汽车电动助力转向系统设计 毕业论文


二、研究目标和研究内容1. 研究目标本研究旨在探究乘用车电动助力转向系统的匹配问题,并利用仿真分析方法对系统性能进行评估,为汽车制造商提供优化电动助力转向系统设计的参考。
2. 研究内容(1)乘用车电动助力转向系统的构成和原理(2)电动助力转向系统匹配的基本原则和方法(3)电动助力转向系统的建模和仿真分析(4)验证仿真结果与实际测试结果的一致性三、研究方法和技术路线本研究采用文献研究、理论分析和仿真分析相结合的研究方法,具体技术路线如下:(1)文献研究和理论分析:查阅相关文献资料,了解乘用车电动助力转向系统的构成、工作原理和匹配原则等相关理论知识。
(2)电动助力转向系统的建模和仿真分析:利用MATLAB/Simulink 等软件工具,对电动助力转向系统进行建模和仿真分析,并进行系统参数优化和性能评估。

毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:汽车电动助力转向系统的研究文献、资料英文题目:The auto electric power steering system research 文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期:2017.02.14英文原文The auto electric power steering system researchAlong with automobile electronic technology swift and violent development, the people also day by day enhance to the motor turning handling quality request. The motor turning system hanged, the hydraulic pressure boost from the traditional machinery changes (Hydraulic Power Steering, is called HPS), the electrically controlled hydraulic pressure boost changes (Electronic Hydraulic Power Steering, is called EHPS), develops the electrically operated boost steering system (Electronic Power Steering, is called EPS), finally also will transit to the line controls the steering system (Steer By Wire, will be called SBW).The machinery steering system is refers by pilot's physical strength achievement changes the energy, in which all power transmission all is mechanical, the automobile changes the movement is operates the steering wheel by the pilot, transmits through the diverter and a series of members changes the wheel to realize. The mechanical steering system by changes the control mechanism, the diverter and major part changes the gearing 3 to be composed.Usually may divide into according to the mechanical diverter form: The gear rack type, follows round the world -like, the worm bearing adjuster hoop type, the worm bearing adjuster refers sells the type. Is the gear rack type and follows using the broadest two kinds round the world -like (uses in needing time big steering force).In follows round the world -like in the diverter, the input changes the circle and the output steering arm pivot angle is proportional; In the gear rack type diverter, the input changes the turn and the output rack displacement is proportional. Follows round the world -like the diverter because is the rolling friction form, thus the transmission efficiency is very high, the ease of operation also the service life are long, moreover bearing capacity, therefore widely applies on the truck. The gear rack type diverter with follows round the world -like compares, the most major characteristic is the rigidity is big, the structure compact weight is light, also the cost is low. Because this way passes on easily by the wheel the reacting force to the steering wheel, therefore has to the pavement behavior response keen merit, but simultaneously also easy to have phenomena and so on goon and oscillation, also its load bearing efficiency relative weak, therefore mainly applies on the compact car and the pickup truck, at present the majority of low end passenger vehicle uses is the gear rack type machinery steering system.Along with the vehicles carrying capacity increase as well as the people to the vehicles handling quality request enhancement, the simple mechanical type steering system were already unable to meet the needs, the power steering system arise at the historic moment, it could rotate the steering wheel while the pilot to provide the boost, the power steering system divides into thehydraulic pressure steering system and the electrically operated steering system 2kinds.Hydraulic pressure steering system is at present uses the most widespread steering system.The hydraulic pressure steering system increased the hydraulic system in the mechanical system foundation, including hydraulic pump, V shape band pulley, drill tubing, feed installment, boost installment and control valve. It with the aid of in the motor car engine power actuation hydraulic pump, the air compressor and the generator and so on, by the fluid strength, the physical strength or the electric power increases the pilot to operate the strength which the front wheel changes, enables the pilot to be possible nimbly to operate motor turning facilely, reduced the labor intensity, enhanced the travel security.The hydraulic pressure boost steering system from invented already had about half century history to the present, might say was one kind of more perfect system, because its work reliable, the technology mature still widely is applied until now. It takes the power supply by the hydraulic pump, after oil pipe-line control valves to power hydraulic cylinder feed, through the connecting rod impetus rotation gear movement, may changes the boost through the change cylinder bore and the flowing tubing head pressure size the size, from this achieved changes the boost the function. The traditional hydraulic pressure type power steering system may divide into generally according to the liquid flow form: Ordinary flow type and atmospheric pressure type 2 kind of types, also may divide into according to the control valve form transfers the valve type and the slide-valve type.Along with hydraulic pressure power steering system on automobile daily popularization, the people to operates when the portability and the road feeling request also day by day enhance, however the hydraulic pressure power steering system has many shortcomings actually: ①Because its itself structure had decided it is unable to guarantee vehicles