
高级口译经典背诵-礼仪演讲(五篇)第一篇:高级口译经典背诵-礼仪演讲TEXT PASSAGE ONE 汉译英:1.副总统阁下,威廉斯夫人:贵宾们:女士们,先生们:Your Excellency Vice President and Mrs.Williams, Ourdistinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen: 2.我为能在此设宴招待威廉斯副总统和夫人以及其他贵宾而深感荣幸和愉快。
It is my privilege and great pleasure to host this banquet in honor of Vice President and Mrs.Williams and other distinguished guests.3.愿借此机会向各位来宾表示热烈的欢迎。
I would avail myself this opportunity to extent my warm welcome to you all.4.我的心情可以引用孔子在论语中的一句话来表示:有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?A remark the Analects of Confucius best expressed what I feel now, ”It is such a delight that I have friends visiting from afar.”5.显而易见,威廉斯副总统的这次访问表明了阁下愿意继续推进我们两国之间友好合作关系的决心。
Evidently, Vice President Willi ams’ current visit has demonstrated his Excellency’s determination to further enhance the friendly and cooperative relations between our two countries.6.我深信,两国高层领导人之间的频繁互访,不仅有助于我们两国之间关系的改善,而且还有助于亚太地区,乃至整个世界的和平和稳定。
外事接待及礼仪祝辞常用表达 中英对照

外事接待及礼仪祝辞常用表达中英对照 机场接待、见面及送别用语:国际机场international airport机场大楼terminal building候机大厅waiting hall问讯处information desk/inquiry desk起飞时间departure time /take-off time抵达时间arrival time登机卡boarding ticket /boarding pass安全检查security check海关the Customs海关工作人员customs officer通过海关检查to go through the customs海关规定customs requirements海关条例customs regu1ations海关手续与准则customs procedures and norms办理海关例行手续to go through customs formalities报关/通关to make a customs declaration海关行李申报表baggage/luggage declaration form外币申报表foreign currency declaration form应纳关税物品dutiable goods /dutiable articles往返票round-trip ticket /return ticket入境签证entry visa出境签证exit visa过境签证transit visa过境旅客transit passenger入境手续entry formalities简化手续to simplify procedures一次性签证single entry visa多次入境签证multiple-entry visa再入境签证re-entry visa旅游签证tourist visa护照passport外交护照diplomatic passport公务护照service passport出示护照to show one's passport免税商店duty-free shop免税物品duty-free goods/duty-free articles免税单duty-free slips行李提取处baggage claim /luggage claim手提行李hand luggage出租车候车处taxi stand /taxi rank随身携带行李carry-on baggage行李标签牌baggage tag /luggage tag行李寄存处baggage depositary /luggage depositary行李手推车baggage handcart /luggage pushcart健康证书health certificate种症证书vaccination certificate预防接种证书inoculation certificate自我介绍to introduce myself久仰大名I've long been looking forward to meeting you. /I have long heard of you. 久违了!I haven't seen you for ages!/It's been such a long time since we met last.我还没有请教您的尊姓大名呢?I haven't had the honor of knowing you.很高兴与你结识。

酒店员工礼貌用语1、您好,欢迎光临!Nice to meet you , welcome to our hotel;2、祝您住店愉快!Hope you have a good time here;3、非常高兴见到您!I feel very glad to see you .4、早上好!下午好!晚上好!Good morning/good afternoon/good evening 5、您近来好吗?How are you doing ?6、先生/女士,欢迎您再次入住!Nice to meet you again sir/madam;7、请慢走,再见!Take your steps, please. See you!8、欢迎您下次光临/欢迎您再来!Hope to see you again/next time;9、祝您一路平安!Hope you have a good time/travel;10、好的,我马上就来!Well, I will be here right now.11、请不必客气,这是我应该做的!Do not mention it, it is my duty。
12、能为您服务是我的荣幸!It is my honor to serve you!13、没关系,您千万别放在心上。
Don’t worry, it is worth nothing.14、对不起,让您久等了!I am sorry to have kept you waiting;15、很抱歉,打扰了。
I am sorry to disturb you.16、实在对不起,请原谅。
I am really sorry, please forgive me;17、谢谢!Thank you!18、非常感谢您的理解和支持。
Thanks for your cooperation and upport. 19、谢谢您的夸奖。

