



1.D o yo u kn o w K u n m in g?

2.s u m m e r i s m y f a vo u r it e se a so n.

3.wh a t a b e a u t if u l f lo we r

4.d o e s j im l i ke p la yin g t h e vi o l in

5.T h e d r i ve r d r i ve s o n t h e r i gh t i n ch in a



1 .three (序数)_____________ 2. heavy(比较级)_____________

3. right ( 反义词) ____________ 4 .do ( 第三人称单数)_____________

5. early (比较级) _____________

6.those (单数)_____________

7.have(过去式) _____________ 8. foot(复数)_____________

9. my(名词性物主代词) ___________ 10.read(过去式)_____________



()1、Ho w a r e yo u t o d a y?

A.I’m f in e.

B.I f e e l we l l.

C.I ca n ju m p.

()2--W h a t d o e s yo u r f a t h e r d o?

---H e is_____e n g in e e r

A、a n


C、t h e

()3、--W h a t’s yo u r h o b b y ?--I li ke___________.

A、p la y f o o t b a l l B p la ye d f o o t b a l l C、p l a yin g f o o t b a l l

()4I____m y gr a n d p a re n t s la st we e k e n d wi t h m y m o t h e r A、vi s it e d B、vi si t i n g C、vi si t s

()5--W h e re d o e s t h e ra in co m e f r o m?

--I t co m e s f ro m t h e__________.

A、cl o u d s

B、wa t e r

C、va p o u r

()6--W h a t a re yo u g o in g t o d o t h is e ve n in g?

--I’m go in g t o______a b o o k .

A、b o u gh t

B、b u y

C、b u yi n g

()7--W h a t’s yo u r n a m e?--__________________.

A、I’m13ye a r s o ld .

B、I’m a st u d e n t .

C、M y n a m e i s M ike .()8、T h e d o g’s t a il i s lo n g.T h e m o n ke y’s t a i l is . A.l o n g B.lo n g e r C.lo n ge st

() 9.、I a m42k g.S h e is44k g.S o I a m2k g t h a n h e r.

A.t a l l e r

B.st ro n g e r

C.t h in n e r

( )10-----d i d yo u go o n yo u r h o l id a y?

----I we n t t o X in j ia n g.

A. W h a t

B. W h e re

C.Ho w

( ) 11. I like drawing pictures and she____________.

A. like singing

B. like to sing

C. likes singing

( ) 12 . Wu Ming is a girl, she _________ long hair.

A. has

B. was

C. have

( ) 13. He is going ____________ artist.

A. to an

B. to be an

C. an

( ) 14. I went _________ a holiday.

A. to

B. on

C. with:

()15.--I usually get up ______ seven o’clock in the morning.

A .at B. on C. of

()16.-- ______ is the coat? --Thirty-five yuan, please.

A .How B. How much C. How old

()17.-- Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the Garden Cinema?

-- Let me see. You can ______ the No. 5 bus.

A .by B. take C. go

()18.--David is playing ______ basketball in the playground.

A .a B. the C. \

()19.-_____ you watch TV last night?

-Yes, I watched TV.

A. Did

B. Do

C. Does

()20.-What’s the_________ you, Mike ? -I have a cold.

A. matter on

B. match with

C. matter with


1.--Do you swim faster than your brother?

-- No, I swim __________ (slow) than my brother.

2.I like _________ (make) model planes.

3.It is Sports Day, all the __________ (student) are very excited.

4.--What does Bob do on Sundays?

-- He often _________ (watch) the cartoons.

5. Mary’s eyes are ___________(big ) than Lucy’s.

七. 根据中文意思,用准确的形式填空

1.--What does Sarah usually do on the weekend?

--She usually _______________ (看电视) .

2. --What did you do on your holiday?

--I went to Beijing and ______________(拍照) there.

3.–What is Mike doing now?

--He is ______________ (踢足球) on the playground.