rotates the steering wheel when any operating mode, all has the ideal operation stability, namely is unable simultaneously to guarantee time the low speed changes the portability and the high speed time operation stability;②The automobile changes the characteristic to drive the pilot technical the influence to be serious;③The steering ratio is fixed, causes the motor turning response characteristic along with changes and so on vehicle speed, transverse acceleration to change, the pilot must aim at the motor turning characteristic peak-to-peak value and the phase change ahead of time carries on certain operation compensation, thus controls the automobile according to its wish travel. Like this increased pilot's operation burden, also causes in the motor turning travel not to have the security hidden danger; But hereafter appeared the electrically controlled hydraulic booster system, it increases the velocity generator in the traditional hydraulic pressure power steering system foundation, enables the automobile along with the vehicle speed change automatic control force size, has to a certain extent relaxed the traditional hydraulic pressure steering system existence question.At present our country produces on the commercial vehicle and the passenger vehicle uses mostly is the electrically controlled hydraulic pressure boost steering system, it is quite mature andthe application widespread steering system. Although the electrically controlled hydraulic servo alleviated the traditional hydraulic pressure from certain degree to change between the portability and the road feeling contradiction, however it did not have fundamentally to solve the HPS system existence insufficiency, along with automobile microelectronic technology development, automobile fuel oil energy conservation request as well as global initiative environmental protection, it in aspect and so on arrangement, installment, leak-proof quality, control sensitivity, energy consumption, attrition and noise insufficiencies already more and more obvious, the steering system turned towards the electrically operated boost steering system development.The electrically operated boost steering system is the present motor turning system development direction, its principle of work is: EPS system ECU after comes from the steering wheel torque sensor and the vehicle speed sensor signal carries on analysis processing, controls the electrical machinery to have the suitable boost torque, assists the pilot to complete changes the operation. In the last few years, along with the electronic technology development, reduces EPS the cost to become large scale possibly, Japan sends the car company, Mitsubishi Car company, this field car company, US's Delphi automobile system company, TRW Corporation and Germany's ZF Corporation greatly all one after another develops EPS.Mercedes2Benz Siemens Automotive Two big companies invested 65,000,000 pounds to use in developing EPS, the goal are together load a car to 2002, yearly produce 300 ten thousand sets, became the global EPS manufacturer. So far, the EPS system in the slight passenger vehicle, on the theater box type vehicle obtains the widespread application, and every year by 300 ten thousand speed development.Steering is the term applied to the collection of components, linkages, etc. which allow for a vessel (ship, boat) or vehicle (car) to follow the desired course. An exception is the case of rail transport by which rail tracks combined together with railroad switches provide the steering function.The most conventional steering arrangement is to turn the front wheels using ahand–operated steering wheel which is positioned in front of the driver, via the steering column, which may contain universal joints to allow it to deviate somewhat from a straight line. Other arrangements are sometimes found on different types of vehicles, for example, a tiller orrear–wheel steering. Tracked vehicles such as tanks usually employ differential steering — that is, the tracks are made to move at different speeds or even in opposite directions to bring about a change of course.Many modern cars use rack and pinion steering mechanisms, where the steering wheel turns the pinion gear; the pinion moves the rack, which is a sort of linear gear which meshes with the pinion, from side to side. This motion applies steering torque to the kingpins of the steered wheels via tie rods and a short lever arm called the steering arm.Older designs often use the recirculating ball mechanism, which is still found on trucks and utility vehicles. This is a variation on the older worm and sector design; the steering column turns a large screw (the "worm gear") which meshes with a sector of a gear, causing it to rotate about its axis as the worm gear is turned; an arm attached to the axis of the sector moves the pitman arm, which is connected to the steering linkage and thus steers the wheels. The recirculating ball version of this apparatus reduces the considerable friction by placing large ball bearings between the teeth of the worm and those of the screw; at either end of the apparatus the balls exit from between the two pieces into a channel internal to the box which connects them with the other end of the apparatus, thus they are "recirculated".The rack and pinion design has the advantages of a large degree of feedback and direct steering "feel"; it also does not normally have any backlash, or slack. A disadvantage is that it is not adjustable, so that when it does wear and develop lash, the