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学生的interv iew分两种:“friend to friend?和“interv iew er to inter v iew ee”。大多数大学面试是前一种,在一种相对很轻松的气氛里进行,一般时间大约45分钟,一小时,甚至一个半小时以上。“interv iew er to interv iew ee”方式的面试,则类似于我们大人的求诊面试,有限的时间里给你机关枪似的一串的提问,一般是限制在30分钟以内。后一种面试对高中学生来说,难度相对大的多,很容易造成他们紧张。
不管哪一种形式的面试,孩子们最好都要稍做准备。比方说,你申请哈佛,常规问题:“为什么你想申请上这所学校?”你绝对不能说:因为这学校有名,因为这学校给的助学金比其它学校多……那你就完了!你得先上人家学校的网站,了解人家学校的具体情况及办学理念等,根据你所选的专业,看他们能否提供你机会,然后,你才能真的告诉别人为什么你要这所学校:学校的人文环境,学校的办学理念,具体program对你的吸引力,以及学校对你未来ca reer的可能有的影响等来谈。这样,人家一看,你报这所学校不是盲目的,不是赶潮流,人云亦云。
我方方面面观察了很久,从一般的general questio ns,到结合学校的兴趣所在,以及高中生的实际情况,准备了这些面试问题。我不敢说它几年后不会过时,但是,作为现在高中的学生的参考,我相信是可行的。我儿子上面提到的两种面试形式,他都遇上了,一个面试长达2个小时。另一个面试,人家排队的一大堆,每个人只允许有30分钟。面试他的人是一个50出头俄国裔career w oman,当地一家大公司的总裁,说话精练,办事果断,雷厉风行。在30分钟里,不停地向你扔球,不给你任何喘息的机会。这种情况,你是需要心理承受能力的。我儿子不lucky,遇到这么to ugh的面试的人,但是,他有备而去,沉着接球,并勇敢地抛回去。在旧金山的某大学的校友会的面试会里,那天,30个学生,一个接一个,经历了这场某种意义上的拼杀。
那如何做好申请大学的面试呢?我认为所有的申请大学的面试,原则上高中生们都应该在其谈话深度上进行充分准备,主要要反映出他们的inte rests, expe riences, and goals。
Q uestion 1: Why This College?
这个问题的重点是要显示出被面试的学生已经对该大学做了很深入地研究,和他/她对于学校而言是一个strong match.
那么,如果该学生给了一个generic re sponse that can be applied to any school,这就不成其为一个好的答案。比方说,人家问你:Why C olumbia? 你的回答是:“C olumbia has strong academics and is in the middle of New York C ity”,就太泛泛而论了。
比较好的回答是,这个学生给了一个respo nse that show es some lev el of research but w as not specific about w hy the school is a good fit for him/her. 就好像这样的回答:“C olumbia has v er y strong science programs and I w ant to study biology. I could al so participate in lab w ork. There is also so much for students to do because of the many on-campus clubs and organizations.”
我认为,理想的答案是去show这个学生的极强的enthusiasm for the school,并且给一些specific examples of w hat the school has to offer and how that directly connects w ith the students interests. 我如果这样回答,你觉得怎么样?“I lov e C olumbia for so m any reasons but the top three are: A ccess to Research, the C ore C urriculum, and an A ctiv e Student Body. I hope to pursue my passion for science by w orking w ith Dr. Smith, w ho is w orking on Sleep Depriv ation in Kids. C olumbia’s unique core curric ulum also really stands out to me. While I w ant to study in the sciences, literature is m y second passion. I w ant to study So crates, Emerson and Bronte w ith the best. A nd finally, I w ant to surround my self w ith an intellectually inv igorating student bo dy. A s an activ e member of my school community, I w ant to get inv olv ed in college. At C olumbia, the NY O utreach Program w ill allow me to continue my lov e of w orking w ith y oung disadv antaged kids. ”
Q uestion 2: Why Your Major?
大学一般都很清楚地知道,大多数高中生进入大学后,很可能会change their major,但是,他们仍希望通过这一个问题能看出这个学生已经有一些sense of directio n. 换言之,it is okay to be undecided, but the student should still describe w hat majors are app ealing.
于是,如果一个学生仅仅只是states a major but does not state w hy that major appeals to him/her,就像“I think I w ant to maj or in C hemistr y” 之类的,显然这种答案是不能令人满意的。
较好的答案标准是,这个学生可以states a major w ithout truly understanding w hat the major is but can support it w ith some ac tiv ities. 举一个例子,如果该面试的学生这样回答:“I w ant to major in something science oriented. C urrently, I am considering C hemistry because it is a good combination of my passion for science and math.” 我认为,这还凑合吧。
优秀的答案,其标准应该是,这个学生should demonstrate thorough know ledge of a major, evidence of some pursuit of know led ge in that subject area and can connect it to the school w ell. 比方说,或许这样地回答关于major的问题:“C hemistr y is most li kely w hat I w ill major in. I hav e taken tw o C hemistr y courses at my school and scored a 5 on the A P test. I lov e C hemistry because it is the basis of almost ev er y thing that w e use. This summer I w orked w ith the Earth Science Department at Stanf ord w here I helped a graduate student study the formation of ice on A ntarctica. I had to use many of the chemical principles I learned, such as the difference betw een O x y gen 7 and O x y gen 8, to help date the dirt samples. I also realized that I lov e w orking in a lab, ev en though it can be tedious at times. MIT also has one of the best C hemistry Labs and the new Calori meter is supposed to be the best in the w orld for dating samples. I want to be in that env ironment and learn from the bes t.”
Q uestion 3: What do y ou do just for F un?
在我参观MIT的时候,他们的admissions office r告诉我,他们最引以为骄傲的是,他们的申请表和所有其它的学校最不一样的地方在于他们的第一篇essay就是问你,在业余的时间,不学习的时候,你喜欢做什么?那个A dmissions office r对我说,很多亚裔的家长把孩子都包装得几乎完美,但千篇一律,缺乏个性。他们就是要通过这一问题,想看看学生们真正的本我。MIT不是光要high sco re的学生,他们更看中学生的创造意识和创造能力。C altech, MIT的功课,绝对比Harv ard的要难念得多。在这两所学校里,零点几的课程需要你的脑子转得飞快!他们举例告诉我,有一个学生,在自家的后院里,按照所学的物理等原理,用干稻草做了一架飞机模型;还有一个学生,在自家的二楼卧房里,用电脑编写了一个洗衣程序,他不用下楼,通过他的电脑发出的alarm的叫声,便可知道他们楼下的洗衣房的洗衣机已经把衣服洗完了。MIT招生的人说:“我们需要什么样的学生?我们就需要这样的学生! ” 所以,那些high-end schools 问你