石油专业外文翻译(SPE 121762),英文原文可根据spe号在百度文库收索即可。
SPE 121762完井中新微乳型原油破乳剂的实验室和现场研究摘要在石油工业中,水和油的乳化形成了一个持续的生产问题,受到了大量的技术的关注。
一个非常好的名叫“一个国家的艺术审查” 并有关于原油乳液的总结是由Sunil Kokai提出的(Kokai 2002年)。
液滴的聚集会导致不稳定的乳液(Holmberg, et al. 2007)。
乳化形成过程也受到流体混合,剪切,湍流,扩散,表面活性剂聚集(Miller 1988),空间位阻稳定(非离子表面活性剂),温度和压力的影响。
沥青质,树脂和蜡的组成和浓度(Lissant 1988, Auflem 2002, Sifferman 1976, Sifferman 1980)是影响乳状液形成和稳定的因素。
Formation Mechanism and Distribution of Paleogene-Neogene Stratigraphic Reservoirs in Jiyang DepressionAbstractDuring Paleogene-Neogene period, multiple scale unconformities had been formed in Jiyang depression, which provided favorable conditions for stratigraphic reservoirs. In recent years, various Paleogene-Neogene stratigraphic reservoirs in Jiyang depression have been found, and proved reserves were rising significantly, which fully showed a great exploration potential for this kind of reservoirs. But the practice of exploration in recent years indicated that the unconformities carrier system and its ability of sealing, petroleum migration and its accumulation model, distribution of stratigraphic reservoirs are uncertain, which deeply restrict the exploration degree of stratigraphic reservoirs in Jiyang depression.Based on the analysis of a large number of exploration wells and seismic data for Typical reservoirs, the paper analyses unconformities construct and its effect to generation in the Paleogene—Neogene, and summarize the distribution pattern of stratigraphic reservoirs based on petroleum mechanism and accumulation model. Finally, a highly quantitative prediction modclof height of pools in stratigraphic reservoirs was established, the research results effectively guided the explorationPra- ctice of stratigraphic reservoir .There are four macro unconformity types of Paleogene—Neogene formation which including truncation-overlap, truncation·paral lel, parallel—overlap and paralel unconformity in Jiyang depression.Besides truncation-overlap unconformity lies in slopes of depression, and parallel unconformity developed inside of depression,another two types lie in local areas. Unconformity can be developed vertically three-layer structure which including unconformity roof rock, weathered clay layer and semi-weathered rock. It also Can be two—layer structure if without weathered clay layer.And part of semi—weather rock Can be form a hard shell accuse of its filling process during the laterstage.Geological characteristic of the structure layer of unconformity is different in lithology,mineralogy, element geochemistry and weather degree index. Based on optimal partition of sequential number and principal component analysis, logging quantification recognition method about unconformity structure layers were established, on which effective identification of unconformitystnlcture layers can bu achieved in the case of no rock core. The formation of various unconformity structure types isrelated to many factors such as, parent rock lithology, interval of deposition hiatus, palaeotopography,and preservation conditions, which aretogether to control spatial distributions of unconformity structure types .Macro styles and its vertical structure of unconformity can be effected as a blocking, reservoir, trap or carrier system.Blocking affection to fluid depends on weathered clay layer,hard shell of semi-weathered rock and mudstone. So petroleum migration and accumulation units is relatively independence above and belowunconformity if structure layers mentioned above existed. Reservoir affection is due to permeable rock, including roof sandstone .Semi-weathered sandstone, semi-weathered carbonate rock, semi—weathered igneous rock and semi-weathered metamorphic. Trap—controlling affection related to macro unconformity type and its juxtapose to permeability and impermeability rock above and below unconformity. It is easy to develop stratigraphy traps where the permeability and impermeability beds juxtapose in a truncation-overlap unconformity, where up permeability and down impermeability in parallel-overlap unconformity, and down permeability and up impermeability beds juxtapose in a truncation-parallel. Transporting affection is owing to lateral continuity of permeable rock of unconformity. In a terrestrial rift basin, petroleum migration in transverse or vertical short distance in local area, and is not conducive to petroleum long distance along unconformity, because interbedding pattern of mudstone and sandstone is dominated, and its physical property of mudstone improved poorly .Because of the long distance from resource to trap, migration and accumulation procese is very complicated.. Accumulation process of Paleogene-Neogene stratigraphic traps can be summarized as following:allochthonous source rock , compound transportation , later period charging, buoyancy and pressure conversion driving for accumulation, and blocking by non-permeable layer of unconformity, Trap types and its distribution are controlled by unconformity structure styles. Petroleum distribution and its scale are controlled by generating ability of Source rock. Petroleum accumulation area is decided by positive tectonic units. If carrier systemexisted , oil column of stratigraphic reservoirs is effected by four mainfactors which including generation expulsion quantity,migrating distance, dip angle and capillary resistance of carrier layer. Based on the analysis of single factor, the prediction model of height of oil columu through multi—factor regressions was established . Based on the model , the paper defruited favorable areas, which reserves in these areas exceed 1.5 x 1 08t .Research results of the paper combined closely with exploration practice, and according to previous research results,31 exploration wells had been drilled, which of them 17 wells were successfully from 2006 to 2009. There is accumulation proved reserves Was up to 2362x104t. and predict reserves was to 3684x104t .Keywords:Paleogene; Neogene; unconformity stratigraphie reservoirs; Fomation mechanism; distribution pattern; Jiyang depression1. Preface1.1 Foundationnd and signifacance of the topic1.1.1 Theme originThe theme is from the Sinopcc project:Forming and distribution of Tertiarystratigraphic reservoir of Jiyang depression .Theme number:P06012,deadline:2006-20081.1.2 Foundation and baekground of the themeThe tectonic events frequently occurred in Jiyang depression in paleogene-Neogene.It was favour of forming stratigraphic reservoir because of existence of several kinds of unconformity . Based on statistical data , beneficial area reservoired oil is about 9500km2, and the remaining resource is about 16x 108t in stratigraphic reservoirs of paleogene-Neogene stratas.Since 1980s,many overlap and unconformity reservoirs have been founded , explored reserves Was apparently increased with deep exploring. By the end of 2006 , explored resource had been up to 3.7×108t which showed a large exploring potential.But , in fact , the research on stratigraphic reservoir is lack or Uttle , especially,Accumulation pattern and forecasting model of oil have not been studied systematically. For example , the successful ratio of exploration well testing which is the lowest in allkinds reservoirs Was only 35.7%about stratigraphie reservoir in paleogene-Neogene in Jiyang depression from2001-2005. The main loss reason for the overlap andunconformity reservoirs exploration is migration and trap of oil that is separently53.5%and 23.9%.Hereby , oil migration problem and trap validity are importantaspects for overlap and unconformity reservoir exploring.In short,it has three aspects as followed:(1)Shallow comprehension about conduction of ability of unconformity Research on unconformity in present indicated that it is not a simple surface three-dimension body which is important for migration of oil and gas.There has some deep knows about the basins in west China and the marine basins in China. The systematic theory is lack about structure characteristic which deeply affect accumulating oil and gas.(2)The remain uncertain migration and accumulation process of oil and gas about stratigraphic reservoir remain uncertain .Stratigraphic reservoir lay in edge of basin . So it is difficult to exactly hold accumulation regular of oil and gas because far distance traps and hydrocarbon resources make a complicated migration process.(3)Forecasting model of stratigraphic reservoir that could be used to guide explore is lack It is necessity to finely evaluate and explore stratigraphic reservoir along with degree of exploration. Mayor controlling factors remain uncertain in construction offorecasting model of stratigraphic reservoirs.1.1.3 Aim, sense and application value of themeThe study resolves the problem of statigraphic reservoir formation and distribution of Paleogene-Neogene in Jiyang depression. By analysis of uniformity structure, their affect on statigraphic reservoir formation will be identify; The accumulation model will be established through study on static geologic characteristic of statigraphic reservoir ; Forecast mode of oil extent will be achieved through research on oil extent and to predict oil quality.Research results Can not only be used to effectively guide statigraphic reservoirExploring, to raise drilling Success ratio, provide technical support for increasing oilproduction of the Sinopec, and also provide reference to statigraphic reservoir exploring of Bohai Bay area . Research will enormously deepen statigraphic reservoir accumulation regular and further enrich and improve subtle reservoir exploring theory .1.2 Research present at home and abroad1.2.1 Present research and development at home and abroadUnconformity reservoir is one of important exploring object since Levorsen proposed the concept of stratigraphic trap and then published paper on‘‘Stratigraphic oil field ” in 1 936.It turns into stratigraphic reservoir and lithology reservoir based on scholars deepenly research the Levorsen stratigraphic eservoir .Stratigraphic trap is formed as a result of the updip reservoir directly contigence with unconformity above. According to trap place, accurrence and barrier, stratigraphic oil pools is divided into overlap pool, unconformity barbered pool and ancient buried-hill pool .Unconformity reservoir research covers three main sections. One is unconformityand its effect on oil accumulating. The second section is developing paaem of stratigraphic trap. The third is mechanism of migrating and accumulating of oil and gas. Present studies mainly focus on the three sections above .(1)Unconformity and its effect on oil accumulationUnconformity is geology base and key element to form the overlap and unconformity barriered traps and relevant reservoir . In generally,research on overlap and unconformity barrier reservoirs is first unconformity research target.Oil geologists started to understand relationship between inconformity and oil and gas acumination in 1930s. Levorsen published the book of“geology of petroleumin'1954. The book entirely introduced definition and significance of unconformity and the relatiooships with oil accumulation .The research and application of unconformity were promoted by stratigraohy andrecent oil and gas accumulation theory,especially,thesequence stratigraohy pay a important role in predict of geological discontinuity .Pan zhongxiang[2’3]referred to unconformity importance for oil and gas accumulation in 1983. Unconformity is benefit to find petroleum because it is favour of oil and gas migration and accumulation. From 1990s, the research on unconformity and accumulation effect were also be done in Tarim basin, ordos basin, Bohai bay basin and Jungar basin, a important and innovation result were be achieved .Fuguang[4,5],Wu kongyou[l6,7]and Zhang jianlin[8]had noted that unconformity is not only a simple surface but also a special geology body, a migration and accumulation passageway of oil and gas. It is represent for tectonic movement, sea or lake suface change,and geologic alteration to earlier rocks.The inhomogeneity of alteration and later overlap make the a. rchitecture of unconformity. There ale three layers structure in a ideal unconformity: roof rock above unconformity, weathered clay horizon and semi-weathered rock.Unconformity formation is related to denudation time,climate, elevation, tectonic movement and lithology. Two layers structure layers were formed as the weathered clay horizon was lack. Liuhua[16], Suifenggui[17], etc. divided unconformity into four types sand/mud, sand/sand, mud/mud and mud/sand . According to lithologic deploy of unconformity. They refcred that the migrating and accumulating ability of unconformity are decided by lithologic deploy of unconformity .Panzhongxiang[2'3],Liuxiaohant[11],Zhangkeyin[12],Chenzhonghong[14],Hedengfa,Aihuaguo[19],Wuyajun[20],Chenjianping[22'23], Zhangjiguang[2l], John S[26]etc . had a deepresearch on unconformity and refered that unconformity has an apparent controllingeffect on oil and gas accumulation. In summery, five main aspects is included: charging reservoir, charging trap,charging migrating, charging accumulating anddestroying reservoir. Based on physical modeling of oil migration, Lv xiuzheng Bekele thought the oil migration is followed the rule “migration through thin bed”, namely, migration through prevailing passway, otherwise anywhere in a conformity .(2)Development regularity of stratigraphic trapsOverlapped and unconformity is premise of overlap and unconformity reservoirExiting. so, this kind reservoir developed based on overlapped and unconformity trap formation first.Chensizhong proposed four conditions for developing overlap and unconformity reservoirs in 1982 based on research on the characteristics of overlapped and unconformity reservoirs and its distribution patterns. First is that Multiple overlapped and unconformity reservoir formed as a result of Multiple unconformityies and overlaps.second is that oil avvumulation area is above and below unconformity nearby hydrocarbon source rock. Third is that Torque subsidence of dustpan depression cause wide rang of overlap and unconformity reservoir. Fourth is that favourable overlap and unconformity reservoir lies in anti-cycle litbofacies fold play. Tong xiao guang referred four main controlling factors in 1983. First is time, lithology, attitude and weathering degree of pre-Paleogene-Neogene base rocks. Second is structure of faulted depression and movement strength.Third is overlap distribution of overlap line and feature of overlap lay above unconformity. Fourth is distribution of unconformity surface, permeability of overburden rocks above unconformity. Hujianyi[1lreferred that unconformity is the base of forming overlap and unconformity barrier trap, but not all good trap exits bearby unconformity in 1 984 and 1 986. The basic condition of forming overlap and unconformity barrier trap are six elements:three lines and three surfaces. Three lines are lithologic wedging line, layer overlap line and intended zone contour line. Three surface are unconformity surface, adjacent rock surface of reservoir and fault surface. It exits kinds of trap types when six elementsarraies.People deeply know development regularity of overlap and unconformity trapwith sequence stratigraphy spring up. Zhangshanwen[31] refer that multi. type breakcontrol overlap and unconformity trap, base on researching sequence of Zhungaer basin, Bohaibay basin and Songliao basin in 2003. Lipilong[35-39] refer that tectonic and deposit control overlap and unconformity trap in 2003 and 2004. Tectonic movement cause basin up and down, formed large area exceed peel zone in edge of basin. It is benefit to form trap.Tectonic form nosing structures in basin. It is benefit to form traps, Deposit control reservoir and barrier layer forming. Yishiwei[42] propose that oil accumulation controlled three surface, lake extensive surface, unconformity surface and fault surface, according to Erlian basin, Jizhong depression overlap andinconformity reservoir characteristic. Overlap and unconformity reservoir distributionare controlled by truncation zone and overlap zone. Enriching is controlled by beneficial accumulating phase belt.(3)Oil and gas migration and accumulation mechanism of stratigraphic trapReservoir is resuk of oil and gas migrating and accumulating in long distance, due to stratigraphic trap far from hydracarbon source rock. It is controlled by migrating dynamic, passageway, path, distance and accumulation etc.Lipilong[35-39]refer that the most effective oil path is fault-sandfault-unconformity and fault-sand-unconformity compound transmit system for overlap and unconfortuity trap in 2003 and 2004.Lichunguang[44]refer that heavy crude is secondary gas/oil pool through unconformity path migrating and accumulating in unconformity accompany trap, based on researching feavy crude reservoir of Dongyingdepression in 1999. Zhangjiazhent and Wangyongshi[48]refer thatY'Lhezhuang reservoir mainly lie in 100m above old burial hill old layer reflect shaft in 2005. Capping formation and barrier formation control the accumulation of the area oil and gas. Better Capping formation and barrier formation, better oil accumulation Suifenggui[17]refers that it is key for stratigraphic trap accumulation that‘T-S’transmit system validity and ability consist of oil soures fault,sand and ubconformity in 2005 in Jiyang depression. Layer unconformity style affects the stratigraphy trap forming and oil and gas migration.Lvxiuxiang refer that migration in uncomformity is thin bed migration through oil migrating physical analog in 2000. Oil migrates along advantage path, but not unconformity surface.All in one, there are many researches and outcome about trap develop and oil/gas accumulation of land facies basin stratigraphy reservoir home and abroad. But trap forcast is difficult because stratigraphy lie in basin edge and changeable lithofacies.Accumulation regular known less than other type reservoir, especially how unconformity affect stratigraphic reservoir develop, accumulation process, model and distribution, because of long distance between trap and hydrocarbon ,complex migtation process.1.2.2 Developing tendencyOverlap and unconformity reservoir show more and more important position with development of un-anticlinal trap exploratory development and rising of degree of exploration of petroliferous basin.Survey showed that although large of reseach and probe,research of overlap and unconformity are limited at quality. But, the common understanding include following respects:(1)Evaluation of structure, carrier system and barrier abilityUnconformity is important to develop overlap and unconformitty barrier reservoir. Now research about unconformity focus on one angle. It is tendency that begins with contributing factor of unconformity, analysis structure, make definite forming characteristic, evaluate transmiting and barrier ability,analyze the relationship between unconformity and oil/gas reservoir. (2)Mayor controlling factors and developing regularity of overlap and unconformity reservoir.It is common understanding that key overlap and unconformity barrier trap formation in develop system in home and abroad. Based Oll many research, this type trap is controlled by reservoir, cap rock and crossrange barrier, especially their valid matching.However,there is not deep research on three elements on system and contributing because of exploration phase confinement.