4.–Are you going to ______________ (游泳) this afternoon?

--No, we are going to have a picnic.

5. John is taller than Zhang Peng. But Zhang Peng is

__________(强壮) than John.


1.where on you go your holiday did


2. matter with you what’s the


3. the do you what on weekend do usually


4. you much am than I taller


5. visit I’m tomorrow my going grandparents to



( ) 1. How are you feeing now? A. He is 130cm tall.

( ) 2. What’s your new English B. She is young and strong.

teacher like?

( ) 3. Does your father go to work C. Very well.

by bus every day?

( ) 4. Where does your sister work? D. By plane.

( ) 5. What’s your friend’s hobby? E. No, there isn’t.

( ) 6. Where is your school? F. He likes collecting stamps.

( ) 7. When are you going to the G. No, he doesn’t.


( ) 8. Is there a science museum H. Near the post office.

near here?

( ) 9. How do people go to Beijing? I. She works in a bank.

( ) 10. How tall is your brother? J. At three o’ clock on Saturday


十、读一读,判断对错。对的写“T”,错的写“F”。(每个2分,共12分)Last weekend we had a birthday for our classmate Zhang Xiaohui. She is younger than me, but I am shorter than her. And she looks stronger. Of course she is heavier than me. We went to a shop to buy a present for Xiaohui. What did we buy? We bought a doll for her. Because she told me

“ I haven’t got a lovely doll.” When she got our present she looked excited. She was very happy. We went to the zoo. We saw elephants. We wanted to row a boat in Jingming park, but it was later, we had to went home. We had a good time on that day.

( ) 1. Xiaohui is taller than me.

( ) 2. I bought a doll for Xiaohui.

( ) 3. We went to a shop last month.

( ) 4. They had a good time on Xiaohui’s birthday.

( ) 5. We rowed a boat in the park.

( ) 6.Xiaohui is older than me, so she is heavier than me.












This is Billy and his sister’s bedroom. It’s not very big, but it is very clean. There are two beds in the room. There is a desk between the beds. There are some books on the desk. Some are English books. Some are Chinese books. There is a phone on the desk, too. There are two chairs deside the desk. One is for Billy, and the other is for his sister. There is a map of America on the wall. There is a map of the world on the wall, too. Billy and his sister like their bedroom very much.


( ) 1. The bedroom is small, and it’s clean.

( ) 2. There are two desks in the bedroom.

( ) 3. There are some Chinese books on the desk.

( ) 4. There are two maps on the wall.

( ) 5. The chairs are for Billy and his brother.


1.Whose bedroom is it? ________________________________________________

2. What’s on the desk? _________________________________________________

3. Where are the chairs?________________________________________________

4. How many maps are there on the wall? _________________________________

5. Do they like their bedroom? __________________________________________


六年级英语暑期期末测试题 一、听录音,圈出你所听到的字母组合。 1. 2 . 3 . bad bap HJK HIK srt str 4. 5 . mnl nml AHGK AJGK 二、听录音,圈出与你听到的内容相符的图片。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 三、听录音,选出你所听到的单词,把代表该单词的字母序号写在右边括号里 A B C ( ) ship train bus A B C ( ) stop wait go A B C ( ) traffic lights traffic rules green light A B C ( ) red light yellow light green light A B C ( ) far near fast 四、下面 5 个小对话,在与对话内容相符的图片下面打“√”,不相符的图片下打“×” 1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( ) 4. 5.

