江苏省 七年级英语7A Unit 2 My day! Reading课件 牛津版



2 Quiz on Grammar
Engage students by quizzing them on previous grammar topics.
3 Important Concepts
Recap any important concepts that will be useful for today's lesson.
牛津译林版英语七上 《Unit2Myday》ppt课件 (八)
本节课将回顾之前课程的关键词汇和语法内容,并带来丰富有趣的讨论和练 习,旨在帮助学生更好地了解并运用日常生活中的英语表达。
Part 1 Review
1 Recap Vocabulary
Refresh students' memory by revisiting key vocabulary from previous lessons.
Repetition and Practice
Encourage students to repeat the new words and incorporate them into sentences.
Part 4 Grammar
Present Continuous
Introduce the present continuous tense and how it describes actions happening right now.

Part 6 Writing
Write About Routines
Encourage students to write a paragraph about their daily routines using the present continuous tense.

七年级英语My day课件2(PPT)5-4

七年级英语My day课件2(PPT)5-4

一般疑问句 升调
Is it a cold day?
疑 问 特殊疑问句 降调
What’s your mother?
句 选择疑问句 前升后降 Is it yours or mine?
Let’s go to the park.
降调Βιβλιοθήκη How lowly! What a cold day today!
车】名用彩纸、彩绸、花卉等装饰的车,用于喜庆活动。 【彩超】名彩色超的简称。做超时,彩色图像使人更容易发现微小病变,有利于提高诊断的正确性。
【彩绸】名彩色的丝绸。 【彩带】名彩色的丝绸带子。 【彩旦】名戏曲中扮演女性的丑角。年龄比较老的也叫丑婆子。 【彩蛋】名
It’s a cold day.
筑物内部得到适宜的自然;高三辅导https:/// ;光照。 【采集】动收集;搜罗:~标本|~民间歌谣。 【采景】动为摄影或写生寻找、选择 景物。 【采掘】动挖取;开采(矿物):~金矿|加快~进度。 【采矿】∥动把地壳中的矿物开采出来。有露天采矿和地下采矿两类。 【采莲船】名见页 〖跑旱船〗。 【采录】动①采集并记录:~民歌。②采访并录制:电视台~了新年晚会节目。 【采买】动选择购买(物品)。 【采纳】动接受(意见、建
Unit 2 My day
在森林中砍伐树木,采集木材:~林木。 【采访】动搜集寻访;调查访问:~新闻|加强图书~工作|记者来~劳动模范。 【采风】∥动搜集民歌。 【采购】 ①动选择购买(多指为机关或企业):~员|~建筑材料。②名担任采购工作的人:他在食堂当~。 【采光】动通过设计门窗的大小和建筑物的结构,使建

Unit 2《My day》课件12(17页)(牛津译林版七年级上)

Unit 2《My day》课件12(17页)(牛津译林版七年级上)

Report 2
Millie’s activities at school
My school day starts at 8:00 a.m.. We do….
do morning exercises begin at 8:25
spend two hours doing…
go to the school library
other or play games at lunchtime.
( F ) 4. Millie’s school day starts at 8:25 a.m..
( F ) 5. Millie spends three hours a day doing
her homework.
( F ) 6. Millie is a member of the Swimming Club.
Tuesday Friday on Tuesday and Friday
* because 因为
best 最好的 my best friend
first 首先
chat spend * practise
library swimmer Tuesday Friday
* because best first
Yes,she does. 8. Who is a good swimmer, Millie or Amy?
Amy is a good swimmer.
Report 1
Millie’s school and friends
Where do you study?
Hello, my name is Millie.I
They always chat with each other or play games. 4. What do they do first in the morning?

牛津译林版英语七上《Unit 2 My day》ppt课件

牛津译林版英语七上《Unit 2 My day》ppt课件
7.What time do you do after-school activities ? (What activities do you do? Do you chat on the Internet?)
8. What time do you do homework?
9. What time do you watch TV?
chat with each other
be nice to sb. h
do morning exercises
spend time doing sth./on sth.
play volleyball
practise sth/doing sth.
a member of the Swimming Club
2. Why does she like her classroom?
Because it is big and clean.
3. Where do Millie and Amy like to have lunch?
Under the trees in the playground.
4. When do their lessons begin?
She spends about _h_o_u_r_s__ hours a day
__d_o_in_g__ her homework. She goes to the school __l_ib_r_a_r_y_ every T__u_e_sd__a_y andF_r_id_a_y_. Sometimes she practise playing _v_o_ll_e_y_b_a_ll with her friends after school. She is a member of the _R_e_a_d_i_n_g _C__lu_b___ . Amy is a


