摩托罗拉MD481无绳电话使用说明书;一.性能介绍;outofrange超出范围(由于主机失电后,需;LininUse其他电话正在使用中;TALK本电话使用中(相等于已经拿起听筒或已经拨;MUTE无声(对方听不到你的说话声,你可以听到对;UNMUTE解除无声;HOLD保持(听不到对方说话声同时对方也听不到你;UNH OLD解除保持;DIAL拨号(当选择需要拨出摩托罗拉MD481无绳电话使用说明书一.性能介绍out of range 超出范围(由于主机失电后,需要从新对吗)Lin in Use 其他电话正在使用中TALK 本电话使用中(相等于已经拿起听筒或已经拨号或还没有拨号)MUTE 无声(对方听不到你的说话声,你可以听到对方说话声)UNMUTE 解除无声HOLD 保持(听不到对方说话声同时对方也听不到你的说话声)UNHOLD 解除保持DIAL 拨号(当选择需要拨出的号码时)BACK 返回(返回上级菜单)CALL 来电(来电话或已经来过电话)Call Who? (呼谁?)Answer ON (应答开启)PRIVATE (私人电话本)也就是存在独立子机上电话本二.功能按键介绍:“▲■” 键(播放留言);播放/停止播放。
“Del” 键(删除留言);在播放当前留言时,按“Del”键就删除当前播放的留言。
“(ON)flash” 键(通话或拨号)“(OFF)cancel”键(结束或取消)“▲▼” 键(查阅来电);或选中拨号。
OPTIONS(选项) FORMAT(格式);号码格式Delete (删除此条来电)Delete all(删除所有来电)Store (储存电话)Private (储存到私人电话本)Shared (储存到共享电话本)“handsfree”键(免提);免提/听筒“redial” 键(重拨);再按“▲▼”键,查阅已拨电话或选中重拨电话(预留5组已拨电话)。
T3 —— 2009上市 T5 —— 2010上市 T7 —— 2010上市
Copyright 2011 : Shanghai Motorola Telecom Products Trading Co.. Ltd.
A. 使用可携式无线对讲机通话时,该无线对讲机维持垂直位置,麦克风 距离嘴部5.0 至 7.5 厘米。 B. 如果不使用随身携带附件,通话时天线距离身体至少2.5 厘米。在使 用时,不要用手去拿天线,握住天线会影响无线对讲机的有效通话范 围。 C. 为了达到对讲机设计的最好性能和通话范围,推荐您使用对讲机时距 离不要太近,对讲机距离必须在1.5米以上。
T3 20 ☆ ☆ 1 ☆ ☆ AAAx3 碱性电池20小时 73 橙色 50x130x28
T5 20 121 VOX/IVOX ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ 10 ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ AAAx4/镍氢x1 ☆ 碱性电池16小时 镍氢电池板14小时 100 黑色 55x140x30
【技术指标】 功率 频率范围 重量 尺寸 电池使用时间
0.5瓦 409MHz~410MHz 73克 50mm x 130mm x 28mm 碱性电池约20小时
Copyright 2011 : Shanghai Motorola Telecom Products Trading Co.. Ltd.
最佳通话范围 平坦开阔地区
中级通话范围 建筑物或树木时
![MOTOROLA MICOM中文使用手册](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/858a262c580216fc700afd27.png)
4. 接收声音信号时,可调节 CLARIFIER 使声音自然。本调节对发射频率无效。 5. 电台会保持上次使用的信道,下次开机自动进入。 6. 键盘按动到位时有啪哒感。不要用尖锐物按键以免损坏。 7. 信道选择。两种不同的选择方式:上下箭头和数字键。
钮或按麦克风上的 PTT 键。要扫描少于 10 个信道,在 101 到 110 信道之间不感兴趣的信道 中通过编入 0 来去除其中的频率信息。按 RESET 返回按 SCAN 钮之前使用的信道。
8. 发射 a. 在发射之前先收听。关闭静噪。SQ 钮右上角的灯熄灭。如果是半双工信 道,按 TX/RX 钮监听发射频率的情况。方框将围绕着‘XMIT’直到再 按 RX/TX 钮,或 PTT 钮按下并释放,或 60 秒重设定时器重新设置控制。 如果这信道或频率没人用,扬声器中将听到噪声。如果有人使用,应当改 变信道或等待。 b. 正确握持麦克风 稳定的握住麦克风,网格面对嘴唇约 5cm 距离。 c. 讲话清楚并缓慢 充分按下麦克风侧面的 PTT,功率表图示下面的下划线 出现。如果这信道是单工(收发同频),显示的频率不会改变。如果信道 是半双工(收发不同频),平时显示的是接收频率,PTT 按下去时显示的 是发射频率。用普通声音清楚地缓慢地讲话。说话时观察 RF 功率图示。 产生的 RF 输出大约显示从左至右每一个柱形为 15W 增量。如果天线系 统调谐不合适,产生的反射功率通过从左至右熄灭柱形显示来指示。见下 面图示。
1. 模式 选择下列发射类型之一:SSB,AME。或 PILOT。
2. USB/LSB (可选)选择上边带或下边带用于发射和接收。
3. TX/RX 选择单工(SMPX)或半双工(RCV & XMIT)操作模式。在半双工模式 时也允许监视发射频率。
托罗拉 T4508 民用对讲机 说明书
![托罗拉 T4508 民用对讲机 说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/672a4ef5ba0d4a7302763ac2.png)
摩托罗拉 GP338 常规对讲机
对于需要随时保持联系的专业人士来说,16 信道的 GP328 堪称是实用的无线电对讲机解决方案。此款实用的无线电对 讲机有助于提高工作效率,不仅使用户可以随时保护通讯联
系,而且还对用户的使用进行合理的安排,使他们可以集中 精力于自己手边的工作。 信道间隔(12.5/20/25KHz) 采用 X-PAND 专利技术使话音更清晰 16 条信道(GP328) 紧急报警功能 电池电量指示 接收信号强度指 增强 MDC 1200 信令功能 超时计时器 繁忙信道关闭 发射机频率 136-174/300-370/330-400/403-470/450-527MHZ 频率稳定度(-30°C~60°CRef) +/-0.00025% 调制限制 12.5KHz 时±2.5/20KHz 时±4.0/25KHz 时±5.0 FM 交流声及噪声 -40dB 传导/辐射放射 -66dBw 调制 FCC 型 12.5KHz 时 11KOF3E/25KHz 时 16KOF3E 音频响应(自 6dB 倍频程预加重 300-3000KHz) +1 至-3dB 音频失真 3% 接收机频率 136-174/300-370/330-400/403-470/450-527MHZ
低功率 1W>11 小时 高功率 4W> 8 小时
目录1 手持终端介绍1.1 motorola mc31902 手持终端日常操作2.1 充电方法2.2 开关机、热启动、冷启动3 手持终端无线网络配置3.1 无线网络配置4 手持终端联机pc机4.1 概述4.2 同步工具安装4.3 手持终端中文字库安装5 手持终端键盘功能设置 6手持终端机故障分析1 手持终端介绍1.1 motorola mc3190motorola 讯宝symbol mc3190数据采集终端作为symbol mc3090手持终端的升级替代产品,mc3190是构建于成功的mc3090之上,mc3190采集器系列分为3100批处理盘点机和包含无线局域网wifi的mc3190条码采集器两款。
符合人体工程学的耐用型 mc3190 提供先进的计算能力以及数据采集能力、增强的安全性以及企业级的运动传感能力。
motorola 讯宝symbol mc3190数据采集终端性能参数:数据采集选项-1d 激光扫描仪、1d/2d 成像仪、dpm 内存 (flash/ram)-128mb ram/256 mb flash 或 128mb ram/512mb flash 处理器 (cpu)-marvell pxa320 @ 624 mhz 操作系统 (os)-microsoft windows mobile 6.1 classic, microsoft windows ce 6.0 pro 无线数据通讯:wpan(支持蓝牙技术)-ii 级、v2.1 增强数据速率 (edr), 集成天线wlan-三重模式 ieee? 802.11a/b/g;经过 ccxv4 认证;支持 ipv6;经过 fips140-2 认证(仅限mc3190)线性一维条码扫描器:光学分辨率-最小元素宽度 4 mil 扫描速率-104(+/- 12)次扫描/秒(双向)使用环境:环境密封-ip54(2 类)工作温度--4°至 122° f/-20°至 50° c 跌落规格-在工作温度范围内,多次从 4 英尺/1.2 米高处跌至水泥地面;满足并超过mil-std 810g 滚落规格-根据 iec 68-2-32,在室温条件下,500 次从 1.64 英尺/0.5 米高滚落(1,000次)2.1 充电方法摩托罗拉的每个手持终端都配了两粒电池,同时配了四位充电座。