口译礼仪致辞专题礼仪致辞句型汇总一、称呼女士们,先生们LadiesandGentlemen朋友们/各位朋友Dearfriend各位嘉宾Ditinguihedguest 尊敬得来宾HonoredGuet各位同事Dearcolleague同志们rade 青年朋友们Youngfriend(中国)同胞们Fellowcountrymen(美国)同胞们Myfellowcitizen(港澳台与海外华人)同胞们DearCompatrio t老师们、同学们、朋友们Dearfacultyandtaffmembers,tudentandfriend同学们,老师们DearStudentsandFacultyMember各位老师,家长,毕业生们Memberofthefaculty,parent,andespecially,thegraduateMembersofthefaculty,proudpare nt,and,aboveall,graduates各位企业家朋友Membersofthebuinescommunity亲爱得运发动们Dearathlete尊敬得各位国家元首、政府首脑与王室代表DistinguihedHeadsofStateandGovernmentandRepreentativeofRoyalFamilies尊敬得各位使节、代表与夫人YourE某cellencieDiplomaticEnvoy,RepreentativesofInternationalOrganizationandYourSpoue各位使节及使团同事E某cellencieandColleagueoftheDiplomaticCorp 各位团长HeadofDelegations各位议员朋友MyLordandMP中央政府驻港机构各位领导HeadsoflocalofficeoftheCentralGovernment尊敬得胡锦涛主席与夫人YourExcellencyPreidentHuJintaoandMadameLiuYongqing尊敬得布什总统与夫人Mr。

学生文明礼貌用语(中英文对照)文明礼貌用语1. Hello ! 你好!2. How are you ? 客人好!(叔叔好。
)3. Good morning . 早上好!4. Good morning, teacher ! 老师好!5. Good afternoon. 下午好!6. Goodbye. 再见。
7. See you later. 一会儿见。
8. See you tomorrow. 明天见。
9. Welcome to our school. 欢迎来到我们学校。
10.Glad to meet you . 见到你很高兴。
11.Welcome here next time. 欢迎下次再来。
12.You first ,please. 您先请。
13.Please walk slowly. 请慢走。
14.Excuse me . 打扰一下。
)15.I ‘m not intentional. Please forgive me . 我不是故意的,请原谅。
16.Sorry. 对不起。
17.Not at all. 没关系。
18.Can I help you ? 我能帮助你吗?19.Thank you . 谢谢。
20.Thanks ,I can manage it . 谢谢,但我自己能行。
21.No thanks. 不用,谢谢。
22.Take it easy. 别着急。
23.Could you do me a favour? 可以帮帮我吗?24.No problem. 没问题。
25.Don’t worry. I will help you.别担心,我会帮你的。
26.It’s my pleasure to help you .我很愿意帮助你。
27.Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。
28.It’s my pleasure.这是我应该做的。
29.Please tell me. 麻烦你告诉我一下。

简短商务礼仪⽤句中英版简短商务礼仪⽤句中英版 引导语:⽆论在国际商务宴会,还是商务合作会议中我们都不可避免地会与他⼈⽤英⽂交流。
1. what's the “first custom” in the international society? 被国际社会公认的“第⼀礼俗”是什么? “lady first”。
2.what is the “three a” principle in social communications? 社交中的“三a原则”指的是什么? accept, appreciate, admire接受对⽅,重视欣赏对⽅,赞美敬佩对⽅。
3.what does top mean in the international etiquette? 在国际礼仪中,top指的'是哪三个原则? time, objective and place 时间,⽬的,地点。
4.when you are talking with people from western countries, eight topics should be avoided. what are they? 和西⽅⼈交谈时,应避免哪⼋个话题? age, marital status, salary, experience, address, personal life, religious belief, politics, and opinions about other people.年龄,婚否,收⼊,经历,住址,个⼈⽣活,宗教信仰,政治见解,以及对他⼈的看法。
5.which three words are the most common ones in social life? 哪三个词在社交场合最常⽤? thanks, excuse me (sorry), please. 谢谢,对不起,请。
unit 1 礼仪致辞口译

• 我为能够请到希尔博士和夫人以及其他贵宾来参 加我们的中秋晚会而感到荣幸和愉快。 It is my pleasure and privilege to have the attendance of Dr and Mrs Hill as well as other distinguished guests to come to our Mid-autumn Evening Party. • 感谢各位在百忙中拨冗光临我们的元宵节晚会。 I wish to thank you for taking your time off your busy schedule to attend our Lantern Festival Party.
• 表示热烈的欢迎 to extend a /our warm welcome to… • 同时向…表示热烈的欢迎 Our warm welcome goes also to…
• 大会组委会 organizing committee of the conference
• 各位还将欣赏到我校一些多才多艺的青年教工所表演的中 国味纯正的文艺节目。 • Later on, you will enjoy the authentic Chinese entertainment performed by some versatile young teachers from our university. • 欣赏 enjoy/admire, 多才多艺的versatile/ talented, 名词versatility 中国味: Chinese 纯正 authentic/pure 长句分译 各位将要欣赏节目 / 节目由我公司才华横溢的青年员 工表演 / 具有纯正中国味道的节目 — You will enjoy some performances. They are given by the talent young staff from our company. the authentic Chinese entertainment


