

三、实验材料与仪器1. 实验材料:聚乙烯(PE)、聚丙烯(PP)、聚氯乙烯(PVC)等聚合物材料。
2. 实验仪器:流变仪、温度控制器、剪切速率控制器、电子天平、烘箱等。
四、实验方法1. 样品制备:将聚合物材料分别加热至熔融状态,然后倒入模具中,制成一定厚度的样品。
2. 实验步骤:(1)将样品放入流变仪的样品盒中,设置实验温度和剪切速率。
五、实验结果与分析1. 剪切粘度与剪切速率的关系实验结果表明,不同聚合物材料的剪切粘度随剪切速率的变化规律不同。
2. 离模膨胀效应实验结果表明,聚合物材料的离模膨胀效应与其分子结构和加工条件密切相关。
3. 温度对流变性能的影响实验结果表明,温度对聚合物材料的流变性能有显著影响。
六、结论1. 不同聚合物材料的流变性能与其分子结构和加工条件密切相关。
2. 剪切速率、温度等因素对聚合物材料的流变性能有显著影响。
3. 了解聚合物材料的流变性能有助于优化加工工艺,提高产品质量。
七、实验注意事项1. 实验过程中应注意安全操作,避免发生意外事故。



2017年09月高密度聚乙烯的研究及应用分析张勇王鹏(陕西延长石油延安能源化工有限责任公司,陕西延安727500)摘要:从基本特征来看,HDPE (高密度聚乙烯)本身具有非极性与高结晶度的特征,因此属于热塑性的一种树脂。
HDPE 整体上表现为乳白色的外观与透明的截面,此类物质具备十分典型的化学特性。
近些年以来,与HDPE 有关的各项研究都在迅速推进,上述现状也在客观上推动了HDPE 运用于新时期化工行业的进程。
为此针对高密度聚乙烯的特殊化学物质而言,应当探明现阶段的研究进程;结合化工领域运用HDPE 的真实状况,给出可行的完善建议。
关键词:高密度聚乙烯;相关研究;具体应用HDPE 应当属于热塑性较强的聚合物,此类树脂聚合物不会吸收潮气,对于外界水蒸气也能予以很好的抵御。
从目前来看,很多企业都在运用HDPE 来完成相应的包装处理。
与此同时,HDPE 也体现为优良的绝缘度与电性能,绝缘介电强度可达理想的状态[1]。
由此可见,HDPE 可以用来制作电缆线或是其他类型的塑料制品。
现阶段的研究已经证实,HDPE 很易加工成型并且具备稳定性,因此适合用来制作化工类、汽车类或者食品类的很多产品。
1HDPE 的相关研究HDPE 具有通用性的特征,因此构成了通用塑料中的典型。
近些年以来,与HDPE 密切相关的各类化工生产都获得了显著改进,而与之有关的研究也在迅速增多。
从现阶段来看,学者以及工业界都在关注HDPE 的具体适用,对此也展开了全方位的深入探究,获得了显著的实效性[2]。
与HDPE 有关的各项研究首先集中于HDPE 的基本特征。
具体来讲,在溶液法、淤浆法以及气相法的各种化工流程中,HDPE 都获得了相对广泛的运用。
这主要是由于,HDPE 具备相对较少的分子支链与较高的结晶度,通常情况下可达每立方厘米0.96克的密度。
与此同时,HDPE 本身也具备优良的力学强度、硬度以及耐高温等特征,因此尤其适合用来制作各种类型的挤出制品、注塑制品与中空吹塑品。

(Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical High-Tech Company Limited,Beijing 102500,China)
Abstract:The casting process and the types of polyolefin materials used are introduced. Polyethylene cast films with different formulations were prepared with low density polyethylene (LDPE) and linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) as base resin respectively and were compared in terms of properties. The effects of different casting conditions on the properties of cast films were investigated. The results show that the increase in LLDPE content can improve the mechanical properties of the films,while LDPE can improve the optical properties of the films. Raising the temperature of the die can improve the transverse tensile strength and optical properties of the film,while the longitudinal tensile strength and the heat-sealing temperature are lowered. Improving the drawing ratio results in inferior optical properties of the films. As the temperature of the casting roll increases,the transverse tensile strength and optical performance of the cast films decline,while the longitudinal tensile strength and the heat-sealing tem不同配方的聚乙烯流延薄膜并对比了其性能,研究了不同流延工艺条件对流延薄膜性能


加工设备与应用CHINA SYNTHETIC RESIN AND PLASTICS合 成 树 脂 及 塑 料 , 2018, 35(4): 75聚乙烯(PE)是树脂中分子结构最简单的一种,其原料来源丰富,价格低廉,具有质量轻、无毒、耐化学药品腐蚀、电绝缘以及耐低温等优点,并且品种较多,易于加工成型,可满足不同的性能要求,是目前产量最大的树脂,广泛应用于电器工业、化学工业、食品工业、机器制造业、农业等。
1 动态流变性能测试与静态流变性能测试聚合物流变性能测试方法按施力方式不同,可分为稳态流变测试和动态流变测试。
3)高分子材料呈聚乙烯的动态流变行为分析高凌雁,王群涛,郭 锐,王日辉,许 平,石 晶(中国石油化工股份有限公司齐鲁分公司研究院,山东省淄博市 255400)摘要:采用动态流变测试研究了角频率、黏度、储能模量、损耗模量、损耗因子等的变化规律,并讨论了它们与聚乙烯分子结构的关系。
结果表明:交点模量(G x)对应的频率越低,聚乙烯的重均分子量越大;G x的纵向位置越低,聚乙烯的相对分子质量分布越宽;宽分布可以使聚乙烯剪切变稀行为更加明显,但不能排除长支链的影响;通过动态黏度-虚数黏度曲线和损耗因子随角频率的变化可以判断树脂结构中是否含有长支链。
关键词:聚乙烯 动态流变 相对分子质量 相对分子质量分布 长支链中图分类号:TQ 325.1+2文献标识码:B 文章编号:1002-1396(2018)04-0075-04Analysis of dynamic rheology behavior of PEGao Lingyan,Wang Quntao,Guo Rui,Wang Rihui,Xu Ping,Shi Jing(Research Institute of Qilu Branch Co.,SINOPEC,Zibo 255400,China)Abstract:Dynamic rheological tests were conducted to investigate the laws of the angular frequency,viscosity,storage modulus,loss modulus,and loss factors,whose function with the molecular structure of polyethyelene were discussed as well. The results show that the lower the frequency corresponding to module of intersection(G x) is,the larger the weight average molecular weight of PE is. The lower the longitudinal position of G x is,the wider the molecular mass distribution of the resin is. Wide distribution can make the resin shear thinning behavior more obvious,but it fails to eliminate the effect of long chain branching. The long-chain branching can be judged by the changes of dynamic viscosity-imaginary viscosity curve and loss factor as a function of angular frequency.Keywords:polyethylene;dynamic rheology;relative molecular mass;relative molecular mass distribution; long-chain branching收稿日期:2018-01-27;修回日期:2018-04-26。

V o l.25高等学校化学学报 N o.2 2004年2月 CH E M I CAL JOU RNAL O F CH I N ESE UN I V ERS IT IES 357~360 HD PE氧化交联与动态流变行为吴 刚,郑 强,江 磊,宋义虎(浙江大学高分子科学与工程学系,杭州310027)摘要 研究了高密度聚乙烯(HD PE)熔体在200℃的动态流变行为,比较了空气、氮气及加入抗氧剂B215情况下体系动态粘弹行为的差异.研究表明,在空气环境中,HD PE在低频区域出现特征粘弹行为.随着测试前热处理时间的延长,动态储能模量(G’)明显增加,在低频率(Ξ)区域lg G’~lgΞ关系呈现平台特征.同时损耗角tan∆变小并出现极大值.在氮气环境中,上述特征粘弹行为存在但不明显.在加入抗氧剂的条件下,特征粘弹行为完全消失.这些现象归因于高温下HD PE的氧化导致其发生交联.关键词 高密度聚乙烯;氧化诱导交联;动态流变行为;低频区域中图分类号 O631 文献标识码 A 文章编号 025120790(2004)022*******近年来,多组分高分子体系动态流变学研究备受关注[1,2].在小应变条件下,动态流变行为的测定不会对材料本身的结构造成影响或破坏[3],“第二平台”是聚合物体系中凝聚结构生成时,储能模量(G’)在长时区域所呈现的一种特殊的粘弹响应[4].研究结果表明,平台特征的出现是因为形成诸如团聚、骨架、网络等高度有序结构以及相分离的缘故[2,5],而且其结构的松弛远比基体聚合物链缓慢得多.我们认为,动态流变测定也是获得与热稳定相关的结构变化的有效方法.然而,迄今相关报道并不多见.