(3)Oil and gas migration mechanism and accumulation model of overlapped andstratigraphic reservoir.With long distance migration and accumulation, reservoir development relate toDynamic, fashion, path, distance, process, etc. Element. They limit the understandingabout oil migrating mechanism. It is tendency that based on quantification, combinating type dissect, establishing accumulating model, effectively guide unconformity reservoir exploration .1.3 Research content and technique route1.3.1 Research contentThe subject confh'm following three research contents in view of key problembased on research present and development tendency .(1)Characteristic and distribution ofunconformity architecturesBased on basin the evolution of basin structure and deposition, through structural geology and sedimentology, and combined lab analysis, geophysical interpretation and mathematical statistics, the geology characteristic of unconformity and mayor controlling factors were analysised to definite spatial distribution unconformity architectures .(2)Formation mechanism and accumulation model of stratigraphic reservoirBased on geology comprehensive research and mathematical statistics ofstatic-characteristic of stratigraphy reservoir and by analysis migration and accumulation.Process, the migration path, accumulation stage and accumulation dynamic mechanism were analyzed to evaluate unconformity affect on oil/gas accumulation in geological history .Based on above research, sum up stratigraphy reservoir accumulating mechanism of Paleogene-Neogene, establish accumulating model through positive and negative respects research .(3)Distribution paRem and predict of favorable area of stratigraphy reservoirAccording to accumulation process and model, sum up distribution of stratigraphy reservoir. Based on mathematics statistics and geology analysis, make definite main element and quantification token parameter of oilness altitude, probe quantification forcast model of oilness altitude of stratigraphy reservoir starting from oil/gas migrating and accumulation process .Based on research findings above, it mainly focus on forecasting of stratigraphicreservoir nearby unconformities between Paleogene—Neogene and pre—Paleogene, and between Neogene and Paleogene .1.3.2 Technique routeUsing for reference from outcome of predecessors, based on type characteristic and distribution of unconformity of Jiyang depression, keep layer unique feature and accumulation process dissecting loss trap analyze as key, make geology comprehensive research and mathematical statistics method, sum up accumulation process and model, sum up main element, establish quantification forcast model of trap oilness, evaluate benefit exploring area .Figl-1: Frame picture showing research technique route ofdistribution patternand formationof samigraphy reservoir in Paleogene and Neogene slratas in Jiyang depression济阳坳陷古近系一新近系地层油藏形成机制与分布规律摘要济阳坳陷古近系.新近系发育过程中,形成了多个规模不等的不整合,为地层油藏的发育提供了有利条件。
(完整版)油气储运专业英语(英汉互译)Chapter 1 Oil and Gas Fields第1章油气田1.1 An Introduction to Oil and Gas Production1.1石油和天然气生产的介绍The complex nature of wellstreams is responsible for the complex processing of the produced fluids (gas, oil,water, and solids). The hydrocarbon portion must be separated into products that can be stored and/or transported. The nonhydrocarbon contaminants must be removed as much as feasible to meet storage, transport, reinjection, and disposal specifications. Ultimate disposal of the various waste streams depends on factors such as the location of the field and the applicable environmental regulations. The overriding criterion for product selection, construction, and operation decisions is economics.油气井井流的复杂性质,决定了所产流体(气、油、水和固体)的加工十分复杂。
化学工程 油气运输 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献
毕业设计(论文)外文翻译毕业设计(论文)题目:关于加油站及油罐车的油气回收外文翻译(一)题目:Mechanical Degradation and Changes in Conformation ofHydrophobically Modified StarchOSA改性淀粉的机械降解和结构变化外文翻译(二)题目:Preparation and Properties of Octenyl Succinic AnhydrideModified Early Indica Rice Starch辛烯基丁二酸酐(OSA)改性早籼淀粉的制备和性能低成本和高可靠的喷射压缩机采用油气回收领域,以解决生态问题,在开发节能技术。
OAO跟Orenburgneft “液体喷射压缩机的设计,开发与双流量喷嘴集结合可调驱动电源泵,使人们有可能以不同的尺寸和无量纲特征喷射装置。
液体喷射压缩机的实验研究进行了在一条长凳上安装的IM Gubkin俄罗斯石油和天然气的州立大学。
喷射压缩机的基本组件如下:- 直接流喷嘴组,以确保工作液喷射形成与调节的可能性射流压缩部分,科里奥利和Boussienesq系数的直径;- 一个环形接收室的入口和出口之间的部分,以确保交付的介质转移到工作液喷射;- 在第一套可互换组件(不同的入口和出口之间的混合室内部的直径和长度),确保工作与正在传输介质液体混合,- 扩散器与一组可互换组件(不同的入口部分的内部直径),从而确保在气液混合物的流速减少。
( 1of6 )United States Patent Application20050205157 Kind Code A1 Hutchinson, Ray J. September 22, 2005Service station leak detection and recovery systemAbstractA fueling environment that distributes fuel from a fuel supply to fuel dispensers in a daisy chain arrangement with a double walled piping system. Fuel leaks that occur within the double walled piping system are returned to the underground storage tank by the outer wall of the double walled piping. This preserves the fuel for later use and helps reduce the risk of environmental contamination. Leak detectors may also be positioned in fuel dispensers detect leaks and provide alarms for the operator and help pinpoint leak detection that has occurred in the piping system proximate to a particular fuel dispenser or in between two consecutive fuel dispensers.Inventors:Hutchinson, Ray J.; (Houma, LA)Correspondence Name and Address: WITHROW & TERRANOVA, P.L.L.C. P.O. BOX 1287CARYNC27512USAssignee Name and Adress:GILBARCO INC. GreensboroNCSerial No.: 131823Series Code: 11Filed: May 18, 2005U.S. Current Class:141/311A U.S. Class at Publication:141/311.00A Intern'l Class: B65B 001/04Claims1-20. (canceled)21. A method of detecting a leak in a fueling environment's fueling distribution system with a fuel dispenser, said method comprising: dispensing fuel throughout a fueling environment in an inner conduit of a double walled conduit; capturing a leak from the inner conduit with an outer conduit of the double walled conduit; returning fluid leaked into the outer conduit to an underground storage tank through a submersible turbine pump.22. The method of claim 21, wherein returning fluid leaked into the outer conduit through the submersible turbine pump comprises allowing fluid to pass into a casing construction of the submersible turbine pump.23. The method of claim 21, wherein returning fluid leaked into the outer conduit through the submersible turbine pump comprises opening a valve associated with the submersible turbine pump to allow fluid to pass into a casing construction of the submersible turbine pump.24. The method of claim 21, wherein returning fluid leaked into the outer conduit to the underground storage tank through the submersible turbine pump comprises connecting the fluid to a double walled pipe connecting the submersible turbine pump to the underground storage tank.25. The method of claim 21, wherein dispensing fuel throughout the fueling environment comprises dispensing fuel with a main and branch piping arrangement.26. The method of claim 21, wherein dispensing fuel throughout the fueling environment comprises dispensing fuel with a daisy-chained piping arrangement.27. The method of claim 21, further comprising detecting the leak.28. The method of claim 27, further comprising reporting the leak.29. The method of claim 28, wherein reporting the leak comprises reporting the leak to an element selected from the group consisting of: a site controller, a tank monitor, a site communicator, and a location remote from the fueling environment.30. The method of claim 27, wherein detecting the leak comprises detecting the leak with a leak detection probe positioned in the outer conduit.31. The method of claim 27, wherein detecting the leak comprises detecting the leak with a leak detection probe positioned in a fuel dispenser manifold.32. The method of claim 21, wherein returning fluid leaked into the outer conduit comprises assisting the returning with a vacuum.33. The method of claim 21, wherein returning fluid leaked into the outer conduit comprises using gravity to bring fluid to the submersible turbine pump.34. A fueling environment, comprising: a fuel storage tank; a submersible turbine pump associated with the fuel storage tank; at least one fuel dispenser; a double walled piping network fluidly coupling the fuel storage tank to the at least one fuel dispenser such that fuel is dispensed throughout the fueling environment in an inner conduit and leaks from the inner conduit are captured in an outer conduit and returned to the fuel storage tank through the submersible turbine pump.35. The fueling environment of claim 34, wherein the at least one fuel dispenser comprises fuel handling components.36. The fueling environment of claim 34, wherein the submersible turbine pump comprises a casing construction and fluid returned to the fuel storage tank through the submersible turbine pump passes into the casing construction.37. The fueling environment of claim 34, wherein the submersible turbine pump comprises a valve adapted to open to return fluid leaked into the outer conduit through the submersible turbine pump.38. The fueling environment of claim 34, further comprising a double walled pipe connecting the submersible turbine pump to the fuel storage tank, said double walled pipe returning fluid from the submersible turbine pump to the fuel storage tank.39. The fueling environment of claim 34, wherein the fuel storage tank comprises an underground storage tank.40. The fueling environment of claim 34, wherein the double walled piping network comprises a main and branch piping arrangement.41. The fueling environment of claim 34, wherein the double walled piping network comprises adaisy-chained piping arrangement.42. The fueling environment of claim 34, further comprising a leak detector adapted to detect leaks.43. The fueling environment of claim 42, wherein the leak detector is further adapted to report any leaks.44. The fueling environment of claim 42, wherein the leak detector reports any leaks to an element selected from the group consisting of: a site controller, a tank monitor, a site communicator, and a location remote from the fueling environment.45. The fueling environment of claim 42, wherein the leak detector is positioned in the outer conduit.46. The fueling environment of claim 42, wherein the leak detector is positioned in a fuel dispenser manifold.47. The fueling environment of claim 34, further comprising a vacuum source adapted to assist the return of fluid leaked into the outer conduit.48. The fueling environment of claim 34, wherein the double walled piping network is arranged such that fluid leaked into the outer conduit returns to the submersible turbine pump at least in part via gravity.DescriptionFIELD OF THE INVENTION[0001] The present invention relates to a fuel recovery system for recovery leaks that occur in fuel supply piping in a retail fueling environment.BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION[0002] Managing fuel leaks in fueling environments has become more and more important in recent years as both state and federal agencies impose strict regulations requiring fueling systems to be monitored for leaks. Initially, the regulations required double walled tanks for storing fuel accompanied by leak detection for the tanks. Subsequently, the regulatory agencies have become concerned with the piping between the underground storage tank and the fuel dispensers and are requiring double walled piping throughout the fueling environment as well.[0003] Typically, the double walled piping that extends between fuel handling elements within thefueling environment terminates at each end with a sump that is open to the atmosphere. In the event of a leak, the outer pipe fills and spills into the sump. The sump likewise catches other debris, such as water and contaminants that contaminate the fuel caught by the sump, thereby making this contaminated fuel unusable. Thus, the sump is isolated from the underground storage tank, and fuel captured by the sump is effectively lost.[0004] Coupled with the regulatory changes in the requirements for the fluid containment vessels are requirements for leak monitoring such that the chances of fuel escaping to the environment are minimized. Typical leak detection devices are positioned in the sumps. These leak detection devices may be probes or the like and may be connected to a control system for the fueling environment such that the fuel dispensing is shut down when a leak is detected.[0005] Until now, fueling environments have been equipped with elements from a myriad of suppliers. Fuel dispensers might be supplied by one company, the underground storage tanks by a second company, the fuel supply piping by a third company, and the tank monitoring equipment by yet a fourth company. This makes the job of the designer and installer of the fueling environment harder as compatibility issues and the like come into play. Further, it is difficult for one company to require a specific leak detection program with its products. Interoperability of components in a fueling environment may provide economic synergies to the company able to effectuate such, and provide better, more integrated leak detection opportunities.[0006] Any fuel piping system that is installed for use in a fueling environment should advantageously reduce the risk of environmental contamination when a leak occurs and attempt to recapture fuel that leaks for reuse and to reduce excavation costs, further reducing the likelihood of environmental contamination. Still further, such a system should include redundancy features and help reduce the costs of clean up.SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION[0007] The present invention capitalizes on the synergies created between the tank monitoring equipment, the submersible turbine pump (STP), and the fuel dispenser in a fueling environment.A fluid connection that carries a fuel supply for eventual delivery to a vehicle is made between the underground storage tank and the fuel dispensers via double walled piping. Rather than use the conventional sumps and low point drains, the present invention drains any fuel that has leaked from the main conduit of the double walled piping back to the underground storage tank. This addresses the need to recapture the fuel for reuse and to reduce fuel that is stored in sumps which must later be retrieved and excavated by costly service personnel.[0008] The fluid in the outer conduit may drain to the underground storage tank by gravity coupled with the appropriately sloping piping arrangements, or a vacuum may be applied to the outer conduit from the vacuum in the underground storage tank. The vacuum will drain the outer conduit. Further, the return path may be fluidly isolated from the sumps, thus protecting the fuel from contamination.[0009] In an exemplary embodiment, the fuel dispensers are connected to one another via a daisy chain fuel piping arrangement rather than by a known main and branch conduit arrangement. Fuel supplied to a first fuel dispenser by the STP and conduit is carried forward to other fuel dispensers coupled to the first fuel dispenser via the daisy chain fuel piping arrangement. The daisy chain is achieved by a T-intersection contained within a manifold in each fuel dispenser. Fuel leaking in the double walled piping is returned through the piping network through each downstream fuel dispenser before being returned to the underground storage tank.[0010] The daisy chain arrangement allows for leak detection probes to be placed within each fuel dispenser so that leaks between the fuel dispensers may be detected. The multiplicity of probes causes leak detection redundancy and helps pinpoint where the leak is occurring. Further, the multiple probes help detect fuel leaks in the outer conduit of the double walled piping. This is accomplished by verifying that fuel dispensers downstream of a detected leak also detect a leak. If they do not, a sensor has failed or the outer conduit has failed. A failure in the outer piping is cause for serious concern as fuel may be escaping to the environment and a corresponding alarm may be generated.[0011] Another possibility with the present invention is to isolate sumps, if still present within the fuel dispenser, from this return path of captured leaking fuel such that contaminants are precluded from entering the leaked fuel before being returned to the underground storage tank. In this manner, fuel may potentially be reused since it is not contaminated by other contaminants, such as water, and reclamation efforts are easier. Since the fuel is returned to the underground storage tank, there is less danger that a sump overflows and allows the fuel to escape into the environment.[0012] Those skilled in the art will appreciate the scope of the present invention and realize additional aspects thereof after reading the following detailed description of the preferred embodiments in association with the accompanying drawing figures.BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWING FIGURES[0013] The accompanying drawing figures incorporated in and forming a part of this specification illustrate several aspects of the invention, and together with the description serve to explain the principles of the invention.[0014] FIG. 1 illustrates a conventional communication system within a fueling environment in the prior art;[0015] FIG. 2 illustrates a conventional fueling path layout in a fueling environment in the prior art;[0016] FIG. 3 illustrates, according to an exemplary embodiment of the present invention, a daisy chain configuration for a fueling path in a fueling environment;[0017] FIG. 4 illustrates, according to an exemplary embodiment of the present invention, a fueldispenser;[0018] FIG. 5 illustrates a first embodiment of a fuel return to underground storage tank arrangement;[0019] FIG. 6 illustrates a second embodiment of a fuel return to underground storage tank arrangement; and[0020] FIG. 7 illustrates a flow chart showing the leak detection functionality of the present invention.DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS[0021] The embodiments set forth below represent the necessary information to enable those skilled in the art to practice the invention and illustrate the best mode of practicing the invention. Upon reading the following description in light of the accompanying drawing figures, those skilled in the art will understand the concepts of the invention and will recognize applications of these concepts not particularly addressed herein. It should be understood that these concepts and applications fall within the scope of the disclosure and the accompanying claims.[0022] Fueling environments come in many different designs. Before describing the particular aspects of the present invention (which begins at the description of FIG. 3), a brief description of a fueling environment follows. A conventional exemplary fueling environment 10 is illustrated in FIGS. 1 and 2. Such a fueling environment 10 may comprise a central building 12, a car wash 14, and a plurality of fueling islands 16.