纪念in commemoration of; to commemorate; to observe庆祝in celebration of; to celebrate; to observe司仪MC (Master of Ceremony)签字仪式signing ceremony致欢迎词to give /deliver a welcoming speech/address; Speech of welcome告别辞farewell speech/address; Valediction (an act of saying goodbye, esp. on very important or formal occasions)出席宴会的贵宾有it is my pleasure to introduce / I have the honor to introduce / I would like to introduce the honored guests attending the banquet …女士们、先生们、朋友们:Dear friends, ladies and gentlemen各位领导,贵宾们,女士们、先生们,同志们、朋友们:Honorable leaders, distinguished guests, dear comrades and friends, ladies and gentlemen,阁下Your/His/Her Excellency殿下Your/His/Her Royal Highness皇帝陛下Your/His/Her Imperial Majesty尊敬的首相……亲王殿下Respected Mr. Prime Minister, your Highness Prince …敬爱的……阁下Your Excellency Respected and Dear …尊敬的阁下Your Excellency Respected ………总理阁下及夫人Mr. Prime Minister and Mrs. ………国王和王后殿下Their Majesties King …and the Queen值此……之际on the occasion of …我代表中国政府和人民,并以我个人的名义,向贵国人民致以亲切的问候和良好的祝愿I would like/wish to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people and in my own name, our cordial greetings and best wishes to your people.中国有句古话说:有朋自远方来不亦乐乎?There is an old saying in Chinese which goes: “Isn’t it a great pleasure /joy to have fiends coming from afar?”/As a Chinese saying goes, “Nothing is more delightful than meeting friends from far away.”我非常愉快地……It is with great pleasure that I …;I have the great pleasure to …我为能……而深感愉快It gives me great pleasure to …我很荣幸地代表中国政府和人民向……代表团表示热烈的欢迎I have the honor to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, our warm welcome to the … delegation.请允许我向远道而来的贵宾们表示热烈的欢迎和亲切的问候Allow me to express our warm welcome and gracious greetings to our distinguished guests from afar我们为能接待……而深感骄傲和荣幸We are very proud and honored to receive …(such a group of distinguished political leaders)对我本人来说这是一个非常愉快和令人难忘的机会This is also a very happy and memorable occasion for me personally.这使我有极好的机会来拜访老朋友,结识新朋友It provides me with an excellent opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones.今天我们能够在北京接待以……为首的……感到格外的愉快和高兴Today we are especially pleased and happy to receive in Beijing…led by …今天晚上,我能够参加……为……举行的宴会感到十分高兴和荣幸I’m very happy and honored this evening to attend this banquet given by…in honor of …今天,我们怀着极为兴奋的心情,在这里集会,欢迎……We assemble/are gathered here today with great elation to welcome …今天晚上,我们在这里设宴欢迎应……邀请前来我国访问的……阁下和……的其他贵宾,感到十分荣幸和快慰。

I am … 我是 My name is … 我的名字是
(I am) pleased to meet you; Nice to meet you; Nice meeting you 幸会
I would like you to meet my … 这位是我的 …
Seniority / Rank / Title 长辈 / 身份 From left to right or vice versa
Don’t 不要
Point a finger at people 用手指指向人 Yell 大声说话 / 惊叫 Eat chewing gum 咬口香糖 Giggle / cover your mouth with your hand
Watch your dandruff, teeth, mouth breath, nose hair, nails
注意你的头皮屑, 牙齿, 口气, 鼻毛, 手指甲
Dress Code 衣着规定
British 英式
Casual Informal / Lounge Suit Formal / Black Tie White Tie
Scratch your head, your body 抓头,身体
Pick your ear, your nose 挖耳, 鼻孔 Keep on yarning 不断的打坷欠 If you really need to cough / sneeze, cover your
mouth and nose with your left hand
Hand Shake 握手
商务英语翻译3 礼仪祝辞

的祝贺。 I am pleased to send my warmest congratulations to you on the inauguration of your new headquarters. 6.在这特殊的日子,向你致以新年的祝福,希望不久我们能 相聚在一起。 On this special day I send you New Year’s greetings and hope that some day soon we shall be together. 7.我谨向各位表示最热诚的欢迎。 I would like to extend my cordial welcome to all of you. 8.我们特别高兴有机会招待我们的英国贵宾。 It gives us a feeling of special joy to have the opportunity of entertaining our distinguished guests from the Great Britain.
Ceremonial Speech
Opening ceremony 开幕式 Closing ceremony 闭幕式 Forum 论坛 Summit 峰会 Goodwill visit 友好访问 Distinguished guest 贵宾 Host country 东道国 On the occasion of 值。。。之际 Take this opportunity to 借此机会
It’s my honor to offer a toast to our guests from China. On behalf of the American people, Laura and I welcome you to the United States. This is not only a state dinner; it’s like a family gathering. The most important ties between your country and mine go beyond economics and politics and geography. They are the ties of heritage, culture and family. This is true for millions of Chinese and American families, including my own. We have before us a great prospect, an era of prosperity in a hemisphere of liberty. Our cooperation is broad and unprecedented; our sense of trust is growing.

