儿童英语绘本 教学bob mum's bag




幼儿园英语绘本教学《狐狸和乌鸦》教案教学主题:幼儿园英语绘本教学《狐狸和乌鸦》教学目标:1. 帮助幼儿了解故事情节及其中的道理。

2. 培养幼儿的阅读兴趣和英语语感。

3. 提高幼儿的英语表达能力。

教学准备:1. 《狐狸和乌鸦》绘本。

2. 幼儿园常用的英语教具,如卡片、绘本故事卡片等。

3. 网络播放器及音箱。

教学过程:Step 1. Warm-up1. 教师播放一首英语童谣,让幼儿跟着唱。

2. 然后教师出示与童谣配套的图片,让幼儿口头介绍。

3. 通过歌曲和图片的学习,复习旧知识,为新知识做好准备。

Step 2. Pre-reading1. 教师出示《狐狸和乌鸦》绘本封面,询问幼儿是否认识故事中的角色。

2. 通过幼儿的回答,了解幼儿对故事的了解程度。

3. 教师简单介绍故事情节,激发幼儿阅读的兴趣。

Step 3. While-reading1. 教师带领幼儿一起认真阅读故事,并强调故事中的道理。

2. 教师鼓励幼儿用自己的话叙述故事,并邀请幼儿自愿分享。

3. 教师通过问题引导幼儿思考、理解,如“为什么狐狸想要乌鸦的美味面包?”“你们认为乌鸦的反应是正确的吗?”Step 4. Post-reading1. 教师提问:“你们从这个故事中学到了什么道理?”2. 鼓励幼儿表达自己的想法,并对他们所表达的看法进行肯定和引导。

3. 教师收集幼儿的回答,并汇总为“好的行为习惯”列表,强调这些行为的重要性。

Step 5. Extension1. 教师出示卡片,引导幼儿进行“连词成句”的活动,如“Fox the wants bread Crow’s”。

2. 教师出示绘本故事卡片,让幼儿口头叙述故事情节。

3. 教师鼓励幼儿尝试画出故事场景,以此巩固英语单词。

Step 6. Closure1. 教师在教室的角落里贴一张小黑板,鼓励幼儿在每天结束前回答一个英文小问题。

2. 教师汇总个别幼儿的学习成果,并在小黑板上贴出,激发其他幼儿的学习动力。



亿童幼儿英语3中班教案【篇一:亿童幼儿英语教案】班级:小班(一二五)授课内容:复习 red yellow green blue新授 turn aroundhold your hands教学过程:greatings say hello to the babies. babies reply me. divide groups 分组 g1 and g2review and lead in: flash the cards and answer 闪卡回答,谁先答出得分games:which missing?火眼金睛find the treasure.寻宝(在此游戏中导入新授内容)新授:hold your hands 动作解释短语意思(手牵手)turn around 转圈games:抢板凳坐一站三(游戏中纠正发音)summary :总结回顾本节课内容单词:呈现卡片跟读短语:做动作孩子回答lastly : say goodbye to baby上课时间:11. 10(周四)下午班级:大班授课内容:复习 sad happy angry tired scaredhow are you feeling新授 chant 《happy or sad》教学过程:greatings say hello to the babies. babies reply me. divide groups 分组 teacher to baby 鲨鱼review and lead in: flash the cards and answer 闪卡回答,谁先答出得气球领读纠正发音games:which missing?火眼金睛复习单词导入小chant新授:先教句型bob is …(往里面填单词冰结师意思)he is …(同上)老师举例子:bob is sad孩子根据所复习的单词造句子然后看视频跟着唱(老师和孩子一起)games:抢板凳坐一站三(游戏中纠正发音)summary :总结回顾本节课内容单词:呈现卡片跟读chant :一起和孩子做动作唱 chantlastly : say goodbye to baby班级:小普班(六)授课内容:新授 sofabed door window教学过程:greatings :自我介绍say hello to the babies. babies reply me.divide groups 分组鲨鱼和气球(说明游戏规则)lead in:实物导入指向窗户并说window领读几遍,让孩子单独发音并纠正(拍卡片)猜猜看,让孩子猜一猜下一个要学什么。

Bob bug

Bob bug
_____ is ...
He has ...
He has ...
在总结环节,我再构了一段文本,让学生齐读,总结了本课:Bob, Bob, Bob is a bug.
Bob, Bob, Bob has a mum. Mum, mum, mum is big. Bob, Bob, Bob has a dad.Dad, dad, dad is fit. Rat, rat, rat is bad. Hug, hug, Bob has a hug.接着根据hug,引导学生思考,得到hug后:What can Bob say? How do Bob feel?学生纷纷展开想象,并不断地尝试发表自己的意见。接着:Bob has a mum and a dad. They love each other. Do you love your mum and dad? Can you say something toyour mum and dad?学生在老师的引导下,表达了父母对自己的爱以及自己也要关心热爱父母,并表达家真是个很温暖的地方。
接着我播放了phonics kids 3B里的一段chant: hug a bug。学生非常感兴趣的跟着诵唱。利用这段chant,导入了本课的主题:Look! It’s a bug. His name is Bob.Let’s learn his story.






根据二年级学生的年龄特点,教师选用《丽声拼读故事会》第一级中的绘本故事Bob Bug为学习载体,努力体现在语境、语义和活动中,让孩子们通过体会、模仿单词的发音,发现部分字母在单词中的发音规律,在实践和归类训练中逐渐形成拼读的能力,强化学生的语音意识,为促进学生自主朗读故事、发展阅读能力奠定基础。


本节课的几个突出特点,值得教师在低年级的语音和阅读教学中参考和借鉴:1. 关注学生情感,导入生动自然教师在整节课的学习过程中,关注学生的情感体验,有效调动了学生积极参与课堂活动的热情。


歌谣中top,bag,big,bug等有节奏、押韵的视频动画,传递了语音学习的内容和方式,使学生清晰地感知了自然拼读的过程,巧妙地导入了本课Bob Bug的学习。

