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SL (source language): the language in whi ch the text being translated i s wri tten.
TL (target language): the language whi ch is bei ng translated into.
ST (source text): the text (wri tten or spoken) whi ch provides the point of departure for a translation.
TT (target text): a text whi ch has been produced by an act of translation.
SL-oriented translation: a transl ati on whi ch puts its emphasi s on the cl ose transfer of the source text.
TL-oriented translation: a translati on whi ch puts emphasi s on the response of the receptor of the TT.
Back translation: a process in whi ch a text that has been translated i nto the target l anguage is retranslated into the source language.
Coherence: the way i n whi ch the content of connected speech or text hangs together, or i s i nterpreted as hanging together, as distinct from that of random assembl ages of sentences.
Cohesion: the connection between successive sentences i n texts, conversations, etc., in so far as it can be descri bed i n terms of speci fi c syntacti c units.
Communi cati ve translation: a term used to refer to any approach whi ch views translation as a “communi cative process whi ch takes place within a soci al context”; i t will be generally oriented towards the needs of the TL reader or reci pient. Semanti c translation: a translation in whi ch the translator attempts, wi thin the bare syntacti c and semanti c constraints of the TL, to reproduce the preci se contextual meani ng of the author; it tends to stri ve to reproduce the form of the original as cl osely as TL norms will allow.
Correspondence: a term used to refer to the relationshi p whi ch exi sts between elements of SL and TL that are in some way considered to be counterparts of each other.
Equivalence: (see correspondence)
Fai thfulness:A fai thful translation i s one whi ch bears a strong resemblance to i ts ST, usually in terms of ei ther i ts literal adherence to source meaning or i ts successful communi cation of the “spiri t” of the original.
Fal se friend: a term used to descri be SL and TL i tems whi ch have the same or very similar form but different meani ngs. Formal equivalence: a term used to refer to a TL item whi ch represents the cl osest decontextualized counterpart to a word or phrase in SL.
Functional equivalence: a term used to refer to the type of equivalence reflected in a TT whi ch seeks to adapt the function of the origi nal to suit the speci fi c context in and for whi ch it was produced.
Literal translation: a translati on i n whi ch the SL grammati cal constructi ons are converted to thei r nearest TL equivalents, but the lexi cal words are transl ated si ngly, out of context.
Free translation: a transl ati on whi ch reproduces the matter wi thout the manner, or the content wi thout the form of the original. Idi omati c transl ati on: a transl ati on whi ch reproduces the “message” of the ori ginal but tends to distort nuances of meaning by preferring colloquiali sm and i dioms where there do not exi st in the original./ a translation strategy whi ch aims for a TT whi ch reads as naturally as possible.
Overtranslation: A ccordi ng to Newmark, i f the loss of meaning in translati on entail s an increase in detail, i t i s termed overtranslation.
Undertransl ati on: According to Newmark, i f the loss of meaning i n translation entail s an increase in generalization, it i s termed undertranslati on.
Pragmati c translation: a term used to refer to translation whi ch pays attention not only to denotative meaning but al so to the way utterances are used in communi cative si tuations and the way we interpret them i n context.
Sense-for-sense transl ati on:a translation whi ch emphasi zes transfer of the meaning or “spi rit”of an ST over accurate reproducti on of the origi nal wordi ng.
Word-for-word translation: a translation i n whi ch the SL word-order i s preserved and the words are transl ated si ngly by their most common meanings, out of context.
Simultaneous interpreting: one of the two basi c modes of i nterpreti ng i n whi ch the interpreter li stens to an SL speech and reformulates i t in TL as i t i s delivered.
Consecuti ve interpreting: one of the two basi c modes of interpreting in whi ch the interpreter listens to a section of a speech delivered in SL and renders i t into TL when the speaker pauses.
Transl atability & untranslatability: terms used to di scuss the extent to whi ch it i s possi ble to translate ei ther i ndi vidual words and phrases or entire texts from one language to another.
Unit of translation: the linguisti c level at whi ch ST is recodi fied in TL./the mini mal stretch of language that has to be transl ated
together, as one unit.。