()() 五、写出下列单词。 1、火车 2 、飞机 3 、步行 4 、交通灯 5 、等待 6. 电影院 7. 书店 8. 右转 9. 北10. 自行车 六、找出一个不同类的词 ( )1. A. on foot B. by bike C. by train D. by a car ( )2. A. stop B. wait C. bus D. go

( )3. A. Canada B. England C. the USA D. Chinese ( )4. A. library B. school C. bookstore D. subway ( )5. A. yellow B. rule C. red D. Green ( ) 6. A. library B. hospital C. cinema D. party. ( ) 7. A. north B. party C. south D. east ( ) 8. A. wait B. bus C. train D. bike ( )9. A. museum B. post office C. music D. library ( )10. A. plane B. cinema C.bike D. bus 七.单选 ()1. A: How do you go to the USA? B:I go ____ A. on foot B. by bike C. by bus D. by plane ()2. Remember the traffic rules. ___at a yellow light. A. stop B. wait C. go D. go straight ()3. How can I get to _______park? A. Zhongshan B. the Zhongshan C. a Zhongshan ()4. Is it far _______here? A. for B. of C. from ( ) 5. How do you go to school? I often go to school_____ foot. A. by B. on C. in ( ) 6. Go straight for two minutes. Then ________ left. A. go B. turn C. on ( ) 7. If you want to buy some books, you can go to the ______. A. book shop B. shoe shop C. post office ()8. You see a red light, You must ______. A. go B. wait C. stop ()9 当询问对方上学用什么交通工具时,应该问: A、How old are you ? B 、How do you go to school ? ()10、当对方说谢谢的时候,你应该怎么回答: A、You're welcome. B 、No,thanks. 四、情景会话。选出合适的句子将序号填在划线处,完成对话。 A. next to B. Thank you C. Excuse me D. Go straight E. You’re welcome Amy: Excuse me. Where is the post office? Mike: I'm sorry. I am new here. You can ask the policeman. Amy: Thank you all the same. Amy: ___________. Can you tell me the way to the post office? Policeman: ___________. You can see the hospital. Amy: And then? Policeman: It's ___________ the hospital. Amy: Oh, I see. ___________ Policeman: __________ 五、从A栏选出B栏的正确答语 ( )1.How can I go to the ZhongShan Park? A.No,it ’s not far. ( )2.Can I go on foot? B.You can go by bus ( )3.Where is the library? C. It ’s near the post office.


小学五年级英语时态练习题 一、完成下列表格 : (16* ’=8’) 人称代词主格I sheit we 人称代词宾格you them 形容词性 his your 物主代词 二、用所给词的正确形式填空 :(50 * ’=25’) 1.Listen .Some girls __________ ( sing)in the classroom . 2.Our library has __________ (many ) books than before . 3.My mother __________ ( cook )some nice food now. What can you do -I can__________. (skate) 5.Don't__________ (run) in the classroom. 6.What __________you __________ ( do ) now 7.She wants __________ (eat) a cake for breakfast. Does she like __________ (swim) 8.Look !They __________ ( have) an English lesson . 9.My father leaves home __________ (early ) than me . 10.They __________ (not ,water) the flowers now. 11.This bag is very __________ ( heavy), but that one is__________ (heavy) than this one . 12.What is our granddaughter doing She __________ (listen ) to music. 13.There is not a lamp. I can't __________ (read) the book. 14.My aunt is a teacher. ______likes______students very much. My uncle is a teacher. ______likes______students very much,too. 15. It’s five o’clock now. We__________ (have)supper now 16.__________Helen __________ (wash )clothes Yes ,she is . 17.Look ! Tom and John __________ (swim).


五年级英语下册练习题 姓名班级学号 一、选择题。 1、I usually eat breakfast _____ home、 A、in B、at C、on 2、My teacher usually gets up _____6:30、 A、in B、at C、on 3、My birthday is ___ October、 A、on B、in C、at 4、、My birthday is ___ October 10th、 A、in B、on C、at 5、The little girl has PE class ______Friday、 A、on、 B、at、 C、in 6、Zip plays____ piano every week、 A、a B、the C、/ 7、When do you play ____sport? At 3:30、 A、a B、/ C、the 8、I play____ football on weekend、 A、a B、/ C、the 9、When do you go to ___bed? At about 22:00、 A、a B、/ C、the 10、Thanks for ____me your pencils、 A、pass B、passing C、to passes 12、_____season do you like best? Winter、 A、What B、Which C、Where 13、-----_____ do you like winter? -----Because I can skate、 A、What B、Why C、Where 14、_____is the best time to go to Heilongjiang? Winter、 A、When B、What C、Where 15、Sometimes I go _____、 A、hike B、hiking C、hikes