2. 重视语言输入,发展拼读能力《义务教育英语课程标准》(20XX)提倡语音教学在一定语境下进行,教师应引导学生学会借助语境关注语义。

在本节课的呈现环节,教师为学生提供了故事Bob Bug。





Lesson1WHOSE WATCH IS IT? Look! It’s a watch. Whose watch is it?I think it’s that man’s watch.Let’s go and ask him. Excuse me. Is this your watch?Oh, yes, It’s my watch. Here you are.Thank you very much. You’re welcome.Fishes, fishes, where are you?Fishes, fishes, where are you? Can you show me where you are?Fishes, fishes, there they are. Some are swimming in the pond.Fishes, fishes, where areyou? Can you show mewhere you are?Fishes, fishes, there theyare. Some are swimmingin the river.Fishes, fishes, where areyou? Can you show mewhere you are?Fishes, fishes, there theyare. Some are swimmingin the lake.Fishes, fishes, where areyou? Can you show mewhere you are?Fishes, fishes, there theyare. Some are swimmingin the sea.M=Mum,B=Bob, P=Peter)M: Bob!B: Yes, Mum?M: look at your room!What a mess! Whose bagis this?B: It’s my bag and that’smy book.P: That’s my pen, andthat’s my watch.M: Put away your things.B&P: Yes, Mum.B&P: Mum! Please have alook at the room now.M: Very nice. You’re goodboys.Whose bag is it?What’s this? Oh, it’s a bag.It’s a beautiful bag. I wantit!Whose bag is it?It’s my bag.Your bag? Then what’s init?Er, I can’t remember.Where is my bag?I can’t find it.Is this your bag?Oh, yes. It’s my bag.What’s in it?A red dress.Yes, you are right.This is your bag.Thank you.This is pig’s bag, not yourbag.Oh, sorry.Lesson2WHAT COLOUR ARETHE TROUSERS? (B=Bill, M=Mum)B: Hi, Mum! We have a new uniform for this term. M: Really? What’s it like? B: A shirt and a pair of trousers.M: What colour is the shirt?B: It’s white.M: That’s nice. What colour are the trousers? B: They’re blue.M: That’s good.What colour?I see red. I see green.I see yellow. I see blue.I see brown. I see orange.I see black and white.What colour is your book?What colour is your book?It’s red. It’s red.It’s a red book.What colour are MrsCow’s bananas?My hair is red.What colour is Miss Dog’shair?Her hair is red. Her socksare red, too.My nut is brown.What colour is MrMonkey’s nut?His nut is brown. His shirtis brown, too.My bananas are yellow.What colour are MrsCow’s bananas?Her bananas are yellow.Her trousers areyellow,too.My pears are green.What colour are MrPanda’s pears?His pears are green. Hisshorts are green, too.My oranges are orange.What colour are MissCat’s oranges?Her oranges are orange.Her shoes are orange,too.Lesson3THEY ARE IN CLASSTHREEWho are they, tom?They are Bill and Jill.Are they new?Yes, they are.Are they in Grade Four? Yes, they are.What class are they in? They’re in Class Three.Are they in Grade Four? Yes, they are.What class are they in? They are in Class Two.Are you in Class One? Are you in Class One? No, we are not.What class are you in? we’re in Class Two.Are they in Grade Three?No, they are not.What grade are they in?they’re in Grade Four.Grandma’s glassesI can’t find my glasses.Where are they?Are they in the box?No, they aren’t.Are they under the book?No, they aren’t.Are they behind the clock?No, they aren’t.Are they under the bed?No, they aren’t.Look! They are on yournose.Oh yes! So they are.Lesson4WHERE ARE YOUFROM?(L=Lulu, T=Tom, J=Jane)L: Tom, this is Jane.T: Hello, Jane!J: Hello, Tom!T: Are you from the USA?J: No, I’m from the UK.What about you?T: I’m from the USA.(L=Lulu, G=Girl,D=Dongdong)L: Hello! Where are youfrom?G: I’m from Yunnan.Where are you from?D: We are from Beijing.L: Are you new here?G: Yes, I am.D: Welcome to our school.G: Thank you.Oh! Where is my littleblack dog?Oh, Where, oh, where ismy little black dog?Oh, Where, oh, where canhe be?His ears are short, and histail is long.Oh, where, oh, where canhe be?(J=Jenny, L=Li Shan)J: Hi, Li Shan. Who’s that?L: That’s Wei Gang. He’smy e-pal.J: Where’s he from?L: He’s from Anhui.J: You’re from Anhui, too,right?L: Anhui? No, I’m not from Anhui.J: Really? Where are you from?L: I’m from Hunan.J: Oh, I see.We are a big family Where are you from?I’m from Xinjiang.What are you good at?I’m good at singing.Are you from Jilin?Yes, I am.I think you’re good at dancing.I like dancing.Let’s be friends, OK? OK. Are you from Jilin, too?No, we’re fromHeilongjiang.We’re Hezhens.What are you good at?We’re good at fishing.Where are they from?I think they’re from Tibet.Are they good at fishing,too?No. I think they’re good atriding.We are all Chinese!We are a big family!Lesson5What are these?(W=Woman, T=Tom,Q=Qiqi)W: Can I help you?T: Yes, we want sometoys.Q: What are these?W: They’re bears.Q: What are those?Are they tigers?W: No, they’re pandas.W: Look!The panda can walkand jump.Q: What fun!I want one.W: Here you are.Q: Thank you.What are these?They’re toy cars.Are those toy planes?Yes, they are.I’m a little teapotI’m a little teapot, shortand stout.Here is my handle. Here ismy spout.When the water’s boilinghear me shout.Lift me up and pour meout.Can I have a friend?What are those, Mom?They’re birds.What birds are those?They’re parrots.How beautiful! Can youtalk?Good morning!Oh, what fun! Can we have one, Mom?Sure.Can I help you?Yes, I want this parrot. Here you are.Can I have a friend?Oh yes, you can.I want that parrot, too. Here you are.Thank you.Lesson6Revision(C=Cathy, T=Tom)C: Hi, I’m Cathy. I’m new here.T: Hi, I’m Tom. Nice to meet you, Cathy.C: Nice to meet you, Tom. T: Where are you from?C: I’m from the USA.T: What class are you in?C: I’m in Class Five,Grade Four.(Q=Qiqi, K=Kate)Q: What are these in thebox?K: Guess.Q: Are they toy bears?K: No. they’re shoes.Q: What colour are they?K: Look! They are brown.Q: Whose shoes are they?K: They’re my sister’s.Lesson7LET’S GO SWIMMING,OK?(Q=Qiqi, E=Eve)Q: Hello! This is 6205467.E: Hello! Who’s that?Q: It’s Qiqi here. Is thatEve?E: Yes. Hi, Qiqi! Are youfree now?Q: Yes.E: Let’s go swimming,OK?Q: Great! Where shall wemeet?E: Shall we meet at myhouse at ten?Q: OK. Goodbye.E: Bye.One, two, one, two,Let’s go to school.Three, four, three, four,Let’s close the door.Five, six, five, six,Let’s pick up sticks.Seven, eight, seven, eight,Please don’t be late.Nine, ten, nine, ten,Let’s say it again.(B=Buzz, D=Dick)B: Hi, Dick. Are you free now?D: Yes.B: Let’s play basketball, OK?D: But it’s too hot today.B Yes, you’re right, Uh…let’s go swimming.D: But I can’t swim.B: Then let’s go to the bookshop, OK?D: Good idea!A kind girlIt’s Friday evening.Mary is doing her homework.Just then, Li Jun calls up. Mary: Hello, this is Mary. Li Jun: Hi, Mary, this is Li Jun. I’m not very good atEnglish. Can you helpme?Mary: Sure.Li Jun: You are so nice.Are you free tomorrow?Mary: Oh, sorry. I’m goingto see Sam tomorrow.He’s ill at home.Li Jun: Can I go with you?Mary: Of course, and wecan study English onSunday.Li Jun: Great! Then seeyou tomorrow.Mary: See you.Lesson8DO YOU HAVE ARULER?Hi, Eve! Do you have aruler?Yes, I do. Here it is.Oh, it’s too short. I want along one.Ask Lulu. I think she hasone.Hello, Lulu! Do you have along ruler?Yes, I do.Can I use it, please?Sure. Here you are.Thank you. But it’s tooshort.No. Look! It’s a long one.I have two handsI have two hands, the leftand the right.Hold them up high soclean and bright.Clap them softly, one two,three.Clean little hands aregood to see.My face is bright. My teethare all white.My dress is clean and allof me.So dear playmates followme.So that our mother will behappy.Let’s play football.Great! Do you have a ping-pong bat?Sorry, I don’t like football. Let’s play ping-pong. Yes, I do.Do you have a ball? Yes, I do, but it’s a basketball.Ah!What animal is it ?A horse and a cow meet a milu deer. The horse comes up and says, ”Hello, friend! You have the head of a horse. Are you a horse?”The milu deer says, “No, I have the head of a horse, but I have the horns of a deer. So I am not a horse.”The cow comes upand says, “You have thefeet of a caw. Are you acow?”“No, I have the feetof a cow, but I have thebody of a donkey. So I amnot a cow.”“Then what animal areyou?”“I’m a milu deer, butpeople also call mesibuxiang.”“Ha-ha! Nice to meet you,Miss Sibuxiang.Let’s befriends, OK? ”“OK.”In NanhaiziMilu Park inBeijing, there are manymilu deer. It is a goodplace for milu deer to live.Lesson9I LIKE SUMMER(T=Tom, L=Lulu)T: Look! How beautiful thesnow is!L: Do you like snow?T: Yes, I do. What aboutyou?L: I like snow, but I don’tlike winter because it’s toocold.T: What’s your favouriteseason?L: I like summer because Ilike swimming.Song of the seasonsSpring is green. Summeris red.Autumn is yellow. Winteris white.Billy and BettySpring is coming. It’swarm. Billy likes spring.He sings and dances.Summer is coming. It’shot. Betty likes summer.She sings and dances.Billy likes working.Now autumn is coming.Billy is busy. He gets lotsof nuts for the winter.Betty doesn’t likeworking. She likes playing.She sings and dances.Now winter is coming. It isvery cold. Billy is at home.He is not cold. He ishappy.Betty has no home.She is very cold. She issad.Lesson10ARE YOU WASHINGYOUR FACE?(M=Mom, T=Tom)M: Tom, where are you? T: I’m here, Mom.M: Are you washing your face?T: Yes, Mom.Are you cooking?M: Yes, I am.T: Is Dad helping you? M: No, he’s cleaning his bike.T: Let me help you, Mom. M: Thank you, Tom.Where are you going?I’m going to the park.Are you going with Tom? No, I’m going with mark. Where is Jack going?He’s going up a hill.Is he going with Bob?No, he’s going with Bill.Oh, it’s three.Let’s find out what’s onNo.3.A: Hi, Peg! What’s thetime?B: It’s four o’clock.A: Are you singing?B: No, I’m not.A: What are you doing?B: I’m studying Chinese.A picture for GrandmaAnn is a little girl. She’snine. She’s in GradeThree. It’s five o’clock.Ann is sitting at her desk.She is drawing a picture.“Are you doing yourhomework, Ann ?”hermother asks. “No, I’mdrawing a picture,”saysAnn.Now it’s six o’clock. Ann isstill drawing.Her mother comes in andsays, “Oh, Ann. Are youstill drawing? Come andhave supper now.”Annsays, “You see, Mum.Grandma’s birthday iscoming, and I want to givethis picture to her.”Hermother says, “Good girl,ann!”Lesson11WHAT ARE YOU DOING? What are you doing, tom? I’m drawing.What are you drawing? I’m drawing a ball.A ball?Look! It’s a football.But is looks like a basketball.Oh yes, it is a basketball. Ha-ha!(C=Cathy, L=Lily)C: Hi, Lily. What are you doing now?L: Guess.C: Are you watching TV? L: No, I’m not.C: Are you making things? L: Yes. C: What are you making?L: I’m making a plane. Canyou help me?C: Sure.L: Then please come overnow.C: OK.A happy familyIt’s Sunday today. Mike isreading a book in his room.His sister Kate comes inand says, “Hi, Mike! Whatare you doing now?”“I am reading a book.What’s up?”“Mum and Dad areworking in the garden.Let’s go to help them,OK?”“OK.”Their mother andfather are busy in thegarden. Mike says to hisfather, “let me help you,Dad.”“Thank you, Mike. Wewant some water, but it’stoo heavy for you.”“Wecan do it together,”saysKate.Now Mike and Kateare carrying water, andtheir mother and father arewatering the flowers. Theyare all very happy.Lesson12REVISION(T=Tom, E=Ella)E: Is it hot today?T: Yes, it’s very hot outside.E: Do you like summer? T: Yes, I do, because I like swimming.What about you?E: I like swimming, too. T: Then let’s go swimming, OK?E: Good idea!(Q=Qiqi, E=Eve)Q: Are you doing your homework, Eve?E: No, I’m not.Q: What are you doing then?E: I’m drawing. Q: What are you drawing?E: Look! I’m drawing acomputer.Q: Do you have acomputer?E: Yes, I do.The tiger’s lunchI’m hungry.Where is my lunch?Oh, a rat! That can be mylunch.Ha-ha! You are my lunch.Please don’t eat me.Oh, some rabbits are overthere.They are big.Please let me go.Go away! Let me catch arabbit.Ha-ha! You are my lunch.Please don’t eat me,MrTiger.Oh, some deer are overthere.Those deer are big.Please let me go.Go away! I like deer.Let me catch a deer.Ha-ha! I’m fast.You can’t catch me.Oh, I’m still hungry.Where is my lunch?Self-assessmentI can sayLet’s go swimming, OK?Great!Do you have a ruler?Yes, I do.Do you like snow?Yes, I do.What’s yourfavouriteseason?I like summer because Ilike swimming.Are you cooking?Yes, I am.What are you doing?I’m drawing.I know these wordsmeet Friday evening callup very tomorrow ill studyruler long use say of footbody people alsosnowwinter favourite seasonsummer spring autumnbusywash face cook cleandraw picture suppergiveball football basketballthem their water heavyfloweridea computer lunchfast1watch手表;观看whose 谁的think 想,认为man男人(men)ask问beautiful美丽的right正确的;右边remember 记得* very much 非常Here you are. 给你。