本文利用小应变条件下的动态流变特征对高聚物结构变化的敏感响应,考察了HD PE氧化交联与动态流变行为的关系.1 实验部分1.1 原 料高密度聚乙烯(HD PE5000S,扬子石化公司产品),M I=0.9g m in,Θ=01954g c m3,T m=401 K;抗氧剂(B215,C iba2Geigy公司产品),相对分子量647,T m=453~458K.1.2 试样制备按m(B215)∶m(HD PE)=0.5∶100比例,在开炼机中混炼(165℃,15m in),用热压法(165℃, 10M Pa)制备直径25mm,厚2mm的圆形试样.1.3 测试与表征动态流变特征在先进流变扩展系统(A R ES,美国R heom etrics公司)上采用平行板方式进行测试.动态频率扫描所设频率、应变和温度范围分别为100~0.1rad s,0.05%~5%,200℃.动态时间扫描所设频率、应变、温度、时间分别为1rad s,5%,200℃,2h.凝胶含量测定:将HD PE试样分别在200℃空气、N2气氛中以及在抗氧剂B215的保护下,恒温40m in后,以二甲苯为溶剂,在索氏抽提器中于溶剂沸点以上(N2气氛保护)回流抽提48h.2 结果与讨论2.1 热处理时间对HD PE动态频率谱的影响将HD PE置于200℃空气气氛中,保温不同时间后进行动态频率扫描,得到储能模量G’和损耗收稿日期:2002212230.基金项目:国家自然科学基金(批准号:50133020,50003007)和国家杰出青年科学基金(批准号:50125312)资助.联系人简介:郑 强(1960年出生),男,博士,教授,博士生导师,主要从事聚合物流变学研究.E2m ail:zhengqiang@tan ∆对频率Ξ的依赖关系(图1).由图1(A )可见,HD PE 在200℃下的动态粘弹函数强烈依赖于测试前的保温时间,保温时间越长,G ’值越高.保温10m in ,低频区域的G ’值明显上升;保温40m in 后,低频区域出现明显平台特征.随保温时间的增加,模量平台逐渐增高.这种G ’~Ξ关系平台的出现及其增大的现象,预示着体系结构的“有序性”的存在[6,7].另一方面,图1(B )所示的tan ∆值明显减小,而且tan ∆~Ξ关系在特定频率下出现峰值.随保温时间的延长,tan ∆峰值变低,且峰值向高频区域偏移.tan ∆值的降低是聚合物体系中存在结构的典型松弛行为[8,9]所致.F i g.1 Frequency dependence of G ’(A )and t an ∆(B )for H D PE s am ples annea led i n a i r a t 200℃for 10(□),40(○),70(△),100( )and 130(◇)m i n2.2 不同保护条件对HD PE 动态频率谱的影响 图2给出了HD PE 置于200℃,纯度为99%的N 2气中分别保温10和40m in 后动态频率扫描的结果.与图1明显不同的是,保温10和40m in 后,低频区域G ’值几乎没有差异,且无明显的G ’~Ξ平台出现;然而,tan ∆值明显减小,与图1类似,仅变化幅度较小.说明氮气保护能显著地抑制HD PE 结构的变化.F i g .2 Frequency dependence ofG ’and t an ∆forH D PE annea led i n N 2a t 200℃for 10(▲,●)and 40(△,○)min F i g .3 Frequency dependence of G ’and t an ∆for B 215 H D PE annea led i n a i r a t 200℃for 10( , )and 40(△, )m i n 图3为B 215 HD PE 体系在200℃空气环境中分别保温10和40m in 后的动态频率扫描结果.可以看出,测试前保温时间的不同并没有导致体系动态流变行为的改变,表明抗氧剂B 215有效地抑制了HD PE 结构的变化.由此可以认为,熔融状态下HD PE 的氧化是导致其动态流变行为呈现低频平台现象的主要原因. 图4对比了将HD PE 置于200℃的3种不同条件下分别保温40m in 后所测得的动态流变行为.由图4(A )可见,与无保护的空气环境比较,在N 2气环境中,HD PE 体系在低频区域无明显的模量平台出现.在抗氧剂B 215保护下,HD PE 的G ’~Ξ曲线近似线性粘弹关系lg G ’∝2lg Ξ[10].上述结果进一步说明,在低频区域粘弹函数G ’~Ξ关系平台的出现与外界作用下HD PE 氧化有关.图4(B )与图4(A )相同条件下的tan ∆~Ξ关系也清楚地表明,高温下HD PE 发生了氧化所致的结构变化.需要指出的是,图4(A )和(B )中所给出的3种条件下的试样在高频区域(~102s -1)的流变行为均呈现相似性,853 高等学校化学学报V ol .25而在低频率区域却均呈现出明显的差异.我们将这些与结构变化相关联的特征流变响应归结为在高频率区域(弛豫时间短)结构差异不能呈现,而在低频率区域(弛豫时间长)结构差异能够充分体现,并且,在低频区域tan ∆~Ξ比G ’~Ξ对氧化所致的HD PE 结构变化更为敏感.F i g.4 Frequency dependence of G ’(A )and t an ∆(B )for H D PE s am ples annea led a t 200℃for 40m i n ○HD PE p rotected w ith B 215;□HD PE p rotected w ith N 2;△no p rotecti on (in air ).2.3 动态流变行为的时间依赖性 在200℃空气气氛中对HD PE 进行动态时间扫描,得到储能模量G ’、损耗tan ∆对时间t 的依赖关系(图5).由图5(A )可见,高温下HD PE 的G ’~t 时间关系呈现“S ”形.在扫描初期,G ’没有显著的变化;4103m in 后,G ’出现了约20m in 的快速增长;25196m in 后,G ’的增长速度逐渐趋缓.同时图5(B )所示的tan ∆呈现“倒S ”形,并且由于tan ∆对交联结构的敏感性,其产生突变和趋于平稳所需时间(3.81,19.49m in )都比G ’短.可见,在高温下,HD PE 的氧化交联存在与一般的自由基聚合相类似的诱导、自加速和增长3个阶段.F i g .5 Ti m e dependence ofG ’(A )and t an ∆(B )for H D PE s am ples annea led i n a i r a t 200℃2.4 凝胶含量测定 在200℃对不同条件下保温40m in 的HD PE 试样进行抽提,发现有不同质量的黄色不溶物残留,这种不溶物为HD PE 交联生成的凝胶[11].由表1可见,在抗氧剂B 215的保护下,样品中几乎无凝胶生成;在N 2气保护下,凝胶含量很低(0.32%),远远小于空气环境中的凝胶含量(2.97%).这进一步验证了B 215和N 2气对高温下HD PE 的氧化交联具有抑制作用.本文研究表明,正是HD PE 的氧化交联导致了特征流变行为的出现.尽管相关的动力学研究尚需进一步开展,我们认为,动态流变行为对HD PE 氧化交联的敏感响应,为聚合物的热稳定行为与交联的研究提供了便捷有效的方法.Table 1 Gel con ten ts of H D PE s am ples annea led a t 200℃for 40m i nSa mp leM ass of origin g M ass of gel g Gel conten (%)HD PE (air )0.73040.02172.97HD PE (N 2)0.70920.00230.32HD PE B 2150.705600953N o .2吴 刚等:HD PE 氧化交联与动态流变行为 参 考 文 献[1] Zheng Q .,D u M .,Yang B .et al ..Polym er [J ],2001,42:5743—5747[2] DU M iao (杜 淼),WAN G L i 2Q un (王利群),ZH EN G Q iang (郑 强)et al ..Che m .J .Chinese U niversities (高等学校化学学报)[J ],2002,23(5):961—964[3] U tracki L .A ..Polym er A ll oys and B lends [M ],N e w York :Carl H anser ,1989:131—174[4] TakahashiM .,L i L .,M asuda T ..J .Rheol .[J ],1989,33(5):709—723[5] ZH EN G Q iang (郑 强),A raki O sa m u (荒木修),M asuda Toshiro (升田利史郎).Che m .J .Chinese U niversities (高等学校化学学报)[J ],1998,19(8):1339—1342[6] Soka moto N .,H ashi m oto T .,H an C .D .et al ..M acromolecules [J ],1997,30(1):620—630[7] L i L .,A oki Y ..M acromolecules [J ],1997,30(15):7835—7841[8] Rom ani F .,Corrieri R .,B raga V .et al ..Polym er [J ],2002,43:1115—1131[9] W ong B .,Baker W .E ..Polym er [J ],1997,38:2781—2789[10] Ferry J .D ..V iscoelastic P roperties of Polym ers [M ],N e w York :W iley ,1980:56—63[11] ZHAN G J ian 2Feng (张剑锋),ZH EN G Q aing (郑 强),CAO Su 2H ua (曹苏华)et al ..Che m .J .Chinese U niversities (高等学校化学学报)[J ],1999,20(12):1974—1977Correla ti on Between Ox i da ti on -i n duced Crossl i n k i n g andRheologi ca l Behav i or of HD PEWU Gang ,ZH EN G Q iang 3,J I A N G L ei ,SON G Yi 2H u(D ep art m ent of P olym er S cience &E ng ineering ,Z hej iang U niversity ,H ang zhou 310027,China )Abstract Studies on the dyna m ic viscoelastic p roperties of h igh 2density polyethylene (HD PE )w ere carried out at 200℃in the atmos phere of air ,n itrogen ,and in the case of blending w ith anti oxidant B 215res pec 2tively .T he results revealed that there ex isted s pecific character in dyna m ic rheo l ogical behavi or co rres pond 2ing to the conditi ons above .E s pecially ,in a l ow frequency range the dyna m ic sto rage modulus (G ’)in 2creased w h ile the dyna m ic l o ss tangent (tan ∆)decreased obvi ously in air atmos phere .For the HD PE sa m 2p les expo sed to air ,compared w ith N 2and the conditi on of blending w ith B 215,the second p lateau ap 2peared in G ’~Ξcurves in a l ow frequency range and the value of peak appeared in tan ∆~Ξcurves de 2creased si m ultaneously ,together w ith sh ifting of the peak in a h igher frequency range ,w ere attributed to the change of structure in HD PE because of the ox idati on 2induced crosslink ing of HD PE .Keywords H igh den sity polyethylene ;O x idati on 2induced cro sslink ing ;D yna m ic rheol ogical behavi or ;L ow frequency range(Ed .:W ,Z )063 高等学校化学学报V ol.25。

长链支化聚合物剪切条件下会表现出与线形高分子类似的应变软化,但由于支链的限制将有更长的末端松弛时间 ,并在拉伸条件下表现出与线形高分子完全不同的应变硬化松弛过程。
目前,随着控制聚合反应和机理研究的进一步深入,人们已能够直接得到各种具有明确拓扑结构的支化聚合物 ,如梳形[1]、星形、 H形聚合物[2]等 ,这对支化聚合物流变学的深入研究与探索起了极大的推动作用。
与线形高分子不同 ,支化高分子熔体是热流变复杂的 ,其流变学特性主要表现在: (1)支化减小了高分子的流体力学体积 ,降低了零切粘度 ,支链松弛过程的加入使得整个高分子的末端松弛时间延长; (2)长链支化聚合物在拉伸过程中会表现出明显的应变硬化 ,并使得时 - 温叠加原理不再有效; (3)支化高分子的拓扑结构对其整个松弛过程有显著的影响 ,支化密度和支链长度存在临界值 ,超过此临界值 ,支链松弛过程将会清晰地反映在动态粘弹谱上; (4)支化聚合物流变行为的温度依赖性是复杂的 ,多数支化聚合物的流变行为比相应线形聚合物有更强的温度依赖性 ,但也有一些支化聚合物和其相应线形高分子具有同样的温度依赖性 ,如聚异丁烯。

MATERIALS AND INTERFACESModification of Rheological Properties of LDPE for Coating ApplicationsKaren Xiao,†Costas Tzoganakis,*and Hector BudmanDepartment of Chemical Engineering,University of Waterloo,Waterloo,Ontario,Canada N2L 3G1The effect of shear modification and blending on the coating performance of a commercial LDPE resin was studied.Shear modification of the virgin resin as well as of its blends with another LDPE was performed in single-and twin-screw extruders.The rheological properties of the modified materials were measured,and no significant differences in their behavior under shear deformation were detected.On the other hand,changes in the entrance pressure drop and extensional viscosity were observed.These changes in extensional behavior were found to affect coating properties.Overall,neck-in improved through shear modification,whereas it was not sensitive to blending with a higher-molecular-weight resin.On the other hand,blending had an effect on the draw-down speed,and it can be used to achieve a balanced coating performance.IntroductionLow-density polyethylene (LDPE)is a commodity polymer used extensively in extrusion operations such as coating,blown film,blow molding,and foaming.Extrusion coating with polyethylene has been widely used commercially on substrates such as paper,other plastic films,cloth,and glass fiber.The advantages of coating with polyethylene include increased tear and crease resistance;a good barrier against moisture,grease,and oil;flexibility;nontoxicity;and low coating cost.The coating process parameters that indicate how well the polyethylene of interest will coat onto the extrudate are the neck-in and draw-down speed.Neck-in is defined as the difference between the width of the die surface and that of the coated part of the substrate,as shown in Figure 1.Draw-down speed is the speed at which the coated substrate can be pulled without breaking.It has been shown that a high draw-down speed is accompanied by an increase in neck-in,which is undesirable.1In an extrusion process,it is desirable to minimize the neck-in and maximize the draw-down speed.2Therefore,a compromise must be made between high draw-down speed and low neck-in.This can be achieved by modifying the rheological properties of the polymer used.Several researchers have found that shear modifica-tion of LDPEs results in a decrease in melt elasticity.4-8Also,it has been found that the attainable degree of modification depends to some extent on the molecular weight distribution (MWD)and the branching frequency and that highly branched materials are most susceptibleto shear modification treatment.9Shear modification effects in a single-screw extruder were found to be most prominent at lower processing temperatures,increased screw speeds,and higher screw compression ratios.10Modification of rheological properties by blending has also been studied extensively,11-13and it has been shown that LDPEs and high-density polyethylenes (HDPEs)are miscible and that their viscosity follows a logarithmic mixing rule.The melt rheology of miscible blends of LDPE,HDPE,and linear low-density poly-ethylene (LLDPE)has been investigated recently,14and it has been reported that the melt strength of the blends increased as the molecular weight of the LDPE used was increased.It has been observed that melt strength is affected by comonomer type and MWD modality,15and increased melt strength was observed to lead to reduced neck-in performance.Finally,relating polymer molecular structures to rheological properties is very important,and several studies have addressed this topic.16-19Such relationships are helpful in selecting materials as well as in inferring their performance in extrusion coating processes.In this research work,a commodity coating grade LDPE was modified through shearing and blending with another LDPE resin in an extruder.The main objectives*Corresponding author:Prof.C.Tzoganakis,Department of Chemical Engineering,University of Waterloo,200Univer-sity Avenue West,Waterloo,Ontario,Canada N2L 3G1.E-mail:ctzogan@cape.uwaterloo.ca.Tel.:519-888-4567ext.3442.Fax:519-746-4979.