[0023] The central building 12 need not be centrally located within the fueling environment 10, but rather is the focus of the fueling environment 10, and may house a convenience store 18 and/ora quick serve restaurant 20 therein. Both the convenience store 18 and the quick serve restaurant20 may include a point of sale 22, 24, respectively. The central building 12 may further house a site controller (SC) 26, which in an exemplary embodiment may be the G-SITE.RTM. sold by Gilbarco Inc. of Greensboro, N.C. The site controller 26 may control the authorization of fueling transactions and other conventional activities as is well understood. The site controller 26 may be incorporated into a point of sale, such as point of sale 22 if needed or desired. Further, the site controller 26 may have an off-site communication link 28 allowing communication with a remote location for credit/debit card authorization, content provision, reporting purposes or the like, as needed or desired. The off-site communication link 28 may be routed through the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), the Internet, both, or the like, as needed or desired.[0024] The car wash 14 may have a point of sale 30 associated therewith that communicates with the site controller 26 for inventory and/or sales purposes. The car wash 14 alternatively may be a stand alone unit. Note that the car wash 14, the convenience store 18, and the quick serve restaurant 18 are all optional and need not be present in a given fueling environment.[0025] The fueling islands 16 may have one or more fuel dispensers 32 positioned thereon. The fuel dispensers 32 may be, for example, the ECLIPSE.RTM. or ENCORE.RTM. sold by Gilbarco Inc. of Greensboro, N.C. The fuel dispensers 32 are in electronic communication with the site controller 26 through a LAN or the like.[0026] The fueling environment 10 also has one or more underground storage tanks 34 adapted to hold fuel therein. As such the underground storage tank 34 may be a double walled tank. Further, each underground storage tank 34 may include a tank monitor (TM) 36 associated therewith. The tank monitors 36 may communicate with the fuel dispensers 32 (either through the site controller 26 or directly, as needed or desired) to determine amounts of fuel dispensed and compare fuel dispensed to current levels of fuel within the underground storage tanks 34 to determine if the underground storage tanks 34 are leaking.[0027] The tank monitor 36 may communicate with the site controller 26 and further may have an off-site communication link 38 for leak detection reporting, inventory reporting, or the like. Much like the off-site communication link 28, off-site communication link 38 may be through the PSTN, the Internet, both, or the like. If the off-site communication link 28 is present, the off-site communication link 38 need not be present and vice versa, although both links may be present if needed or desired. As used herein, the tank monitor 36 and the site controller 26 are site communicators to the extent that they allow off site communication and report site data to a remote location.[0028] For further information on how elements of a fueling environment 10 may interact, reference is made to U.S. Pat. No. 5,956,259, which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety. Information about fuel dispensers may be found in commonly owned U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,734,851 and 6,052,629, which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety. Information about car washes may be found in commonly owned U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/______ filed 6 May 2002, entitled IMPROVED SERVICE STA TION CAR W ASH, which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety. An exemplary tank monitor 36 is the TLS-350R manufactured and sold by Veeder-Root. For more information about tank monitors 36 and their operation, reference is made to U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,423,457; 5,400,253; 5,319,545; and 4,977,528, which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entireties.[0029] In addition to the various conventional communication links between the elements of the fueling environment 10, there are conventional fluid connections to distribute fuel about the fueling environment as illustrated in FIG. 2. Underground storage tanks 34 may each be associated with a vent 40 that allows over-pressurized tanks to relieve pressure thereby. A pressure valve (not shown) is placed on the outlet side of each vent 40 to open to atmosphere when the underground storage tank 34 reaches a predetermined pressure threshold. Additionally, under-pressurized tanks may draw air in through the vents 40. In an exemplary embodiment, two underground storage tanks 34 exist--one a low octane tank (87) and one a high octane tank (93). Blending may be performed within the fuel dispensers 32 as is well understood to achieve an intermediate grade of fuel. Alternatively, additional underground storage tanks 34 may be provided for diesel and/or an intermediate grade of fuel (not shown).[0030] Pipes 42 connect the underground storage tanks 34 to the fuel dispensers 32. Pipes 42 may be arranged in a main conduit 44 and branch conduit 46 configuration, where the main conduit 44 carries the fuel to the branch conduits 46, and the branch conduits 46 connect to the fuel dispensers 32. Typically, pipes 42 are double walled pipes comprising an inner conduit and an outer conduit. Fuel flows in the inner conduit to the fuel dispensers, and the outer conduit insulates the environment from leaks in the inner conduit. For a better explanation of such pipes and concerns about how they are connected, reference is made to Chapter B13 of PIPING HANDBOOK, 7.sup.th edition, copyright 2000, published by McGraw-Hill, which is hereby incorporated by reference.[0031] In a typical service station installation, leak detection may be performed by a variety of techniques, including probes and leak detection cables. More information about such devices can be found in the previously incorporated PIPING HANDBOOK. Conventional installations do not return to the underground storage tank 34 fuel that leaks from the inner conduit to the outer conduit, but rather allow the fuel to be captured in low point sumps, trenches, or the like, where the fuel mixes with contaminants such as dirt, water and the like, thereby ruining the fuel for future use without processing.[0032] While not shown, vapor recovery systems may also be integrated into the fueling environment 10 with vapor recovered from fueling operations being returned to the underground storage tanks 34 via separate vapor recovery lines (not shown). For more information on vapor recovery systems, the interested reader is directed to U.S. Pat. Nos. 5,040,577; 6,170,539; and Re. 35,238, and U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/783,178 filed 14 Feb. 2001, all of which are hereby incorporated by reference in their entireties.[0033] Now turning to the present invention, the main and branch supply conduit arrangement of FIG. 2 is replaced by a daisy chain fuel supply arrangement as illustrated in FIG. 3. The underground storage tank 34 provides a fuel delivery path to a first fuel dispenser 32, via a double walled pipe 48. The first fuel dispenser 32, is configured to allow the fuel delivery path to continue onto a second fuel dispenser 32.sub.2 via a daisy chaining double walled pipe 50. The process repeats until an nth fuel dispenser 32.sub.n is reached. Each fuel dispenser 32 has a manifold 52 with an inlet aperture and an outlet aperture as will be better explained below. In the nth fuel dispenser 32.sub.n, the outlet aperture is terminated conventionally as described in the previously incorporated PIPING HANDBOOK.[0034] As better illustrated in FIG. 4, each fuel dispenser 32 comprises a manifold 52 with a T-intersection housed therein. The T-intersection 54 allows the fuel line conduit 56 to be stubbed out of the daisy chaining double walled pipe 50 and particularly to extend through the outer wall 58 of the daisy chaining double walled pipe 50. This T-intersection 54 may be a conventional T-intersection such as is found in the previously incorporated PIPING HANDBOOK. The manifold 52 comprises the aforementioned inlt aperture 60 and outlet aperture 62. While shown on the sides of the manifold 52's housing, they could equivalently be on the bottom side of the manifold 52, if desired. Please note that the present invention is not limited to a manifold 52 witha T-joint, and that any other suitable configuration may be used that allows fuel to be supplied to a fuel dispenser 32 and allows to continue on as well to the next fuel dispenser 32 until the last fuel dispenser 32 is reached.[0035] A leak detection probe 64 may also be positioned within the manifold 52. This leak detection probe 64 may be any appropriate liquid detection sensor as needed or desired. The fuel dispenser 32 has conventional fuel handling components 66 therein, such as fuel pump 68, a vapor recovery system 70, a fueling hose 72, a blender 74, a flow meter 76, and a fueling nozzle 78. Other fuel handling components 66 may also be present as is well understood in the art.[0036] With this arrangement, the fuel may flow into the fuel dispenser 32 in the fuel line conduit 56, passing through the inlet aperture 60 of the manifold 52. A check valve 80 may be used if needed or desired as is well understood to prevent fuel from flowing backwards. The fuel handling components 66 draw fuel through the check valve 80 and into the handling area of the fuel dispenser 32. Fuel that is not needed for that fuel dispenser 32 is passed through the manifold 52 upstream to the other fuel dispensers 32 within the daisy chain. A sump (not shown) may still be associated with the fuel dispenser 32, but it is fluidly isolated from the daisy chaining double walled pipe 50.[0037] A first embodiment of the connection of the daisy chaining double walled pipe 50 to the underground storage tank 34 is illustrated in FIG. 5. The daisy chaining double walled pipe 50 connects to a casing construction 82, which in turn connects to the double walled pipe 48. A submersible turbine pump 84 is positioned within the underground storage tank 34, preferably below the level of the fuel 86 within the underground storage tank 34. For a more complete exploration of the casing construction 82 and the submersible turbine pump 84, reference is made to U.S. Pat. No. 6,223,765 assigned to Marley Pump Company, which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety and the product exemplifying the teachings of the patent explained in Quantum Submersible Pump Manual: Installation and Operation, also produced by the Marley Pump Company, also incorporated by reference in its entirety. In this embodiment, fuel captured by the outer wall 58 is returned to the casing construction 82 such as through a vacuum or by gravity feeds. A valve (not shown) may allow the fuel to pass into the casing construction 82 and thereby be connected to the double walled pipe 48 for return to the underground storage tank 34. The structure of the casing construction in the '765 patent is well suited for this purpose having multiple paths by which fuel may be returned to the outer wall of the double walled pipe that connects the casing construction 82 to the submersible turbine pump 84.[0038] A second embodiment of the connection of the daisy chaining double walled pipe 50 to the underground storage tank 34 is illustrated in FIG. 6. The casing construction 82 is substantially identical to the previously incorporated U.S. Pat. No. 6,223,765. The daisy chaining double walled pipe 50 however comprises a fluid connection 88 to the double walled pipe 48. This allows the fuel in the outer wall 58 to drain directly to the underground storage tank 34, instead of having to provide a return path through the casing construction 82. Further, the continuous fluid connection from the underground storage tank 34 to the outer wall 58 causes any vacuum present in the underground storage tank 34 to also be existent in the outer wall 58 of the daisy chaining doublewalled pipe 50. This vacuum may help drain the fuel back to the underground storage tank 34. In an exemplary embodiment, the fluid connection 88 may also be double walled so as to comply with any appropriate regulations.[0039] FIG. 7 illustrates the methodology of the present invention. During new construction of the fueling environment 10, or perhaps when adding the present invention to an existing fueling environment 10, the daisy chained piping system according to the present invention is installed (block 100). The pipe connection between the first fuel dispenser 32.sub.1 and the underground storage tank 34 may, in an exemplary embodiment, be sloped such that gravity assists the drainage from the fuel dispenser 32 to the underground storage tank 34. The leak detection system, and particularly, the leak detection probes 64, are installed in the manifolds 52 of the fuel dispensers 32 (block 102). Note that the leak detection probes 64 may be installed during construction of the fuel dispensers 32 or retrofit as needed. In any event, the leak detection probes 64 may communicate with the site communicators such as the site controller 26 or the tank monitor 36 as needed or desired. This communication may be for alarm purposes, calibration purposes, testing purposes or the like as needed or desired. Additionally, this communication may pass through the site communicator to a remote location if needed. Further, note that additional leak detectors (not shown) may be installed for redundancies and/or positioned in the sumps of the fuel dispensers 32. Still further, leak detection programs may be existent to determine if the underground storage tank 34 is leaking. These additional leak detection devices may likewise communicate with the site communicator as needed or desired.[0040] The fueling environment 10 operates as is conventional, with fuel being dispensed to vehicles, vapor recovered, consumers interacting with the points of sale, and the operator generating revenue (block 104). At some point a leak occurs between two fuel dispensers 32.sub.x and 32.sub.x+1. Alternatively, the leak may occur at a fuel dispenser 32.sub.x+1 (block 106). The leaking fuel flows towards the underground storage tank 34 (block 108), as a function of the vacuum existent in the outer wall 58, via gravity or the like. The leak is detected at the first downstream leak detection probe 64 (block 110). Thus, in the two examples, the leak would be detected by the leak detection probe 64 positioned within the fuel dispenser 32.sub.x. This helps in pinpointing the leak. An alarm may be generated (block 112). This alarm may be reported to the site controller 26, the tank monitor 36 or other location as needed or desired.[0041] A second leak detection probe 64, positioned downstream of the first leak detection probe 64 in the fuel dispenser 32.sub.x-1, will then detect the leaking fuel as it flows past the second leak detection probe 64 (block 114). This continues, with the leak detection probe 64 in each fuel dispenser 32 downstream of the leak detecting the leak until fuel dispenser 32.sub.1 detects the leak. The fuel is then returned to the underground storage tank 34 (block 116).[0042] If all downstream leak detection probes 64 detect the leak at query block 118, that is indicative that the system works (block 120). If a downstream leak detection probe 64 fails to detect the leak during the query of block 118, then there is potentially a failure in the outer wall 58 and an alarm may be generated (block 122). Further, if the leak detection probes 64 associated with fuel dispensers 32.sub.x+1 and 32.sub.x-1 both detect the leak, but the leak detection probe。
重庆科技学院学生毕业设计(论文)外文译文学院石油与天然气工程学院专业班级油气储运10级3班学生姓名汪万茹学号2010440140NACE论文富气管道的腐蚀管理Faisal Reza,Svein Bjarte Joramo—Hustvedt,Helene Sirnes Statoil ASA摘要运输网的运行为挪威大陆架(NCF)总长度接近1700千米的富气管道的运行和整体完整性提供了技术帮助。
UNIT 1The petroleum industry plays a decisive role in the modern industry,and also plays a very important role on the social, economic development.Petroleum includes crude oil and natural gas in a broad sense, but it refers only to crude oil in a narrow sense.In China, the oil industry is divided into upstream (oil exploration, exploitation ,storage and transportation) and downstream (petroleum processing and sales) .While in a foreign country, this industry is divided into upstream sector, midstream sector and downstream sector,oil storage and transportation industry is in the midstream sector.In petroleum exploration, geologist, seismologist, geophysics and geochemists find oil containing structure (TRAP)through rock analysis, seismic exploration and satellite remote sensing method to , and then confirm whether the structure contains the petroleum with industrial exploitation value through the drilling.Once the industrial oil flow appears, the structure can be put into development. In the development of petroleum, Petroleum Engineers (including drilling, oil extraction, oil, transportation engineers) in a variety of modern petroleum exploration technology, as much as possible from underground mining oil.In the early development of the oil reservoirs, can rely on its own energy from the ground.When the formation energy is exhausted, the artificial water flooding, gas injection, pumping and other methods to maintain a certain output, in the mining period, usually use some method of enhanced oil recovery to increase oil production and ultimate recoveryPetroleum processing can be divided into roughing and fine machining.In general, the upstream oil industry coarse processing (such as crude oil dehydration, degassing, and sand, natural gas dehydration and desulfurization), and fine processing of refinery completed by.In refinery, oil is refined into available commodity (such as gasoline, diesel, paraffin, asphalt) and industria l raw materials.UNIT 2Petroleum is hydrocarbon found in underground rock. In general, the oil was formed by biological bodies over millions of years under hypoxic ,high pressure and high temperature conditions. .But someothers think that petroleum was formed by acetylene that came from the hydrolyzed calcium carbide under high temperature, high pressure conditions.The oil migrated to a closed trap from the oil source over a long period of time,which is the reservoir what people mon traps have anticline trap, salt dome trap, coral reef trap and fault trap.three elements are eccensial:the Reservoir that accumulates petroleum,the barriert that prevent petrolum from escaping,the source that foms petroleum.Reservoir fluid including oil, gas, water.If the reservoir pressure is less than the saturation pressure of crude oil, the ma cro due to gravity difference in oil, gas and water: reservoir upper is gas, central is the crude oil, the lower is the water; at the micro level, if the reservoir is water wet, water distribution in the pore surface, oil distribution in pore CentralUNIT 3Oil is a natural mixtures that consists mainly of hydrocarbon.Petroleum includes crude oil and natural gas in a broad sense, but it refers only to crude oil in a narrow sense. Hydrocarbons is the main component of petroleum.According to the chemical composition,oil can be divided into alkanes, cycloalkanes, aromatic hydrocarbon.According to the relative density,oil can be divided into light and heavy oil.Oil in the hydrocarbon material, there are