2022人教版六上U2《What’s your hobby》(Lesson7)教案

2022人教版六上U2《What’s your hobby》(Lesson7)教案

Lesson7 教学设计一、教学内容与分析Just read and talk本局部通过Bob, Peter, Kate, Li Yan几个人谈论兴趣爱好的情景,引出目标语言,让学生在对话交流中感知、模仿、学习语言,并能初步运用于日常交流。

主要目标语言:What’s your hobbyMy hobby is collecting maps.二、课前准备1. 准备玩具汽车、集邮册、各种地图以及不同色彩的图片。

2. 准备词语卡片和教学挂图。

3. 准备教学课件。

三、教学步骤与建议1. 热身/复习(Warm-up / Revision)1) 师生问好。

T: Good morning / afternoon, children.Ss: Good morning / afternoon, Miss ...T: Nice to see you again!Ss: Nice to see you, too!2) 教师手拿不同的地图,说:Look! What are these Yes. They are maps. I like collecting maps. I often go t o some famous places during the holidays. I’m interested in traveling. So my hobby is traveling and collecting maps. What are you interested in What’s your hobby3) 教师通过介绍自己的爱好,与学生亲切交谈,揭示出本课主题。

4) 借助各种图片或媒体手段再现学生学过的有关爱好的单词或短语,激活学生已有的知识和生活经验。

2. 新课呈现(Presentation)1) 用挂图呈现本课情景,教师引导学生观察Just read and talk主题图。

T: Look at our old friends. What are they talking aboutLet’s listen to the dialogue.(播放对话录音或动画视频)Ss: They are talking about hobbies.2) 学习新词语。



英语小故事篇一:英语小故事1.Top Cat天下第一猫I am top cat.Am I top cat?I am! I am!I am top cat.Am I top cat?I am! I am!Am I top cat?2.Sam’s PotTom got a pot.Pam got a pot .Sam got a pot.Pat,pat,pat!Tap,tap,tap!Tom got a mop!3.Bog Bug小虫鲍勃Bob is a bug.Bog Bug has a mum. His mum is big.Bob has a dad. His dad is fit.Bob has a cup. It has a lid. Bob has a cot. His cot has a rug.Mum! Dad! A big bad rat! Bob Bug has a rug.4.Dig, dig, dig!挖!挖!挖!Dig, dig, dig!Tim and his dog had fun.Dig, dig, dig!Tim dug up a lot of mud.Dig, dig, dig!His dog dug up a rag.Dig, dig, dig!Tim dug up a bus.Dig, dig, dig!A lid!Dig, dig, dig!A big tin!And in it…Lots of bugs!5.Zak and the vet扎克和兽医Sit,Zak.Sit!Zak did not sit.Zak ran.Sit,Zak.Sit!Zak ran and ran.Zak ran in the fog.A red van hit him.Jen and Zak went to the vet.Zak had a bad cut.He had to get a jab.Will Zak get better?Yes.Zak did get better.6.Mum bug’s bag虫妈妈的包Mum Bug has a red bag.The bag has a zip.Mum can fit a pen in her bag. Mum can fit a pen and a fan in her bag.Mum can fit a pen and a fan and a bun in her bag. Mum can fit a pen and a fan and a bun and a pot of jam in her bag.Mum has a hole in her bag!The pen and the fan and the jam get wet. Mum Bug gets a big bag.7.The Odd Pet奇怪的宠物Kim has a cat.Jim has a dog.But Viv has an odd pet.It I a zog!Not a cat,not a dog,but a zog!The zog is fat.It has ten red legs.It can run and hop.It can sit and beg.The zog has lots of eggs!The zog sits on the eggs.It sits and sits. Tap,tap,tap! Tap,tap,tap!Lots of zogs!Can I have a zog?Yes,but not yet.Can I have a zog?Yes,but not yet. Now Kim has a cat and a zog.Jim has a dog and a zog.And Viv has ten zogs!8.Miss!Miss!老师!老师!Buzz off,Bill!I will tell Miss Hill!Miss!Miss!Bill has got my hat.Buzz off,Bill!Miss!Miss!Bill has got my pot.Buzz off,Bill!Miss!Miss!Bill is in a mess!Yes!The bell!Miss Hill gets on the bus.Miss Hill gets off the bus.Buzz off,Ross!Mum!Mum!Ross has got my doll!9.This and That 这和那This is Mr.Chan’s shop. Mr.Chan sells pens,pads and maps.Ti m is in Mr.Chan’s shop.Can I have that pen?Yes,Tim!This is Miss Thin’s shop. Miss Thin sells eggs,nuts and carrots. This is Mrs. Ship’s shop. Mrs. Ship sells jugs,shells and sets. Ti m is in Mrs. Ship’s shop.Can I have this shell and that shell? Yes,Tim!Ti m is Tim’s rabbit.10.Fish and Chips鱼和薯条This is Ron Rabbit.Ron has a job in a fish and chip shop.This fish is too hot! This fish is not hot!Cut up this fish!Fill up this cup!When will my fish come?Which is my fish?This is too much fish!I fed up with job!This fish is too fat!This chip is too thin!This salad is too wet!This bill is too much!This shop is shut!11.Singing Dad爱唱歌的爸爸Dad is a singer.He sings all day long.Song after song,after song, after song!He sings to the cat and he sings to the dog.He sings in the sun and he sings in the fog.He sings in the shops and he sings in the shed.He sings in the bus and he sings in his bed.He sings when he’s fishing.He sings when he jogs.He sings when he’s digging and chopping up logs.Mum tells Dad off.“I’m fed up with that song.”Mum never sings…but she hums all day long.12.Doctor Duck鸭子医生Bob Bug was in his cot.“Get up,Bob,”said Dad.But B ob did not get up.“I’m hot!” he said.“Bob is sick!” said Mum.“Quick! I will ring Doctor Duck.”“Mum is a fusspot,”said Dad.Mum Bug rang Doctor Duck.“Comequick!”shesaid.“Bobissick.” “Quack,quack!”said Doctor Duck.He got his box of pills.“I will mix this pill up with some milk,”he said.“Sip this,”said Doctor Duck to Bob Bug.“Yuk,”said Bob,but he had a sip.“Quack,quack!”said Doctor Duck. “I will come back in six days.” When Doctor Duck came back,Bob was hopping and singing.But Dad Bug was in bed.”I am hot!I am sick!”he said.“Bad luck,Dad,’said Mum.“Dad is a fusspot!said Bob.篇二:英语经典小故事汇总66篇英语小故事在线阅读1. The Dog In The Manger(牛槽裡的狗)Once a dog was taking a nap in the manger of an ox. It was full of hay. But soon the ox came back from his work to the manger. He wanted to eat his own hay. Then the dog awoke, stood up and barked at the ox. The ox said to the dog, “Do you want to eat this hay, too?”“Of course not,” said the dog.“Then, go away and let me eat my own hay.”“Oh, no. You go away and let me sleep.”“What a selfish dog! He will neither eat the hay himself, nor let me eat it !” said the ox to himself.有一次一只狗正在打盹在马槽里的牛。