礼仪祝词(中英文)纪念 in commemoration of; to commemorate; to observe庆祝in celebration of; to celebrate; to observe司仪MC (Master of Ceremony)签字仪式signing ceremony致欢迎词 to give /deliver a welcoming speech/address; Speech of welcome告别辞 farewell speech/address; Valediction (an act of saying goodbye, esp. on very important or formal occasions)出席宴会的贵宾有it is my pleasure to introduce / I have the honor to introduce / I would like to introduce the honored guests attending the banquet …女士们、先生们、朋友们:Dear friends, ladies and gentlemen各位领导,贵宾们,女士们、先生们,同志们、朋友们:Honorable leaders, distinguished guests, dear comrades and friends, ladies and gentlemen,阁下Your/His/Her Excellency殿下Your/His/Her Royal Highness皇帝陛下Your/His/Her Imperial Majesty尊敬的首相……亲王殿下Respected Mr. Prime Minister, your Highness Prince …敬爱的……阁下Your Excellency Respected and Dear …尊敬的阁下Your Excellency Respected ………总理阁下及夫人 Mr. Prime Minister and Mrs. ………国王和王后殿下Their Majesties King …and the Queen值此……之际on the occasion of …我代表中国政府和人民,并以我个人的名义,向贵国人民致以亲切的问候和良好的祝愿I would like/wish to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people and in my own name, our cordial greetings and best wishes to your people. 中国有句古话说:有朋自远方来不亦乐乎?There is an old saying in Chinese which goes: “Isn’t it a great pleasure /joy to have fiends coming from afar?” /As a Chinese saying goes, “Nothing is more delightful than meeting friends from far away.”我非常愉快地…… It is with great pleasure that I …;I have the great pleasure to …我为能……而深感愉快It gives me great pleasure to …我很荣幸地代表中国政府和人民向……代表团表示热烈的欢迎I have the honor to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, our warm welcome to the … delegation.请允许我向远道而来的贵宾们表示热烈的欢迎和亲切的问候Allow me to express our warm welcome and gracious greetings to our distinguished guests from afar我们为能接待……而深感骄傲和荣幸We are very proud and honored toreceive …(such a group of distinguished political leaders)对我本人来说这是一个非常愉快和令人难忘的机会This is also a very happy and memorable occasion for me personally.这使我有极好的机会来拜访老朋友,结识新朋友 It provides me with an excellent opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones.今天我们能够在北京接待以……为首的……感到格外的愉快和高兴Today we are especially pleased and happy to receive in Beijing…led by …今天晚上,我能够参加……为……举行的宴会感到十分高兴和荣幸I’m very happy and honored this evening to attend this banquet given by…in honor of …今天,我们怀着极为兴奋的心情,在这里集会,欢迎……We assemble/are gathered here today with great elation to welcome …今天晚上,我们在这里设宴欢迎应……邀请前来我国访问的……阁下和……的其他贵宾,感到十分荣幸和快慰。

Hello ,Miss Liu,I’m glad to service for you! Are you ready? This way please.◎请问您需要上洗手间吗?小心台阶!Do you need to go to the bathroom? Mind the Step.◎您请坐!请问水温合适吗?现在为您做的是牛奶花瓣足浴,全过程10分钟(它是用牛奶精华和新鲜的玫瑰花瓣调配而成的,可以舒缓紧张辛劳的足部,促进血液循环,有效改善睡眠,嫩肤驻颜。
)Please have a seat! The water temperature is ok? (very hot 烫)Now I’m doing for you is milk petals foot bath, the whole process of ten minutes.◎请您稍等,我去为您准备房间!Please wait a moment , I’m going to prepare the room for you.◎刘小姐不好意思让您久等了,刘小姐这边请,小心台阶。
Miss Liu, thank you for your waiting , this way please. Mind the step.◎这是为您准备的护理房间,这是为您准备的沐浴用品、一次性底裤和首饰盒,您的贵重物品请自行保管,衣柜里有浴袍。
This is your body care room. This is bath products, disposable underwear and Jewelry box, please keep your valuables ,the wardrobe has a bathrobe.◎我现在为您调试水温。
水温已经调试好了,左边是热水,右边是冷水,请问还有什么需要吗?I’m debugging the water temperature for you. On the left is hot water , the right is the cold .◎您沐浴好后请敲门提示我,我会在门外等您!When you finished the bath, please knocking the door or the doorbell, I’ll wait for you outside (the door).◎(敲门!)可以进来了吗?May I coming?◎刘小姐,请您脱掉浴袍,面朝下。