†Current address:Brampton Engineering,Brampton,On-tario,Canada.Figure 1.Schematic diagram of an extrusion coating process and definition of neck-in.4928Ind.Eng.Chem.Res.2000,39,4928-493210.1021/ie000599b CCC:$19.00©2000American Chemical SocietyPublished on Web11/10/2000of the work were (i)to improve the coating properties of the base resin and (ii)to identify rheological proper-ties that have an impact on neck-in and draw-down speed.Experimental SectionMaterials.Two low-density polyethylene resins were used in this work:LDPE1,a coating grade resin,(NovaChemicals,M h w )100000g/mol,Mh z )352080g/mol,PDI )7)and LDPE2(Nova Chemicals,M h w )120000g/mol,M h z )521820g/mol,PDI )11).Equipment and Experimental Procedures.The base resin,LDPE1,was modified by shearing as well as blending with small amounts of resin LDPE2.Experiments were carried out in a single-screw extruder (Haake Rheocord,Rheomix 3000)as well as in a twin-screw extruder (Leistritz LSM 30.34,L /D )35).The twin-screw configuration used in the shear modification experiments is shown in Figure 2.For the blending experiments,the materials were dry-blended before being fed into the extruder through a hopper,and the polymer strands coming out of the extruder were quenched in a cold water bath,pelletized,and collected.Blends containing 1-10%LDPE2were investigated,and their MWD was characterized by gel permeation chromatography (GPC)using a Waters 150CV plus unit.The MWDs of the blends were found to be very similar,and this can be easily explained by the proximity of the MWDs of the two virgin materials (Figure 3).The melt flow index (MFI),the extrudate swell,and the entrance pressure drop of the resultant materials were all measured by capillary rheometry using a Kayeness Galaxy V capillary rheometer.Linear viscoelastic prop-erties were measured in oscillatory shear experiments using a Rheometrics mechanical spectrometer.Themodified blends were subsequently evaluated in paper coating experiments (Nova Chemicals,Sarnia,Ontario,Canada),and their corresponding draw-down speed and neck-in were measured.The reproducibility of the experimental data was verified by repeating the blend-ing and coating experiments at some of the blend compositions.Results and DiscussionsRheological Properties.Addition of the higher-molecular-weight resin LDPE2resulted in an expected slight decrease in the MFI.Addition of LDPE2in the range of 1-10%resulted in a decrease in the MFI from 3.81to 3.35for the single-screw extruder runs and from 3.81to 3.15for the twin-screw extruder runs.The effect of LDPE2addition on extrudate swell was insignificant,while the effect on entrance pressure drop is shown graphically in Figures 4and 5for the single-screw and twin-screw extruder runs,respectively,at various shear rates.Shearing of the virgin LDPE1material resulted in a reduction of the entrance pressure drop,while addition of LDPE2did not seem to have a large effect.Inspection of the linear viscoelastic response of all of the materials revealed no major differences,as can be seen in Figures 6and 7for the single-and twin-screw experiments,respectively.Although the oscillatory shear data of the samples modified in the twin-screw extruder were very similar,their extensional viscosities revealed more differences between the virgin LDPE1resin andFigure 2.Screw configuration of the twin-screw extruder used in the blending and the shear modification experiments.Figure 3.Molecular weight distributions (MWDs)of the two virgin materials,LDPE1and LDPE2.Figure 4.Effect of shearing and addition of LDPE2on the entrance pressure drop for the single-screw extruder runs at various shear rates (b ,1000s -1;9,700s -1;2,400s -1;1,100s -1;(,50s -1).Open symbols correspond to the virgin LDPE1material.Ind.Eng.Chem.Res.,Vol.39,No.12,20004929the shear-modified materials.The extensional viscosity of the materials modified in the twin-screw extruder was calculated from entrance pressure drop data using the method of Cogswell.20Figure8shows the resulting extensional viscosities of the virgin LDPE1,of the shear-modified LDPE1,and of three shear-modified blends. These findings support the disentaglement process for the TSE-modified materials that underwent more in-tense shearing than the single-screw extruder modified ones.It can be seen that the extensional viscosities of all of the materials are very similar at high extensional rates.However,at low extensional rates,all of the modified materials exhibited reduced extensional vis-cosities compared to that of the starting LDPE1.This indicates that these materials can be