浅谈英语绘本教学在小学英语口语教学中的应用曾 跃 成都美视国际学校摘 要:绘本教学在小学英语口语教学中有着举足轻重的地位。


关键词:小学英语 绘本 口语教学现今,随着大量原版绘本的面世,孩子们接触最地道且实用的绘本教材的机会越来越多。





一、绘本的特点绘本这一称谓来源于日本,日文发音e-hon, 日汉字“絵本”,其英文名称为Picture Book,是以绘画为主,配以少量并且简单的文字,符合儿童认知,浅显易懂,有一定的主线,表达特定情感的书籍。



实用化,很多 的心理描写和对话描写,其生活化的特点,学生可以直接应用于日常对话。




2024年沪教版三年级英语上册专项阅读理解班级:_____________ 姓名:_____________【阅读理解】1. 读一读。


(1)Name: Kitty Age: From: Hobbies:(2)Name: Leo Age: From: Hobbies:(3)Name: Ann Age: From: Hobbies:2. 阅读理解。

I’m Daming. We are going to have a sports meet next week.Sam is going to do long j ump. Lingling is going to play football. Amy is going to do high jump. I’m going to r un a race. I’m going to win.I’m going to train everyday. I’m going to run in the park.(1)Daming is going to .( )A. do high jumpB. run a race(2)Lingling is going to .( )A. play footballB. run a race(3)Sam is going to .( )A. do high jumpB. do long jump(4)Amy is going to .( )A. do high jumpB. do long jump3. 根据表格完成句子。

(1)—How many kites do you have, Wu Yifan?—I have .(2)—How many books do you have, Sarah?—I have .(3)—How many balls do you have, Mike?—I have .(4)—How many toy cars do you have, Amy?—I have .4. 短文阅读。



四年级英语上册第二单元第二课时教案专题第一篇:四年级英语上册第二单元第二课时教案专题Unit 2 My schoolbag(Book 3)第二课时备课【学习内容】Part A: Let’s learn, Let’s do, Let’s spell 【课程标准描述】1.能根据听到的词句识别或指认图片或实物。






Let’s spell呈现i-e在单词中发长音的规律,通过听力活动听音写单词等帮助学生按照发音规则拼写单词,并辨认词形。

Let’s learn 中的book 一次已经在三年级上册第一单元B Let’s learn中学过。

关于Let’s do中的方位词已经在Where is my ruler?A Let’s learn中学习过。

【学习目标】1.通过学生手中的各种书籍,模仿录音并跟读,能够听、说、认读单词:schoolbag,maths book, English book,Chinese book,storybook。

2.通过猜一猜活动、小组合作等形式,展示对话内容,模仿录音并跟读,能够听懂、会说句子:What’s in your schoolbag? An English book, a Chinese book, a maths book and three storybooks.并能在情境中正确使用以上句子。


Put your Chinese book in you desk.Put your pencil box on your English book.Put your maths book under your schoolbag.Put your eraser near your pencil box.4.通过拼读练习,体会字母组合i-e的规律,利用这一规律读出并识记相关单词。

科普版英语四年级下 Lesson1 第四课时

科普版英语四年级下 Lesson1 第四课时
科普版英 语 四 年 级 下册
Lesson 1
Whose watch is it?
Listen and match & Match and say & Listen and say
Warm up
Let’s play Whose bag is it?
Listen and match
Answer the questions.
1. Whose bag is this? It’s Bob’s bag.
2. Is Bob’s room clean? No,it isn’t.
Key points
1.Whose bag is it?
2. Put away your things.
Listen and say
(M=Mom,B=Bob,P=Peter ) M:Bob! B:Yes, Mum? M:Look at your room! What a mess!
Whose bag is this? 真是一团糟 B:It’s my bag and that’s my book. P:That’s my pen, and that’s my watch.
A. away
B. on
( B )3.____ a mess!
A. What’s
B. What
1.bag, is, Whose,it(?) _W __h_o_s_e_b_a_g_i_s _it_?____________ 2.your, away, things, put(.) _P_u_t_a_w_a_y_y_o_ur__th_i_n_gs_.__________ 3.are, good, boys, you(.) _Y_o_u_a_r_e_g_o_o_d_b_o_y_s.____________



《典范英语》(1b-L21)教学参考The Bag in the Bin教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。


一、教学目标1. 语言能力目标:学生能够读懂故事情节;惟妙惟肖地模仿录音;绘声绘色地独立朗读故事;能用故事语言描述故事图片;了解清辅音浊化现象。

2. 非语言能力目标:体会故事人物在不同情境下的心情变化;通过表演和讨论培养学生的想象力和思维能力。


三、教师要求1. 教师课前须熟读故事,了解故事内容。

2. 对于较难的单词,教师可板书,并配合动作和表情帮助学生理解。

3. 全英文授课。


五、课堂教学基本步骤1. 导入(Lead-in):激发学生兴趣,导入故事情境通过展示图片,激发学生兴趣,导入故事情境。

教师展示标题图片(见课件),并与学生互动:What’s this?It’s a bin.What do we put in it?We put trash in the bin.之后,自然过渡到看图讲故事环节:One day, Dad put some bags in the bin. Were they bags of trash? What would happen in the story? Let’s learn the new story The Bag in the Bin.2. 看图讲故事(Storytelling):理解故事情节,观察一家人的表情和动作教师利用课件逐幅播放故事图片,并用丰富的表情、生动的英文和适当的肢体语言给学生绘声绘色地讲故事,让学生观察一家人的表情和动作,体会妈妈焦急、难过的心情。

(Picture 1)Mum and Kipper went shopping.Kipper looked out of the window.Mum got the shopping.What did Mum get?She got apples, milk and eggs.(Picture 2)Mum put it in a bag.(Picture 3)Mum and Kipper got home.A neighbour called Mum.Mum put the bag on the step.(指向台阶)(Picture 4)Look! What did Dad do?Dad put the shopping in the bin.He thought it was trash.(Picture 5)The bin man took the bin.Did Mum see that?(Picture 6)Yes. She ran to the bin man.She yelled, “Wait! My bag is in the bin!”(Picture 7)The bin man got the bag.“Is this your bag?” said the bin man.“Yes. It is my shopping!” Mum said.(Picture 8)Oh no!Scrambled eggs.教师要注意启发学生思考,每次提问之后稍作停顿,不要急于说出答案,先观察学生的反应,如学生仍回答困难,再进一步给出提示引导学生作答。

2024年秋新牛津译林版三年级上册英语教学课件 Unit 5 第2课时

2024年秋新牛津译林版三年级上册英语教学课件 Unit 5 第2课时
2 How does Sam greet(问候) Bobby’s mum?
是傍晚6点左右到晚上睡觉之前,见面较为正式的问候语。 “Good evening.”的回答还是“Good evening.”。
Who is in Sam’s family? Sam’s father. This is my dad.
Good evening.
This is my dad.
Good evening.
Good evening.
Hello, I’m Bobby. He’s
Quick! Look in the pond.
Hi, I’m Tad.
who’s = who is
5 Hi.
Who’s she?
Bob Bob’s mum Tim Tim’s dad
For example
Hello, I’m Bobby. He’s
Quick! Look in the pond.
Hi, I’m Bob.
Who’s she? Hi.
She’s my mum. She’s great.
Letters in focus
同学们,通过这节课的学习 ,你有什么收获呢?
谢谢 大家
Watch and write
O占上、中两格,一笔完成。 o占中间一格,一笔完成。
P占上、中两格,两笔完成。 p 占中、下两格,两笔完成。
Q占上、中两格,两笔完成。 q占中、下两格,一笔完成。
look quick the 1 pond great
who who’s = who is