大车过后,地上就洒下一些雪白雪白的棉花。我们忙着赶紧抢着,突然听见叫骂声,“你这个兔崽子,你们的胆子可够肥的啊!敢抢国家的东西。看我今天,不好好地教训教训你!”接着是啪啪地 用手搧脸的声音,随后就是孩子的凄惨哭声。
还记得那个保卫ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ员叫二柱,他皮肤黝黑,比较强壮,小孩子看着就有几分胆颤。我们几个是镇上的孩子,他对我们自然友善几分。不过,我们还是最惧怕他的。那次,棉站又开始大批走棉花。吃 了晚饭,我们就去棉站门口转悠着,伺机多捡些棉花。
我们都吓得停了下来。只见村上来的孩子,正被二柱用绳子绑在电线杆上,死死地勒着,把那个孩子的棉袄扣子都给勒掉了,大半个身子都露在了外面。刺眼的大探照灯下,二柱正用他自己做的鞭 子抽打着电线杆,来吓唬那个孩子。
农历九月,天黑得早些,来捡棉花的,不光有我们几个,还有下面村子里上来的孩子。我们还是像往常一样,提着袋子,低着头,在杂草尘土里挑拣着已经发黑的棉花。两眼用余光,不停地打量着 棉站院里的大车,什么时间启动。小伙伴的带头大哥军哥指挥着说:“你两个一边一个,一定要注意从车上掉下来的棉花。别让村上的那些小子给抢了去!”

Unit 2《My day》课件5(23页)(牛津译林版七年级上)

Unit 2《My day》课件5(23页)(牛津译林版七年级上)

Fill in the blanks with appropriate personal pronoun. 1.My name is Millie. Are ________ Simon? 2.Who is the girl? Is ________ Amy? 3.Hobo is an e-dog. ________ is a nice dog. 4.Tommy likes playing badminton. Daniel likes playing badminton, too. ______ both like playing it. 5. ________ am Jack. ________ is Peter. ________ are in Class 3,Grade7.
Dear Amy:
Hello, my name is _______ , I ________ my school. It is ________ Hua Yuan Middle School, It is very big, I’m in ___________________, I am ________ years old. I ________ many friends here, They are all friendly, We always _______________ or ___________.
listen to music
Sports: football, badminton, swimming, tennis, volleyball, play football ( badminton, tennis, volleyball, basketball ,football···) football field, badminton court, swimming pool, sport, match, player, swimmer, score goals, the Word Cup,

七年级英语My day课件2(PPT)3-1

七年级英语My day课件2(PPT)3-1
场和辐射带,大部分地区有像地球南北极那样的极光。海王星的大气层动荡不定,大气中含有由冰冻甲烷构成的白云和大面积气旋,跟随在气旋后面的是时 速为千米的飓风。海王星上空有一层因阳光照射大气层中的甲烷而形成的烟雾。海王星与太阳的平均距离为.9亿公里,是地球到太阳距离的倍。海王星接收 到太阳的光和热只有地球的9%于是其表面覆盖着延绵几千公里厚的冰层,外表则围绕着浓密的大气,海王星的直径9公里,是地球的.88倍体积有7个地球那 么大,质量只是地球的7倍多,所以其密度也相当小,海王星以每秒.公里的速度绕着太阳公转公转一周需要花上.8年,自转一周小时7分9秒。海王星的磁场 和天王星的一样,位置十分古怪,这很可能是由于行星地壳中层传导性的物质(大概是水)的运动而造成的。未来探测美国宇航局正在研究可能进行的海王
星探测任务。美国宇航局在年提出发射海王星轨道探测器的构想,计划于年发送一个或两个探测器登陆海卫一,并探测海王星的大气层,颣似伽利略号探测 器的大气探测器.。旗舰或基石任务是另一个可能句式句调例句陈述句
It’s a cold day.
一般疑问句 升调
Is it a cold day?
疑 问 特殊疑问句 降调
Unit 2 My day
星,其亮度介乎视星等+7.7和+8.,比木星的伽利略卫星,矮行星、谷神星和小行星、灶神星、智神星、虹神星、婚神星和韶神星都暗。在天文望远镜或优 质的双筒望远镜中,海王星显现为一个小小的蓝色圆盘,看上去与天王星很相似。蓝色来自在于它大气中的甲烷。它在视觉上的细小给研究造成了困难;多 数从望远镜中获得的数据是相当有限的,直到出现哈勃太空望远镜和大型地基望远镜与自适应光学技术才获得改观。红外线下的海王星红外线下的海王星(张) 通过双目望远镜可观察到海王星,但假如你要看到行星上的一切而非仅仅一个小圆盘,那么你就需要一架大的天文望远镜。MikeHarvey的行星寻找图表指出 此时海王星;钉:https:///goods/iIMPL0000000000201804200756596077-k%E9%92%89 ;在天空中的位置(及其他行星的位置), 再由StarryNight这个天象程序作更多更细致的定制。旅行者号989年8月日,美国航天局发射的旅行者号探测器飞越海王星,这是人类首次用空间探测器探测 海王星。它在距海王星87千米的最近点与海王星相会,从而使人类第一次看清了远在距离地球亿千米之外的海王星面貌。它发现了海王星的颗新卫星,使其 卫星总数增至8颗;首次发现海王星有条光环,其中条暗淡、条明亮。从旅行者号拍摄的多幅海王星照片中发现,海王星南极周围有两条宽约千米的巨大黑色 风云带和一块面积有如地球那么大的风暴区,它们形成了像木星大红斑那样的大黑斑。这块大黑斑沿中心轴向逆时针方向旋转,每转°需天。海王星也有磁