only cure is replacement.The recirculating ball mechanism has the advantage of a much greater mechanical advantage, so that it was found on larger, heavier vehicles while the rack and pinion was originally limited to smaller and lighter ones; due to the almost universal adoption of power steering, however, this is no longer an important advantage, leading to the increasing use of rack and pinion on newer cars. The recirculating ball design also has a perceptible lash, or "dead spot" on center, where a minute turn of the steering wheel in either direction does not move the steering apparatus; this is easily adjustable via a screw on the end of the steering box to account for wear, but it cannot be entirely eliminated or the mechanism begins to wear very rapidly. This design is still in use in trucks and other large vehicles, where rapidity of steering and direct feel are less important than robustness, maintainability, and mechanical advantage. The much smaller degree of feedback with this design can also sometimes be an advantage; drivers of vehicles with rack and pinion steering can have their thumbs broken when a front wheel hits a bump, causing the steering wheel to kick to one side suddenly (leading to driving instructors telling students to keep their thumbs on the front of the steering wheel, rather than wrapping around the inside of the rim). This effect is even stronger with a heavy vehicle like a truck; recirculating ball steering prevents this degree of feedback, just as it prevents desirable feedback under normal circumstances.The steering linkage connecting the steering box and the wheels usually conforms to a variation of Ackermann steering geometry, to account for the fact that in a turn, the inner wheel is actually traveling a path of smaller radius than the outer wheel, so that the degree of toe suitable for driving in a straight path is not suitable for turns.As vehicles have become heavier and switched to front wheel drive, the effort to turn the steering wheel manually has increased - often to the point where major physical exertion is required. To alleviate this, auto makers have developed power steering systems. There are two types of power steering systems—hydraulic and electric/electronic. There is also ahydraulic-electric hybrid system possible.A hydraulic power steering (HPS) uses hydraulic pressure supplied by an engine-driven pump to assist the motion of turning the steering wheel. Electric power steering (EPS) is more efficient than the hydraulic power steering, since the electric power steering motor only needs to provide assist when the steering wheel is turned, whereas the hydraulic pump must run constantly. In EPS the assist level is easily tunable to the vehicle type, road speed, and even driver preference. An added benefit is the elimination of environmental hazard posed by leakage and disposal of hydraulic power steering fluid.An outgrowth of power steering is speed adjustable steering, where the steering is heavily assisted at low speed and lightly assisted at high speed. The auto makers perceive that motorists might need to make large steering inputs while manoeuvering for parking, but not while traveling at high speed. The first vehicle with this feature was the Citroën SM with its Diravi layout, although rather than altering the amount of assistance as in modern power steering systems, it altered the pressure on a centring cam which made the steering wheel try to "spring" back to the straight-ahead position. Modern speed-adjustable power steering systems reduce the pressure fed to the ram as the speed increases, giving a more direct feel. This feature is gradually becoming commonplace across all new vehicles.Four-wheel steering (or all wheel steering) is a system employed by some vehicles to increase vehicle stability while maneuvering at high speed, or to decrease turning radius at low speed.In most four-wheel steering systems, the rear wheels are steered by a computer and actuators. The rear wheels generally cannot turn as far as the Alternatively, several systems, including Delphi's Quadrasteer and the system in Honda's Prelude line, allow for the rear wheels to be steered in the opposite direction as the front wheels during low speeds. This allows the vehicle to turn in a significantly smaller radius — sometimes critical for large trucks or vehicles with trailers.Electronic power steering systemWhat it isElectrically powered steering uses an electric motor to drive either the power steering hydraulic pump or the steering linkage directly. The power steering function is therefore independent of engine speed, resulting in significant energy savings.How it works :Conventional power steering systems use an engine accessory belt to drive the pump, providing pressurized fluid that operates a piston in the power steering gear or actuator to assist the driver.In electro-hydraulic steering, one electrically powered steering concept uses a high efficiency pump driven by an electric motor. Pump speed is regulated by an electric controller to vary pump pressure and flow, providing steering efforts tailored for different driving situations. The pump can be run at low speed or shut off to provide energy savings during straight ahead driving (which is most of the time in most world markets).Direct electric steering uses an electric motor attached to the steering rack via a gear mechanism (no pump or fluid). A variety of motor types and gear drives is possible. A microprocessor controls steering dynamics and driver