品牌型号V300V303V500V501V600V600iE398V80V3E375V635C650C380V220摩托罗拉V690V878V872A668摩托罗拉A760A760iA768A768iA780E680E680i 摩托罗拉V3-05V3iV191V360V180L2L6L7U6摩托罗拉E680gA728A1200摩托罗拉A732C168摩托罗拉C157、C157t、C257、C261摩托罗拉ROKR E6摩托罗拉手机上网设置指南设置方法一、网络设置1.待机屏幕下点击“菜单键”选择“访问网络”;2.在访问网络选项中选择“网页设定”;3.在网页设定中选择“[新条目] ”;4.在条目明细中设置参数如下:名称:(用户自定义)如中国移动主页:(用户自定义) 如服务类型1:WAP网关IP 1:端口:9201域名1:空服务类型2:空5.CSD设置参数如下:网关IP 2:端口:域名2:DNS1:DNS2:超时:15分钟拨号连接1:17266用户名1:wap密码1:wap速率(Bps)1:9600线路类型1:调制解调器6.GPRS设置参数如下:拨号连接2:用户名2:密码2:速率(Bps)2:线路类型2:GPRS接入点名称: cmwap用户名:密码:7.点击“完成”,选择“中国移动”,点击菜单,选择“设为默认”。
一、网络设置1.在待机屏幕下进入“主菜单”,选择“移动梦网”;2.在移动梦网中中选择“模式设置”;3.在模式设置中选择“模式设置4”;4.在模式设置4中选择“更改设置项”并设置参数如下;首页:(用户自定义) IP地址:选择“传输方式”;6.选择"GPRS";7.选择“GPRS接入点”;8.设置GPRS接入点为cmwap后点击“确定”;9.返回传输方式选择窗口后选择“GSM数据”;10.在GSM数据中设置参数如下:拨接号码:17266数据通话类型:模拟数据通话速率:960011.连续选择“返回”,在模式设置4设置项中选择“重命名”,将名称改为“中国移动”,并点击确定;12.返回模式设置项中,选择“中国移动”;13.在中国移动选项中选择“开启”。
Telstra T48G Business Internet Start 快速入门指南说明书
![Telstra T48G Business Internet Start 快速入门指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8baa489e6e1aff00bed5b9f3f90f76c661374cac.png)
Mute Key Hold KeyMessage LightNavigation KeysHeadset Key Message Key Redial KeyTransfer Key Speakerphone KeyVolume Key Cancel KeyEXT Portor EXP40PC PortInternet PortPower PlugHandset PortHeadset Port USB PortConnect WiFi dongle or Bluetooth dongleet up your Telstra 2. S et up your power andthe network connectionConnect via AC powerFig 4Connect via AC power• Ensure the power source is turned OFF.• Plug the Power Adapter (DC5V) into the power source.• Connect the Power Adapter (DC5V) to the DC5V port onthe back of the phone (Fig 4).• Turn the power source ON.• Connect the Ethernet cable to the Internet port on theback of the phone and an available Ethernet port on acompatible DOT router/switch* (Fig 4).• Optional – PC Connection: Connect one end of the secondEthernet cable to the LAN port on the user’s PC and theother end to the PC port on the phone (Fig 4).* DOT-powered switches are available for purchase, if there are insufficientEthernet ports on your DOT router to connect all your devices.• Pressto update configuration orto cancel startup.our phone will update configuration setting automatically after 10 seconds, unless you press .” for ~5 seconds.Fig 6• You will be prompted for your admin details (Fig 6) – please ensure you follow the next steps correctly.−Refer to the Configuration Summary that was sent to your DOT registration email.−Refer to section “Device type: T48G” for your User ID and Password.• Enter your User Name and Password select to completethe set up.Fig 7• The LCD screen will revert to the home display screen (Fig 7) – your phone is ready for use.Getting connectedair and Connect aFig 9• You will be prompted (Fig 9): “Adapter has been added,scan bluetooth devices right now?”• Select “OK”.T he IP phone will automatically scan for available Bluetoothdevices; these will be displayed on the touch screen.• Tap the desired Bluetooth device.• Enter the PIN in the Password field.• Tap the OK soft key to connect your phone andBluetooth headset.onnecting to a Wireless O Ethernet cable should be connected (either for wired • You will be prompted: “Wi-Fi adapter connected. Scan for available Wi-Fi networks?”• Select “OK ”.Fig 11• The IP phone will toggle the Wi-Fi on and search for available wireless networks in your area (Fig 11).• Optional – Refresh search: To search again for available networks, tap .• To connect to the desired wireless network (SSID): Select the wireless network (SSID); or Tap at the end of the desired SSID, and then tap .• For secure networks, please enter the password in the Wi-Fi Password field.• Select “OK ”.Connected” (Fig 12).• When phone is in idle state, connect the Wi-Fi dongleinto the USB port on the back of the phone (Fig 13).• You will be prompted: “Wi-Fi adapter connected.Scan for available Wi-Fi networks?”• Select “OK”.Fig 14Fig 15• The IP phone will toggle the Wi-Fi on and search foravailable wireless networks in your area (Fig 14).• Optional – Refresh search: To search again for availablenetworks, tap .• Whilst the phone is scanning for available networks, longpress the WPS button on the Wi-Fi USB dongle. (Fig 15)• You will be prompted: “WPS activated. Connecting…120s”.• Long press the WPS button on your modem router.