剑桥国际儿童英语Playway2教程剑桥国际儿童英语Playway2教程UNIT1: HELLO AGAIN内容提要单词:birds; grapes; nuts; a peach; an orange卡通故事:Hello again 2. Don‘t play in the street行动故事:The banana skin教材内容儿童用书P2歌曲(儿童用书录音带A2Hello again)One , two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Hello again. Red and pink And brow, princess, sheriff, clown, schoolbag, pencil, glue, orange, white and Blue .(Come on!) Cornflakes, cheese and cake, lion hippo snake, rain and Wind and sun, jump and clap and run,(Come on!) Teddy bear and plane, Puzzle, ball and train, dogs and cats and birds, we know lots of words.(Oh yes!) 听力练习(儿童用书录音带A5 What is it ?)1: Boy: Close your eyes. 2: Boy: Close your eyes. 3: Girl: Close your eyes. Girl: Ok. Girl: Ok. Boy: Ok.Boy: Open your mouth. Boy: Open your mouth. Girl: Open your mouth. Girl: Mmh. Girl: Mmh. Boy: Mmh.Boy: What is it? Boy: what is it? Girl: What is it?Girl: A peach. Girl: A plum. Boy: A plum.Boy: That‘s right.Boy: That‘s right.Girl: That‘s right.听力迷宫(儿童用书录音带A4 What‘s on Max‘s plate?)An orange, nuts, grapes, a pear, a peach. What‘s on Max‘s plate?卡通故事(故事录音带1Don‘t play in the street)Storyteller: It‘s morning. Time Max: Apples, apples,ITo go to school. Like…ooooh! MyLinda: Have an apple, apple!Max. Linda and Benny: Be careful, Max!Max: thanks.One,two, Oh, Max.Three. Apples, Max: Thanks Linda.Apples, I like Thanks Benny.Apples, I like Linda and Benny: Don‘t play in theApples… street Max!Linda and Benny: Stop it, Max. Max: Ok.歌曲(儿童用书录音带A6 Don‘t play in the street!)Don‘t play in the street. Don‘t play in the street. Don‘t jump Around and fight! Eyes wide open and ears wide open, lookLeft and right, look left and right, look left and right. Oh yes! Don‘t play in the street. Don‘t play in the street. Don‘t jump Around and fight! Clever boys and clever girls, look left play inThe street. Don‘t play in the street. Don‘t jump around and fight!行动故事(儿童用书录音带A8 The banana skin)Walk down the street. You‘re hungry. OpenYour bag. Take out a banana. Peel it.Throw the skin away. Take a bite and walkOn. You slip on the banana skin. Ouch!听力练习(活动用书录音带A1 I‘m hungry, Mum.)Maria: I‘m hungry, Mum.Mum: Here you are, Karen.Mum: Have an apple, Maria. Karen: Thanks. Mum.Andy: Can I have a banana, Dad? Bob: I‘m hungry, Dad.Dad: Here you are , Andy. Dad: Have some nuts, Bob.Andy: Thank you. Bob: Thanks, Dad.Tom: Can I have an orange, Mum? Max: Linda, can I have some grapes? Mum: Hereyou are, Tom. Linda: Here you are, Max.Tom: Thanks, Mum. Max: Thank you , Linda. Grapes, yummy. Sandra: I‘m hungry, Dad.Benny: I‘m hungry, Max. Give me some Dad: Have a pear, Sandra. Plums, please. Sandra: Thanks. Yummy. Max: Here you are, Benny.Karen: Can I have a peach, Mum? Benny: Thank you.UNIT 2 : SHOPPING听力练习(儿童录音带A9 Vegetables)One: Potatoes Four: Green and red peppersTwo: Onions Five: TomatoesThree: Carrots Six: Cucumbers短剧(故事录音带2 At a shop)Linda, Benny: Good morning. Linda: No, Max.Shop assistant: Good morning. Benny: Oh! How much is it?Linda: Six tomatoes, four green Shop assistant: Two pounds. Peppers, and three cu--- Benny: Oh, two pounds, HereCumbers please. You are.Shop assistant: Six tomatoes, four green Linda, Benny: Goodbye. Peppers and three Shop assistant: Goodbye.Cucumbers. Max: yummy.Max: Linda, the flowers please.歌谣(儿童用书录音带A11. My vegetable soup)Potatoes, tomatoes. Tomatoes, potatoes.Cucumbers, Cucumbers, Mmmh.Green peppers, green peppers.Red peppers, green peppers.Onions, onions. Mmmh.Carrots, carrots. All in the soup.My veggie, my veggie, my vegetable soup.听力练习(儿童用书录音带A 10. Going shopping)1 Girl: Good morning.2 Boy: Good morning.Man: Good morning. Man: Good morning.Girl: 3 tomatoes, 2 onions and Boy: 5 cucumbers, 8 carrots and 5 red peppers, please. 8 green peppers, please. Man: Alright. 3 tomatoes, 2 on-- Man: 5 cucumbers, 8 carrots and ions and 5 red peppers. Man: 8 green peppers.Girl: How much is it? Boy: How much is it?Man: One pound. Man: Three pounds.Girl: Here you are. Boy: Here you are.Max: Thank you. Man: Thank you.3 Girl: Good morning.Man: Good morning.Girl: 6 tomatoes, 6 red peppers And 4 green peppers, please.Man: 6 tomatoes, 6 red peppersAnd 4 green peppers.Girl: How much is it?Man: Two pounds.Girl: Here you are.Man: Thank you.卡通故事(故事录音带3)Mouse: The blue balloon, please. Hippo: Lion, get on my back. Cat: Two pounds, please. Lion: Monkey, get on my back. Mouse: Here you are. Monkey: Snake, get on my back. Cat: Here‘s your balloon. Snake: Got you.Mouse: Help, help!. Mouse: Thank you. Thank you, my Elephant: Look, we must help the mouse. Friends.Hippo, get on my back.听力练习(活动用书录音带2. Good morning)1 A : Good morning.2 A : Hello.B : Good morning. B : Hello.A : A blue and yellow A : An apple, please. Ball, please.B : Here you are.B : Here you are. A : Thank you. Bye-Bye.A : How much is it?B : Bye.B : Two pounds. A : Yummy!!A : Here you are.B : Thank you.A : Bye-Bye.A : Look what I‘ve got. 3 A : Good morning.4 A : Good morning.B : Good morning. B : Good morning.A : The red car, please. A : The little black cat, please.B : Here you are. B : Here you are.A : How much is it? A : Oh, it‘s lovely. How much isB : The pounds. It?A : Here you are.B : Three pounds.B : Thank you. A : Here you are.A : Bye-Bye.B : Thank you.B : Bye. A : Bye-Bye.B : Bye.A : You‘re hungry, aren‘t you?UNIT3: IN THE HOUSE内容提要单词与短语:a sofa; a chair; a lamp; a table; a cupboard;a telephone; a TV; curtains听力练习:There‘s a green sofa听力迷宫:What‘s in Max‘s room?卡通故事: Maisie and her bird歌曲:Maisie教材内容听力练习(儿童用书录音带A 13 . There‘s green sofa)There‘s a green sofa,An orange chair,A pink lamp A grey table,A blue cupboard,A red telephone,A brown TV,And three are yellow curtains.听力迷宫(儿童用书录音带A 14. What‘s in Max‘s room) Okay? Here you we go:A green lamp,A Blue table,A brown TV,A red TV,A blue table,Pink curtains,A red TV,A blue cupboard,A brown chair,And a yellow sofa!What‘s in Max‘s room?卡通故事(故事录音带4Maisie and her bird)Storyteller: This is Maisie. Maisie likes birds. Maisie: The yellow bird. How much is it?Shop assistant: The pounds.Maisie: Ok, Here you are.Shop assistant: Here‘s the bird.Maisie: We‘re home, birdie.Storyteller: Look at this! A yellow sofa, yellow Curtains, a yellow table, a yellowLamp, a yellow TV, a yellow Telephone…and a yellow bird.Maisie: Oh! Sorry birdie. Birdie? Where areYou, birdie. Birdie? Oh, Sorry birdie.Storyteller: Maisie‘s got an idea. She makes trou—Sers for her bird. The bird.The bird is sad.Friend: Trousers for a bird? Tha t‘s stupid. A birdIs a bird. Mmh. I‘ve got an idea.Maisie: What a brilliant idea. Thanks歌曲:(儿童用书录音带A 15. Maisie)Her name is maisie,And she‘s so crazy about yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow, here we go ! She‘s got yellow jeans and she‘s got yellow socks,She‘s got yellow T-shirt and she‘s got yellow shoes.She‘s got yellow sofa and she‘s got yellow shoes,She‘s got yellow curtains and she‘s got yellow chairs.Oh, my dear Maisie,I‘m not so crazy abo ut yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow,Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no !.NIT4: CLUOTHES内容提要单词与短语: socks: shoes: a woolly hat; a dress; trainers; a sweater; a coat;a skirt听力练习:1. Colour the dress yellow 2. Susan is wearing a white T-shirt 行动故事:1. Time for school.2. It‘s raining3. Joe is at home.韵律诗:My dog卡通故事:The woolly hat教材内容听力练习(儿童用书录音带A17. clothes)A woolly hat; a dress; a cap; jeans;A T-shirt; shoes; trainers; socks;A sweater; a coat and a skirt行动故事(儿童用书录音带A 18. Time for school)Time for school.Look for your trainers. They‘re under your bed.Look for your sweater. It‘s under the cupboard.Look for your coat.Shout, ?Where‘s my coat‘? Your dog jumps up. Woof. There‘s your coat. In the dog‘s basket. Yuck!韵律诗(儿童用书录音带A19 My dog)What makes my dog happy?Blue jeans, blue socks, red trainers, a yellow sweater,A red hat and a big bone on his mat.What makes my dog angry?Brown jeans, pink socks, orange trainers, a pink sweater,A green hat and big cat on his mat.卡通故事(故事录音带5 The wooly hat)Storyteller: Father BEAR Has a Father Bear: Bye-bye, Joe.Hobby. He makes Joe: Bye-bye, woolly hat!Woolly hats. Storyteller: Ah! It‘s Fred, the fox.Father Bear: Joe, this hat is for you. Fox: Oh, what a lovely hat. Joe: Oh! Thank you. Storyteller: Fred puts the hat on. Joe Storyteller: Joe is not happy. Is in the classroom.Joe: I hate it.Aaargh! Other animals: Ah! What a lovely hat! Storyteller: It ‘s time for school. Wonderful! Joe: Bye, Dad. Joe: Stupid me!听录并音图色(活动用书录音带3. Colour the dress yellow)Colour the dress yellow. Colour the skirt red.Colour the shoes brown. Colour the trainers black.Colour the cop pink. Colour the socks orange.Colour the hat green. Colour the sweater blue.Colour the hat green.听录音并粘贴名字(活动用书录音带4. Susan is wearing a white T-shirt)Susan is wearing a white T-shirt, a red sweater, a blue skirt, blue socks and yellow trainers.Debra is wearing a white T-shirt, a green skirt, yellow socks and white trainers. Frank is wearing a green cap, a green T-shirt, blue jeans, blank socks and white trainers. Mike is wearing an orange cap, a green T-shirt, blue jeans, green socks and bule trainers. 