



翻译的概念第一章第一节翻译的概念,分类,过程及方法一.翻译的概念1.关于翻译的几种定义①翻译是一门艺术.(Translation is a fine art.)----林语堂《翻译论》②翻译是一门科学.----董秋斯③Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.----尤金.奈达2. 广义的翻译是指语言与语言,语言变体与语言变体,语言与非语言等的代码转换和基本信息的传达.3.狭义的翻译是一种语言活动,是把一种语言表达的内容忠实地用另一种语言表达出来.二. 翻译的分类1.按所涉及的两种代码的性质分为:语内翻译(intralingual translation):同一种语言间不同语言变体的翻译.语际翻译(interlingual translation):不同语言间的翻译,是狭义翻译的研究对象. 语符翻译( interseniotic translation):用非文字符号解释文字符号.2.按翻译主体的性质分为人工翻译和机器翻译两类.nextexercise3.按照翻译的工具和成品形式可分为口译和笔译.4.按翻译的客体即所译资料的性质可分为文学翻译(literary translation):包括诗歌,小说,戏剧等文学作品的翻译,着重情感内容和修辞特征的表达.实用翻译(pragmatic translation):包括科技,商务,公文等资料的翻译,着重实际内容的表达.三. 翻译的过程翻译的过程是理解和表达的有机结合.翻译的关键在于对原文的理解,要真正理解原文,译者必须有扎实的语言功底和相关专业背景知识,并熟知英汉两种文化知识,否则译者就不能真正理解,从而产生误差.例:Cannot Beat the Real Thing.(美国可口可乐广告)不能打败真正的商品.挡不住的诱惑!next后者简单明了的把原文的真正含义表达了出来,能达到打动消费者的目的.表达阶段就是译者把自己从原文所理解的内容用目的语重新表达出来.表达的好坏主要取决与对原文的理解深度和对译文语言的饿修养程度.理解原文不是易事,表达亦然.例:As we obtained a clean B/L, you will see that the goods were slopped in good order. We suggest, therefore, that you lodge your claim with it. 由于我们获得了清洁提单,所以你们将明白货物在装运时情况良好,且被安放的井井有条.由此看来我们建议你们可以向该轮船公司提出索赔.我方已获得清洁提单一张,贵方谅必清楚货物装船时状况良好,因此建议贵方可依此向该轮船公司提出索赔.四. 翻译的方法1.直译和意译是翻译的两大基本方法.2.所谓直译是指翻译时要求译文与原文在词语,语法结构及表达方式上保持一致的方法.例:Many investors no longer treat a stock as an instrument of ownership in a corporation but only as a derivative of economic factors, risks and potentials.许多投资者不再把他们拥有的股票看作是拥有某一公司一部分权益的工具,而只是将它视为经济因素,风险,潜力的衍生物.See morenext3.意译是指摆脱原文形式的束缚而传达原文的内容.During Federal Reserve Chairman Greenspan's nearly 20 years as the world' most powerful central banker, the U.S has suffered only one recession, a brief one in 1990-1991.格林斯潘作为全球最有实力的中央银行的掌舵人,在其近20年的任期中,美国仅在1990-1991年间遭受过一次短暂的经济萧条.本句意译主要体现在句子结构层面上,将only one recession和a brief one in 1990-1991进一步融合,更加符合汉语的表达习惯.讨论翻译的概念, 分类,过程及方法并提出自己的看法和观点.将下列汉语译成英语:1.语内翻译_______2.语际翻译_______3.语符翻译_______4.文学翻译_______5.实用翻译_______6.功能对等_______7.机器翻译_______8.目的语_______9. 源语_______三.结合直译和意译两种翻译方法,将下列英语译成汉语:1.Translation may be defined as follows: the replacement of material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language.2.A translation should give a complete transcript of the same character as that of the original. A translation should have all the ease of the original composition.3. Automatic package has been adopted into production of almost every industry.4.A compensation package often includes a base salary, an annual bonus and some other extra rewards and benefits.5. A packaged service called Trade Web costs companies less than 1,000$a year to join. It is so cheap that 3,000 small suppliers have signed up with the operator.6.The through quality management is apparent not just in the products, but also in the system through a self-check system and tracebility at each stage of production from the greenhouse to the table.第二节商务英语和商务文本翻译标准exercise一. 商务英语的界定商务英语是英语的一种功能变体,是专门用途英语(English for Specific Purposes)中的一个分支,适于商务场合中应用,或者说是一种包含了各种商务活动内容,适合商业需要的标准英文.而这些商务活动包括技术引进,对外贸易,招商引资,对外劳务承包与合同,国际金融,涉外保险,国际旅游,海外投资,国际运输等等, 在这些活动中使用的英语统称为商务英语(Business English )二.商务文本的翻译标准商务文本的复杂性决定了商务文本的翻译标准必须是多元化的,不同的商务文体该有不同的翻译标准.1.商务广告的翻译:"劝购功能相似"广告的主要功能是劝购功能,即说服读者去买广告中所宣传的产品或服务.广告翻译是否成功取决它是否能在译文读者中取得同样的作用.广告翻译应以"劝购功能相似"为其基本原则, 译文应与原文有大致相同的宣传效果,信息传递功能和移情感召功能.需要强调的是,由于语言之间存在的差异以及译文读者和原文读者的社会和文化背景不同,广告翻译的"功能相似"原则并不是要求字字对等的"忠实"翻译而是一种极为灵活的对等:即广告翻译的受众是否象原广告的受众一样乐于掏钱买商家所宣传的广告产品.例:We take no pride in prejudice.( The Times 的一则广告)译文1:对于你的偏见,我们没有傲慢.译文2: 对于有失偏颇的报道,我们并不引以为豪.参考译文:正义的力量,舆论的向导.>>>examplePride in prejudice引用英国作家简.奥斯汀的名作《傲慢与偏见》,体现了《泰晤士报》秉承公平,公正的办报原则,收到了很好的广告效果.但由于中西方的文化差异,使这种效果很难在译文中表现出来.译文1将《傲慢与偏见》的两个关键词强加到译文中,但却使人看了之后不知所云.译文二虽然表达了公平公正的意思,但给人的感觉是《泰晤士报》不总是报道真实的新闻.在这种既难保留原文,又难达到广告宣传目的的两难情况下,则可放弃原文,采取另译的方法例句分析Quality Services for Quality Life.凝聚新动力,文康展新姿._香港康乐及文化事物署的双语广告Connecting People.科技以人为本._诺基亚公司的广告词★商务广告的翻译next2.商务应用文的翻译:约定俗成,入乡随俗.商务应用文在此具体是指商务活动中的项目招商通告,营业执照,招投标文件,请柬等具有固定行文格式的商务文件.>>example★商务应用文的翻译The Deputy Prime Minister of Australiaand minister for Overseas TradeDr.J.F. CairnsRequests the Pleasure of Your Companyat a BanquetOn Tuesday, 11 October, 2005from 12:30 to 13:30 p.m.in Hall Three of the Beijing Exhibition CenterTo Mark the Opening of the Australian ExhibitionR.S.V.PTel:_______Chinese★商务应用文的翻译谨订于2005年10月11日(星期二)12时半至下午1时半假座北京展览馆3号大厅举行宴会,庆祝澳大利亚展览会开幕.敬请光临澳大利亚副总理兼海外贸易部长杰.弗.凯恩斯博士(请赐复)电话________next3. 商务信函的翻译: 事实准确,礼貌得体根据商务信函的语言特点和实际用途,商务信函的翻译应遵循以下原则:⑴准确传达原文的事实信息主要包括三个方面:术语翻译规范,具体事实细节准确传译, 一般性叙述用词恰当.⑵贴切再现原文的礼貌语气商务信函属于公函语体,措辞严谨,语气委婉,注重礼节,翻译是要特别注意再现原文的礼貌语气.⑶符合公函文体的语言特征>>example★商务信函的翻译There are qualities of this item here, in different weights and size, with varied colors and shapes. The price is very reasonable and the quotations will be given upon request.Our prices already make full allowance for large orders and , as you know, we operate in a highly competitive market in which we have been forced to cut our prices to minimum.我方现有各种不同重量,不同体积,颜色丰富,形状各异的大理石,数量甚巨,价格合理,受函抱价.我方抱价已考虑到大批量定货的因素.相信贵公司了解我们是在一个竞争十分激烈的市场上经营销售业务,因而已经不得不把利润降到最低限度.next4. 商务合同的翻译⑴商务合同的概念:是一种契约文体,其文体具有用语正式,句式严谨以及篇章结构固定等特点.⑵具体标准:*用词准确,译文完整*行文通顺,条理清楚*符合契约的文体特点>>example★商务合同的翻译The date of receipt issued by the transportation department concerned shall be regarded as the date of the delivery of goods.Payment: By irrevocable L/C at the sight to reach the sellers 30 days before the time of shipment.The buyer shall make a claim against the Seller (including replacement of the goods) by the further inspection certificate and all the expenses incurred therefore shall by the Seller.The arbitral award is final and binding upon both parties.Chinese★商务合同的翻译由有关的运输机构所开据收据的日期视为为交货期.买方应在装船前30天将不可撤消的即期信用证开到卖方.买方需凭复检证明书向卖方提出索赔(包括换货),由此引起的全部费用应由卖方负责.仲裁机构的裁决具有最终效力,双方必须遵照执行.一.讨论翻译及商务英语翻译的标准.二.将下列英语短语译成汉语:1.form a receipt __________________2.ticket order form ___________________3.application form ___________________4.an active list ___________________5.an export list ____________________>>>more三.将下列英语段落翻译成汉语.Speaking of translation, we tend to think of Yan Fu who advocated for the first time the three words as translation criteria, namely, "faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance". Yan Fu's "faithfulness" means the fulland complete conveying or transmission of the original content or thought. His "expressiveness" demands that the version must be clear and flowing without any grammatical mistakes or confused logic and sense. But his "elegance" is unadoptable because it refers to the use of classical Chinese before the Han Dynasty, Yan Fu held that only the language before the Han Dynasty could be considered elegant and old vocabulary, the old structure of Chinese must be used in order to represent the original fully and adequately."Faithfulness" first refers to the content of the original work. The translator must bring out the original meaning both comprehensively and accurately without any distortion or casual addition or deletion of the original thoughts.Faithfulness also includes the keeping of the original style, as Mr. Lu Xun put it , "keep the full flavor of the original work."