stretched to higher total strains before breaking.21Also,it can be seen that, at the lower rates,the extensional behavior of the virgin LDPE1changes to strain hardening for the modified LDPE1and blends.This is a fundamental difference that is believed to affect the coating performance,as will be discussed next.It should be pointed out that the extensional viscosities of the single-screw-extruder-modified materials were calculated as well.However, no significant differences among these materials could be detected.The changes in extensional viscosity suggest subtle changes in the MWD(i.e.,a change in branching or a change in the high-MW tail end of the MWD).Such changes could not be detected through GPC measure-ments,as the MWD of the modified samples were identical within experimental error.Coating Experiments.Both the single-screw-and twin-screw-extruder-modified blends were sent to Nova Chemicals for coating experiments.As mentioned be-fore,the goal of the blending/shearing experiments was to achieve a lower neck-in and,at the same time,to maintain the draw-down speed at a desired level. Single-Screw Extruder.Figure9shows the results for the single-screw-extruder-(SSE)modified blends,1-6%. The blends processed through the extruder showed a significant decrease in neck-in compared to that of theFigure 5.Effect of shearing and addition of LDPE2on the entrance pressure drop for the twin-screw extruder runs at various shear rates(b,1000s-1;9,700s-1;2,400s-1;1,100s-1;(,50 s-1).Open symbols correspond to the virgin LDPE1material. Figure6.Storage and loss moduli of the virgin LDPE1and the materials modified in the single-screw(SSE)extruder.Figure7.Storage and loss moduli of the virgin LDPE1and the materials modified in the twin-screw(TSE)extruder.Figure8.Extensional viscosity of the virgin LDPE1and the materials modified in the twin-screw(TSE)extruder.4930Ind.Eng.Chem.Res.,Vol.39,No.12,2000virgin material before extrusion.As mentioned previ-ously,a small neck-in and a high draw-down speed are desired in extrusion coating.As the material was processed,although neck-in performance showed a significant improvement,the draw-down speed de-creased also,which was undesirable.One interesting point to note here is that the decrease in the neck-in seems to be independent of the amount of LDPE2 present in the blend.The neck-in after processing remained relatively constant for different percentages of LDPE2in the blend.The percent of LDPE2,however, does seem to affect the draw-down speed performance during processing.The2%blend showed a significant increase in the draw-down speed,while the neck-in remained relatively the same as that for the1%blend. This observation can be tentatively explained by the fact that the improvement in neck-in is due to the disen-tanglement of the polymer chains,which causes a change in the extensional behavior of the material. However,this also means that the material cannot be stretched as much,and the draw-down speed decreases. By the addition of LDPE2,the molecular weight in-creases slightly,and the draw-down speed improves. Twin-Screw Extruder.Blends of various compositions, as well as the LDPE1that was modified in the twin-screw extruder,were used in the coating experiments, and the results are summarized in Figure10.The twin-screw-extruder-modified materials displayed the same trend as did the single-screw-extruder-modified materi-als in that the neck-in performance did not seem to be affected by the amount of LDPE2present.However,the draw-down speed increased as LDPE2was added to the system.This is seen by a sudden increase in the draw-down speed as1%of LDPE2was added to LPDE1 compared to that of the virgin LPDE1processed in the TSE.The draw-down speed had a decreasing trend as the amount of LDPE2in the blend increased.From these experimental results,the following observations can be made:A decrease in neck-in seems to be caused by the shear modification effect,which is most promi-nent in the twin-screw extruder.This is reflected by the fact that the TSE-modified materials show the lowest neck-in during processing.An increase in draw-down speed seems to be caused by the addition of the minor component,LDPE2.This is reflected by the sudden increase in the draw-down speed after1%of LDPE2was added.The addition of LDPE2did not seem to affect the neck-in performance but did affect the draw-down speed during paring the coating results for the SSE-and TSE-modified materials one can see that,although there are no large differences between the twin-and single-screw neck-in data,there are significant differences in the draw-down speed data around the1-2%LDPE2range.As discussed previously,the change in the extensional behavior resulting from processing of these materials in the TSE seems to affect their coating performance. However,this effect cannot be fully explained since,in coating processes,the strain rates are high and,as can be seen in Figure8,there are no large differences between the