some non-hydrocarbon, mainly oxygen containing co mpounds (such as acids, esters, ketones, alcohols, phenols and), nitrogen (such as amide, pyridine, indoles and pyrroles etc.), sulphur compounds and non hydrocarbon material (such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen and hydrogen sulfide).Natural gas by methane content is divided into dry gas and moisture.Dry gas is methane content of more than 98% of the natural gas, the moisture is rich in ethane, propane and butane gas.Liquefied petroleum gas mainly containing ethane, propane and butane.Natural gas non hydrocarbon gases are mainly nitrogen, helium, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide.UNIT 4Petroleum and natural gas is stored in the cracks and pores of rock,rather than buried in the underground oil pool or oil river.Whether a petroleum reservoir has the industry value of mining or not depends on its rock properties,that is the reservoir rock must have a certain degree of reservoir and permeability.Porosity is the main parameter of rock reservoir, permeability is the main parameters of rock permeability.The reservoir usually contain oil, gas and water three-phase flow.Description of multiphase fluid flow parameter is relative easy degree of relative permeability.Relative permeability is defined as the effective permeability of a fluid rock absolute perme ability ratio.In reservoir exploitation process, the fluid phase relative permeability with different phases in the reservoir fluid s aturation changes, at the beginning of exploitation, high oil saturation, oil phase relative permeability is bigger, oil is more; in late stage of production, high water saturation, water phase relative permeability is bigger, more water production.Capillary pressure curve can describe the reservoir rock pore size distribution and reservoir rock microscopic inhomogeneity.If the reservoir rock pore distribution, reservoir ultimate recovery rate is higher.UNIT 5Drilling is the important part of petroleum engineering.Oil field exploration period need to make exploration and evaluation well, at the initial stage of development need to well, later need to make encryption by.Drilling equipment used for drilling rig, drilling machine is mainly composed of a power system, rotating system, a lifting s ystem and mud circulating system.The power system comprises a large diesel engine and d iesel generator; rotary system consists of a water faucet, drill pipe, drill, drill pipe and drill plate and other components; lifting system consists of winch, wire rope, pulley components; mud circulating system by a mud pump, vibration sieve, mud, mud, mud tank gas separation system.Well prepared to drilling.Began drilling surface hole, casing and cementing; the next is drilled by a drill drive, Kelly, a d rill rod and a drill bit rotation.Bit cutting rock, while circulating mud cuttings out of the gro und.When the drill to a certain depth, in order to protect the shallow water is not polluted and prevent the formation of collapse, in turn into the surface casing, intermediat e casing, casing, and fixed with cement; finally through the perforation or other open oil well completion method.Install oil tree, test well productivity, finally will be delivered to the oil well production unit.UNIT 6In general, a well has multiple casing strings, in proper sequence, from top to bottom that is the conductor pipe ,surface casing, intermediate casing, production casing.The space between the casing and the formation or among the casings are needed to be fixed with cement.The main function of casing is to fix the wall and prevent it from falling in.The completion operation is needed when the drill bit through the pletion work includes casing, perforation (or other well completion method) and oil testingWell completion method includes open hole completion, perforation completion, wire-wrapped screen pipe completion, tubingless completion and multiple completion.Open hole completion refers only to the top of the reservoir casing, formation open well completion method.The method is applicable to limestone, dolomite reservoir; perforated completion is the most widely used well completion method.Perforating gun for the casing wall, cement sheath and formation open, guide the oil from the oil reservoir into the well, the method is suitable for most sandstone reservoir; for loose sandstone reservoir, can be use d in combination with wire wrapped screen gravel pack completion method, is used to prevent the production of oil Ide Sa.For s mall size hole, can be used without tubing completion.UNIT 7Oil recovery is one of the most important part of petroleum engineering,with its mission is to mining underground crude oil as much as possible.In general, at an early stage of development, the flow of oil can spout out to the surface relying on its own energy.But the reservoir itself energy depletes quickly, oil recovery must rely on artificial lift technology.Artificial lift technology including gas lift, sucker rod pump and a rodless pump method.Gas lift is ground through the compr essor gas pumped downhole, the injected gas lift crude oil from flowing to the ground.Gas lift is suitable for offshore and inclined shaft of oil production.Sucker rod pump lifting (also called pumping unit or "pumps" oil) is the most widely used methods of extractio n, global oil production proportion exceeds 85%.A sucker rod pump for produ ction of single well in s mall, vertical well extraction.Rodless pump includes a hydraulic piston pump, hydraulic jet pump, screw pump and electric submersible pump.Hydraulic piston pump for deep well, horizontal well, well, sand and high wax content well; hydraulic jet pump for deep well with high temperature, sand, corrosive medium and thick oil well adaptability; screw pump for viscous oil recovery; electric submersible pump is suitable for high yield oil wells and offshore oil.UNIT 8In general, from the oil well output is not a single phase fluid, product in the gas phase, liquid phase and solid phase.The gas phase are natural gas, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen; liquid phase oil and water; solid phase of fine sand, silt and asphalt.Therefore, oil production of middle product separation and processing is a very important link.The output of oil wells ground separation is the use of oil, gas, water density, using horizontal or vertical multiphase sepa rator of oil, gas, water separation.After the separation of oil still exist a certain amount of water and sulfur, cannot achieve the refinery crude oil index, so the need for further dewatering and desulfurization process.The use of advanced technology and centrifugal separation technology to treat the demulsification of crude oil can enter the refineries for refining and processing.Preliminary treatment of natural gas needs further processing to enter the commercial gas pipeline.Natural gas containing hydrogen sulphide must first be desulfurization absorption tower, and molecular sieve technology processing of natural gas can reach the required content indicators.In addition to natural gas containing methane, also contains a higher value of ethane, propane, b utane, liquefied petroleum gas.Through the rich gas recovery device to ethane, propane, natural gas is separated from the.Oilfield produced water must be treated to achieve water quality ually in produced water containing high salinity salts.Output after precipitation, filtration, sterilization, demulsification, remove water droplets and solid phase, microorganism, meet the injection water quality after reinjection formation, in order to maintain formation pressure.If the treated water is disc harged directly, must meet strict emission standard of national qualityUNIT 9Well testing is a reservoir engineer understanding of reservoir, to obtain an important means of reservoir parameters.Through the test can determine whether the received damage reservoir, reservoir whether faults exis t or not; identify the fault location; detection of reservoir boundaries; calculation of reservoir parameters such as permeability, flow, flow coefficient, transmission rate.Test classification is more complex, in accordance with the test well types can be divided into oil well and gas well testing; in accordance with the test point position can be divided into the ground and underground well testing well testing; according t o the test object can be classified as temperature, pressure, flow rate test; according to the flowing state of the fluid can be divided into stable and unstable well testing; according to the change of pressure direction can be divided into pressure buildup and pressure fa ll off test. UNIT 10Reservoir development process similar to the one of the ups and downs of life.When the reservoir development to a certain period, oil wells or water injection wells or less there will be some problems, just like human life that occur in a wide variety of diseases.Petroleum Engineer's main task is to as the doctor carry on the analysis and the diagnosis, and proposed solutions to the problem, to maintain the normal production of oil well.Oil well problems surface phenomenon is crude oil production decline, output increased water, sand, stop the pump, injection volume decreased and water pressure drop.Deep time may be due to the reservoir pressure drops, the reservoir inhomogeneity of oil increases, hurt, injection water quality variation of oil wells, mechanical failure, well cement ring, casing, pipe leakage.Petroleum engineer must be integrated multidisciplinary knowledge, using various means of diagnosis technology research and analysis, t o judge the real reason, propose the corresponding solution, so as to solve the problems.UNIT 11Reservoir development and cannot be produced all underground crude oil.Generally speaking, its energy can only be produced by the formation of underground oil 10% the left and right sides, even if the water flooding development can only be produced 30%~50% underground crude oil.That is to say, the reservoir development always are part of crude oil in the ground.The recovery rate is defined as the cumulative oil recovery percentage accounted for the underground crude oil reserves.In the process of oil production, people always try to as far as possible to improve oil recovery.IOR is defined as: in addition to its energy and water injection and formation, gas injection to maintain the reservoir pressure, any method can increase the crude oil recovery method, referred to as ERO.ERO include gas miscible flooding, chemical flooding, heat recovery, flooding and other microorganis ms; generalized ERO also includes infill drilling, horizontal well, fracturing and acidizing, water plugging and profile control.ERO is a comprehensive technology, involve geological, chemical, mechanical, oil, oil reservoir, computer science, need various disciplines, departments jointly, solidarity and cooperation, fully embody the industrial team spirit.UNIT 12Reservoir numerical simulation is an important means of modern reservoir development.A reservoir can only be developed once, and reservoir numerical simulation development can be achieved N "reservoir", that is through the establishment of numerical rese rvoir model, reservoir simulator, a reservoir "development" N.And the optimal development scheme is applied to the actual reservoir, thereby obtaining the highest recovery rate and the maximum economic benefit.Reservoir numerical simulation is based on the establishment of numerical reservoir model.By analyzing the reservoir geological characteristics, the collection of a large number of reservoir static and dynamic data, establish the primary reservoir model, and through the historical fitting, the correction for a more realistic model of reservoir.Reservoir numerical simulation is the key to establish a mathematical model of fluid flow in reservoir.Depending on the mater ial balance principle, the equation of state, heat and mass transfer equations, establish containing multiple pa rameter equations, through the establishment of finite difference mathematical methods in computer on reservoir numerical simulation.The whole process is called reservoir numerical simulator establishment.The present reservoir numerical simulation the main gas reservoir model, black oil model and component model.UNIT 13Oilfield development requires not only technically feasible, also called economically feasible, so the reservoir development program must contain economic evaluation.Economic assessment refers to the resources, engineering, technology and market evaluation based on Calculation of reservoir development, input, output and economic indexes, analyzing the uncertain factors of product ion, optimum scheme is recommended.Economic evaluation is the basic procedure: first collect production data (including drilling, oil recovery, oil reservoir, surface construction engineering data) and country, enterprise economic data (such as tax rate, interest rate, tax of profit of indus try of rate); and then calculating the financial indexes, such as net present value, internal rate of return, return on investment, the investment recovery period; finally the system risk analysis, put forward the optimum development plan.。
Chapter 1 Oil and Gas Fields第1章油气田1.1 An Introduction to Oil and Gas Production1.1石油和天然气生产的介绍The complex nature of wellstreams is responsible for the complex processing of the produced fluids (gas, oil,water, and solids). The hydrocarbon portion must be separated into products that can be stored and/or transported. The nonhydrocarbon contaminants must be removed as much as feasible to meet storage, transport, reinjection, and disposal specifications. Ultimate disposal of the various waste streams depends on factors such as the location of the field and the applicable environmental regulations. The overriding criterion for product selection, construction, and operation decisions is economics.油气井井流的复杂性质,决定了所产流体(气、油、水和固体)的加工十分复杂。
毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:原油的加工工艺文献、资料英文题目:Petroleum Refining Processes 文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14Petroleum Refining ProcessesDesulphurisationSulphur occurs in crude oils combined in a variety of ways, from the simplest compound H2S to complex ring structures. H2S is produced during distillation of the crude oil by decomposition of higher boiling sulphur compounds and appears in the LPG from which it must be removed because of its poisonous and corrosive nature. This is done by counter current washing with an amine (e.g.diethanolamine), the H2S being removed for sulphur recovery by heating the amine solution in a separate vessel thus regenerating the amine for recycle to the washing stage . Mercaptans can be considered derivatives of H2S, in which one hydrogen atom is replace by a carbon /hydrogen group, and share some of its unpleasant properties of bad smell and corrosivity . Those mercaptans boiling below about 80℃are readily dissolved in alkaline solutions but the solubility decreases rapidly above that temperature .For LPG and light gasolines therefore the mercaptans can be removed by counter current washing with caustic soda solution.The UOP Merox process uses caustic soda to extract the mercaptans which are then oxidised with air to disulphides and the caustic soda regenerated for further use. The oxidation step is assisted by a metal complex catalyst dissolved in the caustic soda.The process can be represented as follow:4C2H52O+O22C2H5S—SC2H5+4NaOHThe disulphides are not soluble in caustic soda and form an oil layer which can be removed.Mercaptans in fraction boiling between80℃and 250℃cannot be oxidised to disulphides in the Merox solution with air. The disulphides,which are non-corrosive and have little smell, remain dissolved in the oil so that no actual desulphurisation has been achived but the products have been “sweetened”. Another process for the oxidation of mercaptans uses copper chloride as a catalyst. Both processes can be used in the production of aviation jet fuels.As the cuts taken from crude oil increase in boiling point it is found that the sulphur increases. In the 250-350℃range which is used for both diesel fuel and domestic central-heating fuel the sulphur content is about 1 per cent weight from most Middle East crudes. When this material is burnt the sulphur is oxidised to SO2 which, being easily oxidised to sulphuric acid, causes atmospheric pollution and corrosion of metals. The sulphur cannot be treated by the methods previously outlined as it is mainly combined with carbon and hydrogen in forms much more complicated than the simple mercaptans. These complex compounds have to be broken down toget at the sulphur which is done by passing the oil together with hydrogen at high temperature (320-420℃) and high pressure (25-70 bar), over a catalyst containing cobalt and molybdenum oxides on an alumina base, made in the form of small pellets or extrudates. The reaction is easier and the catalyst life better when the ratio of hydrogen to feed is several times higher than that necessary to complete the reaction chemically. Under these conditions the sulphur compounds decompose and the sulphur combines with the hydrogen to give H2S. Almost all of the sulphur compounds can be decomposed in this way without significantly affecting the remaining hydrocarbons.This process of desulphurisation, also called “hydrofining”, is effective in attacking all forms of sulphur compounds, and can be used to treat any part of crude oil.In principle the equipment used for all feeds is basically simlar and will contain means for carrying out the following steps:1 Supplythe feed and hydrogen to the reactor at the correct temperature and pressure.2 Cool the reactor product to condense the oil and allow the separation of the excess hydrogen so that it can be recycled to the reactor.3 Remove the H2S and small quantity (2-3 per cent) of low-boiling hydrocarbons producted in the reaction.A pump takes the feed and raises it to the repuired pressure and passes it through tubes in a furnace where it is heated to the required temperature before being mixed with the hydrogen and passing into the reactor. The reactor product is cooled, partially by the fresh feed in a heat exchanger to save fuel, and partially by water in another heat exchanger. Excess hydrogen is separated from the condensed oil in a drum and recirculated back to the reactor by a compressor together with fresh hydrogen to replace the amount consumed in the reaction. The liquid from the drum is passed into a distillation column where the H2S and low-boiling breakdown products are removed and the desulphurised oil taken from the bottom of the column.Much of the crude oil boiling above 350℃is used to make heavy fuel oil for power-stations, ships and large industrial plants and can have a sulphur content of 2.5-4 per cent weight from most Middle East crudes. Buring this material releases SO2 and very high chimneys have to be used (a number in the 500-600 foot range have been built, one of 800 feet in the USA) so that the SO2 can be dispered widely in the atmosphere thus avoiding localised pollution. The ideal solution would be to desulphurise all parts of the crude oil. Unfortunately, although the desulphurisation of distillates boiling up to about 550℃cab be relatively easily