商务口译礼仪致辞词汇句子积累中英文中文:1. 尊敬的来宾们,首先非常感谢大家的光临。
2. 今天我很荣幸能有机会为大家做个简短的致辞。
3. 在这个重要的场合上,我代表全体员工欢迎各位的到来。
4. 此次会议对于我们来说非常重要,因此我们特别珍惜与会者的出席。
5. 我们希望通过这次会议,加强双方的交流与合作。
6. 希望今天的活动能给我们带来更多的商机和合作机会。
7. 在座的各位都是业内的精英,相信我们一定能够共同取得成功。
8. 在商务活动中,诚信和合作是取得共赢的最关键因素。
9. 在进行商务交流时,请尽量避免使用过于直接的言辞,以免冒犯他人。
10. 我们希望通过今天的交流,可以促进各方之间的相互了解与友谊。
英文:1. Distinguished guests, first and foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your presence here today.2. It is my great honor to have the opportunity to deliver a brief speech to all of you.3. On this significant occasion, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of you on behalf of our entire staff.4. This conference is of great importance to us, and we truly appreciate the attendance of all participants.5. We hope that through this conference, we can enhance communication and collaboration between both parties.6. May today's event bring us more business opportunities and possibilities for cooperation.7. Everyone seated here today is an industry elite, and we strongly believe that together, we can achieve success.8. Integrity and cooperation are the key factors for achieving win-win outcomes in business activities.9. During business exchanges, it is advisable to avoid using overly direct language that may offend others.10. We hope that today's exchange can promote mutual understanding and friendship among all parties involved.。