• Once WPS setup has completed successfully,the SSID will now display the status: “Connected”.OK”.• Optional – Refresh search: To search again for availablenetworks, tap .• Tap and select PIN.• You will be presented with a randomly-generated PIN.Fig 18• Tap OK (Fig 18).• You will be prompted: “WPS activated. Connecting…120s”.• From a PC or laptop connected to the DOT router/switch,open up a web browser and enter in the DOT router address.• Locate the Wireless Protected Setup configuration menu.• Enter the PIN in the corresponding field to enable the setupof wireless devices via PIN.• Click the corresponding button in the router’s web interfaceto search clients.• Once WPS setup has completed successfully, the modemrouter’s web interface will prompt success.anually add and connect toin the Wi-Fi configuration screen (Fig 19).If you select WEP from the pull-down list“Security Mode”:Edit the profile name, SSID, WPA shared key in thecorresponding fields.If you select WPA PSK or WPA2 PSK from the pull-downlist “Security Mode”:Select the desired Cipher type (TKIP, AES or TKIP+ AES)from the pull-down list of Encryption Type.Edit the profile name, SSID, WPA shared key in thecorresponding fields..2. D isconnecting from aWireless Network (Wi-Fi)To disconnect the wireless network connection:• Tap > Basic > Wi-Fi.• Do one of the following:Fig 20• In the Available Networks list – Tap the connected SSID orat the end of the connected SSID (Fig 20).Fig 21• Tap (Fig 21).• Tap Saved Networks.• Tap the connected SSID.• The SSID will now display the status: “Disconnected”.iewing the Wireless Network> Basic > Wi-Fi.at the end of the desired SSID to view the detailedNetwork Status to view the4. Disabling Wi-FiTo disable Wi-Fi feature, do one of the following:• Tap > Basic > Wi-Fi.• In the Wi-Fi field, select “Off”.• Connect an Ethernet cable to the IP phone.T he wireless network is changed to the wired network, andthe IP phone will switch the Wi-Fi off.• Unplug the Wi-Fi USB dongle from the IP phone.The IP phone will switch the Wi-Fi off.to access your Phone Directory.and type the complete or partial name of theHistory”.applicable Call History type: Missed, Placed, Save a number/edit a contact from Call History• From the home screen, use navigation keys to scroll down.• Select “History”.• Select applicable Call History type: Missed, Placed, Received, Forwarded• Optional – search by name: Select and type the complete or partial name of the contact you wish to call.• Using the navigation keys, scroll up or down to desired contact.• Select “i” at the end of the desired contact/number to open contact details.You can choose to call (“Send”); delete (“Delete”) contactor edit details directly in corresponding fields.or pressor press– Transfer the call to another handset without .– Transfer the call to another handset .after the call is answered to complete or press 68 usingor pressCall Park code (68) and Call Park retrieve code (88) should already be Group Call PickupGroup Call Pickup enables calls that are ringing on another phone to be answered from any other phone in the office.• When another phone within the office is ringing, press.Note: Group Call Pickup code (*98) should already be pre-configured on the phone.Conference CallsLocal Conference Call – a maximum of three parties (including the caller) can be on a conference call at any one time.To initiate a conference, add a third party to a call• Whilst on an active call, press.• Enter the other party’s number, wait for the party to answer the phone.• Pressto connect all parties into the conference.To manage callers in a conference• During the conference call, press to mute the selected party. The muted party can hear everyone, but no one can hear the muted party.• Press to remove the selected party from the conference call.Network Conference Call – more than three parties (including the caller) can be on a conference call at any one time.• Whilst on a 3-way conference call, press.• Enter the other party’s number, wait for the party to answer the phone.• Pressto connect all parties into the conference.• Repeat the above steps to invite more parties.Note: Network conference features should already be pre-configured on the phone.TL00678_T48G_QSG_AUG20。