accomplished, the treatment of heavy crude-oil residues poses many difficult problems. With increasing boiling-point the difficulty of desulphurisation increases and also the proportion of molecules containing sulphur becomes high (possibly up to 50 per cent) which means that a high proportion of the molecules present must be decomposed. Trace metals in the oil tend to deactivate the most effective desulphurisation catalysts and high pressures (up to 170 bar) must bs used. All these factors result in high costs for fuel-oil desulphurisation. Also recent developments in the crude-oil sopply situation worldwide have placed a stong emphasis on energy conservation. Consequently, fuel intensive processes would be employed only as alast resort when alternative means of miniming pollution are not viable.In a refinery where desulphurisation is used extensively the production of H2S can easily reach 100 tonnes per day. Although the H2S could be burnt to SO2 and vented from all stacks,it is very undesirable because of the atmospheric pollution caused and additional plant is instslled torecover the sulphur. The H2S is burnt to SO2 with the oxygen supply limited so that about one-thirt of the H2S burns. This gives a mixture of two-thirds H2S and one-third SO2 which will combine to form sulphur and water:2H2S+SO2=3S+2H2OThe sulphur is collected and is usually sold to chemical companies mainly for the manufacture of sulphuricacid.Thermal CrackingWhen hydrocarbons are heated to temperatures exceeding about 450℃they begin to decompose. The large molecules breaking or “cracking” into smaller ones. Paraffins are the most easily cracked followed by naphthenes, aromatics being extremely refractory . At one time thermal-cracking processes were widely used to improve the octane number of naphthas or to produce gasoline and gas oil from heavy fractions. The quality of the gasoline from the thermal cracking of naphtha is not high enough for present motor gasolines and the process has fallen out of use. The products from heavy oil cracking requirements and while at present the process is little used it could be of interest should conversion of heavy distillates (up to 550℃) to gas oils be required. One thermalcracking process presently in common use is visbreaking which is the thermalcracking of viscous crude-oil residues to reduce their viscousity by breaking down the large complex molecules to smaller ones.A satisfactory fuel oil can them be made without the necessity of using gas oils or kerosine to blend with the viscous residue.Another thermal-cracking process presently employed is Delayed Coking, which is normally applied toatmospheric or vacuum residues from low sulphur crudes for the production of electrode grade coke (used mostly in aluminium production). The residue is heated to about 500℃and passed to the bottom of a large drum where the cracking reaction proceeds which breaks down the high-boiling materials, The lower boiling materials formed vaporise at the high temperature in the drum and pass out of the top to the fractionation system where they are separated into gas, gasoline and gas oil and leave behind in the drum a porous mass of coke. When the drum is full of coke the feed is switched to another drum which is filled while the full one is steamedout and the coke removed. As in the thermal-cracking process the liquid products require hydrogenation for use as naphtha or gas oil.Catalytic CrackingThermal cracking of heavy distillates for gasoline production is not selective and produces substantial quantities of gas and fuel oil together with the gasoline, which is also not of very good quality. About thirty years ago it was found that fuller’s earth and simillar materials could act as cracking catalysts and give a good yield of high octane number gasline (catalytic cracking). Unfortunately, the fuller’s earth became quickly covered in carbon and no longer acted as a catalyst was returned to its previous activity and thus to operate the process continuously it was necessary to devise methods of alternatively using and regenerating the catalyst continuously on a large scale.One of the most successful methods of achieving this depends on the use of fluidisation. When a gas is passed up through a bed of fine power the behaviour of the power depends on thevelocity of the gas. If it is high (about 1 m/sec.) the particles are moved about by the gas and the bed of power acts like a fluid and can be transported, find its own level, ect. just like a liquid. By using this property, the catalyst, in power form, can be circulated continuously between a reaction stage and a regeneration stage.The reactor and regenerator vessels are each designed so that the upward vapour velocity is sufficient to fluidise the catalyst. The oil feed (normally boiling 350-550℃) meets hot (620-740℃) regenerated catalyst, which is substantially free of carbon, and the vaporised oil and catalyst pass through a transfer line to the reactor, where the catalyst forms a fluidised bed. The cracking reaction proceeds as soon as catalyst meets the oil and is completed within the reactor at 480-540℃, depositing carbon on the catalyst. The spent catalyst is steam stripped to remove entrained hydrocarbons and returned to the regenerator where air is used to burn the carbon from the catalyst. The oil products leave the reactor, via cyclones to reduce catalyst entrainment, and are separated into fuel gas C3/C4, gasoline and gas oils. The gasoline octane number can be as high as 95.The catalyst loses activity as a result of hydrothermal deactivation and the accumulation of metals from the feed, which can contain up to 1 p.p.m. of vanadium plus nickel. Catalyst activity is maintained by continuous sddition oof fresh catalyst and withdrawal of equilibrium catalyst to maintain a constant inventory.In addition to straight-run and vacuum gas oils, coker gas oil,etc. the feed to a catalytic cracker can include atmospheric residue provided the metals content is low enough. The Kellogg heavy oil cracking (HOC) process is designed for high metals content atmospheric residue.Great improvement have been made in the manufacture of catalysts which now incorporate molecular sieve materials (zeolite) and have a very high activity. It has been found that the long residence time of the vapours in the reactor gives rise to secondary reactions which reduce the selectivity of the conversion to gasoline and produce more gas and coke. New designs dispese with the fluid bed in the reactor and carry out the reaction in the transfer line; the oil and catalyst are quickly separated at the end of the transfer line, for instance in a cyclone, and the catalyst drops into a stripper as previously to the remove entrained hydrocarbons before transfer to the regenerator. This is called Short Contact Time (SCT) cracking and has markedly improved the yield of gasoline obtainable in the process.HydrocrackingAs hydrocarbons increase in the number of carbonatoms they contain, so there is a decrease in the ratio of the number of hydrogen atoms per carbon atom, e.g. methane, CH4, has a ratio of 4; pentane, C5H12, has a ratio of 2.4; decane, C10H22, has a ratio of 2.2.If we wish to produce low-boiling hydrocarbons (e.g. gasoline containing 5-10 carbon atoms) from highboiling hydrocarbons containing say 20 carbon atoms we must find some means of increasing the ratio of hydrogen to carbon. In thermal cracking olefines (which have a lower hydrogen/carbon ratio than paraffins) are produced and also carbon eliminated by deposition in the catalyst . The alternative approach is to add hydrogen and this is done in the hydrocracking process by cracking at a very high pressure in hydrogen.This process, which is very flexible and can produce high yields of either gasoline or gas oil from wax distillaate, or gasoline from gas oil, operates at pressures of 150-170 bar andtemperatures of around 430℃. Reactors capable of withstanding these severe conditions may be 150-200 mm thick and pose many difficult engineering problems in design and construction. Hydrogen requirements for hydrocracking are very high, up to about 300 m3per m3of oil processsd which is far in excess of that available from catalytic reformers so that a large hydrogen production plant must be built to supply the hydrocracker.When designed to produce gas oil a hydrocracker will use one reactor and the basic-flow diagram appears very similar to a hydrofiner, but two reactors containing different catalyst are used when gasoline production is required . Unreacted feed is recycled to the reactor so that complete conversion of the feed to lower boiling products may be achieved. It will be appreciated that the severe operating conditions required in this process necessitate high-duty equipment to withstand the high temperatures and pressures, large gas compressors and pumps, and a hydrogen production unit which makes the capital cost very high.Catalytic ReformingCatalytic reforming is now one of the most important processes for the production of motor gasolines taking straight-run materials in the boiling range of about 70-190℃as feed and raising the octane number from about 40 to 95-100 .The main reactions taking place are: Dehydrogenation of naphthenes to aromaticsCH2CH3CHsCH2CH CH2CH CH3+3H2 CH2CH2CH2CHCH2CH2a paraffin isomerisationn hexane 2 methylpentaneb naphthene isomerisationCH3CH2CH2CH CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2The cyclohexane can then dehydrogenate by reaction (1)Dehydrocyclisationn heptane methylcyclohexane + H2The straight-chain paraffin can cyclise to the naphthene with production of hydrogen and the naphthene then dehydrogenate to an aromatic by reaction(1)HydrocrackingC10H22 + H2C6H14 + C4H10Hydrocracking involves the breaking of a carbon chain to give two smaller molecules. Paraffins are produced because of the addition of hydrogen to the olefinic fragments resulting from the cracking.All four reactions result in an increase in octane number as in the first three reactions aromatics are produced which have much greater octane numbers than the corresponding paraffins and napthenes, and in the fourth reaction low octane number long-chain paraffins are destroyed.The catalysts originally developed consisted of platinium (about 0.3-0.75 per cent weight) on highly purified alumina .In the past few years new catalysts have been developed still using platinum as a major component but also adding other metas such as rthenium which improve the life of the catalyst under severe operating conditions.The reactions are carried out at temperatures in the region 490-540℃and pressure 10-30 bar. There are other side reactions which tend to deactivate the catclyst by the foemation of carbon on it. These reactions can be reduced by a high pressure of hydrogen which is maintained by a combination of unit operating pressure and recycle of hydrogen with the feed. However, yields of reformate are higher at lower pressures whilst a high recycle of hydrogen/feed ratio of 4-5:1 (mol/mol) compared with the previous conditions of about 30 bar and about 8:1 hydrogen/feed ratio.Dehydrogenation of naphthenes which occurs in the first three reactions is a highly endothermic procss (absorbs heat) and it is necessary to divide the catalyst into a number of separate reactors because the temperature drops so much as the reaction proceeds that its rate becomes too slow and the products have to be reheated to enable the reaction to be completed.Catalytic reforming is a valuable source of hydrogen which is used mainly in desulphurisation units. The process is also used for the production of aromatics (e.g.benzene , toluene, xvlenes) for use as petrochemical feedstocks.In order to maintain the catalyst at a high level of activity the feedstock must be carefully purified; it is preferable to maintain levels of sulphur and water below about two parts per million and eliminate traces of lead. It is necessary to burn carbon off the catelyst periodically. This is normally done by shutting down the plant. However, there are versions of the process in which each reactor is taken off stream in turn for regeneration by interchanging with a swing reactor. In another case small amounts of catalyst can be removed from, and returned to, the reactors continuously after regeneration or reactivation steps in which the distribution of metals on the catalyst are adjusted to maintain the catalyst in the most active state.原油的加工工艺脱硫原油中含有硫,它从最简单的混合物H2S到复杂的环状结构等多种形式与原油混合在一起。
All petroleum reservoirs experience pressure declines, and most wells require artificial lift at some point, most commonly where reservoir pressure is insufficient for natural flow. Artificial lift systems may also be used to enhance production from flowing wells with a reservoir pressure that is insufficient to produce a require amount of fluid. 所有的油气储层都要经历压力降低的过程, 大多数井在某些阶段需要人工举升,通常是在储层的压力不足以自流自喷。
Extensive research and field studies have been conducted on a range of artificial—lift systems that have been developed and applied extensively to meet industry needs. These systems include beam pumping, gas lift, electrical submersible pumps, progressive cavity pumps, and hydraulic.为满足行业的需求,广泛的研究和实地调查已经进行了, 人工举升系统得到了广泛的发展和应用。
这些系统包括游梁抽油机,气举,电潜泵(ESP ,螺杆泵(PCP 的 ,和液压泵。
Gas lift lightens the fluid gravity to increase the flow and correspondingly lower the sand—face pressure。
外文翻译 毕业设计(深水输油管道设计与安装)
Design and Installation of Deepwater Petroleum PipelinesJaeyoung Lee, P.E.Marine Pipeline Engineer, Houston, Texas, USA1. AbstractThe exploration of offshore gas/oil has been moving to deepwater fields as big reservoirs have been found and technologies have improved. Presently, the most active areas in deepwater gas/oil field development are Africa and the GOM (Gulf of Mexico) in North America.There are many technological challenges in developing deepwater gas/oil fields such as: flow assurance, subsea systems, riser systems, surface production structures, transportation systems, etc. This paper gives an overview of each deepwater field development concern listed above. The design and installation issues of deepwater pipelines are discussed in detail.2. History of Deepwater Field DevelopmentsSince the active pursuit of the deepwater field developments in the mid-80’s, the on set of deepwater depth has not been clearly defined. The manned diving limit of 400 m (1,310 ft) has been widely used to define deepwater depth. Drilling contractors and producers use 610 m (2,000 ft), since a floating structure is considered to be a better fit in this or deeper water depths, compared with the fixed platform. Many industries and MMS (Minerals Management Service) of DOI (Department of Interior) of the United States use 305 m (1,000 ft) as the lower limit of deepwater depth. In this paper, deepwater is defined as any water depth greater than 305 m (1,000 ft).Approximately 200 deepwater discoveries in GOM have been identified by MMS (Table 1). Total estimated worldwide deepwater reserves in 1999 were 26.3 billion boe (barrels of oil equivalent) and increased to 56.8 billion boe in 2001, more than double in two years [1]. Figure 1 shows worldwide deepwater reserves by region. The GOM has shown a remarkable increase in deepwater field developments. Part of this is due to the development of new technologies reducing operational costs and risks, as well as the discovery of reservoirs with high production wells.The deepest water drilled to date is 2,965 m (9,727 ft) in Unocal’s Trident prospect in the GOM [2]. Global Marine Drilling Company’s Glomar C. R. Luigs deep- water drillship can drill in 3,658 m (12,000 ft) of water [3]. There are many sophisticated dynamically positioned vessels that can lay pipe in greater than 3,048 m (10,000 ft) water depth. DSND’s reel-lay vessel, Skandi Navica, has the record installation water depth of 2,012 m (6,600 ft). ROVs were available for 2,438 m (8,000 ft) water depth by the year 2000 but now ROVs can reach up to3,048 m (10,000 ft) of water. The record for the maximum deepwater exploration depth has been renewed year by year as new technologies have been introduced.3. Flow AssuranceAs the water depth becomes deeper and the reservoir is located deeper underneath the seafloor, oil and gas products tend to have higher pressures and temperatures than shallower reservoir products. The high pressure and high temperature (HP/HT) products require high grade and heavy wall valves and pipes. The crude product usually contains large amounts of water, wax, and asphalt. Sand also can be found in the product and sand with high flow velocity may erode the pipe’s internal wall surface. Dissolved car bon dioxide and sulfide may also corrode the pipe’s inner wall surface.Flowing in a long pipeline in cold seawater, the water and wax containing product may form an ice-like substance called “hydrate” and the solid wax may adhere to the pipe inner wa ll surface. The hydrate and wax formations reduce the pipe inside diameter and may eventually block the pipeline.To prevent temperature drop during transportation, the pipeline may be insulated by means of insulation coating, or employ a hot water circulation system or electrical heating system, or designed as a pipe-in-pipe (PIP) system.A chemical inhibitor is injected into the well to treatthe product before flowing into the pipeline. The chemical can be MeOH, glycol, low dosage hydrate inhibitor, crystal modifier, asphaltene dissolver, scale inhibitor, etc. A pigging program is used to monitor and clean the pipe internal surface. A multiphase flow mix of gas, oil, and water makes the hydraulic analysis of a pipeline complicated.4. Deepwater Pipeline Design and InstallationNearly 100% of the shallow water gas/oil product is transported to onshore processing facilities by pipelines. Approximately 46,350 km (28,800 miles) of offshore pipelines exist in the GOM [8]. In deepwater, the pipeline is still the most cost effective choice, regardless of design and installation difficulties. But transportation system using shuttle tanker with FPSO will be more attractive as the water depths become deeper and the fields are located further from the shore. In the following sections, deepwater pipeline system design and installation concerns are discussed.High external hydrostatic pressure, irregular sea bottom profile, and corrosive crude product make the deepwater pipeline design more complicated. The challenging areas in deepwater pipeline designs are (but not limited to):Material selection,Insulation,Free span mitigation,Installation, andRepair.4.1 Material SelectionMany pipe materials have been developed: low carbon (API-5L type), stainless, duplex, 13-Chrome, titanium, clad (alloy inner wall + low carbon outer wall), flexible pipes, and composite materials. The selection of materials depends on conveyed fluid properties: pressure, temperature, and corrosive components. The use of a corrosion inhibitor program is determined by initial capital expense, system’s design life, pipeline length, and pipe wall thickness.4.2 InsulationInsulation of the pipeline externally is a means employed to keep the heat of the production above the cloud point preventing the formation of hydrates, waxes, and asphaltenes, which would diminish the effective flow through the pipeline or plug the pipe entirely. Traditional insulation systems have used a “wet’ insulation