中英对照礼仪致辞及句型尊敬的市长先生Respected Mr. Mayor / Honorable Mr. Mayor尊敬的来宾Distinguished guests东道国host country阁下Your Excellency / His Excellency / Her Excellency殿下Your/His/Her Royal Highness陛下Your/His/Her Majesty开幕式opening ceremony / inaugural ceremony闭幕式closing ceremony宣布开幕to declare … open / to declare the commencement of …开幕辞opening speech / opening address闭幕辞closing speech致开幕辞to deliver an opening speech / to make an opening address胜利闭幕to come to a successful close签字仪式singing ceremony友好访问goodwill visit剪彩cutting the ribbon at an opening ceremony奠基礼foundation stone laying ceremony日程安排schedule预订reserve根据……的要求upon...request专程造访come all the way精心安排 a thoughtful arrangement排忧解难help out欢迎宴会welcome dinner便宴informal dinner,light meal工作午餐working luncheon自助餐buffet dinner答谢宴会return dinner告别宴会farewell dinner招待会reception鸡尾酒会cocktail party茶话会tea party地方风味小吃local delicacies为……举行宴会/设宴洗尘to host a dinner/banquet/luncheon in honor of …富有(中国民族文化)特色的... ...that is characteristic of traditional Chinese culture.安排了……的旅游路线offer you...a tour program/an itinerary观赏appreciate专程造访come all the way精心安排 a thoughtful/considerate arrangement举行会议/研讨会/大会/论坛/学术报告会hold a meeting/ seminar/ conference / forum/ symposium 全体会议plenary meeting全体会议plenary session首脑会议summit赞助人/主办人/承办人/协办人patron/sponsor/organizer/co-organizer举行谈判hold/ enter into negotiation事物性会谈talks at working level对口会谈counterpart talks议程项目items on the agenda开幕会议opening session开场白introduction情况介绍presentation小组讨论panel discussion回顾过去looking back on; in retrospect展望未来look into the future欢聚一堂enjoy this happy get-together; have a happy gathering庆祝中华人民共和国成立四十五周年招待会Reception Celebrating the 45th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China亚太地区Asian-Pacific region建交establishment of diplomatic relations between互访exchange of visit外交政策foreign policy一贯奉行in persistent pursuit of平等互利equality and mutual benefit双边关系bilateral relations持久和平lasting peace主持晚宴to preside at this dinner由衷的谢意heartfelt thanks承蒙盛情邀请at the gracious invitation of发出热情友好的讲话to make a warm and friendly speech发表热情洋溢的欢迎词to make a gracious speech of welcome来自大洋彼岸to come from the other side of the Pacific随同贸易团来访to accompany the trade delegation商界的朋友们friends from the business community转达最诚挚问候to convey the most gracious greetings寄希望于本届大会to place our hopes on the current conference热烈欢呼大会的召开to warmly herald the opening of the conference增进理解和友谊to expand mutual understanding and friendship频繁互动frequent exchange of visit相互促进mutual promotion共同繁荣common prosperity促进友好合作关系to advance our friendly relations of cooperation进行真诚有效的合作to carry out sincere and rewarding cooperation符合两国人民共同利益to accord with our common interests保持良好的贸易伙伴关系to keep a good trading partnership with携手合作to make joint efforts / to make concerted efforts推向一个新的高度to push … to a new height祝愿来访富有成果Hope your visit will be rewarding祝愿本届年会圆满成功Wish this annual meeting a complete success祝酒辞:共同举杯to join us in a toast to…为友谊干杯to propose a toast to our friendship为合作干杯to propose a toast to our cooperation代表董事会on behalf of the board of directors借此机会to take advantage of this opportunity表情类:表示热烈的欢迎to extend our cordial welcome表示亲切的问候to express our gracious greetings感到骄傲和荣幸to feel proud and honored感到莫大的愉快It gives me so great a pleasure ot do something愉快和令人难忘的 A very happy and memorable occasion千言万语道不尽感激之情No words can fully express our gratitude体贴入微的关照thoughtful consideration永远留在我们的记忆中to remain in my memory forever珍藏在我们美好的记忆中to remain forever in our cherished memories恋恋不舍之情feel reluctant to part from each other怀着对贵国人民的深厚感情with profound sentiments for your people句型详解:有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎It’s a delight to have friends coming from afar.There is an old saying in Chinese which goes: “Isn’t it a great pleasure/joy to have friends coming from afar?”As a Chinese saying goes, “Nothing is more delightful than meeting friends from far away.”海内存知己天涯若比邻Long distance separates no bosom friends.Although there is a distance of tens of thousands of miles between us, “long distance separates no bosom friends”, as one of your poets of the Tang Dynasty once said.表示感谢:答谢贵方热情洋溢的欢迎辞to reply to your gracious speech of welcome答谢贵方热情招待to reciprocate your warm receptionI’d like to thank you for….I’d like to express our sincere gratitude to…for…/to extend one’s deepest appreciation/heartfelt thanks to sb.--- I would like to take this opportunity to extend our sincere thanks to our host for their earnest invitation and the gracious hospitality.I am very grateful for…My gratitude goes to….Thank you very much for…表示荣幸:It is my great honor to do…I’m privileged to do…--- I feel honored to come here on my first visit to your beautiful city.表示高兴:I am delighted to…I am happy to…I am pleased to …It is my pleasure to…本着……精神in the spirit of值此on the occasion of代表on behalf ofOn behalf of the foreign guests attending this workshop, let me offer a most sincere “thank you” for your warm and gracious welcome.以某人的名义in the name ofI would like to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people and in my own name, our cordial greetings and best wishes to your people.我的发言到此结束,谢谢各位!And that concludes my speech.I’d like to end/conclude my speech. Thank you for your attention.。
翻译课 口译礼仪句型

口译礼仪句型(汉英对照)一A: 先生, 请问您是从伦敦来的泰莱克教授吗?A: Excuse me, sir; is this Prof. Tallack from London?B: 是的, 我是伦敦大学亚非学院的乔治·泰莱克。
我要是没认错的话, 您一定是戴小姐? B: Yes, I’m George Tallack from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London .You must be Miss. Dai, if I'm not mistaken .A: 泰莱克教授,我叫戴嘉佳,海通集团人力资源部经理。
A: Yes, I’m Dai Jiajia, manager of Human Resources, the Haitong Group. I have been expecting you, Prof. Tallack.二A 我很高兴能在我的家乡接待您。
欢迎, 欢迎。
我们非常高兴您能成行啊, 非常感激您不辞辛劳, 在百忙中抽空来我海通指导。
A I'm very glad to have the pleasure of meeting you in my hometown. This is indeed a first-class international airport, as everybody says so. You’re welcome. We’re very happy that you made it in spite of the tiring trip. We’re very grateful that yo u took time from your busy schedule and came to Haitong to give us advice.在我结束讲话之前, 我想再说一遍, 我们来贵国做客是多么的愉快和荣幸。