MotoHint_China_eng 说明书(英文 中文)
![MotoHint_China_eng 说明书(英文 中文)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8bcaa678011ca300a7c3900c.png)
• Voice answer: Speak to answer incoming calls. Defaults to Off.
• Pass through audio: Allows ambient sound through headset.
End call
Touch headset.
Change volume
Use your phone.
Take headset out of ear to:
• Transfer a call to your phone. • Pause music.
Put headset in ear to:
• Answer an incoming call. • Transfer a call to headset. • Restart paused music.
phone and have trained it o start using voice control.
• If you need to setup Moto Voice, go to the Moto application on your phone.
2 Wearing
Call / Voice Touch area Touch to answer/ignore a call
or start voice commands.
Front microphone Back microphone
Talking 3
Incoming call
托罗拉 T4508 民用对讲机
通讯频率:409MHz-410MHz,20 个通话频道 发射功率:0.5W 理论通讯距离:最大通话距离可至三公里(视地形情况而
定) 电池:可使用 AAA 碱性电池 产品特点及功能:
背景照明 低电量警示 通话结束确认音 锁定功能 电量指示 包装全部为塑封 1 只装,含原版说明书,保修卡,原装腰 夹。
摩托罗拉 GP338 Plus 常规对讲机
摩托罗拉 GP338 Plus 键盘型无线电对讲机是摩托罗拉公司" 专业系列"中最小的一款。它紧凑、轻巧,可以方便地握在 掌中。它为要求通过更多的功能来满足自己日益增长之通讯 需要的人士提供了功能强大的双向无线电解决方案。
GP328 Plus 先进的话音技术 摩托罗拉公司专有的语音压缩及低水平扩展技术,实现了更 为清脆、响亮的话音质量,使您 在噪杂的环境中仍可以保
5、正常待机时,不要按发射键(PTT )。
T4 系列使用手册说明书
![T4 系列使用手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/889e97b9900ef12d2af90242a8956bec0975a535.png)
I T4 系列使用手册
5.2.4 测试打印...........................................................................................44 5.2.5 内存...................................................................................................44 5.2.6 表格...................................................................................................44 5.2.7 警告讯息...........................................................................................45 5.2.8 打印机状态.......................................................................................46 6. 故障排除 ................................................................................................................47 6.1 液晶屏幕错误讯息......................................................................................47 7. 規格 ........................................................................................................................48 7.1 T4+系列規格................................................................................................48 7.2 通用序列总线(USB)接脚图.......................................................................50 7.3 串行端口脚位图..........................................................................................51 7.4 以太网络脚位图..........................................................................................51
摩托罗拉z418使用说明书摘要:一、摩托罗拉z418 使用说明书简介1.产品名称与型号2.产品特点与功能3.适用人群与场景二、摩托罗拉z418 的功能介绍1.基本功能2.高级功能3.个性化设置三、摩托罗拉z418 的安装与使用1.安装前的准备工作2.安装步骤3.手机使用教程四、摩托罗拉z418 的维护与保养1.日常维护2.清洁保养3.故障排除与维修五、摩托罗拉z418 的注意事项1.使用安全2.电池保养3.保修政策与联系方式正文:摩托罗拉z418 是一款集时尚与实用于一体的手机,凭借其出色的性能和人性化的设计,深受广大消费者的喜爱。
本使用说明书将为您详细介绍摩托罗拉z418 的使用方法、功能特点以及维护保养等方面的内容,帮助您更好地使用这款手机。
一、摩托罗拉z418 使用说明书简介摩托罗拉z418 是一款型号为z418 的手机,具有时尚的外观设计、清晰的通话质量、丰富的功能等特点。
二、摩托罗拉z418 的功能介绍摩托罗拉z418 具备基本通话、短信、拍照等基本功能,还具备蓝牙、上网、多媒体播放等高级功能。
三、摩托罗拉z418 的安装与使用在安装摩托罗拉z418 前,请确保电池已充满电,并检查手机外观是否有损坏。
四、摩托罗拉z418 的维护与保养为了延长摩托罗拉z418 的使用寿命,请注意日常维护,如避免长时间暴露在高温或低温环境下、避免潮湿等。
五、摩托罗拉z418 的注意事项使用摩托罗拉z418 时,请确保使用安全,避免手机受到撞击、摔打等。
摩托罗拉 DCT2800 DECT 无线电话用户手册说明书
![摩托罗拉 DCT2800 DECT 无线电话用户手册说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a25c1e1476232f60ddccda38376baf1ffc4fe32a.png)
INCLUDED IN YOUR PACKAGE Cordless Handset AC Adapter Base Unit User Guide NiMH Battery 10-foot,4-wire RJ-11 Line Cord Rubber Battery Screw Cover 15-foot,8-wire RJ-45 Cable Phillips Screw Clear Plastic Overlay PREPARING TO USE THE DCT2800 SERIES1.Prepare to install the battery into the cordless handset by firmly pressing down on the top of the battery cover and sliding it off.If cover is secured with a screw,remove the screw first.2.Locate the lightly embossed numbers “1”and “2”on the battery’s plastic connector.3.Insert the battery connector into the handset’s connector with the embossed numbers facing up.Note:The handset may “beep”when the battery is connected.This is not an indication that the telephone