《My day》ReadingPPT课件-牛津译林版英语七年级上册

《My day》ReadingPPT课件-牛津译林版英语七年级上册

* Millie is chatting with her friends. They’re chatting with each other.
chat with sb.和…聊天 (chatting) each other 相互
Millie has a lot of friends at school. When they meet at the school gate, they say _h_e_l_lo____ __t_o_____ ___e_a_c_h__ ___o_th_e_r__. If they meet something difficult, they alwaysh_e_lp______ __e_a_c_h___ ___o_th_e_r__. Sometimes they w__r_it_e____ ___t_o____ ___e_a_c_h__ ___o_th_e_r__.
练习某事 practise sth 练习 做某事 practise doing sth
Look! These students ___a_r_e___ _p_r_a_c_ti_si_n_g__E_n_g_l_is_h_ in the classroom. They oftenpractise _r_e_a_d_in_g_ ___E__n_g_li_sh________ in the morning at school.
* They have a good time at school.
They have fun at school.
They enjoy themselves at school.
have a good time 过得愉快、
have fun
enjoy oneself

Unit 2《My day》Reading课件1(11页)(牛津译林版七年

Unit 2《My day》Reading课件1(11页)(牛津译林版七年

(T )
Answer the questions according to the passage:
Paragraph 1 1. What’s Millie’s school named? 2. Is it big or small? 3. Does she love her new school? 4. What class in she in ? 5. Why does she like her classroom? 6. What’s in the playground?
Paragraph 2 1.Who is Millie’s best friend? 2.What do they often do at lunch
time? 3.What do they always do at
lunchtime? 4.What do they sometimes do? 5.How’re all her friends? 6. Are they friendly to each other?
Unit 2
My day
Reading I
Tommy read Milie’s e-mail yesterday. He is now telling his friends about it. Write a T if the sentence is true. Write an F if it is false.
1. Millie likes her school very much.
2. Millie sometimes plays games at lunchtime.
3. The name of Millie’best friend is Mr Tang.

牛津译林版英语七上《Unit 2 My day》ppt课件(七)

牛津译林版英语七上《Unit 2 My day》ppt课件(七)
Kate plays badminton at 5.00p.m.
6.30a.m. 7.00a.m. 7.30a.m. 8.00a.m.
8.25a.m. 11.50a.m. 1.30a.m.
Get up Eat breakfast Go to school Do morning exercises Have lessons Eat lunch Have lessons
Kristy is very young . She was only eighteen years old when she won the Supermodel Contest.
Kristy has a very busy life. She gets up
at 6.30 a.m. and goes running . She
Brain Strom
Does Eddie like sleeping?
just exercise Eddie’s day after-school
wake up
have breakfast It’s time to do sth.
go to sleep have lunch go to sleep
I am
. I am
old. I study at
________ my school. I
friends here.
. I am years .I
In the morning, I get up at
. I go
to school at ___ . I finish classes
It’s time to do sth. have fun