小学六年级英语一般过去时练习题 一般过去时(PEP Book 8 Unit 3 Last Week / Unit 4 My Holidays) Hello, boys and girls! 今天我们讲一般过去时,分三个方面讲述,大家可要认真听哟! I. 一般过去时的概念 一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。常和表示过去的时间状语连用。如:last year, yesterday等;也可表示过去经常反复发生的动作,常和often, always等频率副词连用。 例如: ①I saw him in the street yesterday. 昨天我在街上看见他了。 ②Li Mei always went to school on foot last year. 去年李梅总是步行上学。 II. 一般过去时的构成 动词过去式的构成: (1)规则动词过去式的构成有四条规则: ①一般在动词原形末尾直接加上-ed。如:look-looked。 ②以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,去e再加-ed。如:live-lived。 ③末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,先双写这个辅音字母,再加-ed。如:stop-stopped。 ④末尾是辅音字母+y结尾的动词,先变y为i,然后再加-ed。如:study-studied。 (2)不规则动词的过去式需特殊记忆。如:am(is)-was, are-were, go-went, come-came, take-took, have (has)-had等。 III. 一般过去时的几种句型 肯定句结构为:主语+动词的过去式+其它。如:He went to the toy store yesterday. 他昨天去玩具店了。 否定句结构为:主语+did not (didn't)+动词原形+其它。如:He didn't go to the toy store yesterday. 他昨天没去玩具店。 一般过去时的一般疑问句的构成: Did+主语+动词原形+其它?如: 1) -Did you go to Beijing last week? -Yes, we did. (No, we didn't.) 2) -Did you meet the businessman before? -No, I didn't. (Yes, I did.) 一般过去时的特殊疑问句的构成: 疑问词+did+主语+动词原形+其它?如: 1) -What did you do last night? -I did my homework. 2) -Where did you go last week? -I went to Shanghai with my parents. 一般过去时口诀 一般过去时并不难,表示过去动作、状态记心间。 动词要用过去式,时间状语句末站。 否定句很简单,didn't 站在动词原形前,其它部分不要变。 一般疑问句也好变,did放在句子前,主语、动词原形、其它部分依次站。


小学英语六年级选择填空专项练习题( )1. I get up _______ about seven fifty -five . A. in B. on C. at D. for ( )2. Why are you looking at _______like that A. I B. mine C. my D. me ( )3. I want _______ a map of China . A. buy B. is buying C. to buy D. am buying ( )4. Is it a picture ______ your school A. of B. to C. and D. with ( )5. Do you like _______ A. swim B. swimming C. are swimming D. swim, too ( )6. The man ______ a book in his hand is my uncle . A. and B. of C. with D. for ( )7. Who's the lady ______ blue A. in B. on C. at D. with ( )8. We usually stay _____ home ____ Saturday afternoon . A. at…in B. at…on C. in…at D. on…on ( )9. A: It's a white shirt , is it yours B: No, ____ is yellow . A. I B. My C. Mine D. Me ( )10. ______ any men in the room A. Is there B. Are there C. There aren't D. There isn't ( )11. The bed ______ the right is yours . A. on B. in C. at D. of ( )12. Look at _______ picture . A. one B. the one C. first D. the first ( )13. These books are my _______ . A. students B. students's C. students' D. students of ( )14. My parents often tell me ______ your family . A. about B. from C. for D. by ( )15. ______ any food in the fridge A. Are there B. Is there C. Have D. Has ( )16.He often helps______with_______English. A.her,her B.she,her C.her,she D.she,she ( )17.How many_______are there in your school A.woman teacher B.women teacher C.woman teachers D.women teachers ( )18."Are you_______""Yes,we are_______brothers." A.twin,twin B.twins,twins C.twins,twin D.twin,twins