行动故事(活动用书录音带5. It‘s raining)It‘s raining. Where‘s your cap?Look under your bed. Look on the TV.Look in your Schoolbag.Look under the cupboard.Look out of the window.There‘s your cap. There are three little birds in it.行动故事(活动用书录音带6. Joe is at home)Storyteller: Joe is at home. He‘s Joe: Yes, please.Thank Sad. You Dad.Joe: Stupid me. My lovely Fred: Hello,Joe.Hat. Ah.I‘ve got an Joe: Hello,Fred.Idea. I can make a Fred: What a lovely colour.Woolly hat. Oh, no! Joe: Thanks, Fred.Joe‘s dad: Let me help you.Joe.UNIT5: FAMILY内容提要单词:shirt; glasses; brother; sister; mum/mummy; dad/daddy; grandpa: grandma; family;韵律诗:I‘m Emily故事拼图: Story1----3卡通故事:The raccoons and the beaver歌曲:the clever raccoons听力练习:Situation 1--6韵律诗(儿童用书录音带A20 I‘m Emily)Hi. I‘m Emily. And I‘m the clown of my fam ily.I put on my brother‘s glasses, my sister‘s skirt,My grandpa‘s socks, my daddy‘s shirt,My mummy‘s shoes, and my grandma‘s hat.And then I look like that.故事拼图(儿童用书录音带A21 Story 1)1. Emily: Happy birthday, Grandpa.Grandpa: Thank you, Emily. Oh, my flowers.2. Tom: The pizza is very good, Grandma. Grandma: Thank you, Tom.Emily: can I have some ketchup, please?Grandma: Tom, help your sister.Tom: Here you are.Emily: Yuck!3. Mum: Three cucumbers, please.Shop assistant: Here you are.Emily: can I have a banana?Mum: Yes, of course.Emily: Yummy!故事拼图:(儿童用书录音带A21 Story1)1. Emily: Happy birthday, Grandpa.Grandpa: Thank you, Emily. Oh, my flowers.2. Tom: The pizza is very good,Grandma.Grandpa: Thank you, Tom.Emily: Can I have some ketchup, please?Grandpa: Tom, help your sister.Tom: Here you are.Emily: Yuck!3. Mum: Three cucumbers, please.Shop assistant: Here you are.Emily: can I have a banana?Mum: Yes, of course.Emily: Yummy!卡通故事(故事录音带6 The raccoons and the beaver)Storyteller: The raccoons are going for Beaver: Help!A picnic. Dad, Mum, Rosie Mum,Dad,Rosie,Ronnie: Pull! Pull!And her brother, Ronnie. Crow: Cut off his tail. Cut off his tail. Ronnie: Let ‘s go to the river. Dad: Go away.Rosie: Yes, great! Mum: I‘ve got an idea.Mum and Dad: Ok. Beaver: Help! Help!Beaver: Help! Mum: Just a minute.Mum: What‘s that? Mum,Dad,Rosie,Ronnie: One, two, three…Beaver: Help! Beaver: It works.Ronnie: It‘s a beaver. Over there!Storyteller: The beaver is very happy. Beaver: Help! Mum, Dad, Rosie and herRosie: Let‘s help him.Borther Ronnie are happy too. Storyteller: Mum, Dad, Ronnie and his Rosie: Now let‘s have our picnic. Sister want to help. They All: Yes. Great. Mmh. That‘s good.Swim across the river. Yummy.歌曲(儿童用书录音带A22 The raccoons)The clever raccoons are helpful, the clever raccoons are strong.Ronnie and Rosie, Dad Mum, the clever raccoons, oh, here they come!Sh! Oh here they come! A bushy tail and two small ears, a funny face and a black nose. That‘s Rosie, the clever raccoon, that‘s Rosie the clever raccoon.That‘s Ronnie, he‘s Rosie‘s brother, That‘s Ronnie, he‘s Rosie‘s brother.听力练习(活动用书录音带7 Grandma?)1. Max: Grandma: Grandma? 4: Max: Mum, where‘s my green Grandma: Yes, Max. sweater? Max: I can‘t find my sunglasses.Mum: Sorry, Max, I don‘t know. Grandma: L ook, Max. They‘re on the TV. Max: Aaaaah, I know where it is. Max: Oh, thank you ,Grandma. It‘s in my schoolbag.2: Max: I can‘t find my cap, Linda.5: Max: Dad, I can‘t find my plane. Linda:Oh, Max! Dad: I t‘s over there, Max. UnderMax: Where is it, Linda? Max: the bed.Linda: You‘re wearing it, Max. Oh, yes. Thanks.Max: Stupid me! 6: Max: I can‘t find my woolly hat.3: Max: Grandpa, I can‘t find my scissors. Benny:Look, Max. It‘s under the Grandpa: There they are, Max. On the table. Cupboard.Max: Oh, thank you .Grandpa. Max: Thanks, Benny.UNIT6: TIME内容提要听力练习:1. Woman: Mike, time for bed.2. Girl: Excuse me, Elephant. What‘s the time?短剧:Late for school歌谣:What‘s the time?教材内容听力练习(儿童用书录音带A24 Talking about time)1. Woman: Mike, time for bed. 4. Ghost 1: Uuuu h. What‘s the time? Boy: Oh, Mum. Ghost2: It‘s twelve o‘clock.Woman: It‘s nine o‘clock. Ghost3: Uuuuh.Boy: Okay. 5. Max: What‘s the time.Linda?2. Man: Oh, no. Stop it. Linda: The o‘clock.What‘s the time? Max: I‘m so tired.Oh, It‘s seven. Linda: Go to sleep now.Okay. Let‘s go. Max: Ok.3. Girl 1: What‘s the time, Ann? 6. Teacher: Ok, children. It‘s four o‘clock Girl2: Five o‘clock! now. see you to tomorrow.Girl3: Five o‘clock! I must go Children: Bye, Miss Baker.Home then. Teacher: Bye.听力练习(儿童用书录音带A 25 What‘s the time?)1. Girl: Excuse me, Elephant. What‘s the time? Elephant: It‘s nine o‘clock.Girl: Thank you, Elephant.2. Girl: Excuse me , Lion. What‘s the time?Lion: It‘s one o‘clock.Girl: Thank you, Lion.3. Girl: Excuse me, Dog. What‘s the time?Dog: It‘s seven o‘clock.Girl: Thank you, Dog.4. Girl: Excuse me, Rabbit. What‘s the time? Rabbit: It‘s three o‘clock.Girl: Thank you.5. Girl: Excuse me, Monkey. What‘s the time? Monkey: It‘s five o‘clock. Girl: Thank you, monkey.6. Girl: Excuse me, Cat. What‘s the time?Gat: It‘s eight o‘clock.Girl: Thank you.短剧(故事录音带7 Late for school)Max: Good morning. Benny: Give me my trainers!Linda and Benny: Good morning,Max. Linda: No! stop it, Benny!Go Linda: Benny, this is my sweater. Away!Benny: No, it is not. Max: Hey, look what time it is! Linda: Yes, it is.Your sweater is over Benny: Nine o‘clock.There. Linda: Oh,no! We‘re late forBenny: Let go ! school!Linda: Give me my sweater! Benny: Let‘s go. Hurry up!Benny: And you give sweater! Linda: Ok. Let‘s go.Linda: Stop it, Benny! Max: Bye—bye. Ha, ha, ha.歌谣(儿童用书录音带A 26 What‘s the time?)Linda: What‘s the time?Linda: Ok, let‘s go..What‘s the tim Ok, Let‘s go.Linda: What‘s the time?Benny: It‘s seven o‘clock..What‘s the time?It‘s seven o‘clock.Benny: It‘s one o‘clock.Get out of bed. It‘s one o‘clock.Get out of bed. Let‘s have lunch.Linda: Oh, I‘m tired.Let‘s have lunch.Oh, I‘m tired.Linda: What‘s the time?Linda: Great. I‘m hungry. What‘s the time?Great. I ?m hungry.Benny: It‘s eight o‘clock.Linda: What‘s the time. It‘s eight o‘clock.What‘s the time.Time for school. Benny: It‘s nine o‘clock.Time for school. It‘s nine o‘clock.UNIT7: THE MAGLCLAN单词: motorbike: circus: magician卡通故事: The Magician听力练习:Picturel---8歌曲: Twenty pink elephants教材内容卡通故事(故事录音带8 The magician)Storyteller: Max is at the circus.And here‘s Max:: Goodbye Magician.The magician. Stortelley Max is riding his bike.He is happy.: Magician: Where ‘s my hat? Where is it? The he sees a motorbike.Max: Hello. Can I help you? Max: I‘d like a motorbike.Magician: Yes, please. I can‘t find my hat. Storytelly: Max goes back to the circus. The Max: The monkey‘s got it. Here you are.Magician isn‘t three.Magician: Thank you. You can make a wish. Max: Ah, here it is. Abracadabra,Nine Max: Great. Erm…Erm I‘d like a bike.– six – three. A motorbike, a mo-- Magician: Abracadabra, Six, four, two. A torbike for me! Oh! Help!Bike, a bike, a bike for you. Magician: Motorbike, motorbike,hey, hey,Oh! Thanks Magician. Hey. Abracadabra, go way!Magician: Goodbye, Max.. Max: My beautiful bike.听力练习(儿童用书录音带A28 Max is riding his bike.)Picture one. Max is riding his bike.Picture two. Max is playing his guitar.Picture three. Max is washing his face.Picture four. Max is dancing rock‘n‘roll.Picture five. Max is listening to the raccoon. Picture six. Max is watching a video.Picture seven. Max is eating a cactus.Picture eight. Max is standing on his head.歌曲(儿童用书录音带A29 Twenty pink elephants)Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the circus!Twenty pink elephants are standing on their on their on heads. Twenty pink elephants are standing on their heads.Forty blue crocodiles are riding yellow bikes.Sixty yellow monkeys are dancing rock‘n‘roll. Sixty yellow monkeys are dancing rock‘n‘roll.Eighty orange mice are standing on their tails. Eighty orange mice are standing on their tails.A hundred green raccoons are playing their guitars. A hundred green raccoons are playing their guitars.Ladies and gentlemen: Here is the magician. Here is the magician and he says: Hey, abracadabra,Zero, go away! Zero, go away, zero, go away!Two pink elephants are standing on their heads. Two pink elephants are standing on their heads.Four blue crocodiles are riding yellow bikes. Four blue crocodiles are riding yellow bikes. Six yellow monkeys are dancing rock‘n‘roll.Six yellow monkeys are dancing rock‘n‘roll Eight orange mice are standing on their tails. Eight orange mice are standing on their tails.The green raccoons are playing their guitars. The green raccoons are playing their guitars.听力练习(活动用书录音带8Look, Linda.)1. Benny: Look, Linda. Grandpa‘s danc- Linda: He‘s watching TV.Ing rock‘ n‘ roll. 6. Benny: Look, Linda.Mum‘s riding a Linda: Cool! Motorbike.2. Benny: Listen. Grandma‘s playi ng her Linda: Wow!Guitar. 7. Benny: Look, Grandpa‘s making aLinda: Great! Sweater.3. Linda: Where‘s Mum?Linda: Oh, lovely!Benny: She‘s watching TV.8. Linda: Listen. Mum‘s playing her guitar.4. Benny: Look at grandma, Linda.she‘s Benny: Cool.Standing on her head. 9. Linda: Look.Grandma‘s dancing rockLinda: Wow! ?n‘ roll.5. B enny: Where‘s Grandpa? Benny: Hooray!