is ready to use.To obtain optimal perform-ance of the telephone,be sure to charge the battery for 15 to 20 hours .4.Replace the battery compartment cover and retaining screw.5.Insert the provided rubber screw cover.6.Turn the telephone base so the back panel is facing you.Insert either end of the RJ-45 cable into the jack on the back of the telephone labeled LINE .7.Insert the other end of the cable into the jack on the AC adapter labeled PHONE .8.Insert one end of the RJ-11 line cord into the jack on the AC adapter labeled LINE .9.Insert the other end of this line cord into a telephone jack.10.Plug the AC adapter into an unswitched electrical outlet.11.Once your telephone is connected,remove the plasticoverlay and place the paper faceplate over the keys.Replace the plastic overlay by hooking the tabs on the overlay into the recessed slots located on both sides.The overlay iseasiest to insert when the left or right side tabs are inserted first,and the middle of the overlay is slightly bowed to allow for insertion of the other tabs.12.Place the cordless handset on the base unit.CHARGING THE BATTERYThe rechargeable battery must be fully charged before using the phone for the first time.It is recommended that that battery pack be charged for approximately 15 to 20 hours,without interruption,before use.To charge the battery,place the handset,keypad down,in the base unit.Make sure the CHARGE LED on the base lights.If the LED does not light:1.Ensure that the AC adapter is plugged in.2.Ensure that the AC adapter is not plugged into a switched electrical outlet.3.Ensure that the handset charging contacts at the bottom of the handset are making good contact with the base unit’s charging contacts.CLEANING THE BATTERY CONTACTSTo maintain a good charge,it is important to clean all charging contacts on the handset and base e a pencil eraser or other contact cleaner.Do not use any liquids or solvents.BATTERY SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSe only Teledex-approved battery replacements.2.Dispose of used batteries according to local codes pertaining to NiMH batteries.3.Do not dispose of batteries in fire,as they may explode4.Charge the telephone's batteries only while in the telephone handset,and only by using the telephone base unit to charge.Do not attempt to remove the batteries and charge them in a separate charging unit.5.Do not short-circuit the battery pack,as this may cause it to explode or catch fire.HANDSET/BASE REGISTRATION PROCEDUREThis procedure establishes an exclusive link between a specific handset and base,thereby allowing no other access to this specific base.To accomplish this procedure,place the handset on the base in the charging position.The LINE indicator will blink while the process is occuring.This process occurs each time the handset is placed on the base in the charging cradle.ADJUSTING THE RING VOLUMEThe up and down volume keys will adjust the ringer volume of the telephone.Additionally,the DCT2800 series telephone has an optional “courtesy”ring mode,wherein the ring volume begins at the lowest setting,then automatically rings louder with each successive ring during an incoming call.To select the courtesy ring mode,follow these steps:Press the FLASH key;then the 4key;then the STORE key;then press the number on the keypad that corresponds to the line for which you wish to change to courtesy ring mode,i.e;press the number 1 for line 1,and the number 2 for line 2.To return to regular ring mode:Press the FLASH key;then the 1key;then the STORE key;then the number on the keypad that corresponds to the line for which you wish to change regular ring mode.ADJUSTING SPEAKERPHONE VOLUMEThe speakerphone has eight (8) levels.To adjust speakerphone volume,locate the volume up/down keys,located on the front surface of the phone below the keypad.With the speaker active,DCT2800 SERIES DIAGRAMDCT2800 SERIES USERS GUIDE1.8 GHz DECT Two-Line Cordless Guestroom TelephoneCONTACTING TELEDEX TelephoneMain:+1.408.363.3100Toll-Free (US) +1.800.794.8353Fax:+1.408-363.3136Internet Email*****************Mailing Address6311 San Ignacio Avenue San Jose,CA 95119 USAPart Number 600-0480-71Copyright © 2006 Teledex LLC.