effort. Inputs include vehicle speed and steering, wheel torque, angular position and turning rate.Working In Detail:A "steering sensor" is located on the input shaft where it enters the gearbox housing.The steering sensor is actually two sensors in one: a "torque sensor" that converts steering torque input and its direction into voltage signals, and a "rotation sensor" that converts the rotation speed and direction into voltage signals. An "interface" circuit that shares the same housing converts the signals from the torque sensor and rotation sensor into signals the control electronics can process.Inputs from the steering sensor are digested by a microprocessor control unit that also monitors input from the vehicle's speed sensor. The sensor inputs are then compared to determine how much power assist is required according to a preprogrammed "force map" in the control unit's memory. The control unit then sends out the appropriate command to the "power unit" which then supplies the electric motor with current. The motor pushes the rack to the right or left depending on which way the voltage flows (reversing the current reverses the direction the motor spins). Increasing the current to the motor increases the amount of power assist.The system has three operating modes: a "normal" control mode in which left or right power assist is provided in response to input from the steering torque and rotation sensor's inputs; a "return" control mode which is used to assist steering return after completing a turn; and a "damper" control mode that changes with vehicle speed to improve road feel and dampen kickback.If the steering wheel is turned and held in the full-lock position and steering assist reaches a maximum, the control unit reduces current to the electric motor to prevent an overload situation that might damage the motor. The control unit is also designed to protect the motor against voltage surges from a faulty alternator or charging problem.The electronic steering control unit is capable of self-diagnosing faults by monitoring the system's inputs and outputs, and the driving current of the electric motor. If a problem occurs, the control unit turns the system off by actuating a fail-safe relay in the power unit. This eliminates all power assist, causing the system to revert back to manual steering. A dash EPS warning light is also illuminated to alert the driver. To diagnose the problem, a technician jumps the terminals on the service check connector and reads out the trouble codes.Electric power steering systems promise weight reduction, fuel savings and package flexibility, at no cost penalty.Europe's high fuel prices and smaller vehicles make a fertile testbed for electric steering, a technology that promises automakers weight savings and fuel economy gains. And in a short time, electric steering will make it to the U.S., too. "It's just just a matter of time," says Aly Badawy, director of research and development for Delphi Saginaw Steering Systems in Saginaw, Mich. "The issue was cost and that's behind us now. By 2002 here in the U.S. the cost of electric power steering will absolutely be a wash over hydraulic."Today, electric and hybrid-powered vehicles (EV), including Toyota's Prius and GM's EV-1, are the perfect domain for electric steering. But by 2010, a TRW Inc. internal study estimates that one out of every three cars produced in the world will be equipped with some form of electrically-assisted steering. The Cleveland-based supplier claims its new steering systems could improve fuel economy by up to 2 mpg, while enhancing handling. There are true bottom-line benefits as well for automakers by reducing overall costs and decreasing assembly time, since there's no need for pumps, hoses and fluids.Another claimed advantage is shortened development time. For instance, a Delphi group developed E-TUNE, a ride-and-handling software package that can be run off a laptop computer. "They can take that computer and plug it in, attach it to the controller and change all the handling parameters -- effort level, returnability, damping -- on the fly," Badawy says. "It used to take months." Delphi has one OEM customer that should start low-volume production in '99.Electric steering units are normally placed in one of three positions: column-drive, pinion-drive and rack-drive. Which system will become the norm is still unclear. Short term, OEMs will choose the steering system that is easiest to integrate into an existing platform. Obviously, greater potential comes from designing the system into an all-new platform."We have all three designs under consideration," says Dr. Herman Strecker, group vice president of steering systems division at ZF in Schwaebisch Gmuend, Germany. "It's up to the market and OEMs which version finally will be used and manufactured.""The large manufacturers have all grabbed hold of what they consider a core technology," explains James Handysides, TRW vice president, electrically assisted steering in Sterling Heights, Mich. His company offers a portfolio of electric steering systems (hybrid electric, rack-, pinion-, and column-drive). TRW originally concentrated on what it still believes is the purest engineering solution for electric steering--the rack-drive system. The system is sometimes refered to as direct drive or ball/nut drive.Still, this winter TRW hedged its bet, forming a joint venture with LucasVarity. The British supplier received $50 million in exchange for its electric column-drive steering technology and as sets. Initial