material,which is typically polyurethane, polypropylene, rubber, or glass reinforced plastic. These materials’ U value is limited to approximately 2 W/m2-oK (0.35 Btu/hr-ft2-oF). Dry insulation, such as polyurethane foam or rockwool, can achieve better U values of approximately 1 W/m2-oK (0.18 Btu/hr-ft2-oF). The presence of water severely degrades the performance of dry insulation, so a pipe-in-pipe (PIP) system is required to ensure the low U value. By creation of a partial vacuum in the PIP system, U valuescan be reduced to 0.5 W/m2-oK (0.09 Btu/hr-ft2-oF) [9]. However, for many deepwater and long distance tie-back applications, lowering the U value may not be adequate to keep the high wax and hydrate formation temperatures. To overcome the limits of the above passive insulation system, an active insulation system, such as hot water circulation and electrical heating systems, has been introduced in deepwater field development. Burial of the pipeline to a certain depth or gravel dumping over the pipeline can also provide an insulating effect. Recent research shows that a combination of insulation coating and pipeline burial is more cost effective than the thick insulation coating.4.3 Free Span MitigationDuring pipeline routing evaluation, consideration has to be given to the shortest pipeline length, environment conservation, and smooth sea bottom to avoid excessive free spanning of the pipeline. If the free span cannot be avoided due to rough sea bottom topography, the excessive free span length must be corrected.Free spanning causes problems in both static and dynamic aspects. If the free span length is too long, the pipe will be over-stressed by the weight of the pipe plus its contents. The drag force due to near-bottom current also contributes to the static load. To mitigate the static span problem, mid-span supports, such as mechanical legs or sand-cement bags/mattresses, can be used.Based on soil conditions, water depth, and span height from the seabed, the appropriate method should be selected. If the span off-bottom height is relatively low, say less than 1 m (3 ft), sand-cement bags or mattresses are recommended. If the span off-bottom height is greater than 1 m (3 ft), clamp-on supports with telescoping legs or auger screw legs are more practical. Graphical illustrations of each method are shown in Figure 5.4.4 InstallationThere are four marine pipeline installation methods: towing, S-lay, J-lay and reel-lay (Figure 6). The towing method is attractive for short project field distance from shoreline and multiple line pipes-in-pipe bundle installation. The S-lay is applicable in shallower water depths than J-lay. The water depth for switching from S-lay to J-lay will depend on the installation vessel’s capacity and pipe sizes. It is recommended to use: a shallow water S-lay spread in less than 305 m (1,000 ft) of water, an intermediate dynamically positioned (DP) S-lay spread between 305 m (1,000 ft) and 914 m (3,000 ft) of water, and a DP J-lay spread at deeper than 914 m (3,000 ft) of water.Reel-lay uses similar installation equipment as the S-lay or J-lay method except a horizontal or vertical spool (reel) on the deck of the vessel. Its application of the reel-lay depends on pipe size and water depth. Currently the maximum pipe size that can be installed by reel-lay is 18-inch. The pipe wall thickness must be thick enough to avoid flattening during spooling process. On average, the weight of reeled pipe is 17% greater for 14” pipe, 32% greater for 16” pipe, and 47% greater for 18” pipe [10]. The extra cost of pipe for reeling is somewhat offset by the increased speed of laying pipe and by the possibility of using pipe of a lower grade, e.g. X-52 instead of X-65.4.5 RepairA contingency repair plan or Offshore Pipeline Repair Plan (OPRP) must be outlined in the early project stage to allow adequate procurement time for the necessary repair hardware. The main purpose of the OPRP is to minimize the downtime of the pipeline in the case that thepipeline is damaged and must be repaired. One of the main considerations in the offshore pipeline repair is the availability of equipment such as connectors, clamps, running tools, and installation vessels. The lead time for some equipment ranges from 3 to 6 months, which could result in considerable production losses in the event of a failure.The main purpose of the OPRP is to minimize the downtime of the pipeline if a failure should occur. For example, spool piece repair units (connectors and running tools) take 4-6 months for diverless system (3-4 months for diver-assisted system) from design to delivery. The ROV operable repair clamp, used for a spot leak repair, takes approximately 3-4 months. The weldless connectors are normally custom designed based on pipe material, diameter, wall thickness, and grade, so manufacturers do not keep them in stock. If these items are procured in advance, at least 3 months of downtime would be avoided.For this reason, numerous operators have an emergency pipeline repair program for a diver assist repair. RUPE (Response to Underwater Pipeline Emergencies) is one example. RUPE was formed in 1977 and has grown to 23 participants by 1998 [11]. The participants, mostly oil and gas operators, share the cost of the materials and maintenance of the repair system. RUPE stores two repair clamps and four mechanical connectors for pipe sizes from 6-inch to 36-inch and can respond on a 24-hour basis.Pipeline repairs may be required during pipeline installation or during operation. During installation, the pipeline has a risk of buckling due to uncontrolled tension caused by severe current or loss of dynamic positioning. A bad weld may also cause the pipeline buckle during installation. If a pipeline floods (wet) during pipe laying, the best repair method is to reverse the lay operation and recover the defect point on the vessel for replacement.Shell’s Mensa project performed a 12-inch repair job at 1,524 m (5,000 ft) water depth when the pipe failed at a weld due to excessive bending stress. Seven miles of pipe from depths between 1,615 m (5,300 ft) and 1,433 m (4,700 ft) were recovered up the stinger by a ‘reverse lay’ and later reinstalled [12]. The use of a repair clamp is another option for repair during installation, if the defect point is small and precisely located.During operation, the pipeline damage may occur as a result of internal/external corrosion, external loads due to anchor or fishing net trawl drag, mudslide, excessive free span, etc. During operation or after completion of installation, there are generally two repair methods available: a repair clamp method and a spool piece repair method. There are two spool piece repair systems: on-bottom repair system and surface lift/bottom repair system.A clamp repair system is applicable for a localized leak. The clamp encases the damaged pipe section so no pipe cutting or spool piece is required.The on-bottom spool piece repair system, which would potentially be used for a longer pipe section repair, requires pipe lifting frames, pipe cutters, weldless or cold forging connectors, and a spool piece. The inverted-U jumper or horizontal jumper connection method can be used for the bottom spool connection between the two ends.The surface lift/bottom spool piece repair method requires on-bottom cut out of the damaged section, lifting of each cut end to the surface and installation of a weldable connector with or without PLEM (pipe line end manifold) on each end. The surface lift and the bottom spool piece connection are proven technologies, however this method may require a heavy lift vessel. The inverted-U jumper or horizontal jumper connection method can be used for the bottom spool connection between the two ends.Instead of using ROV, a WASP ADS (Atmospheric Diving System) (Figure 7) with flange type connectors can be applied for pipeline repair up to 610 m (2,000 ft) water depth.If a heavy lift vessel is not available, the on-bottom spool piece repair system is recommended. If a vessel with adequate lifting capacity is available, the surface lift/bottom spool piece repair method is preferable. The surface lifting method installs the connectors by welding to each end of the damaged pipeline and lay down to the seafloor. This guarantees better sealing than the bottom connection that employs inserted gripping connectors. However, if raising the pipeline is restricted by burial, span corrections, and cable crossing, the on-bottom spool piece repair method should be used as shown in Figure 8.5. ConclusionsDeepwater pipeline installation record depth has been extended to 2,012 m (6,600 ft). As the discovery of large reservoirs and new technologies reduce costs and risks, operators can develop fields in deeper and deeper waters. The current deepwater field development status and available technologies are introduced in this paper. Challenges and emerging technologies in deepwater field development are also identified.The available technologies discussed here will provide substantial support for deepwater development, but continuing progress in these areas will undoubtedly be required.6. Reference[1] Hart’s E&P, March 2002, Page 53[2] Offshore Magazine, February 2002[3] Offshore Magazine, July 2000[4] Design of Risers for FPSs and TLPs, API RP-2RD, 1998[5] Offshore Magazine, May 2001[6] Brian McShane and Chris Keevill, “Getting the Risers Right for Deepwater Field Developments,” Deepwater Pipeline and Riser Technology Conference, 2000[7] Offshore Magazine, May 2002[8] Alex Alv arado, “Gulf of Mexico Pipeline Failure and Regulatory Issues,” Deepwater Pipeline and Riser Technology Conference, 2000[9] Offshore Magazine, January 2002[10] The World Offshore Pipelines & Umbilicals Report 2001-2005, Report No. 133-01, Douglas-Westwood Limited, 2001Offshore Magazine, January 2002[11] Harvey Mohr, “Deepwater Pipeline Connection and Repair Equipment,” The Deepwater Pipeline Technology Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1998[12] R. T. Gilchrist, et. al., “Mensa Project: Flowlines,” OTC8628, 1998深水输油管道设计与安装杰杨李, P.E.美国得克萨斯州休斯敦海底管道工程师1.摘要由于海底大油藏的发现和采油技术的提高,近海油气勘探已经转移到了深水区域。
石油化工类院校Advanced Space Technology for Oil Spill Detection—毕业设计文献翻译_英文原版+中文翻译
(中文翻译从第11页开始,1——10页为英文原版)希望能帮到那些做毕业设计时为文献翻译而惆怅的童鞋们Advanced Space Technology for Oil Spill DetectionMaral H. Zeynalova, Rustam B. Rustamov and Saida E. SalahovaAbstract Environmental pollution, including oil spill is one of the major ecological problems. Negative human impacts demands to develop appropriate legislations within the national and international framework for marine and coastal environment as well as the onshore protection. Several seas, for instance the Mediterranean, the Baltic and the North Seas were declared as special areas where ship discharges are completely prohibited (Satellite Monitoring, LUKOIL).In this regard environmental protection of the Caspian Sea has a priority status for Azerbaijan as a closed water basin ecosystem. This area, as a highly sensitive area in the World requires permanent ecological monitoring services where oil and gas from the subsurface of the Caspian Sea is developing almost more than a century. This status of the Caspian Sea is expected to be retention at least for the coming fifty years.Remote sensing is a key instrument for successful response to the onshore and offshore oil spills impacts. There is an extreme need for timely recognition of the oil spilled areas with the exact place of location, extent of its oil contamination and verification of predictions of the movement and fate of oil slicks.Black Sea region is expected to have a dramatic increase in the traffic of crud e oil (mainly from the Caspian region). The main reason for these changes is the growth of oil industry in both Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. The real substantial changes in tanker movements and routs are not clear till now.A necessity for a continuous observation of the marine environment comes afore when clarifying the tendencies of changes in the concentration of the particularly dangerous polluting substances as well as the behavior of different kinds of polluting substances in the detected area i.e., creation of a system for monitoring the pollution (L.A. Stoyanov and G.D. Balashov, UNISPACE III, Varna, Bulgaria).The exploration of geological and oil production started in the shelf of the Caspian Sea a long time ago. The Caspian Sea is a highly sensitive region on ecological and biodiversity point of view. Oil dumps and emergency oil spill have an extremely badinfluence on the marine and earth ecosystem and can lead to the ecological balance.Certainly the general issue of oil and gas pipeline safety includes aspects of natural disasters and problems related to the environment. After successful construction of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline and Baku-Tbilisi-Erzrum gas pipeline these aspects especially became very important for Azerbaijan and definitel y, for the region. The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Crude Oil Export Pipeline comprises a regional crude oil export transportation system, approximately 1750 in overall length.Generally, oil spill monitoring in the offshore and onshore is carried out by means of specially equipped airborne, ships and satellites. Obviously, daylights and weather conditions limit marine and aerial surveillance of oil spills.Keywords Space technology. Space image. Oil spil DetectionIntroductionGenerally, oil spillage is categorized into four groups: minor, medium, major and disaster. Minor spill neither takes place when oil discharge is less than 25 barrels in inland waters nor less than 250 barrels on land, the offshore or coastal waters that does nor pose a threat to the public health or welfare. In case of the medium spill the spill must be 250 barrels or less in the inland water or from 250 to 2 500 barrels on land, offshore and coastal water while for the major spill, the discharge to the inland waters is in excess of 250 barrels on land, offshore or coastal waters. The disaster refers to any uncontrolled well blowout, pipeline rupture or storage tank failure which poses an immediate threat to public health or welfare.Satellite-based remote sensing equipment installed in the satellite is used for monitoring, detecting and identifying sources of accidental oil spills. Remote sensing devices include the use of infrared, video and photography from airborne platforms. In the mean time presently a number of systems like air borne radar, laser fluorescence, microwave radiometer, SAR, ERS 1, ERS 2, ENVISAT and LANDSAT satellite systems are applied for the same purposes. Currently more than a dozen satellites are in the orbit producing petabytes of data daily. Detailed description of these satellites, major characteristics of sensors can be summarized as follows:●Spatial resolution of sensors ranges from 1 meter (e.g. IKONOS) to several kilo-meters (e.g. GEOS)●Satellite sensors commonly use visible to near-infrared, infrared and microwaveportions of electromagnetic spectrum;●Spectral resolution of satellite data ranges from single band (Radarsat) to multibands (e.g. MODIS with 36 bands)●Temporal resolution (repeat time) varies from several times a day (e.g. Meteosat)●The majority of satellites are sun synchronous and polar orbiting, crossing the equator at around 10 a.m. local time during theirdescending pass●Digital data are available in both panchromatic (black and white) and multi- spectral modesUsing the recent advanced space technology, the following methodology can be applied for the oil spills detections:●Development of oil spill detection methods for the purpose of practical oil spill surveillance related to the space imagery withapplication of any weather conditions;●Adaptation of the observation to other systems to predict the oil spill spread direction and flow rate characteristics, determ inationthe pollutant contaminations;●Development of appropriate data and user interfaceThere is a need for effectively direct spill countermeasures such as mechanical containment and recovery, dispersant application and burning, protection of sites along threatened coastlines and the preparation of resources for the shoreline clean-up.As it is mentioned in the beginning, the remote sensing is one of the main methods for an effective response to the oil spills environmental monitoring. Timely response to an oil spill requires rapid investigation of the spill site to determine its exact location, extent of oil contamination, oil spill thickness, in particular.Policy makers, managers, scientists and the public can view the changing environment using the satellite images. Remote sensing is the discipline of observing the Earth’s surface without direct contact with the objects located a t the surface. It allows obtaining information about the planet and human activities from a distance which can reveal interesting features that may not be possible or affordable from the ground level. One of the applications of remote sensing is water and coastal resources. It is essential to undertake the following aspects while using the remote sensing method:●Determination of surface water areas●Monitoring the environmental effects of human activities;●Mapping floods and flood plains;●Determination of the extent of snow and ice;●Measuring glacial features;●Mapping shoreline changes;●Tracing oil and pollutions.The fact that remote sensing allows multi-temporal analysis is also very important. This means that an area of interest can be monitored over time so that changes can be detected. It allows analyzing phenomena like vegetation growth during different seasons, the extent of annual floods, the retreat of glaciers or the spread of forest fires or oil spills (Vhenenye Okoro, 2004).Remote sensing is a useful method in several modes of oil spill control, including a large scale area of surveillance ability,specific site monitoring and advantages of technical and technological assistance in emergency cases. There is a significant capacity of providing essential information to enhance strategic and tactical decision-making, decreasing response costs by facilitating rapid oil recovery and ultimately minimizing impacts.Observation can be undertaken visually or by using remote sensing systems. In remote sensing, a sensor other than human vision or conventional photography is used to detect or map oil spills.Oil Spill DetectionOil production and transportation is started on the offshore “Azeri – Chiraq –Guneshli” oilfield, located at the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea. Therefore development and implementation of onshore and offshore oil spill monitoring and detection are highly important for the Caspian Sea basin countries. Figure 1 shows the overall map of the Caspian Sea region countries.Oil statistics of the major Caspian Sea oil producing countries are presented in Table 1.For visual observations of oil spill from the air using the video photography are the simplest, most common and convenient method of determining the location and extent (scale and size) of an oil spill. There are a number of sensors on surveillance of the sea surface:●Microwave radiometers which allow the determination of the oil thickness;●Ultraviolet and infrared scanners which allow to detect respectively very thin