听力练习(活动用书录音带9 A hundred---brown)A hundred---brown Seventy---red Forty---orangeNinety---blue Sixty---yellow thirty---blackEighty---green Fifty---pink Twenty---grey听力练习(活动用书录音带10 A hundred---blue)A hundred---blue Sixty---red Twenty---red an buleNinety---blue Fifty---pink The---orange and greenEighty---brown Forty---grey Zero---yellow and pinkSeventy---yellow Thirty---greenUNIT8: MY BODY内容提要歌谣:Bend your knees听力练习:1.Find Biff. 2.Max; My tummy hurts.行动故事:Wilbur gets out of bed.短剧: My tummy hurts.教材内容:儿童用书听力练习(儿童用书录音带B1 Head, mouth)One—head. Four—eyes Seven—arms Ten---toes Thirteen—knees. Two—month Five---ears Eight---teeth Eleven—legs Fourteen---hair.Three---feet Night---nose Twelve—fingers.儿童用书歌谣(儿童用书录音带B2 B2 Bend your knees)Speaker1: Bend your knees. Speaker1: Shake your fingers. Speaker1: Shake your headTouch your toes. Touch your hair. Jump up high.Clap your hand. Stamp your feet. Grow and grow.Touch your nose. Touch your chair. Touch the sky. Speaker2: Bend your knees. Speaker2: Shake your fingers. Speaker2: Shake your headTouch your toes. Touch your hair. Jump up high.Clap your hands. Stamp your feet. Grow and grow.Touch your nose. Touch your chair. Touch the sky.儿童用书听力练习(儿童用书录音带B5 Draw the monster)Ok now. Close your eyes. Monster one has got four orange eyes, six orange eyes,six green teeth, two big yellow ears, four arms and three legs. Once more: Monster one has got four orange eyes,Six green teeth, two big yellow ears, four arms and three legs. Now open your eyes. Fill in number1.Close your eyes again. Monster two has got three green eyes, six yellow teeth, four yellow ears, six arms and two legs. Once more: Monster has got three green eyes, six yellow teeth,four yellowEars, six arm and two legs. Now open your eyes. Fill in number2.Close your eyes. Monster three has got one big red eye, four orange teeth, four pink ears, four arms and three legs. Once more: Monster three has got one big red eye, four orange teeth, four pink ears, four arms and three legs. Now open your eyes. Fill in number3. Close your eyes again. Monster four has got yellow eyes, eight orange teeth, six pink ears, two arms and six legs. Now open your eyes. Fill in number4. Once more: Monster four has got two yellow eyes, eight orange teeth, six pink ears, two arms and six legs. Now open your eyes, Fill in number 4.儿童用书听力练习(儿童用书录音带B5 Draw the monster)Draw the monster and colour it.The monster has got three eyes, four big ears, six teeth, one arm and three legs. Once more: The monster has got three eyes, four big ears, six teeth, one arm and three legs.儿童用书故事组装(儿童用书录音带B6 My Body)1. Linda: Max!2.Man: Have an apple.3.Woman: What a lovely lamp.Max: (sings with relief) Linda: Thank you. Yuck! Oh, I‘m sorry.儿童用书短剧(故事录音带9 My tummy hurts.)Benny: Max? can you help me? Shop assistant: Hello.Max: Oh! Sorry. My tummy hurts. Benny: 2 oranges and 2 apples, please. Linda: Max? Can you help me? Shop assistant: 2 oranges and 2 apples. Here you are.Max: Oh! Sorry. My tummy hurts. Linda: How much is it?Linda: Max! We are going shipping. Shop assistant: One pound.Max: Coming! Linda: Here you are.Linda: Oh, my basket. Max, can you Shop assistant: Thank you. Have a chocolate. Get it for me? Max: Thanks.Max: Oh! Sorry. My tummy hurts. Benny: Sorry, Max. No chocolate for you. Benny: I‘ll get it, Linda. Let‘s go. Your tummy hurts.Linda, Benny and Max: Hello. Benny and Linda: Thank you.Yummy.活动用书听力练习(活动用书录音带11 Look at Max‘s picture)Look at Max‘s picture.Colour the men‘s eyes pink. Colour his nose blue. Colour his hair orange. Colour his ears grey. Colour his arms yellow. Colour his hands red. Colour his legs brown. Colour his feet orange.活动用书听力练习(活动用书录音带 12 Find Biff)Find Biff. He‘s got green hair, big eyes, a small brown nose,Small pink ears, a big orange mouth and blue teeth.Find Boff. He‘s g ot green hair, small red eyes, a big brown nose,Small pink ears, a big orange mouth and blue teeth.Find Taffy. She‘s got pink hair, small green eyes, a small brown nose,Big pink ears, a big yellow mouth and orange teeth.Find Tiffy. She‘s got pi nk hair, big green eyes, a small blue nose,Small pink ears, a big yellow mouth and green teeth.活动用书行动故事(活动用书录音带13 Wilbur gets out bed)Wilbur gets of bed. He shakes his arms. He shakes his knees.He bends his knees. He says hello to his dog.(his dog collapse from Wilbur‘sbad breath.) Wildur runs into the bathroom. He cleans his teeth.活动用书听力练习(活动用书录音带14 One, My tummy hurts.)One. Max: My tummy hurts. Four. Max: My nose hurts.Two: Max: knee hurts. Five: Max: My feet hurt.Three. Max: My eyes hurt. Six: Max: My arm hurts.UNIT9: BREAKFAST内容提要单词:cornflakes; muesli; milk; butter; honey; jam; hot chocolate; toast; Rolls; brown bread; tea.听力练习:1. Speaker: Linda.2. On Monday Max has got hot chocolate with rolls and honey.歌谣:What‘s in your bowl?行动故事:You‘re hungry.卡通故事:Grass is boring歌曲:Breakfast教材内容儿童用书(儿童用书录音带B7)Cornflakes, muesli, milk, butter, honey, jam, hot chocolate, toast, rolls, brown bread, tea.儿童用书听力练习(儿童用书录音带B9 I like cornflakes)Speaker: Linda. Speaker: Benny.Linda: I like cornflakes and milk. And… Benny: I like muesli and brown bread Yeah, I like hot chocolate. With butter and honey.I don‘t like toast or rolls or jam.I don‘t like tea.儿童用书歌曲(儿童用书录音带B11 Breakfast)On Monday have muesli. On Tuesday I have cornflakes. On Wednesday I have toast with jam. On Tursday I have rolls. Oh Friday I have brown bread. On Saturday and Saturday and Sunday I haveA lot of pancakes. And then I go and play, oh yeah! Hip hip hoo—ray! And then I go and play!儿童用书听力迷宫(儿童用书录音带)Cornflakes, milk, tea, jam, butter, toast, honey, brown bread, rolls, muesli. What has Max got for breakfast?儿童用书歌谣(儿童用书录音带B13)Speaker: 1: What‘s in your bowl,Speaker2: Peaches and nuts, Your bowl, your big red bowl? Honey and milk,A big bananaAnd lots of grapes.That‘s in my bowl,My bowl, my big red bowl.儿童用书行动故事(儿童用书录音带B15 You‘re hungry)You‘re hungry. Get a big bowl. Get a banana, some cornflakes, some milk and some nuts.Peel the banana and take a bite. Mmmmm.Drink some milk. Lovely.Taste the cornflakes and the nuts.Put it all in your bowl. Look in your bowl.You are not hungry any more.儿童用书卡通故事(故事录音带10Grass is boring)Storyteller: It‘s Monday.Storyteller: It‘s Tursday. Sheep: Baaaa, baaaa. Grass, Squirrel: Have a nut.Grass, grass. Boring. Sheep: Oh, thank you. Och! Storyteller: It‘s Tuesday. The sheep Storyteller: It‘s Friday.Has got an idea. Sheep: Baaaa…I‘m hungry. Sheep: Baaaa. Fish. Yummy. Stork: Here you are.One, two, three,baaaa! No, no, thank you very Storyteller: Well…fishing isn‘t easy. It‘s Sheep: much.Wednesday. Storyteller: The sheep runs home. Sheep: Baaaa. What a lovely Sheep: Baaaa,baaaa.Bone. Storyteller: On Saturday the sheep is Dog: This is my bone. Go away. Very happy. Sheep: Baaaa, baaaa. Sheep: Baaaa, baaaa.活动用书听力练习(活动用书录音带15 On Monday Max has hot chocolate.)On Monday Max has got hot chocolate with rolls honey.On Tuesday he has muesli.On Wednesday he has a banana and an apple.On Tursday he has cornflakes with milk.On Friday he has milk, rolls and jam.On Sunday he has hot chocolate, toast with butter and honey.UINT10: TRAVLING内容提要生词:walk; juicy; bus stop; station; walk faster短语:by car/ underground/ bus/ train/plane…歌谣:Come to my party卡通故事:Timmy歌曲:Juicy apples教材内容:听力练习(儿童用书录音带B16 how do you get to school?)Speaker: Maria, how do you get to school?Maria: I walk.Speaker: And what about you, Simon? How do you get school? Simon: By car. My father takes me.Speaker: And you, Pamela?Pamela: By underground.Speaker: Mmh. And you, Ben, how do you get to school?Ben: By bus.歌谣(儿童用书录音带B17 Speaker1: Come to my party)Speaker1: Come to my party on Speaker1: You can‘t go by car.Saturday at eight. Listen you can‘t go by bus.How to get there. And you can‘t go by train.Don‘t be late.You can‘t go b y plane.Speaker2: You can‘t go by Speaker2: I live far away. I live on Underground. No, no, a star. Take my rocket.No. You can‘t walk or go Aaaaaaah!By bike. No, no,no.卡通故事(故事录音带B11 Timmy)Storyteller: Juicy peaches. Oh…and Storyteller: The Timmy goes by teain.Here‘s Timmy. Woman and 2 children: What lovely peaches. Timmy: One peach, two peaches, we have one? Three peaches, four. Five Timmy: Ok. Here you are.Peaches, six peaches, seven Storyteller: It‘s starts raining. TimmyPeaches, more! One peach, walks faster. What a strongTwo peaches, three peaches, wind. Oh, hi, Timmy. What‘sFour. Five peaches, six peaches, in your basket?Seven peaches, more! Phew! Friend: Sorry, no peaches.What a heavy basket. Timmy: Oh, apples. I love apples. Storyteller: Timmy goes by bike to the bus Friend: One apple, two apples, Stop. Three apples, four . Five 2 boys: What lovely peaches. Can apples, six apples, sevenWe have one? Apples, more! One apples, Timmy: Ok, Here you are. Two apples, three apples, Storyteller: Timmy goes by bus to the Four, Five apples, six Station. Apples, seven apples, more2 girls: What lovely peaches. CanWe have one?。