第三章涉外商务信函的翻译第一节商务信函简介一商务信函的12种要素信头(letterhead)案号(reference)日期(date)封内地址(inside address注意项(attention line)称呼(salutation)事由栏(subject)信的正文(body of letter)信尾敬语(complimentary close)签名(signature)缩写名,附件及分送标志部分(IEC: initials, enclosures and carbon copies block)附言(postscript)Next商务信函实例1Kee & Co., Ltd34 Regent StreetLondon, UK Inside Address 收信人地址Dear Sirs,Salutation称呼We have obtained your name and address from Dee&Co. Ltd, and we are writing toenquire whether you would be willing to establish business relations with us.We have been importers of shoes for many years. At present, we are interested in extending our range and would appreciate your catalogues and quotations.If your prices are competitive we would expect to place volume orders on you.We look forward to your early reply._Yours faithfully, Complimentary Close客套结束语Tony Smith Signature Block签名栏Enc: invoice for consulting services Enclosure Notation_商务信函实例21117 The High RoadAustin TX 787036 June 2006MR. David Patricks3005 West 29th, Suite 130Waco. TX 77663Dear Mr. Ptricks,I received your June 5th letter requesting consultation and am providing myrecommendation in the following.First, let me review my understanding of your inquiry. The question you raise revolvesaround whether the heating registers should be located in a low sidewall, or in the ceiling,and if ceiling registers are used, which type –step –down or stamped-faced—will deliverthe best results. Additionally, the problem concerns whether there is any benefit to haveheating registers near the floor, whether moving heated air "down" in ducts negativelyaffects blower performance.My recommendations are as follow:I can find nothing in either Carrier, Trane, or ASHRAE design manuals that indicatesdrop as being a factor in duct design any different from normal static losses. If you havedifferent information on this, I would like to have references to it.I cannot see any advantage to low sidewall application. The problem is injection and pattern. I do see an advantage to low sidewall return; Carrier Design Manual—Air Distribution is a good reference on both items.I recommend step-down diffusers with OBD because they have pattern and volume control that is superior to stamped-faced diffusers.I am opposed to low sidewall diffusers or floor diffusers in the application you describe. The increased static losses that result from trying to get the ducts to down through the walls will only increase installation cost and reduceefficiency.If there is anyone in your organization who is uncomfortable with these recommendations, let me know. I'd be very interested in reviewing any actualdocumented test results. Let me know if you have any further questions or if Ican be of any further assistance.Sincerely,Jane A McMurreyJane A McMurrey, P.E.HVAC Consultant, Inc.JAM/dmcEncl.: invoice for consulting services2 涉外商务信函语篇风格的特点,也称7C原则2.1 完整(completeness)2.2 简洁(conciseness)2.3 具体(concreteness)2.4 正确(correctness)2.5 清晰(clarity)2.6 体谅(consideration)2.7 礼貌(courtesy)2.1 完整(completeness)实例解说:"Cellulose Tape 1/2"x 3yds, with plastic dispenser 700 doz./ditto-but 1/2" x 5 yds, 1,000doz."这是出口商接到的一份定单中有关商品品名,规格和数量的内容.中文意思是:"纤素带(幅)宽半英寸,长3码,带塑料包装容器,700打;同上,但(幅)宽宽半英寸,长5码,1000打."问题是后半句不清楚. "ditto"在这里表示前面提到的商名称纤维素带, 但不能包括"带塑料包装容器",因此,幅英寸长5码的纤维素带是否要塑料包装容器没有说清楚,不完整.所以最好改成:"Cellulose Tape 1/2"x 3yds, with plastic dispenser 700 doz. CelluloseTape 1/2" x 5yds,with plastic dispenser 1000 doz." 这样既完正,又清楚明确,不引起误解.2.2 简洁(conciseness)"简洁"是有客观标准的.虽然西方国家的作者之间在怎样用词才算"简洁"方面还是有争论的,不过他们的一些看法还是有一定参考价值的.怎样才能使商业书信"简洁" 西方国家作者有很多建议,先介绍如下:eg 2;(一) 避免使用陈旧的商业术语陈旧的与传统的商业术语(Commercial jargon)对信的内容没有什么作用,应该避免使用.Eg 1:Wordy: We wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter of November 14 with the check for Stg.10 enclosed and wish to thank you for same Concise: We appreciate your letter of November 14 and the check for Stg.10 you sent with it.例二:Wordy:We take liberty to approach you with the request that you would be kind enough to introduce to us some exporters of cotton textiles in your cities. Would you please introduce to us some exporters of cotton textiles in your cityConcise:Please introduce to us some exporters of cotton textiles in your city. (二) 要长话短说,避免罗嗦通常商业人士每天需要阅读大量的书信,对开门见山,长话短说,直接切题的信特别欢迎.因此, 写信要力求长话短说,例如:不要写Please see that an enquiry is conducted to determine the reason.应写作Please find out the reason.不要写We express our regret at being unable to fulfill your order on this occasion.应写作We are sorry we cannot meet your present order.要使用简洁的语言,有可能的话, 尽量使用单词来代替某些娇柔做作的短语.删去不必要的形容词,如下列句子中的形容词或副词删去后并不影响句子的原意: The proposal is under (active) consideration.The answer is (definitely) correct.I would (rather) think the fare is too high.The (true) facts are as stated .(三) 要注意每句句子的长短例如:"We would like to know whether you would allow us to extend the time of shipment for twenty days, and if you would be so kind as to allow us to do so, kindly give us your reply by cable without delay."这句话过分"客气",使句子过长而不清楚.内容要求对方同意延期交货20天,一般情况下,应尽可能提出延期到那一天的具体日期.这句话可压缩为:"Please reply by telegram immediately if you will allow us to delay theshipment until April 21."2.3 具体(concreteness)2.4 正确(correctness)商业书信必须写得正确,因为它涉及到买卖双方的权利,义务,厉害关系,是各种商业单据(如合同)的根据. 广义的说,商业书信的正确性表现在:(一) 运用正确的语言水平(二) 叙述得正确(三) 数字要正确(四) 正确理解和运用商业术语(五) 合适的写作技巧或方法,以及正确运用其他的六个"C".(一) 运用正确的语言水(二)叙述得正确叙述得正确: 商业书信的内容要叙述得正确,既不要说得不够(Understatement),更不要说得过头(Overstatement).[例一]This stove is absolutely the best (or: the very best) on the market.(这种炉子是市场上绝对最好的炉子.)这句话是用来介绍商品的, 但没有具体介绍商品的性能, 而是抽象地断定这种炉子是"市场上最好的".这样介绍商品,不但不能达到推销的目的,反而使人对写信人有"卖狗皮膏药"的感觉.[改写]Our model A195 is designed on modern lines, without any increase infuel consumption, 25% more heat than the older models. So you will agree that it is the outstanding stove for economy of fuel.(我们的A195型炉子是按近代样式设计的,在不增加燃料消耗的情况下,比其他各种旧式炉子温度高25%.所以,你会同意,这是优良的节约燃料的炉子.)(三) 字要正确字要正确:做对外贸易离不开数字. 对商业书信中的数字的正确性要特别加以注意,有时"失之毫厘,差之千里".甚至引起不同的理解.(a)"以上","以下","以前","以后","从….到... "等的表达法(b)二美元和二美元以上$2 or (and)$2 above (over)不少于50罗的定单50gross or (and) up (upward, upwards)(四) 正确理解和运用商业术语理解和运用商业术语:一般常用的商业用语用字简洁,意义明确,使用得好,工作进行得顺利,使用得不好,就会引起混乱,误解,甚至产生不必要的纠纷.如:You ask very short delivery for your order.写信的人原意是说"你们要求赶快交你们的定货."可是short delivery不是快点交货的意思,而是"短交"的意思,这就用错了商业术语.因此,应该说:Your require quick (prompt) delivery of your order.(五)正确运用其他的六个"C".2.5 清晰(clarity)(一).避免使用可能产生不同理解或意义不明确的词〈例一〉As to the steamers sailing from Hongkong to San Francisco, we have bimonthly direct services.(从香港到旧金山有直达船,) 但是bimonthly 究竟是一个月两次即半月一次呢,还是两个月一次不明确.因此,最好清楚明白说明"一个月两次"还是"两个月一次"(a) We have two direct sailings every month from Hongkong to San Francisco.