and very thick o il films;●Laser fluorescence sensors which allow the determination of oil type.Fig. 1 Overall map of the Caspian Sea region countriesApplication of remote sensing method for spilled oil can be discovered using a helicopter, particularly over near-shore waters where their flexibility is an advantage along intricate coasting with cliffs, coves and islands. For the spill response efforts to be focused on the most significant areas of the spill, it is important to take into consideration relative and heaviest concentrations of oil. Geographical positioning systems (GPS) or other available aircraft positioning systems creates a positive environment for localization of the oil location. Photography, particularly digital photography is also a useful instrument as a recording tool. It allows viewing the situation on return to base. Many other devices operating in the visible spectrum wavelength, including the conventional video camera are available at a reasonable cost. Dedicated remote sensing aircraft often have built-in downward looking cameras linked with a GPS to assign accurate geographic coordinates.In the open ocean spills show a less need for rapid changes in flying speed, direction and altitude, in these instances the us e of low altitude, fixed-wing aircraft proved to be the most effective tactical method for obtaining information about spills and assisting in spill response.Oil spill detection is still performed mainly by visual observation which is limited to favorable sea and atmospheric conditions and any operation in rain, fog or darkness is eliminated. Visual observations are restricted to the registration of the spill because there is no mechanism for positive oil detection. Very thin oil sheens are also difficult to detect especially in mist y or other conditions that limit vision.Oil is difficult to discover in high seas and among debris or weeds where it can blend in to dark backgrounds such as water, soil or shorelines. Huge naturally occurring substances or phenomena can be mistaken for spilled oil. These include sun glint, wind shadows and wind sheens, biogenic or natural oils from fish and plants, glacialflour (finely, ground mineral material usually from glaciers) and oceanic or revering fronts where two different bodies of water meet. The usefulness of visual observations is limited, however, it is an economical way to document spills and provide baseline data on the extent and movement of the spilled oil.Estimation of the quantity of oil observed at sea is the main issue for the detection of the oil spill. Observers are generally able to distinguish between sheen and thicker patches of oil. However gauging the oil thickness and coverage is not always easy and it can be more difficult if the sea is rough. It is essential to view all such est imates with considerable caution.Purpose of the remote sensing equipment mounted in aircraft is increasingly used to monitor, detect and identify sources of illegal marine discharges and to monitor accidental oil spills. Remote sensing devices except infrared video and photography from airborne platforms, thermal infrared imaging, airborne laser fluourosensors, airborne and satellite optical sensors use satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). Advantages of SAR sensors over optical ones is their ability to provide data in poor weather conditions and during darkness. Remote sensing method operates detecting properties of the surface such as color, reflectance, temperature or roughness of the area. Spilled oil can be detected on the surface when it modifies one or more of these properties. Cameras relying on visible light are widely used and may be supplemented by airborne sensors which detect oil outside the visible spectrum and are thus able to provide additional information about the oil. The most commonly applied combinations of sensors include Side-Looking Airborne Radar (SLAR) and downward-looking thermal infrared and ultraviolet detectors or imaging systems.A number of remote sensors placed on Earth observation satellites can also detect spilled oil as well. Optical observation of spilled oil by the satellite requires clear skies, thereby limits the usefulness of such system. SAR is not restricted by the presence of cloud, thus it is a more useful tool. However with radar imagery, it is quite difficult to be certain if an anomalous feature on a satellite image is caused by the presence of oil. Consequently, radar imagery from SAR requires expert interpretation by suitably trained and qualified personnel to avoid other features being mistaken for oil spills. However, there is a growing interest of developing SAR to deploy on satellite platforms. Oil on the sea surface dampens some of the small capillary waves that normally are present on clean seas. These capillary waves reflect radar energy producing a “bright” area in radar imagery known as sea clutter. The presence of an oil slick can be detected as a “dark” area or one with the absence of sea clutter. Unfortunately, oil slicks are not the only phenomena that can be detected in similar manner. There are many other interferences including fresh water slick, calm areas (wind slicks), wave shadows behind land or structures, vegetation or weed beds that calm the water just above them, glacial flour, biogenic oils and whale and fish sperm. SAR satellite imagery showed that several false signals are present in a large number of scenes (Bern et al., 1993; Wahl et al., 1993). Despite these limitations, radar is an important tool for oil spill remote sensing since it is the only sensor capable of searching large areas. Radars, as active sensors operating in the microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum are one of the few sensors that can detect at night and through clouds or fog (Schnick S, InSAR and LIDAR, 2001).Oil Spill Monitoring and Data DevelopmentThe Method of Oil Spill MonitoringDue to the operation of the oilfield “Azeri – Chirag –Guneshli” (ACG), located in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea oil production was increased. From the beginning of 1997 development of ACG up to December, 1st, 2006 Azerbaijan International Operating Company (AIOC) could extract a crude oil from interior of the Caspian Sea already 81,25 million tons of oil where oilfield “Chirag” produced 51,06 million tons.The pipeline will extend the capacity and as a result of this it is a need of creating a reliable monitoring system for the more sensitive areas with the greatest oil spill risk.Exploration work and oil production began on the Caspian Sea shelf a long time ago. The Caspian Sea is characterized by an extreme ecological sensitivity and a high biodiversity. Oil damps and emergency of oil spill are an extremely bad influence for the offshore and onshore ecosystems of Absheron peninsula and can lead to an ecological disturbance.Aerial surveys of large areas of the sea to check the presence of oil spills are limited to daylight hours in good weather conditions. Satellite imagery can help greatly in identifying oil spills on water surface.The current challenge to remote sensing and GIS-based investigations is to combine data from the past and the present in order to predict the future. In the meantime it is likely that a long term or integrative study will combine remote sensing data from different sources. This requires a calibration between remote sensing technologies. Discrepancies in post-launch calibrations of certain remote sensing devices may cause artifacts such as surface area change, and so may the shift from one remote sensing source to another. However, it is possible to integrate cartographic and multi-source remote sensing data into a homogeneous time series.Remote sensing plays an integral role in environmental assessment. Remote sensing will never replace the field work and observations but it offers a great support in huge areas as follows:●Remote and difficult access areas like dense forests, glaciated areas, swamps, high elevation, etc;●Areas undergoing rapid changes;●Countries with poor infrastructure and limited transportation;●Areas of active natural hazards and disasters: flooded areas, active volcanic regions, forest fires, earthquake and landslidehazardous areas, etc;●Construction of a broad overview or a detailed map of a large area.Remote sensing techniques can increase the speed in which one can analyze a landscape and therefore help make quick and focused decisions.Among the available remote sensing technologies producing high spatial resolution data, aerial photography was superior to space-borne data, despite the higher spectral resolution of the latter. However, digital air-borne multi-spectral imagery such as theCompact Air-Borne Spectrographic Imager (CASI) is at least as accurate as aerial photography for the same purpose and it is less expensive to obtain and therefore more cost effective. It is also important to proceed in the eva luation of new scientific application of more common imaging techniques such as video and photography from low-flying aircrafts. In space-borne remote sensing, the IKONOS satellite was the first one to challenge the very high spatial resolution (1 m resolution) data obtained from air-borne remote sensing technology. The EROS satellite has a spatial resolution of 1.8 m but no multi-spectral capability. However,its future sensors are reported to generate multi-spectral combined with a spatial resolution of 0.82 m. In the mean time imagery, the QUICKBIRD satellite leads the quality list of optical remote sensing with panchromatic imagery of 0.70 m spatial resolution and multi-spectral imagery of 3 m spatial resolution (W. Ziring et al.,Earth Mapping Information, 2002).Required ParametersSpatial resolution requirements are various but it is necessary to consider even for massive oil spills. It is well known that spills at sea from windrows with widths are often less than 10 m. A spatial resolution is greater than it is required to detect these spills. Furthermore, when considering oil spills, information is often required on a relatively short timescale to be useful to spill response personnel. The spatial and temporal requirements for oil spills depend on what use would be given to the data. Table 2 estimates spatial and time requirements for several oil tasks (Brown and Mervin, Ottawa, Canada).At present time such opportunities are available on board the European Space Agency’s ENVISAT (radar ASAR) and ERS-2 satellites and the Canadian Space Agency’s RADARSAT satellite.Oil spillage on the water surface forms oil sheen. When oil is forming a thin layer on the sea surface it will damp the capillary waves. Due to the difference in backscatter signals from the surface covered by oil and areas with the lack of oil, radar satellites may detect oil spill sheens at the sea surface. Oil spills on radar images can be characterized by following parameters:●form (oil pollution are characterized the simple geometrical form);●edges (smooth border with a greater gradient than oil sheen of natural origin);●sizes (greater oil sheen usually are slicks of natural origins);●eographical location (mainly oil spills occur in oil production areas or ways of oil transportation).Besides an oil spillage area scanning of sheen thickness allows to define the quantity of the spilled oil. Depending on the temperature of water, properties of oil (viscosity, density) thickness of oil spill layer will be different. A critical gap in responding to oil spills is the present lack of capability to measure and accu- rately map the thickness of spilled oil on the water surface. There are no operational sensors, currently available that provide absolute measurement of oil thickness on the surface of water. A thickness sensor would allow spill countermeasures to be effectively directed to the thickest portions of the oil slick. Some infrared sensors have the ability to measure relative oil thickness. Thick oil appears hotter than the surrounding water during daytime. Composite images of an oil slick in both ultraviolet and infrared sensors showed able to show relative thickness in various areas with the thicker portions mapped in infrared and the thin portions mapped in ultraviolet.Oil spills on the sea surface are detectable by imaging radars, because they damp the short surface waves that are responsible for the radar backscattering. The oil spills appear as a dark patches on radar images. However, natural surface films often encountered in the coastal regions with biological activity also damp the short surface waves and thus also give rise to dark patches on radar images. Whereas, the shape can identify oil spills. Furthermore, remote sensing can be in use of initializing and validating models that describe the drift and dispersion of oil spills.Figure 2 shows an example of oil spill of the Absheron peninsula oil spill taken by ENVISAT ASAR. This figure reflects a necessity of the permanent monitoring of the Caspian Sea for more sensitive areas.Fig. 2 ENVISAT ASAR image in the Caspian Sea near the Absheron peninsula for oil spill due to the offshore oil productionUnderwater stream and wind transfers the oil placed on the sea surface. Oil moving speed makes approximately 60% from the underwater stream speed and 2–4% from the wind speed (Sh. Gadimova, Thailand, 2002). The following demonstrates disadvantages of the radar satellite images:●in some cases signatures of oil spill are difficult to distinguish a biogenic origin and other sea phenomena;●presence of wind have an essential influence on oil spill definition on the water surface.At a gentle breeze (0–3.0 m/s), the water surface looks dark on radar images. In this case oil sheens merge with a darkback ground of the sea and identification of pollution becomes impossible. The speed of wind between 3–11 m/s is a sufficient suitable case for identification of oil spills, slicks seem a dark on a light water surface. In the high speed of a wind oil spill identification will be inconvenient as they disappear from images owing to mixing with the top layer of water.For more optimum monitoring of sea oil spill is recommended to carry out the following:(i) analysis of sea surface currents;(ii) analysis of the information about the sea level, wave height and wind speed;(iii) analysis of the meteorological information, allowing to estimate speed and direction of a spot.Figure 3 shows southern of the Caspian Sea at the Volga estuary. This river carries a heavy load of pollutants originating from fertilizers washed out from agricultural fields and from industrial and municipal plants. They serve as nutrients for the marine organisms which experience a rapid growth and then generate biogenic surface slicks. The oceanic eddies which become visible on the radar images because the surface slicks follow the surface currents are very likely wind-induced. The most remarkable feature on this image is the mushroom-like feature consisting of two counter-rotating eddies.This is one more example of application of space technology for environmental monitoring of the sea surface.Except foregoing mentioned areas, an application of satellite monitoring for pipelines can include below indicated problems as: ●detection of oil/gas leaking;●no authorized intrusion into a safety zone of object;●detection of failures and an estimation of ecological damage;●detection and monitoring of pipelines moving (can be caused soil substance).Table 3 demonstrates the basic parameters of used equipment for oil spill monitoringRemote Sensing Data AnalysisInvestigation of the petroleum hydrocarbons on a plot and its analysis is advisable to conduct before and after the oil spill, to characterize changes in vegetative condition through time. Figure 4 shows an example of the oil spill accident occurred due to the third party intervention.This area was used for further investigations as a spilled area indicated for a long term ecological monitoring site (David Reister et al., partnership programme)Fig. 4 Oil spilled areaAn implementation of these studies started from the collection of remotely sensed data from ground, airborne and satellite and the results of all information were combined.Oil spill site has a plant canopy dominated by creosote bush (Larrea tridentata) shrub land. Qualitative field investigations indicated that upper plant canopy contact with the diesel fuel was manifest as etiolation that resulted in a grey to white color of the upper canopy and a white to slight reddening of the lower canopy graminoids and litter, partial and complete defoliation of shrubs, apparent high mortality of much of the above ground phytomass, including grasses, cactiods and biological crusts and darkening of the orange-red alluvial soil. It was an evident that the spill boundary could be delineated on the bases of smell, as diesel was still volatizing from the soil. These features were still valuable evident one year after the release. It is necessary to note that the canopy dominant, creosote bush is expected to recover from the diesel spill. This aspect of plant physiology is significant for studies of resilience in desert ecosystems.Following application of the oil, vegetation damage was assessed visually via changes in leaf color and leaf fall. It showed three main time frames for injuries:●immediate●occurring during the initial growing season and●cumulative, occurring after the initial growing seasonVirtually all aboveground foliage that came into contact with the oil was quickly cleaned up. Turgidity was immediately reduced and foliage appeared dead within several days. The zone of contact was generally limited to the immediate areas and to areas of low relief in the pass of aboveground flowing oil (Jenkins et al., Arctic, 1978). In contrast, cottongrass tussock with a raised, upright growth form and species growing on areas of higher relief kept most of their aboveground biomass above the oil. These species continued to grow and flower despite their being surrounded by oil (Fig. 5)Fig. 5 Cottongrass tussock growing on spill plot despite surrounding oilThe features of vegetation and natural growth as physical and biological parameters depends of the oil spill interaction can be used a key instrument of spectral behaviors of information within the data processing of space images for linear infrastructures.ConclusionAdvances in information systems, satellites imaging systems and improvement software technologies and consequently data processing led to opportunities for a new level of information products from remote sensing data. The integration of these new products into existing response systems can provide a huge range of analysis tools and information products that were not possible in the past. For instance, with the higher resolution of the space imagery and change detection of the linear infrastructure situational awareness and damage and assessment by impact of the variety of reasons can be implemented rapidly and accurately. All this presented information sources can be valuable in the response, recovery and rehabilitation phases of the preparedness management issue.The lack of periodically observation data for satisfaction needs in oil and gas spills is the main obstacle for the mentioned problem. In this regard satellite data can be playing a significant place. For more success in this sphere spatial and non spatial data would be integrated with the geographic information system. This system has to be integrated for the regional scale covering the whole regions state around the Caspian Sea.The presented above results show a sensitivity of parameters of various vegetations to the influences of oil pollution. Such behavior opens an opportunity of use of those behaviors of vegetations for monitoring of the linear infrastructures as environmental indicators. These indicators significantly could be in use as a key instrument within the data processing and interpretation of space images for safety and security issues of the transportations of oil and gas pipeline infrastructure.At the time available technologies for successful implementation of issues related to the pipeline safety were discussed. Depends of the existed huge of problems and tasks appropriate technology as well as system can be applied and carried out for these purposesReferencesBern T-I., Wahl T. Anderssen, and R. Olsen (1993) “Oil Spill Detection Using Satellite Based Sar:Experience From A Field Experiment”, Photogrammetric Engineering And Remote Sensing, 59(3), pp. 423–428.Carl E. Brown, and F.F. Mervin, “Emergencies Science Division, Environmental Technology Cen-tre Environment Canada”, Ottawa, Canada.Dahdouh-Guebas F., Kairo J.G., Jayatissa L.P., Cannicci S., and Koedam N. (2002a) “An Ordina-tion Study To View Past, Present And Future Vegetation Structure Dynamics In Disturbed And Undisturbed Mangroves Forests In Kenya And Sri-Lanka”, Plant Ecology, 162(4).。