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.press the “down”arrow key to decrease the volume level,and press the “up”arrow key to increase it.ADJUSTING HANDSET RECEIVE VOLUMEThe handset has four (4) volume levels.To adjust the handset volume,locate the volume up/down keys,located on the handset,below the “#”key.Pressing the “minus”(-)key will decrease the volume level,while pressing the “plus”(+)key will increase it.AUTO DIAL KEYSThe DCT2800 series has either five (5) or ten (10) programmable guest service (auto dial) keys,depending on the model you own. These keys can be programmed to automatically dial telephone numbers,or to activate telephone system features.To program the auto dial keys (programming can only be done from base unit): 1.With the phone “on hook”(inactive) and the faceplateremoved,press the recessed STORE key (see diagram).2.Enter the desired telephone number (up to 15 digits inlength) to be stored.To enter a “pause”in the numberstring,press the REDIAL key as necessary.3.Press the STORE key again.4.Press the auto dial key where the number is to be stored.Programming is now completed for that auto dial key.To program additional keys,repeat this process. SELECTING LINE 1 AND LINE 2The DCT2800 series employs PrimeLine/RingLine Select,which makes selecting the correct line as easy as lifting the handset. This feature prioritizes the ringing or idle line and reduces the confusion of line selection.RECEIVING A CALLAn audible ring and flickering red LED indicate an incoming call. To answer the call using the handset while it is not on the base:1.Pick up the handset.2.Press the line key for the ringing line.The handset will go“off-hook”answering the ringing line.3.To end the call,place the handset in the base unit cradle,orpress the lit line key on the handset.To answer the call using the handset while it is resting on the base: 1.Pick up the handset from the base.The phone willautomatically connect to the correct,ringing line.2.To end the call,replace the handset in the base unit cradle,or press the lit line key on the handset.To answer the call using the speakerphone:1.Press the line key for the ringing line.The speakerphone willgo “off-hook”,answering the ringing line.2.Or,press the SPKR key.The phone will automatically selectthe correct,ringing line.3.To end the call,press the SPKR key again.PLACING A CALLUsing the handset:1.Pick up the handset and select either line 1 or line2.Listenfor dial tone and dial the desired number.2.After the call is complete,press the key for the selected lineagain to end the call.Using the speakerphone:1.Press key for either line 1 or line 2,or press SPKR.2.Listen for dial tone,and dial the desired number,or press anauto dial key to dial a preprogrammed number.3.After the call is complete,press the SPKR key to end call.REDIALThe DCT2800 series can automatically redial the last numberdialed.On the handset,press the REDIAL key to redial the lastnumber.CONFERENCEThe CONF key allows for three-way conversations.Dependingon the situation,you may initiate a conference call using one ofthese methods:User initiates two calls:1.Place call to first party,then place them on hold bypressing the HOLD key.ing the second line,place call to second party.3.Once that party is on the line,press CONF to join the firstcaller with the second party and yourself.User initiates one call:1.After receiving a call from first party,place them on holdas above.ing the second line,place call to second party.3.Once that party is on the line,press CONF to join the firstcaller with the second party and yourself.User includes two callers:1.After receiving a call from first party,place them on holdas above.2.After receiving call from second party,press CONF to jointhe first party with the second party and yourself.To terminate a conference call,pressing a line key will maintainthe connection with that line,while dropping the other line.Toterminate the call entirely,press either the CONF key or SPKR keyto disconnect both parties.USING THE HOLD KEYThe HOLD key places the call on hold locally at the cordlesstelephone.To place a call on hold:1.With a call active,press