production of the column and pinion drive electric steering systems is expected to begin in Birmingham, England, in 2000."What we lack is the credibility in the steering market," says Brendan Conner, managing director, TRW/LucasVarity Electric Steering Ltd. "The combination with TRW provides us with a good opportunity for us to bridge that gap." LucasVarity currently has experimental systems on 11 different vehicle types, mostly European. TRW is currently supplying its EAS systems for Ford and Chrysler EVs in North America and for GM's new Opel Astra.In 1995, according to Delphi, traditional hydraulic power steering systems were on 7596 of all vehicles sold globally. That 37-million vehicle pool consumes about 10 million gallons in hydraulic fluid that could be superfluous, if electric steering really takes off.The present invention relates to an electrically powered drive mechamsm for providing powered assistance to a vehicle steering mechanism. According to one aspect of the presentinvention, there is provided an electrically powered driven mechanism for providing powered assistance to a vehicle steering mechanism having a manually rotatable member for operating the steering mechanism, the drive mechanism including a torque sensor operable to sense torque being manually applied to the rotatable member, an electrically powered drive motor drivingly connected to the rotatable member and a controller which is arranged to control the speed and direction of rotation of the drive motor in response to signals received from the torque sensor, the torque sensor including a sensor shaft adapted for connection to the rotatable member to form an extension thereof so that torque is transmitted through said sensor shaft when the rotatable member is manually rotated and a strain gauge mounted on the sensor shaft for producing a signal indicative of the amount of torque being transmitted through said shaft.Preferably the sensor shaft is non-rotatably mounted at one axial end in a first coupling member and is non-rotatably mounted at its opposite axial end in a second coupling member, the first and second coupling members being inter-engaged to permit limited rotation therebetween so that torque under a predetermined limit is transmitted by the sensor shaft only and so that torque above said predetermined limit is transmitted through the first and second coupling members.The first and second coupling members are preferably arranged to act as a bridge for drivingly connecting first and second portions of the rotating member to one another.Preferably the sensor shaft is of generally rectangular cross-section throughout the majority of its length.Preferably the strain gauge includes one or more SAW resonators secured to the sensor shaft.Preferably the motor is drivingly connected to the rotatable member via a clutch.Preferably the motor includes a gear box and is concentrically arranged relative to the rotatable member.Various aspects of the present invention will hereafter be described, with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which :Figure 1 is a diagrammatic view of a vehicle steering mechanism including an electrically powered drive mechanism according to the present invention,Figure 2 is a flow diagram illustrating interaction between various components of the drive mechanism shown in Figure 1 ,Figure 3 is an axial section through the drive mechanism shown in Figure 1, Figure 4 is a sectional view taken along lines IV-IV in Figure 3,Figure 5 is a more detailed exploded view of the input drives coupling shown in Figure 3, andFigure 6 is a more detailed exploded view of the clutch showing in Figure 3. Referring initially to Figure 1 , there is shown a vehicle steering mechanism 10 drivingly connected to a pair of steerable road wheels The steering mechanism 10 shown includes a rack and pinion assembly 14 connected to the road wheels 12 via joints 15. The pinion(not shown) of assembly 14 is rotatably driven by a manually rotatable member in the form of a steering column 18 which is manually rotated by a steering wheel 19.The steering column 18 includes an electric powered drive mechanism 30 which includes an electric drive motor (not shown in Figure 1) for driving the pinion in response to torque loadings in the steering column 18 in order to provide power assistance for the operative when rotating the steering wheel 19.As schematically illustrated in Figure 2, the electric powered drive mechanism includes a torque sensor20 whichmeasures the torque applied by the steering column 18 when driving the pinion and supplies a signal to a controller 40. The controller 40 is connected to a drive motor 50 and controls the electric current supplied to the motor 50 to control the amount of torque generated by the motor 50 and the direction of its rotation.The motor 50 is drivingly connected to the steering column 18 preferably via a gear box 60, preferably an epicyclic gear box, and a clutch 70. The clutch 70 is preferably permanently engaged during normal operation and is operative under certain conditions to isolate drive from the motor 50 to enable the pinion to be driven manually through the drive mechanism 30. This is a safety feature to enable the mechanism to function in the event of the motor 50 attempting to drive the steering column too fast and/or in the wrong direction or in the case where the motor and/or gear box have seized.The torque sensor 20 is preferably an assembly including a short sensor shaft on which is mounted a strain gauge