一.用所给词的适当形式填空(15分) 1.How many (watch) do you have ? Only one! 2.Wang Bing and his sister often do some (run) in the morning . 3.His grandmother often (wash) clothes in the morning. 4.We live on the (four) floor of ZhengYangStreet near the hospital . 5.There are (three) days in a month . 6.Look!Some children ( play) basketball on the playground ! 7.I often help my mother (do) some shopping in the supermarket . 8.Do you like (take) photo ? 9.Would you like (have) some bananas ? 10.They want (buy) some fpuit this afternoon . 11.I’d like (go) swimming with you ! 12.Let me (teach )you English . 13.Please don’t (climb) trees . 14.Can you (skate) ? 15.Is GaoShan (make) cakes ? 三.根据中文提示,完成下列句子,每空一词(40分) 1.他姐姐不在洗衣服,在扫地。 His sister isn’t ,but she is 2.王明在书房看书吗?不,不在。 WangMing the ? No, he . 8.李明在书房里扫地。 LiMing in his study . 10.我现在不能去超市,我在做家庭作业。 I can’t .I’m . 12.看!那只小鸟在树上唱歌呢!Look ! The bird the tree ! 四.选择题(20分) ()1. You are making a model ship . Sorry, you are .I’m making a model car . A. right B. not C.wrong ( )2.I can’t , but I can . A.sing , swim B.singing , swim C. sing , swimming ( )3.Who’s in the playground ?


五年级下册英语试题及答案 一、单选题。(选出正确的答案填在括号里10分) 1、() Wh_n A 、e B 、o C、 a D、 i 2、( ) Week_nd A、o B 、e C、i D、a 3、( ) Spr_ng A 、e B 、O C 、i D、 a 4、( ) S_nny A 、e B 、i C、 a D、 u 5、( ) Sw_m A 、u B 、a C 、e D 、i 6、( ) Wh_ A 、u B 、a C 、y D 、 i 7、( ) J_ly A 、u B 、A C 、e D 、o 8、( ) D_te A、 a B、 e C 、o D 、y 9、( ) R_n A、 a B 、u C 、e D 、i 10、( ) H_ney A、a B、u C、e D、o 二、连词成句(10分) 1 dancing is monkey the ______________________________________________ 2 mother panda doing the what is _______________________________________________

3 he is the fishbowl in watching the fish _____________________________________________________ 4 beautiful spring is _____________________________________________________ 5 usually in snows winter it in Canada _____________________________________________________三、连线题(10分) January Christmas Day March National Day June Children’s Day October Tree-planting Day December New Year’s Day 四、给下列单词加上“ing”形式。(8分) take_________________ fly________________ run__________________ swim______________


小学六年级英语填空题 根据题示填写单词。 1.Too (太多的)junk food is (不好)for our healthy. 2.We want (十束花)。3.Turn right at .(拐弯) 4.(小心点)!The window is broken. 5.She (累) last night, she went to sleep early. 6.The rabbit can (跑得快). 7.His father went to Beijing .(乘飞机) 8.How are they going to ( 到达那儿). 9.We (不得不)stay up late. 10.It’s dangerous. We should (小心点). 11.Too much junk food .( 不健康) 12.How much are two (盒)of milk? 13.I was at the (地铁站)at 3:15 yesterday, I (正在等候) my friend. 14.Why was Gogo (哭) (安静地)? 15. (直走),our school is (在……对面)the park. 16.We’re going to (去观光).