初中英语7A Unit 2 My day Reading 课件

初中英语7A Unit 2 My day Reading 课件
Paragraph 1: 1.How is Millie’s new
school? 2.Why does she like her
Paragraph 2
lots of nice people
• lots of 许多 • a lot of [C, U] • Many [C]/ much [U]
• my best friend • 人称代词后的最高级不加 the
each other
• 彼此交谈 • chat with each other • 互相帮助 • help each other • 彼此友好 • be friendly to each other • 互相学习 • learn from each other
• I__s_p_e_n_d__ about two hours__d_o_i_n_g my homework.
do morning exercises first
• do sth first • 我每天通常先写作业. • I usually do my homework first
every day.
I also like playing volleyball.
• also=too=as well • I like playing volleyball
too. • I like playing volleyball as
well. • I don’t like playing
volleyball. • I don’t like playing
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1. Millie likes her school very much. ( T ) 2. Millie sometimes plays games at lunchtime.
3. Millie’s lessons start at eight
every morning. 8:25 a.m.
6. Millie likes chatting with her friends
at lunchtime ____________, what about you?
7. Do you like homework? How long do you
spend doing ____________ your homework?
初 中 英 语
七 上
swimming pool
初 中 英 语
七 上
Please read after the tape again and find out what each paragraph tells us. • Para. 1 My friends and I
七 上
Read Paragraph 2 and answer the questions. 1. Where do they like to go at lunchtime?

初 中 英 语
七 上
2.What do they always do in the playground
at lunchtime?
twice a week , at lunchtime ,
have a good time 3) 句型 : I spend about two hours a day doing my homework.
初 中 英 语
七 上
能够运用已学知识,描述自己 的校园生活。 3.情感目标: 学会合理安排时间,热爱自己 的校园生活。
Read Paragraph 3 and help Millie choose her favourite lessons.

初 中 英 语
七 上
How long does Millie spend doing her homework?
She spends about two hours a day doing her homework. 她每天花两个小时左右的时间做作业。
• Para. 2
• Para. 3 • Para. 4
My school and my class
After-school activities School lessons and homework
初 中 英 语
七 上
Read Paragraph 1 and answer the following questions. 1. Is Millie’s school big or small?
初 中 英 语
七 上
because 因为 Read and learn best 最好的 the new words chat 聊天,闲谈 each other 相互, 彼此 first 第一;首先 spend 花费;度过 library 图书馆 Tuesday 星期二 Friday 星期五 practise 练习 swimmer 游泳者 twice a week 一周两次
spend … time/money doing sth.
做某事花……时间/ 钱
例如: Don’t spend too much time watching TV.
Read Paragraph 4 and describe each picture.
初 中 英 语
七 上
初 中 英 语
七 上
Unit 2 My day
初 中 英 语
七 上
一、年级:七年级 二、教学内容:7A Unit 2 My day 三、课型:Reading
初 中 英 语
七 上
四、教学目标: 1.知识目标: 1) 本课时的四会单词 2) 词组 : chat with each other ,
初 中 英 语
七 上
4. Millie spends three hours a day 2 doing her homework. 5. Millie goes to the Reading Club twice a week. 6. Millie is a member of the Amy Swimming Club.
七 上
We do morning exercises first. Then we have lessons in our classroom. After class, we can chat with each other.
初 中 英 语
七 上
Also, we can spend some time in the library, because there are many interesting books.
七 上
Tommy is now telling his friends about Millie’s e-mail. Write a T if the sentence is true. Write an F if it is false. ( Page 26 Part C )
初 中 英 语
七 上
Millie goes to the school library _________ every day.
Millie practises volleyball _________ after school.
Amy is a very good ________. swimmer
初 中 英 语
I go to the Club on Wednesdays.
4. We must learn from __________. each other
be nice to sb. , spend …doing
初 中 英 语
七 上
at lunchtime 5. Millie’s classmates are really great. They ___________ her all the time. are nice to
each other, chat with,
初 中 英 语
七 上
twice a week, a member of 1. Simon practises football _____________. twice a week 2. I like ____________ my friend on the chatting with Internet every Saturday. a member of 3. I am ____________ the Badminton Club.
Her school is very big. 2. Which class is she in ?
She is in Class 1, Grade 7. 3. Why does she like her classroom? Because it’s big and clean.
初 中 英 语
spends _______, too. She _______ about an hour a Maths doing day _______ her homework. Millie likes library reading in the school _________. She goes to
初 中 英 语
七 上
Phrases in the e-mail:
5. spend … doing … 花费……做…… 6. have a good time 过得愉快
7. twice a week
8. be nice to sb.
初 中 英 语
七 上
Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given phrases.
初 中 英 语
七 上
I want to be the best swimmer, so I practise swimming on Tuesday and Friday. That is to say, I practise twice a week. Do you want to be my friends?
They always chat with each other or play games. 她们经常相互交谈或做游戏。 each other 彼此,互相 We help each other and learn from each other. 我们互相帮助,互相学习。
初 中 英 语
七 上
初 中 英 语
七 上
Millie also wants to tell her school life to her new online friend Tommy. Read her e-mail then answer this question: Who is Millie’s best friend? ( Page 24 Part A )