capable of accurately measuring strain in the sensor shaft brought about by the application of torque within a predetermined range.Preferably the predetermined range of torque which is measured is 0-lONm; more preferably is about l-5Nm.Preferably the range of measured torque corresponds to about 0-1000 microstrain and the construction of the sensor shaft is chosen such that a torque of 5Nm will result in a twist of less than 2°in the shaft, more preferably less than 1 ° .Preferably the strain gauge is a SAW resonator, a suitable SAW resonator being described in WO91/13832. Preferably a configuration similar to that shown in Figure 3 of WO91/13832 is utilised wherein twoSAW resonators are arranged at 45° to the shaft axis and at 90°to one another.Preferably the resonators operate with a resonance frequency of between 200-400 MHz and are arranged to produce a signal to the controller 40 of 1 MHz ±500 KHz depending upon the direction of rotation of the sensor shaft. Thus, when the sensor shaft is not being twisted due to the absence of torque, it produces a 1 MHz signal.When the sensor shaft is twisted in one direction it produces a signal between 1.0 to 1.5 MHz. When the sensor shaft is twisted in the opposite direction it produces a signal between 1.0 to 0.5 MHz. Thus the same sensor is able to produce a signal indicative of the degree of torque and also the direction of rotation of the sensor shaft.Preferably the amount of torque generated by the motor in response to a measured torque of between 0-10Nm is 0-40Nm and for a measured torque of between l-5Nm is 0-25Nm.Preferably a feed back circuit is provided whereby the electric current being used by the motor is measured and compared by the controller 40 to ensure that the motor is running in the correct direction and providing the desired amount of power assistance. Preferably the controller acts to reduce the measured torque to zero and so controls the motor to increase its torque output to reduce the measured torque.A vehicle speed sensor (not shown) is preferably provided which sends a signal indicative of vehicle speed to the controller. The controller uses this signal to modify the degree of power assistance provided in response to the measured torque.Thus at low vehicle speeds maximum power assistance will be provided and a high vehicle speeds minimum power assistance will be provided.The controller is preferably a logic sequencer having a field。

1绪论 1 E S 绍 1 P 介 E S由扭 矩 传感 器 、速度 传感 器 、转 向角传 感 器、 电子控 制装 置、 电 P 动 机 、离 合器 、减 速 器 和 齿 轮 齿 条 转 向机 构 等 组 成 。 其工作是 由检 测传感装 置将所需信 息输入控制 单元, 再由控 制单元对 这些 信 号进行运算 后得到…个 与行驶情 况相适 应的力矩, 最后 发 出指令 使 电动 机工 作 。 1 P 优点 2 E S ES P 具有 以下优点 : 1 节约 了能源 消耗 () () 2 对环 境无 污染 () 3 增强 了转 向 跟 随性 ( ) 4 改善 了回正特 性 ( ) 5 提高 了操纵 稳定性 ( ) 统结构 简单 。 6系 2 E S系统 总体 设计 P 2 1 P 的设计 总体框 架 E S 汽车在 启动或 发动机运 行 时, 如果 驾驶 员操纵汽 车方 向盘 , 此时在 方向盘 下侧的 扭矩传 感器会产 生 ~个与扭 矩成正 比的 电信号 。此时通 过主控 芯片 的 A 模块来 对其进 行采样 并且对 汽车 的发动 机的信 号 以及 车速 信号进行 采集测 D 量它们的频 率信 号( 设计 中不涉及 ) 同时对驱 动 电路 获取 电机的 电流信 号, 本 , 这 样可 以获得负载 的大 小。然后 通过预 设在 主控芯 片 内的控制 算法对 所获得 的汽 车 信 号进 行 处 理、计 算来 得 到需 给 出 目标的 电流 值 。然后 该值 通 过计 算 公式转 换成对应 的 P M 号 的占空 比值给驱 动芯 片传输 P M W信 W 信号 。 当驱 动 芯片 T3 0 D 4 收到 P M信号后, w 驱动 上 F 臂的两 对 一M S E 管 , 电机提 供 桥 OFT 给
m tr o o .U i g F e s a e s M 9 1 D 1 8 o t o c p a d d i e h p T 3 0 T t c i v ri e i c t F n l y c m l t a o e t e n s n r e e l ’ C S 2 G 2 c n r l hi n r v r c i D 4 S o a h e e d v c r ui . i a l , o p e e a c r p w r s e ri g

EPS系统主要由以下几部分组成:1. 信号传感装置:包括扭矩传感器、转角传感器和车速传感器,用于检测驾驶员的转向意图、方向盘转角和车速等信息。
2. 转向助力机构:包括电机、减速器、离合器等,用于根据驾驶员的转向意图和车速,提供相应的转向助力。
3. 电子控制单元(ECU):根据扭矩传感器、转角传感器和车速传感器的信号,控制电机的旋转方向和助力电流的大小,实现实时助力转向。
三、实验内容1. EPS系统组成及工作原理讲解。
2. EPS系统与传统液压助力转向系统的对比实验。
3. EPS系统在不同车速下的转向助力性能测试。
4. EPS系统在转向过程中抗干扰性能测试。
四、实验步骤1. 准备实验设备:EPS系统实验平台、扭矩传感器、转角传感器、车速传感器、数据采集器等。
2. 搭建实验平台,连接实验设备。
3. 根据实验要求,设置实验参数。
4. 进行EPS系统与传统液压助力转向系统的对比实验,记录数据。
5. 在不同车速下进行EPS系统的转向助力性能测试,记录数据。
6. 在转向过程中进行EPS系统的抗干扰性能测试,记录数据。
7. 分析实验数据,得出结论。
五、实验结果与分析1. EPS系统与传统液压助力转向系统的对比实验结果显示,EPS系统在转向效率、能耗、驾驶舒适性和安全性等方面均优于传统液压助力转向系统。
2. EPS系统在不同车速下的转向助力性能测试结果显示,EPS系统在不同车速下均能提供稳定的转向助力,且转向助力大小与车速成正比。

l 汽车电动助力转向系统研究现状及趋势
A u om ot e t i w erSt t i ve El c r Po c eer y t d I Uren i ng S s em an t C s r t Rese ch St t ar a us
感器) ,转 向助 力 机构 ( 电机 、 离合 的液压 助 力转 向系统 无法 做到 这一 器 、减 速 传动 机 构 ) 电子 控 制 装 点。 及 置 。 电动 机仅 在需 要助 力时工 作 ,
( ) 高 了 操 纵 稳 定 性 。 当驾 5提
驾驶 员在操 纵转 向盘 时 ,扭 矩转 角 驶 员转动转 向盘 一 角度 ,然后松 开 传 感器根 据输入 扭矩 和转 向角 的大 时 ,E S P 系统 能够 自动 调 整使车 轮 小产 生相应 的 电压 信 号 ,车 速传 感 回正 。同 时还可 利用软 件在 最大 限 器检 测到车 速信 号 ,控制单 元根 据 度 内调 整设 计参数 以获 得最 佳 的回 电压 和车速 的信 号 ,给 出指 令控 制 正 特 性。而 在传统 的液 压控 制系统 电动机 运转 ,从 而产 生所需 要 的转 中 ,要 改善 这种特 性必 须 改造底盘 向助力。其结构示意 图如 图1 示。 所 与传 统 的液 压助 力转 向相 比 , ES P 系统具有一 系列 的优 点 。 的机械 结构 ,实现起来 很 困难 。
技术 与 应 用 A A(o1 0O 1 P N )21一
At ov lt o eS en yt dtCrnRsa h tul u m te e r Pw rt rg s ma s uet eer a s同团田 o i E ci c e i S e n I r c S t


O 引言
电动 式 动 力 转 向系 统 的 一 个 显 著 特 点 就 是 所 谓 的 “ 确 转 向 ”它 能在 汽 车 转 向过 程 中 , 据 不 同 车 精 , 根
向 , 整 转 向 的辅 助 动 力 . 调 电动 机 的 转 矩 由 电 磁 离 合 器 通 过 减 速 机 构 减 速 增 矩 后 .加 在 汽 车 的转 向机 构
1 . 2
李 玉娜 : 于 P C的 电动助力 转 向系统 研究 基 L
第 2期
于采集 电机反 馈 电流 ,该传感器 只有系统在助力控 制 时 才 会 激 活 . 参 数 与 电 机 目标 电流 的差 值 。 过 该 通 PD调节器 的控制 , 电机 迅速提供相应 的扭矩 , I 使 达 到 助 力 的 目的 . 电动 式 E S一 般 都 设 定 一 个 工 作 范 P 围 .故 障报警是用 于检测 E S系统各个参 数 的 , P 当 车速 、 电压 、 矩 中任 何 一 个 参 数 不 正 常 ( 过 限 定 扭 超 值 ) , 统 发 生 故 障 , 系 统 报 警 , 时 立 即 断 开 时 系 则 同 电动 助力控 制 系 统 ,使转 向系统 处 于 机械 转 向状 态 , 免 事 故 发 生 . 车 速 、 避 当 电压 、 矩 中任 何 一 个 扭 参 数 与其 限定 值 相等 时 , 故 障报 警 , 则 提示 驾 驶员 注 意. 另外 当电动机发 生故 障时 ,离合器会 自动分 离 , 时仍可利用 手动控制转 向. 这 系统 的硬件 结构 图
上 , 之得到一个 与工况相适应 的转 向作 用力, 使 并通 过 转 向机 构 的 作 用使 车 轮 偏 转 一定 的 角 度 .