(每月两次直达船)(b) We have semimonthly direct sailing from Hongkong to San Francisco. (每半月一次直达船)(c) We have a direct sailing from Hongkong to San Francisco every two month.(每两个月一次直达船)(二)注意修饰词的位置,有时修饰词的位置不同,会导致不同的含意如:a) Please let us know what you wish us to do about this matter as soon as possible;b) Please let us know as soon as possible what you wish us to do about this matter.以上两句中的""修饰的内容不同:a) 你们要求我们尽快做些什么.b) 请尽快告诉我们.a) 可译成"请告诉我们你们要我们为此尽快做些什么";b) 可译为"请尽快告知,你们要我们为此事做些什么".(三) 注意代名词,关系代词和先行词的关系按照英语习惯, 句子中的代名词和关系代词一般是指离得最近的名词,因此要特别注意,以免引起误解或不清楚.例句:不好:They informed Messrs. John & Smith that they would receive an answer in a few days.较好: They informed Messrs. John & Smith that latter would receive an answer in a few days.(四)注意前后一致和紧凑,连贯不一致:Being a certified public accountant, I am sure you can help us.一致:Being a certified public accountant, you can surely help us. or; As you are a certified public accountant, I am sure you can help us.(五)仔细和恰当地分段落商业书信要写得使人一读就明白,因此必须按照内容仔细和恰当的分段落,一般的分段落原则是一个段落一个意思(A paragraph for each point is a good general rule.). 现举例说明:Dear Sirs,It is reported in a domestic newspaper that the Iranian Central Bank hasinstructed the commercial banks to suspend their business of opening a new letter of credit as from the 3rd May for financial reason of foreign currency. Although it is said that this arrangement would be a temporary one and with establishment of new import policy this emergency arrangement would be lifted, we are much concerned about the outcome of this movement toward restriction of import to Iran and shall be obliged if you will kindly keep us well advised of development of this new arrangement especially in connection with import from France.Yours faithfully,以上这封信只有一段,供两句.第一句39字,第二句66句. 读后虽然能基本了解其内容, 但读起来很舒服.信的内容大体有三点:1. 伊朗中央银行因外汇原因,通知个商业银行从五月三日起停止开立信用证;2. 这临时措施,新的进口政策一订,这个措施可能取消;3. 希望对方随时告之有关情况.按照这三点,适当地分段,把信重新改写,读起来比原来的清楚易懂:Dear Sirs,It is reported in a vernacular newspaper that the Iranian Central Bank has instructed the commercial banks to suspend their issuing new Letters of Creditas from the 3rd May because of its decreasing foreign currency funds. Furthermore it is said that the suspension seems a temporary one and willbe released with establishment if a new import policy.We are much concerned, however, about the outcome of this movement toward restriction of import to Iran.We, therefore, shall be obliged if you will keep us well informed of development of this new state of affairs, especially in connection with importsfrom France.Yours faithfully,2.6 体谅(consideration)2.7 礼貌(courtesy)COURTESY译成"礼貌".但是根据西方国家函电书籍作者普遍的看法,所谓COURTESY是"客气而又体谅人"的意思.这样的形式很多,现在提供一些常见的供参考:(一) 把命令变成请求的常用形式: Please, Will you…….., Will you please……..,如:a) Will you give us more detailed information on your requirementb) Will you please (kindly) let us hear from you on these two points(二) 虚拟式(Past Subjunctive From)如:a) Would you compare our sample with the goods of other firmsb) We would ask you to ship the goods by the first available vessel.c) We wish you would let us have your reply soon.d) This would seem to confirm our opinion.e) We should be grateful if you would help us with your suggestion.f) We might be of some service to you in a similar case.以上的b, 也可用will, shall, may, 但是用Past Subjunctive Form则表示更客气和婉转些.2.7 礼貌(courtesy)(三) 缓和用法(Mitigation)为了缓和过分强调或刺激对方,常用: We are afraid, we would say, we may(or, might) say, we(would) think, it seems(or would seem) to us, we(would) suggest, as you are (or: may be) aware, as we need hardly point out等等表达法来缓和语气,如:_a) It was unwise of you to have done that.We would say that it was unwise of you to have done that._b) You ought to have done it.It seems to us that you ought to have done it.c) We cannot comply with your request.We are afraid we cannot comply with your request.d) Our products are the very best on the market.We might say that our products are the very best on the market.符合7C原则的信函实例Dear Sirs,Our client in Mumbai requests us to obtain from you a pro forma invoice for color TV setsWith the following specifications: "Haier" brand color TV sets 25-inch and 34-inch(each 500sets).Would you please airmail us the soonest possible your pro forma invoice for 1,000 color TVsets with prices CIF Mumbai, so that we obtain our client's confirmation. There is no questionabout our getting the necessary import license from our authorities.As soon as the said license is approved, we shall establish an L/C in yourfavour.Thank you for your close cooperation in this respect. Yours Sincerely, John Smith敬启者:我们的一个孟买客户要求我们从贵方取得下列规格的彩色电视机形式发票:"海尔"彩色电视机25英寸和34英寸各500台.请尽快航邮注有孟买到岸价格的1,000台彩色电视机的形式发票,以便我们取得客户认.从当局取得必要的进口许可证当无问题.一俟获得许可证即开以贵方为受益人的信用证.感谢贵方的密切合作.你真诚的, 约翰.史密斯第二节商务信函的文体特点及其翻译1 商务信函的文体特点1.1 词汇使用特点1.1.1 用词规范正式1.1.2 表意准确,专业性强1.1.3 用语朴素,淡于修饰1.2 语法使用特点1.2.1 句子类型1.2.2 句式结构(1)复合句与简单句结合,以复合句为主(2)常用并列结构(3)状语位置独特1.2.3 虚拟语气的运用2 商务信函的翻译要点2.1 商务英语信函翻译的原则2.2 商务英语信函翻译的注意事项1 商务信函的文体特点1.1 词汇使用特点1.1.1 用词规范正式(1)商务英语信函经常以意义相同或相近的书面词语代替基本词汇和口语词汇,如以inform或advise代替tell,以duplicate代替copy,以dispatch代替send,以otherwise代替or;以介词短语代替简单的介词,如以as for,in respect to,in connection with和with regarding to等代替about等.例如:We are pleased to advise you that your order NO.105 has been dispatched in accordance with your instruction.我们很高兴地通知你们:第105号订单货物已遵照你方指示运出.1.1.1 用词规范正式We will meet you half way by offering a discount of 5% in view of our long pleasant relations.鉴于我们之间长期愉快的业务关系,本公司将酌情考虑给予5%的折扣.(2)商务信函中还经常使用here/there +介词构成的复合词,如hereafter,hereby,hereunder,hereto,hereinafter,herewith,thereafter,therein,therefrom等.例如:All offers and sales are subject to the terms and conditions printed on the reverse side hereof.所有报盘和销售均应遵守本报价单背面所印的条款.In such a case, Seller is bound to reimburse Buyer for any loss or damage sustained therefrom.在次情况下,卖方负责偿还买方由此所遭受的损失.1.1.2 表意准确,专业性强商务信函用词表意准确,专业性强,主要表现在使用大量的专业术语,行话,外来词,缩略语以及一般词语在商务英语语境中的特殊用法.(1)专业术语类:Trimming charges 平仓费insurance policy 保险单coverage 保险项目establishment 开证counter-suggestion 反还盘surcharges附加费pro forma invoice形式发票premium保险费clearance sale清仓削价销售underwriter 保险人L/C 信用证CIF 到岸价格FOB离岸价格bid 递盘C.B.D. 付现提货counter-offer还盘irrevocable letter of credit 不可撤消信用证1.1.2 表意准确,专业性强例如:We shall cover TPND on your order.我们将为你方的货物投保盗窃和提货不着险.It would be appreciated if you would let us know by returning your lowest possible price for the following goods on FOB London.请报下列商品伦敦船上交货之最低价.(2)外来词类:拉丁语的status quo(现状),意大利语的del credere(保付货价的),汉语中的litchi(荔枝),tungoil(桐油),mango(芒果)等.(3)行话:长期的函电交往使人们在使用术语上形成共识,本来意义差异很大的词汇在特定的语境中所表达的内涵和外延却非常相似.Offer, quotation表示"报价,发盘"Pamphlet, brochure, booklet, sales literature 表示商家用于宣传介绍自己公司或产品的"说明材料"Shipment和consignment 表示"所发出的货物"Financial standing/reputation/condition/position用于表示公司的"资信财务情况"Fulfill/complete/execute an order用于表示"执行订单"A draft contract或a specimen contract 表示"合同样本"1.1.2 表意准确,专业性强(4)商务信函准确性主要体现在数量词的大量运用.商务信函中的时间,价格,数量,金额,规格等问题贯穿商贸活动始终,数字的表达应言之确凿,避免摸棱两可.例如:。