extensional viscosities of these materials at high strain rates.From a practical standpoint,the utility of extensional viscosity is limited,and instead the melt strength property is widely used to evaluate the resistance of a melt to extension.15Preliminary measurements of the melt strength of some of our modified samples have indicated that melt strength increases with the LDPE2percentage in the blends and that this property can be employed for process control to minimize material neck-in.22Finally,it should be mentioned that addition of LDPE2at the levels dis-cussed in this work had no effect on the stability of the coating process.Concluding RemarksThe coating performance of a commercial LDPE resin has been evaluated,and it has been found that shear modification and blending with another resin can be used to improve neck-in and draw-down speed.Materi-als modified in a twin-screw extruder(both the virgin material and the blends)showed a significant improve-ment in neck-in during a coating process.Neck-in decreased by as much as40%.Because no variation in shear properties could be detected,the improved neck-in results are attributed to changes in the extensional behavior of the material,as evidenced by changes in the entrance pressure data and extensional viscosity.Figure9.Extrusion coating results:neck-in and draw-down speed of the virgin LDPE1and the materials modified in the single-screw(SSE)extruder.Figure10.Extrusion coating results:neck-in and draw-down speed of the virgin LDPE1and the materials modified in the twin-screw(TSE)extruder.Ind.Eng.Chem.Res.,Vol.39,No.12,20004931AcknowledgmentFinancial support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and from Nova Chemicals Inc.is greatly appreciated.The authors also thank Mr.Stuart Nield for helpful discussions and material donations and for arranging the coating ex-periments.Literature Cited(1)Honkanen,A.;Bergstrom,C.;Laiho,E.Influence of Low-Density Polyethylene Quality on Extrusion Coating Processability. 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超高分子量聚乙烯薄膜的热稳定性及应用研究超高分子量聚乙烯(Ultra-high Molecular Weight Polyethylene,简称UHMWPE)是一种具有出色物理和化学性质的聚合物材料,具有极高的分子量和相对较低的熔点。
三、应用领域研究1. 医疗领域:超高分子量聚乙烯薄膜具有良好的生物相容性和耐磨性,因此被广泛用于人工关节、软骨修复等医疗器械中。
2. 粉末涂料领域:超高分子量聚乙烯薄膜在粉末涂料中作为抗结块剂广泛应用。
3. 环保领域:由于超高分子量聚乙烯薄膜具有出色的耐磨性和耐腐蚀性,因此被应用于环保装置中,例如垃圾焚烧装置内的滤袋材料,以抵御高温和化学物质的侵蚀。
4. 其他领域:超高分子量聚乙烯薄膜还用于遮光材料、电气绝缘材料等领域,其热稳定性使得它能够满足不同行业对高温环境的需求。

第 49 卷 第 2/3 期 2020 年 3月
化工技术与开发 Technology & Development of Chemical Industry
Vol.49 No.2/3 Mar. 2020
邹思敏,江太君,胡 灿,孟 聪
(湖南工业大学,湖南 株洲 412007)
(a)HDPE 3364
70000 1 160℃ 2 3 180℃ 4
170℃ 190℃
60000 5 200℃ 6 7 220℃ 8
210℃ 230℃
50000 9 240℃ 10 250℃
2 1
表现黏度 /Pa·.s
40000 30000 20000
4 5
9 10000
验温度范围为 160~250℃。
A.HDPE 3364
1.2.2 剪切黏度测量
使用 AR2000ex 型旋转流变仪,对 2 种高密度

超高分子量聚乙烯(Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene,简称UHMWPE)作为一种重要的聚合物材料,具有优异的物理化学性能和广泛的应用前景。

HDPE热氧老化过程中结构转变的动态流变行为刘晶如;沈鹏;俞强【摘要】采用动态流变学方法研究了4种高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)的热氧老化与动态黏弹响应之间的关系.结果表明:当相对分子质量及支化度相近时,HDPE的抗热氧老化能力与其相对分子质量分布密切相关,相对分子质量分布越宽,在高温下越容易发生热氧老化;动态频率扫描时,随着热氧老化时间的延长,HDPE的储能模量明显增加,储能模量随角频率的变化曲线在低频区出现平台特征,且内耗(t gδ)随角频率的变化曲线在特定角频率下会出现峰值;动态时间扫描时,相对黏度随时间增加而增大;温度越高,热氧老化现象越明显;复合抗氧剂的加入能有效抑制HDPE热氧交联反应的发生.%The relationship between the thermo-oxidative aging behavior and dynamic viscoelastic response of four kinds of high density polyethylenes (HDPE) was studied by dynamic rheological method . T he results show that the anti-thermo-oxidative aging ability of HDPE depends on relative molecular mass distribution w hen they ow n similar relative molecular mass and degree of branching . The wider the relative molecular mass distribu-tion is , the more likely to happen thermo-oxidative aging phenomena is . During the dy-namic frequency scan , with the extension of thermo-oxidative aging time , the storage modulus of HDPE increases significantly ,which is corresponding to the characteristic plat-eau at low frequency region of the curves of storage modulus with angular frequency ,and the peak of the curves of mechanical loss (tgδ) with angular frequency appears at certain angular frequency .During the dynamic time scan ,the relative viscosity increases with the extension of time . The higherthe temperature is , the more obvious the thermo-oxidative aging phenomena is . The addition of composite antioxidants can effectively restrain the thermo-oxidative crosslinking reaction of HDPE .【期刊名称】《现代塑料加工应用》【年(卷),期】2017(029)005【总页数】5页(P1-5)【关键词】高密度聚乙烯;热氧老化;动态流变行为【作者】刘晶如;沈鹏;俞强【作者单位】常州大学材料科学与工程学院,江苏常州,213164;常州大学材料科学与工程学院,江苏常州,213164;常州大学材料科学与工程学院,江苏常州,213164【正文语种】中文高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)作为一种通用热塑性高分子材料,相对分子质量高,支化度小,力学性能优异,但极易发生热氧老化,导致其分子结构发生变化,从而影响制品最终的使用性能[1]。

电子天平 2,MS105,精度 0. 01 mg,Mettler Toledo
本文针对 2 种不同的 PE‐HD 的发泡性能展开研
板材与薄膜、电缆电线等各种场合 。目前为世界上使
究,测试了 2 种不同牌号 PE‐HD 的流变性能,并通过间
have a broad high molecular‐weight range and high modulus,leading to a limitation in cell growth during foaming and a
poor foamed product.