17.I’m going to HongKong .(乘坐公共汽车) 18.I was at the subway station. I was .(等我的朋友) 19. Why was he crying (大声地)? 20.They will (住在旅馆里)in Shanghai. 21. (首先) , I woke up late. (紧接着), I missed the bus. (然后),I forgot my homework. 22.Can you help me? (当然可以)I can. 23. , Jenny!(小心点) 24.This morning, my little brother got a (成绩不好),he was sad. https://www.360docs.net/doc/813467988.html,st night, I (听见) a noise. 26.Do you (通常乘出租车)to school? No. 27.I was happy yesterday. I .(比赛获胜) 28.She (患感冒). She is now (在家)。29.I have (好主意). Let’s buy some envelopes and some .(邮票) 30.Go (直走)to the end of the street. Turn (向右转). You’ll see the bank at the (拐角).The bookstore is from(在对面) the bank. 31.The rabbit runs (迅速地),but the turtle walks (缓慢地).


六年级英语暑期期末测试题 一、 听录音,圈出你所听到的字母组合。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 二、听录音,圈出与你听到的内容相符的图片。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、下面5个小对话,在与对话内容相符的图片下面打“√” ,不相符的图片下打“×” 1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( ) 4. 5. ( ) ( ) 五、写出下列单词。 1、火车 2、飞机 3、步行 4、交通灯 5、等待 6.电影院 7.书店 8.右转 9.北 10.自行车 六、找出一个不同类的词 ( )1. A. on foot B. by bike C. by train D. by a car ( )2. A. stop B. wait C. bus D. go bad HJK srt mnl AHGK

( )3. A. Canada B. England C. the USA D. Chinese ( )4. A. library B. school C. bookstore D. subway ( )5. A. yellow B. rule C. red D. Green ( ) 6. A. library B. hospital C. cinema D. party. ( ) 7. A. north B. party C. south D. east ( ) 8. A. wait B. bus C. train D. bike ( )9. A. museum B. post office C. music D. library ( )10. A. plane B. cinema C.bike D. bus 七.单选 ()1. A: How do you go to the USA? B:I go ____ A. on foot B. by bike C. by bus D. by plane ()2. Remember the traffic rules. ___at a yellow light. A. stop B. wait C. go D. go straight ()3. How can I get to _______park? A. Zhongshan B. the Zhongshan C. a Zhongshan ()4. Is it far _______here? A. for B. of C. from ( ) 5. How do you go to school? I often go to school_____ foot. A. by B. on C. in ( ) 6. Go straight for two minutes. Then ________ left. A. go B. turn C. on ( ) 7. If you want to buy some books, you can go to the ______. A. book shop B. shoe shop C. post office ()8. You see a red light, You must ______. A. go B. wait C. stop ()9当询问对方上学用什么交通工具时,应该问: A、How old are you? B、How do you go to school? ()10、当对方说谢谢的时候,你应该怎么回答: A、You're welcome. B、No,thanks. 四、情景会话。选出合适的句子将序号填在划线处,完成对话。 Amy: Excuse me. Where is the post office? Mike: I'm sorry. I am new here. You can ask the policeman. Amy: Thank you all the same. Amy: ___________. Can you tell me the way to the post office? Policeman: ___________. You can see the hospital. Amy: And then? Policeman: It's ___________ the hospital. Amy: Oh, I see. ___________ Policeman: __________ 五、从A栏选出B栏的正确答语 ( )1.How can I go to the ZhongShan Park? A.No,it’s not far. ( )2.Can I go on foot? B.You can go by bus ( )3.Where is the library? C. It’s near the post office. ( )4.Is it far from here? D. You are welcome.