游戏专业术语AC - Armor Class,盔甲级别或防御。

Add - 一只额外的怪物加入到现有的战斗中。

表示拉多了预计的怪数AOE - Area Effect Damage,区域作用魔法。


AE - Area Effect,区域作用伤害AFK - Away from Keyboard,离开键盘。


AGRO - (Aggro)吸引仇恨这个词意味着怪物已经疯狂并且你已经将它们“激活”到开始攻击你的程度。


Aggro Radius - 怪物周围的区域,进入它意味着怪物会“苏醒”并攻击你。

Agi - Agility,敏捷Avatar - 你的角色。

BIND(Bound):定重生点位Buff - 施放于怪物或玩家身上的有益魔法。


Carebear - 喜欢帮助其他玩家攻击怪物,而非在pvp中攻击其他玩家的玩家。

CAMP-扎营,蹲点守怪刷新另一个意思是下线Caster - 非“坦克”型角色,如法师。

cdkey-帐号Cheese - 利用游戏的不平衡之处牟利。

Combat Pets - 被玩家控制的NPC,在战斗中帮助玩家及其队友。

CR - Corpse Retrevial,取回尸体有团体灭亡的含义Creep - 怪物Creep Jacking - 从魔兽争霸3引入的词语,当其他玩家与怪物战斗的时候趁机攻击该玩家。

Critters - 面对攻击不会反击的怪物,如小鹿和小兔子。

DD - Direct Damage,直接伤害。


DMG - Damage,伤害。

DOT - Damage over time,在一段时间内不断对目标造成伤害。

DPS - Damage per second,每秒伤害。

也指火力强大的主攻玩家De-Buff - 对一个单位施放一个具有负面效果的魔法使之战斗力降低。






”2. 翻译的标准我国比较系统全面论述翻译标准的是清末著名翻译家严复,他在《天演论·译例言》(1898)中提出“信达雅”的翻译标准。





















分译法的作用主要有以下几点:1. 提高翻译效率:采用分译法可以将待翻译的文本分成若干个部分,由不同的翻译人员进行翻译。


2. 降低错误率:由于每个部分都由不同的人员进行翻译,他们之间可以相互审校和交流,从而降低了错误率。


3. 适应大型项目或紧急任务:对于大型项目或紧急任务来说,采用传统的单人或小组合作方式可能难以满足需求。


4. 提高可持续性:采用分译法可以将待翻译的文本分成若干个部分,由不同的人员进行翻译。


在实际应用中,分译法需要注意以下几点:1. 合理划分:划分待翻译的文本时需要考虑到每个部分的长度、难度和专业性等因素,以确保每个部分都能够得到合适的翻译人员和资源。

2. 统一术语:在整个过程中需要统一术语和风格,以确保最终翻译成果的一致性和专业性。

3. 质量控制:在整个过程中需要设置专门的质量控制环节,对每个部分进行审校和修正,以确保最终翻译成果的质量。

4. 协作沟通:由于每个部分都由不同的人员进行翻译,他们之间需要及时沟通和协作,以确保整体进度和效率。




cleanup 清理、善後 清理、清除
candidate function 候选函式 候选函数
data 资料 数据
data member 资料成员、成员变数 数据成员、成员变量
data structure 资料结构 数据结构
binary tree 二元树 二叉树
binary operator 二元运算子 二元运算符
binding 系结 绑定
derived class 衍生类别 派生类
destructor(dtor) 解构式 析构函数、析构器
device 装置 设备
class body 类别本体 类体 ?
class declaration 类别宣告、类别宣告式 类声明
class definition 类别定义、类别定义式 类定义
class derivation list 类别衍化列 类继承列表
class head 类别表头 类头 ?
class hierarchy 类别继承体系 ?
bit 位元 位
bitwise 以 bit 为单元┅、位元逐一┅ ?
bitwise copy 以 bit 为单元进行复制、位元逐一复制 位拷贝
access function 存取函式 存取函数
address-of operator 取址运算子 & 取地址运算符
algorithm 演算法 算法
类别范本局部特制体、 类模板部分特化
class template specializations
类别范本特制体、类别范本特殊化 类模板特化
enclosing class 外围类别(与巢状类别 num (enumeration) 列举(一种 C++ 资料型别) 枚举