Key words:high density polyethylene;batch foaming;rheology property;crystallization
Abstract:The thermal performance and rheological properties of PE‐HDs were measured by DSC and Hakke rotational
rheometer,and then its foaming properties were investigated through the batch foaming experiments. The result indicat‐
2020 年 1 月
CO2,纯度 99. 0 %,北京巨明气体设备技术开发有

三、研究方法1. 实验设计:选择适当的实验条件和设备,进行动态流变学实验,探究双峰分布聚乙烯在不同温度、应力和剪切速率下的流变行为。
2. 数据分析:利用流变学原理和方法,对实验数据进行分析,揭示双峰分布聚乙烯流变行为的规律和特点,探讨其与材料结构的关系。
五、研究展望1. 进一步深入研究双峰分布聚乙烯的动态流变学特性与其分子结构、分子量分布的关系,揭示其流变行为的内在机理。
2. 结合数值模拟和理论分析,建立双峰分布聚乙烯流变行为的数学模型,为材料设计和工程应用提供更精准的理论模拟方法。

HD E中 , 索 C Ts 这 种 高 结 晶 聚 合 物熔 体 P 探 N 对
流变 行 为 的 影 响 将 很 有 意 义 。 目前 对 C Ts N /
HD E复 合 材料 的研 究 很 少 , 实 验 采 用 机 械 共 P 本 混法 将 酸化处 理 后 的 C s和 HD E复 合 , 备 NT P 制 了 C s 复 合 材 料 , 对 其 流 变 性 能 进 行 了 NT / 并
20 0 0型 电 子 拉 力 试 验 机 : 湾 高 铁 试 验 仪 器 台
厂 ; 压 毛细管 流变 仪 : 恒 XYL—I I型 , 林 大 学 吉 科 教仪 器厂 。
13 定 向碳 纳米 管 的酸化 处理 . 称取 一定 量 的 C s NT 放入浓 硫 酸 中 , 9 在 0℃ 温度 下 , 回流 1 , 后 用 蒸 馏 水 冲洗 酸 化 后 的 2h 然
研究 。
收 稿 日期 : 0 6—0 —2 20 3 5 作者 简 介 : 艳 妮 ( 90一 ) 女 , 东 胶 南 人 , 士 研 究 孙 18 , 山 硕 生 , 要研究 方向为高分子改性与功能化 。 主 *通 讯 联 系 人 。
C T, N s 直至 溶 液 p 值 达 5 H ~6后 , 放入 真 空烘 箱
12 主 要 设 备 .
量将 不 断提 高 , 本 持续 下 降 , NT 复 合材 料研 成 C s 究已 成 为 材 料 界 又 一 新 的 热 点 , 中 也 包 括 其 C T/ N s 聚合 物 复合材 料 的研究 】 。聚乙烯 是 聚 烯烃 树脂 中发 展 最为迅 速 的一种 树脂 。低 压法制 备 的高密度 聚乙烯 ( P ) 有 良好 的 耐寒 性 和 HD E 具 耐摩 擦性 , 是其 热变 形温度 很 低 , 工性 能不是 但 加
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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表 观 剪 切 应 力 计 算 , 式 ( ) 示 : 如 1所
一 _; } . 0 ‘ e 1
10 E+ 0 10 E+ 10 E+ 2 10 E+0 . o +0 . 0 0 . 0 0l .0 0 .0 3 1o E 4 GAM a p
P 一 —
t r sfv r bet t r c s ig u ewa a o a l oisp o esn .Th l srn t f 5 — 8wa e s t2 0℃ 。i r c sig ef emet te g h o ] 0 0 sla t 1 a t p o e sn fi s —
St d h e o c h vi s ofHi n iy P y t yln i u y on t e Rh olgialBe a or gh De st ole h e e F I m
W Chu s a g - M A i ,H U n 。 G UA N n—hu n Jn Bi L
高 密度 聚 乙烯 薄膜 流 变性 能 的研 究
《 海 塑料 》2 1 上 0 2年 第 3期 ( 第 19期 ) 总 5
I- _・ Ej
密 度 聚 乙烯 薄 膜 流 变 性 能 的 研 究
吴春 霜 , 马 进 , 胡 斌 , 关 莉
( 国石 油 天然 气 股 份 有 限公 司 独 山子 石 化 分 公 司研 究 院 , 中 新疆 独 山子 8 3 0 ) 3 6 0
图 1 2 0℃ 时 H P 1 D E的 流 变 曲 线 图
() 2
12 2 熔 体 强 度 测 试 ..
Rh o e s 7 . 7, 国 GOTTF e tn 1 9 德 ERT 公 司 生
产 。熔 体 强 度 测 试 采 用 熔 体 强 度 测 试 仪 法 , : 即 拉 伸 测 力 法 。实 验 装 置 包 括 配 有 高 压 毛 细 流 变 仪 和 熔 体 强 度 测 试 仪 。试 样 在 毛 细 管 流 变 仪 中 在 一 定 的温 度 下 熔 融 后 被 柱 塞 均 匀 挤 出 , 体 料 条 向 下 落 熔 入 一 组 反 向 旋 转 的夹 辊 中 , 辊 以恒 定 的 加 速 度 转 夹
响 , 而 为 挤 出加 工 工 艺 提 供 技 术 数 据 。 继
1 实 验部 分
1 1 原 材 料 .