the red HOLD key on either thehandset or base unit.2.The red line LED will slowly blink,indicating the call is on hold.3.If a conference call is active,pressing HOLD will place allconnections on hold.To remove a call from hold:1.Press the line key of the call on hold.This will remove thecall from hold,making the call active again.2.The red line LED will return to steady illumination,indicatingthe line is active.3.During a conference call,to remove both lines from hold,press the CONF key.To change phones after placing a call on hold:1.Place the call on hold as above.2.Pick up the call at another telephone that is on the sameline.The telephone will activate the line and remove the holdat the original telephone.TO MUTE THE SPEAKERPHONE1.Press the MUTE key on the base unit.The red LED abovethe MUTE key will illuminate.The party on the other endwill not be able to hear you when the MUTE LED is lit.2.Press the MUTE key again to turn off the mute feature.The MUTE LED will go out.CONVERTING FROM DESK TO WALL MOUNTThe DCT2800 series can be adapted for wall mounting applica-tions.The conversion is easiest to make when the handset andcords are not connected.1.Located on the handset cradle,above the speaker grill,is thewall/desk mount clip.Remove this clip by firmly pushing itupward towards the top of the phone.2.Flip the clip over (top to bottom) so that the protruding edge istowards the top of the phone and replace it in its slot.This edgewill hold the handset when the phone is mounted on the wall.3.Turn the telephone over so the bottom is up,facing you.Place it on a non-abrasive surface to prevent scratching.4.Locate and remove the mounting bracket.Firmly push backand pull up to remove two of the four retaining tabs.5.Rotate the mounting bracket 180º degrees clockwise,so thatthe mounting eyelet on the bracket is facing in the samedirection as the other mounting eyelet located on thebottom of the telephone.6.Insert the top two retaining tabs of the mounting bracketsinto the mounting bracket slots (located near the middle ofthe telephone).Then firmly push down to insert the retainingtabs on the opposite side of the mounting bracket.7.Connect a 15-foot RJ-45 cord into the LINE jack on the backof the phone.8.Turn the telephone over,and slide the telephone down ontothe mounting posts of the wall bracket.Ensure that botheyelets line up with the mounting posts.The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) of this device is 0.7B.Notice:The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) assigned to each terminal deviceprovides an indication of the maximum number of terminals allowed to be con-nected to a telephone interface.The termination on an interface may consist of anycombination of devices subject only to the requirement that the sum of the RingerEquivalence Numbers of all the devices does not exceed 5.This telephone connectsto the telephone network under the connecting arrangement code CA11A.IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSWHEN USING YOUR TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT,BASIC SAFETY PRECAUTIONS SHOULDALWAYS BE FOLLOWED TO REDUCE THE RISK OF FIRE,ELECTRIC SHOCK AND INJURYTO PERSONS,INCLUDING THE FOLLOWING:1.READ AND UNDERSTAND ALL INSTRUCTIONS.2.FOLLOW ALL WARNINGS AND INSTRUCTIONS MARKED ON THE PRODUCT.3.UNPLUG THE PRODUCT FROM THE WALL OUTLET BEFORE CLEANING.DO NOTUSE LIQUID CLEANER OR AEROSOL E A DAMP CLOTH FOR CLEANING.4.DO NOT USE THIS PRODUCT NEAR WATER,FOR EXAMPLE,NEAR A BATHTUB,WASH BOWL,KITCHEN SINK OR LAUNDRY TUB,IN A WET BASEMENT,OR NEAR ASWIMMING POOL.5.DO NOT PLACE THIS PRODUCT ON AN UNSTABLE CART,STAND OR TABLE.THEPRODUCT MAY FALL,CAUSING SERIOUS DAMAGE TO THE PRODUCT.6.SLOTS AND OPENINGS IN THE CABINET AND THE BACK OF BOTTOM ARE PRO-VIDED FOR VENTILATION,TO PROTECT IT FROM OVERHEATING.THESE OPENINGSMUST NOT BE BLOCKED OR COVERED.THE OPENINGS SHOULD NEVER BEBLOCKED BY PLACING THE PRODUCT ON THE BED,SOFA,RUG OR ANY OTHERSIMILAR SURFACE.THIS PRODUCT SHOULD NEVER BE PLACED NEAR OR OVER ARADIATOR OR HEAT REGISTER.THIS PRODUCT SHOULD NOT BE PLACED IN ABUILT-IN INSTALLATION UNLESS PROPER VENTILATION IS PROVIDED.7.NEVER PUSH OBJECTS OF