小学英语五年级测试卷及答案 班级:姓名:分数: 一.按要求写出下列各题。(10分) 1. small(反义词) 2. it is(缩写形式) 3. short(反义词) 4. he(形物代) 5. let’s (完全形式) 6. tomato(复数形式) 7. have(单三)8. am(原形) 9.child(复数形式)10. we(宾格) 二.选择正确的答案,将其序号填在题前的括号里。(10分) ()1. There is American in our classroom. A. a B, an C. the ( ) 2. It’s 10 o’clock. It’s time go to school. A. to B. for C. of ( ) 3. Look at the clock. What is it? A. class B. time C. can ( ) 4. Let’s computer games together. A. play B. to play C. plays ( ) 5. She from China. A. are B. comes C. am ( ) 6. ----Can I wear my T-shirt? ---- A. No, yo u can’t B. Yes, you can’t. C. No, you can. ( ) 7. ---- those sheep? ----Yes, they are. A. Are B. Is C. Am ( ) 8. How many are there? A. horse B. horses C. duck ( ) 9. Is this book? A. you B. I C. your ( ) 10. ---- are they? ---- they are three Yuan. A. How much B. How old C. How many 三.情景反应。(10分) ()1.你想知道对方来自于哪里,你问: A. Where are you? B. What are you? C. Where are you from? ()2. 当别人赞美你时,你应当说: A. Ok. B. That’s all right. C. Thank you. ( ) 3.你想知道对方几岁时,你问: A. Who are you? B. How old are you? C. What are you? ( ) 4. 你想知道美术室在哪里,你问: A. What’s the art room? B. Where is the art room? C. How is the art room? ( ) 5. 你想帮助别人时,你问: A. Can I help you? C. Can you help me? D. Thank you very much


一.按要求改写句子 1. The boy is playing basketball. 否定句:____________________________ 一般疑问句:_________________________ 肯定回答:__________________________ 否定回答:__________________________ 对"is playing basketball"提问:__________________________ 对" The boy"提问:__________________________ 2. They are singing in the classroom. 否定句:____________________________ 一般疑问句:_________________________ 肯定回答:__________________________ 否定回答:__________________________ 对"are singing "提问:__________________________ 对" in the classroom"提问:__________________________ 3.仿照例句造句: Model:read a book --What are you doing? --I'm reading a book. 1).read a new book ________________ 2).clean the blackboard ________________ 4.she,the window,open,now.(用现在进行时连词成句.) ____________________ 5.The birds are singing in the tree.(就划线部分提问) ________________________ 6.is,who,the window,cleaning?(连词成句) ______________________ 7.The children are playing games near the house.(就划线部分提问) ________________________ 8.She is closing the door now.(改成否定句) ______________________ 9.You are doing your homework.(用"I"作主语改写句子) ______________________ 10.they,the tree,sing,now,under.(用现在进行时连词成句.) _____________________ 11.The Young Pioneers are helping the old woman.(改成一般疑问句) ______________________ II.单项选择 ()1.我在照看孩子. (A)I am looking after the baby. (B)I'm look aftering the baby. (C)I look am aftering the baby.(D)I looking after the baby.


小学英语六年级选择填空专项练习题 ()1.Igetup _______ a boutsevenfifty-five. A.in B.on C.at D.for ()2.Whyareyoulookingat ______ likethat? A.I B.mine C.my D.me ()3.Iwant _______ amapofChina. A.buy B.isbuying C.tobuy D.ambuying ()4.Isitapicture ____ yourschool? A.of B.to C.and D.with ()5.Doyoulike _____ ? A.swim B.swimming C.areswimming D.swim,too ()6.Theman _____ a bookinhishandismyuncle. A.and B.of C.with D.for ()7.Who'sthelady ____ blue? A.in B.on C.at D.with ()8.Weusuallystay ___ home __ Saturdayafternoon. A.at …inB.at …onC.in …atD.on …on ()9.A:It'sawhiteshirt,isityours?B:No, ___ isyellow. A.I B.My C.Mine D.Me ()10. _____ anymenintheroom? A.Isthere B.Arethere C.Therearen't D.Thereisn't ()11.Thebed _____ t herightisyours. A.on B.in C.at D.of ()12.Lookat ______ p icture. A.one B.theone C.first D.thefirst ()13.Thesebooksaremy ______ . A.students B.students's C.students' D.studentsof ()14.Myparentsoftentellme _____ yourfamily. A.about B.from C.for D.by ()15. _____ anyfoodinthefridge? A.Arethere B.Isthere C.Have D.Has ()16.Heoftenhelps _____ with ______ English. A .her,herB.she,herC.her,sheD.she,she ()17.Howmany ______ arethereinyourschool? A .womanteacherB.womenteacher C.womanteachersD.womenteachers ()18."Areyou _____ ?""Yes,weare _______ b rothers." A .twin ,twin B .twins,twins C.twins,twinD .twin ,twins ()19.Davidgoestoschool _____ everyday. A .byabikeB.byhisbikeC.onhisbikeD.onbike ()20.Areinthesameclass?