十分 广 泛 。但 由于 HD E 自身 的特点 , 出成型 P 挤
加 工 容 易 出现 表 面粗 糙 、 膜 等 问题 , 此 , 其 流 破 因 对 变 行 为 进 行 研 究 ; 析 各 种 因素 对 其 流 变 行 为 的影 分
e . st
Key wor s: i h de iy p l e hy e ; fl ; r o o e lbe v o ; a p r nt v s o iy; s a a e; fo d h g nst o y t lne im he l gia ha i r p a e ic st he r r t l w
Ⅶ 一(0 9 22 0T a Ⅷ 一05 —82 0T F 0 5 .3 )AU p 00 .3 )AUa p
图 2 2 0℃ 时 H E的 流 变 曲线 图 3 DP
2 结 果 与讨 论
2 1 流 动 性 . 由 图 1可 见 : 剪 切 速 率 )< 2 0 时 , 在 , .3 S
动拉 伸熔体料条 , 拉伸力 不断增大 , 直至熔 体 断裂 。
此 熔 体 断 裂 所 受 的力 定 义 为 “ 体 强 度 ” 。 熔
测 试 条 件 : 度 为 2 0℃ , 细 管 口 模 长 径 比 温 1 毛 为 2 / , 速 率 为 2 oz加 4 mm ・S 。
10 E+0 . O +O1 1 0 E 2 . 0 0 .O .O 0 1O E . O +0 10 E+ 3 1O E+0 4 GAM a p
关 键词 HD E; 膜 ; 变 性 能 ; 观 剪 切 黏 度 ; 切 速 率 ; 动 指 数 ; 流 活 化 能 ; 体 强 度 P 薄 流 表 剪 流 黏 熔 文献 标志 码 : A 文 章 编 号 :0 95 9 (0 2 0 —0 10 1 0 —9 3 2 1 ) 30 4 -5 中 图 分 类 号 : Q 2 . 6 T 3 0 6
ce y w a i s . T h ets r n t fF00 5 sm os t21 ℃ 。is p o e sn fii n y wa o — inc s hghe t em l te g h o 9 2 wa ta 0 t r c s i g e fce c sl w
选 择 2种 国 内 牌 号 , 2种 国 外 牌 号 作 为 原 料 ,
其 性 能 如 表 1所 示 。
1 2 流 变 实 验 .
121 毛细流变实验 ..
收稿 日期 : 0 2 0 — 0 2 1 — 73
高 压 恒速 型 毛 细 管 流 变 仪
R e-etr20 , hoTse 0 0
呈升 高的趋 势 。7 0 F对剪切 速 率及 温度 都较 为敏 感 ;s一 8对 温度 敏 感 , 工时 可 用温度 调 节其 熔 00 j o0 加 体黏 度 。在 2 0 o J O0 1 C,S 一8的熔体 强度 最 小 , 工效 率最 高 ; 0 9 2的熔体 强度 最大 而加 工效率 最低 。 加 F05
(n t ueo u h n i erc e cl o a y er hn 。 s a z 8 3 0 , hn ) I si t f s a z P to h mi mp n , toC ia Du h n i 3 6 0 C ia t D aC P
Ab ta t The r e o c l p o r is o i h d n iy p y t lne fl s w e e i e tg t d Th e uls src : h olgia r pe te f h g e st ol e hy e im r nv s i a e . e r s t s owe ha he m e to o r t p f H DPE fl s w e e n n N e t nin fu d I e t i h a a e is h d t t t l ff u y e o im r o — w o a l i . n c r an s e rr t , t m etw e eps u o l s i l i ha a t rs i l r e d p a tc fu d c r c e itc,na ey t e a a e ic iy d c e s d w ih t ii g o m l h pp r ntv s ost e r a e t he rsn f t he r r t .T h l w n x o DPE i si r a e n t o — e t n a a n d wih t ii g he s a a e efo i de fH fl nc e s d a d isn n N w o i n we ke e t hersn m o he t m p r t e Thev s o s fo a tv t ne gy i c e s d w ih t ii g o h h a a e 7 0 F ft e e a ur . i c u l w c i iy e r n r a e t he rsn ft e s e r r t . 0 0
i de n x;v s o l w c i i y e e g i c us f o a tv t n r y;m e t s r n h l t e gt
0 前 言
高 密 度 聚 乙烯 ( P ) 膜 具 有 撕 裂 强 度 高 、 HD E 薄 变 形 适 应 能 力 强 、 穿 刺 性 优 良 等 特 点 , 用 领 域 抗 应
h d hg e e st iy t e ea u ea dJ 00 a e stvt o tmp r t r ,S d u t g tmp r — a ih rsn ii t o tmp r t r n 5 —8 h d s n iii t e eau e O a j si e ea v y n
‘1 0
L) ( 1 l
式 中 : 0 毛 细 管 长 度 ; 是 通 过 柱 塞 施 加 的 外 L是 F, 力 ; 是 通 过 柱 塞 施 加 的压 力 。 P 表 观 剪 切 黏 度 , 式 ( ) 示 : 如 2所
r 一 / a
ya p
I+( H6 2 1 1T o I+ 70 0 . 0E Aa M 0 . E Aa I ( 0 F ) T p 2o 21 I ( 6 220T I MH 0 .1)AUa I 0 F2 0T I p V・70 0 .1)AUa r o V・(0 9 22 0E Aa Ⅵ+(5 —8 0E Aa F 0 5 .1)T o J00 . )T 口 21 Ⅶ一(0 9 22 0T a 、 一 0O .1)AUa F 0 5 .1)AU p f 05 -8 0T Ⅲ 2 p
作 者简 介 : 春霜 (9 0)女 , 级 工 程 师 , 要 从 事 塑 料 原 料 的 吴 1 7 一, 高 主 研究工作 。
德 国 GOTTF T 公 司 生 产 。实 验 温 度 为 2 0℃ 、 ER 1
20℃ , 3 口模 长径 比为 3/ , 0 1 口模 直 径 1 mm。
— 一
4 1 —
高密 度 聚 乙烯 薄 膜 流 变 性 能 的研 究
表 1 原 料 主 要 性 能
《 海 塑料 》2 1 上 0 2年 第 3期 ( 第 19期 ) 总 5
于缠结点存 在 , 动 单 元 以分子 群 聚体 的 形 式 出 流 现 , 相 当大 的 流 动 半 径 和 拖 拽 作 用 , 动 的 内 摩 有 流 擦 力 很 大 。 随 着 剪 切 速 率 的 增 加 , 结 点 逐 渐 解 缠 缠 , 动 半 径 随 之 减 小 , 子 群 聚 体 拖 拽 作 用 也 减 流 分 弱 , 现出熔体黏度 随剪切速率a I+f 0 F 3 ) T o 0 .3 )T p I 70 0 . 0E Aa 2 I ・MH6 22 0T a I f 0 F2 0T ua I ( I O .3 )AU p V 7 0 . )A D 0 3