礼仪致辞常用语中英对照礼仪致辞常用语中英对照Hot Words and Phrases 热身词汇和短语opening ceremony 开幕式宣布开幕to declare…open/to declare the commencement of..开幕辞 opening speech/opening address致开幕辞to deliver an opening speech/to make an opening addressclosing ceremony 闭幕式宣布闭幕to declare the closing of…/to declare the conclusion of…闭幕辞 closing speech/closing address胜利闭幕to come to a successful close致闭幕辞to deliver a closing speech/to make a closing address签字仪式signing ceremonyforum 论坛’summit 峰会goodwill visit 友好访问distinguished guest 贵宾host country 东道国take this opportunity to 借此机会in the spirit of 本着……精神Now l’d like to give the floor to;现在请……上台演讲Now please join me in welcoming…to address 让我们欢迎……演讲extend a warm welcome to 向……表示热烈的欢迎On the occasion,I’d like to take this opportunity to….. 值此……之际,我想借此机会On behalf of…1 want to extend my congratulations on the conference 我谨代表..对本次大会表示热烈的`祝贺express one’s sincere gratitude to 向…表示谢意/衷心的感谢。

英语礼仪100句问候语1.Hello! Hi! 你好!2.Goodbye! / Bye. / See you later. / See you tomorrow. 再见!3.Good morning! 早上好!Good afternoon!下午好!Good evening! 晚上好!4.Good night! 晚安!5.How are you? Fine,thank you! 你好吗?好,谢谢!6.Glad to meet you. /Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。
7.How are you recently? 最近怎么样?8.Long time no see! 好久不见!9.I hope to see you soon.我希望不久见到你。
10. Goodbye then and all the very best! 再见了, 祝你顺利!帮助语1.Can I help you?/ What can I do for you?我能帮你吗?2.Can you give me a hand?请帮我个忙行吗?3.Thank you so much! /Thanks a lot.非常感谢4.You are welcome. /It's my pleasure. /That's all right.不用谢.5.Never mind. / It doesn't matter. / Not at all.没关系.6.Take it easy.别紧张。
7.No problem! 没问题!8.I'll see to it. 我会留意的。
9.What do you think? 你怎么认为?10.I'll try my best.我尽力而为。
11.It’s my pleasure. 这是我应该做的。
12.Be careful! 小心!13.Let me help you. 我来帮助你。

