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(1) 复述故事(听两遍故事后复述3分种);







根据大纲要求,口试内容将分解为三项:ﻫ(1) 复述故事(听两遍故事后复述3分种);(2)即席讲话(根据所给的题目准备3分钟后,作即席讲话3分钟);



Task1:Retelling a story

①I onceknew an old man whosebad memory madehimf amous. John Smith was so forgetful that he sometimesforgot whathe wastalking aboutin the middleof asentence. Hiswifehad to constantly remind him about his meetings, his classes – even his meals! ②Once he forgot he had eaten breakfasttwice, at home andat school.Hiswifeliked toremind h er neighbors, “If John didn’t have his head tied on. Hewould forgetthattoo!” ③Since Smithwas a professor ata well-known university,his forgetfulness was often an embarrassment.It wasn’tthat he was notclever, assome criticalpeopletende dto say, but justvery,veryabsent-minded.

④One hotsummer day,Professor Smithdecided to takehis children to aseaside townaboutathree-hour train ri de away. To make thetrip more interesting forhisyoung children,hekept thename of the town a secret. ⑤However, by the time they arrived atthestation,Smithforgotthe name ofthe town he wasplanningto visit.Luckily, a friendof hishappened tobe inthestation.He offered to takecare ofthechildren whileSmith hurried back home to findout wh ere he was going.

⑥Theprofessor’s wife was surprised toseehim again so soon.

“Oh, my dear, Iforgot the name thetown.”

“What?Youforgotthe name? Maybeone dayyou will forget my name! Now I’ll writethe name ofthattown on a

piece of paper,and youputit in your pocketandplease, please don’tforgetwhere you put it.”

⑦Satisfiedthat shehad solved the problem, she sent her husband offagain.Ten minuteslater she wasastonished to see h imoutside the house forthe third time.

“What isthe matter now?”

“Asyou told me,Ididn’t forget where Iput the name of that town, butI forgotwhere I leftour children!”

Task2: Talking ona given topic

Directions: Describe a teacher ofyourswhomyou find unusual.

Task3: Role-playing

Directions: Many high school graduatesin China aregoing overseas for their collegeeducation. Afriendof yours is graduating thisyear and would liketo ask for your advice on whether it i sa good ideafor a highschool graduate togoabroad tostudy.

StudentA:You think this friend should go by all means, andy ou should tryto convinceyour partner.Remember you should startthe conversation.

Student B:Youthinkthis friend shouldfinishcollege in Chin abefore thinking about going abroad,andyou should tryto convince your partner.Remember your partner will starttheconversation.


Task1: Retelling a story

①Whenever Mr.Smith goesto Westgate,he staysat the Grand Hotel. In spite of itsname,it is reallynotvery “grand,” butit ischeap,clean, and comfortable. ②Since heknows the mangerwell,he never hasto goto thetrouble ofre serving a room.The fact isthat he always getsthe same room.Itis situated atthe farend of the building and overlook sa beautiful bay.

③On his last visit, Mr.Smithwas toldthat he couldh ave his usual room,but themanager added apologetically that it mightbe a little noisy.So great was the demand for rooms,themanager said,that the hotel had decided to build anewwing.Mr. Smith said he did not mind.It amused him to think that the d ear old GrandHotel was making an effort to live up to its name.

④During the firstdayMr. Smith hardly noticed the noise atall. The room was a little dusty,but that wasnatural. ⑤Thefollowing afternoon, he borrowed a book fromthe hotellibrary and went upstairs to read.No sooner had he sat downthan he heard someone hammering loudlyat the wall. ⑥At first he