绝对翻译 absolute translation摘要翻译 abstract translation滥译 abusive translation可接受性 acceptibility准确accuracy译者行动translatorial action充分性 adequacy改编 adaptation调整 adjustment美学诗体翻译aesthetic-poetic translation 经纪人agent类同形式analogical form分析 analysis感染型文本 applied focused-texts应用翻译研究applied translation studies 古词废词 archaism元译素 architranseme关于范围的翻译理论area-restricted theories of translation 听觉媒介型文本 audio-medial texts委托 commission自动翻译 automatic translation自立幅度 autonomy spectrum自译 autotranslation逆转换 back-transformation关于范围的翻译理论back-translation双边传译 bilateral interpreting双语语料库bilingual corporal双文本bi-text空位 blank spaces无韵体翻译 blank verse translation借用 borrowing仿造 calque机助翻译 MAT范畴转换 category shift词类转换 class shift贴近翻译 close translation连贯 coherence委托 commission传意负荷 communication load传意翻译 communicative translation社群传译 community interpreting对换 commutation可比语料库 comparable corpora补偿compensation能力 competence成分分析componential analysis机器辅助翻译MAT一致性concordance会议传译conference interpreting接续传译consecutive interpreting建构性翻译常规 constitutive translational conventions派生内容的形式content-derivative form重内容文本 content-focused texts语境一致contextual consistency受控语言 controlled language常规 conventions语料库 corpora可修正性 correctability对应 correspondence法庭传译court interpreting隐型翻译covert translation跨时翻译理论 cross-temporal theories of translation 文化途径 cultural approach文化借用 cultural borrowing文化替换 cultural substitution文化翻译 cultural translation文化移植 cultural transplantation文化置换 cultural transposition区分度degree of differentiation翻译定义definitions of translation描写翻译研究 descriptive translation studies图表翻译diagrammatic translation对话传译 dialogue interpreting说教忠信didactic fidelity直接翻译 direct translation翻译方向 direction of translation消解歧义disambiguation关于话语类型的翻译理论discourse type-restricted theories of translation文献型翻译 documentary translation归化翻译 domesticating translation配音 dubbing动态性 dynamics动态对等 dynamic equivalence动态忠信 dynamic fidelity用功模式 effort models借用 borrowing种族学翻译enthnographic translation翻译的种族语言学模式 enthnolinguistic model of translation 非目标接受者 excluded receiver诠释性翻译 exegetic translation诠释忠信 exegetical fidelity异国情调 exoticism期望规范 expectancy norms明示 explicitation表情型文本 expressive texts外部转移external transfer外来形式 extraneous form忠实faithfulness假朋友false friends假翻译fictitious translation贴近 coherence异化翻译 foreignizing translation派生形式的形式 form-derivative forms重形式文本 content-focused texts形式对应 formal correspondence形式对等 formal equivalence前向转换 forward transformation自由译 free translation全文翻译 total translation功能取向翻译研究 function-oriented translation studies 功能对等 function equivalence空隙 gaps宽泛化 generalization宽泛化翻译generalizing translation要旨翻译gist translation释词翻译 gloss translation成功 success目的语 goal languages语法分析 grammatical analysis语法置换 grammatical transposition字形翻译graphological translation诠释步骤 hermeneutic motion对应层级hierarchy of correspondences历史忠信historical fidelity同音翻译homophonic translation音素翻译phonemic translation横向翻译 horizontal translation超额信息 hyperinformation同一性identity地道翻译idomatic translation地道性idomaticity不确定性indeterminacy间接翻译 indirect translation翻译即产业过程 translation as industrial process 信息负荷 information load信息提供 information offer信息型文本informative texts初始规范initial norms工具型翻译 instrumental translation整合翻译 integral translation跨文化合作intercultural cooperation中间语言 interlanguage隔行翻译interlineal translation逐行翻译interlinear translation语际语言 interlingua语际翻译interlingual translation中介翻译 intermediate translation内部转移 internal transfer解释 interpretation传译 interpreting翻译释意理论 interpretive theory of translation 符际翻译intersemiotic translation互时翻译intertemporal translation 语内翻译intralingual translation 系统内转换 intra-system shift不变量 invariant不变性 invariance逆向翻译inverse translation隐形 invisibility核心 kernel关键词翻译 keyword translation贴近 coherence可核实性 verifiability可修正性 correctability空缺 voids层次转换 level shift词汇翻译 lexical translation联络传译 liaison interpreting普遍语言 lingua universalis语言学途径linguistic approach语言对等 linguistic equivalence语言翻译linguistic translation语言创造性翻译linguistically creative translation 字面翻译 literal translation直译法 literalism借译 load translation原素logeme逻各斯 logos低地国家学派 low countries groups忠诚 loyalty机助翻译MAT机器翻译machine translation操纵manipulation操纵学派manipulation school图谱mapping矩阵规范matricial norms中继翻译 mediated translation中介语言 mediating language词译 metaphrase元诗metapoem元文本 metatext韵律翻译metrical translation模仿形式mimetic form最小最大原则 minimax principle 小众化 minoritizing translation 调整 modification调适 modulation语义消歧 semantic disambiguation 多语语料库multilingual corpora 多媒介型文本multi-medial texts 多阶段翻译 multiple-stage texts 变异 mutation自然性 naturalness必要区分度 necessary degree of differentiation 负面转换negative shift无遗留原则no leftover principle规范 norms必要对等语 obligatory equivalents曲径翻译 oblique translation观察型接受者observational receiver信息提供 information offer操作模式operational models操作规范 operational norms运作型文本 operative texts可换对等语 optional equivalents有机形式organic form重合翻译 overlapping translation显型翻译 overt translation范式对等 paradigmatic equivalence平行语料库 parallel corpora释词 paraphrase局部翻译理论 partial theories of translation 部分重合翻译partially-overlapping translation 参与型接受者particularizing receiver具体化翻译 particularizing translation赞助 patronage运用 performance音素翻译phonemic translation音位翻译phonological translation中枢语言 pivot language译诗为文poetry into prose争辩式翻译polemical translation多元系统理论 polysystem theory译后编辑 post-editing译前编辑pre-editing语用途径 pragmatic approach精确度 degree of precision预先规范preliminary norms规定翻译研究 prescriptive theories of translation首级翻译 primary translation关于问题的翻译理论 problem-restrained theories of translation 成品取向翻译研究 product-oriented studies of translation过程取向翻译研究 process-oriented studies of translation专业规范 professional norms散文翻译 prose translation前瞻式翻译prospective translation抗议 protest原型文本 prototext伪翻译 psedotranslation公共服务传译 public service interpreting纯语言 pure language原始翻译 radical translation级阶受限翻译rank-bound translation关于级阶的翻译理论 rank-restricted theories of translation读者取向机器翻译 reader-oriented machine translation 独有特征 realia接受语 receptor language重构式翻译translation with reconstructions冗余 redundancy折射refraction规约性翻译常规 regulative translational conventions 转接传译 relay interpreting知识库要素repertoreme变换措词rephrasing阻抗 resistancy受限翻译 restricted translation重组 restructuring转译 retranslation后瞻式翻译retrospective translation换词rewording换声 revoicing重写 rewrtiting韵体翻译rhymed translation翻译科学 science of translation目的论scopos theory二级翻译second-hand translation二手翻译secondary translation选译 selective translation自译 self translation语义消歧 semantic disambiguation语义翻译 semantic translation语义空缺 semantic voids意义理论theory of sense意对意翻译 sense-for-sense translation 序列翻译 serial translation服务翻译 service translation转换shifts视译 sight translation手语传译signed language translation同声传译simultaneous interpreting源语 source language源文本source text源文本取向翻译研究source text-oriented translation studies 具体化specification结构转换 structure shift文体对等 stylistic equivalence子语言sublanguage配字幕 substituting成功 success超额翻译 overtranslation组合对等syntagmatic equivalence系统system有声思维记录think-aloud protocols目标语 target language目标文本 target texts目标文本取向翻译研究 target text-oriented translation studies术语库 term banks术语 terminology文本类型学text typology文本素texteme关于文本类型的翻译理论text type-restricted theories of translation文本对等 textual equivalence文本规范 textual norms理论翻译研究theoretical translation studies意义理论theory of sense增量翻译 thick translation有声思维记录 think aloud protocols第三语码third code第三语言third language关于时域的翻译理论 temporal-restricted theories of translation完全翻译 total translation巴别塔 tower of babel注音 transcription译素 transeme转移 transfer转移取向翻译研究 transfer-oriented translation studies 迁移 transference转换 transformation可译性 translatability笔译 translation翻译与博弈理论 translation and the theory of games翻译即抉择translation as decision-making翻译即产业过程 translation as industrial process翻译对等translation equivalence翻译研究translation studies翻译理论translation theory翻译单位 translation unit翻译普遍特征translation universals重构式翻译 translation with reconstructions 翻译对等 translation equivalence翻译体 translationese翻译学translatology译者行动translatorial action音译 transliteration符际转化 transmutation置换 transposition不受限翻译 unbounded translation欠额翻译 undertranslation翻译单位 translation unit单位转换 unit shift不可译性 untranslatability词语一致verbal consistency可核实性 correctability改本改译 version纵向翻译vertical translation空缺 voids耳语传译whispered interpreting词对词翻译 word- for-word translation作者取向翻译机器 reader-oriented machine translation。































《翻译》课程理论汇编(基本概念)1.1 翻译的概念一般地,我们将翻译定义为:将一种语言(口语或笔语形式)(译出语)转换或创造为另一种语言(译入语)。



1.1.1 语言学家对翻译的定义语言学家将翻译视为一种语言活动,同时认为,翻译理论属于语言学的一个部分,即研究译出语和译入语的转换关系。


(2)Nida 和Taber(1969:12)认为,翻译是译出语和译入语间意义和形式上的最紧密联系转换。


1.1.2 文化角度对翻译的定义从文化角度来看,翻译不仅仅是语言符号的转换,同时是文化的交流,尤其是“文化间交流”。


Shuttleworth 和Cowie(1997:35)认为,与其说翻译是两种语言之间的符号转换,不如说是两种语言所代表的两种文化间的转换。


Nida 认为,对于一个成功的翻译工作者而言,掌握两种文化比掌握两种语言更为重要,因为语言中的词汇只有在特定的语言文化环境中才能具有正确的、合乎文化背景的义项。










1. 本地化(Localization)本地化是翻译中一个重要的概念,指的是根据目标语言和目标文化的特点进行适当的调整和修改以满足本地需求的过程。



2. 跨文化交际(Intercultural Communication)跨文化交际是指在不同文化背景下进行有效沟通和合作的能力。


3. 词汇转移(Transfer)词汇转移是指在翻译过程中将某一特定词汇从源语言转移到目标语言中的过程。


4. 同传和交传(Simultaneous Interpretation & Consecutive Interpretation)同传和交传是翻译领域中常见的两种口译技术。




5. 策略(Translation Strategy)翻译策略是指翻译工作者在面对不同的翻译问题时所采取的方法和决策。





学翻译必备的20个专业术语空中传译 2019-09-19 17:57:451. 归化:归化(法)是1995年由美国翻译理论家劳伦斯·韦努蒂在《译者的隐形》⼀书中提出的,是对意译概念的延伸,突破了语⾔因素的局限,扩展到语⾔、⽂化和美学等因素。




2. 异化:异化(法)是1995年由美国翻译理论家劳伦斯·韦努蒂在《译者的隐形》⼀书中提出的,是对直译概念的延伸,突破了语⾔因素的局限,扩展到语⾔、⽂化和美学等因素。





3. 语际翻译指不同语⾔之间的翻译活动,如将汉语⽂本译为外语⽂本,或将外语⽂本译为汉语⽂本。





4. 语内翻译指同⼀语⾔的各个语⾔变体之间的翻译,如将⽅⾔译成民族共同语,将古代语译成现代语,把将歌译成散⽂等。



翻译理论知识《翻译理论与实践》考试理论部分复习提纲一、翻译定义:1. 张培基——翻译是用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思维内容准确而完整地重新表达出来的语言活动。

3. 刘宓庆——翻译的实质是语际的意义转换。

4. 王克非——翻译是将一种语言文字所蕴含的意思用另一种语言文字表达出来的文化活动。

5. 泰特勒——好的翻译应该是把原作的长处完全地移注到另一种语言,以使译入语所属国家的本地人能明白地领悟、强烈地感受,如同使用原作语言的人所领悟、所感受的一样。

6. 费道罗夫——翻译就是用一种语言把另一种语言在内容与形式不可分割的统一中所业已表达出来的东西准确而完全地表达出来。

7. 卡特福德-- 翻译的定义也可以这样说:把一种语言(Source Language)中的篇章材料用另一种语言(Target Language)中的篇章材料来加以代替。