礼仪致辞句型汇总开心小歌一. 称呼女士们,先生们Ladies and Gentlemen 朋友们/各位朋友Dear friends各位嘉宾Distinguished guests尊敬的来宾Honored Guests各位同事Dear colleagues同志们Comrades同学们,老师们Dear Students and Faculty Members尊敬的各位国家元首、政府首脑和王室代表Distinguished Heads of State and Government and Representatives of Royal Families尊敬的胡锦涛主席和夫人Your Excellency President Hu Jintao and Madame Liu Yongqing主席先生/总统先生Mr. President总理先生Mr. Premier / Prime Minister国王和王后陛下Your Majesties各位殿下Your Royal Highnesses尊敬的李省长Honorable Governor Li尊敬的杨市长Honorable Mayor Yang尊敬的(剑桥大学)理查德校长Vice Chancellor Alison Richard二. 高兴出席活动1. 自我介绍大家好!我是白小琳,美国驻武汉总领事,也是今天晚上美国国庆招待会的主持人。
Good Evening, Ladies and Gentlemen! I am Wendy Lyle, the U.S. Consul General in Wuhan and the moderator of tonight’s reception.2. 问候朋友今天很高兴和你们在这里。
It is a great pleasure to join you all this morning.很高兴再次见到各位新老朋友。
It is a real pleasure to meet friends, both old and new, here.新老朋友济济一堂,我感到很愉快。
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礼仪致辞句型汇总一. 称呼女士们,先生们Ladies and Gentlemen朋友们/各位朋友Dear friends各位嘉宾Distinguished guests尊敬的来宾Honored Guests各位同事Dear colleagues同志们Comrades青年朋友们Y oung friends(中国)同胞们Fellow countrymen(美国)同胞们My fellow citizens(港澳台和海外华人)同胞们Dear Compatriots老师们、同学们、朋友们Dear faculty and staff members, students and friends同学们,老师们Dear Students and Faculty Members各位老师,家长,毕业生们Members of the faculty, parents, and especially, the graduatesMembers of the faculty, proud parents, and, above all, graduates各位企业家朋友Members of the business community亲爱的运动员们Dear athletes尊敬的各位国家元首、政府首脑和王室代表Distinguished Heads of State and Government and Representatives of Royal Families尊敬的各位使节、代表和夫人Y our Excellencies Diplomatic Envoys, Representatives of International Organizations and Y our Spouses各位使节及使团同事Excellencies and Colleagues of the Diplomatic Corps各位团长Heads of Delegations各位议员朋友My Lords and MPs中央政府驻港机构各位领导Heads of local offices of the Central Government尊敬的胡锦涛主席和夫人Y our Excellency President Hu Jintao and Madame Liu Y ongqing尊敬的布什总统和夫人Mr. President and Mrs. Bush尊敬的罗格主席和夫人Respected IOC President Rogge and Mrs Rogge尊敬的克雷文主席和夫人Respected President Philip Craven and Mrs Craven尊敬的各位国际奥委会委员Distinguished Members of the International Olympic Committee主席先生/总统先生Mr. President总理先生Mr. Premier / Prime Minister总统女士Madame President尊敬的阿罗约总统阁下Y our Excellency President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo国王和王后陛下Y our Majesties各位殿下Y our Royal Highnesses尊敬的桑德罗·邦迪部长Respected Minister Sen. Sandro Bondi尊敬的戴秉国国务委员Y our Excellency State Councilor Dai Bingguo尊敬的李省长Honorable Governor Li尊敬的杨市长Honorable Mayor Y ang团中央第一书记陆昊先生First Secretary Mr. Lu Hao高教授及夫人Professor and Mrs Kao尊敬的内格罗蓬特常务副国务卿Honorable Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte尊敬的亨特勋爵Lord Hunt尊敬的白乐威爵士Sir David Brewer尊敬的阿姆鲁·穆萨秘书长Y our Excellency Secretary General Amr Moussa(香港)政务司司长The Honourable Chief Secretary for Administration尊敬的(国家林业局保护司)贾建生副司长Deputy Director General Jia Jiansheng尊敬的刘立军处长Division Director Liu Lijun尊敬的耶鲁大学校长理查德·莱文先生Dear Mr. Richard Levin, President of Y ale University,尊敬的(剑桥大学)理查德校长Vice Chancellor Alison Richard二. 高兴出席活动1. 自我介绍大家好!我是白小琳,美国驻武汉总领事,也是今天晚上美国国庆招待会的主持人。
Good Evening, Ladies and Gentlemen! I am Wendy Lyle, the U.S. Consul General in Wuhan and the moderator of tonight’s reception.2. 问候朋友今天很高兴和你们在这里。
It is a great pleasure to join you all this morning.很高兴再次见到各位新老朋友。
It is a real pleasure to meet friends, both old and new, here.新老朋友济济一堂,我感到很愉快。
It is delightful to be among friends, both old and new.看到有这么多朋友在座,令我万分高兴。
It is a great pleasure to see so many friends in the audience.3. 来到大学来到向往已久的剑桥大学,非常高兴。
It gives me great pleasure to come to Cambridge, a world-renowned university that I have long wanted to visit.今天来暨南大学和大家见面,我感到很荣幸。
It is an honor to be with you at Jinan University. 我荣幸地来到永恒的开罗古城,荣幸地受到两所著名学府的邀请。
I am honored to be in the timeless city of Cairo, and to be hosted by two remarkable institutions.今天,我很荣幸前来参加世界上最好的学校之一的毕业典礼。
I am honored to be with you today for your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world.非常高兴今天能够对你们讲话并提前一点庆祝清华大学成立100周年。
It is a great pleasure to be able to speak to you today and celebrate – a little in advance –Tsinghua’s 100th anniversary.我非常高兴今天站在这个讲台上与你们面对面的交流。
It is my great pleasure today to stand on your rostrum and have this face-to-face exchange with you. 我很高兴今天能再次来到中国,并在这个伟大的学校与你们见面。
It is a pleasure to be back in China and to join you here today at this great university.我很高兴能在“东西方中心”进入50周年之际来到这里,来到这所坐落在这个最不一般的地方的美丽校园。
I’m delighted to be here at the East-West Center in a new year that marks your 50th anniversary on this beautiful campus in this most extraordinary place.我很高兴能再次来到北京参加第七届亚欧首脑会议,并且得到在贵院这一培养中国未来领导人的重要学府做演讲的机会。
I am delighted to be back in Beijing for the 7th ASEM Summit and to be given this opportunity to address this important school that nurtures your nation’s leaders of tomorrow.4. 友好访问总统先生,我很高兴在这春光明媚的美好时节应您的盛情邀请访问贵国。
I'm glad to visit the United States in the lovely season of spring, at your invitation, Mr. President.我感到很荣幸能够有机会到上海跟你们交谈。
It is a great honor for me to be here in Shanghai, and to have this opportunity to speak with all of you.非常高兴在金秋时节访问贵国,来到美国著名的智库战略与国际问题研究中心与朋友们见面。
It is my great pleasure to meet you, my friends, here at this prestigious think tank today during my visit to your country in this golden season of fall.很高兴在美丽的日内瓦与各位相聚一堂。
It is a distinct pleasure to meet you in the beautiful city of Geneva.今天,我很高兴来到开罗阿拉伯国家联盟总部,同各位使节和埃及各界朋友们交流。