1. 研究背景及意义:
2. 研究内容及方法:
(1) 系统建模: 根据电动助力转向系统的结构,建立系统的数学模型,并在Simulink中进行仿真,分析系统的动态响应和稳态特性。
(2) 控制算法比较: 选择基于PID控制器、基于自适应控制器和基于神经网络控制器等不同控制算法来对比研究,比较各算法的性能和效果。
(3) 系统性能评估: 采用稳态误差、响应速度、超调量等指标对系统的性能进行评估,比较各算法的控制效果,并进一步探究系统优化设计的途径。
3. 预期研究结果及意义:


研究过程及进度安排如下:阶段一:文献综述与理论分析(2021.03~2021.06)1. 文献综述,了解国内外关于电动助力转向系统控制策略的研究进展,并分析其中的优点和不足之处。
2. 理论分析,对电动助力转向系统进行建模,分析转向系统的控制策略和转向过程的特征,为后面的实验设计打下基础。
阶段二:试验台方案设计(2021.07~2021.12)1. 试验系统硬件设计,选择相应的传感器和执行器,并设计相应的控制电路。


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车电动助力转向器电控单元(ECU)的研究 毕业设计论文

具体工作内容如下:1. 研究了电动助力转向系统的发展和系统的基本原理;2. 在充分考虑满足电动助力控制单元功能需求的基础上,开发了一套基于单片机80C552的电机控制方案:利用电子执行单元(ECU)实时采集信号,运用PWM技术实现对H桥和电动机进行电流闭环控制,并完成了硬件电路设计;3. 在保证汽车的稳定性和安全性条件下,通过深入研究助力控制、回正控制和阻尼控制策略,提出了基于PID的控制算法,开发了核心控制程序;上述研究工作实现了电动助力系统低速轻便、高速稳定的使用要求,为下一步的工程实用化奠定了先期技术基础。
关键词:电动机,PID,控制策略,PWMAbstractEPS is a kind of power steering system following the system of hydraulic, motor was adopted to offer power directly. EPS has many advantages such as adjusted power which is controlled by the automatically controlling unit,good way sense,environmental protection,low energy consumption, convenient maintenance. The development trend of intelligent vehicles, future security requirements and environmental requirements was fully represented by EPS.In this thesis the Electronic Control Unit (ECU) and the software program of the ECU was designed, control strategies and algorithm were also studied based on the study of the operation principles of EPS. Following is the detailed process:1. Basic components, working principle and mathematical model of Brushless DC Motor (BLDCM) were described in detail.2. While the functions of ECU were considered, a scheme of motor control based on the high-performance microcontroller 80C552 was put forward and the ECU was designed. PWM technique was used to control H and closed loop motor current.3. Three control strategies which are assisting mode return ability and damp mode to get a stable steering under various conditions was presented and discussed in this paper. And a control algorithm based on PID was proposed under the strategies.The research above make the A/D acquisition program, speed signal acquisition program of the Electric power steering system come true, and t it laid a practical basis for the next preliminary technology.Keywords: MOTOR; PID; Control Strategy; PWM目录摘要 (Ⅰ)Abstract (Ⅱ)目录 (Ⅲ)第一章绪论 (1)1.1电动助力转向系统 (1)1.1.1电动助力转向系统的原理及发展 (1)1.1.2 电动助力转向系统控制单元 (3)1.2国内外研究现状 (4)1.3课题研究的目的和意义 (6)1.4本文研究内容 (6)第二章助力特性和控制策略研究 (8)2.1助力特性分析 (8)2.1.1助力特性的概念 (8)2.1.2助力特性曲线分类 (9)2.2控制模式 (10)2.2.1助力控制 (11)2.2.2回正控制 (12)2.3控制策略研究 (13)2.3.1电机目标转矩的控制策略 (13)2.3.2助力电机的电流控制策略 (14)2.3.3控制算法 (14)2.4本章小结 (16)第三章硬件控制系统设计 (17)3.1 EPS控制系统的总体结构 (17)3.2 ECU的控制芯片 (18)3.3电源电路和信号处理电路 (19)3.3.1电源电路 (19)3.3.2扭矩信号 (20)3.4电机的控制电路和保护电路 (21)3.4.1电动机的PWM调压调速原理 (22)3.4.2功率开关部件的选择及其驱动电路 (24)3.4.3电动机的保护电路 (25)3.5故障诊断电路 (26)3.6系统硬件的抗干扰性设计 (27)3.7本章小结 (27)第四章EPS控制软件设计 (28)4.1系统控制软件概述 (28)4.2 转向盘转矩信号采集子程序 (29)4.3 车速信号的采集子程序 (29)4.4 目标电流的确定 (30)4.4.1 助力曲线与目标电流 (30)4.4.2 助力特性曲线的确定 (30)4.5 PWM 脉宽调制及电机控制 (31)4.6 判断转向子程序 (31)4.7 软件滤波设计 (31)4.8 本章小结 (32)结论及展望 (33)致谢 (35)参考文献 (36)附录 (38)第一章绪论汽车转向系统作为汽车的重要组成部分,决定着汽车主动安全性的关键,汽车是否具有安全的操作性能,始终是消费者最关心的,也是汽车厂商在日趋激烈的市场竞争中站稳,始终是消费者最关心的,也是汽车厂商在日趋激烈的市场竞争中站稳脚跟的根本。

电动助力转向技术的研究现状与发展趋势[摘要] 电动助力转向已成为当今世界汽车转向技术的研究热点。
[关键词] 电动助力转向研究现状发展趋势0.引言汽车在行驶中,经常需要改变行驶方向。
20世纪50年代以来,动力转向系统经过了常规液压动力转向系统(hydraulic power steering,简称HPS)、电液动力转向系统(electro-hydraulic power steering,简称EHPS)、电动助力转向系统(Electrical Power Assisted Steering,简称EPAS)三个发展阶段,并有继续向电子化和智能化发展的趋势[2]。

电动助力转向系统的研究与设计摘要电动助力转向系统(Electric Power Steering System,简称EPS),是汽车工程领域的热门课题之一。