8. 奈达——翻译就是在译入语中再现与原语信息最切近的自然对等物,首先就意义而言,其次就是文体而言。

“ Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.” ---Eugene Nida纽马克——通常(虽然不能说总是如此),翻译就是把一个文本的意义按作者所想的方式移译入另一种文字(语言)。

“ Translation is a craft consisting in the attempt to replace a written message and/or statement in one language by the same message and/or statement in another language”. --- Peter Newmark10. “ Translation is the expression in one language (ortarget language 译入语) of what has been expressed in another language (source language 原语), preserving semantic and stylistic equivalences.” --- Dubois12. 13.Translation or translating is a communicative activity or dynamic process in which the translator makes great effort to thoroughly comprehend a written message or text in the source language and works very hard to achieve an adequate or an almost identical reproduction in the target language version of the written source language message or text.二、翻译标准1. 翻译的标准概括为言简意赅的四个字:“忠实(faithfulness)、通顺(smoothnesS”忠实指的是忠实于原文。


Interpreta on Interpre ng Interpre ve Theory of Transla on Intersemio c Transla on Intertemporal Transla on Intralingual Transla on Intra-system Shi Invariance Invariant Inverse Transla on Invisibility
Gramma cal Transla on Gramma al Transposi on Graphological Transla on Hermeneu c Mo on Hierarchy of Correspondences
Historical Fidelity Homophonic Transla on Horizontal Transla on Hyperinforma on IA (Informa on Offer) Iden ty Idioma c Transla on Idioma city Imita on Indeterminacy Indirect Transla on
Community Interpre ng Dialogue Interpre ng Public Service Interpre ng Commuta on Comparable Corpora Compensa on Competence Componen al Analysis Computer-assisted Transla on Concordance Conference Interpre ng
经纪人 国际会议口译联合会 类同形式 分析 感染型文本 应用翻译研究;应用翻译学 古词;废词 元译素 关于范围的翻译理论 元译素 听觉媒介型文本



银行专用翻译:✧招商银行:ChinaMerchantsBank✧中国工商银行:IndustrialandCommercialBankofChina ✧中国农业银行:AgriculturalBankofChina✧花旗银行:Citibank✧中信银行:ChinaCiticBank✧交通银行:BankofCommunications✧中国光大银行:ChinaEverbrightBank✧中国建设银行:ChinaConstructionBank✧广东发展银行:GuangdongDevelopmentBank✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧现存✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ATM✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧客户转账:Customertransfer✧网上消费:Onlinespending/Onlineconsumption✧柜台存款:Counterdeposit✧信用卡存:Depositincreditcard✧分红:Dividendsofwealthmanagement✧还本:Principalrefundofwealthmanagement✧汇入汇款:Inwardremittance✧利息转存:Interestredeposit✧电子支付:Electronicpayment✧跨行来账:✧银联ATM:UnionpayatATM✧POS消费:POSconsumption✧转账销户:Transferandcloseanaccount✧基金认购、申购、赎回:Subscription/Purchasing/redeemingfund ✧电话费:Telephonefee✧ATM跨行费:ATMinter-bankfee✧账户结息:Interestsettlement✧柜台取现:Drawcashatcounter✧即时售汇:Instantsale✧对私提回贷:Personal✧个人售汇:PersonalsalesofFx✧转账收费:Transferfee✧手机费:Mobilephonefee✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ATM✧ATM✧✧✧✧✧✧✧他行汇入:Remittedacrossbank/Inwardremittancefromotherbank ✧柜面交易:Transactionoverthecounter✧换折:Renewal✧银证:Banksecurities✧汇款:Remittance✧累存:Accumulateddeposit✧累取:Accumulatedwithdrawal✧有线:Cablecharge✧公积金还贷:Funddeductedaccountofhousingloan✧扣年费:Deductionforannualfee✧报销费:Reimbursementfee✧补正:Correction✧支付通:Icardpay✧网通费:CNCfee✧抹帐:Reversinganentry✧劳务:Laborservice✧报销劳务:Reimbursementforlaborcost ✧认购:Subscription✧承上:Broughtdown✧合并:Merge✧帐服费:Smallmanagementfee✧活期账户:CurrentAccount✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧。

(完整word版)语言学 术语翻译及术语解释

(完整word版)语言学 术语翻译及术语解释

术语翻译及术语解释汇总术语翻译1.Design features of language(语言的甄别特征)Arbitrariness(任意性),Duality(二层性/二重性),Creativity(创造性/原创性),Displacement(移位性),Cultural transmission(文化传播),Interchangeability(可互换性)2. Functions of languagereferential 指称功能poetic 诗学功能emotive情感功能conative 劝慰功能phatic寒暄功能metalingual function 元语言功能ideational function概念功能interpersonal function人际功能textual function语篇/文本功能Informative(信息/告知功能),Performative Function(施为功能),Emotive Function(情感功能),Phatic communion(寒暄交谈),Recreational Function(娱乐功能),3. Phonetics(语音学),Phonology(音系/音位学); Morphology(形态学),Syntax(句法学);Semantics(语义学),Pragmatics(语用学)Articulatory phonetics发音语音学Acoustic phonetics声学语音学Auditory phonetics听觉语音学Psycholinguistics心理语言学Sociolinguistics社会语言学Anthropological linguistics人类语言学Computational linguistics计算语言学Applied linguistics应用语言学Neurolinguistics神经语言学4. Descriptive vs. prescriptive描写式和规定式Synchronic vs. diachronic共时和历时Langue vs. parole语言和言语Competence vs. performance语言能力和语言行为5. V ocal tract 声道(resonating cavities共鸣腔),pharynx咽腔, oral cavity口腔and nasal cavity鼻腔.其它的一些发音器官:lungs肺, windpipe(trachea)气管, vocal folds声带, larynx喉, epiglottis会厌,次声门, pharynx咽, uvula小舌, hard palate硬腭,soft palate软腭, alveolar ridge齿龈6.Consonants and vowels(辅音和元音)A. Manners of articulation发音方式B. Places of articulation发音位置7. Stop (or plosive)爆破音Fricative摩擦音Approximant近似音Lateral (approximant)边音Affricates塞擦音, trill颤音and tap 闪音Bilabial双唇音Labiodental唇齿音Dental齿音Alveolar齿龈音Postal veolar后齿龈音Retroflex卷舌音Palatal硬腭音Velar软腭音Uvular小舌音, pharyngeal咽音glottal声门音monophthong vowel: 单元音diphthongs双元音triphthongs三元音Lax vowels短元音Tensed vowels长元音8.Coarticulation and phonetic transcription协同发音和标音anticipatory coarticulation先期协同发音perseverative coarticulation后滞协同发音. broad transcription宽式标音narrow transcription严式标音9. minimal pairs最小对立体Phoneme音位phonemic transcriptions音位转写phonetic transcriptions语音转写phones音子allophones音位变体complementary distribution互补分布phonetic similarity发音近似性Free variation自由变体assimilation同化regressive assimilation逆同化progressive assimilation顺同化phonological rule 音系规则Epenthesis增音binary 二分的Distinctive features区别特征Endocentric and Exocentric Constructions向心结构和离心结构subordinate and coordinate从属和并列Conceptual meaning概念意义Associative meaning:联想意义Connotative meaning内涵意义Social meaning社会意义Affective meaning情感意义Reflected meaning反射意义Collocative meaning搭配意义Thematic meaning主位意义denotation: 外延意义connotation: 内涵The referential theory:指称理论Semantic triangle语义三角Sense and reference:涵义和指称Synonymy同义关系Antonymy反义关系Hyponymy上下义关系Polysemy一词多义关系Homonymy 同音/形异意关系Dialectal synonyms 地域同义词Stylistic synonyms风格同义词Collocational synonyms搭配同义词gradable antonymy 等级反义关系cover term覆盖项Marked vs. unmarked terms标记项和非标记项complementary antonymy 互补反义关系converse antonymy 逆向反义关系homophones: 同音异义词homographs : 同形异义词complete homonyms semantic components语义部分术语解释1.Design feature的定义:the defining(最典型的,起决定作用的)properties ofhuman language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication. 2.Synchronic共时:It refers to the description of a language at some point of timein history.3.Diachronic历时:It studies the development or history of language. In otherwords, it refers to the description of a language as it changes through time .4.prescriptive规定式:A kind of linguistic s tudy aims to lay down rules for “correctand standard” behavior in using language.5.descriptive描写式: A kind of linguistic study aims to describe and analyze thelanguage people actually use.6.Arbitrariness(任意性):By saying that “language is arbitrary”, we mean thatthere is no logical connection between meaning and sound.7.Duality(二层性/二重性):it means that language is a system, which consists oftwo levels of structures, at the lower level there is the structure of sounds; at the higher level there is the structure of meaning.8.Displacement(移位性): it means that language can be used to communicateabout things that are not present in our immediate communicational context.petence语言能力:it refers to an ideal speaker’s knowledge of the underlyingsystem of rules in a language.10.Performance语言行为: it refers to the actual use of the language by a speaker ina real communicational context.ngue语言: it refers to the speaker’s understanding and knowledge of thelanguage that he speaks.12.Parole言语: it is the actual speaking of language by an individual speaker.13.Cultural transmission(文化传播):It refers to the fact that the details of thelinguistic system must be learned anew(重新,再)by each speaker. Language is not transmitted biologically from generation to generation.14.Phatic communion(寒暄交谈):it refers to ritual exchanges, exchanges that havelittle meaning but help to maintain our relationships with other people.15.Phonetics(语音学): it is the study of the characteristics of speech sounds andprovides methods for their description, classification and transcription.16.V owels元音:the sounds in the production of which no articulators come veryclose together and the air-stream passes through the vocal tract without obstruction.17.Consonants辅音:The sounds in the production of which there is an obstructionof the air-stream at some point of the vocal tract.18.Phonology: it is the study of the sound systems of languages and it is concernedwith the linguistic patterning of sounds in human languages. And it studies the way in which speakers of a language systematically use a selection of these sounds in order to express meaning.19.Phoneme音位: the smallest unit of sound in a language which can distinguish twowords.20.Allophone音位变体: it refers to the different forms of a phoneme.21.Assimilation: it is a process by which one sound takes on some or all thecharacteristics of a neighboring sound.22.Coarticulation: a kind of phonetic process in which simultaneous or overlappingarticulations are involved.plementary distribution互补分布:when two sounds never occur in thesame environment, they are in complementary distribution.24.Free variation自由变体: if two sounds occurring in the same environment do notcontrast, that is, the substitution of one for the other does not produce a different word form, but merely a different pronunciation of the same word, then the two sounds are in free variation.25.Distinctive features区别特征:A phonetic feature which distinguishes onephonological unit, especially one phoneme, from another.26.minimal pairs最小对立体----- which can be defined as pairs of words whichdiffer from each other by only one sound.27.vowel glides滑音: The vowels involving movement from one sound to anotherare called vowel glides.28.Epenthesis增音:it means a process of inserting a sound after another sound.29.Substitution relation: it refers to the relation specifically between an individualunit and others that can replace it in a given sequence.30.Endocentric construction is one whose distribution is functionally equivalent, orapproaching equivalence, to one of its constituents, which serves as the centre, or head, of the whole.31.Exocentric construction: a group of syntactically related words where none ofthem is functionally equivalent to the group as a whole, that is, there is no definable center or head inside the group32.Reference: it is the relationship between words and the objects, actions orproperties that the words stand for. It deals with the extra-linguistic relationships between words and expressions and the world they describe.(具体的物质性的东西)33.Synonymy :It refers to the sameness sense relations between words.ponential analysis :Componential analysis defines the meaning of alexical element in terms of semantic components语义部分.35.Sense: it refers to the complex system of relationships that hold between linguisticelements themselves, it is concerned only with intra-linguistic relations.(概念性的东西)36.Semantics:semantics is the study of the meaning of linguistic units, words andsentences in particular.37.Homonymy: the phenomenon that words having different meanings have the sameform, i.e., different words are identical in sound or spelling, or in both.38.Antonymy:It refers to the oppositeness sense relations between words.39.Hyponymy上下义关系:Hyponymy indicates sense inclusiveness. The upperterm in this sense relation is called superordinate上义词,and the lower terms, hyponyms下义词, members of the same class are called co-hyponyms.。