3-D seismic survey (D: dimension:)三维地5-spot pattern n.五点井网Abandon well 口.废井Acidization n.酸化(作用)Acidize v.酸化Agent n.试剂,媒介Analytic solution n.解析解Annular a.环形的Annulus n.环形空间,环空API standards n.美国石油协会标准香的Artifical lift n.人工举升Artificial water drive n.人工注水驱Asphaltic a.含沥青的,沥青质的;n.沥青质Attribute n.属性,特征,标志Barefoot completion n.裸眼完井Barrel n.桶Bbl (blue barrel)Belt cover n.皮带 ^盖Bit n.钻头Blender truck n.混砂车Blowout n.井喷Borehole n.井眼Collapse v.坍塌,倒塌Compaction n.压实作用Completion n.完井,完成,结束Compressor n.压缩机Condensate n.凝析油Conductor casing 口.导管Conductor hole n.导管孔Cone n.圆锥,(锥形)牙轮Connate a.原生的,共生的Contaminant n.杂质,污染物Core 口.岩心Core holder 口.岩心夹持器Coring bit n.取芯钻头Corrode v.腐蚀,侵蚀;锈蚀Corrosion n.腐蚀Corrosive a.腐蚀的;n.腐蚀剂衡,抵消Counterweight n.平衡块Crank n.曲柄,摇把Crumble v.坍塌,破碎Curve n.曲线震勘探Abandon v.(油井)报废,废弃Acid wash 口.酸洗Acidization n.酸化(作用)Additive n.添加剂Alkane n.烷烃,链烷烃Anisotropic a.各向异性的,非均质的Annular mist flow n.环雾流Anticline 口.背斜Aromatic n.芳香族,芳香族环烃;a.芳Artificial lift n.人工举升Asphaltene n.沥青烯Associated a.伴生的Baffle n.隔板;v.阻碍,挫折Barite n.重晶石Barrier n.隔层Bean n.油嘴,节流器Bentonite n.膨润土,斑脱岩Black-oil simulator n.黑油模拟器Blow out v.井喷Blowout preventer (BOP) n.防喷器Bottom hole n.井下Collar n.钻铤Compaction n.压实(作用),挤压Compress v.压缩Concentration n.浓度;集中Condensate n.凝析油Conductor casing 口.导管Conductor pipe 口.导管Configuration 口.构造Connate water n.原生水,共生水Continuous lift n.连续气举Core 口.岩心Core slug 口.岩心塞Corrode v.腐蚀Corrosion n.腐蚀Corrosive a.腐蚀的;n.腐蚀剂Counterbalance n.平衡(块);v.使平Crack v.裂开Crown block 口.钻台Crust n.地壳Cutting/chips 口.钻屑Darcy’ s law n.达西定律Degas 丫.脱气Dehydration n.脱水,去水Demulsified n.破乳剂对)Derrick n.井架,钻塔Desalt v.除盐Desand v.除砂Descale v.除垢Development well n.开发井Deviated well 口.斜井Diesel n.柴油机,内燃机Diffusivity n.扩散率,扩散性,扩散系数Dimensional a.量纲的,维次的Discharge line n.排出管线Discount rate n.现贴率investment Displacement n.驱替,取代,排出量Displacement fluid n.顶替液Dissolve v.溶解,解除;无效Doghouse n.井场值班房Downhole n.底部井眼,井下Dozer n.推土机Drainage area n.供油面积,泄油面积Drillfloor n.钻台Drilling mud n.钻井泥浆Drillstem test (DST ) n.中途测试试验器试井Droplet n.微滴,小滴Effective permeability n.有效渗透率Elevate v.提升,升华Emulsified acid n.乳化酸Emulsion n.乳化;乳状液Encroachment 口.侵入,水侵Engine system n.动力系统Enhanced recovery n.强化采油,提高采收率Ethane n.乙烷Exploration 口.勘探Fall-off test n.(注水井)压降试井Fault n.断层Fingering n.指进现象Five-spot n.五点井网Flow nipple n.节流嘴,油嘴Flow rate 口.产量Defoamer n.去泡剂LlDehydrate v.脱水Delta 口.三角洲| Deposit v.沉积,存款(与withdraw 相Derrick floor 口.钻台Desalter 口.脱盐剂Desander n.除砂器Desilter n.除泥器Deviate v.偏移,偏差Diamond n.金刚石Diesel n.柴油机;柴油Dimension n.量纲,因次,维,元Directional well n.定向井Discount factor n.贴现系数Discounted cash flow return onDisplacement efficiency n.驱替效率Displacement pressure n.排驱压力Dissolved gas n.溶解气Dolomite n.白云岩Downstroke n.下冲程Drainage n.排驱,排水Draw works n.绞车Drilling line n.钻井钢丝绳Drilling string 口.钻柱Drill-stem test (DST ) n.中途试井,地层Dynagraph card n.不功图Effective permeability n.有效渗透率Elevation n.海拔,上升,举起Emulsifier n.乳化剂Emulsion breaker n.破乳齐Ll Engine oil 口.机油Enhance v.提高,改善Ester n.酯,酯类Exploitation n.开发Exploration well 口.探井Fatty a.脂的,脂肪的Fine 口.细砂Fitting n.配件;油嘴;适合Flood front n.注水前缘Flow pattern 口.流型Flowing well efficiency n.流动系数Flowmeter n.流量计Fold v.褶皱,折叠Formation gas oil ratio n.地层气油比Frac pumper n.压裂泵车Fraction n.馏分;分数Fracture n.裂缝;破裂v.压裂Friction reducing additive n.降阻齐LlFuel storage n.燃料罐积系数Gas cap n气顶Gas-in-place n.天然气地质储量Gathering system n.集输系统permeable 相对)Impurity n.杂质,夹杂质混合物Infill drilling n.加密钻井Inject 丫.注入Injectivity index n.注入指数Insitu combustion n.层内燃烧,火烧油层试井Intermediate casing n.中间套管Intermittent lift n.间歇气举Interval n.间隔,间距,层段;隔层余的Irreducible water/oil saturation 束缚水/残余油饱和度Jack up v.举高,顶起Kelly n.方钻杆Kerosene 口.煤油Layer zone n.产层Leakage /leakoff 口.滤失Liner hanger n.尾管悬挂器Foam 口.泡沫Formation n.地层Formation transmissibility n.地层传导率Frac sand n.压裂砂,支撑剂Fracture v. & n.裂缝Freshwater n.淡水,清水,新鲜水Fuel n.燃油FVF(formation volume factor) n.地层体Gaseous a.气体的,气态的,空虚的Gasoline 口.汽油Gear reducer n.齿轮变速器Geophysical well logs 地球物理测井Gravel pack n.砾石充填Grease n.润滑油Gush v.井喷Gusher n.井喷Heterogeneity n.不均匀,复杂性Hoist system n.提升系统Hose n.水龙带Hydraulic fracture n.水力压裂裂缝Hydrocarbon n.烃类,碳氢化合物Hydrogen sulphide n.硫化氢Impermeable a.不渗透的(与In situ n.(拉丁语)就地,原地Influx 口.流入,注入,主入口Injectivity 口.注入能力,注入性Inlet n.进口,输入(量)Interference test n.井间干扰测试,干扰Intermittent a.间歇的,中断的Internal rate of return n.内部收益率Irreducible a.不可减少的,剩余的,残Liquefy v.液化;稀释油气,液化气Lubricant n.润滑油Make a trip起下钻Manifold n.管汇Marine a.海相的,海上的Geometry n.几何形态,几何学Gravel n.砾石,砾砂Gravitational drainage n.重力排驱Gross thickness n.总厚度Gush v.井喷Hardness n.硬度,硬性Hoist v.提升,轮换,改变Hook n.大钩Hydraulic fracture n.人工裂缝,水力压裂裂缝Hydraulic fracturing n.水力压裂Hydrogen sulfide n.硫化氢n.束缚水/残余油饱和度Irreducible water/oil saturationJunk n.废料,井下金属碎屑Kelly bushing n.方钻杆补心Kick n.井涌;v.踢Leak v.滤失Limestone n.石灰岩Liner n.筛管,尾管Masterbushing n.转盘方瓦MEOR (microbial enhanced oil recovery) Microbial al微生物的Mine v.开采矿物Miscibility n.混相能力Miscible a.混相的,互溶的Miscible flooding n.混相驱Mobility n.流度Monkey board n.二层平台Mud cake n.泥饼Mud gas separator n.泥气分离器Mud logger n.录井员Mud pit n.泥浆池Mud scale n.泥浆比重计n.聚晶金刚石钻头n.现值投资收益率Natural gas liquids n.天然气液体,凝析油LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) n.液化石Magnesium n.镁Manifold a.多方面的;口.汇管Marine a.海上的Mast n.桅杆式井架Matrix n.基质Methane n.甲烷Milli-Darcy n.毫达西(渗透率单位) Mineral n.矿物Miscible a.混相的Miscible flooding n.混相驱Mist n.雾Mobility ratio n.流度比Mud acid n. 土酸Mud engineer n.泥浆工程师Mud house n.泥浆房Mud n.泥浆,淤泥Mud pump n.泥浆泵Multiple-well test n.多井测试,干扰试井n.微生物强化采油Natural flow n.自然流动,自喷Nodding donkey/horsehead n.驴头Non-associated natural gas n.非伴生天然气, 气田气Non-associated natural gas 非伴生天然气,气田气Normal fault 正断层井程序Offshore n.海上,近海Oil patch/field n.油田Oil zone n.生产层Oil-in-place n.地下原油储量Open-hole n.裸眼Original oil in place n.原始地质储量Outcome 口.产量Outlet n.出口,输出(量) Overbalanced drilling n.过平衡钻井Oversaturated oil 过饱和油Packer-bridge n.桥堵Paraffin n.链烷烃,石蜡族;煤油Pattern n.井网;模式Pay zone n.生产层PDC bit (polycrystalline diamond compact bit ) Pentane n.戊烷Perforated a.射孔的,带孔的ODP (offshore drilling process) n.海洋钻Oil film n.油膜Oil string n.油层套管,生产套管Oil-bearing 油层;含油的Onshore a.陆地的,陆上的Open-hole completion n.裸眼完井Originate v.起源,发起(接from) Outcrop n.露头Overbalance n.过平衡,正压Overlay 丫.上覆Packer n.封隔器Pad fluid n.前置液Particle n.微粒,粒子Pattern type n.井网类型Payout time n.偿还期Penetration n.穿透;吃入(钻头对岩层) Perforate v.射孔,穿孔Perforated completion n.射孔完井Perforation n.射孑LPermeability n.渗透率Petrochemical n.石油化工,石油化学Pig n.清管器Pig sender n.发球装置Pipe rack n.管架Pipeline system n.管网系统Piston n.活塞Pitman 口.连杆Plug v.堵;n.旋塞,岩塞,段塞Plunger 口.柱塞Pneumatic/air drilling n.风钻,空气钻井Polymer n.聚合物Porous a.多孔的,空隙的Portable rig 口.轻便钻机模型Ppm (parts per million ) n.百万分之几Preflush n.前置液Present worth n.现值Pressure buildup n.压力恢复压力恢复测试Pressure drawdown n.压力降落Primary recovery n.一次米油Production battery 集油站Production decline 产量递减Production gain 增产油量Production interval 生产层段Production logging 生产测井Production rate n.采油速度,产量Production rate 产量Production watercut 产液含水率Production zone n.生产层Productivity n.生产能力,产能Productivity index n.生产指数Profit-to-investment-ratio n.利润投资比Proppant n.支撑剂杆Pulse test n.脉冲试井Quaternary recovery n.四次采油Rate n.速度,速率;v.评定,采储量Recycle v.再循环Refine v.炼制,提纯Refinery n.炼油厂Perforation interval n.射孔井段Permeable a.可渗透的Phase n.相;阶段Pig receiver n.收球装置Pile driver n.打桩机Pipeline n.管道,管道输送Pipework/pipeline n.管网,管道工程Pit n.坑,窖,泥浆池Platform 口.钻台Plug v.堵塞;n.塞子Pneumatic a.空气的,风力的;气体的Polish rod 口.光杆Porosity n.孔隙度Porous media多孔介质Potentiometric model n.电位模型,等势Ppm(parts per million ) n.百万分之几Present worth index n.现值指数Presentworth net profit n.现值净收益Pressurebuild-up test n.压力恢复试井,Primary pore n.原生孔隙Prime mover n.电动机,马达Productioncasing n.生产套管Production facility生产设备Production horizon 生产层位Production liner n.生产尾管Productionoperation 采油作业Production rate 口.产量Production seismology 开发地震Production well n.生产井Productive a.生产的,开采的,产油的Productivity index n.采油指数Profitability index n.赢利指数Propanen.丙烷Pull rod/sucker rod /sucker pole n.抽吸拉Quaternary a.第四的,第四次的Ram n.柱塞;防喷器芯子估计;确定,衡量Recoverable reserves n.可Reel n.卷轴,滚筒;卷缆车Refinery n.炼油厂Reinject 丫.回注Reperforation n.补孔,再射孔Reservoir n.油藏,水库Reservoir performance n.油藏动态Residual oil saturation n.剩(残)余油饱和度Respirator n.防毒面具,口罩Rig n.钻机Rocking ram 口.摇臂Rotary a.旋转的,循环的Rotary table n转盘Saddle bearing n.支架轴承Saline a.含盐的;n.盐水Saline lake n.盐湖Saline water 口.盐水Salinity n.矿化度Samson posts 口.支架Sand control 口.防砂Sand truck n.砂罐车Sandup n.砂堵Saturation 口.饱和Screen 口.筛网Sediment v.沉积,沉积岩Sedimentary basin n.沉积盆地Separator n.分离器Shaped charges n.聚能射孔弹Shut-in 口.关井Simulation 口.模型,模拟,模型化Skin factor n.表皮系数Slant hole /inclined well 口.斜井Slippage effect 口.滑脱效应Slug flow n.段塞流Slurry n.水泥浆Soluble a.可溶的,能溶的;可解决的Sort v.分选,排序Spud in v.开钻Standing valve n.固定阀Steam drive n.蒸汽驱增注Stimulation n.增产措施Storage n.储存,储备Stratigraphic a.地层的,地层学的Stroke 口.冲程Stuffing box n.盘根盒Sucker 口.吸入泵,吸管,吸入活塞Sulphur 口.硫Reserve 口.储量Reservoir management n.油藏管理Residual a.残余的,剩余的Resin n.树脂,松香;v.涂树脂Return line n.上返管线Rock layer n.岩层Rod pump n.有杆泵Rotary drilling n.旋转钻井Rotating system n.旋转系统Safety slip n.安全卡瓦Saline n.盐水;a.含盐的Saline water 口.盐水Salineness n.含盐度,含盐量Salinity n.盐度,盐性,矿化度Sand carrier n.携砂液Sand cutting n.砂蚀,砂屑Sandstone 口.砂岩Saturate v.饱和Scale n.刻度,温标;水垢Secondary recovery n.二次采油Sedimentary a.沉积的Sedimentary rock n.沉积岩Shale shaker n.泥浆振动筛Shut-down n.关井,停机Simulate v.模仿,模拟,使模型化Simulator n.模拟程序,模拟器Skin factor n.表皮因子Slip n.滑;卡瓦Slug n.段塞Slug n.段塞Slurry fluid n.携砂液Solution n.溶解作用Sour gas n.含硫天然气Spudding in n.开钻STB(stock tank barrel) n.储罐桶数Stimulate v.(油井)增产,(水井)Stimulation n.增产措施;增注措施Strata n. (pl.)地层Stratum n.层,岩层;地层Structure fault trap 构造断层圈闭Substructure n.井架底座Sulfide n.硫化物Supersaturated a.过饱和的Surface casing n.表层套管Surfactant n.表面活性剂Sweep efficiency n.波及效率Swivel n.旋转接头,(钻井)水龙头Tectonic a.构造的,构造学的Tertiary recovery 口.三次米油Throttle v.节流,减速;n.节流阀Throttle valve n.节流阀Thrust fault 逆断层Tortuous a.弯曲的Tractor-trailer n.牵引拖车Traveling block n.游动滑车Tricone bit 口.三牙轮钻头Truck-mounted rig n.车载钻机Underbalance drilling n.欠平衡钻井Undersaturated oil 不饱和油Upstroke n.上冲程Viscosity n.黏度Viscous a.粘性的,粘稠的Walking beam 口.游梁Water cut含水率Water flooding n.水驱Water tank n.水罐Water-in-oil n.油包水乳状液Wax n.蜡;a.蜡状的Well pattern n.井网Well testing n.试井Wellbore n.井筒Wellhead n.井口Wildcat n.干井,初探井丝筛管完井Wire-wrapped screen n.绕丝筛管Workover n.修井Yield 口.产量Surface tension n.表面张力Suspending agent n.悬浮剂Sweep v.扫油,波及Syncline n.向斜Tectonic plate n.构造板块Throat n.喉道,咽喉Throttle v.节制,调节,n.节流,节流阀Throughput n.生产量,生产率Tortuosity n.迂曲度,弯曲度Toxic a.有毒的Trap n.圈闭Traveling valve n.游动阀Trip out v.起出(钻具)Tubing 口.油管Undersaturated a.不饱和的Unemulsified a.非乳化的V-door ramp 口.斜坡Viscosity increasing agent n.增粘剂Void n.空隙,孔隙;a.无效的,空白的Wash-out n.冲蚀;清洗Water encroachment n.水侵(量)Water influx n.水侵量Water-free a.不含水的,无水的Water-oil contact n.油水界面Wear out v.磨损,磨坏Well rate n.油井产量Wellbore n.井眼Wellbore n.井眼Well-sorted a.分选好的Wire-wrapped screen completion n.绕Withdrawal rate n.产量Workover operation n.修井作业。
Unanchored large liquid storage steel tanks, depending on their design characteristics, soil stiffness and loading history, are known to be prone to various shell and bottom plate settlement patterns. These settlement modes may originate from different causes and may be considered to be one or a combination of shell and bottom plate basic settlement patterns: uniform, planar tilt, and out-of-plane settlement patterns [1,2]. Furthermore, the out-of-plane settlement of a tank bottom plate may be one or combination of the following three main types [2]: dish type, localized dispersions and/or bulged type, and edge settlement. Due to structural flexibility, a large tank is more likely to settle into a non-planar mode. Furthermore, while uniform and planar rigid body tilt settlements of a tank are not known to cause a serious threat to its structural integrity, the outof-plane settlements can cause tank failures and thus are of main concern to engineers. They are the result of
石油工程专业英语第一部分:Words and special terms 采油工程设计部分一、基础术语 basic terms1. 垂直井vertical well2. 定向井directional well3. 水平井horizontal well4. 生产井producing well5. 注人井injection well6. 原始油(气)藏压力initial reservoir pressure7. 油(气)藏压力reservoir pressure8. 油(气)藏压力梯度reservoir pressure gradient9. 油(气)藏压力系数reservoir pressure coefficient10. 异常地层压力abnormal formation pressure11. 井底流压flowing bottom hole pressure12. 流压梯度flowing pressure gradient13. 静压梯度static pressure gradient14. 生产压差production pressure differential15. 套管压力casing Pressure16. 油管压力tubing pressure17. 井口压力well head pressure18. 回压back pressure19. 原始油(气)藏温度initial reservoir temperature20. 井底温度bottom hole temperature(BHT)21. 井筒流温梯度well flowing temperature gradient22. 生产气油比producing gas-oil ratio23. 生产气液比producing gas-1iquid ratio24. 生产水气比producing water-gas ratio25, 凝析油气比condensate-gas ratio26. 含水率water cut27. 极限含水1imited water cut28. 采油(气)速度rate of oil(gas) production29. 折算采油(气)速度reduced rate of oil(gas) production30. 折算日产量equivalent daily production; converted daily production 31折算年产量reduced annual production32. 采油(液、气)强度production intensity of oil(liquid or gas)33. 死油dead oil34. 凝析气condensate gas35. 试采producing test二、完井工程well completion engineering1. 完井well completion2. 完井方法completion method3. 裸眼井open hole4. 裸眼完井open hole completion5. 先期棵眼完井premature open hole completion6. 后期裸眼完井1ater open hole completion7. 射孔完井perforation completion8. 尾管完井tail pipe completion9. 筛管完井screen pipe completion10. 衬管完井liner completion11. 砾石充填完井gravel packing completion12. 小井眼完井small diameter completion 无油管完井tubeless completion13. 完井液completion fluid14. 射孔perforating;perforation15. 负压射孔underbalanced perforating16. 过油管射孔through-tubing perforating17. 油管传输射孔tubing convered perforating19. 发射率ratio of shots to total bullets20. 相位角phase angle21. 布孔方式arrangement of bores22. 聚能射孔focusing perforating23. 射孔密度shot density24. 水泥返高cement top25. 水泥塞cement plug26. 窜槽channeling27. 人工井底artificial well bottom28. 井身结构wellbore arrangement/套管程序casing program29. 表层套管surface casing30. 技术套管protection casing/中间套管intermediate casing31. 生产套管production casing32. 试油formation testing33. 中途测试drill-stem testing(DST)34. 地层测试器formation tester35. 裸眼测试open hole testing36. 诱流wellbore unloading37. 替喷displaced flow38. 求产measuring production39. 抽汲swabbing40. 提捞bailing41. 试井well test三、油(气)井生产技术oil&gas well producing technology(一) 自喷采油flowing production1. 自喷井flowing well2. 间歇自喷井intermittent flowing well3. 采油树christmas tree4. 采气井口装置well head device for gas production 采气树christmas tree5. 套管头casing head6. 油管头tubing head7. 高压井口安全阀high pressure wellhead safety valve8. 油嘴choke9. 地面油嘴surface choke10. 井下油嘴bottom-hole choke 。
Manganese goes into solid solution and then it form a separate constituent. 锰溶入固溶体,然后形成游离的组元。(连词and减译) The process of separating a metal from its ore is called smelting.
compounds. 合金是介于混合物和化合物之间的一种中间结构。(house 不能译作“房子”而应结合上下文引申为“结构”) This new annealing furnace is fuel- efficient model. 这种新型退火炉是节油型退火炉。( fuel- efficient model 原意为“燃料有效模型”,其词义含糊笼统) After series of experiments important phenomena have been ascertained. 经过一系列实验后,查明了一些重要现象。
The redistribution of carbon atoms by diffusion within the austenite is necessary to allow ferrite which contains very little carbon or cementite which contains 6.7% carbon to form. 为了形成含碳量非常少的铁素体或含碳量为 6.7%的渗碳体 ,碳原子必须在奥氏体中通过扩散重新分布。 This process offers a very good control on the gas content
Many persons learned to program with little understanding of computers and their applications. 虽然许多人对计算机及其应用没有多少了解,但却学会了 编程序。 Man must learn to walk before he can run. 人在跑之前,必须学会走。 A liquid metal becomes a gas at or above its boiling point.
Unit 1 Introduction to petroleum industry1) Introduction石油工业在我们的日常生活以及其他工业领域扮演着相当重要的角色。
Swamp: 沼泽,湿地Stringent : 严格的,必须遵守的2) Three main components of the industry今天,上游部分包括了超过100家勘探和生产公司以及数百家相关的部门,例如地震和钻井承包商,修井承包商,工程公司和各种科学技术服务公司和供给部门。
Service rig: 修井设备;修井机Utility:n. 功用,实用;a. 实用的;多用途的3) Finding oil and natural gasa)Exploration- the search for petroleum一个圈闭应该包含三个要素:●多孔油藏岩石来聚集石油和天然气—典型的岩石有:砂岩、石灰岩和白云岩。
本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译译文学生姓名:院(系):油气资源学院专业班级:物探0502指导教师:完成日期:年月日地震驱动评价与发展:以玻利维亚冲积盆地的研究为例起止页码:1099——1108出版日期:NOVEMBER 2005THE LEADING EDGE出版单位:PanYAmericanYEnergyvBuenosYAiresvYArgentinaJPYBLANGYvYBPYExplorationvYHoustonvYUSAJ.C.YCORDOVAandYE.YMARTINEZvYChacoYS.A.vYSantaYCruzvYBolivia 通过整合多种地球物理地质技术,在玻利维亚冲积盆地,我们可以减少许多与白垩纪储集层勘探有关的地质技术风险。
这些方法包括盆地模拟,联井及地震叠前同时反演,岩石性质及地震属性解释,A VO/A V A,水平地震同相轴,光谱分解。
Tarija/Chaco盆地的subandean 褶皱和冲断带山麓的中部和南部,部分扩展到玻利维亚的Boomerange地区经历了集中的成功的开采。
图1 Aguja油田位于玻利维亚中部Chaco盆地的西北角。
该油田在Trija和冲积盆地附近的益背斜基底上,该背斜将油田和Ben i盆地分开(图1),圈闭类型是上盘背斜,它存在于连续冲断层上,Aguja有两个主要结构:Aguja中部和Aguja Norte,通过重要的转换压缩断层将较早开发的“Sur”油田分开Yantata Centro结构是一个三路闭合对低角度逆冲断层并伴随有小的摆幅。
13、经济产量 14、废弃压力 15、气藏储量 16、剩余生产时间 17、流动特征 18、表皮因子
economic production rate abandonment pressure original gas in place remaining productive life flowing characteristics skin factor
initial rate type curve type curve analysis non-Darcy effect Analytical solution pseudoradial flow
42、形状因子 43、有限差分解 44、对称的 45、相关系数 46、有效厚度 47、可采气体
shape factor finite-differential solution symmetrical correlating parameter net pay recoverable gas
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
field development strategy production operation proration schedule constant-percentage decline initial decline rate cumulative gas production
30、泄流区 31、不流动边界 32、长期动态 33、试错法 34、未来动态 35、经济界限
19、历史拟合 20、井底压力 21、非连续性 22、非均质性 23、废弃条件
history matching bottomhole pressure discontinuity heterogeneity abandonment condition
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本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译译文学生姓名:院(系):石油工程学院专业班级:油气储运工程指导教师:完成日期:年月日新的液化天然气接收终端的概念作者:Boris Ertl,M. W. Kellogg LimitedCharles Durr,KBRDavid Coyle,KBRIsa Mohammed,M. W. Kellogg LimitedStanley Huang,International Process Systems起止页码:1—16出版日期(期刊号):18th World Petroleum Congress,25-29 September出版单位:World Petroleum Congress摘要:液化天然气(LNG)是一种将大量滞留气体输送到遥远市场的成本经济的途径。
图1 液化天然气供应链液化天然气终端—典型流行设计图2显示了一个典型的陆上液化天然气接收终端的简化示意图。
主要元素:●卸货码头和栈桥连接管道到岸边●液化天然气储罐和低压(主)泵●蒸发气(BOG)处理和再冷凝器●高压泵和汽化器图2 典型的液化天然气终端流程图卸载系统卸载系统包括几个连接到船上的装载臂、输送液化天然气到储存罐的装载线和返回置换蒸气和蒸发气的船,它取代了靠液化天然气泵出腾空的体积。
图3 开架式汽化器的典型设计(图由神户制钢)SCVs,图4所示,使用来自蒸发气的低压燃料气,增强散发气。
图4 浸没燃烧式汽化器一般来说,ORVs的水系统花费比SCVs大得多,但燃料燃烧SCVs更多(SCVs系统需要大约总汽化液化天然气的1.5%为燃料)。
然而,在一些网站SCVs 提供正常汽化,因为可用水太冷不能提供热量防止冻结的危险发生,或在水中污染物的存在会危及可靠的ORV操作。