor(谣言) , spread
spread spread spread
The rumor spread rapidly.
主动形式表被动意义 need /want /require doing = need /want /require to be done
2.The watch needs repairing.
Your hair needs cutting (同义句)
______________________________ Your hair needs to be cut .
A new coat was bought for me by my mother.
特殊句型的被动语态 No.4 动词与介词搭配的短语
look after, speak to, take care of, listen to… 注意: 不能遗漏介词 1. Jack takes care of his little cat carefully. The little cat is taken care of by Jack carefully. 2. We should speak to the old politely. The old should be spoken to politely by us.
1. The girl has bought the books.
The books have been bought by the girl.
被动语态一般疑问句: Have the books been bought by the girl?
Has the girl bought the books?
be given to sb. 被动 be shown to sb. be made for sb. be bought for sb.
Eg. We gave our teachers some flowers. Our teachers were given some flowers. My mother bought me a new coat.