语言学 术语翻译及术语解释

语言学 术语翻译及术语解释

术语翻译及术语解释汇总术语翻译1.Design features of language(语言的甄别特征)Arbitrariness(任意性),Duality(二层性/二重性),Creativity(创造性/原创性),Displacement(移位性),Cultural transmission(文化传播),Interchangeability(可互换性)2. Functions of languagereferential 指称功能 poetic 诗学功能 emotive情感功能conative 劝慰功能 phatic寒暄功能 metalingual function 元语言功能ideational function概念功能 interpersonal function人际功能textual function语篇/文本功能 Informative(信息/告知功能),Performative Function(施为功能), Emotive Function(情感功能),Phatic communion(寒暄交谈), Recreational Function(娱乐功能),3. Phonetics(语音学), Phonology(音系/音位学); Morphology(形态学), Syntax(句法学);Semantics(语义学), Pragmatics(语用学)Articulatory phonetics发音语音学 Acoustic phonetics声学语音学Auditory phonetics听觉语音学 Psycholinguistics心理语言学Sociolinguistics社会语言学 Anthropological linguistics人类语言学Computational linguistics计算语言学 Applied linguistics应用语言学Neurolinguistics神经语言学4. Descriptive vs. prescriptive描写式和规定式Synchronic vs. diachronic共时和历时 Langue vs. parole语言和言语Competence vs. performance语言能力和语言行为5. Vocal tract 声道(resonating cavities共鸣腔), pharynx咽腔, oral cavity口腔 and nasal cavity鼻腔.其它的一些发音器官:lungs肺, windpipe(trachea)气管, vocal folds声带,larynx喉, epiglottis会厌,次声门, pharynx咽, uvula小舌, hard palate硬腭, soft palate软腭, alveolar ridge齿龈6.Consonants and vowels(辅音和元音)A. Manners of articulation发音方式B. Places of articulation发音位置7. Stop (or plosive)爆破音 Fricative摩擦音 Approximant近似音Lateral (approximant)边音 Affricates塞擦音, trill颤音 and tap 闪音Bilabial双唇音 Labiodental唇齿音 Dental齿音 Alveolar齿龈音Postal veolar后齿龈音 Retroflex卷舌音 Palatal硬腭音Velar软腭音 Uvular小舌音, pharyngeal咽音 glottal声门音monophthong vowel: 单元音 diphthongs双元音 triphthongs三元音Lax vowels短元音 Tensed vowels长元音8.Coarticulation and phonetic transcription协同发音和标音anticipatory coarticulation先期协同发音 perseverative coarticulation后滞协同发音.broad transcription宽式标音 narrow transcription严式标音9. minimal pairs最小对立体 Phoneme音位phonemic transcriptions音位转写 phonetic transcriptions语音转写phones音子 allophones音位变体 complementary distribution互补分布phonetic similarity发音近似性 Free variation自由变体assimilation同化 regressive assimilation逆同化progressive assimilation顺同化phonological rule 音系规则 Epenthesis增音 binary 二分的Distinctive features区别特征Endocentric and Exocentric Constructions向心结构和离心结构subordinate and coordinate从属和并列Conceptual meaning概念意义Associative meaning:联想意义Connotative meaning内涵意义 Social meaning社会意义Affective meaning情感意义 Reflected meaning反射意义Collocative meaning搭配意义 Thematic meaning主位意义denotation: 外延意义 connotation: 内涵The referential theory:指称理论Semantic triangle语义三角Sense and reference:涵义和指称Synonymy同义关系 Antonymy反义关系 Hyponymy上下义关系Polysemy一词多义关系 Homonymy 同音/形异意关系Dialectal synonyms 地域同义词 Stylistic synonyms风格同义词Collocational synonyms搭配同义词gradable antonymy 等级反义关系 cover term覆盖项Marked vs. unmarked terms标记项和非标记项complementary antonymy 互补反义关系 converse antonymy 逆向反义关系homophones: 同音异义词 homographs : 同形异义词complete homonyms semantic components语义部分术语解释1. Design feature的定义:the defining(最典型的,起决定作用的)properties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication.2. Synchronic共时:It refers to the description of a language at somepoint of time in history.3. Diachronic历时:It studies the development or history of language.In other words, it refers to the description of a language as it changes through time .4. prescriptive规定式:A kind of linguistic study aims to lay downrules for “correct and standard” behavior in using language.5. descriptive描写式: A kind of linguistic study aims to describe andanalyze the language people actually use.6. Arbitrariness(任意性):By saying that “language is arbitrary”, wemean that there is no logical connection between meaning and sound.7. Duality(二层性/二重性):it means that language is a system,which consists of two levels of structures, at the lower level there is the structure of sounds; at the higher level there is the structure of meaning.8. Displacement(移位性): it means that language can be used tocommunicate about things that are not present in our immediate communicational context.9. competence语言能力:it refers to an ideal speaker’s knowledge ofthe underlying system of rules in a language.10. Performance语言行为: it refers to the actual use of the language bya speaker in a real communicational context.11. Langue语言: it refers to the speaker’s understanding and knowledgeof the language that he speaks.12. Parole言语: it is the actual speaking of language by an individualspeaker.13. Cultural transmission(文化传播):It refers to the fact that thedetails of the linguistic system must be learned anew(重新,再)by each speaker. Language is not transmitted biologically from generation to generation.14. Phatic communion(寒暄交谈):it refers to ritual exchanges,exchanges that have little meaning but help to maintain our relationships with other people.15. Phonetics(语音学): it is the study of the characteristics of speechsounds and provides methods for their description, classification and transcription.16. Vowels元音:the sounds in the production of which no articulatorscome very close together and the air-stream passes through the vocal tract without obstruction.17. Consonants辅音:The sounds in the production of which there is anobstruction of the air-stream at some point of the vocal tract.18. Phonology: it is the study of the sound systems of languages and it isconcerned with the linguistic patterning of sounds in human languages. And it studies the way in which speakers of a language systematically use a selection of these sounds in order to express meaning.19. Phoneme音位: the smallest unit of sound in a language which candistinguish two words.20. Allophone音位变体: it refers to the different forms of a phoneme.21. Assimilation: it is a process by which one sound takes on some or allthe characteristics of a neighboring sound.22. Coarticulation: a kind of phonetic process in which simultaneous oroverlapping articulations are involved.23. complementary distribution互补分布:when two sounds neveroccur in the same environment, they are in complementary distribution.24. Free variation自由变体: if two sounds occurring in the sameenvironment do not contrast, that is, the substitution of one for the other does not produce a different word form, but merely a different pronunciation of the same word, then the two sounds are in free variation.25. Distinctive features区别特征: A phonetic feature whichdistinguishes one phonological unit, especially one phoneme, from another.26. minimal pairs最小对立体----- which can be defined as pairs ofwords which differ from each other by only one sound.27. vowel glides滑音: The vowels involving movement from one soundto another are called vowel glides.28. Epenthesis增音:it means a process of inserting a sound afteranother sound.29. Substitution relation: it refers to the relation specifically between anindividual unit and others that can replace it in a given sequence. 30. Endocentric construction is one whose distribution is functionallyequivalent, or approaching equivalence, to one of its constituents, which serves as the centre, or head, of the whole.31. Exocentric construction: a group of syntactically related wordswhere none of them is functionally equivalent to the group as a whole, that is, there is no definable center or head inside the group 32. Reference: it is the relationship between words and the objects,actions or properties that the words stand for. It deals with the extra-linguistic relationships between words and expressions and the world they describe.(具体的物质性的东西)33. Synonymy :It refers to the sameness sense relations betweenwords.34. Componential analysis :Componential analysis defines themeaning of a lexical element in terms of semantic components语义部分.35. Sense: it refers to the complex system of relationships that holdbetween linguistic elements themselves, it is concerned only with intra-linguistic relations.(概念性的东西)36. Semantics:semantics is the study of the meaning of linguistic units,words and sentences in particular.37. Homonymy: the phenomenon that words having different meaningshave the same form, i.e., different words are identical in sound or spelling, or in both.38. Antonymy:It refers to the oppositeness sense relations betweenwords.39. Hyponymy上下义关系:Hyponymy indicates sense inclusiveness.The upper term in this sense relation is called superordinate上义词, and the lower terms,hyponyms下义词, members of the same class are called co-hyponyms.。