ANY KIND INTO THIS PRODUCT THROUGH CABINETSLOTS AS THEY MAY TOUCH DANGEROUS VOLTAGE POINTS OR SHORT OUTPARTS THAT COULD RESULT IN A RISK OF FIRE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK.NEVER SPILLLIQUID OF ANY KIND ON THE PRODUCT.8.TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK DO NOT DISASSEMBLE THIS PROD-UCT.BUT TAKE IT TO A QUALIFIED SERVICE FACILITY IFSERVICE OR REPAIR WORK IS REQUIRED.OPENING OR REMOVING COVERS MAYEXPOSE YOU TO DANGEROUS VOLTAGES OR OTHER RISKS.INCORRECT REASSEM-BLY CAN CAUSE ELECTRIC SHOCK WHEN THE APPLIANCE IS SUBSEQUENTLYUSED.9.UNPLUG THIS PRODUCT FROM THE WALL OUTLET AND REFERSERVICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDI-TIONS:- WHEN THE POWER SUPPLY CORD OR PLUG IS DAMAGED OR FRAYED.- IF LIQUID HAS BEEN SPILLED INTO THE PRODUCT.- IF THE PRODUCT HAS BEEN EXPOSED TO RAIN OR WATER.- IF THE PRODUCT DOES NOT OPERATE NORMALLY BY FOLLOWING THE OPERAT-ING INSTRUCTIONS.ADJUST ONLY THOSE CONTROLS THAT ARE COVERED BY THEOPERATING INSTRUCTIONS,AS IMPROPER ADJUSTMENT OF OTHER CONTROLSMAY RESULT IN DAMAGE,AND MAY REQUIRE EXTENSIVE WORK BY A QUALIFIEDTECHNICIAN TORESTORE THE PRODUCT TO NORMAL OPERATION.- IF THE PRODUCT HAS BEEN DROPPED OR THE CABINET HAS BEEN DAMAGED.- IF THE PRODUCT EXHIBIT A DISTINCT CHANGE IN PERFORMANCE.10.AVOID USING A TELEPHONE (OTHER THAN A CORDLESS TYPE)DURING AN ELECTRICAL STORM.THERE MAY BE A REMOTE RISK OF ELECTRICSHOCK FROM LIGHTNING.11.DO NOT USE THE TELEPHONE TO REPORT A GAS LEAK IN THEVICINITY OF THE LEAK.PLEASE SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS。
联想 thinkpad t450 官方 用户说明书 指导手册
![联想 thinkpad t450 官方 用户说明书 指导手册](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ea5065b2960590c69ec37688.png)
PN: SP40A27211 Printed in China安全、保固和設定手冊簡要使用者注意事項 ThinkPad T450/supportLenovo ® 電子手冊... 響應環保愛地球!請參閱電子版使用手冊以取得詳細的產品資訊:/UserManuals打開包裝卸除式電池AC 電源整流器回復解決方案未提供回復光碟。
回復原廠安裝的檔案與應用程式所需的一切資訊都在內接式儲存磁碟機的Lenovo_Recovery 分割區中。
如果要存取使用手冊,請執行下列動作:Microsoft ® Windows ® 8.1 作業系統: 1. 移至開始畫面。
2. 按一下螢幕左下角的箭頭圖示移至應用程式畫面。
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Windows 「說明及支援」視窗隨即開啟。
4. 按一下或輕點 Lenovo User Guide 。
Microsoft Windows 7 作業系統:1. 從 Windows 桌面按一下開始,然後按一下說明及支援。
Windows 「說明及支援」視窗隨即開啟。
2. 按一下 Lenovo User Guide 。
Lenovo 會持續地改善您電腦的使用手冊。
下載出版品Lenovo 支援網站提供適用您電腦的電子版本出版品。
如果要下載適用您電腦的出版品,請造訪:/UserManuals使用您的電腦之前請先閱讀本文件本文件提供 Lenovo 電腦的重要安全和法規資訊。
各机型手动模式进入R e c o v e r y 操作方法1、所有操作均在关机状态下进行。
3、所有操作均需同时按键,请保持 5--10秒,看到开机画面后再松开。
4、请在Recovery前做好备份ME525/MB525/ME525+/MB52 5+---【音量减键+开机键】---【进入三角圈+机器人界面后,轻触屏幕右下脚(搜索键上面),会弹出黑底蓝字界面的Recovery】---【所有操作均为触控完成,点击OK处就可以确定选择(OK 键在屏幕左下角)】MB200---【按一下电源键松开,LED灯亮后,在屏幕显示白底黑色的M时,按住照相键不放】---【出现黑底绿字后,松开手,此时按音量加键就是进入fastboot,按音量减键就进入Recovery】---【若是官方原版的Recovery,看到三角形和感叹号的图案时,推开键盘按下ALT+L键即可】MB300---【照相键+开机键,屏幕上出现三角形符号后松开所有手指】---【先按住音量向上键,再轻按相机键】---【如果您的Bootloader版本是是90.78——上面的第一步则是按住键盘上的X键+开机键,其他步骤一致】MB520---【电源键+音量减键】---【出现一个三角图标后同时按(音量加+音量减)进入Recovery的界面】MB611---【X键+开机键,看到机器人图标后,再按键盘左下角的@键即可。
官方原版的Recovery后回车键为确认键】MB860---【音量下键+开机键,直至出现"红M"图案画面及画面顶部出现“fastboot”方可松开】---【按音量下键切换“Android Recovery”模式和“RSD”模式,在显示“Android Recovery”模式时,音量上键选择确认】---【当出现白色三角形和感叹号图案时,先按住照相键,再按音量下键,出现Recovery模式操作菜单】Droid(Sholes)---【推开键盘上,按住X键+电源键开机】---【然后同时按住侧面的音量加键,再按照相键】Droid 2(A955)---【推开键盘,按住“X”键+电源键+搜索键】ME502---【推开键盘,长按x键+电源键】---【出现三角画面后再按一下电源键】ME511---【推开键盘,按住X键+开机键】---【出现三角形图标,放开按键,再按下开机键,进入Recovery模式。
安卓下载软件/Theme/Android.html2问:手机数据线怎么连接电脑?答:您用数据线链接手机插上电脑--在手机最上方有个三角块--用手按住往下拉--就有USB 显示了--选择储存--就连接了(不读内存卡)温馨提示:内存卡都是内存不满的而且安卓系统的内存卡放进去以后就会自动生成文件夹一.手机上网问题A.问:怎么连接GPRS上网?答:打开设置-无线和网络(有的是无线控制)-移动网络,勾选数据漫游,选择网络及运营商,接入点名称:cmnet或者cmwap,下一个“海卓APN”软件,选择“一键设定APN信息”,在海卓里打开GPRS开关,屏幕上方信号左边出现带上下箭头的“2G”或者“E”字图标表示连上了,如果无效请重复整个操作过程并重启手机。
答:您在电脑上面下载一个91手机助手安卓版的,连接手机以后点开程序管理然后搜索APN 找一个叫海卓HIAPN的软件点开以后添加到手机里面然后在功能表里面可以找到找到后进入开启一下海卓APN 进入一键设置APN 然后会提示您是否是三星手机您选择是然后在设置设置无线网络移动网络数据漫游打开B.问:怎么连接WIFI?答:打开“设置”-“无线和网络”勾选“WL AN",选择wlan设置开始搜索无线网络,搜索到之后选择一个网络连接并输入密码。
方法如下:答:手机:1.进入手机,在WIFI高级设置中,将Wlan休眠策略设置为永不休眠2.信号通道默认设置为11,路由器上的也选择为11路由器:1.將WEP加密方式改成WAP加密2.无线方式选项中,选择G mode G mode一般是比较稳定的无线环境设置3.重启路由器和手机正确连上WIFI但无法上网的请修改密码,随便改个。
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CMII ID: 2003DP0800
ffiAffi HFiL# [2001] 86e€I,f+ Ft€^ie il8.