《牛津幼儿英语》5B教学周计划表教学周次课时教学目标备注Week 1 Lesson 1 学习单词schoolbag、pencil-box。

熟悉句型I have…Lesson 2 学习单词eraser、pencil、book。

熟悉句型I have…Week 2 Lesson 3 情景表演,熟悉句型What do you have? I have…的表达。

Lesson 4 学习歌谣《Show Me Your Book》Week 3 Lesson 5 学习open the pencil-box和close the pencil-box,会做相应动作。

Lesson 6 学习歌曲《Donkey》Week 4 Lesson 7 学习歌曲《Donkey》Lesson 8 《Let’s make》+《Practice》系统复习本单元学过的内容。

Week 5 Lesson 1 学习单词swimming pool、swimming trunks。

熟悉句型I can ./I can't.Lesson 2 学习单词swimsuit、swimming cap、dive。

熟悉句型I can./I can't.Week 6 Lesson 3 情景表演,熟悉句型Can you…?I can. /I can't.的表达。

Lesson 4 学习歌谣《I Can Swim》Week 7 Lesson 5 学习wave your arms和raise your leg,并会做相应动作。

Lesson 6 学习歌曲《What Can You Do?》Week 8 Lesson 7 学习歌曲《What Can You Do?》Lesson 8 《Let’s make》+《Practice》系统复习本单元学过的内容。

Week 9 Lesson 1 学习单词headache、fever、catch a cold。

熟悉句型I have a…Lesson 2 学习单词see a doctor、take medicine。

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pen and a _______ fan Three can fit a _____ and a pot of jam in her bag. ______ bun and a _______桌之间相互讨论
I can fit a _____ in my bag.
Introduce your partners to Penny. 把你们的同桌介绍给Three.
An exciting game! 当篮球停下来时,快速、大声 的读出这个单词!
brown green
Chinese / math /…book, pen, eraser, pencil ……
学生A: I can fit a ﹟. 学生B:I can fit a and a 学生C:I can fit a ﹟ and a ※ and a
学生D:I can fit a ﹟ and a ※ and a ﹡ and a
brown ruler
I can fit a pen in my bag.
I can fit a fan in my bag.
pen and a _______ fan Three can fit a _____ in her bag.
bun in her bag. Three can fit a____
pen and a _______ fan Three can fit a _____ and a ______ bun in her bag.
Three can fit a __________ pot of jam in her bag.
Listen and fill in the blank.
Mum Bug can fit a pen and a fan and a bun and a pot of jam in her bag.
Mum has a hole in her bag. The pen and the fan and the bun and the jam get wet.
Mum Bug’s Bag Mum Bug has a red bag. The bag has a zip. Mum can fit a pen in her bag. Mum can fit a pen and a fan in her bag. Mum can fit a pen and a fan and a bun in her bag. Mum can fit a pen and a fan and a bun and a pot of jam in her bag. Mum has a hole in her bag! The pen and the fan and the bun and the jam get wet. Mum Bug gets a big bag.