二十个翻译术语解释1.归化:“采取民族中心主义的态度,使外语文本符合译入语的文化价值观,把原作者带入译语语文化”【Lawrence Venuti】即在翻译中尽可能用本民族的方式去表现外来作品。



2.异化:“对这些文化价值观的一种民族偏离主义的压力,接受外语文本的语言及文化差异,把读者带入外国情境”【Lawrence Venuti】异化法要求译者向作者靠拢,采取相应于作者使用的原语表达方式,来传达原文的内容。


3.语际翻译:(interlingual translation)。




(简单来说,语际翻译就是不同语际之间的翻译活动)4.语内翻译:(intralingual translation)某一种语言内部为着某种目的进行的词句意义的转换。






6.同声传译:(simultaneous interpretation)简称同传,又称同声翻译、同步口译。


在翻译过程中,适当省略一些不必要 的词汇或短语,以使译文更加简洁、 明了。
商务报告也是商务翻译中的重要一环。 商务报告是公司或机构为了向内部或 外部报告某项业务或项目的情况而撰 写的文件。在商务报告翻译中,译者 需要充分理解报告的内容和语言特点, 同时注重语言的简洁性和条理性,以 使读者能够快速了解报告的核心内容。
在技术翻译中,产品说明书是一个常见的领域。产品说明书是介绍产品功能、使用方法、注意事项等 信息的文件。在产品说明书翻译中,译者需要充分了解产品的特点和功能,同时注重语言的通俗性和 实用性,以确保用户能够正确使用产品。
专业翻译软件通常针对特定领域或行业,提供更加准确和专业的 翻译服务。
专业翻译软件注重翻译的准确性和流畅性,确保输出的译文质量 较高。
专业翻译软件可以根据用户需求提供定制化的翻译服务,如个性 化术语库、专业排版等。
《红楼梦》是清代作家曹雪芹所著的一部长篇小说,被誉为中国四大名著之一。该小说被翻译成多种语言,其中最著名的是 杨宪益和戴乃迭的英译本。在文学翻译中,译者需要充分理解原作的文化背景和深层含义,同时注重语言的流畅性和美感, 以传达原著的艺术价值。
在翻译过程中,对于一些修辞手法,如比喻、拟人等,需要进行适 当的转换,以使译文更加符合目标语言的表达习惯。

















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SL (source language): the language in whi ch the text being translated i s wri tten.TL (target language): the language whi ch is bei ng translated into.ST (source text): the text (wri tten or spoken) whi ch provides the point of departure for a translation.TT (target text): a text whi ch has been produced by an act of translation.SL-oriented translation: a transl ati on whi ch puts its emphasi s on the cl ose transfer of the source text.TL-oriented translation: a translati on whi ch puts emphasi s on the response of the receptor of the TT.Back translation: a process in whi ch a text that has been translated i nto the target l anguage is retranslated into the source language.Coherence: the way i n whi ch the content of connected speech or text hangs together, or i s i nterpreted as hanging together, as distinct from that of random assembl ages of sentences.Cohesion: the connection between successive sentences i n texts, conversations, etc., in so far as it can be descri bed i n terms of speci fi c syntacti c units.Communi cati ve translation: a term used to refer to any approach whi ch views translation as a “communi cative process whi ch takes place within a soci al context”; i t will be generally oriented towards the needs of the TL reader or reci pient. Semanti c translation: a translation in whi ch the translator attempts, wi thin the bare syntacti c and semanti c constraints of the TL, to reproduce the preci se contextual meani ng of the author; it tends to stri ve to reproduce the form of the original as cl osely as TL norms will allow.Correspondence: a term used to refer to the relationshi p whi ch exi sts between elements of SL and TL that are in some way considered to be counterparts of each other.Equivalence: (see correspondence)Fai thfulness:A fai thful translation i s one whi ch bears a strong resemblance to i ts ST, usually in terms of ei ther i ts literal adherence to source meaning or i ts successful communi cation of the “spiri t” of the original.Fal se friend: a term used to descri be SL and TL i tems whi ch have the same or very similar form but different meani ngs. Formal equivalence: a term used to refer to a TL item whi ch represents the cl osest decontextualized counterpart to a word or phrase in SL.Functional equivalence: a term used to refer to the type of equivalence reflected in a TT whi ch seeks to adapt the function of the origi nal to suit the speci fi c context in and for whi ch it was produced.Literal translation: a translati on i n whi ch the SL grammati cal constructi ons are converted to thei r nearest TL equivalents, but the lexi cal words are transl ated si ngly, out of context.Free translation: a transl ati on whi ch reproduces the matter wi thout the manner, or the content wi thout the form of the original. Idi omati c transl ati on: a transl ati on whi ch reproduces the “message” of the ori ginal but tends to distort nuances of meaning by preferring colloquiali sm and i dioms where there do not exi st in the original./ a translation strategy whi ch aims for a TT whi ch reads as naturally as possible.Overtranslation: A ccordi ng to Newmark, i f the loss of meaning in translati on entail s an increase in detail, i t i s termed overtranslation.Undertransl ati on: According to Newmark, i f the loss of meaning i n translation entail s an increase in generalization, it i s termed undertranslati on.Pragmati c translation: a term used to refer to translation whi ch pays attention not only to denotative meaning but al so to the way utterances are used in communi cative si tuations and the way we interpret them i n context.Sense-for-sense transl ati on:a translation whi ch emphasi zes transfer of the meaning or “spi rit”of an ST over accurate reproducti on of the origi nal wordi ng.Word-for-word translation: a translation i n whi ch the SL word-order i s preserved and the words are transl ated si ngly by their most common meanings, out of context.Simultaneous interpreting: one of the two basi c modes of i nterpreti ng i n whi ch the interpreter li stens to an SL speech and reformulates i t in TL as i t i s delivered.Consecuti ve interpreting: one of the two basi c modes of interpreting in whi ch the interpreter listens to a section of a speech delivered in SL and renders i t into TL when the speaker pauses.Transl atability & untranslatability: terms used to di scuss the extent to whi ch it i s possi ble to translate ei ther i ndi vidual words and phrases or entire texts from one language to another.Unit of translation: the linguisti c level at whi ch ST is recodi fied in TL./the mini mal stretch of language that has to be transl atedtogether, as one unit.。