本文在研究了电动助力转向系统工作原理的基础上,设计开发了EPS的电子控制单元ECU (Electronic Control Unit)的硬件电路和相应的控制软件框图。
关键词:电动助力转向电子控制单元单片机控制策略Electronic power steering system Research and DesignABSTRACTElectric Power Steering System (EPS) is one of the focuses research in automotive engineering. This paper is based on the principles of EPS to study the operation, designed and developed the Electronic Control Unit (ECU) and the soft ware diagram of the ECU.The thesis Considers the functions of the electronic control unit of EPS, studied and developed the hardware that adopted 89c51as its microprocessor. The control unit was able to realize real-time data/signal acquisition and system control. The target current of motor output could be determined by the obtained data; and utilizing the Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) technology, power could be provided to the steering system by controlling the output current and rotation direction through H-bridge circuit.The software program, which was divided into the realization of control strategy and the acquisition & control of data/signal, was developed in modular after the design of experimental ECU was completed. And the main program, A/D acquisition program, speed signal acquisition program and PWM control program are developed in the second part.The result showed that the electronic control unit designed was with stable performance, appropriate structure and excellent matching condition, and the excellent power steering effect could be ensured by EPS.Key words: Electric Power Steering System (EPS) Electronic Control Unit Single-Chip Microprocessor Control Strategy目录前言 (1)第1章绪论 (2)1.1汽车电动助力转向系统的特点 (2)1.2电动助力转向系统国内外的研究现状 (4)1.3 EPS的发展趋势和急待解决的核心技术 (5)1.4本课题研究的目的与意义 (6)第2章电动助力转向系统方案确定及工作原理 (7)2.1电动助力转向系统的工作原理 (9)2.1.1电动助力转向系统的组成和工作原理 (9)2.1.2电动助力转向系统的分类 (11)2.1.3电动助力转向系统的技术要求 (12)2.2电动助力转向系统的数学模型 (13)2.2.1转向盘和转向柱输入轴子模型 (14)2.2.2电动机模型 (14)2.2.3输出轴子模型 (16)2.2.4齿轮齿条子模型 (16)2.3电动助力转向系统的主要部分 (17)2.3.1转矩传感器 (18)2.3.2车速传感器 (19)2.3.3直流电动机 (20)2.3.4电磁离合器 (21)2.3.5减速机构 (22)2.3.6电子控制单元ECU (23)第3章电动助力转向系统的硬件设计 (24)3.1电子动力转向系统控制器的总体结构 (24)3.2控制器微处理芯片的选择 (26)3.2.1控制器微处理器常用芯片及选型 (26)3.2.2 89C52芯片及A/D转换芯片介绍 (26)3.2.3 89C52外部总线扩展及片外ROM的连接 (28)3.3控制器输入通道的设计 (30)3.3.1转矩信号的采集 (30)3.3.2电动机电流信号的采集 (31)3.3.3车速信号的采集 (33)3.4控制器输出通道的设计 (34)3.4.1电动机的PWM控制 (34)3.4.2电磁离合器和显示控制电路的设计 (39)3.4.3 电动机保护电路及继电器驱动电路设计 (40)3.5系统供电电源电路设计 (41)3.6系统硬件抗干扰措施 (42)第4章电动助力转向系统的软件设计 (45)4.1 EPS的控制策略 (45)4.1.1 EPS的PID控制 (45)4.2电子动力转向系统各功能模块的软件设计 (48)4.2.1 A/D采集程序 (48)4.2.2 PWM控制程序 (49)4.2.3车速信号采集程序 (51)4.2.4系统主程序 (53)结论 (55)谢辞 (56)参考文献 (57)附录 (59)外文资料翻译 (66)前言转向系统作为汽车的一个重要组成部分,其性能的好坏将直接影响到汽车的转向特性、稳定性和行驶安全性。
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电动助力转向系统(Electric power steering,简称EPS)是世界汽车电子控制技术发展的研究热点和前沿技术之一。
国外汽车电动助力转向已部分取代传统液压动力转向(Hydraulic power steering,简称HPS)。
EPS 通过对控制器软件的设计,十分方便地调节系统的助力特性,使汽车能在不同车速下获得不同的助力特性,以满足不同的驾驶情况的需求。
同时,EPS 用电动机直接提供助力,它能
1.1 助力转向系统的类型
表1 电控液压动力转向系统的种类
图1 EPS的控制系统示意图
图1 所示为配用齿轮齿条式转向器的EPS。
(4)EPS 的关键部件
1.2 EPS 的控制原理图
图2 汽车EPS控制原理图
EPS 主要部件包括传感器、电动机、减速机构和电子控制单元等。
在掌握EPS 的工作原理前提下,将EPS 系统用框图表示如下。
1.3 EPS 的基本控制策略
根据汽车转向行驶的不同情况要求,EPS 按不同的控制方式进行控制,通常来说,对应汽车转向行驶的不同情况有四种基本控制方式。
普通控制(助力控制)是EPS 的基本控制模式。
在方向盘“转向回正”时,对EPS 进行的控制为回正控制,目的在于改善系统的回正性能。
阻尼控制是EPS 为提高汽车高速直线行驶时的稳定性,减小路面冲击对方向盘的影响而采用的一种控制模式。
2.1 理想助力特性
如图3 所示,由于电动机输出转矩与电流
图3 理想助力特性
2.2 控制系统的选择
对助力电动机输出转矩的控制是EPS 研究的重点。
图4 控制系统框图
控制系统主要采用PID 控制系统。
PID 控制是最早发展起来的控制策略之一,由于算法简单、和可靠性高,被广泛应用于过程控制和运动控制,尤其适用于可建立精确数学模型的确定性控制系统。
图5 典型的PID控制结构
图5 所示为典型的PID 控制系统结构。
PID 控制器是由比例、积分和微分三个环节叠加构成的,各环节分别对误差信号e(t)进行运算,其结果的加权和将构成系统的控制信号u(t)一并送给对象模型。
PID 控制器的数学描述为:
PID 控制器各环节所起的作用如下:
积分作用的强弱取决于积分的时间常数K;K 越大积分作用越弱,反之则越强。