六年级英语单项选择题训练和连词成句-单项选择(总7 页) 本页仅作为文档页封面,使用时可以删除 This document is for reference only-rar21year.March

六年级英语单项选择题和连词成句训练 题 姓名分数 一.单项选择题。 boy in a school. A. is B. am C. are a student yesterday . A. is C. are desks new. A. is B. am C. are I a cake A. has can English songs. girl big eyes . A. has B. have a picnic yesterday. A. has B. have at home last week . A. was B. were C. am is a bed . A..making

10. He is . A..runing 11. He is . A..swiming father to work an hour ago. A.. goes B. went C. going are big . A..monkey boys like singing . A.. don’t ’t ’t 15. The boy like singing . A.. don’t ’t ’t is ice cream . C. the the girl ball games . A..play you TV . A..watching can smell with . A..noses color are the kites Yellow. A.. It’s’re are is Easter .

小学五年级英语 短语练习题带答案

By Hazel Grace Huang 一.单项选择 ( C ) 1. Fang Fang is a good student. She ____maths. A. does good at B. well do it C. is good at ( A )2.Open your_________ and _______ “Ah”. A. mouth, say B. mouse, say C. mouth, tell ( B ) 3. Take_________medicine and have________rest. A. some, a lot B. some, a lot of C. any, a lot ( C ) 4. I paid ¥20 yuan ___ this book. A. to B. of C. for ( A ) 5. ________ any medicine near the cup? A. Is there B. Are there C. Is there has ( B ) 6 There is _______ milk in the glass. A. a few B. a little C. few ( A ) 7. --Do you remember that I ____ the book ___ you yesterday? -- Really? But I remembered I didn’t ___ it ___ you. A. borrowed, from; lend to B. lent,from; borrow to C.borrow, from; lend to ( C ) 8.The children often play___football after school. A. the B. a C. / ( A ) 9.Sarah and Tom often___TV in the evening. A. watch B. see C. look ( A ) 10. I like playing computer games. What____you? ---- Me too . A. about B. and C. or ( B ) 11. _____ do you go running in the morning? ----Twice a month. A. How long B. How often C. How soon ( C ) 12. _____ is a kilo of apples? ---- 5 yuan a kilo. _____ apples do you want? A. How heavy, How many B. How many, How much C. How much, How many ( A ) 13. I don’t know the word, can you explain it ___ Chinese? A. in B. with C. by ( C ) 14. They are singing and ____ together at the party now. A. dance B. danced C. dancing ( B ) 15. Do you like playing ___ guitar? ----No, I like playing ___ basketball. A. the, the B. the, / C. / , the ( B ) 16. There is a monkey ______. A. at here B. over there C. at there ( A ) 17. I am _____ singing , but I’m not _____that. A. interested in ; good at B. interest in ; good at C. good at ; interest in ( C ) 18. There is _____ in the classroom, but the fans are still running! A. everyone B. someone C. no one ( A ) 19. My birthday present from my mother is _____ glasses. A. a pair of B. a pair C. pair of (B ) 20. This skirt is so beautiful. I want to _____. A. try on it B. try it on C. try this skirt in
